The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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July 13. TEDS NEW YORK; qLIPP^E. 559 tlic fastest boat of Hm size on Lake Michigan. The launch Is n new one, and Mr. Clifford, who In an enthusiastic sailor, Is plcaiied -Willi bis purchase. TUc boats: Is fifty feet long. Is «qulpbctf' with n twenty-four Dorse power, four cyjlndisr engine. bus a top speed of lilnotcun miles and hour. Is lighted by elec- tricity, and' Is most handsomely fitted. Mr. Clifford, took a large part)' of. theatrical managers for an all day undue on the, lake. July 3* I'liscllln Carver made her locul debut very successfully at one of tlie recent Daniroscta concerto, at Ilavlnla Park, and proved a very competent pianist. On the evening of her appearance every neat In the vast hall was occupied A illin In a moving plcturo machine, operated at the Uve rent theatre, 1032 Lincoln Avenue, exploded, night of C, and men, women and cnlldrcn fought to gain the exit. A. s. Cowan strove lo unlet the people, but they continued their mud rush, although It Is not known that any one was seriously Injured. The damage to the building Is about $1.000 Zcll II. llarsbberger, formerly military Instructor In the rurcntal School, will appear In tie cast of "Miss Civilisation," at the Majestic this week, at which time he will make bis professional debut Brookes' Band will apiN-ar at Ulvervlew Park '-!!, remaining For two weeks Walter K. IInI, formerly Chicago .representative of- the New York i'mi'I'Vu, was a Bureau culler, 5, being In advance of the Buffalo BUI Show, which Is scheduled to arrive 22. Mr. Hill' Is looking remarkably well, and stateB that llio show Is doing a great business Oargnlllo's Band will go to City Hark, Denver. 13. for two weeks Ferritin" m Band will play a re- turn engagement at Hans Soucl in (September. George H. Itolcome'a Pittsburg Band will make Its first Western appearance July 21, at Sans Souel Park .toe McCormleli, of Manchester. In., la In the city, louklog for attractions fur bis opera house for licit sea- son Howard and Doyle, who Lave been nway i"in the loop district for some time, jiuve returned, taking over William T. Gas- ket I's People'u exchange, at US Washington Street, where they will.carry oa the business recently built up by Mr. Oaskell. They are lu a position to supply managers, and pluycrs with all needs, for, besides having been in the biislnes inauy years, they have kept in lunch with the situation while ensconced in their theatre on the North Side, and their list of plays Includes many of the best known, to which they have the rights for Southern aud Western territory. Howard's Theatre w'll reopen Sept. 1. playlug flock us last aaavM, with an occasional week of some traveling company William T. Haskell, formerly manager of the People's Exchange, will be In charge, next season, of "The Original Cohen." whlcTi Is owned by Rowland & Clifford. Cuba Muv Nlliln (Mrs. i;»skill i will be In the enst, ami Air. Gusklll says that the company, which will number twenty-live people, will make n reputation for the lavlshness of tbc produc- tion and the general excellence of tlie players. P. J. Ridge, manager of the Western Dramatic Agency, on Lu Salle Street, has beer, kept very busy lately filling the orders which have poured In upon him from niunu- gurs looking for people, uud slates that he caunot get' enough actor* to (111 the posi- tions. Mr. Ridge Is a hurd worker, and. be- sides running his agency, has eburgc of i Doe dancing academy aud school of acting. Newell and N'lblo left town a few days ngo for Hie Kant, and will sail for Tendon, to take up a year's bookings on the continent mid the British Isles, Minx Nlblo (.Mrs. Newell) Is a sister of Cuba May Nlblo, uud litis spent much of ber vacation wllh her at the home on Irving Park Boulevard I'liiiiklln Wright was u culler 0, and is all ready to book l»ls lutest attraction, "Across the Isthmus." for which