The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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c: J6, THE NEW YORE/ OXjIP'PKB. 4^HJ8T. 3, THE NEW I0EK CLIPPER j i» n i> i ■■ THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Umltid) . . rnomutiTOa*. ALBERT J. BORIE. *»■ KnITOalAI. AM) nttKIKIIRX M*.s'Afltn. OUR CniCACO LETTER. ' FROM OtlR DWX CORRESFONDINT. SATURDAY. AUGUST 3, 1907. F.uiered June M. I««*. al tlK> Post. Office nl Nen YdTK. X. Y., an sevond clans matter, under ihc noi of March ;t, I87!l. STatt tc m. Ailvcrilsciiicnt'—-JI2.S0 per Inch, alnglo column. Advorll.ier'K'iititscrwiili'hnnler, 10 per cf. extra. si list itII* l KIV one year. In adyjiiee. * I ; i* 1 * months. 12; tare* nimiiIii>. <l. l-'orclpi posuigo euro. Single copies vtIII 1* rent, imsliinl't. •)« receipt "t l'l cents. Our Term* trr Co nil. THE CiJITEH Is Issued every Wednesday morn- ing. Tli* last four (advertising)- paces GO TO PKKSK on Hntnrdny 111 11 a. m.. mi.l the other page-. <m MONDAY »ml TUESDAY. The loini. < Promptly. Tuea- ilny nt in o'rliirl A. "#■ Pknw remit hy express, money order, check, I'. O. order or rr-ilstered letler. All cash enclosed trill letter In II |h<< rlxlt of sender. Address All CoiiimuiilenJIoiiB to THE M!tt YORK < l.ll'Pl.H. 47 Went 2Sth Street. New York. Itmlrlrrti Cable AiUiem, " Ai.t1 ii-.ihtt." THE WESTEKN BUHEAU llf Tun Ut lHM I* located ill Hnom Ml, Ashland lllnek. Chicago. John T. Prince Jr.. manager noil mrrrsnomleiil. where ndvrrllscmcnis ami snlMCrlp- i loin ure rvelved nt our regula r rat e*. THE LONDON. BUHEAU, Men led at 48 Cranlmiirne Si.. l/>ndon, W. C where iidveriliwOHius and subscriptions are re- .-clved »l our regular rule*. Tllll ClMl'l-SB PAX UK OBTAIXKD, WHOI.KSAMC ANJ iin-iAH., ill «>nr aeenla. Breiituno'a news depot, iii Avenue lie l'Opera, Purl". France; U. I.lllentbr.!. Frederick Slriiese lot ti'erinlniis Hotel), Berlin, K. W.. Germanv; Dlunvmd News C5o., 12rt Prstln. Havana; -Manila Bt«k and Hlatloiiery Co., UH Karolu. Manila. P. I.; Allien * Son. 1.TM.1* King SI., Sidney, Australia. TUB ISr'.W YORK CI.IPPKB pnblfahea •inly one edition, mitt thnt l« dated iriim Mew York. QUEBl^S^NSWERED. So Replies by Mall ar Telegraph. 'UMllHOM "11 WllKRKAROIITS NOT illvr.N. Al.L IV (JIM.ST HI' Ht.-l.-ll HIIOMJ) WilTR Til TIIOSJS HHWl •iiutv seik. ix MM or TIIK CUrTB Pout itmit. A i.i. i.triTKiia wh.i. mi AnviiBTisKn wi:i:k nxu. lr Tin; nottK ot- am tumtbiuai. iomi-a.w ih soitiinr, oi;n MOT or IIoiitkk u.\ a.votiiuii PAfiR. Wi "cannot sexii souths ur lUlt. on Ti:i.i:>iHArii. 1IKAMATIC. H. S., Youngsto'wn.—We have no knowl- edge 'if the present wherenhoula of the parry. .VdnrMW n letter In enre of Ihla nltlee and we will nilvenlae it In TUB fUrrH letter list. Miir. K. W., Xew Y'ork, K. s.. I'IiihIiiii-j;. I.. K. M.. Ilnullngtiiii, I. S.. IVlroll. It. S., t'levi'lniiil, «'. A. K.. Metlfiird and Alits. r. H.. t'oiinell HiiilTa.—See answer In II. S. Hlnire. II. ii. i!.. Nana.—AtMrum mnnnger of llie- iiire you mention. . .. , . • \V. N.. Ilufftllo.—The title of the xhow, wiis the .Inliu II. IIoi-Ih CIitiin. II wns Inier.DoHM .V: rnlvhrs t'lrenii. ' " It. II. .M.. t'lileoco.—The allow of "Roliln- son Oriiane." nl Unlilen Clly. Is a m'enlc nml eleeirlrnl ahmv, nwnncecl liy Homer Jr. Slliipy. H. II.. Alerci'i*.—We rim only drtvlKO yon to ndvortloe your wnnia In the inhiniiis of Tim ri.iprcn. _ .1. II. "P.. Chelneii.—Slsseretln Jones fRIni-k Pnilll Jr nllve. •MniisKv linn.H."—We do not kno»r Ills nn- flonnllty. II. O. II.. Senlllo.—Any denier In art Hip- lilies. I,. A H.. 'Oleoll.—Tliompnon Single Co., SUN Wiiliish Avenue, C'hlcoRO. O. P. H„ Xew York.—I: Our flies fnll to show any record of ihe pnrty III connection with the Knellsh Comedy Co. '.'. Wc linve no record of dentil of nnrty. ■ C. f:.. Syrncuae.—Audi-ess I.lebler & Co., :s nml "> Untile llulhllni;. Xew York Clly. 11. A. C.. l.oKiiiis|iorl.—Aildress It. A. flu Soui'het. nire the American l>rn realists' Cluh, New York Clly. II. O. c. m-ooklyn.—-Cnlm's Oulde, Kinplre Tlienire llnllillnj;, .New York Clly. A Sinsciiiunii. Xew York.—J. \V. Slern & Co., 104 West Thlrly-eltrlilh Street, Xew York City. U. I.. \Y.. Troy.—Piny is unknown to ns. CARDS. .1. T.. Xlacon.—H"s piny was thoroughly priipi-i'. 11. I*. \V.. llnsion.—On lite draw no plnycr iini nti'i'/il nn cxikiimmI crinl. imo. iii.n Sriisciiiin:n.—No. he l« not Ihc olmm- pluii. mid under the rulca of the Is i llllliuli lo ii-ll who is at proaenl. oniaoov. Portlnnd. Al Ihe llelllg t\V. T. Pnniile. niiiniigci-| the Dixie Alltislrelx will Rive one IH-l'forniinii-c July '>. The I heal re lias been rlnrk sIii.h" il. M.uiijiwm liiiAMi tS. Miirlnn Culm, niunii- geri.