The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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July 6. THE ISOSW YORK CLIPPER. 543 Kosi' McDonald, Hatlle Ward. Princess Otucoc. • Leotvoro Lester, JUy -Burton una Mautif Lti Blanche. Th« liouse hen been re- modeled lo conform to the police lobulations, nnd Is now " uutra garden with two bal- conic*.'' The .individual boTes liuve been torn ode nod mud with tables And'chairs. 'pJotiin. —The Sun Pranclseo Orchestra has beeh pntfiiBwi for llio sitapon- to play in the newly opened Wlnsor. In the Columbia build- in*."'fl, S. Wlnsor, a widely known restaur- afltcur, 1 '?/ "'w York, la the owner and nian- «?'• llic reetauraiit 1s one of the liticst In tlpe Northwest Inoz Wood, formerly dircVlor of the Spokane Bramatlc Society, uud who joined the Shirley company at the Audi- torium » fevv: weeks ngo. has given up her theatrical nmbltlons. and will take up the irtudv of artistic photography. She will go to Fiuropc next Mil, to spend several years abroad Hen H. Itlcc. chief of police of Spokane, formerly- correspondent of Tiik f/ui-i-Kit. and sccretury of the ICO.WHi Club, was recently feted by the board of managers of Ike last named organization, at Davenport's, and presented with a Jeweled watch charm, carrying the emblems of. the Klks null the "Booster" Club, the address being made by I*\ W. King, president. Mayor ('. Herbert Muore was among the uurty...... The Ingcrsoll Amusement Co.: holding the concessions at Nutatorium Park, tins opened nil Its shows and Initialled Klrcliner'a Spo- kane Hand and Orchestra to pluy concerts aud dunce music. ■ Tacorua.—At (he Tucoma (C. II. Heruld,' liiuuajferl Cthel Hurry more, with the entire Metropolitan .company, In "Captain Jiuku," June L'8, and "Cottslu Kate" "Jl. ST.IK |A. Kneel, taituager).—The Slar The- atre Co., lu "Wedded, Eat No Wife," week of 84. liiuMi (Ueau B. Woriey, manager).—The l-'utir Toledos, Charley Rowers and company, Beeves; anil Kenny, (ieurghiun Clark, the Castanos, llurold Hail, and the Uiuudlscopc conclude the bill for week of 24. Notch. —When the curtain rings down for (he Hammer months at the Tacoiuu, after Miss Barrymotv'H cugugi'inviil, the house will liave passed tbi-otigli one of the most success- ful seasons In lis history The.- auuual benefit for the Theatrical Mechanical Asso- ciation taken place at the Tucoma Tbcutrc Sunday evening, June 3U. • ■» NEW JKRSEV. Alewnrk.—At Proctor's (11. C. Stuart, resident manager J. which Is the only bouse opcu, good -attendance continues despite the warm weather. A novel singing sketch. "In the Latin Quarter." Is Ihc lieudliner for rids week, with'the Tlclloug Bros., trick bicyclists, also featured. Others arc: Darn and Kale Jackson, Kurd and Swor, George Taclus. Han- sou and Nelson, (iurtelle Brolhers. and Marion and Inline. l-:in-:cTitic I'.mik («'. A. Itiiulap. manager). — This big purk In etitertuluiug good crowds these days. The pupulurlty of the (Jerniun theatre Is Increasing, aud this week oilers: Ascot, Hlay uud Trcsfc, I-owls and Ureeii, Josle and Willie ilurrow. JiiflTey and Franer. "IM." the itcroluilU- dog. and .1. Qiiartrelll and .leuule IM wards. The spectacle. "Vesu- vius" is dividing lienors with the big fouu- tttln. 11 ii.i.Kin!'. I'auk iW. W. Thaler, malinger). —Dcuiarest's V.'lld West coutluiies as the centre'of attraction here, nud this week Mile, l.oubet rides the "Hip of Death." for the special iittructlon. The Karaord Bros.. Millie Lotto and Jitmcs lrwln are other popular performers on open air bill. Prof. Mack con- tinues his triple parachute decern, from his halloou, aud uu July 4, a big display of lire- works will be. given, Ui.vMi'ic Park III. A. Sckuildl. iiiuuager). —'I'lH! Aboru Operu t.'o. Is willsfylug lurgo crowds. "Hoccnix-lo" Is Hie curreut. bill, with Lyman Wheeler, Phil. Bransen, Pruuk Vuolcy. Joseph Kmllli. Churlex Swiekert. lldith Brudfoi-d. Mb* lllslcy, Blanche. Morrl- sou. Agues Stone and Malory H'Orsell la I he cast. prof. (jrltUu coutluiies his sensutloiiul balloon ascensions. Mliuitlc City.—At Iho Savoy (Fred 14. Moore, manager) Hie hlg vaudeville bills hero continue to draw excellent business. For week of July 1. F. Zlegfcl-l Jr.'s "Follies of IBM" VoU.vo's I'jua (W. K. Shackelford, mana- ger).—'Billed for week ot 1 are: Six Musical Putty*. Hddlc Leonard, (inrduer and .Mud dem. Carroll niicl Cook. Josephine (lassraan, ■tunics II. Cullen. Allhen Twin-. La Bcllo Faustina. Sadie -Hurt, and Ihc kinetograph. Atlaxtic O.Wiuiix (Sidney Fern, mana- ger).—Same good business continues. Bill for week of 1 Includes: 'Hie I'our Bragdons. Webb, Boinalo and Webb, Mario. Bergen r.nd Mario, Wlxon and Katon, Wayburn's Night- ingales, the Brobst Trio. Itlch aud Howard. Bell and Klchartl*. Shields mid, (Sail, Casper and Clark, Rurllett and Collins, the Cycling Cogswells. Itlunehe Bisluiji. lhvoy and Jlll- ler. Jeanelte Young. Joe Belmont. Francis Wood. Mnnlell's marionettes. Kdwurds' and llesllu, Jueliliii uud Laug, null Alvoru, the great Jersey Vlty —At Keith & Proctor's (P. liuius. uiuuuger) week of July 1: Herbert aud AVurreb, itoerllue Adams and cotupauy, the Avoa Conud'y Four. L'dwlu NIcaudee uud company, Kltn Bauzal Troupe, Boliaumtu and Corey, und the Moores. Norn.