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644 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Atoiist;*. Kcllh * l'r,.«r,.r- Fifth Arrnae Sojunro Thonlrc (K. V, Albeit, general manager;.- rnn be obtained. Kuril wwk now nets lire Introduced, with good results. Thin »M'« r. Alhco general manager).— "Love In Harness" Is revived this wwk hy hill tlfirn two nets Ihnt arenur to New York This house was packed to the doors ni. the Mna May Sponncr nnd her excellent sui Current Copies, nun .earned mnrh applause. The Empire .'Cprmvly. Four (Leonard. Cunningham, Jennv ^nnd-noland), wllli their excellent, singing nfid plenty of gum] comedy, made u pro- pounced tilt, ns they usually do. The Cn- liiumplix. luiil n presentation that ln> Is also' put In n glass tank, and gels ont Beaters (Eastern wheel) next season. vary way creditable. Miss Bpooner of a siralijnrkol In less lhan a minute. riuiiNrKr Oi.c*.Trs new pUiyfnr next nenred io belter advantage at. this The other new offering, Joe Cook and Broth- season will be called "O .\eiU or tx>rry. - a light role, then alto did In ih= er, tlo n very cu-yet Juggling act for boys, The Boubrs BJwrnr.RS have engaged A vita Victor CAHMOtie, lnte stage ■ May irwin. will go orit with Cieo™ iS , f ? r coming season, to pin? the part of n w!,"" — ■ In -The Mazttmn Man." Miss Kloren t, 1 ,n ItiRNKr Kaoa»: and CHaft. M. McDqxalo wire, will alao be In (he rnat. ' nU wilt nut. on a new art next season. (■•rank CAi.nrri will manage'the World " next season. Wash Martin lins returned from t, and lain hnrnesa again for a ™S one.of the htlrlesqu? orgnnl7n,i„:" d COLDMMITII AND ItnjTB. In their ^.. . o? , -pa"ri:s. P " y " ,g °" ,hC ^tt'SJg T».,,., 1 MMW VOIIK Ctrl'. Kcllli .V rrorlor's I ulnu Then (re (E. F. Alitor general inf. ... This house was parked to the doors ni. Ihe I'Mna May Sponncr nnd her exrellrnt support- audiences. One Is "tlaslnin," called the dls Monday mnllnre, July 20, and the dig crowd Ing rompnnv, nnd on ..Inly 2!l the brilliant robing marvel. He, Is Incased In sercrol enjoyed Immetisolv Ihe good hill presented, remedy made famous' In this rltv.by Ihe brie, makes of strnlllnckris, and dlsrolies In a lTiylls, Bnnkin, llnrry Davenport, nnd com- Aligustln Dnly. In the driy* of Ada Itchna's fourteen Inch tithe from, full dress: to tlghls. ■pifn.v.'.ln.nskeieli wrlilen-liv.-Mr. Dnrenporl, greatest triumphs, hud n entitled "The Unihlcss," wire big favorites was In evnry v never appeared .. House. In a light role, than she did In ihj er, do n very clctCr Juggling act for boys, The HouBtts Buotiirrs hare engaged Avlta rhnrnrler oflliia I'npiharl, nnd sue had lier nnd they w*» warmly welcomed'. Their aanchej; to play a part similar W the ono --m-mm». niidlrnre with her during evety roomeol of work la not new, but their Juggling feats created by her last season, with 'The Spring cesaful during late yeara, will be aeif v » <_ the Interpretation, winning their 'laughter »re well exerafed. Others on the Mir were: Thicken." Miss Snnrhez Is peoullnrly fitted stage work again the coming season mllle Trio of horizontal har performers and "».'l applause at will. Augustus I'htlllps gave The I'lnnophlends, who scored heavily; Dixie for the part of the' HpanUh senorlfnj She LitA-i J'i.srERfi will art In Ihe rnparJiT nt Kniherlne Nugent In her rlever Impersona- nflolher of his Interesting portrayals, show- Herennderifi Friend nnd Howling, their llrat was horn In Cuba, nnd hns lived for