The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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582 THE NE^ TOBK C LIPPER. July 20. THE NEW YORE OLIPPEB ■ ■ ♦»<> THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. iLlmllid, rauraictnaa, ALBERT .t. BORIE, Khitoiiiai. ash IU'sinkss Majuhm. SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1907. Knit-roil Jan* '.it. imiii, »t the Post Office m Sew Ynrk. N. Y.. as 5ec.m1l class matter, water IM hci nf .Mjr-n i, 1S7W. *.lvcill«eir.ciil«- J l|2.XO |H-r In'eli. alnrl** enluaiO. A.ivi'iilwiiw-iHK""! with border. I" |a?r ei.eitra. M live KM' i'MIV iiu- vcjr. In advance, »4: air. in/Nirha. %'i: three HWHlli*. *l. I'ordzit postage extra. *higle copies Will !«• Will. |H >- 11WM. I'll receipt if I" POIIta. Olir Term* *rr CitaU. TIIKCI.II'PFJI is lasticd every YVislitcsdoy niorn- •Clii' l«<i '<»"' isdwrlUliigi I«ik«'« <M» TO PuT'iS mi Snliirdav at 11 .. ».. ami l'"' «** IHMM im MONDAY mill TI'UXDAY. III.- Karma clotHiia, Proti»|i»l>. Tim. •In j lit HI «VlnrU A. M. OUR LOKDOH I.KTTBB. atOU OUR OWN COIRXirOMDIHK Clipper «»"•». 48 Cranbourno St., ' Leicester Hanaro, Loadoa, W. C. JO.T iV i'imiI weather up to the present lime hr.s kepi tlie. theatres nail music halls fnlrly welt tilled, bur the motneur the weather *# comes n bit warn then- Is a decided falling oft In the attendance. Tta shows doing a big business are : "The Merry Widow, at Da y » ; ■Mrs. W'lgas of tin- Cabbage ratflj, ut Terry*, nn.f "Sliss Hook of Holland, , of tile Prlnre of Wain*'. Aside from the theatres mentioned, the American visitors seem 10 patronize the music halls more than ibey id (he other,theatres. . Arnold Italy Ik In town, anil I am fold hint he litis discovered a hew drnnuitlsf.. During his stay in J.ondi>n li* bus n'art and accepted mill contracted for the pruritic. Ion of a new I'lav, by "George Egerton." the authoress of "Ki-vnotes," "Discords," etc. The play Is a comedy of Kngllsh life and Irish eharaclor. In four acts, entitled "Ill« Wife* tarolly. Mr, Dnlv describes it as "Huronrd Slinw iiu- ltlnnlzcd." It will lie produced In Now York Maw* remli '•>• «'«prea». money ardor, chock. (n Jh ; y a „ am | >ir. Daly Is now In tiefolin /• ..,.!,..■ ..,■ rcds'tois! teller. All ea«ii eiicUwnl ,.„„ „,..,, 1 „.„,i hnnam London actor-maun p. (i. order «r re<Kier«l letter. All .'»«h en, «lllt loiter l< at Hie rMl "f M'niler. tililrt-an ill l inn nli'iit l«m» to * TIH M:W ^«»IMi « •i.ippijh. 4~ Went 2HUi Mlreet. New Y-irk. ;:,,,,.I.,id c.iMc AMf: '•Arriiomrt." THE WESTERN BUEBAU „f Till' f''i'KH I" Im-ateil :ii llooiti •'•04. Aatiliiiel liln.r. <-|il,'iili". .Mm T. I'r .Ir.. in«tiMifor ami ,vrre'|N,iiilcnl. wliere inl»eHl«'ment« ami anlwerlp- Ii..n« ,nv hi*Ii«I "I «"' n-ynlar inlet. TITB IjONDON bureau. (JflhnuHMa ami BMlwcrliilloiiB are rm'lml al fMir "tm"' ™!n-KII .-4N- UK OBTAIN** W1IOI.V.RAI.K kXt ■•■erall.. 41 "'ir "Kmil". IIiviiIiimo'k newa i«iot. .1, S; ,le ni|*ra. Part-. Pram*; »■ }.»*» '" • rmlirlclt Sirnwi- HH iTeniiliina IK.Ie I. Heil . N W lleriiiiiiir: IHain.'iMl Xi-wb fo.. I2« I'r.eln. Kenitta. Manila. . .. A melt * w »■ « . M| , Uf , ))1|K] t |„ orgll BrRUUll HltflP in liir run, uim .»*». *^»,j ,«,......,. »- ■ lion with ii well known London nctor-mnnii ger for Ihe KiikIIsIi prodiii'tloo. Tlie iinwltl engagement h for the Pall draniii *i llrnry Ijine, the Votk of 4'celi «ta- lelgli and Henry Hamilton. Include: Albert I'hevallei'. Julian l.'Karrnnge. I.jn llorrltng, »'nnfilare.e Collfer, Adrlenne Augarile and Fanny llrongli. Ilehearsals of the play mil commence very ahorlly. Afier l.i'Wla Waller llnlahe*i lila aenfon at Ihe l.yrle. the Moody Manners Opera 4.'o. will commence an eight weeka' season authnl lie n-niiimru win «,v,.„.^ ^«.«^ m ^•-■" , Italian and Kligllsrii rompoaera. bur will la- done In Kngllsli. The paat aeaaon ha a brought more ills- itupolntinenla than aiiei-eaaea.' anil It Is a significant fact tlmi last week no lens than eight revivals were running lit a* ninny of ihe West Kml houses. Of the leading drama- .* . , ■»..„.. »->..._.* ..I ».. 1... . .. (1.-..I ,..A/I<m. i.. Sviiuer, Aianraliti. rilH XKW VOUK CI.IPPKB H,»»»H»h4-a oi'l" «ii«' «"dlHi>ii, «"•! Hint I- dlilril iroiii .\«»v Vorls. ^^ QUERIES ANSWERED. >« llevllea l»» Mali or Tel««*ranh. IIMAMATIt. I!. M. \V.. Kviinavllle.---W* have mi fciwwl- ci|"e nl ihe BIWiil wherealMima of the party Aililf's^ a lelii-r In care of tills otllce. unit We will iiilverllse ll III Tilt: Cl.lI'l'KK leer Hal.. r. i.. n.. Tolcii". •II. II T.." lll.l, TlUKR. S. S.. I'.ilatiiii. I'l.ll'I'KII IIkaiikii, ninl A. II.. New York. -See answer 10 It. M. \\'„ iilmve usis, .Ai*i,»i ra>,,,,/ ,«n«,.- v"" '■ i» n ' |...^.,.