The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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July «. THE JSTEW YOBR OI£FPIC:R. ( 5«C JARDIN DE PARIS, N. Y. ROOF. KARNO'S A NIGHT IN AN ENGLISH MUSIC HALL" ABCfMAI llflTIIIB— ,,,rr . ,,, *'' ll, * n, ' M ' ,u '"■' 'Haieljr.teall w SrtwlflL IH|Hm.""f«-"Hlv. verdlou In (><ii favo. Iii America, u Including BILLIE REEVES, the Original Drunk; "SLUMS OF LONDON," LADIES NICHT AT THE CLUB, Etc.. Etc., In REPERTOIRE. Copyright and Protected at Washington. Ith. Attorneys House, (iin».iimn ei. \ <nliana kava uiiiiiril throe snr- uiul 111 ml) ' e.lnllllslWll full 1 lull 11. I'ui lolnris mill I'll uli'l, ll,-\vaic. Manager, ALF , REE VES. num. riiipinnnt'-— a ww* "f : ■Miii'iiiiop nnd lii.HiiiliiclX l "»' brought- smiles I" lln> iiiee.s.ol' Hi.' Sllllllliel' llWIIllgers Willi IlllVlt ill lllSI foll\1ll ■Mir win' lo ""' «'1 0VIM ' pnr«-h««« uf prosperity. I'llRKtRB T.mik (1. M. Mnrihi, manager).— The ChPHHV I'nrk Omni i.'o., will put mi ••IKillv Vurrion" Juno HO., .nfler a Ml suc- cessful revival' of •■'The Mocking Bird," III which Mnrlnn Stnnley sustnlned the rata which Mnhellc Oilman brought Into promi- nence. "Ilobln Hood," wllh Unso La llnrle, lnlv 7. In .the vaudeville I henlre Buyros llor- iiiniin. Oww nnd Lamb. Bucko's musical (loss mid Nellie Molvhi will he seen. Coskv Irlanii (<!. Wellington Kiiglobrelh, amusement innnnger).—Kennedy's Wild Went begins. Its hiil- week's engagement Jill. Tre- mendous crowds were In attendance Inst yvoek. In the Bljon Theatre 11 season uf minstrelsy will soon begin. Lini.ow I.AfiooN (W. I-:. Clnrk, nimisemenl: manager).—The !>:■ IhliiR honi.'h was 11 MpubU nllr.-icilnn Inst week. In the vmnleville the- nlre .'in, Seymour's dogs. Fie Mere nnd lirn- erUn, Moore. Ada Melrose, nnd Italy ami (I'Krlen will lie need. Business lust week was good. The ounrierly dinner of the Adver- tisers' CI11I1, of CI11vl11n.1lI, 211. wns n nnlnhte jiiM.-ii.iM. ; '' Tim Kon tWnllor A. Draper, manager).— Hiil"Vs WnshliiKlnn Band conns M, ituecpod- lug Well's Hand, which did nicely I lie past fortnight. Hire's Dog nnd Tony Mow Is n new attraction. Scmmkii Chat. —William .T. Knpp's.Rnnd has lieen engaged for Ihe Blue Grass Fair, nl l.eilngnin. Ky Ilelrne Steor-Saxjiy Is to Join Ihe faculty of the Cincinnati School nf Kxpresslon. tinder the direction.of Jennie Mnnnhelmer Wlllliim Knox, the Imy violinist, lino sailed for BnrajH with .lose Mnrlcn....-. .Klsle lurch's rending, in "The ' 1.I011 and the Mouse." opened the wny to a irlm In New York, nnd she has Rone Last to meet Ihe Sluiherls Rose Le Hiirto (who. In prlvnle life Ik rinse Jnbnon, a Cincinnati girl I Is vUltlnR her old friends here I.llltnn Allison Stevens Is n Cincinnati iiirl who noes lo New York to enter the dramatic Mink*. She Is Ihe daughter of Fdwin Stevens, it former prominent liuslness nmn nnd demo- crnllc pofltlehui All the resorts offer big Fourth of July hills ...Henry Holt- grove. Ihe old heavyweight lifter, has I Summer vnundovllle theatre nt Cheviot. 0. Sundiiv performances-only are given.. . .The Xorlh (iermnn Mnrlne Bnnd Is In commence nn engagement July I. nt Belchralh's Park. Akron.-Al Lake-hlc Casino litany \. Ilawn. manager) the great IHclini'ds wns •!■•- feature nf a Itlll Dial drew hlir houses wei'k of June '.'I. Kor week nf ,lu!v 1 IHH dill In- cludes: The Mil nil. Trlii. IVlcnlnc Bros.. Yi iiiamiiJn Bins., lOstellc.Wordcilc nnd ciiiihmiir. nnd t'nrii Bni'li Brown. Noti:s. — Achllle I'lilllnn, Malinger of th" 1'iivlllon Theatre, has moved nl* lirtriciloii in i.iiniln. Ohio The Wnllmi'-llnceiilieek Show Is. billed here July (I T. K. AlbniiBh. innnnEer of the tirninl. 