The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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UAB •3F3HB 3STEW iroKK clipp-EB. 3\ll\ 6 Ilnfr «.< Inane. tftW For Siipplciiieulul Mat H*;e Another Column. DIIAMATIC AMD MUSICAL. Admii*. Maude (cWleu" Vr^iiiau, «■*'•>—Hsu I'r.llirlHC... f«1.; !•<•. J-UH- Allg*ICS) H-IJ. Aborn Opera (Milton * Sargent Aborn, nigra.)— Washington, »• «•. 1.Imleflulte. Aliuni Oiu-ra ^Milton .* Hafgaul Aburu, Mgrs.)— Newark. fi.Ji.l. Ii«l««nlw:- - . >". AI>orii Oiwrii (Milton * Sargent Aborn, mars.) — , AllianV, K. ¥.. 1. Indettnlte. i' . AWHrWtM (Milton -ft'Huriml Awoni, nigra.)— Now'Haven. Onm». I< Itideniillc. ■. Al-ali.Opera .(Milton * Sargent Alwrn, pars.)— Lawrence. Musk.. 1. IljcMMht-. ... Anion, Edwin, Htock~WeablDBtoii, D. «., I. la- AliaTiBuck (g. T. Altae. mat.)—Pro-Weiise, Augeli's CoinWIoitK (J. II. Bmcrsou, m'iri)—IW- luouton. Alia., Can.. I. IniMlnlte. Anton* Stock—Terrc Hntitc,'lod,.J | Sept. 7. Allcn'Htoek—1'wrlIWml. On-., 1. lndeltnlU... Avlcsworlh Stock (Arthur J. Ajrlwirortli. ngr.)— .." iJoMbcM. Net., 1. liKMInltc. •'•. ■ •■ Aopic Coin«)jr—AVWilln. Kan.. 1. Intlrfln.'*•__„. Ilnrrvifiorc, Kthcl (Obnrles I'roUuiaii, mgr.)—Tort- ■ laml. Ore.. 6. 0. , " lllugliuni. Ainellu -Toledo, (».. 1-fl. lloiistellc. Jessie (O. K. LWNM ni||r.)—BifT.lo. ■ y, y., i, imieihiiie. Juissirile Boatonlans («. A, Wolff, nmr.l— Tm , Harbors. Mich;, 3, Hopctlor. WJa., 4-T, . K-jrh. Adelaide (HurtIn 1: iSi'iiWoti. to«r.)—N. V. KOTO add lilll (Wet A. MaMon,pigr.)—Bin Fran- ctseoVCal., I. IlldCtlllllC: ■' Krniiior, Florence fh rumor A L.u|";lul, n)g».)— Morrlavlllc. Vt., a, Hanlivlcli 4. KlltlvM Hiuiii (T. P. J. Poirer, «t»r.)—Oksbonif, Tea.. 8, Oklahoma i 11v. (ikin., 4, Chandler S. B»iwlp«. -ind. 'i*r., 0. Tnlna 7, Clare-id*. », Wagoner v, Nevada. Mo.. in. "Knight -or a Day" <«. I'. Whitney, |n«r)— Chicago. 111.. rV-lndellnlte. "Kiug vt the.Cattle iUug." Kller'a, Lisii-rn (E. K. Bwd. roar.)— Wolueley, Mask., C'au., 0, In- 1., I, mueuniie. _ . , .Huston lornl Oiiera (Kdwlu Patterson, nujr.)— • Kalians City, f- I'rlncw ijii^ niir.)—Fort Mmllh. Ark.. 1-0. villi 1 , in«r.)—for' " villi', inur. i —pori omnii. «i«».. »-;" Bnmii Sloik (Albvrt JJronu. niKr.)—Milwaukee. Win.. 1. IimMHiIIVi ' .. Biirltw, ? K»rl (<Jco. V. lliill.lnv, niKr.)-AI|wno. PMW, 1 Kiiri (KmlOlllt i«r.)-8t»tllc, Waal;., y^'MflTUlo (WaHM 8. BiilUwIo, liiKr.)— Hallux. Tcs.. J. Ilicla-ilnlla-. Burke 8loi-k (J. Krank Bulk.-, uigr.)—Fall Biter, Maaa.. I, liiilclliille. ., ,, ' •' ,'■ 1 „ Bi.jtl Biirii»»e» Uraimitlc—Buiwcll, iNebr., 1«, BlAkw l, 'Klwk , '(Ma.irki. Slaiifonl, ui«r.)—WIW- v *ilml,-N. J., I. Imlrtliille. . • Bufry ft.Burke Wlock—JWB Beufonl, Man)., I, lu- BurtliiTtVMiM-illniia (Harry Burloti, mifr.)— Oalea- ^!|'n "'St!.'il!y-H l 8iM..v« JWajtrr J. MbDcmIJJi nmr.l—Slilm-y. Nrlir.. .1. Mmniill *. 1*1 »•• Bluff " (I..venue. W><... «. I.aminle B MwJIrliie putt i! ilinna l». UikvIIuh II, Itiiek W|lrlti|W r li!, Bra'il"Wact tl>. <»• llnrliiiiiH, ingr.)—Luke Braily Biimnu*. U »lwlIn^lteili'rt' l«* »• Brnock. utgr.) —Klkluii. -Mlrli.. I». Bii'l *«D*M8. Brmvn * ltoUfiia l>r»iunlle HImiw- -Blklua, W. Va„ Braille Bunnell l-aiHea* orflieatra--BalllNiure, Mil., Bryant fomeily IK Br.miH, mgr.)—Weat Brown- "DiwrMer'a MlUkina" (Fimbria Tbutuiiauii, mgr.) ^-Chli'iigu. III.. I. Imlennlte. "BreWKlcr'n MlllliHia" ttlliurlea Frobman, uigr.)— I.onilmi. Kill.. I. Iiiileflultr. "llmifci.rV Cllllil" (llnrr.v Winiiihni. lugr. — BHIp- fouclH.. K. Uuk.. i, SiK'iirriali II. Deailivotal J, lOtutier 10, Ktlgriiwiit II. Cumlirlilge. Wyu., 12, New Ciislle lit. ... ... .. Oilier, William IOharIf* Irolmiau. mgr.)—R, 1. sl.'lty 1, ImMIiiIIp. , . .. v t'olinn, tleo. M. <Siiui. U. Ilurrla, mgr.)—N. Y. <:iw I, link'llnlte. Ornlg NliK-k (Joliii Craig, mgr.)—Iloalou, Maaa., . .l.hiilettnUe. ' ; . I'vliiiiihiii Htoi'k Mitivkell * Uwyer, uigra.)— WaHliliiglon, U. «.. I. luilellnlte. Cutler MliM-k tWnllaee II. Culler, uigr.)—ho- kin IihI.. Ml. Ilklimuiiil 8-Aug. il. riileiiKu Kluek It'lnia. II. IUihhKiiIii, ingr.)—Maim- fleltl. (I„ I Aug. 10. .,,,„«, Carroll «loaiiiily (Ion Carroll, mgr.)