The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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•~v 59'2 THE rJS&PWr YOEIK OBIPPEiR. July 20. Iv.uli a Proctor's ririh Arrnur Thenlro ih. F. Albee, general manager).— l-.VInrv Mtny Hpnonor nnd her company up- [•eared mi .IhIv i r.. in » piny now to this city, cntlllcd, "IIIh Mnjcsty 1111(1 Ihe Mold." 11 roninnlle ilninin, In four ncls, which Ih credited lo Samuel LcwIh. The work..* ens- hinii' creation, mid In 11 mythical country, ioIIh or HIP trials (If ABels, ii mil 1(1, who ,(» Invert IrV THJo ir/iuplmnnn, 11 ymlng soldier M i In* ,ttln*' There Ih n plot oti foot lo poison i'Iic king, nnil his" iiueeii In II|: Hit-hoi- loin of II. Hill the ring Is sfinrcd. A He In In kIhiwii in>'• III reality iiln Own child, Instead of tim niUM>lnw Waif she. believed Herself to !n Mils Hlory of love. Intrigue rtnil wnr, nnrt 11 lit lolrt wIMI much cleverness, Miss KjicHini'i - , In n mil 1 Mini given her some res- pite 11.Mil her rei-onl millions work in highly iMiinilnii'il purls, made Alicia u lovable mill Inicrosiliig I'linriM'lpy. high minded nml strong In ohnraolor.' AiIriikIiis rhilllps, iin Olio, whs nintily nml Hcycr, nnil IU>n I''. Wilson played I lie 1,1-ij; well. Josephine Fox. Won- nor Wisdom, Arthur livers nml I Inn.hi Kon- only were excellent (n llielr respective roles. Tim cnsli Otto lliiiiptmniin, Augustus I'hll- HpKj Mich"!, Humid Kennedy ; King: Clmrlrs, lien I'. Wilson: <'mini Xnhorg, Arthur I'WorH ; I'rlnee Ivnn, Jnmcs Montgomery: Gcneriil Chnnirnv. Cliff C. St.nroh; Miulloril, Wll- llnni L Wesl ; Gcrhhnlt, It. (v. Spooner; Conrad, Jink OowoH': Petor, George'A. Still- well : Find .l'oiiM|ilr:ilor. Tom Shipley: Sec- ond Cnneplrnliir. Wnller I). Nenlnnil; Mar- tha, OPve Grove; l.inlv Constance. Jennie MeAlllsler; Queen Olgn, Josephine Fox; LmU F.lriitior, Kleiimir Wisdom ; Ijidy Mnr- guret, Jiilln .Morris; Kdnil May Hiiooner,. Allr'ln, I he ifnld. .in mi ii do I'nrlH (p, Zlogfold, .lr„ mon- ngerj.—"Tlio FoIIIoh of HIIM" opened Its second week ."tiil.v IS, Mii|,|.< luii.i, sini.ii i.iiin.l. —Owing In popular demniid. rlie Six Flying llnnvards, bonding the free outdoor vniKlcvlllo till), hnve Is'en re engaged for mi oilier week: Maxlroiis, ih.- strong mun, ban also heon ro-cnguged. On Friday nlghl Hie second « the series of "nninlenr nights" will tnko plnce. Lost Fri- day nlghl (he ilrsi wns put on, and proved very amusing. The llrst prize wnM won by F.lplse Suttnn. In n ringing speelullv. eiww vomt ritv, " Keith .1 I'nieinr'j. Union Hijunre Tlivntre.— Hniiii'lhlng nut: of the jirdlnnry wns on ill. hill m ih.' mntlniH-, July 1.1, In the new one ncl Hlory of . I mm life, ehlllled "The fllg Hliow." 11 Is liilereailpg, and the hlg midleiiee iipplnniM It .ftPPJOv.- Ingly. tiny MeLiiren gave n nilntlior fit uiil- liulons. nTlne/mng on AlrniiMy. Wr. ffle first lime up !lne nrolt'sHliinnl Hlnxe lh this cliy. She wim filalnli' Very nervous, nun w/tHtherr;- fore uhAlile' |i> do herself JlHMMo,...hill her linlliillnp of, 'Tmvlrt Wnrllefrt, In the- nhfr rimiHM MUM, fronv "'Hie MUnn MnslerVWHIcti every llhllH% of Wnrllidrt ,iiseH,,:hriMlClll pleniv ,oT n|l)ilniiHe. The liiilirtllon 'rtf Annn he, nml the cnrtitlil fnlls Upon (he loVeril, ll.hi wM ikii u good (me, inil NIihk Me- Olio unit AllcU. rennlled nml hnppy i\(ti't l.nrcii rtlrt lie.llcr In I lie Mdille J'..,v imiH'r- tmniy irlnls. There Is c'onslilernhle nclloik winiilhiA. Klhel Ardeii, <leorf> AhM'iind curt- pnnv. In tlieli I eomerly iknm, fpW! *»f A Kind." were hlg fiivorl'i-s, nml enriieil tniieh prillse. Keefe mid I'enrl, "The Voider mid the llnrplsl," nml U-o rnrlllo, the Chinese dialect coiiiWIInii, were nlso filvorllcH. t,Hhers iiimliig In for llielr (nil ulinre of npplluise were: Agnus Sii'ill. .nsslnleil liy Horace Wrlghl. In ii on •! plnylel. "The Wnll Be- tween:'' llio Kemps, HlngiTH nnil ilnncnrH; Cnrniillii nml riddle. Jugglers nml ncrhlinls; lleliftore ihiil. Oneltln, liiiliincerH'j Josephine Ni'Wmiin nnil compim.v, comedy Hkeieh;. Jnnle Allen, rhiirnrior cijniisllenne;' llernler rtnd Slelln, sinters nnd. dnnceiH, and the inotlim pletiircH fonchidcsl tin 1 iHTformDnee. v leiorin l hentre (OKenr lfnnlinernleln, mnmiger).—Changes In Ihe hill hern this ' week hrlng to the fore n new diiiuliig nml iieioliiillc mimftVr lly Ned Whyhii^ti, lifirt the American ri'-iiiipeiirnncc, nfter. n JuiiHe of Heven yenrs,. of the Krettell Chan|euH>, I'lu- genie l-'oiigere. 