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AUGUST & THE NEW YORK OXilBPEB. 635 PBNH9YLVANIA. PMU*el|*l". — Korepaurti's Theatre. .iter a short » ett * oa au .. a cg .T natlon Uouu ,?l "ill return again to. Its old lov« anil will otock Iiouac carl; In Scptcui- Wllllniasport.—At Vallamont Park Pa- vilion (Gustave GlasBtnlr*. manager) tlio Vallamont Slock, Co. continued to draw big houses, In "Clip, tlic Newsboy." "Tho Moun- tain Romance'' Jul; 22-24, and "CamlHc" 1)31, "The —Phlllu lupin I 'h 1 week or July 20 Band la tlio alar attraction reopcuus a "»£, t(m ond v^^ w . Bar- 25-27, "Seal of tlic CoIouIcb' 5S two DODUlar local favorites, will bead MM Hunter" Aug. 1-a. ■' ' 'mmm wlillc Ibc aupport will be ca- Notes.— Tho Lycoming Opera Houso will the •"■HEf'i loUSC however, will continue open Itu regular scaaon Sept. 2. As a pre- KiS ihV"management of Miller ft Kauf- llinlnary opening Yale's 'The Dcvll'a Anc- ""... -I'lii- Standard, the other stock bouse, "on," Aug. 17, and "Little Johnnie Jonos," "" «■><, auit 10. nnd those already engaged 10. will appear. A. beautiful new between ! ( ' 01 ,i,„ ram Ins Beason Include: Mattle acta drop curtain has been Installed f X ,.» Mletnor CnlncB, Alice Ollmorc, Leila Tho Family opens Its regular season Sept. ^,,1 Edward J Le8ant, Al Henderson. 0 Franklyn Ritchie, the Wllllamsport 1 , r !„ u j Harris. Van Dyke Brooke and actor, left here a reek ago. In the midst of hlu Hummer vacation, to play In vaudeville CONNECTICUT. Bridgeport. — At Smith b (I ;d«ard C. Wmis City.— B-ballmas, Navajo Indiana, Siulib. manager) Shard's^iiovli^plctureM. Cant 6111*1 of •'-»- —-ni. company. Smile McDonald, lllack and Leslie. Edytho'tllbhutiM nnil Jo* Belmont. CiuMCKNt Pabk (II. A. Harrington, uiiiu- Viihs Cmr.—Suallnias. Navajo Indians, Siultb, .manager) gMMll "'°» ftiS^ fiiJir airrL—A Iho Crescent Music Hull W« itiiln llrlggs' wild animals, ami Hummer- week of July 20, the pictures WMfl g Jheir "«"'■, ft'., n ,i u ,|os: jovlnc's Itiillou Trim- 's Ohio Baud make up Iho bill here week popularity « strong as at the opening of the g g ww u ^ 1 ,D ^ , (! l ,J nt ^ T imperial band. HtftttOt) Poi.l'a IU. B. Mitchell, manager). Note.— Rumor* bare been scattered that another vaudeville bouse Is to bo opened In ' Keith's, but no conflriini obtained. Charles hKke^bM- V Kclthardt. manager).— with Koae Coghlan ,,m i twtnnier nlavbousc reopened for the aoa- - 1 ■■ i "n 8 Jcflv27 with Chas. fc. Blancy's latest Joliaalowu,—At the Park Fa f.mductlon. "Lottie, tho Poor Saleslady; or, re (Harry VJ. Schcrer, manage. VlTth nefore Dishonor." The house was lowing bill drew well week of Death Before Dishonor crowded, and the audience followed with Harlem Brothers. 'uiullv Theu- managcr) the fol- veck of July 22: Walsh, Lynch anil com- lap. nnd Cromwell Dixon, with his aortal cycle, were extra attraction* during the past week. Collins' Cvrdkn (Herman Collins, tuann- >*erl.—Hlg buclncss ruled for the entire past week. Hilt for week of July 20: Ma-.-tc Clark, Sisters Abbott, and Sherman and Fullo. Htuii NXMH (Chas. \V. Harper, mana- ger).—The house was entlroly renovated, and redecorated Creek Ing, however, he snapped one bones In his left foot, and has been confined to his home ever since. It will be some weeks tujforc he will be able to resume his news- paper work James II. Uvuns, Mage di- rector at Smiths Theatre, relumed, ti. from the national convention >»f the International Alliance of Theatrical Slage Kmployees. held In Norfolk, week of 8, to which ho was sent r).—The house; was entirely renpyaiwi anu ~ ■- jugate by the local union. DetcmtM locorntecJ for t ,e opening. 27. , 'At Cripple HLtJEHur aSatrca throughout the l'nltc.1 eek" 27:11. "Ilumpty Dumphy Aug. 1-8. Lt.Sa were nresent The reports of tun iiiire Young America Quintette, Stevenson gs. M Harlem orris and \ Nugent, Do Chaunts doi Brothers, the Bradforda, Leon company, and the klnctogrnpb. nit'ST.NLT STUKBT OPnUA Hot'SB (MXOd & Zimmerman, managers).