The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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588 THE 3STEW YOBK OLIPPEB. July 20. Mariowe-riuukett ft Co., Masonic O. II., Cbllll- oothc, O.j 14-20; Spring Urovo Park, Sprlig- Mason'* Iliml, Music Hull, ltrljfbloa Beach, N. ■■;?;,. 16-89. »•' _£- "*ji ■ ; ' Martin Hros.. Temple. Detroit. 15-20. MirtOns, Tile, A. * S.. Bostou, 1IT«0. Mai-loo ft Vearli llon<1i-mua'H, '..Coney island, N. V„ 13-20. Mussry & Kramer, Majestic, l.nfoycltc, lad., 13- 20. ">: ■•',•<•'••• Mncy. Maude Hall ft Co., Music HmII, Brighton Beach., N.. *., J5-20,. ■;. H. . '.- .; t -' Mncart's Dogs ft Mollis)'*, liigcrscll Patk, Dca Moths*, Ja.. lS-20,1.;-. •• ■.-:■' ■ ■>".-.«£ MaeLarou*. Moslcal (5). Brldgcton. N. J., \o-10. MacLareli, (■«>', Union Miiiiure. N. V. C. 13-10. McOratta ft Paige. Hippodrome, Ocean City, N. J., 10-20; Island Patk. Kastou, Pa., 32-27. McAvoy, Dick A Alice,. Mamabealc, Manchester, N. II.. 10-20. ■»•■ '■; • i. McDonald, Mac, BIJuu. Kalamazoo. Mich., 15-20. MeXorley ft Kleamir. Oeni. Missoula, Mont., 15-20. McCarvers: The. Beacon PafU, Webster, Maw.. 15- 20; Wlldirood Park, Putnam, Conn., 22-2-1; North .Admna, 25-27. McCarty ft Laurence. Oakford Park, Jeaunette, Pa.. 15-20. Me Walter* ft Ty«on Co.. O. n.. Chicago, 15-20. McGcc ft Collin*, Park, Cceur d'AJene, Ida., 15- McNaroec, ltoblmioo Park, Ft Warns, Ind., 14-20. McNeill. Adelc, Kontalne Kerry Park, Louisville, Ky.. 15-20.' ' . '■ •• McKvusle fcHbiinuun, Proctor'*, Newark, N. J., 15-20. ' McDonald, Sadie, Aliunde Garden, N. Y. C, 15- 20. • MiCuno & Ciaiit, Lyric, ft. Hmllli, Ark., 15-20 J hEm'n, 'Tulsa. 1. T., 22-27. ■ McClunls Bro*.. Cayugu Park, Heucca l'ulls, N. Y.. 15-20; Blugtioiutuii, 22-27. Merrill. Pniiik It.', Coney Island, O.. 11-20. Mnlu. Willis Clly. loiillsvllle, Ky., 16-20. Melrose Tronps. Temple. 1 let roll. 15-20. Melrose. Ada, Culllus* aardsu. Culombus, O., 15- '20 .-•.-' Miles ft ltuyuioud, l.uua Park, Buffalo. IB-aO. Mlllmun Trio, Moss ft Htol I Tour, Hue.. J5Aug. 12. Mlluiil Trio; Atbauibrn.- N. Y. C, 15-20. Mltcliell. Lnkciuotil Park, Alloonu. Pa., 10-20. Mllchvll ft Culli. Norfolk. Va.,,16-80. Mils*. Ida. Pike, Itouiioks, Vii., 15-20; Chester • Park. Cincinnati. 81-27i- , ' ,,„„ Mitchell ft Browning,' Lyric, Joiillu. Mo., 15-20. Mllliml Bros.. ■ tilncoln Park, Worcester, Ma**., ' 15-20: Wonderland. Boston, 22-27. - ' Miliar Iln.t., Atlantic (lurden, Atlantic City, N. Milton's' Dog*. Pastor's. N. Y. C., 16-21). Monarch*, liislnnuvlital, Crystal, Pueblo, Colo., Morloh ft lihiiuond, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 15-20. Morton. Pied «'., Sacabdaga Park, Ulovervllle, •N. Y., 16-20. •■••■ ' ,.:« ,:■ Mooni-y ft Holbein, tllbbona & Payuc'a Halls, London, Bug.'. I5-Aiw. 50. ; ' Norse Hun, Young'* Pier, Atluutlc Clly, N. J., 15-211. Muiarts, The, Umpire, Uollimay, Loudou, liug., 15-20. ' _i Moody ft Buliln*. Iliibct'a Cuslno. N. Y. C 22 21). Monliigue'N Cockutoo Clreun, l.nke Mu|>imlu Park,, Ma**., 520; Urookalde Park, Albol, Morioii,* Plill,'Hcsiilc. Itvvrrs Uuacli..Mu«a., 13-20. Moto^lrl. La, Touring India uuil Cbluu, 16- Moran] Paulino, Park. Kewauw, III., H-20. Morel* ft MorrU. Cla-Kler Park, OluelunaU, 16-20; l,akovlew Pink, Tsrro .Haute, ■ Ind., 22-27. Mooiv, B. Wulle, Colllua UardvOH, OolUlubua, I)., MorelV HImIitm, Klein - * Park. Baltimore. 15-20. Morlu, Pilar, TiiiikiiuwIu, ft Co., Proeloi'a New- ark, N. .1. 16-20, Morn. Mllenl. U. II., Aalilalid. O., 15-20. Moorebeud. II. I'.. Aiuiimk, lliiltluiore, I6-Aug. J. Monte, litliel. I.uiiu I'ark, Chleago, ■ 15-20. Mnrnlie ft-Alulivn*. Kalrylund I'ark, Pansalc, N, J.. 15.20: Union Nnuare. N. Y. ti., 22-27, Muntoek, Unu. Blur, Allooua. Pa., iri-'.t). Mm-niv. Clayton, ft Drs»y, Park. JubuatonD, Pa., 15-20; 1'iinlor'a, N. Y. C, 22-27. ■ Murray, Huiipy Jack, Itlehiuond,, Mo., 16-20; UnaikUelil. 32-27. ■ ., ' Mnllsr, Cbiini ft Muller, Orplieuiu, Bau l''rau., <!al., 11-27. ' Miulge, IU ii, Mxoli. Pittsburg. 