'I'herc wus jilso ndded II) the hill of .Monday in, llle of ihe h'onr JlnneliiK r'ords, nml I'mil l.e Croix, comedy jiigyler. "WnylHirn'H rhnnliiwilciil riiiiiitoniH" Is Ihe lllle of » new nerohatlc and dnnclnn; nil. hy Ned Wnyhiim, which wns presi-nivd hiTe for ihe llr»l. time nl the mntliiee'nf Silly TS. There are nine people In Ihe Id—seven femtileM and..two innlcH. The act Is not us' weird or t«tnriling as Its nittne would Imply. The Htnge Ih wt <"n- 11 rely In hlock* driipfngs. In which tile per- formers, cnstiiinrd cnllreiy In while, d«' some .vnrv .onlinnry dtmclng sieps, nml there are nlHO iieroiiiidc leu Is in- llllni'lon nnd itosnlln cpliallos, wlileh nre ftilfly clever. The Mulsh .of the net la lis only noyelty. seven or. Ihe people Honouring hh HkeleloiiH In a dnrk 'scene. .Mile. VSngnv, In her HongH. was glcen a linnil or welcome. Her line of work noes nol differ from Ihul wren In. thin, city during her former visits, and fltne hns dealt verv hlmlly with the French Womnn. The iu'Ih which eonlliilie their engagement here lire: Hiirnold's Dog nnd Monkey I'nn- tomhne .Co.. Willy l*ttnlstnr troupe, Collins nnd Hart. I.lml. the Four Musical Avolos, iiml.lMwnrrt'H ffcjunil Ihiya nml. •.Ilrls.,. The vllllEI'll|lh closes ihe hill IIH usual. Kelt ll -A Proctor's I ,» ,-ll I >-I l> I r.l Mlrrot'Tlicnlrf (K. F. Alhee, general nmn- ngi'r).— TIiIh weilt there Is ofl'ered K.bill cal- culnted lo make one forget the hoi. wcnlher, nml two good sized nudlcnces cnlnynrt ll on July 1.1. HI lie Fay. "The llelle of Avenue A." performed her mid nnil thoroughly dellghifnl singing ncl,,nml wns heartily applauded for It. The /.liignrl Troii|»e, In "tlypsy l.lfor pre- sealed it'll ill tractive nml preliy (iirerlng,. with sonic ciiplliil singing mid imislenl trimmings, Sl.'Ollle elllbelllslllllelll llltll proved OX- cellcnl. Among those who appeared In II were: Florence Qnluu, Florence Tylor, Allnl* Desmond, fllg. M. Ili'semlul, M. Tanzn. Alox- nnder llevnn and Smpltle,Akounlne. Mildle l.eotuii'd nnrt Ihe WaiiLJIroihcrs, iiHslsled hy lheir nulle company w culored singers nnd itaniers, wore hlg appluiiHe winners. Sir. Leon- ard's singing anil ilniiclng.imd the remarkable fnnl work of Ihe Ward llrolhorH Uepl Ihe nil- dlimee Ihoi-nimhly Interesled, and the.entire ncl went IiIki llownril nml lliiwnrrt dirt siiiemihiiy. I Iin' r|"hri'w messenger Jsiy prov- ing ii ttovelly, nnrt a, funny one at; Hint. He proved a real coinodllin, never overdoing the ec.meily, end scoring soinc henrl.v lllllgh- ler. oilier nets were : .Miirloii t'lnrsoii, whose Kinging Is always wiirth hearing: Julie i'll.- inn and vollipiitiy. In ."A Trial rcrformiinep;" Chilli, tliiyei- ami Ida cHhiiI, Ik I heir Idg winner. "Wnlrli the l-'lnlsh. and Hwil'n and Jtiinibiiril. The molloii pletnren eiuillnue, rim tor's Ih oil I rt- (Tony I'nsuu-. 111:111:1 ger).—Moitdnv liilillnce, July IS', wiih well nlleiidert hy tin. timllcuce who enjoyed im- mensely Ihe line hill given, Allen llinmim nml iinssle Nelson, In whnl Is flghtly. en tilled "A l.illle of Hverylhhlg," were the hlg ftivurlics. Miss Hiiiisiiu'n iniiiieroiiH hnl- inilims of ''Hiiig.i folhs" In-..nglit out rounds of npplluise, while her pleasing porsiinilllly nnd the ilaucliiK nml slnglug. of hoi h .herself nnrt MIsh NelHim wnH' worihy of Ihe.. "Idg noise" awarded them. Hurry H0I11111II, I tin iiollle I'liineilliiii. Ill 11 clever nnd umiislng inoiiologiie, wiih called back lime nml lime • iigalii, while .Morion nml IHaiiiiiiid, nlwnys fnvorlies here, giilnert 11 good share o( Inn npplnnse In llielr skll. "My llrollmr'H lie- eeplluii.'" IMielps mid Ciilleiililne Trio pre- Kcitlert an ncl new lo New Vorkers nnd scored 11 success. The trie Includes I wo men nnd 11 w.niuni They nee good singers and dancers nml llielr Work III IIiIh Hue, with cornedv Judiciously Introduced, together wllll n line setting of Hie ncl. 11 hied I hem In securing 11 fnvni'iildc verdict. Freeman nnrt Frrcimm (Lew nnd Huckl npiieiiivrt for Hie llrsl lime here In llielr new singing and • Inuring ncl. Hud jileiised. Another new act wits presenteil by Alf. I'. Jiiines nml Kale l'rlor. II Is 11 iimiiMly skit, emit led "Cap- tain Ihiriinele'R CmiHshlp." nnd prnvetl a iileiising bit. 111 iters who won approval were- Wvgnnd nnd Wygniul, In a musical ncl; Ml'linn's nriiibnllc dogs, fieri W'lgglu, come- dian nnrt ciirtoonlsi ; Sheppnrd and Ward, coinedv singers: Mnckey nnd Monni, come- (Units: Hilly Fleuien nml Kilty Miller, the etilerliilnlng xlngers mid jesters, nnrt Crnw- nnd .dunning. :|Crohn!|c cnmcdlnns. The million pictures closed Ihe performnnee. Third in- iti.-iiirv (ft 11. CiiRnd, munngerl.—I'opulnr tirlnsl vnndcvllle, with lllustraliMl songs mid moving pictures, nre con I limed. Mollis..!■ S Ii' Hoof l.urileu. — " I'Iic Mnill and Die Mllllnnalre" began, July IS, Its fmlftll weclt. , „ yliiiibiitlnii Tlieitlrc.—ShejNtrrt'H mnvlpg plenties lire still plctislng good iitten'rtiHicr. I'li-lils' llcrnld Niionrv Tlicntrc Kienrge M. Saminis, uiaimgerl.