The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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JULY 13. THE NEW YORE OUS&PJER. 565 What OH AS, K a HARRIS Has to $, SINGERS AND Your attention is called to the fact that we have now ready for the coming season the greatest Tiirletv ol songs ever issued by the HOUSE OP HARRIS. We can nnlt any stylo ol act: let its know what Kind of song you want and we will try to supply you by our extensive staff of well known writers. If vou are a ballad singer, we have some new ones by Harris that will surprise vna. for the coming season. Write at one* so we can make your orchestrations (any Key) in time to open. We have some new production songs by production writers. Address all Communications fjrand Opera Hoiwe'Bldg., Chicago, JOE. M. HARRIfi, Mgi to DIRECTORS We have some new songs suitable for soulnel lea. We have some new ••coon" songs that will surprise vnn. MUSICAL DIRECTORS wrlle at onee for our new 11(07 rovers lor «wr .....hestnitlons. FREE TO RECOGNIZED LEADERS. The best ILLUSTRATED SONH SLIDES i" tit.- wotl.l (any of the Harris anneal #MM P'-r set. If ion need a singer, write or nire us; if row are n singer, write ns or cull. MKVEW. COHEN, Mp,r., ill Wohi aist SI., Now York City. WANTED, MAN FOR "UNCLE JOSH" wnii (rood Rnhe <wng or monologue, for JOSHUA S1MPKINS <:o„ opening early in Aflglitl: ntso good Si.,',T «nn Old Maid, PI»no Player to double bras*, nod Tnl.n Player. Address BwrJ mu, c ^ HK»n, 1.1IO New York. The. meeting on Friday evening, July 3, wor held at II .ISO o'clock, nt Keene's Chop UMM, In order rhat those li'i'liirs who de- sred could iflke ndvaniage of the InvJiallon ^/tended »r I bo management of the Ht. Nlcho- m" tiarderi.- to attend n I-'rlurs night there. "wril Kallenhorn nnd his orchestra plnyrtl. ind schorol hundred member..and fr ends of he or«nnl7Ation attended nnd Joined In the •hnrS Of the "Friars' Song." by Charles Bm- erun Cook and Victor Herbert. A f"hire applications fnr membership mo* be accompanied by the Initiation fee. "art dated and posted with the name of the BiMMn and seconder, nt lenst thirty days hatim consideration by lb« governors!. No e-utdldnle will he considered unless Ilia pro- nowr accompanies the proposal with u per- gonal letter lo tho corresponding HCcrefcary. who will lay It before the govuraors. -No member Is notnorlMd by the governors to nosi notices on the bulletin board of be Friars' room. Those must be handed io ihe corresponding secretary. The Friar treasurer has catled the ntten- .ton of the honrd of governors Io iho fact hat many of those elected to membership hnve not paM their nnmial due*. '1 hese fhonld he sent nt once to John W. Itiuosey, friar treasurer, care of the Lyceum I'lieiiire, New i'ork Clly. Those who have not: paid IHelr dues' by Sept. 20 will be subject to nation on the part, of Hie board of governor*. rhnlrmnn Cook has appointed a commluee of three, consisting of Bruce J'Idwnrds, chair- the Friar president nnd l.'rnnk (.. Payne io look after the renting of suitable ond com- forlable quarters for Iho Friars us soon n« prnctlcnble, anil In report back to -the gov- ernors.