The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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596 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 20. ACKERMANN-QUICLEY LITHOGRAPHING CO, ithograi^h: work Small Editions at Low Prices. Best Quality of Work. Liberal Terms. Large Capacity, Quick Service. Block aind Type Work. Heralds, Dates, Etc. All Your Work in One Shipment. ACKERMAXX-<il IGLKY LITHOGRAPHING CO., 115, 117, 119, 181 West 5th Street, Kansas City, Mo. Show Printers and Lithographers. Coupon Theatre Tickets, Roll Tickets. NEW '""' . —. — YORK OFFICE, 203-204 KNICKERBOCKER BUILDING, I4Q2 Broadway. ALFRED J. CAM MEYER, 6th Ave. and 20th Street. New York, LEADING HOUSE III AMERICA FOR THEATRICAL AND STREET SHOES, SATIN AND LEATHER STAGE SANDALS "CAMMEYER stamped on a Shoe means STANDARD OF MERIT." ALL COLORS IN THEATRICAL HOSIERY. Theatrical Catalogue lolled Fits upon Bequest. CAN FIT OUT COMPANIES WITHOUT ANY DELAY. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. UrWSC «fe CO Which Do You Like- With or Without Hair? The same with a Theatrical Wig that la aold by dealers, or made bj an Experienced Wtgmaker. TRY US. WE GUARANTEE OUR WIGS OR JIOXEV REFUNDED. Second Floor, MtVICKER'S BI/D'G, CHICAGO, ILL. Soubrette Ankle Length Gowns AWT COLOR. ANY ITYIikV any quantity. All Garments made to order from Special and Original Designs. FIT, MATERIAL AND WORK- MAN8HIP GUARANTEED, or money refunded without argument. Hand colored plates fnr- -">LFF. FORDING & CO. " nlined tree, on request. WOLFF, FORDING & CO.. 81-04 Eliot St., Boston, Mass. OTTO ZIMMERMAN AND SON Music Printers and Engravers 5th and Sycamore Street*, CINCINNATI, OHIO QUICK SERVICE GOOD WORK LOW PRICES WRITE FOR CATALOGUE THE GREAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, THE_ ""> THEATRE REVIEW, 14 Leicester 8t., Leicester Square, London, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, 8*. 8d. PER YEAR. 2a. Od., Single Column Inch. "»"«' DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky goods when yon can handle goods that will sell themselves. Electric Belts from |l per doz. up. Large variety to select from. Inhalers, 76c. perdos.: Voltaic Insoles, Mo. doz. pairs. Pure Cocoanut Soap, $2.90 per gross. Fine Medical Batteries. Send 76c. for Sample No. It E. B. Trial order will convince. One-third cash required. Largest Manufacturers of Electric Bella and Appliances In U. S. A. Established 1878. Lecture and price list free. THE ELECTHIO APPLIAHOE CO., Inc., Burlington, Km, $HORT YAMF SHOES, SIZES 1 TO 8 * ALSO FULL LINE SATIN SLIPPERS. INDIVIDUALS AND ENTIRE COMPANIES FITTED OUT J. GLASSBERO. B8 Third A v.., Bear 1Mb St.. New York. M "THE WIGGERY" Stand* tor wigs that wig the wigless. 10* STATE ST., 3th Floor, Chicago, IM IN METAL, IRIDESCENT, BLACK AND ALL OTHER COLORS. BOO DIFFERENT SHAPES. BHLLOT BROTHERS, Manufacturer., AT W. 3d St., New York. Actors' Society of Memben are requested to notify the Secretary when they have made arrangements. N. B.—MANAGERS will And it to their advantage to oonsult the Secretary when engaging people. RALPH DKLmOKK. Pres. MARK ELLSWORTU, Secretary. flOIKfl To apply for lowest rates at ■a MDL TADSIQ'8 BZ0EUI0B 0PTI0E, 1 " lot East ltth St., New York, German Savings Bank PITDADF Building. Telephone, SOW Qramercy. Cable ad- bUavrtf drew Slaneslg. AH printed matter and Inf. free ORCHESTRA LEADER ™H* AT LIRERTY ACCEPT PERMANENT LOCATE ONLY. Eastern cltr preferred. EXPERIENCED IN ALL LINKS. SOBER. UNION. G. B. BERGMAN. Star Theatre, Elgin. 111. ATLANTIC GARDEN, SSgVg s'. n BLATTTk#SANfTS prietors: «ID FERN, Sole Mgr. WANTED all kinds of Vaudeville Acts at all times. Address all to SID KRRN. This house will be flttcd with steam heat and will be ran ss continuous vaudevlllo house year round. Never close. JUG6LERS' SUPPLIES- Cluba, Batons, Out, Uoillag Gio' kllan'isparasaa^Uotaaa u InwiHoV S#w. Taa wyaa, .VMTTD STATES AN0 FOftCKN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make voa a fortune. Ifyouhavea PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. SONS or BOOK that Is worth anything, 70S sboali copyright it. Don't take Chances when yon can secure onrserv- I ces s t small cost. Sendfor oar SrTCUl •TrU TO MVUIORS before applying, for a patent, it trill pay you. nUBJBOOll on fcUnUiintmt. We advise If patenta- ble or not, FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Csainltaa, W0RMELLE & VAN MATER, Cepyrrtht a Potest Co. tec »ASruNGT0tt, D. L WE HAVE FOR LEA'S AND SALE Advance Privilege, Bt* .age. Stock, Au- tomobile and Merry tid-Roand Cars. 60ft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE OAR COMPANY, No. IMPMonadcock Building. Chicago, 111. UNIFORMS BANS, IIUTABT, HInSTBEL OUTFITS CAIHIVAL COS., ISHEBS And All Others Sesi far UTAltC. lutlM thi fates ttlil Atkilloi Clvti tk PrifeulM estern Uniform Co. 314 8. CLARK ST. CHICAttO ft Tell It To Me" 3d JTJBT OUT. For sale on all trains and news stands, or by AUiLSSe. Address EZRA KENDALL, 1 Oadwetl Awe, Mayfleld Heights, Cleveland. 