The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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622 ■EIEE ; NE¥ YQRE OL^^ July fc, On the Road. ■All Rnulr> Mint Reach Vn Not Inlrr 'I'llnn Mnlnrrtny Prei-ertlmr Hal.- of i>mr. ' For- Supplemental l.l»i fteo'. Another Oulnmn, DRAMATIC AMI MUSICAL. Almrn Opera (Mlllon & Sargent Ahnrn, nigra.) — Washington, 1). C, 22. Indefinite. Aborn Opera (Mlllnn & Hargeilt Adorn, mars.) — Newark! X. J., 22. Iniloflullc, Adorn Opera (Milton * SSnrgeat Adorn, mgTB.)— Albany, N. V., 22. lnil<-Uoltn. Aborn Optra. Olllloii k Sargent Abom, mgrs.)— New Haven, Cnnn.. 22. InScflnlU-. Ab'tn Opera iMIIkiii St Sal-grill. Adorn, rogrs.i— Lawrence. Statu.. 22. Inilelliilte. Albvc Slock iK. F. Alhw, mgr. i—Providence, it. I., 22, Indednllo. Angell- ConipilluiiN (J. II. Ktnerson. mgr.)—Cal- c.iiv, Altii.. Cnn., 22 27. Moose Jan-. soul., Efl-AOg. :i. Allen Slock— Portland, Ore., 22. linlellnlie, AVlesworth Stork < Arthur J. Ayleswnrlh, mgr.)— Onliinel.l, Nw„ 22. Indefinite. Alpine Sin. t— Meridian, Miss., 22-27. Anselme Stork—.Terra Haute, loci.. 32-Sept. 7. "At Cripple frock," K. J. Cnriionier'a (flurry A. Murray, iost.i — tt'aliash, Jml.. -■<■ IIUMluglnti 20. Columbus, o., 27-20, Daylati Auk, I 'I. Bonstclle, Jessie (C. I'. Lawrence, mgr.) — Mki N. V.. 22, lii.letlnltc. Boston Idenl Opera (Rilwlii Pallet-son, . nicr, I — Kansas Clly. -M«>., 22-KO|it. M. Boston oponi—^Newiirk, N. J., 22-Aug. !!. ' Batt-lo ■ Htoch ( M e l* Barrio, mgr.)—Mumlmll. Mo., 22-27. ' llurgrss, Ivitrl I Fred (illleii, mgr.) —Sciitllc, wash.. 22-Ang. !!. ' . Bnl.livln-Melvlllo (Waller N. "Baldwin, mgr.) — Dallas, Teic.. 22, Indefinite. Burke Stock i.l. rnuiU Iliirke, rogr.)—Fnll Hirer. Jin.*;, 22. lndeHnlle Bnny-Bnrke Stock- New llcilforil, Ms**.. 22, lit- detinue. Rareume. Myrtle (111. II. nraiich. mgr.)—Clifford, Mich".. 22-27. Imlny Clly 2»Aiik. !l. Drawn Slock (Allien llrowu, mar.)—Milwaukee, • Win, 22. liiOcnnltc. Burton UoiiimIIiiiik (Hurry nnrlon, mgr. (--Wales- ' burg, 111., 22 Aim. 17. Brady Slock (I). (1. llarttmin, mgr.)—Lake Kruily I'nrk, (I., 22, link-Millie Bennett's HI* SIkiw I Hilly Itcinielt. mgr.)—Rug- by. N. link.. BMM. Towner 2B-27. Bin-tonMeMnl Slock — llohlnson, III.. 22-27. Blatter Slock (Maurice Siatifonl, hikm— Wild- wood, N. J., 22, lndennlle. Brvttnt Comedy (Sum llryiint, nurr.)—Belle Vcr- iion. r«.. 22-27. Brooke. Thomas Preston, anil Ills Band—Chicago, III.. 21-A im. It. Bessie Ronnell LiuUc*' Orchestra—Baltimore, Mil,,- 22, Indelltiltc. liniiilii Koran—St. Lulls. Mo.. 21. Indefinite. "Royti or rompuiij It" ijianlcl rrolininn, mirr.)— Chicam, 111., 22, Iniletlnlie. ••ni-ewmer a Millions" (Frederic Thnmpmn, nr.) —CWcnRo. 111., 22, lndennlle. "Hrew>uerV MIIIIoiik" iChnrlea Krolironn, mKr.)— Ixituloii. Knc. 22. Inilelliiltr. ••Banker's Chllil" (Harry Shannon, mirr.)—(Jnr- iliiu, 'N'chr..' 21. Valentine 2">, Alnsworlli 20. Bni>KC(l 27. "Bonier Ho*»" (May -ft l.npninl, main.)—Tlllnn. X. II., 2t, FnriniiiKliin 2»,. .Merclllh 2«, .Mid- land 27, North Wnmlalmk 20. Union ::<1. flraf- ion :u. Bnrro Aiuj. l-:i. "RetfSof I'rlnoe" OHM (Harry l/'iivclle, m*r.)— Oklahoma, Clly. Iiklu.. 21-AiiK. In. ivilion.-Oeo. M. (Sum II. Ilarri*. mirr.)—X. Y. Illy .22. liHlellnllc. I'alhomi.- Snilh'—Hi. John. N. It., ran.. 2-I-27. I'ltrlli .Mtwlenl (Allen (>nrits. iiict.I —Shrcvepoil, l.;i.. 21-Ahr. :1. ConkV Stuck (Carl, W. Cook. nutM—Caillllae. Mli'h.. 22-27. South Beml, Intl.. 20-Aiik. 10. Ciirioll comedy (Imi Curroll. wcr.) MerHilln», W. Va . 22-27. qiftoo Foree. V«..,2n-Am!. ». f'olvimlilu Stoi'k tl.iii'kotl & Ilwyer. insra. 1—Wwdi- Inuiou, H. ('., 22, linlellnlie. ('lia|i|irll-Wliilei'hon' Stork .(Harry Cli»|i|iell. inur.) —Atklnwu. Kan., 21 Auk. 3. t'\U}fr -Stock i Wallace-II.. Cutter, miff.) — ulch- nmnd. Ind.. 22-Aug. 11. flhl.iiKo Slot* iCIiini. I|, IIokhKiiiu, nicr.l—.Mana- lleld. (i„ 22-Auk. 10. Ciirlln" CniiKMly (Jninea Walter, mur.)—Alicidcen, S. Dak- 211. Indefinite. ('iilll'ornlnn» (Tho«. Karl, mttr.l—law Auitelca, fill.. 22, liidetlalle. - - Copclaml IIiwh.' Sii»'k—Sedalla. Mo.. 21-27. Cnllnluin l>i iintiii l<- (Chin'. Iluinmell, niBr.(—t.'n- ney, Kan.. 22-27. Ciinwav's Hand il'ntrlck (Vinwiij-, mite, i—(Utem 111.. 22. liHlellnllc. Crenliirc and his Kami (Howard Few. initr.l—lit- illaiiapolls. Imi.. 22-27. "Convict OHM," A. II. Wi.nls- (l.mils Kutx. incr. I — Boston. Mass., 27-Ang. .'I. "Cliliinlnmi CJmrlle." A. II. Wooda' (Have I'os- ner, inter. 1—li«llnna|iolls. Imi.. 27-Aiik. :i. "Chorus (lll-l'a Lurk," A. II. Woods' (Fred Fleck. mitr.i—X. V. I'liy Auk. :t-i«. "Canrt* Kid," Kllmy * Ilrltlon's—-Clilrapi, 111.. 