—The Kuys arc iouilnucd as the feature for the current week Others are: Aaron's dancing dolle. iiuIkv James, the t'our llnltus, Aluslcal lS»-e, (JallcttVs monkeys, Mason and Bart, uud uulinalcd pictures. Bijou (Ocorgc AV. lllfe, niuiiager).—fhe Mock burlesque show coutluucs to Und fa- vor Willi the pulroiiB. Jules Barron, In Ills Oerinaa comedy stunts, keeps things lively in Ihe burlesques. Liokln (Johu 0. Gorniou, muuuaer).— The house show maintains 1U popularity uud .unllnucs to be well patrpnlxed. The bur- iPbinics ore changed weekly, wble Ihe utk- lellc feulurcs coutlnue an a drawing card. 'rtOCiDKBO (l''red Wlllson,. maiiagcr).- and moving pictures. Ll'NA I'auk Tiikathi: (P. II. Cuutleld, man- ager).—Bill week of 22 Included: Marshall and Kane, liaylor and Draff, Mitchell, ventril- oquist, and Perry aud Pierce. Bill week of 2D : Charles and Anna Olocker. Mr. aud Mrs. A. Young, Howard and Lewis und Will Dock- ray. ■ Altoitiin Al the MlNbtor (I. U. .Mlshler. luunugcr) tho Andrada Musical Stock Co.. In "Thii^'ofeubouo Girl." did well July 22 and week. Williams' Imperial Burlesque Co. Is due Aug. 1. Lakumunt Paiik Tiikatiik 1.1. SI. Shuck, malinger).—Wwk of 22 business was good. Due week of 21): Howard and Under. Ardo and Hddu. Van Camp, and Marie Du Bcdal. StAii (Silverman Bros., managers).—Busi- ness gdod neck of 22. Bill for 20 and week til: the Crest Southern, and Douncllv A Hal held'." nt: the Shubert Vogcl's Minstrels will opeu rehearsals shortly In Clrclcvllle. ■ * Znucsrtlle.—Moxabala Park (M. K. Ludy, manager) Tlic L'ultcd .stales ladles' bund, with Corn Young Blood Corson as soloist, will be Ihe attraction for week com- mencing July 28. Notk.— Cohan 4 Harris have leased Ihe Wellcr Theatre, of Ibis city, for a term of live years, to play flrst. class attractions here. The name of the theatre will not be chiinucd, uud the manager will bo selected In the Hoag Lake Then- manager) the bill for hides: The Bluuehard .. Brooks aud Jcnucttc. Monroe nnd Wesley, the Alpha Trio, and (he Dllrfilesropc pictures. Tho managomcut re- port that last week's receipts wero (he lae ircst of the season. „. \utk.— The lAirepaugh ft Sidls Bros. Slio\> KgfC nn excellent exhibition here 22, to two cii|Miclt,v iiudlrtiivs. • » ♦ KHVIK'hl. LuhUvIIIv.— At White Clly I J. II. Wluil; leu. manager) Ihe free vaudeville bill effeewl week of July 21 was of the high class ordur. und made a hit. 'Hie Weber Faintly of «*• b«(s gave amailug performanws. Marie Ilolu mm. Dm nareMr marvel, mysdrted the crowds with her remarkable turn. Kolllns and Mir Inn. bunjolsts. wore pleasing, aud proved wai- ter* In th-.-lr line. I^> Crandiill. on the bound M.T>onnc(ly, John II. 'raguc. former president of the aerie, and a recent candidate lor the State legislature. Attorney Henry 1'.. Shannon ncrle, uotablw ul the big bannucl. at which (lov. Woodruff of this Stale, und "Big Tim" Sulllvoti, of New York, spoke Ethel Rubey, of this State legislature. Attorney Henry v.. '",., "" liv Mh mn rviilous i nuou, former worthy prcsfdent of ho Metric wire" lew Hiiwklu c, IV* Dlgney. post president, and other ?'\" h , .u, nu j|.,, ,.„ and uh 8£,V thls\.|lV represented (he „rto "'^'i,J "^ve"' clevc!''I a few days. It Is hoped (hat Mr. Kngland. c it r , who mado her appearance In Kobert the present manager, will be retained, as >j. Spcrry'a productions at Smith's Theatre his work In Ihe past has given entire satis- during tho past few seasons. Is now In vmidc- Includes : Chcnuwltz and t'crran, Sam Buck- (action. Oood attractions will also be booked vllle doing the southern circuit Icrouie Icy, James Melrose and Bert Sopcr Blllv Wnlson and his Cozy Corner Olrls cou- Lancaster.