—The store shows are estahllshlug moving picture oiillils on the helglits. uud all uppuit' to be doing nicely, financially. Ciimdeii—it Woodlyoui! Purk (H, D. Lo t'ato, manager! Mr. uud Mrs. Itobert Hyde, m "A Stage Struck Itubc:" Beu Franklin, singing comedian, assisted by Toddles, were two ot Ihc many good acts that Mnuuger'lin Calo ineludetl on his bill during the past week. S. It. O. every evenlug. CM hers were: liensley. KllzabeHi Wayne. Jack Stoeklou, iMods. Herbert. Fox iiud Ward, aud moving pictures. A. II. Tcuimc Is musical director ul Mils place: Burt Alt-Hugh, or Philadelphia, is booking agent. William StuunarU Is Mr. Lc C'ato's assistant. 4 '» M1CUH.AA. Hay city—Tlie Alvurudo (W. J. Daunt, manageri closed for Hie season Juuc 23. Tub Bijou (J. 1). l'llmorc, otuuuger) also closed for the season 2U, WKKONA BKACIt P.lltK CtSl.VO (U W. Bleliurds, mauagur).—The bill week of 83 Ineludetl: Warren ami Bluuehard, the Del- more Sisters, Wills and Hasseii, C. W. Little- field. Ciu-bcrry aud Stanton, aud too Casino- scope. Fair business rules. Jn'otb. —J. D. I'lhuore. uiauager of Bijou Theatre, left 2fl, for uu extended trip lu Colorado uud other Western ellles. UetroH.—At the Lyceum (M. O. Slalr. ganger) tlie Vaughau Glaser Co., in "What Happened to Jones." played to good houses week of Juuc 2IS. The sume cotupauy, In 'i'rlnce Kurl." week of l!0. Ti:»ii'u; (J. II. Moore, manager).—LuHt week's bill wes first class aud tlie iitlendnuce good. All ructions week of July 1 Include: Valeric Hergere and company, Bessie Valdiue Troupe. James Brockniuti anil coiuuany. Titi- lils Trio. Charlnlle liuvenscrtifl. Illxtui uud Anger, Work and Ihver. und the klnelogriipli. I Uultlr Creek.-At the BIJou IW, S. Buttertleld. mauag>.'i-i the cloning bill for the waton. week uf Jnif" -JJ. iueluilcd : Jiclvln's animals. .Icauette Adler und company. Par- rln and Croshy, Louudou Bltmt. Illustrated snncs and lh^ rilneloscupe pleliires. - Notk.— Bnrnuni * Ball»y'£ (.'Iritis pleased e soad patic-Bitge V4, ._.„....,.._. rr* Knlamasoo—At the BIJou (W. S. Uut-. t«rJJ«ld. nianuger) the bill l*e- week.of July. 1 Includes: DUon ami Kellejr.- Harvey and {Jevorg, the Hlrsehorna. Art-Fisher, Jutnes BrynD. McHowoa, lu lllualruteil songs, uud tha motion pictures. Business Is excellent <■» " —— ' ILLINOIS. -,*"««•■;•»»•,— At iho Main Street (Duvls- Churchlll circuit, malingers) IlioPuyt-eu Slock Co.. lu "llic Mysterious Mr. Jones," pleased large houses last week. PkoihajH. Walter Van Dyke, manager).— The slock company,' In "Miss Hursev from Jersey and "A Cowboy's Uirl," did well last week. Aikdumu (Jim Buugii Amuse. Co., mana- gers).—BUI for week of 24 : Suglmato's Jap- anese Troinie and the stock company, in "East Lynne." Biggest business of the season. Stoxk IIili. Oaruex (Frank Craven, man- ager!.—"AH Mixed Co" wits given last week by the stock, to excellent business. - Wkaht's (Charles F. Burtsou, manager). —For week of 24 the stock company, in "The Land of Flowers," and "Schllta and Blata," Figaro, Pete Connelly and tho moving plc- lures. The lady members of the contpuuy Introduced u yumo of basket bull, which was the hit of the show. Viicuinia bKACJl (Frauk A, llciiicke, luun- nger).—lOxcclleut attendance 24 and week. I In it I«. m Bros., moving pictures nud dauelug were tlie attractions. At, FitKsco I'AUK I Vonion C. Bearer, mnn- tuter).—Bill for 24 and week: James Band, Billy Snow, the Cornelias, and lMck Moou. Large crowds attend nightly. iVitks.— The Patterson Curnivul Co. en- joyed good business last week Hiiring week of July I, Orecury's "The Slcgc of Jericho will be given. . ' ■ " S|>rlnirHrl'd^-At. the Olympic (Wio. Jueu- kou, mauagur) Ihc hill for. June 24 and week include* : A ,comedy sketch, "l-'uinily Jars :' Lottie Lee, JllssJOeuuirla.Herbert uud Vuuc,-, Alice Tlffv. Vivluu, the Kvuns Trio, uud the moving pictures. 10.MIMUK (Jobmile Conuors, iiiuuager).—Bill for week or 24: The Imrlcsciue, "His Hiding Place:" Illustrated songs, the Dulleys, Sau- toro autl Marlow. Horolhy Sleelc, Three Itou- nlils. Murgutet Daly, a comedy, ''Contusion," and the optlscopc. White Citv (John (Jill, manager).—The curreut Week's bill includes: Lc Itoy and Alviaon uud Watch Factory Baud. Pro.*. Louis I.eliiuen Is the leader. Notes. —The Majestic closed for Hie sea- son 2:t The (lentry Bros. Trained Ani- mal Show exhibited hen; 27....The Seventh Itcglinent, I. N. C. who arc In camp here, gave u free opeu ulr concert each ulghl for the week of 24. «■ » wist (»>SI\. Milwaukee.