—Durlilu, W. Va„ 111. inilam-v ••14. •' •„, ' Coltlinl'lu Oiiern—Sun Antonio. H'*.. I-M. Cih'UM 1,'iMmaly (Jiiiih-k Waller, mgr.)—I|>awkli, I in. Link.. Iti. MM OHy »••:»•'"• , „- Coiieliiiul Bioh.' Hluvk-MinVrly. Mil,. 114. . Ckllfornlana (Tlioa. Karl, mgr. )->-Im» Aiigelea, ,Cnl., I. Inileniilk. , ' , " , , l^lrllH MiiHlenl (Alh-n Curlla, mgr.)—Fori Worth, • Te*„ 10. IJeiil"*" "-'i'. :. . . , lirnniiitle (Cliaa. lluminel, mgr.)— r Tulaa. Iu.1. Tel., Ml: • v ' L'MiitHy'a llanil (I'ntrltk Coinvaj, mgr.)— CUliago, fill.. I. Imlehnl'e. • , '• Uelmur UIHTM I'l'uriier II, l,enl«, mgr.)—81. I«nla. Jlo., 1, llMlellnlle. _ ._■ .■ ■ . Ih.nglierly Stock (I'ayne ft Douglierly. mgra.)— Brawnier. Mich., 10. Calumet Mil. . l)fnuirc«( Cnnmly tltolwrt Dcmoreat. mgr.)— Ilomi'. tin.. I, IniieOiilte. •• ' lii-.uii.ipl. I'.n.i'i Stork—llnmllliHi, O., Ml. Danin.M'li M-WVork Symphony tirclicalra'(Waller , Damroadi; Iriederi-chliago. III., I.- llflWIUlie. Lome. Wr*iimllr»—wiaHlavllle, N. H.v 1-0, XVmalKlm.k. VI,. 8-IH. •••"•• • ' •', " Kliliilre Stm-k (8|ill« * KnllinHiuii. nigra.)—I'eotl- 'lleiiee,'It. I., 1. ItidMllilw ileiiii\ it l., i. iinienniie. • Suilllan Stoik-Mllwailkrt.. Wla.. I. In.letMte. l'Doiailo Stock. Nelajin ft Paltuer'a • (W, J. Wrlglil, mgr.)—Belult, WH..11I,'l.«kc OeueVa Klnier Shirk—Omaha, Nel.r.. 1. Iinlell|ille. „ . Flake, Mra. (HnrrlBoii Orey Fluke, iugr.)—Ul- lawn. Can., «; I'uv.I'M.III' I Sam S. ft l.ce Sliulirrl, Inc., UIgTS.) — K. V.OIty h Mulvllulle. • Friiuki-iiUelil, lamrn—Snll Lake Clly. v.. I, In ii.'tm in-. Fiirtrrtl Slwk I0v«. Fawwll. uigr.)—lllrhmoinl, Vai. I, Unlollnlle. •■ . . ' ■'-■■ '• l'owwlt Sleek (tleo. Fnwrall, mgr.)—Atlanta, ■On.: I, Imleanlle. I'enla-rg Sloi* I lieu. M, leulierg. mgr.)—Augimta, , ale..-I. Hidcnulle. '.-■■. • ,' „■: i-- Frank-y Stock (Itaulel Frnniey. iugr.)—Sail Fran- vlMv. dal..' I. Iiulennlie. . ■ . . . Furiiuin Stock (Will. Fiirumu, uigr.)—Cletelau'l, (.).. 1, lii.lcllliltc. • • Ken-la Slock I Dirk Fcrrla, mgr.)—Mlnueai>oll«, . Mlnji.. K'ludrflhllF. ' ■ ," Funon Sim'k (J. Fiillou, mgr.)—Lincoln, Nehr., I. Iiiiletlulle. • , •. . '■ Fuller Stuck—.Montreal. Con.. I. luilellnlln. "Fitly Miles from B(»tou" (Colmu ft llmriv nigra. I—lliwloii. .Muaa., Ml. "Faw-tiialliig Flora" (Sum S. .V l,cc Bhulwrl, lue„ ingrn.l-N'. V. City I. luilellullr. ••I'uttv Felk"' (C. .lay Smith, inur.)--Menoimmle. \VK 1. CII-ivm -Hi 2. Itl.e l.ilkr II, l.uil.v Ml.llll 4. ".. Tiiuuihiiwk II. Mlniviiini T. Itlili)elnui)er S, Kngle Hirer U. Crnmloir 10. Iron Illter. fijleb., II, I'liireuoe, Wla., 12, Norway, Mich.', Ill: ' CmiT lliMW lWin. A. Braily, mgr.)—buMWHi Kug., I. tiuli.r,ulli>. iM.l.lcii. 'HlelMinl—Clileagti, III.. », liiili-llnlte. lllnaer Stock (Vmigliiin (llaner, ingr)—Uelroll, Midi.. 1, ImlfUnite. (irah e, l-'eiillnniiil--Newark, O.. 1-0. Ullnaire'a Pluyrra (I'riinclH .1. illluiorr. mgr.)-- T«HN*k.i. Kan., l-ftl.. ClOonl'K i;ou«hIIiiii« (Ailol|>li UIITonl, mgr.)—I'rra- km. Mini.., Ml. (Illek-llulwrlh Stm-k (II. T. IHluk mgr.)— Bluff, hm. ().. Ml. U«rgulle"i>. Knrlcii. l.'iimrrl lliiuil—Chicago, III., Ml. •'lllri fivi" Vaaaur" IJ. W. Coruuiu. mgr.l—Boa- ton, Maaa.. 1*0. Ili.ll'iml. Mlliln-il (ICilwanl C. White, mgr.) — Itiiffiil... N. V.. Ml. llinili'i I'liiyera—Si.riugllelil. Mukv, I, In- ilclhille. lluiili'i- •liinili.'i , 'l Players— llarliiinl, Colli!., I, In- ''Mullti ... ■..-."-. Harvey ' Itr.ini.ilI.' I llnrvey H. Ort, mgr.)— Si'.ilh ILivk'n. Mii-i... IT llcnlon HnrUir 8-14. Hh'kuiiiu-lk-H«e.v tW. Al. While, Uigr.)—Uaren- iu.i'1. In.. 1. Iinleltnlte. Urlaiuau Suick lllel'innn ft- Colion. mgra.)— Augusta. Ha.. I. in.letlhlto. llluliliili.l Park 8|iK..k (Al lleuxk-.r, mgr.l—York. Ph.. I.'. Haiivunl. Oince. Sto.'k (Ceo. II. Units, ingr.)-- Wlutleht. km, Ml llithn-i'. i)rvlie»lrn (Victor Herbert, leaik-r) — j Ph|tiu)eli.lilii. Pa . (I'Ang, -li. ! Ilin.'v's Wiiahliigtoii lliiml—Cliiclunnll. O.. 1-1!*. Howe's l.adlea Orcheslra n.cuiui Howe, lender)— Nnliiiut, Must.. 1 s.'i.t. II. Ilttilerniiinu. .Isinde, ctilengn Ladles' Oreheatra (I). II. Il.nlui...tiiii. mur.I-l.lltle KtH'k, Ark.. l-ll. ••lliir.iv iliinly Ulrls" (Clin". Murka, mgr.)-- Ilnsion. Mas* . I. huh-lmile. Ji'Rcrsi.u Stock |K. V, Pbeluu, mgr.)