21-27. Tleltunr Opera (Turner Q. I.ewl». incr. I--SI. Louis.'Mo.. 22, ludcllnlle. rinniroach New York-Sriiiphony urcliealra (Waller Domroscli, leader)-Chleacii. III.. 20. Inilcllnlte. He Fcw-llmilelio Stock (Tlios. I'.. He Few. msr. > —Henderson, Ky„ 22-27. Cynlhlaati 20-Aiiit. :t. Diiuulterly Stisk d'nyiie » Isxiuherty. ■RM.)— I»ll|iiiiataua Midi.. 22-27. Mai-iiueiie 2ti-.M(jt. :i. tti'nwii-csl Comedy (IIoIhuI. Pemoroil, iiiur.) - ll.iini'. (In.. 22. ludellulle. liu l.ucca's llauil— I'lllslmru. I'n-. 22, lailelliille. IHwvn. l/>nic—IWlmvs Falls. VI., 22-27. Bill- laud 211-Aug. B. F.miitre Stork (Siiltr ft Nullmnson. msrs.)— I'ruvl- il«ice, II. I., 22. Iniletlnlie. Kniillsh Slock—Milwaukee, Wis.. 22, Indellnllc. Itluier Slock-Hiunliii. Nelw., 22, liulennlle. KUeiv'a llanil—Chleajin, III.. 22. Indetlnllc. •■fklna, Hip Prelly Ty|iewrlter." A. II. Woods' (llolierl II. ilisulniiiii. mt:r. I— I'd (slum:. Vn., 27-Ain:. 3. Pot. F.ddle (Sain S. & lieo Slinls-rl. Inc.. MATA.) —X. Y. Clly 22, luilellnlle. Frnnkeiillcld, l.iiura -Salt Lake Clly. I'., 22. In dellnile. Feiiliei'K Stock tdoo. M. I'enlierit, niRr.)—Angus In, Me., 22. linlellnlie. I'lirninn Stock (Win. Fariiuin, mrr.)—Buffalo, N. Y.. 22. InucllMlie. Ferris Sinek (Mick Fenls. mir.)—Mhinenpolls, Minn.. 22. indellnllc. Fulton Sleek i.l. I'uli.iii, nn.-i.i—l.lmsiln, Nehr., 22. Iniletlnlie. "Knsi'lniilliik Flora" I Hum S. * Ktanherl, Inc.. muni.),- N. V. Clly 22. ludellulle. "Funny Mr. Booley" (l.ailcane& l.w. mars,)— Cnnwell. (Int.. Can.. 21. 2.1. Iroiniols 2d. Car- dinal .-27. I'roscott 2!l. Keuiptvllle .10. Alniente 21. •'Fnlly- Fells" (C. .lay Smith, ingr.)—-Madison. WIp.. 21. Ileeshurg SB, Suarln M. nraco fieorge (Win. A. Brady, miir.I—Ixilulmi, Ktttt.. 22. Indefinite, nrnmt Opera IWm. ilnne, iner.l— Atlantic City, N. J.. 22-27. tllascr. YauKhiiii. Stuck.-Ciiliiiiilnis, O.. 22. tie dellulte. tlllek-lliila-t'la StiK'k (II. T. Click, rajtr.)—HiH'k- ford. (I.. 22-27. r.llnioiv's Flayers I Francis J. (lllinnre, inif.l — Snlcm. Kan,. 22-27. Iluichlnwu 2R-Ahl-. 10. Rrnlinme, l-'enlliiunil—Newark, o.. 2!-Aiib. a. Ilnrculle. Fnrliti, Concert Band—llenver. Colo., 2227. "Oreoi F.vprcss llotdiery." A, II. Woods' (Bert Howard, uigr. i -I'hlliidelplilu. Fa., Atic 11-10. Baywnrd, flrtico ulni. M. Halts, mar. i—Tofteka. Kan., 22-Ail|[. '■'•■ nickmnnllessry (W. AI White, nwr.l—l>nveii|iorl. In. 22. iiidednllr. Hclsninn Slock illi'lamnn & Coken, tngrs.) — Au- gitsiu. (la.. 22. Inilcllnlte. niiililuiiil I'ark Stock (Al. Beaslcy, mm-.)—York. Fa.. 22. ludellulle. Miurli's Ciimcdlniis illuah A. Nickels, mgr.l—[.es- ter, la.. 22-2.V Herhrrt Orcheurn l Victor llerls'rt. leadcrl-- I'hlladrliilila, I'll.. 22-Allk. 0. nowe's Ijiilles - nrcheslra d.c((na Howe, louderl "— Nihanl. Mass.. 22-Scpl. II. Ilndei'ia'iim. Jiuuile. Chlcaim Ladles' Orchestra il>. II. Iladerniniiii. insr. I—Fori Smith Ark.. 21 Auk. ■■:. noliiime Bund Klen. II. HohMnic. nmr.)—Clilcago, III.. LI VllB. I. .lefferson Slock iK. V. I'helnn. war.l—I'nrtland. Me.. 29. luih-l'iilic. Jackson, isnls'l C Slm-k (Percy n. Levin, mgr.) — F( tliiitelphln. Fa., ^2. lllileulllie. Keiidall. Krru il.lehler fc Co.. nigra.i - Sun Fran- eli-cii, eel.. 22 Auk. a. KIiik liranimlc - Knovvllle. Tonn., 22. Indellnllc. KHtlcs Band IT. I'. J. I'uwer. nmr.I — Wavne. Nehr,,-24, Albion 2,1, Orand Island 20. Cap- , Io-IiIm-o 27,'Onerlln; Knn., 28. lied aond. Nehr., 20,-Hebron 110, BoeheiHer, Minn.. Ana, 2. Ana- tIn 3." ' Kyrl nnd.hlk Bond—fJlnclnnatl. O.. 21-27. "Knight for a Day" (B. C. Whitney, nwjr.)— <2ileufo. Ill:,.22. Indepnlle. "Kluilind Queen of (lamhlcrp," A. H. Woods' .(KrrnTw. Bimey. mar.)—X. Y. City 27-Auf. „. "King of (be Cntlle Blng," F.IIcr'l (C. K. Bowcn, mtr. I—liaromlc. Wyo.. 21. Cbeyennf 25. Sid- ney, Nehr.. 27, JOleahurg. Colo.. 20, Ognllnl.-i. Xebr.. an, SutherlaOd M. North Platte Aug. I, nitltienhiirg 2, Coaad a. ,• "King of Hie Cntlle Itlitg," Rller'a (E. F. Reed. mKr. i— Dhlslniry. Altn., Cnn., 24. Calgary 2.V 2T. Illch Ulcer 20. I^ihhrldge 81, Ixirtita. Cecilia—SI.'Lonla. Mo., 21-Allf. 3. Lillian Lawrence—Boston. Mas".. 22. IndeBnll* 1/iilirop Stock (O. K. Lolhrop. regr.)—Boston. Maae., 22, lndeHnlle. l.yrlr.O» Kelly ft Massy'a I Waller J. film- nicr., nuir.i—Kye Beucli. X. Y.. 22-27. Merl- den. Conn,, 'jfi Uie. .1. Lyceum Slock—HI. Josenli. Mo.. 22. Indefinlle. • ii Mnrr Slopk (llarrj' La Hair, rogr.)— Hevere Beach. Mass.. 22. Inilcllnlte. I.lliernll's Band (A. I.vrann Kbiw, Oigr.)—Clere- Intid. ft.. 22-2H. Lawrence's Band—Scratilnn; Pa.. 22. IndeHallc Mad: Andrew <W- M. Wllklnbin. inirr.-i--\lr-l- Isinrne, Vie., Arur. 22-Sepl. I. Mortimer. Chas. (J. M. Hill, mgr.)-^rell Clly, lii.l.. 22-27. l^ewlstsiri. Ky., tn-Aug. 3. UeJamM Stock IO. W. Mr-Donald, mar.)—Jack- son. MIks.. 22-27. Flue Bluff. Ark., 20-Allg. 10. McCiillum Hloek illal-llpy MeCiilliim, mgr.)