The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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568 THE /NEW YORK CLIPPER. JtJLY 13. STAGE JEWELRY, BEADS, SPANGLES, JEWELS, Etc. No « uliilog. Ue.i-rlbe irh»t you want mid «■!■ will fend sample. American Bead Company 545 Broadway, N.Y, City. WANTED, FOR rull KALI. A71l> \VI\TKII MKAXiiV M ions dim IHMNG IIVMI. Mull fur '.luHli" purl (slao, liuiililc llunil; Char. Uoniatito du specialty. People all linen, wrilc. Pay your •mn. Plwto, In'c prujr., liiiKiii, weight. Kvurv- llilug letter. Hurry llurnr, write or wire. JABON .V C>) ANNINII, Mgra.. _____ its, Kulr V ie w Street, llurrc, V I. GAGE STOCK CO. WANTED, Leading Man And Good Players In All Lines. Address 28 SUMMER ST., LYNN, MASS. IETTER . LITHOGRAPH ABOUT HALF THE PRICE HEW LITHO-f INT PAPER SENO FOR CMALOOUf- Morrison Show Print„..,„,. PERCY STOCK CO. WANTS QUICK, RED HOT SKETCH TEAM. Change finweek; play parks: Hummersalary. I pay nil. Other Itep. People, write. JACK PKKCY, lilou___). \.s\nii:\i:n:u(o; Mitrkel, lltli lo fjiti SticclH, imi i m. a i)i i.riu v. PA. UKAUorAitTKlU von G. & S. TRUNKS. Will.. Air Cutulof|u«. CDQUIOKI AIiihIi inns, bust, Will puy spot cusli for Long Cur. CHESTER CENTER CONWAY HMU»Q1 - • HANNAH FOR Sill OK Vm i KOVAIMS All Contract rights mill complete production or "It Happened in Nordland" A« produced hUIi uveal biiiicc»h two yearn ago oy Lew FicUlH. AddlcHS IIKKIIKIIT IlANLIN. ____! Opera IIoiihc, _____ III. WANTED, FOR MYRTLE BARICUME CO., mmu woman. Miiit dress parts. IliiiliiM!, Midi., a-lli; Oago- towti I V.U . ___». II. II11ANCU. ROUTE FOR SALE7 A nulla booked sulid train Aug. IV, Han, to Jmiu I in M li'li.. w Is. mnl Minn, fur a kiiihII Land ilniw. mn lie h-used or Loughl vimV CHKAP. I'nutlug lor lour weeks guos wltli It. Write uiilek. Jl. AHTIIU It, Uolel Loom la, OwcgO. X. V_ 50 CENTS FOR A BOOK OF TEN SKETCHES. n Ails for I mule, 1 female, ft Acta lor '.' nudes. \ .Money order wc cent Humps. A'ldl'.osa UP.IINAIID KLINli, Playwright,fflfi Jay St.. Jlrouklyii, K.Y. ____ __ mnl I'lu.m wr lllcii |ii oilier. MUSIC COMPOSETTORlKTTCHE'sr OPERETTAS, 80NGS. ETC., AND ARRANGED IN ANY FORM. n«MlV H.JA.\VV_BII_«; Clark St.. Chicago. At liberty, Baiuj Loader, I'uriiol uutl Second Violin. Hood ruii. music. None lint lcllaliUi Mgrs. O.1., Patinn, Metropolis. 111. TYPEWRITING Thciilrlciil Manuscripts. I.egul Documents, lluel- noas CurtTspiitiilciii e. Moderate pilous. I.OTTA III IILIIICIIO, 41 VV. '.'Hill SI. .1 'to do a Strong Aet lor Yuuilovltlu. Apply to V. lluiisi In, euro ot trilrlen. nU H. Ittllll St., N.Y.C. KARE & MANN. Booking Agents, Suite lliu, KulekerooekerTlieutrc llldg., N. V.t'lly. I'liuin: iii;.->->ili. KOUTKS HOOKKll. TIIKATKKS Itf.PliKSKXTKI). WANTED—ALL 'ROUND MEDICINE" PEOPLE, Also I'itinlsl. Xo ininzer-. Ticket*. If we know IMI. Address WKHTIIUN ItKBRItVP. Mf.DIOINH CO.. 14'.". South Howunl Street, Akron. P. At.SIISIMlHimrO.M'IIKIMNTIWIIUt'KI».TIllAI ILIINS, IMlHI.ii; AHTIAIIANCKS. Apply FOIL ItfcSTKIt A fO.,l'J4W.