The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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608 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. July 27. HOPKINS & ALLEN WILD WEST REVOLVER 32 or 88 Calibre. Only $8.75 Post-' paid, By Mail. Write (or new Catalogue o! Shot Gum, Rifles and Revolver*. Free. (in. Barrel. Bloed Steel. IIoi'JvlNH & ALLEN REVOLVERS are widely used by stage people because of tbelr high quality and loir price. The above model— WILD WEST REVOLVER—la especially desirable for melodrama and Western Shows, because of lta showy size and pistol-like appearance. DESCIlllTION—A long barreled revolver—large ana very showy, large stock and blued octagonal barrel, a bait foot long. Makes a great show from the front, and especially with 38 calibres, a very loud report when blank cartridges are used. la double action, aelf cocking; hammer re- bounds after firing, obviating the possibility of accidental discharge. Barrel la twlat rifled, and excellent tor target practice. The revolver la safe, ac- curate, reliable, and made of beat material throughout 38 calibre, 5 shots; 32 calibre, 6 shots. l— - Sent by MAIL, rOSTPAID, anywhere In the D. 8., for f 3.76. SAFE DE- LIVERY AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED—If not found at nearest gun store. Same gun, with triple nickeled barrel frame and cylinder, 60 cents less In either 32 or 38. Mention calibre wanted when you write. TUB HOPKINS A ALLEN ARMS CO., Theatrical Dept., Norwich, Conn., V. S. A. Lartett Manufacturer! of High Grade Papular Priced Firearm* in the World. Graham's "THE WI6GERY 9 9 Wigs go Mke light- ning by pipnii to any part of the globe Films For Rent or For Sale COOD SERVICE WITH MODERATE PRICE. A Few Special Bargains in Films Feet. Name. Price. E. 23 ST. IT. mO Unexpected Meal $7.00 250 The Hero 11.00 (150 Herring Fishing 35.00 131 Man Without Scruples.. 7.00 023 Horrible Adventure 35.00 OB Kino Ulrthday Cake 4.00 008 DlatrcsB 35.00 278 I'ollce Inspector Hypno- tized .77. 13 50 038 The Fencing Master 38.00 240 Transformation (Colored) 25.00 1000 Bandit King 55.00 200 A Brigand Story 15.00 000 From Lcndvllle to Aspen. 35.00 710 On the Stage 40.00 1.11 Angler's Dream 8.00 481 Tenderloin Tragedy 28.00 .K10 All for a Necklace 20.00 428 Crayano 21.00 557 Mines and Forge at Decnz- vlllc 40.00 278 An Old Man's Darling.. 14.00 075 Dowser's House Cleaning. 40.00 213 Colonel's Bicycle 12.00 100 Troubadour 10.85 410 An Unskillful Skater 22.00 410 Picturesque Canada 22.00 800 The Plratc'a Treasure 46.00 147 A Strange Mount 8.00 023 Picturesque Japan 35.00 131 A Skating Lesson 7.00 810 The Park Keeper 10.00 377 Witches' Cave (Colored). 30.00 l*"eet. Nat Price. 100 Sea by Moonlight $10.00 I1U0 The Fox Hunt 25.00 150 American Soldiers In Cuba 6.00 41K2 Olympic Qames at Athena 19.00 377 Mrs. Brown's Bad Luck. 12.00 813 Tunnel Engineering Feat. 32.00 508 Alps Been Through Tele- scope 25.00 402 The Village Witch 25.00 410 Great International Cross Road 16.00 407 Moving Picture Man 20.00 370 Lumbering In the West.. 12.00 010 The Female Highwayman. 45.00 800 And the Villain Still Pur- sued Her 40.00 114 Rebellious Walktng Stick 4.50 442 Day In (he Country 20.00 311 Artist's Dream 12.00 04 Man Being Run Over by Automobile 4.00 1100 Trip to Niagara Falls.. 30.00 100 Sea by Moonlight 10.00 420 In the Polar Regions 11.00 420 A Female Spy 20.00 377 Motor Car For Sale 18.00 450 Carnival at Nice 20.00 200 Tunny Fishing 11.00 500 Sultan of Morro 25.00 350 Norwich Pageant 12.00 000 Rostock Wornwell 23.00 205 Pay Day 11.00 Leatheroid Trunks. LICHTER THAN STEEL. 60 TIMES 8TRONCER THAN WOOD. LEATHEROID MFC. CO., Bend for New Theatrical Catalogue. B3» B'WAV, N.V., near Spring St. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 20ln., $7 00 : 28ln., $8.50 : 80ln., $0.50; 86tn., f 10.60: 40ln., $12.