- The new constitution and by-laws of tho Triors will he printed In pamphlet, form unci h loov. sent; to cneh Krlnr. Tho following voluntnry coat rlhui Ions have Iwen.ioiule to the permanent fund, look- ing toward the eventual Friar Club house : U& Hhnhert. *<»»■« Friar'Attorney A. I* Jacobs JOO.n Mortimer, M. Thelse .leof/rey Stein 9M0 ilnorta Walker.. : • - s0 ° To t a i ' .".*»50.00 l.'rlnrs will confer a favor hy keeping tho corresponding secretary advised of their routes, nnd permanent or chnn goo address. Deaths in Ibe Profession i.ims. P. Wtttnou. well known ns a cir- cus rider, lost his life by drowning, nt Venice, -ill., on June IS. Hfl hod Joined the life ►avlug crew nt Hint, place, and during the practice of the crew on the above date, his boat rapsltted, ond he wns drowned. He was l>oio In Hi, l-oiils, .Mo., oa July 11, IStlll. und had traveled with shows nil over Ihe world, lie was known ns one of the finest hurdle riders In. America. James Iliitt-iiliuuni, of Ihe Vnn Ambnrg Show, gave him n gnlrt incdttl for his cleverness. Sir. Watson was innrrled only a few years ngo to ttmma u. 1'nrUof. n nun-professlonnl, who survives hlro. He was a member of the Cotilnnd l^idge, No. ~4R, It. 'P. 0. Wlks. The Itody was token by bis wife to Erie, Hn., where It was Interred la tho Hrlu Cemetery. Max lli..-n»ei.-r, well known Clerinnn netor, died from appendicitis, on Juno Si. at bis home In "New York City -Mr. Haeuiieler was for thirteen years a member of tbe com- pany' n't the Irving Plnco 'I'heii.tro, this city. lie was In good health until hit was allocked with appendicitis, when lie wns removed to the Kerraun Hospital, where he underwent an opera lion, from which -lie did not recover. tin came to,this country In Iho second year of Mr. Cohrlcd's- tnrm ot the floraun Ihe.itre. His last upponrnnce on the stage was made at Tils beneIIi. several weeks ago, when n<; acted In. Fnlda's "Her Heimlich*. Knenlg. lie was lK>rn In Tterllu llfty-llvo years ngo, nod was educated there. Ho wns one of tbo few members of Hie old company Ihnr. had lieen re-engaged bv I>r. Baumfeld for Win nnw company nl the Irving Plnco. His wife nnd ■mi' son survive him. ' Frank Todd, director of tbn free, circus ot Wonderland Park, Boston, Mass., nnd formerlv stage manngnr for Klnw & lOrlnnger and 11. W. Savage, died In Boston, oa July .1, from Hfnmnrh trouble. He wns thlrly-one years of age, nnd unmarried. William J. BrlwM. mnnnger of Music Hall, Yonkcrs, N. Y., died at hla honio In that city on Sunday, July 7, nftcr a short Illness. He had been In the. theatrical business all his life, succeeding his father, on the letter's death, as manager of Music Hall Yonkcrs. He was commodore of the Yoniorn Yacht Club, an officer In the Blks lodge, and a mem- ber of ihe Bagles and numerous other orders. He leaven a widow nnd one son. _ Chrln. Burr (Leon Hubbard), of Corry. I'll., for many yenrs a chnrncter actor with different repertory eotnpnn tes, •died In a Oo- irnlt (Mich.) hospltnl, July 8. Interment