The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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JljfcY 27- '%£ YORlt OILI^PBR. .' t 1 (HI ■William Morris,' general hooking ngent. for Klav fc Erlsnger,_Ylsltcd the Trfmnnt last week In preparation /or tlie 1 Ttturtpr!lie.Rea- son which grama at thnt house In the Pall . ...-The-ureelc Dramatic Society gave n performance of "Alhnnnseor.Deakos," nt the Park, Sund ay, e»eftlng, .21. • j- • ■ ^"■■ m am * m ^ m ^ «ofJnn;fleld--^AI! the Court Square' (D. 0 Gtlmore, monHtCD "Charity," a new curtain raiser by-Brewer Corcoran, dramatic editor of The ^prjBiflflfW '/?*jnih/(eri», was nlven Iti first presentntton by the'Hunter- Brartfora player* last week and wis moat favorably received. "Candida" wnS their closing attraction. Dockstader'a minstrels July ^7 a&l week. .... 1'oi.i's (Gordon Wrigfiter, resident miWn- jjpr).—|n spite of tire warm weather •at- tendance continues .good. "Granstnrk" last ♦edf was well liked. "A Night Off," 22-2T. \oxts—Cole Tiros.' Clrciis Is bttlcd here lor 'Mj Sidney Irving, was out of the 'MM at'Poll's. I«»t week, owing to Illness. ■ Mrsv l4)slle Carter Payne is enjoying trio nix ot the.Berkshire Hills; Utter - a sitc- ee«fiil .season, which'closed nt Ottawa, Can., Jnlv 8; .'.'.;Tnomrfs II. Donnelly, the well Utin'wn minstrel man, Is vlslt|ng # with rela- tives In thU city. .... .Donnelly & llatfleld s Minstrels will-open their season *t Colnmbus. O Cbas, C. Carver, formerly lending man with the Moore Stock Co., of llochcster. J2P5S5* SP^H ««». A- Kirk, mana- 8KiI7 A e W 1 week, brawght-good return* hn^ « H >P!'J* r «*>,"• Tfc«.0«WaD. Marine band wag the special attraction. Schcpp's dog nnd pony ghow week of 21. rt^«£5 .S m • _ ;T,*' cn, '' "lotiMnd. people itnMsed the wedding of the yooug couple. in CydonaV iiS5' S?„;'ift .^SHE yaimeville attractions Included: Harvey and "■ Singers ami dantvrs; the ZetiWaa, Devon • V Y Is to soon lead the Poll stock -company here ..:. .The Alpha' Trio, toon rollers, rand"*" a decided lilt at l'ennot Park, Westflo'd, last "week The Hunter-Bradford Com- nany, of Hartford, Conn., Is to produce dur- ne the week of 10, Chas. and Agnes Caetle s ■The Secret OicBard," which hns been rtntomttted br-Cbimnlng Pollock. Tbo*e 'from the Springfield company, who will as- sist «tc : Ida Lewis. Burke Clark nnd Edward Elton. •'• ■^ ■ ■ i ■1,ynn^-Ai the Theatre Comkjne ' (M. Mark, manager) business continues good for the hot season. New pictures and Illustrated ^OwtMAN's.Si'iitMrB Theatre, Silem <M. rtovle. mannge.f).—One of Manager Gorman s all star companies this week. Business ke=sp8 "V^-Man^r'sheafe-s electric theatres In'this city "and Bass Point. Nnhnnt, ate filming to 'good business. The programme rneTuaes moving pictures and HlnBtffited lw&. ?: ■ blaster W'Cnsh. the young son of Thomas CitA, well known in the tbeatrlcnl profession. Is making a .great btt *MJ#? Unes *t Manager Sbeafe's house nt Naliant. songs ^ 0 ^' Bf ^ t clrcu9 p| aye< i to an Im- mense business here 15, and repeated It at Smith, manager) this popular nlny house si'lcm 17. Charles J. Banks, claim agent with will open Its next season,_ July/2ft. f Ijalanclng act; the Musical ,Ttuss«lls, 7*l|». the.frtg moa; Cardona's lions. The White utytrond continues the free concerts every etcjlng. and till the other outside amuse- ments are drawing lilg. ; Notes. —"The Iiljou Dienm," heralded as the most commodious and most luxurious -ofmaVtmr plaint* thaatres In the world, opened to the public sweek Of ;. • Harry Da- vis,, the r.lttshntg, amusement,jauoager. Ik the owner of -The llljrtu Dream" Joe S a i"?