The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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JtfiY. 13. T^K HEW YQBK CIIPPBE. 563 G 1 New Ctoiis ftpizato. ■nv& 088*'* sells' shows. Tbo ncweafblg'orgaiiliutlOn to enter canvas circles Is the-Great Sells Shows, and William sells a master mlhtl In? this style of enter- tainment. Has'at last focused his yean of ex- uerlence Into a combination of sterling worth that should soon place this aggregation In the front rank; , Always regarded as- a liberal and venture- some circus dlrcttnr. bis plana laid- for this enterprise will embrace an easy tour to {South- land, where It Is arranged to bring the show to a convenient point on the Gulf of Mexico, where a monBter steam passenger and freight vessel of 12.000 tons has- been chartered for n (wo yeaa-s' cruise, and the Itinerary will cover the entire Western Hemisphere. Tills vast undertaking Is regarded by many show- men as being the logical result of conditions In this country. New fields must be open for the big shows. The Sells tour of Aus- tralia, martv years ago, was looked upon as a most daring venture: Mr. Sells' tour, last rear, through Old Mexico, resulted In open- ing the eyes of showmen generally to the pos- Hlbllllles'of these' foreign lands Just across our border. Shows Which are compelled to Winter their enterprises each year, at the cost of the past Sumnlefs profits, havenever figured' how to overcome this seemingly un- reasonable condition of affairs. This proposi- tion Is the result of years of study, aud carc- fullv calculated: It will be the first real circus to carry the "Stars and Stripes" Into new lands that every American' at least sbould'be familiar wittf. William Sells will be toe ploueer director to take the first real American circus to Ha- vana. After a tour of the Island, il trip to Yucatan, Colon and Panama will be made, followed by an extended visit to the West Indies, Including engagements at Martinique, St. Kltts, the Bermudas, Jamaica, Haiti, Costa It leu, Bahamas, Porto Rico, opening the South Auicrican tour ut Georgetown, British Guiana, thence to Klo Janeiro, Buenos Ay res and several important places in the Interior of Argentine. After rounding Cape Horn, all the ports of Peru and Chili will be on the route: a second Panama en- gagement, Guatemala. Nlcuraugua up to the Pacific sldo to' Salinas Cruz, where the Tchuiintcpcc railroad will transport the en- tire show to Mexico City for the second Winter season, ns the first Winter will bo spent In Brazil. Competent agents and Interpreters have been secured. All the printing'will be carried on the steamship, and only duties paid ou what Is necessary for each country. A small strath press on board will print the dates and heralds and small work, as required, In all languages, as well as Issue u weekly paper of gossip of American und foreign news for I lie three hundred show people with tills or- mil/.utii'ti. A wireless telegraph system will used for laud Information, or whatever comes necessary, and this tour will be watched Willi Interest by the public. A well known magazine writer and nil expert press reporter on n big New York dolly have ap- plied for berths for the entire tour. » . » —— Florencc Nash, Whose plcltiro appears on the front page of this Issue, attracted much attention the past Mason la u local production. In each the- nlrlcul ran son there ure n few Individual suc- cesses that stuud out In the Ktroug light, and among those of the seuson Just closed uouo wax wore pronounced than that of Miss Nash, who, by the way, la Just out of her teens. She scored the comedy success of "The Boys of Company **," m the l ,,irt °' Madge Blako; the lisping Ingenue, and- was awarded thu position of honor after the star liy nil the critics. Miss Nufih, despite her youth, has hud considerable experience, hav- ing spout two seasons 'In stock coiupaulcs In Philadelphia and Baltimore, and one seusou on the road in n principal role (Setsu), In "The Darling of the Gods." Her spcclui equipments for success tire: dramatic Intelli- gence, mi attractive personality, o very keen sense of humor, wilth youth and good looks. Miss Nash will introduce her lisping girl to tbe I'oad the coming season, and will create another unique girl character. In a new play, to be presented In New York next Spring. 