— Niiiiiv n'Xell did Very fnlr liuslness week uf July lo. hi "The Hire* of St. John." "Mngihi" wii-k of S3. "The Story of Ihe linlften l-'hii-e" week of SH. The Slin-kwell- MKImtafT Co.. with Hninklyn I'mlerwnud In lends, iK'gius ti four weeks' ciigiigeiHeiil Aug. •"■. UitAxn i.lnincs II. KrrlcksiHi, nuiunger).— Hill for week of July '£• Includes: Xcille Riling mid coinpiiny, In "Picking ihe VYIii- iici-." Miiliclle .Meeker. Krlescl's dogs nml cols. ill' 1 Tiinnkns, Itecvcs nml Kenny, .lee Thomp- sun, nml Ihc griindlsciipe. Staii Uiinics II. Krrlcksoii. miinngei-).— The Mar Slia-k Co.. week of SB. In "Miin's i:nemy." I.vim- tKeiiilug & Murphy, nuiitugcr*).— The l.yrlc Slock Co.. week of S3. In "Wlmse lhihy Ale You ':" I'axtaiii:*' (John .liiluisiin. maniigerl. — - Hill for week of'JS Includes! Clayton. Jenkins, Jnspei- nml ihe mule. McKay nml Caiiiwcll. May Melville. Cole mid Jnluisoii, Cutler mid Klwnm'. .!<>nii Wilson and Ihc tilograph. Hum'* (Joe J. Weal, mnnngerl.—Hill fur Si* mid week: Claire Stniiley. Virginia Ver- non. Minimi Alwooil. Mulllc Mtllhliwuil, Jo- sle Myers. Mickey Hti'ley. Hlhel Sintlli. Adc- Inlde Slewnrl. Wilson nml Leicester. Junes mid Itnivellc, Josephine liordiiu. Miuuiin. I.illlnii Starr. I .nil line, the lirciil Hill. Illck lluliiillis, llrcl Cmier. I'llnu Mluiic, the Sliicklous, l-'rnuk l.iimlierl. the Wheeler Sis- ters, .1 en lie! I c Duprey. May Jolly, llelle l»uu- iilil. Agnes Coitwiiy, Million Duiisworlh, Mae N. Vernon, Siilllvnn, Helen liinlinui and stock. Oaks SiMMi:it P.iiik ID. C. Hreeinaii. iinin- nueri.—lllg liiislnesK. Aiuouir Ihe atieclnl ill- lrnollnns are Schllxiiliyl's Iluugai'lau tills- sill's, nml Duo Curios and his dug ami monkey circus. ♦ < » At. C. lliiii'K has In'en cast for a Dutch pari wlih the Kinplre wheel's new show, the Cay 'roieni'oi'y. He Is now spending two weeks at ills home nl Milwaukee, getting n in lull Reeded rest, nfter n solid year of Block work on Ihe P.iclllc eoasl. Weatern Horean - of tha new. York CUppcr, Room R04, Aohlana Block, Chlcaso. The calm preceding the storm nt pro- ductions for the Winter season Is on us. for with the exception of one or two melodra- matic nrnd.urnona nt the. outlying houses, there fa nothing new In the clly. The event of greatest Importance last week was ihe return lo the city after about five years' absence, of Jhiffalo hill and his Wild West show, which did a splendid business on the South aide, and this week moves to the West, awl then the North side for four daya each. The porks hnre been doing a splendid busi- ness, for ihe weather of the past ten days has been Ihe steadiest term of excessive heat which we have had this Summer. All excursion boars on the lake have been crowded, and- the sorrouudlng city parks Lave been thronged by people endeavoring to get away from the humidity of the crowded districts. ii.i.ixois (Will J. Davis, manager).— "The Man of the Hour" continues on Ha triumphant way, and rbere is little to record but. sueeesa. Mabel Van Kuren has joined ihe companv lo play the part of Alice Mar- iln. The one hundredth performance was reached matinee of July 'it. At the con- clusion of the run. 14U performances will have been given, breaking the record for long runs by u purelv dramatic play In this ■ily. Powkrs' (llnrry J. Powers, manager).— Hose si,ih] draws good crowds here In spile of ihe heal, lo see her fine work as Pat O'Brien In "The Chorus Lady," which Is a tremendous hit. Oaiuwk i Herbert C. Duce, manager).— Jack Rarrymore, In "The Roys of Co. B," supported by a line cast, has made a hit, and tne house has held many enthusiastic parties, several liming lieen organized hy the different companies of the resident m lilt in. The man- agement has lieen entertaining the newsboys of the city, and every one it enn gel hold of will see- Ihe performance. The end of the run Is In sight, according lo announce- ments. COLONIAL (Oeorge W. I.ederer, monuger). —"Brewster's Millions" Is making many thousands laugh at I lie Idea of si man being obliged to spend u million dollars In a year, and the trouble he has In get rid of II. Wiiitnkv Oi'kra HnrsE ( Sort Orson, mnn- ngerl.—"A Knlghl for a Day," with the. mischief makers. John NIavtn and Mabel Mile, is playing to excellent business, and will probably lasl for many.weeks-yet. Fran- ces Kennedy has lieen engnged to play Ihe role which Jlayine Taylor has appeared In. .Miss Kennedy was formcrlv a member of the l.n Snlle Theatre Slock Co. Bran Tkmpi.k (llnrry franklin, manager!. —villi Harry" was given u good production hist week. 1'or Ibis, the last week of the season, "Salome" Is Ihe hill, and the house will reopen about Sepl. I. under the man- agement of the llolbrook-llnrker Co. Prki.v tRobert T. Molts, manager'!.