The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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July 20. hlbltlon of tin' vltagraph, hid large crowds continually last week, and hold ov'er for the weserft'Otie. . * '■■■ * ' > ■ CnKVrCliASB lakh (Herbert t'lauac,-'man- agrrl.—TBt-'U. 8. Matlne Band, -concert* nightly nt'thls cool rostirt attract thousands. ."'-■; ■ .' ay-**-—: • •'' ' KENTIflSKV.' " Louisville White City (.1. II. Whullcn. maOasfer) received liberal' patronage during week of July T. Free vaudeville In tin- open seems to be popular, and concessions are well patronized. People engaged week 14: Marie Baldwin, the Eight (JlhoorcH, Okaba Japanese Troupe, Mcda and the Tinkams. Fontaine fbusv I'ahk (Win. ltblcbman, manager).—The attendance at tula resort during week of 7 was phenomenal. Tbo vaudeville bill was up to the high standard that Manager Reichmau seeks to provide. The Kiifiit ViiHsar Girls were the lieadliners and pleased Immensely. The other numbers were well received; (for week 14: Jacknon Family. Adelc McNeil, Rlalto Comedy Quar- tette, Mile. 'Chester's dog, Girl Behind the G un, and the klnodrotue. Deaths in the Profession Jotlii W Hippie, an old linn' singer anil Irish "coiuodinii, rutuiiiltled suicide by shool- Ing bliiiself on .Inly -. In Ills homo town, Lawrence, Muss. He wus best known to Ilin profession us H favorite of the vaudeville sluge In Philadelphia. Wlieru lie wus u fixture for.* number of yearn. He retired from, the- atricals some years ago, ttud conducted u lunch cart 111 Lawrence, und later developed a cab business of Ills own. The act which ended bis life wus Induced by u serious htuuiach trouble, from which lie had buffered for about two years. . ■ -. •. " •fame* II. AlllitiT, well known as n the- Htrlcul niuuugcr, died from pneumonia oil .Inly 8, at tlin liouie of A. It. Alllger, his nephew, In Orange, N. J. Mr. Alllger was boru In .Tniualcii. I.. I.. .",7 years ago. lie managed Oliver Doud Uyron for years, and recently had been connected with hlaw & Kr- langcr.' His wife survives him Will In in H. Phillips, u bund leader, died on July il, In the Cincinnati Hospital. Clneln- uull. ii.. aged thirty years, lie was taken III oil the 11 mIii on his way to fill an engagement In CiiK'Inuutl with llnli'y'H Washington Hand, uud died Ncverul thiys nfter arrival, lie mil fered from kidney trouble und u couipllcultoii of diseases. He wus the lender of the Dis- trict of Columbia lleglnieohil Uiiuil, which went (o Cuba with Genera! Harries* detach- nient In the Spanish American War. Mr. Phillips hud also served In Ihc U. 8. Murine Hand, under Faiiflulll, uud hail traveled ex- tensively with ilrutiiallc unit umslntl com- panles. Tiiu body wus shipped to Wushlng- (mi. uud burled from his uiulher's lionie. In- terlocal being In Arlington, with musculo and inilitiiry lionoi'K. Sir, Phillip* Ik survived by, his purentH and one brotner. He wus uia,- rleil, but hud no children. William llnrti'lH, the famous iiiilninl dealer, of MO Orcemvlch 81 root, New York City, dropped deud, night of July I'J, In a restuui'iiut 111 Cedar Stlcol, this city. Mr. Hiiitels hud for umuy years supplied anluiuls of all kinds for circuses ami ineuugerles. Mndwe Devlmie, rcllrcd performer, died lit Sim Antonio. Texus, on July 1, from heart trouble. She wus well known tiering her career, uud hud played Hie best vaudeville theatres In America. Several yearn ago she retired l'roin the singe; Her Inline hud been In .Sun Antonio for about twenty years, Hetty True), who has nut appeared on Hie sluge In a number of yours, and whosu name In petvute life -was Mrs. Jessie Williams, wife of. Hie well known musical conductor, died on July II. ill their home hi Loudon. Mug., after n brief Illness. Her hiisbund and two children survive her. Bob Him Inn. of the 11 union Brothers, died In London. Kug.. mi June "Hi. from In- ternal bemurrhuge. l-'nilln.r mention uuiy In; found In the London letter of this week's Issue. trn ||. (oiMiricti ,ir„ playwright, died lust week, ugodtlilrly-llirco years, lie ditiuin- llxed Ia'w- Wallace's "l''alr Uud," uud wrote "Jack und Jill Company." Mrs.' w. A. Imimn died shortly after luldnlght or July: 10, at licr home lu Uulli Heiich, N. Y., from cancer of the stomach, aged about (Ml yours, She was well • known on the stage over twenty years ago,: and was the mother of the liuuiiu Misters, 1'eurl und Ltolo, who nil til nod theatrical promi- nence, und of John luuiuu. Her grandson, Win. Iiiiuan. Is now la vaudeville. Mrs. Iiiniini owned Ionian's Casino. Coney Island. The Caslnu-wlll be closed fur I lie entire work. (Mil AUSTRALIAN ■Lad'TEH. ', . 