The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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6& MlE NEW YORK CLIPPEB. August 3. rt ■ • '■■■ ■■ '■•'*. ZW&a .'■-. . ■: - •--■; ' - • ■■ - " ' . v .-,-;..s| :-^.'taB^r^{-. HE Muiad is distinguished by its refreshing orig- inality of flavor and fragrance, and a uniformity of excellence that is unfailing. MU1AB OGAHE3TTIES have a distinctive quality — a harmonious blending of the full-flavored richness of the finest Turkish leaf with a pleasing mildness—which has won from con- noisseurs unanimous approval as "THE METROPOLITAN STANDARD" 10 for 15 cents S, ANARGYROS, Manufacturer 1 it ruth Avenue, It Y. .• $?.*m :■-'-■ OBR SOUTH AFRICAN LETTER. nOM OUB OWN COBBXBr-ONDBNT. South Africa, June 2G. An excellent programme la at present being presented at tbe llvoll Theatre ot Varieties, Capetown, and comprises several splendid turns. Belma Braati, a young lady jugglar, does a splendid act, and her performance Is undoubtedly worthy of every praise. Sbe de- serves the title of tbe female Clnquevalll, and Is a worthy Imitator of the famous Jug- gler. Tbe Romalna are exceptionally clever musicians, and prove to be talented perform- ers with brass Instruments. Violet Gratia, burlesquer, possesses a fair voice. Curtis and Vanity are good American comedy per- formers. Curtis does some fooling, ana Miss Vanity Is excellent. Her acrobatic and con- tortion work ia faultless. Flo. Cballla con- tributes singing, and Kelly and Agnes go well. Kelly is a clever comedian. Bisters Warner are clever dancers, and Kline and Clifton present a sketch, "The Dummy's Holi- day," showing smart business and good danc- ing. Mrs. Drown Potter and company are tour- ing South Africa, and open at the Opera House, Capetown. "La Tosca" Is being staged at present, and drawing poor houses. The meagre attendance Is hardly encouraging to the well known actress at tbe outset of ber tour. Mark Hamburg, the favorite pianist. Is touring South Africa. This is bis second visit to the country. Wheeler's New London Oalety Co. Is play- ing at the Grand Theatre, and rillls' Circus is at Delagoa Bay. The present company at the Empire Palace of Varieties, Johannesburg, comprises: Hol- den's Manikins, Two Jagos, as "The Burglar and Danseuse;" Lily Lena, comedienne ; New- house and Ward, comedy cyclists; Dolly Harmer, character comedienne; La Sylplie, continental dancer; Millie Williams, vocalist and dancer; Cole De Loase Duo, comedians on tbe wire; Marriott Edgar, comedian, and Irma Lorraine, In artistic poses. < »» WASHINGTON. Seattle.—At tbe Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager) the San Kranilacu Opera Co. continues to draw excellent busi- ness, "Olrofle-Olrofla" proving very popular week of July 14. "Dolly Varden'' wees of 21. "The Mikado" week of 28. Seattle (ltuasell & Drew, managers).— There Bcems to be no let up In the good uusl- ness the Earl Burgess Co. Is drawing. Week of 14, In "Tbe House of Mystery/' Emma Hunting made ber initial appearance In this city, and demonstrated her cleverness. Week of 21, "Anita, the Singing Girl." Week of 28, "The Burglar's Daughter." Ltbic (Russell it Drew, managers).—The Dandy Dixie Minstrels, a colored organiza- tion, gave a pleasing show week of 14. The Lewis & Lake Musical Comedy Co., In a re- turn engagement, week of 21, presenting "Whlriy-Oirly." Week of 28, "Who's Baby." Lois (Alex, l'antages, manager).—The vaudeville attractlona from the l'antages will be played here during the alterations to the latter, and tbe l'antages Stock Co. will take a vacation. New people week of 22 arc: Four Lincoln*, E. C. Strickland, Brooks and Whether, Japanese Troupe, Clayton Sisters, Arthur Elwell and moving pictures. Third AvxNca (Chas. A. Taylor, mana- ger).—Manager Taylor's selection of plays appears to nave been a good one, Judging from the houses. Week of 14, "Tbelma" pleased. Week of 21, "She;" week of 28, "Carmen." Btae (E. 0. Dorr, manager).—New people week of 22: Fremont Zouavea, Alice Mort- lock, Flexible Frederick, Wllber Held, Brad- ley and Davis. Carroll Sisters, Edouard Scott, and moving pictures. Ortueum (T. J. Consldlne, manager).