The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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51)8 TI£E NEW YOBK OIJPPEB July 20. On \u Roal ragr.)— All Hi.ntr* Meat Itertel. »*ilgt •I'hnn Sntn.rdn,- PreecOlllir Onlc of tastte. J, III IT "Iter J. I'llui- (Mm.. IS ■«). U> Heath. |.„r 8iipplfinci.U .I 1.1-t So* Another qriiM. IIIIAMATIl ASO MI«H'AI.. „,-,„ i Milton * Knmi'Ul Aiwr »■•»■)- mats ) — LirlngHon*. tSuiek «F. II. Ul i N rtMl* Cleveland, 0.. IS. ItMlcflnlt*. „. „ Lyrlt: Cohioilr. Kelly * Mds«y 4 s (Walt mw, t»«r. I— laiUirop'' Slock' HI. I'-. Lothi-op. iiigt.)4~Boatoii. ,M|I«S.. 13. IllllCflllllC. ., :,; „ l.n Starr Husk (Hurry l,n Marl 4 . uigM— Ik-vert: ikucu.•«*»».. in. iinMiMiiP. ■ L-m.. :.» Almni. ui«r».)- mgr*.)— .. IS. In- nmr. 1 * T.shii.gioii. iV."«". IsriiSMimu. Ah.n oSrn 1 M»l« *•* « M """" Xcaark. X. J- !••• lntlcltnlU- OlKITi I Milton ft HliW'lil New llnvi'h. Con ., I". liMUHiniic. Al.MiiIt i'm MIII.HI * lifflfill A "* ,r " I hireact 4 . Mn»-.. IS. Indclliilie. Ardtli. Kaiwlo."l.s-k-Wdalilngiol.. !»■ <- AlSwwi* <k. r. *»» ■w-» : i , """ 4 * 4 " i <' 4 u .i-vorll. Hlwk I Arthur J. A»fc*W«'• ' ll.ililll.-lil, Nov.. M< "f. W ""la Lnlrllnllr .VII... ConiwIJ—Wlchlln. ''•'"■•'.". .'S't T; lain, X. V., 15. lmlt>lll.lle. B».|tni Ideal Optra (Mwlii U.niMl. Oily,.Mo.. B** iLiflnii Opera-- Xi walk. X. J. imi-rtu stock H-WJ.. «f«6 M.i.. IS•*!.. Marshall ,*|.-' lluryiiHt. (Fred UU** II nab.. IS-Alllf. .3. iiiiMwiii-M«itiik> tw«jj»JS: DullnH. 'IV*.. IS. luilellntle Jlinvli (Albert llrow'i Miis-.. IS. Iiidrllnltc. Hurra * Itarto Ww.-k ->(•«• I'lt'H- -Jiti- >—B««r- Pllllfl'SOII. lllgT.I — ..' is Aug. a. llHtcl— Columbia. I nigr.1 — Us'"""". Iliil.livlii. mgr.l - infr.l— Milwaukee. nigiM-i-l'iill "Iter. BvtlCont. Muss.) IS, ll.irt.mW..- an* «Barry 11... Ion.*- .Ir^Hi.s'k .%Mwi nUtM-Uki* fen* nr*«M llomwlV.. liUm Bryant. ingr.)-Co..l ten- LirMllli atouit—Ml. ,f.»oh1i. Mil. IS, l.iijt'rii<l'« Hiiiiil (A. Mm 11 8liuw. m«f./- I1.11.1. u..' lr.-iiH. , j ., IjIvIwii-v HiiikI— iM'liiiilrtii. I'.i.. IS. lliiMlnlii', !Uh.4 AllHre* IW. M. VVllkhiHull, lnkr.1- .Win iii>, Vk'.. A«»., 19-Hnii. 1. .MuiCliur. (Hit: 1.1,. M. fllll. Mtlff.t—l-MllMrttfa.. Illl).. i IS-W. Ml t'tlj lll-JJ. itllrlwll. IVini IJiwIoii (J. W. itHlHUW. uiKf.)-- I'mllli'MTlliv, Iml.. J5-30. I'crll 1I2-»T. mum Htotk i\v. d. Miniiw. mm-.)-omMfehs Jlclwiuilil Kloeii IU. W. M.-lKHiiitil. mitr.l—Jii.'k- Jlilutluiil Hlwk MMfiMr McCvllli m»r. i—> I'oi-Tiiiiui. if*., in. imicmiiii...... , , .Mai'ilillluti I'liilnrK (lk*i Mncnilllun. nmr.l— In- .UfMiiMitiViKkh..- n-ai). uiiuiiiito aa-Aiiit. j. > »lMil<: HltK'k-AlUMiX., S. T.. 1«. Inik'llinil". mm,- Ilmmh, Uloek—tliiiilliwlmi. I""'.. ''I 4 **. WitiMixfi aa-Ut. —:- .\lillili:Tlliiit U|»'l-.i,lll)'liry T,i>l..r. mgi.• -Klililfi. X, Jf., iH, liUillnllP. - . « i MiJidllWiiMtotii (Burtou• MirMatmu. mttr.)—noli- iinoh. ill.. ,5s!ii>.•., ' »_. "Mm lif lliP ilullr 4 ; tllriii j- & iirbrnwr, nmbi.i— K. V. eiljiin, imlelull*. a- •'Mnli Mr.llii) il.iiir' 4 lliwuij- & OrUmi-r. iiibI-h.)— Cllcdkn. 111.. 15. liklMllillc. ., , . "Mli. 'SMkie. nt III.; Cullbi!^ Pnlri" jl.lrtilw.* «•<».. iim^K-UiUiU, Milk.. IS. IlKI-lli'll- 4 . , •Mnl.1 iiiiVI Jlii- MlllLiinilrc' 4 (M. M. Tlit'lm-. Utki'.i — it,* tj >Mr is. iiuiwlniuv OI)lt||iii U|ifi,i (I'd. V. HWimutt. mp 4 .)—NwV Or- It'lUlH. 1.11 ' Illnjlliid Dr.». 4 -XIWin*iitli. I" a "jJ.^V wrn. It... 10. Cmlcrtillc 10. WP"* .., iMiitiuv imuk a— gaSpsf- 4 iJriJLJ; *rm«f.- li.ll«>. UnmejW'Ikll; «»• X 4 *-'-",'; t 4 *ll»l 4 I<.l U '»-Trlhl.l...l. B>l*. Jf. i .U .'igWt.ys •UirtkJ- Koril III.' UM SO. Onnlwi • Hf • Kim.. 'nlrtdri. Utmut K.—I.lllk>-Wdrtimglim, X. •"•• MH*kr!t*Mttf lllrrl KIItit. in*] 4 .'—jfe^Eff mWii.. Iumh w. *«-»• fSmm i". ■"■■ *&&.*&. K^towhT. .v. v.. IS..Al'««JJJJ! ,'!| 4 TlwtMB M ll«l» 4 "« , il 2S, Akfunwlrlu *Mir »• M.i»;. IT; Wi.ltl.BW l»L«S*2 .•'• oiihiui. an:*r aa. >v«rwii tf. «*«» J'- Wi-HlUa-lil H. (.lirvtrr ao. Dultvn -'• ibe Ker- BtiHlnr»H Iiaa b*en ifooil «"'! jjj MtStBl.IiAXIilOi'l. iliinil Ar*nu' (r'rnnk <!. tl IS. tlnU-illillt-. i.Miirllli ilfik. Ol'MikUiil 81o<.k i.Mdfllli Ut-i i:\lt, l;.. is. HhWIii t*. I'llj-loti IMm 10. 8. ntitm . Ark..,H,AII|i. »■ milivlll 4 .'. I'lll.. 15-AiW. It I'llljijln 8lik-.k I lliwli Tgttm HIUM—Hdlt tnktr ilutr.)'—Mill* iluck. Wllliiril, iimr.i—Jni-k- I'lil'iili* Cii., iimn". i -hi, I'Hiil. MTiuir.. in-A'iw. -ij. .1). inRf.l- u'r. Pa.,' ln-aii Hi-unit npnu.'li LiiiHi**' Hi mil., is. iiiimnuiH'... -|l!1.VKl|.