{.Sf, thl " elt y< l«t"ng baritone In "The 5*d-Mi'l all Inst season, and formerly of t".* BogToblans, hts accepted on engagement with l*w Weldg In "The Girl Behind the 2ff*!B» jHa*" opens at the Herald Srpiare Theatre; New York, in August,.. >.. All of Hie moving picture theatres are doing good business Work Is advancing rapidly on the new, Lyric Theatre, and Mr. Ilurtlg, who Is to manage the house. Is -expected 'here about Aug. 1. ; * Toledo—At the Casino (Kllves * Itbseii- thal, managers), for week.of Jjily.M,.Valeile Bergere and company. In "The Dancing Girl," proved the most pretentious and satisfactory offerings so -"far made by the Casino manage- ment. Tho Wg theatre is being packed at every performance. Reltecca Watrcn. In "Cousin Kate," week of 21. ~ Pabm (Jos..Pearlsteln, manager).—The bill last week proved t».1>e bne of the best of the season, and 4he'popular Summer theatre Is doing cnpnclty business. Herbert Lloyd, the hMdllner, was a great hit In his act, entitled '•Burlesqno In Vaudeville." Emma Partridge, a contralto singer, has a powerful voice, which ghe Used to good adTfnntage. Tho pro- gramme also Included Lola Cotton, a vmUh, assisted by her father. In a mind reading adt; La Vine Zlmeron, a quartette, composed of McDonald. Blls, McKetlna and Hudson, scored ii success, »nd> thef Jupiter Brothers, original cowboys from Oklahoma, mystify -wlth'demonstratlons of black art. The mov- ing pictures) closed the bill. The bill -for ill and week Includes: The Verd! Grand Opera Quartette, Mrs. Delmore. Fields and Wooley, and Dixon, Crocker and Walters. , • -. .. i t Hamilton.—At the Jeffersn (Tom A. the show, who Is a former Lynn newspaper man. cntfed on many old acquaintances while here ™ .John D. O'Shea. chairman of the inn -d' of Brand trustees of th«f grand lodge of Elks-who died suddenly'While Attending Uie convention In .Philadelphia, lost week. whi the exalted ruler of Lynn Lodge, and one of the best known HB : i the rnfted States. \jmmniit •'Jtt.'tfci liakevlew (J. J. Flynn, mnnngert the Adam Good Stock Co, con- Unues to win well deserwd sttflcess. . Last week "The .Minister's Sweethearts" drew ca- pariiy. This week, "The Olrl from Broad- WUMUHJUV: (Bowers Bros., man- ftC ero.—The 'lhetttre Antique motion plc- t ures and llustroted,. songsi are. a big magnet here. Business has been excellent. • Cavowe Luje Park TmUTU •<«- «• Sargent, manager ..—The Ca;obie_ lAOtm Co:, in "Princess Bonnie, found favor last Week. Minstrel, vaudeville and ^pera. bur- lesque will be given, direction .Theodore Ly- telle th's week. " J PiNEHCRST PAtK'tW. P. A rt « n, "; < L ,,, 1 a , n J}- ger) ._Concerts each Sunday to b\ff busi- ness. BUI week of 22: Delmar **■>*<** Keefe. I/"iris Sisters, Bjiby Louise, and Il- lustrated songs and the vltagraph. . KonKPAinH-SELLS Cinci'H gave, an ^excel- lent programme IT to big business. Annex, direction, Arthur Hoffman, AL Mnstlfl, lec- turer and Punch: Donmore s Honolulu Min- strel linnd and a long list of entertitlnera also come In for a big patronage. i ■ ■ • I t ' v Worcester.