—Portland, i Me.. I. Indellulte. Jncknon. Inalad P.. Stock (Percy H. Levin, mgr.l - PUIIndclflila, Pn., 1, ludetlulte. illilii llend 4, Itegina 0. "Rlug «r Hie Cattle lllng" IC. K. Bowcn. ni|»r.)-— Boise. Ida., -0, Mwulalu Uouac U, (.llcuiia 1'rtry It). Aim-rleuii l-'nlls ,):!. Lillian Lawrence Stock—Bonton, Maaa., 1, In- dejnlte. ■ ' . Lltlaflton* Block (F. II. Lltlngaloiif, mgr.) — Cleteland, (i., 1. ludcBiilte. hnto-ffBBWt Kelly;'* Mii.a«y'a (Walter J. Film- mer, mgr.)—Woonavckct, ft. I., 1-0, Webaler, Maaa.. S-18. I/i(brou Stock Hi. K. I.otlirop, mgr.)— BuMou, Maaa., 1. Indcflnlle. l^hr, Inn, Stock—-Jackson, Mica., 1-Kl. l.jrlc Mimical Omedy—Toledo, ().. 1, Indfflolte. l.iceum Stock—St. Joseph, Mo., 1, iDdefliilte. Lltwra'tl'a Band (A. Lyman Shaw, mgr.)—Clett- land, O.. 1-38. • • ' Mniuni ft Bights' Coinedlaua (J. W. Sights, nigr.) — At.lsjit^ni-.i, Wla., 1-0. Manbalton Oiiera (Henry Taylor, mgr.)—Elmlra, N. Y.. 1, ludelliille. M.-IMiiuiil rtlock (C. W. McDonald, mgr.)—Vlcka- l.urg, Miss., I-I.'l. McCulliiiu Stuck (Bnrllcy McCiilluin, mgr.)—Port- In ml. Me.,' I. Iiiilrilnlic. ' Mortimer, Chan. 43. M. Hill, mgr.)—Hain-svlllc, Kj„ M), Derby, lial., 8-CI. Mnli',(le Slui-k ■ Vll.iinv. N. Y., 1. luik'UuUc. Moray Slotk—Fori Uavll, Ran., 10. Jlaenillliin Players (Dou Macmlllnn. uigr.) — PltlMhurK. ken.. Ml, linleia'iideiieo 'I-'IV, MyrkhT-llank!!- Stock, Soiilliem iLutlmoroft Leigh, nl'gru.I—Oulncsvlllc, Tex.', III. "Mini of I he Hour" (Braily ft Urluin-cr, nigm.) — if. Y. Clly I, lii.lelllille. "Man of the Hour" (Bruily ft Urlamer, mgra.) — 'Clileiigii. III.. 1. ludrUulle. "Mra. Wlggs of the Cablmgc I'ntcli" il.lel.ler ft Co.. nigra,)—London, Hug.. 1, Indvilultt.. "Miss -PociihuutiK" (II. A. Burnett, mgr.) — Ctilcugu; III., 1-0. "MliW unit the Mlllli.iiiilrp" (M. M. Tlielsc, Ingr.) a.-N.- Y. City. I, Indennlle. "My Wlle'n Family." Central (Frank Oookc, n«r. I -Norfiill,-. Vil.. Ml. (Iil.lieuui Oiiera i Mil Ion ft Sargent Aborn, mgra.) — N. V.. 1-0. olyihnli!-U|x-rii thd. I'. Sriiiouu, mgr.)—New llrleuna, lat., I. Iniletlnlte. Crtihcum Slock I .Mmtin Beck, mgr.)—Suit Luke City, V., 1. ludelliille. I'aylun SiHlera (f. 8. Pnyluti, mgr.)—Kurcka S|irlugs. Ark.. l-i:i. I'algc."Malad (Henry I'. Wlllnrd, mgr.)—Jack- MHirllh'. Fin.. I-Atig. 17. Players Stuck illtish Tciii|.lc Theatre i:.i., mgra.) —St. P..ul. .Minn., l-Ang. SI. Peimlil (lypulue (Char. I). Pcruchl, mgr.)—Uu- lUlllblll, ■-'■ Cm I, lllili'lllllle. Pnycen Slock- Pcorlii. III., I. ludeaultc. Perry Stock IK. II. Perry, mgr.)—Went Urunch, III., 1 :i, Vlnlon 4-0, Lauorte « II, Ulndbruok 12. 1.1. . . • Prior ami Ida Bund (Arthur Pryor, cyliduclor) — I'hllndclnhlii, Pn.. IB. I'lllmiey U. 8. Baud (Frederick Phlnuey, con- duitor)—Suraloga Springs, N. Y., l-lil. "Peek's Bud Boy" IC. 8. Callahan, mgr.)— .Sivirt Curreid, Suak.. Cnn., 0, Moose Jaw 4, Itcgltui B. i)u' Aimelle 0, Indian llcnd 8, Wool- aey 0. Orcnfell 111, Wii|K.'lla 11. Moosoiulu 12, Vfiiteu. Mini., in. Ilogera Stock (Wilfrid Itogers, mgr.)—Snu Fruu- clseu, CuL. 1-27. Ilid-nl tJuiiiidlaii Baud (J. M. Film, mgr.)—Uiuuliii, Nchr., I-Hcpl. IB. H'.j'iil ■Arilllei-y Hand 1.1ns. Ik' Villi, mgr.)— Haiti- - moi-e. Md;, l-seiil. It, II..innn luilM-rlitl lliiuil — Plillnili'lphln. Pn., 14).. "Ilniili.l I |." (Jimeiih Bnniks, mgr.)—ClilCilgo, III.. I. ilnili'llllllc. "II..mi to Yesterday" (Sain S. ft l.i-e Shula-rt, Inc., nigra.)—N. y. Clly I, lialellulle. Kolherii, K. II., mid Julia Mnrli..v.- (Sum 8. ft Lee Shiibcii, Inc.. mgrs. I— llualoii, Mass., Mi. •„■ Hliihl, Itosi; (Henry II. Hun Is, llflr,)—Clilcngo, III., I. hidimiill... '■ Hliuw Hngllsli 'llpi'i'.i Phllinleliihlii. I'll.. 1-0. Sim I'rilnelsi.i U|iera tFrank W., mgr.)— Scuttle. Wash.. 1. Iiulenulte. Stuart. Itulpli— Atlmilii. tin.. Ml. Hliei'haii' Oiaru (Joseph Sheehuii, mgr.)—Clcvc- hind, ().. 1, hnjcltnllc. Hhuw Slia'k (.Mortimer Snow, mgr.)—Memphis, Trim.,. I, lmjclh|llc. Sine Stock—Port hind. Ore., I. ludelliille. Smiford Slock (Wultrr Suufonl, mgr.)— Oakland, i-'ni.. 1, ludelliille. Siroug's, is.iuln, Players .(Waller Savldge, uigr.) ' —Slnnluii. Nehr.. III. Slmilcy Stuck (Arlhur Slnulej, uigr.)—8(. l/uula, M.i., |, Imlellnlte. 