1ms iwnrded the ciin- irnet of hulldlni; his new theatre nl Lorain to Ihe rlirlsilan I'oinpany. T;ie Iniildlni; will cost $iio,nnn. • ■ ihe M.s^rs. 1 i|i|M-iili. linn. rri'ilctlik (■'eliradcr wns one of ihe cuesis. Miss IliiiKbnii) has puic in I'liliiuiiiiiH. il.. lor a tvwks en^incc ineiir Wiirk oiv I In' American Theaiiv. which Is limine. con«lriicli'il al Seven I h ami Market. SlliHds, Is liiovlnu aliaig very nicely. ( olimiliiiM. —At Kellll'K tW,.W. I'rosscr. mnnnseri an excellenl hill, headed by J. C. Xncenl and-company, drew «ond houses the nasi vvi-ek. The house closes for the season Julr II. Bill for week of I Includes: .las. Nell nnd Kdlth chiipmnn. the Olllvolll Trou- hailonrs. Mr. and .Mrs. llnrry Thorne. Itoonec hum Bent, I'ltJiRernld and flilday. t'llffordtiud Bnrke, and Ihe Points. Oi.kxtanov I'.»UK I,I. \V. IHisenhniy. innn- iiKcri. — Anieila lllniihnin and n capahle com- nnnv. In "The t'llmlierir." i»rnved a rnre irent Iiiki week. Kllziilirili and Anna. it. Cllnkeii- heard. Iwo local ({Ifls. were morhlKTs of ihe cnsl, anil acquitted themselves crcdlinhly. l''or week of July 1. "The Belle of New York." ' Collins' iIakhkx (Herman Collins, iiuinn- Kei-1.—l.nrpe crowds (locked lo this po|iiilnr rcsorl diirlnit Hie |insl wi-ek. Bill for week of 1 : Hayes nnd Bonis, Clarence Harbison, and /.Ink and llnutrn. NttrKM—Indlnnoln Turk <'iinllmies to drtnv lis share of Ihe Summer business, firoirory's "Iliirnlni; of Moscow'' proved a |M>piilnr nt- Inn-linn durlnc Us past week. The ceh 1 - hriiiod dlvliiK liniseR. King nnd Queen, will l.c the altrai'tlnns week nf July 1 Charles Mnrvelle. cnntortlonlsl, wllh the MiiNinw show, nnd Nellie Bnlclielor, of Die Balehelor Sisters, were married hero June -'H "The Governor's Huiinlinu," u throe uei comedy, by Krod It. Tihberts, a local 111:111. received' lis lulilni presenialloii It the Board or Trade here Juno SO I. J- Itnseiiihiil. of Toledo, who tins the ninne- Hmis al Olciilanev I'nrk, was a vlsllor here L'7. Wni. Sanders, inaiiiiKor of ihe Soul hem Thenlre, is ncliiiK us Mr. UoseiiHinrs locnl rcpreseulallve (Invln Harris, who was a populnr nienilier nf (lie Kuiplro stnek Co, iiere. and who enllsled In Ihe nrniy alimii 11 year ngo, has purchased Ills discharge and will leave sborrlv In look after bis Inrge ranch In the West Miss Snwlolle. nf ihe team of Knight Bros, nnd Snwtelle. who np- peiired at Kcllb's the past week, was inkeii III. mid miss a eouplo nf pcrfoi-miinccs. Hamilton.—At Ihe finiTid (MH'ilHIiv ft Ward, mnndgers) the hill Week .lnlv l'In- cludes:' John A. West, "Musical Brownie," the Summers, Mr. mid Mrs. Woodford, th» Three Aliens, Nick Coiiwny. nnd the Illus- trated songs and moving pictures. LixriKNWAi.n 1'ark (Frank Sullivan, man- ager)..—The vniidcvllle lillis continue to please large crowds. Coi.iKRi'M 1 Win. Schuinni life, maunger).— The hill for week of 1. Is-"Zlni.i." Notk, —The Jenersnn Thenlre Is dark nt. present, nnd will reopen the cnnihig sensnn early In Angusi. ■ ■ ■ Siirliiarlleld.—Al Spring Urnve Park Cnslno (C. C. Powell, inaiiiiger) tin? hill for week of Jiine .*H1 Includes: Uetn Curtis. Snn- soiie and liellltn. Cnrrlc Belle Miller. Sher- man nnd I'liller, and Klein, nil Brus. nnd Nlcliolson. OiinitiM (Gus Sun, mnniiROil.—The bill for week of July I : The Two Books, the Kenpila!?, Jnmes and Porker, Budnlph Aske- hinil.'iicd Ihe songs nnd pictures. ' ■ ViniiiKKiiimi —Al Idorn Pnrk (II. W. Cunningham, innnageri Crlmmlns nnd Core, In their muslnil coniedv "A Warm Mnloh." Is the nltrnetlon week nf July 1, Avo.v I'.uik (Jos. W. Wess. mnnngerl.— The prngrnmnie for week of June !I0 Includes: Kiltie Stevens, the h'onr Musical Cntes. Tnm Mack, the Five Liilinnis. nnd Ihe l.n Yine- clneron Trio. The excellent bookings nt tills resort nro continually rewarded b.v big pn- ironuge. Noti:. —Willis I'nrk. our hnseliiill imrk, wns doulcnted June JS. with a vlclorv over Mnrlnn. In I bo O. & 1*. League. The Hngen- beck-Walltico Shows Is due July 0. I /.iim-Hvllli' —Al .Mnxnhnla I'nrk (M. I'. f.ud.v. nianiigoi'l I ho juisl week wns one of Ihe host weelis. Ilniiiiclally. since Hie iipcnlng of Ihe park. ' Kpw iieifonnnnces In local nei-ohais were given twice n day. and n bal- loon iisceuilnn scheduled ' for Sunday. June lid. 'Ihe vaudeville thenlre. which will open nexl Snliirde.y. will he a hlg Improve- ment to Ihe ll*t of iiirracllnns. The Fourth nf July eelohrnilon for all Snnihensiern Ohln. will he held nl Ibis pnrk. and promises lo bit Ihe largest held here in vein's. 4. » >IISS(»( III. Faiim (Jor. 1'oiii'IripIu, mnnngerl. The , i'Aiim (.ior, rpfirisioiu, mnnnseri.— inr hill week of -j:! was fullv up to Ihe stnndnrd or vaudeville given ill tills theatre .with Sydney lienne and compiiny. and Jnmes Kelso nnd Blanche Lelghtou. ns big fnvorlles. 