The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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JULY 13. .••.• THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 569 Films For Rent or For Sale QQQ& iERViSi WITH tfQBfRATI PRIGI, A Few Special Bargains in Films I'rli'i- Oni'da 'I'mnstpiiivnt ■.$12.1111 Indiscreet Mmilled ia.(M) Unforeseen Meeting ;. • 14.00 Hull Fight 11.00 Japanese Sports JO.OO Trip to Salt Lake: City... 0.00 .Trip to Yellowstone Turk. 35.00 Trip to Catskllls. 20.00 Tracked'by Indians 20.00 1'anuma Cannl 25.00 A .Tramp's .Hevenge 14.00 Life nnd Passion, of Cbrlitt 05.00 Two Little Sramps 11.00 Inn Where No Man Rests. 12.00 Valley of the F.Knplnis..... 7.00 AFreePnas 12.00 Too Miieh of n. Hurry.... 7.00 Hut ru ti'lilnu 11.00 Push Ball Contest 3.50 Two Brave Children 11.00 BIH Posters 7.0(1 TIM Poisoned Fowl 7.0*1 ttohur to Wnr. 2.00 American Soldiers In Cuba 2.0fl The Foundry 1.50 Mr. Butt In 20.00 After the Battle.' 6.00 The Starvelings 10.00 Borneo Clly 11.00 Invisible Man 20.00 Inauguration 5.00 Childish Match 10.00 EfiM I'Hre I I'M a I n.iniw Boon? tio.OO 550 Saved from u Wuierv Orave 25.00 300 A'Curious Dream 15.00 600 Dogs Used as Smuggler*.. 31.00 100 Doctor's Office 4.00 740 Anna's Love Story 35.00 550 Trip Through Ireland 25.00 346 Horse Stealing 15.00 450 A. Quarter Day Rpisodn... 22.00 410 Panorama of Niagara Fall* 20.00 2;i5 She Would Sing 11.00 150 The Tramp's Lunch «,00 370 Liimherltif |u the Far West 12.00 377 The Milliard Fever 20.00 328 At Iho Music Hall.' 15.00 H'MJ Inquisitive Clerk 15.00 1111 Iinimssllile Snleide 7.00 752 The Critic 35.00 85 Aunty's First Cycle Ride. 4.Oil fllO The Waif 22.00 23(1 Peary on the Roosevelt... 10.00 HtiS Climbing Ihe American Alps 35.00 170 Trip to Salt Lake: City.... 0.00 000 Ladles of the Whip 3B.00 120 Afler the Ball 6.00 5.15 .Balloon Ascension .'10.00 150 Mcphlsto'ft Life 7.00 751 Mrs. Smllhcr's Boarding School 33.00 475 Belle of Ihe Ball 22.00 243 A Mischievous Sketch 11.00 HOW TO MAKE MONEY WITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES. Start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and attract the crowd and bring them to your place oftefl. Get in line now and make a fortune. Write to-day for par- ticulars. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. m mum mm FOR POWER'S Cameragraphs WITH FIREPROOF MAGAZINES FILMS TO RENT Mtf ENi.IJ.ll.lf MHI FOR EDISON FILMS AI.HO Kinotoscopes WITH FlfLBPROOF MAUAZINKH The but of service and nrlc.ea consistent wltti the times always guaranteed. Utem. mblecu alwayi on liand. Operatori, mauDlnea and dims fnrnlahed for Sundaya anil all btberoctiAlloua. Send for lint and pr " !M - F". J. HOWARD, . . 