8c0l(. (leu. W„ 8(ock (Arlhiir J. Kudd, mgr.) — .PHkaklll. N. V.. I-Hvul. it Sinters Stock (C. W. Slaters, mgr.)— OklaUoum Clly. nkln., I., SmiiiiicrA Stock llleo. II. Suniuiers, mgr.)—Hiiiu- llloli. Ont., Can.. I. hulrllullc. "Slrnnger In Town" (H. B. I.luton. mgr.)—Al- lanla. <la.. Ml. Itlchiaoiul. Va.. 8-CI. Taylur. Alberl. Shs'k-Shretep..rl. La.. I-111. Thompson, Mnlielk', Slock—Sim Diego, Oil., 1, In- dcUnlle. Tnmsdule Slis'k - Wlchlla. Kan.. Ml. "Three ur.Us" tWulter N. Imwreuce, mgr.)—Chi- eiig... III., I I,J. Van Dyku ft Italuu (F. Mack, uigi'.)--Urtvult, Mlc|i„|.ai. • Viillamoiil Stock (A. Olnssiulre. mgr.)^-Wlllliims- Imil, I'h.. 1, liiilcltnlle. "Vofimlwr Orgimlnl." Mnntell ft (fray's—Chi- rnp.. ill. 1, iiiiletlulle. ' Wills Muak-nl Cmucily (John II. Wills, ingr.)— KiHi^Ule. Tvim., 1-0. Wills All Sinn- I John II. Wills, mgr.)— Buckruo Ih'iich; Va„ 1. IniUUiiKe. Wills [,'omk,* 0|K'ia (John II. Wills, mgr.) lMn- Tllle. Vu.. t-14. Whnloin 0|>vru—Fltchtmrg. Muss,. 1-Sepl. 3. Warner's Comedy (Hen It. Wnruer, uigr.)—Clear Bake. In.'. 1-lil. Wulluek's Thenlre. Norlla'rn (Dublnsky Broa., mgrs.)—Ildck ls|nnii. III.. I. iiiiletlulle. Wulluek's Thenlre, Soiilhcrn tMuiu'lee M. Duhlii- sky, mgr.i— 1\nii.. i ii. Wiillnek'H T'heulre. Western i Ijl.i.n.l Duhliisky, mgr.l—Arknnsiia Clly. Kim.. L0. Weal in.I Heights Stuck (Obert ft Schacfer, iniirs.i—HI. Inula, Mo.. I. liiilclliille, Wolfe Stork—Wlclnla. Kan.. I. InileUulte. Willi.n.iK Sleek It. W. Williams, uigr.)—Shun- ueclown. III.. M). Wearer's American Band—Washington, D. C, 1, ludellnlip. ' /.Inn's Mualmt Couusl.c (A. M. '/Mm. tllgr.) — Boise, JiU... I. Inileilnllr. . m ill I s«n i: AND v\i m:\ n.i.i:. Levi ft Follmer'a Viiudcrlllu (Phil Y'ork. mgr.)— llnllund.'Vt.. Ml. Maria ft lltirncll Vumlcvllle (At.'.Mint/., mgr.l-- Isle l.umotte. VI.. !i. fli«/.v, N v., I. Peru 1. Wi.In.iuV Ciwy Oinier (llrls IW. II. Wutsou, mgr.) —Phlhulelphla. pa.. I, Imlennlle. >ll\si iti:i.N. liwkslmler's. Lew tCharirs 0. Wilson, ingr.)— Winnipeg. Man,. Can., l-ll, liriiinl Forks. N. Dak.. I, Diiluth. Minn.. (I. Dandy Dixie. Voclckel ft Ntdnn's (John J. Nolnu, mgr.I— iiivciiM-issl. II. v.. Can., II, Ciiiud Fnrka 4. Itiwahuid .*>. Trull n. Fov Lone »8tHr I Buy !■'.. Fux. mgr.l—Haskell, Tea., Ml. Mninl.v 1 n, Se. in s in, Whiiltn Fulls ll-l.i. II :> T SHOWS. A Hon ft Andersou'a—Weeilsiairl. N. Y.. :;, Uald- wluavlllv 4. Durhamst'tlkl .">. Orlskauy 0. l-'rnuk- furl 8. SI. Johliarllle 0, Sebencctmly 10, Bus- kirk II. Manchester. Vt.. 12. Wnlllug.urd t». Burnuiu ft Uallcy's—Sitarln, Wis.. 3. La UMM 4. WIihuiii. MIiiii.. .'.. Kati Claire. Wis.. U. Mlnuc- inailla. Minn.. 8. St. Paul P. lied Whig IV. Matikato II. Marshall 12. Wnlcrlowii, S. Dak., .ffl- ' llulTiilo Bill's Wild Wcsl. Col. Win. F. Cody (Fred B. Htilrhlusoii. mgr.i—W'oimaia'ket. It. I.. 3. Fltchhiirg. >ln<s.. 4. (ireeiitlcld .1, North Ailuiiw 11, Troy. N. Y„ 8. tllea U. Wntertowu HI, Syrn- cum. It. Itochcster 12. Uuffalu 13. Cde Bros.'—New London, Ct.. I. Blulfonl ."..Wniv, Muss.. II. Aihol 8. Ilunhier II. IliiliiiilK'll lllx.s.' -Millie, M.illl.. ;l. Dillon I. Idnlio Fall*. Ida., 3. St. Anthony 0. Payette 8. . I'oreiinugh ft Sidla, Broa.—Ncwjiorl. VI...», 81. Ji.hiiiMO.I.iirr 4. Lunrnaler. N.'tl.. B. Lrtrlsloh n, Binigur. Me.. 8. Walvrvllle 0., in, Bath II, Porlhtiid 12, Blddefortl 13. Uuy'a—Daktllli., Io.. il, Medlapolls 4. YariDoulh ii, Pleasant Urate'4. New London 8. DnhTlllc li, Augusta 10, Dcuiaark 11, Went Point 12: Joiick.' J. 'Angiwtus—Johunou City, .leuu., .1, 4, Kll*ntle|b.tun B. '.:• .,„ Kcimedy'a Wild Wral—Cincinnati, O., M.I. Lucky Illll'a—Oaveola, Nebr., i), 4. Shelby u. lining City 0. 'Surprise 8, l.iysaca -0. Staple Imral 10, Scwiinl 11, lillroril 12, Bcnrer Crona- Ing 13. Markay'r, Andrew- -UIiIcuro. 111.. I. Indellulte. Psivinf; Blll.'a Wild Went and Great Far Lost, Oil. MIlle'a-aBrooklUga. 8. Dak.. 3. Water- town A: lUidfleld .1, oAes. N. D«k„ 0. Fargo 8. • irnfioii II, ili'anil Forks IO, Detroit, Minn.. 11. Bralnerd 12, Bemldjl 13. Klhglilig Bros.'—Elyrlu. O.. I. Cunloii 2. Wuostrr a, Mount Vernon 4. Tlttln 3, Kenton 0, Marlon. Inil . », Kekntie. ».' ' ' Itobhlu's. Frank A.