« Hon still In the hills, i.leorge llernanl Shaw anil llenrv A. Jones were represented by one revival apiece, while J. M. llnrrle. llnddon rhainla-'rs. II. V. Kamonil. Sydney lirnndy i'iiiI Hubert liavles, II. IS. Canon and Captain Marshall have no plays al all la-fore the Lon- don public pt the present time.. , Charles I'rolnnnn baa'arranged ibal Grace lienrge shall remain ar the liiike. of \mk'a mull Ihe end of July, und then go direct to New York lo continue Ihe run of "Dlvorcons' a l the Lyceum. In Unit city. Miss lleorRe .......... ■.. t .......... ... 1.1!>■- 11... r,iii-ii ..r . Air. r riilllllllll OUR ninu iiinu,- aiinii|riiirnin in tranitfer "In Ihe Itlshop'a Carriage." now running nt the 'Waldorf, to the Aldwych. afler lii-inorrow nlghl. for Ihe remainder of Hie season. The play has marie u, favorable Impression. Waller C. Kellev. Scamp Montgomery, l'f- iit Ihilly and Hilly Hoiilri arrived In' l^>a- rlnii Inle Insi Siiiiinlny. and Immediately marie for the Hotel Cecil. The Ural named gentleman opens nt Ihe Palace Monday week. and nil predict a great success fur him In Ihe menu lime ho and Mr. Montgomery have gone to Curls for u few days to look things over. It. it. Kuoivlcs. who Is making an unheard W above It- »** iMiowies. who is uiaKiiij; no oiniciini W ll Milwaukee.- AriverllrsC your wants of Ull at the I'alace. concludes his engage in Tiik"4'i" ii'iru »men! at Hint house next Saturday nlghl, T li I' llriiiix— We have not been np- "afler which he. will make a tour of certain nrlai'd of her plaiis provincial towns. Including Kdlnburgh. lllas- \iok Niirlli lleach.—Th« Icuill of Toledo gow. LIvWpool and ltlackniHil. He will be iinll rilie' nliivisl Ml in I'ark, Albnnv. N. Y., aiirrnnnrieri h,v an nll-Minr compuiiy. among week of July' I. Watch our mule list, or whom will be llerenda lireen Maria address ,,ari ■ In ear.' of this .mice, and we and .Verity Kplaael I rothers and Mark. v II ailvei'ila.. the letter In Tut: Cuitkn Chni'liule Parry und Have Cur lev. Mr. i, „. I s . Knowlea tells me that he Intends to give c (i I'llttritv There are several plays on Ihe people In the provinces an Ideal ratal*. the'ro I »lilch' were baaed on lit* cnae. vllle ahow aiich us. they term In the States I M ssrna.—Address Iher. 84. W... "adtancetl vaudeville." On Sunday. Aug. 4, ,... * |, 1 .:,„.;, Chicago >'■•• Knowlea will give one of his humorous "Tin i iiti. ..' tiik H.II.I.KN llll.l.K."-The leclttrea at llflgliton to which a large nunihw „„,» Is '""ell hy P. J. Ilowley. 41 We..t of London pressmen will Jom-iiey from Lon- TwcIiiv-i'IkIi h Slivcl. New Vork City. don lo hear. In the early pnrt of September il C II iiklnhoiun City.-All Ihe prlvl- Mr. Knowlea relurna to the States to play leiB's are eimi rolled bv Ihe inaiiagcinent of for K(aw & Lr iingec ,..,,, Killer and ["osier and May Walsh have I „ Hie 111.IIS lie h. use uiuer aim rosier nun .u,i t . .,».is.. ..u. I \ li Now lirletins. Aridress Thomas Iiih-ii In lown all Ihe w'eek preparing for Ibel lonvrson. care the Plavers Club. New York trip b> Smith Africa, whore they are undo. „,J eiigaguiucni in play the llymau liouaos• in lo ihe b-rt cape Town anil..lhlianili>snurg. They left I'm ,1'n., ... itui eoi.tiii-v ibis morning. Others In the II. Am Lynn.—Left Maw Is t a|a" Minn iiiia.*.toinniicT>uiiiK* »nu^ "n »■» cli'..' whin he Is laciHii lb" audienre. lllal rountvy Ihia m.irolnr. Othora In the - of our partv were Carl llerl/.. Lily Tlao mid Clark and Harden. The following arc arrlvng to- L."l':'."i''! i . Hiiil' '/ni'ke'"citv.—Address Hanlel da/ froin^oiill^ Africa : i . 1 M"ininj5 , » i »J£ of ll.. C. W., Clevelnnd.—Aibln play willing ailvii-tlsers any 1.. I',. I., "an iniac i ii...—..,.,,.^«n .-« -• V roll man, raw l.yii'um Tlleutre. New York .Ii'.mii S.. Wiishlitgloii. -Walch our route Msi each week. II. II.. Wonealcr.—Consult ll lawyer. W. II. V.. Aberdeen.—Address T. II. Wln- iicll. HH'J IliiHlriway. New York Cl.y. N. S., Jersey City. -r The show Is unknown lo ns. C. I., P.—No. CAHHH iiav ll'om isoniii .Airica: ..iuuiiiuk s i-.uicr- iniaers, Winifred Hare, l-'lo CIiiiHIk and Hie Slslera YY'arncr. Winfield Itlnkc and Maude Amber, who Intelv relumed from a Hip through India, willi Hie Thurston company, will opeu «.t the l-iitlacuiu. Olasguw, on .Monday next, in their clever mimical comedy act. which met with great ruccowi recenlly. at a iM-rfonnnnce given In litis city, ll Is out of lite ordinary and Just what the playgoers lire looking for. Hob llanlon. who was probably one of the ,,.,.»., ,'. . ,. " „.. ,.„., „,,i, i„i.„. greareRt acrobats of his time, died Inst Sun .1. li.. Buffalo.