4»» ■ Isidore Wltiiinrk Sail* fur ISnronr. Isidore witinii rk. the energetic bead of the ll rni of M. \Y It mark & Sons, who Is ouu of the most IndefutlgUhlc workers In the pub- lishing business, sailed Thursday. June 187. tin- l.onouu and' the continent, for pleasure, rest aud business coiublncd. To his frleUds who expressed the hope Hint he would take a well earned rest, Mr. Wit- iiniru gave them to understand that he was not entirely upon pleasure bent. . lie will visit the London bruueb of tbelr business, ulso Paris and Vienna. The Lon- don house of the Wltniurks Increases Its business annually, and Is becoming a greater factor In musical circles In tliut city every viiir, Mr. wiiuuirk has uot been ou tho other side for about four years, which Is u lunger time than usually ellipses between his vlslls, iherctoro iiiuiiv aid tiers of import- ance await him. He will doubtless be absent from his desk about two months. a « - «s -i i . ■ i h.- wililii in I'.-u ii Theatre. Tho William Pebii Theatre, which Is he- lug erected ut Fortieth Street and Laucus- tur Avenue, Phlliidclplilu, will be one of the largest In tho' country. The parquet will have u seating capacity of 1,11)4. Tho bul- oouy l.uiu. and* tbe gallery 1,012, In ad- dition to This there will be 12 boxes holding ws, muklug a total of U.330. Tbe bouse, which will be opened curly In September, will be. under the management of G. A. Wogefurlh, ol the (Jrund Opera House, • 4 " « > "The Time, Ike Place nnd the Girl" <■>. to Hejclll Ill-Inn r-nl* ,' ItehcdrsuU for "The 'Time, tbe Place and the Girl" will beglu July 15. Harriet linn (Mrs. Talcott) bus been, re- cuguged with this company, und William llleclnrdl, who won fame as I'lco, with "The ■Music Muster," has been engaged to. play I euro. Elene roster will ploy Molly Kelley, the muse. Harry Asltln lias been busy scouring the "est for girls, and will send In a cur load " "Elgln"^ Butter Girls in tltuo for rehear- Golden Clnb GMe Professional ' Former*. A new club was recently formed In New York city, called the Golden Gata Profes- sional Cluo, for the purpose of extending the George M. Cohan George M. Cohan'* Twenty-Ninth Analvrrnry.' At oue minute past twcHre o'clock, morning Christening; o< Ike Virginia Theatre, Chlcsno, Lea H. Slo»» Kclnrnn to Soranlon. ben K'Uhom. manager of the* White; City. Tho Virginia Theatre,'which will be opened Syracuse. N. Y., Hsu resigned his position, to of July -i. a birthday reception. waa tendered'' In tua Kail, at the corner of Madison and return to'-Luna Parity Kcrtirtort. Pa„ jrHgl ; by his purents. Mr. olid llalstwl Streets. Chicago; was the-scene of he opened as munBgvf for rVftucrlck'Ingersoll. glad hand of welcome to all tho Callfonlla Mrs. Jcrrv J. Cohan, at the Orrgarlnn Hotel, a little gathering at noon, Tuesday. July -', a year ago. Mr. Moss will msjiagc tbii Scran- professionals now in New York, and those The prolific author and popular expecting to come, and' to keep alive tho was twenty-nine yearn old on the day the friendly spirit, good will and friendship that whole nation celebrates. Covers were laid exists between kinsmen In a foreign country, for fifty guests, and speeches were made by Mrs. Bcumont Packard, the president of the several men prominent In the theatrical pro- club, said concerning the new•■ organisation: fcsslon. "ft Is odr desire to" also Include those who may have found In California an abiding place, us well as tbe native professional son and daughter of the Golden West. We want the nrtlst. painter, writer, manager, musician, singer, as well as the actor, and to that end we ask your hearty co-operation In forming what will be not only one uf the greatest clubs In New York, but a home to alt the Callfomlans who come to us for friendship, advice and Hoclublllty. We have started with fourteen charter members, the list of which will be kept open until It reaches one hun- dred. Our second meeting will be held Sun- day evening, July 14, at the Caro Koala Studio, No. 110 West Fortieth Street, New played roles, and did daticlng specialties. In York City. Please let' us Bear from you by a four