—At Poll's • (J-- C- Criddle, resident manager) the Poll Stock Co. will be seen In "GraitBtnrk," ,week of July -.. Last week the company played I-ord U»'tn ley" to very good huslness. Irene 'I'lmmons. a favorite with the theatre-goers of this city, is now lending' lady" oC the -Poll eompnnjr. Wnlter P. KIchardson nnd Harry McAulltre have also Joined the cast. At tub 1,1KB (Wor. Con. St. By. Co mnnngers) for week of 22, "Helen ot Troy, N. i'.." Is tho attrnctlon AT the White Citv (F. H. Blgclow, man- ngert for week of 22. "■»- -Trip,JferfM .Tungles," nnd Hnrptit. Desmond and H"""™. singers nnd dancersj.Capanrs Celebrated Knyal Itali an hnTid. I uunton— At Sabbatla Pack (Joseph J. Flynn, manager) for week of July B fmm Includes: Fred Kckhoff and Anna Gordon. Herr Augiiste Dewell. Barry and Klla Gray. Heed's acrobotlc terriers, and Wesly onu ' °TAi!W'KflA Pabk (It. A. Unrrlncton, man- neer).—The operatic farce, "Mr. Manet from Mors," Is lite uttruction for week of 22. with n strong cast, headed by Sadie McDonald. ■ i ' i . . Fall Hiver At Shcedy's (Geo. S.^Has- comii. manager) "The Best Sinn Wins was presented hy the Burke Stock Co.. to good business, last week. Bert Walters, In n pleas- ing monologue; Bnhy McVeigh. In songs and dances, and Jere Snnford, in Illustrated songs liotween the acts, greatly pleased, week of July 22, "The Governor of Kentucky. .\'ickm.nnEON (,l«s. F. Mason, manager}.— Week or 32: Mr. and Mrs. Nick ■Hughes Lonlse Belmont, Mason nnd Doran, and optt- ycopc. Business Is good. «■ > OHIO. rinclnnntl.—The weather man was kind to the Bummer resorts last week. Old Sol was out In full force and as a result there was a rush for the outdoor, places. miswTM Park (Ike Martin, manager).-- The Flnneys lead the vaudeville bill July 2t. Others are: Tldbeaux's Olrl Zouaves, Bro- thers De Van, Tognar;llo Trio and Joe Hardmnn. The Cheater Park Opera Co. will present "The Chaperons." Edna Iteming has joined the company and will appear as Phroso. „ , Litdlow Laooox (W. E. Clark, director of amusements).—The vaudeville 21 nnd week: Three Bonnldos, V. 3. Pone and his trained dogs. Dawson and Booth. Burt Melburn, aud Sherman nnd Fuller. , „ . Zoo (Walter C. Draper, manager!.—Ryrl nnd his band have been retained week of 21. Swain's iralned birds In the amphitheatre. Ciixet Iswnd (George Wellington Engel- breth, amusement manngcr). — Letvls and Karr. In "Down on Suwanee," are featnrert :*1. Others lire: La Bose and Coyle, Stella Relnhardt, Three Hylands, Lottie West 8y- ■nonds and Jack Howard. • - — ■ ' Dayton.- At Fatrvlew Pafk (Elmer 15*- delle, manager) the excellent bill offered week of July 14, together with good, season- able weather, produced phenomenal business. The thentre was well nilcd at every perform- ance, and Well's famous concert baad and Bice's'dog and pony shows were feature*. The bill for week of 21: Glrard and Gard- ner In "Dooley and the Diamond;" the ilardo Trio, comedy acrobats; Yamamotog Bros., sensational wire performers; Herbert end Witling, black face comedians: Anna Golde, singing comedienne, and the pictures. £ inside attractions: King and Queen, the I ting horses. . . kenbury, manager) the Vaughn (llascn ck Co.'presenled "When Knighthood Was I'lower" to big houses week of July 13. Ill onlAci-ount of BH«a'" is the offering present- ing "At Cripple Creek." Big Heartea "Jim" wflf follow. Aug. 4. Gbahd .