ft con- manager witn me Tiger Lilies (We«/.n. tlons. were also worthy of the hearty np- Ing how versatile lie Is, and Harold Kennedy, uppenranre In 'vaudeville In Harlem: Julius sldernhle time In-the locale of the nogers wheel) the coming season. plause nwarded tliem. Others appearing to I'<dwlnll. i.'nrtls, lien r"., Wilson. AHhnr Tnnnan and Harry Crnndall and rothpatly. ilrothers'new .production. • .Maoda DUD has been engager] f ., -„. much advautage were: Stanley and Wilhon, Kvers. Jessie MrAlllsler, Ulennor Wisdom and Mr. frnndall Is ■ new rcrrult tn vaudeville, ■; HATTW M'rrj.iAMfl ! ani> Wii.mau CAixirr "' the prlmn dnnnns of the Van den r.„' Johnson and Wells, "Creuintlnn," Stelllng *P 0 - others of the romnanv il 1 ennlinl mt ,!««■«-■ ,, „L-/,i,.h ■•ir, rimeerr:" whlbh h«v» vohmfAe'red end Stelllng, (icorge. Whitman uod Gloise Davis, Al. I.evnn, Cnllahan nnd Smith, /anno, ;ind tne motion pictures. Aiiterli'nii Tlirntri' (.1. M. Ward, mana- gor).—Thl" house .reopened lis doors for thn season oi) Snfilrday evening. July,27, and a •■tipnclly house was oh hand to enjoy the ninny thrllllna: mmneiils of "The King find Queen of Gamblers," which was then seen. for the mo;,I nhe In this city.' II. la n play of Western* life:, In four acta nnd live scenes, nnd was written bj Owen Davis. The centta the ran Ferrtcrlck llnpihart, Tfnro'ld Kcnncfiy ;"'0iia- , 'i"y Jlie' aVid'ience.' Tile art*is"ari'nn'iirevya'ted ver- HotTman, V. U., Ben K. WII»on: Jeremiah sIihi of "Perk's Bad Hoy,"'and the antics of Johlots. I'.dwln H. Curtis; Keyes, Arllmr that yoimgsler, n rlraraeter 'rleverly'played I'.vers; .lohn Sehlagg, James Montgomery; |>y Mr. 4'raudall. aroused plenty of laughter. Mr. rramliill Is well imported hy his own com- pany, and hus special scenery. Ai.ha.mhua (Percy 0. Wllllitms, manager). —This house oiore than holds It own, na liUNlness has be>n of Ihe best, nod weather most favorable for roof gardens. This ,w|ek'« bill Is an excellent one, and Includes: Ram- ia and Arno,' the llooney Sisters, BAfflna James. W. la. West: Mrs. Jullanna 'Johloisi Olive lirnve ; jenny Johlots, Jessie Mi-AII'ster j Ithodn. Xagglll, Josephine Fox; Myrtllln, Kli-annr Wisdom: Antoinette, Brink Carlisle ; Una I'l'iniliart, K'diia May Spooner. • ■■ • ' Kelili A I'r.x tor's Twenl> -third Afreet Theatre (K. jr. Alliee, general man Henry »: Hnrtis la nrrnnglng for (he Hebrew . BrRN.iRn and Wfstow, Oerman rnmedlniio Thftint Asvlnnt, at Arverne l'Jer Theatre,,on have received contracts over the HeMiS Wcdnestlaj'.'.lnlJ'm- „' I ' If ^ p,rk "' Ml1 ,re «« rtii „T t*vmi, Siott'8 hrst Western tour, in "The Sept 2. "'' to Prince Chap." will begin at Salt Lake Clly. Mibok M. C.tr.pAY will ho featured w n n lh „ lltith*. Aug. 1. Later he will lour .the West Oberry Blossoms (Wefdern wheel) ne.i i, and South. »• sn ?„- , ■ ". :Zi~ ' OHvmi firman has been engaged for one Thb wore of a hitherto iinknowh onern >,- of tnr principal comedy roles with Lew Fields, . VerrtT hjv* „ hoc ™ „t*?"yj 1 ,n •> ^«l|lnet of mJi - Wmi" - 1 Tinnrtrs st the V A Verrtl «r u„«i. .__.?"■ jn "The tilrl Behind tlte Coitnlei." of attraction Is laid around the mnny plots ngei-j.