1 The hill for June ;ui nnd wool; Includes: Clulre Bensy's rain. Kellr mid Hose. Ms nine!tic nnd Sylvester. Clirilon nnd Jermon. Ihe De Fnyo Slaters. Marlowe nnd l'liinketl enmpnny und the American rltngrnpn plciuiea. Mnyioii. —At lull-view I'nrk (Mlinpr lie- delle, uinmigcri gnnd Mcasonable weallier. In- gellier wllh 1111 excellent, hill, caused record breaking business nl. Ihls popular rcsorl, week of June III. Special mention might be llllide ,,i F.slcllc Wnrilellit and compllliy, III lhelr ncl, emilled "A Hnnevuinoii In Ihe <'mskills;" also nf Murray K. • Hill, nionnl- oglsi, whoso litnck fnce work wns hlglily en- leriiilnlug. Week of Jlllf 1 Ihe hill Includes: Murray and Muck, hi lhelr musical fnrce, "Shooting Ihe Chides." LAKRMIM (.lames A. Kirk, manager). — Business contlnups good, and wllh such al- irnciliiiiH ns Munngcr Kirk hns od'ei-od Ihe pnst few weelis, and Ihe revival nf the ever popular iiiniiteiir night, nothing can prevent good iittendnnce Ihroiighoui the entire sea- son. BID week of July 1 : The Lucndos, novelty ncl ; 1<\ B. Cooper, musical act; Mitchell and Browning, and (he tilctures. Wiiitk I'm.—"The (.'Imrlty Hall" wns preseiiiert op, and proved n big success. The groin dancing pavilion was lipinitlfiiUv doco- rntcil In ppiicn blossoms, hanging hnskets nnd miles of pink ribbon. Added to this thousands of electric lights prespntetl a pic- ture long lo be remembered. Tho piilillc opening occurred ".IN nnd mnny thousands visited the grounds, drinking In the splendors of ihe pinee and enjoying Ihe pleasures of this mlniiitiire "Coney. Noths. —Theodore nook, of YoungBtown, <>.. many yours wllh Alvln .loslln, In "Tho Dairy Furni." nnd other lending ntlrncHnns, Is playing Ibis week at Fiilrvlew Theatre wllli Joseph It. Ketller nnd company. In "A nnrnl suhstlliite" Kcho Lodge (K. I'.i nsslsied by iiregnn Lodge, preseiued "Omnon und I'vrhliiB" nt Hie Nniiotml Theatre 27.... "The Passion l'lny" 1 complete) was produced nl AsRoclnlion itaii week of :.".*. Toledo.—At tho Cnslno (KIIvpr ft P.oseii- inul, mnnngerl the pngagemont of "The.Belle of New York," week of June 2!l, wns a. suc- cess aud plnvcd lo capacllv hiiRinesR. Amelia Blnghnm, J11 "The Climbers," July 1 and week. Nl. Lawl*V—At Helmut' Garilcn (Turner I', Lewis, inn linger 1 "The Isle ot Champagne" wns prcsenled by Hie Pclmnr Harden il|iern Co.,' June V.'t.'.i. .Inhii I). Young. Ceclliu Ithodn, Blnncbp Dc.vo, Josle Imropliii. Finns Klisliwonli, Harry Burgess and n strung com- pany nsslsied In giving n pleasing perform- ance. "The Belle of New York" ill! nnd week. MU8VMAX (i.Miiuix (Oppenlii'liner Bros., managers).—"Iris" iviih I lie hi I ruction by Ihe Suburban Slock Co., iM-30, witll Virginia IlnriiPil lu Ihe lead, and VYilllnin Coiiriiley us leading man. This wns Miss lliinied's first appearance as n Summer garden slur, and sin: will he- ilie 111traction for n moiilh ill this popular resort. "The Lady of Lyons." ".The lianolng Girl' 1 nnd "Cinnllle" will be Hip oilier plays presented during her sojourn. Wkst Km > liKiinrrx (libcrl ,\l Schnerer, mii!ingors).-«-"Tlio Snlliin's Unughler" wns presculod 'J.'l-'.'tl, and wns loudly iipplaudeil by l.hc large audiences In nl tendance, "/.a/a" ;!ll and week. FlIllKKT l'AUK lllHIII.ANliS (Col. Jollll !).' HniikliiR. mnnngerl.- 'I'lic second week or Mm Police Belief, Assoclnllon hencllL was ushered In wllh record breaking nl tendance. Iluss ami Ills hand have proved themselves skilled and competent nnislclnns, and have popn- ihcnisclves ny Ihe tnoHt enrcfiilly ar- rnngrd priigcnninies, All nlher music nn Ihe grounds was silenced when Ihe I hiss con- certs were In progress. The vniidcvllle hill Included Ihe following: Tile Jackson Family of 11 lil: bicycle riders, Sam Wulsnii with ills Farmyard Circus, Cll/abeib Murray, conn song singer and story 'teller; Lew Siilley. the ever populnr innuologlsl ; Ihe Juggling Mown 1 Is, and Wilson tiros. MawiiiS's I'Aiiii I Miiniiioii Bros., uiiiiia- gersl. —The bill for week of Ull. which jilcascil Ihe crowds nl Ihls garden, wns ns follows: The hcndllnora—lienrge W. Bandy anil 1,01 