The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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iilS w 3STEW YORK JULY^, fcfgh HKW voiik t:rrv. Hellh Jt Prneior's I nloii re . E. I*. Allxw, general manager).—The usual .■IK crowd was on hond on Mnndny ■ after- noon, July 21'. nnd enjoyed the following programme: George Baclain and Lisle rtgh. In '•An 1'nexnected Visitor:" Mason antl Shannon. In "Astrology;" the Kills- Nowlari Troupe, Ilrdlnl .nnd Arthur, Jug- glers : Pnui Hmom, tnonologulst; Alice Ilan- .ton nnd Ciissie Nelson, the '•Heal Fun. Mak- ers :" Nelson, Mlllodgo nnd company, In ."Si- mon,■Ihe-.Biillcr:" Kittle Johnson, the "Ten- nessee Nlghtlngnlo:" Gnllandn, clay mod- eler: Murphy and Andrews, Arthur nnd Lii- . clllc Carlton, nod ilio vltngraph pictures. Keith * Proctor's Fifth Avease Theatre (K. F. Alhee, general manager).— "Esmeralda" Is revived this week, nnil on July 22 n delightful performance was gi.'oti. the pretly arches and orient dialogue of the work scoring bit'. Kdna May Hpooner plityed the title role with exceedingly Rood effect, htr acting carrying the part to a dlstlnr, triumph. AugtiMns Pel I lips, us JJave Hardy. acted with hlH usual cleverness, and excellent work was nl?o contributed by Harold Ken- nedy, as Mr. Estnbrook: lien F. Wilson, as Jack Desmond; Arthur Kvers, as George Drevr: Edwin II. furlls, as F.lheri Ror<e;-s; lames Montgomery, as Mnripilsde Mnhlcssln ; W. I.. West, ns James; It. K. Spoonor. as John: Olive Grove, an-Mm. I .yd fa Ann ling- ers: Jessie McAllister, as Norn liesmond, nnd Josephine Fox. as Kale liesmond. Keith A Proctor's I iv.-n I} -I blr.l Strret Theatre IK, I'. Alhee. general inan- ngerl.—Joseph llrtrt's new girl ;n-l. "Fire- crackers." beads n'line bill this week, nnd <in July 22 I he upplhuxc li received proved that Mr. Marl has again struck lite public fancy. II was the-llrsl New York nppar- aoee of'the hel, which lutroduci-d a dozen people, with Pearl llevare heading Ibe girls, a* Tommy Tucker. ■ (ieorge IIIMalley plays Toddles, a frog, and George Jnffeyx Is n Wise Old Owl. 'lite principals danced ex- ceedingly well, nnd the musical numbers, by t'nanil and A. Itnlrtwln Slnnne, were pretly and well rendered, four scenes nre shown—Frog l-and, Tlie Home of Ihn l''rogs, a scone showing I lie Wise Owl In Ills clemcsut. nnd the, last and most novel of all. Firecrackers, during which Hie stage la pret- xIIv set In the colors. A number of big firecrackers nre standing on I ho singe. .and '..the fuses to these sputter us the curtain '-rises. Then .there Is an ex- plosion, and simultaneously every fire- cracker lilsrutes n girl, gownod'in red. wVIo nnd blue. The elTecr Is excellent, nnd the offering plainly pleased. '» Mann San nod company, also under Joseph Hart's direction, appeared In ••The Geisha's Dreniu." n dainty novelty, elaborately staged, and with some of Die prettiest light en"ecls ever shown on the vaudeville singe. O Hann San, with rhrcc ::ss!«lnnts. sang several songs with splen.lld effect, nnd the dozen scenes shown were wnrmlv npploudod. The ad Is well worth seeing, tuners.on the hill nre: The Empire fqinedy Four, Agnes Scott, assisted by the Yflpllnl'singer and easy actor, llurnce Wrlg'nr. In ilie liltle gem bf a sketch, written by ills* Scott, entitled "The Wnll Helwecn:" Avery and Hurl. Stanley nnd Wilson. Herbert Cyril, nnd.Zlskn and King. The motion pictures continue., . ■ \ li'tiirlii Then I re (Oscar Hammersleln, manager).—There nre hut three changes In ibe bill here this week from the bill of Inst week, .the',principal one being the American llohul mi Monday. .Inly 22. of the Kast Indian conjurer. Shekln, usslsied by his wife and son. Ills feats of conjuring consist. In the tnnlri. of those jierfornied by other cxpons- In America for many years, bin Sltekla has not a single- hit of stage paraphernal In or mechanical aid In any way lo assist him In performing his feats.' He cut Into small pieces nnd apparently rejoined a strenmer of silk ribbon. The untying of knotted hand- kerchiefs : a clever dlsapiiearnnce nnd re- appearance of fowls nnd a rabbit from tinder A very small basket resting upon the hare ' stage, nnd did other puzzling I ricks, but his two best feats were the growth of three sjiruh* from a small pile of sand, on the stage, using no cones