The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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July 6. THE TSTEW YORKjCLIPPEE. 5tf Is. L.UBIIM * LIFE MOTION VlCTU^^^ * P "'K«l?lF,w;?Si! A Wanted, A Husband Another Great Comedy Film A Genuine Lubin Hit Will be as big a seller as our "Meet Me at the Fountain" LENGTH, 565 FEET. PRICE, $62.15 MOTHER'S DREAM A Beautiful Sentimental Picture A Great 8uoo«m LENGTH, 700 FEET. PRICE, $77. WE MANUFACTURE AND CONTROL EXCLUSIVELY The Bold Bank Bobbery (Seniatlonal) • 60011. $68.00 Tbe Great Train Bobbery (Sensational) • 600ft. 66.00 Life of an American Soldier (Patriotic) • 600ft. 66.00 Uncle Tom's Cabin (Dramatic) • • 700ft. 77.00 Tbe Kidnapped Child (Funny) • > 300ft. 33.00 Tbrongh tbe Matrimonial Agency (Fnnny) 700ft. 77.00 A Thrilling Detective Story (Fnnny) • 336ft. 35.75 Around Hew York in Fifteen Ilnntea - 960ft. 104.50 Travels of a Lost Trunk (Fnnny) • 650ft. 71.50 Trials and Troubles oi an Antomobillst (Fnnny) 400ft. 44.00 Two Seedy Bnbes (Fnnny) • • 450ft. 49.50 A light Off (Tory Fnnny) • 800ft. 88.00 I leet le at tbe Fountain (Fnnny) Highway Bobbery (8ensatlonal) The Counterfeiters (Seniatlonal) • A Dog, Lost, Strayed or Stolen (Fnnny) The Groat fall Bobbery (Sensational) The Enchanted lattreis (Fnnny) The Wishbone (Fnnny) The Lost Hat (Fanny) • The Bigamist (Fanny) • Lynch Law (Sensational) Fnn on the Farm The Wreckers of the Limited Express THE FOLLOWING HITS: Bescned by Carlo $ 600ft. 55.00 Clown's Adventures .... 400ft. 44.00 The Secret of Death Valley ■ • 600ft. 66.00 The Bank Defaulter - 1000ft. 110.00 Life of a lew York Policeman . . 610ft. 87.10 The Unwritten law . 950ft. 104.60 A Winter Day In the Country (Fnnny) . 760ft. 88.50 Too Inch lother.ln.Law (Fnnny) ■ 700ft. 77.00 And the Dog Came Back (Fnnny) ■ ■ 600ft. 88.00 Jamestown Haval BevlOW . . 560ft. 60.50 Oyster Industry - . • • • 500ft. 56.00 When Women Tote (Comic) ■ . . 700ft. 77.00 ii MARVEL" CINEOGRAPH OOMBINED WITH Inoladlng Klnotrio Lump, Oalolom Lamp .ml Adjustable flnm>m»t. All Our Films Class A. Price, 11 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge | The following New Films will be placed upon the market during the week of July 8th to July 13th, THE SOLDIERS HELMET KIIKSCII GAVBIONT. hew O0IEDT. Length, - - 577 Ft. Show, how a bit of deviltry can force an hone.t soldier to go to bed with hi. ahufco on hi. head, »ud yet sober) alio how the cunning doctor, by a ma.terly stroke of genius, separatee the .oldler from the helmet. FATft LIT Y ENGLISH GAVBIONT. SEI8ATI0HAL. Length, - - 424 Ft. Illustrating the old .lory of a man yielding to temptation, and meeting with a fatal tall. SPOIL * F FRENCH GAUAIONT. C0ITEIP0BARE0US C0IEDT. Length, - - 527 Ft. (Vive le Sabotage) The Unionist In France dearly love, the doctrine that he ha. the right to .poll hi. own work when his employer 1. under the ban, and while the workman has not qalt lilt Job| the baker', man .poll, the bread—the barber cut. hi. customer —the hatter .ma.he. the customer*, hat—and the down-trodden labor- er Indulge. In other galetle. which finally drive an Innocent old mupie to suicide by means of a charcoal lire. But Fate decreed that even the charcoal worker had spoiled the charcoal which gave ofr no gas, and the couple was saved. ENGLISH GAUMONT. EXCELLEHT OOIEDT. Length, - - 317 Ft. Shows what an angel child can do—when the angel child I. a boy of the period, who knows what Itch pollen will do to a man when dropped down his back. The vic- tim tracks Into Innumerable diffi- culties while looking for relief, but reaches tbe limit and arrest wheat he scratches himself against a policeman. 52 STATE ST. ■ 662 SIXTH AVE. CHICAGO. NEW YORK, | ELEVEN YEARS IN THE FILM SCHOOL HAS EARNED US THE RIGHT TO THE TITLE OF MOVING PICTURE SPECIALISTS. THAT IS WHY THE NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY LEADS THE WAY AND OTHERS FOLLOW. YOU OBTAIN THE BENEFIT OF OUR EXPERIENCE WITHOUT ADDITIONAL COST. National Film Renting Company. 62 N. Clark St., Ohioagro, 111. VITAGRAPH FILMS 1 12 CENT8 PER FOOT. THE BEST lg~3br...i MADE A NEW SCREAMER, TIE WR01 FLAT tin A Comedy of Errors. OoprrtlMi IWIT, iiyi'ho Vliiigmpli tin. of America. A t;aac of general "iiili-ups"~Illlkliia and .lenklns g»l Into each oilier', flat.-lluve their troubles with each oilier*. wives-And with each other', hired girls.—It', nna big roar —All snap and go—All comedy-OOOD, Clean, Funny Comedy. Length ■_■_■ IH8*S Feet For Sustained Interest and Photographic Excellence Few of our Kecont ■ - Successes can compare with The BANDITS Or,* An Advenlure In Italy. Copyright, lw, l>J Tlio VlUtgnipli Company OI Allli'liru. A New, Sensational film of the RI6HT KIND, Two Cortlcan tourist. In Run- ny Italy—In a rocky ravine they pause to t"V, admlrethe scenery through their field glasses. We aao (by a novel panoramic afreet) a carriage ap- proaching, drawn by four horses ami con- taining a lady ami gentleman, evidently tourists. Suddenly, the peaceful scene changes to tragedy—The carriage la attacked by bandits—The two Americans to the rescue -Kxcltlng hand to hand conniet-llaaillt. routed- Lady rescued. A splendid film, line pholographlcally.wltha rattling good finish. Length ■ ■ ggO Feet IPOU W A D ,1V—"VITAOHAPII" AMI HTAIll.K 1UIKOH I AT. SilO.OII 'Vll F»imBJl , J-«"..viTAtiltAI«ll" LAMP ----- riS.IMI THE VITAOMPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, Selling Ag.ntsi KrJfcllfat OPTICAL. CO., Chlrago, III. MILKS ■nOTllKHS, ■ aa Fran.lsro, Cal. HIW VOIIK, US V...«u Straet. CHICAGO, 101) Randolph Street. LONDON, 10 Cecil Coart. PABIB, IS K«. Salato cm..