lie Is already se- curing people. There will he eighteen mem- bers of the company, and speelul sets will bo curried fur the eight scenes Wilfred Ltiiits, who plays tlie role of Han Ma I lory so excellently, In' "The Chorus Lud.v," Is llio niilliiir of n sketch, I'lilll'lod "C'lHIdreu of Japan.'' Which will be seen lu vuudevlllu next scuboii "The Cat aud tlie riddle," Lincoln J. Carter's big spectacular produc- tion, will have lis iulilnl performance at tbo Criterion Theatre. Aug. .18 Muyu.trd Walfe him gone to his home In Prince Bii- wurd island for a vacutlou. and during iili iibsonee, his position as manager of 14 Tho < 'linens Lndv" will be filled by Harry W. Davis, formerly of the Sludebiikcr Thenli-i forces. After his vueullun Mr. AVnlle. will become general representative of Henry It. Harris' attractions Morgan (ionium. who ixniii'R to tin! O.artiek, In "Tlie Boys "T Co. It.." was Hm first Stub Tnlmudgo lu "Tlie College Widow," and made u uiurked Impres- sion, bv his perforuiniice here Charles Mocrcnhuiit. vlolltilst; Uagitn Llnuc, soprano, nml Kurt Wan-lock, pianist, will give a r.v clfal morning of 10, at: Kliiiiwll Hall, under Hie iiusplces of the American Conservatory. jjmll Ileermiin. violinist, will appear ni Hie llrst concert of the Summer series, given by tho Chicago. Muslcul College, 12. In Music Hall Adollih Wei- dig, violinist: Iloract! Brltt, 'cellist, ami l.nulse Urowii. pianist, will give a recital at .Mandel Hall, evening or II Jeff T. Branen'was a Bureau caller 0. and It seems that lie la very busy in his new quarters, (17 Clark Street where he has Just succeeded in gelling settled, ufter liuvlug many, altera- tion* made In Hie place Clarence Cha- pel ht very husv In his inuale store ou Wnsli- Ingtou Street, -which he assumed control of ubout tlie llrBt of 'May, and MM that busl- lless Is exceeding his expoctutloDu Frank Wluch is one of. the busiest young men In Chicago, for since havlug been ap- pointed general representative of all How- land & Clifford's iittrnctlous. he lias had a large amount of outside newspaper work to iiDtcnd to, besides getting out ull the press mailer for the llrm, In addition to which he Iihh Just gotten out the llrst edition of Vhntwr for the coining season, the Journal of the It. & C. attractions ..Henry S. Hawyer who has an offle.0 In the Oneouta Building,, was a caller 0. and Is very biuy gelling our numerous o relies I rations, for which lie has received orders. Mr. Sawyer has long had the reputation of being one of Ihe best nrrnngers mid composers lu the city. Other Bureau callers during the week Included: K. A. Ratsch. Frank Nelson, of NclBon Bros.; David Landau. John Heron, Robert Fargo Martin Bowers, Charles For- rester and Mr. Leigh. 1 4»» LOUISIANA. Men Orleans. — At White City (CV C. MutthewH. manager) big crowds attended week of June 90, and enjoyed the production hv Olympic Opera Co.. of "Kra Dlavolo..' .las. Stevens, In Ihe title role, scored heavily, and together with the able assistance of.Lot- tie Kendall and Itobt. l'ltkln. gained them all much applause. "La Mascotte' Is the hill July 7 and week. Wrst KMI (A. Bister, resident manager). Tosso's concert build continues to lie a feat- ure'at this popular hike resort, wnilo the vaudeville bill for week or .lunn 30 Includes: Wurden and CiladdHb, Carroll and Usher, Kiiles Rros.. and Roberts. Hayes and Hubert*. Stella Brandt, will be the headllucr for week of July 7. with Roberts. Hayes and Roberts, and Wcrden and Oladdlsh us hold overs. >. »»' . rw- \ i;miovr. Uiirllimton. At the Strong Theutre ft'iihn & Grant, managers! Archie L. Shcp- ard's moving pictures are doing well. Notks. —The Tbeiilorlimi (J. 1*. Doyle, niiiu- nzcri. moving nMnrr*'dally, drew H. It. O. Tue lllxson-Barlow, Slock Co. can- celed Its date here on account of the Illness of .the leading lady, Viclorv Uatcman l'nrepiiiigli-Sella Rrna.' Clrrna will appear here Aug. 12, on (he Allen Inl, M HMwirnc