|- 4 l« MlllW' 0' liilim' UiiaWia mMMnn 4 . Krnll'Clr Inar.i—<*fttm. ill- is, iiiili'iliiil*. "Ilri.WMli.r-N M(llk.i«" |«lili»- r 4 ml.l.i..ii. nmr.l- Lauil«ii KtlK-. IS. liimtllllH 4 . . ..W'claiw.h': thnwljl I'fuliinnli. «>#■<- rnirtuo. in., is. in.vpitnUfe. .a.. ., • m lnk"rV O il" l««rrj- MUni.llM.. tUfr- te< »"■ TSrl x*I... an, I'lijiiiMt aa. AMfflW «»...".¥i- inn. .'i — rci'uiiiil-Ujriaili* H'ly 44 ' . i.'.illllnMil, 8. (.:., ft, iMlclillld. ,.: HfiSTSBili"• M*irl«. In., is,Jniw-mili*. Ktic I'di. Il-SO. Norfdlk. V«., aJ. IlklrlluUl.. ■'PMk'K fiii'l »>■»•;tlC. 8. (.'dlldfilih. uwtM-I'dH- d«. Fd Ti'iilrlo. .Mali.. CdM.. IT. W>I*M Mdilk IWllrfi.l lto«cr«. nlBM—8»li tun- lloril l. 4 uiln.itdii Bond (J. Mi lllm. inftT.'— Olllilllii. iNl'lll 4 .. IBiHi^l. IS. Infill, Ar llli'ljr IWlul.lJta.. IU Vllu. MiRr.i- l(il\llli».»l*. Ail.. ts#i. Li. fi.wti.U liiuIm iiuiiii ilwncM o. UuiunIk. mm-.i i -AniiiuiAttijiK-. ill,. lfl-Ht.. 4 ,„ „,_, baflS l.ft,oi*d Ortiwlr^ ^Merlicrl O. aaMMk, ClilrtKv. iWi-.i— mStrir. Iff... M-flK. Rtfl|, Hi)n> lll*«r,v li. IlklrlK. Idgr.l— I ill,, 13. imli-llli)(i>. „ „ >;. m MfinaHk kilwlli. Pl«'}*n< tttdllrr 8/ltliidp, iitfr.l —NuwirtdirM DrUVf. W*r.. 1*46. lUMpurr "ill-"! »nli Fhilil-ldii. Olwrn ItrMk .W. Ilfuly. mgr.l— Krhtlli... ttumi., 13. lil.U'HIIlltj. SliMiiili Oiii-rii |JdM>iili Hl«.t'linii. iii|»r.i,-i lilM,l)..'l3, Imlj-hillU'. Hlni«- - HtoMc aiuriltftrr 8l»iw. iiwi-.l IhMlock'H Anlaul W (r'rwnk c. fl..l"». "•«'■• -Cw«v 1*5, X. r.. 13. M*' 1 ? 4 fc lMi>llK.-k> AnlHior Arefid Irrnnlr 4 C. Ikwtwk. iiiiir.i —XinTolk. Vb.. IB. liKlrtiilti;. > ..... UurtK* 4 Trald*il mid Aliliiml alajw «U. "j iMriic. in»r.|-W4iml|K«g. Cut... IS-Utf. Orawl i'iirk«. s. imk.. aa-ai. _ criilk»ii«iik—Unrloij. O.,' IT. ■jartajBfcW 1».^- |lolll*r 4 » Anlmnl 8lHj«--Cklt-«a». 111.. I* l»'l« 4 n ntlc. Illljhjm.. Ihr- lUtal II 4 . V. M«K«). iiwr.)—. nlr- «fdp, O.-, 18. No^rl)-. Mo.. Ml. 8|.ilnpUiU-. Ark.. 2a W. KrauBln. 0.. a«. 8pHii|tl».|.l «. Joll- KlbkiptoiM (8. II.. IlaMer. mitr.I—rilrr'- Jolirlny i. Join* 4 ilim IHHaianw X. I... 1» Lru'ii OliUs llluwim |J«rk UK iurii— ««l Kalr.llnv. Ph.. 1MB. Miifklo'ii. W. It., |. 4 lunil»« I•«l''«'r- , ' 1 r, !fl ol l 1 'V. 4 aa. likhlli. «l. Kiiint».vllle ai. ■•pari a». Muiili- ■tuinii an. Oi-lKiturllU' a7. I'l-.l-kl-i 4 .•*.'. *.. TiriihrtiK-iil C». ICrajaw* Tprfcr. rtlklT. i—WHiuI'm*. ..M'" 1 " °"" 44 ] '' M ' 0r " l'iitk.'r"8liii«— Skin. xT i 4 .. IMa, llntdfunl. i'«-. l'iitU-rn<l.'« llnrlilvnl Uatan l'Mlviwu. ■BT.I— UUbmiiH., In., lfirail. __. I.||.**n ■\vnlrv 8UOH-—VmiK-lKiw. Kf-. a"., II'J»I'-- n..„aa. hSnSm aa. mjatr a^. ahjhji.. a.i. Itiijnioild. (Dp Oi*»l iMmirli-e K. tldtnlmid. mgt.i —N. v. an la an. i.^, fttkt-t flfof.' "Old . PI«iiUIImi" i A. L, j^ljj - TaawalMWn X. D»k.. 13-80. Blflakitk "kHWhtOo l Baa t va am Wt j a jJ BWi ''J,',- '*•■ >TMtti|iiim ail, lUimcnootl it I. fJarllturtoti ij.. sti-i'li l-'diiilly 8ho«- (Ilnrl Stwl*. mgi-.l—«»>!.- lllktolii, Mli*,; IS-*". • ThohtlikOn'K KntlTtolnt-r* I Trunk TliumpwHi. mgr I -^niboiii ciii. m*., it. is. . I'MSXSVLVAStA. i')UINil«i|iliU A mitolwr of llifiitrc-- tlliftt 4 (ibMi tlii-lr OiHrt-*. wci* of July 15, lu hivitr of iM HUM, wlilrli H lirlilK- iiiK « i+i-okF Ufnukliii-f crbiwl lo ililN rliy. fill 4 bwiiaL'ti' itiHL will .rconcll iirq, Ulc BruW. IMiyimlfi. MlimiwiK null tin' .Uaaaa. jylill.! llli>, oilier lioilwn thai ore rtffl in.e". *n n- I in .In lilit l.iiulnmw. - aaUMgcrl. bo I he cilr- llurry lllnck- lnr Hlmw Opera urimimly." whm i _g " ja ,.,, . |k*t'l to ilo l)l|l liiwfiiHw. : it-CKft- f |. AUK ,|.>. (|. Nlxuli-N'lnlllngel 4 . \i..ii,i,i,i. -aJ» »(«"*• a** •» l,l4 .". , ".■ MMiiinii.. Bl ,-gp, attjgetk*, wiin itu I'cw. limr.l — MU'h.. K. ad. ..ndilliif aa-at. t. •TEtfftSaM-l^W fHlll.TiilMiw CrlKw. Kdrl. lin,-r.^-f^i« Ailltcki.. CsU lS^lDtlollnWc,.. „ . ' (Jmiliii 4 .- iinrt IiIh IIiih.I Illnniird .Smmiv'" l Uii!;.i 1!0 il , «ii 4 l.!k*i.y. micr. Cllfl. III.. IS, Ullk-nillll'. . 4 ..:. , •-('.iiisiv Kid," kiiw * iiviiiiiirH-ciiieiii 4 ". ai .U7. in-liiini 4 liiwri rrnrnw.; U. I^«1f. m»r.i-Ml. I i». \ld.. IS. Unlt-mille. ,,,. ..... taamt KM York «JW fr^*USSffl7 ii,.' ivw-nO« iw, iiw.i r, iiiBr*.)- Htftt- ' 81; <!. iv, WliilcrK, s, -itMlHlhllr. mitr.i—Okliiiit.uiii lit 8W.'l-i.dii-tluii,. In.*., in. Htbt-lt—l-krlliitHl. Ort-,. IS. ilid.llillll'. ■|«Jllil. Wltr.)—lliill 4 *, CHf.tKiR IB-iti., * Mloult (K. in-au. in.. T..yltH, A.IIA-I Troi J Trtjii-illiil iiilcld hhamii. a I inn Jan iVlliilcId liii IW. «'. ,\. Kclilller. ikkr.)