110* Wellington St., Opp. Ada ma lluuae, Baaton, Mail. Moving Picture Men, Attention !! SEND FOR BOOKLET "FILM RENTAL FACTS" It In almoin I fly tl'titi— inlRlll.T InlCl'CStlUir. Send name and permanent iidilroKi. THE G. N, Y FILM RENTAL C O., 24 Union Square, New York Soubrette Dresses, Ankle Length Gowns ANY COLOR. ANYBTYM2. ANY HIJANTITY. . . •? All Oarmenm made 10 order from Special and Original licslirna. KIT, m atkhi ai. AMD WORK- MANgHIP GUARANTBUD, or money refunded without argument. Baud colored plates fur- uMlied free, on request. WOLFF. FORUINO A CO., «-«» Kllotau. Boatou. Maia. OTTO ZIMMERMAN AND SON Music Printers and Engravers «U'irn simviiF. mil mill lyWMR Btreeta, CINUNNATI, OHIO GOOD aimii WltlTK PORCATAliOOHF. I.OU IMIIIKS THE ORIGINAL QYPSY QUEEN TALKING FORTUNE TELLER Ib an attractive, life size, Oriental beauty, which speaks your fortune in a loud, clear voice, and is the most attractive slot machine that has ever lieen placed on the market for arcades, parks, Summer resorts, etc. This machine gets the money. Arranged for either A. C. or D. C. Motor. Send for Sample Record and try it on your Phonograph. Order now. F. S. ZIMMERMAN, 5 East 14th St., New York City. —SBSH CENTRAL TRUNKS. Sfiln., J7.M1; 2Sln'., iS.BO: 30In., $I).r,0; n'nin.. $10.00 ; 40ln., $12.00. .Circus Trunka. 24x18x18, JUO. Kill TrunkSj 110x23x15. Inside, S12.0O. Lltho. Trunks, 42'/jX28Vjx12, Inside, *l. r ..0O. ohlnned on receipt of $.'1.00, unl. C. 0. D„ except oyer S00 miles, tllen remit wUole amount SIMONS k CO., CliNTRAi; TllUNK FACTORY, Kst. 1884,8. W. cor.Jtb and Arch Sts..Phlla. SHOES FOB STAQB, HTBBBT AND EVENING. BXCLtJBIYB BTXMM AND WORKMANSHIP aOARAjiTBHD. iBort- Vjunip a.i "-"era Ailed. mt guara*- VgTBlN, '« taici' JmmJm aJm uTSfi i& Mail oMen. tert WIliVfAJB BERNsVl TeT'eOB Madlion Square. 800 aixtli Ate., near lilt St., K. I. ILL co£ormd BLIPPHBB MADH TO ORDER IN 2i BOOB* COSTUMES ADAPTKD FOR STOCK OR RKPBR- TOIRK, tilther DramnLle or.Opera, from slock or liiiilt to order. floHbrette unit Cliamttfii i.ulli from tleaign oar niieflelty. N. K. Arciiis for Uncli's "vigH. TIIK HOOKKlt-HOWK C'OSTIIMK DO., Haverhill, Mints. HAVE YOU W HiBiJiiiKD IT? IT'S OAUUID "SINCE ARRAH WANNA MARRIED BARNEY CARNEY." And lt'« lliv anawerto Mini maaterly melaay, "ARRAH WANNA." Krerylindy aaya li'» Funnier, <ni.iii.-r and ll/Hler ilmn any of III* Unml on.w. " lla 11> thai voire of ynnra III led, mil at F. B. HAV1XAND PUB. CO., 124 W. 37thSt.,N.Y. NocAiirm. i,itk i'ikx.uam wii.i. mur i■«. WANTED QUICK COLOR! MIBST8BL AMI For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Conpaoin, lor Aiateir ^ L.VRGK3T ABSORTMBNT IN TBB WOKLD. Booka for »om« amuaement, Negro l'layn, l'aper, Bcenery, lira. Jarie;a Wax Worki. Cafaloguo Fr«el Freal Preal ' • ■AMDBIi FRUNOH. 17 W. VM it., law T«rK. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And thi Lalut and Moat Popular Stylai In Lattln Hair Oraulng. A. JH. JIIJCI1 & CO., 119 H. Ninth Street . - - - - Phlladalphla [[ I! II OUR NEW BOOK OF SPECIALTIES contalnA more valuable Information to Jeweler*, Novell; Deulern, Knife Hoard Men, Ktreel Men, Yankee Noiloo Worker*, etc,, than any oilier cululouue iHincd. lt.AII.KI> KIIKK. I ntNORH URON., H-. Butvery, N. V. MONTAMBO AND HURL-FALLS tomejy Acrobaia. Aa goml aa Hie licit. Fealnre act Willi tke Bra uilful u»*<!■.<( Co, FOR TIIF, DIXIE MINSTRELS ADDRHKH VOELCKEL & NOLAN, llellllt Theatre-, I'orllaurt, lire.,'July tl 10 n. IRE YOU OFF Tile lionnlal ir«o, come In me and I'll give, ynii a «|>«< Inliy hii Himi nlll ruin llir (IoiikIi for ) '"'• C. XT. STOW8, SI4FUTIR0N BLOS., NEW YORK. AND FILMS. Klrlne<™ for Pliitarc Marlilne>« roiw IIik whole raiiK<' of|>li»r- IIihI |imji;< ll.m. SUPPLIES AND REPAIR PARTS, S0N6 SLIDES FOR SALE AND FOR RENT. . BEND FOR CATAMimiB B. ,i C. B. KLEINE, 804 Nlitli Avn„ New Vork. tkwm take ma WANTED FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIONS For ihi' coming aeaann, for Hn Tecmnaeh Unent llouae. 3,(HX) population. On strew BAT lini>. tiood hIiow town of IIK alxe. For dnlea nndo|ien time nridrena TIIK 8HAWNRK ADV. 00. P. 0. Box tu, Bhawnee, Okla. ARCADES Are not aucccsaful iiiiIupm iliey il 1.1 M A X V I K W M mid KnlurgiMnenlH in their Drop I'leture Mnclilnea. Write for complete lint*.' CLIMAX YIEW CO. II UNION aitUAHK, N. Y. WANTED, F-OR Chauncey-Keiffer Co., Good A1 Comedian with Specially Woman tor Heavies, Characters and Jirtiilis Mention nil In tot letter. If poitdlilu, Head photo. HPHCIaLTY PFOPI.I! wild pluypurin, wrlie. Il)-- lii-ur-.j»I- Juiv :-i, ill lluivutiiirit. I'll. AdilrcDM / J'KKH cllAtNOBY, I'JO Hliorl HI.. Ilnrrhliiirif. Pa. WANTCD, Por J. D. CHUNN'S U. T. C. CO. TUHA PI.AYKR, Cornet and Clarlnei for II. mid o. Other Muali-lans to doulde atnge. .No lion/.er% ili'lliiiile people only. Addretw ItOllT. NOllllKltti, Bandmaaler. Kilt/. Edciiurg, n rite. (len. liel., Iletroli, Mleli. HDAPlifi~OfBr 8 FliRNIRIIBD TO KFI.IA tnunus ainuoiii.K manaokkh df mi:- SI0A1, COMKIIY. BL'ltl.KHOIlK nnd DRAMATIC I'OMP.VMKH. KAKK A MANN, 1140 Kliictertiockcr Theatre lildir., N. Y. OWIMW TO ftllOW'CLOHlrVH, AGENT AT LIBERTY. Sutler, rellalilii nnd nut nfrahl of paalft. Xddreu . i. II. Kl'SHHI.),, I'lerci.'ion. Kiw. to.. Iml. Doctor at UIm'H.t. lU'Klxtitreil M. II. In Mlclilpwn, llllnoN, wi^sohmIk. Colorado, u»t.'' 8tron«onice Itaah. Pen'onmseonn DOCTOR AL'QUST HCUVVTi, ClUcago^MeU. iC. MOVING PICTURE Machines, and Edison's, Ready All the Time for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. (MTIii\, limi'i Iik ftinldtl liy tlioae wlin ntTrr u " Pntter " mniililiie, nppnr. • nil) ,!»•«■. rnr a low in u .-. Tile eMaleal llilnn l„ (Iik noil I I. In liny a arronil- hand iiimuliic, rvnetv the nlrkle |ilnfln«, and nil Ihe l«ni|i lion..