The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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570 q ggg utmw yore gbipheb. -L. July u On tbe Road. All Hontci. Md«t Ili-ncli la Not LaUcr 1 bun H«(iird»> Precedla* Date of Iuu< * For Biipplcincotnl Lint Hoc Another Column. IIIIAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Adams Maude (Oluirlrs Frohuiiin, itiifr.)—l.ns All- Helen. C«l., H-I9. Alwrii 0|ior« iMHIon & Hurgenl Aboru, nigr*.) - WuahliiKU'ti. I> C. 8. Imlellnlle. Aboru Opera (Mlllini & nnrgeot Abvrn, ingra.)— Newark, N. J.. 8. link-Unite. Aliorn 0|*ra (Milton * Sargent Alwrii, ingrs)— Allmuy. K. V.. 8, Indefinite. Aborn Oiiern (Mlltuu * Hnrgcnt A born, ingra.)— New Haven, Oouii., ft. Indednltc. Aborn Opera (Mlltgn & Sargent Aboru, aigre.)— Lawrence, Mum.. 8, Indefinite. Ardt-ii. Kchvln, Stock—Washington, 1>. C, 8, In- dellulle. Alls* Nut IK. 1". Alow, uigr.)—I'rovldciice. It. I.. 8. imlefliiltc Alpine Slock —Meridian, Muts.. lil-SB. Aiigi'H'x Cunicillaii* (.1. II. ICiuermiu, lujir.) —Krt- inoutuu, Alia., (Ian., 8, Indi-llnllc. Alli'li Slock—Portland, On.. 8, Iniletlnlio. AylMworlh. Stock. I Arthur .1. Avlesworth, mgr.)— del .moid. Nev.. 8, Indefinite. Acujc Comedy—Wlebltu. Kllll., 8, ludfllnilc. Ami-Inn- Slock—Terrc Haute, Intl.. 8-tfept. 7, lhfnidcllr, Ji'sslo IC. !•'. Lawrence, mgr.)—UufT«li>. N. V„ 8, Indefinite. Boston Ideal Opera (I'-dcie I'liiti-num. nigr. ) — 'Kuiihhh Clly, Sin.. H-Mrpl. 3. Boston 0|H?ra—Newark, N. .1.. H Aug. 3. Ueis-her <k Htiiidry'a Snows (Waller J. McDonald. uigr.l—lliiiina. in. Ilnwllns II, Ruck Springs 12, llreen lllvcr 1:1. Ilmyi-ns. Kurl (Fred (Jlllen, mgr.)—Sen I lie, Waal)., H-Aiig. II. llarrle Slock (Kihvlii Itiirrle. mgr I—.Jefferson CM}'. Mu.. 8-1 :i. Columbia IS20. Until" In Melville I Waller H. llalllwlll, ingr.) — ■Julias. Tex... 8, lllilelllille. llruwn Slock iAllien Hrowa, Digr.)— Milwaukee, WIK,, 8. lUllcJItllle. Ban UiirrnwiM Dramatic--Greeley, Ncbr.. 8-13. Iliirke Stuck (J. Prank Burke, mgr.)—Kail Hirer, Mil**.. 8. IlldcHnlte. Hurry * llurke Stock— Mm Bedford, Maas., 8, llldellnllc. lliirlun'a Comedians (Hurry ItiirUiu, mgr.)—ilulco- llnrg. Hi:, * Aim. IT. llrudv Stock ill. II. Hiirtiiian. iugr.)—Loke Brady Park, II., S, liidrilnlic. Itlnker Stuck IMaililcc Stanford, mgr.)—Wild- i »wil. N. J., 8, Indefinite: Ilareiime. Myrtle. Theatre (Kil. II. llruudi, mgr.) Had Axe.. Slleli., H-lil, UcuiirH's Big Shirk- (hilly llenncll. iiigr.)—Anl- Icr, ■ N. Iluk.. 8-lti, Wi-sHunn- ll-lil, thuemee . .:.•; Bo'aul Coiuijdy I Sam Bryant, mgr.)—Payette City, I'ii.. set. riinlitii IJMW. Bessie lloiincll Ladles' Orchestra—Halllniorc. Mil., 8. lllill'Hlllle. "Mrcwslcr's .Minimis" (Charles Pruliuinu, uigr.) l.iMiil"ii. 1:11a.. K. Iiiileltiille. "Ilrctvaler'a Millions" (Frederic Thompson, ingr.) riileiiK,.. III.. M. Indrlllilte. "Iku'N ut .(JoiniMiiy II" (Unnlel I'mUimin, mgr.) — CIllcilKU. III.. '■"'. IlidelllllU'. "Ilnnliei'a Child" (Hurry Hlmiimin, mgr.)— Cul- ler. S. Dnk.. in Kilgeiiiont II. Ctmihrlu. Wyn . Ill, New Cuatle III. Shcrldmi ID. 10, Crawford, Nolir., 20. "HorUer lies" I.Muy Jt l.u|a>llit. mgr*. I—lu Intnl. VI.. 10. lii'iindim II, Muiichraler VI, Cnin- hrldge. N. Y.. Ill, Wllmlngtun. vi.. lit, Hhcl- Inirne Kalla, Miibm.. II). Winchester, N. I!.. 17, lllliauoro 18. III, I'raiiklln 2I>. Collier. WlllhlUI lllinrlea I'l'i.lilllllll. mgr.l —N. Y. City 8. iiiiii'iiniie. Oohim. Hw. M. (Hum II. Iliirrla, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly S, liidellnlli'. Ikjliiinlilii Stuck (l.nekelt A llwyer, ingra.) — Wnslili ul.,11. I). C. 8. hiili'lliille. Uuller Slock IWullnee It. Olilltr, mgr.)—nick- iiKiud, lull.. s-Aini. :i. CnrllMH Oiinedy Mumea Waller, mgr.)—Mound 7-l.t, Kurekn i:.-20. ii'Iiuh. 11, noHKKam, mgr.)— 8-Auu. 10. (Ion Cnrroll, mgr.)—Unlaney, Karl, uigr.)—liia Angulea, i lui-lla, uigr.)—Ueulaou, 8- 111. Crawford, -Dili- City. S. n*k Chlrngo si,« k HincBrMi <>■• Cnrridl ()nm«ly w. Vti.. 8i:i. Callfiiriilini* iTIiiik. (Jul., 8. liidellnlli-. ClU'll*. Miwleiil (Allen Ti-v., 8-l:i. CitiH'liiml lliiis.' Stuck—Moln-rly. Mo. l.'rawfonl'a Comeillniia lllnruioiid 11 nigr.)—Aiii-iu-it, Mo.. 8.14'. Cnurt'liy'a Uwnil ll'iili-lek CXuiwuy, nigr.) ciigo. III.. 8, liuledullc. Creature lunl Ilia llinul (llownnl 1'i-w, uigr.)— ClilcugK. III.. H4M. Ihdiiiur Oiu'rii (Turner (I. Lewis, mgr.)—SI. I*jiil*. Mi>.. 8, Imleiiiilic. l«jiil.-heily Sd«-k ll'ujiie A Ikuiglierly. nigra.) — Callimel, Mlell,, 8 III. I.hiileu 1. 11I," in-2U. liriiiiiiitii I'/iiiii-dy il(ula-i'L licmiiival, mgr.)— II11.. 