9mMSL 1'IIHM OUII OWN (.'llllllli.Sl'OMIUNT. Svi'Nuv, June 11. At Her Majesty's Tlicatrc, Inst week, tbo "Mother Goose" puutonilno finished up a most successful uud record season. Hurry l'hydora made nil excellent Mother Goose, with Florcuee Young us Colin, and Harry Shine as Jack. The others assisting wore: Pressy Preston, us Gretchcu ; Cellu Uhlloul, us the Fairy Godmother | Olive Morell, uh Jill: Queen and Le Brim, as the horse; Itoy l.n.vilell, Mnbellu Morgan, i;<ldle and Oceiina McLciiu And others. On Huliirdnv ulgbt "The Spring Clilcken" opened ami pfuyed to nn Iminelise uiidleuee. lu tills, [''loreiiue Young played Hush lie, Clara Clifton pluved Mrs. Girdle, nml Alio* Muibcr, Madauiu Baborl. Mr. Laurl uudo a hit with his song, ''He Walked Right lu." The others were; Hegluuhl lloberts, Fred Leslie and C. It. Hantock. •At (he Crlturluii, Wlllluui Anderson's Dra- mutli: Co. headed by bltlgcnlc liuggiiu. Is pro- ducing nu Australian pluy, "The Stiuultei-s Daughter," lo packed houses nightly. 'Hie tine scenery with which the play 'Is embel- lished Is calming comment. ■ At the Palace Theatre, the Ilollowuy Co. Is singing n ciipllullv Ncnsiitlonul piece, en- titled "I'lic Coal King." lu which the sceue ol the colliery explosion is excellently tuun- uged. on Saturday night, Harry ltlckards brought forward Bevcrii) new turns at the rlvoll Tlieatrc. 'Leonard Nelson made Ids leapiieiirnuce after 11 long absence, and was greeted with cheers uud great uppliiuse. The sumo applies to tirade .Gruliuiiie, who.had to give tour or llvn songs before I lie uudioiii'u would ullow her to leave the singe, liljou Itusuull Is duo of the most popular perform- ers who liuve ever uppeareii ou the 1'lvoll stage, und she wus enthusiastically upnluudcd for her singing of'"Throw IWwil That Key." truest Kilts also itiudo Ills reappearance,' and •is tiNiiul. received 11II the iippluuse he de- fcerved. Tin; others ut present at the Tivoll arc: Fritiilt llarlley.'Techow's cuts, Eileen Lyons, the Hunger Misters, the Four Rose- buds. Joseph' Dewhursl, Marjorle Ilray nud several ol Iters skilled lu the business of pro- viding umiiHcnirul. At the National Amphitheatre, the inuuuge- tneill. repnri iiolhlllg but excellent business,.no doubt owing to their noltn of bringing forlh new |M>rfni'iners every week, 'tills week they Include: Dick 8tcinl, Will Tyler, Ulleen Mur- ray, I.ckso aiid'ltexo, J. Kearus. A. MeKls- sou. Charles Navlor, Qlga Peuulngloii, l^ylu Thom[isou, GulilieCollins and others. * 4i> 1 t.'ii.v T. Ki:nnia>v nod Kied B. Holmes, of the Great I'nrkcr Shows. Nu. I. weri:.ln/Weiv York City lust uevk. and culled lit TtUtfilM- 1 uu .office. The, wives u( botll gentlemen accompanied them. Mr. Kennedy, who Is owner and generul Malinger ill tlie various i.1iowh under Hie Parker Amusement Co. di- rection, spuuds the greater part uf his time nlth, the No. 1 ahow, 1 ATUti-l'iiKBBa have Issued a new "toy" III111, entitled ."Ilnrlci|iiln s Htory," the slorv of a courtier who goes In starch of his doll swootbeart who had been stolen. ' "A Family. OuTUtu." full of comedy : ••F.Iks' < (invention' und many other iltnis can be secured from 8. Lnbln. "Skhvani'h Mkneikmity." a drnmatlc lllm. 8 the latest Gaumont otrerlng. They also have produced "Croker's Horse Winning tile Derby • "Fatality." "Union Spoiled the Pood, "Scratch My Back" and "Soldier's Helmet, which can be scoured through the Klein Optical Co. ", • "Katmeb's (JutET Su-noat." the atorv of a day of rest "gone wrong." Is pletorlnlly de- scribed by the latest Vltagraph OIbj. "I«si In an Arizona Desert" is-a sensational series. •Ihc Klks' Convention ut Philadelphia" Is also being taken care of by (he Vltagraph. Buffalo—"Tlie Rivals.' Sam DUN iii-r'x Hrrnin. Sam Dcssauer gives the'.following as a drain In which the various theatres appeared to him under ploy titles as follow : Star, Cleveland—"My Partner." Winptrc, Cleveland—"I'eck's Mud Rov." Gaiety. Iiidlnhnpolis—"Tbrutlgh Death's Val- ley." BIJou. Ilcudlng-"A Ocspcrnle Chance." Standard.. Cincinnati-— "Un tho Hrldg« at Midnight." New Empire, Urooklyn—"A MilMoiinlre's Re- venge. Scranton Albany f ~"'''our Cornell* of thu Earth." Patterson livccnin.-Philadelphia—"The Time, tho Place, the Girl.'.' . . Lyreuui, Boston—"The IMIinls.'rs." Westminster, 1'rovlUencc—"The Comer Gro- • cccy.". 1 Iniperlnl, Providence—"Firiy Miles from Bos- ton, Academy. Pitlsburg —"The Old Homestead." Miner's, Bowery, N. Y.---"Durkcst Russia.'.' Miner's, Klghth Avcntic, N. Y.