-, (lien aell In Ihe ■ an newt •WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR POWER'S CAMERACRAPH, EDISON'S KINETOSCOPES Anil nil. ii i 'in liiiy iiiiim na ivi' Rim rail let- In Hie name of the innker anil our iiwii iInn ili<- nun IiIiiim *i •■ In ii ml ii. <i ii n.I ill if,., luteal iiinilcl. WE \Ayii_L, FORFEIT $1,000.00 . n» ANY om. i'Hiivim. Tin- ivMiini»iiii\ i\< iiiiui'.c r. 75,000 Feel, of Film on lOin. Reols Ready to Run, nt $45.00 por Rani. Three RooIh, $120.00; Six Reoln, $210.00; Twolvi Bouls, $360.00. list m v. SWAAB'S BARGAINS ..% BARGAINS FIRF.PMOOF ARJimTAHliK ItllF.OHTAT, Will'VOI.TM, AI.TF.RNATINO (III IfiHKi 'i'. run he u«. ii »h 110 aliiKln ur In iiiulilpi. . an,no, |H < nil.. SOLE AGENTS FOR T8X* MACHINES. LEWIS IVI. SWAAB % CO. Largest and ONLY EXCLUSIVE Dealers 338 SPRUCE STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW SONGS! NEW SONGS! FREE Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs. SOW. SKADY—"HlmUklg Through Ihe . Mniilca." "A PaWnM IIIIiiiiiki'," "Ikiwn liy tile Brook. rile I.IIa'h Mtwaaue," "Mweetlnyirt, Tome Biielt lo Mo," "Wlien the Apiiln Treea Arc In Tlielr Hweeleal Hlnoin." "My Molillpr llov," "llhlay," "linivn rtn Ihe llentle .lumea," •Wli.-ii til.-,Itolilii llnlhla Ha Neal." "When Ihe tlrnnnil In I'overi'il Thleklv i»r Willi Know," "8he Ih MleertliiE In Ihe -V.ller," "The Old'Cabin IIoiiih, 'l-'nr Awn.v," "In My Aero Clone." "When llie'rolleui' I'lnya An' Over. Hiveelheiii'l." "My Arl/onn Beljei I'he, Itenuliful I'llv." "The. IftWfM <>t Oui'l llolorn, rhe lllrl of Ihe I'lolilen Wear,"- "The Humlile Hee," "Sly Hnnny iHliy',' "I'nrewell, Mary," "My ll.'itii la Sail nnd Loiiily," "All Mv Liivch," IKLVILLG HliSIC Ii*. CO., 55 West 28th St., New York. tmmmm . THE TUB OHM AT RNUtllll V AIIIMVIM.IO FAPBR, AND THI 14 Leicester 8t., Leicester 8quare f London, W. C. FORBIGN MIIIISI 1111- 1 IOVN, PROrOSHIONAL AI>Vl.ltriHi:MlC\T«, Na. Nil. PI.11 THAII. Ua. Mil., Mliitfla ( iiliuun Inch. P&oifio Coast Amusement Co., OWNING AND OPERATING FIRST GLASS VAUDEVILLE THEATRES IROA COAST TO COAST. . ALWAYS IN DEMAND, " ,RBT "^WRMVSSl WH0 <MN 80LB BOOKINO AtlKNTH: KKKKMAN BKKN8TKIN, 13M Hroadway, N. Y.; FAUI, (iOUIIHON, -tM American Bank BnllilltiK, Hentlle, Waali.; OIIHIH. 0. BROWN, 61 H. (Hark nt., Ulilcago; ARUU1K I.KVY, 180T Ooldeu Oate Ave., Han rTanclaco. Oal. _V "T"l IWI HT1R VAUDEVILLE ACTS .nd BURLESQUE WOMEN. , CIIAH. II. WAI.DUOW, PAIiACK TIHCATRK, BOgTOK, NAH». _._ YTNKhUER.C CO. S8SS : MANVPACTCRKRH, AT 186 WE9T.B'V/AT, % T. WHOLESALE if WIGS THE WIGGERY" Carnsllan Grease Palntt, Powders. Cold Creams, Rougai, tic. Wlgi ANU IIKARlm, Mend. 4<: In miunim ror Ciiminfrne ••('," liliiHlruled, mid let- MUM In "Art of Makltlc l'|l." Bjm X-MlCHLttO.; all Ink 81., Fun., Pa. u Hlamla for wlga that iv I« the wlgjleaa, . 1ITI HTATF. HT., ntll Fluor, t'lili 1)11, Chris Bruno and Mable Russell in THE imiIihmk AORNT. u.mkwl aull.l, comiuem lug Hejit. a, liy United BfKjklng omeea. '. ., MKNLO PABK., N. i. In TUB INflVRANCK AOBNT. , , AddrMa, for Hummer, 1.1 ■ ! ■ .....