— Ihiyimur. II. I.lnldii. mitr.i—Xiir- ;r,l—Hunk." rtbdlUiii IU. t-i-vic««i.iitm. Mi«h.. U-3T. ilroH. tlirdllf. MUWra »Mi»rle Trniw ■AikiuiKiu Cil.v. Kiiii.. is ac Ht-iilliW '"*• "rUHllitHrllurTtlwu" Ul. II. I.llllon. in i_riii- fuilt, VL.Jfiaii. ,__, lil 1 . T» 4 M.■X/l.V.. IT. ChiithiURlly 18. Br •' •' AhtUrlilitl.;«oj.d ia. I'l-aiun. mnnugt'ril.— riitivi-lillon. tile 8liiin- y-ii In IIiIh lluUKi' IkJidu." mid l>ro- Jirtuii* "tlic HolieWllin Olrl" imd "rhc fit illi-s of .Normiiinly" Hie rest of llic week. KHirll's (H. T. Jortiun. itmiiiitti-f).—Xnt SI. avIIIh .Im reriibiHl 4 M. the IK-ddlliier week of 1.".. ivlilli! Hi." iK-wetiiin'i-K iii'e: Killo lie itiklK and eulujinny, tile IHjc t.'lly Kdiir. the Illuhdi' TvlK-wrltei 4 *. Nherttiuii, l>e Korrem «liif t'uUlililiv, the Hellcliilr.. llrotheri). Urlau- 1eUI"« i'ljlilK llllllet. SlhimilhM nn.l l'lnlel. Atliiont nhd Dtiniunt. Sohulc llrt-il'tl nnilcotti- imi It. John V. ■ I'litrtt. Mfo nml Nyne. CImh. " ' Nellie Kllife. Ilfeen llrotliern. K'lW-.N'oirlln inn Ti'iiUUo.j knd '.me klnetotfnph. Mugale I'llm «nu loirt XiI«ti .wei-i' Ktron-t ntta Htq Maa* WdlHW—t'ld- --llciid.-l-will. K.V.. aaa7. 81.11'k il'iiyiie.* !>' IiniiRlicrly 8l.)i'k (lMsne,* B3SnfiJ m &ii IK-imiiv-t Coinedy (ll..l«>rl IM-ataraa, mgr.i- ll.iiii.'. (In.. 13, linlcllnlli.. ' ,.*.„. I),. l.m-iVs lt.i.i.1 1'ltH.l.iirit. IMi.. IS. ln.HAi.llr-. 8l„.k -.Wliiileld.. Ki(i ; .« % llnKl . ,,„,., Klwyn. Irfirne—Wlmlwir. A.I.. I-.-3H. aaaau raw Ml««"' Hl.»'-k III. .1. Kcmii..!. ...Itr.) -Oil Oll.v. I'n ir. "ii Kliiidii. Klwk iSl'llr. A ii.kCh. i —IfWTl- d.-ii.-... II. I.,. IS. IndrflllllO. ... . , . „ LoilLl. Hick --Vllwmikrf. Wl-;.. S, ...elliille. f.i..ii-i- si.K-k—(iniiiii... xci..-.. ia. l ajgjgte , KIIph-'h lldiiil-CWiiilto. Ill-I- 1 ,- «m*»»- |,.v. Kddli. (.Sum 8. i Uh- SlmlM-rl. Inc. inkr".) -X. Y. lllf 13. linlrtliilU'.- - |. r ...i!i.> l.«iii-ii-v,8ni( Lata city, i.. ••». V,.'i'! 1 e!'" , M«k Liter, rwnvtt,' mgr.l- V.... IS. Indi'llnllf.. _ , ,_ I'i-iiIicii. 8lm-k lllm. M, KenlNMi, 4 . nigr.)—An- uiimIii. •tie., I-", InJvajrtlT. . . „, ,. rVrrb. klw-k, llnrlt mrli*. ingr.l—Mlniicinwlla. .VIIiiii.. IS.'lli.h-tlillli'. , ... I'lilinn Si.«-k il. l- 4 nlt..n. niBM—l.lnenln. X.-l... IS. Iiidt'tlnlt... • . „, , ., ..... •t'i,! l-'liitn" (8nm S. kUe 8linl«-rt. Inc.. iiibis.i -N. Y. Clly 15. IndrllirtU'. •i-.tiv Km*" it. J«y smidi. lajnr.l- s-Man wgi II. . Wl».. 17. 18. (>o.l.l<> .». T»« ««"•<*•*• UinlHUtW 31. Ai-nlWiw 23. (Mlk..«l. 2.1. Jlndl- miii.S'4. Rriwwmi 33. Siwrlil 2". . •Kiiiiiij Mr. llwlcj 44 llf ltroix; >V ^.■fP'tr Mnu.«. On*.. Cm.. IT. WliHlMir .Mill". I*. ."'• i " i' IU. 3». r..n.l.H... 31. 81. J.d.n 23. llriuv Itvorgv (W.u.'A. Bi-ndy. nwr.i -UmiiI.mi. I1,!uT,5.,' uu'-Unrli'-'cl-i.-Bc,.. III.. 13. Ind.llnll*. lilln...... 4 " I'ln.v.-ri. (■■•n.ii.-lK J. UllMttnN nikr-l--|ii. Kiiii.. U-27. v ilrnli........ I'fiillii«ml -Aflilnnd. Ik, la 3d. Xen- (:llVu-l|ifl..''Vl«'SU.el; ill. T. (lllek. u.«r.i-Collim. Uannii*. Kiirlns tVm-crl llnml—Univrr. Colo.. Ilnynnril, ■•••.'»••• ki*». M. (1..H 44 . nigr.) —landn. U'iii... IS Ann. 3. . ,■■„.• II -i.| PIii.m-i,. t-|.i-|ii):iU-l(l. M..*.-.. !•'. Illdfllnll... '. . ..... II, • Slink < 14.1. Ilncrliii.*. iinsr.l—Miller. llll-Kimit lli-SK..}- IW. AI' Willi... untr.l isjifl, In.. IS. Imli'llnll.-. „,„ ll.' 8.IIIHI-1- niinniille. A. A. Widl" (Milton I'll rk iik-v, i IUih'i.iii. Ala. I..-ad, llerildVliuirr 8l.!ek. A. A.. Wnll'j. ll'ml Hn« 4 k fimilllor niBiM—pell"- Mi... 13-W. 1l*l"iniiii Si..i-k i HcIhuiiiii tt Cidii-ii. niBW.i— Aii«ii»l.i. (In.. IS. Indelliill*. . ,. , llluliliin.1 I'lirk 8l."-k lAl lle.i"l...v. nnir.. — "i"ik. fn.. IS. Iiiilelliili.-. ll..i-l».|l OrrllMlTM iVI.-I.M- H.-rW-it. .lender.-- -All- Mo.. -On •.cu- ll riiilaiiclphiH. Pa., is-Ang., a. . m.. 4 » l.mlli« 4 On-bealra iLrnini II.."*. U-nder" N'iiIiihiI. Maw.. IS Sept. P. Mn.iiuiiim.n. Jennie, Clil.-.iB" Latlli-* iiMaam 111. II. Ilmlrrimimi. uw.i- rl- i i-aiih. a, .. ., , TI»b-oiiM>'» llinid Kiiii. II. Iloleoine. inci.. HI.. 31. lndellntle. -Icm-i-Him 81.»k IK. V. riielnn. iiibiM— Povllninl. M.... IS. Iml.'Hull-. ... _ . ,1,i..k«..ii. l«.il" 4 l C. 8l.«'k H'ert-.v II. Levin- 'in-V-' - IMillintelplil... PH.. 13.;. Kidti * 1)111 IXdl A. Hnyuuf, u«r.i--8au I inn .-K... C.I.. IS. InilrthUle. - . ... Krjntloiie liriininll.' tlra IL Moore, tnwr.•—IM.- ti.nii. I'll.. 1S-3H. „ ., . Klllln. Hand IT. P. J. Power,—Manliai- K |,,» Kau!! IT. 1'eaU.d.v 18. lliil.-lii.don P. Ilmnll Mo.. 31'. 8t. JoM-pli 21. rally Lilt. \.-t.r.. 22. Avlilaml 8:1. Wayne 81. Altik.n 33. ilr.ili.l li.lnli.1 311. Cninl.rUlg* 2T. •-Knlgl.t for n Oil} 4 ' 111. >C Whitney, ingr.l— III.. IS. Irel.