8. liidellnlli-. liiimroseli New York SyiiiiilKMiy Urclii-atrii IWiilb-r llailiniseli. leinlcil I'lili-upi, III., 8, lllllelllllll.-. rioiliig'N 11 1—Albany, N. v.. 8, imi<<ii|iiiu. . Dli r.iicrn's Biiml•■•I'ltlahiii-g. I'ii.. 8, ludi-lliille. I'.Im'vii, lAirne. Uriiiiuillc—Woudalock, VI.,' H-lil, Wludaur K.-.'li. Kmiilix- Stock |S|dlK \ Nalluitisutl, lllgl*K.)— I'rnVllll I*. II. I.. N, lllilelllille. Kliullsh Sl(,i-k ■ Mllwnukii-. Wl»., S. Iiiilelllilli-. Kluier Sleek (liniilin. Ni-hr., 8, Indclliillc. Illlei'.v'a lluiiil—(Ihleiigo. III.. 8. Iiidiillullv. l-'nv. Kilille (Sum s. A l.iv Sliula-i'l, liie., nigra.) —X. V. Clly S, iiiilelllilli-. Kninkeiillidil, I.1111111—Salt l.nkv Oily, I)., 8, In- ilelliillc. ' l-'nweoll siiH-k (Hen. I'nwifll. uigr.) —Ulcliliiuud, Vll,, 8, Iiiilelllilli-. I'eula-ig Slock (iIihi. M. l-'enhn-g, uigr.)—Auguslu, Me., 8, linlellulle. ■ I'niiiiim Slock (Wm. I'liiiiinii, mgr.)— <Jlcvelaiul, 11.. 8. liidellnlli- , l-'ei-rla Sim-k (lllck l-'ei-rls, uiui-.l —Mluueuiwlls, Minn.. 8. Iiiilelllilli-. 1'iiliiiii sinck (J, Kiillitn. mgr.)—IJncnlu, Ncln-., 8. lilikllHlle. 1'nlk-l- Slnek M.nili'i-iil. C1111.'. 8, linlellulle. "l-'iiacliiullug I'lnrn" (Hum S. & la-e Sliuln-rt, Inc., niiil-H.l—N. Y. I'lty H. hulcllnlte. "l-'ully I'ellx" II.'. .Iny Smith, nigr.I — Criiiuhin, Wis., 10, Iron lllver. Midi.. II. Kllireiu-e, \vi* . VJ, Norwny. Mli-li., Ill, KhciiiiiiIm 14, lilmlnliiin- IS, Miiu|s||i|iie III. siurgi-iin Buy, Wis., 17, 18, Denuin IV. Two lllu-ra 'JO. "l-'uiiny Mi. Ikadey" (1. 11 llenni- & l,ee, nigra.I —Iinllwiisle. ft. II.. Can., III. Ciirunheilluii II. lit, Ulvlere dc ltm\i. One., III. Itlcliumtiil IS. sh.-flinii.kc HI, Mugng 17. Windsor Mill* 18, SI. Ilyaclntlie III. lirnce llmrge 1 Wm. A. lirudy, uigr.)—London, Kng., 8. Iiiilelllilli-. liiililen. Illclniril— Chicago. III., 8. luih-llulle. illnscr Slock 1 VHitgluiH tiliiM'r, mgr.)—Ucll'nll, Mich.. '8. lllilelllille. iivuluiine. I'erdliuiiul—Aaliliinil,. O,. 8-'.'0. liiliuinv'* I'hiyciN (l'riiiu-iB J. illliuore, uigr.)— Tuiieka. Kan.. 8-lil, Snlem 14-27. tillek-Uula-rla Sim-k ill. 'I', (lllck, mgr.)—SI. Miny*. O.. 8-KI. Cellim IS 211. Iluy StiK-k IChns, W. Mt-rcer, mgr.)—Keuilallvlllc, lull.. 8-1II. lillnimn- & Tour Slnek ■ l'iiiii*iiluwncy. I'll., 8- l!l. ilnrgiille. Kin-leu, Coiicei-t llinul—Oiluago, III., 7- HI. Denver,'Oihi.. 11-27. Iliuitei- -Ilviidfiird I'liiycvs— Siirlngflcli!, Muss.. 8, Imlellnlle. Harvey Drnmiille (lltirvey ItiirlHir. Mich., 811. lllelilimilllesse.v iw, -AI. Iinrt. In., 8. Iiulellnltf. lleiiileiMin Slock (W. ,1. uigr*. 1 Clnflnii, In.. 8-lil. HcImiiuii Stuck (llelsinaii .V Cohan, nigra.)—Au- gusta, (ill., 8. Indellulle. lllghlnnd I'nik Siia-k (Al. Beiiali-y, mgr.)—York. I'll.. 8. lllilelllille. Hull. I'liiillue— Ciikliiu. •I'oli-ilo. (I., 7-lil. Ileii*-n Orchesivii iV'leinr Iterlu-rl. lemlerl— l>hlliiilel|ihlu. I'n.. 8>.\ug. 11. Ilnuey's Washington lliuid—L'hieluiiatl, (I., It-IB. ||r-le'* l.niiii-a On'iiMira 1 l.eniia Howe, leader)— Xaluinl. Mm.*.. 8-Scut. U. llilileiinniiii. Jennie. Chicago NiiIIck' liveliest ru (1). II. Ilnderniaini, mgr. I—I.I I tie Hock, Ark., 8, lll- ilelllille. Vltnrdy Oiirdy lilrls" (Clias. Ilarkii. mgr.l—Bus- Inn, iMiiss,, 8. lllilelllille. "Irl-ii Heiis-llvi-" ill. II. Pagr h U M j uiur.l - lt.«lie-lel. N, II., III. I'ni'lllllicloll II. Kenlll'- l-iink. Me,. 12. Snnfnril lit. Jcneoi.n Sim-k III. V, 1'helaii. uigr,I—I'orllaud, Me., n. iiiiitmiit .to-k-mi. IsaU-l I'.. Stock (IVh'jt H. I*<tIii, mgr.l l'hlhnli>lj>hl:i. I',i., s. linlellulle. K--H- ami Hill IN11I A. Mniiioi', iiinr.)—Sun Iran- iltWi Ci'i.. Vi lu'lcimllg, Kllllea Hnud (T. I'. 3. Forcer, mgr.)—Nevada, Mu., 10, Chniiiile, Kuu.. 11, Cowigll (trove 12, 1'nola ID, Kiiiihii* City 14. Tvpckd, IS, CurTey- vlllc 10, MatiliHiliiu 17, I'euhody 18, Uulclilu- <on 10, Ilopiillton. Mo.. 20. "Knight for a Doy" 111. C, Whitney, mgr.)— Chicago. 111.. 8. IlidelllllU'. "King of the Cattle ding." Kller'a (C. II. Bowcu, mgr.)—GleniiB Kerry, I •In., 10, American Fulls lil, Monlia.-lli-r. Wyo., in. "King of tin- Cattle Itlng," Ellcr'a, Kuatcni (K. I'. Heist, mgr:)—Swift Current. Mask.. Can., 10. Mii|ile Cr.i-k II, Miilli-lm- Hut, Alia., 12, Calgary is. Lillian Lawrence—lloalon. Maas., S, ItideOnllc. Llvlugstoni* Slock IK. II. Livingstone, mgr.) — Clevelnud, O.. 8. Imlellnlle. Lyric Coined), Kelly * Mossy's I Waller J. 1'llra- mer, uigr.)—Welwler, Muss., 8-lil, I'utnam, Coiiti,, 15-20. Lollniip Stock (O. B. I/Otlirop, nigr.)—Bontoti, Muss,, 8, Indennlle. Lyric Musical Onneily—Toleilo. 0.. 8. Indefinite. Lyceum Ktock—SI. Joseph, Mo,. 8. Indefinite. Liliermtl'a Hand (A. Lyniin Shaw, mgr.)