The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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574 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 13, THe Most Talked off Song In ttae> Country HON Words by JACK NORWOBTH. Music by ALBERT VOX TILZEB. There is only one March 8ong Hit In the country, and this Is the one; taking more encores for performers than any song they ever had, and we have the letters to prove It. If you need a ballad or closing song to your act, a big number with business, or a grand finale to your production, and want a sensation, "HONEY BOY" Is the song. Professional copies and orchestrations In all keys to those sending up-to-date programmes. Vocal band arrangement In medium key only. SOME OF* OUR OTHER HITS: I'm Sorry; Good Bye, Sweet Heart, Good Bye; The Moon Has His Eyes on You, and Heart of My Heart, SI-IDES SLI DEIS SLI DELS DH WITT C. WHBELBE has just returned from the Jamestown Exposition, whera he has taken pictures for "BONEY BOY," whloh are, without doubt, the Most Beautiful, Artiat'c and Novel ever made. We have spared no expense in getting a set or Slides entirely different from any yon have ever had before. The prioe of tbis set of Slides is $6.00, and oan be proouied from us direct or from DE WITT 0. W HEELER, 120 W. 81st St, New York. Positively no free Slides. Send your order at once. Don't delay. Oi d«rs filled as reoeived. Address all mail -to ALBERT VOSM TILZER, M'g'r, "*Q IrVest 28tU Street, Bfl"ew*r~ TUB NEW YORK i ^ East 23rd Street; CHI ^©@ |; m jSoro^siif^;' Street. Tho only machine that will not flicker, oven after years of uso. FILM8 FOR RENT. Film, Operator and Machine Rented To Theatres, Individuals, etc. CHA.8. E. DRE88LER & CO. 143 Eu.t S3d street. Mew York CHA8. LELLA charge <>" the THEATRICAL DEPARTMENT at tile PARLOR SHOE STORE 471 Oth Are., JJHth St., N. Y. OTlDr QITDDrPC MADE TO ORDER oiAML Biiirr&iio in 12 m>t it*. OUR SPECIALTY. SATIN SLIPPERS, SHORT VAMPS, IN ALL COLORS, ALWAYS ON HAND. . S1.25 Per GOLD OR SILVER. Ootton TlghW, pair 11.00 Worsted Tights, pair S.oo Plaited Silk Tights, pair.... 9.60 Beit 811k " ootton tops,} 8 -°° Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and BUver Trimmlngt. Bend Depoflt and ronte with order. TUB BOSTON REGALIA CO., ist Washington St.. Boiton. --■■'"■•' United Stntea Tent and Awning- Co., Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III. CIRCU8 CANVASES BLACK TENTS Onr Specialty. SIDB SHOW PAINTINGS. MANUFACTURES OF SHOW CANVASSES SIS '■-X ACTRESS pa ORATOR V~ BEST PAYING PROFESSION IN THE WORLD. We teach you at your own homo In a short time to go upon tho Htugo or Breaker's platform. Thou- sand!) of satisfied students. Write for free booklet on Dramatic Art hy Correspondence. CHICAGO SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, m Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILL STALLMAN'B nilTOER TRUNK. Easy to get at everything with- , out disturbing anything. No fatigue In packing and unpack- ing. Light, strong, roomy drawers. Holds as wuoh and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand riveted; strongest trunk made. In small room sorves as chiffonier; C. O. l>. with privilege ot ex- amination. 2o. stamp for cata- log. P. A. STALLHAN, 86 W. Spring St.. Onlitnilms. O. CONTRACTS I.KTTEIl HKADS, ENVELOPES, TICKBT8, PASSES, CARDB, Ktc. Write for Snmplcs. Webb Pig. Co., H58 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. 5/iEdX//WfW/d(w#Mo{B>tim 5AmE5:/OitfOBM03'£NTC;!U - 7/s miivwsWm/Oiy.' MAGICAL GOODS AND SUPPLIES. TOST A COMPANY, 900 Filbert 8t, (Established 1870), Philadelphia. 4V New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. H.A. SIMMONS Artistic, Scientific, Trick, Burlesque, and Stilt SKATER Greatest In any coun- try and in any epoch. For open time, billing, etc., address H.A.SIMMONS, 73 Broad St., N.Y. City ■i Vu-r..*-'.;.■■ — | BUILDERS OF OETB0ITJ 5Sflagg gfc^ IM Large Block 80ft. and Under • New and Second Hand Write TUB CHARLES P. SIBDBR TENT AND AWNING CO.. Successors to the T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co.. Detroit, Mli-h Flu Magical Appends, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Eto. Grand End ot Century, fall) Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOQl'E, St., tree by mall Catalogue ot Parlor Moia tnt MABTINKA A CO., Mm., ««k sixth Ave N. T SANTA/. CAPSULES'" ©IS BIADDBL Relieves all Discharges to 4HOURS Bwrttf fMIOVJ (MM erf cut. V_2/ muituiine ifffhts, Sm.uv; Wonted Tights, Oa.OOi Ootton Tight., •LOO|811h Tight*, from Ois.HS op| Shirts to match, all nmi pries aa tight*! Psmsi US cental Gait- ers, 81.00; Elastic Supporters, fll.OO{ Cloth Supporters, M cents. Bend for catalogue ead samples or tlghta, free. Poiltlvrly a de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPIOEB BROS. M Woodbine street, Brooklyn, N.Y.; New ^aYflrk Office. Lincoln Bide.. 1 TTnlnn Be wMMmmm (Bel. Spring and Broome), Mew York, :. MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS 0iF THEATRICAL GOODS THEATRICAL EIGHTS I T~ HOSIERY " - MiETRICALSV £PATHERWEIGHTlSr>AI,GLES GOLD, AND SILVEK^BHOCADES - M SPANGLES^ (All^Colors): :,:: " . TRIMMINGS WIGS, BEARDS, ETC. -- --r' We allow NO DISCOUNTS As We sell at WHOLESALE PRICES to the PROF1E8SI0N CALL MoMAHON'S FamousTnestrTcar RESTAURANT 4T» SIXTH AVE. Bet 38th and~st n Sts. NEW YORK0ITY. Best of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked, DellolouBly Served. Prices rea- sonable. Special Dln- Ing Room for Ladles. Learned by any Man or Hoy at Home. Small coBt, Send todayacstaiiipforparllcularsand proof. O. A. Smith, Itooin 407, »H0 Knoxvlllo Av., Peoria, III. MILLER. HANUPACTURBR ofTbeatrleal Boots 4c Shoes CLOG and BALLET BHOES a spe- cialty. All work made at short notice 801 W. tM 8t, Sow Yorg. Tel. 100 Chelsea. MUTQS "BACKBONE 0F THE ARCADE BUSINESS." The average town or city wlU readUy support as many "Antomatlo Vaudevilles" as it does theatres. Dozens of Arcades were opened last year by men of no previ- ous experience with coin-operated machines. ■ Do yon know of a good location T If bo, don't hesitate. We have a splendid new model Mutoscope at $50.00, and bargains is used machines as low as •»«■ IDEM MDTDSBOPE J BIOGMPli CO., TYPE E. 118 NO. B'WAY, LOS ANGELES. 11 E. 14th ST., NEW YORK a m wigs win imp""'" J y your act BO per «'•'»• See our quart i 1 '" page ml. Page 673. ORCHESTRA LEADER mi AT LIBERTY BOBER? UNI l ON NENT L ° CATK 0NI,V - Eaa,ern clt J Preferred. EXPERIENCED IN ALL UJ» SOBER. UNION. . G.B. BERGMAN, Star Theatre, Elgin. V III.