-! i in* er n. oiie siill tak a * .Mldilleaei lloapllal. In llils city Jfl.'lll.'Sl I,, ...IN..I. VI ...r- ,.,„,., .,,, v, ,,,«, ...... day. nt Hie- 'Middlesex Hospital. In litis city, fnirn hemorrhage', ensuing to vat-Inns. Internal complications. The original llanlona were six Manchester men. highly accomplished acrolNita and gymnasts, who eventually de- voted themselves more particularly to panto- V II.. St. Louis.—II. S. wins. It dependa nilinc and Years ago. oue of .1 1.. ll . . i' al... ,...■, ,,.l.: • ■-- 1 A !._.... .....,, Ihiniuuuiail !.*• I In, Il1lll.>*. precedence over the others. The four hands are eiiual. , ' , Cait. J. II.. Itnffalo.—The holder of Ihe in-,' must take tip Hie turn-up. tiAsr.HAi.i enllrelr'on lite result of the game. ■ ■: .. ,« ......... ....... ..... .1 ...... .a, ,»»»,»#*«.,»,.»»• ...,,« ..,.'■■ —™- v. the brothers was Ihipresscd by the amir* ., .... ......... nit* iiroiiit-i-s «i»« i.,.|„ri.svM .... «..,-. *.«...« J. P. ii., llnrirord.--llels are decided on 0 f fi irfr . \\u\c Irish Itoys. hy nilinc Carinoily. A wins If he bets on the i"'suli of the gann Hartfoiil. iiixt;. IIkaiikii. Phlliidelphla. It was a draw. J I... Toiiiulo. Ilefcateil Sullivan Mii- chell May 14, HOW, at Madison Sipnire iJiir- ilen. New York Clly. IIISCKl.liAM.OI S. I\. il.. Iinyinii.- Any luirdware More can supply your wants. oi iiirc«: n.i.i- ...i»,« ,^..,n, ■'.. ..,»..., .........-..,., O'Mnrn and Carey, fhrinodv and. O Mara were cnualus. These carefully trulnoil, be- eiimo Hie Haitians of a laler generiitlon. They were llnallv aasocltitcd by Hurry Wellatid. the agent, with the Brothers Voltn, and for iniiity roars were a regular alt radian nt llie t'rreliil I'alace. llielr stiipendous rig- ging exleuillng across Hie entire of Ihe tran- sept, a hundred foot from the ground, about eightr feet from Ihe not. The \ollns gave a bar performance of, wonderful skill ond supply your wains. a |,. u performance of wonderful skill ami A Si'iiNi-Htiiitii. London.—Probably any daring, the llanlon boys is-rforinlng. atnong one of ihe lfilrilug dalllea of Host on can ,,,1,,,,. Hilltga. flic ucrlal flights and dives tor answer your ipid'y. ; which Boh llanlon liccntno esis-clally famous. " ■-.. ' The llrolhcra Voltn are now agents In Lou- VKHMOST. don. All the llanlon Imys are uow dead. t.iirll.iAt At .be Strong tCnlui A ***f «JW "IS^^^ffiJ^ *?& ilnml. wannRi-rai Archie, I- Sheimi'! ■« iiiov; ,' n n«l« fihove last S.ndal' .'..It .... l'..»....^. UI....L- ,*.. ,..l,i,.i.,1 .lillv IK' SHCl'1'C.I.MI I,,, ll »-,,l,,»,.,,-, ' IIH'S' "" '" -" ■"■ Ynll lie Vernon Slock Co.. which opened July II, to house. Xirri'M. At Hi. Thetiiurhim i.l, P. Moyle mmiager) moving |ilctiire» are doing tin usual good biMliieaa Will Marble, of tin i hiiiics I'riihiiiaii foics. arrived In Burling- ■- ■•;, T . M1 ton. 12. lo sla-je the production or the lb' fw V, 7 ' 10 ."^!' Yeriiou Stock C.,......'.. .Oscar Jenkins, the ; ^s'mts ««. is I tie i-suiiiieruiiiii i.oiiori-. in,- iiiiuj-iiiiiHi III cimjitncllon with the Moss Jt St oil coin- liliiallon. was openeil lasl Monday. Yestii Tiller and a strong company l«-lng I'ligilgeil for the llrsl iM-rforniunce. The building, which lias taken some eight months to pro*., is lined with all the laical nceominndnlions If Is said Hie performers !:!;;!r;^,^;,.::^: , nm , r::c li , aii'::r^u: 7^«f»»{.Wwi i '.rrM; m . m "x!; ?."".*> 'V .'. ' ..' ?"i:...."J.T.l, ",S were here they made a splendid Impression ,-MIIIU Ull I...' ..I.,,,, (,., • «« •», .^,,,,...1 .".,..i N. V. lie has never recovered Ihe use of hi Injured limb, but Is much la-ller. i ♦♦♦ ■ Heeomi ui|» •« n»a"> .■«' •"?' ' -,"•* weri' here they made i\ splemlhl Impression with their very ninitalng sketch. Mrs. Sarah linlvln. the widow of the laic linn l.eno. was wedded a few days ago. to Francis Heat, a music hall comedian, the WMST VIIH4I\I.\. Krainis Ileal, i coiuuuiwi. im 1 M li.'.ll.iH At Wheeling Park i Frank ceremony being performed at the lliixton .1. Halter, general itiiiiingeri the trill for week lleglatry ofllce. Mr. Beat and Han \^tio #ft» viidliiu Julv l.'t gave good atiilKfacilon. Inn great friends when the Inner was alive, tin' atieniliincc wYis not as largo as usual on J.oweU mid Mwoll '.•epwt.JJJ^J'ni^jFenieni iiiioiiii! of the •■•iiilnmuis heavy low's Minstrels week of 14. +—* mills. Itnr- l.oweii nun i.i,.., - ,i .«j.,,,, „», ,-,,(.,.*..,,•,.. cm the Moss A Stall, at the llnllnwuy llmplre. last Mouilay. and gave a performiulci- far sii|M<rlnr lo the one they gave when they were In Loudon before, which Is some four- teen moil His. Their nip lo the filules seems C___ .a a a. ... 11.1 ... ~..1,1 „» ^..n.l r P\n>. MISSISSIPPI. I ecu moll tils, rneir ll'ip lo llie mutes seems Yl.