The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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602 THE N-ETW YORK CLIPPER. July 20. Words by JACK NORVORTH. Music by ALBERT VOX TILZEB. If you want to be popular and make a hit with your audience, use the song they all like and t|ng with you, "HONEY BOY." A F-BAA/ OF" OUR OTHER HITS: Good Bye, Sweet Heart, Good Bye; I'm Sorry; The Moon Has His Eyes on You, and Heart of My Heart. Professional copies and orchestrations to recognized performers. No cards. iONEY BOY SLIDES—HOI^EY BOY SLIDES DE WITT C. WHEELER said the Slides for "HONEY BOY" were the best he ever made. We say that "HONEY BOY" Is the best song we ever had. You can't beat this combination. The Price is 86.00 Per fet. ALBERT VON ILZER, M'g'r., >t. Iffew York. MOVING PICTURE Machines, and Edison's, Ready All the Time for IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. CAUTION,—Don't be fooled by those who offer a "Power" marhlnr, appar- ently new, for a low price. The easleat thing In the -world U to bay • tecond- hmnd machine, renew the nlrkle plating, and oil the lamp Iiouip, then iell to the nnlnltlated ai new. WE ABE SOLE AGENTS FOR POWER'S CAMERACRAPH, EDISON'S KINETOSCOPES And when yon bny from na we guarantee in the name of the maher and oar own that the machine, are brand new and of the latest model. \Ar* E \rV ILL RORRECIT 91,000.00 TO ANY ONE PROVING THIS INFORMATION INCORRECT. 76,000 Feet of Film on lOin. Reels Ready to Run, at $46.00 per Reel Three Reels. $120.00; Six Reels, $216.00; Twelve Reels, $860.00. SWAAB'S BARGAINS £% BARGAINS FIREPROOF ADJUSTABLE RHEOSTAT, HM VOLTS, ALTERNATING OR DIRECT, can be nied at 110 single or In multiple. $15.00. 18 Colli. SOLE AGENTS FOR IdW MACHINES. LEWIS M. SWAAB * CO. Largest and ONLY EXCLUSIVE Dealers 388 8PRU0E 8TREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. EXHIBIT SUPPLY COMPANY. 364 OE A R BORN. ST., CHICAGO - pi»,io6t> -'- »t« ifjOO Ctot. Litltft. ; $0.90 1:H; Dn«i ^ir.itpot Cird. $M5 ■•it num." ""■" ■-" .", l_;!S"jh"irt*-ii ; (sft-r<iV'- ■ 1.50 - p u .t .1 Km. "■ ^lS/l|_.iii'<»icoB[ty:.>.i;p«'t-i (.50 m- $ -*-,...:■ Ciiii; : ;;i;65,;J[>.H» : n«riii r «,iiu!rTi-"-;-i.s.r;i,iJO ■-■ J ---: - lr ■—::.-_. -- *i« • tUlL 11*11 it rVt-.TTHIlt Vt-DED WlLOr MtCMNtl NEWPOSTCARI $1.75 PER THOUSAND TRICKS MAHLER BROS. SIXTH AVE. AND 31st ST., NEW Y8RK. Leading Theatrical Underwear Specialists Call If In our city. PElVIlVGr B SEASON 1907-1908. AND TRICK APPARATUS), TOST A COMPANY, 800 Filbert ft. (Established 1870), PhlUdfipMs. W New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. Films For Rent or For Sale GOOD 8ERV1CE WITH MODERATE PRICE. A Few Special Bargains in Films [.23 ST. 1.1. Feet. Name. Price. 010 Life of a New York Po- liceman $36.00 150 Goose Takes a Trolley Hide 7.00 450 For tils Daughter's Honor 20.00 278 Tbe Yawner 14.00 442 Little Tlch 20.00 240 Tommy at Play 12.00 050 Around New York In Fif- teen Minutes 50.00 400 lYiirce Kldu Uoxlng Match 30.00 37u Philippines Battle 16.00 700 Uncle Tom's Cabin 36.00 125 Japanese Girls 6.00 500 Ills First Hide 80.00 205 Rogues' Tricks 16.00 508 Ski Competition 30.00 .144 Hob Sleighing 20.00 0.18 The Truants 30.00 104 Sport at the Telephone... 8.00 180 An Arabian Magician (col- ored) 15.00 770 Itetrlbutlon 48.00 100 Cuban Dance, by Queen Lajato 7.00 414 Grand Hotel to Big Indian 20.00 220 The Gypsies 11.00 860 Military Prison 60.00 600 From Jealousy to Madness 36.00 220 The Cab 11.00 541 Pompeii 80.00 !I82 In the Haunts of lUp Van Wlokle 20.00 410 Boxing Matches in Eng- land 22.00 Feet. Name. Price. 410 Japanese Women 5.76 505 Dog Snatcher 35.00 457 The Detective 14,00 475 Exhemeral Wealth l£w 057 The Holiday JJ.00 344 Three Ha Parts of Leek.. 11.00 641 The Election ,. 17.00 300 Heedam Arpalrages ..... 0.00 G05 The Subpoena Server.,... 18.00 311 Escaped from the Que... 10.00 485 All Aboard ,, 16.00 410 A Tipster Takes for a Fool 12.50 720 Love Title 22.00 08 Cousin's Visit B.00 600 lite Acrobatic Burglars.. 20.00 185 Georgia Camp 0.00 557 Tbe Magic Flute 18.00 344 A Miniature Theatre..... 11.00 574 The ParlB Students 10.00 344 A Broken Idyll 12.00 1000 Oathleen Mavourneen. 60.00 656 Fun After the Wedding.. 20.00 262 Qllelotl's Hotel 9.00 700 Nurse Wanted 26.00 131 Bobby and His Family (colored) 7.00 624 A Tragic Wedding 20.00 328 The Accordion 12.50 600 Ob! That Llmburger. 