—Cleve- land. U., 8-28. Lawrence Band—Mcranlon, Pa.. 8, Indefinite. U-lir. Inn, Hlw'k—Jackaon, Miss,. 8-13. "Lamb from Willi street" (W. W. I.npollil, mgr.) —.Maltne, N. Y., 10, HriMhion II, si. Regla 12, Miisaeiin 13. Mortimer, Cbaa. (.1. M. Hill, mgr.)—Derby, Ind., 8-lil, Cimuellon IS 211. McDonald Stock ((). W. McDonald, mgr.)—Vlcki- luirg, .Ml*«., 8-lil, Jackson IS 27. McCtilhnii Slock (Hartley .McCulluiu, mgr.)—i'ort- laud. Me., 8. Indefinite. Mucmlllnii I'layi-ra (Don Macmlllun, mgr.)—in- ili-ls-mleiHc. Kan., 7-20. McMalimi' Slock (Burton Mc.Miilion. mgr.)— Al- butiy, 111., 8-13, HoblUHon 1S-20. Muiiiuilliiii Oihtb (Henry Taylor, mgr.)— Kliulra, N. Y., 8', Inilelliille. Mo-sin. Huaur, Slock—Suulb Bend, Iinl., 8-13, lliiullngloti l."i-2o. Mure; Hlot-k— Nltsburg. Kan.. 8-CI. "Mnn of .the. Hour" (Beady, & Urlauicr, nigra.)— N. Y. Clly 8. Ilulrlrtlillc. "Mini of the Hour" (Brady & (irlsiuer, nigra.) — Chlcavu; III.. 8, Indeflulte. "Mrs. Wlgga of the Cabbage 1'iirch" (l.lebler & On., ingra.)— Isiiidnn. Bug.. 8. Imletliille. "Maid uud the Mllllonnlre" (M. M. Tuclae, mgr.) —X. Y. City 8, indefinite. Olyintilu Oia-m (K.d. P. Seanimi, mgr.)—New (Irleaua. Iai., 8. linlellulle. tii-iiheiiui Stock Miuriin Deck, mgr.)—Salt Lake city. ().. 81 Indellulle. ruytoii Slater* (C. S. 1'a.vtoii. ingr.)—PJurekti Siirhiga. Ark.. H-IS, inn.- Hock ll-Aug. 3. I'nlge. Mala-I I Henry K. willard. nigr.)— Jackson- ville, l-'ln.. 8-Aug. 17. I'crry Slock (K. II. Kerry, ingr.)—Unorte. In., 8-11; Hiaiihnsik IS, 13, Slule Centre 13', 10. Klnyers Slock (Hush Tctuple Tlienlre Co., mgrs.) —St. I'lllll. .Minn.. 8-Allg. 31. I'ei-iichl-dypreue (Clin*. D. I'eruclil, mgr.)—Co- llllillil.l. H. C,.. 8, linh-lliilte. Koyieii Stock—I'enrhi. III.. 8, IndeUiille. 1'ngi-, Kleela (nuA Lupuliil, ingra.)—l-'raiikllu, I'lilniiuy's I', 's. Baud (Frederick I'liluney, con- diiclorl Saruliigii. N. Y-.. 8-lil. ' Keek's Bad Hoy" (C. S. Callahan, mgr.l—llreu- fell. Mask.. Clin.,' 10. Wam-lhl 11, MmMouihi 12, vii. leu. Man., lil, Brandon IS, Cm-berry HI, I'urliigo In Kriilrle 17. Hogei-H Slock 1 Wlifrhi Itogera, mgr,)—Sun Fran- elsin. ('ill,. .S 27, Iloyal Cuuadlaii linn. I (J. M. l-'lun, mgr.)—Omaha, Ni-t.r.. S-Si-iil. IS. Itoyal Artillery Hand l.los. In- Vllo. nigr.)— Haiti mm, Mil., 8-Sepl. IS. itiiimiis Lndles' Hand 1 Herbert 0. Hounds, mgr.) —OllUUtUllollU, 111., 11-27. Hoiitids Ladles' Orchestra (Herla-rt O, Itoiinds, ingr.)—WorttiliiElon. Minn., 8-11, Qultiey 12-28. "It.innii i'|i-- iJoM-pli Brooks, lugi-.)—Chicago, HI., 8, Imlellnlti-. Htnlil, Hose 1 Henry B. Harris, uigr.)—Chicago, III., 8, Indenullc. Sun Kriuielsei) 0>'ra (Prank W. llealy, mgr.)— Hoiillle. Wimli., 8. ImlelluKe. Sltecluin Uiotii IJiawpb Shceliau, ingr.)—Clcve- lilinl. ').. 8, Imlellnlle. Hiinw Mlock (Murtlhier Suow, mgr.)—Memplila, Thiii.. 8, liidellnlli.. Mm Slock—I'orll I. On-., 8, Indellulle. Ileo. W., Slock (Arthur J. Itudd, uigr.)— I'cckHklll.. N. V.i S-Si-nl. 7. . Saiiford Slock 1 Waller rfuuford, uigr.) —Oakland, O1II1. S, Indetlnlte. Hliiuley Slock (Arlluir Shiuh-y, mgr.l-SI. Luuli, Mn , 8, lllilelllille. Summers Slock (tini. II. Siiiumera, mur.)— llunilllon, Out.. Can.. 8. Iiuh-llulie. Hlnicra Slock (C. W. Slnleiti, ingr.)—Oklnlmrati Cllv. Oklu., 8, liidclhilte. HI. Clair. Nne (W. W. Laimlnt. mgr.)—Uurre, Vt„ 8-10. Xoi-tlillFld 11-13. Ilnrre IS. lodcllnlte. Strnng. IjIwiu. I'lnvers I Waller Kavlilge. mgr.)— Albion, Neh„ 8.1.1. Newman's fJrovc 10-20. Slwlilurl Slock— LuiihIiiu, Mleli., 8. lllilelllille. "Slrmigrr III Town" (II. H. Idnloti, ingr.)—nieb- muiiil, V11., 8-lil. Norfolk IS20. Tiuli/r. Albert. Slnek < - Hlirevrporl, Lu., 8 13, VIckHliiirg, Miss., II 27. Tl iisnii. Muln-lle, Slia-k—San Dli^-o, C11L, 8, lllilelllille. Troiisduh- Bros.' Tlienlre, Kiislein (Merle Truiu- dale, ingr,)--Arkiinaiia Clly, Kdn.. 8-20. Those CalltoriiliniK I J. Miiniey, lugr.)—Arlluglun, N, J,, s. Inilelliille, "Three, or lis" (Waller N. Lawrence, mgr.) — Chlungo. III.. 8-13. "Uncle Tom's i!«bln" (J. W. Shliiuiuu, mgr.)— BrliUtlon,' Mi-.. Hi. . Van Dyke ,k I'ialiin (K. Mack, lugr.)—Del roil, Mlell.. ft 21. Van Bureu Slia-k (W. W. Liipolut, mgr.)—Bethel, Vt„ 8-10. Hum. I Mil. Vallamutit Slock (A. Mlaaamlre, uigr.)—Wllllann- lairt. I'll.. 8, ludellnlle. "Volinili-er Drgiuilal," Munti-ll & Gniy'a—Chlcngo, III., 8; Imletliille. Wllla Mualcul Cuiuedy (John B. Wills, uigr.)— Alik-ustil. (lu.. 8-20. Wills All Slurs (.lohu II, Wills, uigr.)—Uueknsi Hl'iielh Vu.. 8-20. Wills Comic Oia-ru (Julin U. Wllla, uigr.) —Lyueli- Intrg, Vii., 8-30. Wluilom ()|a'ru—l-'ltchliurg, Muss.. 8-Sept. it, Warner Coiueily (Ben II. Warner, mgr.)