—Fort Falrilehl. Me., 3, Carl- hen 4, Vim Biiccu r.. Prewpjc Isle II. It lags'"Wild West—Sandunky. O.. 1-0. Selln-Fioto'a—Bouliler Colo.. 3. Colorado Springs 4. i'h non City .'i, Lendtllle 0. Moutroae 8, liella 0,'orand Junction Kll C.lcnwoud 11. Smith's,.K 0.—North Pine Orate. I'll., 4, Lcepcr 3;' Bnydershtirg' 0. Starrctl'H, Howard ' 8.—Morrlatowu, N. J., 1-fl. Steele Family Show (Burt atcele, mgr.)—Utlcs, Mich., Ml. Wnablairn'N. Leon— DxmiiIii. N. IL. 4, Plymouth .".. l-' II. Wolfalwro 8, Sprlngtiile. Me.. |i. Doter, N. H.. 10. Enter 11, Newburyport, Muas.. 12, Ipswich 13. Wheeler's. Al. F. -Kllaahelhhiwn. N. Y.. 4, Kccne Valley 3, Luke Iinchl 0, Saranac Luke 8. MIS( III.A.VKOIS. Boatoek'H Anlinul Ariiui (Frank C. Iknitock, mgr.) —Coni'v Isliind. N. Y., 1, Indcflnlle. Bostock'n Aulnuil Arum I Frank C. Bollock, mgr.) '.-" Norfolk. Vu.. I. Imlellnlte. Barnes' Trnlucd Aulinnls (Al. U. Baruea, uigr.)— Fnrllimilt, Minn., 1-0. Crulkshauk—Chllllcolhe. O., 3, Portsmouth 0. Cosmopolitan Shown (Anderson ft Snjder, mgrs.) R.m i; Isluiul. III., in. Spring Valley 8-13. Crocker'a Trained flonan Shotr—IKtnwn. Can., 1-0. Iiriiliilnini.l AuniNeiiii'iit Co.((lco. llnuotiii.ini, Ingr.) — Vxtnl Clly. Pn..-Ml. Tnrentuin S-li!. Urent Lugar Shows—Kpemiertllh'. <>-. 3. Dclphoi 4. Von Wert 3, Siott 0, Payne 8, Puuhllug II. Antwerp 10. (Itegory's.'The Siege or Jerlco"—Pcurlii, III.. 1-0. Ilohletra Animal Show—Chicago. III., 1, Indrll- ' nlle. ' lllpjiislrome Show (Oeo. K. llola-iia. mgr.)—Ap- i.lelon. Wis.. 4. State Center, la., 0. Jolly• Ethiopians (8. II. Dudley, uigr.)- Alex- andria. Vn., M). Itlchmoiul 8-13. Johnny .1. Jones Show—Ralelgb, N. C, 1-0, Hen- derson 8-13. Is'.-'s Oluss Blowers (Jack Lee, mgr.)—Duuphlii, Pa.. 1-8. Muikle's Floallug Thenlre (W. II. Marlile, Ingr ) I- i. ul. Ky.. 3, Rruokpot't. III.. 4, Metro- isills City 3. Mound Clly 0. Illckmnn S. Colmu- Inis ii. WIckclllTe. Ky.. 10, Commerce, Mo.. II, Thelics. III., 12. Ciipe Olrurdenu.Mo.. 13.' Parker. O. W.. Shows (Cramer A-iTyler. mgrs.)— Ilaribaiilt, Minn.. 1-0, Crookaton 8-10. Pnllei'sou's Curutvul (Jiiiues Patterson, mgr.) — ■ Kewiinee, III.. .Ml, Clinton. In., 813. Iloblnsou Ainusemeut Co.—Salem, O.. Ml. Uetengulii (Walter (!. Mack, ingr.)—N. V, City 1-0, Si'hciic'iinli. N. Y.. 8-12. Smith (ireuler Sliowa—New Haven, Pa., 1-0. ' Jcounetle 8-13. ' i'lK.innsi.n r.liici'i'ilnci-i (l'\ II. Thinupmiii, mgr.) M'otaiio. Wis., il, 4. ■ i riSNKSl'LVAKIA. l'liiliiiii-liiMn. lie the beginning of next spnson {btauja theatrical will tnke on mi entirely new aspect, 'liiu Forrest, now In 4l|e c.iiii'ki' of construction, nt lli-oi'd ..^d Sniisiitii Streets, will be dCVOtoU tu VUtldCVlllO, while Hie (Jliestniit Street Opera lluusu win uuulti be n eoiiililiinlloii liouao. The Adolphla. wiileli iiiljoliiH tlte Lyric, will be ready by 77*" 77: .- ,... .. ... ,, ,..,.„ Unit tltni", ni|iklntr two tiue houses III town Ion of II c putroiis. if Ills lesorl. Big crowds undtr the Hliubeit iniiiiiigeinet. By Scplcm- l " , »! 1 . ! 1 ."' '"."J. 1 .! l| l. , , l , n l J, lls JT.T.! ''.'.^.."".V. her the Win. I'eun, the lltiest iilnyliouso In West PhlluilelpUlu. will also be.ieudy. No ilollnlte iiiiiioiiiiei'iiuiil Iiiim been umde 1:011- MOSE GUMBLE Has returned from an ex- tended trip abroad, and will be pleased to hear from his many friends. J. H. REMIGK & COMPANY, 45 W. 28th STREET, - - NEW YORK. 3oWDcm< HEADQUARTERS FOR Theatrical Tights, Silk Hosiery, Long Silk Gloves and Mitts, Tinsel Novelties, Silk Brocades and All Colors oi the DANIELL Satins, Gold and Silver Spangled Trimmings, Special Discount to the Profession. Catalogue and Samples, with Prices, Furnished Upon Request. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Broadway. 8 and 9 Sts., N.Y. .'(■nihil; the t'lii'1,1 inn. wllleli Ims been Idle loi' M'venil uiontliM. I.iiih- iMi'nikk. Shnliei't. iimniiKi'i'K).—A ;.lneel.- tribute WUN pnlll IC. II. Snlllelll mid Jo I In Mu rln we. Inst week, by tin.' eioivili'd IliHIMi'S tlllll ilHendeil, llolWltllKtlllKllllg (he wui'lii wtfllllier, llnlh the Mliiru' efforts In "Itunieo iiinl .lulli'l," "lliitnlel.' mid "Twelfth Hbmt'V were reeulvcd wltU mnny mnniri'stn- lluna of iiupruvnl. Tint house will now it- lilirlu eluMeil .tilltll liiu peilunlnj,' Of the. l-'nll wrilNon. In He|jteinboi'. I'.VHk (!