15-20. Nailk-. Mile., 'Jridieuin. I«i« Angel;*, Cal.. 16-20. Niiun, t.iiii. ft f,i . Kellb'H, Bualou, 15-20. N'upli. Vlolu. K)o Bench, N. Y;, 15-20; Merldco, Coll.. 22-27. '. . , ; • Nuuel ft Ailuinw, Allaiith; Harden, Atlantic. Clly, N< J.. 16-20. Needbitin ft Wood, liljou, New rioudoli, Couu., ID- 20. Newell ft Nlhlo, llliipoilroiuc, Irtiil*. Knif., 15- UOl. Liverpool, 22-27; Pavllluu, Newcatto, 2U- Nellnu'i, Miirbw. C. U. II.. riltt-burit, 15-20. Mi-boli, Nellie V., Metropolis itoof, N. Y. C, 13- NeTvi'auii, Josepbluc, ft Co.,' Union Square, N. Y. C„ 16-20. NUmiii ft Kgla-rt. (I. (1. II., Clilllocothe, I)., 15- 20; Orpheliui. I'urtH III. 22 27. r Norton ft Nicholson. 125tli Hlmil. N. Y. 0.. 16-20. Norton. Neil, tlrplicupi. CliUloc4lie, O.. 15-20. O'Cuiiiiell ft tlolilrn, Htdr, Munkuto, Mluu,, 15- 20; litmi, MluuruiwlM, 22i27.! ..-. • U'Dell ft Kliilcy. Bijou, Kulauiatou, Mich., 16- 20. Ogls ft Voglv, Mniihatlnll. Norfolk. Va., 16-20. iVIIara ' A Bertram. ^^^^^i^^^S^^itri&&&&.00^^^, JHS N^rW«iir»> Park, Jame»t<mn>"28-37i -± _\ ;••; ^ rlljc, 22 27. _ _^ t ^ m t:ton gfteUiMftf^m **^?**™ 1 ?"rS^ail. Bay,. -a'rraV * Co-i- Virotaluo Ferry Park, Louis- The QuaHeUe, Farm. Toledo. «.. J3-20, Ban lfKftMJIilCo, July -10.—At Uie Vaa —lie, Kj., 22-27. ..., . , Xliuw-Four Vlrls, Ueudenion>, Cone)'.Island, N. JWIsJJSE^^aeSBl MJaHaa* W«a*.«! MQEdSfi Orphemn. Newark, o:, lB-SO; ^fef«S5j: .^■.JLt.Aiiaia. KiSSl Biirriltibff, In "CuptMu JmUf." •Atheotii Ha"*," IWl BIJou. Reedi' 111... Bens. Will _ ItcjlcJ* Hadle,: AUaatfc 0^%%^, ^^^ »£ iS 0 ^?Teu»pte, Detroit, Reno, Ceo. B.. ft Co.. it. O. II... Pltuburg, 16-20. IlMd. Ye Coloulal, (1. O. II., Plttuburg. 1620. Ilelgler ft Hllle. Park. Canton. -O..- H-20. Bonnt- Katally, Kcst End, Memphlsi T>nn., -H-20; ' Bprlpg Brook Park. Boutb Bend, Ind.. 22-2*. Beeae, llarrey, ft Alfrey Bisters, Blxtb Street, Coabocton,'«., 15-20.'- — 1 •-.■ BcttIO, Carl I'., ft Co.. BDoo, Taller City, N. I)., '15-20; AadltorluDi, Crookston, Minn., 22-27. ^Sibucan.— ^TUlB Is tlic -ccond week. <rf MaXa'svlle 'Awklns." . ■AU'AKAU.—Tills Ib tbe second week of tlio the Flame.' . OuPIUum.— Bill for the week, openlnic huri- "Tu^hwood Payk, MaysTllle." 22-27. Tyson, Femes-^ ft Tyson,. Bnplre,' San I>ran., Cal., Ifc20, • Tyler Trio, Herman's Park. Macon Ga. Tyce, Lillian, Music.Hall, Brl-kton Beadi Beyoolds, /annw. A.. Crystal. Lflajaospoit, Ind., Uolta ft'M'UflH L *f™°J , '„ e l D . c ™ n »4!J!SS droaw. »- •«'- 15-20; Manltorn, nocbester, 22-2". m Van, Charles ft Faunle, Koof Oardeo, Lancaster, " 0 "Si, TKg _»|ondai. 13. YOUdevllle und mov- Beata ft HWMIa, Acme, Norfolk, V»., 15-20. „ifa., 16,20. „;••;, :,:„„" InsSlctureB : - . iteckleaa Becklsw, Kink, Bramlon, Can.. 1521. ■Vatto ft BMr, Qulncy, 111.. 15- 2 «- k .. uh ., 1-Ktes— A new theatre will soon be Btart- P^,.C»to n ...a. ^14-20. VaMinj,, 0*e iockloo, :Ma..., lo.20, Belth .. €(J > ! o ^ t «," |l!8 f 0n n ^ re ^ al b r c C t ^en TWenty-thlrd ., ii day, li : Benjamin Chauln and company. WH- '•• i 0 "? 0 ' lard Wmms, Anita Bartltog, Jaxik wilaon *, N. 1., fi lo n<JBe an d jeantuitte, Btrt and Bertha Urant. Bcrnar's marionettes 1 , And tneklno- klc- Bro*.,'Ocean City, Ni J., 15-20. m^^M^^^.ASSSltau: N. VakT«ofre*ft (iitrely. Family. Saskatoon, gas... and Twenty-fourtii Strcete, .....;.» long ' i" ijSV «*rosn, auujuc yiiy. n. otaT.j'-O, Family, Beglna, Asja., 22-27. contemplated Nortll Bbucli Theatre «lll soon Bltlcr ft Foatcr. Empire, Johannesburg, South Vamont, Victor, Grand Pier, North-Beach, L. I., anslimc Hulinlantlal proportions. Africa. 10-Kept. li.. 116-21: Bath, N.-Y., 32-Aug. O. a) » » Klaw & kmm\ Flans : v.iii. iti.-Fr-ftf",. 