—"Cnii- taln Ilufiis" Is announced ns In Its last week, and the business has been line nil the time. The conclusion of this run will mark the inauguration of ihe Sunday matinees. Har- rison Stewart Is slill the fnvorlle with the audiences. Ma.ic.sth' I Lyman IL lilover, manager I.— lluslness iimrtnues excellent here. The bill fnr week of sil Includes: Hose Oigklnn and company. Ihc .la<M;ftnn Hamllv. Frederick Ilroihers nml Burns, the Sisters O'Meers, Ihe Bulxnrs. AL Carleton. .Olive Vail. Ibe Conslantlne Sisters, Joe Whllehead, MIett's (loan, Campbell and Hall, arid Ihe klnodrome. Cltii'AnnOPi'.nA llnr'ag ID. II. Hunt, man- ager |.—The 1:111 for we»k of Sti includes: Chn*. Wayne, nrid company. Bedouin Arabs, Shields and lingers, Count De But* and Bro., Itoynl Musical Hive, Bootblack Quartette. Mocurl's dogs and iiiuuk n .VM, l.eonern Klrwln. l-'ll7.mnurlee nnd Kenion. Prof. Wise, Tyler and Green, Joe Carroll, and t]ie kinodrnme. •Hcinsni.RR'N ll.udwlg Schlndler. mnnn- gerl.—i'hls house closed for the season S7. nnd liefore reopening next month, will be renovated nt an expense of several thousand dollars, and ihe singe will he changed so Hint the audience may get a better view of the performers. The llrsl scrson of Mr. Schlndler here, has been nn overwhelming success, and the blllsj which he has presented hove been the best seeu In any of the popu- lar priced Iioiiros devoted to vaudeville. Xnn'rii Avt:xi-i] (Paul Sitlner. manager). —The bill tor week of "0 includes: Naladn and coinpnny, Ihe Ifi Page Sisters, HUldlor and Shelton. Doreihv Vati^ni, Campbell and Brady, Harlow nnd.Xlelinlson, Dare Devil De llylo, mid the pictures. National (C. II. Svennlng, manager).— The hill lor week of SI) Includes: Kllberl'a Animal Circus, Wnnn, Lew Jack and Brother, mark and LnwrcniT, and the moving pic- tures. IIviik Park (Tom Baker, manager).—The tilII for week of '• Includes: The Real Quar- leltn, the Three Youngs, Marlon Hvde, Tom K. Smith, Halt nnd Raymond, and the mov- ing pictures. WOXnmhLAXB (Ed. I.nmson, manager).— The hill for week of 20 Includes: Le lloy and IIn7.1eton, llilla Oordou, Lynn and Williams. Mnhel l^imsmi ami the moving nlctiires. TtiAi.i.i (Thomas Murray, manager).—The bill week of 2!) consists of Tom Murray's Own Co.. In .i grand sportneulnr extravaganza. (iiu:at Nortiikdn. iHrwl C Kberts, maua- gerl.—"The Volunteer Organist" Is In ns Inst week, and will be followed by a fine pro- duction of "The Isle of Spice." Aug. 4. RtjrtMi (William Roche, mnnngerl.—"A Texas Hanger" did well last week, considering Ihe extreme hem. "in the Shadow of ih" Callows" Is billed for week of Jiilv 28, with "Tile Cow. Puncher" to follow. Aug. 4. which will murk the opening of tint regular season. Ai.iiA.Minu t Webber tiros., inn lingers).—• "The Candy Kid" Inaugurated the season Inst week, and was also seen for (lie first Hmo on nny stage, July 21. This Is a four- ««•! melodrama by hem II. Parker, with mu- sic by W. It. Williams. Bay Haymoud is fealuretl In It. nnd carries Ihe burden of the performance well, in the title role. Tim Ciiudy Kid (lCddy I'Msoni Is a Yale student, Willi an Itching for nil vent ure, and gels tiletil.v of Ii through the play, lie rescues Bonnie llnsworth from the nuieliliiittlonsiof an inch llcuil, Lojhx, mid his consort. Corn I Reeves, many times, mid follows Ids sweet- heart, her lirother nnd this Nchemlng pair to il Soul Ii American republic, where Ills ad- vent uros idle up mountain high, but he is tl mi Ily iiiimiphnnt. August Aiirhnch and Kitty Carey ore rtie foster piirctits of the Kid, and they help him tu getting out uf many scrais's. The piny Ih loug, hut when cut down in time will make a very enjoyable oiTeiiug. mid many of Ihe |teople work ex- ceedingly well, notable In the cnsl besides Mr. Iliiymoud being Itlclimil ('. Maddux as August. Wanda Ludlow as Bonnie. W. J. Miiilderu ns Ilosworlh. Alice Boltiin ns Coral and Mat lie Kdwards as Kittle. Coulter Howard played the pan of luipex in his usual painstaking manlier "The Rocky Mountain Kxpress" this week. "Shadowed by Three" next. Hid.l.v i.lobn A. Hcnnessv. mnnngerl.—Tlie slock company tins bent duhig an excellent business here, In spite of Hie hent. nnd the offerings have bum good. The regular season will mien In n few weeks. Tini»'AlM>!mi tl. M. Wclngnrli'ii, manager). --The slock company, bended by Nat and Sol Fields, Carrie Sella, roler Curie;, Irene Urcgg. llnrry Harvey and Leo Kendall, change the hill every week, nnd play to good busi- ness. Six big nets are Included In Ihe alio. besides which Chnnccctn nnd the Deluge are extra offering*. ! ■'<' •.' . Lnxnnx Dmu; Mi'RKi'M |W. J. Sweeney, manager).