(McCarthy k WrfWl, managers).— Vaudeville to tike business. comsb rji (Wm. Schomachet', manager).•»- Vaudeville and nark attractions, are doing good business.' Xorris.—"Manager Smith, of the Jefferson, has adopted the policy of' booking hide- pendent shows and first class production* ......The Liodenwald Pork Theatre closed for. the season Jnly 1.1 because of poor business,' Hamilton's Summer resort. the White City, on .the banks ot the beautiful Minml Blver, nnd nt the Coliseum, Is said a thing of'the post. Too much expense and too small a: patronage Is said to be the canse. ■ ■ ' i " Cleveland.—At the Lyceum (George M, Todfl,- manager) the Livingstone Stock Co. presents "CsuHlle'' week of July "'2. "Fnele Tom's Cabin" drew-satisfactory'bouses week of-45. ■ Sams company week of 20. Colisei'm' (Max Fa'etkenheuer, manager). —Tho Joseph Shaehan Opera Co. will -alnj; "Cavnllerla' Bustlcansi" and "Trial by Jury ' week of 22. The dual blH. week of 15, of "The Pirates of Penzance" and "I Pagllnccl, drew capacity houses. Same company week of 20 Keith's iH: A. Daniels, manager).—Bill week of 22 : William Courtlelgh and company, Scars, the My.stlfler: Clifford and Burke, Ul- llan Shnw and Ave otherncts. ntiCMD Avt:snE GAUnp.vs (Max Faetken- heuer, manager).—Bill week.of.22 :. Frozlnl. Frederick ,■ Bojvcrs and comimtjy, Arntnalo Troupe or Japs,' nnd other acts. Luna Pauk (Elwood Snlshiiry. manager). —The- bills are good find big crowds flock here. . : ' ■ ' i ' Col«B>ha«.—At Olentangy Park (J- W. Dusenbiirs', manacer) tbo Vaughn (ilnscn Stock "* in F "AH! on, week of 22. Coi.t.iNS''o.innEw (Herntnn Collins, mana- ger).—pig business ruled the entire week of Indiasoia Park enjoyed the biggest btwl- ness of the season during week of 1 o, mo celebrated diving horses. King and Queen, continued as great drawing cards, and closed their engagement. Prof. Graham's trained gonts are the feature attrnctlon for week of ""'Note.— The High Street Theatre will open Its season 2f>. Sprliifcuelrt— M the Spring Grove Park Casino (C. F. Powell, manager) the bill for week of July 21 includes: Marlo-PIunkett nnd company, the Four American Trumpclers, the Sisters Albert, and Mack nnd Klllott • Note. —The Orphlum Theatre, ■ under the management of Gits ■Sun, will reopen Aug. ■>. i * Can (on At the Park (W. II. HarrK roanhger) for week of July 21 the bill In- clndes: The Exposition Four, Dixon. Bowers nnd Dixon. Hilda Thomas and Sam Hall. Snnsone and Dellln, the Conroys. and the llfengrnph. Very good business all of last week. . •-*-«» ■ orti'tiov. Portland.—At the Mnrquam Grand (K Morton Cohn, manager) Nance O Nell did line business week of July 8, presenting 1 he Sorceress," 8-10. nnd "Ihgomar," 11-14. "Die Fires of St. John," week of Ji".; I'Jlagda. week of 22. . „ . Ltric (Keating *c Murphy, managers).— The Allen Stock Co. week of li>, presenting •Sweet Nell of Old Drnry." Stab (J. H. Errlckson, manager).— I bo Star Stock Co. week of 15, presenting "The Strange Adventures of Miss Brown." Grand (J H. Krrlckson, manager).—Do- Inn and Lenharr, John and Berlha Gleeson nnd Fred Houlihan, Dan Bohy, Gertrude Ge- best, the Fonr Shades, Joe Thompson, and (irandlscope. Pantaoes' (John Johnson, manager).