— New people week of 22: Tbe Two It's, the Elliotts, Mowley and Leslie, Grace Orma, Cavana, Joe Bonner, and moving pictures. Luna Pabk (Cbas. I.ooss, manager).—The warm weather prevailing baa kept np the good attendance. Notss. — Kate Rockwell, a well known vaudeville performer, waa married early this month, to her partner, James Ray, at Port Townsend, Wash Daphne Pollard will arrive shortly from Australia, and will be- come a member of Mr. Cort'a San Francisco Opera Co., now playing at Grand Opera House for the Summer season The alter- ations on l'antages' vaudeville house are progressing nicely, and the house will reopen about Sept. 1 Actual work baa begun on the remodeling of the Coliseum skating rink into a vaudeville house for the Sulli- van A Consldlne syndicate. It la estimated tne changes will Involve an expenditure of 125,000. » Spokane.—The Spokane (Chas. Muehl- inan, manager) is being renovated and re- furbished for the Beason of 1007-8, which will open Sept. 0-7, with "In the Bishop's Car- uusu ucul. u-i, niiu 111 LUC U)DUU|I D LUI' riage," followed by a complete booking of the Klaw & ICrlanger attractions playing the I'aclflc coast circuit. Richard A Prlngle's Georgian minstrels are announced for July 28-20. Manager Muehlman says: "The com- ing season glvea promise of being the most Interesting and prosperous In the history of the Inland Empire ot the Pacific Northwest, of which Spokane la the theatrical centre. People are coming Into Spokane at tbe rate of 1,200 a month, and they have money for entertainment ana want the best." Columbia (George M. Dreher, manager). —Adelaide Knight, as Nellie Walcott, In "The Man ot Her Choice," presented as the opening bill by the Curtiss Comedy Co.. did not experience the least difficulty in es- tablishing herself, ber performance being convincing. Hussell Lee Barrett, who played opposite, was also well received, and on the whole the company may be said to have made a "ten strike. The support was good, the players Including Uarlorie Rambeau, Noel Travers, S. M. Curtiss, Bessie Canrlght, Monte Carter, Chic Kehoe, Lillian Burnett, Robert Boyle, Julia Chandler, George H. Died rich, John Douglas and E. L. King. "Beware of Men" Is the next play. AuDioKitiu (U. C. Hayward, manager).— "The Triumph of Betty," with Virginia llrlssnc In the leading role, and George Mc- yuarrlc as Uervey Bartlett, played to big business week of July 14. Frank McQuarrle scored nicely as the Rev. Hugh Wltherly, the rest ot the company giving good support. Jack Amory, comedian, waa taken Hi evening ot 18 and aent to bis apartments at the Ho- tel Assemble*, Less C. Greer taking the part of Canon Bartlett on short notice. "The Two Orphans" waa the bill for the one hun- dred and eighteenth week, by the Jessie Shirley Co. Mlas Shirley, leading woman, is making a pleasure tour of the I'aclflc COSBt. Washington (George E. Blakesley, mana- ger).—Alice Mortlock and Walter F. Harmon, presenting a playlet, called "How the Fixes Fixed It, In which an Infant has a promi- nent part, headed the bill week of July 14, the business being large. Others were: Brad- ley and Davis, Frederick, the Flexible, as- sisted by Maude Granger; Alf. Bonner, the Carol Sisters, Wilbur Held, and the blograpb. Natatobium (Joseph Petrich, manager).— Shoot the chutes, the scenic railway, Japanese ball games, ye old mill, children's pony track, Hales tours of the world, Galveston Food, House of Trouble, Darkness and Dawn, Foolish House, circle swing, band concerts, balloon aecenalona snd parachute drop, Da- venport Brothers, aerial bicycle and ft* 5 **! performers; moving pictures, baseball and swimming pool. Business the largest In the history of the park. . . - RtcstATlott PABK (B. J. Lucas, manager). —Membera of the Mystic Order of the Ara- bian B-Nak-Ope, a carnival auxiliary of the 150,000 Club of Spokane, of which Fred H. Gsston is secretary, presented a baseball game between "The Leans" and "The Fats, afternoon of July 20. The B-Nak-Ops have a fund of 19.000 for a two days' carnival next Fall. Three hundred and thirteen can- didates will be initiated during the festival. Notts.