—The Itltrhle-Hram London Panto- iiy enemies Io rob Svlvln. n, voMiie girl, who mln" Co. made Its first nppenranre in this city monkeys, Almont and linmont, Welch, Mealy lias rome Into possession of n rlrh gold mine "n Monday, July 211, with n broadly farclrol and Jlontrose, Bessie Wynn and the Six through the death of her father. The cfttnte sketch. In three scenes, called "Tin/ London tlllnserettls. papclrs are In enre of lier uncle, Dave Itlp- Fire Brigade," In which there la "rough Mf.tropomr IIoof flAROEN (Hurtlg & Sefl- ley, who' Is n!ru a worker in (he mines. Black house" from curtain to curtain. The very mon, ioauagers).—While the people In this ?rthi- popdrs at the VIIIA Verdi, at Sqhta Agath Oeorbb Fawcktt wllljilay on taporlAnt Italy. It seemn to be an early work oc lh» role :ln n new play by;,Edward Pepfes, en- composer.. Its fate has not been fcefckS titled "The SIIvct 01 decided biers, who Is hi''love- with Svlvln. Blaek Quarters of the London Urn brigade, with the' A'voy. tithers are: Katherlne Dahi, Moffet ■ *..j^> ...r.. If- -■_.__ - .y ■ .... ,. t\wnm,\n (n.li.UIni, In ,h. ,..,*! -,1.aA al - _'_... m h A} T n t.n 11,. VV.nwi .n.l l^luk Unntn flimi'. IVIe.l.-wlih li's Bswiclntet, entice tjie uncle into a rnrd game, anil swindle III id out of everything lie has but the joipers. He takes the cUUlce and plays for tbem, when Jnrlc tmts upon the "scone, enters the gtvnie, nnd wins the papers hack, mnrh to the disgust of lllnrk Peio. nnd Dolores. One of the most rrltlenl stages of the play Is In the third net, when Sylvia, In the power of Black I'ele, Is shot from the tlremen Indulging In the antics that the rest nnnVLabcllr. Wynne and'LeWis. Some Quar- hours entitle them to. A fop enters nnd tette. Jack Irwin, Austin Sisters nnd the Wli- lirlhes one of the men to set tiro to a hous? sons. nearby, nnd when the nlarm comes in ■' ' nl the flrehnnse, it interrupts a game Brooklyn.—At I'ay ton's "A Itoynl Family," of cards, and the men are forced to which'opened the season here July .27, Is eul Hie wires, lending io the gong In order combined oil week of 21). The. attendance nt to go on with (heir game undisturbed, tlie opening performance taxed .the seating lnnnlly, after the engine Is staiv.rJ capacity Of the house: The' following nttrac- i'or Ihe blaze, and ihe men stop In various Hon is "At Piney Midge," Aug. iVIO. saloons nn Ihe way, and nnnllj- buy a paper IIlanfv's (Maurice>(chlesslnger, manager), to see where Ihe lire is. (hey reach the i-on- —The season will open here Aug. .1, w'lth llagi-nllon. There they have a terrible time, "From Ming Sing io Liberty." rnrrvllig down trunks, nnd leaving the people I.i:na Park. —Lnna'a latest attraction is In Ihe burning building to Fhjft for them- ejillod "The Ocean Wave," n new merry-go- selvea. Finally a la>atitlfiil girl appears at a round, located between "The' Grefit Ship- window, rind a free-for-all light follows nmnng the men to see who shall save her. This outline of :the absurd story gives on Days ot '-to," "-Nlgnt nnd. .Morning," "tne re-engaged net brlrigs eventhlng to light, and It is foil id ■*■ of the .sketch, which is full of lnugha. Kansas Cyclone," 1- The' Brownie Theatre," w e i[es (Western wheel), tor next season that Dolores, the qileen. IfTllie real mother ol ' be 'nt fireman nnd the little fireman, the nnd "The Lost Girl" the girl she has wronged. Black Pete U bitter of whom is a splendid tumbler nnd murdered In, ihe end, .lack reconciles mother elown.vverc lite best of the'company of near- and child, and nil ends happily, DyJiU nuw ioc p i m Olrl.t to be produced upon. next season by Fratlk SJcKee. IJonni Habiiib, late of Harris anil sid "Thi. Mf/Tt* Gint.,"'a musical comedy by man - *l" be fearnred with the Gav Tore-i Julian K<lwards and Messrs. Campbell and <Jojs (Western wb«l). the coming seawn " Skinner, will be produced at Weber'rt Theatre, .Sam Rick will put on the'Burlesniie for New Vork City, the flrst week'In September, the Merry Maidens': Co. (Western wheeli Ide and B4y Comstoik. and also^pl.iy the ie/tdlng comctjy role i n . ' , nearly coffipleted ort the In- JACiT Ltiwis sxfrJRit. Wt.nM' will'nut nn „ Criterion Theatre, which was a new art^nrxt;season. Mr. rx>wls wis (w aged by' : flre and.water at theefid of The £!"