—"A-Brothers Crime." Star, Brooklyn—"Hrewster'R Millions." Galuty; Pittsburg—"Thi' Great Divide." Kinplie, Indliiiiiipolls—"llognn's Alley." Star. Milwaukee—"(Joining.Thru' the Hyp." Murray Hill. New York—'"Who Goes ThereV" London. New Y'ork—"A HOIctii the Ground." Columbia, Bnston—" 'Wuy Down Uust." Palace, Boston—"Itanch IV." Gaiety, Rrooklyn—"The Hose of I he Riuicbo." Galetv, BnHliuore — '"llio- Darling of llie Gods." 1/afayelte, Garden. si. Paul I Minneapolis J —"Lost hi the Desert." DMhith I Kuson'x. Chicago—"The House That Jack Built." Trecadero, Chicago—"The Isle of Kplce." People's. Cincinnati—"The Umpire. Hui'tlg & .Seamou's, New Y'ork—"The Lion und Hie Mouse." Wnldman's. Newark—"My W'lfe'N Kauilly." Cusiuii. PhilaiUlphia—"Comedy of Krrnrs." Folly. 4'hlcugo—"The lllikli'ii Hand." Star.' 5 ' ( *«™>*0—'"*■ •*• Orphans." century,' i «i"ih«» L'lty—"The llond lo Itiiln." Lyceum. Washington — "When Knlghthuod Wits In Klowcr." Gaiety, Wiishlngtoii—"The Unknown." Green wall's. New Orleans—"The Tiitlooed i Man." Gaiety. Birmingham — " Tlie Way of the. Trims- gressor." Kniplre, Toledo—"Nobody's Cinltii." Monuuii'iilul, Baltimore—"Llghtliouse by the ' ■Sea." Slumlord. 81. Louis—"Tin: Man of the Hour." Gaiety. St. Iiouls—"Under Smiiliein Skies." Avenue. I Oetrolt—"The Lund of Nod." Ruyal, 'Montreal- "The Knd of llie World." Hiieklnglniiii. Louisville—r"Cooti Hollow." Ti'oeadcro. Phlliidelpllla—"A Wise Guy." BIJou. Philadelphia—"fighting Fiilc." Hon Ton, Jersny City—"The Gingerbread Man;" Viewer. New York—"The Dlslrlct Leader." Gotham. New York—"A Barrel of Money." Circle..New-York—"KrumilUga to Klcbes." Howard, Boston—"The Pit." . I « » » lilipllHIl'M Amnleiir MsM» Oil Hie Mllillnou Niinnrc Hoof. Mortimer Kiiphuu's niuuteur nights, which proved such a success at Percy Wlllliims' theatres, will be given hereafler every .Tues day evening, nt the Madison, Sipiiirn Roof Garden. Mr. Kiipluin will 'present next season a lien* vaudeville act. entitled "Amateur Night," with special scenery und high class people, utc. '■, 4*0 , , !I«W Viuidevllle Theatre at Aiulernon, '" Inal. The Crystal Thcatrti; Anderson, Ind.. I ne,v tlieatrc. was dedicated .on July S. The house Is n commodious and handsome one, and is owned by John II. Amnions, with W. W. Mi- Duci) us local manager. . The opening bill, given before a.big audi- ence. Included: The -Floe Guffney Duucing Girls, Bonnig Bros., Blossom Koblutou I'lalb. Hal ley uud Tuylor, Mesaey ami Kramer, and the klnodrome. '■ 4 * ♦ Dim Id II. Green i:iiei.-il nw Prealdent of Ttieiilrlenl Rleelmiiles' Anniiellllloll. Tin- Thi'litrlnil .Meebuilles' Assoclulluu of tho United Stales and Canada, which held Its culivenlloii lu St. l/0iils. Mo., elected us Its president David II. Greeu. of Newark, N. .1., by ti vote of lil lo 17 for W. T. Butler, of New York. WUO fulleil of rc-electlou becausi! of null third lei in soiilltueut. Grand Sec- riilury It. C. Newinun was re-elected. A resolution for the organization of a woman's iiuxlllury, Ihc Thespluu Sisters, was tubled, and cannot be considered until next convention. 4i» Mllveriiuiiis Add Tivo Houses lo I lnlr < Iniilt. > • ' • The Mllvel'iiiun Hrolliers have secured n playhouse in Dubois, Pu., whleli will have u seii'tlug enpaclly of live hundred people. It will be conducted un Hie same lines as the Slur. Alloonti, and will Iw known as llie Air- dome Theatre. The house wDs opened last week. -' * Mayer Silverman, or the Silverman Bros., bus purchased (lie Purlor Theatre, York. Pa.. starting July II with moving pictures of Pus- Blon Ploy. Week of July 10 vuudevllle will he Introduced, and will lie hooked by silver- man Bros., Attooiiu, ■»«» 'I'lirrailorn' llngnweineiils. .'I'lic followltig huvo signed with the Guy Toreadors (Western wheel) : Hobby llurrls, Mlga Oi'loff. Jessie Carr. Mildred Valmore, Hnywnrd. Coiiroy nud Iluyward, Al. Bruee, Geo, T. Walsh, Six Kiigllsh Poples. Thoiiuis Cuiev, leuder: Jnines Giilvln, props; George Hule. uuiuuger. «-<-♦. l-:dille Leonard Back In llnrness •■ \K»l»i. liddle Leonard, wliocume to New York from Atlantic Cliy.rireeolly, burn use of Illness, uud entered u euiilturliiui III this city, resumed Ills' eiigagetuunlb orrMouduy. July LI. open Inr at Keith *. Proctor's Twcoty-thlrd Slieel Thnntre. ■•■■••,. Mr, Leonard, when Mien liy a Ct.ii'l'Kii ri'p- renentntlvR on Monday, slated- Hint he had been Buffering from an attack of typnoid- pniMininnt«r." •: ' " ' Forclfea Vautlevltle AOIH tor Ike • . Klaw * 10rlaRK«r circuit, v All reft *1C. Auroiis. who left' America on April. 4 .