months' tour of the principal cities return, sending the good news all along the of the diamond country. She was tho Frisco llab, and asking any other Culifornlan to olrl with tbe original "Prlucc of Pllsen" Co. omedlnn, when Mnt. frank Baalkes; of Virginia, toil Part? this year fur ail Independent com; christened the house, and the corner stone nliny. Mr. Ingersoll nlf lodger having control ♦ «»■ Sadie Harris Goes With Thui. K. Shea. Sadie Harris, wbo' Is it sister uf Lew Klold*. has been engaged to play the Ingenue with Mr. Shea, in ,r A Soldier of the Cross." and other plays In hl< repertory. Miss Harris was with May Irwin' last season. Grace Mle Join* "The ttrehUI." Grace Nile, who haa Joined' this company as a dancing girl, has Just returned from South Africa, where she had been appearing was laid: Among those present were: Paul 1), Howse and ,1. V. Ititehey. niiinngcrs of tho house: Mrs. Baarked, George H. Wood. general' press representative uf the Colonial Thetitre.' nntl 'Itni'lTLIrTRli eorreHponnent: Mr. Howse expects to run vaudeville herr.. The house' will seat nlsmi .mini, und will lie one of the safest theatres In the city. There are entrances to the auditorium both on Madison and Hnlsted Streets, and the Went, slue of the. house is exposed to the alley which runs along buck of the Academy of Mtislc. and which separates, hath these house* initn' tl|t> irew Hyde ft Behmnn house, which Ik In course of construction'. Within live minutes walk of this Went Side centre, will theti he found: iTie Hay- market. Umpire. Wondcrtuud, Academy. Vtr"- ouuui aiticu. wacre sue iihu ocvu ultuculiuh m«iwi. i-,u,|„».-. ,,„»,.•.*,»««,, ..^ ..„.»,....... with the .lumes Nelson Stock Co. Miss Nllo glultt. Hyde * Bchmnn's and IHJou TbeutrYS register with us. <>»♦■■ How "Mrs. VVlggs" Won London. The success of the lovable. Mrs. Wlggs. In the American comedy. "Mrs. Wlggs or the Cubbage Patch." has not been upprouched by any other play produced. this year In the British capital. And even to-day. after a long run there, the "standing room only" York. sign Is displayed at every performance. When a l/ondon production of "Mrs. VVlggs of the Cabbage Patch" was Hrst considered by Messrs. Llubler & Co.. It was thought that It could hardly result In success, because of Its peculiarly pronounced local character. However, "oiie touch of nature makes the whole world kin." and In the simple life there portrayed, the homely philosophy and sweet, motherly nature of Mrs. Wlggs. also the amusing Incident and tender pathos which permeates the entire play, all served to touch the English heart, Just ns It had touched the American heart, and before the end of the opening week "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cablwge Patch was an unquestioned success In Lon- don. I' i'lun our I .milieu exchanges we have failed to tlnd one adverse criticism of the play and its actors therein, but all Indorse the former favorable verdict of the American theatre- going public. «>«» < ■ Frederic II. LaeScher Get* Another Theatre. Trederle It. Lucseher. who Is Interested In the control of I lie National Theatre. Roches- ter; the Unstable Theatre. Syracuse, anil the Lyrle Theatre, Ituiiie. N. Y.. bus closed a lease of Die Stephens Upera House, r'ultou. N. Y. Immediate action will bit taken io rebuild, enlarge and generally Im- nmve the properly. In lliiie to open tbe house in September with tbe Stair & Huvlln and Klnw & KrlHiiger combination at I raid Ions, also advanced vaudeville. Tbe bouse trill hereafter be known as the Koster Theatre, and Us management directed from Rochester, by Mr. Luescne'r, with a local representative. »■» ■ Llttht Opera SeasUn In riilciiico. Gilbert & Snlllvun"s "The Mikado," "it. M. S. Pinafore," "loluurhn," together wilh "The Bohemian Girl." "The Chimes of Normandy" nnd "Km Ulurolo" will be given during lie Summer ul the new College Theatre, with George Herbert In the principal comedy roles, under the iiiunugeiuent of IQugenii MrGlllun. Mr. McGllluu bus been appointed malinger of the theatre, and Is busy, organizing his dra- matic stock compniiy for next season. ♦'» Cornerstone of Kiij'o'on.