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AUGUST 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 633 Lea&Pcrrins^ Sauce THE ORIC1NAL WORCESTERSHIRE For broiled chops, steaks, cutlets, etc., no seasoning is re- quired, save butter and Lea & Pcrrins' Sauce. Add to the gravy one or two tablespoonsful of Lea & Pen-ins' Sauce before pouring it over the meat. John Duncan's Sons, Agents, New York. MOVING PIGTURE MACHINES EDISON KXNETOSCOPE, TIE POWER CAMEBAGRAPH, KLEIHE LENSES fcr Picture Machines Coyer the Whole Range of Practical Projection. SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE F. C. B. KLEINE. 662-664 Sixth Avenue, New York. STAGE JEWELRY, BEADS, SPANGLES, JEWELS, Etc. !lo Catalog. Describe what you want and we will lend .ample. American Bead Company 545 Broadway, N.Y. City. (IMS OF ALL KINDS. SAVE MONEY BT WRITING TO W. STOKES KIRK, 1627 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wanted, Performers for Street lo Join About Middle of August. Must bo 18 K., up to date and able to deliver silk. Address FRED BLAJSK.NER. II. I)., D. D. 8., Kewanee, 111. MUSIC ARRANGED For Piano, Band and Orchestra. W. H. NELSON M West 28th Street. New York. 10 BEHEABSIR6 B001S cano, $1.00 a rehearsal. Fine restaurant and hotel In connection. JOEL'S, 206 West 41st St., 2 minutes' West Broadway. (IKS FOB BENT Hotel Cars, all famished. Steel wheels and trucks Elegant construction. Addret Wellington Hotel. Chicago. Ill Theatrical Manuscripts. Legal Documents, Busi- ness Correspondence. Moderate prices. LOTTA RCELBEHO, 44 W. 28th St. NEW UP-TO-DATE 52 PA6E BOOK Catalogue of Latest TRICKS, Books, etc., Just out. Sent for 10c. NONE FREE. W. D. LEROY. 103 Court St. Boston. Mass. HALF-TONE 8! CBNT** SQUARE IMC* fcaWtfivMUM oov STRATI- HALF TONB PROCESS CO .Hv.cirv.mt- Uaudeciiie and minstrel. Manager Will H. Barrt, of Chicago. writes: "I will open the tour of my new high class white minstrel organization, Billy Barry s Merry Minstrels, at Warrington Opera House, Oak Park, III., Sept. 14. This will also Inaugurate the season of this the- atre. The tour of this company will em- brace a vast territory of 20.000 or more miles. Forty people will be carried, Includ- ing a band of eighteen and orchestra of twelve pieces. An unusually strong olio Is to be presented, Including a splendid tronpe oJ six Swiss Tyrolean warblers, with elabo- rate Swlsc mountain stage setting; a well known musical four act, a high class news- boys comedy quartette, an Invisible choir boys octette. Illustrated songs, moving pic- tures, showing recent great naval review of worlds battleships, at Hampton Roads, Va,. etc.; Olora Twin Bros., In Roman art status nosings; eight vocalists, six end men and two sketch teams. "Punch" Wheeler, for years with Primrose A Dockatader'a Min- strels, npw general agent of the Sells-Floto Shows, has Deen engaged as general press agent and advisory manager. Three addi- tional agents will be In advance—a banner man, lithographer and forty-eight hour pro- grammer. Afterpiece shows 'Percy and Hall Room Boys and the Falrweather Girls at Gay Coney Island.' The scene close with a view of a big iron pier excursion steamer leaving the Island, homeward bound for New York, with entire band on upper deck, play- ing lively Broadway 'hits,' and the entire company singing them. A beautiful moon- light wave ripple effect Is shown, with warn- ing lights of Sandy Hook lightship flashing across the ocean." Will H. Barry, the Chicago manager, and Kdw. R, Carruthers, general manager of the Majestic Theatrical Co., controlling two hundred high class parks, are booking the Hoffman Swiss Tyrolean Warblers in the larger parks. They will Join the Billy Barry Merry Minstrels nt the close of their parka engagements. Phil R. Miller noted for bis elaborate high class productions of colored musical comedy shows, has organized a company ot twenty high grade colored musicians, come- dians, dancers, etc., which he calls Phil R. Miller's Dixie Serenaders, proposing to play Hft b| 8 .. n| B u class parka of the North and Middle West. Gilmobb and Cabtlb, who are now on the twentieth consecutive week in the Sullivan « Consldlne houses, have twenty more weeks to follow. Their act la meeting with success. Hill-Edmunds Tbio report meeting with fine success playing over the Pollack Moun- tain circuit through Pennsylvania. They will produce another new act shortly, and are booked