Street. I'ESSSVLVA.MA. Phllndrlpklau—Kvery thing Is ready for tbc ISlks reunion, which begins July 15 and continues for the week. More than 200,000 visitors are expected, and liilliitlclphluns Intend to make a determined effort during that week to dispel the Idea that tbe City or Brotherly Love Is a alow town. Councils have responded nobly, and appropriated $60,000 for a Court of Honor, which it Is claimed Is one of tbc finest erected. It ex- tends for a distance of two blocks on Broad Street, North and South of the City Hull, and when lighted at night presents a mag- nificent spectacle. A unique feature of the reunion will be a parade of all the bands on July 17. As more than one hundred musical organisation* will be here, the possibility of four thousand men, all rendering tho same selection, should prove an Inspiring sight. Tbc big parade takes place 18, In which It Is expected that more than 100,000 will take part. Paiik tl\ G. Nlxoii-Nlrdlloger. manager). —Tbe Shaw Opera Co. puts on a revival of "The Chimes of Normandy" week of July 8. Last week, "The Mikado" was splendidly sung, aud drew lioues of large proportions. "The Pirates of Penzance" 15. Kwtu'h (H, T. Jordan, manager).—The current week'a bill Is chock full of headline™, Including: Nat M. Wills, Maggie nine, Tom Ntiwii, Sidney Drew and company (second week). Swan and Bombard, Willie Eckstein. Arnoldo's trained animals, Cooper and Rob- inson, "Thirty Minutes of Faust," Welch, Lynch aud company, the Three Gardner Children, tbe Wlora Duo, Oallando, Zeno, Jordan and Zcno. uud the klnetograph. Julius Tauuen made a pronounced hit lust week with the crowds, while the specialty or WJnonu Winter was also highly appreciated. ChknTNUt Stiii:i:t Oimiiia Hochk I Nixon & /.burntrmait, managers).—Daisy James ami the London Models are tbe features of tbc bill week of 8. Others are: Malay and Burke, Froslni, the Imperial Russian Troupe. Ray L. ltoycc, tlie Tourbtllons. the RuppcltH and. animated pictures. Tbe bill last week drew tine houses. BlJOL' (George W. Klfe, manager).—The house show week of 8 enlists tbe services of Jules llaiinii. Martini and Maxlmllllaii. Pcro and Wilson, and ICdna Davenport'. There lire nlso two lively burlesques. Unmindful of the weather, the patrons of this house turn up regularly. Lyckum lJohn G, .Ionium, manager).— Tbe bouse show continues to entertain nice houses. Wm. T. Kelly continues to add to his reputation as a fun maker In the bur- lesques On Thursday nights there Is an ath- letic carnival, in which the future greats pum- mel each other lo the satisfaction of the patrons. Tiiuc.iuwio (Fred Wlllson, inanager).— Watson's Cozy Corner Girls are still eujoy- ing prosperous returns. Tlie current weeks features are: Tue burlesijucs, "Seashore Girls" and "A Breezy Time." lu which Billy Watson works overtime to entertain the crowds that arc always in attendance. Bkhckwooo Paiik |F.. K. Downs, malin- ger).—A reduction in the fare to this re- sort, which In c nine effective on July 7. added to tile attendance. The Franklin Concert Baud Is the musical feature for the week, while the open a I r show has the services ut the Flood Sisters uud Itlce uud Klnier. Willow Gkuvk Paiik (F. II. Lincoln, inau- nger).—Pryor's Baud concluded Its engage- ment ft. and was succeeded by Victor Her- bert aud bis orchestra, who will remain nut 11 Aug. 0. Business continues big. Wc puns no; Paiik (Wm. J. Decyiug, mana- ger).—The Verdi Itulluu Symphony Orches- tra Is giving two concerts dully, which nrc much appreciated by the throngs Hint fre- quent this park. Waxiiinoton Paiik (Win. .1. Thompson, niauugcr)..—Tlie big electrical fountain and tin' Roiutin Imperial llunil continue lo be Hie two big fcitlures wllb the crowds. During the convention of the Klks, 15-20, this re- sort will lie the scene of a huge clambake, when tables will be prepared for 12,000 guests. Wiiitb cii'V (II. M. Auehy, manager).