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, $7.50. BUI Trunks, 80x28x15, Inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42ttx28%xl2, Inside, $16.00. Shipped on receipt of $8.00, bal. C. 0. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount SIMONS & CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est. 1864, S. W. cor. 7th and Arch Sts„ Phila. " BACKBONE OF THE ARCADE BUSINESS." The average town or olty will readily support as many "Automatic Vaudevilles >' as It does theatres. Dozens of ArcadeB were opened last year by men of no previ- ous experience with coin-operated machines. l)o you know of a good location t If so, doa'i. hesitate. We have a splendid new model Mutoscope at $00.00, and bargains In used machines aa low aa las. IHEIIQIl MUTOSCOPE & BIOCRIPU CO., 11 B. 14th ST., NEW YORK TYPE K. 118 NO. B'WAY, LOS AKGKLE8. THE ASTAIRES FRED and ADELE Juvenile Artists PIUBSENTING THEIR NOVELTY SOV() and VARIED DANCING ACT. Week July 22, Proctor's. Newark, N J. «i«iio.r DOCTORS; MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when yon can handle goods that will sell themselves. Kloctrlo Delta from f l per doz. up. Large variety to select from. Inhalers, 7&o. perdoi.; Voltalo Insoles, use. doz. pairs. Pure Uocoaunt Soap, $2.00 per btoss. Kino Modleal Batteries. Bend lie. for Sample No. 14 K. II. Trial order will convince. One-third cash required. Urgent Manufacturers of Kleotrlc Belts and Appliances In U. 8. A. Established 1878. Lecture and price list free. THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Inc., Bnrllnptoa, Ian. JU6GLERS' SUPPUES»^HH«iSS^ 55*r— *i ott*. • Baffcajst IN spite of the many imhanoni, 1 "LUCKY STRIKE" has the solid aeal of public approval, and it the largest telling brand of sliced cut tobacco in the world. LUCKY STRIKE Sliced Plug Pipe Tobacco Never varies in quality, imokes evenly, is cool to the end, with no waste, and it* fragrance commend, it to all. Economical and lasting. Pocket sire, tin box, 10c. EVERY ACTOB CART BE A STAB, But for a Dollar and a Half You Can Own a Star Safety Razor, The Headliner of Safety Razors. It Fits in Your Make-up Box. It is Simple in Construction, It Is Reliable in Its Work. Shave When You Like. If You Want a Clean, Yelvet and Perfect Shave, Use the Star Safety Razor. Sold Everywhere by Dealers, or Kampfe Brothers, Manufacturers, Ten Reade Street, New York City. Money Back If Not Pleased. • & *tf& Iff I After Shaving IMENNEN3 BORATED TALCUM TOILET POWDER and 1 nsist that your barber | A^k use it also. II Is Aollacptlc. f aaaaaaVal and w 'l'pr"entany of the a ^^^Lj 6k >" diseases often con. 1 Ha. traded. 1 J^^ Bj^ " A positive relief for I^HQhS^ Prickly licit, Ctulioj and ' ^^""^^ Seabsn. and all afflictions of the akin. Removes all odor Of perspiration. Oct Mermen's— the original. Sold everywhere or mailed for 15 cent*. ScmpUfree. QERHARD MENNBN CO, Newark, N. J. REMOVING J^W THE fH»I MASK, 70 YEARS THE Siaidard Depilatory Powder. Unsightly and Stimulating growths of hair are surely and effectively removed from the face, neck or arms, without pain or harmful re- sults of any kind. X. fcazin's 1b the origi- nal Depilatory Powder. Sold at all first Idclaas toilet counters or by mall, In Bealed |%aokBgcB, including postage, 80c. 11 ALL 4 I RDOKKL, N. Y. Olty, Makers of Sozodont. in CHICAGO PLAY rACTORt •t -..-. v.,«' II K lu OM!t<( tJOCi..!" »V40«l: . ••„■ ,' Mi«>- A V BDOavNt -OSI m ... •. ,i •■'v r p!.m viiip.\pio:\-. inw wvufv. lam a grandmother s - nnrt n.T roniDleilon clear, therefore I *«■—«-» »-"■ —E with grandchildren going- to ik-i Kosmeo ■^■ TtfM j} lli|| ^ and my complexion clear, therefore 1 plexion clear and youthful. Mrs In n healthy, notnral way Koemeo cleannes the pores, stlnin- lotcn the glands. Increases the blood circulation and feeds and nourishes the skin tissues, thereby keeplDK the skin free from flaliblness. wrinkles, chapping, pimples, blackheads, and nil ordinary blemishes. It protects the skin from tan. freckles and sunburn. For men'a use after abavlDg It promptly allays all Irritation. Price SO Cents. At all first-class dealers, or by mall postpaid. Sample Box Kosmeo and Book Free Oervalae Graham 1473 Michigan Avenue, Chicago. itL-aaaLa. w- WASIUNGTON. Siuokane At the Spokane (Dan L. Weaver, manager) Iticharda & fringle a Georgia Min- strels are announced for July 27, 26. Auditobium (Harry C. tfayward, mana ; geri.