The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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July 20. THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. 585 Uaudetille and minstrel. V/vrU FROM THE ORBIT AMERICAN An- , MMUDMHBM by the Pennsylvania Amine- ™°° cha,D ^riht'The 8 B. O. Sign, has been used " re c ™<*« r on J 0D of the tent, and In a eTery .fiats for the past rtreewceW and mome , nt th « P» rinn e top wa» on Ore. The e l e 7lme. "that rerioa we have teen for™ £j,Sj^2»* S», e *"* d ouL hnt """ i'jS'ttoJSfoTtlcketa.t7.45F. m. The £?>■«•»?"»• thy 1 Musical Nalom who la one of the vaude- ville features with Chamberlain's American Alrdomei Co., writes: "The tent was burned down, July 8, at Jolmaonbarg, Pa. The round top was OOiOO. It happened abont p. vi. The show band was In the town, B called out, but arrived — tent. All the performers' '2 8t0 P. nnuauatlvVrOTg^eaturing Souraand belongings were saved, also the picture ma- HEL*2bS rtlon and 'double trapeze: the ?»">«. *'tb »bont fifteen reels o? films and 5 0U ?' Musical NrtonV with hie electrical mu- f w « lv » «ts of song b Ides. I saved my alum- Ortat Musical «aion,w Inum chlmeB, musical lyre, electric bell*: la Bictt ^? absurflty, ' A Family Affair." W. E. f««t. m * entire musical act was saved. includ- ? om ?rL> Beeger has charge of electrical ?J "X..P ,B *>» Box Mystery act A gloomy fcprtsandTshowlng the best moving pic- ;£ ou '<*' *»• PM"* by all the memCera of mm Tiver Been In the cities we are showing. »« show. A strange thtag about the Are n«r mnerb bind and orchestra la one of the was that two large American flags flying £5 ^n the road? twelve men strong, and S™» the top of the two centre poles, were S«.m for Its share of praise. Our free »<*!burned or even scorched. At {he time of com™ ■".:„„,,„_ . p.„ f .i.„ n nll William Bostock, "The Merry Tramp," Notch won Lanrr'a Vaudeville Citcca. writes: "I have Just closed twenty-six weeks —We are In our sixth week, playing the with the Famous Juvenile Boatonlans. Dur- Bummer resorts In the Adirondack Mount- ing that time we covered Western Canada and sins, and have, been turning people away the a the Hoberge Dava Dbbdbn, musical comedian, has cloaed a season of forty-four weeks with Cohan A Sutherland's "King of Tramps" Co., doing the principal comedy and hla musical act. Be has been re-engaged for' nest season, making ,ht Master Boyd Chamberlain Sit with Mb piccolo solos. In fact, there Is Snt a weak spot In the entire makeup of the Show. We are playing week stands, and are r inneine our programme each night. The Sri, J. Chamberlain, manager; Capt. j M Shlndle, treasurer: W. B. I* Beeger, mineral superintendent: Harry Devond. gen- ital agent; the Sours, Marie Sweeney, Dillon and Dale, Al. Harris, B. B. Sturgls, Wm ijuton?ThomaB Paine and Wm. Cawder. AHTHDB L. OOI'B MlNBTRBLB JIOTBS) LI Harry Halb, of the team of Hale and Harty, writes from Frederick, 111., that they are In their ninth week with French's New Sensation, and going big at every show. "We are on the Illinois River, and every one on board has the fishing fever. There has been over one hundred pounds of flsh caught In the past week. After the show at Beards- town, III., Monday night. July 1, Willis Har- ris, Dan Albright, A. F. Terplnlts, Heman Initiated Into Lew Wren and ...ceremonies, and they saw that we 'got ours,' After the meet- ing we were tendered a nice lunch, which was not lacking In good times. We are doing a vaudeville, fn a new sketch, entitled 'A Prisoner for Life/ and we will travel under the name of the Bostocke. At present I am going to work In my single act, known as Tho Merry Tramp,' playing the New Miles Theatre, at nibbing, Minn., week of July 1, and Virginia, Minn., week of July 8. while Miss Roberge Is taking a short vacation." Manager H. J. Abiiton writes that the Or- Bhlum Theatre, at Parkersburg, W. Va., on le Ous 8un circuit, closed July 8. for the Bummer. -Tho next season will begin In August, under the same management. The house will be refurnished and redecorated. James A. Reillt, of Rellly and Templeton, writes from London. Eng., under date of June 22, as follows: "My son Bob was married to-day. In Christ Church, Brixton, London, 8. w., to one of his female partners, Carrie Pyck Thail, of the firm of Pyck, Thai) and Taylor. Many telegrams of congratulations were received by the bride and bridegroom, and they started on their honeymoon with a number of wedding presents, scores of good wishes, and enough rice to make a big pud- ding, The bridal party, after the wedding, The