-Lsbiii'u. At Siihnrbaii Park Theatre to have done llicm the world of good. They iJiiu Moles, uuiiuigeri the •McHnnahl Stock lufniin at* Hun their ymitiger brother ts V .......... ._ „il .....„!■ !„>.. U I,, ...,„■ ,l..l,„, i> alnitlo not under llie name of i Moles, v.. linger) the 'Mcimiinltt siock lutorin me laai ineir yuiiliger naauw •- i„ etiiereil iiiniii Ha far-well week July 8. In now doing n alngle act under the name of change of bill everv night. Kri. Ciardnrr. and that lu> Is uiceting with success. He Is playing In America, and thai there Is a possibility of his coming to this country In the near future ,,_„_,„ The Holbeek Palace, l.eods. better Mpown as the gueens Theatre, has beWJtqwtoaed by Fred Wood, tile proprietor-of l^erts I ny Varieties. The tenancy of the tJneena WJ taken over, by the He Frcce ^"Ical* wt March, and It was converted InHv n^vnHe.) house. The I'lilncc Is closed al jP^JtuJ" will la- reopened.on August Bgafc.Hgaiay. under Its new proprietary, on the two houses " Clftile'cokiy. who. as I stnte.lI beforr'in this letter, used lo b.' Professor Colby, bni- loonlst, Iniootled to take a pnrlv for a Irlp n the cloud. July 4. but the trip was pa* potieil for a week or two. Since his trip of n few weeks ago the fever aeems to hate 01- tncktri Mr. Colby quite, severely. Ar IM ► lir-aent time ballooning seems to lie n.H»e laf fori. Amy Clevere, a very clever singer nnd ilnncer. who Is at .present playing the fH oil, linn been offered an engagement by Kaiv & I'Irlnnger, for sixteen weeks, on their circuit, but la unable 1o accept same, owing to her bookings. In Ibis country. . h , , „„„„ It In slated here that John Terry, of Terry and Lambert, has been Informed frottt In- diana that he la heir to the suni pf thlrrr-flve Hiniisnnd dollnrs. The many 'rienda of ihe fortnnofe comedian are congratulnling mm on his good luck. .v„„. Tb» latest quotations for music hall shares are as follows: Alhamhra. .:10s.: Ciinterliiivy. Vi; Kmplre ur.s. paldj 1S:J*W C 10 »- paid) lft : London Pnvllion Ord.. 4% : WW- don Pavilion Pref.. •"•: London Coliseum, tt i Metropolitan. Ki: Moss' Hmplro 5 r- 0 ..^" 1 - Prof., STa i Oxford. 0% : Palace. 13 filling" and alx pence: Tlvoll. <Hs : Varieties Con- solidatcd Theatres. 13 shillings. Whollen and West opened their_ second engngement In this country nt the Hackney Empire last Monday nnd repeated their pre- vious success. After a few weeks In town rhov will Journey to the provinces. On the bill' with Whnllcn nnd West this week are Allen Floyd and the McNaughtoua. One of the pleasing numbers at the "lav. tls the performers term the Pavilion, Is a sketch, entitled "The Maid and the .Moon. In. which Mrs. Jlergrron. whose husband Is one of the Harmony Four, and her sister. Miss Hopkins, Inke pBtt. Both young Indies ore verv prertv anil hnve good voices, ihe llnrniniiv Four arc making ihelr usual big lilt, even though they don't come on until hue. , „ , ,. , Unlay Ilnrcourt opened al the Palace hist Monday, hul being dissatisfied with her place, she canceled her entire Palace time afier Ihe first performance. She will be seen at another • West Und hall before she reinrns in America, *-^4» OTJtl CHICVOO I.KTTKll. FKOM OCR OWS COIinESPONDBNT. Burma ot tlie New York Clipper, lloom 0O4, Aahlnod Black, CliKiaBO. Two of the nnpulnr priced houses will open Julv IS. murhlng the llrst Inroad of the BOW season, and .with their uiaugiirnilon will coin.- n slnhlKirn lnvt:»lon of tlie Weary Wil'i' drnma. as the Alhamhra will have "A ISO- roiighbrrd Tramii." nnd Hie r.'Jou '"An Aii- loenitic Tramp. - ' The principal change ri'mii town occurs at the Oarrlck. wliere ••riic HO/a of Co. It"'supplants "The Three of I s. I br- other houses Jng nlong to good business lor ibis season. The parks hnve been having ti hard seige of It for the pas. tew days, as a continuous srreiim or threatening (lays, .ll lermlngleil with heavy thunder storms, inclined last week, lull with the close ot the week, good weather set In again. Mnckny s Shows have done a very good business, Illinois twill J. Havls. manager).—■■Ihe Man of the Hour" has played io splendid business, nnd everyone is delighted wlln lac plav and the performance, which makes n enmblnntlon such us Is rarely seeh. The pro- •feaslonul innllnee. 11. drew crowds from at. houses In the city, except the Whitney, wiiic.i alio had it matinee that day. The one hun- dredth performance'will occur matlucc of 2.. PoiyniiiC (Harry 4. Powers, manageri.— Hose Stnhl keeps on making the people lutig.i with her exceptionally clever linpersoniuloi: of'tPai" O'nrlea. In "The Chorus Lady. The .