He Wilson, singers, dancers and Inipcrsoiialors; Con well ami O'liay, singers, dancers; Beiinns, nuiiiHly acrobms: I'.vvie Krench, singing coiiiedlenno. and Ihe Man iiliinsenpe. As 11 special uCruclioi). Joseph Lane sang popular songs 111 the ,11'chcslrn concerts, before nnd after Hie vaudeville show. Kicmc'h I'aiik (J. L. Wiillrapp. mnnngerl. —Crealore played the Inst week of his en- gagement with ihls mnnugemcnl, L':i--'li. nnd the lovers of good music regret the depart- ure. Large nnd most enthusiastic crowds have applauded his every concert. Crenlore and Ills hand will begin 11 series of concons In Chicago after leaving here. lOi'i.irsK Gaiidhn 1 Hi Gruen, ninniifor).— "Trncv. the Onllnw." wns Hip atiriictlon L'lt- ;;u, Arthur Smnley and Kiln Allen Stanley iilnvlng the lends. Specialties by Hugh K. McCormlck, Julie Nlcnlny, Belle lllxon nnd (Mins. Covlllo. "The Mysterloim lleiectlvp" ill! and work. Ivlll'llli: GAIIDEN TllKATIIK liresoills Ihe ful- lowing iiirgrcgiiilini for the onlcrtalninent :>f Its piiirniinae. to he known n« the Kmplre .Minstrels, biirnl cork nrtlsls: Knrl Flynu. Uwnev Blnnchnrd, M. J. (lallngpr nnd Arthur Scnrlcs are the end men. Thls.entorinlnnioiic will run for several weeks. Ciieiioickk (Iamirs.— Helm nnd bin popu- lar orchestra continue lo draw largo crowds ut nil concerts. fli.niiK TiniATiiK (II. 1!. Itlce. manager).— The bill for L'ailO wns the following: The Great Alcno, song nnd dnnce eompiKennp: HeltorelU Bros., comedy ncrohnts; Fmncips nnd Cronse, comedy sketch : Will R, AYhll". tramp contcdlnn; Lulu Besnelmnn, 11 lust rated uungs; new moving pictures. NrtTKK.—.Wllh great Interest Ihe home friends of Henry S. Blossom lire watching for tho production of his now piny In Sonieiu- her, "The Transfiguration of Miss Phiflirn." Amelia Bingham's one hiindrcdlh per- formance nl the Suburban (Inrden wns hon- ored by Messrs. Oppenhclmer. proprietors nt the theatre. Miss Illnahnni was the guest of honor at a dinner given by these gentle- men on the veranda of ihe callage res- taurant, at Suburban Pnrk. The guests In- cluded personal friends of MI?r Ulnghnm nnd UiiiiMt* City. —Al Fh'clrlo Pnrk ' 1 Sum Benjamin. mnnngcri Fcrullo nnd his band opened an engagement Sunday. June -.!. nnd mot wiib it big reccpilou. The nnlle. acro- batic, delsiirtciin conductor led with all his 0K1 lime fervor, hi the cu-mnii village Hie bill consisted nf ihe Bell Trio, lu songs: Imvey nnd- Phlllippo, and Mnls-I Berry nnd Ceo. II, Armstrong. I'ouiist 'l'AUK 11). R, llussell. innnnger).— The Uosicm Ideal 'll|ierii I'o. gave "The I'rt-- shin Hiineyuinnn" ns Ihe iirTcrlng for I lie Inst week of lhelr engagement. The company and principals'gave renlly good performances. Tills week Melbourne Mncliowcll and Virginia Tresenll will Innilgiirnle a season of druiim, olTerlng "Anlhony and Cleopnlm." wllh n tiler siiiicriiumprary. ns Hie Inaugural iiiirnc- lion. Next week. "Iji Tosco." Ill the open, l.enge's Bund, wllh Heal rice Fisher as prima 1I11I11111. scored n till. * FAIII.MOCN'V l'AUK (W. F. Smllh. munngcr). —HIimr'H Military (land, ihe Meiers Family. in t-iiiI acrnlmis nnd high divers, nnd hull 1 ascensions, cunlhllic 10 be big ml melons. I.'ABNIVAI. l'AUK (Win. Winch, niamigeri.— Bronhe nnd Ills Chicago Marine Rand opened an engagement ."II. nnd were hlg fnvorlles. nn the lawn Mas nnd June, the high diving ponies, wore nn udded nltrnetlon. • In the Wigwam Chit vmnleville nets were: tho Mnl- coiumls. expert Jugglers: Hchnmnn and Brown, singers nnd diincprs. nnd Ihe Pevnii Brothers, ncrohnts. Ci.ici'iiinxns. —M. II. Hudson Jr.. mnnnger or the Kansas Cltv Rill Posting Co., nnd M. It. Shanlierg. mnnnger of the distributing de- partment, lefl on June 27. for n four weeks' Knstern trip. Thev will visit nil Ihe princi- pal cities, Including ihe .lamesiown lOxposl- 1 ton. anil Will he In New York City Ihe week nf .lull I. lhen lilllsh up III Niagara Fulls week of U. Here they will intend the annual convention of the Associated Bill Posters and Distributors of Ihe I'nltcd Sinles nnd 1 lunula Owen Buckley, business Homa- ger of the Willis Wood Theatre, left for New York IB Mnnln Lehman, nlnnnger of Ihe Opheiim. Is once more nt home after 11 short 1 rip Musi The severe wind on Inst Tuesday nigh! blew down pnrl nf the covered promennde of Klectrlr Park. II hns been repaired and is once more Hie grout wide wny. S|irl>iKfleld.