ttae of our tent li 80x80, and seats .1)00 e. The company Include*: Joe and 111 Levitt, sole owners and managers; Agnes Falls, treasurer; Frank Crammond. stage manager: Romaln Woodward, musical director; Joe Levitt and Agnes Falls, com- edy Jugglers; Burton and Primrose, In "The Biddy and the Boubrette;" the Me comedy sketch team, and the Three Meeker Children, singer* and dancers Prof. Denny's moving pictures are the best ever aeen In the Adirondacks. The audience never get tired of them. Fred Blair, buck and wing dancer; Oreat Livingstone, In his wonderful "trunk mystery;" Harry Sharp, black face comedian, and Agnes Falls, In Illustrated songs. The show closes each night with a one act farce comedy, by the entire company. We eat In a dining top 20x30. which 1* In charge of Eu- nice Levy, and the chicken dinners we are having are certainly great. We all room In hotels, and every Thursday or Friday we look for Tun Old Reliable. The "ghost" walks every Sunday. John Coot, of Cody and Zanette, write* that he was made a member of the Rarltan his third season with the company. At pres- g vaudeville for the associa- tion, opening at the Orpheum Theatre, Rock- ent he I* playing vaudeville lenfnc at tt ford, lit, July 1. Tub Sisters Ltnottb have signed with the Washington Society Olrla Co., for next senson, making their third season with that company. They are Summering In Pennsyl- vania until time for rehearsals. Tub Bkiffs, song Illustrator*, have been was photographed In one large group. Harry Boat Club, at New Brunswick, N. J., and Mnynard just arrived from San Francisco, was presented by .„„...... -- -- - Kwne N nm >ac«mg «n gooa iimes, we are aoing a S e SSfVta « wiSI of bli busmfss^'and 8We11 business, and The Old Reliable Is H., June 10- to ■ w;«* 0 r big business ana we i corne when u reacUe „ U8 but , t , g the press and public agree that we nave a 0 «entImeB late." the press and pi— Brat class outdoor attraction. We have a new first part, elegant satin court costumes and draperies, and an olio as good as the best Roster: Arthur L. Guy, proprietor and manager; Mrs. Arthur L. Ouy, treasurer; tin thank and Blanchette, Russian acrobats; McGiilnness Bros., dancers; Platte, "The Violet Girl;" Edwin Guy. eccentric comedian, and the famous International Four, Wenrlck, Morris, Dale and Wilkinson. Roscoo and Sims were billed to open at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago, week of June IT. The theatre burned, 14, and they filled In the week at the Howard, Chicago. Stevens and Kbblbt have been engaged for next season by W. B. Watson. They are with the Washington Society Olrls Co. Mr. Stevens Is stage director and Is going to pro- duce the opening and closing burlesques, also all the musical number*. At present they are In stock at Trocadero, Philadelphia, Pa. A partt, consisting of Wentworth and Vesta, Mrs. Baxter and Miss Collin*, per- former* that were playing a week at J. W. Gorman's Massabeslc Lake Theatre, Manches- ter, N. II., recently went fishing, and a large black baas was caught by Mrs Baxter. Wm. II. M. Smith has signed for next sea- son with James Curtln's Broadway Gaiety Girls Co., to work with Johnny Weber. Tub Musical Holbrooks, who have been retired for some time, are about to re-enter vaudeville with a new act. They are Sum- mering at their home In Chelsea, Mass. Tub BaADroBDB, colored singers and dan- cers, played at the Majestic Palm Garden, MeKeeveeport, Pa., last week, and met with their usual solid success. Pbobasco, juggler, who la meeting with success on the Irvlng-Polack circuit through Pennsylvania and Ohio, I* well booked ahead. Notes from Manaobb Habbt Sekton and his Rosey Posey Buriesquere.—We played five weeks at the Unique Theatre, Winnipeg. Man., oftentimes late.' Summers and Winters (Cbas. and Jo- sephine) are playing successful vaudeville dates through Ohio and Indiana. Wilbob and Mack, assisted by Mlnthorne Worthier, appeared at the Twenty-third Street Theatre last week. Thla was their ninth week on the circuit, alnce closing with the "Lovers and Lunltlcs" Co. Their act, "The Bachelor and the Maid," 1* meeting with great favor. Fbbd Bowman will close hi* eighth week ns stock comedian at the Howard, Boston, July 8, to go to Philadelphia for a Bummer engagement. Irene La Tods and her clever dog, Ziia, have again been signed as special vaudeville feature with Cbas. H. Tale's production, "The Way of the Transgressor." Miss La Tour 1* playing a few vaudeville date* thta Hummer, previous to joining the company next August. Mb. and Mrb. Habbt Stockton