7 *_»wai»j Kidw-*, Krlanger's plaus for nctt Ha son embrace Ibelr advanced vaudeville clivui with the New York 'llieatre, In Now York- tbe Auditorium, .In Culengo; the Forrest TbiH dtrc.Jn rWladflpUla. und the Treaiont The ntre, In Boston, as the nrlncliiuls in a chain df - tiicatevv smbiaclnu thlrty-Hve bouses i tBc - Ittrgs* Cltloa. l*nc ■ New York Thealra will open Monday evening-, Aug. 20. eom- OlOtety reconstructed andi rcdocoruted. flie spacious ballet room formerly connected with tue stage, will be made a part of the lounr and transformed Into an art gallcrr ami 9rotncnade. The concert ball, on the wcond oor, will be converted Into a vast pain, room. When the New York Theatre opens its patrons will be'greeted wltb beauty of decora- tions and sumptuousness of surrounding* and a-bill of remarkable excellence. . Klaw & Brlanger's plans for the dramatic Beoson have also.been completed. They win present in the earlier part UVe new play*. on( j lour old ones which have proved successe* The new plays arc vehicles for Lulu GUiscr and Lillian Russell, a dramatic vcrshai, by Kugen<? Vresbfey, of Sir Ullbert Parker's "The nifV'^KaSIBt Iron' Pier, Capo Blay, N.' J., 1^*^^^''^^'''^ '^ t„, „ N mM * FWe '*hile»lga. Producers. M& , ft^W'' l Ate ,16-Aug3 • ■ • 'JT. , Vaaxar OlrlH.' East i Und Park, Meiupbls, Tcnn., Dlerera) A r ree, •vnm.anai* rr "T™ v *; - " leans Victory, null Kdmnnil Du.v s iliainu Bice ft Waiters, Glen Haveu Park. Bochester. IC-iiQ: lugcrsoll Purk.. Dss Moloca, |u., 22-28. -Meyers If. lrreo W»l coaic to-'the front rtuit " t f K Hound Up, Which was recenll.v SW n • N, Y., 16-20. -.-.. ... '"* a ™" > vau Blrmou. Troupe. Itiigeubcck-Wallaee Cuxm. RClll) i, u ' w |tJ, uhic altractloua oil Iberoild. |„. Chicago and made u hit at McVlckcr's '-"■■•■ xheatre: ITie old successes to lie conilniird ore: "Ben Hur," which 7*1(1 begin Its ninth season In Syracuse, Sept. 0; "Forty-Arc Minutes from Blfoadwuy,", which■ w III upen hj Mew Rochelle, Aug. 31.: Mclntyre and Ueatb, In "The Hum Tree," who.begin their scosun In this vehicle at Atlantic City, Aug. 6. and l'liley und Luders' "The tiraud Mogul," with Frank Moulttn in the prlnclpul role, which v v'v,- *^i, mbuiic, .uuvairvu, ring*., iu^u, Hippodrome, HUdMrafleUr, ti-ST; Knuilre; Old- bam, £»-Allg.< 3. Blchards, Ella, Luna Park UlcbnrdM Bros., Atlantic, N. 4., 16-20. Klchards, Ureal, Beeeliwood Pa., 15-20; Sanatoga Park Ring ft Williams, Alrdooio, Blcardn, 'Henilcriony, Coney Kto.Bros. «),_ Empire, mockport, Kn f ; ; I6^p.; fgmsmmWSmfrWlfffl*, Wash _ l'rti)•■- Ths colored companies wlfl travel In their own odrH.amd John Larklns will hnvo charge SlKjSaXni,' bT^T! ■■ SB?' 79"'• u,a ' taaton, ,p. 0., IB-ao: • ff \-r- n ,,. own oars, and John Lnrklns will have charge opens ut the tlraud Opem IIouw, In New Rl"a BroB. Wonderland, Rcrerc Beach. Boston. Vktortos, UyrileBfyou, Blsinnrck.N. D., 15-20; - r n],,. R tage,tn his organization, while JAttJCs Yjirk, Sept. U. In addition to these plays, 15-20. / •-■..;.-. . . .... ,.,'.' .. Blcklnsoii, -22-27 •,., I,uev will have charge, of IhestaUci for Billy KlftW ft Krlangcr have soverul other new pro. it.Park. Utlca H\~X. ~~" . Itockaway'Beactf,'N.] V.r'16-20. ." ^-■■ ;;i " l'« 0 ple for the three "Toyland" companies Borce, Hoy L.. SIuslo liill, BFlgbuVn Beach, N. "ilS^ft^^S^J^'feSSfV MW,M Include: William C Oaslunah, I,uui» St. i,t., 15>2i). , : ,,"*r™" ~""- u ' 15-20; llaslstt lurk. Lun*liuf, 22-20. Clair.'Jack Drcssnsr, Karlo Kern, Bert M. ttoldiisoii-Parqiietle Trio, Mt. Morency lull- Park, w « llc ' r -,* "."fJ'V ■MB"?' yW ,.™J&S* m 'l m ' .luck, U'OIW Lee, Bessie Ifivnng, IjOIu 'Bridge, guebec, (Jan., 16-20. • . ™ . r " ' '^Pa.. I5-*1; Island Purk, Kuil«re.,2^-27.. Malic! HHllnrd. Uura Uose Scboeinmer, riSklKi Wallace Park, Paduesb. Ky„ 16-20. Wafer,; Cldra, Lyric,. AlrdOnio, Carthage, Mo., ffi™ M^njkk. llose and Kiltie Howe: Boss'ft UHrn, Empire, New Castle, Kug., 16-20; J, '« t « , •.< "-"-■• "- ■ o. it mt miu^iic, lien vjuni it-, a .!!((,, i U'fty , Kniplre, l-ldlntHiru,, SeotlauU,- 22-27; Kniplre, . Glasgow. 2V-Aug.-3; Kniplre, Lesda, 6-10. Walton, lrrlu KuMrft.Vkvk, Euipjre, Sau.froo.. Cal., 21-27. Wayne, A. J., Wc»t Knd. Grssa Bay. wis.. 16-27. Ella Mnlode. Dantt gallon. Jc*;Mai|on._WIII iVnlton, lnlu II...Bock Kprlngs Park, Ka*t Liver- J. Mojuijfovau.^Caser CoiHand, h: Iraflcla - ponl, 0.,*6 20; Valley Park, Syracuse, N.-Y., Oameron und. David i X,.< Ittvluv . Bpnaldos. t'3i/cwk v B Park."'rTvauoTUii "ind;.' H- ''SWT.r}. '<•■•' ■ •' • ■ The productions Will W? eoinplets In every 20. ' Vln *»*«"' M, ™™', M ," " Wataon'a''F«rmyarii. Majestic. Chicago. 