or nedealols: and the building of quite u blazing Are atop the head nt his wife, using only a s|x Jnch vessel. which was apparently hollow, upon which he built his lire. Shekln, as stated above, carries no' magician's properties, nnd this filet alone causes miiiiy of bis feuls to seeiu wonderful Indeed. Ills American debut wns Very successful. The Juggling llurkes. In club manipulations, nnd tieo. II. Reno and company, are new here this week. Acts which continue their successful engagements here are: Wiiyhnrn's I'linnlasllc I'hatitnms. Huruold's dogs and monkeys, the Four Avo- 10R, Four Untieing Fords, Collins and Hart. Fnngere. Ihe Willy 1'ml I/CI' Troupe, and the vltngraph. I'nstor's Theatre 'Tony Pastor, mana- ger).—A good sized audience enjoyed nn en- tertaining bill nt the .Monday in itliu e. July 22, which luchidcd Miss Chiiuunie l.n Mara, who nintle her songs "go" well and ennied much applause, tlilbeti and Knleii, Hebrew entertainers, uittde their llrst .Now Vork up lienr.inee, nnd scored heavily, 'i'belr juiroilles nre good and original. l/-w Ollliorl Intro- duced his newest sung, entitled "The Man Willi Ihe Pick and the Shovel," and the itndience eeitiritl bliu re|»".itiMlly. A Yiddish dnnre. by Knten, proved Ihe "real article," nnd he was compelled to repeat II three or four limes before satisfying Ihe house. Others who earned much applause were: Charles nnd Fanny Vim, Andrew Mcljcod. Stevens and Kceloy, Mmis. I IitIm'.-i , Murrny, Clayton nnd Hrew, Humes t.nd I/-wis, Jieii- lun nuil Scnit, Caldwell and Wcnlworlh. l'lehls and Mason, Will Onvls and the mo- lion lllclllies. i it si no tSnin. S. & r^eShuliert, Inc., miina- cersi.—"Fnscluallng Flora" Is'gnn, July 22. lis tenlh wi-ek. Friday evening's per'forni- nnce, ID, was intended by about three hun- dred members «if the Friars, mid during the 'second ncl, Oisirge O'lsmnell, In a Friar costume, sang their song, nnd 1he publicity ngents of the organization Joined In ihe chorus. Allnulle Rnrdeu (W. Kmmer's Sons, m.lnngei'si.—Munceln nnd Winilfe. couieily bar act: James Waters, character cmnedlnn : llrndler mid Karnes, operatic duel lists; the St. Helmed, on Ihe Hying Iramv.e: Kilty Itoff- nian, voca 1 it>misllenue, nnd new moving pictures me the aiirnctlons for this week. .Inrdlii do 1'nrU (F. Zlegfehl. Jr.. mnn- ngert.—"The Follies of H1II7" Is now In Its third week. Klg attendance rules. St. Nlrholna tinrden (Oen. A. Itlumen- lltnl, mnnageri.—Kallenhorn nnd his orches- tra are doing nicely here. Mnillson Square Hoof ftnrdcM.—"The Maid and Ihe M Ultima I re" liegnn, July 22, Its tlflh week. Flon-nce Schenek. who recent I v returne<l from Knglnnd. lias Is-en I'lignged by the management here to pose hetween the nets, tippearlng for the llrst time on Tails day evening, 2". Maiilinttan i'lienire.—Shepnrd's moving rlclure shows nre stilt popular with the regu- lar patronage. Snvny Tbentre (Frank McKee. mnnageri. —"Tlie Man of the Hour" began, .lulv 22. its thirty-fourth week. Houses pinnedi American. Astor, Acniletnv •if Music. Helasco. Itljnu. Ilroadway. Criterion Holy's. Fauplro, Fnurleenlh Streel, tinrrlck. tinrden. tlrnnd 0|iern House, Hudson, Hock- ell's. Hippodrome. Irving Place, Knlcker- lioeker, l.llierty. I.yrlc. I.vceuni. Lincoln Jsejtinre, Mndlsiiu Siiunre. Majestic. New Am- sterdam. Xew York. Star. Thalia. Third Ave- nue. Wnllnck's. Wels-r's. Ynrkvllle. Keith .V. Vrortor's Fifty-eighth Street, Circle. Colonial. Dewey. F.lghlh Avenue. Murray Hill. London. Miners Itowerv and llnls-rs Museum Hniipylnml. Stnten prowds nre flnrklng here, portliy ones. ... Aerial hardens (K(a,w 4 Erlanger, innoagers^-rfieo.fl; Cohan, in .".The llpney- moonefs." began, July 22. his eighth week. Lew Field<* Hernlil Sqnare Theatre (George M. caanagerl.-^Kddle Foy entered his sixteenth .week. In "The Orchid, on Monday night, July 22. ' Harlem.—At Kellh ft Proctor's Harlem Opera House (E. F. Alliee, general manager'i •a new.version of Marie Corellfs "Thohma.'' written by f'llle Akerslroro, was presented for Ihe llrst tlale In New York Monday. July 22, by Ihe stock company. Ilea trice Morgan appeared In the title role, nnd the leading roles were Jlllod by: Alphonz Ethler. as Sir Phillip F.rrlngton: deo. Howell, as Olaf Vol- demar Dudley llnwley, an Oeorge Loriroer; uolili L. Illll, as "Sigurd: Wm. «.