—The following arc in the curio nail: The Norseland giant. Winkle's trained animals, Miss Clorkson's den of alligators. Lowlev. magician, and I.llllnn La Ferte. In the theotre: Clara Lane. Madge Martley. Iran* Ughtejl and the Oriental dancers. Rivwtvinw Pabk (Wm. M. Johnson, mana- ger).—"The Siege of Jericho," a-grand spec- tacular fireworks display, has been entertain- ing thousands during the week past, who have voiced their approval. This will con- tinue for the week of 28. and may be eoti; Untied indefinitely. "The Big TrnIn Robbery Is doing better ttan ever now. and Manng'r Wiiclit has secured three mountain goata to odd color to the plctnre. The rides are all doing splendidly, and every attraction, from the largest to the smallest on the Bowery, has been getting ltt full share of the busi- ness of late. Brooke has made n great hit, as the thousand* seated around the tables In the wooded gtndo tostify, but his engage- ment will tcrmlnnto this week. White City (Paul D. Howsc, manager).— John L. Sullivan and Jake Kilrnln were the big magnets last week, and the crowds were Immense to see old antagonists in th<? ring everv afternoon and evening. All th.i other attractions profited by the crowds drawn In this manner, and the various shows did n great business. From the Chicago Fire at the gate, to the Burning of the RoBcrt K. Lee and the chutes at the south.end of the park, everything Is gay and festive at all hours of the night, ami with the great heat of the past week, the board walk hns been thronged. John I- Sullivan gave a reception to Ihe children of Chicago, afternoon of 22. and, through his courtesy, all children were ad- mitted to the grounds free of charge. Slr- ronjc has been retained for another week at the vaudeville theatre. "Hlowerlnnd." a gor- geous npectacle, with 150 people, will be given this'week. _. Ciinrs (W. If. Strlckler, mnnngerl.—The usual business is being done In the Western park, and the people thoroughly enjoy tho manv varieties of rides which are awaiting their nickels. Business has been very good, nnd the management of the park deserves to have good business right along, as the park Is run on the right principal. Una Park (L. K. Lauttersteln. manager). —The attractions are sitlHrlem here to draw good crowds all the time. The roller rink Is crowded nil the lime, and the shows arc doing well. ''Tie novelty of having a park in this locality has apealed to many thou- sand*, and Ihe various societies throughout. Ihe ellv have bad many special days here. John L. Nonary, Carl Pons, Wm. Demetrnl and Aug. Peterson will wrestle during the week for n purse of $",000. ItAvtxi.i Park iJ. J.- Murdock, manager). —Walter Unsnarl nnd his Xew York Sym- phony Orchestra are in their last week, hav- ing phiyod in great attendance during, their prolonged engageroen*.- and having offered the liest selections In the gr.Mt mnsicnl library. Sash Soivi (Leonard Wolf, manager).— The business done here has been of the bine ribbon type, and all th" concessionaires are wearing smiles. There Ih plenty to amuse. and lots of room to move about in. The many Improvements made In the park this year have appealed strongly In tho clientele, which hns been hnlli up very strongly dur- ing the last km months. "1'tlxle- I.anrr" will he the attraction in Mills' i heal re this week. BisMARt-K Oarpkn.— Carl Bunge still Please* the large crowds which patronize this famous North side place, and the music offered Is'varied, in such n degree Hint all may enjoy It. Coi.isrcii Gamikn. —Ellery and his band have been here nearly all Summer, and yet the Interest In ihe organization lias not died our, nnd the attendance keep* up lo high waler mark. Hans Wngner. baritone, and Marie Winter, soprano, have been singing here. Ciact's Ranrsm, man smu.