16-20. detail, and special cars wll be carried for Uoger*. Aerial, Shellpot Park, Wllmingloa,'Del., wraoioo-, Ktelyn; Hun Soucl Park, Chicago. 15-20. the scenery. • - fn-20. i WaMa, Al., Alnlonie, UnlesbUrg. 111., 15-20. . >- 4 , » Walson 4 Watts, Hyde Park, Cblcugo. 15-20. ».••.«» ■i>h..i,t. (,„ ,.i ull Wayne, Cbas.. Sbeu's. Bultula. 15-20. ; " ew 1*««li* lor t,lilc«K«. Waiiucc ft Bench,'. Slihidler'k, Chicago, 15-20. Soulh of tlie Loop and so far away from w'ells -Bcm. -N sniiih. l;iii-lrli- Park,. Kansas the bcatcutrack la Chicago Ilia I It. 'ban never City, Mo„ H-20; Park,' Waterloo, la.. 22-27. been deemed safe to build iinythlng-in ttlo Weston, Clint, Crystal,- Anderson, Ind.i 15-20..' t'lieuli-b-ul line It that' vicinity, will he Itoouey Sisters, Cook O. II., ltocheslsr, N. Y., 15- 20. ... ItiniHIdus CI). Cook's Purk. Hraiisvlllc, lud., It- 20; 1.111:0011, Clucliiuntl, 21-27. nogorN, Kraucls ft Vlrglula, lilufrrsou, Chlllluotbc, 0;. -16-B0. . Roeheforl, May ft Blanche, Summit I'ark, Utlca, N;-Y... 16-20. nnwr.i. Will. Nhon. Plltsburg. 16-20. nuii|"-l(B, The, Itoof Uardsu, Lancaster, Pa,, IS- 20. . . KiiHM'lla, Mimical, White City. Dayton, <>., 11 20. Ityiio ft Kuisrson, Slur, lloau-stead. Pa., 15-20; ''Wleland. Ciimbrrlmid, Md., 22-27. Michigan Avenues, sod un option baa been Weber, Charles D., Boot Garden. Lancaster, Pa.. «ec u rcd on u lot 1UA120 feet. 'Chleuini capl- >. lB-ao. 1 ;, tallNtsiaro baeklDg the enterprise, which will Sa llerraH. The, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N. Webster 'ft Carltou, Olymnle Park, McKeeiport, combine-U theatre with "a uniting capacity .Pa..15.20, ■■ '■:■■ - of l.-liio, unci a large number of studios. Wbtten ft West, Moss ft Stall Tour, king., 16- It-Is thought that the transportation faelll- .i;^! 1 *'" ?.°:'.. . i ...... ' '.. rles about this location, steam, surface and w y ,lr :^. , ill-. U - .t """"v .''""e C u uipouncc Park, elevated, and the natural trend of business) n??.l h . l £! , . < 'V^, nn N"v ' 2 ?i';5 , " IIUU * 8 C, ' , " ll,0 • Wuth'on tlic two nvenuett named, will niaku Iteach. N..Y., it r i1. : _ „._ . Hie venture a paying one. V,i 15-20. Karoy. V, F., ft Co., Peo|ile'«, Los Augeles, Cal., 16-20/' ' . Hanlrll, Greul. Purk, Canton, O., 16,20. Saruuy; (lllbsrl, p. H., Grssurlllo,. O., 15-20; l.akcHlde Purk. buytou, 21-2N. Sayaonp ft Drills, 'Lakeside Casino, Akron, O., w^lV\ft"WiL7 , «WcF^ n e a ^''"v, l 39-87. Suwailas, 'The; Limn Park. BiilTalo, 15-20. Saunders, Chalk, Krecbudy. Park, Newport, It. I 10-20. Whiteside, Elhel ft Picks, Jlniui' d'Kte, Paris, •_ Frauce, 10 Aug. 31. 1 . . Whipple.- Waldo, Pltiut Island. Ma**., 16-20. WhllelilW. Arllnn. Telnple, Iletrolt, 16-20, u !7 V. I" u #,1 . , u . , ... ^ wnnetuw. srinur. -renipie, neiroit, 10-JO. Scott. Carrie M.. CIionIuuI S m Ar p ads. W««h- wheeler-Slhteru, Ik-aver-Falls, -Pa.. 10-80. (i*Y n ''"2*"7 1 International. Ntagurn e'ull*. vfheejer*, The, l.linolu Park. Worcester, Mass., *^^i»<**»*-.V*-Jat»*""•»«-' «_»larls* .<X«J«%a*araa>«*>. "Vlvt-4>r-I«i. it. Y. « i | 1 «.(fe)iH,.The, Faiiiii)', C'auai Dover, l-i-20: ■ K&iS , 0 ;.., k ' •* , ' ".v . .,'.'.- Wills ft-ll«n»ley, I»luiid Park, (dnstou. P11., 15- gehusler.'Jimou,, Palyes, Bwlon, 16-27. ,,««;. Ulpjsxlrume. Oesai|(H|y, * 1.'. 22-27. Seolt. Agues, ft Co., Union,8o.uars, N. Y. 0., 15- Wlllbn Bros.. G. O. ll., Flltabutg. 15-20. u 3r;. 1''■'';■, ! ...l ';. • '.''...,'' '.*... Wllscai, Jack, 'Jrlo, Urirtieum, San Krau., Cal., Hcheftel*. Male, BIJou, i.'iilniui-t, Mich., 15-87. 11-20. • 1 —'i( , :...: •' ■' Seymour, O..II., ft Co.. BIJou, utmliig, Mleh., 15- WUoiuft Kulou. Atlantis Gurdsu, Alluutlc Olty, have become more persistent. 80; Lake Mlelilgun Pafk. Milskegou, 22-27. "Mf jr; I5-27.' •:..• 1 • '.-> ■ - "-.-." . -.,;.--. _^- ..-i ^ ■..■: ■ »?yiiionr,SI»lers M PhllH i ..l>i.,-;10'2i>. ' ■ .1 Wlggllis, Bsid. I'ustor's.'-N~. Y. G.. 16-20. ,„,.. „ .. ,.i_\ T „. hrynaiur s Dvgs, Oolllns iGurdeu*; Coluuibus, O., Wilson Sutler*. Acme. Norfolk, V«., 16-20. Joswiih M. l.ulIe"" ■ I'Ihub •'- ••- ' Wlngnles, Ths, Uaslno, - Altoona, Pa.,- 1" ' jm Angeles, Cal., 15-20. ' Grand, 1'ord Clly, 22-28. 