—Tho most interesting the- atrical event of the jiast week was the premier production Of Ceorge Foster llall's original iiluy, "Tilt- Needle's Kye.'' which was given hy the Albert Brown Slock Co., ut the Davidson Theatre. weeK commehclng j line 4. Critics mid theatregoers pronounced Mr. Hull's latest us one of the best things that lie has given lo Ihc stage. Albert Brown staged the production In Al shape, and Hie enl 1 re company contributed lo the success by doing excellent work. Attendance wits big throughout the entire week. The play Is In Ihree acts, mid the story tells or bow John ileber, a wealthy young mini, introduces a young woman lo a party of friends lu bis uiichnlor uiMrtincnts. Ileber proposes mar- riage, after (in- butler has succeeded In re- moving the girl's drunken brother, Wilfrid I'aridless. from the room. The girl lellw her millionaire lover to ask lluford, MM of his guests, to relate lo him Hie story of (he dis- grace In connection Willi bt-r father's dculli In Hie fur Wt'st. Ileber in the liieuiillme discovers lhat 4'andlcss has talon his keys, gone through his desk uud stolen valuable private papers, lie then Icarus that the lather ot Ids swcclheurt bad bech killed In a drunken brawl. Ileber declares his Inten- tion lo nmrry the girl und reform the brother. Candles Is ill love with Sadie Wendell, for- merly .In the employ of Ileber us a stenog- rapher. Sadie induces Cundless to steal the papers which contain the information hi re- gard to a combination, ihut is forming. Ileber sends for tlie girl, uud In the scene thai fol- lows she declares she will murry Cundless or ileber shall not marry his sister, ihal she Is only profiting by the lessons she has learned fioai Ileber in- Wall Street.methods'. However, later developments straighten out the tangle and all ends well. The cast: John Ileber. Juiiies Durklii : Wilfrid Landless. N. Sheldon la-wis: Neil Buford. Albert Brown : Rev. (.'lenient Alderdyce. Lawrence Cruttuii; Barnes. Colin Campbell; Until Cundless, Blanche Croxlcr: Elizabeth Van Blest, I4111- retlu Allen: Helen Van Dlest. Crucu Mm- Luuikln: Sadie Wendell. Kva Taylor. ."The Minister's Son" will be put on by the Brown Stock t.'o. week commencing July 1. Paiiht. —Tiie l-higflsli Slock Co. conllmieii lis tA-rles of successes by a Brat class pro- duction of "The Rival*/' la't wis-k. Miib«-I Itneljuek. the m-w leading woman, scored a distinct hit. 'litis organization Is one of the llnest stock sxnnpanies that ever appeared at a local theatre, aud IS uicctlug with deserved success. Ui 101; (trial a HoUsk.— Manager John Ii. Pierce closed his scusou lust week with "The Convict's Duughter." Bti.sliicss held up re- uuirkaJily well. Staii. —Manager Frank It. man Is continuing to offer biu-h'sipie production-, and drawlug fair lo good houses. Cur roll, the (Ileal, uud Louie Dacrc were Ihc lop- liners Uttt week. The Monte Carlo tilrls an aanoaaml for week at Jane :iu, together with 11 boxing eariilvul. CitvsT.u,.—Miinuger I-'. P.. Wiuler Is con- tinuing to have such successful relnrus Hint lie bus decided lo keep his house open the entile Summer. Bill for week of July J : ( ooke uud Johuson, Theo. I'lliuiirk. Hi>gcrs end Mackintosh. Hans Wagner. Joseph Calla- han und the Crystulgruph. WoNDEHi.ANii. -Manager lilcburd Katiu bar. deeitled Io hold Itose and Lemon In their act. "The Globe of Death," over for week of July 1, on account, of the act proving such a big attraction last week. Patist Paiik. —Wheeloek's United Stales Indian Band continues. Bit-key's Western Congress and Indian Convention miens uu engagement June 20. + '» MINNESOTA. SI. I'aul. — At tbo Metropolitan Opera House 1 I. X. Scott, manager) the Player's Slock Co. bud big business und scored an- other success week of June 'Si, In -"Mrs. Dane's Defease." Week of July t the bill will lie "Au American Citizen." "Cumllle" 7 and week. II. is safe to suy that no more eupuble or popular stock company bus ap- peared al this tbculrc In years, and the public are giving them substantial proof of their appreciation. WiKiisoit (Smith Ii. Hall, rauiiiiger).— Business ruled very good week of 24. There. will be a change ot bill week of July I, but same not most complete ul Ibis report. Kjfcidi; (Sum l-'ltik. manager 1.—The only new people for week of July 1 are: Frankle Kraus. uud Deveme and V'uu. 'Iliosc cancel- ing were: The Kennedvs and Frank Mulolic. All others hold over. Nurr.H—Burn 11111 A: Builcy's Show cymes !». for two performances Bund concerts ut all the parks are now In full swlug. ■ . Hiiluih. At the Ltceiim fC. A. Marshall, luuuuger) lleua..,Vlvll-aiie l .JJie,*pera slugcr (Oululh glrh. guve a song recital. Juuc 24, lo ir large audience. Coming: Mrs. Leslie Carlvr. lu -Dii Barry." 