—Clear Lake III.. 8-13. Walliieii'M Tliimtic. Nurtlieru (Dtibluaky Bros., nigra.)—Hock Islmiil. 111.. 8. linlellulle. Wnllnck'a 'I'lu-iilir. Southern (Maurlro M. Du- lihiHliy, nigr.) —Atchison. Kim.. 8-211. Wallni-k'H Th.-utiv, Wealern iKilwiird Dulilnaky. mgr.l— Wliilleld. Kuu.. 8-20. Wela-r's Itiii). I—Hlllulmrg. I'm,, 8. lmk-lliille. Wiildiieiim, ICduurd (John J. Morrison, uiiir.1 — Sayvllle. N. J.. 17. Weal Knil Jlelgliia Slock (Ula-rt & Schacfer. nigra.)—SI. Louis. Mo., 8, linlellulle. Wolfe Stock—Wlchlln, Kuu.. 8, Imlellnlle. Weavci'K AiiH'i-h-nii Hnud—Wuaulugtoii, D. C, 8, luilclliiilc. llossl'K Italian Bund—Colonial, Athena, On., 8-1.1. Zliiu'r- MilHleul Coined)' (A. M. /lull, lugr.) — Boise. Ida-, 8. liHleHiille. IH.HM-lMft.'l-: AND VA1 DI.VM.I.i:. Merla & Iiiirnell Vumluvllle (Al. Merli. mgr.)— Lake 1'laclil. N. 1'.. 10. Kceue Valley 11, Kllan- Is'lblown IS, Ksaex 13. WuIsoii'm Ooay Corner Clrla (W. II. Wataun, ingr.) —I'hlliidelirhla. I'M., 8. ludellnlle. MIXSTHMLS HaifenlA-ck-Wallace—Toledo, O., 10, Aun Arbor, Mich., II. Detroit IS, I'ort IJiirnn 13- Kcnncdy's Wild Wesl—Cincinnati. O.. 8-13. Kemp's Wild Weal—I'llUdmrg, ttu. 8. llidcBullc. Lucky Bill— Sloplehural, Nebr.. 10, Sevraril It. Adlfiird IS. Denver Ciwalug 13. Knlruumt 13. Cirjflon 10, OcneTa 17, Shlcklcy 18. Ong 10, Kth-Oeld SO. Mockny'a, Andrew—Chicago, III., 8-Aug. 31, Norrls A Howi-'a—Indian Head, Saak., Can., 10, Mowomln 11, Vlrdcti, Man.. IS, Brnmkiu 13. Carmnn 13, Monlen III. Klllarm-y 17, Drlurulue 18. Snorts 111. Neeiiawn SO. I'awnce Bill's Wild We»t and Orcat Kur Enat, Col. I.IIIIc'b— Orsud Korks. N. Dak.. 10, He- troll. MI1111.. II. Ilralnerd IS. Bemidjl 13, Lit- tle Kulls IS. Clwinet 1(1, Dulutli 17. Suiafrlor, Wis.. 18. Itlce Lnke 19. Menouioiile 20. Itlnglliig Bros.'—Crnwfordsvllle, lull., 10. Paris, 111.. II. I.lleliileld 12. Kant HI. Louis 13, Ma- comb IS, Hock Inland 10. Monmouth 17. Kt. Mudlson, In., 18, Centrevllle 19, llrookllcld, Mu,. SO. Hobblirs. I'rank A.—Kort Kent. Me., 10, Island Falls 11. Itreeuvllle 12. Dover 13. Sells-Kioto's—Grand Junction, Colo., 10. Glen- wood Springs II. Salldn IS. Vnelilu 13, Ala- mosa IS. Walsenburg 111. Trlnldnd 17, La Junta lb. Ilis'kv Kurd 111, Lamar SO. Sun Bros.'—Lugrunge. Intl.. 10. Vlckslntrg, Mich., II,.Cellar Springs 13. Big Kaputs IS. Slarrell'a Showa—Morrlalown, X. J., 810, Little Win-hlnglun 11 -SO. Silver Kninlly (Ik-rt Sliver, mgr.)—Kerrlulon. Mich., 10, I'liiupell II, Ashley 12, Huniilslcr 13. WnalibiimV. Leon—Dover, N. II., 10. I'ortauioiiti! II, Newlmryiairt, Milan.. 12, Ipswich 13. Snlem IS. WakeHeld 10. Malueu 17, Wultluuu 18, Ilml- hiii IV, Clinton SO. MINI i:l,l,AIUKOLS. Bosloek'a Animal Arena (Krunk C. Boslock, uigr.) —(,'imey Island, N. Y.. 8, llldctlullc. Bostock'a Animal Arena IK rank C. Boslock, nigr.) —Norfolk, Vu.. 8. liidellultc. Criilksliunk—Wuabluglon. (>.. II. Xenhi lil. LVMiiopollinn Show (Anderson & Snyder, mgrs.) — Spring Valley, 111.. 8-13. Diiiiiiliuiml Ainuseiuriil ' Co. (tli-o. Druuililijud, ingr.)—Tnreutiim. Pa., 8-13. (treat Lugar Shown—Antwerp. 0., 10. Holder's Animal Show—Chicago, III., 8, Indefi- nite. Hippodrome Show (Oeo. B. Huberts, nigr.) 1 — l-.vaiiavllle. Ind., Ill, Lakenlde, ,11., 18, Mo lH.-rIy, Mo., SO. Jolty Kthlopluns (S. II. Dudley, mgr.l—Itlch- moud, Vn., 8-13, I'etentbutg lr.-So. Juhimy J. .lone* Show—Henderson, N. C, 813, (ireenaburo 15-SO. la?e'a Hlsas Blowera (Jack Lee, mgr.)—Not- brook. Pa., 8-13. Mm-kle's KluatiiiK Tlienlre (W. It. Markle. uigr.) —Wlcklim-, . I-).. 10. Cviumeive, Mo., 11, Th'.-bpM. IIL, IS, Cape lllrunlenu. Mo-., 13. I'urker. C. W.. Amusement Co. (Ci-nuier A 3'i'ler, nigra,) — Oronksluii, Minn., 8-10, Winnipeg, Mini.. Can.. 1321). I'atlersouV Carnival (Innies I'allerson, mgr.)—■ Cllnlou. la., 8.13. Ilulmrpie 1S-2II. Uenlx Bros.' "Old l'liinlntlon" (A. L. Reulx, mgr.)—Valley Clly, N. D., 8-13. Jumcstowu IS- so: Kiiynuiinl. Iln- Ureal (Maurice K. Kuyunjud. uigr.) Ims-iic. N. II.. 8-13, N. Y. City 13-20. Smith Ciilnsaal Shows (IC. U. Suillll, mgr.) — Klinei-abnrg, Pa.. II, Dutch Hill IS. Bruin 13. Kaylnr IS. Scvengala (Waller C. Muck, uigr.)—Schcnecludy, X. Y„ .1-12. Smith Greater Nhowa-Jeannettr. I'n.. 813. Thornton'* Carnival Co. (C. 1*. 3"hornton, mgr.) —D11 BoU. Pa.. 813. Thompson's Itnlcrlnlners (Krunk II. Thompson. mgr.)—Valley. Wis.. 12, 13. Yubu 14, Went Lima IS, Id, Hlouni Clly 17, 18, MASSACHUSETTS. ll.iHlon.—With Ihc closing of Hilt Colonial mill tin- (ilohe. Inst Sulurdii) lll^lil. .Illlv (J. (lie local ili.'iiiiienl ultuutlon bus rcuehud Kg lowest limit, iih tin- few hoiis.