-enson will lust iiiuil Sepiemhor. I'lie llltlelli perforimince will lie given !.">. and. Ill rolebriue the occnsioii. >llss Stahl will act as hostess lo r.s many of the crippled boys of the cltv as can lie crowded Into the theatre. ' ilAHnn-K tllerhert C. Unce. manage.i-i.— "The Three of 1's" closed a very successfi.t ami enjoyable engagement HI..and leaves with tho reputation of having been, one of the local successes of the year. "Tho Buys of. Co. IS,' with Jack lSnrrymorc aud a splendid Mat. opens 14. The First. Second mid Seventh Heglmeiiis. of the Illinois Nailnuai tiutird. have arranged tlicnire parties for this en- gagement . OH.ON1AI. iCeoige W. l.ederer. manager). —Hdward Abates. In •'llrewslcr's Millions. Is making' every one hnve a good henrtj' laugh, who has 4md the opporlnnlly of llt- leuding this clever farce, and the big ship scone makes n tremendous hit with all clnsses. Hall McAllister has taken the place of Oeorce Prober!, the latter having been taken slick during (he (list week, with a severe attack of pleurn-pneiininnln. He Is uow ot his home In rilie Pa. STinKtiAKKit ill. K. Ilarmoyer. manager). —Bleb.".id tioldou returned lo town Inst week, with a very clever conceit, entitled "Poor John," which has drown good houses, and made them laugh heartily. The cast Is n notable one for this lazy seajson, and prom- inent Is Hortrude Swlggott, who made n splendid Impression on rne opening night, In the unique character role of llosalfe, and her work, together with that of Sarah MeVlcker ns i mlv, was remarkable for being so clean cut. and so well thought out. Stephen Wright had- a disagreeable part In Jabez. which lie bandied \vell, and Chtis. Itlcgel ns Wm. .Ntcholl. nnd Itiith Allen us Hie Siren deserve meniIon. There. Is more genuine, unci nous comedy In tills play than in half a dozen of tile ordinary brtoiiiigs und the Panlton Brothers have reason to he proud of ll. Whitnki' Oi'iinv lltit'SK (Sam P. flerson. niaiu'geri. —"A Knight for a liny" Is now the only musical show In town, Inning nut Insieri many of Ihose which enme nfter Ir darted. The reason Is plain : It Is good, ex- hllaratlnu comedy, with enlchy music, and the rompanv front John Slavln and Mabel I llie lo the chorus is of Ihe liesl. Business Is excellent. Tar one hundred and llflleib performance will occur IS. llt'Kii TnJii'i.i: (Harry Franklin, iniinn- gerl'.—"The Man from Mexico", did a fine -week's business, mid the people enjoyed many beany laughs. This week. ''Snplio." t?oi.u:oK (Kngene Mctllllnii. inaiuigffi, — "II. M. *t. Pinafore" was given a. s|ilendld performnnce last week, being much of an Im- provement over the work done In "Tne Mi- Undo." Ihe previous week, as the principals and rlinviis seemed to have gained coiilldence In one another. The miiiiagemenl Is entitled to grout creillt for the splendid maimer In which H h|is mounted these nieces and the tnuniier In which It has drilled the company. •The Chimes of Normandy" \vlll be given lo, Hereafter the house will lai open Sunday evening's, the week closing on thill night. "I'kki.v (llohcii T. MoHa. manager);—"Cnp- tain lltifns" coiitlnnea to do a lino business. and is the most elnlKirine production which the colored pinyers have preseniod since the ni-gaitlxnllon of llie company, orer a year ago. llnriison Stewart and tlie oilier clever poopln have Improved every opportunity to get Inughs nut of ihe play, and the singing of Hip, prhiclpala nnd chorus hnve never i>een heller. The s|ieclnl niimliors receive mnny endues (lightly. It la aunoilticed Hun the tlrst weelis biislnew of this offering was the arfost In the history of the house.' Ma.VJtii- iLvman B. fllorer. manager).- The hill for week of 15 locludea: Henry E. inxev Panlloo llall, Barrows-Uncaster corn- on nv Carso„ C and Wlilard, Yuma, Ma»us ami Mnzette. Snv.i Watson's Circus. Krome- atVa Brdlors till Brown. Lenora Mrwln. Hall Sifters Allen WIglitman, nnd the klno- "'aitOAoo Orr.t.A Horg <d: n. Ilniit W flffori—The bill for week of HI Inclitiles. Ml^ and Mrs" Sidney Htow, Cnmetoa and i'lanlgnn. McWators nn.l Tyson Wjjtot> rUon and company, the lnree ,0 ",5„! „ Howard and Bland. Dixon nnd Anger. He on Adnlr Bonnie Oavlnrs. I^onnnl and Louie, BIsBetV and Scott, Bonnie Crox. nnd the klno- ''Trt'lNPLED-H. (Liulwig Sehlndler, inann- k rr ) Business continues up to Ihe top notch here and the attractions are One. for the week o'IS: Marquis and Lynn. Fog- i rt» and Addington Dorothy Vaughn, ClSert and Thomas, and the moving pic- "lly'nn Park (Tom Baker, manager) —The oil for the week of 13 includes: Watts and Wat k. Ilnrris and Zampa. YVasncr llfothcrs, Kalenitiia, Hoi Halcott, and the moving pic- ^'n'obtii AvKNtK (Paul Sinner, wnwr).