—Fort- land. Me.. 22, liuleilhlie. MHclieli, Ooru I.nwlon (J. W. Ollnlnn. mgr.) — i Fern, Ind., 22-27, Kokomo 20-Aug. 11. Macmlllon Flayers (Bon Maemllnn. mar.)—(ala- nine, Kan., 22-Aug. a. Mnsoij. llosar. Slock—Waliash, Ind., 22-27. Isi- Knnaporl 20-Ang. 3. Munh'iiiaii (Jncra (Henry Taylor, mgr.)— Klmlra, N. T„ 22. IndeltiHIe.. ' Majestic Hloek—Albany. N..T.. 22,.Indefinlle. Mlnnelll Bros. Block—Corry. Fa., 22-27. Markee Family Band—Hamilton. Mo.. 22-30. "Man of Hie ilodr" (Brady ft Orlamer. mgrs.)— V. Y. City 22. indefinlle. "Man of the Hone" (Brady ft Orlamer, mgrs.)— Chicago. III., 22. Inilcllnlte. "Mrs. Wlggu of Hie Cabbage Patch" (I.lehler * Co., Mk )—Lonikm, Knic.. 22. Indellnlle. "Maid and Hie Millionaire" (M. M. Tbelse, mgr.) —X. Y. City 22, Indellnlle. Navassar laMaa' Bnnd (Kngene Dial, mgr.)—Min- neapolis. Mlno., 2I-2S. Nnllello's Banil—Clilcugo, 111.. 21. Indefinlle. "Nellie, the Beautiful Clonk Model," A. H. Woods' (Jolin I'olton. mgr,)—Buffalo. N. Y., 27-Aug. .".. OlympU Opera (Hd. F. Hoatnon, mgr.)—New Or- leans, l.n., 22. Indellnlle. Orphaum Stock (Martin Beck, mgr.)—Salt Lake City. (I.. 22, Indefinlle. Fnylou Slsterx (C. S. Payton. mgr.)—I.lttle Rock, Ark., 22-Aug. ft, Paige, Mnliel (Henry F. Wlllard, ingr.)—Jack- sonrllle, Fin.. 22-Aug. 17. Players Stock I Bush Temple Theatre Co., mgrs.) —.St. Paul. Minn., 22-Aug. U1. Pcriichl-Oyptlne (Clias. li. Peruehl, mgr.)— Coliiinblo, S. C 22. Indellnllc. Faycen StocJi—Peoria, HI.". 22. Indefinite.- Phlnney'a D. S. Band (Fred S. Phlnney, uigr.)— Norfolk. Vn.. 22. Indefinite. Rogers Stock (Wilfrid Rogers, mer.)—Ran Fran- clsiii. c.-il,. 22-27. Royal CaiMidlnn Bund (J. M. Finn, mgr.)—Omaha. Xrhr.. 22-Hepl.' 13. . Royal Artillery Band (.Ins. Be Vlln. rojrr. >— ISal- llmore. Mil., 22-Scpt. in. Rounds Ladles' Blind (Herbert O. Rotinda. mgr.) —Cliniilauojne. HI.. 22-27. Khclhyvlllc 2S-Ang. 1, Iluvapa .2-4. IIoiiuiIh I,miles' Orclieslrn (Herbert O. Rounds. mur.)—Oulncy, III., 22-2H, Owenslioro, Ky., Aiig: 1-4. Itlccl, Prof.' Rnliih,'. rvmcert Band (S. Van Horn, mgr.)— Ionl«vllle. Ky.. . 22-Aug. 3. "Race Across Hie Continent." A. H. Woods' (II. ]■'.-Wlnsnian, mgr.)—^N. Y. City 27-Ang. :!. Slalil. .Rose (Henry B. Harris, mgr.i—Chicago. 111.. 12, Indrllnlle. . ,. ■ Snnt'Frani'Isnn Opera (Frank W.. Ilealy. mgr.l— Sei'ttle. Wash.. 22. Inifeilnlie. Sheehnn. Opera (losepli Sbeehan, mgr. It—Cleve- lnfid; 0...22. Indellnlte. Snow; Slack (.Mortimer. Snow, rogr.)—Memphis, 'JYnn., 22, Indellnlte. Spoil, (leo. W.. Hloek (Arthur .7. Rndd. mgr.)— Peeksklll. X. Y.. 22-8ept 7. Strong's. Edwin.i Plnyfrs (Walter Savldge, mgr.) —Humphrey. Xebr...'22-27. Hnnrord Kloek (Waller Rnnford, mgr.(-^Oakland. Cnl., 22, Indefinite. Hiicsliten ft Pulge (Sain Hpedilen, mgr.l— l.n Crosse. Wis.. 22-27. Ilnciicsier. Minn.. 20-Ang. 3. Htnildnrt Block—l,un«lng. Mich.. 22. indefinlle. Hlnnley Stosk (Arthur Stanley, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo.. 32, indefinite. SI. Clair. Xne (W. W. Lapnint, mgr.)—Barre, VI.. 22-31. ~ f'.lnlers Slock. IC. W. filalorsi mgr.l—Oklahoma Chy,,Okln.. 22, Indellnlle. ■ HnojmerK Slock (flen. H. Suinmera, mgr.)—Ham- ilton, Out., Cun., 22, indellnllc. Slur Slock—Portland, Ore., 22; Indefinlle. Tnylor, Allien. Sleek—Vlckshurg. .Miss., 22-27, Meridian 20-AiUf. 10. Tnylor Slock (II. W. Taylor, mgr.)—New Rcd- fonl. Muss.. 2!|-Auk. 17. Trousdale Bros. Theatre, Fasten! (Merle Trous- dale; niKi', i-Wlntli-lil. Kan.. 22-Aug. 11. "Tliurnnirtllired Trnmp." Klmer Wallers' (0. A. Walker, mgr.l—Kansas Clly, Mo..' 27-Atlg. 3. "Texnu Haturef"—Clilcago. III., 21-27. "I'ucle Josh Simpkliis" —South Haven, Mich., 27. Allegan 20. (Jwcgn 30. Paw Paw 31. Mies Aug. 1. Benton Harbor 2. Klkhari, Ind., 3. Viilli.mnnl Hloek (A, ClnsHnilre. mgr.)—Wllllnius- tinrl, Fa., 22. Imletlnltc. "Volniileer Organlsi," Munlell ft Cray's—-Chicago, III.. 21-Ang. .1. Warren, Relawn—Toledo, O.. 21-27. Wills Comic Onern (Jolm B. Wills, mgr.)—Lynch- bail. Vu„ 22-27. Wills Musical Onmcdy (John B. Wllla. mgr.l — Macon, (In.. 22-Aug. 10. Wlinlnln Opera—Filchbnrg, Mass., 22-Sepl. 7. Williams comcily (T. P. Be OaffcreUy. mgr.)— Lawrencchurg. Ky.. 22-27. Danville 2RAng. 3. Welier's Band—Pittsburg, Pa., 22. Initotlnlto. Wnllnck's raeulre. Norlliem (llublnsky Bros., nigrs.)— Itock Island, 111.. 22. linlellnlie. Wallai-k'H Theatre, Western (Mwurd riublm.k.v. ingr.I—Kinpnrla. Knn.. 21 -Aug. 3. West Fad Heights Slock (Oliert ft Schnefor, mgrs.) —St. Isiuls. Mo„ 22, lndeHnlle. Stlnn's Musical Oimedy. I A. M. Zlnn. mgr.)— Boise. Ida.. 22. IndeAnlle. m Hi.i-.siti i: \vi) VAiwrviiii:. Maria & llurnell Vnuilevlllc (Al. Marls, mgr.)— Fort Hunter, X. V.. 23, Charleston 20, Rich- fnrd 27. • Watson's Cosy Corner (llrls (W. II. Walsnn. iagr.1—Phlliiilclphla. Pa., 22. Indellnllc. niNSTHF.I.S. Hivkslader's, !