—Ou the Hoof tiardeu (Chus. "lulled their season July 27. The house will m. Howell, manager! the current attractions now remain closed until some time In August, Include: The Eight English I'rlmroi when tin) regular Beuson begins. Healv nnd Beatrlco Vaace, In "a Bkix'HWOOu Park (E. fi. Dowus, niaua- idol;" John V. Clarke, t'roslul. It< rlmroscs. Murty "A Heathen Bkkckwoou PAnK (K. w. uowus, mana- idol;" John r. ciawc. crosiui. Ilobln. Jullu ..,.ii —A dew feature, consisting of vaudc- May (ilfford (Mrs. Bob Kttzslinmons), and vide in the Casino, was Inaugurated 28, the the moving pictures. ' hill including: Cole nnd Clcmona, I'rankle Xorrlstown.-The Graud Opera, House Wallace, Tony Baker, and Murphy ana (Uprucrt i,ynch, mauuger) reopens Aug. 10. Tally. In the hippodrome Is the Lyric Lc- cenirlc (Juartettc. The Franklin Concert Baud furnishes the music for the currcDt WtbtOW Grovb Paiik (F. H. Lincoln, niuungcr).—Victor Herbert and his orches- tra still coutluuc as a strong drawing card, mill Mr. Herbert's Hue selections udd to his poinilurliv dully. "In Venice," "A Trip to with "A righting Chance." Stock Co. opens 12. Itosebcl Leslie 4 I » OHIO. rlii.-liiiuill. —A suit was died in tills clly by Lee Shithcrt, of the Hhubert Theulrlcal Co.. asking for a restraining order ugulnst tuc Heuck Opcru House Co. from playing at the Toledo.—: thai, with support Singer, roour hecca l'\\UM 'L... —Bill for 28 and week: Glrurd aud Gardner, ■Seymour's comedy dogs. Bounding Gordons, Arlington Four, Berry and Berry, and Shun- gopasl. . suriimtirld.—At Spring Grove Park Cu- oluo (C. f. Powell, uuiiiiigeri (he bill for week of July 28 Includes: The Yumoto Brothers. Kalheryne Murlync, Spellwiin's niiinngerl.—Volln. the olectrlcul wonder, wii" the headllnev week of 21, nnd created u sen- sation bv his marvelous manipulation ol "~», In moiiulogne, ased. Fled B41 > aud'coiiipany gave a clever Human sketch of his own composition, ami rccemid liberal ii|i- plnuse. Flo Adler was pleasing wlln u limn- her of now sungs. Gelger and W alters. In n new musical novelty, proved vory entertain Ing. New people wepk of 28: Colonial Sep telle. Ferry, tlic hitfiian frog: Home, Mayo and Juliette. Scott and Wilson, Mix Adlev. Opera House, from Ihls city, representing the local lodge of Elks at tho big couvcu- tlou In Philadelphia , .John Stone, pro- prietor of Ihe Gnlllard hotel, the hostelry of the theatrical profession tu this city, and one of the largest wholesale uud retail liquor dealers, as well as one of the wcallhlest men In (his city, died here 18 from kidney trouble. He was u mcmlMsr of Ihe 11. P. O. Km aud rnulne. plaved (hi; purl snpc'rbly. creating u SDod Impression. Mary King. Marguerite cabronkc. Anna Owen nbd Bertha Beers nun* delightfully. Earl lledden. In the roi«> of Gaspard. contributed !4i» ilnost bll of »''t- iceu In New Albany In a lung time. 'Ih* Ing seei of Credlei' n«i In (lie liands of is." and the oilier amusemcut features any attractions other than those of the Shu- arc doing big business. berts. The Shuberts have a lease on the Wound! uk Paiik (W. J. Deerlng. umua- gcr).—Haley's Washington orchestra bus been engaged for ti limited season ut this linrk. The iiimisemeiit feulurcs Ule ull Ink- mil' cam of big crowds. Wasiumutun Paiik (Vtiu. J. Jhumpsou, luaiiager).—Tho ltoniuu Imperial bund and i lie New York Qulnlctlc arc furnishing clas- Lyrlc for live years, with four years more to run. A rupturu between the two coin- panics occurred, hut whut the differences arc opens Aug. have not been made public. There has been ncrrormlug bears und Herbert and Willing, one of the Knights of Pythias. Holli organl- iJiianu Or-mtA Holsi; (Sprlngfleld t Thea- /nitons attuiided (hi: luiieral, which took Ire Co.. mnuuKcrsi.