1 Park. I'M. Wiiyns. Ind.. Wlllluais, Soul. Kelih's, Boston. 16-80. amMUpldn; Mleh., 82- Will*. Tial M„ Kelih's, Phllu.. 15-20. , l~™ ™ ■ ' Wluler. WliHiuu.O. G. ll.i.Pittsburg. 10-20, It has also been'rumored thut there will l«- u musical i-oini'dy bouse built on the west side of Dearborn Htn-ei, Just north of Waulilnglou Street, >■< udltlon to which there are "wireless messages" solulllg from no olio seems to know whore, but -. very pcrslHtcqt. nevertheless, that ,-tiic Houthcabt corner' ol Kiinillilph and Clark Klrcets may have a very ligmlsouie iliedtre and hotel on 11 la the filtiife. This N)iot has been spokun o( be- fore In our Chicago -letter.,and alnco the writing of tin- ,fornier mcutlbn, 1 he- rumors 4Sf>, i'if Sellilul, I.uiiu, Orphsuui, Los Angeles, Cal., 15-20. Shields ft lingers, KublUHon Part 14-801 Itjiuonu Park, Grand I - "' '"• • Shone, Madclyn. Star, Duiiuesue, Pa., 15-29; Dreuuilund. atoKnaONirl. 88-87. ■ • ShrpioiMift Ward, Paaiur's. N. Y. C.. 1680. Sheuii, Al. ft Co., Morrlsou's, llockuwuy Beueb, N. .'Y.cia-80. ■ .!.>-, .'■- « in - ;■ • - Slierimm ft.Fuller, Urpheuiu, Lima, <)., 15-20. Shield.*, Stew a,rt, Manhattan, Norfolk. V«„ 16-20. Short ft Kdwarda, Luna Park, Johnalowu, Pa., falUtl, .... { ;..'. v ■•• ■-.- >- ..1UII-I. „lll„li„, "I. .,. ....'., V ,-,.,, I K. ..,-..>■. Wlllard. Newell, ft Co., Uohiue, Minneapolis, •20. for Neil Seaavnr. Joseph M, Guiles' wlll'lmve one hew pio- diicllou next seubou, Ju uddltlou to his siring of tried'successes. Ills new olfeilug will foe u musical pleirs, titled "Today Bears," the iiIiihIc of which Wilder, Marshall P., G. O. H., Plltsburg, 28-27. Uus been composed «jv Hubert Hood' Bowers. Wlndoin, CuiiBlaui-e, Foululns' FcrrgnVark, Louis- J. fljjp FoKtliei-' 1 will ugulu be headed by ■villi-, Ky.. 22-87. • IMicrlduli Simpson, and will open Its seusou on Aug. 2d, ut Bluney's lilneoln Suimi-u Theatre. New YorkCHy. It will bo Mlsa Simpson's second year with the attraction. riliVuVft Dandy, AUautie Cardcu, Atiautlc City, worhfft klngslon. Orpheum, San b'ran., Cal., 28- son" l^'-Baffles"' «'Bmifey''8%S" d Now York City,, 011 Aug. 10,- H ••'VXho 'Mayor of Toklo," with John L. Keur- Woods ft Itultou, Greul Soulbern, IVilumbu*. O ■ tqo».:, • .' .: World's Coiouly four, Purk, Cedar Itapld*, la 22-27- . N (i t... 10-20.. Sliuiiuun* (4), Asms. Sacruuieuto, Cal., 10-20, Aug. 40. UK, Ih W'o'rlh ft Bslmur, Wciist's. Peoria, 111.. 15-27.. 1 I'll".', lil,iuii*il,,ill, I'lriii.i,. , «., ■-■-».'. imii ft Wnleuli. Hownnl. Ilunlliigloil, W. Va., I5-20; Star. Ileiivur. PiiIIh, Pa„ 82-27. ■• ll'KalK' Jap Troupe, While Clly, Uuulavlllu. hy„ UIIVuTll' Troubadour*. Park. Cauloii. 0„ M-80. O'Aleer Sister*, lugei'soll Put-k, Des Molues, la., 15-80. Ouicga, Mils., Young's. Allunllc Clly. N. J., 16-20. Oin-I. Adele Purvis, Spring Grovo Purk, Spring- field, O., 11-80. :■ ■■ i. atKiKM^r,,,, S.u^,ra;i^G^e^'s.nPr.a..CM. 1 gil%&«M^'<M WSSS^SW: I5-80. .... »(4). Freebodr Park. Newnort. B. ._ ™yer«, ao»i -oaui,,>. y.. -if-s. _ . ,-,„„ „ ,"_.i Orvllle ft Frank, Coney Island, Oliiclhnatl. 14-20. Gnlway, Louise; Che«tuut Stw»ot. Phlla.. 16-20. o'lloinks ft Marie/ K. ft P., Jersey City. N. J„ Orlelia ft Taylor. Lofayetle, Buffalo. N. Y„ 15-30. our Qiiui'letU'. Wonderland, Chicago, 16-20. Palleu* (3), Llinmln Pork, Worcester, Mass.. 15-'. Willy. Trio. Vlelorla. N. Y. C. 15-20. Pnildock «V Tralnei', Glen llaieu Park, llochsster, N. Y.. 15-20. uuhnowu. season - at ,, ou Aug. ,1. Wrlghi Huutlngton, ft Co., MorrlBou'*, Itockawuy f ..|S° -X^STH'h Cu . p '," i 0f 5SH? " r - ■ Beach. N. Y.riB-20-. (.oltck controls the eiclUBlve rights, will Yeoumn, George, BIJou, Winnipeg, Man., 15 20; OP?""* Dover; N. J., on Aug. 12. BIJou. Duluth,. Sllun., 22-27. . All the uoove companlusi with the eicon- "111 of '"Ilei) lr..„ilw.,. " ...III ..1.... ..i:,.i.. Singing Co|lueus(4), Freebody Park, Newport, B, iSldilon Bras.. Keith's. Boston, 15-20. Slater ft Finch, Masonic G. II., Chlllleothe, O., .1-... ' .Biyoit. uuiutn,. cuiun., zu-st. ,,"" "»c-auovu companies, witn the execn- Smlth, Mr. ft Mrs. J. Murray, Star, Seattle, VOTk.Oraw;. Lyric, Salt Lake Olty. Utah, 15-20; "pa of . "Ited. Feather," will pluy right Wash.,.. 