>>»• (Cliarlos B. Wilson, uigr.)— llartfmil, Conn.. 24, NYwpurt. II.. I.. 23. New Ikslfnnl. Mass.. 20. Sprlngllcl.l 27. Bandv Dixie, voeli-kel ft Nolnh's (John J. Nnliiit, mgr.)— lliiipiliiin. Wash.. 21, Mnnlosnno 23, Ci'Utralla 2M. Clielinlls 27. IV line BriiB.' (Billy He Rue. uigr.)— Ijikeville. Conn., 23, Norfolk 20. Canmiu 27. Lenox, Muss.. 20. I/V 30. Slni-khl-ldge 31. Fox's l.nnc Slur (Boy v.. Fox, mgr.)—AmariMn. ■I'ev.. 23-27. f'linnnlng 20-31, Dalbnrt Aiw. 1-3. (lorton's tC. C. Pearl, mgr.)—Hempstead, N. V., 24. llarerslraw 23. Illrhiiiiln ft Pi Ingle's—Spokane. Wash.. 27. 2S. TI3NT SHOWS. Allen ft Andcrsiiii's —Swanlon, VI.. 24, Alburg 23. Rnus> Point, X, Y., 2(1, Plaltshurg 27, Keesvllle 20, Ausable Forks 30, Dnnnemoia ill. Ohntcungay Aug. I, Huntington, Que.. Can., 2, in uMlimii. N. Y.. 3. Ilurnttm ft Bailey's—Fergus Falls, Minn., 21, St. Cloud 23. Superior, Wis.. 2(1. Dulntb, Minn.. 27. RulTiilo Bill's Wild West, fvil. Wm. F. Cody (Fred II. Hutchinson, mgr.l—Chicago, HI., 22-Aug. 4. Colo llnis."—Hnlyoke. Mass., 27. Forepnncrli ft Sells Bros.'—New London. Onnn.. •ii. Meriden 23, Ansnnla 20, Stamford 27. Dau- tmry 2ft. PoHghkeepsle, X. V., 30. Mlddlelown 31, 1'atorson, X. J., Aug. 1, Newhurgli. X. Y., 2, Kingston a. c.nllinar Bros,'—Crystal Falls. Mich.. 24. Iron Mountain 2.1, Chilton, Wis.. 20. Oconomowoc 27, Whitewater 20. lliigcnlicck ft Wallace's—Big Rapids, Mich.. 24. Manlslee 2.1, Traverse Clly 20. Cadillac 27. llrand Rapids 20. Lagrange, Ind., 30. Blnffteu ill. Ilurtronl City Aug. I. Cruinersvllle 2, Itnsh- Vlll" a Kemp's Wild West—Pittsburg. Pa.. 22. Indefinite. Lucky Bill's—Bladen. Xebr.. 24. Campbell 23. I'plnnd 20. Ilildrelh 27. Clyde. Kan.. 20. Clif- ton 30, Mnrgnufille 31. Clay Cenler Aug. I. croon i. I.<«nnnlvlile a. Mockay's. Andrew—Chicago, III., 22 Aug. 31. Pawnee Bill's Wild West ami Orest !'•» Ea»J- . CVrt. Little's—Orand Rapids, Wis.. 34, Ripen —. . Hbeboignn 2d. Kenosha T 27. OslikosB 20. JefTer- ■ nn 30. Waukesha 31. Monroe Aug. 1. Rchloson's. John—Richmond. Mo., -24. Carrolltnn 26. . Rolibfna. Frank A.—Hiram. Me.; 24. Sorth Con- way. N. JL. 23. Wrtflnjro 27. ; ■ Sells-Flolo's—Wellington, Kan., SO, F.nld. Okla.. ill. El Reno Ang. I, Oldaboma City 2. npldon- Sta'rrettN, Howard S.—Slrlsburg, Pa.. 22-Aug. .1. Silver Family (Bert Hllter. mgr.)—Mount Mor- ris Mich.. 24, Oil.vllle 23. O'lor Lake 20. Fos- ■' »>la 27. Washburn's, I.eon W. (John PJ Chnrch. mgrJ-- Ware, Mam.. 24. WeM0eld_2S. Oiester 2rt..Hol- ion 27, Mechanlcsfllle. X. Y.. 20. Saratoga 30. . 31. Balston Spa Aug. 1> Colilesklll 2, Sharon Springs X ', _. , Wheeler's. II T flilMTT Ti. 24. Mi>ri:i.i.A\r.fii s. • Bostoek's Animal Arena (Frnnk c: llostnck. mgr.) —coney Island. X. V., 22, Indefinite, Bostoek's Animal Arena (Frank C Bostoek. mgr.) —Norfolk. Va.. 22. Indefinite. Barnes' Trained Wild Animals (Al. C. Barnes. mgr.)—Orand Forks. N. Bnk.. 22 27. Fnrgo ' 20-Aug. .1, Cralfcshiink-RelnwaTe'. O.. 23. Moimt Vernon 27. Dickey's Wild West—Peoria 111., 22-Ang. 3. F!«k'a, Dorte, Combined Hliows—Fjigerton. Minn., 24. Woodsloek 23, Pipestone 20. Holland 27. Hippodrome Sliow (Oeo. F.. Rolierls. mgr.l — Franklin: 0., 2d. Springfield 27. Amlln. Minn., 20, Hochester !10, Owenshnro. Kf., Ang. 1-3. .lolinny J.' Jones' Show—Hickory, N. 0.. 22-2i. Ashevlile 20-Ang. 3. Mnrkle's, W. R.. Floating PAIaee—Kampsvlll*, III., 24. Pearl 23. Mnninuma 28. Orlggsvllle 27. Naples 20. Xerei'sosla 30, Browning Aug. I. Bath 2. Havana .1. Parker. O. W.; Amusement Co. (Cramer ft Tyler, • mgrs.)—Orand. Forks. N. Dak., 22-27. Fnrgo 20-Auk. 3. Price's Water ShoW—Illplcy. O.. 24. AngnsU 23. IMwers. F. J.—Washlngion. Wis., 22-27. Ranch 101. Wild West Show (Miller Bros., mgrs.) —Brighton Bench, Brooklyn. X. Y., 27. Indefi- nite. Benii Bros.' Old Plantation IA. L. Rente, mgr.) —Bismarck. N. Dak.. 22-27, Dinklnaon :0- Aug. 3. Smith's Colossal Shows—Tlomewnnd. Pa.. 21, Dnrllgton 23. F.llwood Clly 2d. 27, Wampum ' 20. riomewooil 30. New (ialltee 31. Wnlden—Angola. Ind., 24, Xowtnnvlllc 23. Bug- gies Bench 2ft. 27. Vnne. Harry—Bloomlnglnn, III., 22-27.- : rRNNSYLVAWIA. ' Phllndeliihln.—Accompanying the Elks' (Convention was a torrid wave of fbe kind for which Philadelphia Is famous, and it io- lerfered with the Indoor business. On the roof garden* and at the Summer parks big crowds roogregated. During the week the Kike, made things very lively, business »-ns practically suspended and everybody en- tered Info the spirit of the occasion. KriTii's ill. t. Jordan, manager).—Rruta Cnghlnn. In "The Higher Law," heads the bill the current week. Others are: Bessie Wynn, McKeDzte and' Shnunon, , Matthews and Ashley, ltnffln's trnlned monkeys, ltooney Sisters, Rmmet !')