for forty weeks. Lew Palmes, the mimic, has closed the Imperial Theatre, at Freemont, O., during the Summer. Mr. Palmer will have the house thoroughly overhauled, and will open about Sept I. The past season was a very suc- cessful one. Gray and Graham started on their vaude- ville time July IB. They have been lay- ing off six weeks at their Summer home, Koanoke, Va- Fred W. Gray, of the team, was made a master maaon while at his home this Summer. Clarence W. Bebends, the "Original Dutch Comedian," is still at Chippewa Falls, wis., with the Quakers. He has been changing his turn nightly for six weeks, and remains two more weeks, then to Wau- saw, Wis., for seven weeks. Geo. W. Evehs, "Pork Chops," writes that be is now finishing one of the most suc- cessful engagements ever played over the Sullivan & Consldlne circuit by any single black face act. Mb. anti Mas. John Mack (Belle Bel- mont), mourn the loss of their little baby girl, Anna Belle, who died suddenly. She was thirteen months old Downey and Willabd have joined hands with Hugh Conn, formerly of fmhoff. Conn and Conine, and the new team are meeting with great success. Mr. Downey Is play- ing the Irish part in the act, while Miss WI1- lard plays the stuttering maid. The act la entitled "The Doings of Dr. Louder." The Db La Noye Sisters write: "We have met with big success in the West, and have returned to our home at Niagara Falls, N. V., where we will rest for two weeks, and then open In our home city at the Lyceum Theatre. We then return to Entermann's New Music Hall, at Toledo, Ohio." Ida Williams, late of Frank and Ida Wil- liams, reports meeting with big success with Emmerson's Floating Palace. She will be seen next season In'Vaudeville, In a new act, written by Joseph K. Kelly, entitled "The Other Fellow." Tub Original Silbob and Emkbson, after a seven years' separation, have again Joined hands, and are now playing a circuit of parks. J. Fxakcis Stuart, the Irish story teller, and the new "Rolling Mill Man," reports big success with his act, also that he has plenty of good work ahead. the La Vails report continued success for their aerial act, with illuminated scenery and water ripple effects. Louise Auooust and company have sailed for Paris, for their Summer vacation. They will return the first week in September, hav- ing been booked for the entire season ot 1007-08. Notes from n. J. Meyer's Moving Pic- ture and Vaudeville Co.—We are now In our tenting season, doing a fine business, and having good weather. Williard H. Weber Is still the hcndllner, and keeps them all guess- ing In his Impersonation act Miles A. Reed, black face comedian. Is making good. At Earnest, Sagamore and Iselln we had to turn people away. Roster: H. J. Meyer, pro- prietor ; Williard H. Weber, manager; John Meyer, stage manager; Miles A. Reed, W. R. Miller, Joe Loverlck and Harry W. Weber. All are enjoying the mountain breezes, and enjoy reading Tub Old Reliable, especially when It reaches us on time. Harbity and Hebb report making a big bit on the Western Pennsylvania Association circuit They are booked up to the latter part of September, then they Join a farce comedy IlAintr IlEicnF.NDAcn, general agent for the Great Raymond Co., writes: "Quite an Interesting Incident occurred at Rutland, Vt., during the Horse Fair there. The Great Raymond had as his guests. Homer Da- venport. Governor Proctor, of Vermont, and his staff, and the board of directors of the fair. The show opened with a trip to 'Spookvllle,' and It seemed to mystify the spectators, but It remained for the hand- cuff act to do the mystifying supreme. Chief of Police Wulttaker and about a dozen of his knights were upon the stage, and after a short talk Raymond Invited them to man- acle him any way they desired. Fifteen pair of shackles and wrist cuffs were placed upon blm. Raymond then walked to the box occupied by the governor and bis party, and requested them to examine the cuffs to make sure that they were locked. After the examining process, Raymond retired to a smalt canopy In the centre of the stage, and within a few moments emerged, entirely di- vested of the Irons." Louis Hallbtt, who has been exception- ally successful la supplying, staging and producing acts meeting the demands of up- to-date vaudeville, has opened offices In this city. Jeanne Brooks, "The Qlrl with the Smile," and Billy Noble are spending a few weeks at Mt. Clemens, taking the