-dlill.-. -Klni: ..r I he Cnllle .UIiib." Rllii'- K'- ''■-. 11'™* 4 ;;. nigr.i -KeininerfH-. Wjn.. IT. On-Mi Ulvj-r IB, Il,.rl. Karlaaa J». Ilaw-llii* --■ Laramie II, I li..jfiini. 33., \el... 2T. '•King ot IU* rattle tlllig." K«*r 4 i< (fc. V. BMI, mm.. Itdinooloil. Alln.. Clin : 111. SB. ll.->! Ik-"''' 3:t. iii.i-.ihuv 21. ralunry 23 37. lilllau LmMviitt—Uvduu, Mata., 45, lu-lvllultv, 8111I1I1. Ark., ingr.l--Oil- oMnullblwl. Tramp :*ngfi, 111.. Hau. •• -totij ltdngi>r—Chicago. III.. 21.JIT. 'Tliele Tolli'a Cdblil 44 (John 1. Html-e, nigr. 1 - So. Yakliiili. Wn«li., IT, Kl'tiiiertiiek 18. I.iual 10. ItltdVllli. 2n. 8|.n.ciie 4 J3. flanlcy 3:1. . foil Oyko .ft. Kdloli IF. Mn.-k, nigr. 1—llelralt. Mli'li.. 13-21, • „.„„ ■ Vnjlnoloiit 8loi:k 1 A. <Jld»arolie. mgr.l— «llllaa«- port, I'n.. 13, Indrtlnlle. "Votunlc+r Ofgaulat." Mantell A Oray'a • cngo. III.. IB. linlellnlU'. Will? Mimical Ikimed.v (Jnliti II. Wllla, mgr.l— Aitgd-ln, On.. 13-80. .. ' Will* All Ktars (Jnlm II. Mills, iiigr.i—■•*• roe n*nch. Va.. IB-SO. Wllla flninle thicra U.ibn It. Will", ingr.l— Lyilelitini'g. Va.. 13,37. Wlinlom tiiK-rn- l-'lielilmrg. Mass-. 1..-8ept. .. Wlllliinia-itionwily iT. 1'. lie llaffrrrlly. iugr.1— Luiinturel.urK. Ky.- 81-37. , Walla*k'a Then I if. Xoilhein I liiil.ln»ky llr*». nigre.i— Itork 111.. 13. Inddlllille.; ' Wiillin-k'K Tlmttre. Southern iManrlw M. Inibln- «kj', u.g.'.l—Ali'Mmai, Kan.. 13-211. ' Wallnrk'H Thetilr. 4 . Wcatvrti iKala-artl Uulilnaky, ingr.l—WlnlTt Id. Kan., 13-30, Kui|»rlii 21- Wcst"i'.n'il Hlghl" St,.ek lOfcPri ft Sehilcfer. mgi...^ -SI. I^tiit". Mo., IS. Inih'lhilie.* Stock--WI.-l.lla. Kiiii.. IS. Indellnlle. 4 " .American Hand—ttashliiplon, I). C. IS. Indctlnlte. . , . „ ,. W*b*r'a flnii.l - Plttalairs, Pa.. IS. Indellnlle. Zinn'a >fiislcal 'Comedy (A. M. /.Inn. mgr.l— Ikdw. Ida., IS. HI'IIM-iMII t: AMI VAI DKVIl.Li:. Maria & llnriM-ll Viiudovlll* I AI. Maria, mgr.l — Mln.-vlli.'. X. Y., 18. Scliroun Uike 111. No. Creek SO. Walmn'H C.wy Cornel- Olrl" lW. 11. Wtilaon. mgr.l --I'l.lla.Mpllta. Ph., 13, hi.l.-lliille. •tllXSTII i:i.8. llarton-'K iJ, A, .Cohuiii. uigr..—Wlnrllng. W. V.... 13-20. L»* line llrv. 4 (Hilly He Urn", nigr.I — Cherry Vnlle}-. X. V„ IT. . Painty blsle. Vwl.-k.-l ft Xidau'a (John J. Nolan. ingr.l— S*nltie. Wwdi.. 14-80. TncMiin 21. Olyin- pin 32. AI«.nUH-n 351. Ik»|ulaui 34. MMUHTWI S3, ('enliulhi 2(1. Chehnll" 3T. liorloi.'" tC. C. IV.irl. mgr.l—INn-t Jrgorann. X. y., III. Iliiulliitfloii an. NoHlipor. 82. (Hen t «v* 83, lleinlia.lend 31. Iliivcrslrnw 23. (lnv 4 ». Arthur li.—Senwn Fall", X.->.. I > -". ItlLuhniutoii 32-2T. mtav simws. Altmi ft Aniler«.ii>-8all", VL. IT. BrlaM 18. Verseiu..." Ift. UtafMnt 3('. Wlimoakl 32. XurthtleUI 2:1. Swnntonai. Allwrgl. 23, Itoiwc Point. X. V.. 3(1. PI.ittHl.urg 27. .... Illinium ft Bailey 4 "—Mllcliell. 8. Ilak.. I.. AU-r- deen 18. Orlonvllle. Minn.. 1».. F.irgo. K. Oak.. 20. (Irnml Fork" S3. Cnaikaton. Minn.. SI. Frrgtn Fall" 81. 81. tUond 83, Superior. Wl".. 311. l>ulnth. Minn.. ST. Hullnl.1 Hill 4 " Wild Weal. Col. Win. f. Cody (Fred II. Ilulehhwoti. mgr. 1 • Cleveliiud. (.>.. IT. 8.1.1 rtu»kv IS. Toleik. 19. Fort Wayne. Iml.. 80. t no cngo! III.. 83-Aug. 4. , luiTimugli ft 8.-11* llro".—•Ia.«fell. Maaa.. IT. Tnunton 18. Xewiairl. It. 1.. IP. Pawtucket SO. w.-.iiMH-kel .88. N.arwleh. CiHlli.. S, 4 !. New d.m 2t, Mcrtdlini 23, Aiiaonln 2(1. 8lamfoiil 37. Oiiv 4 " -Xmivoo. III.. IT. A.lrluu 18. Iliirnalde 10. F...111I..I11 (lit-i-u So. Itlainllnvrlllc 32. l.u llur,^- Sit. Crutn-Xllr". Mleli.. 17. llownirinc 18. Kiiluin.i ■M IU. llatlle Creek 2«. Maraliall 21. 22. llno-olaH-k ft Wall...-* "—Adrlali. Mich.. 18. Col.l- water It". Klkliart. Iml.. 80. . ' Kemp 4 " Wild Weal—Pllt»burg. Pa.. I... ImHitlll*. I.inky IIHPa—Uvneva. Xebr.. 17. Sblekley 18. (hg in. FalrBelil 30. Uwreuce 83. Blue Hill an. itludcn 31. CMBgMU 23. I'plnnd 2«. Illl- drclli 37. Ij.werv Itow. 4 -Coral. Pa.. 1«. Xanty (Ilo 80. Simiigler 88. Cherry Tree 3.1. Miiekay 4 ",' Andivw-fhleng... Ill- L.-Aua. N. Xorrh. ft lloac'i-- -Klllaiiir.v. Man.. Can.. IT. l.i-l'.i.iliiv IS. 8.H.rl« IP. N**|Mwa 30, OaupliO. ri.onVe Hill's Wild W1-.-1 nml Ureal Far K*M. Col. I.IIHcV—l'ululli, Minn.. IT. Siuterlor. Wl».. 18. nice f.ake IP. Mninrotnlle 80. Cldnp*wa Pulls '12. Miir«ltllcl.l 2:1. Ilraiul llapldi 21. II. I«.ii 2*.. Slo-luygaii 2(1, UcihuUi 8,.'». JvtiU-V'dtlhane. Sl°-» •'« - ■- Jamea itll Inat ■at ttt>ek Willi the hlg holiaea. <'lll:«TS'ft HxhtK-r Ol'KRA Uolsr. (Xlion tt l Stltfiirterlnnn. tuiitiniera).