—llddle J."oy, Ih "The Orchid." Is'gnn, July Id. his (irteouili week. •' ciisioo 1 Sam. S. & l.eeshuherl. Illt'. t biauil- (tlTHl. Till- 11 III til IVIM'k of •■Flisclliallng Flora" begun July IS, .. Till itiirii-iu. — Kkitii & PnncTOtt'K llAitt,i:\t Ot'K.u.i Hoist: t M. |'. Albep. gcfterni man- ager! wiih well tilled' Monday, July 14. "The District Attorney" waH the hill, with Iteatrlce Morgan and Alphonso F.thler capably lining Hie lending purls. .The work of (leorge Howell nnd Louise Itnndolph won rounds of iiopliiiiNC, nnrt others who enn*- irliiiiic.l goml work were: Dudley llawlcy, Wm. OUT, J'c.lcr l.nng, llnlMirt fllll. Dave Thompson, .Marl III Fniml, Win: J. Ruller, l.oulsc Itiiiniiell and Miiillln Melville. Kkitii. ft I'liocrmt's Osn Hrxin'iK.n ami TWCNTV-KlrTII Htiihbt Tiiratrr (K. F. AIIicc, general miiimgeri,—This limine cnntlrmcH to hold IIh own. On July IS Kellcy and llnrt- lett. In 11 mrn.'ily lu'i.ihiit le net, gave Ihe llrst iirc.M'iiiailiiii of Oils ncl In this city. TI111 lilen Is mil new, hut the net Is cleveVly worked out, nnd the tenin do some verv good tumbling, and deaprvortly win Hie approval of .Ihe audience. Another ncl: Hint Is new 10 Harlem Is'lhe Century Comedy Foiir, nnd (lie linn Hinging of llils quartette found favor lit once. It Is 11 pleamng net, wiih pleniv of good comedy Introduced, OHicm on the hill were: Kelley and Kent, Miss Norton nnd I'nnJ Nicholson, Hie, Van I>nn Herg Opera Co. (second and Inst week), presentlii" n condensed version of •"rhn I'll lines of Nor mnndy," villi a most cnpiihle east. The mo- Ion iilelUles emit I11111-1I. At.ii.iMiuiA il-ercy f!. WllllniitH, innnn get).— IIuhIiicss i-onl.linieH good. Tlie mull- nees arc. well at lendert, jinil ihe nlghl. tier- foriiuiiiccH 011,11)0 .roof draw enpaclly IuihI- ness. 'rids week's hill nfferH: l.ii Chilr and llowcn, Mill Wood, Jiiines nml Lie-In Cooper. ■I.hc Mlhinl p Trhi, the Hun.din Troupe, lle- linr.i ami Ha (ley. Cur Cord..11. Thm Ounr- lolle, ihe Cii'iillie Trio, and American villi- Bl'illtli. • . . - MuTiionii.iH lloor Oahhiin (llurtlg ft Sen- mon, 11111 lingers).—Iltisluess i-oni limes irt lin- l>l'»ve .here. The hill week, of IS: Ublbrrt and M'llllnmH, Adelaide l.'rnncls, Fllzgcrnld nnd Oiilnii. chijfi. H. i^nwlhr nnd diniglilers. li'eil lllven Hull, Mdwiiril II. Adiiins mid eninpnny, Nellie V. NIcIioIh nnd Herltert HrpnkH. . . s«v«>- 'I'licntroi Frank McKet>, inminKcr). — ■"The Mat) of the Hour" enmmenrert 'is ih'.I'M third week Julv IS, Arrlnl <iiirdon iklaw & Krltingcr. innnn- gersi.—Oeo. M. CntiiMI. Ill "The Honeymoon ers." hcgnii Ills seventh week July IS. tilnolli- l.urileu iiv, Krnnier'M Sons, niiimigersi Annn Cluiudler. chnrncter coin- inedleniie and cnniriilto singer: Three Denn llrolhers. ncrohnts; Retted nnd Hiiilley. In "The Atitniniiiou and Ihe M|lliiirv .Maid;" llnlley and llrown, colored comedy sketch duo: Hurtle McDonald, descriptive vocalist, nud new moving pictures nre the ntlrnctlons for I Ills week. HI. Miliolns (inrilcn (lien. A. Illnmcn- 1hel, manager 1 Knllotihorn mid his oreheslrn nre. intruding ernwds nightly. HoiiscN iMimeili American. ARtor, Aendemv of Music, ltclasco. Illjeii. llroiidwny. Criterion. I lull's Umpire, Fniirtccnlh Street, currlck. Harden, ilinnd Opent House. Hudson. Ilnck- eit>, lllnpodroiiie. Irving Place, Knleker- lineker. I.lherly. I.yrle. I.yeeuiu, Lincoln Sipinrc, Mnillsnii Si|imre. Majestic, New A.m- Nlerrtnni, New York. Slur, Timlin. Wlillaek'H, Weber's. Yorkvllle. Keith ft Proctor's Flflv- elglilh Htreel, Circle. Colonial. Dewev. Kiahfli Avenue. Murray IIIH, l.midott, .Milter's How- |try ami llnliei's .Museum. Ilrooklyn.—There Is iiollilng 11 1111.0111... I III Ilrooklyn 1 lien I rb ills In Ihe limneillale fill lire, puhlle Injeresl being centered Just, now III Ihe oiitiliioi' sIuiwn. I.|!N\. I'A'nK.—Tlie In lest :"n|trnellhn here Ih g hewllrterlng inltln onlllletl "Tho 1,ohI HIM, The iiliriiellnii occupies Ihe I,mm Theatre, nrtjolnjng r'ilie Trip In Ihe Moon." The I ben if e has un li'tlfacllvo faciirte, ami on enlerlng the H|ieetmor Is rtar.zlert with shimmering mlmim, unil 11 hcnmiiiil girl iiHH'ts Ihe view In every direction To Hie visitor thai cu 11 net mil ly iny a linger on Ihe ftlrl n reward of one hundred dollars will ho given. . "The Hays ot '•1(1" continues n great public fnvorlle. New netlon provides Ad- ded renllsin each, "The Moiiutnln Toiwiil." 1111 aquatic ride of pirluri'smm ttovelly, fiiriilshPH cnollhg dlvcrslou lo II1011- Hiiuds by day liurt hy night, nnrt lite cmwdH lb rang hi ceaseless prdcesHlnn to "Nlghl and Morning," "The tirent Slilpwrcclc," "The Kansas Cyclone, rhe Ilrnwnle Theatre," "The Tickler," nnd nil Hie oilier big nnd little entcrtnlnmciits. linii.'Mi.ANl). —New features iimntig Ihe free ntli'iicilons are winning favor. "The Arabian Nights Up to Dale." "The Feast or Helsha/.