•. r.'arr. as Pierre Duprex; Inline Itandnlph. as Ijldv Wlnlelgh: Krnest Anderson, as J.nrd Wln- lelsh. and F.mcllc Melville, as Violet Vane. Kkitii ft Pancrnn'x Onr Ili'sncno Asn TWKNTr-PIITIt Stukkt Tiieatrr <K. X. Al- hc.e, genersl uinnnger).—This week's bill Is headed by Fvn Tanguny, which also Includes: Tlie Four Itlnnos, In nn acrobatic skit called ",1a Africa:" 1,'na Clayton and company, in "Whnl's In u Nnme;" F.mmn Frnncls nnd her Whirlwind Arabs: Howard nnd Howard. Hebrew parodists: .liillti aTMJMBi and Al llaynes. in a skll ; Si John nnd Lefevre, flnncrrs, ihe /arrow Trio, and moving pic- tures. Ai.iiauhiia (Prrcy fi. Williams, manager), -rrilnod aiieiid.lm-e si ill rules at this popular resorl. The performances on the roof thi"so hoi Summer nlglns have proved n magnet be- yoatcihe experinllons of Manager Williams, ■nill wej-k of 22 Includes: The Kemps. Paul I<c Croix.. Mnreenn. Xevarro and Mnreena, Delia Fox. Tom Nnwn nnd compniv. Iji- deJl and Crouch, the Military Ocleite.'.lames Thornton. Ihe Sulellffe Troupe, and . the American vltngraph. MtrrRnifii.ts Koop i;.\m>rs iHunlg ft Sea- inon. tnnntigersi.—There Is no fnllirtt oir ill business here. Each week sees new patrons nnd Ihe resort Is fats gaining popularity. Itlll week of 22 Includes: Morion, Temple and Morion. Mnv Sailor. Coakley and Me- llrlde. Mnrshall 'Liilgl. Plcaro Trio. Ilnrrv Thomson. Jnllnn Mil Inge nnd Vic and Vet tie Hyde. llrnuklvn—At Pnvtnn's IS. S. Allen, manager).—Mr.- Paylnn's eighth season at ihls house will begin with the performance of "A Uoyal Family," on Saturday evening, J"ly-2I. The Summer vacation here has lieen a short one and the reopening Is proba- bly the earliest' that Mr. Payton has had since he came to this part of the elly. Forty olociric fans will try nnd counteract the effects of the. hot weather during the re- mainder of the Summer. "A Iloynl Family" will he continued next week, with "At Plnev llldge" to follow. LCU PAUK.-^"T!k- . I^ist Girl," Lima's Intesl diversion, has proved a popular tri- umph. "The Mountain Torrent" nnd "The Dragon's (■'nrgc" are crowded. "The Days of. '48" has received a new consignment of Indians, cowboys nnd bronchos. "Tho Hreac Shipwreck." "Night aad Morning. rhe Tickler." Ihe dance hall, and free outdoor i-lrcni) are continued successes. . Hnr.Asii.ANi).—Jtlg continued winners are "Creallon. t'he Fenst of Kelshiizznr," and ••The Arabian Nights Up to Date.". IIostock's Aiikna. —There is alwavs n show worth while witnessing here, nnd busi- ness proves that Ihe public knows n good thing. Htkki-i.kciiask.— The Human Niagara una Just been Installed, and Is extremely ludi- crous. The fi la nt, See-Sow and the Airship tower are now In operation. ,. IIf.xpkiinox's. —Rill week of July 22: KarnnYs ponies and dogs, 'J'eddv Black and Ihe Melnntte Sisters, Those ■ Four fjlrls lltuby, Orlndell, Kyle and Luby), De naven nnd Sidney. Melanl Trio. Donsr Bedlnl nnd dogs. Four English Terrors. Myrtle Byrne and company, Xed Wnybnrn's Ride Show. .Tnne Elton nnd cnmpnnv. the Onrl Family.' Kllahanzal Japanese Troupe, nnd Dnlmo arid Shnw. Maxiiattax BBArn.—Pain's Fireworks, wilh "8harldau> Hide" a conspicuous, feat- ure, continue. HiiiOliTox Hkacii Padk.— Meglnnlng Sat- week. May Word and her Dresden Dolls, cm brine Count Iss, In "Compnnlnna In Crime;" That Quartette. Bynn and Itlrh- lleld.. Jack Xorworth, Ihe llnftln educated monkeys and Henry and Alice Taylor. MnitHtsox's, Roi'kaw.w Beach.— BUI week or July 22: VMnr Herherfs Song nirds. Mai hews nnd Ashley, Kxposltlnn Four. Beed Sisters, laiiiru Onlwny nnd llnlpb Johnstone. (ini.iu-.s Citv. C.WAKsin.—This resort Is ■ doing well. ««» VKW VOIIK STATU. Ilurt'ulii —\i Ibe Star. Ihe BonsielleStock Co.. week of July 22. In "Her.Own Way." In Is* followed. 2fl. by "When We Were Twenty- one." ^Ilss Bnnstcllc'a iseosnu has-lieeh highly successful. I.vinr.— Wlllliim Fiirnum mill June Onkcr. bending Ibe Farnum Stock Co., Btnrl a long engagement, «. | n 'Monte Crista.;" "Vir- glnlus" 211, In the cast also nre Olive Whlie. Louise |a>wIs. Wllllntn lb»Hch. Iliile lluinll- toii. Mnrsluill Far n. Thns. Flndlsy, Averll Harris nnd ('has. Harris. SllR.Cs.—Wivk of 22: Cressv ami Dnyne, Jas. Ilroekinann and company, Arthur Whllc- Inw. Marl In Bros., Ilig City Quartette, Belloug Bros,, Xortiai and Itussell, and lleiirl French. LAKAVtrrrR.