*'us special envoy from Klaw A Mr- laugcr,' to Uurupe, In behalf of .advanced vaudeville, reltttoed last wirk from bin trip, 'I he list of people booked by Mr. Aarons sbowt the scale on which Klaw A Krhtoger Intend to conduct their vaudeville enter- prise. From Ciiglaud will come lletly King, a most vertatllo performer oud male imper- sonator, famous on the UrltJih state: Harry Uiudcr, who has made llie Tivoll Theatre In London, a rendecvous for American visitors: (his Klen, who li termed In Kng- land, "the American, favorite;" Clara Ho- maiiie, and many others. From Cairo will come the troupe of Orien- tal wizard--, with live riimcls. headed by Prince tlmlji Jerrah. Japan will be renresvutcd by the Kill Khl I rotipc of twenty Geisha tilrls. secured while playlug In St. Petersburg. The lloynl l*os- sacks. also booked In Si. Petersburg, uro a troupe of forty, with tea horses. From Scotland .will Come the Pour Scot- land Girls. In songs and dunces, and In. Dublin were booked the Lancashire Lads, ilfteeii Irish lioyn. In a dancing net. Switzerland will be • representeil by the Tyi-ulnui Troupe.of twelve preltv girls. They lime been iilnyliig lu Brussels r«r the past seven lie in, |h. Anuilier large troupe. Is the Itrriiennl ItuWN! of Ni'MpxIlloii singers null ilnucers, ••oiudallng-or seven hulles and seven genlliv men;. While' In CousinnIltio)>le. Mr. Anrotis engaged il hi|{(fliiig ,ivupe. froni Frilnie will eoiue Mile. Marniic. u lelgtiliig beauty of the Boillcviirtlcs, mid lead- ing thi- bill ut llie Fulh-a Miirlgny, lu I'nrls, Mile. Murger. nvhn Ihis also Iss-n eugugcil, heiiils the bill at the Aiivbassudcurs. wullu In .Madrid, Mr. Aarons engagid "La Bella." Vesta Victoria and Alice Lloyd were en gnged by Mr.. Krlnnger before lliey left this counliy, (o return next, scosun. From Ccrniuhy will come the Schculxc'i- llcrsorl. four lyulcnl young German slaglog und diinclug girls. , ... - While. In, I hi LI ii. Mr. Anions engaged the Tschln ilita Tioupi! or t'liliicse Jugglers, con- jurers, Illusionists uud acrobats, with eleven lM'olile lu the net. Holland' will contribute the Might Delft Girls.' und Belgium sends the Mysterious Countess X. - . • The iibuvn Is uuiy n piirllnl list of the ninny nets und novelties secured for Klaw & Urhiiiger'M iidvatieed vaudeville. Many others Injye been engaged. Incllldlug llie tin- lowing list: Ali-xundron* TroiipuJi Jliiguunvs. ItnrotlN lllirlesi|lle McBhgerle, Walter Hell itnlnl.. Bnptlste uud Fj-aucuul. Onlcedo, Whit Cnhllffe, Cole und Kugs, Clii<|iievalll, lies ruches -mid lllntie.i.' Llaue D'tJvc. Gus I'len, Lit Ksuieruldti, 1. 1111. -"■ FleMimre, Ida Puller, Hie t'eorguUys, the lli-ulhiirs Gnutscbmldt, Grldllhs Urothers, Willie llal". lliinvurr mill 1 Kuril, Koiuiriill, Holly King. Kills and Wiiiilruin. Kellcy and Asbby. Hurry Lauder. .luck Lordlier. Llllle Plch. Mile. La. Cmunrgo, Le Itoy. 'In I inn und Hosco, to .Nu' KslJiotlque, !!! , ,',',! ,, '•"•„, IJ>'ll».;.',Murguei1te and Hitolcy, Millhmii' Ti'hj. Mile, iilnrger. Masli'o anil Diet la. Mile. Mil rime. Maruo Trio; the Ilrotli- ers McNuugliton, Hie Brothers Murllncks, Prims! Ki.klu. ('harli'H LTcllc's Nu* Keitsa- Hon/ BlnlN Kciiiiilue. Mnbei Sinclair, Tertev, Viisco,. Villon I. ViiIukzI. J. II. Whiloil. Wilson ■Hid dog, Brothers Willing, nud tiiillitll's nsinkeys. ' • -■ ■ #a» Mnry Ann lin.ii n i loiiilnueN Her Nuecesses. Mm v Aim liro'ivii still has the rank mill llie uf vaudeville nhuwduui curious lis lo luir lirofeHslouul iiiiii'cedeiHh. Mary Ann Is litis week ut the Gruuil Opera House, < PItlsburg. Lust week she played Cook's, hi llochesler. At both houses she ropeiil'd tlie big suc- cess she scored at Hie Union Siiuure, • New York, where silo llrsl iippeured. several wwks ago. mid ut Keltli & Proctor's Twetitv- third Street, where she was suhsi'ipienilv iKioked lo 1111 Hie headline gup uiuilc by Kva Tllllgllliy'S hldef Illness, , . Alury Aim's sluge niiiner In liuKiKlous of Aund Held..Fay Tvmplctoii. Lillian HusHell, Vesta Vleturla and otller popular stars, Isj- trays wide experience of the tcchiiltiiie. • I ».♦ The .Moving of the Imperial, *S ' - Brnoltl) ii. Active repiiriitlousure under way toivurds swinging niuuuil Hie liniH-rlnl .Theatre hi Brooklyn, to have II face the new'Fhithush Avenue extension. Numerous openiutgs< have been cut In tho walls near lliu fuuudnlloii for the rcccpllou of huge girders which will hold the building during Its migration. . I . ♦»» D lloxlir or New « inliir) l.lrl«. The 1 -Mew- Ctutury Girls Co. (Western wheel i, under Hie. inuungcuieut of Butler, ,1a- cubs, l.owr.v & Co.. bus signed: Turn liiirreil and Mac Bell, Lmi I'rllikow, Luvltiu and II ii id. Brcnpuu and lllggs. W. II. Mllas, Ho- liunoii ami Corry, Frances lllsliop. Jack Mi Cube, Prof; Malior. muslcul director; John J. Moymiliiin, munagcr. . 