■'* with "The Time, the Place nnd ihe past i season. It has.been decided t6 reopen *»¥}•, _!-'_..„ .... '".. the house on Aug: 0, when Battle Wllllarns 'UJitR Fouft Foans Will pnt on a nnrel \\ntl' lietin an engagement In The Little dancing act next season*, in which Max Fnrrt Cherub." will Introduce a new style of wooden shoe XAOKf. a.vd Adams "have Jnst closed a short O a , n ™ , Ev, " season on the Klcth & Proctor circuit. They '• To « -Ijeabx, the lagy Juggler • sails far will go out again next season over the same London to open at Ihe Hackney, Aug. p_> f nt elrcnltV for forty weeks. ■ l?ng riy>. nioiil'h of a cunoon. She Is, of course, saved «jl«w»ns on tht^way, and tmnlly buy a iiaper liy .u:ck, whe, Mtspcnded from Ihe limit of a nee, etttches her null firevrnls her from lin- ing tl.islied ngnlnsl the rocks. Again meeting defeat, lllnrk Prle bounds down the uhcle and kills Mm, hut lltids that the papers he Is In search of aiv in Jack's possession. Jack Is acrnsed of the murder, and, !s In danger of lyorhlng, but Is shielded by Sylvia. The Until Joseph MAnnK«x, 'of Gardner nnd Mad- Dn.-A-PnoNE has added a new Imitation dern. Is resting ht Atlantic,City, until the l0 his act, that of a brass hand on mi Krll. opening of the next regular season, Sept. son „ phonograph record. 2, on the Keith & Prortor circuit. , Tm: BiiAnFmins will put several new things Carrif. Kzier and Jombttk Wf.bb hove m their act for the coming season, signed with the Campbell k Drew Tiger Mortimksi M. rtiiEUE has engaged Sam Lilies (Western wheel) for next season. I i <?Rrn ,> , ro i!}!' T of „, I ' ew Dearn, to piny t n( , ' Fifxds and WorxK* will l)e featured by aheriir in wine. Woman nnd Song Co. So In one of their s, for the coming season . Donrrrttr Tfixx,vxT has been engaged to Weber & Knsli next season l M-reck" and the dancing pavilion. The ride burlesque shows. . ia an original and sensational device. "The lmii: CaataV. .leading souhrette, has been E">^ *" hnpojftant role In support of John i Days of '-ID," "Night and Morning," "ihe re-engaged with Campbell & Drew's Colonial Drew the coming season, Elsie LesUK will liegin rehearsals on \r\c 1 of the leading feminine role In flrai-e | |V" The play. Ihlinigliiiiit. Is Intensely Interesting, and sp" eliil men,Ion inn lie given to Severln Devo. .Mabel Kstelle, Leila li.nl* and C. W. Travis, A specially, In I rot lured hy Klbel Hnvls a lid K. Armstrong, was repeatedly encored at litith the Saliinlny and Monday evening pcr- loimaiices. The east: Iltnek Pete, C. \\. I'ra- A tniislenl I rent '.viih furnished by Maurice vis: Humpy Jones. W. I». Stone: Percy Him. l-rvl and Ills, band, some line selections .being inVeii, !:.• Armstrong; Have lllplev« John rendereit. and Hie plaudits were so hearty J'entoii; Jim I lyre. John cuigpliell; Big I bat Mr. I<rvl wasroiiflrlled to glvenlKitit ten Itlll, lluri'lftou siteiiflin.