«MSI.,N.Y.,tlllol'.a. /Wition. ol »""ii up in itnti' film, I eent" u Fool I' hit lip. I Hill ! mill Snlie Slldl'l" lii li III KASTKH_ VMM CO., I Deacon 8__li_loll__a»s. PI »Vfl RWK BOTTOM I LAID KOVtITII s . t i .a, ItCpklui I'Lij Agon liti n ..JOIIibl , • V- SKETCHES ON v^_ 8TOCK TICKETS HAND F0!( IMMEDIATE SMFHENT - ^/^ (O G) .f' 1 ADMIT ONE 2 FKICES 2,(Mm or iniir, , :>(i, IO.IMMI ,,r iniir. . in.; S.OOO to a reel, 'XW to u nuiikuge. Consec- ntively numbered. BEST TICKET MADE !»('.>» d Iroal i»il Bill PER •:il,(l(Kli,rmiin , IH. oo.imhi or more, Ha ■ i.'i. . ■ in- ni'.innii.i I'ki.imhi or more, lSe n. an* MpIl.H.I >^S. HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS j Thoroughly WHWOHwI. Mpeelul niiillenlile llttlngs, Diitent loeklng device, folds perf-eily IIhI. will lint .whit; nmst eolillnrtolil'' mid strniigeft elinlrinude. PER DOZEN, $6.00 S\. NEW LAMPS (Edlnon Bjs«) A M V.- Kirh l"e (■«« IOC. •'•-Koch He) MrW I'ueked S50 In u e.ise. Vdil 'Jo ineli iroi'Ui'i-ed In less uuuiitltlcH. 2d Hand Tested Colored Laips lleil, lireeii. 0|M|I. Amlior H V. V- -Kiich *•• CHlCAfL) III. A8K FOR FREE 500-PACE CATALOG NO Tent for Sale. I'liuli Pole lo.vio loot, v foot Hide wull. poles, ropes, Iltrlita; used u hcukoii, (food cuudllluu, «7«. One (iuod Cupm Crank Piano, pluVH 10 pieces, (rood shipping case, .?«J, or will cvcliuiiuc for ioxuo icul. ' . . One Striped Taut lox-to foot, poleu, iitukcB, ropes, no side wall. |S3. One lllg War t'yeloraniu, The Hutllc ol Oetlys- I'urit. •JO Ijitf Wur PullitliigB. 8X12 feel, POM JI.UOU. Miikeoiler In eimli or (rude. Tiro Big liiiniile llalc l.inhis, In good uliiipc, .;■.''i. Otic Tiilkiug Muuhlue, 20 records, {10. C. R. CULBERT80N, 2U \V. nth at., Jamestown, X. V. Roll Tickets. Vouron-ti Spcclurriukctpcrforulcd ami iiuiiibcrud consecutively on rolls, of uuy sl/.e, ut 25u. per thous. In vol ion. Hpci-lnl prices on larger uuaiilitles. SAVE MONEY. Park, Couce.islou, I'lcliirc, Fair mnl Itiuk Hgrs. UKV WIMK. Save moucy ou your llckets. •illicit dellvork'it. GET THE SAMPLES. NATIONAL CARD CO., 8IIAMOKIM, PA. WANTED QUICK! TWO WOMEN IIK.VVIRS, I IIAIlVt IK.HS Suiiiiner surk. Address At., ______ Vurk, Pa. Musicians and Actors STATK AI.1t KIHHT 1.1.1 I 1 It. CUT STOCK CO, Chas. W. lercer, HKMHI.I.VI1.I,H, INI). WANTED, FOB ALPINE STOCK CO., HEAVY IAN, OOIBDIAN, IDVENILE AND CHARACTER WOIEN, llttluiice of Siitiuiior nod next anuHon, Slate ull letter, mid make It low. UAKI.OS INS KIIHI', MorldluM. Ml us. WANTED QUICK, All 'Hound Mkotch Tuii'ui, I'omeily Sketclies and Act WurLera; one piny organ, single All ALL KINDS OF II WANTED FISHELScCO. 