write: "We are In the fourth week of our second trip over the Sulllvan-Consldlne circuit, and are making a bigger hit than ever. We have numerous requests for a repertory of acts, and the singing of Mrs. Stockton carries the bouse by storm. Our next stop Is Centralis. We hope to be In New York by October." Tub hibtbii team, heretofore known a* the Trlckey Sisters, have separated. Coy Trlckey and C. E. Mean have Joined hands. t, "Dot'* Choice,' 1 Cal., was best man. The brlde'a mother gavo the bride away, and the bride'* two sisters acted as bridesmaids." Tub Fivb Musical MacLabins, who re- cently closed ten weeks on the Qua Bun cir- cuit, are all booked up for the Summer around Philadelphia and the Mozart circuit. Russell, O'Neill and Gross, who are at present being featured with "The Matinee Girl' io,. are meeting with big success over the Western circuit of parks. They close with that company July 21, and go to New York to join one of Bobby Manchester's attractions for next Reason. J. H. Phillips, manager for Mattle Keene. has been spending several weeks at bis home at Plymouth, N. H. He Is In New York, ar- ranging for next secaon, but will go back home shortly for the rest of the Summer. John and Alice McDowell, who will producing their original act, k an They Introducing singing, buck and wing dancing gling. They go from the Itnnle Kohl circuit, thence and eccentric 6ui Clark time to the Bast Jirr.n Jacobs writes that he Is In hi* third successful week on the Ingram circuit of New York and Pennsylvania, and Is more than making good. Rino and Kherson write: "We are a feature over the Qus 8un circuit, making We are always llJSS^ffiL! glad SSmSS o!d"^l!adl, l V^L ta JLl The Cbeiohton Sibtbbb the house, and we gave a new burlesqu week, to big business. We have closed for the Summer. Our next Reason opens Sept. .10, and we are booked over Northwestern territory. The rosier Is a* follows: Morrlscy and Proctor, Sister* La Bell, Emmett and Rose, Tom Bryant, Frank Gibson, leader: James CorL Ive Belmont, Margaret Lee and have signed with the Cbas. K. Chnmnlln Stock Co. Trb Trocadebo Quabtbtte are In the city rehearsing several musical numbers for their act for next aeaaon. Kaiu, I'Yy.nn has just finished a two weeks' engagement at St. Louis, Mo. After a few more weeks In vaudeville he will rest, before chorus of eight. Manageir Harry 8efton and ««■£= rehearsal* for next season with a hla son and daughter, Charles and Mabel, com b| na fl on . m, ac t has been meeting with left for Liverpool, Eng., on June 27, where . ucces s they will be placed In school. Everything Harrington and Lester, high class slngls "Honey Posey." . whistler and comedy pianists, Just finished HAHMAin, hoop roller, writes: "I closed a SUCCC8R f u i rc turn date at the Union Square a successful season with the Murray-Mackey Th ca t r( . New York. They are this week at Co. and am playing through the Middle West. tno i 8lan(1 Park Auburn, N. Y., and are I iilnyed the Victor Theatre, Chippewa Fall*, hooked up for the Summer. Wis., for one week, and my act wa» «uch a jambs C. Mobi close a fifty weeks' engagement, July 6, at Save been engaged: George Hickman, I Norfolk, Va., with Stephens & Linton's ''My comedian; Falke and Coe, musical comedy; Wlfe'a Family" Co., will return to vaudeville. Nelson and Eobebt Inform us that they are meeting with success In their new society comedy sketch, "Brain-storms." They top every bill they have played bo far, and ex- Sect to come East about Aug. 1, to fill some ate* around New York. They play Pastor's Aug. 12. James Short and Babnet T. Bdtoabds are together again, and have a good comedy musical specialty. At present they are on Frank Melville's park circuit for the Sum- mer, but open on the Sullivan & Consldlne time Sept. 21. Will and Mat Reno, who are In their fourteenth week with the Cooley ft Hngnn Floating Theatre, report that the show 1* playing to record breaking business. i.ewih and Crosbman nave been playing over the Wm. Morris circuit, making a big hit In their singing and musical act. They open July 80, at People's Alrdome, Leaven- worth. Kan., with Joplln, Topeka and Omaha to follow. Then they play return dates at Excelsior Springs, Mo. Tun Great du Boib and compant baa just closed at Duquesne, Pa„ on the Bun cir- cuit, twenty-four weeks of steady work as a feature act. He writes that bis act wbb a big drawing card, and he has return contracts for seventy weeks, starting Sept. 80. He , open* on toe Boom park circuit July 22, and die West Pastor's, New York, Aug. 10. flfty-two Al. B. Hutchinson Is playing the Bcenlc Louir Theatre, Hartford, Ot., presenting a new Hno of songs, W. J. Holmes, of Holmes and Holllston, writes: "We have just flnlshen thirty weeks for the Western Vaudeville Association, and eight weeks for the Interstate circuit, and are booked for return dates In September. Our rural comedy sketch has been one of the big feature acts In every house wo have played. We are now on the J. J. Flynn cir- cuit of parks for the Summer, and are one of the headline attraction*." Williams and Fair are still In the South, ; Burton and Primrose, in "TO.