famous baths. Mr. Noble opens with Kraua' Twen- tieth Century Maids Aug. 10, and Mlsa Brooks continues alone in vaudeville. Job S. Allmon, who Is pliylog a five weeks' engagement over the new Kevin The- atre circuit. In Northern Canada, reports suc- cess In presenting hla black face monologue. The Ouroa Thio (Abl, Crowley and Abl) has signed with H. W. & Sim Williams' mu- sical comedy, "Cat and the Mouse." for next season, to do their act, "Sweety's Finish." and parts. They will close a very successful censon In vaudeville throughout the West, and go to New York for rehearsal early In August. Addison and Livingston, and Veda and Qulntarouw, while playing the Lyric Air- dome, Houston, Tex., week July 1, were en- tertained by Mr. and Mrs. George Milton, at their ranch, where a pleasant afternoon was spent. Nettie Dailiy, of Bob and Nettle Dalley, mourns the loss of her father, who died July 8, at his home. In Grand Island, Neb. At* Sterns, the colored talking and sing- ing comedian, reports that be is doing nicely In his act and gaining much popularity as "The Man with the Funny Face." He is well booked up with Western time, which begins early In September. Lobetta Cliiton writes: "I will shortly return to the vaudeville stage, having re- cently obtained an absolute divorce from my husband, Jesse I. Fields, formerly business manager of the Standard Theatre at Beau- mont Tex." O'Neill's Majestic Minstrels report having just closed their season of forty weeks over tie Sullivan & Consldlne circuit and are now resting for the balance of the Summer. They open fhelr season at Cleveland, O., the first week In -September, with a new singing and dancing novelty. Waldo whiffle writes: "While playing Salisbury Beach, Mass., I held the lucky number, 'S2,' which won the diamond ring raffled off by J. J. Coogan.' Tub Lanodons report hsvlng Just finished a fifteen-weeks' engagement on the Son cir- cuit, and are now In Detroit, Mich., re- hearsing with B. C. Whitney's "The Show Girl" Co. Both are signed to play leading roles and also do their specialty. Bender and Eable, the "Milanese Min- strels," are playing their ninth and last week for Jules Delmar, at Island Park, Auburn, N. Y. They are closing the bill and making their nsual hit. They return to New York City next week and will rest until next sea- son. The Majestic Quartette report meeting with great success at Cro-nble's. in Minne- apolis, Minn., hat will re-enter vaudeville this Fall with a new act Florence Tucker, who has for over a year been known as Mile. Loubet, and has ridden a death loop on a bicycle, recently returned from a seven months' engagement In Cuba. She has opened again, and Is at Luna Park, In Washington, D. C, week of July 22. Jennings and Renfrew, the boys who sing their own songs, notify us that fhey were such an exceptional hit at the Alrdomes, Sey- mour, Bradford and Linton, Ind., that they were booked to play Immediate return time over the circuit. Tbey are well booked ahead, and their original comic songs are still a feature. Habland and Rollison, European musi- cal team, are now on the Sullivan-Conaldlne circuit, meeting with great success. They open In France January next, playing re- turns there and In England, returning to this country June, 1008. Naomi Efbardo, wife of Arthur Harland, played a successful en- gagement at the N. Y. Hippodrome up to the closing of that bouse for the Bummer season. Ida Gladstone has signed with Dave Krause for Rlalto Rounders next season. Orrbn and Millie Phelps are resting for the present at their Chicago home. Billy Bean, of Mettllng and Bean, bicycle riders Is out with a new act, using an Eng- lish greyhound In place of bis former part- ner, doing a three mile race. Bean haa with him Sam Levy, an eccentric monologise, and together tbey are a combination sure to make a nit They open on the Gus Sun circuit in September. Will 8. Simpson writes: Beg to Inform yon that I joined the Meneley-Rohley quar- tette a month ago. We are playing to ex- cellent business. We are going through to the Coast by automobile, which we secure at Denver, Col., Ang. 1. Lillian McNeill, of Emmett and McNeill, celebrated the anniversary of her birth, July 10. Stutzman and Crawford gave her a sur- frlse party In a "wine" supper with all he trimmings. Those present were: Em- mett and McNeill. Acrobatic Derrlll, J. V. Mitchell, and Stutzman and Crawford, all on the same bill at