-- Itnslness continues good here. The bill for i-ookoT iTClurtes*: The AHialcnl Benaons, Allaire add l.lnd. Cleono Peajtl Fel hickegr, M.i'ooi nnd Hlckoy. Cba* and Callle 8tew- Jrt. l>ouzo. and motion pictures. ' (Thomas : Murray. mnn»8f r »;— BiiHlnesS continues good hero, and dmiiig week of IS Mr. and Mrs. Bob Magna will be nmong .those who will entertain HiiliAT XOBTHEBN (Fred C. Miens, mnn.i- aerl.—"TlK* "VoUint'eer Organist continues ro good business, and seems to have pleased n largo abate.of the thcntregolng public; James 11. Brown, -formerly manager of the Allt.imbra. Will manage till* hoase dui'lns 'he nbseiicu pf Fred C. Kbcrts, on'lils.vaentlou. . llLidt: ■ (William lloche, atinagcr).—I »- (^•ason will open here 14 with Kllrav & llrIt- ton's big musical comedy drama, entliled An Arlstocntdc Tramp." on which Hie tieop e have baen rebearslpg for a long lime hi nils city. Next week. "A Texas Hanger. ALllAMiutA t Webber Bros., managers).— The season of H1O708 will he Inaugurated here 14 with ihe production of "A Thoroug.i- hred' Tramp." one of the Weary Willie shows which annually make a successful bid for favor. Next week. Kllroy & Brltton s "Ihe Candy Kid." roLi.v tJohn A. FenncHsy, munnger).— Mirth Is whining In n canter nt this house, Where the audiences have been of very good size for this season, and the ofterlngs have la-en of a calibre which would do Justice to mid-Wlnlev attraction*. "The Spanglers is the name of the burlesque this week, and efforts hnve been made to make this oturival nil lis predecessors at this house. ■TniH'AnBllo 11. M. Welngnrten. managed. —Tlie stock company will be seen, week or 14. In "The Vassjir ISIrls." a new burlesque. by Nat and Sol Fields, with a number or the latest songs and special numbers. Carrie SelU. who litis la-en making a hit on the. North Side, Jolneil tne company nt this time, which adds greatly to the drawing qualities of (tie company. Six big vnudevllle acts will be Included In Ihe hill, with moving pictures, lo which are added, as special features, t.'hoo- ce'etn and the living picture of the Deluge. WoNi.Kiti.AXii I Kb. Lamson. manager i.— Tills place upstairs looks as ihough one or die lake cvclnnes had blown through, for ir has been cleared of everything aliove the street nobr. and when the upper portion of the house Is thrown open lo Hie public, a few weeks hence, it will cause amazement. Business continues excellent, und Manager Linnsnii Is busy nil the time attending to his shows and looking after the improve- ments. The bill week of IS Includes: Our Quartette, llaymond llall. hi song and dance: Jack Bros.. In comedy sketch: ll. L. Thomp- son, comedian.'and tbc moving pictures. Lo.Nbox Himk Muhkl'ai (YVtn. J. Sweeney, manager).—Business has held] up reinnrk- uhlv well, and the attractions tire good ones, in'tlio cnrlo hall this week: The Blchai'dsons. In ; their Impnlcmciif act: Uowsion and his den of rattleknakes: the Nona-land glnnt. nnd Hanson, musical act. In Hie theatre: Alice Clark. Hay Lumnils, Trof. Koran, and mov- ing pictures. . Ci.aiik SritKKT Mrsf.t m iL. M; nedges. manager).—The attrnctlons nfe din wing good business here, whore they are changed more or less every week, nnd Ihe free show In the lolihv Is always sure of intruding attention. llivtiitviKw 1'Aiti; (Win. AC.'Johnson, uiiin- ng?r).—(iri'.it are Ihe crowds which go to this magnificent park, on the Nonli West sjlile of ihe clly. and the best part of ll Is they are constantly Increasing, ns the plneo becomes betior known. There have been many society days of late, which have tnaile the place a gala one Indeed. Practi- cally every tiling Is open now. and tlie ope or two' attractions which have, licen delayed In opening for one reason or another will he In full swing Inside of the week. "The Great Train Bobbery" Is still the big attraction, and 1ms been doing tin excellent business. Dims' Band Is here for the first time, nnd Is drawing hlg crowds lo hear the spirited plny- litg. This Is tnclr closing week at the park. Tuesday, HI. will be Babies' Day at the park, aud all Hie admissions paid will help lo provide for the homeless, nnd orphans of the idly, who need this help so greatly. A splen- did crowd Is nsstired. There will be extra features for litis occasion. WuiTB City ll'nul H. llowse. manager).— Never better than at present, this park has been doing a splendid business, and the cnii- .,.',:.. ,.„,Mjf ,, s|»i,-u,«,,i iMtsiu.