1 •»«♦ Frederic i lioinpNun to 1'reNeiit Mabel ' - Tallatorrw In Vaudeville. Frederic Thompson will present, his wife, Mubel Taliaferro. In u new net, In which she will be assisted by the Florence Troupo and Cad leu, tho wire walker. The offering bus been hooked for twenty- live weeks over the Kluw It Urlauger Vuude- vllle circuit. , - ■»»» —. Mwni-il for (he-Merry Mulilens in. Thi'' following hnvc'liceir eilgiigrd for 'sea- son 10117-118. Willi Butler, .Inenbs H l^iwry's Merry Mulilens iWistern wheel): Sum Itlce, Two Gruces, Lewis uud Thompson, Pnttl Carney. Lulu Heesou. Hie Nlelsoiis, Pluueer (liiurlctle, Hngllsh Pony Ballet, eight In niunbor:. Fourleeii Show Girls, Selgfrlcd Ijishiimnii, musical director; Joe Pine, agent ; l.'luis. Daniels, iiuiinigei', -1 • : in A HnMfliull c-linlleiige. The Foreputigb-Htdls liaseball leiuil lire anxious to cross laitH with the White Huts team,, nlsxi with Hn; Haiunicrslcln playera. They, will make nil umiugcmcutK for the grounds. . orrln Davenport, the tminiiger, would like In •irrnnge for, a match at Pulersou, N. J., where the allow will piny Aug. I, »»■• IV III 5 C'lienthaiir Mr* Inremll lo .. I.iiihIoii. Kltly Cbeullium; "fire American enter- tainer, who. hna met with considerable sue coss lu Loudon, gave u furewell recital at Steluway Hall, nftiiriioou of July 11, which was largely intended. ♦«» Tin; lliHiima lliiirriitjiiM'huve lidded aiiulhcr uiendsir to their al ready exmattlnnnlly strong cast, lu tun person of Joe Kuue, who wa* aturrcd lust season by Ned Wayburn, lu "A One Horse Tcwu." An Italian elm meter part hits been provided foflilm, Whlch'probiibly uc- colilils fur his being continually seen III Hie spiighclll neighborhood. "Tint lingers Broth- ers In Pniinmu" oihmis at the HrOndway T'lc- alre. New Y'ork. Sept. 'J. TltK nUHVW UMKiiNU l.'ir. closed lis elev. •-ii I Ii season ut Hnuii. Sto, Marie, July 13, :ilnt will repiieu lit the siltue place 00 Aug. 1.1. I'lic show ivnb out ninety weeks, with only ii week's lay off Inst Summer . Poi.i.v Hiiimi.s, "the li-lr.1t Diicbes-." baa slgffcd wltir Cbu<i. IS. Illauuy for nut sea- sort: to be featured In orje nf Ihe prndurllnna. A nr.mrY'.'Ait t'Airrr and enicrialnineui was. tendered to Mildred itenfirhi on July II, by her iiunii'i'eiis fib.mis. to$t flf tot order to ; avoid mlalakea and lb insare ihe proaniil deliver)' of «lhe lellera nilverilsvil In tlili Hall (IN enveloiie plainly addreaaied aill Iw snnt lor eafthiletter, arid a written order for IHe'letter, nlunr'il v« Ifh Hie fall mime and addreas and the line of business followed by llie lender, must also lie enclosed. Pleaae mention Hie dale (or mini- um ol the CLHrl'HIt In which the tellers aeat.lor were adverllsed. ■LADIES' MHt. Arniotul. tlrucc iFritnklln Carrie i.Mucii Mrs. IS. i. Ashley. Lilian Poiloitil. Mao Ma rein. Miss Asiur. I'niiille f'anvell. I.ttellle M.irlilhi. Ackrriunii. i • ;Fer»iisoa l.oiilsi' - ■ Jeuaetin Piiireii.'eitlanliiei. M irliuei. Alese Aolle.llt I'nulllie M" lllck Miniihy. Allen Kkirenee Oolil. Belle ' Mrs. W. J. vdele. Mi rile llnmolt. Iteairhs? Martin, .Mitliile Utowulnic. I'lorii (Iwj-enctte. Miirthn Lillian BllKbin, Kuuen Mltlilletiiu. ,-r l.tlllmi Ornut. Ann.i ' '.'.-Miss F. II. Burns. Gene K. Klrahain. vtoyu. Mrs Thus Barlaw, Alice ItehiHiiil. Helen Itidley. liny Hemmsuit Leotui ittiirilfii, Hit llniwil FliO'cll.'!- HiilHtiai lleallle It lack ton I Is.tile '" Utvbe, • - * Kll/.als'llt Burroughs. Floreuec llemunl HIsteM Hell, Slella Mrs. INciri Nice. Kittle tiontuii. Mm ion I Miisli, I'lvsste Ullitioif, lltadKiMi'liols. i Iritis' Graliiiin, ICiIIiii iNeivlinll. Mrs.K. Homer, IsiuIm'. JSi|s>. Ilessh* Vul. M > ill,' Hurr. INmilhi rerty Annie M. HuMi'll llhuiciie I'etslvolt. Selliui Mllflle. N.'llle jt.tllll. NSII . IllUdtl-. i ItUSM'll. I'll- Flius'inr S.jlleiaarl. Mae HlllVtllortie. Lltotll, Morion llv-sleiftuls'll & HiiIh- iteiuivn, Malrl . Hales, llertle Ion. ,« Biilehelur Nettle (toiliy. Herlbu ilutlcdxc Mrsl'F rtrnee. Lena Hsmiiiu Miss I! Itose. Mnrlc liariK-s. Jackson. (letter, Ada I'ollielhic 'Alice II. (Ilk'.', Slnllll, I'.VII llcm-ilslcy, Joinistiii, Alice lHlei'1, l.llllnu . AiMahle It. Ilehnet. ids. A. ■Hciiion. Allle llyme. Mrs. .\. ■ hlilg. Hotly fluirp. Jessie Uell, Suruli V. Kenton. IKnotl' Sehioniin Miss Cleaver. Laura Kane Ptaokl.-M..Riiyilri', Cap Conloit Mrs JsckKenulson,. Daisy Stevens. Mill Cuthluii. Hose j La Cornier I asm NnyoVr. I'llirl;. Lets I' cilhiliiiti Ircoc Clark. .Mile Ullrk, AglH-s Oaeko, Marlon Cltituuu. lOvsngi'llne f'ri'luliloii Sister Ciiuley, Aiimi F Collvit Mrs Win Cnrr, Kv« Coiiiiiioiis Atiuii' IS line ISill, Di'suiouil, Vera iK'i'ker, Ism A. Ili'lM'V. I'llsle IS'Vere. U'sllc IK- Usui, l-'h.ra Huvls, Ikn'il lisle. Msrlo tiiil'ont. limine iMCklillUl Minnie tS' l.riin. Km It'll nee. MIlsLCC ICiiwrsun. I'loreniT F.llliill. I.llllin. F.tniiiclt. llelle ' li'iiinell. Kiltie Kiuiiicrsim, ■ Mii. .in.';, CIIsiiiiMIi Zulu KHM'lla. Mile. FrlDnvotil. IsS'lUllT, llertle Ixt. 