the Alrdome Theatre, Qulncy, III. Sydney Dale has Joined hands with the International Four, and Is meeting with marked success. Henrietta Roberts writes: "I was grant- ed an absolute divorce from the Great In- man (Henry Hlllman) on June 5, at Lowell, Mass. I resume my own name." Millard Bros., "Cycling Recruits." are playing four weeks over the Gorman circuit, They are closing the bill everywhere. Bob Millard's ride down a flight of steps, back- wards, is one of their feature tricks. Job Lester, who recently withdrew from the Original Three Lester Brothers, reports success with the Savllle "Humpty Dumpty" Co. He haa doubled with the famous acro- batic clown performer, John McDonald. The team will be known as McDonald and Ross. Crystal Bell opened on the John n. Ammons circuit for ten weeks, beginning July 18. Mattib Kebnb Is spending her Summer's vacation In Massachusetts, dividing her time between the home of her brother, Frank Keeney, proprietor of the Old Berry Tavern, Dnnvers, Mnss., and her friend, Mrs. J. A. Pike, 41 Walnut Street, Waltham, Mass. Miss Kcene writes that she Is having a most enjoyable time. J CLE Jacobs writes: "Dot West and my- self have Joined hands, and are signed with Sam Devere's Buriesquers, for the coming season." Josef Yabbick and wifb (Agnes Charap- ney), who opened at St Joseph, Mo., July 7, are booked for an extended tour of the West "Our first week on the circuit," says Mr, Yarrlck, "was very successful as well as a pleasant one. and this success has fol- lowed each week since. The natives here seem to ilke a mystery act My wife's singing and dancing act also meets with exceptional favor." Mack Sisters report meeting with suc- cess In vaudeville. Rowbnna Is stilt with the Harris-Parkln- son company as one of the vaudeville fea- tures. Edna Eam.ie Lindon and her husband, 11. A. La Motte, are spending the Summer at Miss Llndon's home, "Llndonhurst," Os- wego, N. Y. Lewis and Lessinoton, In "Seth Spin- ner's Troubles," who met with success at Pastor's, week of July 8, return there week of Jan. 0, 1008, and are booked solid until April next The Three Bennett Sisters write: "Stella Bennett Is no longer connected with our act, as we have taken one of the original Bennett Sisters, Crystal, Into the act We have been at Atlanta seven weeks, and are doing fine." Edith Melrose, late of the City Sports Co., Is working with her sister, Daisy. Tbey are known as the Melrose Sisters, and are re- hearsing at Ontario Beach. N. Y. Burt Tubneb, comedy juggler. Informs us that he Is very successful on Eastern park time, end Is booked up to the latter fan ot September. the Princess Ombnb, who la making an undisputed success on the Western cir- cuits of Family theatres, Intends to pat on a big act, assisted by Chat, E. Dunbar. Mr. and Mas. Dan Sherman (Mabel De Forrest) recently gave an old fashioned bnrn dance at their Summer home, at Central l'ark, L. I. One ot the chief feature* ot the evening was a donkey raffle, which waa won ty Jacob Mlllltcher. Among the guests were: Mr, snd Mrs. T. W. Dlnklns, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. H. Hart (Ethel Tlllson), Mr. and Mrs. Morris Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. L«on Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dured, Hilda Cnrl, O. W. Whltflel4a**0j? Wolf, Joe Nlek- erson,. Harry Helmonw^Srry Barrett, Chris. Bruno and Mable Russell Baby Sherman, aged three, did a little song and dance. The whole affair was a decided success. The team of May and Miles dissolved part- nership at Roanoke. Va., on June 22. Miss Miles will work singly In the future, and has good time booked far ahead. After a partnership existing six years, TJnlcycle Hay and Bro. separated July 20. N, Hay will return again as a special feature with Vogel's Minstrels, while hU brother, Evart will remain in vaudeville, doing hit knockabout acrobatic unlcycle act which Is something new In that line. lie Is booked solid for the Winter, and Is now tak- ing a rest at his wife's home In Franklin, O. while flaying Dayton, O., week of July 1, Morris and Hemmlngway were entertained by Rertha Sherwood, at her home on Bo- lander Avenue. Morrla and Hemmlngway play the Western Vaudeville Association time. Miss Sherwood has been re-engaged with Campbell's Nightingales Co. Eugene Pelletier, of the Pelletlcrs, writes: "We have been mora than making good In our new act, which Is In Its seventh week. We