—The hill this wfck aet't-ra: The Miisli-iil L'uttyB, IM l,ou- drm ■Model." tfceotld- week). I'ekln Zoutivrs. (Irlfr llrothcrs. John lllrcb. Coll hi" nml ilriiwii, LotllsO th-tlwny. "A 81 i-etniou* Cottrl Hblli." nitd niiliiinlofl nlcttlres. Unlay ntttl Fro«ltil liiitde litis lu Hie I ttfik. HlJov tOeorae W. Illfc. mnnncer).—The liolmr allow week of 18 lma .Inlea llnron, VA- tin Durvniwrt,' Moiis. Ilulwrt. nnd Mrt'ubc oiul Mnltliews. iliialniiw was good last week. I.TCBl'M (John 0. Jvrrooii. inntiiiger).— The haaae 1)111 Willi IVm. T. Kclley nnd un rut-client olio, continue" lo be |H>|itilar with the iHitroiis. • TnocAKKilo (Fred Wlllaon. nianagei-).— Watson's Co*y Corner tllrls allll miiliitnl.i llieli popillnrlly. Hilly Willsoti anil the M',1- lerslilp 8lHtei-s continue as the features, to good ret urns. CXhi.vo (Kilns & Koenlg. uiuiiitgcrs 1.— This lioiise iviipeiis week of 15. Ill ill1tli-l|iu- tlnii ot the big crowds of Klks who will be hoiking for amnseineiit. The French Folly «'o. Maw card; with Mile. Otlens fea lured lu the olio. ' KMSVI'NTIl -Striikt Opes.\ IIoi:mk (Frilllk 1'iiiiiiorji, manugnr). — Ounioiil's Mliislrels Will greet lite tllks the eiirr.Mil week, ..nenhig espe.inlly for Hint occasion. The hll! In. •ludes the |-.nrles<iiie .'iillll.-.l "Hello. Hill, or Initiated In Hie Klks;" llngliey Dnuehcr'y and Vie lllchpnls' will eonli-Huile lltelr ser- vices, as well as Wm. Henry Mice and Benuy Franklin. Jlf.N Tox 1I.IIII.111 Tyson, ninongerl.—Bill week of 13: Fitiuk, Florence Sun nli- and Willie Kent. I'.I.K, II fV.M.I. I'.MtK IK. li. 'HOWIIS. IDilllll- gerl.—The Tlili-d Ite^linont Hand Is the ratt- Mlrai feature, while the free show has ltert. Mdi-phy, the Lovellos. Itlhbet and Perry, nnd Mil Kile Murphy. WI1.1...W iliii.VK (F. II. Lincoln, uinnngerl. Victor llerliert and Ills oreheatra coullnite as the big musical feature, with the jinrk thronged nr all of the concerts, Wi.iii.sii.i: 1 Win. J. peering, iiiiiiiiigiii. -- The Venll llnlliiii Sj-niplmny Oreheatra Is glvliiK ctaiecrls of .1 popular kind, to Hie siitistnrllon of tin- pa Irons. WaSHINC-tox I'AIK (Win. .1. Thompson. manager).--The lloliinn Imperlnl Band will welcome lite 101 ks. Tliere will also lu- »n Imliiense clatabak.\ which will draw thou- sands. Winn: L'rrv ill. M. Auchy. numagerl.— Little Illp. the trick elephant, continues as the big ciittl at Hits resort. Nona.— Philadelphia Wnshlngtou 1'nrk. Twenty-Killh Street nnd Allegheny Avenue. has a number of big features for Ibis work, couslstlnc i>f: KestortTs Band, the Five. Fly- lug Pnriletis. Ibe Pnuble Whirl of Ik-alh. l.orle Trio, mid Hallo Mr. and Mrs. .1. Krt-d Stluimrrniaii left lasl week, for a lour of-the great lukra The National nu- tiolilifC" II" reopenlna oil Aug. ",. with "The Cn-at Kxiireas Mohbery." ■ I'ltlst.iiru. —At the Nixon IThos. F. Klrke. Jr.. manager) litis week's bill lu- eludes: The Ureal llrliulumour. handetilT t-tperl : Kroalnl. Bva Muilge. 44 Tbe Mllllary (ilrl." a mnalrnl'tnelodrntua; Thomas \V. My- ley's preaeittntlon of "The Horse Thief." l-'lolcy and Burke, the I.abnkubs. Will Hogers. ibe 1.11 int thrower, who continues for an- oilier week, nml Joaeph'a Hart's new pro- duction, "College Pays." featuring Frederick llowers nnd company of twenty. Animated pi.-Inre-. Business hna been fair, and lite put rims are enjoying nice enlertulnmentH. filiASi. I Horry Pavls. ntiioagrrl.—This week's bill Is otic of the Biggest of Hie sea- son, nnd Includes: Win. I'oiirtlelgh and coin panv. Winona Winter. Geo. II. Iteho nnd cotti|.any. .lantes II. Citllen. Tyree. t'onstnn- lllii' Shier.". I ■'.in lie Will..11 lumbers. 1'rots Pubuld aud nni 4 , Flclda uua Wwlt-v, gt.soua, miitograpli. tHiironi 5ii Till* tun, tiTwn FxiMisltlou to any patron who will ire with tin pjiiglur lltthi hoilac. Yl\iMTie 1 llowfrd ftoyer. iuanageri. — This iwk'a bl I nelndea : Haddock, the «|ltlll- 1,1^ Mack and llurgcs". Hilda Sane ■«'■ jaine" xilan. TI.e Va-lno pwrwiU^for thb tvilT 4 ilo tnea mid llolnics. Jatjles Holt and 1 .uls'e V'aKll 'rite TheatoHtnn, at Dream •tyhdalZi Playing to good gM.# ulima Tile b ll tor this week IriclndM . ny- Sat WildtlWt J.™' 1 '- l4,4d Mack and Foster. TlfewXee houses at-e all under Jlr.-.Moyera mmiagenujntj IU »nager).