-s still opi-u lirouilse to rcmulii go dining the Suuunci-. The ui 1 met ions for week of July 8 nre: "The lltnUy Curdy (ilfl," nlxlh week, ill Ihc Tre- iiiviit: the I.lllhui Lawrence Ktock Co., in "'I he Lata Mr. TimikhiH." ut the l'urk: "II Trnvulore," by (he Summer u|M'ru i-oniimny. ill Ihv Uurity Siilturu; "Krom Kugs In Hlclies," by (In Univiioin Niiiinre Htovk t'o.; viniih-viiie ut Ki'llhV. hiirli'Miiii- ut the I'll I nee. mid new iicIm ami 1'iiees ut the inii'kK mill the oench reuiil'lv. iMiiirlh ol' July liuhlin-HH WIIH llli niciiMi- ut the outdoor rcgorts, but the local allow simps were lightly iiutrunlzcd. Tiiumoni- (.lobn B. SelmefTel. uianugcr).— " llinily curdy «1rl" eon tin lies to huvc n full- shnii,' of liutronugc, deaplte the hot weal her. The iiIihii la'now In Its alxth week, wlHi 1111 till Snniiiicr run In I ended. CHUWIAL (Chita, l-'lolmi-in. Itlrli & 1111 ills.. luiiiuiScrMi.—The' ituiiIui- Keiiaon of Ihla llOIIHU elided- lllHl Sllllll'llny night, with Ihc I11111I |ii.-i-rot-iiiiiiice of "Fitly 'Miles from llox- lon," which ulliiicled full' sl/.i-d Iiiiiihcs tllir- lug Hie pu-l I In ii- weeks. Tin.- house will reuitili) iliit-l, until Lnb.-r lia.v. I'aiik 11 'litis, l-'ruhmaii. itich & IIiii-Hh, iimimgerH).— 1,1111,111 Luwri-iii.i- uud Clun-les Miller will lend the utock forces, lit "The Lille Mr. Tuiupklna," Ihls week, following 11 week, of wuriii' nimroviil. uud full- btixliicss for "The LIUIe Mliilsler." Kor week of 13, "t.'hitlatolilier Jr. J. L. Seuley and Willliiui Kvurta nre new additions in the couiiiunv. (ii.nnh (Stair, Wilbur & Mcolul, iiuinn- Kura).—The clooed lust Sutoi'dny nl|{lit. with the Until iH'i'foruiiuicc of .lohu (,'i-alg mid Ida stock ussocluloa, In "Up York State." The regular coiiihluiillmi season will begin here about Aug. 31. L'amtlk Si«iaiik (Uosiuit Stugo Society. iiutuilgciH).—"H Trovntoro" Is the man;m-t here this week. Clara Ltinc and Lois Kwell will airi-i-niile Us Leonora, iind'Ucorgc Tall- iuhii and Hurry Duvlcs will ahure the role of JImuiIco. Good houses enjoyed "The Chimes of . Noruiaudy" lust week. ".Mnrl- •tiina" .will be sung in-st). HiiwtaiiN Sgij.viu; ((J, K. l.uiur,,,,, uitiutl- gei'l.—The iNipulai- Lothrou Stouk Co. Is seen this week, In "DVuni. Kiigs 10 Itlches." Hiirlui;. the past week, "Slui'H mid' 8trliH;s" eiKlttiNCd big, holiday crowds. "l)nughtei"'of the. South" will be put ou .licit week" Kmrii's (U. I'. Kellh. umnuget).—lu the prominent jtosltlim 011 (he bill for week of 8. Is Kin,- li'ijy, "The liello of Avenue A." In several of Hie luteal- sougg. The rest of- a ciiiillu.1 hot weather pi-ogruuinic Includes: .Iiillus Tanncn. Viola lilllettc and George .1. Miii'fiirluno. Ucltoiig lirolhers. Kxpusltluii Hour. Cnmllle Trio. Iletli Stone. Hlbbcrt mid Warri-n. I'ngunul'g Ujbost. Le k'evre and' St. John. li'Kliimr Bros., Shungoptivl. Wini- fred stewan, und uew uuitlon pictures'. Tho torrid weather lias had but Utile effect ou iilleudanceti at this house. i'alal'k (C. II. Wuldroo, manager).—"l-lla Hxperlment" and "Lodgers und L»odg- AIIE TtOtL TOO bv Nellie llarlford's Burlcaque anil Vaudeville t'o. XiaubODKox IW. II. Wolffc, manager).— In curio hall week of 8 i Blmo, klnp; of cards; (.•nut. AVntera. deep.sea diver; Maifnelll, fire eater, and Carl flush, strong man. In the fieafi producer endorsed by (He klifcaat ?!■ ' 1 It' oiiithi.T Una Ifiir-l1.-atl.31l « AH ft,M ' 1 Tllio , AWL, **im PBpDnCBR (ViniM The Creat Kuropcan Uljcoverv, iiiere.»T ' walBht about 6 1010 puiiiiih moniliiv. f& *" theatre: Clifford's Burlesquers. Olio—Dollle Clifford, Kreda Prescott, Viola Crawford. May Waldron, Knowles Bisters'. Mollle Bogers, James Hamilton und Dean Bros. • Wo.VDKaLAND I'.tuK (J. J. Higglns, mona- 5erl.- : -Tiie free circus acts this week ure: •he l-ivc Bcllataer Sisters, Koman ring ex- perts; Todd-Judgc Troupe, -feet posturers; MBMllo and Woulfc, comedy acrobats; Clar- ence Hatdllton, who descends the chutes on roller skates: Geo. AVhlttaker, bov vocalist, and the Worcester Brasa Band. Blake a Ilip- podruibc. Fire and Klamcs, Wlllard's Teuiplc of Music and the alligator farm are. also big features. Record breaking .crowds last week. I'ARAbox PAim (G. A. Dodge, manager).— BnslnesB continues ut top notch. The big free circus bill of last,week la continued S- 14. The acts: The Xorlne, (Ire dive; Cheralo, death trap loop; Speedy, cumin diver, and Barton's dog and pony clrcua. UoHtock'n animal arena and the "human rou- lette wheel" arc among the other popular attractions, Nuihimhkua I'AliK (Carl Allierle, tnanai.i'i'). —Bill for week of 8: The MHIardH, Juckaon and llooii. Melville and Hlsglns, Klin Zutiml .lap Troupe, Goforth and Doyle, und the k'omograpli. The new zoological garden Is at- tracting much attention. Mkdkord Bnui.Ev.Mtn Tiieatrb (.1. W. Gor- man, manager).