—The Alrdome has closed fili- ation) Ion dnvs. A cover will Is' put. over II, which helps liuslness. Wiiitk City i F. W, Helmer. mnnnger 1.— Business has boon inlr. Liisi week. "Tle> fniintrv School Muster" pleased good houses. WllllT Cm (P. II. Helmer. manager 1 — Large crowds continue. Klllles Band drew over .'tli.lMill people hist. week. Br. Carver's diving horses will be Hie free nlirncllon for tills week. They will lie hen til July I. Several of Ihe buildings have been changed 10 make room for Hie baseball dlnniond. Tills will bflng ail Ihe Central Park Amuse- ment. Co. shows logolher. The thenlre will niieii wllh 11 cenilc opera. July 4. The seal- ing rnpaelly will I"' 'S.IKMI. The vaudeville bouse did Hie hirgpsi business last week since It opened. At every show large crouds were turned uwny. Non:.—-The Sprlnglleld clinulnipia, July K- IP, will have some nf Ihe Is'Sl lalenl ever seen here. Some of Hie 111 (ructions will he: ' Anii'i Sliinv. I'lias. B. Lniidls. Hr. Koklclil Morimoto, Boston tjiiul'lellp, Auipiiiiiu . Male ijunrli'tli'. Carolina Jubilee Singers, Val- ley Concert Company, Schldkrei s Itoyal Hiingnrlan IM'cheslin, » SI. .losciili.— Mi I hi" Alrdome (C, IV I'll 11 Icy. iiinnagei') Ilie Lyeeiim Slock Co. con- Unites lo please large audiences. 4'iivhtai. I Fred Cosninii, innnnger).— Business al Ill's )iopulai' is Immense. Cr.vslnl Pnrk onened June ,ln, wllh fidlowhlg bill: Josef - Yiirrlck und cinnpaiiy, Waller H[M-ncer, ClltTnrd mid Hull, Agnes Ciinmpne.v, Jennie Conhns' dogs, und Cosmnn's moving pictures. ■ « H MVV lllinSHIlli. SI. Jollll.--At the Oliera House (A. O, Skinner, manager) Hiinlei It. Ityan and enm- pini.v opened Ihe second mill last week of lhelr engagement hero June lm. presenlluc "The 'I'llns- Muskelcers," mid gave 11 splendid per foruinnce lu fit 11- liuslness. "Holiest Cnnu hi HI vie" .lnlv l'-|, loeal miiilleiii's. In "Cnprlre," ft; "A Koynl Slnve" li. Id. Noi'KM.— Hletiinn's "I'licle Tom's Cllliln" Co. played here Juno 'j|. '.Ti, under rauvns. In fall* bilslllPRs liuslness Is hlg ill Hie .Nickel. III.' Bioscope nnd Ihe I'llhpie. moving pli'liire. IhenlroH Then. Bird, Inh' of Ihe Kirk Brown Co.. Is III lawn, ami Is rehcnrsliig loeal 11 mil I eu is III a proiliii'iloii uf "Caprice," which is In he given nl Ihe Opera House July A, for Ihe llPlielll. of Hie lleuf und Dumb School J. II. Medciilfe, mmiiiger of IIh' Acmleiiiv of Music, Halifax; N. S.. was In town June ■.'."•. LMI. Mr. Medciilfe repm-is Hull the past hoiihoii was 11 very prosperous 1111C..A1 SI. Ilockwnod I'nrk. H Shool Hie Chutes" and tlic refreshment pavilion are nboiii ilnlslieil, the Ferris wheel nnd I ha inerry-go-roiind are In place, nnd It Is ex- pected Ihe opening will lake place Dominion Dny llnrry McCloskey. Ihe well known tenor, left for New York Jlt, nfler spending 11 couple of weeks wllh his pnrenls hero. MONTANA. Hutle.—At the Rrondwny (J. K. lie-dot, manager) Lew llockstnder's Minstrels enjoyed crowned houses nnd pleased June 24. '_'.".. Vlnln Allen. In "Twelfth Nlghl," had two Im- mense audiences UK. I'll. HiiA.M) Oi'kiia IIoi-hb (Dick P. Snllon, mnnngerl.—Kor week of T.l the Lulu Mill- ion Slock Co., In "P.ugaged." hud satisfying letnrilK nil week. The olio was exception- ally good. Family. (F. Nolsonln, mnnnger).—Bill for '.'" nnd we-'k: Coliimhin Four. Perkltis-Liip- litn Trio. Arthur Itlgliv, the Two Biirtolmes, V'vvlo Dench, Waller Jnffrey mid the mollon pielurcs. Businpss Is I'xcellonl. At tiif. \'ai■iiktti;. week of June 'J'.', kmi> ness was excellent.. 4< a ' INDIAN Tf'.nillTOIIV. Sou Hi MeAlefiler.—Al Ihe Lvrlc <C. J. lludkiiiR, niniingeti ihe bill wcick of Juno ".", included: Carl Brothers, J. II. Sluiw, Ihe \|^...',.lo,w KIhC'S null |l"" I ' I'lesenpe. IlAPt'Yr.AND (llndler ft Woods, miinngors). — ilie iiinv init pictui-e.s plcnscii good slr.eil crowds. NirKKI.niiKON li.iillnier ft King, mitno- gers) -Moving pictures. ♦»» llA-rrii: Waiii: MACK, who recently closed clgiiiv-sevcn wepks nt Ihe Gem Thenlre, .Mis- souln. M011L, hns gone to her home In Cali- fornia, 111.1 nke n much needed rest. Th.