—Buffalo Bill, after a week of rnpaclly business on the South side, moved over here 28. and started In to duplicate the record of last week. So great was the crowd on the open- ing dny last week that extra seats had to lie obtained, and kept in use during the week. The show Is the best which this renowned performer has ever presented, nnd expressions of delight at the marvelous rid- ing nnd clever spectacular effects, were pro- fuse. The seemingly Impossible, was done continually hy the riders, nnd the shooting exhibitions defied description. Following four days on the West side, the show will move to the North side, and exhibit four dny* there, and then say farewell. . Aitrrmatii. — Franklin Wright, who left the city 10. for u short trip to St. Louis, was taken III shortly after his arrival, and was confined to the house. He writes now Hun he experts to return to this city shortly, and will take up the business of his tour productions for the oornlns season. Kven during hi* Illness he has lieen making plans for the forthcoming tour of his newly ai-- qulreit melodrama, "Across the Isthmus." and Is pushing forward arrangements for Mottle Vlekers, In "Edelweiss:" Adelaide Randall, in "Her Great Sacrifice." and Be- atrice Shonard, In "Nettle, the Waif." all of which will start out from this city It. Emerson, mnnnger of Emerson's Grand Floating Palace, was In the cltv this week, and reported business excellent on the great rivers lo the South. Ills company is nt present plnylng along the Illinois River. "The Emerson," his magnificent theatre boat, is now lighted by electricity throughout, cooled hy electric fans, and has a seating capacity of l.OOO. The company works all me year around, plnylng North In the Summer, and South In Hie Winter Jack Burnett, who recently moved his office from the Richmond lintel, on the North side, to Suite Ti2, Grand Opera House, says that he hns benefited grmitiy hy the change, and hns hod many people come In to see him regarding sketches. Several of his vaudeville acts ore (hi the road now, nnd every one of them Is suc- cessful "Jig-Steps" Brown was a ennrr l'.'i. He watt on the hill at the Mnjestlc re- cently, und in spile of the early position which was given him, made a marked Impres- sion. He is h Chicago boy. and In an adept In dancing, having several of the most lit- trlcale slops which were ever known to Jig- steppers, lie will probably be seen at the Chicago opera House In u few weeks Martin Bowers, well known as a comedian. will be starred again this mining season by J. T. McAlplii, In 'Hans Hanson," time for which Is being rapidly :moke<l, and the out- look Is very hrlgtii The Haymarkct Thea- tre, on i lie West side, which was closed last May lo allow reilcenriiiton und reconstruc- tion., begins in present an ippeurHiice of being ready 10 open on schedule lime. Manager Newkirk has given die alteration* his per- sonal ulteuilon, mid prouHses to have one of the handsomest houses in the cltv In show the public. Kfitii jfc castle will Iheu. have the new Mu.iesilc, tint rebuilt Olympic mid tho Chicago Opera House nil 'a good shape Aniioiiniviiieill Is intnlc thai the Sliuberis arc looking fur miotlier house in this cltv, ihe StiuMiaker. where they linve made many uf their local presentations, tun-lug been leased by Dillingham ft Connor... .Through a typographical error it was mmle to read leccntly In the Aftermath Him Eddie De- inuey WoaM slur this In "A Chinese Tramp. ' The tlile of the play Is "A Chl- i-ago Tramp." John Mears, formerly treasurer of Powers' Theatre, and later ntau- ager for Henrietta Orosman, Is In the hos- pital In I'rovlilJiiec, K. |., very III. He re- eeutiy underwent an operation for appendi- citis in the hospital Eleanor Elliott, who resides on the West side, has boeu en- gnged hy Manager Sam Gersan for the Whit- ney force* for the coming season, nnd mnv Rl«y in one of the ronrl companies of "A nlghi for a Dny." She. was formerly a member of "The Si arks" nnd "The Tender- fool" companies-. llnhei-la Wilson, n singer In one of ihe churches on tne South side, will be the lending aoprano In "The isle of Spice." which if. ft Froxee will open ot ihe Greot Northern. Aug. 11.....- Mario Joyce, a alnger at B TtfFrlew Port. and Joseph Grimes, a sailor la "The Battle of Snntrago" exhibit, were marrkd 10. In the lions' cage In Big ptto'a reservation In the park, following which a reception was held in the home of "The Wild Aztecs^" and supper was served In the caaloo Pb'Jl'P J. Altschul, a ticket broker, and Edward Vi. Steele, manager of the Colonial Theatre, were fined 150. 18, by Judge Gemmlll. of the municipal court, for-violating the anti-thea- tre ticket speculating law. Detective James Bell purchased a $1.50 ticket to the Co- lonial for whlcn he paid the broker *2. Attnrnev Austrian, for the defense, said he would Appeal to the Supreme Court Mnrguerite Johnson, one of the performer* In the Deep Sea Divers, at Blvervlcw Park, hns been making n big bit with her work under water Sara McVlcker, who ha* lioen delighting nudlence* at the Studebnkor with her clever iierforrannce of Judy Hake In -Poor John," was a Cmi-per Bureau cnller lost week. She will return to New York with the company. Miss McVlcker holds rank as one of the beat of the character old women