•'. tl. 'Nlxun-MrUlliiL'cr, uiunuKeri. — l T|ic Sltnw Otiorn l.'o., which wiim |o hiivc elided Itu run 'M. will continue Tor Ihv cur- rem week, tt'lien "Tlie Mikado" will bo pro- ilne.'.l. "The Ilolicinlnn 411 rl" wns Kimg In u cH|Hible inuniier Inst week, to Kood alxed liotisi'N, lii'iin Nlwii. latum Millard mill Will- lin.'i; llioivnliiw kIvIiik mi exeellent account of iIioiiinoIvcn In the iii'luelpul roles. KiiiTii'n (i|, T. joriiitii, jnrtqnMrl.—1'lhi bill tills .week' Inclutlva a biikuf's iloaeu of lni.'i..,lliiK iicls, headed by Sidney Urew nml conipany, In the fnrcc, "Illlly'a Tomb- sloues." otliera teniletliiir llielr aorvlcen are: .|i|llus i.inn.11. win.inn Winter. Wi'ite'u l)mn- Iiik WonderK (seitiud week), Umpire foiiuilv I'l.ill', Si'' mill DIM. Pilplulil, l..i Uelle mill CiiMieh. Miirtlu Univ.. ivn Uouilelle. Ai'.iii i- himI t:ri|ki'f, Nugle mid Admits, (Jnnn Tcmiicat :Trlo, "In Morocco" Ulltl the kljiclo- liriipli. Wnle'M l'Hltelllg Woliilet-s. n 1.1'uiijii; ul' elever ehllilrctl. ninl Hie IIoIniiI pliirlel. "PeiH'lii'H." went big Willi the crowded IioiikcIi lust, week. l.'llKSTNlll' Siuunr Ol'Klt.l lloi'HM (Mxon & Zluiiiierrnuu, uimiugcra).—The udvnuccd viiitdevillc offerlnt,- Tor wnek of Julv 1 con- iImik or: Will KoKom (Meconil week). Ilic Ooltz Trio, (lie Country t:iiolr, Muy Wurd mid her Klglit Dresden Hulls. Fur'rosto. Sn- Herns. 'INitn Wfttiira mid Casper \owuk. t.'llf- ford Wnlkor.' Chevuller Dc Lorls, uud movlug pictures, lltisluestt uonllnued line Inst week'. nii'iirgi' \V. Illfe. uahiigcr).—Mim- uger 1 m w huh Ims rigged up iiUDicroim devices for keeping the house cool, to the evident Hiitlsfuctlon of Hi. 1 iiutl'oiis. I'..r week of July 1 the hiiii-e show will coiinIkI of Iwo lively burli'sipics, with nil olio inenl Inning: Tin. Oi'iineth! Slslcia. Raiuelte mid l,a Hue, llutlt Wright ninl Vollii. 1,m;i;ijm (John l!. .Ictinoii, uiunugcr),—The lioltsi! bllliesque show continues on lis Sum- mer run, to good reiurna. A feature for the current week will be tin utlilcllc ciirulvul. Titncumiiii il-'ri'il Wlllsiin, initnuger).— Wutson's t.'ozy Corner Olrla hove settled down for the .Stiuiiner run which will prob- ably continue until the middle or AukiihI. 'Phis week the olio consists of: The Kiill- mowsk.v Brothers, Trine While, lieo. Scran- Ion. Muy Sheldon mid Maggie Newel. t 'amino (IOIIiih & Koenlg, iiiuniigeis).— t'ole and .lolinsun, In "The Hltou-Vly lleglinent." concluded their third und llnal week uli. Io average buuliieaa. The bouse will now remain cloaca for the Suuinier. Uoh Ton (l.lllluu Tyson, anmiigcr).—Tlie hill week of July 1 names: Hilda l,e llov. Warlltild and Hlack. liordoti and Willis, I'utii l.amout mul moving ulctitK's. llKM.'liwouii I'ahk l ft. 8. Howtis. nmnagerl. —The Liberty Ihiud, of New York City, under Hie direction of Joseph t'lilciune. begun n season of concerts 110. Tlte ojiuu air culer- tnlnnu'iit- will be furnished (Ills week hv Itl.e ninl Dluiei', mul the Ui'esvt Little Dauplilu. Patroniige lust week was utilu satlsfactorv. Willow ttwjvu Pauk (I''. II. I.lucolu, man- agcrl.—Arthur Pryor and his luiud will ulw tnelr lluul concerts tills week, ntld will bu succeeded ou July (1 by Victor Herbert, who Is a great local favorite. Hotb the railroad and the tfolleys carried out big 'crowds Inst week., the amusement features being lllan-ully patronized. Wihiiisiuk I'aiik (Wm. .1. Uecrlng, mniin- gerl.—The Verdi Italian Symphony (jrclics- tra coiilliiucn as the iiiiihIi'iiI fen line. The ucw iiniuseuieillH—the liuiiiiin laundry, Hie vuves uud the.mountain tdldc—Imve caught uu wllii the crowds. WakiI NuniN 1'ABK (Win. J. Tlioiiipson. uinii- agerl.—The Itnmnii Imperlnl Band and the New York Quintette are furnishing cliisslcal fc'clccllous dally tbttl mwl wllli ilic ui'i>ic lu urn i ii\ iron i i i ijr i<> i ii i>~> • v ■ ■ ■ i ., ■ ■ rawna IViini-: I'lTV III. M. Alleliy. munngeri.— This resort combines to huve big crowds dally, wllh 'everything In the uinuscuiciil line being well |ui I ionized. Nin'LK.