The New York Clipper (July 1907)

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626 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. July 27. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE SONG THAT WILL SET THE COUNTRY SINGING, AND THE SONG YOU WANT TO SING. WON'T YOU WALTZ HOME. SWEET HOW' WITH ME FOR OLD TIME'S SAK ?J THE BAI/I^AD BBAUTIFUI/. By HERBERT IlVORiVH^Ai. Unquestionably the Most Unusual Ballad Hit That Has Been Heard in Years. A Melody Impossible to Forget. SLIDES READY ! The Mo8t Novel and Elective Slides DE WITT C. WHEELER Has Ever Made. Every Slide a Gem. SIDES READY ' JLIUCO HEWII I SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF 86.00 PER 8ET. POSITIVELY HO FREE SLIDES. «HWfcq IICWUU By arrangement with Mr. I\ Ziegfeld, Jr., I can give permission to a few Artists, Companies and Aota to use the Hit of "The Follies of 1807," at the New York Roof. BUDWEISER VINCENT BRYAN'S Unequalled Stein Song Hit. Music by SEYMOUR FURTH. PKED'K. V. BOWERS has written many beautiful tongs, but none that compare with the one he toe Just introduced in Klaw & Erlanger's Big Vaudeville Act, "College Days," entitled 44 ■ *. -am- m ■» w w T«av-»- ^-+ 99 IIVGr ARTHUR J. LAMB'8 Best Lyrics. Greeted with Tumultuous Applause and Bows Demanded Between Verses. The Greatest of Western Cowboy Boogs BRONCH O BUSTER" slLmls°RJADf!°Atl&l 3Tper°sir^N0NlTREE! If you do not want your show to have the same numbers that 100 others have, I will give you permission to use some of the Broadway Theatres InterpolaiionftUrhat I have been fortunate to secure. THI8 is the ONLY HOUSE that makes a SPECIALTY of MANAGERS A F"E\AA OF THEM "And They Say He Went to College/' "He does to Church on Sunday," "No Wedding Bells For Me," "Thiodore," "Because I'm Harried Now." ill of Alice Lloyd's, int hiding "Never Introduce Your Bloke to Tour Lady Friend, "jjj Jack Lorimer's Kid Song, "I've Lost My Little Dog." Harry Bulger's "There's a Lot ol Things That Noah Never Knew," "I (let Dippy When I Do That Two-Step Dance." Tft *^™%°V ™ N ° TC < 'llllCIP Corner Broadway & 39th Street, TO ATTEND TO YOUR WANTS ~ / LJffr |f|UOlu Vincent Bryan, Seymour Furth, Herbert Ingraham, ** ^tnrflL^' E. Ray Coetz, Eddie Moran, Eugene Platzmann, /V^^PlfBI IQUl-R Geo. H. Bell, Ceo. A. Cragg and Jack Cordon. NEWjYORK CITY, (k'ncnil INI j» iif ijio<*. MAHLER BROS. SIXTH AVE. AND 31st ST., NEW YORK. Leading Theatrical Underwear Specialists. Call if In our city. PENING BOOM SEASON 1907-1908. UNDERWEAR DEPT. Bloom«rs trimmed with Orescent lace to matoh danoo skirts. One looe ruf- fle, $1.26. Three laoe ruffles, $2.98. Five ruffles, $4.98. Same style trimmed with Flat VeJ. Laos at $1 25, 82.50 and $4.60. DANCE SKIRTS Laoe to matoh Bloomers, trimmed with deep fan flare flounce at 84.98. Extra wide skirts with deep laoe un- derflounoe at 87.98. We are producing the Most Elegant and Shapely The- atrical and Street Shoes and Slippers on our FAMOUS SHORT VAMP LAST. Com- pany Orders Filled at Short Notice. MAKE-UP BOXES •^W-TiKi.. 33c. ' Price. .Below Colt of Manufacture. OUR COLD CREAM Expressly prepared (or the Theatrical Profession, gimrnnteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate Put up In pound Screw Top Tin Cana at 45o.| bait pound at *»o. 8AIPLE8 OF OHEAI 8EIT FIEE. AM. MAIL ORDBRB MUST BB ACCOMPANIED BY MONEY OltDEH. NONB SBNT C. O. D. SEND VOROUB THEATRICAL CATALOGUE. MAILED PRBB. Jrf SHORT VAMP 8IIOE8, SIZES 1 TO 8 * ALSO FILL, LINK SATIN BLIPPBRS. INDIVIDUALS AMD ENTIRE COMPANIES FITTED OUT J. olasSBKRG, M Tklrt Ave., mosvr 1MB St., Bow Tork. United Btatea Tent and Awning Co., Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III. CIRCU8 CANVASES. BLACK TENTS Oar Specially. SIDB SHOW PAINTINGS. IKELY % Sk MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES 5DNGBDDK ■.^r J AhUS v 'Pm/sTmW/nmLD Sl/E/EX/l^SPEPmoW'OpPE.WPD SL't'JM dO'iftR'lOOCM.'MPEP-Wa samples mM80O/css£A'r;.oa A. LONDON PUB .CD. 7/8 WILLOW'SPPLi/LAM ) N Large Stock 80ft and Duder • New and Second Hand. Witts THE CHARLES P. SIBDHR TENT AND AWNING CO., Successor, to tne T. W. Noble Co,, Teat Bant Detroit Bag and lfff. Co,, Detroit, " BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS We have made Hie euro of Mood Poison a specially. Mood I'olHon Permanently Cured. You can be trcntod nt homo under t lie winio guaranty. Capliul, *500,ouo. Wc solicit Hie most olistlnato canes. If you have ex- hausted tho old methods of treatment and still have aches and pains. Mucus Patches in Mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples. Copper-Colored SpoW, Ulceri on any part of tlio body, Hair or Eyebrows falling oat, write for proofs of oures. 100-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 MitonleT.mpl., Chicago, III., U .8.A. ALFRED J. CAMMEYER 6th Ave. and 20th Street, New.York, LEADING HOUSE IN. AMERICA FOR THEATRICAL AND STREET SHOES, SATIN AND LEATHER STAGE SANDALS "CAMMEYER stamped on a Shoe means STANDARD OF MERIT." ALL COLORS IN THEATRICAL HOSIERY. Theatrical Catalogue Balled Free upon Bequest. CAN FIT OUT COMPANIES WITHOUT ANY DELAY. ESTIMATES FURNISIJJ 1 77-81 WOOSTERST. MAN UK T HE A THEATRICAL-TIGHTS. HOSIERY " .. VSYMMETBlUW GOLD AND SILVER BROCADES ";■'•■ ' ;■■"' ; : :TRiiritTHNGS Wo allow |. As we sell a't WHOLESALE - '.. sAJii-i.Ks ;.AM),"'.'«:'ATAi ERS OF HEATRICAL: JEWELRY EW S. & W, SATIN , FEATHERWEIGHT SPANBLES | SPANGLES (All Colors) - 7IGS, BEARDS, ETC 'IS COUNTS PRICES to the PROFESSION urvKA co. Which Do You Like- With or Without Hair? The same with a Theatrical Wig that Is Bold by dealers, or made by an Experienced wlgmaaer. TRY 08. WB GUARANTEE OUR WIGS OB MONEY REFUNDED. MoVICKBIt'B BL'UW. CHICAGO, ILL.