-iu : l.'emlemnii Char- uiiinliers. lie has a well drilled bnnd of mu- weekly, which attract multitudes to the promenade and circus boxes. "The Scnln- tor," "The lloitnders," and "Tlie Tickler" accommodate crowds. "Friars' Night" will be a feature at Luna Park, Tuesday, July .10. Frederic Thompson Is an honorary member of the Friars, and he Invited the publicity ness of foot calling forth hearty npplausc. promoters to hold a meeting In the skeleton chamber nt the "Night and Morning" show. The two largest, longest "and most, attrac- tive rides on Cnney Island are In''The ly a dozen people who play the act. Italia, lit a neat little act, made her first appear- ance, and her grace In dancing won general praise for her. The Corbrey Brothers, who are also hpw here, nlTercd a dancing spe- cialty that wns most worthy, their nltnble- contlnue to meet with 'r- nE ward Bros, will but on a new act i popularity. ' The free circus acts are changed npxt season, entitled "No Place Like Home," "ngstone }> urn las new comedy. The Man In " showing life In the "Sunuy South." thecase, to bo produced by >Valler N. Law- Jkaxetth Sherwood has been re-engaged rffn lJ c ' for Ihe Tiger Lilies (Western wheel). ., •i l 1 , , r .» l,fn ! non ? r "c'ng scene, in "The V»n- JttLiA St. Clair, formerly with the City " c :' ,, i* c, ' n ' will be presented at the Meiro- Sports Co.. has signed for next season with P" 1 '' Theatre, In Berlin, on Sept. I. ns a part Weber A Bush, to do n skitorlal donee. of a^new musical revfew. The details of the slclans. tils numbers were well selected, and bis lending Is done with 50 mnnv little pe- culiarities of gesture, all Intentionally funny, that the Ml made wns of large projiorlIons Court, of Limn," namely, ."The- Mountain Torrent." and "The Dragon's tlorge." Luna litis altogether sis rides. The others are •Tins Bed Mill," "The Scenic Hallway," 'The (.•hutes." and '"The Miniature Hall- way." "Newsboys' Bay" will occur Aug. !), Ile,° Mflrt • I'Vnnklyii: Sunle , Fe Jim, Luke Johnson; t'orpni-nl MrCu'no. John Lyons; Sandy. Hen M. itlroux; Dolores, Leila Da- vis: Sylvia, Mabel I'lslelle; Ginger, I'llhel DAvIs: Free/.<>-l)ni Mnry, Marlon Walker; Jiirl; rilaniotid, Severln |>n De.vn. lixeiaitlve siaff.:-.Fred W. Kusey, manager; George A. Florida, agent: Severln De Iieyu, stngo di- rector; Marl Fronklyn, eorjiehter: Win. I'litk, tleeirlcliin : Jitpiea Klrliy, properly 'intister. Next week, "The Outlaw's Christmas." , A'^liirln 'lliriiire ill,,,, 11 l|iiuiniei'>feln, nlaiifigei f i.--Kjislnexs here eoiiliiineK to be -tip tp the islapdfird, and Hie most prosperous Summer season lit Ihe history of litis popular resort Is now nt. Us very height. SheklA. flu- Hindoo conjurer, assisted by Ills wlfi". ls'gan Ills second week Monday. July VO. with the liitt'odiicllon of a sei'les itf neH*fenlH nf mys- lltlenlloii that imzzled the Vlcfiiria patrons even more than did those of the previous were given 11 hearty welcome by their manv trained leopards and Mr. Gnlllnrd nnd his week. In his line .of llernimniicv. Slteitln is ndinb'ers liere; McCarthy, Sullivan nnd com- 'rohpe of performing llon» continue. In the a marvel, and Is destined to create a sensa- pnny. In an amusing skit entitled "Perddlous nienngerle Consul, a trained i-hnntpnnzee, np- (lon In this country. Fougere, In her chnn- Petticoats." srored ninny laughs and much P" 1 ™. snnettes,'began the third of her (Our weeks' of Ihe "big noise." Others gaining their steeplechase. —This resort was practlcal- ougagemei|l here, 20. Cits Edwards' School full allure of favor wqrc: Dawson, Mack nod W 'Irstroyed hy a lire which swept II on Bays andGlrls. In their comedy musical act. company, Harry Bolter and company, Annie Sunday morning. July 28. Further mention IUtkh Tmo, musical performers, will put {-fiftan presentation have, licen arranged 1,1 on a new act next season on the Klaw Sc Kr- Llehler & Co. and II. llarlnelll. lunger clrntlt. J '»!. n ^!'F v . ,rr will art as business mann- TBu Mu.LERsmp Rosters, singers and f* r "'™ r 9,ttv c '\k* M «<*'a "The.