— The various features at this park continue to be well patronized. An added attraction Is Little Hip, the trick elephant, which appears In llio free show, Norus.—F,lsle G, Ileitis, one of Joe Web- er's chorus girls, was married, ou July 8, In this city, to Wm. Slewurt Hoggerty, a non- professional Carl Poll leg, court con- ductor of Ihe Royal Opera ut Stttllgiirt, inc. been Chosen ns Ilia successor of the late Fritz Schccl, lo lead the Philadelphia Or- chestra Business Muuager George W. Mot/.el. of the Glrard, Is vacationing at Atlantic City The new moving picture hall of S. l.nMii. at Nos. U2U-2H Murkct SI reel, wus opened lo the public on July 0, und Is doing a ruslilug business. It Is the most gorgeous lu the city, tho front, for a height of nearly one hundred reet, being of decorated plaster, with timid mis or electric lights. The hall bus a Heating capacity of nearly ftuu. ■ l'liiKi.ppra, —At the Nixon (Tbos. P. Klrke, ni'iuagcr) this week's bill Includes; i/oulse Dresser, May Ward, Tom Waters, Will Rogers, Mile. Bunny's pets, the Country Choir. ChevuHor Do Lorfs. Grill Brothers und the Three Yosearys. Business Is very good. Guano (Harry Davis, muuuger).—This week's bill is one of the best of the season, and Includes: Cecilia Loftus, Marie Wulii- wrlgbt, Sulci Iff Troupe, Uruest Ilogun, Bee- uuh and Miller. Rlulto Comedy Four, Arm- strong and Holly, Keere and Pearl, Mile. Marttiu, Martin Bros., Alexander and Clark, liberty's poodles, Ihe Kromers und the cine- matograph. Business continues good. HifrounuMH dm J. t« Motto luanuger). — This week's hill ilncludes: Pauline Slussmi, Kennedy und Loug, Musical Seclcy, aud Hob Roberts, llusliiess bus been satisfactory, uud the putrons are getting a very good show every week. The Italian Orchestra coutlnucs to be very popular In dally concerts. Ma.iestii: (Howard Hoycr, manager).— Tb-lB week's bill Includes: Foster and Mark. Juuies Logue, Sum Cole and Flying Wuldo. Business has been very fair. Tho Bust Und Casino, under the same management. Is pre- senting for this week : Frank Claytum Tweedy and IfobiU'ts, and Beiitrlce Smllli. Business last wevk was tine. Luna (Elmer 15. Gregg, manager!,—Weber's Prize Bund continues for another week. It has made a triumphant success during Its blay In the city. . Blanche Mchaffcy, soprano, and John O'Donnell, tenor, are exceedingly popular. Business has been big. and the patrons are getting a tine entertainment. Slauuger Gregg Is one of the most popular managers In the city, and Is always on the lookout for sopie good attractions. Kknnywouii (A. F. Mchahan. mutineer).— Sunday afternoon and evening Knights of Pytblus' Bund und Hie lyric tenor. Lou s iliinvey, late soloist of-Sonsa'* Band, hemp's Wild West continues' to ploy to big crowds. Business Is good all around. HOUTOKHN <A. S. McSwIgan, manager).— Sunday afternoon and evening, Hnrtz and bis bund, In refined-und populur concerts, arid the special engagement or Bert Marshall, rhc artistic monologlst and eccentric dancer. Business-is very good. Dukam Citv •(Stanley E. Vlckcrs. muna- g.'r).—-I'tee twice dully, tbe Great Nelson, on high wire, und De Lucca*' 12, S. Baild. Special engagement to-day or Josephine Modurclll, soprano. Business hus been very good, und the putrons urc enjoying good shown. Cunkv Islano.— Ilerr Mayor and his bum! furnish tho music. Concerts afternoon and evening. The beauties of this, tho newest idea sura mirk In Western Pennsylvania, have inkcua lusllug hold ou'the people. Snd every day sees thu crowds on the famous Coney Island-Boardwalk growing larger.-Business was Big f»r the opening week. ' Notbk. —luspiuo and McDonald, comedy acrobats, who make their home III one of Ihe ritburbs of Pittsburg, have again signed with II. W. Williams' Imperial Hurlesuuerx (West- ern wheel!, and exjiect to leave for New York shortly, to begin rehearsals. They ex- eect to present ouc of the best acts of the lad now playing before I lie public Pat IjiIIv, the popular little Irishman, and Bill Miller, of Ihe lllppodroiue. urc contem- plating a two weeks' visit lo At'untlc City. In Iu» near future. Rriv.