211: Dfickstadcr'aMin- strels July 0. Sbepuxd'a moving pktutiia Uimv bar iwuisu tiimstojt. msumoa, i, ww ;^ Hi.iul' TitEAiuE (Joe Mulilaiid. manageri. —The bills here are strong; *iid aw drawing goon bpslnuss. For July Land week :.Harris and Bcaurczurde. Dinislou aud /iicrhu, Ulr- dcller's dogs. Lurry Kent on. McKce uud.V'uu. Jas. Mccieilan and illustrated songs aud moving pictures. ^ ; Tiik Wiiitr City will upett Its groiiuds June .'In. with a strong list of attractions. The park la about three miles from the city. It Is located oa a long strip or hind covered with trees and underbrush, and Is known as Oatka Beach. Tlie transportation Is good to and from It. The big lake Is outside and the bay of Superior inside. It Is onv mile across the bay to .Superior. Wis.: - '• ' 1 Minneapolis. —At tlie .Metropolitan Opera llutifc 11.. S Seuli. manager 1 Hie I-'errU Stock Co.. In "Alien of Old Vluccimes," June W) and week: S-jiuc campioy. .In "The Half Breed." reported line business SI unit week. "Orriiistnrfc" July 7 nud week. LTCttUM if. c, s]| R ,.| S . luaungei 1. -Toni« Dick and Harry" :»l nud week. "The Bell cf Kichmiiiid" had fait- business lust week. t'Mi'PK 1J0I1U Clllolt. iuad:igeri.--BIII for July 1 ami week Includes: carl llaymond. Kiidiuer and JlMcfcer, liloi-lti liiilc. llosley and Itoslrlle. Ben Davis and Irene Little, The inniiugeinent reports very good business 21 and week Pauks.— Illg Island I'urlc. wllh Bauda lEossn us Hie special inunction, mid Wonder- land, willi Its numerous outdoor ittnuscluculs, are tlufng well ««♦ (.lll.DKN tit IK. tH.ICAXIXUS. fc'/uciiil Llhtmtfh (v THE N>W YolIK Cl.ll-I-Kit. Sax I'uancisch. July 2.—.VI the Van Ness Theatre. Monday. July 1. marks the openlug of the fourth nud tusi week of the engage- ment of Maude Ailsinis. wli.-n the hills will be: Monday, Tiu-silay. Wednesday. Thursdaj 1 mill luce anil iilghn. end l-'i-ldny ulghl s. "L'Alglon." Salurilnv iiialluee nnd Salurtlay uleht. "I'eier Pari " ISnUATKI The l-'ren ley Slock Co. tills week, lu "The I'rlvute Secretary." pre- ceded hy u curia In raiser. v Davis. —"Wlnchesler" Is given tills week, by.the slock company. Ci;.\tiia[.. —The slock company, lu "The Boy Behind the (inn " A.uksicax. —This Is Hip second und last week of "The Broudwav Itcvlew." New Ai.cAXAn.—^"llils week. "A l-'ool und Ills Mo.icy." Olil'lIKiM.- Bill for Hit- week, oueuing Sun- day. Juc? ,'t<l: Virginia Karl nntl cunipuiiy. Lulu Sellilni. AcmstioliK nud Clark. Bci'tiar's marionettes. Julia llelnrleli and Marguerite Faster. K111II llocli uud company. Hie Kin Koiis. Mile. Nild|e. and Hie kliiodmnie. t'lll'-l'BS. —.Miscellaneous vaudeville. ♦ »» OHIO. < lexdnnd.—At lite Ctdonlal 1 Drew h Cauilila'll. iiiaiiugersi Hie Itniierl T. Haines Stock Co. closed a very successful six weeks' ciiguxeiueiil June 21. pn'selitiug "The Sccoml In l.oniMand." Tne Colonial will remain closi-d until ihc hitler iiiirt uf Augusl. Kncun Avkxik (lAiiouxs 1 Max Kaetken- lieucr, munnger 1.—Tin- Wllllnni Furiiuin Slock Co uresciils "Vlrglulus" week of July I. "The Lady of Lyons," presumed by this popular company, drew excellent crowds week ending June 2!l. LtCKt'M (Ceo. M. Todd, manager) The Livingston Stock Co., In "Oil! of the Fold." week of I. "The Christian" drew well week of 2-1. Seine company week of S. Cni.isKi.vr (Mux Fuelkciihciicr. manager). —"Tin- Mikutio" will Is- sung by the .Insi-pli Sheclian Opera Co. week t,c July I. "Tlie Butii-mluu Ulrl" drew splendid crowds week of .lane 54. Same eonipnuy week of July S. (Ii-Kiia litil-sij (Hairy. |, Kline, muiiuger). —Week tif June 21 ended h nmsl successful four wiH-ks of vaudeville. The house will re- main dark mil II Fall. Kkihi's (II. A. Imnlels. uuiiiuger).—The bill week of July t Includes: The Kiouemun Bros., ike Urinous. BeuJ. Cliiipln und coin- IMiny, The (Juurlelle, the Four lliinllngs, Tro- vollv, Bessie Wynne and Iho union Bros. Lii.\a I'auk (l-llwoud Sulisbury. managerl. —IJberHtl'K Buud coutluiies 10 be the I'ealiu-u ut Luna Purk, and tin- crowds continue lo enjoy the many attractions. ' ' Wiiitk Citv. —This jwrk has reopened af- ter 11 calamitous voyage lu previous years, lighting tires, receivership-. elc. It Is be- lieved Hint the eiiterprlKlng new iiiauagi-ineni will have a successful scusou, uud Ihut money will be made. ' ' ♦»» IOWA. Cellar Hupids.—At Alamo Park 10, K. Barton, inunuger) big business nud 11 line id 11 pleased good audiences week of June 24. The bill Included : The Three .Ix-lglitons, Don and Thompson. Allen H'lglilnum. tieorge Deluius, Ituv W. Kay, iiud Schmidt's Hand. Notes. —'Pho Ontry Bros. Circus sliows iu-rc .inly 8..... .ISarinim & Bailey Is billed for Aug. in t vdiir lluplds' secoiitl iiuiiiuil t'liiiutnuipiii course. Jane 2l-,'ll.l. Includes the following lalcnl: The Clilcago (ids- Club. In-. A. A. Wlllllls. Bishop Fiiwccll. Mrs. Culler Hwlfl. Dr. Wlckcrs-huni- the Chh-ugo Lyceum Ladles Qiiurlette. Col. (leu. W. Main, Robert Ihirker Miles, l<eun Cope. Sibyl SuiiiiiiIn, Fus- tler franeh. Cleiuenl Kelley. Uamoii lleyes, and Lulu uud Itev. Win. Spurgcoii II. D. St. John, builder und owner of Ihc People's 'JVictitrc, died Juuc 2t>, uged sixty-six years. 