—"Big Hearted Jim" Aug. place SO..'. ...Tho Union llpat Olub, of this a und week. M Colonial Stock Co.. OH). city, tho promoter of Hie big bouts In oral Fund week. Ye Col' Tiik Oiiimikdm (Gus Him, niuuugcr).-- wlcal selcctlo.na that nro much appreciated decided Sept. 12, tulk of vaudeville going Into the house, and It was aliio reported (hat It would go Into popular priced legitimate Held. The suit tiled will fix the status uf the Lyric, and will be »»» iniglllstlc Circles. Is lu lender George Bush. snl it van's former trainer, a benefit at their club rooms'on night of Aug- 1. with u box- ing carnival. Sullen- Burke Is lo go on with Ucorge Bush 111 uu cxhllilllou bout. Mem- bors of the loi:ul ucrle of Eagles will be lavgc- coniedy pi... GrllUu strenpy, who played It to perfection, and kept the house In emulnnnl laughter. 4»» MAIN10. fori land.- Tim height uf Die Summer season wllnesses much ncllvlly iiliouf one thealrcH und hot weather resorts. Visitor* are here from fur uud near, uud even, tin runners risk u day off In their busy season, "hitch up" or come by lrullry» and iiinke Hie rounds of Iho different rusorls so easily nc- by Iho patrons of this resort. Wihth City IH. M. Auchy. nuinugcr).— This resort coutlnues to attract large uuui- bers. The feature the current week Is Hill, the canoeist, who Is giving Interesting exhibi- tions In the lake. XoTDs.—The many f rleuds of Florence Heed, In this city, are congratulating her on the announcement that she Is to be the leading lady fur K. II. Sotbcrn the coming season. .Miss Heed, who Is a daughter of the latu Koliind Iteod, lived here Tor a number of icars Grace Morion, a Philadelphia girl CiiuuTEii Paiik (I. M. Martlu, manager). —Blanche Bae Edwards has been secured to appear as Yvonne, lu "The Screnude, July 28. ut the operu House. In the vuudu vlllc bill arc: Fuklno's Japs, Newsboys Ouartettc; Trump, and Stewart and Kcll> Zoo (Walter C. Draper, manager).—Ky aud his bund have been engaged Tor anodic week, July M Swains birds are also held over for a week , Lpulow LAdoo.v (W. K, Clark, director of ainuscmeula).—Tho vaudeville bill. July 28 Is made up of the following: Weaver and INDIANA. Indianapolis. - At Ihe Fnirbaiik iMra. A. J. Troll, niuiiager) Crcatorc's baud, with Mine, llarlll, soprano engagement week plicuomenal. , . . . uu'd'vaudoVllie usoule ■• Wondkulavo.— Wormwood s baboons, dogs "." II , t ^ , , l " U y reason of the added fund of In- pleasing an offering as liaji »••! been seen here and monkeys. Meier lamlly and Ariidt s f0 ' n „„„'„ uulillshcd regarding the circus und .luring the engiigeuienl. The uexl nllraetloii Military band were the features week of SSim" el«-les Tin: Oi.u 1U:liaiii,k Is will be "The Man Who Sows." by the stock Igor) t.rcatorcs bauu, wnn . r » l)regcI , ln i |„ ( b,. galhorlng. Bush being eesslble. rano soloist. Illlcd a return 'J jSKHPJj' U e Boston ucrle Many Jkkkkiison l Julius tit manager).■- "Ten of July 22. Buslucss was , u 01 n S, tt ° ir ,|,card among the theatrical naaWi Pa Miner" was pul on liy I'helan'• uud vaildoVllle people In (lift city for Tiik Jefferson Stock July 22-27. _s;.d proved Hs monkeys ««[« Fanilly MM AriidC s fo ^ tiaMo ' u J uul | H „ tMj regarding the circus ...ary band were the features week or vau( i ovl) io clrcltu. Till: Ota Huliaiii.k llyT 32. IliislueBS was Immeusc. . _ ... ,,.. becoming more aud more populur lu local week of 20. Kyrl Wihth Cnv.—Nichols und Smith, Ilia K™ Sii^ every Issue of the pa|ier McCollo »ther White City baud, and a full Hue of nark ui- circles wnn cvuy ■■«. y n„,tley J tractions.'drew the banner week's buslucss of the season. 22-27.- U»«Uor«l—At Waldaiuoer Park ( Ihos. Paiik Tiikatok (Dickson and Tulbotf, Maloney, manager) big business week of maiiagers).