- (K. J.) Uucra ' House Laid" by a Minister. The Itev. Horatio W. Magnlrc, rector of Calvary lOplscopal Church lu Bayonnc, N. J., was the principal speaker last week at tbo cornerstone laylug of the new Bayonne Upera House, ut Avenue C and Twenty-sixth Street. The new theatre Is being constructed by the Buyonnc Amusement Co. (IB, A. Schiller Is presldeut and tuunugcr), aud will cost ¥175,000. — a»» Arnold Daly Seaures n "few Play. A'rnold Daly, while lu London recently, ac- cepted and contracted for tbe production of a play, by "George Hdgerton," tbe authoress T of "Kcyuotcs. "Discords," etc. The play Is a comedy lu four acts, entitled "His Wife's Kiunlly." Tho play will bu produced lu Now York In the Autumn. ' +'«■» ' - ' 4 » » ■ Fells Hancy Slstaed. William A. Brady has engaged IVHi Hancy to play the role of Alderman Phelun, In "Tbe Man of the Hour" Company, which goea to tho 1'ncitic coast. Mr. Hancy has appeared for several seasons In " 'Way Down Kast." also In productions at the Hippodrome, New the first week in October, when vaudeville # a » Olyraulc Theatre. Chteafcu. Aiyaln Leased by Kohl * Caatle. George Kohl, president uf the Kohl-CastIr companies, has signed a a«w lease for the Olympic Theatre. Chicago, which puts on end Io all controversy regarding its disposition. Work will commence Immediately on the clearing of the rubbish, caused by the recent lire, antl the building will be restored, with Ihe prospects of Its opening not later than ■♦»♦ " C. F. Wlevaiid He-eaira«ed. Hurtlg & Seamon have arranged with C. I-'. Wlcganu to again manage their Me, Him and I" Co.. which closed u successful season a short time ago. 4—4 Hamsay Morrla' New Melodrama. Ramsay Morris' latest melodrama, "Under Suspicion." will be produced slmlllaneouBly in London aud New York, on Sept. 110, by James O. Barton. 4«» BrldKeport'a New Theatre. .The Bridgeport Theatre, now In the course uf erection In Bridgeport, Cuun.. Is beliiK rapidly finished, and it Is expected It will be ready for the opening of Ibo full seusou. The new bouse will bo on the Independent circuit, lu. V. Kudos Is supervising the con- struction of the building, and most uf the capital has beeu subscribed by New York capitalists. t i t Montreal to Have a New Theatre. Tbe Princess will be the name of the new theatre ut Mont mil. Hie foundations nC which are well under way. This new house, lugiiher with Benuelt's. will givn Montreni six English theatres lustead of four. a »»■ Mnrgucrlta Sylva Und* Her Onerntlo Season In Paris. Mn.rguerltnS.vlvu, tile 'American sluger, who hus hud uiiiisuul success In Purls, closed her second season at the Opera Coiuhpic, thai city, with u performance of "Curnicti," even- ing uf July I. She hus Just signed a renewal of eon tract at that house for anullicr year. During the Hummer, with the exception of ll few concert engagements lu Swltxcrlutid, she will puss her time in Purls. will be resumed. The principal work to be doue Is that of putting on a new ixiof. and rcstuiiug tho top gallery, both.of which wcro ruined. The rest of Hie house Ij lu practically good condition, belmr only slightly charred, or smoke stained, lu point, of finish and decoration, It will be intiile much more attractive than before the lire,'und will slnlid comparison with uny uf I lie houses In Ihe Loop. ■' ♦»» Van Alsiyne. the Composer, la Divorced, nrtd- llemarrleai Kgiie-t Van Alslync. the composer, was dlvoroed by Louise Henry, well known In vaudeville, at the City Court, Winchester. i>f the ri'surtT It in not known as yet who will succeed Mr. Sloss ns manager of the park nt Syracuse. Despite a backward season and a postpone- ment of ihe date of opening from Decora- tion I lav. iis originally planned, until June S. the White cily. Syracuse, has had a very successful season thus ftlf. Mr. Sloss' management of White City has lieen successful to" every way, and thu di- rectors of the White cily Construction Co. did everything In I heir power t« N>taln his services until the close of Ihe season. Keel- ing, however: Hint the attractive offer made htn> to resume the management of the Scran Ion park whs ono that he ronld not afford to decline lu Justice lo himself. Mr. Slims felt It necessary to Insist that his resignation be accepted. He will resume control of the park nl Scran ton some