805 8T. JAMES BLDC. NEW YORK MOtfc FOHMKHI.Y WITH AL _____ MED. PERFORMERS WANTED AT ALL TIMES riiui cun change uricti and work In acts, for our different companies. Slate sulurj, ull yon du. lint do not. reply If your work Ik weak. Long etigiige- iiieids nnd'siiro salnrv lo useful people. Those that have written before, Please write iigulu. NATURK'S ItEMEUV CO., So. 196 N. Third St.. I'lilluilelplilii. I'a. at liberty; Youug Lady who wishes to learn work ut Sou- t.reiie. I.eurus Dancing readily. Age, li: height. n ft. li; Inches: weight, luo. Wllllug to work on very moderate salary, AddriHH l It in III iitov, ( ,it<l,vai. i. Kan. WANTED, AT ALL TIMES. For Circuit P*rmantnt Moving Pictures.Thnalres and Summer Parks ALL KINDS OF GOOD ACTS State .i our Inwi -1 salary. You must make good. Send photos and programs. WAM.ACK i.ll.MiHill Co.. Oswego. N. V. P. S.—Can iihc piano players and lllusirateil song slngci'd. I*rcfer piano players who can King. WANTED, FOR Rood's Stock Go. i' itliin. Mudjclnii allow, l.i u- 'Itllllllll (hi lot. Mure money. Tell all In Ural, Make II loir, lor you get MOHl.'AN, It. Drunks keep nil itiiHiiiuii, Kan., weak Aililross J. h. July 8. After 15, OhuhC, liuu UXDKIl I AN V AS FIBJT CLASS 1IHANV MAX. Must Join ut once. Also UOSS CANVAS MAX Hint iiudtrstandH Ills hilslncDH. WANTKD, FIflST CLASS JUVKNILK MAN, ONE WITH HPI10IALTV PRHKHHItEl). Ad- dress w. D. KKKli, 9lKr. It iril'. Mock Co., Lciiuuon, N. H„ July s toE. "WANTED, POR AL. F. WHEELER'S n%& SHOWS MAN WANTED POR TDM Willi VAN FAiii. smvi.i. mi imi IXI I'AIlilllK. STKltl.INtl'S L'NCLK TOM'S CA11IX | 00. under can van. Join on wire. thus. i„ Kixx, iiieinii lii. X. V„ 11; l.yonsFuiis 12, Port Leydon j;:, Koreatporl Ui. WANTKD, FIRST CLASS PUNCH and IDDT HAN Willi complete out (It. Prefer oue who can double Willi knee ilgures for hallyhoo. Seiiaon'a engage■ menl. Write or wlro quick. W. II. IIAKNKS. Owner "Prlnccus. Trlxlc." Jaiucatowu I'lxpimltlou. Norfolk, Vt» ' PATHE PASSION PLAY .JL Waf on Show. Loiigseimou. hlale If you nan Join on wire, !■'. J. HUNK, iieu'l Agent, l'uhiakl, N ew York, . . • "VVaaittscI, for NEW EBA FLOATING PALACE, CORNET PLAYER HOWARD 5 DOYLE Have purchased W. T. GASKELL'S PEOPLES' EXCHANGE and will continue business, conducting a General Thoatri- cal Agency and Play Bureau, representing the best plays, the best managers and the best people. SOLE AGENTS West and South for "Alabama," "In Missouri," "Chimniio Padden," "Held by the Enemy," "Jim the Penman" and a lone list of tried successes. WE HANDLE and are PRE- PARED to FURNISH EVERYTING in the Theatrical line. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, experienced and reliable dra- matic people. Good engagements. All business under the personal direction of LORI1V «X. HOia^ARD, :M> KMMHl. BS WAiHUHWOT 8T., CHICAGO. 