—Muniigi'r IJumoiit. of the Klcvenlh .......... II. I.. .....:.... .i.l..., I.. .iiriUK.—.mtlintter i.uin.iin. in inn r.u-iiTiiiii Klrccl Upern Iliiuae. Is gelt tug things In aliaiic for I he reopening ul the house, week 'Imfc.'frunMbe^e.^.'i'nmi^i^comhiWin * «""'» > '»'«"■' «- '""'" I h r l",wi ell nn.T nnil.l I li In is ,,,,| l' hl " »' , '''«''l' « '" <'»• appeahld June al, . l Vn, bd... ,11 ,.v. r! i,re 'iiilallve^ here "P*' r ""' 'l"^' 11 '''" '•"' Hie Aloiiurl Club, Ulltl V!''.* ..' r,-' ..".■ M ,i" , * , .i 1 ^ 1 .:'.'. !.'...^.. iJemietl D large audience. ami mid mid t'urrle M. Scotl. Tim Majestic and Kusl Kud Cushio lire Insiked In Mnnuger Itnyer. while Ills purlucr. tleoriie illrtce Snillh The Tlmnloi'luiii. nt llreniu t'lly Park. Theniurlum and Hie AlleghenyI'lly t'nsliiii. Itiisluos** Ims been very g.nnl In Hm hiuall lliealrcs. a - Al Hi.' linillil (Ipei'lt House (lieo. Allien. Haley, liiniuiger) the I'lilln- .1..1..1.1.. ,< ■■ .... i. , III! 1,1111 l'l\.,i ,, ... Mil,." IV|.. , .,,-1,,,l »l, ,:n IJ> ,». lb.' week of July ID. All Hie arraugeiiieuls for taking cure of Hie crowds mid the enier- laluiuenl of them bus been completed, und n good lliuc Is asNitred all of those who eoiue. \rihltccl Clmrlrs I,, lloirnnin, of this city, has been riitniulssloitcu to prepare plans for the remodeling of Hie (.'osuiopiilltiin II..lei, at vhii'iumi. N. J.. Into u theutro Klenuor t'alni's has been rcengngi'il for sou- brclte rules wit li I In- Sliiniluril Sloek for next season Muiiuger (i. A. Wegefurth. of the (irnud Operu House, bus hud plans pre- pared for f.iO.Ollll worth of liiiprovcincnls Io Hint house. Tlie cut Ire from will be re- built, new entrances urriingcd utlil a roller skat lug rink creeled ou tlie second Hour, which will nieiisiire -HI by 1-1(1 feel. s Pitlaluii'U.—Al. Ilic Nixon (Tlioiiius Y. Kirk Jr.. uimiager) lids wis'k's.lilll lucliiilea: Cecelia (iullcy. Adelaide llcmnmin, lOlglil. Kngllsh I'i'Iiiii'i'sch, Mllls'uuil Muirls. Maud Min.v Hall, the lliipph'ts, Iniperliil Itiissimi Troupe. Ituy I.. Itoyce. Ulltl Ihu I'lureuz Katiilly. Itusliiess has hceu good. tiiiANii (Harry Davis, luauituer).—Tills week's hill la one of the best of Hie season, uud includes: Geo. II. I't'lnirosc und com- pany, Kininet Ue Voy untl compiiiiy. Bert Levy. I-Tvn .Musical Xusses. Searl and Violet Allen and company. Hussuu Ben All's Arnhs, lliiyuioiiil and Cnverly, l.eroy and Woodford, Swan und Bninlninl. the Tliilllcis. •Morluii and IHauiond. mid the cinematograph. Lust week's bill played lu S. II. O. lliri'uiiiui.MK ilia .1. Lit Motto, tuunuger). —This week's bill: The Vardclles. Chas. W, Milton, lio.vle mid tiruuger, Frunk Claylou mm Hob lloherls. Tlie Itulliia Orcliestru eou- tlnucs to give concerts interim. m and even- lltg. Itusliiess Ims been very sutisfactury. Majkstic (Howard lloyer. uiunugcr).— This week's bill: Jos. Wellzcl. the Var- dclles. the llnzcltoii Sisters, mid Hob Murks. Jlnrks. » l.t.'NA (I'llmcr K. (Jregg. niuuageri.—This week : Weber's Prize Hand of Aiuerlcii. and. lis ii special nil ni.'Hon. Itltiiichc .Mehurfev. soprimo : .lolui H'llimni'll. hnuK 1m Hie open ...n... ,1 m. |.i: ii'i.i'iii'i. IIA/.I.K I'AIIK I l.elil;:li Traclloil Co.. uwiiersl. —Lust week's bill included: Conk. Ilnyil and (Jukes, .Mile, lliiiegu. Ilnyil und Veoln, Mrs. Jules Lew and liimlly. and lite lllusiruiiil songs anil moving iilclures. (,'ood business prevnlls. LlIiliA.Ml.AMi l.lulm Powell, iiroprleliiri.— The opening bill, occarriiig '.'II, liicludeil' Anna Chiu'les. Helh lleyer. Miss Xcyer. Juiiim In.beily, the kliieloscupc, mid Ihu lllustrutrd songs. l.uii|.|iNtei'. — Al Ilic Itouf Ulinh'H tl'lui* M. Howell, ui.'iaugeri "lluriiu lliunbiig" drew good houses June Jl-'jll. ITudlng Hint tuu- slcitl ei.nii'illi"; were Hot. uppreclulcd Io lis' extern cxpeclod, u feveralou to vutitlevllle Ims been de. Bill l'..r week of July I will III- elude: .Mile. Kimiiy and her I ml net I letiiitm Cook mid SI evens, tirllV llrus., I'lva Alinlge. Tom Asloii, I'.d. I«ilcll. and iiiovlag iilclinw. lllll'KV Kl'IIIMIN TllKATItK (II. II. lililllllis, iiimingeri.