—At Waldumeer tTlios. Malouey, manager) big tit tendance* ruled during ill" last week, with Josh Daly's Minstrel*. It'll for July 7 and week Includes: The (ircul Chick, the De Mutli*. Gertrude Flake and tbe Svyons. The dancing ut the beautiful pavilion has la come a feature. FOUR Mii.k Crkkk III. T. Foster, mana- ger).—Large attendance during past week. Fa milt (V, l>. Klchcnlaiih, manager i,— Business during past week was excellent. Bill for July 7 and week Includes: Thu Fun tastic I.:i Belles, Leonard ami Drake. Jug gling Kecnc aud John Long Niitks. —Prof. A. H. Knoll, cornet KiiloNt, Is spending Ills Summer vacation ill bis home here... .Buffalo Bill's Wild West shows here lu. tunetnier,—(In Hie Rtsif Garden (Chan. M. Howell, manager) Ihe change from mu- sical comedy to vaudeville, week »t July 1. proved very miereBsful, ami tlie present week's bill, beginning 8, Includes: The linn po Sisters, Collins and Brown, Lillian Mills aud rcilila Mortis, Stall Airnrnbl. Frank ^lalteKe and cninpuny. In •'The Wrong Mrs. Applclon:" Foreslo aud his dog, and the moving pictures. Rocky Si-iiinun (II. I). Grltnihx. iiiaiiiiger), —"The Sign of the Four" did well. III. "(inr Boys" 8-lTt. Immense crowds were present in the.park on the Fourth, uud the theatre WU8 patronized lo Its full capacity. jt » ' Scrantoii.—At Luna Pnrk (I.en B. Sins*, manager), week of July 8. are Idiwrenee's Band and Ihe Lorrc Trio, as features. Busi- ness continues tine. Notks. — Leu It. Sloss succeeded James Atherton, us manager of l.inui I'ark. July 0. Work on the new Poll ami Cotiiuilila Theatres 1s progressing rnphlly, and both bouses will open the first week In September. The Family Theatre closed June 2P, to make allernllou* and Improvements before opening again In September. ■ ■ '■ York.—Al the York Opera House III. C. Pratl) manager! "The Man from Mexico" wus preseuled bv the Pnwiler nml Rouge. Club to a large audience. July 2, The entire east was made up of Its'til pniple. under the 1 management of Ituiiiild MncDoiiilliI, of New York. The preseuiulloii wus n most credit- able one. und thoroughly iippreeluled by ml. Himii.ami Paiik HI'Kha IIoisk i York Street Railway Co.i—"The Gambler's Wire" and "The MnnxlMU" drew large niullctices Niiri:.—-Ilerberl tillli-Hnle. of the Kirk Brown Co., Is sis'iidlug his vacation with bis purents III this eliy. i Altoona.—At the Mlshler (I. C. Mlsliler, malingerl Ihe Summer season begun July M, with the Andruda Slock Co., lu "A Trip lo Chinatown." Lakkmomt Paiik (J. M. Shuck, miinageri. — Big business riibtl MM of I. Week of 8 Include: I'lslc Harvey mid company. L, Grant Gibson aud cniiipuny. Short ami Kd- wards. Bert Page and Jules Lnrvcll. Hi aii (Sllverinuii Bros., iniinagers).--The iittendalice was good wtvk of I. The nil for week of s Includes: John II. Miiiihu, labile Muck IIUll Koppe. U'llllHiiiMiMirt. Ai Yalli nil Park Pa- vilion (Gusllnc Glauinlru. mamigerl Hie Vil- 'iimout Stock Co. ilhl tine liiislness In "lie Lnle Mr. Brown," June 27-20, uud "Cast Adlift" July I-a. "The Gruiul (ltd ling" I- 0. "Mnm'zelle" 8-10. "A i'ule of Hie Hills" 1I-1U. "Salome" 1.117. •i'liiillllo" 18-211. THEATRICAL HOTELS • nil BOARDING HOUSES. WH. TKl.l. IIOVMK, llowartl and SumcraoL tits., Boston. Vlelullyipf all vumlovllle Hit alios' About MWQCk. HMIl.r MANN WA RT, Prop. HUMUM WiilinMli Ave., UIIICAtHI, SUM! per Hay. EuropSgff. fi; no per VYeek, TUAKAI.dAll.lK, 117 K. 14, N. Y.,nr. Keith's Aead. of Hiislo, Dowoy. Kooms 6oc., 16o., $1, tl.Mdsy; $g.Wto$8 wcok. W.D.IIANNlOAN.Prop . Wabnsh A MadlHiiti, CIIIOAIIO, L. W. Valium, Prop. Hlrlclly ■ I i.. 11 ■ iik Aiiiiuiciiii Plan. $8-16 single. $T-ta Double. Vanilevllle palronsgu Inv lleil. ^ALACK IIOIKL, 101 N. Ulal k 8L, OhlCAgO. Knropoan, per week: with private hath, IT. Tarklah Bath, too. II. B. humpiuik Y, Trap. A E R ULCARDENS V'^i. A-TOP NK\V AMSTRUhAMTUKATRK, W.