—Big S<>nsalioii Ittirlesuue Co., In conjunction wilh California liirls. Ihls week. French .Folly Co. next week. I.iixa I'abk. —Ernesto Slslers. Worth nnd Owen, (loalsiullb nnd IIoiiim-, Chirenee Sis. tors and Unrolliy Uahl. Ai'Anr.Mv.—Si-nson opens 21), with "Nellie, Ibe llenul'lful Clonk Model." Xotk. —Julius McVlcker retires frou> Ihe Bonsielle Slock ibis week, owing lo III health. He will Is- succeeded by I'niii McAllister. NEW JERSEY. Xewnrk.—Vt Proctor's (H. C. Stuart, resident mftnsger) tbe midsummer audiences continue to. enjoy the good bills which are always here. The current attractions In- clude: Ritchie and Heara, in "The London Fire Brigade," and the novelty. "In the Land of Bohemia.'' as features.- Othets are: "Cre- mation." Emll Bubera. Al. Carleton, Wilton Bras.. t,be Astalres, and Dees and Dees. . - Ei.Kcrnic 1'ajik (C. A. Dunlep, manager). —Crowds' visit this big pleasant resort these hot days, and enjoy the numerous entertain- ments offered, in the rustle theatre this week are: Mile. Bartholdl. with her trained birds: Coogan and Bincrbft. Teddy Black and the Melnolt Twins, James Poticr Uunn and others. On the big open air stage, "A Night Iri Ihe Tropica" continues a spectacular feature, in addition to the eleclrlc fountain. Oi.viteic Pabk (II. A. Schmidt, manager). —The Afcnrn Opera Co. arc well established In the public's favor, and nre drawing big houses nightly. "Mlkndo" Is the current Mil. William BInlsrtell has Joined the cast as prin- cipal comedian, and Blanche Morrison to play Yum .Yum. ' 11 lit.sun: Pabk (W- E. Thaller, manager). —-Jienutresi's Wild (V'esl Show ofTerS' some new features .Jhls week, and .on the vaude- ville stage Ver Valln 'and Bnblnson. Frank linston and Fanny Fondlllcr will be the at- traction. • • •'. Notes. —Eugene Raymond, of N>w .York city, wns burned about Ihe body, last week, while glvlnp an exhibition at Hillside 4'ark, hf whnt Is known as the "cannon ncl." He ascended several thousand feel In Ihe air.In- side a sheet melal cannon, which was at- tached to his balloon. A inantlty of <iowder. used lo make the net effective, exploded nt tbe wrong time, and his clothing caught fire and could not he extinguished until he reached Hie ground...... Another performer. Anetla Srrmmers, was also Injured lost week. while doing Ibe "Dip of Death." The ear did not. have sufficient, momentum and fell, and Miss Soutmers received a severe scalp wound. s " —i Atlantic City.—Al the Savoy (Fred W. Moore, mnnageri tbe William Crane Ornnd Opera Co., which had excellent business week of July 1,1, remnlns for another week, Is^glnnlng 22. Yoi'xn's Pi kb flat, E. Shackelford, mana- ger).—Hip business continues. For week of 22: Nil I Wills, Frank. Bush, Freda nnd Dare. Polk. Kolllns and Carmen Sisters. the Oreat Lynch, Elodla Hunter. Sadie llelf nnd Carlotta. Atlantic OAimr.x (Sidney Fern, mana- ger).—The bill for week of 22: The Famous Fords. De Bont Duo. (iandner, West and Sunshine. Mnrten Sisters,' A. E. Tenney. Ihe Rays, Tom Ilefron, tbe Blches, the Vnla- dons. the Three Melvln Brothers and Pnfehen nnd Clifton, SPECIAL NOTICE. bieiun lo nn rrirn preunrc of n**(*es» « number of iio/r» from our IHenift Ktm rmnlfd out. but thru Kill appear <» our uert luue. — Ed., •■-■*' ' * ,* » . ' ■ Plans oir the "llaater Brown" Ainuseinent Co. The "Buster Brown" Co. officers are: John LeMer, president: John W. Bratlon. secre- tary and treasurer, and Clay Lajnbert, gen- .erni manager. ' ... Ijiiii season tn'o companies were on tnc rood, ond three companies will he put out the coming season; They will all bo equipped alike, and there will be nn ennal division of the territory, week stands and one. two and three night engagements. The companies will lie designated Eastern, Western nnd Centrnl, headed bv Master Rosen, Master BIre and Master i.'eed. all midgets of exceptional ability. Each star will have the support of excellent nnd well known people, nnd the choruses will be large and well trained. The corapngilea wl|l open In ^September., •-» . ««» . —r-. i,ior«e Lcderer Producer lor •'«•' ( lilenan \udliorlnm. Oeorge lcderer. who has been the manager of the t.'olonlal Tbentre, Chicago, since the reign at musical comedy and fnree started there, alwui two years ago, has been selected by Kinw ft F.rlanger to.produce (be musical comedies and spectacles nl Ihe Auditorium, that city, which this llrm will manage here- after. . i The opening attraction will he "Morning Glory.