-AII II, IX dally. •T'rosllei'a tuonstcr missive ballet KiKftnrlc, "Flowerland. cotn- „,,„[„„. htitidred angers, daneera and d, era al"o Klrk'a Mlllt.ii*' Hand. Buslncs" hna ry-en good, and the patrons. [hate bed. turning out In large hiidiucra nightly. siinday aflerntajin ;NL ereninfc xlretias Hand alld the poliular ybcalls-t. II. 1-. Hlnncy. In "cuet'tt.rv of mux*, and during tne week Keim Slaters 4 tVlltf: WeM drtd l.'P,Pf8l''ome conlfnllea to piny to packed Houses daily It Is a gtetit Sutninei 4 spectacle. Bualnew la good ""boi^BkIix. IA. 8. McHwIgnn. t5iann|pr).- suhduy afternoon and eveblng. ■»•„"'* Ktiluhts of Pythias Band, and B wood lleb- Ion. the comedian tilld singer, lu popular Maw. HualUfss eontlniies very good. PiiBAJtCiTi 1 Stanley K. Vlekera, uihiih- rtr). —Twlw? daily llatt/a bears animal nlMilvnl nnd Pe Lticcn'a ft H. Itand. -Vw a II Mel Ions add itovcltles every* icit-. The nMinl baud concerts Snndat.. Btislrtes" lias bfen rery booH. and the patrona are titrdldr ° CbNKV.—Heir Jlnyr'r and Ida band of mu- siclnns keep Ihe pnlrolis in u gnotl hiiilior nlglUly at'Hie Hew isipttlar femirL A VdUde vlilc bill w*b arfaugetl ftlr Sunday evening. 14. Which eoiialaled.of Helen Bn-cltcone, the dliiitrtttli! soiitntio: the Moadrtyiiarteftf. hd. Montfnv. Xylonliotte and Bell, and matTy 01 Iters.' Pitflllg the week Ketjo. Welah hnd Melr6se, ncrolails. nlld Ynaroe, the liaildciilT tepllUci-. will appear. Business has been to tile capacity since Hits park opened, and the pal rolls seem to enjoy themselves. ■ • . -- I ' I ' ' I '" 1 ■ "torrlatoiiti The tlrnud Opera llolia* tlleilH'ft Lylicb. inainiger) dfler tittdergolhg iiilui.'roUs llfiprtirements bulh hi Ihe lobby and on tin "tuge, will open for the season on Aug. IL'. WHh tht llbMbelle Leslie Stock Co.. for'the week. XtrrK.—Unrrev t'oo|ier. who has been con- nected with' the Orand Opera House here foi 4 the luisi ton years, as advertising njfclit and tredaitrer. lias tesigni*tl. to take eaect lh ; - medliitely. lie lias accepted a ixmUloii with the Union News Co.. to operate n stand at Ihe llftv-second Street Station, Philadelphia, lit. Paring Hie' lortg period lie has been (.•ollrteoted Willi the local llientre. Mr. Cooper won Ihe coiiildem-e mid kood grueca ot the varloii" iimiliigera wlnj-liad charge Of the house, and was In-Ill In tilgli esteem by his employer and Associates. Ills mtihy friends wish him suc- cess In bis new undertaking. He will lie suc- ocHicd hv Kinrst Brown, or Wllkes-Btirre. I'd., who hna already started on his new duties as bill poster and advertising ngetit for the Incnl 1 louse. • m 4 tirk. -Ai .the lllgiiland llllk Opera llouse <The lork ItrtH (Itillwny Co.. mnnngcrsi the sloek tsimpatiy presented, to large houses, "llrituetnrk" and "Handy llollom.' both of which were well received.- I'.ini.oii (Silverman A Co.. nionogersK— This house recently fhnngik] Wm. B. l'vle litivlnu dlaposed ot his interest to Messrs. Sllvertnnn ft Co. Onrlhg week of July 13 tt will Open with a bill composed of several vaudeville ntimbera aud moving pic- tures. Noti:.— York I^xlge. No. 21 a, II. P. O. Elks, has been making extensive prcporalloua lu connection with Its attendance at the re- union held til 'Philadelphia. About 130 of Ihe members hare been drilling for the past two months, tinder the dlrcerlon of Major Itals-r. of the National tinards, and It Is eipectfil that they will make. 11 very striking appearance In the parade. With their uniforms of 1 cream colored' serge, vaclftlng cap and shoes to innicli. The Klks band of forty 4 piece-, under Ihe leadership uf Tiro'. Allen Seltz. act-dhituinlfd Iheui on Ihe trip. * ■ ' the Mlshlcr il. C. Mlshler, manager 1 Hie. Aadrada Musical Stock Co. prcsriilca "A Trip to Chluatown" i<> good slued audiences-. J ply I' and week. II ap- Iirurs all week of 13. In "The (Jlrl from 'nils." Lakhmust r.MIK Titr.ATItK I J. M. Shork. innluiget-).—Attendance was big week of S. Hill 13 and week : ('nvlor ana draff, Mar- Khali-had Kane. Mitchell, venlrlloqhlsl-. Lulu He -ou. anil l'en-y nnd Fierce.' Rtak (Sllvennnu Pros.. iniJiiigers).—Bust- ness week of 8 was good. Attractions for 13 ami week: Pan Murdoch. Musical Irvine, and lite Cnldwells. NfrrK.—A new moving picture theatre, called Ihe Casino. Is now In operation here, on Blcvenlh Avenue. Vaudeville attractions will he n feature there Inter un. ARE YOU TOO HUM AS?A WEIGHT P80MCB8 (OidioIw), TBo Orcat Buwpean. UlacdVory, Ifkrcases jour werght aiiout siolonoiillddiiioBllilf. The nuir fJeafi nroiluccr t-udoraed bjr.thu.hlglicat n"i autiiurtiic". Unrivalled for uervousnes«, hiihcihIs and wasting dlseilacd. ureatctt Ionic kuoirn. Hounda out HiB Hgurcaml gives "trciiglh in m,. whole sy.tem., Fflc*, »a. In erejtltig iswktct free ABPA Cilr.M. CO., 1284 Broadway, IMfc S gg York. *** Wllllamaporl—At the. Vdllainonl Pmk I'avillon (Ouatlne Olassmlcr*. maitageri t!