15-20. Ogden. 22-27. Pa'liiiei'"slslerH'. Buss Park, Blugliaiuluii, N. Y., Parker ilros., Cuscaile Purk, New Ca'alls, Pa., 10- 80. PuulliH'lll ft Plcjuo, Tealiv Verdi, Gsuoa, 1U-30J Km-hiial. Genevn. KwIks, Aug. 1-IIJ. Person!, Dnmllle.' Grand Family. Pavgo, N. D.. 15-211: BIJou. Wllililta'tf. Can,, 22-37. Peiv ft WIlMin. Bijou. Phlla., 13-20; Hippodrome, Oe«M City.- N. J.. 88-87. • l'ei-y, |.'raiik !.., ". II., Warsaw, in . lo-.'l) I'eliln Zouaves. Clieslunt Slreel. IM1II11.. 16-20. Peiehlag Bros.. Oi'leroii Purk. Joiuestown,. N. \., 15-80 : Vulley. SyraeiiHs, 22-87. * Perry ft PleiW. Lakeiuout Purk, Allodia, Pa., 15- 20. I'eloi. li'veil ft Annie. Onok O. II.. llochsster, N. \„ 15-20: Vulley. Hyraeuw'. 22-87. ' IVpiier Twins. Lindsay, Cut.. Can.. lo-Aug. .1. I'elers. Phil ft Nellie, Kresbudy Park, Nswuorl, It. I„ 15.80. Phelps ft Culk-uhlis'. Pastor's, N. V. C. I"'80. I'hllhnuk ft llcjiKdils, Ituss Park, Blughnuilou, N. I'laiiophieTiilP (Lasky's). Victoria. N. Y. C 16-27. Vlen-v ft I'Milda. Wllmlngloli. Del.. 38-2«. Pierce Ben. Briiu««lek, Ms.. 15-20 ; Auburn, 22- I'lano fhlsiids, l'm'bisly Park, Newport. It. I« I r i-"0 Platte, IleorgO l... l.'ujngii Luke. Ssueea l-'alls, N. V.. 1620. ,. .. ', , Pom 1 . .1. C. ft Dug, Alnkiuu', Terrs Hauls, 1ml., 15-20. ' " Polrlern (it). l>. II.. OlilenRu. 15-20. " „ Pi'lntroses. Musleul, lllpiiodroms, Ocean Clly. N. J„ 15-20; Manilla Grovs, Tauiauuu. Pa.. 22 20. 1'rlci' ft -Blstuu. BeechM-ood I'ark. Phlla.. 10-80. Pi-yoi-K. The, Bljini, Dullilli, Minn.. 15-20. C-unker Clly Qusflelto.' Lincoln Park. WmWHtor, Mass.. 1..-20: lllglil Park, llrocktou. 88-87. UnlnlrllS' (lamky'i*). -Mulmtle, Chicago, 16-20; Keith'". Cleveland. 88-87. ,.„... Uuigg, Min-kcy — Nlekersou, Carnival Park, Kan- sas I'll)'. Kan.. 16-80; Oak SuniBlU Pack. KVUBKVUV, ImL. 8887. • • ■ :•: •', 1-iMM I ft Clark, Atlantic Garden, Allaulle I'lf, \. J.. I.V20. ■ ItsMiioud A Hull. Wonderlulid. t'hlciigo, lo-20. Ita'amml. Curl. Bijou. Wluulpei.', Mau., Can., 15- SO; BIJou. I'ululu. Mluu.. 8S-2Tir .-:.: f KaMiis ft B-inksi UlppodnHiie, Leeds. Rug.. 18- on! !'*vlllom Neweaatle. 22-27! Boiplfe, Wol- \erliiii«, »0-A«tj. Tt l Itrosset), Bslgluta, HoL land, 5-10. • : . ."• e. ' ' through to the roust. + »♦- t, Airdoms. Terrs Hauls, Ind,, 15-20. Sprague ft lilvuii, G. B., La Crosse, Wis., 16' 80< ■• Siieyicer, Allanla, Glen Haven Park, Kochesler, •S. Y„ 13-80. « . Sprssell Bros, ft Mack. Grand, Blackpool, ling., 15-2S;.IJvcrpool, 20-Aug.. 3, Hpcildsu ft Hrrsnn, 0. G. It.. Kochesler. N, Y., 10-20; Wetland. Mastentnw. Pa.. 22-27. Aiuauri iivuik, -.111 «3in.-ei, 11. 1. '... 10-110. /ol*. 1'. M.. lull'. Big Brandon. Man.. 33-27. „ I,., I .1 I g— O.V 'I'll 10 IIUAU. Bapplenaentml Llat—Heoelved Too :■ -.. .- l,atto 'tor Clnsalfli-atloB. ' Burcume. Myrtle. 'Xheulrs (lid.H. BfaTich, oigl.) "•SSfe""* * M«. >*w, Family, Erie, Pa„ li.ujffi^ruua'opiTa^ Slctu'ert ft Thomas, Scblndler's, Chleago. 15-20.' **&& *^ <^" l, " m l "" rnl " u ' •"«<••'-""Oalo, Stewart Bros,, North Avenue, Chicago,. 10-20. Stuart. J.- Francis, Ocean Pier, Angelesca, N.-,!., 16-20. • .. mark,, iroble, Windsor, St. Paul.' Minn.. 10-20. Slut/man ft Crawford. Umpire. Spriagnrld, HI., 15,200 Bdlaml. Marion. 28-27.. . •:.;;■ • ■ Strickland, E. 0., Panlages, Seattle, Wanb., 1»- Stevens' ft Keeley, Trocadero, Pbllal,' 1S-20. Stevens ft Bpehin, Ikiekaway Brash. M. X., 82- Sliim'ilng Grenadlri-a (Usky's), Orpbeum, San Fran,, Cal.. 82 Am, .1. • . Slanley ft Wilson. K. ft P., Jersey Clly, N. J„ 16-20. , . st.-Lmm Family, Korepaugh ft Sells' Circus. Sull.v i A Phelps, Saratoga Park, Pultotown, Pa;, Sobers. KniBe. G. 0.' II.. Pltlsburg, 10-20. k IV N. V., 22; ludcllnltc. Holland. Mildred (lldwurd C. White, mgr.)—Buf- -falo.-N.'Y., 16-80. ■ "Missouri Boy" IC. M. surlsiultb, mgr.)—Prints toll. Mo..