*' and Mr. Lederer's re-entree Into Ibe producing held will be marked by several Innovations in Ihe action of the play. The book Is by Wllhttr D.,aiesblt, nnd Ihe mnaie by Wallace Moody. , ■ . '* * ♦ ■' ' " Poiins; IvnnlR 'I lieni rlcnl I Ircnli Co. luenr|iornlcil. fiovernor Stuart, of Pennsylvania, granted a chari'or laat week to the Pennsylvajiln Thenlrlenl CilrcnH Co. The capital stock is Ihe nominal sum of J5.D00, nnd the In- corporators are Fred fi. Nlxnn-Nlrdllnger, Samuel F. Nlrdllnjjer, nnd f.'eorgo M. Smith, of Philadelphia: Julius Cnhn. of New York, and Edward Bloom, of. Blue Point, Long Island. 'This- organization will control circuits In Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, and Dela- ware. In these four Stntes Ihe eorpofnllon will control nearly 100 theatres. The IB- Jon. in Pittsburg, will be Included In this circuit. Wn, some Instances more.than one house i n .> will be .nhder the K. .ft R. banner* 0 n a c,l f • In New York City "there will he tt,. v. York Tbentre. e.nnonnced to inen In. N . fr and the Majestic, which will ehiTnee in 5; S- rllle after the run of -Jack On fhe rtt"- i( - Tri. on M . ,._ "OX, prodnctlon contracted for some Ibm \S: * , lu Brooklyn will oe the CrrnndViVi?r.f?' and the Mk : yhR hons^s, win"^**J operated In ntlladelpnia—ibp p,™,!?,-, the new Forrest. H ■ J na Others to' present vaudeville — - ^ Klaw ft Brisnger dlwsrtlon w II he Sg?-% my of Music. .Montreal ;■ the new thea^t Toronto; Tretnont Theatre, Boston ■vS." Theaire. Kprlngneld; Worcest'e ■ ■n$!*> YVorcester; Teck Tbentre, Buffalo- ffifc Theatre Newark; SHubert. T3S* SR Si^L M "£l A «"lerson Theatre. CmSSi Shnbert Theatre^ Knnsas City ; O.arrit tL : aire. St. Ivouls; feljon, Pittsburg- tEFULZ BochesteT: HlprKslrome. Cleveland- aS torlum Chicago: .Shnbert. New Orleans^l?'' rosoo, Us AngJdej.;. Princess. San Frnneiul?' a. new theatre In Oakland, and h nn "« t* Denver nnd Salt IJike city. n nw ■ Se P Tem^ 0r " r " ^ ho " SM »"' "W, . ' '•''i.V*! > v'r . —' H. W. nnd Sim William.' Attraell.,, la " The rehearsnls of B. W. and Sim W». Hams' burlesque attractions, Williams' M, perjals and Williams- Ideals, nre In pwgC' and everything Indicates that the* wuvff this season, live besL lliat has ever anneuM under ihe Williams' banner. »PP«u>d Wlth the Ideals ore: Murphy nnd Ham Frey and. Allen, flruclt and fcrurtt. BnTh Kvere I^Sommers and Storke, Nick Mnrpbr hoi flln.shurg, Beatrice Lennrn, Mnrle Crawl Francis Lawton, Bessie Baker.' Kittle Moore h.ilheryne Moore, Rose Meyers. Helen Weir' Annie Foster. Addle Delmorc.-Amelia Wnodn' llzal.eth Lnton, Florence Sellnger Lllllxn Annie Foster, r Cameron nnd Sim \Vllllnms will give the ideals his nw- ponal attention «n-tour. ' "Broadway Jonesy." Cole «■ » a vm » Itoclicsicr. The regular season of vaudeville mi Conk Opera House closed .lulv 2H. The season of HSiT US will opiHi Sept. -j. July 22 « tnoiisler henellt perforninni- for the hinise iiltnehcs. It.tKKk (Mrs. T. (i. Boyle, ninnngerl.— "The l.lghlhouse lly tbe Sen" wns given by the slock hist week. The I wo new member's of Ihe cniniuiny. Jessie l-awrencc and l.ydln Dickson, made their llrst appearances, 'nnd crenn>d exceih-al Impressions. "No Wedding Bells For Her," week of 22. ClIllATKH OXTAIIIll llRAt'll P.tBK (II. Ij. Messmon-. tnit anger I.—Oscar V. Ibibcock, In his thrilling act. Inst week, wns a grent drawing card. Fifty-Fourth Regiment hand i local), the Tlms> Jossellns. mid Ihe im- perial Yeddo Troupe, 22 and week. Hi.r.s IIavkn Pabk (It. K. Wilson, mana- ger I.—Business Is Immense. Dmrv ljine & Co.. Kenynn and Ho .Inno. Carl Conk. Flora llrownlug and the Rlnaldos. week of Jersey .city.—At Keith ft Proctor's (P. Burns, manager) the bill for week of Julv 22 includes: Zeno, Welch and Zeno, Vlolii lie Costa and company. Archer nnd Crocker, Orth and Fern, Ferrar, Cole and company, .lumes . Francis Dooley and Girls and the Otlo Brothers. L linyonne.—At Ihe Rayonne (R. A. Schil- ler, manager).—The Schiller Stock Co., In "Jesse Jnines." week of 22. ♦ »» MICHIGAN. Manistee.—At the Ihunsdell (R. R. Rams- dell, manager) "On the Banks ot the Kenne- Ih-c" July 18. 