4 i > WISST VlllCilNIA. W heelina.- At Wheeling Pink (Frank J. Baker, general uiunugei-) business Is starting In pick up. and-1hu weather U getting wanner. The allciidiinee last week was very large, und the attractions gave good satisfaction. Bill for week of July I liicliidcs: Allele Pun Is Ourl, asslsled by Flora A III In op ; TJpliel iintl Klliuenl. Signer 1'onlos. Annie Cottle. Dill Bros., tin* Marvelous Puimer. mid for n slH-clul iitii-uclluu M'elH-r's Bund will give concerts. Notes. —Coney Islund, which wns previously niiiHjunced lo open July. I. will uul Is- opened this season, us the lloutl of Insl March did a great deal of damage, anil as they could nut get eai-|H>iitui's) to llnish Ihc coulrucl, owing lo the strike Ceo. ^IcLuukIiIIu. the genial secretary of I he amusement colii'puny. owners of Wheeling I'ark. spent Sunday ill the park, getting, things Into bellcr shape He Is gen- erally located ut Pittsburg. + »» KENTUCKY. Louisville. At White City (W. II. Lubb, mauuger) the second week of five vaudevllle at this resort caused a greater seusullou lliau did the luuovutloii a week previous. The Boise Farully of licrobals Is a strong feature. Corn Vouugblood Cocson's bund of women musicians always drawn crowd at cacti per- formance. Alinu uud Ida Wellington, tivo slslcrs from l^mlsvllle. niudc a big lilt lu their soDg and dunce spctrlHtly. I'ontaine Cekiiv I'.ikk (Wm. Itclehmatl, innn.-igerl. — Jos-. HiiM'x Dilllt-lllg Bulsles headed Hie iirugraintne ut tills resort lust week, and made a decided nil. The other nuninerK were lllxrally applauded. The Do l^iur Trio gave operallc selections In Hie park, nud drew- large crowd']. New people week of June .'!«: Royal Musical l-'ive. Lew Sully. Sisters O'Mecr. Watson's l>iriuyiird, KIIuiIh-Hi Murray. Be Liiuf Trio, and Iho klnudruiur. 4 «» (ir„c«e Itroiirlti ur«C- %<-m Play, 'The Ixidy from l/uin-'s.'' 11 musical ploy, Ike l»sik and lyric* of nlileli nie by Ceorge Br<.iulhursl. nnd the iinlsl,- by liiisluv Ki-rker, will Is- presciiicd by Bruadliuisl k Clinic, Aug. Id. at. the I,>i-lc' Theatre, this ellv. 'Phnmus Wise, Truly Klin I luck. Ids llawlct mid Ouerge Laurvutv. ani ttuong tu.nA; en- C'J2^ ., ,,.\. ... w. ,„« Clipper P^st Of fkCe In order to avoid nilsdikes and. to insure Hi/ pfomiX ihllvery i)f (tir lell.-rs i(dflrtlseil III lit<s> |Ui. nr. (■melUIlP plainly itildressetl must he sent tor, i-ncli lelier, n ml n « niied order roe (In- li-l(*V. ^snril ivll tl the full liKrhe nnd nddre»* nntl' Ibe line uf hlialheiit folloiv'vil by (liv WMrK iniisi Kthu be t-nt'Iosrd. I'lrttAc iiit'iiilori the time for nunt- berl oT'tlu- CLIPfKIt In Vrhleh the It tiers i<eht foriVer.- ml vertlsi-il. " Music. Uuuitel UPiell, l/.uls .l.eacMil Ih-i'iu in Lamh -Isiry-.. > lAtrerctles.IL II Lu Yoilllds. The 1^- i'elitrr.D. M. Muslder; Win. II Me.Nlehol or LAMBS' LIST. Allen. I'lorenei' Arbcrg, Mintli.i Allyn, Amy. Ashley, l.iiilnu Ailums, Slelln Alwater. i.lllliiu L. Andrews, Mirlc Aji-r. Plorenee Unlrltn, Attic. Bums. Oeno Ulisslk-isiil. Linda M. Bliilr, lirnm A. Burke, iiruco Brink. Jessie Uarites, Nina Uausal, .Marlu llsrns, Plu llyrue" Marirarei lleniiet .Murijarel llmwii, .Miiinto Pjwfc, Vkilet lleeker. Way lieiine:i Trlxte BariR'j' Vhilcl HariH-s, Mnyiue Cramer, • t'hiri'iiev Cooke, Mlldn-d Curl Is Kllnuln-tli t.'iirroll, .Iciin Cooke. .Mui'luu C'iiriM™ter, tlciievcve Cuswell. Maude Ukase, Leila i.'lj-UH-r. IMna Cluiiiiiiloa, Minnie Cnliurl Mrs.Ell Croft. Muln-I Cliumimii, Nell Ctnilllllors. Ley !,i ClvlglllotlS. Auiielle A May Cutllii. Margie Ciinuiilniis Mrs. Fred Colemna, Miels-e Conway. Uwte Cullen Ues.Win Crelirllltrti. .Mrs. K. J. U. Dolorosc. Mile. Harm-ll. Cilltll Buviiiiwrt, * Helen liuniud. Jesslr Ih-mMoihIu Millie llaltou Kvclyuil. Ueuves Jlury 1: IlllOllle. IS,Hie Dlilliliui'l Minnie Bare, ci-ucu l.K-liiirare Prhos-ss KVllllS. iU-SHle Curl. I'JIIllol' Kllsluu, Maude I'lnlncc. .lime CniincU A McNeil l-iveri-ile Murle Ihuerald. Alhs- CninkllM Carrie Kollunil. M11.V l-'iiller, Norn Curliw. Hot Priniklln Nellie Oram. Settle Cratly. Kitty CevrgeKe, Miss tlriiy, Stella Hlinl. lila - thils-l. I'luretrcc I lew mil MnnCVl llui-nn, .Miss N. Hvuder-eii, Mrs. Geo. I III Hill.