Hide during this week. - ■ ' < ' » a ' 1 ' — — Morrla Mvyertrtd'Jr. Will lletaln the Presidency ur the Orphean Circuit. Morris Meverfeld Jr., iircsldiut of tbe Urpheum circuit Co.. Is now In Germany. liuilnc tils Kiiropntn tuiir ho hus visited the chief louiloenlnl and Kngllsli theatres, and ban iMokcd qillle u mnnlHir of splendid vunRcvllle nltracttons for his elrcull. •• Mr. Meyerreld Is In splendid health aud spirits, nhd Intends io siart shortly on his humeward lunrney. In a eublegruin received from him Inst week, from Klsseugcii, Gor- niiiiiv, hv Slanager John Morrlsey, Mr. .Me>'"i'feii( given most piisltlvo denial to the rumor that he Intends lo resign tbe presi- dency of the orpheum Circuit Co., and fur- ther siaics ilini he never, at any time, eu- tcrlalucd such an Idea. Mr. Meycrfold- will retm-ii m plenty of time. tor the iipculug of Die iiiphenin. Oakluud. i'nl. He will iiiui much Ur engage him mb his arrival, and will inirilruluiic dovote him- self to iniillci s iHdiiilnlng to I fin erection of Ihe downtown Orple.-inii. on O'l'direll StrecL. which will be u uiosl superb and complete ruiidevllle Ihoutre und will also pusseiH all of t thu best modern liuprovomciitH of the mont S? in' tna, «%? IJ^W^iSSft A,, ~ "^- ■*** JBlJ*/* *—*. ch, a dramatic reader. ^ »•«* J %£$£** returned 4«» New Keith Theatre at Portland, M« CoOHti'iictlOn ou the at Portland. Me. nil Indication* poln on mIo dull- lime fur Ihe Pull oprnlnx. Tin plant ,-,iii for u magnificent stvuetaru. J. I' Moure will bo resident manager. tu Loudon ".I nun 24, uflur their successful season In America. They were met at' the the uew Keith 'Hleatre. station by a very large crowd of their friends. Is progress iig rapidly, mid h,,iu Mlus Lloyd and the Mi-NuiightoiiH spimk Int to Its being coiiipletoil |„ t |„, Mghesl term* of their treatment l«t of sals next Monday. , The product'loii will open ut Wullack's, on Aug. j. 4«» ' ' '■ The i i-iiirni SfhicN Theatre Co. This oigunlzutlon announces thu following list of theatres which It controls, and which presents quite a line list:'Peoples', Chicago: houses In Waukcgun, III.: East St. Louis, I hlciigo Heights. Blue Island, Princeton, liar- lisburg, Spring Valley, Bclvldero, Dixon, Peru, Colllnsvllle. Michigan City. Ind.; Ham- titond, l.ogltnsport. La Porte, Gruzll. Itaclnu, "Is.. Kenosha. Tlic. directors of the com- [iimy are: George II. Mcolal. James Wlng- leld. Ed. W. Rowland. Edwin Clifford and Prank Gazzola. With Philip llosciithal. coun- sel. .Stair & Huvlln are tbe new York repre- sentatives. Tho offices in Chicago are on tbe tbp floor of the Grand Opera House Block. ' 4*4 Uom-rr, llrotlirr* Knanue l,ydeeher.' licurge . the Rogcra Brothers huve immtsed Geo. LyneckCr' for their new production. "The H«geru- Brother* lu Panama." wtirch Mill be wen Kept. B, at tbe Broodftar TKeftlrt, Ueir lork. Mr. Ljdccktr will ht remembered for his excellent performance" of tbe PrlAce. in 1 The Trlnce of Pllsen." He has acting quali- ties and a renfnrknhle voice', add in him the Hngern llrnlliera have adrteil nnulher ii'iliinhlp. nteuh»r !•> .in alrrmb hdu.'UbII.v rs»i HurilK A Seanl6u'a New Tin nire. ' Contrary to reports which buve appeared, staling Unit this firm would be associated with other Interests In the new thcutro which tho firm Is building In Itochcster. N. Y., it can now bo staled that Hurtlg k Seamen's capital alone will creel thu house. 11 will be located at Warren and Bunk Streuls, In thai: city, und will be opened Jan. 1, 1UOS, with Stair & Ha villi's bookings exclusively. 4-t-» t'.icjuior ItobSon'M Plans. Miss Kobsbn, Who Is now visiting her mother, Sludge Curr Cook, In Louduu, Eug:, will open her next seusou Sept. '1, at the Academy of Music, New' York City, where she will play au engagement of six weeks. She will tour tbe principal cities of, America during next season, and, according to re- ports, will go to London In lOOo-OU. appear- ing In her repertory there for the entire seusou. 