« SI. SAM II. IIAUKIS rrceitls GEO. M. COHAN. TlifSniiiiiiei'» llnlinleat Klitei'tiilllinenl. THE HONEY3WOONER8, A JIKHIIV I.AVOIIINU FliOl.ll'. JARhirf l)K I'AIMK A-topthc Now York and t'rlleriiiii Theatres. Follies of IS>07. Kniiiia CariH. llraee l.a Hue. I .III Inti l,ec, lime* Leigh, Ntiiislilnii.V Tempest.Charles.I. Iloss, nickel Kill \) Illsoll, Mile. I hi/ le. wllb .1(1 ANKA II KM) (.tltl.i. PASTOR'S O'Briin & Buckley Wm, A. Inman & Co. Rogers Ik Warren Montgomery & Moore Lewis & Lesslnglon Musical Heuhn Mlrrorgraph Jewells Manikins Wlllard & Bond Dracula Three Violets Mike Scott Mllo Sisters The Vitagrapti touj^i Of llluli < Iiikh Vnii.Ievllle Tlicntrcn. M. MliYUHFULIi Jit.. I'ltlOS.; MARTIN IlKCK, GIQNKIIAL MANAOKK. All AnpllcatlonH for Time Munt He Addre»aod to C. II. till A V. Hooking Manager, jtoJtjtUj Theatre BullJInl. (,'hlcag o. III. Huber's 'hT Museum WADiTKi). Tor opening, Aug. t, and after, ATTRACTIONS for Curio Halls and Theatre Audrain J. II. ANjlKltStlN. Mjir. BERTRAM MILLAR, _JT W. fflltll ST., NHW YOIIK. lhiiM- liicvil 8vliro ( yer. Again The Seiikatlnn of Kin ope. SIX--C0ENALLAS--6 AVOIll/O'H IIRKATntT ACIII1BAT8. Address, per route, rllltKI'AIKIII-SKLI.H MHOS. 1 OIHQIIS, I'CTI'. CIIIINAM.A. Miiimgor. Shreirvsbury ■nmetw. AIIDKFSS THIS (IKliCK. RICHARD C. MADOOX, liKlin.n rt»MKIHA.\, SKASON IIHJIK, KILIKIV .1 ItltllTON'S "Till; IIASI IV Kill" CO. ANNY BARTLING CHAMPION LADY JUGGLER ansivi'i,i> in niwf liKIHUIHTTK. Ill WKKKH UN TIIK l)lll'lli:i M l.'IIUIIHT. HARRY THOMSON, Hit Honor, Tho Mayor ol tho Bowory. tkl. lawil Hi'Hinvit'K. litiMiklyji, isieiis iVir«i», " Raymond S Poote East lynne Co. Mii-n-iiiiiH fur I i.iii ■ I nml (It elicit in, Musicians lor llunil ami Sliign. Sboiv opens lu KepUifiilier. .IAUI1 IHHMtK, l'lillimell, Midi. WANTED-(tollable AtlCHiiee Agent to pllnl a 2-car railway allow and iittciul all dotiilla In the publicity department, not excepting I he bill punt- ing, will bo furiilHhml iiitKiHiiiiil. Wire, Hinting ull particulars and aulary. John .Inluinoii, iilvato write. Adihosa HUNIIi;U lt UH()S., Aiiiorlllii.tuxHs. •NEW OPKItA HOOK. wIliTic open Hopf.Vl at IIAIITKOIU), AUK. Population K.IMO, with I .mm to draw from. Healing capacity, nou, I want a First Claim Show to open wit It. SeiiHon 1WI-8. It. U. DAVID. Manager, box u>. Iliiiiforil, Ark. WANTED - (iLll.'K ■ IIOUKKTH STDHK CO., Under Canvas Actors doing Spermines nml dim- Hog Baud. Also Cornel doubling Violin, oilier Muslcluus, write. We uuv all. AddrcHH II. J. ULICK, Manuger. Per Home, WANTED (ttrtOK-Al Mod. PerformerM who fake oraau, Cbiiiedlniis, Tuanw ami l.eeturors wlio do upcclalties. llalloritreel. All Hiiiiiincr. Salary sure, ntlu or shine. Drink? yen. Boozer No. Modern Remedy Co.. Aldemon, Llin. Co.. Penim. WANTED ttUK K, MK1J. PKIIPUKMKU. Al Sketch Team, Cumedluiis. t'uutorllolilsl. I'lano V. or K. Olmngo for a week and make good. Top nalarv to good people. Ticket*. NO. .iind been there. Sklury Ktire. Mtiit. CLHTON KKMBDY, H. H. VAN', CMiPttlbiirg, Davla Co., lad. banjos— The worid'a nnest. ThoCelobraied Wbyte Lajdlo. .Calalogs aud Ilnlf-ToDM of M ArtllU Free. THH A. 0. FAIRBANKS 00., 12 Rod ban St.. Bontou. h*m. ^^ WANTED, AOENTS— legitimate, subslltuti: for slot machines, patented, sells on night for $1. I'artkiulars. (ilbllA CO., Anderson. Indlkna. HOW TtMJTAltTIN SHOW HUHIflK»8. IOoPlrlIht«<l), a dlner< l ' lt boom, 10c. All klndiOoL WoitPHBriB SCHOOL. 137 M. 1'ith Ht„ Phtl»„ Pa, ■II. II. BEATTIK, LAWYEIl, ConflilenlUI CasotiaspeclHUr. Jiidgiiicntjtand decrees obtained prompilv; no d u lay. Counsel free. 4941 Indian Ave . third floor, OlifcHgo. HOW TO HKCOCIE A CONTURTIONIBT. front and Baok Bending, each trick Illustrated. Hoe. Morphel'a School. a» N. 121 ri St., Phlla,, Pa . MAJp MACUINE1, NKW PIN OUII. ESSS moneymaker. 1,000 othkiik, cilKAP. ULOAN HOVMLTY CO.. Wallon S, Phllvielplila, Pa. WANTED, r Iiie DaagottTheatre Coup»y full ItEP. A Vimiig Man uud Woman for Juvenile rjORiiM, Tall Oliaraeiur Mini ami a Man for Henries. Men In double in Units If possible. Slniw opens fur rchciiwiil in Mlilililleiown, liul , •inlv a. Aihlreas EDWIN' II. UI'.MiOS Co., lure or Cry.