-"t:hlna Town Charley," 27-UI.. July 22. Kur we f k of 2(» the hill liicli.es: Agiics I.yun end company, llorothy Buhl, Francis Wood uud Thomas and Payne. Haiji:nui:ck-Walucii Uiiicum Is due Aug. 5. NoTtiH.—.The Park Thealie, as usual, will be the first to open lis doors for tho regular tHUVO. The attraction will be "Cblnutown. Cluirley" 27-ol The Empire (Weslcru wheel) opens Aug*. IV. wllh the Strollers. This house has bo ascension und parachute leap. NoTts.-^Frank Gray, singer, of this - has left for Scuttle. Wash., where he will ap- open Its legu pear ut tho Lyric Theatre Kastun West Sept. 0, with L I . 1....... ,.1, I 'I ,,/■!. TLIl I 1 AT Iftiun Mi Mi Ciibbk (II. T. Foster, man- ager) largo business ruled week of 21 . llullooil uscenslous by Prof. Chus. Mulsch were a feuturo. BUI for week of 211: Tldc- travngiinza Co. us an opening attrucllou, week cltv of Sept. S English's Opera House will I oil- open Its regular season on State Fair.week, KuihoKia Tiikatiik Is n.css. July 22 and week doing good the liliriliclt who sang hi several church choirs heru, has i^iinbcrl. Major Luughiiii. Evans Prlo, Merl been engaged'by Jose VUn Urn Berg for his deths, uud Meek Slslera. opera couipany the coming seuson Coney Islanp (George Wellington lMigjo i.eecuwooVl Park, the new resort on Ihe Phlla- brclh, ainusement manager).—In the vaude dnlphh and Western Itallroad, went Into re- vlllc bill, week of tHjjf JH, yre,, Marlowe; *, "' b ^' haB looked i.wu shows a week bnux's Zodnvc Olrls, Ultra and Bradley nnd :ir h .S»\fe?w\s°%poL^d"VcccVvcrl-«™ ==» "l&ii^^aFaSffl Sno £LV% colSmg season,. The Gaye the H.unon Trio uuiiiugu the park until the close of the sea son. The had weather Is blamed as the reasun of (he failure, the books showing that the imst two weeks the park was conducted at u loss of 1700 a week. The park Is owned by a corporation capitalized at .fllOO.OOO. The present Indebtedness Is over «30,000..'.'... A contract was awarded lust week by Mana- ger (;. a. Wegefarth, for alterations costing .vs.inii). which will be made ut once to the lobby of the.Grand Opera House Mabel pussed through Cincinnati to 1111 engagement at Eaton, O Heuck's Opera House opens the season Aug. i The People s mid the Lyceum open Aug. 11. Sept. 0, wllh probitblv a minstrel show some time In August Judglug from tho enor- mous business the Summer parks arc doing here this Summer, the coming regular sea- son bids fair to be the best In Uic hlslory of the business. YonngslowD. Irene. Humphries, one of the London models, ,. uuil i ll „bu m manuge was luurrlcff July 20, In St. Andrew's P. g V 0 u . uu u " g, currcn "week church, to/Jucobus Noctbeolus. who Is said gTJK i„ ibc liiUlvlt lo be a wealthy planter of Batavla, Dutch ( l;ast Indies. -. Wm. W. Miller, of the Ulrard, |s spending his vacation at Cajic May. ■ Hnrrlsb|irK.—The Lyceum's (M. Itets, iiiunager) season will wen Ar.g. 0. with Arizona". as the attraction, followed with ihe Irene' Myers Co.. for -one week. Ihls pluyholisu has been repainted Inside and out, mid presents u very attractive appearance. Paxtanu Paiik.— The bill for week of July -11 lucludes: Mr. and Mrs. Cal Stewart, Mar- tinez. Louise Campbell, the Hallbacks, and L. Hubs. Xotks.— Mana. local theatres, w nold. have return dclphhl !>.::.. The At Idem Purk (It. W. r) the following bllt Js one of unusual ex l'duul merits of the acti and "in" the "combination of novelties offered viz.: Hill's Animal Circus, Dove and minstrel boys: Gertrude llluck, contralto. SwarU Kclno aud Lelghton, In a society sketch, aud the Five Marvelous Melrose Brus.. ucrohats Ideul Summer weather continues, and patron age Is cicellent. . ... Avos Paiik (Jos. W. Mess, niuiiager,.- , ,, Week of 28 Mauuger Wcss provides ihe fo - , lowing excellent hill: Hill and Sylv any. A TjKoKM Paiik Andoraun.