4'» it nun- r Llnd'Marrlea. Homer I.Ind, the well known singer, and Adali Mao Currle, a violinist, were married at noon ou July '-. at Young's Hotel, Buston, Muss., by J. 0. Pallon, a Justice of the Peace. TJic couple will tour Europe In concert next Winter. , 4 »» Grace ocome's London Snooeas. Wni. A. Brady bus Just cabled his New York otnec. that owing to the magnificent business' belug done by Gruce Geofge at the Duke of York Theatre. In London, the cu- lugculcut has. been extended until Aug. 1. «■» ' ■ Edna Uarch, American SInver, for Berlin Opera. Edna Darch, of Los Angeles, Cal., luis been engaged M>y the management of the Itoyal Opera iloiisr. In Berlin, to sing In grand opera, under u contract for two years. «■» niarhj Bell Goes Willi the Shaberts, Dlgby Bell has signed with the Shubcrts, to appear next seuson as Nathunlel Berry, In "Shore Acres." James A. Heme made that role famous 1 In this country, and Cyril Maude played a version of the. play In England. « U Murntle Moore to ltelu m to America. . Maggie Moore, wbo last appeared In America, In "Struck Oil," and who has been In Australia for some time, has been eu- guged lo play Gretiiint m.'xl srasofi. Ill sup- port ol Thomas .leffcrsou, m "Kip \n» win- Ue." . ■ '.....'.■... > ■ ■■ «»•» ", -—r Henrietta Crwsman at Work, on Neat Menson's iliriuMiiii. lb in let la i 'isiMiiiiii. buying closed ber lour, In lu New York preparing for ber production of "The Christian Pilgrim" for next: season, which opens Oct. 7, ut the Broad Street The- atre. Philadelphia. Miss Crosimiri will re- main la New York all Hummer, taking only occaslonul mitnmonllc tripe to nearby points. 4»»i UiiKBtveiuentM for' "The Cat and the Moose," Recent engagements for II. W. & Sim WIHIums' foiibcouilug production, "Tho Cat mid the Mouse," ure: Counle Hamilton, mez- zo soprano: Donna Morguu, character eura- nl leium; Cora KHsworTh, prima douna: Margaret Ellison, Ingvnuc; .luck Hcolt, com- cdiiin. ami t.iiarles Shopman, characters. Messrs. Williams are arranging for a New York hearing of tho production lu. November. «■» he rliniuiiHsne Girls Will Benin the Season In Milwaukee. iiie Champagne Ollis (WcstefnWheel) will open at the'New Stat-, Milwaukee, Wis., Sut- urdny. Aug. . ,'l. Thu following hare been signed: Mcl'urlund and Murray, llevcrc and Vulr, Potter anil I lull well, (he Colloiis. the Great Lyons. Hugh Sunders, Phil I'lsher, maiiHger; Al. Mooncy, props, and fifteen chorus girls. ♦ i» Wi-sl.-rn Wheel Hiirlesiiiic News, Wesleru West, play Detroit, und then tind tbo Northwest. Thosog Jump from Tcrro Iluute to Chicago, thence Lee iittoleowol to Munnui- Waldmarlu'M' Theatre. Is'ii Ottolengui. for several years iiiuniiicr of Ibe Newark Theatre. Newurk. N. .1.. wii season muiiuge WuIdiiinnuV iiioatrr, lluit lily. George Itobhius, for some lime treasurer of the Newark Then tie. will suc- ceed Mr. OltuleiigiiliiHiiumager of thai 4»» ll. Si i'.. Vauilevllle Honaea. The following vnimevlllc huuses of Ihe KlaW & Krliinui-r circuit will open us fol- lows: New York Theatre. Aug. -il: Tremnut Theatre, Huston. Sept. li: fklwlnii'orest. Phllil- (lolplilu. Scpl. 1!: Audlioiiiini. Chicago, Oct. 10. 4 i » Wesleru wheel burlesque shows, golug ay Detroit, und tuun go lo Chicago tind tbo Northwest. Thoso going Kast will ute to Chicago, theuuo lo liidlanapolls. following the sumo route as Inst HciiHon. Tho three days' Jumps lu tho I'uisi ure from Scrantou, Pa., to Patersou, N. J., und from Albany to Troy, N. Y. • » i t ' ■ ■ - The Hollickers' Opening Set for AUK. ». The Kolllckers (Western wheel) will open al the Academy, Pittsburg, Pa., ou Aug. 5. two weeks before regular season. Lending comedy roles will be played by Jocepb K. Watson and Will Cohu. II. E. Patten will act as manager. 1 4»4 Cortln's Broadway Gaiety Glrla to Open An*. 8. James Curtln's Broadway Galuty Girls (Western wheel) will open their season at Iliigcrstown, Md.. on Aug. 8, and then play one night stands until they reucb Pittsburg, week of Aug. 12. ' — 41 » Oliver C. Patten to Locate In Suranton. Oliver C. J'altcn will be resident mauager at Hie Star iiieuti'e, tSmtnton. Pa. (Western wheel house), lie will also do the press work for-the house, u Hue of work lit which be bus formally beeu Identified with Wesl- eru wheel uttriiiiloiis. ■♦«■» ■■ ChniiKC In the Allmny and Troy Time of the wmt.rn Wlir-.l. The Allmny and Troy Western wheel bur- lesque houses will not open us set Aug. II). The Brigadiers And the Imperials lay off that week. Tho regular