* ins b«i»», k>ue iiiu«™iu», u-.« «»- the Boubrette j" the Meeker*, engaged as a permanent '«tur« for the Bum- mcr aeason, at the Ideal Theatre, Reed City, Mich. Harbt Bcrno, has puncher, recently cloaed three very successful week* for Cbri* O. Brown, and Immediately opened on tho Gun Son circuit. He I* booked np to Sept. 0, when bo will play Paitor'i (bl* third return date at that houay). Kbe Draooo writes: "I am In my eleventh week with Rucker's Korak Co.. playing In the bend and orchestra, and acting as prop- erty msn." . . _ __. . ^, Madam Emmt played week of July 1 at Woolworth'a Hoof Garden. Lancaster. Pa., and last week she played the Nixon Theatre, Pittsburg. C. W. Pbtbrb, late of the Wilson fc.PeterB Co., 1* spending the Summer In Coolvllle, O., visiting friends and relative*, J. J. and Rilla Clembntb have Just closed a very successful engagement of the family theatre* of Minnesota and the Da- kotaa . _^ music an!ltoit& Fbom tub House or Witmabk.— Bonlta has become aa permanent and firm aa a fixed star with the "Wine, Woman and Hong Co. She has entered the field aa a composer, and her song, "Come Out and Bhlne, Ob, Mr. Moon," which Is published by M. Wltmark ft Sons, proves that, should lbs tum her at- tention to this Hne, her composition* would rank high in the musical world. The quar- tette of the company, composed of Orvllle Harold, Hermann Stelnmann, Hal. Plenon and Arthur D. Wood, la one of it* most pleasing feature*, and they have won a nam* for themselves In their *ong«u Vlrgl* from Virginia" and "I'd Live or Die, for You." Tho Jamestown Exposition has stirred many Into action to do their part toward honoring the occaelon by some special work. Jamea W. Casey, whose compositions have always shown his deep love for hi* native State, In hla latest effort, "The Glory of Jamestown," has evidenced capabilities In a broader and .rcater degree. At the benefit at the Herald Manager Chas. Monaghan of the Music Hall, with a handsome twenty- two foot naphtha launch. Mr. Cody baa In- vited a party of friends to pass a few weeks Balling on the Rarltan River, to enjoy fishing and bunting. The party consists of Harry Parker, captain; L. Parker, steward ; A. Za- nette, first lieutenant; Prof. Ferdinand, lender of orchestra, and John Cody, engineer. Mr. Cody will have some startling "Mali stories" for next season. Louisa Paulrtte and Vivian Da Dardion have joined hands, and are producing a new act. Manager Oub W. Hooan, of the Jolly Grass Widows Co., baa prepared for next season, an entirely new show. There will be a first part and burlesque, new and elabo- rate acencry, with plenty ot electrical ef- fects. The costume* will be entirely new and gorgeoua. The following well known people *rlsh tette are receiving nightly encoree with th* ■ong, "Love Me and The World la Mine," which la a favorite everywhere. Vlnle Knly Is winning friends with the Wltmark long, "Alamo." Felix, Barry and Barry are using "Hmlle On Mo" and "flrldge of Sigh*." Dur- ing Helena Frederick's engagement recently In Philadelphia, her song, bv W. D, Wei*- f*rth, "Tell Me What'* a Fellow To Do/" published by M. Wltmark ft Bon*, carried the whole house with her. Irving It. Walton la producing tb* humorou* »ong, "You'll Have rrocfobe'. SjJi ±^ a r „ury.r 8 io?.r.n°thr.;.^T§ Last of the Troop," are using "Love Me and The World Is Mine." This song, at a Pueblo, suc.ess that I go back for three weeks, as a feature specialty. Will return East thla Fall, aa I am booked up for one year. I am still working alone." W. B. Whittle writes: "My Roosevelt act Is a big hit In London. I gave a trial tum for Moss ft Stoll. Next day I was booked for four weeks at tho Alhambra. This week, at the Empire, Cardiff (Wales); next week, Glasgow (Scotland). Manchester to follow, then the Alhambra, London, July 22 to Aug. 10; then home, aweet home, Bept. 2, at Pas- tor's, New York City." Lowell and Lowell opened at the Em- Sire Theatre of Varieties, Hackney, Eng., une 24, and met with