17. The Harvey Dramatic Co. then begins a six nights' engagement, open- ing with "A Soldier of the Kmplre. The management announce the engagement. In the near future, of "The Mayor of Toklo." 'The Isle of Bong Bong" nnd "The Show Girl.", - , -. Buor.—This bouse has changed hands. K. J. Bingham retiring nnd W. Sharp taking possession. The till for.week of 14 was "The I:rafter" and "Betrlbutlon." The HAuE.vnM'K-WA!,LACE- Shows, -com- bined, will exhibit here July 25. . -r— , !* ; ■» ;. ——. ',' Hnrry Roel Parker'* AilrBctions Soon to Bearln Ileliearaala. Harry Doe! Pnrker's several attractions will soon be In rehearsal (or the various openings, that will occur as follows: "David L'oraon." at the Great Northnrn, Chicago, Aug. 11. thence playing the principal houses of the Stair ft llavllo circuit. "Vuder,South- ern Skies" (Western) will open at the same theatre Aug. IS. A long tour has been booked for this company, embracing a trip to the l'aclllc coast. And, covering thoroughly all the Intermediate territory. The (ICasterni "l.'tider Southern Skies" Co. will start Hie season nt Charleston, S. C. on Aug. 24, and will remain South until Dec. 1, a tier which the company will play throughout the Fast In all tnc principal cities. The (Central) "Under Southern Skies" Co. will, ns Its name Indicates, eover the central States. The open- ing of this .company will take place al Iji- purte, Ind., ou Saturday, Aug. 31. . Air. Parker has used great care In the se- lection of the |>eople for his several coat- piinles, and be states I ha I be considers bis enst for the coming senson lo lie the host he has ever employed. c 4«» ' • • Mlllcollinl Ilroilicrs' Prodnctlon. Tbe Mliicniluil Brothers' Amusement. t'A. will put out n new in.wlucilon, entitled "Jejisle lx>ft Ihe VllbiKe.'' It Is a rural play and refliilr-s Ihlrly-lhree people. Including a lids- bund. "Fighting Bill, Sheriff of Sil- ver Creek." Is another new production of Western life lo be put out hy this rtrm. Joe Morris, In "lite Heart of Virginia," n new musical comedy drama, will he sent out wlih a chorus of pretly girls The Ml'ienihnl Brothers will also send out James .1. Corbett. In "The Burglar nnd Hie Ijidy" and "A Millionaire's Rerenge." —-— ' •«» . \iinec Jt Nalllvaa's KHterprlses. In addition to "The Grent Wall Street Mystery" nnd "The Burglar's Daughter," Vance ft Sullivan will put nut two plays Ibis season In "The Card King of (be Coast " by l.em Parker, and "Her Fatal Love." They Intend milking new scenic productions of nil their plays and are now busy selecting com- petent msis for each. Pathfinders and Trailer* Elect ' Onlcers. Pathfinders and Trailers, an organization formed of traveling advance men and mana- gers, held their election of officers nt their club rooms. 14".0 Broadway, Friday evening. July 10. The following officers were elected: W. 0. Fitzgerald, president; Jake Isaacs, vice president': Tom Byers, treasurer: John Dally, socretnry: Itonrd of governors. Jnmes Wccdon, Joe Beymer. Warren Irons: publicity cnmmitlee, Joe Goodman, A. J. Pollock. Bod Wagner. Ji benefit will he arranged for the cluh nt. Ihe Lincoln Square Theatre, New Vork. In the near future. ■ «» Max Brooks Saps the Sunt hern Paclfle It. It. Max Brooks and his wife'Sadie Vedder, were roughly handled on a train near Beno. New, and were put off the train by the con- ductor in n dispute over tickets. - Mr. ■ Brooks states thit his wife, was hurt her arm showing black and blue marks, and her shoulder being-swollen. - ne has begdn action against Ihe railroad. ♦ »» Amarlllo, Tex., to Have a New Oners Hoaae. The Grand Opera House at Amarlllo, Tex., which Is now under construction, will be com- pleted hy Dec. 1 next. II. II. Elliott, under whose management the house will be. writes taut It will be one of the best theatres In Texas. +•* fitiM Illll Slaras the Giant Indian. Black Hawk. Gtis Hill has secured Black Hawk, said to lw the largest Indian In the world, lie stands T feet 4 Inches. In height He will piny the Indian Ip "The Shoemaker." —■ ♦»» i Mullnn Opera House, Mat Ian. Ida.. Completed. The Million Opera House, Million. Idaho, bit - been ••omplcted, and w(ll piny t ravelin; attractions ine- coming season. '. *J ♦*>*)» i-i ' Klks- Heat Presented to Paine.vllle, O., I.o.Ikc, hy Hubert Manchester. Tuesday afternoon, July 2. wns the occa- sion or the dedication of the RJks'' Best, prc- Komed lo Pnluesvllle Lodge, B. P. O Klks No N§.. The exercises were ultended bv two hundred visiting Elks from Cleveland and Ashtabula. „T h ". 