season opens Aug. 20. with Wni. Kcunessey's Star Show Girls, at Truy. CI. Stevens N|ii-imII»k Ilia Honeymoon In >•■« York. i'. J. Stevens, representative uf Chase's Theatre, Washington. H. C. Is now In Now York City, where ho Is spending his honoy- liioon. Mr. Stevens was married only a few days ago. »«» People MlKiied for Pat White's tialcly Glrla. Tho fullowlug linve been engaged for Pat While and his Gulely Girls I Wesleru wheel) : Pul While, comedian and munuger; tbo Mnr- vclous Malvern i'ruupe, the Four Tenor*. Lewis und Green, Zaliiui Sominors, JenulngH inn! Webb, Anna Grunt, principal hoy; May Fleming, and a chorus uf eight "poules," urn! eight show girls. 4»'» Klnw & Urlaniier Will Give Vaudeville at the Hippodrome, Cleveland. Tho Hippodrome Theatre, now being built lu i 'ii'veiaud, o,. will be used by Klnw \ Dr- ill nger for vauilevllle next season, as soon as ihn house Is completed. The seating cu- paclly will be over 4.WW. 4»» r.iiclld i.nrilei.s, Cleveland, (or Vaudeville. Euclid Gurdcus, Clcvduhd, 0.. will open as a vaudeville house Monday. July 15. Mux I'netkciiliciicr will net us nianiigei', bouklug through Wm. Morris, of New York. 4l 4 James C. Morton to Go With the Behnian Show. .lames (.'. Morton,' late of Morton and Dia- mond, hus signed for next seuson with Jack ihlglu the States, slid urn looking forward tu their return, which Is next PulL They opened at Hie Haekucy Umpire'July I. ■ 4»'» ■ Chas. Ilohlhsvu iteVetvvH NIIrM Owla (nr tivxt Menawn. elms. Itoblnsou. N'luni'illnti. lifts received u I'riiiieblsi! for ihe Night Owls (Eastern wheel i fin- next season, lie will Ik- sole owner unit manager. Mr. Robinson will pul out. uu cluburalc production. He and Mat C, Wood ward will write the Inmk and lyrics for Ihe llrst purt. Tim show will open ul Ihe Ailallis Street bouse. Brooklyn. N. ^ „ on Sept. a. Soher Hue Nltriird' '>>' Urnest lloasn Hasan (.'ole I Sober Sue), who Is upiloaiing ut Huunnerslclti'H Roof, bus signed a two yours' coiilniet wilh Krnust lluglui (flic un lilemiii'il Aiuerlcuiii. He will lake ber lo Europe after her New York engagement closes. ' 1 4 > '»' iv.lii. lo ll.ill.t n Theatre In Cleveland, II. V. Kill I li' will lllllld' II HOW vaudeville house In Cleriiund, "., and will make 11 more elitliornlc und heaitilful than thu Keith houses In Philadelphia aud Boston. The site snlucted Is near the Hotel Euclid. The building, plans fur which place the Healing capacity ut '.MIUO, aud Ihn cost nt xruni.iiiiii, will bu ready fur opening next Spring. 4«» ■ ■ — Krans' Twentieth'Century Maids' Hosier. The following have licen signed fur Maurice Krails' Twwllelh Century Maids (Weslcrn wheel i : l.'oriiallu ami Kddlc, Billy Noble. Abo Sliii.fT. Louis Plslol. Henry P. Nelson. ICmlilii Woods, lute uf the' W'orld's Trio: Pauline Mornti, May Strehl noil Hlxteen chorus girls: William lliihhurd, ulcctiiclaii: Waltur McCiiulcy, earpentiir. Louis J. Oberwurth, iiiiiiingei', will be ut tbo holm again. 4 ' »» i ■■' Jm.ii.-i. J. Morton lleturna lo Town. Juincs' J. Miirlbu, the wolf known uiontflcr gist, and sccretpi'v uf tho Vaudeville t'omelly Club, bus reiurnci'l from a Western vaudeville Hip. He will lie at his desk In Ibe club ail Summer, lo fulfill his duties I here. ♦ i > • i' '• .i.i».-iiiiiiic Hallel lleturna tu America. .luseplilne Sabcl, who lias beni very suc- cessful during u long engagement In Cupe Town nnd Johannesburg, returned to New York City last week, ■ ' 4»» ' Hdward M. Grilinl it.iurn. tn (he Slave. Edward S. GruuL who Is well r«uieub*l'»d li,v the profession for.lils performances of Singer's Belunan Show und Uryun's Congress the Mikado dining ihe McCaull days, Is pro of Aiiiecleiin Girls. difclug a niiislciil sketch, entitled "Thirl} 4 n » ' Minutes of PnusL" at Keith's Phlladelplila house, ihe current week. Since his retire Clniiuevalll to Return tu the United States. CluuuevulH. the world famous Juggler, has been booked by bis-American reprcuentatlvc. Klchurd litrot, for another tour of 111" United Slates He will play the Kluw fc Er- lungttr rtfrcull,' opeulng In Otioliur ♦-•♦ Bennett Aiuosemeni to. to fclxienrf Its I IrruK. Gto. tu DrUcol!. >.'t the Btiiiictt Amueiiaitut Co., who a l!l hfttfccbargo ot the" Bennett ... sp<f£k« to» nutn. "Our ?d. !:: yout valuaDle papi>T, TRS New house la Hamilton, Cad:, when" ft opens next TdkK C6ifPEB t ' brought many apnltatlons September, r»turrfed__to that'olty riet; wMkr, iur,lk i^uii i 1.111 uivHgab uiuiij u|ii/iivuvi"p* uvvivuiwii isvvimu i.