their usual success. John and Alice McDowell closed a suc- cessful season, July 0, at the Casino, Ocean View, Norfolk. Vs., with Stephens ft Linton's "My Wife's Family" Co., and will take a rest at their home In Detroit, Mich., for a few weeks, before returning to vaudeville. John and Alice McDowell closed a successful season of fifty weeks with Stephens ft Linton's "My Wife'* Family" Co., at Norfolk, Va., July 6. They will re- turn to vaudeville. Tom O'Neil, on July 6, closed the vaude- ville season of forty week*, at the Amusee, Braddock, Pa. Mr. O'Neil Is now at his home In Oswego, N. Y. Martin and Kino, Dutch comedy sketch and wooden shoe dancers, closed with Col. l'lsher'8 Big City Shows, at Fnlrbury, Neb., Juno 24. and are now back -In vaudeville, playing Hastings, Neb., week ot July 1, with other good work to follow. Georgia Thomas mourns the loss of her father, who died after a prolonged Illness, on Sunday, June 80, at their home In Brooklyn, N. Y. Koiilbr and Marion write: "Our new comedy musical act 1s making a big hit every- where we play. Managers are featuring us, and the newspapers are giving us fine no- tices. All our music Is up-to-date, and our conversation Is our own. Week of July 8, we ployed the Masonic Opera House, Chilli- cothe, O." tames Flamant, who left the dramatic field for vaudeville last Fall, and who baa been manager of the Family Theatre at Brie, Pa,, during the paat season, reports good bustneii In spite of tbe warm weather. The house will close the latter part of July, when alterations will be mado with a view ot In- creasing the (eating capacity to 1,000. The Bella Rosa Green Co., opened at the Alrdome, Moberly, Mo,, June 24, to turn- away business This la the only musical comedy show on the circuit. Ring and Wil- liams, the special vaudeville feature, are going big. Tub Oiibat Santbll, write*: "My all star company will open Its regular season, Aug. 20. In Knoxvtllc, Tenn. Time Is filling rapidly, and no expense has been spared to make this one of the largest vaudeville or- ^mirations on the road This company car- ries twenty people, Including our own brass blind and orchestra. The talent Is th* best that money can secure, with the Oreat San- tell, 'The Famous Hercules,' as the strong feature. Dr. Horace Grant, the old time theatrical manager, has been engaged to route and book the show. All Indication* point that thla company will do a record breaking business. The show Is hacked by Harry G. Klnkeen, of Buffalo, N. Y." nikLlAHD IflU 1' All, HI," HI, I I III IUV DUUIU, playing parks, and doing finely, being booked by the Southern Booking Agency. They opened at Glcndale Park, Spartanburg, 8. C, July 1. Edmund O'Conneli. and Beatrice Golden, after two years' solid work on the Pacific coast, playing the Sullivan ft Consldlne and Piiiitagcs circuits, are returning East. They have Just concluded successful engagements on the Clark circuit. In Montana, and aro now playing the Bijou circuit, In North Da- kota. Rinoham, tbe ventriloquist, and his en- tire family, consisting of Kittle Bingham, Belle Vernn and tbe Three Auburns, aro fill- ing the Summer season through Maine wltn the Cosgrove Stock Co. They are In their forty-second week with the company. Tims, and Gertrude Grimes, who are successful engagement at Pastor's Theatre, playing vaudeville dates, Inform u* that they >w York, is booked to return week of Sept are not with a carnival company. .. Morton and Mabie Diamond have been meeting with great success over the Keith ft Proctor circuit. The team of Phillips and Hamilton has dissolved partnership. May Hamilton, "Paper Queen," will work alone hereafter. Bhe H booked nearly solid In some ot tbe leading vaudeville theatres In tbe East. Pauline Slobbon. who recently returned from a very successful Southern trip on the Lyric circuit, Is now spending a few pleasant weeks at her Chicago home with her slater. While on her way to New York »hn played at the Alrdome, Alliance, 0., July 1, and the week to follow played the Hippodrome, Pitts- The Williams Duo, which recentl^clojed a New 80. Tbe team will play the leading parks during the Bummer. . Weubteb and Carlton are playing the Mellvllle circuit with great success, present- ing their new comedy playlet, "Her Beau.' Flora Shiplpb, the clever singer and dan- cer, write* that after an absence of two years, she will return to tbe vaudeville stage In a new act, next season. Miss Shield* Is at present resting at her home In Brooklyn, N Y. W. C. Lutz, of Lotz and Fay, and N. A. Marx, formerly of the Herald Square Quar- tette, have