-Girl fmm dancers, have Signed with Wm. B. Watson's Broadway <a. the coming Reason. The at- Biirlesqiier's. B will be Ibelr seisind season ! Hl .V l .' )n wl " *' nrr >' **''/ poopl'' and a ear with'fho alibvc attraction. '«"} °f seenery.- : J. K. Hawlkv. Hebrew comedian, has Miss Bii.i.h: BritKE. who Is 10 be lending signed with :W£bcr k Bush's Dainty Duchess woman tor John Draw, will arrive from Jjin- (Knstern wheel) for next season. don this week. • . Dixibla.no Park at Jnetionvllle, Fla., is .Nkua.sceme.nth wrjir. coxci.pnen last week . In (heir comedy musical act. company, Harry Bolt and the Four Fnrd.i, In one of the cleverest; Bernstein, Mr. nnd .Mrs. Dirk Triicr the dnnclng nets witnessed In'Ibis deende. began Karrell Brothers. Nat S. Jerome, iheCres- ihelr last week here on Monday. The Jug- cent Trio. Carroll nnd Clarke, and the Karl gins Burkes,' In an entertaining art, remain Sisters. The motion pictures continued mini her. tveek. and other exrellrnt bold over : FnKVOi.f, after plnvlng a number of parks Christian Pilgrim," William Ftirst, ihe iuii- throngh'Ohio nmi Indiana, has returned ahme »" : 'aa, andTyrone Power, her leading man. for a few wteks'. rest, previous to opening 5 re tJanada : W. T. C'arleton Is on Ibe With Hie Murray arid Mackey Stock Co. iRast- ™ Kvr J * rii *Y const: Addison J'Kt Is nt New- em 1. al Wllkes^Barre, Pa.. Aug. 12, for a Pprt. Bdwnrd- Fuckey Is In Denver, Bertha •forty.weeks' engagement as ah extra feature. Harmon, .the soprano, Is In New York Slate. Wood Bros., gymnasts, have signed for " n<1 A,lss Crosmnn Is .In New York City, next season with Miner's Americans (West, working and inking only orrnslonnl trips nut ern wheel). 1 > . o[ ((nvJU Howi land Al, FiKi.ns, of Fields and Ward, and Ram Minsi. Rkura. singing romellenne. will ap iwe. of the Itlnllo Uonntlers, sail from Kng- W M Henderson's Theatre, Coney Islnnd, id for America, on July 31. ■ • new act, week of Aug. 0. of Hie disaster will be found. In another coin inn: ' ilKNDEnsnx'K.— Hill week of July 20: .Amerlcnn l<adles - rjiitu-iclle, McMsIt ami Pen- Kltalutnzai iM r, Mift 1 WiM.UM;llAfcw/riNis r "ha«1 "been engaged to ItsttEiwuiA Sibtkrs arc playing Utissia the Baton 5 ,n *' '^° ";? Ie of , ^"'nc. a law-yeF. Tn ihe nt , h,s present.writing Throe Motor ««rnmfitlKa tlou of "The nottse of a Thousand , Mn. Jahx, of Marlnelli's Paris office, will inrco Jiotni candles.; join the New York office ns foreign corre- mil lingers 1.—This bouse opened" (lie season' maiie in lilg'iiii." ifn'r'tmlintYdn' o'f"Anna"ileid Manhattax Beach.— ''Sheridan's Hide" Is niit.mwrW last Rea80n '» "A sp ^* nt i„ ,. „ „ July 27. with i.'red Harvey its business mnnii- was wonderfully good a id was npp"audes P»* «« finished as It has been found possible ?Zr the cnmbT^SS Jro„ en 8 8 8 ed , to Jt - "'S SSPS^S SS^ES ? pe 5 ,hPl . r „ F "- get. .."A Bnce Acrnstt Hie Conllnenl" opened heartily. She also Imitated wIHi great ciei"". tn "«*• «• Serrral chauses htuve been mnde K,,,- s ^ SOn ln R< « cr8 «rolhars ro 'Y fl " ,0Br ? f Prague, Austria, Sept. 1(1. Io get more massive groupings. The pvro- i„,,! Tvev,,... 