—At the Grand Mr. Heuolugs has returned from New York, where ho coin- l.o,l Imlei! : The Lees,"Tulsa und Vruak Hamilton. Kahiw.— Tho bill 22 and week Is: ' Pas- sion Play." »«» '■■- MINNIdMOTA. Ml. I'aol. — At the Metiopolllan Opera House (U N. Scott, manager) (he Players Stock Co. inudu the hit of the season s en- ■UMNHt) week of July II. the bill being »SH of the Fold." All of the principals nunc In for general applause, hut It ruuuilMOU „??: plclcd the booking for the coming seasou. His tur Arthur B. While, sccrclury und treasurer US? Trip wus entirely satisfactory. The season „f the Windsor Theatre, of tills city, to cup i will open Aug. 17. with Primrose's Minstrels, the climax of merriment und clever character .M?! New Crvstai..— Week of July 22: Frances at . t | n|I |„ the role of Buck Smith, a school u 2,i Swartz. supported by Lawreuce Gordon; i )U lly. Mr. While Is well known as u great .?„ Wrllliigton Bros., the Seattle, Pence and Gor- f gV orlto as a local entertainer, and has fre- S:r don, Blossom ltoblnson Math uud klncdromu. n uen(ly taken purt In .•nterlalniiieiils given ron ' N»w Bijou.— Week of 22: Stoddurd and ^j. tho loci laogc of JOIks. of which he Is a . IVIIsou. Marvelous M.Cture. M. Lumuels, At- pnrtiiliient ipWBlwr, and lu other luMtl enter- ';".' lautlc und Mack, Hazel Bell uud motion pic- talnmcnts In tills city and section, us a -Wouderlaud continues to Ling Soo, Forcsto and Ills mimic dog, BVu ^joy the best of'putrouBgc. Hadll. the Aru- MuJge, and ColIlnB and Brown. Attendance blan educated horse, closed a wceV's engage- • _r_..a .._.i «■••*..im>H IVauv ua till* ^'HMtlll _^ ■■..tu*.. ...*.■_■■■■ .. new llols theatre will bo known hereafter an the Majestic, and will u u ready for occupancy about Nov. .10 Wellington 0. Jones, The Clippuu corre- spondent here for twenty-two years, and s well known local newspaper man nnd press agent for the local theatres, was murrlcd ut Philadelphia, 10, to Margaret Elbcrtl, of UlUilletown- • • •, lu | ■ Sernntwvi—At the Academy (C. M. Southwull, manuger) the preliminary season opened .liil'v 27, with the Rosubolfe Leslie Co. 1q rcperlory. The Academy has been re- painted, and decorated during the und pi'uHiqils .a Hue appearti LuNa I'auk (C. Ben Sib is good, and Manager Wess. as the season „, cnt Hadji's performance was clever, and ... -4».7 ...._.<■ ..wfl,.ll«, ..ti.lrlnifs . . v . . *...^_. ™ * " r....ii laSHO from vhatsoevor to . Vlld West act was also well received. Xoi'us.—Eva Chambers left 24 for New . .. progresses, will offer some excellent bookings. uIlt „ alut .,., •■M^muna Frank.' fancy I inager Joseph Frank, of the r jfoiBH.—With the approach of the. regular nuowtf remains a distance of ten feet , with Mrs. Frank uud soui Ar> tbeutrlcal scrsou, rumors of a high grade {rj hoisc, uud makes no sl«u whatsocv. ■iin -iicii from a visit lo Pulla- vau( i cv uiu house In this city aro again cur- lD) , tllu hurm , W | ltt t0 do. Ills Wild Wes character and song and dance performer, but he surprised tils admirers by his clever- ness In Hie above character, and made the hit of the play. For week of 28, "Ihe Girl With the Green Byus;" week of Aug. -t. Zana' .us' TiikatiiU, Cupe Collage Park McCollum. manager l.--'0ie nen naval drama by Slduey H. Toler enlllli'd, "Orders from Washlngloil," was produced by lbu slock 22-27. iwfljl Mr. Tol.tr. I lie uulhor. In the leading role. Mr. lolor wiu uccord'.d a rousing reccptlou from old friend:. nnd patrons, who were agcuedltigly gencroua lu ullcudaiico und upiilhUNO. Fur the WWW of 20 the slock pr ills Mr. Tolcrs new so- ciety drumu, "Will o' Iho WIhii." Ukm, Peaks Island ((,'. W. T. Godlng. mini;, ugur).