■> Voy and company, Uiu- renee Crane and company. International Muslcnl Trio, Mildred Flora. Kennedy and Wllkins. 'Iltomns and Payne, reiser and Me-, llnnald, the Cnmille Trio, and the kinetn- graph.. • Ciirstxi't STttcnT Oprra Iforsii (Nixon & Zltnerninn. mnnngers).—'JTie Fays are featured week of 22: Others are: Radio 1'iirmun. the London .Models. Mitchell nnd (,'aln,- llappo Sisters. James T. "McDonald, Sndi. Alfnrnlil, and animated pictures. BnoiD (Nixon ft Zimmerman, managers). •—The Btiaw'Opera Co.,-In "The Mikado." "Bohemian Girl." and "Chimes of Norman- dy," wns moved down to this house during tnesKlks' reunion, nnd.played -to. fair re- turns. . ... . *>. IJask (P.,G.-Nlxon- : Nlrdl|nger 1 .mansger).— Ilnr'r'y Blnkemore,' la "irello hill."., had a fairly successful week 16-20. The house will now he closed until September. Rmou (Oeo. W. Rife, manager).—The house burlesque show rctnlns Its popularity. Jules Tlarron continues as the chief fttn- tnaker. nnd has the able assistance of Jack Matthews, James M:cCahe, Kd«a Davenport, lltilll Wright. Rellly nnd Morgan, and Wills and Ransley. The athlollc carnivals on 'I'liesdny nights are always productive of large houses. 'rniK'Anrruo (Kred Willson, manager).—The Cray Corner Olrls ennllnne, with Millv Wat- son. Business Is grind, ' -, l.TCEihf (X 0. Je'rmon, manager).—The house burlesque show continues, wlllt satis- factory business. Caslvo (Kilns It Koenlg, managers).— This house reopened during xhe Klks reunion, with 1he Krench Foil.,- Co., and did fair busi- ness. The net or Mile. Oltens, who was fcaltired;'was rather slnrfllrig. ':'. Klrventii • atnRKT Opgra Hotisb (Frank Dnmoiji, ni-inngcri. —Tuiinnnl's MJnslrels en- lertnlned (heir Klk friends last week. The members of t lie company received warm wel- comes. IlKr.ciiwnop P.iitK (R K. Dnwtis. manager.) —The Third Regiment linnd continues. Wilmw Onnvi: Pakk (K. II. Lincoln, man- ager).—The line select ions being rendered by Victor Herbert and his populnr orchestra have been productive of Immense crowds. The KlkH, last week, attended in thousands. Woonsim: IUiik (W. J. Deerlng, mnhn- ger).—The Verdi Italian symphony orches- tra Is nitinctlng large crowds. WARiiiNnTfiN Pahk iWtn: J. Thompson, manager).—The Roman Imperial bund eon- ilnueK. Last week this resort wna Hie Mecca or I he Elks. Wjiii i: Pm til. M. Aiichy. manager).— 'Hils Is lhe Inst week of Utile Hip. the baby elephant, which hns been a strong card, Xotk. —Blnney's will be the first of the impulnr priced playhouses to lake down lis sliiillers. Its reopening Is scheduled for July 27. with '-Lottie, (he Poor Saleslady: nr. Ileal li Before Dishonor." ra ABB-TOD TOO-WBl.t iifk WEIflHT FBODCCEB X.paalej), ibf. Orttt Eoropean Diwovery..">"«»*» I'Sl welahraooiit 6 to 10 pounds monthly. The only neabpr^n«r endorsed by tne'tolghcst mertlcai aWh<^Oea.iOnrivalled for nervousness, anaemia, SvSSm diseases. OreuteM- tonic known' Robha" oat the figure and glvraaWengih to■trie SK system, ^^^l^-^^^t ■' . • 428* Broadway, BeBt. »■ Se# York.; ■ '•.'■ ;- . CAsiADA. Montreal.-Af Dominion rark III. A. Dorsey, manager) good 'business jg**jS? wee*/ and the attractions w^rer **f« Kl»»l- nna Jnpnneae Treuoe nnd the Belletznr Sla- "S.iliirjt l*AnK (Idivlgne «V If jole mana- gers).—Atfendanee wns big during tlte past wci* The - Elite Mtisleai Four, ifiulatne D'Avis, Adelaide Herrnwjn. Beoor Arnolao, nnd Lovlgne's Military Band were the fea- ■ ttire attractions. -■'■••'. •'• i » .... ■' ■" ■ * ''* Saint J»h»^^Al ihc OncraTrousc (A. O. Skinner, manager) "A -DflichBifUiV £**£ moOh," July J1-13. pleased. Crocker s edu- cated horses, doakeys and mules opened n week's engagement )3, and pleased a gooa 3lzed audience. It-Is o wonderful perform- unce of equine Intelligence, nnd Trof.' Crocker is to be congratulated. Sadie Ca boiin. In "Dora Thorne" and "iff Dixie Girl, 24-.7. NOTHS.—P. A. .Nnnnery left 1(1 Tor New York, after spending the past two months nt his home here..... .Nora O'Brien: is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Randolph, at Bay Shore, this city .Tare* more moving picture theatres ore to be started in this city, one in the North End, one In the Wert Endj and one in the South End. This will make seven, and the four now m.olng are playing to capacity An ' amateur, dramatic clou lias been formed by local amateurs, composed largely of those who took part in the recent performance of "Caprice," at the Opera House here, for the purpose of .competing for the governor generals prlxe, which is given annually to the best amateur dramatic club. - • a llninlliiiii At Mountain Park Theatre (Oeo. 11. Summers, manager) business coo- llnues big. with bright comedies and catchy vaudeville. ' .