1 .. _. HSr , XKB . Av ? Dwxcttr. Kino Jiavn terhnlr illsplnv Is altered each night. «iffl'V u C nl 5- w ?' . w . l, ° Jt ,,!, „ b,> ' , n ™ntralto s nrled rehearsals for ihe new Shnhert mil- llniffHToN llEAfii Park.— "foi Baneh," JSTS.S! 5£liJfftJPfi5S , '«3KS!* CI, J'- "'''A 1 i <1,nM k r fnr ,n * Caiino - Mliler Bros' WIUlNVest Show, new to the EasV, £g,«ffi, B n fl ,!!l ISLflt*!??!^! «_»" A.SSS*? fe^' 8 ,'..««»« ' opened In the Brighton Beach Arena, M big business, which wns diiplfcatc.l ness Vesta Victoria', Kvn Taiignav'FtidleFoV itondny. 2li. It Is a conventional melodinina, and Mat lie Williams. . with a scene laid In the Klondike. A canoe race, ending In the resrtie of the girl from Hie Bn.il. Is our of ihe features. The ef- forts of Hie vlllnln to secure the girl's money . In din Rnst are' successfully friiairnted, uuil bis downfall is complete nt; Ihe llnlsh. The cast : Rector Kayard. Jiiines Heonan; Tom Diirrol. ('buries J. Wilson: Paildy Biitk, Wllll.-ini It. Ilenly: The Frisco Kid. Max Schrnde: William (.'riipe, CliHrles l>. Dun- t'urtli, I'lHTord Wilson, (leorgn W. Park; Bene Duval. Louis De Lncey'; Bill Casey, IK'It tlinrlfnr'th: Klondike Jim. Mnrry G. tiotild: Shifty Smith. Stnhly Irving; Hubert Hudson, John Ward; Hanks Potts, Karl Ilut filings : 'lied I'.enry, John McDowell: Carey, Charles Whitman: Poilremnn, Fred Win son; Dawson. John Wills; Sylvia Crane, Ktlythe Itowiind; Blnniiy, llenrletla Tedro; ..Mrs. lliiiiniiinch, Minnie Sharp; Tlllv, Hose Bcrgere; Huns. Charles WIIhuii ; Ilenrlcb, i'retl Potts; Louie. Charles Lehman; Gret- rhen, Mary Schultxc; Llrs/.cheii, Minnie Stluc: Kntirlnn, Sprnh Trlxle. The piny la controlled by A. If. Woods. Hnrrv K Wlns- mnn hi 11111 linger; Johu A. Lnwri-nce, busi- ness mummer: c. L. liaiifiirlb. Mlage iiinna- «er; (!. W. Park, nsslslniil stage manager: J. A. Cotm, stage carpenter; Chnrles AVhlte, elertt'lclltti Atluiille Gnrden (W. Kramer's Sons, mnn.igers).-—Leo Stevens nnd Lillian Keelev, novel coined}' net; Jas. U. Dixon, chnracte reasnrer nt Ihs ciiiiiedinii ; Decs mid Dees, colored entertain- ,,nT ' Jlll >' 27 - A big crowd was on bantl ers; Dale nnd Itnssl, Dutch comedians; Itotn Bnsch. soprano singer, and new moving ale- tnres are the alttactlons for this week. Savoy Thentre (Frank .McKee, mnnn- ger).— "The Man of the I loin" began, July 30. Its tblrly-lirih wtt* K ' y Aerial (SnrileiiM (Klaw & I'irlanger, man- agerH).—Ceo. Al. Cohan. In "The Honeviiionn- ers," entered bis ninth week on Mondny even- ing. July 2i). Houses closed i..\sfor, Academy of Music "long behind the procession Belnsco, llljou, Broadway. Criterion, " Ktnplre, Fourteenth Street, Derrick Grand 0|>ern House. Hudson, Hockc liodrome. Irving Place, Knickerbocker erly, Lyric, Lyceum. Lincoln Square Madl- men : aa episode of mub; riding by the clown sifnr- ?'"' S?ft m,,s J. c l md,>r • lc *» d « Retake, 'fm Alhitnibrn Theatre for two weeks, left Tor .1. n"d fc.^ft.SaLSa **° S" Pm >n «m- ffi ^"""'J 0 '' "«"<t«y. tor- 1 1 tw weeks' rest. of tbo r?^^ P f^A?*^2ff^& ^- „ iS»^?.!>L k .W'tJl ? ,Gothnm Theatre, Brook- the various exhibitions characteristic 01 ranch and Western lite of the early days were niloer hT'>k!