'J;'" 1 ' JW'wwilNt to Hie local lodge by Itoliert Manchesier. Is a stiilue (life size) of nn elk. inntinled on an oblong bssc of .granite on which Ik carved: "B. P. O. E.. No" MO." I he elk stands thirteen feet from Ihe ground, and Is made of gun mental. The monument s In n Inrge plot of ground In Evergreen Cemetery. Palnesvllle. * +—+ . r.u.jern Wheel News. The Gaiety Theatre, at Washington, D. C. .V' ['J,™!** A 1 *,-' 4 -. 'J. n * <>l*>'liig nttnic- Ion will be llurtlg ft Seamon's Trnns-Ai- Innilcs. The bouse manager Is Win. S Clnrk formerly of Wnldmnnn's. Newark, N. j ' Ihe Murray Hill Theatre. New Vork. will bei repainted and renovated and the opening al trad Ion will lie Sum Scrlbner's big show* Herbert J. Mack will be. the bouse nSinager Mr. Mm-kK own show, The World Benters, *"• B" «'t wl|h I"rank Calder nt the helm JTie Co iniibin, al. Scranlon, Pa., a new house, will npeu Sepl, . will be the house "rannn»r>. Joseph nety Weiss ♦ »» In he «■» Island. — The and tbe bills nre DisrnirT ok t oi.t hih k. \\ iishlnirtoii At the New National this week Ihe Alwrn Opera Co.. In "Fru IH- nvolo." Ijibi week "The Beggar student." "Wnng" next. ItKi.Asiit.—This week. Ihe stock, bended by Charlotte Walker, in "A Itunrh of Vio- lets." Lnsl week Miss Walker w« n tinnuall- lled praise and capacity audiences In "Th" Doll's House." .. 1,, l s -\ "IP*—Herbert's Grenadier Guards ltnnd. In Ihe Sbell, and Allle. I.iviiK-fs loop the loop. Conway's Ithaca Band drew big. Gl.l'.x 1-Yllfi lliciiiiiuoMi: ii,. J. SlniOiids. mannger).—I>el Manlo's '.land and Ihe rlln- g i-n I ill CitcEvv Cbaw I.akj:.— C. S. Mario* Band. "The l-ady from tunc'." l'roilucc.t Auk, VI. Rehearsals of the new musical cornedv "The laidy from Ijnne's." by George II Brnndhiirsi nnd Gusinye Kerker, nre Rt full swing at. the Lyric 'J'heatre', and work Is progressing encouragingly. The play will be produced at Atlantic City, nn Aug IS nnd will come to the Lyric Aug. HI. sV»«*» Mn miners and Actor, lo Play for Charity. A bnseliall gnme between Ihe manngers and actors will take place at the Polo Grounds. Saturday, Aug. ,1. for the New Vork Home for Destitute ('rippled Children. The gnuie will lie under (he management of Geo M. Cohan nnd Stint Harris. **• The Four HuntlnK. Hetaln "The loot House." The Four Huntings will go out in their musical comedy, "The Fool House." on the Slnlr ft llnvlln time. They will carj foriv- three people nnd n car of scenery. Washburn's Show HutTem a HlowdnwH at ( lima,,. Ma««, .. ,1 "i H !'J;i v f*2!!!! • ,|w 'fi«i »tomi which struck Clinton, Mnss.. on July 20, about P .Til In ihe evening, the main exhibition tent of Mashbiirna Animal Show, which waa et- hlbltlng there, wns llftcrt right off the ground, the canvas dropping on the audience «nm» people l„ the B tiillen"-e were h,rt but MM badly_ nnd the BMW suffered no further dninage. The animaj Jent.had been taken down before Ibe storm iMirst < i> »w IVestera Wheel Uoaae la Newark, ,\. J. The new- Western wheel burlesque house In .Newark. V J., whlcb will he located «. Broad Street, will be in tMttMM^StlS nlnely days. Plans will he In shape shortly ♦>►♦ Imperial, Providence, to Open Aa K .2il The opening of the Imperial Theatre The Wcstc-m wheel house In Providence.! ? Ph,v£? n J!£J h°. AUK L - ,! - wUh *** sVroillng a23»Sitir^«5» route, with S Thlese. Rroa.' Circus Rneoantcra a Severe Storm. . At Mnnchestcr, N U, on July 20, while Cole Bros.' Circus was giving the even ng performance, a terriaic cloudburst, attaae ff"2?, b J "ghtning and thunder, broke over tbe filled tent. A. panic was held In check bv the nor- formerj, assisted by the band Alt eontloued to perform their acts, notwithstanding the fact that the heavy downpour of rain was drenching everyone.