-. I- llellc Hiiglies, Msdite lluninxl, Dully lleulti, Mrs. t!ts>. W. Iluwnnl, linns. I'nslit llnr.1.1. Allele IIIII011. Mantle Hervou. Ceell IIIMIiii-d, Helen Mule. HnMht llnitliis' llunin-d, Helen lleiisli-iH, Venle lluovcr. I.llllu 1 lull. Helen JIAwtroy, Helen ulllrsoii lirius-M Keiiiuuls Louise. King. Alice M. Kriilner. Mnuille l.useh Miin-Ltlii Uiruiiy. Miss I,. I.holeu, Dalscy l^slle. lieriliui Ijiwiviii-e llusliu l.ewi-. Ahull It. U*etle. Mile. I*i'. Ibikerla K. I.niie. Km l*siie. May I."In, Princess Lusecllii. Kula'le Lnwreaee Aiuite l.n Krerc. Mhilt- i.liideriiiiui, l-'luleuiv Miirllmz, Ale\'iinilrl.i Mteker, I'IusnL- Mason. Pontile Mori Is. Ileleue Mlllelslil|i Sisters M111111. i' I a i-l< v Milieu. Mnts*l Mel'oiiiull. Lulu Moyer I,'. rlruile Mack. Ilelle Morris Mix I.cjii McNally. '■ Theiesllii Merkel Sisters Murks, .May A. Muvlon, Vere Myers, Kay lliri'slu II, l.lii, 1 Mtrshul Madbn Marks. Mrs M. tliirtln. CiissK- Moya. ilerlrmle M'.iils.u, Hiiiel .Mnekiiy. Stiu-le .Miirllia I.lllliiu N leineycr. Ilcrruliie Nlekeisoa, MM. K, 1C. Nlmhll. lola Netlieeuy. Lulu Pearl Nol-loli, M11111I lllliili-. Adeline tl'Nelll Myrtle Puwell. Item- I'uuicruy, Autel I'sliiH-r, Amile Pn-,-11. Myrtle Purler.'Alice Phillies. Ida Phillips Martini Itullllis I'lieivsn Kiiyuieliil Uiiilse I;ipli"., Llxidc Ulghl, May lbs-lie, Mlssll.M Itolli. Kailicrlne Itiisn-n. Muy Kusscll. Lillian Kussi'll. My rile Ml. Clnlre. Hot Seymore Sisters .stein. Kva SUlltll. I Mrs. t.nrr;- SiKliei'lainl. Musette Swan. Olive Syui mils. I sit lie W. Siirlo, I'tls •leveiwoii. Vers sieivurl Wlafrvil Kleveiia. Ivll lie Sinclair!-, .tnllii Tnviui- l-:ii?iiiii:i I'lioi-lio. P.I del Tysun, tJ race 'laylur liura ViiilKllli. Kvelyn Wlhoii. Jnslu WllllHll" UllVOIK! Wlciimil. C'liiru watts. 1.uiii VVnre. Helen Wlni-lieslcr. M111-I1111 Wutson I. Illicit U Illinois. I.llllc Wnlliic,.. Pki W'esi. Mind- lil'.M'I'EJilil.V'S LIST, A'lauis, S. .1. A leva mini. Wis Idl e AII1-11. Will. Alters, .luck Anisic, J. AIImiii. Iltirry Ailuuis II. Ii. Shuns Assn. I'mil Atlnuis, K. AiIiiiim, Musical Allien, Itcrl AM. Muly .1 lliol'lll, (Jlllis. Aduuis, 1). A. Alimui*. Waller A It'll, K Allen, Krank M. Uenar, A. A. AiWi. C. W Pai-leliiies lini-loiv. (leu. Din loll, tltsi. Hcirrti-r lleo. I Iterry. Minieiie Hales, Jos. Bosch Bcrore Trio Hall. U.I. Ilurivll .lliiinile llltlner, IV. W. Itryiint. Sum llrvwer, Walter itrudy, Jus. llrijiiks. Mux Hell. Will. Brown, Kirk Itl'lHIl, I,. A. Ilisi-n, Ttuu liartlelt. A I. J'.iuuliiird, I-'. l'i.« Iteiieillcl. W. J. Mruivuc, J, II. Ilriiily, Wm. A. Putter, 11. a. Lurbu, Jin 1 r Brjaaa. faauu lluehehb-r J. K. lMiyer Willnril T Buiiks & Newton Cls,. S. tlllCTlev ,1. WW. llaiiiliuiits. fly dm dui'Kley. ta-uest llliiekioori! II. 1) nisiuiu, .loo llunncll, (leu. Byrne, J. I'. llell. Hen. It. Iliownhe Mtccd lluldnln, Cop. Policial!', B. niilwell t'lnieueu Iturliig, I'JI. Mr 1100, .Ml', Itlirruimlis, Tiwvm »v I3to. Uu; llelil SJl.ClKlr Kiirnill, Jas. Bwaa. J. ISeuloii, Howard Itiirkc. A I. iiiAnos, run I'.lsi-etl, Tom Berry, J. W. lila I e. B. Beyer.. W. T. Iledell. Bus Huston. W. T. Brown, L. A. Iiui-eli. Unas. T. Illy lock, Beat. Hi own. T. M, llalsly, Jus. A. Blimey, Prank IMfraae Ois>. t lluader Laicte Trlj Clllldn-lek Jus.I). < "iiinjhl m-i i. Wm. tlssh. tlui'leljfh Clement*. Jus. & Bills Collins & Otif toil Cunnlutfbum, Itoliert Colli/n lc Burrow CuiHtlnail. Curl C'htiK-iisu, aV* tJtirtiniill. .Mm CuiiiiliiKliuin -JW dialler"!!! I. II. Crule. B»>h • Cberlff.' C. "^lriiKSlr Jis.l'. '.'lark. Hdv.nrd ■Jsliiicdy. It. (inrtlo, Jos. f'Anper. Harry Chealey * Co. (.-(nylon. Pnink |(inds. II. (Iih-r Him. I'.lk Hlllilis, Hilly (,'l'<»-kl-|i. W. C.'(lollies. ,1. S. I'lnillerdoii Arid liorduu. Iliu-rj- I'hiy. Is. Culls Trio t'.kijicr. W, M. Iluruii. A. 1 iiierlii. It. 'I. Illur.iii'd. lie,,. It Cotirov. Pat Ill's, Harvey II O.rrwlnskii s.ll.; Ilnl'.-li 1 , .loliu ('.ink. Curl W. {Iluiiley, .Mike (.'o((ci-.V 'lluriio. Hurry Houhloiij Hendricks II. M. ciiiipiiiaii I'iiell. Illls-rl w. 1 Hue.' C'hil'k. W. I-'. lite I,, Muglc. Clirvelll I llllc, Waller lie Cutis,. Cutis, mil Hrus. Ik>iils, lluiuer llluiiiniond J. II. Hi' IMP, J. C. Huntley. J. II. 11 Inn. Hilly 'Hamilton A. 1-1. llUlllrlll'l Cl...I., Illerlstii. J. M. I Hayes A Kill Is liiiu-su'i llnlloyl ll'ilnos. I-,, I.. liiililniU B. 1 Henry, ICililli' Hails.- W. II. Ilhinley. Wilder lyraO'lit Wllliii-d 'Hcidiurii, Ciuiiii IKinmtlt/ Jul>. Illlileri-.i. Cluir. Ih" 1 ,v M111-I011 Hull. tils,. P. Hurley Prank J. Hni'1'liu.-ioii A. A IliH-riiiuu, Sieve .Hauaei-os CM..I lk> Uiiku k lliicui'd, Percy Mcliiiiitil I lloiailiiiillin: C.S lU'inlun, Arthur I Hull. Aiulrew C V. II lion A Minion llhini "lid. dm. illnyCs (,'onnilv ll'llsln. ficil 1 lir. una llll'l"'!-. P. A lloiiuz, (In, l.i-O Bide. P. A. Will lMlli'1-, Mil will lliinn. Ctiiirlle 111! Hula, Insl Hlfksim. J. I He Kin,' Hurry I'm Vne, Bilillii Il rm w u r, Kd. Uin-lluir. l-'nsl ths-. Itoy- Hcreliil.t. Leo, II. C. I'luiu, I'. II. Kllswoi-lh. Phil Pi'crrll, Uisi. P.iisIoii, P. A. K'l-aii at tl'lnilimpi l.sti-rly. Win. Miiiuii-I I. b McNeil Mlllsnn, Tom Minns, Allen I'VHIIS, II. II. K1I11111H, llnri-y Ivlstdl. II. II. Cllw'.al, Hilly l-ily M AI eh In »t Cniei-oll, II. W. Cliuiiali, llulnlil I'utvlei-, Wm. A. Cl'dier. It. K. I'rees. John Piiluitlu, Jos. t (i, (nil M'/I'tniel I'lelil-. Norm. It Collier. II. I., i'rey. Henry 1'ii.v, Bobble l-'lissl. P. A. PMW Cuniiiilti* Prelivell. W. W, Ii'utii.'ll. Jack Pcne, Kred W, Peru, Hurry S. Kroner. I^sipold Clelil. I. K. It. first, Hurtiey i-'it.v. John 1'. l-'luldve Toaiiuli I'uyliln, II. PcnliHl, A. (1. I'lytui, Jului falter Bros. Fouler. I'l'inik l-'tmlrlk. Ale*. I'lelil. I'-unels ''osier. A. K. 