— Robert H. Cosgrove, manager of the Spokane Interstate Fair Association, an- nounces that unless the City Council of Spo- kane modifies Its anti-pool selling ordinance, which becomes effective July 19. tbe two weeks' exposition and racing programme, Sept. 23 to Oct. B, will be abandoned, rhe association has contracted for a number of Eastern attractions and races, the entire ex- pense Involved being about $70,000. Promi- nent business men are talking of taking over tbe fair in tbe event the association decided not to carry out Its original programme... The North Pacific Saengerbund, taking In every German singing society within a radius of 400 miles of Spokane, will have Its bi- ennial convention In Spokane, Aug. 29 to Sept 1. «»♦ ILLINOIS. Sprlaarfleld.—With three big playbousas running full blast the coming season, amuse- ment lovers will have a treat, and the mana- gers a strenuous time. The local theatrical season will open about the middle of August at the Chatterton and Majestic The exact dates ot opening and the attractions have not been announced? Mr. Chatterton writes from New York that he Is securing the best line of attractions for his circuit of houses that he has ever had. The subject of advanced vaudeville Is being discussed by local mana- gers, and Mr. Chatterton ia considering put- ting vaudeville in his house two or toree nights a week. Work on tbe Gaiety Theatre building on Monroe Street is progrestlng ulcely. A yellow pressed brick will be used on the front Tbe first floor will be solid plate glass, and the entrance to the theatre will be through a corridor where the wide stairways to the second floor formerly were. The Majestic Theatre will possibly open the Urat week In August The exact date has not been determined. This theatre Is in spic and span condition, having not been in use long enough In the Spring to necessitate even house cleaning. The Chatterton bouse is un- dergoing a house cleaning and receiving such minor repairs sa are needed. Olympic (Wm. Jackson, manager).—Week of July 22: Drama, "Slaves of Sltovka;" Violet DeVan, Gertrude Heath, Pearl La- Beau, Julian and Dyer, and the moving pictures. Empieb (John Connors, manager).—Week of 22: Burlesque, "Isle of Paima;" illus- trated songs. Lucille Tllton, Jeannette Lee. tbe Marvelous Kousell, "Jane's Lovers," and 20th Century optlscope. White Cur (Wm. GUI, manager).—Week of 22: Henry Weedon aad his lions, Butchers' Picnic, 24, band concert and dance, 24, 26 and 27. Buffalo Bill's Wild West, Aug. 10. s ■ Peoria.—At the Main Street, Paycen Stock Co., In "Too Much Tompkins," had excellent business last week. Aibdoam (Jim Baugh Amuse. Co., mana- gers).—Last week the stock company gave "Coralle, or, The Woman from Martinique." This plsce Is doing a good business. Stoke Hill Qabdbn (Frank Grave, mana- ger).—Good attendance last week. The stock company in "Escaped from the Law," was the bill. Peobia. —The stock company presented "Wanted, a Wife." Company closed 27. Wbast's (Charles F. uartson, manager).— Week of 22: Burlesque stock, in "The School- master" and "A Trip to the Moon;" Evelyn Morton, Burt M Jack and Hazel McCormlck, and moving pictures. Viuoi.MA Beach (Frank A. Helneke, man- ager).—Week of 22, Crawford and Gardner, a sister team, pleased the large crowds. Al Fiasco Pabk (Vernon C. Seaver, man- ager).—Dickey's Wild West Show opened a two weeks' engagement 22. Attendance la big, and the concessions are doing a good business. Notes. —Buffalo Bill's Wild Weat comes Aug. 8 Eugene Bonner and Lois Mere- dith hare closed at Stone Hill Garden, and Nelson A. Lawrence and Berteoa Lee have rejoined the company Rex De Hosselli is the new leading man at the Alrdome Cards have been received here announcing the marriage, at Syracuse, N. Y , on July 14, of Helalne Harte, former leading lady at Stone Hill Garden, and Ned Rockwell, who Is connected with the Syracuse Dey Time Register Co Crawford and Gard- ner closed their vaudeville season at Spring- Held, 111., and then open with "The Cat and the Fiddle." ■ Altoa.—At Rock Bpirnga Park (W. M. Sauvage, manager).