—After a week of musical comedy, n llrst class spcclaltv bill la pro- vided in the rustic theatre. The cards: So- Inrct, tire dancer; l/c Brun Trio, Bryant and Siivlllc, Dick and Alice McAvoy, -Marlowe, Bcrger and Marlowe, mid new pictures. Lhxinuton Park (J. T. Benson, manager). —BUI for week of 8: Goycty Cvmcdv yqar- tettc, Madge Maltland, Fields and llnnson Thti iiiedi,, aiuhorltlos. and wasting Rounda out 1,1 whole Bjstem. Price, It, Ini, u"?, 1 "^'* tree. aspa cuehIcu ^ kK W86 Broadway, Depu 9. Nc W 'y wk , Uarlvalled lornervoiiaita7.a Mifl ir disease,. Greatest ionic JS W t the ijSuTeand»■»?,,(»>i I'na Christmas:" William Connors, ,|, .uiugs and John Arkwrlghl. wli 1 ..-■ Great Hnmn Ilobbery:" Patrick siL 5 Urnest Nfartln. with '"The J il, 'n'Sj '? Soutw:" Phil Dillon, with "Brewster-* iffi lions: James «. Burns, with "T 1P lt ,: w ,,e ,1,,. ,-.....-...,.. .■' V*. ..... "* UIMi of the Convicts:" .lames 'iiilliigbcr <Jn»i Dockatader's Minstrels; 'iTlofnas'"rieriv l!!' Satri -Bernard: Tim Kelly, with \^ W«lter lllglow, with Marv""u« Charlei. Lester., with will, "r f ™ Adams: neiiiij- ; _ Speedy, champion high and William GlfforU, f;eor-» Cousldlnt „,„i '"-".-a i, \t^S Dennis Drlslnu with Billy Van. m ■ ■ ■ SprliMtfleld.—At the Court Son are ■*_ tro (Di 0. Ollmorc, manager) "On theV,Z': waa presented, by the Huntci-Bi-iiiirord , to good IiiihIuchh last week. Hurry nun; V of the Hartford company, was In Win . ?■ ' llcr'a old. role, and created a ronat hranhk Imiircsslon. Misses Booth, Emmett nS O'Day were all good In their respective na,. "Brother Officers" July 8-ia. W " Pom's (Gordon Wrlghter, resilient m... Ser). —"A Stranger In- a Strange Laid"1S iouroe Sallshurj'. sb the Indian, made a £ elded hit, and Jewel Powers also «ZrH' htockwcll wive tooe and colur lu L« •nn glvl. Big- houses continue to bit ih. "A. Texas Steer" this week. .—i Lioiith. —Jessie Bradford, who «.. Krszer Trio. Pascatcl. and the komograuh. obliged to leave the cast of the The musical farce, "What Wright Left." ford Players on. account of tllm-as hat » pleased big throngs lust week. Edna K. covered, and will ugaln be seen with tin™ Paula (Hoy waa as attractive Mary Stockwcll Amcrlcn rule. Sibiii Lioiith. —Jessie Bradford STOW) »s ever, and Simmon's Ladles' Orchestra furnishes music In the park. Nui'iis. —.lohu J. Barry, of tills city, vlco president of lutcrnatldnal Theatrical Stage l-Jinployes'- Alliance, Is a candidate for presi- dent, lu (he conventlou now In session, at Jamestown "The Green Bird," a music- al hIuhv , by D. K. Stevens and John Arnold lleniii'i 1. will have lis at the Majes- tic, July -'.', The [■onip'iii.v will Include : Fred Lennox, I.eanor Kent, Will Sluane, Mlsa llynii, John A. Kennedy, George Schiller, lleiien Hayes, Alice Hosmcr, Frank I'onnor ami John bornnii B. F. Keltli received tin- roiip-rutiilulioiiH of his many frlonds, on the twenty .-.-ceoiul anniversary. •!. of bis In- iiiiKiirulloii of i-oullunoils vniidi-vllle. ....'. t'lniili-s Frank has been uuguged to direct (he. oribvstrii at tliir Park Tlienlre during the Summer kounou Three hundred im-iii Boston Lodge. Nil. II), B. I'. U. Elks, will iiiiead Ihc forty-third session of the grand lodge In Philadelphia, week of 10, i-ii. —At the Lukevlcw Theatre (J. J. I'lvnii, munuger) lust week, the Adnm Good Stock i'n., In "A Texas itung.-i-," did big business. The coiupuuy met wall Imtuedlute favor. Bessie Ovvrtnu, Danay Simmons, Harry S. Lcland, Jane Lothian and Frank Leslie deserved mention. Danny Simmons did one of his "get acquainted" specialties, wllh blir sueccss, 'ITils week, 'The Princess of Patches." (.'ANonu; I.aki: Park Tiihaviih (M. II, Truclluu Co.,' iii.iuiigci'si.--Tlie uew opera iiunpini.v oiieiied ihls purk Iheatrc, July 1, lit "Mian Bob While." to capacity. The com- piin.v Ih an exeelleut one, and there Is 110 doubt of the season's engageuieut belug a success. The Kololsts nil made lilts uod I he cIioi-iih wan excellent. The openi was artis- Ueully Klugcd. "The Utile Duke" lids week. \Vll,l,(»WtiAI.H I'AIIK (IIOWCl'S Bl'OS., 111.-1111I ■ gitrsi.—The Thealre Antli|iie luuvlug nlc- iures. dlii-cllon Fi-niik N. Allumn, are making II big hit ill Ihls beaut If ul park. Evangeline Cai'illniil and Thoiuaa Glynn nre meelhig with success wllh Hie latest Illustrated songs. Dick Nooniin Is musical director. Hettireu and illustrated snugs continue this week. Pinkii Hilar I'aiik (Adams & Ooughlin. mniia- gers).