'Intn e AWt-mer drove. Noin, «'. II011I011. Will. Hlk-sple. ICtl. drui', Mr. Ac Mrs. Prod W. (Bussfoni. Andrew tl'sjdley, S. T. irltnii. (V. t'.lleu. II. (Jrusuumn, Chan. i.olili'inllU A Huff" I'Wilule, Hi", tl. 'Irani, Air. (loss. tl. T. • tlulilkiiillli. Kd (Hlio. I'lrro lolm Hurry Win J. X. Herbert iUlh-taiidn. I'bll t iiiiM? L tea .Uudlwr, Hftl lllile JlltlUlli llanup, w 11. Iluilsuli. Iltiily lIlll'IS' Howard 1 Hellion. ]Henry, IMivni-d lltthuiiii, Hurry IHilinau llrus. Illlinii. Hi.-liiii-il Huuiiii. Alls-t-l Henry, KraM I. lllrschlioru lieu. .fiitiies. Slnitlcy JollllSOU, IA J, .lollHSOH, Joim Juhnsoii, (Itnoori; Ji-roine, I'riiiif; Kline, Sum J. Kolli. J. W. Is ul II. N. J. Kelly. L'liits. .1. Kltiuslou. Itoy Khar, Buy . 1Mb, J. Ward KraiiKc. Olio Kemiisly, S. A. K'i'loi'-d;' tl, C. (voider. J. II. lid Bull. Al. Krllchlleld. J. s HlHK. I" H lielliir, II. Keller Jr. J.iC. Iviirluod. pi-of. Mm.". Wm. II. 1 .11 ocii 11 a, .1. A. I.enls. J. II. Lu Boy, i'Iiiih. I.lpidncolts, Tlie Liiuf.'. Wm. Lis-. Alherl J. 1.11 Pearl, Hoy Ui Ileal, Front Is- ('iaii)il. l-'i-ed l.iilleinie ll.'.l'.v ' Uiverlun, L. M. '." l-i i 1 .e-slir; lioytil, Mr. I>i»e. Bull l.itnulillii. Jink l.'s'iio. P. M. IsS', lot.- II. Ijli. Jules W. HTc.'i l.ui-kc Hill's ivuxeti Kl iwa tiiitiiuiil, l-ltldli- t.iu-euu'e. Julinur l.iiinirorii. Kid Lmio'i'. Hi" II. lai Pfl'tv. I--I-..II l.»iircuirs. Hie I.IH1-. lililtlt Mujil HerNul .Lewis, Jack t i.i-vlres. ii il.umts'il, K. \. : 1. vuoi. niik l/>wl«. Uhi I, |La Kvm, **ei« llaWTfTaB>.7> (Jlsuii. 11. IV tluileu. Itl.'ll, II. Ok-nii..Lara (h-li-nito, ii'reil orUrlen. Nell ' tliuillc At Pruuk usmaii, Juliu Muck. JuetOltivW, C. MeAioy, Hurry I Oliver Clureiiec Meeker. Win. 'I'nHOrt, O. L. yiellride, lliu-iy H-alilck' & Mix. ti.L. t'WiwUilisike Muck. J. II. Parcell. P. Morris,Hurry rros|,c-. Leu Mnson. H. M. .MarIon A. Csrtei- Msllllews. ».'. C. -Muekay AlulviMr Morley. 11. V. McOuin. M. Maty. II. lliilpli M1111I1. CloiK. I'oivell, l-'runk 1'aluHi. Pruuk Phliincy. W. J. Payne. Arlh. tl I'nrrts. lit to Pel kill. It. Pa Hun. A. It. I'liti'.Mlifl'li-liii Morlhiier JohuWl Kleei. Caru.Co. I'rlesl. I-'. C riiklii'<tuii Paul I'euse. P. Poll. .1. W. Perry, P., l-i. I'rhie. .las. ,W. Pts-slwleh i'resluli, Itnlpll I'enrle. d .Mutiiv. Turn Slack. Win. A, Mel.nlu, Hilly Mimtli". C', I'. Miniiiv, W. II. Morrison. A, I,. Miller, Cutrlii Meku, M. MelioMiui, W. Mllllken. W Pn-vusi. I. Mcdonald It.ili ii .MuiittRuiK'ry J.N Milter, Sum C, Muiili-y. Walter .Mayo.' -I'lins. Marlelle. Cat, Murray. Jules Mai-Arlhiir C.ll. Mnildov At Melville Marion Al Is'a lie Maikleiii. (Jlu.vtn Man- ,v Cvuus iMc.Vtluiii. Arllatr II. Mis-ki-i-. J llleli, llols'i'l Ittliif, J iis. L. liayi fliilhi Iteytiolds, Lew lt«iv. Hue. Hosm. lieu Morton. Clius. lEuyilll, Jos. P Montamic Prist, jltiiy, Jos. V. Mills. i'Iiiis. |i. lielss Hnw. Muck. Hick liiiinlfilple.. Tlie U.11IKK. Mr. Itlcli. A. Iteekerfurtl A- Muy It-s-il. Krvvlii Reinllle.-, Mury llisw. Ni-slur lllilsluii, Hilly Itellly A MuruiiiiiViicliowe. J. A. I'leki.-I.- II. C, \\ Kill,- 11. Sinltb, Dutl'l Sk'Vllit, Jack St, (Jane. Pred t'.uiltli. t.V J. .. Sheldon Hurry H. Sclmlrk. Cnii .1, SefuMur, .K. V. Xliluit Wm.- II. SUIapsou. P.v W. (IHuuk Hurry C. Sltevoii.. Will.II niIIm. Prnl r. Slieriiniu 'Robert Stmiluu. Jldii Slwle, Uuty.'%t Co* SSvny ,v Ssvny siniey, Harry Setrsin. U P. Tessler. Wm. Tlionipson. It. W Tlmtitiy, .Mm Taylor. A. A. Tenlvcv. K. TIII011. W. L. Tinrion PlunkII Ttpcke, Ted Tiiylor, lliilpb Towiwinl. I'raniiU Turner. 0. II. Tupach A West 'Hut, Albert ' ' 'hssl. Jus. W, Terrell. P. P.. Tennyson. Win. 'I'll reel'. I ,eo If Taylor Stork Co., Altai Tlmrsiuii Ihnvr.l Ii'nuei-, Mux Vim. Woody ,:■ Milllt'l', Clillliii .V MltlllT Men 1,1. Chas Mint Ins-. AH Melr, Harry J. Mark, Prntili McLishI, Andy Murray. Pen- Miller. Jo«. II. Itlllon. (leu. M tores, The ."> Muslim P. I). Morrison, ft P. Murluu At P*':ii-i Mrtlnll. Urns. Mrtii'iioo, 1". ,\. Mills, -C. P. MeKw. .1. C. Mara, Kellm- Xoliin. Win. p. Nleineycr Julius Nurcutl Clins. S. Nimiti. Priudil'i. Mellols, lli-o. A IHIey. Win. Bice A Aduuis Itlcc, Jus. A.. ItOls'l'lS ft' Verille. Pi I. jt elller, li. , Vernuii, tl. It. heiii'li. ,1. H. i\*un liei'k, Arllir 1 Wakclli-lil Pruuk Wlllmr, 0. it. 'Wlilrli'k, elms. Wilson, j,«. 11. .IVets-r. John tl. I Wm Idiot* I .Mender. 1 "uudlcy. ilisl 1 While. Tims. Siiillus' Willi, J. B. Itaynionil, II. s. Wucner Allen li. Itoss. it. II. IWeston. Uavi' llolstrls. (tori jWiilstui. Pred libs', W. II tWblte. P11I Suiiun. II. N. Wrsuls. Pete siuillh. tl. Wilson, Tony Selneyei-. Mac. ;Wt»ils. W. tl. Hcolcy. Miislonl {Wilson, .Ins. It. Kinltii. Clins. T.