'Irene Lang, Xtiinlle lillTllllle. Ulgll l.yiiiu. I'lon'iice La Iteiui. i *■ i Is'ivls, Trlxle Liuigton Sisters l.tuigtoti. Norma I.IHligsloti. ■ '■ ' Mrs. M. I ■• Vain. Hell Liiivri'lii-i. Cnr.'le l.outs'i Florcinv I a Mari'lii'. I'i'.iiikl.' Isiriijoe Livitllii l.tirkllis LlrileW l.iiareoce Ihait.i MisitniMe, HiiIh* Mutllce, Mrs. W. II. Morrison, lliixcl Mitillgiui, Prune Mlltsiurn Mnjii. Wrliim, Vlolulu cDoiuicll i glKlein Mooiv. Kllly Miller. LIIIIiiii Merrill. Mny ItII lir, llnaul Muyer, Miss VIisiii SKI- l,n llllllleltel.Mliyo. He.,1- Hissit's. Anna Sslvuiu Liiliu H. iadler, Jullu « ii ii. Otlve Nlterwouil, llel'inll Hterlbtg. Hoi Sim, mien KlUllyC Hliii'lulr. Iilllii Sola i vllle. Ilelb. rlclihuitl. Ilms'ini I Ilia -tell lll'HI"! Taylor, Horn Trovers. Ik'lle Taylor. Mi*. C. Vauglui. Muls'l Van Camp Itnse Vesla, Net til Viola. Mniiilii Vlolellc, Kra ' Viuiktni. It'll' ' Vinton, linns- Voilder. iMi.bltle Walker. ItOae. Wllllxiii". ■ illsily WlflOli. Ih'll Wlllllillis. Ids Wt'ttglnuil, Ploiisi-ro Wiigi of nit ret. Mm lliu •Ullllins. Llllle Wlllliitus. Uell GHNTMuMBN'H IIIT. Allots, Hiviil 'Darling.' Ii, W. Aniterson. Han lKiveiiiwil, CM. Ackciuntil. K. C Hide .v lVl.Motil Adnuis, Kiuti'ue, llttvery >i Anlull, Hols'M I'lillllis. AlipleKiile. Hoy Dale/, .Ins. Ahull. Holi)Ii jlnvls ilea. C AMiler. M. It. >n.v, Harvey Asliellns, 'Ills' I'llilliiuli, J uell Anils Miinsllclil llenli'li.i Have Algvr, U. P. b'Oriaoutl, John Athiiiis I'ros. lie KtihrlH lltns. Arenaiaeyer, 11111,* Ward lleni] Iktiiov 1. II. Alvlit, Pell* {'rules, Tlie il - HeliiHtitl. .1. ti. tiiirscli. Al. IllnekeiiHiiv II It Htii'py, Kil. iiuii Kit. Al. Ifwey, II. P. Iliilllts'iv, Nisi Hails, Will Unix Ac Asbtoti Hove, Jolui Bowers, K. I). iMIilcnn, W. A. Ilvunetl. Frist Helnvoy, W. Itrowu Hurry A. Uiiitsgiiu Wat. I llurlellM, iTho I'.lli'ii. Al.' lllitttd, l.e Itoy I'linis. Allen Buyer, H. II. Llllsoii. Tom Itlll'lllll, ,1. Ill'i'll e.i.iernu.ik nisi Howell. C. P. F.rli'ksou Joint I'. Ilrouilwti.r. II. Iivi'teii. Hist. Ilnvycr, U. A. Klvertou I lurry Buck. I''. W. CJHc Muslaiil 4 Hiii'kllnn, 'hie Ulselrl. Hurry Uermic, Clltl Itniery, Frtsl Bryniit, Sum I'dwnrils, Al. Byroli, iieo. Ift'riuisnii. Have Baker * Lynn Ural. Ilirney lliil-li-li-inl. I'd Fusler, l-'j-illtll Bluekbuia W.ll. I'ksHl. F; A. Ileyerle, II K, FeniMtll, Juek Ihistml. I'lFlshnr. I'lmer jitnwiiii'e alloHJFuller, J. II. Burlow. P. W, Fern, Harry S. till nt. P.M. ' 'Frey. Henry Burtvii. Hiuiies Fay, MuMile ,v HurtiniFlltgertihl h llarlelll. Venue Huhluy llnyee. ,lnes Fenielle, Henry Htvcii, t"lui». II. Foster. (Psi. Ilernler. Frank Fowlers. The Hen Hi J. Friuix. Hut. Hrnylon-Firrixsi. t-'tanl. III. I lev. Ullir IFUXV-UVX . lllllshuiy. J, ll.,'Fliiherly, llil'di Hearil. Blllv iFnx. I'slwlll tile. Hots I r./hte, I'. I'.. Ilnaks, lieu. H. lI'ls'lteli. h..,, HouiiiIhIi, Flunk Huffy,,'flini Ihirton, Noll 'liirilluer Will H llulley. Frank Haginui Ih'rt Brewer. Ciiiis.W'l'corilc. I'.luln linriieii, 'tinnliiur, Hen, II AI Usui tluy, limn ltianl, Hilly lins-way. Hurry llules. Tola n ilrwit. A. W, Burlitii Frank U. liemirw, tlave Ktiekliols, Hfi. flcnoni *• H.illey llulfrage. tiro, (iiiyiior, <leo. Hurry, Hick * tlnyer, C, Hiilly UmsIiiuiii. S. Carroll, M. J. tjiilly. H. It I'MjIoll. J, |„ t'HIToril. II. M. Crockett, «'. F. CulltUIH'. VIlUM* * Weston Curl. Hurt Calverf 1'onke. Will J. Cnnviler Waits. Curtou,. Joi» W. I'riiir.tnl. H, ». CimiSKlf, .Ilia. F Ciiinlllo & Foiiti tlarvelh, Onml I'llrelle Cliupis'll, M, P. I -.1 o T-. '111,. Cortex, II. I'm ,1,1., II. Carrol. Titos. A. Ode * Johnson CuHtrllluii. Inuaelo Cook. IM. w. Cameron. (Jeo, ClllMSI, W'.,P. OiKSivells. Cycling Cm-hi Hen • in lh> ih. i- II. Cot,.- ivilhai t.'is-Mit Frank tj. (■hiirllem. A. Carutliers. Clus. Cite, Ldwla 0. Cos un Ifriiuk A Caapbefl * ' tjneue. II. T. titles, A. I). Illeiniiti. .1. L. Htlfortli. Mr. * Mrs. Marl Herons', I'jnl llrnul, Vllff W. Hiilllgitii. Jus. T llrlnumlo * -. .'.... , Ford nubia's. Joint Hull. Ueu, F. IhislhiK", Hell' lluinl'Stolt. A rlh. HllK". Mux HilmiiiiiTid. Cbas. H. tlnluoiiatd. ,1. II ilout'eii; Lurry Howard, Hunt > llurrls. >;. w, llimltey. J. II. lltirrlHisi. Pllll Hiiri-i* JnllllHlli Hurl. Hilly j Illl'ley. lenl ■ llll. II III. ill, Fl.trl v, n.,i, north, lluwiey. (m Itllttt, llerl.-ii I Inn i. M. A. Ilyde A, lieulh lliltlle. Jollll llUih-rr.i ens ihiil. v. a. •. ..Ilohui's, H. HlarkeIHertsrt Victor reiia. II h lid i.l lllurrlii. Htilii ' ( nrita, Carlo illotratil, Win. Oosarme, Thou. Ilowiinl, Frank tstlnlfhiie I. W. Ifesloli, 0. T. Herbert Frisl T. Ilitiilliicr, lllllle lltou'j, Mauler I tin liin.l Caul llenili, I'll. J. Hiiniuil ,V :■ Dialer Hurrhiglob, I All II. In I UK. 'I'll..-. II Irish, Vonuiui Jirlulnl Fred .1, Jeiione, Kliaer Juiidts. ins.., M. iolles K Will ton Olltlroll. 11. J, .Inr, I Hill- A. ,loin-, I 111!.!. Jut-vis. lien .lollllKl.ll, .1. M. .ItirLr.u. Iv. T. .tl'iae, Ihigi'ue Jtliijes, Harry .,'oliusoa, Nut Kh.k.l.l llllli iM'tilieil.v. J. J. 