Joined hands, under the team name of Gordon and Marx, and are present- ing a German comedy act They Inform us the act was a phenomenal success at Keeney s Majestic Theatre, New Britain, Conn., re- cently. . Mabk and Laura Davis are taking a much needed rest at their country home, Lebanon, Pa. Their act, "Hans, the Grocery Boy," met with) gratifying success everywhere, hav- Millard Brob., 'cyclists, were at Luna Park, Hartford, Conn., week of July 1, with Korumbegn Park, Boston, to follow. Buut M. Jack, of Mr. nnd Mr*. Jack, reports that his wife Is still very sick, at St. Louis, Mo. Mr. Jack In working during the Summer season at Weast's, Peoria, III. Hazel 1'ibuce and husband, Clarence Cun- ningham, having Just returned from tbe Jamestown Exposition, will rest for a few weeks In New York, then return to vaude- ville In there new musical comedy, having Western vaudeville time booked solid to San Francisco. Blanche Ebtbllb, of Rochefort, May and Blanche, has signed with tbe Casino Olrls Co. for next season. Tbe Trio are at present playing parks through Ohio and New York State. Emerson and La Bavato write: "After playing a alx weeks' engagement with one of Nature's Remedy companies, we close, to open at Catrow'B Family Vaudeville Theatre, Henry and Francis, travesty act; the Three Heltons, comedy acrobats and equilibrists; Bateite X. Wills, comedienne; the Three Musketeers, eccentric singing comedians; Nellie Francis, burlesque queen; Frank Fuhrer, musical director: John C. Keck, advance representative; Fred W. Bartlotte, master of transportation; O. W. Harvey, electrician; together with a carefully and well selected chorus of twenty girl*. Barney Gerard writes: "I have just fin- ished a new dramatic playlet for vaudeville, which will be produced with a dramatic star under my own direction. There will be five people In the act. 'Partners for Life,' writ- ten for Jacklln and Lang, wa* tried out laat week with success. The act will be booked over tbe United circuit. My elaboration of Carew and Hayes' act, 'Tho Mad Stampede,' has been turned over to Tom Miner, who is enthusiastic over it. Dave Marlon and I wrote 'The Summer Time,' for Tom Miner, a two act musical comedy, wo bave just de- livered, and which promises to be a revela- tion In burlesque. *Tho Darling of tho Gods' was written by mo for the Rontz-Hnntley Co. it ran therefore be seen tbnt I did not rest all Summer, combining business with pleas- ure." Jones and Raymond, novelty musical sketch, ore meeting; with succesa In tbe Mid- Just finished fifty week* out of and are booked solid until Bept. 1. North and Jbnnie Delmab are en- 5aged for the Bummer season at Weast'* 'hcatre, Peoria, III, Mr. North Is producing burlesque with a < leave for tho West under the management of John Cort. Comsiodorb Foorn and Sister, Quebnib, the lllllputlans, have left Midget City, at Whlto City, Chicago, and are now at Liberty- vllle. III. They will visit the dell* of Wis- consin, and then return to their home at Fort Wayne, Ind. Violet Duhbth, who has signed with the Parisian Belle* Co., season of 1007-8, Is spending tho Summer vacation In tho CaU- kill Mountains. The singing and dancing contingent of John W. Vogel a Big City Minstrels next sea- son comprises tho following well known vo- calists : Harry I/clghton, Newton Bee, Jaa. Emerson, Edward Ileyde Gtlmore, Jaa. Gar- rison, Walter A. Wolfe. Harry Beebe, Culvln IIusb, W. II. Starr, Clare Champ and the Louisiana Glee Club. Harry Lelghton has been re-engaged as vocal director, thla being his sixth consecutive season with this com- pany. Earl Flvnn, singing Imitator, finished nn engagement of three weeks In St. Ixiuli. Mr. Fryii.l l)> it Kansas City, Kan., this week wllh an engagement In Kansas City, Mo., to follow. Ho has signed (or next season, for a principal pi,it In * company. Drew Sim monk writes from Houston, Tox,: "I am located here for tho entire Summer, hnvlng been engaged by Messrs. Alvldo ft I.eMiorro. Managers of the Alrdome Thnitre, to do my black face specialty, though at times, wiien thev need a mini, they make a 'rcai actot' nut of me. Wo get Tub Cliiteb every wjuk." Billy Van hns canceled all of his engage- ments In vaudeville. Stetson and Nixon write: "We are doing well on our chicken ranch at Sanoma, Cal., and at present writing are entertaining Mrs. C. Arnbcrgcr (formerly Sallte Kcan, of Sully and Kcan). We keep In touch with things theatrical through tho medium of Tub Old Reliable." Jab. B. Rice, the popular author ot sketches In slang, has written a playlet In four scenes, entitled "The Love Handicap." greater degree. At me oeoeui >i ms omn nuare Theatre for Ardeen Foster, one of the favorite number* was the "Little Teddy Hears Dress Hall," by Walter Pulltier, which made such a hit at the Actors' Fund Fair. The Wltmark House was well represented at l'awtuckot, It. I. Their song. "Ju*t Because You Were an Old Bweetheart of Mine," (Il- lustrated), ha* been one of the greitest *uc- ceeses, and at the minstrel performance given under the aueplce* of the St. Mary's amateur performers, ''Love Me and the World I* "Whan I.ove la Young," mi Quar- .. Love .. Mine" and "When Love 1* Young," mad* The Big the hits of tho evening. ,n ctt, Cal., musical, by Mr*. II. 0. Bingham, easily won the success of the evening. Messrs. Fay and Oliver'* latest production, "Take Me With You In Your Drsam*/" I* on* of their be*t effort*. "Tbe Yankee Tourlat" hM an unusual number of bright and catchy songs, tho strain* of which an audience la sure to carry away. Among them arei "Golden Ball*," "When a Girl I* Born to He a Lady," "Come Have a Hmlle With Me," "Yankee Mlllionalrea," etc. • Bono Note* ybom Job. W. Btbbn ft Co.— Frances Knight, during a recent Boston *n- fagemont, opened with a new line of songs rom the "nous* of Hit*/' "With You In Uternlty," "Hymn* of the Old Church Choir," "She Was a Grand Old Lady" and "Southern Girl" were the number*, and Miss Knights rendition of them was greeted with great applause. The Pan-American Four are feat- iiring "Black Jim," "You Splash Me and I'll Splash You" and "Southern Girl" with great success. Emma Francis 1* meeting with great success with "Pretty Little Tonkin Girl.' Dan MacFayden ha* Joined the professional force of Jo*. W. BUm ft Co., and bla many friends are Invited to call on him at the "Mouse of Hits' " palatial home In Thirty- eighth Street. Belle Barly 1* creating great enthusiasm with her feature song*, "With You In Eternity," "She Wa* a Grand O d Lady" and "Bouthom Girl." Billy Cahlll, "The Man from Ireland," the writer of many song hits, I* featuring hi* latest march song, written with S. It. Henry, "She Was a grand Old Lady," with great success. Alice Lloyd Is creating a furore with the novel "Splash song, by Lamb and Solman. The Motor Olrls are featuring "I'd Like a Little Loving Now and Then," "Southern Olrl" and "Bhe Was a Grand Old Lady." The handsomost set of sheet publications on tbe market baa Just been Issued by the enterprising house of Jos. W. Storn ft Co. It comprise* a complete col- lection of all the favorite air* from the Manager Charie* Marlowe has aecured Cloudo ?*"«?«?JBffl* ■gSPlgASi'gPt W and Fonnle Usher to play the leading roles. ' l L b .°, tl 'J^J„thlnef ,h«t hasfb?en attemDted C..AB. F, HprmAN.Wo.ha. been quite 111 ftVl^-Bho Wa. S'fir&VM? Ing only lost one week in a year. Tbe act Chattanooga, Tenn, for two wcekB. doing our I...,. V,,w... ri,ii<rltl«n }\\j Rnrrv HfAV Aitd Will ratrft hftcrf utrf>r/>Tt*ia 'A Pnlr r*t f iinnlleu' anfl has been rewritten by Barry Gray, and will be even stronger for next season. Gdb Burton and Mabie De Almo, of the Burton Bell Ringers, have dissolved partner- ship by mutual consent Gub Burton, who Is doing bis original singing musical act, will return East Boon. Chapman Sisters (Lulu and Galatea) and their pickaninny (Smoke) aro making a suc- cess with their new act, playing a few parks. May me Remington recently closed a very succeasful season of forty-seven weeks, and will spend her vacation at Atlantic City, Thousand Islands and Manhattan Beach. She Is booked solid for next season, opening at the Majestic, Chicago, Aug. 26. The Battleship Four (James Cantwell, Lloyd Ballert. Fred De Forest and Wm. Re- naud) have been re-engaged with the Wm. H. West Big Jubilee Minstrels, season 1907- 1008. _ » _ Great Santell Notbs.— The Great Ban- tell and hi* all star company opens their regular season, at Evansvllle, Ind., Bept 1. Santell I* one of the best known performers In the vaudeville profession, and makes a host of friends wherever he appears. The company opens Its road tour, under the man- agement of Harry G. Hlnksen, headed by the Great Santell, and will carry twenty people and their own brass band and orches- tra, and will tour the West to California, nnd then go direct to Australia and New Zealand. Dr. Horace Grant will handle tbe advance. Tub Clipper 1* always a welcome visitor and still bear* the title, Tub Old Reliable. two best sketches, 'A Pair of Lunatics and 'A Matrimonial Mess.' We have been getting Trie Old Reliable a little late in some of tbe small town* in Virginia, but