— Lincoln Comedy Four. Reed, Wiley and Evans. Brooks oad Vedder, the Musical Bent- ley, May .Melville, Joan Wilson, and the ThSm (Joe .1. West, manager).—Claire Slouley, Virginia Vernon. Morion Atwiort. Mnttle Mnthleson, Josle Myers, Mickey Feelcy, Ethel Smith, Adelaide Stewart. Wilson nnfl Leicester. Jones and Italvelle, Josephine Gor- don, Mlnona, Lillian Starr, Laurlne. the Great Hill. Dick Hittchlns, Bret Carter. Edna Minor, the Stocktons. Frank Lambert, the Wheeler Sisters, Jeanette IHtprey, May Jody, Beile Donald. Agnes Conway, Marlon Duns- worth. Mae N. Vernon. Llitzle Sulllvnn, Helen Graham nnd stock. Oaks Hummhm Park (D. C. Freeman, man- ager).—Excellent business. Schllzonyl's Aus- trian Hussars continue to give dally con- certs, Don Carlos and Ms dog and monkey circus began. 13, on engagement of ten days. «>» La Serin.*, the toe dancer, has signed with the Merry Maiden's Hurlesnuers for next Bcasoa. Marks Brothers' Attractions Ydiir wants, u u I. anyiliiiiK In the MOVING PICl'KKK or ll.l.t STRATKI) SOsjo LI.VK uri-llc u» and we will en- ligliten j o«. L1TK HO\<k litTS. THE HANDSOME BRAVE LIFE SAVER ; ihere's mm ELSE BUT YOU There's Riee for Us AH u Ike Tiollt, DEAREST POCAHONTAS j KITTIE KAREV SILEHT WOdlNS ROSES STlN6ir MOON 0REAMIH8 i. »j SCHOOLDAYS , j TAKE ME BACK TO NEW YORK TOWN SAN ANTONIO And Maajr Other* Rqaally as Ooml at ■fj jg per set. ■ tj kee Rriimn Moving Picture Machine* and SuirjillfM on hand fnr qnlrk dollrrry. Wrtta for part Irnlar* of our Flint Keni- lngSnnir«. We are innniifru i n i lug llie Hiieostai that yon karr heen looklnff tor. The New York Hoard of I'ndor- M^rttar* have plarrd tii.-lr seal of »u- prov al an It. Prlee, $14.00. Ticket - on rdlls In any quantity. Wire, write, rail or'phone at an y linitr. d»>-ornt«ht. WE ARE ALWAYS OPEV. HARSTN « CO., 138 E. 14th ST., NEW YOBK. PHONK t f ggJ'aiujrMaW.;' ' " " LADY MUSICIANS For 30-plcce Udles' Hand and nrehesira. Kony week'*' engaijement. - Air week mands. i.eit Iheu- tros: largost elites Hi Inileil Mules.- liehcarsnli liegln In New York t'ln Anif. ••. (,'oninniiy opens Ang. 19. Aire fall 'pnrticnUirH ilrsi letter anil name lowest salary. We pay all Iruiiiportatlon after joining. WearenotagcniH, lint owners and nwqugen*, ko don't flgu re on paying, commissions when (inntlng salary., Send, nliotus. If iiosslbie; returnable. Those who wrote before, wrhc'iigulti, giving address, for luimwllme reply. i - .MKArflO 1'LA^'B AN OltaANl/.KI) LAMBS' BAND OK 20 TU.:U I'tROKS.FOIl :«« WKKKS' WORK. Address * ■ . >. • i. > MA^AOKK LAlllKS' HANI), 9ft> GbountitSt., ltooinao..,-d'bll»delimiH,Pa.- MAN WITH MOVING PICTURE OUTFIT: SOIE CHOICE riLMS. Want opera Ainl Vaudeville People, ami I'aoplunll Lines. I'bino Player, Agent, nn\, 10 OH'ii Aug. as. Mime lowest qiibik. I'atii til'KltA CO. Address P. a. Box «H, Chicago III. ■ Wanted. Oharaetor Mau For MlMr Heavy lor Vaudtvlllt Act. JOS. K. KOTI.RIt, week or July tt Oak Stiinmlt rark, Kvanaville, Ind.t week of Jnly :•». Ainlome Tlieui re, Torre lluiiie. Iml. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Would ron*lder an nrTer lor a live years' Iraae on t li•- ino»t prnnilnenl lo- i ntoii store-rnom, *lxe !I3x3IHI feet, sit- uated In a Puna*, r.lty of 100,000 popu- lation. Hest lorallou for moving iHi- lurr or other aiiiiisi-mcni... Address BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITY. can- o f t L1PPF.H. FOB SALE, HOWARD THEATRE CHICAGO. ILL. Scenery, Opera Chairs, Kleoirll-al Signs mill Cotti- pleic OuiOt, or any part. Adtlrnsa I.OHIV .1. IIOWAHD, (if llo wanl A lioyle, if- Winlilngmn Si., oblcago . AT LIBERTY, YOUNG MAN Want* Poaltlnn, Playing: Small Pari* or Part In Al Uramnlir Co., or Vaadnvlllf Hki-teh. Age 21. Height 6ft. Ii.'„in. l.o« Hiilury. Ilelialili: niaoagera only need address A. 0- HUTCH. KO* id Ave., Alloona, I'a , THIIKK YRAHS' HVti.iUEMEM. Woman for atrale;hl lead and niothxr'* Sart, Child Olrl, II or 13 jr., old to oatile boy and girl part, liloail pre- ferred. Send pholoa, experience and salary Hrsr letter. Remember ihe advertiser Is a man of money and rcpuimlon. Those applying must he It. Address nuKOtM llft»AXT. 3V1 Markei St., Kenosha, Wis. Theatrical Manuscripts, l.eiral Docnmenls, lltis|. ncs.s Correspondence. Moderate prices. LOTTA ItlKI.HKIUl, 41 W. iSlh HI. HEW UP-TO-DATE 52 PABE BOOK catalogue ot Lateat THICK*, Hooks, etc. Just out. Heat for loc. mini-: nt kk. W. t). I.KKOY. I(M «;otirt St., Boston. Muss. SCENIC ARTIST WANTED To paint full set of scenery. A n«wer unlck. n,X IIKltNIKR, ivrlle. II. EHVIV, . mi W. Fifth s i. , Topeka, Kan. firnze ». Papfer Macki h, Mirertlsiig NoYtliiis, nil Wcbi Broadway, Nerr York. First Class Rep, People in All Lines, Jnvciille Men. Juvenile Hniit.Mi.i'lifiiiici.T MiMi Hint can .lliei-i. Dcuenil Hiisiuess Man lluil I'nli ■Mte sliige.Tnii Ran. comriliaus wnh rttivm saertellira.Twa Leaders. I'lnuo IVnpioliiit.'iiii ito-pcclDl UN preferred: Strotur Acting Woman, Mm Hin< w:irtlrnlH>. for «ei>tiil ),»s|ni's« hi sauMTI Hay A. Urli Marks. Vnudcvllle People that work in mir tnui nipiinles n>|irur>i> Atig.U'. 'I'll 111141 lime wiltten write again. Marvin .mil Jlmlgev*. INmlc.i 11111I iluj. Ki'imeily nmi HVI111 Main, W. S. Oiirulier, ivrttr ■I- \V. NAHKst, I'eitli. tun. San Antouio, Irish Rosie. C'hi-yeime. Ida ll». wiii'ii.Yim Know Vou'iv S.111'oi'goiien, nc: Kvernni- ft'us Meiviii ror.«<onieiinc. Wnliltii.' at llie Clinreli. I Wnmlrr If V1.11 Miss Me, iinuxl Did Kliiif. ami-Some lirsli's Waiting for Ymt." TV.\ koii A Din,1. tit. One Irish llonolngrtiM-lriii minutes oneiMiarncier Mnnnlneiic, elitlti miiinios OneSirnlglii .MuinilogiK'. ten minutes.. The three for t£.ftO. or 1 line Moimlurues nmi ton Parojlies, t:i.t«). • EDDIE KELLEY, Lock Box 404, Chicago, 111. .tl.OO 1.00 Al Vaudeville Acts, Repertoire or Musical Shows. ■ • ' - • Address I'. T.TAll.lUt, jWnrral Park, Utile Hoitt, Ark, Sam ML Young's Airdome v. TKHKK HAUTK, 1MHANA, is doing a nice business with Viuulm llle-l'lrcns.- The Alrdmiie M Terre 11 mile I. tine of llie iiinsl lomplcte Summer AniDseiiisni B la r n s In tlieMlilibe West ami Is Die oulv placuor Hie Mini having liotii siage and Circus rting. —I 1—I- U--U1-J L-L.