- 80, Tivtilon 88. Heed — Wllllnm ili-rimi-ii i„ <„, with Maker : lli.nirr Htwck. Purllnnd, Ore. William Bsrnurd. who bus during the past sviiKuu been maiiugci- of I he Texas GiMind, ut 1)1 I'aso.'IVx., uud of the stock couipauy Which nusi been ploying ut that theatre, has ended his coiinoetlon with that place of amusement, und will spend the Summer at Portland. Ore. He has been engaged-for tho Baker Thean-u Slock Co,. In the latter clly, [or next sonsoii, and will direct -Die stage. fur,". 05 ' V 1 . t : rnnra wln nlio-be a nicmbcr of tile Buher'fhsatrc Stock Co. u ut . H. l, ri5 nr i!' w .'. 10 ufts uet '" <l«rln« tho post Keiikoii wltlt the 'i'oxtts Grand' Stock Co..Tit lul l'aso, Tex., has been eiiKaccd for next . season as ingenue with the Musco Tbcutre , Stock Co., at Los Angeles. ■■ »i» MuiKl«* Kraly. In''>'i'fi«> Mlronicsr St".t." llebpursals ^uf '"ITie Hlrungcr Sex." fhu Kubhuou's, .loUo—Pltlsburg, Kuu,, . IK.. Chanuls •W.-.lola 80, Giirnetl 88,' Olutuc 85, ltlehluoud, Mo., 21, Cur ml I leu 86 lliinnHcd for Sunport of Max 1'Ikuuh. 'I 11 ''", 1 low lug are lbs players who will support 11'ii h I. ''■ Swiri •* Buctley, Root 1;anion, Lancaster. Pa., 16-80. -I- . '-r "■ Tsvmii, .lu|li|*. Keith's, Boston, ir> 80. Tilnnii. lU'nsselasr Park, Troj, N. Itaiet I'urki ]Iaxelloii,'P4i.; 22-87.' TasBimilm Troiu'B. Haoenlieck-Watlaee Circus, Temi'sSl Trio. Keith's, Bnslon. 15-20, Than",'Mr.-ftrMns. Ilsrry, town, 0.. 15-20; Valley, That quntcue, .Alhtmbra *I. V. 1'iicr.i'S. uiunugci- of LHKfOiu Tark ',, .Vevr.: Bedford, •■ Mum..' Is wafitnl* M,,x ■' Igiuan. In '"l^c Man on the 'Box." next praised for his treatment of performers'play- ?i' U! t? u i. : . MT 1 "? Cumiulugs, Douglas'Flint,'W H. Siilllvfti. J?rank Italnger. Herbert Deut uu May' and iin«ert lij eek bv , Cauitihell rosmnn will upcer- un WAMuiNCrtnN KiitAi.iiv. oged .seven years. der's'lejr'JoTnt'uiuuut^aient next season 7 uV James McArtliur ' - l'llgrlm's Prorre gin t«K New. i01 zr- &—.■ ,li c™">.r«. -—"-»•" Theatre. Nov. 4 » .Now York this week.; on their annual .Tyrone I'ower. W. T Carllon iind I'd bun ot Albert 10, K(nilf.v and grandson or .lames Mi-Arthur's sluac liure Klrilfy,.dl C aon Jiwt-8,,lu London, I'lbxrlm'i. ITmSS." ^kTgonlS^j,.^ U %. and- Mks. WlN"»»»»"; ot Chicago, Haa^B^f* e"gh«*n.ent-lintb. Liberty "" In "— Theatre. Nov. 4 w-'Aviu'p'ark.'.Youims- ^^£}^^]^& ^Bi!*&i&&jW5» *>'**" Moetay.wlll'bi | n HT SBJHS , tiyrucuae. N. Y„ 22-27. sltlon «1 route. They will start for home her .company will'adso Include ■ !»« L^m. tre?.-'Y.:0.,:lo>SO^ 2 nett .week • ■ '• •' '■ 1 ,< ' >" nnrf bSttW^ : ■ TO lncI «M«» »«fe chonts ngi.T nave suvernl oilier new pro iluctlons which, they will put. oil later In ibe season, and after the licglimlng of Hie new year. The opening attraction ut the New Amster- dam Theatre will be Klaw ft lirlanger's pro- duction of Edmund Day's "The Hound Up." in which Maclyn Arbnckle, who slurred for three'years "In "The County Chulrmun," will play tbe leading role, a sci'io-eouedy part, •Ulim"'' IlooVdr, the Sheriff. The story of this piece relates to a very interesting phase of life In Southwestern Arizona, before the days of the wire fence, it Is'stnged hi four acts. The third act presents u remarkable sensation In ft battle scene between two mining prospectors und a baud of marauding Apache Indians,. In the "bad lauds" on tbu Mexican border line of Arizona. This feature is a sensation of a most thrilling character. in the role ot "Mini" Hoover, Mr. Arbucklo has a role exactly suited to him. The play will be given hi New York with tin: original eust, which, besides Mr. Ai'buekle, included: Oriuc Caldiiru, Wright Kramer, Joseph M. Lolhiun, Kilmer Crailillu. li. S. Nni'llirap, Charles Abbe, S. li. Blchurdson. Harold Ilart- nvll, Charles Butler, John Flel'sun, Pulton lliisscll. Florence Bockwell, Mario Taylor and Julia Dean. ' Lulu Ulaser's vehicle will be 11 musical pluy. by John J. McNally, with lyrics and music by Wlllluni Jerome and Jean HeuwarU, culled "Lolu from Berlin." Miss Cluser will open her seusou at Jtochester, Aug: 22, and will come to the Liberty Theatre, In New York, Sept. 2, for a run. Her company will Include several noted