20.00 206 A Difficult Problem 16.00 770 The Prospectors 30.00 541 In Search of Adventure.. 20.00 300 Itough Riders Doubtful... 12.00 SWAAB'S PERFECT FILM REWINDEB Holds two Reels, rewind from one to the other in a jiffy. A boon to operators. Prlco.with two Reels, $3.SO. LEW1B j ffUj j CO.. Kg? eftS " 8 SSB Pa "ilh., Pa WANTED, for the HORNE STOCK COMPANY, A FIRST CLASS CHARACTER COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALTIES. One who In experienced In repertoire and thoroughly capable of handling a One line of parts. Including black face, Irish untl Dutch. Wardrobe and ability indispensable. Don't mis- represent. This Is the handsomest pavilion theatre ever constructed. Wo are making two week Blands In suburban districts of Cincinnati, catering to the most critical audiences, and must have the best; If you are not, you will bo closed At rehearsal. Must Join at once. Wire lowest salary, including table- board. Address HOIlNK STOCK COMPANY, No. 1013 Central Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. Comedy Acrobats. Aa good as the best. Feature art with the BrantIfal.Bagdail C< To all Performers and Professional People. We are now PREPARED TO WILD ANfj OVER- HAUL anything In the LOW OF ACTS, from a NET to a SINGLE TRAPJ5ZE. We have every- thing you need. Regard, to all friends. WM. J. CELESTE, FRED. MARSHALL, Oen. SupL Master Mech. H. Sbaules, Fin. Sec., 611 West 21st St, N. Y. SENSATIONAL AMUSEMENT CO. GOOD TENT SHOWS FOR REUNION, laf< »». 13, 14, U and 16, 1B07, AT MILL SHOALS, ILL. Always large crowds and good money. Send terms at once, E. R. BOND, MU1 Shoals, 111. FILMS FOB RENT. ATLAS MOVING PICTURE CO. Maoblnes, Stereoptlcons, Slides, Films, Bold and rented. SMITH A FI LAN, Props., W'mab'g Bridge Plaza, 223 Havermeyer St., B'klyn. Tel. 4873 W'msb'g. JACK SHANNON I 1MI At Liberty, to join Harmony Comedy Trio or Quar- tette. Do Boft shoe dancing. Per. address 40 "WALNUT ST., Charleitoww, Mass. Red Gircle Pill (For the Liver) When you feel bad take one, they will save doc- tors' bills. 2tots. Box. Address JlrVI MAR 47 W. 28th Street, N. Y. TOUPEES, Pain' Powder^ Stamp for price list BLM, 118 W. 86th St., New Tork. BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS We have made the cure of Blood Poison a specialty, lllooil Poison Permanently Cured. You can t>e treated at home under the satno guaranty. Capital, aftOO.OuO. We si.licit the most obstlnato cases. If you have ex- hausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains. Mucus Patches In Mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, X'lcen on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write for proofB of cures, loo-pago Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 M atonic T.mplt, Chicago, III. .U.S.A. 1VE We are producing the Most Elegant and Shapely The- atrical and Street Shoes and Slippers on our FAMOUS SHORT VAMP LAST. Com- pany Orders Filled at Short Notice. UNDERWEAR DEPT. Bloomers trimmed with Crescent lace to match dance skirts. One lace ruf- fle, 91.26. Three lace ruffles, $2.98. Five ruffles, 94.08. Same style trimmed with Flat VaL Lace at $1 26, 92.60 and $4.50. DANCE SKIRTS Lace to match Bloomers, trimmed with deep fan flare flounce at $4.98. Extra wide skirts with deep lace un> derflounoe at 97.98. MAKE-UP BOXES Special f*"or Thla Sale, » Prices ^Below Cost of Manufacture. OUR COLD CREAM Expressly prepared for the Theatrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate Put np In pound Screw Top Tin Cans at 45c. i half pound at SCBc. 8AIPLE8 OF CREAM BEIT FREE. ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BB ACCOMPANIED BY MONEY ORDER. NONK SENT C. 0. D. SEND FOR OUR THEATRICAL CATALOGUE. HAILED FREE. N "THE WIGGERY." THEATRICAL WIGS Our specialty Is ▼mine for yoarmonty at one-hair the price others ask tor tha same goods. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. On rac.lpt of 11.00 deposit -we will sand goods C. O. D.. Iu b)rc t to MSm Inatlon. CATALOG FilEE. Remember the Name and the Place E 3 O O KJ HAIR 16* BTATK ST., CHICAGO. 9th FLOOR. AGENT AT LIBERTY, F. J. JONES HT8 DUDLEY BT., BOSTON. MASS. The kind that get the money. Call or write. P. 8. ZIMMERMAN. 5 K. U* » » • ■' ■*•» *ork Agent for The Cattle Bros. Co., of Detroit.