„ Notes. —The caterers for the vaudeville houses will be kept busy next season. Last season the Savoy hnd the business to It.self. IKtrlng the coming season the Bennett The- atre will Join It in nrovldlng high class vaude- ville. The opening of ■the Savoy Is announced for Aug. 28. and the Initial performance 'of the Bennett Theatre has been set for Sept. 2. Tho Savov bookings will be through Wm. Morris: the Bennett house will have the Keith bookings. John G. Appieton will.con- tinue at his post ns manager'Of the Bavoy. (1. V. Drtscall will be the manager of the Bennett Theatre Frederick lhgersoll, who Is '(principally Interested 1 In the projected Lakeside ^'ark. at the Beach, re- cently- In conectlon .with the enterprise, which ho hopes to have going-next May... a Toronto At.'Searhoro.Beach. (H. D'Or- ray, manager) week of Jnly'1.1, Mile. Do- lores YallM'Ita nnd Josselin Trio did big busi- ness. ' • ■ . ' ■ . llANtji.s'g PryjXT (I,. Solomon, manager). —Big buslriert. lii-20, with Jessie Keller Troripe, and Work and Ower. 1MIHVA. liiillHnniiolis At Wonderland, week of Jtily.iri: Ward Trio. Valdore and \'amo..and Ayiidt's'. Military. Rami attracted big.crowds dally.' ' - • ' • 'Wuitk ClTV- — T*ls jiopular amusement park Joined in" the general prosperity week of is. Faibbank. — Ostendorfs Orchestra and Louise Brehnny, soprano soloist, did .well week of 15. Crentore's Band week of 22. Alfoana.-At the Mlshler (I. I'. Mlsh- ler. innniiger) business wnH fair week of July .15,' wllh the Andrada Slock .Co.. In ^•The Girl ITom Paris.'* "Tlic Telephone Girl" will Im> presented L»2 and -week.- l.\Ki:mriNT Paiik (.1. M. Shuck, manager). —The nllendnnt'C In the theatre was good lliroitghoul llje week of July IB, .S-var (Sllvermtin Bros., managers).—Busi- ness wns good 18 and week. The hill for week of 22 Includes: The Hollanders, Bert Soper. Lulu McGregor, Philip Tnylor and Marie Glrard. l.mieasiter.—On the Hoot Garden (ChaB. M. Howell, manager) for week of July 22 the at t met Ions Include: Joseph Wlflnrd. Ilnrry Bond nnd company. In "The Bailie of Bunco Hill:" the Atlas Quartette, din- ton and Jermon. the Three Splllers, Holman Brothers, the Cardownlc Sisters, and the moving pictures. Business continues good. Rocky Sr*i\cis HI. n. Grlfllths. mana- ger).—The tlieatre here la dark at present. landing nrrnngements for the balance of I he sen son. Johnstown.—At the Park Family (Hor- ry W. Schcrcr. manager) the following is the hill for week of July 22: The Trcmont Mandolin and ilultnr Clnh. (local), Harlem Mroihers, Walsh. Lynch and company, Kelso and Leigh ton, and Cogaa and Bancroft. Li-na PAnK TtiKATni: (P. II. Canueld. man- ager).—Ijirge crowds Inst week. BUI week of 22: Marshall and Kabe. Mitchell, ven- triloquist: Gaylor nnd Orair. and Terry nnd Pierre. William Kiciiards was presented bv his mother with n farm of 17,1 acres, on bis biiihdny. June 1R. The farm Is sliumed nt Dlngmnn's Ferry. Pike Co., Pa., ou the Dela- ware River, Evniisvllle. — At Cook's Park (Harry Laiii'tince, manager) good attendance ruled for week nf July i. The bill' for 1-1 .and week Included : Harry ami 'Frank Finn. Dud- ley, l»c Armond and Dudley, tho Three'Ho- naldoK. Bert and Margery Hope, 1'red Duprex, and the Ulnodturae.' ' '," ' oak Scmmit Park (H. G. Galllgan. man- tiger.) copilnues to; draw fine' attendances. and the management have made It a rule this'season to give extra, good attractions. The bill for week of 14 Ind tided : Klein, Ott Bros, and Nicholson, Chas. Inness and Mftude It) on, Itcta Curtis, Scott and. Wilson. Hen 8. Mears and company, nnd Ihc moving nlcttires. Joe, (he Turk, Is nt the park 21. Frank C. Votlrig, Kathleen Do Vole and their'own conv pany are the attractions at the park week, or 2ff. Tut; CnAUTAl'Qi'A (W-.- G. Archer, mana- ger) closed 15, and reports that this has been the most successful season nf ita history. Preparations are already being made for a larger place for next year. •' ii m • i Fori Wayne.—At Rnhlson Park 'IJicalrc ((leorge II. Klsher. manager) more season- able .Summer weather Is bringing business up to top notch, nnd lite WUs nre uniformly ex- cellent. Week of Jnly 22: Frederick Hnwley and company, Chlnko and company, Minnie Kaufmau. Bonnie Gaylord, Dawson and Vfhli- lleld, nnd the klnodrnmc. Notbs.— Manager II. E. Klee, of the Ma- jestic, Is spending the Hummer season at his beautiful suburban home near this city, and during the vacation season' rarely nl- lows business cares to invade his domain Mnnnger l\ B. Slouder, of the Temple, Is spending the Summer nt Lake Wnwasee, where he owns one of the finest cottages at (he resort Ed Rice, managing Kellnr the past senson. Is spending the Summer here The Roblson Park management hns been bringing some of the best hands In the country to the resort this year Among those beard"..thla year have been Broke s Chicago hand. Weber's Cincinnati lianrt. nnd Holcombe's Plttshtirg band. -Next week Hie Well St. l/uils hand Is engaged. •" . ." •' #» »' ■ ; -a ' TKNIilRSSRE. 