The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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550 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 13. HOPKINS ft ALLEN WILD WEST REVOLVER 82 or 38 Calibre. Only 88.75 Post- paid, By Mail. Catalogue oi Shot Ount, Rifle* and Revolver!. Free HARBACH'S— AIL UTEST, NEW • Hi PIM MACHINES * EDISON UNIVERSAL AND EXHIBI- TION—American PIIO JKCTOOHAPM, THE FLICKKRLESft MACHINE-Clneogmnh- OpUgraph No. 4— Power'* CAMKHAGRAPH— No. 5, Etc, With or Without Fire Magazlnes- ELECTRIC or CALCIUM. NEW S0N6 SLIDES, PER SET, $5.00. Tl T TP O SplenaUd Variety of JblilLb ELK SLIDES. Every thlnu In NEW and S. H. Motion Picture I Machines fin. Barrel. Btaed Red HOPKINS A ALLEN REVOLVERS are widely used by stage people lieenuso of their high quality and low price. The above model— WILD WEST hicvolvek —la especially desirable for melodrama and Western Shows, because of Its showy size and pistol-like appearance. DESCRIPTION—A long barreled revolver—large ana very showy, large stock and blued octagonal barrel, a half foot long. Makes a great show from the front, and especially with 38 calibres, a very load report when blank cartridges are used. Is double action, self cocking; hammer re- bounds after Urine, obviating the possibility of accidental discharge. Barrel Is twist rifled, and excellent for target practice. The revolver la safe, ac- curate, reliable, and made of best material throughout. 88 calibre, 5 shots; 32 calibre, 6 shots. — Sent by MAIL, POSTPAID, anywhere In the U. 8., for S3.75. SAFB DE- LIVERY AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED—If not found at nearest gun Btore. Same Sun, with triple nickeled barrel frame and cylinder, 60 cents less In either 82 or 88. Icntlon calibre wanted when you write. THE HOPKINS * ALLEN ARMS CO., Theatrical Dept, Norwich, Conn., U. S. A. Lariett Manufacturer! of High Grade Popular Priced Firearm * In the World. Perfect FOOT COMFORT Sure Relief for WEARY FEET A Bar* Remedy for Corns, Bunions and all other afflictions of the feet JOHNSON'S BORAX, IODINE ANB BRAN SOAP Manufactured only by THOS. GILL SOAP CO., loo., Dept. O, 711 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. T At all Drag and Department Stores: Large Cake, 28 cents, or this ad., your dealer's name and address and 90 cents, In coin or stamps will bring it to you. Agents Wanteo. . Films, Stereopt 1- 'cons.SongSlldcs and Supplies. Same wanted. Catalogues free HARBACH * CO., 800 Filbert St., Phiia., Pa, UIDDRPU jl rn 809 pnbert 8t nAHHAIjll & bU. s PHiLA. P pa. EXHIBIT SUPPLY COMPANY, 364 DEARBORN ST,, CHICAGO ei n lomv , PI » lone IvKUKi, ■ 111 JO I Di>i)'l,i|liw JU5 IM Mim. • 1,15 : l,r> till,' Ci'.i. '■• ISO 1,1.50 i»iiuuliii ,iivmiHino-viNoinii.ini.a»CMiii[>. NEW POST CARDS $1.75 PER THOUSAND IpvEPUNTfll ^832-834 BROADWAY. NEW YQfiK. EVERYTHING IN NATURAL PREPARED PALM* TREE* GRASSES, HANGING DASKET5.ARTIF1CIAL FLOWER5.FERNS.F0LIAOt.LTC ALWAYS SOMt'- 1HING NEW. CRASS MATS A SPECIALTY. WRITE FOR CATALOG N? 67 UNIFORMS BAND, MILITARY, MINSTREL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And All Others Sell fir CATALOG. Kcallia till Wiilt* Special Attention Given Ibe PraftMlei Western Uniform Go. 214 S. CLANK ST. CHICAQC "Tell It To Me" KENDALL'S 34 BOOK. ALL SEW . JTTJ8T OUT. for sals on all trains and news standi, or bj null. Mo. Address mzka bbmuall, I dadwell Ave- Mayneld aclints dievelanfl " Do YouWANT MILITARY GOODS ? BAND UNIFORMS. ARMY or NAVY SUITS. TENTB, QUNB and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Oovornmont Auotlon. No matter what jon want In that line I can supply It New or second hand. Bend tor oauuoguo. B. B AltRAHAMH, m South St., Philadelphia, Pa. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEGAN & CO., Cincinnati BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS Wolmvc Hindi- tlin MM (if Wood 1'oIhoii a specialty. HIuoil PoImiii Permanently Cured. You run iiu treated it( home under the hhiiio gunranlr. Capital, *MM,«aie. Woniillolt llio most ul'lHtllMIO L'HKCK. If JiMI have OS; haunted Hie old method* »r treatment ami atlll imvunuhcH and palim. Mucus I'aiilics In Mouth, Hon- Throat, Pimple*. Copper-Colored Spots, lilcerj <m any purl of lite body. "»lr or Kyobrnwa falling out, write for proofs of ourcs. luo-pago Book Froo. COOK REMEDY CO., till Muonlc Temple, Chicago, II I., U.S. A. THE ABOVE IS A SAMPLE OF OUR 75c. LETTER HEAD HALF TONE We can make a half tone from photograph yon furntBb: set up your name, address and act tn type, and print too Letter Heads, sxxll, for $8.M, cash. HNOIVILLK ENGRAVING CO., »1» Hay Bt., Knoxvlll., Tenia. UNrno STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yon a fortune. Ifyon have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, BONG or BOOK that la worth anything, 70a ahoald copyright It. Don't take chances when yon can secure our serv- ices at amall cost. Sendfor our SPluM. OrTti TO INVTNIORS before apply Ing for a patent, •'/ '"•" pay you. rWMWOOK en fattnU lint IMF. We advise If patenta- ble or not, TREE. Wo Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small lees. Consult nil. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, BPtaal HMMHMIM^bMJ H.W. Copyright I Patest Co. tae* 1 WASMH&TON.D.C A I) V A N C E M E N will find it v.cry handy to leave their orders with us for Theatrical :Half-tbne ■ ■ ■ or elecrixitypes'nfvVey.e'r.y kind. Proofs iti\d;priccs^mji:lect. 'Ow _ Standard ■ ■'Engraving . Co. Sn-iilh .■IrirtLf ill ./or/i Xlrirt;'i\'f'il)'' ?'■!■« X'i(i \VK IIAVK FOR I.K.VHK AND 8AL.B Ail vanee. Privilege, llaggane, Stoek, Au- toinobllo and Merry-Oo-Hoond Cars. 60ft. long. Doslrable for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable terms. Write for purtloulara. TUK ARMS PALAOK HORSE OAR COMPANY, No. 1220 Monadnouk Building, Chicago, HI. UiWORIS OF ILL USDS. SAVE MONET BY WRIT!BO TO W. STOKES KIRK, IB1T ■. IDjji tt. Phtlniejnjrji. Pa. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 LA SALLE S [LUCKY S1S3 POLLEOE Students are mighty ** shrewd judges of tobacco. They want the most for their money, and It muBt be good. That la why most of them smoke LUCKY STRIKE Sliced Piug Pipe Tobacco Fine aroma, easily handled, (In thin slices), gives a long, cool, delicious smoke. Does not bite the tongue. Poelcet .lie, tin box, 10c. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR PERMANENTLY REMOVED. A WOMAN'S OWN STORY.. . HOW SHE OURED HERSELF forever by a heme treatment that Is aafe, positive and Iras to nature. Writs me today, enclose atamp and I will tell yon .11. FLOKENCK BH.W. THOBJfg, X05 White PlalneAvo.New York. EVERY ACT01 CART BE A STAB, But for a Dollar and a Half You Can Own a Star Safety Razor, Tha Headliner of Safety Razors. It Fits in Your Make-up Box. It is Simple in Construction, It Is Reliable in Its Work. Shave When You Like. If You Want a Clean, Velvet and Perfect Shave, Use the Star Safety Razor. Sold Everywhere by Dealers, or Kampfe Brothers, Manufacturers, Ten Reade Street, New York City. Money Back If Not Pleased. A fterSha vintf MENNEN^ BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER and Insist that your barber JMk use It also. IMlAollMptlc, Km ond will prevest any of the H skin diseases often con. ■s, ^ tracted. ^L A positive relief (or ■ff»Prlal; Heal, Cballng anil ^^ Soaban. and all rflllctlons of the sViu Removes all odor O f perspiration. Oct Menneo's—the original. Sold everywhere or mailed for US tents. Semplt/rtt. flEKHARD MENNEN CO. Newark, N. J. I Fish, more than any other dish needs careful sea- soning. It is rendered more appetizing by Lea & Perrins' Sauce THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE It is a delightful seasoning for Scalloped Oysters, Broiled Lobster, Cod Fish Balls and Steaks, Deviled Clams, Fish Salads, etc. Beware Of Imitations. John Duncan's Sons, Agents, New York. Ucuideoille and minstrel PROFESSIONAL TRUNKS Five Year Guarantee. 