- r.iir nnd "i'he.Knd of the World" rniillnnc big winners. IIiistik'K'm Aukna. —Mr. Ilostock Is keep- ing his shows hilereslliig mid iip-|o-dnlc, Mme. Morrelll hits imighi her Jaguars, leop- ards mid other animals new tricks, nnd Hall- iard also will compel his linns to perform new fentH. STKKl'l,KCil.\Hi:. — The comhlnnllon ticket, wllleli 111I111I13 to Ihe pnrk mid lo twenty-live shows for I!n cents, now carries the follow- ing allrnetloiiH: Holden . Stairs, 1'nHsover, Hnz/.le Dazzle, chlldren'H Swings, Varieties lltill, Down nnd Out, Did Plnnliitlon, lileyclo lllppndroiue, llitnuiti NTngnni, Souvenir, tlnl ctniy Koeltil Hull. Hull Room, Cave of Winds, "llnndlon," "Wonderful Mnn," (limit Sen- snw. Round Up nnd Dow Drop, Shipwreck Snriuioc and Hen Lions, House of Ton Much Trouble, Moving Picture Theatre, French Voyage. Ferris Wheel, Cyclone House. Ve- netian tllnss Works, DcPnn Coaster. Ocean' Pier Trolley. Ilumnn Itnulelle Wheel, Watts- Ing Floor, llarrel of l.ove, Third Degree Regions, nnd Human flnulelie Jr. lliSNPKunn.v-'N.— Mill week of July 1.1: The French flrnnrt Opem Co.. 1. Francis Dooley nnd cnmpnr.y. t'nrroll Johnson nnd eompntiv. Those Four Hlrls, International Musical Trio. Teddy Hluck nnd Die Mclnntte Sisters, Hnr- lon'» I'nny.Circus, MIbsoh Aubrey and Lowers, Fntisl' llros,. Hie Vnrslty Four. Itlenrdo. Dalley llros., Mnrlou nnd Ponrl. and Donnt llcdlul and dogs. Manhattan Uracii.— -Pain's Orewnrks. In- clmlliig Hie Kreal Hpeclacle. "Sheridan's Hide, continues to enjoy excellent patron- age. The light lieiweon Ihe Monitor nnd Ihe Merrimnc Is another feature. llltliitiTON ltr.Mii MiHic IIai 1.—inn week of July l.i: \ Iclor llerherl and (!eo. llobun's songbirds, Maude Hall, Mney and rompnnv, leny I„ Rovce. 1.nth,n Tyee, the Sn limns. Mason and Hard, Dill nnrt Wnrd, nnd vita-' ■rank. MonniRfiN's. Rookawav JIracii.— mil week n/.Jitl.r..l,\:'lte,nn«t't nud Mnnsiield, WrlRht Iluntlnglhii ami coriipnny. Al. shean nnd com l.7 n <!': J"»y ». l|pSSJjl«J' "'""I and her Light Dresden Polls. Senrl nnrt Violet Allen cninpntry, .Ivnrnn's I'mil .online cnmiiaiir, and Vllngl'iipli/ '' fini,nt!N f'lTV, t'ANAttnir.—ThlH new Sum- mer pnrk, reeenllv opened, ImnHlH a gfent. thriller. II Ih Hie performance ot n doftble HomerHnull In Ihe nlr by Mile, ltergernt Irt nn .automobile. A few yearn ago sensational fpnlH of IIiIh order began nnd hove nlnco IH*eo ."grndually growing more daring until tlie itllPBt one, wlilcli ecllpscH nil. Lur«e ?row<l» 'jTnlhored nf dolden t.'lly wch aftfir- nnon and evening Iflst vlreek .Io,neo,lh0, per- formgncP.'i MIIp. Itprge^nl. deseends nn nl- uiosr tternendleulnr Inellne In ' a 700-nhnna jiinchtiic, which Ih shot high In Hie till 1 by lis own momenliim rtt fenrful Apedrt, nnd to the'itmnzemont nf fhc Hlghlseers turns ,two compleie snmersnilltfi nnd InndB on Its wheels On 11 platform some feat: nw«y. Mile. Berr gernl Will repeat her,'.Thrilling, font twice ojilly HilK week. King Phnrnoh. ihe educated nn'rso: "Rolilnson Crusoe" nnd "Love's Jour- ney" miiliiiiiln Ijielr"Jiopnlnrlty. 4 « ' » '"'" ";;l«RW„,Tr.O|ftK STATK. II alio In, -Al Ihe Star (P. C. Cornell,-mnri- ngerl tho linnslelle Stock Co.. In "Pretty Peggy," week of'July IS. "Her Own Way' next. week. Tl|e, HiicceRHful engnpiment of this i.'ompnny 1 .con'lbines'uhtll Aug. 17, "The lingers llrothers In I'nnflmti" opening tho regular season III. "l/-nh KlCHctmu" drew nicely.' .... , , ' Lnn'c (J. Irfiiiehlln, mnnnger).—The fare- well wink of Mildred Hnllnniis Sumroer sea- son, beginning' 1.1. witnesses the prod.11cl.lon of "Dlvon-ons," tho llrst time In Diiifnln. Wllllnm Furnum and his conipnny. Including J1U1R Oakcr, opens an Indeflnlte engagement 22. In "ilonle CrlHto." It Is"stated (hat this bouse will lie without the high class bookings this yogr. Siiea'h. — This week: The Vcrdl Grand Opera (Vna rli.tie, Charles Wnyne, nsslstod by llertriide Dos Roches nnd company, In. "10 A. M. the Morning After;" Brhest Ilognn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Forbes, In "A Wild Hose;" Zenii. .Ionian and Zinio. Lisle Fay. and lilss.-it , nml Sillier, I be Itat/urs. and 'I'm vollo. A fairly good bill, headed by Winona Winter, drew substantially last week. l.Al'AVIITTll (Clllis. M. Illlgg. Illllllllgl'I'l Jnnoennt Heautles this week, Including Phil Mills nnd Jtutti llcccber. Next week, But- terfly. RurlesnjUCTK Huslness Is fair. Lu.NA I'AiiK (II. ll. Mncbroom, nuinngeri. -This ^week's bill Includes: The Five I'.mi- cockls, llislgrts and Hodges, MlleH nnd Kay- niond, Boyd and Veoln, nnd Ihe Sawndns. RnslnilHs excellent. Notch. —KIsle .Tunis nnd party spent 11 few days here hist week, en route on an nutonio- bllltig trip T. J. Fnrron Is recovering from 11 severe hlte by a vicious dog Charley Bowe reporlH fair progress nt his cony theatre on the Canndlnn Heach, nt. Fort llrle, opisisllo the cliy Major John M. Burlie was a conspicuous and welcome visitor In advance of, P.uiraio Hill's Show during the week.' Fifteen thousand in the nflornoott, nnrt n ,llke number nt the evening perform- ttnue attended Col. Cody'H i-iiterliilmuciit .1:1. (ieo. I., iinvis, formerly nf the Star nnd Academy VlalT, who Inherited n large fori ime, Is now In the racing huslness, nnd his burses nre winning laurels here nnd else- where ., . •'■" > noelicnler.