- All oxpected to have the tent blown from over their heads Thc ClicTer's Manchester correspondent writes that too much praise cannot be given the em- ployees of the circus for their action In this storm, nnd the management deserves a vote of thanks. . <•»—. Charles De Haven and Jack S'ldaer Join HaadH. Charles De Haven and Jack Sidney, rhe twd clever dancers wbnMisve been appearing with Gus Edwards' School Boys and Girls. nt' HamDicrstcin's Boof Garden, have left that act,, and are now out for themselves in a dancing and singing- skit, entitled "The Two School Boys." • Tbey are appearing far the first time nt Henderson's Music Ball Coney Island, this ,'week, and their time is licing hooked by Weslejvft Plnciis. under tke direction of.Edgar Allen; , — '■ ' « ' «» ' Gale.bnrir, UL, Will-Celebrate. * .QAlesburg,. III.; will have a two weeks- blow out In the Fall, tieglnnlng Oct. 17. The occasion will, be In honor of the fiftieth an- niversary of this city Incorporation, and with It will he combined Home Coming Week. Fifteen thousand'dollars will he expended nn decorations, amusements, etc. Everything Is to 1* of the highest order, and only a limited number of concessions will he granted. ... 4 ■ » I i ' ■ Boater of the Holllckera Co. The- following people will comprise the Rolllckers (Western wheel) for the cominc season: Will 11. Conn. Jos. K. Watson, Rd. Morton, Al. .Hall, Jos. Mills, Eddie I'.arto, A. Simon, F. Gauyard. G. Scbepp. A. Tlmon. Knrbryn Pearl. Alolet Pearl. Grace Fallon nnd eight ponies, eight show girls, Richard Patton, manager: Mr. Schilling, musical di- rector. « ■» New Theatre for Sprlnsdeld, Mas*. A tweniy-flve thousand dollar theatre is lo lw built on the site now used as Kelson's Electrical Garden, -nt Hampden and Main Streets. Sprlrigfleld, Mass. The house will be under the management of the Consolidated Film Co., of New York. The same policy as is now enforced In Ibe giirdens will lie used at- the theatre, exhibit- ing moving pictures nnd vaudeville. «»«» New Alrdorae far Ft. Worth. Te«. The Texas Thenl re and Pork Co. hi* erected nu ulrdome ut Fifth mid Throckmor- ton Streets, Ft. Worth, Tex., which will lw operated In conjunction with other amuse- ment tnteresls of Ihe same company nt other points in the Slate. Itice nnd fnnley, long known as amusement promoters, are at Ihe head ot the company, and advanced vaude- ville Is Ihe slogan. The opening occurred July 22,. <«» — Have Marlon to Rehearse the *Hner \»t motion*. Dave Marlon will leave Toms River. N. J-. to get till of Miner's ttltraclions for the West- ern wheel iuto rehearsal. He will personally rehnnrsn four, shows: Tho Bohemians, the Americans, ihe High Jinks nnd Hie Dream- land. , . . ... < > » ■ ■ Frank Bnhro and F.ildle forbell >■ I'nri nerslilp. Frank Bobnt, formerly with Ihe Sullivan ft Consldlne circuit, nnd Eddie Corlieti, late ff the chas. Dillingham forevs, have en- tered Into partnership - to open a honkloj Jlllcc In New York City. -— <«» Illfe A In Wllkes-llnrre. t The franchise for the (Western whcj-ll house In Wllkes-Barre. l*n., has heca awardcrt to Geo. W. Blfe ami W. B. Watson, nj" nre being drawn 'for the bouse to sent down- stairs 1,400 persona,- nnd- two galleries, 'ine house will he completed about Nov. 10- This will bretik.lhc Ju.inp.out of Scranl.-n, »»» ■k n' M. sho *' 8 uro »»'ned by M. a 7T.' K 1 "' fi"'"''**!* will open on Aug r, It.lsburg. Pa.. 1hen going West Vivian Vaiiarha to llrtarn to the Staire. Vivian Vaughn, now summering nt Sac llnrlmr, will return to the siage during the coming sensou. nfier a two years' absence during which time she has been verv success- ful hi posing for photographers and artists. «■» Jaiuea H. Cartla at M«. Cleraena. - JJaP* c » r, ' n v of *• l-ondon Theatre u w , \? n - !H at tno Bwadwny Gaiety cirls" Is at the springs, necomnnnlrui k.- "i^j...".. ter. will return Bhow. <»♦ Zl.ka and King In a New Act. Jiiska ond King wil produce a. hlg *tf£L mnglc and Illusion net next season. (■}'" will impersonate Ihe late Alexander Herr tnnnn. The act will carry n complete set ot scenery and four, people. - , ♦»»■ Fred Znliedle Slaxaa for Klaw A KrlmiKcr's Clrcnlt. Fred 7x*edle, the well known hand Ml- nncer, now n special feature wilh I'Virep.-nign * Sells Bros." Circus, has signed for twenty- five consecutive weeks on Ihe Kinw * hf ' lunger Advanced Vaudeville circuit, open- ing Dec. 2. me springs, accompanied l»v bis cliiticli- He Is greatly lm|iroved in health fad eturn slortly to start retearsals of h| s ■«» Snm Willlaiu. Hooked for Forty Week*. Sinn M.illams. plnnlst. hns secured forty weeks on the Keith ft rrnctor circuit, opening Aug. 12.