'Mill J N. J. Kiaixwell, I Kelly, Chits. J. King. Hurl H, Kliigtlou, II. i Kerstuids, Hilly Knlx, Ia'wIs lietll. K. Kelly. II. P. Keel hi , Ullll Lsey. Il.< A. U Hoy, Pleree l.eiilin.l. ||, II. I/ester * , Monro i 'no...' Hurry l,t|tiils'r(. W, I-:. I.isi. Frank Ism-Is. Jtieli l.iiiiiliiiiil. Itiini v I ,!■'mart I , * Fulton ; >"'.. -.'in.. i Ike l.linleiiniiiiii l',.M l.nliule.v. Ii.-.l LiH'klmrt's a-1 - -1,11.■ ■. i ■ l^tflers, Willi-)' Istrilyui'. It. IV. Vnrdn II-. 'f. t'.nlit'ri' HfVa, Hlt.ivv C.iD'Wls. lieu J, Issuer. 'Klelitiril l*e. I lurry Llnil. Harry II. I stud it I cifljl Lewis. Jollll K. I.i'iimie. Jlut Lit Veil, . Frji.k F. I. milium. I»nil Lloyd. HerlsTi 1.:: imi nee. Ilei I Lynns, Tina ii< Clair, llnrry Melsltaw, W. Murphy ''I't's.I'. Munihy J. Then Muck, K. MlO'k. CllUS. MnlH Ins. II. Moulmiu Hurry Marline. A. Moll. C. H. Ma rll n. Hen Meyers, Sinn Mu'it. thus. Mullet', .Ins. Molds-. Win. Mill,-it.- Wm. MelX, Jin. MeNiilly. Win.l' Miti-iliiuiil. lint tlurnly. John F Moslilci, H'UI. Mrflnroi J. McNnmie Millthlleld, ':.!.. r. H. a. Mho... C. Miirllu, K. J. Mliqthy. ,1ns. W'Uillilia .ties .1 • -('■ Mi-ii,... i MeAilsui. A. II. Jfi.Ke" Harry 'J. Vtf^.ret las. Murphy *— .', . Andrei > Mitchell, i H. ••', Munell. rttfis.-' Hu'i, A lir Moiifssi lln,-:'! Vlo'ireheiol. • Ilin.'. Milross J. A.- Mark tlraiL'r AAl.. Co. Martin, Frniili Miller. Hay MlS'ker. J. Miller.- K. I .'-'-ii Mli|s. IM'i.ird .Murrls. Jliniule Miller, sain i:. Miiilutid. Hurt Mcl-'ste. Jans-* MIX. C. I.. Maticro. l!eo. s. .Mullen A t>irn'lll Xlurk. Win, A. Mariyme Meeker, <Jt«. N'itrrl-, Bert Xelser, lleury Nnule. Han Ni-Im iii . Tin*. 11 S'nsou e'rnuk W. Nerrls. \Ve»l»y NotVllu. Have • Nnxle .t Ailsuis Mi'liols. Ulllis. MiUirtiis. llie Hiiio. A rlh ut- IllUin Harry Hflaitey, bi ll'llnilrke In , lint-ieI | I It'll III. Hen IIII'I'IIIIUI. I'.lll • ('Nell. Tniii iii-'linu, Utiii. '■bcrtl. J. I'lillllis.. JlM' IVIiv. Iliiri'} M I'Milbl'. II. IS I'liili'ti ,\ Fli'ielier PHI. lieu. I. feck. Jim ItilS * k. ,lll,i-. lUllersnn. It. II, Pallia*, i'lsil ,1. I'nliiler. .luck Pearl. IV U. I'eill.oil. I'mvels. .lulu. M Penney H; Altil. t'nliilnn. Una iiniietia. ill-mi III-,' tnilils, l-ini'le Iltlisller, Tony Husiwll, Plill IUi|i|ti«.)ti Wall. lease. Iluri'v Wlrin, MW, .Mr. «t Mis It Ice A Weaver [h'osl. Claude hasvaU. I.oitli nVae. IHrry Klrhey. W. I'. Itisnl. F. II. Heed. Una Ittlio. Kd. lieildlux. Kil. llolttiliiB, Win I., Rnblscli .v • i Childress lilley. T"il Uobertsoii. tt'lllm-il lilley. Win P. *licruuni. I. II. Syluw "inllli, Clllis. II. ntewiirt ,* Unnaad stMrint, Arthur 'teeiUnmse. K. sitiek. .Mllfiivd slnieiiiski'i-. J.II. siulih. Peter J. siitlih. Clin*. II Hweiilmaii. Wtllli P -Si'linilill. Frtsllt. ileriiinl. .1. II. Sidney: Hist, ■struuuhl. P.. II Hindu. J. It. shnpMiii. i;,i. Sisill. tosi, Al. Hlill'.ioiin. I'tins .slnsls I'mitllv I Hiiin I kT... Iniii.l- , Hiultli. A. V Kterlleg. .Al. Stanley lltirr.t.H. Mlesriirl * Itnyiiiiiii-I t-'eflon, llnrry Siiilllitll. J. P. "Illtlt.'ll. lireul Khaw • Hha» SlnrkiviJI, I'M Terry. J. II. Tenner, p.. Trueauell. 11. M Teunewin', Win. •i'ru»ly Sidney it. TIM-M. U. J). terry, ■ lurry Ti-rrrll l-'taui i: thitiiui Priiutill TrevelHek' H.iP Trlieda,' Van. tits, X Vice * violi. Vnlentlur. S. Van. I'rof. n. Van Is.r ii. M. Van Neea, , Wilson Vriliuiira. The Varney. V. A. t'lncnt. Jack Van Hentieslser. Don tis-rg. I V lineal Wilson. II. 'run U ArelileC Wurieii lllllllalll. ItnlsTl Tnlistn, I Ins Wltlte. ,C. Wllllanis'Cliarllc Wan. I'll. Wuterliury t:. V Wuterltury K.M. Wanl, Will II. Ulilli-loue. .Nat Wi'Slua. Have With. W; II. Mullet- f, Crookrr While, P. U. Warden, tt.tM. tt'uni. L. i v i While. Fret C. He.I.l Wilson ,v tiiii. WisbI. Ueu. A. WIIsuh * Piuiusle.f Waller. Alfred Whllely ,V IkII VVitst. K. Lewis Wll Jits.' A. Wild, Win, V.. Vork. Pllll Viiiiiii. Mr. Voting, Prank A Zeiilo. i lieul Zevii. Kdwlli Zi-lnis. l„ Znl-lllls. I'lnsi HKV. xi 11< i: vi in:\u or lint. A speelnl iiieellnit nt' Ihe p'rhirs will ho belli in Kis'ii's Chop House. 7H West T'lilrly- sixth Hi reel. Friday, Aug, II, ut HI.IIII I'. M.. for llie |iiU'|Htie of iii'llng an the proposition of lui'iiriiiirallng u club, In pnrsiiiiueo of sec- lion V, nf-tlie ineiiiiM'rshjp law. The action, of. ineniberH 'ti|Nitr the /iilltnvlng resultifloiv \vlll I lien he hud: lli'solvcd,. iluit the <|l lectors ■M tile Krllirs ('lllh me milliorlzi'd and ill reeled 10 lite ..rpiii-ale stich club pursmint to sett Ion V, of Ihc iiuyoibershl|i corJKirulloH law, mid in execute nud llie eertlllcqle, and lake stich ill hot' und fill liter stops us may lie! primer and uecvstuiry Ihernforc. I''inns Wllliiim K. Hemple und W. Floyd have ri'initieil nrogn>sa III Ihe mailer or tun Film- cigar, ihe insureds from which. If curried nut, will be devo.ed to tho building