0. Do YouWANT MILITARY GOODS ? I BAND UNIFORMS, ABMT or NAVY SUITS, ITKNTS, QCNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERT I DESCRIPTION. From Government Anotton. I No matter what yon want in that line I can ! supply It. New or second hand. Send for I catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, U3 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. ■ Cotton Tights, ;hts, from 89.95 ■PI 811 koline Tights, aa.uO; Worsted Got r ■ *ig>ts tmteh, amps en, Bl.OOt Blartle Snppoi 11.00) Cloth Sapporters, Do cenU Tights. ll.DOi 8 Ishlrts gt fl.00; UkTt to h, all same price as tlgtita: Pamps 36 cents) Qalt- orters, Send for catalogue and samples of tights, free. Positively a de- pot it required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPIOER BROS. M Woodbine street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; New York Offloe. Lincoln Bldg.. 1 Union Sq. CALL MoMAHON'S FamousTheatrioar RESTAURANT #T» SIXTH AVE. Bet.Mtnand?9th8ta. NEW YORKCITY. Best of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked, Dellolously Served. Prices rea- sonable. Special Din- ing Room for Ladles. MILLER. MANUFACTURER of Theatrical Boots & Shoes CLOG and BALLET SHOES a spe- cialty. All work made at short noUoe. M W. sad Bt, New York. Tel, loo Chelssa. Flu Magical Apparatus. ILLUSIONS, TRIORS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, no., free by mall. Catalogue of Parlor Man free MARTISEA A CO., Mfrs., MS Sixth Ave, H. Y. VUil UN 10 OUDLW. BOUGr< T .Vsosotu nus A V BOCWNCr i04l'HV^os- ii 01 AVCA.MTM DAWDJCOilrt^O^Kf VWi. SANTH ■ CAPSULES" CATARRH otthm BLADDER. Relieves all I Discharge 1 1III TO WUE lit me II (IM PUBLIC Enns We Have Only the Latest aid lost Complete Line of loving Fictare Machines and Stereopticons. By writing us before buying elsewhere, you can save money. The best is always the cheapest. NEW IL LV STRATED CATALOGUE FREE. T. H. HeALUSTER CO., 49 Nassau Street, New York. MAKE A FORTUNE WITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES. If you want to accumulate wealth quickly, start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and draw the crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity. Write to us to-day for full information. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue. Orange. N. J. Moving Picture Men, Attention!! SEND FOR BOOKLET "FILM RENTAL FACTS" It Is absolutely free—mighty Interesting. Send name and permanent address. THE G. N. Y. FILM RENTAL CO., 24 Union Square, New York HQHNER. Harmonicas, Accordions, Blow Accordions For those critical professional players whose artistic reputations are partly dependent upon the fine tone quality of the particular Instrument they may- play. These instruments have no equal, and fill the bill for Vaudeville. Per- formers who MUST HAVE THE BEST. HOHNER GOODS ARE FOR SALE BT ALL DEALERS EVERYWHERE. 'ORK. 475 Broadway, NEW CANADIAN OFFICE, T6 YORK ST., TORONTO. HUMB Theatrical Shoemaker For 15 years at 103 4th Ave., is now located at -%4-% SIXTH AVE., oor. 27th St. Always leader for bis nigh heel satin slippers, dramatic and fancy burlesque boots, wooden and spring clogs, acrobat and gymnaBtlo, negro Bboes, ballet san- dals, etc. 1 1 urnlsb entire prodnctlong. Everything to order, neatly and dnrable. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 281n., S7.60 : 28!n„ f 8.50: SOIn., $9.50; 381n.. $10.50; 40ln.. $12.00. Circus Trunks. 24x18x18, $7.50. Bill Trunks, 30x23x15, Inalde, $12.00. Lltbo. Trunks, 42%x28%Xl2, inside, $16.00. Shipped on receipt of $3.00, bal. C. O. D., except over 300 miles, then remit whole amount. SIMONS & CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est 1864, 8. W. cor. 7th and Arch Sta., Phils. LEATHEROID TRUNKS. SO TIHES STRONGER THAN WOOD. LEATHEROID MFG. 00., 632 B*way, N. Y.,neoT Spring St. LIGHTER THAN STEEL. Send (or New Theatrical Catalogue. SHOES FOR BTAOE, 8TREET AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE 8TYLEB AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp ■«•* Stage Lasts always on hand. Mall orders Oiled. Fit guarai teed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, • _ Tel 568 Madison Banare. 509 Sixth Ave;, near «l«t »t,, N• J- ALL COLORED BLIPPER8 MADE TO ORDER IN 24 HOUBJ TUMES ADAPTED FOR STOCK OR REPElt- TOIUE, Either Dramatic or Opera, from stock or built to order. Soubrette and Character" built from design onr special!} Agents for Boon's wigs. COSTUME CO., " ealgn h's Wigs. TUB Haverhill, Mais. 111y. N* k* if UOOKEK-HOWfc PLAYS For Stock Companies, (or Repertoire Coapults, for Alitor LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books for some amusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jotley • «« Works. Catalogue Free I Free I Free I ____. SAMUEL FRENCH. IT W. SM St* New Tat*. WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC And thi Utnt and Hon Popular Stylta In Udlat Hair Drttslrn- A. HI. BUCK & CO., 119 N. Ninth Street ..... FhiladoIpH"