|Wtilts, C. T. M1111111011. .luck Wilson, |„ Seiuiilili Pissl I: Wiirrcii ft Mherer. II. W. Ilorvtinl Suciiliiinn. I Willi. J. 1). Willis I'.IWi-sl. Will StintHeirurlh. Welch. II. (. W. W. [Water* * Tyson s'lclllu,-, Urn, Wilson. Iliii-fi' Siullli, Us* tl. jWoi-iiiCMiil, V.P hcllll'lllllll, l-'reil Wills, II. X. V. t.inin-ii'1 tiniiT. Vernon 1 Wiles, A. J. Nenell. WlllurdlSuillli. Hnvl.l Wind, AL S. Nye. Tom P. [Myiuooils, Jack Ward th-ns, .Neiaro At stevous lliuryA IV0UIW1 dm. It. Mnns-iiu Siv-hIii. W. I. Vutilia. L. A. Ilukes. Vlueetii lshii|ikiie' (Ipern :jiclle, Mull (lllvelle. Muiite. IV., Majr.i MMM NOTItH'l A'l' 1114AU Ol' I.IMT. Iii'f.pllc u ililvliiK rain slonu, Salnrduy. June •J'.i over 11 Iniiiih-eil inpliiliei'M i/r ,1)1111 yotitiK. luil Itrsly, urtniiilMitiun "uf."ridVuiu'e iikciiIs iiihI pi-i-sM n'pri-sentiiHves. Ihc Prlafs. sliirlcil on l|H Ural pllgrlliHtKc lo lleilliui'. N. .1. The I a rue und handsome llnft-l' t'lilmnbia mis plueeil at Hie i|ls|tiisul of Hu- clith by I'liipileliii- Uuliin. ami 1111 ei- an eliiboriile liuuipiel, tilt- iiuiiiuil election of udders ,»in held' In Uu- hull room, wllh Hie folluWhiK lesiill: Wells I low his. prcHldi-iil ( reclccliil i . Churh-H I'lniersou Cook, vice president ; Prima .1. Wlloineh, reeoidliii; secreiary: I'liliip Mlndll. corrcspotiilluu secrelnty, and Joint W. Itlllnsey. Irenstirur, The Biiui'd of tlov- eriuii-K will conslsl of Hie lolloWdiK l-'l'ltlMl Htii'i'i li. Summers. Prunl. ('. I'nyne. (jduruit »v. Stiiiiiiils. Wllllain H. Stui I It. Ill-lice Mil- winds. William M. Hull, (Minion Mnll'iul, Wiilltn-e Mtiiii'o, Wlllucd I J. t'oxey uud iMill'cilH Mayer. Mhlle Hie i-unn liny- uf I lie lull loin ivus lu projjress, I In- I't-liii'M were ciilui-lalnell Willi spceihe.i by I'mil Anuiklruiig. I In: ill'itlillltl.-l : Heiii-tje lldiry I'liyne, di'iiinullc ei-lllc of The l.'n liiinj I'll llelil lit ,' (ilelnol'l' HuiIh, draillll 1 lc editor of Y'/nt (II11I11:; Mull hew While Jr., of. Uudm'ii'h J'fffnwne; llurtlej' Bavls, of Hi-a-iibuilil'ii ,\tnija:l»r, itiirt John llnmuiuiiil, of Ihc X. V. C. ami II. II. Htillroails. After Hie spccclniiiikfi's were lln'OUK' 1 '. I'lislil'iii Hawks read letlet'N I'lom David He- ItlsetV, Hutili-I IVidilniiii. I'llticles II. Iilllluii- I111111, 11111 ry Miller nnd Murllii lireeii, prcsl- tli-iil of the Pen Club. A pleasant feu I lire nf* Snliiidiiy nlulit'H evcnl was Hid piesi'iilalloii io Pi-hir Llnninii life tic. of 11 In 1111HI11I cold 11III ell foil, III iccogitllltJii of Ills ni-n Ices uh hcIIiik kiii-i-c. I a it for Hi'.- dual eljfhl luonllis. 'file real Inn i>( Hie pll^i Iiiiiil-o leKiin iiii Siimluy, June ill), when Ihc Prliirs liourdeii sjii't'litl 1 col ley ciii-H for I'orl-nil-l'cck, I'leus- ine .Hay. whciii 11 chinilitike uu* held uiitlec apple Hi en uu Hie shore uf Hie prelly Siircwsliiiry Itlvec. Before' (he cluiiihuke 11 KinUiC of bastdiall was. plnycd bi-Hveeii I Ik- sIiikIi- uud luill'ileil iigeulH. The liiuri'leil UKCIlla were cotnpclled lo show cei'llllciilrn sltfiiijil by I hell' wives Ihtil. liny Hue hiis- laiinls) w 1 ro IIvIiik ul home mid were happy. Tll<- sniiuc wail won by lint kIiikI' 1 men, Hie scoce lieini; o li, 11, Till) fulluwhiK pi'ujfriimtue for Stllidiiy was: HI A. M.-—H|M'chil trolley cam ill Stun* lllver llriihp- trtnivey l-'rlurn to Poi'l-ttu-Peck, I'leiiatu-e Bnv. II A. »i. -Visit lo Hie iiomn of Louis JumeH iii'isUiiiilly cniiiliii'led hy li'i'lac Walluct: tMBrde;. li: Noon.—BuNi'bull buihc — Mairleil AkcuIk vs. Hlutfle Alien Is, 1! I', M,— Clnnibiike. Wtiidi'll'a apple un lullfl on 'Shrewsbury Itlrur. Vocul H('I(«i'Hijiih —The Prliiru' (Juin-lelte. Seoltliih Kword'iIliince. hy the lliiifulu Truiipe. com-pl'lslim- Ill-lift) lalwnrds, Wnlliiee Mini- ro and Itobert Yuuujf. Hy. 'Milyer—-Home slorlca. Archil! (inun Hoiigs. Wltisor CSIItiK) Mts'ay. Iriliiuliicltig the Bab- bit Pleud and Sammy Hni«nc The Krlara' Sonic, by all Prlurs. I'cle iiihI the Xiiwlyweds. W._ J. SteluiiKuna, liitrndueliig "Cultnully ijeoi-ue. McMiuiua. iiitrodtielng Puiihundlu . J. June.. A Bill Pouting Contest between live funnel' Di'iuiiiilic Ltllloi- AkvuIk, and live Bill Trunk A iieiiis. Pi'l/.o for H111 best pontcd ll-hhcel. Jnilgi's — P. fl. CitviiiniiigJi, A, 'I'osi.'li Worm, Louis Nelherwde 11 ml (ieorue .1. Coiike. (Judges must ipmllfy by piiHtln^ ilKlieel'.i Aiiriouiii'ei'u— ileiiige ||, Murray, Hurry L. lhivlilson. This was won hy I'eier Cnviiimaiigb. .*> p. m. - •Chwdiijj Ihu Critic fun eypiMltloii of Hie pritper anil isdlte way tu solicit, space from 11 druinutlc editor.) Druuiutlc l-aiilois—Tin onirics. A Ken la—Three en- tries, .1 mixes—Melville K. SI tine, Iteimoltl Wolf. Ildwiiril li. I'ldneon, A. I*.' Uuulop tilul UP, A. Join Ion. The Pilar* I'cluructl lo town lain in the. evi'l|lll^. Tiik Hhhkmi.ui Sisikkh, Muhln und Udnn, write us tliut Itiey opened HI..I be Pollea, Ma- i-igny. Purls, France, on Juno 1. Mti tntda a irro,,i cncouro^luc hit, with, their timet ala^j