was at Corry. Ho wos thirty years old. Kate Spraatne (Mrs. Fanny Snmmerni, wife of Fred Sommers, monologue cotnedlnn nnd parodist, died on Thursday, June 13, nt Their borne, 4038 West Thirty-first Avenue. Denver, Colo., from apoplexy. Interment was in Falrmnunt Cemeiery, mat cll.y. Her bus- Imnd surrires ber. , , Will. T. Porter, a veteran scone painter, of san Francisco, Cat., died nt. his home In that cllv, on June SR, from Injuries received In a fnll from n street enr, on June to. Mr. Porter, who was seventy-eight years of nee, was taken, .to- San Francisco m lR«p, by Lawrence Barrett and John McCullough, from Cincinnati. 0., to paint Iho scenery, nnd be ihe permanent scenic ortlst of the Cali- fornia Thentte. then about to open under I he. two great tragedians' management Mr. Por- ter proved an artist of the highest rank. Ills landscape, pnlntlng predomlnofced, and tho Wealth nt color, lta fiarmonlilng shades and CARD 0F TMJItlKS^ I Mrs. Frank D. Bryan ICxtenda Her Thanks on Behalf of fler Late HusbntHl, FRANK 0. BRYAN, TO THB COLUMBIA ANlMttlMENT 00., white rat* of amirica, empihc oirouit, B. P. 0- CLKB, No. 1, And All I'iofesslonnls who so Kindly i Volunteered,for his 1 Honour. > ITTCBK Jtusli. or Wire photos for Palmists Psrks, etc.. |?.oo per l.ouO; »!,".'• per M~ ' ItlllM'.'l' PHOTON, copied, 100, f 'J KDPNA STUHKl. Oilp N. Ilrmd M. Moo.ti I'hllu.. fa. IV MR. Vltllll II lll.lll Sic MIA .11. formerly Willi ilie .Mink Swain Vaudeville coin- pnnv, will send liis'css i>> n.l« oillre, tie will tiearorsnmeihlnn; to his advantage. MUS. J. w, MC\I>AM, 4::i:> KlmhMi k Ave.. Chicago. I II. :_ AT~MaP.HT V aflcr July I.':, II. A. McKNIflllT. Ileiivles, Chnrn.ier Heavies, Cnblnel Spei'lalilcs: ADAl.AHlK Al'HTIN, Juveniles, .snuhreties, Sing- ing specialties. IIx|iei'lencnd. Julni onlv. Week of July «, care Sterling Dramatic Co., Itobinson, III. AT MBERTV-THRF.K FIHST OLAM I^AI>V Mi'SH'iAXs.vii.Mn. Plsno,Cornet.. Want seustiore engagement for Sniiirdavs and Sundays only. Add. MA1MMK vitost \\, Silionl of .Music. |ic.| Broad wily, Brooklyn, X. V. have fan EXCELLENT COMEDY DRAMATIC SKETCH And Necessary Prnpcrtlos. A Guaranteed Now and a Novelty. II A finiiriini.'.'.l lilt. M. n„ Care of CI.IPPKII iraisi; ogiilHt, Lire Slzc.Walking Klgnres or Sale, Ohcop. 0:V. N. ORN'TBA I, ARK. AV„ 2d FLOOR, OlUCAfJO. tue general treatment, of foliage, etc., stamped him ns an artist of rnre merit. Ho received a veiv high salary, nnd remuln.-d nl the old California Theatre until It wns lorn down, and also remained In San Francisco from I AIM) to Ihe lime of his ileolh. MI'HH'IAIVS WAHTRI1 (»t 1CK, " foT "USCLK TOM," for parts and spoi.laltteii. Steady work. Summer here: winter South. l,ow salary. ITne car show, flood bender It. nnd O, It. J. KUWtloi), Hou se vllle, Pa . PAKODIKH—Three two verse, two chorus ones and Kigags, S'.c; one parod.v. llvogngs, inc. Oilier stuff. Msi for slump or fri'.MV lib oroer. Sketcho* eio. to order. Be/, and price for stamp. MAItV K. I' . TUAYK II, •JUKI Broftij 81.. PtOV.. It. I. WA.VTKD-Vatnievllle Ann, rsneelaliy Mn- slcnl Acts, nnd tieiiilviiinn Illiis.inlc.i Snng Singer that con don negro or llebrow monologue. Fnr Solo, an K.llson Universnl I'lciiire Xlnchlne. Address (!. S. 8'l'KNSKN, Manager, The Mnsiieni, I'm-In-llay, Ohio. ■ . NEW FILMS NEW FILMS NEW FILMS HUMAN INCUBATOR .