114m HOWARD'S THEATRE OPENS SEPT. 1. YRKLE-HARD ER w Sw2£!?"" ATTRACTIONS %ft4ST OSCAU KAUliE, GENERAL KTAGK OIUKtTOK ■ ■■ ■«■-». Cliiiraetae Wouinu. Specialty Team that call Play Purl.. W AN 1 Gcuo-ol Bn-diica Actor, lor MYRKLE-MARDER CO. RE- ■■fill N HEARSALS, JULY 14. WANT CLEVER SCENIC ARTIST FOR FEW WEEKS HARDER-HALL CO. REHEARSALS. JULY 29 HARDER 6c HALL in ';■', WIMCEH-BAKHU, PA ADDUUSti UNTIL .ILLY i: YOUNG'S tnvi II, ATLANTIC tITV .11 I. ^ II NOTICE TO ALL! MILL PltLSKNT TI1K <c »• iBusleru Wheel i I'OMINU 8KAHON WANTED TO HEAR FROM GOOD VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND CHORUS CIRL8 AT ONCE opens Sepl. '.', at Hyde A Uehtiuiti's, Ada ins St., Urooklyn.". j Apply loCHAS. ItOIII \HO\. Sole Ouiier., Hiwin-i{:{0, N.V- W. I'. MeNAIlt.clim lesion. W. Va. ■j.iWi feul. Nearly new. Coal *2ih, la listed as •J,-:iHJ feet. 1'ile.i, »l7n. CAUMONT PA88ION PLAY New. U,»ill feci. MUD. Many rualure I linn Cuinlc, Sensational, Ai\, ltv., at low prices.' IIAHMACJI ft Oil.. WW (___. 8l__l'hllif, M, WANTB. II, (|DII IIHiAVIEl i.n.l CIIARACTEUN, <ii:\i:ii\i. msi\i:ss Stiliiiacr salary. State all. MATTICK STOCK C O., Uiivcim, N. V, Next week CiiXaucklC, S. Y. I Wauled, at Stronghurst, III., Aug. 2,3, (or Odd' FINE SHOW WEATHER One llullyhoo Siren carries hound fur a mile: -10X1)0, 40x80Tenia; Kixfiw, IBvIO Black Tcnis; fine Mandolin Plane, 1'uldhig Chairs, folding Organs, folding Ton-lies, NTcholiideou Chairs, live-em folding Seltees. Send for fKl-lll IIAUQAIN HOOK- LOT; It, II. AUMHKL'NIKU. !S|lt_nglleld,_l_lu___- E. G SMITHS COLOSSAL SHOWS HOOP COMMDIAM tlint slugs and dailies, I Intl. I< willing to clown parade and hlg show. Address I as per route In CLIPPf.ll. j K. _G. SMITH, JUmiyi'r. j MEDICINE MEN Our nieillehn sun- uupuralli-lcil winners. Kutlrelv j iiuw, iii-aulllollv lurtooiicU, guaranteed, elc. Seil . ou slglii. Parliciilara and lectiiro free. TTIK SIXUItlTV CO.. KB-S3 Pre.u'l liulhllng. I'lilludclDbla. Pa. ALL MEMBERS OF Corse Payton's Lee Avenue Stock Co. Will Report for Rehearsal for "A Royal Family" At 10 A. M., JULY 22. Hun MkMwkta ffl U IMV'I'DVS III! AVEHl'K TUEATIE, IIKOOKLVK, 11 o /% J'ellowaaunuul picnic, giaid couipuuy giving clean ,. . , ,_ rnTV , rnn ***,.•,* mc.mamx Htion at;o,H;r,» iK.i.Me on jicrceii^e/ Al.o Mm.U- I AT LIBERTY (FOR REGULAR SEASON, villi? Tout Show, plallorm and outside attractions i of all description. Address,giving full pm-tlcu- lara llratluitur.I'll.A.I-:, i.Ai'vilii, siroughural, III. Slot Machines. i.ei our prices. Sclilea. t -.m: Slut Kdlson Phono- graphs. «;i.-i. ItOUKRS Mid. CO.. 44 X. 4th St., Philadel phia, Pa._ I'AMSBNGKR AerviiiiiitU-nl Supplies. BALLOONS. AKItONACT Iil-;o SITIVKNS, llo.v 1st. Muillsuii Si|iniic,'y. V . WANTED, Al MAGICIAN AN1> YAl'DHVlLl.H TALKN'T lit nil limes. ClirhUj. plicefalilr write. "AMLSI1" TIII-lATItH. .Meliiplils. Telin. B. H. KILLIAB, AGENT. At Liberty After August 1. AM> Ul-II.IAIILH. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., iiiitll July -a. Pcriuaiient ad- dress ma-nth SITtKKT. Pu rl lliiron, Mich. WanM ((nick! Lady Cornet. II, «.l» Hurmll l.