—At (.ho C'obk Opera House (.1. II. Moure, manager) Piiplnln, Mnry Ann llrown, I'nrsini and Wlllnrd, Trovollo, MUN Nowlnn Troupe, -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forbes and gonipany, Joe nnd Sadie Brlttnn, Work nnd (Iwer, and the ktnetogrnph iiindc up a tlis' bill the past week, lo capacity business. Bonn Coghlan and enmpony, Clooper nnd Bob- Inson, Julia Redmond and company, Bonncy SlHtors, Majestic Musical Four, the Pellots, linsMiii Ben-All's Arabs, nnd klnetograph nre oil the blli for.July j,"i and week. Haivkii (Mrs. T, >.J. Boyle, mnnnger).— The slock hud big ■returns Ihe pimt week, with "A ihu-iieioi'is llaneyinnon" ns the hill. ICdwnrd ll. Ildss ami Donnld Meek were well casi. "The l.lglilhouse Hy Ihe Sen" week of V>. ; "■ • ■ • fiilKATKII OXTAniO IlRAl'lt I'AIIK (II. L. Messniore, inunuget 1,—A.ttendnnisi very large past wis'k. Don I'hlllppliil nnrt his btiiul conclude a tti'o week* j»lny' l-l. On tho lawn, IS, and week, are: The llrciit. Oscar V. llohcolik..Mile. De.Urn, anil MnlP* Third Hegiliicill lt|llld.' . iji,i:v Havhn Paiik (B. B..Wilson, mana- ger).—The crowds, mist week, were enor- mous. Hire nnil 'WiiIIith, Vluln Duval, null tho Knickerbocker lllris, Pntklock and Train- er, a 1 inntIi spencer, and ihe (jrenl Inmnii form Hie hill week of IS. . 1 '■ Utlen.—A't-'lho Mnjetlc (P!. h. Koneke, resident uiniinger) the stock company pre- sented "Pile' Klernnl City" mid "When Wo Were Twenty-Oiie" lo hlg houHen week of July 8, "The Llflle tlrny Lndy" IS-17, and "Soldiers of Furtnue" IS-'JO. The company are meeting wllli much miccesH, having played 10 goml houses since ihn Hlnrf. oiieni:i'M (K. ),. Koneke, lnnnngcr).— The moving idclures mid Mdwitrrt O'Connor In HongH continue, to draw good patronage.' HiidMir Paiik («. W. lbiker, mafuijtei').— The Klsbeven trniipo of. .Inps pleased large niullciiees Inst week. Tho park Is 11 cool re- sort nnd Is well nnlrnnlgcd. t'lurk's Dog mid Pony Show Him week. .Utica . Paiik (Scram ft Donolme).—Tho noma rows were ■ drawing feiiiurn Inst week. Ruth's orchesjrn ami dancing IhU week. Foubst 1'AnK (Hd. Russell, mnnnger).— Ijist week'H bill drew well, nnd com limes for the current week, Notb8.— The matinee receptions nf tho Ma- jestic .Stock Co.. led by .Miss Urnvcc, arc be- coming quite popular Buffalo Hill's Wild West Show drew Idg crowds 0 C. Floyd Honking, formerly with The Ob- »m>rr, nf. this city, has been engaged by Wllmer ft Vlneleiit, lo take charge of their business nt Bending, "Pa. I . 1 Alluiny—At Proctor's (Howard C.rahnin, resident malinger) (he Summer season ot light opera continues, with no abatement In popularity. All the pnst week crowded houses heard "Olivette." For 10 and week, "Said Pnslm," and for 22 and.week, "Plnnforc." Awno Park 1 .Mux Rosen, mnnnger).—This Smritncr resort is maklug a linn record (or uticndniice. Sew features Introduced this week are: Mile. Dnlr, the Stubblelleld Trio utnl the Hnniilsetlls. gMKTUC PaiiK (P. C. Williams, manager). —The rustic tin ntic hero Is a favorite place with the crowtbi. Now people thin week are. The Brownings. WUh-Laeoy, Ardo and Kddo. and Ibe llljon Comedy, Trio. Dorn Pellet ter. In songH, Is generously applauded, nnd Is u strong feature. '■■ ' . 1 'I ' 1 1 * 11 Jm.i.'.ti.wii. ,\t the Celeron (J. J. Witters, iminnperi week ot July 8, the bill included: Mel roue Troupe, Mr. nnd Mrs Howard Triiesdell compnny In "Two Men nnd a Hoi tie:" Clinton and Jermon, He- Fnv Sisters and Kennedy nnd Wllkenn. Notks.— The White City enrnlvnl com- pnny stranded nt Tltusvillc, Pn., week of July 4. The nhows went In different direc- tions nnd shhie of the performers worked until they secured money enough to get out of town; ' . Klmlrn. — At Rnrlck'A (Hcnrv Taylor, mnunger) "The Pearl of Pekln" was snug y the .Miuiliiitinii Opera Co., week of ,luly H, to capacity huslness. "llorothy" 15-20 ■ BUi.tii XV. W. McConnell. mnunger).— IUII for week of IS: Lewis nnd Lessingion. Harvey and llaynes, Harry Reed, Lot tic Fayette, Llllie Mhy Hall, MnrWnrei La Vaun the Rlattoscope and Illustrated wings. Husl- ness Ih good. 1 Dlnuhoniton.—At the Armory (Smllh A- Hrady. mnnncers) -Rewnre nr-Xlen" plarid to moderuto.huslness-weok.of July-8-13. ' CANAHi. Montreal. — At Dominion. Pa^rkJH. A. n'arsey. mannger) Vnllccltn's leopards and Kartell Hrothers, an the outslfle attractions, 'during week of July «. ... 