—"laisl, Tweuly-four lloiira." dnw well June 21-211. "The Klgu of the Four'' July J-II. . » iiiii'iishiii'u. -Al 1'iixtaiig Park (I'clli M. Davis, mnniiget'l the bookings for ll»' tlientre. week of July I. are: lilslc Ihirvt')' ami compiiiiy. (.rant (Hbsoii ami euinpuiiv. Slidrl and bldwnrtla, Bert. Page, and .lull's 1'iiwcelt. Xotbn. —Harvey laiug, atlverlIslng iigenl for the Lyceum 'ITienlre uud represcnliillK' Of the Capital Clly Bill Posting.Co.. bus gone to bis home in: Serunlon. Pa., for a IW« weeks' soluuni Mnnuger Juscpli I'riinli. of I he l.yiruni Theulre. uud family, hart' taken tin Summer residence al I'uxlang raft a suburb of I his clly. _^___ «... J,». ■■■,.,, ,1.,. J, „ u .,,<:■ 111! 1,11 ..nil s, seu- aallonnl llirllllng; gymniisls. appear twice '•'illy. Business bus liemi very good. Kuxxvwimii lA. !•'. Melliilian. iiiiitni-erl.— A IliMiiit Al Isikciaoiiiil: Pink 'I lienln' 1,1. M. Shuck, iiiuniigcrl business was good week of June :M, wllh Uracil: und Urui'li. Bcanlsley Sisters, Bess Wrlghl, llcullc.v una Opp. und Bobbin, .higgler. Si ah l Silverman. Bros., inmiiigeisi.-- Liugc alleiidunre week or 34. BUI for Jn» I mid week: Itcrrliiu mid Mnckln. Chits. >• Andersen, Juincs Melrose, and Bell Super. .,"■'■' . ",.»'.' .... ■-. iii.ii. iiiuuui^eri.—- Sunday afteriusin und everting Xlreltu's Hand, mid Chilli' McLaughlin, In his budget or songs mid siorlcs. M'he Ketnp Sisters' Wild ncal and Hippodrome coiillniii's lo pluv to packed houses, mid give u great ciitcrialn- inent. MiilTHBH.v (A. S. McSwIgau, nmnuger).— Hiniduv afternoon und evening, the Second Brigade lliiml. In iwo concerts, and Louis A. Hanvcy, lute soloist with Sousa's Bund, un- pen mil uud icnileri'ii scvenll aougs, Busi- ness Is good. IMikam Cnv tStanley K Vlckers. luauu- geri.—Ue liiiccn's Bumf gave Its n sun I cnn- certs dnlIv, mid Is very impulse. In Hie open pavlllun. Lydlii uud Albino, liic bund' bulane- ers. appear twin dully. A spcilul progrmunic bus been arranged tot Julv 4. .1 c «Yi v ,'?'' AX ". <i, nctt'imrk. sllualcd ou tin- Ohio lllvcr, ii short distance from Pitts, burg, was thrown open In I he public SiK.n- day afternoon, mid the patrons turned mil hv the thoiisinids. The.park Is one of the nrel- Host little Islands lu the Ohio lllver. uull the mutiageiiiciii bus spoilt pleuty of money nink- Ing It n Hue place of amitsciucul. The swim- uilng and hunt races were very cnluvnble Mayer and his burnt have, been engaged to fnrtlMi the music. * H KirrKH. — The liasl Lml Cn.sliio i„im u Ntinill llieitlrc. and this week's bill In- M"'roi. ll "' 1 .^ , V. ,U '-V s ' •'l'!!" ,^'^aittb'i'. and M. Tilde.... I'hc Cuslno. Allegheny fllv hna ■ Lgdn ami Httllmtin. Jean Benugrc. end Bel n rice Smith The Tlientorlntn. nt Dream city Park, hna n nuiiiII Ihentre. uud this Willlniiisuort.—At Vnlliinmnl I'ltiki'."*- line llluswiulrc, uimiugcrnhc Viillainoiit Miss l.'o. opened the season here, In peeked lioiiJJ*. Juno '.'4. In "The Lit tic (lay Ud.v. "}»*. Lille Mr. Brown" 27-:!". "The Oriind UW I'Tag" July l-:i. "Mum'/olle" 4-11. iflltCUH. —The Ilngcilbcck-Willlace < IW* showed here 24. and gave iniicb satlsfiieni" 1 to crowded tents In afternoon, but a Imuvy rain storm kept many away In the evening- , .. » OKLAHOMA. oi.ti.ti, CH»-.--At Delinnr Hiil'ia*', iSlnopoulo & Mnrrc. tuaitngersl I lie olfciim, for .Iniie-JH ntpl week Included: McV; litter-.. Tyaou and couiniiny, Colllue und IIii" ley> the Mellos. CJrcy uud l'eters, the litTiit UW; Ions, and Blmm, Boom, B-r-r-r. Caiiucliy business rules. I'tiXAjf Park (C. W. Rater. intiiiiiK''',' 1 f" "ls Marriage a Failure" had gootl bitslaf" week of 28. -.«♦- iu;i,\iv viti:. Wllinliiut —At the Onrrlck, the In-im Meyer Sliiek Co. closed, owing to lack or |M • riiiiugc, The theatre will remain cloned iituu Seiitember. • * . ,„ IlliANti Oi'lJltA lltiiiMK.—Unluvra ui"V«i. pictures ami Illustrated songs conllnuc w attract large crowds. . .,. , SMHLt.iwr Park.— Bill for-week of .inly l to (1 Includea: Bradley and Kay. John Lee»- n'oV.'i twill* i,".','.i','„i;' nCS '"''"",''•,' * I'.tlna Brown.'Borotliy Tcnny. "Hurry S't" 1 !' Wvau bill IIWllHhn Ciiltivi «iiU (jmiit, jitt-. ijvii, iNuru (jlbsuu, mid the 'uwvlug iib'lurcii.