«lll>- On lirsli* . th e Slllu iruul), I'lllk llcl gllts Ave ., Hulll lnon -, Mil. It l,ilMJrty-"CII4S. lllMll, MCENIC AnTls'l'. Hi-h-l rulcrciii'es. first Ma nork. ________ 1171 K. lulli ST., New Vork. WANTED. ADVANCE A6ENT~FdrT 6RAZIA'S AT'I'HACTION. Prtiitlug and all rrariv to atari. Will ene i in i r i u',1- ri hi . s.- r i :R AS IA nil day Itnlaj at -iiis knit KerLocker Ul<ig..i4o-i Croadw.i-.New York. J, II. LKSTlill. Mauuger or Treasurer. Strlelli , sulier and reliable,. Thoroughly ovnoileneuil. llaii die any kind of a show. References, Now man- aging successful Hummer show. ALtOE UKOWSINO. .Invuullus or Ingenues. Some Snubrul es. ,\ii dress J. 11. I.ESTHIt, Medlnu. 0. I WANTED QUICK, IIu< ri iijc Htocli Co.,j GKN. Ill s. AIAN to pluy -"Un iiislriimetil In ! leiinKlleii. HiiH.Voinaii. Other useful peuple, write, i Those dolug spuclallles preferred. Addres-* Kll. UAI'.HlMl, I iiloinllle, Mo., week July 8; Miller, Mo., week July 1... Wanted, Useful Kep. IVupli*. Toll all tlrst letter. COI.IMON 1ILLK ItKMI-lDV CO. I Curtha ge, III., il-io. I Ooiulicd, lutrodiici'd. Trial Turns. ilearunces. Apply t'orrcsle:' A Co.. VH _ld St,. N - Y.. near (Ith Ave. 11)1 I I 1'. M. IVIissNewYorkJr. All peopli: cugugi-d report ut KM ft II1-1 THKATIIK, I.TIICAtlO. ILLS.. .Ink Mi ul 111 A.M.. to I. M. llei'k. Jigr. stai: snow iniii.s at plaza hall, jutii st. mid sixth avc'n.v. city. 10 a.m., to **■ V euncsay. Mgr. Klndli nekuoiiledge nails tiyletlei. WANTED, WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE ALL LINUS, male ami leiiiale, for Lead-, Heavies, Cumediu", Characlurs anil S|icclal Miudcillh' lealiires. Show isouMiuw. Ncicr close. The rigid salary lo rlghl jicopln. Phi vail clly time. I**' t-ercreiice, Perinaiieiil address, I'ltl-'.l) A. MU1HIA S, Mgr. Morgan's Cuiucillims, Vlcksliil lg, MIclilH"" Ihe ALLEN CURTIS MUSICAL COMPANY Holds Record at Cycle Park, Dallas, Texas this Summer. Played a Return Engagement. Splendid Show. : . Splendid Business. NOW __________ WOOD I.AKK HUM), DKNI80N, TKXAS. _ Wild W est CuliolW. Tents, Clleiis Si'iits, Polos and Slakes. All bar galos. Pearl Nan, Nonhvllle, N. V. IDEAL THEATRE. Skcleh Teams. Novelties, ule,. — l i d luf week ■ lull a!-«i a nil later. MA X AUliU, Clturili'ld, i'a. e^L VAN FLEET, e^ ■IV Wills'! aii<i- sin*''''!, niurt" iniiu ,•'-., I :; :.»..,|i-:;l, v\> • §& :ason. AT LIBERTY F*OR NEXT 01 „ , , „ MUSIC A u TOMKOV OH llt'lll.l ISIlll K. Meek July s. l|-.i|..j-:8t„N. y, Julj U, IIUNIH lltSO N. COMIV ISLAM). * •*• SHIELDS FEATURES. DANCE OF THE 7 VEILS RA*».¥J*. S* M JS U,A M*»*» unr-tJiJi 4 Seasons, Sunke. Iladlm.i Dance-, Mltror*. «_!* .!;.?.• ''Lm"?, "K^ '.""V 0 -' °' 1 '- M ' l *< ''»'»I Vfllwl Clouk, Silk Dress, Silver Lace. 'JO Slides, $1»: »'' I"' 1 Sill. IHvys r-.'.'i.nii/e. .til'ITr.'O iin-e (liillll.. l»l. V. Sniinileireclr. r.nflfirp.or PipfStW »i"i uii.,1 * u i>a,j,-„,iie PilOtA tHmCIM, MIS U«M*w»*f* *'