-ss, .ii.ii nie inn- ceaslonalrcs report splendid returns for their iDvestmenls. xatlcllo's Fnmous Kalian con- cerf Bund Is the principal free nttrili'llon. which will lie heard during tills week, and which comes highly recommended. John L. Sullivan and Jake Kllraln ate booked for nit early appearance here, nnd Hie sporting Ira- lenity will he on deck in full force,. "Flower- land, - ' a famous spectacle, will he given week of 'JS. and groat preparations are being for It. This will Illustrate In laillet. music and speclaiie the history of Ponce De Leon, and the mythical Fountain of Youth, and will lie the most elnbinnle affair which has ever la-en offered nt this popular place. The weal her Is Ideal at present for a visit to I his big place, nnd everyone Is raking advantage of the oppmiunily. Ciiitks Paiik (W. II. Sliickler. munnger). —Pleasing thousands of people, ihls Wom side park M extending its liicllltles for hand- ling the enormous crowds which dork litre, and ihe railways of all desciipilon wlihln its hounds 'have eiirtntid after carload of shrieking and exultant huninnllv, which gels Ihe breezes at u "nickel n throw." Kvery- thine; Is done to Insure the comfort nnrt pro- tection nf the people, and the crowds which leave ot Ihe closing hour are Invariably in good humor. - f/iVNA Paiik (L. P.. Lantterstcin. mltnuger). I.lndsny It. Illcks. Hie miner who was en- lonibed for a number of dnvs. Is one of the principal mtractlons liorc, and Ihe. prop o have been listening with rapt nttPiillon to his detailed ncCottut of his sufferings. Volo. tlie gup lnoper. has nn act which Cs full of thrills, and Alnbel Berin sings with Thnvlu's Iltitid. in the delight of many. The cxhlblls arc all open now, aud In fnll running order, and the crowds patronizing them well. The roller rink Is crowded nearly even- dttv ami ulgbt. and has an excellent finer. IIavima P.tnK (J. J. Mitrdock, mnniigeri. ■—The Dainrnseh Coneeiis conllntie to please thoiifatuls who cnine from all sections of the mrrOlitiillng country, oh the electric trnins and automobiles. "A Midsummer Night's Ilroam,• In conjunction with the Ben flreet ! "fP.l 111 '!r, V/iienicd 18. nnd in Minnie Iish-Orlflln will he tlm soloisl. Sans Sorct Pakk (Leonard Wolff, inaiia- ALMOST ft SOLID SCAB Had Bfcla.pii.aMi> ■•jYaara-OI* 0^,,, Bogne.ted Cutlear* - Caiad In Two DIontha.aiiit Xpyr . SKIN AS SMOOTHS A BABYS "I ,have.;a r coMsin in Rockingham Co. who once had a skin disease from her birlh until she was six years of age. Her i;itli er had ipent a fortune on hor to cat her cured and none of the treatments did Iter |»n>| Old Dr. G sugRestcd that he Iry ihe Cuticura Remedies which he did. W i,',. n ne commenced to use it the child was ttlntost In a solid scab. Housed it about two month and 1 could hardly believe she was the same child, tier skin was as soft as a baby's without a scar on it. 1 have not seen her in jeventeen years, but I have heard from, her, and the last time I heard fromhershe was well. I bono this may be of some-service to yqu in the future. Mrs.W. P. Ingle , Burlington, N. C, June 1 6, 1905." ger).—There are'all sorla of amiisemi-nt ue. vices to please the fun loving crowds which nltend here, and the park Is well crowded till the time. The roller rink Is one of the llnest In the city, and Is the scene of mniiv lively contests. The. hand plays in the casino • next door, and through nil the grounds tho strains of musk- con. be heard. In Mill's Theatre, for Hie week of 15, are billed- Kvelvn Watson, spltbrette: Hocv and Coup- land, black face comedians: lCd. Milliner and company, comedy sketch ; Barlow und Nlrbol- son, comedy sketch, nnd the moving plcturcc I'.r.i.MoNT Paiik (11. C. Cowdrey. mana- ger).—The efltertalnmont here seems to tueei the approval of the people who live in this section, and the acts arc often very merilori- dus. Bismarck fiAnnjui.—Carl Bungo and his hand have bAcomc groat favorites here, ami the crowds hnve boon very greal since in,. warm weather set in. C.'m.lNEOf Kaiidrn. —Tho music offered lu;re has drawn good hi tendance, nnd the singing nf some of .Hie mostt populnr of Hie siaigs written by local composers has made a great lilt. AfTEHJiA'di.—Mme. Kmma Messlnger nail Mile. Rosa Hrunhcrg, two Kwedlsn light opera singers, will appear at Power's even- ings of 11 and -'1 ptider the auspices of the Swedish Theatre; Co.. In a programme of songs from the most popular operas and operettas. "Kn Monday Pa Amoyer" and ••Vermlanlngnrnc." two short playa, will al- so be given A great, benefit, perform- 11 nee will lio given nt . the Colonial after-' noon of :Jo" In aid of some of the charitable Instlnirinns of the city, nt which Kdwnrd Alnics will appear In a sketch by Uaoqea Bfondhurs't, wlilch has never been seen hi public. Kinll.v i.yuon and Mary 1,'van. Uiiilt of the "Breivster's Millions" Co.. will ap- pear Inn playlet, written especially for tins- occasion, nail many other well known players have, volunteered Prank A. Kergusnii. who wrote "Mathdr's. Boy." which Jtine conn hope and company will give an cipen. tilve