fittld. It was »ln.»ii Unit it probable rnveitiie of frunn six Itr twelve (lioustind dollars tK-r yenr might be derived In this way. Frlui-s Hemple, Fluyd and Hiiiitge II. Murray weru llplWllllrtl IIS. I« IS'l'lllllllelll. I'llllimllll'lt on chiiir. I en i le marks, etc. AVells Hawks,-' thu Frhir ablsyl, called u s|iei!liil iiiwIIiiu Of dm club for. Ihe ppriMise of Inking nctlilu Inwiird Iniiirpoi'iilloii. for hrlday, Aug.' P. ilm law rh|ltlrlng Ihlrly ilitj'rilutli'o lo all iiieuits'i's for such special llll'tillllg, , ,, The rninnillleii. mi club, rooms reported pro- gross. A I. tho Ids' mis-Hug of tile IWUl'lT Of gnvilriiors Hie riillnwlllg ciHltllilalcs worn elected In active membership.: Frank Mur- ray. M. L. Phillips. Hum W.Coiobai Al.-II. Caiiliy, A. II. lh'xter, VV. H. Miller nud. I|en Htel'll, v .... Tlie I'lillnwlng t-aiitlldulcH were elected lo nssoclute .Hieuilicrshlp: A, lliildwlu- Htoauc, Frank Dniirei'IA. C. Nullierlund, K H, Itoseii- liuiim lluri-y ('. Deiuulll, (leui'ge llroudhlll'sl, liiiiies It. Ilnrloii, Kilwlii II. Price, II. II. Uuiii- slth;. Ilemy M. IllOssoin und Wallc'f Jordan. The' following candidates Were elected Jitv members : JosepTi Hurt nud Henry D. Uoyil. These members are I'loolcd iindur tho new ciiisl llul Inn ii* lo elussillcilllou, lilltlntlou fees tniii dues. Initiation fees and annua! iiiisi should ho sent | 0 lliu Friar tacosurer, Jolui W. Illunsey. it|sm iiolllleailuu of elec- licit. 'Pin- llll t III f lull fit* fur llcltVC lliclllls'l's Is sin, anil ilm aniiuul dues Is »|(l. The liilllnlloii rue for nsHneliile iniunbei's In fin, itildlhe iinuiml dues IIS. Tlie Initiation fen for lay iiiemlwrs u »•.•,-,. and the annual dues fail. • >'o one, excepllng an active member, bus tbo right to propose or second a candidate for nay class of incmbci ship, mid 00 cltqdl- ilklo pi'ii|ioseil ui' sirouded by nii'iutlve inein H>r, not In good standing/ wjll'bc considered by Ihe guveiiiors. Ton iujectlun. linden the constlllitliiii, n pin.umil letter lYimT botll priiposer uud secoiidet'|ciVgardllig Ihoi'catidl. date for iiienibershl|i, must /toconipuiiy ■ nil proposirlM. 'Phese -letleit* shniild -be: selil to tho I'ori'i't ismdliig secix'taryi w'lln will pre- seiil I hem ut Ihe next 'iilwHliig. of Ilm luitiril iff govei'iiiirs. All iii\ajs>auls M* niioiiberahlp must be dm eil. as H'la noressary.iiiutkir the eiilislltiill lo |s«t' HlooliBino ut eiinli cull. illilulu for mi days prior .to his I election. Ilil' I'llnr ll'i'ilslii.i- lids! nulled iilletitloa tn llie file I: Hmi a gii'al.fliiiiiyIhieiiibarsvnrii In niTe.irs uf dues.- mid 'ifbi; governors .laive nrtwrwi lliu I no dt l.llli|lieiH* sliKII hi) liiililiknl lu Hie yenr Imuk, which will he published mi of before Oct. t. The I'lillinilng candidates have been pro- posed for nellve ineinlHi'shlii: l>. Henkle, press' l||tnl for (he "Tile Time. Hie Place and the Hlrl". Co., inopAiied by K, Iv. Allen, ueeiindcil bv Wells Hltwks: lleiijamlii Kohn. agent <if "J'lwi Vandorbllt C'nv"/ proposed by Llpinaii ICiu'ih;, secitiidi'd by Henry F. Orccuc: Ii: ..■•".'.. ,Jrov ''' * ml ngent for W. B. .Vmkevllle, nrtnaiMd by Qua Metllilie. aoeiiiidisl by Joseph McKeon. Ccluiiel II, F, lllekeralarr. of tho lltiltisl "lilies 'Lllhognipli Co.. has presented III" Irlurs wllh one dozen packs of cards and four hninll -.1 chips. .MeinlsTShlp enrds will Iw sent to all l''rlurs In naotl stiiiidlng, wllli thu next weekly lu,lice. Wells Hawks, the Abholl, was coiillnoif lo hU limn, • ||| Kockvlllc Cenli'e, L. I., hist Week, and FrlniN Wirlluee Mmiro. Smlili Turner. Jos. Jiirinun, Llniniiii Keenc uud IJugeiic K. Allen were ii|ipnliiied us u cniutulllee to call nlsiii filial. They round Hie Abbott (thu presi- dent i suffering front muscular ilicnaiullsiu. hill itble to Im; nbniit. The Frlnra were given il hourly reception by Mr, Hawks, and Mrs. Hiiwlts cooking was thoroughly enjo yed. '•"tfU.- Hvi.i.vfi''oad- bis' uTctiirc liiiblfsheil hv 7 An Hull IM-i: rrlbiiiu; Halt Lake City. Utah,'on July I. He was appearing al lliu Lyric Theatre I here nt Ihe lime. Mr. Oyllyu was In Hu.'t. I. eke ilrs' lu INT?, with the Ads IHi'hiiiuiiil iiperu Co. l\f wus Ihero ugiilii In IHSU. .with "'Ihe Hevll s Ami Ion.", mid Ills lui.t iipiii'iiriiiii'i'. hi Hie in bis reeenI one, u'ti* at I in' t-iult Lake 'I'lientr,'. la IHIW, wllli dpi < oil mi" t;is'r:i *'o., under Ihe uiiiMiigeuieiit. or Jeliiile Kliul'all. when lie iip|s'iired lis the Totfidtir, In "f.'urn'eu."' A coNHi.i.i wus given ut the I'ilks' Home, Itcilfniil citv. Ind., Hmiday evening, July (I, hv the Wills Ciiiffeily Co. •'llie large crowd nt Iiii'IImI i'.iuisI.i iisseiniileil mi Ilm roomy vcriitilii, nial for two hours enjoyed the se< Ii'i'IImiik of lll-lrtlllieulal illl'J vocal ipusl'.