*■ **> I'nheai'd or Oasironomlr Atilllly Mliown Itv it (.en.I..non Willi an Apitellle nil' KirgN. Lengtht 245 Feet • WORK FOR YOUR GRUB Tramp Steal* Meal. Clins,- ami Capture, llarli In Point at fii. Lr.n k. ■ Length. 400 Feet .... Price, $40.00 TROUBLES OF A GARDENER «-** Price, $24.60 ([ramp Comic) In x\ .mil 1*11<• and I.n tun «i "I.ouey's" 1'i.nilil.s Alakr Length, 500 Feet OI'H AT l.lllF.HTV, ii.'.'oiini nilsrepresent.illnii show, loin's Poodles. : liesutlful ivlille nllk fmoilles; n fentiire: singing speclnlllcs; change. nr urek; up In nets, l.u i.'ortllll, .'lose lairk bending, coninnlnn, front iiemlliig, Serial rings, traps, liaiiil balancing and ii.tiiIuiiIc act. A No. I sight render, piano player, loin's Pontile-- and I,ii. Coriiiii, Plana, Illinois. ttndcMbe JCeitie Tl'lB RUHMM Bans.' circus employees were given a surprise, nt. Alt. Vernon, O., after the afternoon peitormance, .Inly 4, Olllo Webb, I be calerer, nod one of the most, popular fellows avlih thn show, nerved a imu.piet, und the spread could not hnvn been excelled. Capacity IiiihIiicsx Is repurted from nil stands, dosplle t he Inclement westher In most towns. Tiir. Cihcus played Warren, Pn., July I. it rained during tbe afternoon and ihroiigliout the night, and the cirrus did not get away .to the next stnnd, Oil Cllv. 1'n., until half past seven in the morning. Some Of the heavy wagons became moiled in mud up to tho hubs, and It required iwcnU'-four horses ond several elephant a to move the bnnd wagon. This circus nppears In Cleveland. July K nnd lias everything In ihe city covered ;wltli paper. "I't'NOM" Wliani.Kii bus Joined tho Croat Sells Show, for a Ions season South. This clieiin will vlall; old Mexico, show a month In llnvnnn, nnd ten stnndK In Cuhn, ond then go to Pnnnmn, being Ihei flrsl elrcim of note to exhlbli: on Ihe new canal. WllUam Sells. Hie general director, has been orgnnlr,- Ing and framing up 'this ntilcrpiise for the past lliree months, nnd all now Is complete. Clinrles It. I'ViHleiickti l» Ihe general uscul, nnd Ihe headquarters are In Knnsntt City. Tut: following are clowns with Hie Mighty llnng Show: Oall Uoyd, principal; P.ol> I'crkIv, Mnrdello. Iloy l.'orlnne, "Whltey" Ash- croft, auth Kllllnn and "Little Roup." Cot,. Stam.iiv It. l.KWio. of Cole llrothers' Circus, drove his outo down from Plttslleld, Mass., Tuesday, July 2, ond cnllert on Tub fJUntj, Col. Letvls reportH tiirnnwny busi- ness for the Cole shows. The colonel wears the full uniform of his rank In the Arlnona Hangers, and this, with his brilliantly psloled motor cur, made him the cynosure of nil eyes along Broadway during his brief visit. William (Iilman, local conl motor of Cnmphell Bros.' Shows, Joined Ihe udvnncu nt Minor, S. D., this making his third sea- son with this show, doing the contracting and genernl press