«liil Tlieutre, Logiinspmi. I ml. II. nml II. Men wr ite: iilsu stale lowest milury. WANTED, ~ "»GAY DECEIVER" CO. The Best Band Actors in America To double s. nml I).; also Harp Player. Olher-t write npcn here Aug. In. Musi lie hero Aug. In. I\_t:. RI'I.K. Iliiumiiil, Iowa. WANTKD, FOR TIE SOU HIT JAY SECOND SKASON OI'li\s All CI. Ill Niieelalty Ciimedlau for Rube KlilfJayi. character Man nml Woman wllh dpccbililcs. .hiccnllc Man ami Wouiiiii Mini ciin sing. Pliiiilnl who can do a bit. Oilier Omul People with SpoclallliM, write. No fiiucy sitliirles. Thin Is n Kobe Show. Slab) lowest nml nil llrst teller. St ud photos. .1. II. IIAI'.MAN. Mgi'.. Wiitlswiirlb. (1. WANTED, RAYMOND AND POORE EAST LYNNE 00. h'eniiirlng tlie groat emotlotinl n,treK~, MIMS IIIKNK T.WLIlll, people for KiihI l.ymie, Singing and linniing Sniibrclle. All i pie uiiisi be Imlle- iiinl geutleiiien iliul dre-s well on met oil. .since opens III isepi. .I .M'K I'QUIIi;. I'lnlmv ell, Mich . PRIVATE CAR FOR SALE OR RENT. Klgin I'lilhniiu sections, Inn private rooms ivllii IiI'msm Itiul, lieilillng compliie mid two lintuuct uf linen. Is iieb,-n new ami coinplele. Sleel plul- forms. Hlx wheel Uncles, I'ltlcngj limpeiiloii. Illne prints nml full piuilcobns on iippllcuiiou. m\ in JI,T/.l\lll,l;, III Aslilmiil llltick, Clil c iigo. Now Booking Season of 1907- 8, SIQAN OPERA HOUSE, MiKV ELAN l», OK I. A IIO.iI \. Senlliig mi|iiiiil.l ion. I'opnliilloii j.nllo. Klcrlrle llglileil lliroiiglinul. Will book one one night sliitnl 11 week from Oct. I In March ill. Wnni Ciiuile (Ipcrn or Mllsli id I'nineily lo open 111-1 week In October. \\ ill guarantee ilgbl kind. II, A. ciioimii, Muimiiei'. WANTED, Man for Comedy, One piece. Mum join on'is ire rule., no. Make It low, yon gel II. 1 pay rallmiiil. Addriwa 11. it. IH.A IIIIUKN. 'llocliesliT, N. II., Ill: .Hinifonl, Mc, III, DEWEY MUSIC HALL WANTKIi-Tcinn-. Slider Tciilini and Slnglii Witliieii ill all limes. AiMit-s JOHN SKII'KItT, I'liip. uud Mgr., Dewey Music IhiP, l!llra,_N._V LET US BOOK YOUR SHOW? l-'llleeu Yen i's' Kxpcrluucc. Hi— i liesnlis. Terms ItcKMimible. KAItll.V MASN, Suite IMO, KnlfkiirlMickoiiiiealroUldlg.,S. Y.OIty. 10 REHEARSING I00IB imm' 11.00 11 relieiimitl. Kino restuiininl mid hotel In eoinicclloii. .lOKL'S, •.tin Weal list HI., '.' minutes' Weal Broad way. "thk LiviNUMTUN iiciiiioii ok piano TIJNINO. Only School Icneliliig Coiisliiictlon and llepiiliing tif viii ions I'lnuti I'liiycrs. Musi ininlili eratlvc of PImiio Tuning, Write for cnta- logue. 411 Henry Sirccl. Iilngliiiiiilon, N. V. SUIT 11A I III V I; IIAKI. A INS, ■ I Mills' l'lieuniutlt I'utiiiier, $lo; 'J large Detroit Punchcre, |h; I siniill Del roll Plllie.lier, *.',; 1 Loop (lie Loop (Illin. Ml 1 Mx K-lluni, $i\ II liiiml wilidiKillmui III. lull I'hiuiogi'jiplis, coinplnle, ft encli; I Souvenir Ptmlal »«; 1 Dclrnlt Klcetrlc. $4; l (iypity Talking Ktirliuiv Teller, flu-. I Men's Love belter nml (.'Urdu, .«'i; t Women's, Luvn boiler mid ('mils, $t>; u liirgn sign*, |l; l largo Penny Money Oluuigcr, III In Y. linn Don I lolls, $U| Mm lino plum und colored views, iu:.i!i'u<cii iixo fi. metal Liiugliing luiilcry MlrrorH, lift. 'JO pasnotiger. Iiaiul |Kiwor Merry-Oo- lloiiiid ami Organ, *wi. W. I. Cook, Oediir Itiiplds, lu. KRKillT, .UBITIIH S \m\\ To Inke otic-lmll llllercd III New. Si'lisillliiiiul Poll) lliillel. Mo-I mnlersiiiiiil Hie biislnes,, knoiv hnw loliitudle girls, design ami cosluuie. mid iini-t In vesi ni leiisi f:mu. I have n sine winner. Send pliolo uud slump bo pnllbiibil-. IlKlllHIK W. Iilililis, bit Miiiiluouieiy sued, Purllnml. Ilrngnn, AT LIBERTY, Union Stage Carpenter and Property Man. Ailllre.s IIIOHT It Ml MM, I II I 1'.. lotlie Ml., I'lllllOll, tl|,l,,. _ WANTED, l-'lllST CLASH I'lAMi IMiAYKIl One who inidersbiuibi iiluvllig for moving pictures; „|„l(IIIVII!IIANTUMMIII.I.i''i;il HOM'M AMI WOII It I III: KI't'K.ITIi Mnsl Inive good Icuoi Voice anil (nriilsli refer- elieOH, Long. piciiMilil eugiigciiieiil In rigid pel" p|e. Tell all llrst teller, linen a H Sepl. I. .