—Kollo, the Limit, con- tinues his second week in bis Looping the Gap on roller skates. In the Rock Springs Theatre Fries Bros., Pollard, Conn Downey and Wlllard, Hastings, Miss Collls Le-Page and Hastings and Wilson. Notb. —John Robinson's Ten Big Shows appear here Aug. 2 Bauscher Carnival Co. week of July 22 Fries Bros., acro- bats of Alton, 111., gave their Initial per- formance at Rock Springs Park on July 21. It waa very creditable. They are booked solid for the season on the western Lang circuit. The act numbers Ave people. » Bloonilngton.—The Grand Opera House (Frank M Raleigh, manager) will open the season Aug. 12, with "The Cow Puncher" aa the attraction Gregory's Moscow was here July 25-27 Buffalo Bill's Wild West is due Aug. 12 Tbe Eagles' carni- val week of July 22, fared poorly At the Nickelodeon, in spite of hot weather, business bas been goed The Theatorium will close 27, indefinitely Columbia Amusement Co., presenting Hale's Tours, is drawing fair audiences At the Nickel- dome fair business rules At the Nickel- odeon (Lake Park), tbe hot weather has cre- ated a large business. «i * VIRGINIA. Norfolk. — At the Acme (Wllkerson A Manzte, managers), people for week of July 20: Maud Olllnger. Mabel St. Clair, Thomas and Wilson, Mackln and Hart, Clinton Sis- ters, Ida Bennett, Weston Sisters, and Rcntz and Edwards. Bijou (Abb Smith, manager).—BUI week of 20: Frankle Baker, Lee French, Howard and Membhardt, Lottie Miller, and Kennedy and Weat The burlesque, "The Jamestown Girls," will be continued week of 29. BIJou Palm Garden, recently opened In connection with the BIJou Theatre, has proven a very successful feature, and Is liberally patronized. Auditobiuu (J. M. Barton, manager).— People for week of 29: Wilson Sisters, the Great Payne, Klrke-Adams and company, Barton and Osman, Guy Johnson, and Harvey and Adams. The burlesque, "The 1'ajama Girls," will be produced. Manhattan (Crlnnlan Bros., managers). No change In the bill for week of 29. Casino. Ocean View (Otto Wells, local man- ager).—Vaudeville week of 20. Business con- tinues very satisfactory. HiPPOPBOUK.—KiralfyV'Pocahontaa" shows a steady Increase in the business, which Is rather encouraging to the management a t » Dave Barht, formerly manager of the Dewey Music Hall, at Utlca, N. Y., is now st his home at Pittsburg, Pa. YOUR COMPLEXION If will be smooth, velvety and as delicate in |N its tints as a rose—if you are a user of La- ^ blactae. Beautiful women everywhere sin- iu praise. A lady trom Athens, Pa., writes: " Lablache is a good, pure powder, and -dels to a woman's complexion. It removes th;.r sa |. lowness and shine or oily look that detracts; from one's charms. When you use Lablache it is with perfect confidence in its purity ;,:,,! i beautifying qualities." Face Powder b cooling and refreshing after exposure to sun and wind. Its. users are immune from sunburn. It absorbs perspiration, an>"i is > Bay preeminently a summer necessity to every woman of refinement Defuse substitutes. They may be dangerous. Flesh. White, Pink, or Cream, , K 50c. a box, of druggists or by mail. ^J BEN. LEVY CO., French Perfumers, _a_-—..—SBmsasaassm—aasaai— Dept. -Js.l ZJ Kingston St., Boston I *■ Cat THE WIGGERY 9 9 Any fool can make money; It takes a wise one to save. Consult the Wlggery. EILER'S "KING t°h f e CATTLE RING"™™ WANTS COMPLETE COMPANY. MONTAMBO and HURIV^AXrT^S OWE OF THK WORLD'S BEST COMEDY ACROBATIC ACTS Engaged for the Empire Show, Season I9Q7 and '08 TENT OUTFIT FOB SALE. HAVE FOR SALE an 80- foot Ronnd Top with 40-foot Middle Piece, 10-root Side Wall aad everything complete to set up and begin business, Including Marques, Portable Stages and excess ot Bed Drapes ot good quality for proscenium and wings and dressing rooms, 20 lengths ot new 7-Uer high Beats, Includ- ing « lengths (300) Reserved Seats, Ticket Offices, Cook House outfit complete, in- cluding 16x30 new Top and $35 new Gasoline Stove, Ta- bles, Dishes, etc., line set Drums and Cymbals, all new, cost $90; new Lubln Moving Picture Machine and two Reels Film. Fine new Chests and Cases for everything, lot of odda and ends. Above cutat cost $2,400. What do you oarer? Will sell any part Address CRESCENT CO., 829 Chestnut St, Room 305, Phils., Pa. Get the Habit. Go to ^Quytk *%& i UNION SQUARE, 14»h