ot the stage, having created parts of this ivpe with many of the greatest suc- cesses of the past twenty years Gertrude Swlggett was a caller 20. Mbs Swlggett has met with greater success In ber Ipnterpretatlon of the eccentric character of Rosalie, In "Poor John." than In nny other of the clever characterisations which she hns originated J. W. Hawksburst, for some time manager of-the Peerless Exchange. with offices on Randolph Street, left 20, for Oklahomn City, where he will establish :i new Peerless Exchange, as he believes there Is room In that territory to do a big busi- ness :Sed J. Deschnno. car manager of the first car In advance of the Fashion Plate Shows, was u. caller 18, and stated that Si- had severed his connection with that show, which is under the direction of Walter L. Main. His engagement has been a very pleas- ant one, and the show has had a very pros- perous season. He .will remain In Chicago for the present Rehearsals for "The Girl Question." the new offering for the La Salle Theatre, commenced- 17, under the direction of Ned Wnyburn, nnd the first performance will occur In Milwaukee at the Alhambra. In the cast rto Cecil Leon. Florence HolbrooK. Oeorgle Drew Mrndnm, William Robluson. Mart l.orcn/.. Arthur Sauners, of last year's company. The new ■ members Include: I.OOU Kohlmar, Frances Demarest, Eileen Foster and Tell Taylor May Hos- mer, who hns appeared In stock pro- ductions In this city In upwards Of ■".000 performances, will make her vaude- ville appearance shortly. In a new playlet, entitled "The llearr of Dixie," written espe- cially for her Battle Williams, in "The Little Cherub," will open the Winter season al the Illinois. Sepl. 1. following the eminent- ly successful run of '.'The Man of the Hour." Virginia llarned will start ihc regular season al Ihe Garrick, In "Anna Karenlna." which will enlist the services of nearly one hundred players Cameron and Flana- gan appeared on the Chicago Opera House bill recently, in their unique offering, "On and Off." and scored n decided success, being warmly welcomed the moment their card wos displayed. The act has genuine comedy, good scenes nnd pathos well intermingled. ..- The . International Theatre manage- ment was ordered.lo close the house lfl, by Building Commissioner Downey, as the fire laws had not been conformed with, which demanded that movable scenery should not lie used In u house of. this class, and because wooden partitions had been bnlll S. S. Harris. 1 resident manager of the Majestic Theatre. Little Rock. Ark., one of the hand- somest houses of the Southwest, was a Cur- rr.u Bureau caller 1';:. having just returned from a very pleasant trip to New York and other points East. He left a programme of the house. In this office, nnd the cover Is one of the most artistic which has been seeu In this city, and is a decided credit to nny theatre or any city. Mon ; tnmho nnd Hurl Falls were Bureau callers several days during the past week, and stated that they had signed with the Empire »aow for the coming season. They form a re- markably clever ncrobatlc team, the services of which, are constantly In demand The Columbus Theatre opens Aug. 4, with a production of ■■Tempest asad' Sun- shine," n new play, by T.em B. Parker Edgar Selwyn hns been expected In town for several days to rehearse -ITie Original Cohen," which Is from his pen, nnd which will go out under the management of Row- land & Clifford, with William T. Gnsklll as company manager. Beonett's Dramatic Exchange of Chicago has recently placed the following plays: "Fort Frayne," with the Btirborrk. Stock Co., l,os Angeles, Cal.: "Sba- miis O'Brien," "The Holy City." "The Warn- ing Bell." wlih Grand Opera House Stock i^o.. Butte. Mont.: "Sherlock Holmes," with Falrland Park Slock Co.. Memphis, Tenn.: "The Charity Ball," wRh the Mortimer Snow Stock Co., .Memphis Tenn.: "Nancy and Com- pany," Cumberland '01," "Along the Mo- hawk" nnd "The Mnn from Mexico." with Ihe Bush Temple Theatre, Chicago; "The Charity. Ball," "Cumberland Mil." -Brown's !l l Jnwn ~ non "Otter People's Money," Main Street Theatre. Peoria, III.; "A Fair Reliel," "All the Comforts of Home," "Other Peo- ple s Money," Lyric Th-sirre. Portlnnd, Ore.; "Di; llnrry," In stock at Battle Creek, Mich.: "The Charity Boll," Lyric Stock, s.