8011MKI1 I'Anic H.avlgne & I/nJnla. mnnn- ge !•«).—Big business was I be, ruletMM of 8, with He following nllrnctinris.:, A„ JNrfrDinn- dlrt, Iliich flrolhers. Prof. Wortnwood. Ihe Stunning (Sronndlers, Itnt; and Benedetto, and Lavlgnes Military Hnnd. ' 3- _•■ Norm.—Francis It. Cannock, of.t,hc Nn- llnnscop^ Mo*lng lMctiire Co.. ■ |c|kyes Mr Paris,'17, to RecTure noiv machines, nnd pic- tures for Hie company..... .Bennett's nouse staff for Montrefll will. ltd: Jt. A. McVenn. manager: V. "Wales, Ireasurey; J. MclCnroer OdVertfsliig ngertt*, II.. Nowton, singe mana- ger, and Otto Zimmerman, orchestra lender. ■• • ■ -« ■—" • HK 'J«b».—At Ihe Opera Hnuse (A. O. Skinner, mnnnger) "Caprice," produced by local nrnnleuiH, under the direction of Theo. lUrd, liltc of the Kirk Brown Co., for the benefit, nf the Deaf and Plinth School, drew cnpni-lty July T>. The piece wn* repenlotl 10, for, the benellt of the, poor chlldre.ns', play- ground fund, nml dr^w big .buslBefis. "A Ibii'il Slave," 8, 1), did nicely. "A nutch- mnn's Honeymoon" 11-1.", Prof. L. II. OrocKcr's educated horses, ponies and mules m-20. Norr,*.—II. Price Webber, who tins Just completed bis thirty-second year ns mnnnger of the Boston Comedy Co., Is visiting friends here; Mr. Webber wns formerly 11 resident of fills City, nnd Is being warmly received by his numerous friends..... .Bertram Har- rison, of Margaret Anglln's company, la vlslilng hU mother WIRCnrleton Is visiting his fnther hero Boekwond Park wns opened to Ihe public on Dominion Dny, but the formnl opening took plnco afternoon «f. 0, when Mnyor SCTrs delivered the open- ing sneeeh. The merry-go-round.' Ferris wlu-el. shoot the chutes .add the. new re- freshment pavilion woro soon tmed to their capacity. The Neptune Rowing Club held n regatta on the big lake, wh|cb Is .In the center uf the pnrk, and It Is estimated that 111,000 people were present. Jr. 16 doubtful If nnytlilng more In the amusement line will he Installed this year. ■ ' t Toronto.—At the Searboro Beach Park (II. Dorsny. manager) hlg business continues nndthe special attractions Include: The TCr- nesto Sisters, the Plcchlnnl Troupe, nnd Haven nnd his band. Hanlan's Point IL. Solomon, manager).— Big business prevails. The ntlrnctlons are: Tho Five Flying Oordens, nnd Inzn nnd Lo- rella. ■ .Vote. —Fred W. Stnlr has practically com- pleted a new theatre on Iho site of the old .Star, and everything promises to be In readi- ness for the opening, lit the end of August. The theatre will be' un-10-nute nnd thoroughly cipiippcii u iib nil modern Improvements. . 'i : ' «»» ' ' >I1I IIK.1N. Detroit.—-At tlie Temple (J. B, Moore, imtniiger) lust weeje's bill wus well biilnnccil. and gisnl houses wns the rule Bill week of IS Includes: Toby Claude, Mr. nnd Mrs. How nrd 'EyuoHdell and company, T. W. Rckert nnd Kininii Bttg. the Five Melrose Troupe, llesnnh nnd Miller, Irving Jones, Mnrlin Brothers, Arthur Whllelnw, and the klheto- grmih. . Hay city.—At Wenona Bench Park Ca- sino (L. W. Richards, Manager) the bill week of July 8 Included: l.n.Adelln, Dixon and Fields, L. Rnirayctte's ucrolmtlc dogs, Quip- Ian. and Mnck, Lewis McCord nnd company, and the Cnslnoseope. Captain C'hnrles Ham- ilton nnd I|Ih nlrshlp, an extra attraction', drew large crowds at,this resort. For week of IS arc: Hen Welch. Hslelle Wordette nnd company, and Hcorgc Van. , Notks. —Tho Forepniigh-SellH Bros.' ndver- tiling, car was id (his city 0.' billing Ihe show, which appears hefc Aug. J2...... Sam V. Hess, known throughout ihe coimlrv ns' the "one man hnnd." has relumed Ip his liotne hi Ibis cliy, afler a successful tour of Ihe Southern Stales 1.111 ml it■•,, 1.1.. ai Rnmnnn Park (Iiew Delcninier, mnniinerl Ihe bill for week nf July lainehidos Phyllis Allen, Jane CYiurtbnpo nnd company, Ollroy, llnynen nnd Jlontgomeii, Tlivim; Holmes, the Immensiiphone, nnd Zn- ■Mlo-Vetrnan nnd eninpnny. .(JoroiHQt'H Pavilion (Ohaa, Oodfrov. mlirt- «Ser).--Pearl Kvolyn. llnlley and Menhntu, nnd Maddox nnd Melvln are the utlractlons week, of 11. KAlaikinaoo.—Al Ibo llljon (M. S. flnl- leilleld. mnnnger) big lupines prevail nnd Ihe ». II. 0. signs'urn enntmon. Rill frir wees of-.111111 15: Dixon nnd Field. Mne McDoiuild, 10. .1. Appleby, Odell and Klnley. Byron Jnmei, lIliislraiiMl songs nnd Ihn moving pictures No-re.—(iemry llros.' Anlmnl Show appears here til. ■ r ——' *v*4 -' HUOOK INLAND. Providence— m Keith's Tlmalro (Chas. liovcnherg, mannger) "Fedora" was capably produced by tho Alliee Stock Co., wcok of July 8, Adele Block winning special prnlse for her work. "Peaceful Valley," i.vo shows the conipnny In nnolher kind of work! A Modern Miigdnlcn" next week. Business continues good. Hmi'Iiik (Spit)! * Nntlinnson. roanrtcers).