The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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548 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July o. EDISON CUSS B FILMS, 12 KITS PER FOOT. UNIVERSAL I0DEL KINETOSCOPE CUSS A FILMS, 15 CENTS PER FOOT. EXHIBITION MODEL KINETOSGOPE FILMS AND PROJECTING KINETOSCOPES. THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD A Thrilling Story of Adventure and Rescue Edison Rheostat UNDERWRITER'S MODEL Approved by the Ifevo York noara of Fire Underwriters ana Vie Department of Water Supply, Can and Electricity. FRONT VIEW SWITCH AND COVER REAR VIEW CASINO REMOVED er coll, by •imply loosening roar hi icrewi. js. ilea vy, periorait-a sneei sieri Ins thoroughly protect! an 1 ventilate■ the colli. Terminal, and adjustable Itcn are mounter! on a non-conducting slate base protected by a (beet iteel somatic closing cover. Asbsstos covereoTcopper wires connect the various colls The above Rheostat Is the result of a series of careful experiments and tests aimed to produce an apparatus to meet every requirement of Municipal Authorities and Motion Picture Exhibitors. The resistance is built up with Individual colls of "Climax" wire and any single coll may be replaced without disturbing any other coll, by simply loosening four set screws. A heavy, perforated sheet steel csslni ■Witt autom with switch contacts, and all connections are solderless. A convenient handle facilitates handling, especially when Rheostat Is hot. All pans are made with Jigs and templets, insuring Intel-changeability. The above Rheostat Is adapted for all models of Edison Projecting Klnetoseopes, and for either 110-DIS volts direct current or 104-110 volts alternating current, and VIS to 30 amperes without excessive heating. The above features, combined with the best materials and workmanship, superior design and construction, have produced a PERFECT RHEOSTAT. CAT. NO. CODE PRICE K.. 151 89 Rheostat, Underwriter's Eodel Tesales $25.00 IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT BEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR NO. :ni. LOST in the ALPS 830ft, CLASS A. Bend for $124.50 Illustrated Des criptive Cir cular No. 319. Great Historical Production DANIEL BOONE 1,000(1. $150.00 CUSS A. Bend for Illustrated Descriptive Circular Ho. 311. Another Up-to-the-Minute Edison Comedy Hit "TEDDY-BEARS 935ft. $140.25 CLASS A. Bend for lllestrated Descriptive Circular No. 317. ^^—■—^^ EDISON EXHIBITION MODEL KINETO- SCOPE, IMPROVED TAKE-UP AND FILM MAGAZINES, 8> I 3 S.O O IMPROVED TAKE-IP AND FILM MAGAZINES, Sj» 3 S.O O IMPROVED TAKE-UP. t$ I S.O o FILM MAGAZINES, EACH, S i o.o o Cohen's Fire Sale Not a Dull Moment Best Fun Ever EVERYBODY Laughs-Even "SOBER SUE" SYPNOSIS OF* SCENES: Cohen's "French" IUll-ery Store—Eater Shoppers—Arrival of a Fresh "in. portation"—Cohen Open Hat Case oo Sidewalk—In. Cohen Selects Several Hats and Betaras to Customers—Cohen Follows to Assist—Ashman Appears and Dumps Packing Case Into Ashcart—Cohen Returns, Discovers Loss, Calls Police and Starts After Ashcart, Followed by En. Cohen and Salesladies— Ashcart on Way to Damp—lata and Bonnets Palling Into the Street- Children Don Headgear and Start Cakewalk—Cohens to the Rescue—Bunch of Irish Women Secure Some of the Prises—Arrival of the Cohens—"A Bough House"—Police Bescue Cohen—Ashcart Beaches Dunning Pier and Bumps Load Into Scow—Italian Laboren Gather in Remnants of Bats and Start Lively Dance—Cohen and Felice Arrive and Secure Dilapidated Billin. ery—Back to the Store—Customers Won't Buy—Business Bad—Cohen in Despair—Discharges Clerks and Betlres to Private Office "TO THINK"— a Bright Idea—The Lamp and the Cat—"Everything Is Bale"—Locking Dp the Store—The Explosion—Taming in the Alarm—Exciting Fire Ban—Alter t Pew Days—Big Fire Bale—Entire Stock Below Cost—Tableau—Ir. and In. Cohen, the Insurance Policy—Diamond Blag for Bachael, Smiles and Kisses. Ho. 63SW. CODE VEKNADEHS. 