-i nc0 S,'. k - Nc , u ;v, Jhe ., J 'y ecun i Stock. St. Joe. »\ft ; T ? e ,'; lt , tle M| nlster." Gage Stock Co.: Sherlock Holmes." Acn Lee Wlllard Co.; JO?! „ ', n< \., M , olM1, .' k '" Wlnlnger Bro*.; .,. i.?J~JS! M ' nl »t«r. and "When the Bell lolls. Chns. Crosaland's Lyceum Stock Co. ^•li-.oJi 111 !? I }° ^f ro '-'"WH "«» a Bureau caller 20, having jnst returned from a lone engagement In Mexico nnd Texas with Wal- ler McCullogh's Stock company, and wblch she snys was exceptionally pleasant. Dur- ing lier tour In the great Southwest she was unfortunate enough to lose her husband nnd her mother, news of their deaths not reach- ing her until after the Interments had oc- curred. They died within a very few days of eiicli other. Miss Lltteral expects to cave tor New York shortly, and mav reen- ter vaudeville. In which alio was verv sue- cessful a couple of seasons ago. She has Just recovered from n severe llfnosa. brought lecllng In good health now. and Is rendv for the bard work of the coming season. * She 'l\ many s rr Pnrt ? In m * •'«* »nrt '" meet' '"K them during her short sojourn here .1. It. llotnonr, mnnnger of Flora De VosV' igV—aWw l«Ht season, was In town lost neck, seeking, new people for Ihe coming •"■J" -Col. George' Francis cw": ,.' iH ? a . H M'S.* 1 " 81 ot Buffalo mil •>:, „ t he Buffalo Bill Wild West show, and rode In the Dendwood coach during the ner- foroumce. tim. (wo „,,.„ werc l^Smtm the Indian campaign of 1870.... l'l. sic Inyo nnd ftlasett and Miller, in a singing and dancing art at .the Majestic week of 22. met wtlh a cordial recimtl ,' mil proved themselves excellent dancers The Hludebakcr. which closed wltl the fiiml performance of "Poor John," will rcmuh, dark until Sept. 1. and will then open under "'", management of Dillingham & Co„ or •,''„ I V 1,P ft L" 1 P"'''n™nnc.- or (lenrge ffi .litest comedy. "Artie." The Grand 2525 " nuso J* »f«l''l< , d to open In three weeks, Aug in. with the first local perfornv Red^MIH'^'Mrf^ m>d »<*p. T "The uen Milt, which Is expected lo last mull about. Thanksgiving time, at least. H hen t.eprge Farren, who ha* been 'leadliir Fail "leaves fi? P mj>io Tbe.treTince la t J all. leaios thai house nt the close of the Summer sensor.. Aug. 4. He wll leave for Ihe Knst and will proliahlv appear next season wlih Mrs. Flake.... The t/uT, "Morn BABYS ECZEfna CURED Oraw Wjiraa Catttr:.$ara.of Do* Ur ,. ' Hoipltals - Parenta Tried CmlJL ■ and Child II Perfectly ""■r" CURED Uf* COST Of BUT $1.25 , "Eczema appeared when our child w=. three months old. We applied to jeverai doctors and hospitals, each of which ?i? ns something different every ii„ lr V' nothing brought rel'ef. At last, one of ■! friends recommended to us Ciiti.-ma 5n«i and Cuticurn Ointment. A few days aft(. r wards improvement could be noted. $,/' then we have used nothing but Ciitjrma Soap and Cuticurn Ointment, and now the baby is Six months old and is quit* rure / All tlint We used was one cake of Cuiicuia Soap and two; boxes Cuticura Ointment costing in all $1.25, and I recommend tl* Cuticura Remedies strongly to all mothers whose children suffer from such diseases C. F. Kara, 34J East 65th St., New York March 30, 1906." ' fng Glory," which the new production to l» made at the opening of.the season at th* Auditorium, has been known, will be ehancM and though. It la not definitely declleu m what the new name will lie. it is rnmnmi that It wi.. be "The Girl Rangers." a prl*. contest was recently organized to give toe public a chance, to submit an appronrltn. title, without having seen the plav. hut this may do away with the necessity of continu- ing the contest Members of the com- panies playing here in "The Boys of Co, B," at the Garrick. and "Brewster's Million*'" at the Colonial, will hold a baseball ganis at the American League Park, afternoon at Aug. 1, the proceeds to go to ihe outing fund of the Bureau of Associated Charities Catherine Outbwaite, formerly of "The May * ure of a Man" Co.. was a Bureau caller r, having Inst arrived In town from her hone In Michigan, and will remain in the city „ few days, before leaving for the Fas, L. Tano Brixton, character actor, was a Un- read caller 22, having returned from a loag season on the road P. J. Itlrtge. moot. ger of the Western Dramatic Agency, has been kept, very busy of late wlih ibe riamtvr of managers and performers who hare taken advantage of the excellent facilities which'be has with wblch to handle aspirants for the dramatic and musical stage Clarea.v Dickinson, organist,.and Clarence Menbath, a liny soprano, will appear at the sixth nf the concerts to be given in Mandel Hall University of Chicago "Tnyland." a production nf the' Meyers & Free Co.. will he - produced Sunday, 28; In Dowagbr. Mich, it Sain .Morris and Hampton Du- ra nid Sid J. F.iison. manager nf Eusna's Than t re, hos jnst returned from a trip to tlie Mudlovlu Baths, where he leu his ihenmstism. and-says that Ids house will open Saturday night. Aug. 2-i. wlih the I"ari- slan Widow*-.. .. .