have been a feature act from our opening date, and I have Just received a substantial Increase In salary, beglnlng next Fred M. Allen Is slowly recovering from a surgical operation performed July 0, at Hahnemann Hospital. New York, and ex- pects to be able to leave there shortly. Capt. Sidney Hinman baa canceled his Western tour for July and August and will remain nil Summer at Stcepin'-hasa Park, Coney Island, N. Y. HU life aavlng and diving docs are a big feature at the park. Al. K. Hutchinson opened at Scenic The- atre. Hartford. Conn.. July 8, and his Im- mediate success gained for him a return date there. Blanche Estelle, of RocLcfort, May and Blanche (sister act), have signed with the Casino Girls Co., for next season. The trio Is at present playing parks through Ohio and New York. The Great American Airdomb, Pennsyl- vania Amusement Co, owners: L. J. Cham- berlain, manager, was destroyed by fire, night ot July 3. at Johnsonburg, Pa. Tbe lire was caused by a boy throwing a firecracker on the parnphlned canvas. Tbe manage- ment ordered a new outfit complete. The main canvas will be an eighty foot round top, with two forty foot middle pieces, Ca- pacity business has been the rule with this new amusement enterprise since tho open- ing, eight weeks ago. Mrs. Adolpiib Poirier, wife of Adolphe Polrler, and manager of the Three Poitiers, was made an honorary member of the T. M. A.'a No. 10, at Winnipeg, Man., while the Dominion Theatre. Adolphe Polrler waa made a member of the White Rats of America, June 0. Mr. Polrler la also a member of tbe T. M. A., Lodge No. 41, of Superior, Wis. Woods and Ralton, after playing vaude- ville dates through the Summer with their musical act, are at tbelr home In Duluth, Minn., for a few weeks' vscatlon. They be- gan rehearsals with Al. G. Field's Greater Minstrels July 16. Harry Rouclerb and Mildred are Sum- mering at their popular hotel In Rldgcwond, N. J., which Is a favorite stopping place for wayfarers in that section. Tub La Montes write: "We are In our second season with the C. O. Spangler Show, and meeting with great success. Our sketches are always up to the times and please the Eeople. We are showing In the smaller towns i Virginia, and playing to big houses." Milton and Dolly Nobles will begin their regular season at Keith A Proctor's ttstn Street Theatre, Now York, on Aug. 6. Their season will be devoted to "Fads and Fancies," Mr. Nobles' latest farce, which was successfully produced a few weeks ago, The character of Mary Ann Cahoe will be played by Ida Lewis, while Jefferson Totter, the country banker, who tries to make poli- tics respectable, will fall to the veteran char- acter actor, Thomas M. Hunter. Since closing their season with the Bos- ton Belies Co., Rice and Walters have played return engagements at tbe Lyceum and Palace Theatres, Boston, snd Polls' Theatro, Waterbury, Conn., followed. Week of July 1, Ronwlck Park, Ithaca, N. Y., and ot 8 they were at Glen Haven Park, Rochester, N. Y. They are booked solid until next Jane, 1008. Granville and Mack report meeting with big success with their new set. They were one of the features at Pastor's week of July 1, taking four and five encores at every per- formance. They will play four more weeks of park work and will then rest at tbe home of Miss Granville's mother, In Toronto, Can., until Sept. 2, when tbey start on their twenty- five weeks of work for tbe Western Vaude- ville Asoclatlon. Manager Jas. Henry writes: "Shellpot Park, at Wilmington, Del., Is now under my management for the second season. I have added new weekly free outside attractions this year, and the park Is doing a pros- perous business and meeting with better success than In the past four years. Our theatre, band and orchestra Is a big feature, and meeting with public approval. Geo. Db Voy has taken tbe management of the Star Theatro, Hot Springs, Ark. Caleb D. Siiepfard writes: "I have Joined Zarrow, Fravlola and Grey Troupe of trick and comedy 'cyclists, snd will work nnder the name of Grey. The act la booked for two years solid. I am bard at practice with the act and spending about two hours a day with Zarrow, llsblng In the St. Claire River." Bavoy and Savoy have just closed a suc- cessful four weeks' engagement at the Coeur d'AIene Theatro, Spokane, Wash., where they met with great success. Before leaving they gave a dinner In honor of the Princess Omeno, who is making a