- Western Wheel llrnMlnus. The inanagers nf Ihe Ihiiplro clrciiil I West- ern wh.eii held llulr drawings foe route I lor Ihe season of mo; US.. 111 1 heir offlees in the Kldi'ki rhoeker Theatre building. Weilllcs- dliv. J line '-'It. J miles J. Bin lee, president, was hi the chair. Small, numbered, slips of piio,.I- were pal Iii 11 lull, and Kdwnrd l.nn- casler Huller. Ihe leu year old son of Presi- dent'Rll Ho 1, drew Ihe s)lps imi hy. one from Hie imi. nud the nimiiier on I'lii-h. ns It wns drawn, deslgnnied the city In which the show bearing .1 corresponding niim'oor would open Hie season. The following Is :i revised llsl up lo date, wllh all changes mide since I lie drawing, 'Jit. giving the opening iitlrnillon in each city: in-we v. New Voik. Guy Turenilors. Trncaderu. Philadelphia. 'Jillh Century Milbls. Halllinnr". Itellly & Wnntl'a, Wiislilngloii. Amerlrniis. I'111 slang. 11 ream la ml. Cleveland. High Scliisil lilils. ciiiclmitill, Merry Mnlileiis. Lolllsvlllc. BllllClllllMIS. Indhiiinpolls, Cherry BlossniiH. Kiupiiv. Chicago, Tiger I.Hies. F.vnn.tvllh* nnd Term H.iHle, Rrondwny linle'.v Girls. SI. I.ouls. liniss Widows. Kansas cily. Fay Fusler. Dos Moines nnd St. Joseph. Idenls. MliiuiMpolls. high Jinks. '• Diilulh, Cluiiiipagne Girls. HI. T'nul. Wiilsnn Burlesipiers. Mllwil.lkee, Ijnly Birds. hidhiiiupolls, si rolling Players. Folly, Chlcngo. Cenlury (llrls. Dei roll. Jolly Girls. BuiTnlo, Kmplre Biirlrsiiunrs. Toronlo. .Miss New York Jr. Montreal, Parisian Relies, Albany nud Troy, impei luls. Scrnnioii nud Heading, Iniioeenl Mnlds. London, N. Y.. Merry Mnkrrs. Howard. Bosiou. Colonial Belles. Providence. Washington Society Girls. Columbia. Bnslo'ii, Bollickers. I'Jglnn Avenue. Itlullu llonndors. Bljon. I'hlllidelphlii. Kentucky Hellei. Newiu-k. Mghllngilles. Jersey ''Hy. Thoroughbreds. Miner's Bowery. Tom, Dick and llnrry. Brooklyn, Sum Devere'a. Gotham, I'm While's Gnlely Girls. Troy mid Albany. Brigadiers. Pnlerson.Siai' Show lilrls. The regnlnr sensnn o|S'iis Moiidny, Aug. III. ♦ . » ■■ JeMMt l„ Iji«I,)'« Productions for Veil Senson. Jesse L. I.asky will offer fur the season of HHI7US 1111 I or ron sis I number nf vaudeville I in id 1 id Ions. Several or this season's tins will he ri'lnlneil. nnd Iniporlain inivclllcs will lie priiihH'eil before Ihe end of Siluimer. Mn.ill 1 li Meii'iln will continue lo head Ihe Sliiiiiilug Grenadiers, nnd Mniide Corbell will be added to Hie ail as a new femiire. The Military tlelclle mid Hie Girl wllh Ihe Billon will appear with nil entire new sol nl sccjicr.v* and ciisliilucH, mid several 1111111 bers Will Is' I in l-ml in i-rl. The Plaunpliloiids, ihls seasnn's mosl sue- cessi'ui iirishiclloii, will comIniicns nt present, lad II Is Ihe presi'iii Inlcnilnn lo pul mil 11 uunibi'i' iwo ciiiiipniiy for Ilie sinallcr elri'lllts, Tlic l-'ourleeii Block llussnrs will he brniiglil buck front 11 very successful lOiiropenii lour in lime Io open 011 the Keith circuit, III October. Thi< Lnsky Dilhilelte will apiii'iir Willi rill now iiinsle. u famous girl liurplsl InkliiR I lie place nf Ihe siring bliss player who fuinicrly n|i|o 111 I'll wlih Hie in'i. . lingers and lieeley open In Hie now lli'o- iliielloli' nf "Crusoe's Isle," nl Newport, Aug. III. .. "A Nlghl III Uk" llonseloall" Will o|icil III Alleiilnwil. I'll.. Scpl. III. und Ihls, II Is elaliiieii, will h<' Ihe -1 eliiliuralo produc- tion urn seen lii.vuiidevlllp. A iinnihcr of other pindiiciloiia nro 11111101' wny. but Ihe lilies hnve not been mad, public up In Hie prcHoiii 1 Inn'. Iii nil nl lensl. n dozen productions will lie iipPluled by Hie Jesse Laskv Co.. I c Hl>> llnilsini Tin AI re oilleosi, hy llic llrsl of flclu|h>i', -■ — <».» ——. lorelull Vtllllliui'rn I n III III lie. Several vaudeville mniiugcra In Germany uiei til II. B. Milrinones Paris olllce, recenlly, and fnrniiilnled It plnn of hooking Ingi'llii'i' next, si'iison. Ilcroliifiirc noun 11 porforiili'l'tin 1 bo eimt lui'iii did mil know where ho was going till Hie bir.i minute, bill under Ihe now plan tills Is changed. The malingers will bold 11 meeting hi July, nl Ilie Wlnlorgurlen, Berlin, Germany. Cloven of llielr iiinnbcr have nl- reiidv nccepteit the prupiislilon. It is not 11 merger, hnl rntlior n. bonking nrriiiigenient devlsi'd hy Hie M.11Irn-111 iilDce. ■*—* p- < lllirlON Ivilll's l-IIUIIMI-llll'lll. Wrlghl Lnrlnier litis eiuruged Cluirles Ki-ttl to cri'iile 11 prominent cole In his new play. He will also ho scon hi ilie Brniidivny pro diieiloii ol "The Wi'd Duck." .Mr. Konl's splendid reiullllnii of Ihe role of Haul, III Bin original production of "The shepherd King." created much faviirrilile comment p, ihls oily nnil ihriiughniii Ihe eoillllly. * . ».