\ililriws II. Al.DKItT COOK, Moving l'li;liiru l''i,, llox III, Svlviill Ueucli, Olililtlil (.'II., N. V. P. S.-Hllein e a polllu nugilllVI!. At LIlMrty. MANAGERS NOTICE. At Liberty. IM) AST, l> A V IS, %?£*•* Cull Hook, llulllt.' or Miuuign liny Co.; or will lense nr lake imiiiiigiiiiii-iil of house In nn.v tily over Ifi.lHW. "OLD litlllNI) I.KT MI! IIBAII l''ltOM YOII." Add. i'eliiaiuinn, 7'JI rorbes Si..; Mull, llehi Deb, PI'ITSIIlllltl, I'A. WANTKII-COIII) PIANO PI.AYKR AND ALL 'HOUND PKIIFOHMKIIH ror Viimlcvllle Show, undereanvas. TIckciH, If I know you. Mr. Mm- rn.Y I'ov. write. Aiblte-s Mil. MAIICUS llllKAN, KlleUMliillg Corners, (JUiiluuCo., New Ytirk. CAPITAL (or CHliibllshtiil net iieeillng iiiumIc iinveitleHi lo exploit. Pal. tnwiim, Mur. fi. linger- ing so simplified (oue liniuti li Inslx. played In- get her; liu notes cneb. I piny oboe, comet, siixn- pllonc, lliilc, olc Llliorly al .Iniuesioivn. Strictly Holier. Ilermird, Umid -Jith llavn nn, (,'ulia, ~FWB. HAbK-rToiiTrtilXiiX»ft."HoAiTii, UHOd 4 nioiitliH, 10 o/. duck; hale ring; I lent, 14X'.% hip rnof, in ox„ wlili lly; I lent. Hxlo; a mm. Pi ox.; -.'4 eiilirns Is.-nebcs; I Her raised seals, T lionrds high, Hilt, long; I gi»" torches; i Hletlgea; I Kaley organ-, alilgo, tuxllixll high; roll tuirbilu; wings, side nml i iii ck id red duck: cooking ouilli coin- plele, ice client,, oven, illslies. etc; 2 spiings: •i iiinltresses: I home made cniiifiirliililcH: 'J double bliinkcts; 4 pillows, llilrriindltinii. Cost |4U) April in; f 140lakes |t. Adilre-si:. V. IIALLKIi. Clear, water. Kaib $'■' down; linlaiiee,0. O. D. Folks Up Willow Co. WANT CI.KVKHHtllTUlKfi'K mill IIKNKIIAI. IIISINKSS WOMAN Willi speelultlin, nlsn i'HIIA I'l.AYLIt, iloiibllng lletivlus. n, Ilii- or I'lniio. Mule 'I"', age, salary,ctiiioHiiig pbolos nuii prnuriiius. FRANK 8. DAVIDSON. Iliilloinii.v nml insti l SI., N . H., lieveliiinl. o. "WAXTEB, Heavy Man, Character Man, Black Face anil Llghl Comedian and Carpenter To play iwo tills. Address NKllllIT BUIIVlUiK. "AH Told III lllC Hills" Co.. Saul! SI. Marie, Mleli. WASTED IMMEDIATELY, II Hl'HK COMPOHKI) ANp ARItANOKD for any liutrument or number of liiitrumonti. Bongi.wtirdu and mintc, nketche*. etc. Bind lump. (JHA8 li. lkwis, 139 Richmond 6t>,0lDcfDtrMI,O, WANTKO-H'or Mctihiiie Hun., good, atitl IrlKli (011111111111 tlini enn slug nml diinee, work lu nou aud inako llieiu go. Kulary and t-x- pennon. Tlckola, potdtlvolir no. Pay your owii iclegrutiii. Oliiioii llonietly, Co., Muuey Yidley, siiplvun count i. Pa, AT LIHKRTV, ItKKV KS. TIIK .IO.O- III.KK-- Ami havo a Plcturo Machine, U riei-n Films. 0 Hcla Hung HlldCH, Oas and Cleelrle Albit'h- meiiH. Managers, send tour best Isrnis. Musi luiw ticket. DICK UKi;\'KS, WcllKburg, W. Y»„ UriH.k Co'-niy, Boic W). THAT CAN CIIANliK l-'Oll ONK WHBIl. Mlll||lliK unil Dancing CoiiioiIImm, al<., .It . Join Oil "Ice. _ UK. If, N. STIMCH. siio.iu, ninlioi. JWLBlfS GUIDE, KO SKILL Also lu III!! KKATIIIIK ACTS. All »•, K, I'. CONIIAN, •."£!••■ N. Ilh St., Iiilladel|ilila. Medicine Performers, Sketch Teams Anil others, Hliile II nil lb llrsl nml Join on wile. Tickets on Imggiige. lilt. A. II. M"Hi;Y,(l, P., Wieblln. Kns, Wanted Quick, Good Banjo Player and Singer I'lirHiiietiviiik. lineup In Medicine III/.. Stale all lu llr.-i l-ller. Aildn.-sH III!. UAL I.IVAN. Ileiiveriliini. O lilo, feiWriiM, Skebli Team. Singh'*, lioiibles, limi' change «'-ikle IlKVKKK. Kel-i.l, N. Y, AT T TDI7DTV TO JOIN MUSICAL ACT, Al LlDiinl I PAHTNKil nr COMPANY, 1'hino, Cornet. ShXhjiIioiic, Dillullner, Slide Cornel, Mnrliiihiiplnmo, Xyloplioiie. Mandolin. Huriltiiio v „l,,, ■ W. o. ||„ eiirii CLIPPKIt. MUSIS ARRANGED Knr PUlio, Baud and Orehiislra. W. H. NKLHON na Went Mill Hlroel, New York.