Work ahead. < 111 inn n Is one of the nld "(lying squadron." of Wallace Show fnme. Hun I'owr.Lt,, ticket seller; .liiko Posle, Ikihs nanvaa man; Jake Plait, construction department, and Chris. .Morris, hostler, are .with the working forces of the Huffnln Hill Wild West. •' . • . . C. H. Amirhws .laforma us that this Is his >s>cond sensor, with the flrent Hargi-enves Shows. He Is now general contracting agent, lulling succeeded A. J. Hlxon, who resigned. l.'nuD Zobkdik, who wos n happy partici- pant In the Fourth of July dinner, given by ihe tforcpnugh-Sclls Bros.' I'nlted Shows, ot it. Johnabury, Vt„ on that date, sends the m. in. for the affair, which contnlns the fol- lowing list of nppotlntng vhtnds: Consomme Prlntnnlere, Chicken (lumbo, Olives, Stuffed Mnng.ies, Hulled llnlllilit, Kgg Sauce, Baked While Klsh, Creole Sauce, Potatoes Natural, Cucumbers, Boiled l^g Southdown Mutton, Currant Jelly, Chicken Vrleassee with lllce. Sweet rtreod Patlles with li'rench Pens. Queen Fritters, Wine Sauce, New Potatoca In Creom. AspBTagiis Tips, Human Punch, nosst Domestic Duck nnd Applo Sauce, llonst Prime Bibs Beef An Jus, Comblnntlon Snlad, .Vnnnnllton lee i^rcaln, Assorted Cake, trf'mnn Custard, . Apple Pie, Kdom Cheese, Bent's C'raelcers, Assorted Xuts, r '' rult >„. I.emonnrie, Coffee, Iced Ten. \V \.VTKI> -l , crf.,rm.'rs nf All Klndafor ni. ill .'Inesltow; live In camp: gon.l ii.'comiiiodal.lnus. Address J. (!.VAflKn,i:ato.ymi,liid. Tit'., IUsi.Mn.4. P. «.—The Alilifilis, wbsl's loorev | aiiHivered your wire to B.C. WAVI'KII slieti-l. Team dninir Singles nnd llonbles. Put on Acts. Alio Vnvelty Man. linn .lull nnd Kinney, write, cmiman MKIi. CO., Monte/.uinn, Ind. MVHIC1AI. TRAM ill liberty. Piano, organ, violin, ftplo, piccolo, mandolin,xylophones, Imllles nod eliliues, i rlek violin playing una other musical novelties, lowest $14 and expenses weekly. Bo- nn I re tic kel s. t:M KHY IIKOS. , Pen. Del., Akron . O. WAMTKI) — Por Orent Aiuerlcan Alntoine, balance Summer and Winter Season, Vaudeville and specially People, llhiek Face coinodlnn who can sing aad dsnc.c. Miihi lie able io change for three days and week. Add. The Penn Amusement Co., JohDsnnhurg, fa. P. J. Scanlan, Johnny Uoilglierly, write .■ Tioniil.' Cur I, iiyiiml) , l-'.veii lli«< nitui-i, i. Price, $60.00 I'll MS Itt'V UV \\\ MACIIIVC. , il,li S' jBjjttjHj CO., m I Mil Sl„ Fliiliuleliiliiii, I'ii. TO All. MAIVAORHN 1 Ml AI4KVTK, 111 10 VAOUKVIMiM AIT, FRANK D. BRYAN'S PEACE CONGRESS OF 1 Will play Hie Umllim vn nil.v 111. tliealres Ike . inning season iin.l.r Ihe .lllcr- II..M ..I Mil. T. 0, illlMU. N. II. 'I'll K AHIIVK ACT IM 111 I.Y ( IIP VKHJIII I l> ami • •• 11 >- |irole<le.l I, >' LAW. Any Intyingenienls lit any nay tin name will lie |iro«>riilr<l. KDWIIV SI. WIHTKIKI.U, Alt') at Law, Oil Wall Nt., \. V. €11)'. Fim"»ALM, jKIVTIIIK FltOlM ( TIOI\H "Black Crook" and "Parsifal" Scenery by HARLEY MERRY. Wardrolia and Proparllai new. Address IIAIILKT MKII II v. Hrenlr Nlmlln, .ill-uj.l h'tniihllii Ave,, llrnitkjyn. WANTED, AN AGENT TO SOLICIT ORDERS FOR SCENERY, ON COMMISSION F-OR iSliii'lherii) WANTED QUICK, Keystone Dramatic Co. Lending Woman, Koul.relle Willi H|ieclnllles, Heavy Mini, Uliaructer Una lllth speeliilllns, In niiiluil'i' ^luge; Jlivelllle Man Willi KprclJllIti", I'UllMi, ul.