players, among I hem Jack 1 Standing. Gordon Mendelssohn, Walter Pennington, wnlliice Owen. B. C. Ilerz. Car- men. Crittenden Mubls, Lillian .Spencer und r'lorcltei!' Lester. Lillian llussell. who will appear under the direction of Joseph Brooks, will pliiy In a new. racing drama, by George Broudiiurst. the title of which bus not yulberu tuudc known. Miss Jtiissi'll will open, In Chicago, Ocl. 7. Her support Will Include : - Boyd Piitnum, Sauluul Colt. (Jlllierh, Doiiglus, Herbert I'or- iheii, lOrncst Lamsoti, J; W. Benson and Nortnii Wlnslowi '' "' lOitgede W; "I'resbrey's di'iltuutlc version of Gilbert Backer's "The ltlght of Way." Will il'ii'lvi! Its prPtnler In Montreal, Oct. 7. and will be presented ut u leading Broudwny I be- nt re In November. This Will be one of tbe noluhle producl Ions of the season. Guy Sliiud- Ing will jilay the churucLer of Charley Steele. Other Important roles will be ucled by lOdsou It. Mills. Louis La Buy. Joseph Tuoby, J. 11, llowlaud. Tlicodort! -Iloborts, licitry J. Ha* Held, 8. Vuil Dossil Phillips. Avevell llulrls, Alexiinrii'i- Keaniey. Mlgnon BerungT. Paula Gloy; Bernlee Golden und May Buckley. Henry Arthur Jones' new piece, '"I lie Gull- lean's Victory." which lis describes us a trugl-comedy of religious life In Bngluiul, wilt receive Its premier In Itochesler. N. Y., early in September, and after brief en- gagements outside New York, will be-pre- sented In the metropolis ut one of the most Important Broadway houses. This piece will be staged In four acts, and will be a most notable production. The engagements for Ibis play Include: lOtilth Taliaferro. Willolte Ker- shaw,' Gertrude Augardc. W. J. Constant nr. W. If. Crompton, Maggie llallowny JHfhWi Conway Teurle. Ivan Simpson nud (red Thorne. , ■ All- these new productions will lie splen- didly mounted with scenery and effects wlilcii will fully maintain tho high Btandurd In this direction set up by Klaw ft Erhtngcr during past seasons. ' ■>«♦ Mslcrs llel' II I.. Mi-imI < I" linlokcrbuuker Stock Co. The Sisters McConuell will nguin be ill Ibc bend of tbe Knickerbocker Slock Oft, IBM- aged by I. M. Hoyl, of lloyt's Theatre, ho. Norwulk, Couu., who will make them BM piiueipal feulure uud bill them very bcuv ly- Thin will be their second seusou with the abovo company, with, which they proved -u big sueeesa last year, playing ail ibe lead* and soiihrette leads in a ccedllable iniiniier, idso Introducing their well known special- ties. .They will lie surrounded by n good company of pluyei's. . . The; computer will be equipped with special scenery, electrical effects, etc., and have com- plete bookings over the Cnbn ft Grant and the Jtclo circuits. Ilebearsnls start Aug. * and tbe season upi'iis Aug. ID, at Hoyl » Theatre, 80. Norwalk, Conn. f»» Miirliiusr M. Tlilsno tl» I'rodnes a ■ Now Mn-liiil (Juinedy. Mortimer M. Thiese Is inatdng prejiara- lions to send out 11 ucw mimical comedy > a the. Mall.. . , It Is culled "Across the Bond," from tho Gorman of Adolph Phillips' "Nebsrn Orosscti Tel.-h." whle'l w«" l.hived fr» 1 """ * lluM in-Berlin, anU 1,100-tlmca In Hamburg. Mr. Tlilese will, seud out uir -rcmurkuuiy Bueeessfill producllou. ■ Wine. ■ Woman IBJ Huiigj with Bonltii iit Its head.-and N" Curr, brother of Alex. Curr. In the role umdo famous by the latter comedian. Wluc. «o- ninn nud'Holig will, mien on.July 27. at tbo Ulubo Tlieatrc, Uostou. Muss., pluylug a three weeks' engagement there.. . 1 , ,,11, • —. Ilnrrjr I I.Ms In Slur. Harry KleiijN. who Is to play u short sea- son in "Bruuilwuv After Dark," I'aTior l* hla- starring tour In "The'Hebrew pelcc- tlve," wus oui) of tbo first players to <' u ' uc under A. II Woods' banner.'■■•The roaiedW* wus engaged 10 play « small elmraclcr pun In "Tbo Bowery After Dark." and made sudi n sueeeis thai bis rafinuger lmmed,lateij begun looking.for larger uud.better oi'I"'; - tufiltles for him.: Mr. Fields ha« done credit abletvoraln various'of Mr. Woods c»»» punk's; but his principal bits were as tp* pnwnfiroker, in ''The Belle of Avtnae a «n« tho detective, in "QhhMitiowB .CbaJfUe.