It* nono the less welcome when It comes." Alice Howard, of Warren and Howard, will take a much needed rest next season, on advice of her physician. She Is Just re- covering from a severe elege of Illness. Mr. Warren will work atone next season. Beauchamp, trick Jumper and acrobat, writes: "I have Joined hands with my old partner, Fontaine, and hi* wife. We are doing a three act, trick Jumpers and acro- bats, and meeting with success, Mr. Fon- taine's jump over an upright piano I* one of the biggest bit*. My forward somersaults over six chairs are going as big as ever. Our finish trick, 'the passing forwards,' I* the hit of the act We opened at Wonderland Park, Milwaukee, Wis., July 1, with White City, Chicago, to follow." LEE V. Kellam baa Just finished eight weeks of vaudeville time In the West, and opened on the National Vaudeville circuit, at Cincinnati. In hi* new singing and talk- ing net, entitled "Topics of the Time*." After a bipabation of seven years, the original team of Bilbos and Emerson, the originators of all their comedy military acts, have again joined bands, nnd are producing one of the beet acts of Its kind In vaude- ville. They are now on their fifth week on a circuit of parks, and play Lincoln Park, New Bedford, Mass., week of July 8, Habrv Rich will manage Ritchie ft Fran- cis' Colored Show during next aeason. in Philadelphia, Is Improving, and hopes to be able to resume work next season. Mr. and Mrb. Geo. W. Horary are work- ing on a new ventrlloqulal musical specialty for next season. Tbey are booked solid until 1008. Brant ano Larano are playing Hender- son's time, having finished thirty six week* for the Western vaudeville Manager* Asso- ciation. Lois opened on tho Gu* Sun circuit, at Blalrsvllle, Pa., making a big success In her toe Jumping and acrobatic and contortion work. She I* booked solid until 1008. The Little Wheeler Hibtbhh are making a hit on the Ous Sun circuit Carrie Lawrence 1s spending her vacation with Mrs, Grant Boulton, at her Bummer cottage, In Atlantic City. Mrs. Boulton Is better known as Kitty Sterling. Hardach and Harris write: "We are booked solid In parks, and In the Fall we open our season under the personal direction of Alf. T, Wilton. Oar act 1* going big everywhere we play." Musical Hubiin writes: "We are play- ing thla week, 1-0, at Lashaway Park, Spen- cer, Ma**., managed by Mr. Carey. It 1* a nice place. We are under tbe management of the J. J. Qulgley Vaudeville Star*. Roster: Musical Huenn. Gardner, Went and Sunshine, Ned Norton, Plunkett Slater*, and Tenny, Juggler." Musical ni'EnN writes: "We played July 1-0, at Lashaway Park, Spencer, Mass., man- aged by Mr. Carey. It Is a nice place. We are under the management of the J. J. Qulg- ley Vaudeville Star*. Roster: Musical lluelin, Gardner, West and Sunshine, Ned Norton, Plunkett Bisters, and Tenny, Juggler." will outrival everything over crested In It; class. It Is a combination of the real old time "mother" sentiment, written to march time music. Rich and Howard, "The Southern Duo," aro making a hit with "Find Another Tree to Build Your Nest," "Always Some- thing Wrong" and "I'd Like a Little Loving Now and Then." Nelly Rosebud I* featuring "You Splash Me and I'll Splash You." In a recent letter to Jos, W. Btem ft Co., she writes that "Splash Me" I* the best number she has ever bad. Gracclyn Whltehouse makes the hit of the bill wherever she plays, with "Splash Me." Leah Russell allied for Eng- land recently, well supplied with "winners" from tbe "House of Hit*." "Sweet Marie, from Sunny Italy," a dainty swinging Italian serenade, I* to be her feature song. Cole and Johnson are featuring "There's AIway* Bomo- thlnn IVv/mtr" " SPI na t In w Dnwn ttlA Nil*." thing Wrong," "Floating Down the Nile," "Won't You Be My Little Brown Bear" and "Just How Much I Love You." From the F. B. Haviland Pun. Co.— Among the vocalists using "Arrab Wanna." "Won't You Be My Honey" and "Take Me Where There's a Big Brass Band," are Mylle and Orth, .Too McKcnna, Alice Warren, Orac* Leonard, Tom Kelly, and ioislo Harvey and her boy*. These people write us that the songs are all hits with them. Vllller* and Lee arc alnglng "Take Mo Where There's a Dig Brass Band," and so are Pendleton and King. The Moore* are featuring "Since Ar- rnh Wanna Married Harney Carney." Th* Buckeye State Quartette, Robinson. Par- quette, Falko and Coe are meeting with great success with "Won't You Re My Honey" and "Take Me Where Thero'B a Big Cras* Band." Lulu Watt* has added "Won't You Be My Honey," "Since Arrah Wanna Married Barney