—"An American Clllnen" uHru.l.'il crowds to Ihls popular resort 22-2i. The, stuck offering week of 20 will ha: "B'Arcy ui the Guurds. ■I'iiiiti.ami iJ. E. Moore, uiuuugcr). -Mol- ing pictures (hal ure Intenstliig nnd changed thrice weekly, with' four soloists rendering the latest lllintralcil songs In a utoal pleiis big iiiiuiiier. and nil fur u nickel admission. Including seal, ensures orol'Ilowlug hollMCS here. Dueajilami iJ. W. (iraeley. manager).-- 'thanks are due lbu management for tinn- ing an uuslghtly bulldlpg Hlftcr the oxpen dltur.) of a lurge snuil Into "a place of hcuiily and Joy forever." It Is to be hoped Patronage Is to cauifclty, and moving pi. lures shown with soloists of merit please all -8a rot (0. K. McGuliiucBS, iiianugei').— Ihe i-.ismos cnterlulners are guod singers, und this moving picture house colli limes to oiler a good selection of llhns. securing the besi of pstriHiuge ww*ly. RlVUIirON ('AUK TllKA-CIUJ (D. II. Slllll i. manager).—J. W. Ottripun's Olyuiplii Cwiieds Co. supplied the «n|«rt*lnment last week, and this open air resort, catered to lurge crowds. *> » 'I'MNNfelHNKli.. \nnhvlllv. -At Ills Casino (V. ('. Alley. rent, Eastern representatives having hern looking over the grounds Mauagci Jos. Weiss Is heading a movement to acyulre y rk t0 c „mmeucc rcheurslug lu "The Dainty Avon Park property, and If the plan Is car- Ma ids.". -Bud" Fallon, bill poster, of Cole Hros.' . Circus, died from consumption, In Worcester, Mass. His reoialus were brought here for luteimeiit Harry Ouliilan. of this city, has received several offers irom mublcul productions In Chicago. rlcd out, many improvements will be made, among which will be tbe construction of u sanitarium ond an arllllclal lake... ..George lleltr. dancer, aud a uiouiber of the vaudeville team of llolff Bros., dancers of Internal onal fame, Is visiting frlcmb. In this city. Tlicv havi! recently returned from a juce""" 1 , |,«r«ye«e.-At tbe Majcatlc (Gregg A European cuKUgeinent...... Air. iiurrsoni. .,, , ( ,. manager) the bill fur week of of the Four Dancing «fflh«J,j»W J,ny 22 Bu nctt und Wycrson, Ethel toung, access tt^aS»*Jl« v 1 * r U t hA f sue* LouIb A.. Itashmnn. Bllsa Itoldnsoii. and the pe. Business continues guod. -Manager Bull, of La Purdctlc. has engaged i.ee Clark as pianist. Mr. Clark hi- lling su. Summer ^SU/SftSn, and brings reports of the sue- Jffl« 1 i i ^" eess of u number of our locul theatrical ueo- M 4ffig w JSS M Mark, child singer, duncer and luiporsiiiiator. Empide (Sum Fink, manager).—Business was big week of 22. Tbuss who will anpeur 21) are: Ethel Forrest. Sadie Monnlog, I'rank Wilcox and SI. Pierre Uros. Those closing: Until l/i Van. Oraci! Miirlln uud Jean Itozu- lez. All others bold oyer. ALiJBHTK'.—This theutw will open Its doors Aug. 10. us ii first class vaudeville house. Tlic prices will I*. 10. 20 and W cents. It wss formerly known as tliu Or pheuiii. und Is located on Cedur H licet, be- tween Huvuplli uud Elghlli Streets, » (C. A. Mu.r runce. Th'fbfil 'for"weck' of ^20 "ludiidfs : Alexun- mBkliTg ""V^O tt ,Ji5} 1 r l ," , . , ; l ILH^ffi! uSSSE* TiBjwiii£ar«eViSf fe^afefatllt; H |, u 'u" manager) tim Mack "ft'l-eiine Co. la In mi J>lh. Begl'nout. band and,, James E. Hkclch,^ and Kddle^Muzlcr *^J\^f^^\ 1 *; tt hit. .... ...The Happy Half^llour Is giving J,,;^,ird week aud business Is llnu. "Facing mil. .it.. Ai the Lyiriim seph Weiss, will open the seuson the lutter ^^^ bU cccBBful season, presenting "Camllli part of September or early In October. wcel( ot Ju | y •>■>. ■ . We CL.i".:LA/o (Geo. M. ^kJSS*«t ::•<:: iKff&mMwgSnaX Is: II. C. Lank, manager; Lawrence Russell, electrician: Mona Sroltb. Illustrated songs. and Edna Smith, planlste. ■ » Krnt.lt for I.—At tho Crystal (Chas. Weloii, in r l Ull B ieuiyi»iivii **» ■«tT^T r E Coliseum (Max Factkcnhcucr. manage „ U%J . "Carmen" Ib the offering by the splendid Kurl > „„,, c . om pu D y. Lenora llanrcy. Wood Highland- WA^tWrVnif^t BtjlW "ivTeTpW™ ' x&B%ft^^ w ^.