production In vaudeville this .Kail, lias written several other sketches which have been successful, and this Inst seems to be of litem all. having 1111 abundance of heart Interest, and comedy, .with several very strong situations.. Sum Mortis has written an opera which will Is- presented Ibis season by Meyers and Krce J. W, Potter nnd .Mario Poller were Clii-i-kk Bureau callers 1)1. having Juki arrived fro.u n long tour of the West, and report that Hlpy nave licen very successful tlnr- dori Wnlton was 11 Buretiii caller I,'I. lb- has signed in go out next season wlilt "A lluinnu' Slave," under the management nf Spofford, Powell & Colin, mid will manage the iittrnotloi., besides playing parls. Tt.e opening will occuf ar Diludec, III.. Aug. IP. ...^...rho I.o Pellet lei's report: meeting wlib great success In their latest skeLch, "(in the CUeyetine Trail,".which Is by Jack Burneli. Tlii-v slate ritnt tliJs .is (he beat sketch wiiic.i iney linve over lind, and that they bars 110 trouble in booking 'time for li lack Burnett, "notwrlgut." lias ln|teii commodliius ■pinrlers In the t.'rnud opera House Rlcrk. Boom .V.' Edgar Huff and Dorothy llay- nol were Bui'i-aii callers last week, having Just returned from a long and proil;able tour, which rook them to the coast. They report great .success wit* their new Bketeii. "At the Cross Roads." Matta Hardelia writes (hat she is spending a very pleasant; invntlou nt Crystal Luke. Houlah. Micu. and la combining business willi ulensure, as she la 1 playing there iiulil .Sept. I P. J. Ridge, manager of the W'eslern Dramailc Agency, was n Bureau caller I). Mr. ItlJga Is very busy iiowailnvs, with managers anil players who throng his agency, and also with lite limiting school which he conducts In Hie sntne building ..Mile. Carila returned 10 town P, from a short lour of the parks t-> the South, nnd was welcomed by her sister, Prances Nowluill and her hroiher-in-latv. David Landau. Tho latter has Ireen rehears- ing with Kendall, nnd. logelher wit.1 his wife, Miss Ncwhiill. nnd Miss C.'nrlla, left Hie city, July Ig. for the West. The compauy will make several stops between here and' the coast, and ' will return m the Crntul Onern House about Thanks- giving time. Miss -Carlta goes to San Kran- cisco to look nfter some business matters and to take a much needed real, as her foot, which she Injured some lllrio ago. lias been causing her great trouble of Into Harry Boise, of the Sensational Bolses, -writes from St. Clair Klats, Mich., that they at-e resting there for a few weeks, camping and fishing. They open early In August, playing lite F. M. Ilnnies list .of Stale fairs Bernnril crnney, ptincipnl comedian Inst season with Rowland & Clifford's "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" Co., lias been re-engngod for the same pnrt for lite coining season •• William J. Madilern, who played orio of the nvo feirltired roles last season, in ."My Wlfes Kamlly," wns a lliirenu caller, 8,.and states that- he will piny Cnpt. lloswnrth this sea- son, In "The Cuhdy Kid." Richard iDlrlti IV Maddox, whose smiling Herman faiv w often seen In clever comedy roles, was a caller R. having Jnsl returned ffom a very ■lirolltahle stock engngement in Wahnsli, lud.. which he was obliged to relinquish In order 10 attend rehearsals of "The Crtnily Kid. n which he Is to nlnv the leading.comedy role. ..-.. .Ortrtul* Swlggett, who 1ms milile such 11 hit In the role of the servant. 1" "I'""' John." nt the Sturiclmker Theatre, was a caller 12, and states ihtit Hicrtltty innile n lug lilt Ihrougli New Knglanfl. wliilre It wits seen previous to tills engagement. Miss Swlggeit has received excellent notices for her work In Ihls play, cor which she Is Jdsly rnlltlcd, for she adds greatlv lo Ihe value Of the part by lier own clover idea of (he humor of some nt the slluntlon, and has proven herself among ihe cleverest comediennes n( the tiny....■• ICddle iieinney, it very itopiiltH- cnlnedbi'i. t-iiiles thin he will this season liend A Chinese Tramp." a foitr act aebsailottni. com- edy drama, under tlie innuagenicbt of Sieyers ft Proa, a Clilcitgo producing llrm. which i* fast becoming well known, \vhon Sir. "e- lnnoy plnyeri in tt|l» piece I wo sensons ago he created 11 line impression, nnd mnde many friends tlifough Hie Soutliern nhil Wesiern Stiiles. and did a tliie IniKllleKS. lie will also be romembefed'bv peoiile In the I5ast, as lie loured sitceossfully liiroiigh .that lerrllorj twenty years ago, as 11 comedian, anil luniie many friends there. Mnlio Ostellil. 0 cornet soloist, will' he renl'tiroiV Willi Jr. Polnnoy. nnd tho eompahy will ho it strohg one. 1111m- berlng about twenty people. Tho soasoli t>