—•The Woman Who Came lietween, with Virginia Urlssac as Constance Horton, played to big business week of ». Ueorge jlcuuarrle, Miss Adams and Mlsa Laird gave goou support. Anita Allen, who recently joined tne Shlrleys, made good, and gives promise of becoming a favorite. Tne next card Is "i'ba Triumph of Uetty." Washington (G. C. Blakesley. manager). —llarrland and Kolllaon gave the best act on the bill, presenting a novelty musical sketch, others were: iloblnson and Grant, midget comedians; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. 1'owers, sketch, "The Players'," Mr. and Mrs. Murray, hi "Is Marriage a Failure'/" John Walsh, "the man with the hod;" Bert Von Kline and Grace Gibson, singing and dancing; Alf. Bonner, illustrated songs, and olograph. Columbia (George M. Dreher, manager). —The Lewis As Lake Co. closed 13, with ".The Girl from Chili." with Marjorie take hi the central part. Business was all that could be desired. The company win go to Portland, and is succeeded by the Curtiss Comedy Co., with The Man of Her Choice." Kussell Lee barrett Is leading man, the ingenue being Marjorie Rambeau. , __ . Notes. —Spokane capitalists have subscribed for *150,0OO worth of the $000,000 stock Issue In tie United Theatres Co., controlled by the Sulllvan-Consldine syndicate. Among the local subscribers are: Dr. F. Fred Esslg, C. 8. Eltlnge, A. G. Hanauer, James Smith, L. F. Orlppen, I. Domberg, Patrick Shine, Aaron Kuhn, A. Cooledge, A. McClean, Charles Blbblns and M. Oppenheirner...... The 160,000 Club of Spokane, of which h red H. Gaston la secretary, and the E-Nak-Opa. have authorized the expenditure of $9,0U0 for a two days' carnival, next Fall. Two thousand dollars will be expended on fire- works Mrae Marcella sembrlch, line. Johanna Gadskl, the New York Symphony Orchestra and Harold Bauer will be neard In concerts In Spokane, next season, under the direction of Loudon G. Carlton Mayor C. Herbert Moore has signed an ordi- nance, passed by the city council, prohibiting pool selling Inside the corporate limits, which means that unless the books at the fair grounds are moved outside the limits, or the people of Spokane guarantee to make up the deficit, the Spokane Interstate Fair Asso- ciation, which is under an expense of $70,000 for two weeks' fair and racing, beginning Sept 23, will abandon the exposition and meeting. A committee of sixteen men, headed by Charles P. Lund, has been named by President Crane, to prevail upon the council to rescind Its action or modify the ordinance to cover the fair. Two pool rooms, operated by Colonel Appleby, are oat of commission. Singers from various cities In the Middle West and the Northwest to the num- ber of 1,500 will be heard In concerts at the biennial meeting of the North Pacific Sanger- bund, In Spokane, Aug. 29 to Sept 1. There will be a symphony orchestra of seventy-five Instruments, under the direction of H. Mag- nus Olson, and among the numbers or singers and players will be "The Pilgrims' Chorus," "Tannhauser," "Kaiser Barbarossa," "Hlm- mel Kuchlnen," "Blue Danube," "Gebet Warend der Schlacht," "Bolcher Farewell" and "The Star Spangled Banner." Henry Hausmeler, president of the bund, says there will be 25,000 visitors. s Tacona,—At the Grand (Dean B. Worley, manager) Nellie Eltlng and Harry Earl, Krelsell's dogs and cats, Hawley and Leslie, Burns, Morris and company, Maybelle Meeker, Thomas La Bose and the Grandlsoope com- plete the bill tor week of July 15. Stab (A. En gel, manager). — The stock company, In "The Charity Nurse," was the attraction for week of 14. Tacoma (C H. Herald, manager).