Street, near Broadway, 279 Broadway, near Ccambers, 47 Cortlandt St., near Greenwich, 125th 81, corner Third Ave,, HEW YORK CITY. WANTI Banjo and Guitar Comedians That can put on acts on platform. Must change for week. State what you do in first letter. A long engagement to gentlemen. Address DR. RICHARD EAltLSTOX, Bellvllle, Onfario, WANTED, For Hans Hanson's Big Band Show Juvenile Lady or Sotibrette with girl six years old, Tramp and Character Man, double brass. Three Cornels, Three Violins, double Brass, Three Clari- nets, B. and 0.. Three Trombones, B. and 0., and Band and Orchestra Leaders. Baritone, double violin. MCALPIN'S BAND SHOW EXCHANGE, Clarendon Hotel, cor. Clara and Ontario, Chicago. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Al ELECTRICIAN For Season 1607-8, to travel with Road Company, single man and temperate. Apply P. O. Box 132 Brooklyn, N. Y. OLD THEATRE PLAY BILLS FOR s ALE.—loo, covering a period from 1800 to 1903 (all framed). Address all otTers to W. J. Alden. 87 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Ready Sure Aug. 7th My printer has POSITIVELY agreed to deliver mean advance edition of MADISON'S slw BUDGET No. II On the above date. I pledge my well-earned reputation as a vaudeville author tint MADISON'S NEW BUDGET No. II will be by far the best book of stage comedy I have ever written. Tbe parodies are fun- nier, the monologues have quicker points, and the sketches more laughs to the minute than any previous issue. I don't care whether you are a headliner earning $500 per week, or an ambitious performer just entering the profession, a copy of MADISON'S BUD- GET No. 11 Is just like handing you |2uoo WORTH of cracker-Jack comedy material and telling yon to make a bit with it Some of my friends have been urging me to raise the selling price of MADISON'S BUD- GET, but I Bay "nlxey." Price Remains as Always ONE DOLLAR Per Copy. So get busy, and send In yonr order at once, and be tbe first to sing the new parodies and tell the new jokes and stories. JAMES MADISON, 1404 THIRD AVE., NEW YORK. WE HAVE FOR LEASE AND SALE Advance. Privilege, Baggage, Stock, Au- tomobile and Merry-Go-Roond Car*. 60ft long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANI, No. 1230 Monadnock Building, Chicago, 111. I Write Music and Words. Guaranteed arrangements for all instruments. Complete songs, acts and operas. Write me HENRY 8. SAWYER. 67 S. Clark St, Chicago KEmotional Leads, m _ m Comedy. ^_. atherine Willarffl Permanent ■ M>4 Ashland U Address, *»*■ Blk., Chic. ■*■' HOW TO BECOME A CONTORTIONIST. rront and Baok Bending, each trick illustrated »5c. Morphet's School, 837 N. 12th St., Phlia ., Pa! R. H. BEATTIE, LAWYER, Confidential Cases a specialty. Judgments and decrees obtained promptly; no d 0 lay. Counsel free. 4M1 Indian Ave., third floor, Chicago. WANTED AT ONCE, for Viola Wilson Stock Co. for balance of Summer and regular season, Man for swell line of heavies and re- sponsible parts, A No. 1 Heavy Woman: also General Business Man. Others, write. State whether you do specialties or not Enclose late programmes. Answer at once. You must deliver the goods or you won't last Ad- dress Floyd Brown, Bavena, N. Y„ week of 'My 2»; fcingrton, N. Y., „*& ot A ug?i}. Road Companies WANTED I HAVE LARGE CIRCUIT IN CENTRAL STATES. H. E. RAQER, 607 Title aud Trust Bldg., Chica go^ Sketch and Sister Teams Strong Single Acts, That change often, can have one to all weeks' work. Write fully what you can and win do, with lowest salary and photo. BIJOU THEATRE. Bt Johns. Mlcn._ PIANIST WANTED, Vaudeville Planlat wanted, who thoroiisb'J understands the business. Must be able w transpose and read from bass sheets. r"» drunks or agltatora. Address T. V. MC- LAUQHLIN, 134 Bank St, Newark, N. .1. BARGAI IMS In Moving Picture Machines and Films Send sump for list IDEAL FILM EXCIIAMJB. 112-114 E. Randolph St, Chicago. Wanted, a Child Singer To sing lUnstrated Songs. No traveling. !" D s engagement: good salary. Address _ , ,„ WM. FAIRQItAVE, the Qrand Theatre, hrl.jja,. Sketch Team, singles and doubles, hot 'lan- cers; Novelty Uan, organ player. Weekstjuds. German Med. Co., Bossdale, Parks Co., lnd.