-.The Stndebaker is lo re- open Aug. -I; with ,"The'-Prince of Pllsen." which . iylll probably run linlll "Artie" is ready for pnsiuctlnn.... .Mrl Icker's Thea- tre M being entirely redee-inted prior.lo lis opening next month for ibe Winter season. ..'. .The regular season nt the Academy will open-Aug. 18 with "Young Buffalo." Grace Dnvls. a cashier at Luna Park, dropped dead evening of 20. while en duty, from hem- orrhage of the brain .... .Welter McClil- lough. who has been touring Texas. Meileil and other sections of the Southwest for the past twelve months with its stock company. was a caller 20, nnd Imd a wonderful bronze complexion, which he got from sleeping Ih the open air nl! the time while South, and nlso from the open nlr exercise which be took. He looks like the proverbial Indian, and Is the picture of health.. He hns Jusr signed for thirty-live weeks on the Kulllvnn- Consldlne circuit, opening nt Indianapolis, In tils- one man drama. "The Absinthe Fiend." FitHl Jarvls, of Jarvis and 'Diilnr. was a Bureau caller 22, hnving just arrived Iron a nine months' tour of the West, where the act has been meeting with grnr success. They ore on tbe way East for a. vacation for the rest of the Sumner. While at Oakland. Cal.. n special meet- ing of the T. M. A.'s was called ami Mr.- Jnryls wn? elected a member Gordon Walton will manage "Honest Beans' for Spofford, Powell & Conn this season, and play parts. The season will open nt Doc. island. 111.. Labor Day A. J. Siasaney was a caller 20. He will he the musical director this season for Lincoln J. Carters bjg spectacle. "The Cat and tbe Fiddle." HI' last Important engagement was with Murray & Mack's "English Dalsv." Daring tint season lie was taken with a severe ntlnck of rhe.umaltsm, nnd stayed In the South until he was cured nf It. He was with the Walter McCullough Stock Co. through .Mexico and Texas The Rcenery for the Shubert houses, which will be devoted to vaudeville this season, la all being painted In Cblesgo. A visitor to the city Informed tbe loci correspondent that tic was here in Hie Interest of the Liberty Amusement. Co.. ot Fltlsbnrf. which hos a capital of S20.000. paid up. inr officers of which arc: A. Colin, president: Dr. A. M. Gable, vice president; Horry Cann. secretary nnd manager. They will control theatres In the east end of Pittsburg, sail will open them Sept. 2 with Sulllvan-consl- dine booking Mrs. Annie E. Inmna. 1 well known character woman, was a caller 22. and expects to leave for New York short- ly. She created tbe role of Bridget 0 Bowfl last season, in "The Little Prospector' lo- in which chick Perkins was starring..••■■ Gil Brown was a caller 27, and staled UW he was leaving the city thai night lo appe»; at Ingersoll Park. Des Moines, the followin- week. He was seen at the benefit at 'lie to lnnliil, afternoon of 20, and was one nf me suc- cesses of the very excellent hill, helps eiiien hack several times after he had finished n» clever danelng Mile. Carlta, who km here 19 with her sister. Francis Newhall. nw her brother-ln-lnw, David Landau, the latter n member of Kendall's company. wrl '"; me from Newcastle. Cal.. on the • rn ' B - t t JJ£I 1 heir satchels went astray In Salt w'J City, and she was ohllged to remain behian to trace them. The company Is doing »«'■ and Mile. Carlta expected to nrrlve in JJJ" Francisco 27. where she will remain t« some weeks.... ..Charles Forrester w«" Cmitkh Bureau culler 2.1, 20, being ■|A°"? looklug nfter hooking for the coming se»^» for his wife anil himself (.lone ■'"a"'' 10 !" and company) in their new sketch. "* ot '*Lj Boy." upon which tbey arc spending oier $2,000. Mr. Forrester says the prospects are bright George Falrmnn Is sending »u "The Suburban Winner." opening « m» kakec. Aug. 20, and for which J- "■■ JjH Is doing the liooklng Sam Morris, nnin«r of "Toyland." Is directing rehearsals of tat three companies which will present ■'••a;,',; J. W. Boyd i* going aut ahead of BlW Kersaud's Minstrels for Meyers & 1 ' rc *":ii'. Bobby Gaylor Is a very busy man now« days, a* he Is making great preparation" ■• bis forthcoming Joint engagement In y«um vllle wlih Barney Ferguson. They open ver shortly In a new net. entitled "You ami 1 "' All. of Us." In which they will hove the >« vices of several young ladles.... • • ■' ." k Schwartz will lie the musical director wh» one of the "Toyland" componles this sea-" • George II. Harris, of Harris A »"5: was in town 2.T He Is looking up .«" nP „ w "' l0 for next fenson In vaudeville, and seera> think he Is ou the tight track B on, ' a