|.e lit luail mid urriiliif.-; I'ri.|ierli Mkii i'..r -iiitill pin u, i:. ii nl. Live Agent, Vaudeville Am tlntt can olllllige. Sl/ile AI.Ii, giving IiiwchI -mliiry. fay iiilll. uj.fia Aug. IS. Il.'i'tiinii Ili'.M.IIS'iil, lien liii Mar, YvHIhnt lliililnson, wrlle. IKA II, MdOIIK, Mgr., Ainbrldge, I'n., I III July II, Ihinnra, I'a., .Inly la mill week. •»i HH HlllK allOW MKN-a Uted tlatopooku ami Rxio Palnllng, til',. I'etrllleil Woiuiii and SX.I2 Pnlntlng, f'.!' lllg sua kk, (ft long, and :• Paint- ings, »mi. 2 Head rui and h.m |ieut lllrd. hnssuskv lu'iiil.aiKiKMii Palnllng f ik. fievll Klsli. ion., |sn, Mermaid,fbl. OlIini'MiimmlOedMtiiirclieap: only nil.' "1 enull or Klime. title Sl.lJH.I i'.i|i mill Mile Wall for isxiort. I'laifoiiit, jl.1. all cmIi iirie.'s. nan sblpot.ouc.e. Ualfrce. WM. NKI.sdN.S Vnn N'or.len Hi., Norltillsmlulilge, Vukh. WAKJTKD U1IIKCood U. P. Song and Dunce Man, also.Irish ond Duloh cniueillan. Live on lot. ilno.l salary to g.iml iieopie. No imn/i i•<. Tickets 10 Hume 1 know. IlK.T. J. Mll.l.Kn, Usinoro, Minn. WANTED IMMK»IATMLV-To-complete I |>R41PLK IN VAIIIOHH I.INKM. Mnn for I^wIii.CiiIW'iIIiiu Willi MpiS'lnlllea, Mini Tor llravlux, No. .' Co., ni«n at once. Al Yomaillc Cnnindlan; I cluiracters ami Oeunral lliislncss. fief, nuiee vlven to ilnme doing siieeiaiiu ■«. Can pluee IVoiiian tor SkeicliTenni to put on Acts: ,Mnglclnii,dOHirnlghl second lluslnei«H. Miihi luivecxporlenciianil nbllltv. All people iiiiihI liuve wardrobe, li.nlile tnlcniti In nen. Salnry and per eeni. of nales thin season, huc-h nnd report not Inter than .Inly so for rchrarssK .xesxnii open, near Slonx t;liy, Iowa, Jnlr BO. I>. (inldlaand Utile Alright write. Iir. X. W. U'llt- rcll nil In llrMi letter. Pay own lele»riiio«. Addrosn mini, St. Cloud, Minn. ,j h. p. iin,.\il:it, Mgr., Myrile Vlntnn Compniiy, RIO Ka«l :ia«l Ktrcel, MlntinaiHilln, Minn. IVIyrtli , for the Tenth Annual Tour of tho Vinton Company linn. Hobkbt Hyman. professionally known ns Marie D« Trace, vvas liodly burned nlxnit her breast by a skyrocket coming through » window and exploding In her room on July 4. Mr. and -Mrs. Ilymnn nre members of the Pavcen Stock Co., ploying a Summer engage- ment nt Moln Street. Theatre, Pcorln, III. I.iaxm Kv.ins writes: "I was granted nn absolute divorce from Hnrry Mills. In Chl- cngo, 111., on June 11." < !n an. Dr. KiiKSlt nhs received many favor- able nmlcOH regurdlng Ihe excellence of the scenery painted/ by hint for the Rober Stock t 'o. Mas. M.iiiib OASTNgn Ai.n.ii.oii was grant- ed nn ulwoliite divorce from John W. Al- iiuugh Jr., the actor, at Baltimore, Md., on July 1, MKiuciMt MRN, NOTICB.