5leiii|ihlN.—At Hopkins' East End Park (A. II. Morrison, manager), despite the In- tensely hot wenther, week'of July 14* large crowds gathered here nigral v. Those not de- siring Indoor performances were entertained on the lawn with Capt. W. ll. McGrnnn's moving pictures of the I'nttcd States Navv, while Van Osten's Band assisted with their pleasing concoct iUTcrblgs... In-tho 1 theatre- the programme Included: The Eight N'assar GiTls, Robert De Mont Trio. Wllmlne 11am- mnnn. .llmmie Lnens. the Rennee Enrnllv. and the klnodrnme. Faibvlanh Pabk (B. O. Beach, manager). —"*lne Cowboy and the Ixidy" a-ns the offer- ing for week commencing U, by the regular stock company, nnd splendid business ruled. Outdoor attractions, Including concerts by the Fairyland Park Band, entertained »nod sl?.ed crowds on the lawn. For week of 21 "Mrs. Jack." Nashville —At the Caalno (Y. C. Al- \i y - ,?}? n J ! * er \:~" A 8tr "li*le 'or Lire" Is i he bill for the week ofVuly 15. Manage, Alloy deserves much credit for the manner n which ihese productions are sthged and he Is being rewarded with constnnt cnpaeltv business. •— r • ..,. , r 0, ' , ? BI ' 11 ,w - W. Bordleser, manager).— I Ills; place opened to a big crowd week of 15. the principal attraction being White and "MHO. In comedy trick and fancy skating. and entertaining large crowds. • . The Hfe' Convention. THE.'QUAKER ; .CITVS GALA VtSjt There never has been, sui-b a week t«'t^. aiMUJhl4':ai. the,one JOSt P»>srt. rtilrS,^ 1 whole, of ibe time that tbe'ttenevopnt 1 ."': Prorectlve.Order of Elks held It" tweni, a".'" 1 reunion, and^forty-sltth' convcn'fU and while.'thfly were here-the toim » transformed Into n seething, swarming*" of biustllng. resHess. Joyous ncllvltv <hTvl' of "which has ■ novcr.lieen .equaled in ii!S history. D.trlng eight whole davs th",-*^ 1 twenty-four hours saw sotoethl'ng hlV h. penlng, sometimes -according tn the n 1 *" Bramme, hut mostly on Ote side. "*■ Long before' the swarm of Elks re.„v „ the dty, ptepnrations'were In progres? ,, an expense of f.0.000 opproprlntcd lit ..,1 eonnrfls. a mngnlilcenl Court or llnnnr «-, erected, exlendlng for two blocks oa eiiiT^ side of the C'ltv 4InU from Race l» WSS Street on BronrJ. In It were SO white niii?," eneh <t»ft. high, nnd at every street'S?: larger sjtnfIs were Wit up.: Each pillar w*. incnndescehi bttlbs extended from n u , ,,-, ,1! otJier'. The Clly Hall Ifseir wns hrilibn.iJ lllumln.'-ted with M.OOO lights, which "J. placed all over the immense structure bm bung in cables Trom the 53«t. tower FwiJ deparltnent store In town and many 3g business honses, especially la the centre nr the city, tfd an immense variety of d/eo-T tlons, and'most of them'had electrical in. r-lays. Offlclals of the Philadelphia Klectrl c Co. decbre Jhat four times the usual elecrle power reotilred In theelty was used durlnv Uie^wcek. Bunting, flags and decor, Ins portraying tbo InsTgnia of the order C used In Immense quantities. The herd begun td arrive on Sunday. U packing all trains that'drew Into the three & H e L m il?lX ^i the i 11 ", 111 contlaiied nm. bated until Thursday'morning, the flay of the climax of the reunion—the big parade p», Mntr.eito California, nnd from Florid, to Alaska they haled, three even comine frem far off Honolulu nnd four from the Phli'n pines. The high water mark was.reached on the day of the tmrade,~when it is estimated there were SOO.WO visitors In the city -"i nf., of . , i lcra i, 1, i! k .i- ,' r 5,° rcm «' n <^e«• "' the throng "ff?-^ 1 "?!!?? lndle ? or "ItcDdants who came with the ledges or the crowds from towns all over the State and in the neighboring States to witness the festivities.- ' The-rcnnlon really opened with the crowns and meetings between old friends.from al* Unt parts on Sunday evening, n Sunday that the local mossbacks, with their Purlunlcj' notlon3, will remember for mnnv n dav The .first event ion the'official Drograrame, how- ever,''was. the excursion of" the grand lodce members and their ladles to WasKlniton Ptrk on the Delaware, where a clambake^ wns held on "Monday morning, after an Inspection of the harbor. In the evening, the wssjoiis of the grand lodge were officially Opened in the Grnnd Opera Housei where, in the nreseoco of 3.000 person*, Governor Stuart and Mavnr Reyhurh greeted the visitors on behalf ot the State and city. On the same evening ihc band?, which hnd been brought with the visit- ing lodges, rendered' programmes In various parts of the city, a feature which was ton- tinned throughout the week. On Tuesday secret sessions of the grand lodge were opened In the Academy of Music where they were held dally until sides the routine.' business, the following grand officers were elected for-the year Orand exalted 'niler.Jobh K. Tehet,.of Th»r- lerol. Pa. :-grnnd treasurer,. Edward Leacif nfrXew York; grand •secretary, Frederick c lloblnson,. of Duhiique. la.: .grand esteemed leading knight. John D.