900ft. CLASS A. 0130.00. IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCHIPT1VE CIRCULAR No. 333. Send for Latest Catalogs and Illustrated Circulars. EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. Chicago Ofltce, 804 Wabash Avenue, New York Office, 81 Union Square. Cable Address, Zymotic. New York. OE FICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 25 CLEEKEN WELL BOAD, LONDON, E. C, sTNGLANU. fimiiwa amravs. the kinetoobaph co., ■ • 41 a 21st st, New v n BasaUlMV AVsOTB. PETER BAC1GALUPI, 1107 Fillmore 8t, Ban Francisco. Cal GEORGE BIIECK, 550-554 Grove St, San Francisco, Cal DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. MAHLER BROS. SIXTH IVE. IND 31st ST., NEW Y8RK. Professional Underwear House of America.! IEASON 1807. A atorftful ot suggoitleni far tk. Spring Season of 1007. Complete Varied Asmrtmanta in CLO AKS , SUITS, WAISTS, MTTiTiTTTEHY, MTJBLTN UNJIJOJtWBAB, HOSIERY, etc., all st •or well knewn Low Prices, CUrvr R"% t? DT Originator* of oar Famooa SRORT VAMP Boom (oi 9| Pi II S" l|l«a*l stage and Street wear, Estimates freely given 01 *p ■ ■ ^aw nm asr am ■ ■■ quantity Orders. Complete Stock*. Dp to Date Style. LOWEST CASH PRICES FOR DESIRABLE FOOTWEAR. OUR MIKE-UP I0XES Made from the very beat tin, are Mack enameled, b dally made for professional use, haying a trey trltk compartments for Grease Paints, Pow- m ►*■ dert, Comb and Brush, Wlgt,Etc., Etc. afaVflt?. Has double action lock, with two keys, at ■»»• OUR COLD CREAM Expressly prepared for the Theatrical Profeteloa guaranteed to be absolutely pure and narer becom rancid In any climate. Pat up in jwund Screw To) guaranteed to be absolutely pure and narer becom* rancid In any climate. Put up In peuo* ' ■In Cans at «5e.| half pound at Soe. SAMPLES W 0BEAI BEIT FREE. ALL MAIL OBDESJi. MUST BE ACCOMP A NI EI BV MONRV oBJbB. NBNB BENT C. O. D. BEND FOR OUR THS9ATRICAL CATALOGUE. MAILED FREE. . THE PLEASURE OF AN AUTOMOBILE TOUR Will be INCREASED beyond measure If you have a . . . TAYLOR AUTO TRUNK Duatproof, Waterproof, Odorproof. Made especially for. people of refine- ment who desire neatness and com- fort while touring. C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, NEWT VORKi 131 W. 38th St. CHICAOOi 41B. Randolph St. J^Y. Al LEWIS and LESSINGTON AT LIBERTY FOR COMING SEASON. in Musical Estella and Faroe Comedy or Burlesque. TONY PASTOR'S WEEK OF JOLY 8. Note our act Is copyrighted, so pirates keep off. Class DXXO, M10. Address GEN. DEL., N. Y. City, N. Y. DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when you can handle goods that will bcU themselves. Electric Helta from $1 per doz. up. Large variety to seleot from. Inhalers, 160. per doi.: Voltaic Insoles, Wo. doz. pairs. rure oocoanut Soap, Siao per groia. Fine Medical Batteries. Send 76c. for sample No. 11E. B. Trial orderwW convince. One-third casb required. UrieBt Manufacturers ot Electrlo Bella and Appliances lnll.8.1. Established 187J. Leoture andprlce list free. ""- THB ELECTRIC APPLJLaHOB Oft.. Ino., lartlnoton, Inn. JUB1LERS' SUPPLIES-SrS^^^a Hooss. United Statea Tent and Awning Co., Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III. CIRCUS CANVA8E8. BLACK TENTS Onr Specialty. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. MR KELT MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES 5/ZE/0X/.L'/25MW8$L 5//£8X1/ dOiPF'RJODO'R, 5AMPL85 lOWffMSh. A. LONDOA 7/8 W/LLOHt- IM Large Stock 80ft. and Onder New and Second Band. Write THB CHARLES P. SIBDBR TENT AND AWNING CO., Successors to the T. W. Noble Co., Tent DepL, Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co.. Detroit. Mich. '% "ACTORS "! 7 ACTRESS os ORATOR \— BEST PAYING PROFESSION IN THE WORLD. We teach yon at your own home in a short.tlme to go upon the stage or speaker's platform. Thou- sands of satisfied students. Write for free booklet on Dramatic Art by Correspondence. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, 689 Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILL •Tights, Sis.OOi Cotton Tights, 111.00) Silk Tights, from M.B3 Bpt "shirts to match, aU a*me pries aa tlghtsi Pomps »» eeatta) Gait- ers, ^l.OOi Elastic Supporters, Si.001 Cloth Supporters.S»B csnU. Send for catalogue and samples f or tlsrhta, free. Positively a de- posit reqalrsd. BaUafactlon gnaran- teed or money refunded. 9PIOEB BROS. M Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, H.T.; New i York Office, Lincoln Bidg., 1 Onion 8q. ! ALFRED J. CAMMEYE 6th Ave. and 20th Street, New York, LEADING HOUSE IN AMERICA FOR THEATRICAL AHD STREET SHOES, SATIN AND LEATHER STAGE SANDALS "CAMMEYER stamped on a Shoe means STANDARD OF MERIT." AU COLORS IN THEATRICAL HOSIERY. Theatrical Catalogue Hailed Free upon Bequest. CAN FIT OUT COMPANIES WITHOUT ANY DELAY. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. Films For Rent or For Sale GOOD SERVICE WITH MODERATE PRICE. A Few Special Bargains in Films Price A Forbidden Sport 25.00 Cavalry School at Torre- Dl-Qulnto 12.00 False Coiners 20.00 Difficult Arrestatlon 16.00 When We Were Boys.... 16.00 Two Little Scamps 11.00 The Creditor's Plea 7.00 Travels of a Trunk 26.00 Indians 0.00 Lynch Law 22.00 Viley'B Vacation 12.00 The Bank Defaulters 40.00 Meet Me at the Fountain... 20.00 Troubles of an. Automobile 17.00 Highway Robbers 35.00 A Jilted Suitor. 4.00 The Counterfeiters 36.00 A Clever Chlet 7.00 The Hooligans of the West 30.00 Why the Typewriter was Fired 12.00 A Dog, Lost, Strayed or Stolen Life of an American Soldier The Fake Blind Man Great Mall Robbery A Thrilling Detective Story Bobby and His Balloon.. Panorama of Market St. Before Earthquake.... Two Seedy Rubes Bigamist 10.00 28.00 12.00 25.00 15.00 17.00 17.00 20.00 26.00 Feet 185 377 7130 100 100 700 05 400 205 CO 55 475 275 125 007 COO 170 1000 050 200 600 125 550 225 525 250 050 150 100 CO 18.W 35.00 4.00 4.00 Price Georgia Camps 8.00 Shooting Expedition Accl dent Fights of All Nations.... Doctor's Office Aa Impromptu Dinner.. ■ Through the Matrimonial Agency ^SS Fun with a Barrel *H Trial MnrrlagOB 20.00 The Charmer (colored).. -J-"" Policeman's Mistake * w Cod Fishing in Newfound land ~JK Black Beauty SB Wlllle'B Vacation *£J5 Inauguration * w Cinderella, or the Little Glass Slipper jf- 0 " The Spy ■ • JU0 ° Photographs from a Rogues Gallery -non Circus In Town J A Winter Day In tuo Country Atlantic City Beach The Wish Bone Sallory Holiday »• •• Secret of Death Valley.. An Evil Day The Squatter's Daughter- Burglars at the Ball Mother-In-Lnw'a Visit.... On the Beach Policeman's Love Affair.. Animated Posters 50.00 .15.00 8.O0 40.00 fi.OO 25.00 8.00 25.00 12.00 :<5.00 7.00 5.00 UN