—Vnudcvllle. moving uicturcs und'Illus- trated songs constitute ihc pli-iiKlng pro- Ki-itiiinii. herii dully, i« good business. Chiiugu of bill filch week. Mti.Yl'IOK.—I 'mi eei-ls ill nil I hi* parks Sun- day. 7.. Forepuugli-Sells' Show conies 17. .... .. Sherman's moving pictures at Ciiuoljie Lake 'I heal re. 7 Edward S. Klls Is press i-i-pn-Ncnlnilvc for Cunoble Lnke Park. Hump- Ion Beach Casino and Central Park Ihls sea- sol' The city celebrated lis elghly-llrst July Foiirlh successfully Tim War Path offered I.. It. Walker's excellent burlesoni! and vaudeville show, Walker's Museum No. I, (buries h. Cherry, manager; Walker's M11- seiini No. i>, L, |i; Walker, manager: Hilly Nelson eiiterluhied hilt crowds wllh ".lo- haiiu. Gold Button Bill's Museum, assisted iv 1'elcr liHVlfBO. the cowboy musician, had big ImslneHs: A. G. Ciiniulnga' Museum, und others .. William I Billy). Way returned home July 3, for, a short rest, after u pros- perous season with one of John Cosgrovc's companies. He Is. vlBlttng IiIh many friends. ;' i.- • .'.' S? Prlnelpul amiisements' at Canobln I.iike Park this season ure: The Arcade, Geo. W. Cirey, mmtuger: circle swing, V. S. Amb- ler, munuger; roller coaster. David Bowser manager: initiated swing, and world's puno- T'xi, .,• Ilr, ,i B !'i'"iV D "'"»K , -''^ and House of Mirth, David Dewar, munuger Annie S. Sludley. wife of Samuel L. Studley. formerly musical director of the Boslonluus. auU of 'ast seasou's "Uod Feallier" Co was fuiiml dead lu Cunoble Luke, lust "week Evidence and clretiniKtanccs woitld siiKzest Hull a murder had. been committed uud two persons me held on suspicion, The rcmulns were seut lo Uoston, for Intoriitcnt Billy Nelson, formerly manager of Peoiiie'a 1'heiilre here, was vImUIhk old friends lust £•* Gold Button Bill's Vtseuut gS In (.resent Beach Boulevard for an Inilcllnlti- stay, Ihls week The 'Cycling Brunettes open their Suiumer season oa ,L J; iiynn elrculi of ptiths. at Taunton Mass.. 8. at Sa bbtiiia l'urk. They hayc many new fisits iiddctl to their nlready clever net..... .The Lowell Elks arc sending a big delegation to week"" —*** " n I'WIadelphla thla again be aeeii with tii,,,„ soon Julia Sanderson left for New Yaik to commence rehearsing for 'The |mi [t Maids." In which she Is to piny tin. | eil | The company will-open ut Atlantic Chv Trunk Italngcr will be seen wllh Ma'iVlt. man, who will play "Wo Man on Hi,- Hoc next si'ason W. J, Shea has severed. hl< connection wltli (he Poll Theatre, und Is suc- ceeded by Arthur llellly lolm r, n, v last season wllh Rose Melville, lu "Sl« 11,;,' klus," is visiting at' his home here. 1 Tie w Ueil fur il.—A t tho New ilcil ford 1 Ik> aire (W. IJ. Ci-oss,' munuger) Slu>|mnl'» na» ing pictures still draw large huitses, imti. ufternoou und evening. As 11 rule on Stilm-tlar iilglttM every scut in tile bouse Is sold, .mil nil standing room occupied. The viiudevllle Mn this week Includes the Musical Bnrtlctt- aiid Jlorun und Wiser. The New Ihtdford 'IV- aire has engaged as a spttclitl feature rim, "Sandy" Chapman, In the latest Illustrated songs. Hatha tVAY'a IT, U. Baylies, inauairri.- Burko & Barry Stock Co. urcsents Floreni* Hamilton, in "Sapho." Souvenir lUKilnec. Wednesday. Between Hie acts, moving |ik-- turds mill Illustrated songs are given In Jerry Sunford. Great business. 8a vol (W. II. Shine, manager).—Movhig pictures and re On cd vaudeville still coiidntii-. The vaudeville tills week consists of Muliunln- and Dixie. Progrniuute Is ebunged every Mint- day and Thursday. . * \\..r.-.-Ni«r —At Poll's (J. C. Crlddlo, ret- idcilt munuger 1 week of July 8, the full Sleek Co. Is seen. lu"Thi>riis uud Orange IllussonM." "A Lion's Heart," lust week, drew good ill- tendaucos. A'L' tub Lakk (Vi'or. Con. Kt. lly. Co., inn agcrs).—' "The Girl from Vussur week of 8 Is 1 he ul Intel Ion. Whith i.'ri'v (F. II. Blgi'low. uiaiiomrh- A II in. I for week of S Include: Cunt. Ho; Kmilicnsliiies ulialilp, Crawford 1111(1 Man nlng. l-'lui-enia- iiml Miller, Heltoii-111 mid (ill. suntlo, Ilapiooa, Couroy uud lluyniird, iitid the La Sella Trio. Nuri:.—Cole Bros.' Circus shows here II. 1 nil Itlver.- I.vnn.—At Gorman's Suroiucr Thcaltf. Snlem Willows (M. Doyle, mauagerl Uu«l- ness Is good, as tho weather Is Hoe for Ilia open air performances. A'n all star s|K-elidlr eompany Is lu he I he ullraellou wtH'k of July 8. Nothm. —The Theatre Combine (Jf, Murk. luauiigei') eoutliiiieu lo do 11 line Suiaavr business Tin.. Klectrli: (I'barli'H W. Sheitfn, uianugcr) uud Theatre IJmiiiiluiiil (Lord & Downing, uianugcrsl ure ulsu dtihw good business Relay Theatre, Malum 11 'luiH. W. Sheai'e, manager) dully movie; picture allows are given to good houses. 