♦ "< iiuu.h< In Ihe llain" Conllntiea CoollliU mill llefl isllliiK. A special Fourth of July mutlnee will ho given nl Ihe linrrlck 011 'I'luirsdny, und Wil- liam Collier will show Hint, desiiltn heiii. nothing illslurlm the refrohhlng liumtir of himself mid I lie cooling shower of merri- ment of Ills successful farce, "fmight In tho Ihiln." -. *^-» F.iuillll CurilH HIntiin Willi Cobini A Harris. Fniinn cnrus. who tins Just ended her tour nf the vaudeville houses on the KlilW It K7- lunger circuit, wns signed hy Cuiuui « Harris for next voiiHon, to piny Hie role of Just. Plnl'i Mni-.v, In "Forty live Minnies from Rrond- wny, I ho chn meter formerly plnyeil by Fay Teiiipleioii. *t* W—- Musr r.mnlil.- In lliiel. AKAln. Mm" Gnmblo, professlimnl liniiiogor of Jerome II Itemiek * Co.. reinrned in Now York Weilnesihiy, Juno ail, on Hie Occiinb', lifter a six weeks' sojourn 111 I'ogbiiid. wlieii' he went lo nssisl lu Hie London |ovmi i'it of his wife, Chnlce Yniteo, at tll'.t I'nlnce Tliviiiii' of Yiirlotli's. In that city, Mr. Gullible rcimrls a very healthy condi- tion of n flairs In ihe Kngllsli metropolis, holh In ibo music iiiibllstiliig and viiiidevlilc sliipi- lloli. Up snys: "There nro mnny Ihlnlri 1I1 ere from which wo Amerlrniis might protp, hill nil iblngs' isiiisldeied, Il is safe 10 sny 1I111I we nre far ahcail of our older neighbor- Tho music sllunllon regtiisllng the exploita- tion of snugs differs mnleriiilly from th" tnellinils ciuployeil in Ihls isiuniry. I'lie head litter controls oxelftslvoly his or her soiiii. end (lie music publisher nsslsls In prolecilng th. in. Ill fuel, I here Is really nn mlomiit 111 piracy on these Iblngs, ns | unllprstiinil th" pi'iiallv Is ipitfe severe. This cnndltloll nuikcs Il illiilciill for Ihe sinallcr performers In siiire n hit. ns they are so badly linndlciinpoil hy I he Kngllsli puhllslicrs, who do iioihlne, but cider lu Ihe hlg guns. Hove hi Ihe land of the free mill Ihe homo nf the music put' llsh»:', everybody hps 1111 eijieil chance, nnd lite DM to man receives as much isiiisiilerniioii ns Hie hciidtlncr. "WI11H <llil Miss Vance do, did you say? I .pill pleased lo tell you (lint she scored nil omphalic hll wllh both Hie press und public. She will piny nut her six weeks' limn, and return In America lit I hue In hike nn her regular Full mill Winter Itntr nt the I idled Stales. "All things considered, ilcspllc the fact Hint I had a nnrllciiliirly oujoynlilo mid In- Igresilng time, mill rniitid.oitr Kngllsb ortu-lns vory'hospllnhlo. I Aril pleased lu be back 011 piy unlive heath." . 4« » Si'oll A Hoy iioi-'s Pliilis. . . Scoil & Itnynnr. Iwo of Chlciigo's young malingers, will have ihroc ciiuipiinles on Ihe man nexl. sensnn.' "Mil's Now llnslmnd." 11. mimical fiirel', iiuide such n success nl lis opening perfornt- nneoR Hint they hnve decided in put mil n 11 nmls'r one nnd number two company. The number mie romiiiiuy will play lerrtiury hi the Cnsi mid Caniiiln : Hie niimhpr Iwo compiiny will tour the South nud Middle Wesl. Their chief venture will lie a llrsl class 1'iiinpiiny."wlili .Mnrgarei .Neville ns shir, hi "A Daiigliler of Jildea." Tills romiiullc Mi 1111111 nf Ihe Klghiionili Cenlury will ho given nn eliihoiiilc product Ion nnd 11 splendid line of priming, The company will open Aug I'll, nnd play Ihe principal clllos of Ihe Sou lb. _i ♦.» New Operii House Vniidcvllle Clreull. WhilI pilllllses lo liecolne one nf Hie 11111RI suecesHliil ch'i'iills of vimdovlllo houses Is Ihe new clreull Mow formhig. which Is cilill- pusiil of o|S'i'n bouse iiiiinagcrs hi Ithlo, III ill.