sensation In her classic East Indian dances. Sam Wkhton, late of Irene Leo and Kandy Kids, will be a feature with Leo Woods' "Boy Wanted" Co., which opens on the Sul- livan & Consldlne circuit In August. He will do the Dutch comedy and sing his own paro- dies, also Introducing bis eccentric woodon shoe dance. Adklb I'ubvir Onri writes: "Wehave Just concluded six most pleasant weeks on tho ilnny A. Hawn circuit of parks. Week July 22 we play the Star Theatre, Muncle, Ind., and open with J. W. Gorman Aug. 5, until Hcpt. 14. Miss Allthorpe and I will sail for England Sept. 18, Just to see tbe dear old folks at borne, and to bring back a tew nov- elties for our act." Notes from tho Casino, Wlldwood, N. J.— Business here Is Improving. People week of July 22: Redfernand O'Donnell, Monte Wolf, Murray end Raymond, Geo. Koch and Jules Ilendlngton. We open on a minstrel first part, changing weekly, nnd continue hero till about the middle of .September. The Pepper Twins have Just closed play- ing tbe Summer parks, and are at their Sum- mer home, at Lindsay, Can., spending two weeks on tbe Kawartna lakes fishing. They will be seen the coming season In a comedy sketch by a well known New York manager. Bedard and Bedard write from Lawrence, Mans.: "This Is our third seaiton on the Jos. J. Flynn circuit of parks. We are meeting with great success, and our little ion Is hav- ing a good time arourfl this Summer resort and sea beaches." World o f Platers. Notes rcnu A. W. MARTIN'S World's Grkatkst "Uncle Tom'b Cabin." —Every- thing Is In readiness for tbe opening days of the "Big Shows." The twenty new dogs, which Mr. Martin Imported from Russia, are being broken for stage work by Albert Slmcoe, nnlinnl trainer, Tate of tho Hngenbeck shows. George Taylor Is superintendent at the stu- dios, and under his master hand work Is attended to In expeditious manner. The new electrical and mechanical devices made by Kllegl A Co. are novel nnd effective, and will record a new era in the history ot "Uncle Tom's Cabin." It. II. Whlttler Is In charge of the office and attends to all details of the business. Ed 8. Martin has lately returned from a prospecting trip and reports every- thing In good shape anil prospects great for a big season, Grant Luce has signed aa agent ot tbe Western Co., and Woody Van Anda as manager. Mr. Martin will this season make tho greatest effort he has ever made, and the productions will be a revela- tion to all those who are Interested In the fortunes of "Uncle Tom'a Cabin," As In the grevloua two years the parade feature will e eliminated. Mr. Martin believes that a performance on the stage of a theatre Is what the people want, and not an attempt at a street parade, which at best is meaning- less, misleading, snd detracts from the high class entertainment which he gives his pa- trons. Tho past few seasons' successes with- out any parade, has been the best evidence that Mr. Martin Is correct In his theory. Notes pbom Chas. T. Pales' Attraction. —We are still busy getting In shape for tho coming season, which we expect will excel all other seasons Samples, models, etc., ot our new paper nnd scenory have arrived. Manager Fnfes took a trip to Philadelphia to attend tho Elks' convention, representing hla lodge from Florida, ot which he la n prominent member. Belle Dolan haa signed with Al. II. Woods, to create an Irish character part Ir. one of his plays for next season, opening Aug. 8, at Philadelphia. notes pbom Southold, L. I,—John Ken- nedy (Kelaaco forces) and Mrs. Kennedy (llattle Davis) are at the Sound View: Alban W. Purcolt, son and daughter, are at their cottage, Horton's Point Roster and Notes of the Burt tmson Co., under canvas.—Burt Imson, manager; II. L. Casp. advance; Bud Nairn, Joe Nairn. 11. A. Griffin, Bart Welch. Frank Welch, Ira HIM, W. II. Mclntoch, Louis Bcrnsrd, Frnd Pence, Ed. Qrahnm, Maggie Graham, Irene Case. Mona McDhue and Mrs. Burt Imson. Wo have not been turning them away this tea- son so far, for we have been battling w!th rain, wind and snow all the season. F.verv- body Is well. Have had only one accident this season, and that was on July 4, at Pender, Neb. At the last performance of "Warbun- nct Ranch," In the struggle at the end of the first act, a member of tho company broke his collar bono In two places. We had to double one of tho orchestra players in the part to finish tho show. The doctor fixed him up and he Is doing nicely. Tub Four Iturn.EH, John, Nettle, Fern and Myra, are In New York. Mr. Unfile Is trying to arrange with a prominent print- ing company for one of their productions In which will lie featured the Hurtle children for next season Notes prom *'Unci,b Ruyub" Co.