1H3 W. I13STRBBT. NBW YORK. Send for catalogue. Factory, 608 East 117 St. Dick MacK writes: "The following per- formers were engaged to appear ut tbe MJoh Theatre, Lincoln, Neb,, June 24: Tbe Five Alpines, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hart, Daesy and Chase, the Ozavs, and myself. Tbe weather was scorching hot, and the mana- ger decided to hold tbe show that night at Capital Beach. We all reported for rehear- sal at 7 p. h. Mr. end Mtb. Hart and my- self were standing In front of the theatre talking to the manager, at the beach, when It got very dark. Then thunder and lightning be- gan with great wind. The manager said, ^run Tor your lives' We ran Into"the cafe, about ulnly feet from tbe theatre. Inside of two minutes the theatre was blown two hundred feet from Us original place, and was In ruins. The Btorm lasted about forty minutes. None of us knew what it was, but were told It was a tornado. Krom the way the wind was blowing, we thought every minute would be our last. People In town told us it was tbe worst tornado that bad struck the town for twenty years. Kortunatly nobody was hurt. .Manager Zonnan the next day had a stage boilt In tbe open, and we opened up Wednes- day nlgbt. Everyone on the bill Is constant- ly looking for dark clowds." Kbed Gottlob, of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlob, la seriously 111 at Richmond, Ind., and tbe team was compelled to cancel some good Summer work. lio.uitiMAN S. Caiinks, who represents tbe Al. (>. Field Minstrels In New York City, has his hands full these days. Mr. Field arrived tbe ilist of last week, Cbarles Phillips, the press agent; Claude Long, tbe advertising agent, and Doc Qulgley, arc all at bcad- nuarters. Mr. Field will remain here but a few days. He has tbe automobile fever, after a short trip through the Thousand Islands and Canada, and no will go on an automobile tour that wltl extend to July 20, when tbe renearsals begin. Doc Qulgley, who Is entering upon his twentieth year with the Al. O. Field Minstrels, Is taking his ftrst vacation In many years. He reports everything In readlncBs for rehearsals, and Bays the show will be bigger and better than ever before. Every act will have from five to thirty persons In it, and no house scenery will be used, Tbe company carries every bit of material to stage the show. Tbe head- quarters of Mr. Field are In the New Am- sterdam Theatre Building. Uoobx Fields and Maudb Mason, "The Huckster and Newsboy," closed a very suc- cessful season with "My Wife's Family" Co. (Western), June 1, at Port Arthur, Can., and opened their Summer season, 10, at Davenport and Rock Island. Their offering proved a big success at each house. Week of 80. they played the Trocadero, Chicago, after which they 011 In a special engagement of two weeks for John II. Amnions, and lump directly to New York to begin their Eastern time at Pastor's Theatre, week of July 22. UllSTKIi OF THE IMTK11IA1. MlNBTBELB | Sam Harris, Joe Coffman, Billy Broad. Nick Uuf- ford, Hen Evans, comedians, singers; Geo. T. Martin, Edmond Balz, Elmer Groethes, Mercer Ullln, John C. Dickens, Lyle Gardiner, Paul La Londe, Tom Abrams and Jim Templeton. Company closes this month. W. F. Kaiil, of the Flying Flumes, writes from I/os Angetes, Cal.: "Wo are once again In action, having recently returned from an Interior trip, ami are now located at Wash- ington Park Gardens, Los Angeles. There are now three of us tn the act, and we have also added a bounding net, tn which we In- troduce some unique work. William Eddy and family are here with us this week. Geo. Fostbii, black face comedian, and John Brennan, of the team of Jordan and