- I . I' " I > ' >i PARK THEATRE < OMIMIIUN, I1IIH) FINEST SUMMER THEATRE IN AMERICA WANTED -High Class Vaudeville Aots for weeks Au- gast 5 and ia. J. W. DUSENBURY, President. •EASTERN) AUBREY STOCK COS. WESTERN) WANTED QUICK, I.railing .tin ii. I.enillnft Woman, Mali* Comedian n-lth Hin-i lull i.m, IVomnn fm- lleavli's and .liivrnllis, UNION I'KOPKRTY MAV. ilnshui Dlreilor, IMnnid. HAM t. Mil. I, Kit, Mnuager, \en llrnuan Irk, N.J.' AT LIBERTY, THOROUGH EXPERIENCED MAN AS MANAGER, ASST. OR TREAS All) tt UNION I'AKFKNTKII rtthl I'llDI'KHTV MAN. H'll'K I'l.AVS .stiCllltK'ITI:. ItlirlfMillv ft Kurce itnmrity. Address »•» Cure of Alii ASlll.Wll UI.O« Ii, I'ltlfann, III.' WANTED. FOR HERALD SQUARE STOCK CO. ( i in: oiiiomai. no. i iompanv REP£RTOlR£ PEOPLE IN ALL LINES . . . . ItiOliiilliig l.i'ii'lniK Luiit, Juvenile i.miy, lilinraiaVr wmuiiii, i.eutliug .Mini, Juvimlle Miiu, CiiiikhIiau, chiipicierMiHi, lliuivyMan,riunoI'lnyef. iTefenoii'Dglvuritiiosiniiiliigripei'liiillfls. Also muii Al 8mge Director, play tMmriicters rtr Heavies. Vauileilllc aim sjiecinliv feople, write. Slum all ilrsi Icller. est hSlur v. Pay own liolol. All intisl have AI ivatilrolie. soasuti opens Ncpt I1K0II. HlfTftli, Propr, I _. ItitlienrsiilH Aug. In. IIA Hit Y lirillt, Mgr., nut l.iiiilsaM..U'lllliinisftiu ! i, Peiimi. ■B FULTON BXCBTS CASI2STO, SALISBURY, 1ST. C. IRE OR VAUDEVILUE COS., Willi buiiil preferreil. Tor icnns address <i. I.'. KTKWAIIT, Algr., Kiillon IHkIhh Park, Hullslmry, N. (.'. iCTOES-WAHTED -MUSICIANS For "A Country •» Heavy, Juvenile, l.'liaracler, Usui, l.'iiiiiiillnii fur KIII, must doulile hnma; alsn Musicians lor II, A t).. Lcnileror Orrbesira Violin. In ilmtlile Htirllulte In liruss; also Slide Tnuiilsine Sulnlsi, Tuliu, to (IniiMi- l.eml; iilsntinnil l.i'iiillnir IjuIj, Ingenue, rati use Ageni for No. -jstnuv. Season opans Aug. II. Ile- lieursals Aug. Hi. II. H. »" lll'ITA IJI'll. Ml. Clniiiens, Mich. ROWLEY «fe GAY'S CO., (lu.iil lli-pfirtolre People, l.eiullusr Halt, Heavy Man (olio M illrei't), lieneriil litis, Man la da Spni'liilllits VaiMlevlIln Team, Man ami Woman (oilier limn sluicing ami dauriiigi, Imtti l» play purls; Mule I'lnnlsl, Scenic Arllsi ami Maa nidi n I'lcliirii MailiHie, liulli In play purls. Seven timl elulit shows it week. Suite uire, liolglit ami weight, nmi lowest salury, I'orluug, sureHeiisun. Address K. <;. IIOWI.KV. mi I,yell Ave.. Urn Hester. IV. V. c, TUIIA, II. A ().; (JI.Anl.NKTH, tltiiible II. »r .Stage; SKCONH VltM.IN, duiiblb bund; Binge I'eople dniililt* iMind; Woman Willi cltlld for Topsy ior Miirle) mid Kvu. suinniei' timl Winter engagement If o. K. ftlvc plenty of route, as mull Is forwarded. Permanent atlilntsa i. H. KltlWIII IF,I,IJ, Jlarsclllcs, HI. SEASON OR 1907-08. THE COPELAND BROS.' STOCK GO. W A IV X K I>, Two lienlleini'ii fur Cluirsi lers, Ileal lis iiikI Helli-ial llo-llii'--. I.ouit seusmi. hM siiliules. Illhi'ts wrllf. WANTKII ALSO. (Illllll, I.IVK AIIKKT. (JMI'KI.ANII IIIIOS.' STOCK CO., Alrilnini>, Sertiillu, Mo, call LaBARRE BROS.i^w A'l lu'ople booked fur Hie llros.' Minstrels report MATI'IIIIAV. AIKI. 3, In mornltiK, at WKl.LKI.Kr.l', MAMS. Cull use Tula mid Ouiilile Hsss, HarlKilie to double either slage or orrliestra, Trnmlioite to double slage or oilier instrument In >'.; also Trim Drummer. Union Since t.arponier 10 double III band, other* Write. KHIHi: l.tliAlim:. Hoy iw. (ilniienster. Mass. WANTED. FOR MURDOCH BROS.' BIG TENT SHOW. Airohitt Ilia! can i-hung* for'week. Also l.tidy Hint <*n sing llli>siraietl soni;s nnil do np«. clullies. Week tlalid. Siharr sure, Write or wire, 'i'.'id Cook, wrlle. MUltUOCK IIIIUH., Schiiylcrvllle, X. V., week of July 22.