—We will begin rehearsing Aug. 20, and open season Sept. HI. Wo will have one of tho best mu- sical comedies on the rond next season, with a hand and orchestra of fourteen pieces, nnd will rater to managers of first class opera houses and theatres. Roland Walters, who was with Harry Clay lllanoy last season, has signed for Mr. Blnncy'n new show, "Tho Boy Detcctlvo." Mr. Walters Is working a few weeks at tbe porks, In a vaudeville act. Notes prom tub "Just Plain Folks" Co., No. 1.—This attraction will open Its regular season Ang. 28. Tho company Is booked solid for forty weeks through New England and tbe Middle Atlantic States, carrying twenty people, also special psper nnd scenery. Ojr rube band Is a feature, but above It oil, the sensational "hayfork" scene In Ihe third net, has proven a big success. Jason St Channlng, managers, are spending their Summer at fiarre, Vt, fishing and sporting. Tub Old Reliable come* sometimes late, but Is welcomed by all. The roster up to the present Is as follows: Jnson A Channlng, managers; Tony Arcs, advance agent; II. It Grtesy, stage mana- ger: Mr. Janson, band master: Alton Clay- ton, Chas. Brooke, Jas. Cole and wife, Edwin Tyn, Joe Bennett and Harry Randall. Raymond Kbtciium and wipe (Hnra Tread- well) closed a very successful season's en- gagement with tbe Ye Colonial Stock Co., at Richmond, Ind., and are resting at their home In Toledo, O. They have signed with the same company for next season. Notes prom Huan'g Comewians. —We closed our opera bouse season of eighteen weeks, to a most successful business, Juno 20, and are now breathing the open air under one of the swellest little camps In the busi- ness, Everything Is new from hale ring to toe pins, sleeping tents Included. Business opened big, and prospecta aro more favor- able than ever, ■ Notes pbom Arlington's Cohbojans, Waller Arlington, manager.—We are down at Cycle Park, Dallas, Texas, nnd business Is phenomenal. We remain here flvo weeks longer at this resort, and then Jump North. A number two company opons In Nebraska. on Aug. 12, and they have a fine line of Western fair dates booked. The repertory of tho company remains practically tho same. Wo will probably carry a ladles' orchestra as a feature next season. Everybody down hero reads Tub Clipper. Eddib Daily, who wrote tbe sketch, "Life In a Furnished Room," and appeared In tho same, with his trio, has, for the past six weeks, been engaged retouching tho scenery for John It. Price's Populnr Players. He has signed with Mr. Price for season of 1007-08. I'. II. Haiitman is a member of Egan'a No. 2 Hand, at Capon Springs. W. Va. Frank C. Harris and wife (Florence Randall) have been engaged for Macauley & Patton's new production of "When We Were Friends," Miss Randall for the lead, and Mr. Harris for the comedy role. Mtra Roselle has closed her season with the La Tour A Ollmore Stock Co., and will rest quietly at her Philadelphia borne until Aug. 12, when rehearsals for the Walter II. Htull attractions commence Miss Roselle hnvlng been engaged for tbe character roles of his twelve large scenic productions. Joseph Allkntonn hns been re-engaged by Chas. E. Illaney, for tho coming season, and will again be seen In an Important rolo In one of hla new productions, Gi/h Rapier's Notes.— /The sensational comedy drama, "Telegraph Station 21," under tho management of Rapier A Mat- thews, will take the road Sept. 1, with the finest lot of special scenery and tho best paper that money can procure. We aro booked solid through the Central and South- ern States. We have spared neither time nor expense to mako this ono of tbe banner at- tractions of the season. The people engaged are: Estelle Le Molnd, pianist; Klllcen Mat- thews, mezzo soprano; Jesalee Kapler, eou- brctte; Freak Le Molnd, novelty wire act: Williard Matthews, banduro virtuoso; Ous Kapler, comedian i Frank Knopp, stage car- penter, and Tommy Kldredge, properties and specialties. ('has. D. Hammond and Wife (Knthryn Swan) have signed with Kdwln Patterson'* Musical Wizard of Wall Street Co. (or next season. Mr. Hammond will bore the man- agement of the company, which la booked solid for tbe entire season.