^^ iuo» vnj an from capable' dramatic people, and through after a visit to the' East. This company has Its medltfm we were nolo tn secure sort* d>- secured a house In Quebec, which will ma sirable tklent Sincerely yours. La' M'Ji-t * JUiiL'jv- ptr j. ('ramie Marliw. make a circuit of five- bouses, at London.' Hamilton,*fl} Moutrtaland.tJueljec/fonnett'i'Wi.nn. lin.rg.- it. 81ms tu Write for Klaw A. Kflanirer. (icoige ll Shus, the English authur, hus signed lo write four little plays fur the Klaw a Eiiunger vaudeville circuit These Utile offerings are not to ruu more tbuu thirty minutes. The first will be given lute lu the Cult, ur early lu thu Winter, ut the New York Theutce. ' 4«» i The Promoter*'of the Korelejii Agoata' Booking; Corohlnatloa. The fulluwlng are the. foreign luiinagers who have foruiulatld a honking plan, us stilled In our last Issue: Mr. Htelncr. Winter- ?;urten, Berlin, Gur.: Mr. Teschy, Prung; Mr. \ohii, Leipzig: Mr. Lorunzen. Coppenbagen: Mr. Blum, (iicumltz : Mr. Brnek. Cologne: Mr. Stein. Klherfcld : Mr. Seelh. Krunkfoit; Mr. Van lloiilm, Amslirrdiuil: Mr. Mulpertuys. Mrussells: Itiislnl. Lyons: Mr. Itucz, Pulllcs Bergere. Olymplu. Paiislana. Paris, I'runi-e. They wilt all racel ul Murlmill's iidlci'. In Berlin, Germany, hi a few weeks. " #» » ' I , , Mauhnow's KllitlUh "lour. Muchuuw. the glnnl. who appeared at llunnnurstelit's llouf 'Inst Summer, has .jtea liuolced by tbu .Mai Inelll ofllcu for a long lour through England, beginning In August. Marl- tielll had Irouhle lu getting Machnow out of UusHla. UK a smallpox epidemic broke out', lie was detained al nuilitinUttu for two weeks. ■ 4»» ■ ' v ii derhllt cup Kate for Knrupean Vnuilevlil.-. "The Yuiidcrbllt Cup" racing scene has laten secured by tbe Slarliielll ofllce for ihe Mliropolu i'heiifro, llrrlln, Gerniso.v. The s wuer y and -properly were shipped Issf Hnl- uriliiy, by Llclder.e. Vv." '4»>' m l' i . I Ofhheunt fKernlri:'Cktiiaiio, te hi Osiencid Inf.tfc* ?*m. The Orphetim' Tiiea'trV on State Strut, Chfcagb, oppooltc the Palmer Heute. la rapid- ly approaching 'completion, and It Is hoped to have It opened with the duwnlog of thu row jeaeun. elf M UfoMlsM- that' !f' Will ha ■T" lIJlldMIC^ and a credit to th» effy.- nieot from the staito, 'Mr. Grunt luis con- ducted u music Hludlo lu Pblludolpltla. 4«» Hlmned With Hose Sydell's Co. The following have been engaged Tor Boss Sydell's London Belles for the seusuu of IU07-DS: lluhv Boyle and Myra Dnvl*. the TIVoll (juartottc, W S. Campbell, J. Wesley Mack, Alnsley aud Hauley, Kitty demons, Hurry Saubor und a chorus of twenty girls. New and elaborate scenery aud wardrobe will also ha complete. ' ■ ' 4»a- - PI re Destroys the Caaluu at Nerruurt WCWSi Vn, iiie I'lishio ul. Newport News. Vs.. wns totally destroyed by Ure, morning of July 'J. Defective wiring was nuswcrablu (nr Ibe trouble. All those connected with the limine were looscrs to a greater or less extent. The Lyric Pour, eonslsllng of Howard, West, Harrison and Harrison, were the greatest sufferers, loosing, their entire wardrobe. ' *»» Charles Krohmmi Iliiin.- This Monlh. According tu pt'eseul plans. Mr. KrohuiHu will leave Englund for home un July 17. In- dications are that I lie miming theatrical sc«. son 'for the Pruhmmi attractions will he. uu early one. «.» , "The Ited Mill's" Ufa I'roUls. According Id a rccelit statement by C. B. Dlllhighiini, producer of "The lied Mill," at the.'Knickerbocker Theatre, where It had three liiiiulri'il und fifty la-rfornisnees. the grusif J'i'i'clpl.i wire nearly VOUU.U'ID. und lie mi pp/ili. Iiuiiidliii: eu.->/ of pioililiilmi uurt rpvaltles. «"" JJM.0W. ' • ■ » »» ' i The Ureal UrtMdamua*. , !to- hsf.ter, N. V., neaMiapcrs give colmsBi of space to the uyitUylng teats of- this clever performer during IiIh eogegement In that city luet neeb, and'which was'ex'eDdeA to Include this woek. < His nest lenon'a bpuklugi. arO all fiHt'J, zv.a fee 's ooy urriQi- tig Lurfif^an Uma, •/> 5''|in in imi.