■•- Valltimont Stuck Co. drew big'house" July 1-0" In "Thellrnnd Old Hog. ".Mniii'm-llc ■ 8-10. "I'lif Tale of the Hills" 111. 4 '. "Haloin.. 4 - IM7. "Cnrollle" 18-ltO. Notk.— Wllllamsport Lodge..Xo. 1.:t. IS. p. O. Klks. leave lo. for. l'hiladelpbla. grand lodge reunion, on a ijhe^Jnl train. MISSfjtHI. si. 1 .tut la. — A1 AMlhdr-ilardcn 1 Turner T. Lewis, manager) .Ihe Uelbiar Opera Co. presehtcd ■ 4 The J tJelalln■ , tdat week. It was rxcellentlv proxltued. glrlng eacli niemher of the eomtaiur an optiOrtunlty. Cecelia Hhoijn and John B. Voting ddauined the prltiofnal rolfM. 'l"he pleco waa beaullfullv Mtigtil. and much credit le due Frank Stum- niers. who stages nil tile Pelmrtr : (larilcn roductloiis. "Pbe UhnlltViiy • Olrl" week of ■m-BCkn.tN l.n»cnst<-r.—On the Boot tiardeu iChas. M. Unwell, manager) the t-urreat alracllons Inch, le: Canllcld nnd Cnrleton. the Cutiutrr Choir. Charles and I'annv Van. the B111J- pelts. Swift and P.nckley. Charles P. Weber, and the moving pictures. Business continues good. . Hocky Si'RiMis ill. B. lii-lfllih". miiiin- gefi.—The Frederick Snniner Slock Co. pre- senlrtl 44 t)nr Boys" In good business week of 8. eoneluillug llieli- eugngeiaent at this theatre. Tliry originally plated at the Family 1M11I lliea moved to Hocky Springs for the Siiinmer, but so many of the mem- bers had previously made' engagements else- where, the company waa couipe..ctl to dis- band. They were very tajpnlar. during the Hrte they were here. The theatre will be neoiiplrd fur a short time by a religion" organization who arc encamped on Hie grounds, but |K?i'foi-mnnces will soon Is* re- siiinrtl mid probably vaudeville given during Ihe remainder of the season. lorir. — At Waltlcmei-e iTlios. Malimey. manager 1 large business during the pa si week, with line vaudeville. Phlnney's Baud July II and week. rum Milk CnKKK ill. T. Foster, mana- ger).—Hood business during the past week, with select, vaudeville and balloon ascensions. Bill week of 14: Josephine Casstnan nnd her pickaninnies, Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Liie.ler, Kalllnrlue Marlln. Prat-tila. and AI. Law- rence. FXXIi.v Tiikaihk Is closed until Sept, 1. tlaalelna.—At 1 Lehigh Traction fot* week of July Brown. Itrnrlelln man. Milt M'ootl. the llnzle Park Theatre Co.. iiiuuiigrrsi. the bill 1 luclitdcd: Hughes aud Preher. Undo and Bert- lCnrl Bartlctt. Myrtle Byrne, nml the mot ion pictures anil ill Irnli-d songs. The current MB Includes: JomIc Antoinette, the ttobluKun-Parnucllc Oiiarleite. Mr.' and Mrs. Dan Barrett, the Sawada Japanese Troupe, the Illustrated songs nn.l molten pictures, At Diikamlani. (John Powell, nwneri tbr usuul'soua bill di'uwii it ULebusimb:, 4 CAllUI:x : IOpliehlieltner Bros.. inandrert).—Virginia HariieU; In th* star role of 'The Pnnclhg Olrl. last week, was ably' rnipporled by Her leidlttg mad. Wlllldm tuSmfaav. A. If. Van lliiren also had du Importnut role, which lie succest-fully pre- jeuted. Mis* lUrHed will close her engage- ment Willi tPe Sltburbnd niihugvineiit. play- ing her own vershii. of "Catullle." 14-20. Clssv lajfltis will then lsi»ln her cugage tueut by playing 'yllas llobbs. 4 the first week. During tlic second and. last week she will rcvlvj} "lslra arid Lady Algy." 'AVbUT Km> lltiloliTs lObert ft Bchaefer. mithnscra).—"Kohert Builhct." 7-14. wa" most' erttuilattlatlcitlly re-.-ciVed. lOtliel Fuller ami KrYibk Ik- IA Hue pldybu the leads. "Qtio Vndh," with tliala Mtigranc. 14-20. . r'ORMt 1'AkK lliohLV.fiis (Cpl. Johu P. Hotiklbs. manage! 1.—l.'ulletldo nild his Vene- Han llnild oiteiied 1 fol 4 a mouth. The latud is t-omi^aed of Italhln mualelttns uf greai acciunullahtnelil. Some excellent soloists are lit tlic nggrtgntloli and irb .lirovlliar great drawing enrds lh tin- I'avillon: llownrd ami Illaiid, Willis ilhd llasaab. Mile. Ches- t v i- litttl tier atotitc dog,. Allele McNeil, Bthrl MermHollBli rtlid the polyscope. M.lN-MloX's I'AtiK I.Miltillloll Bros., inann- c Cr ,,._Ttie bills HHrddlleed oli this vaiid.- villi! stiltc lire proving dne. .the hill .fin- the week or 7 Included: Arthur Denting. Snrnteli: ami Jlnttell. 'Parkins and Bilrli". llltegel Bros, and the Mntinlonseolie. ■'Ki'l.tJ'nt: UAmiMJt 111. Omen, mnnugeri.— "The wdys of Hussltt, 4 ' last week, by Hi* the tttttnlfv Stock Co.. with Arthur Stanley ntld 1-311 tt Allett Stanley'in the leads, news specialties by Hltgh K. MeCormlck. Jull* Nlcolay and Ohna. t'olrllle. l.gMtw llAttDKX lJ. I,. Wallrapp, maiia cer).