-Shea, of. Hartford. Corln. ; grahd.esteemed.lecturing knight..Bay- ard Gray, fit J'rnnkford, Ind.-.; gjajid'esteemed loyal, knight, WlillArif T.Lockie,- of Downglnc. Mich.: grand trustees^Thomas B. Mills, of Superior. Wis. ; Thomas P. McNulty, of Itnt- tlmore; Charles C. Schmidt, of Wheeling. W. Vn.; grand Inner guard. A. M. Tavlor: grand tiler, James, if. Foley. - There were some not contests In the elec- tion, especially In the race for the grand treasurersbip. Leach, who was elected, oulv won. by a majority of 110 over John \V. Wagner, of Kansas City, who was understood io he the stated cnudldate. The New \art nggregotlon. five hundred strong, went wild when their favorite's election was announced. Tellers sat up all nighi for two nights count- ing the'-'votes, which was the largest ever polled In any TClka' convention. Dallas. Tex.. wns selected for the 1008 Convention. Big, outdoor entertainments at all |D ' amusement parks, horse and auto racesi special baseball games, and prize fights as well as numerous big entertainments at hun- dreds of clubs were pulled off especially lor the Elks. Ladies accompanying the members were taken on doily auto and sight-seeing tours to Fnlrmount Park and the many places of historic nnd Industrial Interest. All mem- bers were Invited to Washington Park on Tuesday to an affair similar to that of the grand lodge the day before. During tho day ihe boats conveyed 70.000 persons to the park. One of the big features of the week wai the massed bann parade on Broad Street on Wednesday morning. Fully 100,000 persons heard the sixty massed bands piny togeiher the national anlhcmsand the Elks' fnvnrllo. Anld Long Syne 'Wllijam P.' Jocher led them. On the snme evening the prize drill wns held over the snme route. An even larger crowd witnessed this from the many crand stands nnd the sidewalks. The star event of the whole convention was tho parade on Thursday. 18. There were over 100 lodges in line with fully 20.(WVi men. Nearly three-quarter* of a million persons viewed tho extraordinary 6pet'taclc. which wns by far the grentest parade tor Klks had ever given or Philadelphia had ever seen. It abounded with special feature* and beautiful turnouts. Every big clly end many of the smaller ones were represented, forming a variety of costumes and featured that was a revelation even to Phlladelphlans who are accustomed to many splendid pa- geants.. The line was five miles long and It took four hours for It to pass a given point- The only marring incident wfi a iho inleaw bent, which killed fotrr and prostrated .".,500 spectators during ibe parade." During the course of Ihe procession,' Lincoln Benchey. the-young Toledo aeronaut, sailed his air- ship over the heads of the gazlog thou- sands and encircled the tall City Hail tower. Thousands of the visitors departed imme- diately after the parade'. A big excursion to historic Valley Forge was given on Friday, and took many others away from the city, which began to assume its natural appear- ance. The excursionists returned, however. .In the evening.' and manv attended a not»'»> night in Bohemia, given hy the famous Pen nnd Pencil Club, the newspaper men's organi- zation of Philadelphia. Those who remained over until Saturday morning went on the official excursion to Atlantic City. Manv had gone before, and a repetition.of the big week In PnlUddphlo wns held for one day at the seashore, where the local lodge entertained lavishly. A sad Incident pf the reunion was thedeatn of John D. O'Shea, of Lynn, Mass.. the cha r- man of (he grand trustees of the order, won was stricken with apoplexy at the Bellevue Stratford. July 10. line grand lodee at il» final session held n lodge of sorrow, at whlct eulogistic remarks were made by several prominent Elks. The vacancy' rnused by he- death was filled hv the election of Colonel Albert J. Holloy. of Hnckcusack. X. J- . . The following Is a list of prizes awarded during the Elks' neunlou. For the lodges making the best appear once In line—First prize, S.TOO. Toledo: second price. |150, 'Detroit: third prize. $100. El Paso. For the lodges appearing In nnlr|iie uni- form—First prlte, $D00, El Paso; secooil