— Jlonto Crlsto," 8-ia, ntlrncted good houses. On us Stiwnnee Bluer" Is the stock company offering 15-20. "The Charity Ball" In preiuv rutlon 22 nnd week. ' H a ^;!\ KSe 'rXI I>AR,f (R ' A ' narrliiKton. man- WSLriElP P , ' 0 ,B r . amnle 1« nnd week. In tlie Music Hall, includes nn .operatic farce, "Mr. llanet from Mars;" tho Four London Ter- rors, nnOBohee nnd Hyors. llocKV Point (II. A. Hnrrlngton, mannr ger).—At. ho Forest Ca&lno. woof of l" are The Four Mverelts, GUI and Acer, Terry and Klmer, Kmcraon nnd Van Hon. Winifred S l o,«'« f '. Oarllng and Reynolds, Kathleen De Mole and Virginia (Irani. ■»■"■■ u « ■■ 1 ■ tr.'Xr o T, ' , r 0r !: - ; At She «dy's Froebodv Park (Chas. E, Cook, manager) last week's hill was well attended, flfll week of July 15- Plnnophlends, Donald nnd Carson. Four Sing: lug Colleens, Ihe.Cireat Torcnt, I'lill and Net- "e.Peters, Chnlk Saunders, moving picture' and Throe Hounding Oofdons: "'etures, »■♦ wrscnxsiN. >illivnuUi«. —At the Davidson ihe Al- bert Prown Slock mmpony offe"ed "Thelma" l ! 1 SA 1>ns . l .r?T k ', n '" 1 ^ Pmetl n good drawing SSUljMllf* F0M "' ls » nn "»n^ r"? i m 1 ,m!l?' r - — '% E n F»»h Stock Co. in "The iXS^Si fiK n £! nK .,. E ' lrBcst '" P flfi ' week! When Knighthood Was In Flower." with H HBJSf!S5 ns •WJ 5 ' T,,nor for week of is i„„ °J RS -~: TI 'eo. llofierts. who baa been do- big character nnd directing the stage for the 1 nbst Hn|(Uh Stock Co.. will withdraw■ f/om f!r"l,l, fK il 0 L Z, ",L ,m 2l i Alr ' "•WwIM lenTe nnee Sr'Sff i* TMfy bn ? e Mnrt »» ei "l 'He l)»l- iince of Ihe Bummer there Curt Stark '"iperlv with I.eon Wncbsner's Stock Co wll nail for Berllu, Aug. 7. lie his Blaned I tCft. SffllM ,0 Nay Juvenile role, 1*Jm Leasing Thentrc there..... .Wonder wwiJ 8 !.^ 1 ^'««»*«>t business, with the ei'„ lc „ !"*",,° ,n , d - l ' lrt Conirress as Hi" prln 1 p » n iu a, r, rHc i l011 S "^ week Manager n% "'..Trottmnn closed the New Star V\. It will reopen Aug. a with "The Chnm pslgu Olrls"...'.. .Another La Sal"'Theatre « 1 ri ™ nrin nnTH^i 1 lme ' ** Pisco, and the i-hilii,. ll .°P' n the season at Ihe Aluamhrn »i™« r «.;! h ^ P re "»er« performance, bene BiTWLSCTW evening. Aug 10 • ™n!L mn-QiieBtlon" Is tho nn£e oflbe new'-mSS cal cmuedy, and Z. ttm V oiV™lCX Adams and Howard,-authors nf "The Time ihe place, and ihe Olrl," inn like, that "£ rtllrkahle succcHS.Mt Is sadl In almitml In .tnfehy music, Jirlgnt Hues nnd amusing ,11, nllons. 'Hie ncllon nf the piny takes plnee In Chicago, affording nmplo oporliinlfy f„ f local color and Ihe cxptnltiitlnti' nf \m niialm mannerisms of .Cecil, 1*0x1, who, with Hon ebde llnlb'rdnk, will aRh.ln.Hiynd npxt season's cant. 'Oeorgle Drew Menrtiirh nnd other pon- ulnr nlembers, of.the Ln Snllc compaliy W ||| he with Hie orgn'nl/ntlnn agnlh next seanop The fnmous .La. Salle "broilers" ,'wjll he an • Impitrtnnt ■ fentilre. iftf the' eriferlnlnmeni The piny will run here for n week' nnd ihen will be taken lo the La Snlle Theatre, cid. rns °' ,,♦■11," si= '■ TlilNlVKHrlKr!. Nnslivlllo.—At Ihe Casino IV. C. Al- |py, rnannger) 'Ten Nlghls In n liar Itoonv" Is the nttrnctlon for week of July r. "\ Struggle.For Life'' in arid week. Prof. .1 Hough Guest nnd his orchestra of ten leccs Is discoursing' delightful music .between tiels, and Is proving a strong attraction. Coi.iskum tW. II. Bordleser, mnnagnri.-^- Sidney. Chnrllon, trick and fancy skater Is attracting record breaking crowds at this place nnd Is Introducing some new nnd very illfilcnlt fonts on the rollers. ' Prof. Hand's troupe of dogs have been secured for the weelc of IB. , ' '. CrthtaI, (Wm. Wassman, mnnnger).— Good business continues with moving pic- tures and illustrated songs. Dtto itich- ter begins July 1.1 his twentieth week at this house to continued success n'otks. — 'Hoth & Pohlan have opened a now amusement place nt. '9W 'Fifth Aveane, to be known ns Ihe Southern Moving Pie. ture nnd Vaudeville Co. The bill for the week of 8 includes; Rose Mayo, Lund now, Zn/.n Goncnlos, Prof. Roth, the moving pic- tures and Illustrated songs,.... .Llpmnti nnil Lewis have formed a. partnership and are doing a novelty singing nnd talking ncl. They worked the week of S ot Glendnle Park and met with much success.... ,T. C. (T01I1- Ichs) Murphy, the veteran minstrel man, Is spending a f.o# weeks n't his Summer home here nfler n successful season In the South. • i 1 » Mi-iunhls.—At Hopkins' lOnst End Park (A.' B. Motrlson, manager) despite the ex- tremely hot. weather, splendid crowds ns- semhled to witness Ihe performance week of July T. On the lawn. Van listen nnd bis hand entertained every afternoon and nlghl. In the pavilion the following programme wns offered: Martin Van Ilergan, Low Sully and several most attractive numbers that were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. i'Ainvi.A\n il. O. itesch, manager).