—The management of this-garden have hei-h sucessftil In seltHltlHg attractions of a platalng nature. Tltc tfrawlng cttrda for week of 7 were: llermnn Wcetlon's trained Htiris. Altherfs Dog and Pony Show, nn old filsllloHwl clrttia add moving nlctUrea. ' CiiKnuitBr. OAiibMX—Helm rttttl ills orches- tra continue lo entertain Irtrge crowds. he popularltv of this orgtfliUiitlou Is stead ly llic lea slug, and the solos of Owstov Helm are i^pwally cnjoyetl. TuWfca Onovn OAni«x oners..a musical programme <wcry evening by Ftilkeiiltillner s orchestra. Joseph llcttog. a teHor soloist, la a Teatltre of the prokituninc, and the Illus- trated soogd are ipilt* pleaslhg.' a.\i> TliMk—Thais Mitgrane has suc- ceeded Btitet Fuller at tlie West Bntl llclghls. Miss Magfnne 4 .s a St. Louts product, dud began her career at Koerncr's Odrden. ttiider UWreniv Hanley. when, he was the stilr tliere. Jack Prcstott. stage manager for 44 llle •TTIrec of Ua." which closed Its season In Chi- cago, lias nKo K-en engaged and enters upon his duties aa stage manager for Hi* West End luiinngem.-nt. 13... .Franco-Amerl enn Society held Its annlversitry celehrull.Mi of Bastilles fall, at West End Heights, lo. The soloists Hiking lmrt In the cblebriiilon arc Florence Miller. Carollno lairmnnn and (Scrtrude Klrkscy. who will be the elocu- tionist for the cvcnlnc- AddresiteK and a band concert make a pan of the progtttnmio. The eleventh biennial convention id the Theatrical Mechanical Association ol America and Canada was held week of •• The gardens of the city entertained the com- pany In the evenings, and the days were ih- voted lo business nnd short pleasure trip" around the city The Society of tin- Fourteenth, of July held Its annual fete at Delinar Harden, and the talent which aided hi the cntvrUilnniciil wns of the best. Blumhe Pcyo. of lltu IX-lmar Ois-ra Co.. did a charac- ter sketch. In French costume,'- With much cleverness, and Mrs. Mao Bstelle Ilnrkcr sang "The Marseillaise 44 In the tiotldi-ss of Liberty tsostiime. The' French untlonal ret* hhs alwuys been a popular event In Ihe lives of all Ihe St. l.ou.s French descendanis.... ■ Cecilia Moeller. planlste. has been npwhilcil to give recitals at Ihe Jnmeslown Kx|iosltl«i. Miss Moeller Is a St. Louis planlste of much popularity Olive I.'lrlcll. a former■ M. Louis girl, whl star nexl season In "N«kla. a new opera by Leoncavallo. Miss Llrlrii sails. July 18. for her engagement abroad. Kaiians City The flue Summer wealher kee|)s up. and consetiuently all of the park* are drawing crowds. Et.KcTkfc Fits (Sam Benjamin, niana ger).—Fetllllo and Ills Iwntl eonllaues 1<> Faraionlge the big audiences. As a special feiilure. Slgnorn Adaberto has been singing soprano sulos with the band, la Hie Oermau Yllloge. a good vaudeville bill wns given ■» the Orpheus Comedy Four, singers; Knnas O'Neill, a female baritone, nnd the t.rorty Trio snug nml did some clever wotslcn sb"* dn tires. Paiik 11). K. Miissell. iiianiigir'- - Melbourne MacPowell and Virginia Drew Trcscolt gave excelletil performances oT 4 L" Tosca. 44 lasl week, to well pleased audience" The famous Knrdou play Is llncly stngi-d. and both of the stars do excellent ran. Promluent In the- soutrort arc: Willis nan- t'ieorge Tteery aud Margaret Hatch. im» 44 (Jlsiuoi:dn." In the opeu. U-npv -. Military Band ContHtcs. Fa|i:mov.\t 1»a«k (W. F. Smith, mana geri.-llliiers Military Hand t-oullnues l« lie the big attraction. All Ihe cuiiccijstoii' are doing gtsr.l hnslu*ss. The bnthlug beaco I* crowded nightly. .... Cahmval Fark. West Side |Wm. Wlncli. ninmtgei 4 ).—Brooke and his Chicago Marlii' Bnndhnve scored such it Jilt that nt tnr couclusloh of their original engagemetii- which llnlshed last week, they »ei-e re-en- gaged. Their programmes became very |s>P ulnr. In the Wlgwanl. a splendid bill wo* given last week by I^hk'>: and Lo|iex. in* Spaulsh sereitndcrs. In their clever mn«leai turn, llugan and Westcolt sing well an. tell a lot of new stuff, and the Loc-khan Sisters arc good singers nhd clover dancers. Curi'Kiil.vus.—The Ulllls Opera House will oih-u Its regular season Saturday even- lug. July 27. •Tfte house Is being eutlrrl) rirdccoratctl and will iw-tveut « handsome appearance i. Everybody Is anxwusiy awaiting- the arrival of ISItuillog Bros. • " r _ cits, which comes, un July 22 i? ... Sunfortl. manager of the Shubert Tbcattf. b> still In New York. MAhit.N axo 1' nave cloaed their tour of nine weeks la the parks. This week they arc nt Uiu.'Jeiavu's, c'vuvy island.