—The Dandy Dixie Minstrels 27 and week. Note. —Manager Timmons, of the Pan- tages Theatre Co., was In Tacoma, 12, and stated that the company Intends to have a new theatre building erected In this city. The Crystal, the one in nee now, Is too small to accommodate the vaudeville acts that travel on the Pantages eircult In all prob- ability the building will be similar to the one the company is erecting In Spokane. It Is six stories and contains office rooms, etc The new house will cost something over $100,000. It Is announced to be completed by the first of next year. 4 I » VIRGINIA. Norfolk.—At the Bijou (Abb Smith, manager) In addition to the regular stock, new people for week of July 22 are: Ken- nedy and West, Lottie Miller, Howard and Membbardt, Lee French and Frankle Baker. Business good. Acme (Wilkerson & Mauzle, managers).— People who play this house week of 22 are: Clinton Sisters, Thomas and Wilson, Flo Esmond, Weston Sisters, Mackln and Hart, Tilly Holcomb and Rentz and Edwards. Auditobium (J. M. Barton, manager).— Bill for week of 22: Harvey and Adams, The Great Payne, Harzadoes, Minnie Pater- son, Barton and Osman and Gny Johnson. Manhattan (Crlnnlan Bros., managers). —There will be no change In the bill at this house for week of July 22, people for week of IS remaining. Ocean View Casino (Otto Wells, local manager).—The continued hot weather has proven a boon to open air resorts and busl- n ^?? FSP&Jj* T ? r ' gratifying. Vaudeville will hold the boards at this resort for week of 22, "Pocahontab" at the Hippodrome la play- Ing nightly to fair business! 4«» OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City.—At Delmar Gardens (Slnopoulo A Marre, managers) the Beggar Prince Opera Co. In "Mascotta"* opened July 14. Pierce and Koslyn, as the vaudeville attraction, are making good. Bill changes to "Fra Dlavolo" Thursday Putnam Pabk (C. W. Stater, manager).— T . h , e , vlr # n,a Jetterles Co. opened, 14, with U ? d ^. r .^ w0 Vit *»" for first three nights, and "Money Mad" for balance of week. Business Is only fair owing to bad car ser- vice. ««» Gkokob and Libby Di'PBKE are playing the liodklns circuit and are booked for twenty weeks. Their new set they write, is a suc- cess. They have Just finished fifteen weeks or Western Association time, and will play return time. While playing Joplln, Mo., week . i n ?r^ 3 ' 9 e S rR ?, "upree Joined the Eagles, Aerie 152. of Joplln making him a member of alx organizations. Including the T. M A's . Elks, Eagles, etc. «».•=•■. Club-GocKtAii TTLED DELlChV THOUSANDS have discarded the idea of making their own cocktails—all will after giving the CLUB COCKTAILS a fair trial. Scientifically blended from the choicest old liquors and mellowed with age make them the perfect cocktails that they are. Seven kinds, most popular of which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan (Whiskey base). The following label appears on every bottla Guaranteed under the Natloaal Pare Food and Drnsrs Act. Ap- proved Jane 30th, 1906. Serial No. 1707. G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO. Sole Proprietors Hartford New York London Lord & Taylor WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Professionals at home or en route advised to ask for this brand. Note Trade Mark above stamped on every pair. The finest hosn made. Sold by all dealers every- where. Special features: Colors to match shoes and costumes. "Onyx" Hosiery Procurable in all conceivable styles, fabrics and prices; cotton to silk. NEW YORK, Culinary Success Is a matter of good seasoning. More than one Famous Chef earned his reputation by the judicious use ot Lea * Perrins' Sauce THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE Jnlm D-zruaa's Sons, Ai'tnK, Nr» York. 1 HALF-TONE 8fe| SnWTE HALF TONE PROCESS CO [ ——"-- ■ HYCirrav. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 LA SALLE ST.