^L2tS HP2 wlth '^h** F - \ yD ;?' hc 'J l Ibe sensqn opens. Barry Nrlme-.. liberally applauded. Following the ossein- SSSSf' ,f> n,a> ,mnfr nfs nianagement next having .tWurned from his rest, will ngnln ba lily, Fjiowlng Hie entire eompniiy. each sep.it- r-.Ti.;., i. lo -.^, .„„ „ „ '.a Ihe box ofllre at the Alhitmhra. , SJ_ _ ,_.. nur_ rAacATiir. a aid M.\nai) Maitlano ' Mas. A. L. Kuiaxori: -will preside over flold day exercises to ho given at Ihe Polii J.rounds on Aug. .". for the benefit of ihe Home for Destitute Crippled Children. there will be games between theatrical ntan- ^^SViZm-fmimSStrSSk-tlm ^net" a g?r.s nctors an<1 raccs by ,hc ' Tm Caiv,5 Dix will manage Jesse Lasky's as Mght on a Houseboat," which will play the ery vaudeville houses. io office Vtnlf L n f"y!, , '„i. rB 3 n T Zat J on ' • UBW-NP Austin, the dancing girls, have a eenernl asslstnn? ****** k j0rdnn ' ?&<* ^"J 3 . es * Burns' CasInS Girls Co. as,genernl_as*lstnnt (Eastern wheeTrfofnext seMon.' son ■Sntiare, Majestic, New Amsterdam, New nn exhibition' of the round up, tying nnd ■ JESStXiESm a«, i.^ r t- „ J.ork Star. Tb Ird Avenue, Wtillnck's. Welti's, branding steers, ending with, the riding „Fm2w t£EESiu%tofwmt!£3^2&! , Mart ' ftiSCIS Bo*i-B will appear the com- Torkrllto, K.-lih * Proctor's Flfty^lghth ■< jS^mdUm steers; display of skill In *£ "$\, D T . f h " r fJ« «'"» lams' Ideals Ing season with FTancla Wilson, ln "When f of tho "lioys" showing un- "i„i» p ".lSS»" _.:£.i..5i at -P5 r ^ . w . ltn . some of Knlght9 Were Bold." K.I1I1 Vere Bold." inn 1 , i.uiiutin, .inner s jtow- ■ as in , .;-_. „ r ,„^ 1 vj' ir""li,'"",,""*~ ' . t i2 c,s ■■MttmL manager ln charge erj-aml Hubers Museum. fancy work, on foot and on horseback; ?ie "Finor WntW Jo£ t Un e , oII ° e ,? t,t *? ? f Tanner A Co., booking agents, Is rcjofe- II..I>1»>)....,!. Month nencli.—This week Khar|ishootlng by Miss Texana and Alias « Jclal see ,Jrv nnrt ^i?° Customer," with ing ovqr the birth of a grandson, will Is- an eventful one at this resort. A Carpenter, who seldom missed their mark 922!' "JF* u . er L"" d f „?£f r ct8 -,showing the In- JOft* OniBVES will manage the Merry , carnival of the school children of Greater while shooting at all sorts of distances and •li'lclim; James Foley, master of proper- New Vork takea place Thursdnv, Aug. 1. On ln various positions; cowboy Justice, show- lies: lleni. Klrby, master of transportation. Tuesday and Wednesday the Urm ot Bloom- > a fi the method of dragging a horse thief .Next week, -Convict !>ll!>." lngdnlc Brothers will hold two out lugs here, wl| o had killed a (mar and stolon Ills St. Ali-lmliin (inrileii (Geo. A. Illiunen- "»> H'»l for lite women and the second for mount: high school riding by a lady mounted nl- • <>' ihe ocnsloii MiiiIIhoii Siiiinre Boot Unrilen.—"The Maid anil the Millionaire" began, July SB, It* sixth' week. Mm o 1,0 Mo 0 'then (re.—Shepiird's mov- ing nicilives continue a popular fenliire at this bouse 10 good niiendnnce. .Inrdlii de Pnrlti (F. Zlecfeld Jr.. mnu- ager).—"The Follies of IR07" Is now in Its fouttb week. company for two seasons, was _. rleil on Jnlv 24, ^o Dr. Thomns ft ■MePahe. of JSewnrk. X. J., In Hie Church ot the panlltt Fathers, .Vow York City. llnSTwr WutdltT. an English comedian, who Is in appear ngn|n this sensnn under Ihe management of Charles Frohman, arrived hero from Trfmdon laflt week. --= "« i» ' In Palnesvllle, O. He will leave"there'for k Fl,i '"t Mn^ov curt the De Long Sister? New York about Aug. 7. Ior h .? T .' signed for the coming reason with B. C. '. Whitney's "Mff I Ps# 11 pSuf!! r Co.