—A double hill, 7 1:1. drew largo crowds. Tli« regular stock company occupied the board.', presenting "A Socialist of Yesterdnv" nnd ''The First Born." Concerts, nre given lit the pavilion and entertaining show ntlrueled the crowd afler 'the jierformnnees. "The Cowboy nnd tho JbuwT.liMQ. -—. '• '♦«♦. ' NEW JHHSQV. Atlonllo City.—At the Savoy ThcnU* (,Fr«I K. Moore, mnnnger) gnod'buslness.ciinie the way of "The Shoo-Fly Regiment" .week of July 8. The Kogllsh Grnnd Operol'o. In repertory Is announced for two weeks beginning 10, • • 1'ol'nq's Pica. Tiikatrb (W. , F... Shnckol- ford, manager 1. - Vaudeville still -draws big. For, week of. 13 : Oeorgo. Kvnns, .1 nines J. fjor- hen. nnd Lee, Polk, Collins nnd I'nriiii'ii, Iiiirunil Trio, Itriice and Dagaeilii. Mile. Omega,' James A. Drlscoll. . Atlantic Gauhmv (Sidney Fern, manager.! —Kxrdiem patronage. For week, of 15: Niigil and Adams, Holden andenmpany, Ihe tireal D11 Bols, "Alvorn," Wnildron Brolhers, Chatham Sisters, Ituymond and Clark, Bleli- orda Brothers, Millar Brothers, The Four Musical lluelvns, Gregory Sisters, The Fa- mous Gregory Fnmllv, WIXop and I'Tnton, Ihe Itlch Dub, Bit in Kriilev, Slitivne and Dundy, l.l//le Wellur. Armstrong nnd Ashion, Bates nnd Verglo, Sadie llnrt, La Tour Slsiers. I ' tin yon iiv. At. the Rayodno..Theatre (P. A. Si'hlller, iiimuiger) Die, Schiller Siod. Co., Ill "Why Women Sin," week of Julv 13, I'Aiiu TllHATllH (J, Ollckninii, mannger). —The current nlferlng Is Adele ltlood, In "A Olrl of the West" . Jfi'rn^r Wty^-Al kellli % Prort'o'r>'"( P. Hitrns, mnnnger) week of July 15: Goisloer nnd Sloddord."Tho Om'rnlor," Corbrey Broth- ers, l.nveen nnd Cross, Stanley nhd Wilson, Mmplre Comedy Four, nnd O'Rnurke and Mnrle. '- mt ' ti IOWA. Dm Moines.—At Ingorsnll Park (Fred Hui'luiiuin, manager) another strong bill, week ot July H, hud the usual good business. Besides Joe Hart's Dancing Daisies were: Kramer and Bellclalr. Fosler nnd Foster. Me- Intyro and Bennett, Iho Tlvoll Qunrtetln and Ihe mnilnn pictures. Hill for week of 10 In- cludes: Otwle Jnp Troupe, O'Meer Sisters. McCart's dogs nnd monkeys, and I.croy nml l.enitilonl. Notks.: —Poster's Opera House Is under- going extensive 11I lerm Ions. The decora linns nrn being changed, now seats are tolng put In, nnd extra exits and lire escapes are lielng added The work on the Now Mnjesllc is progressing rapidly, and the opening for week of Nov. 1 la assured. . '. ■ ' « ■ Cedar ltiipliis —At Alamo Park, (Geo. K. Barton, manager) big business and this tine bill week o£ July 8: Wm. B. Abrhms nnd Annes Johns, Hughes Musical Trio, Bush nnd Elliott, Cnrlls and Adams, Bay VV. Fny, and.Schmidt's Hnnd. Notbr.— Gentry Bros., S, pleased, all who attended, the headllners being the world re- nowned Countess, Count nnd Baron Mflgrl. ........Bnrnum & Bailey Circus Is billed for Aug. Hi Cedar Rapids' Eleventh Annual Lnrnlvnl (O. K. Barton, manager), Sept, 30- Oct. n, will eclipse all of Its predecessors. '" ■ . a 11 ' Kenknk—At the Casino (C. (I. Dodge, manager) 'the Hoyt Comedy Co. opens a two weeks' engagement, in repertory, July H. IHH La SAi.u: Is presenting moving pic- tures and Illustrated songs to fair business. IHK BARNiT.w & Baii.kv Chioi'h Is hooked here for Aug. 22. 1 " ■' « ' l» ' •' -■ -" , ' DlSfRioT OP Kihtmiu. i. Wjishlngrton—At the Sow National (W. Sll. Bapley, manager) this week the. Alwrn gem Co. Is presenting "The Beggiir btu- ent Last week they appeared In "The Bo- hemian Olrl," 10 good business. "Frn Dl- avolo" next. Coi.oiliiA (Joseph R. Lnckott, mannger). — r|ils superb stock closed a most successful senson with "The AntftKons." St!-*" 00 ' (I-.Stoddard Taylor, manager). —-Phis week the Belnsco Stock takes tile place of the Edwin Arden company, Mr. .itr- den retiring In ordei' to rest, preparatory to he regular season. Charlotte Walker, who has made a. distinct hit this season In the Coltinilila Stock, as co-stnr with Hilda Spnng. win Head the new Belnsco players appearing J'"* 'week,.In "The Doll's House." LaBt week the Arden Stock presented "Captain Swift" to hlg business. "A Bunch of Violets" next. . IiiP v «* J**, 1 " 1 (Pbtttlos J. fioodfellow,, mnn- *Rer).—Th,ls suburban resort is enjoying great prosperity; hnvlng for Its main nttrac- l\?'\, ™ ir )& Conway's Ithaca Band In tho ahell, nnd Alpeho on. the. blkh wire. Last 58? j," 1 ^ i™«"n.v B«pd and Beachy'a nir- snip divided honors; and drew large crowds. Cu:* i-k-iio paiik mnattmStf (U 3. W- monds. mnnnger).—Stgnor Del ; Monto, the dancing bandmaster, with his hand, assisted mli * nce . 5 '. Canion,' sopnuio. and Charles .Vincent-baritone,: supplemented .by* fair «•