—Wanted at once, tiood Sketch Teum, change for s iveaks: j Silent Man; fiood l/icture.r and .Miinnger, all year I 'round. l,nw«sl,'dtUnry Io llrst. Xollckei unlnMl know you, U K. WILLIAMS, ca re o f UI.II-P KB. WANTKli, Psii.t and Orchestra Men, Three flood, Loud CorneiH, double violin; baritone, Tuba, Trombone and Alto, Clnrlnet, I'lute, Piccolo, Trap Drummer, good one, Trnps. Ke«Hon opens Sept. lit. IteliearMtii Aug. so. Notdriinkurds, gumblors, con- tract Jumpors. No iloke'ts. KxpenstiH Iromopwilug date, siute lowe»t sulury, Mgr-. i title Itnfiis, Oen. Del., Iietni ll, Allch. SOUBjflKTTK WAXTKD, inunl Sing and Act. well, for new vaiidevlllu "ketch. Addrem Viuidevlllo Kxchang e, ins .Mnrket Hi., Newi i rk.X.J. FOR SALE—Grctitcit fide show nnd platform money getters on earth, Tlirco-IOycd UadlgiiKkn Coiaiiooka nnd 8x10 Piilinlng, *;gi; Pet ritlod Women and n.\IS Painting, fv.'.. Onali prines. Hendniiiilcy. Pll ship day oi.ler comes. Win. Nelson,* Van Norden SI., No. Oambildge, Mass . WA.VTHO-T1IOMIIO.NI': I'LAYKIl Ituil can double organ or do spucbUUes, Balmy ** u-igiui and o.\|iensca, No fares. Tell all. K»t und Mloiip on Io:. flood acoinodatliuii.. Other musicians wvlio. Addresi flOI.UIKS COMKPV »'H., per route. Wilton, ..V. II. Get the Habit, Goto 5LOTHIERS, UHIOtT 8QDABE, 14tl« NI reel, near II road way, 279 Broadway, near Cbambcra, 47 Corttaodl 81, but Orwpwloli, 135U St, corner Thirl At*, NEW YORK CITY. ,± t •flH Sonbretlc, riiiinirlcr and Heavy Woman, Com^liaii, leading* Heavy, ami Character Man. Nttapmi optaN .Inly ita, Aildre.H MATT KIINSIll.l,, I'liiuiipalRn, III. CORA LAWTOIM MITCHELL WANTS ilVIIVICDIA"rE:i.V, For Balance of Sniiimor and Next Season, lauding Mnn, llnnvv Man, t.'ouieilliui Willi HpeclnlileH, Ttv.. Oetiernl llnaUKwa Men, Second Lemlliig Woman, Uhai'iii'icr it'oman, Al Song mid liutiie Houl.rello. I'lnitiiu uiiln Intnl. yllle und llopi.Tl.ilre. and a J'cul Advnnce Agent. Al-io Small I'bll.l mid Novclll Acii of all klmn-. Slnlo eveivihliig. A.ldreSM .1. WAI.MI'K CI.IVIOS, I ..iitierHVlllt., I ml. STRONG DANCING SISTER ACT TWO I OCTAVK X Vl.iil'HllN F.H In |M condlilon. Addi-ees PUOPl.K'STIIEATBICAfcf H- cuanui:, Room !U, vj Washington St^Chlca(o, tai. WAI.TKII I.OPI't K, Sliiimg.i- ••« HnllK," Kurivlrli, fnlltt. WANTED, TO JOIN ON WIRE, PEOPLE FOB THE SHAW COMEDY CO. IMU'.K rASVAH POIl HIMMRII AND It K«U I.All HKASO\. Singing and Untieing Soubrelle. Reuvv Man and Ac'ori of all kind', Al IIo'h Raafa* .Han. I'itiito Player vrlin Dniiblcs HrasH, Trap lirinniuer, Cornel and good Spcclalilea for one ttu.l two ulgln -'ntul-. Slate lowenl Siuuiiier fslacv. age, weight and height. I pay nil iificr Jnliilng. You iiiti-i he ».it.i-r nini rolliilile. ami to good people IMMMSI w*soii'» work Is open with mire -oiliiry. ilu.'e who liouiiic Hum. given preference, >'•• M. liKOWN, Hnnuger, l-'ariuliiginii, aid. UNCLE JOSH SPBUCEBY KAHTKUN ANII WKATKKM Two Strong Character Actors for JimIi, Men tortlmiteul iieavlna. NuichCuini'dlaii. Men for fleuernl littnluesa and Kid Purl. Hood Properly Man. Preference for pfopie .Inuliling Imml. Alio wnni IVomeu for liWdM. Snul.relte* and l.'haraelurs, MiisIcIuiih lo'Stage niul Orcltentra. i'ornn», Baritone,Tiuinbonen, Tubus, Altos, Clarinet. Drums. 1 ' HAKKV bUTHEKLANI), ■ I'lymonth Place, Chicago, 111. fe '$&