1 Tom ■>-—At tlie Scenic Tlienlre H 1 . H. I'riuily. uiiiinigei'i the season clused .ritljr «- Business has been very good aud uiticli h pi-omlsed for-the opening, early In September. Saiiiia'I'I.v Park (.Ins. J. Flyun uianurerl —For week of 8. the following ure hookw: Coates and Grundy. Iledat-d aud llcdard, Jf- cling Burnetts, Ben Fierce, aud Juggling !*• lisle. Tauol'kua Park (It. A. Harrington, nmii airer).—For -week of 8,' a stl-ong bill, whin Includes: Hose Nayuon, tho Four liununn Terrors. lie Velde nnd Zelda. John 1 bourn- son, and new moving pictures. Holyvke.—At Mountain I'arkCiiskioJbills I'elllsslcr, iiiuhttgcr) tho opera. 'The Tar am the Tartar," was produced week of July >■''' good business. For week of 8, "Down on m* Farm" will be given. ■*»♦ ■ TMN'IVKSSllK. rvnsh villi- At tlie Casino (V. C tMh manager) "Down thti Trail" opened MB « July 1. with a dellgblful perfornianci'^M • capacity huslncss. Week of 8, "*■ WP" lu a Bar ItoOm." ,.„,,,„ Atiiiin.MK (V: C. Alley, malinger).—-Mo* 11 " plcthrcs and Illustrated songs cuUtulB" '• draw big business. _., „ Cohsbum (W. II. ltordles-ur. IMIlagW • This place did capacity business last »««■ with a six day championship roller skate 1WJ Nouhs.— \Vm. Bordlescr lias seciiretl IJJ management of the Coliseum, and, has i»°"V some of the most prpmlnent. skating rio« »• tractions in the buslnesB I ho '■«»", band, under the direction of Frof. WW", I). Orr, ingr.)—JJeuloil White, nigr.)—Hiiven- I. It. Ileadcrsnn, IS. \rigeiines in. ciiarliilie 'JO. lliiiiiinn & Bailey's—llnl Whig, .Mian.. 10, Mou- lin I" II. Mal-liall It, Water 11, H. link.. LI, Sioux Fulls 15, Sioux City. In.. 10. Mitchell. X. link., IT. Aberdeen IS. iirt.aivlll.-. Minn.. III. Fnrxn. N- Uttk.. SO. -Ilulluhi Hill's Wild Went, Oil. Win F. Cody 1 Frist I). Hutchinson, uigr.)—Waterlowu, N. Y„ 10, Myrsciine 11. Itoclu-Hter I'J. llutTalo 1U. Krl", I'd.. LI. AhIiIiiIiiiIii. ().. Id. Clevrlund II, San- tllisli}- 18, Toleilo HI. Fort Wayiie. lud., 'JO. l-'orepiulah iV Sells tiros,' —Auaiisla, Me.. 10, llnlti II. I'nrtliiiul Vi. Ilhlilefunl l:i. Ports. iiiuiiIIi, N. IL, IS. Iluverhllt. Mass.. 1(1. Lowell 17. Tiuuilon 18. Newnirl, rt. ( 3„ III, Piiwlucket N. J., IW, FiHilnti I'lnlc—llrlilRvtun, II. Ai-hiii-y Turk 12. tic's—Augusta, la., 10, Denmark 11 CJ uiir T)'isi;-i 10, Red Biiuk West Point mi. 11. .10,1 lupld.i. kllnn., It). (In- iiui't 11. Harvard, 'Wl«,, 12, lllver Fulls )3, MilUltW le. ircncdlcl." .las. Cnrroll. I'oiii .llulenuiii. Tom lluyiw, Willie Ibivprloy, nnd atral'/ht vaude- ville, by Harry Youug. Mr. and Mrs. Juihes Murphy, the Murrons. Torn Kdwards. Helaseu.. Toil atiilCJai-n Slceln, Mazlc Toledo iiml Hie Marrou Comedy Co., In "Cimei, the Piper." Wai.kkr's Mt'SKi m lln It. Walker. Man*. ger).—A "Soubrettes' Conwutlon." headed bv •T*<••* Mi'lvlu Slslera; Canill, slwl skin mini nnd llnrljiell. on I hi- bounding wire, are cut -hi hull uvts this yvvek, Xlic Am suow la B!veu for the last two years, hus hecu 0 road as malinger for .Vanco O'Neil Mr iL'i'i'i" 1 .,. l, i" ( . bt ' t '" wl,u ,,,e Academy alui-e Wel n eM l .^'. , '",V" > . ,m, ""8 l ' r . J*" Wlfllun. .1 Wllej retired that yenr. For the lust venr lie has nlso bail charge of ihc Sttvov lie s popular and elllcletil l„ tlieiil.lci, airairs lud his rellreinent will be much nvr"t«d K ". S - ! ,lrt ' lB <,f friends. lite fullowlllE Is of Hie Im-al singe en on (he road uud Charles, Hv Baud guvo 11 concert before aud afte' performance. , .,-n,. Kaiiivmnd (K..O. Beach, manager).-'"J tilil I U-ft Beblnd Me" lust week Pgl'S company was very satisfactory. Mr, wn uud .Miss Tuylor were liberally ni> uluu m , c r , _ Bijou (BeuJ. M. Stalnbuck. manager 1. "Sapho." the offering July 1-0. , llt '™ii™, splcudld attendance. This closed the s™ 1 * und'the theatre will undergo iu|ii«Ir* n«J ■ Full opening. The Mortimer Suow mw L'o., which hus Just closed a »^ 1 5* ll Sfl5 seuson; will.disband, und Hie memhers n» lo 1'lirlr resiiectlvc homes. Knoxvllle—At Chllhowec (Hurry Bernstein, manngeDlhc Will strut rele trf frlemU *u"~* (aun-y ocnisteii, inanagcrrio ■ „ „, r ,it li n iIJw il" •; -.' • • * omedy Co. ended a four weeks rttMjPa- ce FmSlnw \%\.?l m ^ abe f<> J"^ «'• lliwlncsa during the compnti) • »» LV. p • '.?'""■ wn " w,| l was buMtT The King Dramatic I " °J"' tiZn Tfn'- •.%?*"• « ;u r'« k '**-*• '"'• a tlire"rti-.f»ur week- «l# Ict'gwu, with "Tha Outlaws meat