-iili'. Koiinicky nud Ihe Soillll. Witll Il0lll| ■ piilrlers ill 1'In. lonali. fl. I In- Intesl linuses milled lo Ihls clreull are Hie May's Operu lliiuso. I'hpia. it. I Sorg (ijs'ni lions*. Mbhllelown. '). The liesl vmnleville ncls oblnluiiblc llllVl) already been engaged fur Ihe eliciting weeks, mill the success seems prnc- lleiilly assiireil The hooking olllcas of this clreull nre located In Clliohtiiall. wllh the Clliclillinll Tlionlrlcul Agency, \Y. M. 1'idlnrd, inn linger. ■ . ■«»<»■' ■ '. Menntrcr Allen III Ml, Clemens, t.'bus. J. All mnnnger uf Guy New idHi Co.,' has gone in Mourn Clemens Air 11 four Weeks' I'l'sl. ' ' • ■•—•• ■»'.» . Iloaeulieru' Secures the ilminl Veriuiu ll|llill House. Wilier llosi'iilH'i'g lilts Hl'Ciired Ihe Mount V01 mm llpi-ra House, nl M01111I Voruoii, N. Y., roe nexl isnii. Ho tins not decided . Whether ho will pul 011 vaudeville or coin Id 11111 lot s. .. ■ '< ! » f 11. " lllipoi Innl fn t Ir.'uses. A'l n regnlnr ineellng of Hie Iboinl nf Alder- men of Dlihilll, Minn., on .lime 2ft, Ililil hodr todilceit the clrolis llcensn foe frnin fAllfl hi lliltlllhsloli, while fill' so'lllll ilnn. with sen is, the llii.'lisi' will ill 1 III III 1- lie *-'ib fu|' el reuses cliurgliig Al) cents ueperal nilnilsslon, while for siilulnr shows, charging ^o ceids admission, wllh -''> cents extra for reserve ' »lmi. «»» Fred N'lhlo noil Joaephlne Cohan for Hie Klnn A I trimmer < Ireuli. I'r.d Miilo and JoRpplillie Culimi left Lug- 111 nil. June I ft. 10 rulllll cngiigcinnnls ul: Jnhnnnoshiirg and Cn|H> Town, nfler ivlilcli tliey will return lo America lo piny over Hie Kliiw He Ftlittigci clreull. +++ _ Oil* MurllK Will iliiolmo Ihe Lyric, I Hi Moo, II. Lyric ThPiitro, nl I in.vton. n„ will be opened Xepl. '1. The house mnnnger ap- pointed In- llurllg k Sp/imon will he Mux llurllg. The house Is lielng isioked hr I'nlled Booking ollbe. »»» \c»v Slimmer Park fur iioluib. White City. Hie new Siitiuhar pnrk situated three nillps from Diilulh, Minn., opened June .'10, It litis nn Ideal location, nnd tho ii-iuis- portntlon fncllltles lo II «K' cjcrllciil. Joe XV.lcli ifciirr. Hie II In In lo l'lny "Al Mills Islnml." Joe Webh link ruelvisl bermlssliiu front Mrf. II. C. De Mill", in piny "Al Kills Is- jund." which she claimed Infringed on "The Land of the Free." Mr. Welch, II is uiider- slood, secured Hie right in piny Hie piece from Mrs. Do Mill.', for 11 uioueiury cob- sldi'inllon. Mrs. Do Mlllc has. therefore, euli- senled In linvn the Injunction, which she aeriiri'il, iIImkoIvciI. - *s^» I'oii) Wllllnios In I 011,Ion. Percy G. Williams litis returned In London, from Purls, lo sctllc up nil uuiHcra rogiiid- lug lo contracts mriili- with ncls which In- dus buokcii fur Aiiiei-lcn, Ho Is expected hack lu Anii'ilcii not,later llimi July IA, ».» ' Mr, llo iiiinirsiilii snl|» for llmiie. Oscar lliiininersleln nulled from Loudon, Juno S7, mill will 11 rrlve here ihls week, ttllllo abroad he secured lalenl for bis Mnnhnllnii Opera House, alio booked iiovelllPs for-tho Vlciorln Thi'iilre. 4«» Cbns. Ilorilllnillll lleloriia from Abroad. Cluis. Boriiliuitlit nrrlved from liiiglnuil June 211. He hruiiglil Intel! wllh him a com mission from II. II. Miirlnplll pulling him In charge of MiirluoHCs American olllce in Ilie SI. James Building. » » » Mario l,lo>il lo lleliiro. Mnihi Lloyd, the KnglNIi singing cmnpil- lenne, will be seen ill P. II, Williams' house. Ill October. + »» 1— "Tom .limes" a success. ' "Tom Jones," one of (he new ontiilo opera \ which Henry W. Snvnge will produce here nexl Foil, Is now playing lo capacity al.-lho Apollo. Thenlre, l-ondon. ——4«» I'd. Ilwsh Home Alrnln, i:<l. flush, of Wels'r k Hush,' relumed from ■ Mi 1 rope June 2fl. wllh coillrncis for 1 number of L'uropeiiii ncls for his |iurlonr|iie nllrui'lloiis. I,a Sylpho. Mile, Fougere, nflor her ongiigenienls on Ihiniinorsieln's lluof; the Six Club (llrls. s novel Juggling ncl, mid the Turoo Lee Sisters, noioliailc dancers, ur.; niaong Hie ncis he hits soiureil, Tom Miner's "ill«i. .Ilnka," The'llih' of .Miner's Merry llitrlcsrpiers linn chiinged 10 High Jlftks for n('»t season. , Th« coinpmiy will piny Hie WcnIoiii wheel.