Hii'iinnn, have leased a Summer cottage at Revere Beach, Mass. They had a house- warming June 2. Those present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Foster, Mr. and Mra. John liii'iiniiii, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jordan, Andrew Cummlngs, Doc Dcvlnc, Thos. Duggan, Flo- rence Sisters, Viola Parker, Ollle Hack and Willie Mlntzer. Before the guests departed they presented Messrs. Foster and Brennan with a handsome clock. The Lbhteb linos, have Just closed a suc- cessful season with the Savllle "Humpty Dumuty" Co., and have booked with the Char K. Cbaniplln Stock Company (or next season, Annie Palmbu Is requested to communi- cate with her mother, who is 111 In Philadel- phia. l.ii.i. ian Mubtiu, "The Real German Girl," Informs us of the sad death of her brother v ouls Mcttllng, a champion blcycllBt He died In Dresden, Germany, on Friday, June 21, from injuries received while racing on June 0, following a 24-horsc power motor. Mauiu.n Blake has closed a five weeks' en- gagement at Imnan'a, Coney Island. She has canceled her contract with the Rcntz-Santley Co. for next Boason. Dan Siihhman and Mann, Db Fobest gave their barn dance at their home In Central Park, L. I., on Saturday evening, July 0. Young Buffalo, sensational marksman, will play parks for the remainder of the Sum- mer, after resting at Mount Clemens, for the past six weeks. . k v P* A ,? D Lu «nB, while playing the Grand, Jollet, 111., a banquet was tendered Miss Liucy, on Juno 10, In honor of her birthday by her husband, Paul Luclcr. All the per- formers playing on the bill that week, LoiU B Goldberg, manager, and the employees of the house, were present. Miss Lucy received many gifts, among them a diamond watch from her husband. The above week closed a prosperous season of forty-seven weeks for this team. They will play parks till July 2 when they will go to their borne, Muskegon Heights, Mich., for the Summer, accompanied by George Plnkam, a former member of the Messenger Boys' Trio, who has recently Joined the act. They say: "This will be the greatcat comedy act before the public next season. We open on the Orpheum circuit Sept. 8, at Kansas City, wlththe Kohl « to'ofl'o °* eW0D ' ,Iopklni flnd Kelth clrculte ClubCocKUil ,OTTLED DtLIGUr THOUSANDS have discarded the idea of making their own cocktails—all will after giving the CLUB COCKTAILS a fair trial. Scientifically blended from the choicest old liquors and mellowed with age make them the perfect cocktails that they are. Seven kinds, most popular of which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan (Whiskey base). The following label appears on every bottle Guaranteed nailer the National Pare Pood and Drug. Act. Ap- proved Jane 80th, 1800. Serial No. lTOT. G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. Bole Proprietors Har tford New York London Lord & Taylor WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Professionals at home or en route advisel to ask for this brand. Note Trade Mark above stamped on every pair. The finest hose made. Sold by all dealers every- where. Special features: Colors to match shoes and costumes. "Onyx" Hosiery Procurable in all conceivable styles, fabrics and prices; cotton to silk. NEW YORK. ASTRONG STi X. Bnztn'a, the original Depilatory, removes the hair from llio face, nook or arms without fall. No HI ellects. Used by women of refinement for over soventy years. For Bale at all first class toilet counters, or by mall In sealed packages, for fifty cents, including postage HAW, ii RVOKEIi, Now York City, Makora.ofjSozodont. CALLAHAN-the SCHOLARSHIP MAN' sell scholarships In schools and col- leges everywhere at a liberal discount. I Over .100 pleased patrons. Send for my I plan, Btatlngcbolee of school ond when! you wish to enroll. in N. ' JUKILCaUMutt. MfflR BlIr.CMfsM •BaeaaiaaBBBBaaaaaMBuaMMeisBi