£jjiS ^^^^^sm^BSOi ^S^lmJ^ls^^^s I'.v tho stock company to vory good business lust week. XotEs,—Oliver und Clurk, two well known Huitcra,. rcienlly closed a dcul with the )ork Street Rallwiy Company, whereby.they have ussiuiiod the uiuiiagcmcut of tbe large, com- SSSSS sfesrtSshu'S^as ■ . . -.( ji;c>.ij ijn; Illllllll^lillVin «» *— « ■— -p— -- luodlniia uud modern skating rink Just erected Mrs b; tlio-street ra r ' Park. It -Is- the .- ami Clark to prtscut each nnd every -wcea ■nine of lli.i leading stars of the skating world fur the amusement ot their patrons. Prof. Albert Waltz Illlcd an engagement -iisl week, aud bis work was received with the greatest appreciation und applause. Prof. 'Valti was frith Hanlo ' Joseph Shcchan Opera Co.. week of 20., 1 rial by Jury" und "Cavullerla Itustlcana drew capacity crowds week of 22. kunit'H (II. A. BanlclB. manager I.— Bll wt^k of 20 Includes: Ben Welch. Mr. and Arthur Forbes and company, .Cooper and Wood, Chas. and Jeunle Vclch and the khioBiome. , ,.-. , .. , Nom—Tbe Alctroiiolltan and Palacu pre- aout continuous vaudeville Geutry's Uog and Pony Show July 27. »»»■ *"Ji l Ri."xs' , 'Ti.EA-rnu (Max, Faolkcnheuer, manager).—Bill week of 20 Includes: Brlu- diroour. Six Musical Cuttys. W. H. Harvey and compiuiy. «udl..Alfarabl, J>imus. > F ' I was \rlth Hanlon's "Superha," and also at Ujiutiiui'stelu's lust season. lost a wcek„»lnco.Jun. 7 lust. aod_am booked 000. & Hurrluglou, mauu- srt'. -2, At -tho Forert Casluo Jjily 20 uud lnisliie»s, with uiovlug iilc.iures mill llluu Iraled songs. Cni.isiin |W. II. Bordli'Bcr. mmmgeri.- Wock of 22, a chiimplonslilp ruller skating conical. Including some uf the fuslest. nicers In Ihe Imwliiess. Kittle Bradley, it child skaler, proved to be a wonderful performur. and gave u clever exhibition of trick ana funcv nkntloir. und won her big audience. S'.VitlM,—Munnget- Bordleser nnd Jack Prince presented Olson und McDonald, luu wruiitilng bout 20 Manager W, A. "uji-ilx, of Ihe Veriduuio, lm» JusL rnlunicil from M"r \'ork. whore ln> has pi -n ileal ly cotnplulcd his hiinklngs for Hid coining season...... Manager Y. C. Alley hits iiccurcil the cus.. on ihe large double store room. No. li.l-i- Church Street, uud will begin nt oiici to n- model this place, making It uu up-lo-diile theatre, where he will present continuous vaudeville. MaUaft* Alley lis* already six-, ceded lu booking n large list of clever peo- ple, uud will present altiucUous which pr.uu- l.«! to till u long felt wain. ■ <» * m — LUilrtiAtyA. \«\* OrlraiiN, -Al While City tC. C. Matnmws. iiianag.iri Ed. F. Meuuion s olympl-' Onera Co. pleuscd lurgc crowds weeks of July ■ 22. with "The Mlkudp. ftu Circus Clown 20 and week. ,„. WUN'l Exn «A. Itlslirs, niaiWBiT.i.-Jlhc AlsJelluli llrnlliurH. JlWiuy Lucas, Boo black oulnlettn. Hurry and Wnlfortl. the k iiodrunic. Sstt.^.idcr„Mugd..c,r;_.For,2l. ^^^.ffi^giXj!^ Ouuphln ■XhoBlru, formerly the, llnldwln. Ilia opeiiiii-g uf which will occur during the luonln of August. <t> at her post. . ... Wicith CiTV Is taking euro of crowds of visitors to the park. i n HHOUU ISLAND. i"r... i.lcii.c. At Keith's IChurles Lu- MMJ WL^f*'4loforc"nnd' Aftfr" Is presented. "A Contented Woman" Is lu preparation for week of Aug. 1. . EiirniE (Hpllz k Nalhuimon. muiiiigcrsi. 'Hie Churlly IIbH'', .waH_«ltiin \jk «ood pru- uaiuuui. ""-^jr.sjShi jiiiuuH F Me- lost u week sneo Jan. 7 lust, ono urn oooacu wj IrfiPis If.iiiii: Issued the call for wenila-rs ot the Kiilck'.'ibO'-kcrs In our last weeks Is-^c. He has found It nocoisary lo transfer roller mils io the Chimney Crucr. Twenty-llfth Street and Sixth Atequ/i, New lork, com- mencing Mondsy. Aug. 12. (ii;.)ii(ii; II. PinMtt'w-will open his »*asou Luna Pabk (Khvood Balsbury, umiiB««r). Shea.' ISfcVk ^'Mr. Planei. Itorn Slnrs/' D'ilvTnl aid near Chicago ou fcv.t.' 30.