The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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AUGUST $. TiBDE BTHJW YOBK OLIBPEB. 645 GOLDEN O.VIK GLE J,XI5i«s, | Special DlwHQh «<J Thk tjuw .irpjuj. Cui-tlb. Saw .JyuAJtcxsca, : July 80.^-At the Van Ness, this Is the second und last week of i-Irra Kendall und cutnpuuy, In "Swell Ele- gant Jones." ■, • •' GnfATER NOVKI.TV.— Monday. .Inly 1"J. marked the opening of the second week of. the siieclal season of melodrama, with "Side- walks of New 1'ork" as the opening bill. Davis'. —Darrell Vinton l» In his third week. "Monte Crlsto" Is the current hill. CiiNtiUL.—"The Millionaire Detective" tula week. AMF.BiciN'.—This bouae closes this week, until September. Nsw Alcazah. —Fourth week of special engagement of Herbert Kelcey and Effle Shannon. "The Idler" la the hill. •' Colonial. —This house opened last Satur- day cvenlngi 'or a week, with a vaudevlllo tomblaailon. . • OnrilEUH.—Bill for the week opening Sun- day. 28: The Musical Byrons, World and Kingston. Seymour und Hill. Lea Jurdy, Roberts. Hayes and Holier ts, Nelll and Chap- uian. the Stunning Grenadiers, Gaston and Green, und the klnodrome. Chutes. —Moving pictures and Illustrated sotjgs. ' 'Notes. —Store lltigatlou has befallen the Salt l>'ranc.laco Theatrical Managers' Asso- clutlou. .which recently lost Its suit for au Injunction to restrain the police from Inter- fering Willi tile performances ut the Globe TBeWre, on Mission Street, between Tweuty- Ifllnl Mid Twenty-fourth Streets. Uuucr's Law and Collecting Agency has utluchcU the theatre's properly in the sum of $2,184. to ■ over u claim of the [.alley Co., plumbers and steam fitters, for work done and sup- nlles furnished In lilting up the theatre, upon which the grand jury and the police have set -their ban. Suit for judgment In this amount has been brought lu the Superior Court." Peterson. Nelson & Co. have also sued the same theatre on mechanics' Hens. for $1.88(1.84 for work done lu excavating for the. building's foundation. - - ' • »» • » SllflW YtlllK STATE. Buffalo.—At the Star (P. C Cornell, manager) the Bonstclle Stock Co., lu "Wheu We-were Twenty-One,"- week of July 29. "Lady ' Huntwdrth's Experiment," Ang. 4 and week.. "Her Own Way" drew nicely last week. Mam (J. Luugblln. manager).—The Will- iam Farniiui Co., in "YlrglnW' this week. "The'Three Musketeers" next week. "Monte Crlsto" bad continuous 3.' It. O. business lust week. Shea's. — Curreut attractions iucludc: Henry E. Dlxey & Co., In "David Gnrrlck;" Sears, O Huna Sun A Co.. in "The Geisha's Dream;" Joe Demming, McConhell Sisters, Hlbbert and Warren, Mile. Martha und the Ainerlcus Comedy Four. Uu-avi: nt (C. M. Bugg, nianagcrV.—The French Folly Co. week of 2U. Butterfly Hurlesqucrs next week. Academy (P. t*. Cornell, muuager).—The regulur season opened 211 with "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model." The house has been repainted and makes u pleasing appearance, both inside and nut. Luna Park (It. 11. MucBrootu, manner 1. -"-Webb's trained seals. Bell and Washburn, the Boldens. Bell Brandon. Mile. DeLoru, together with the many outside features, continued to draw big crowds. Notes Julius McVlcker, owlug to III- liess, has resigned from the Bonstclle Stock Co., and is replaced by Paul McAllister The Linn Museum Bulldlug has beeu purchased by a local real estate operator. .Hue-beater.—At the Baker (Mrs. T. J. Boyle, manager) "No Wedding Bells for Her" was-well put on by thu stock last week, attendance being very large. "Nevada" week of July 29. ' • '■ GiiLATCit Ontario Beach Pabk (H. L Messmore, manager).—Crowds at this resort are dally increasing In size. The Three Er- nesto Sisters, the Eight Plcchlanis. and the Sixty-fifth Iteglment Band 20 and week. Glen Haves'- PakK (B. K Wilson, mana- ger).—Business at this resort still remains extremely large. Nublno. O'Neill and Vera, Luce and Luce, the Marvelous Mile. I/a Toscu, Hammond and Forrester, und Madeline Itui- dette, week of 2!». Notes. —Manager M. K, Woltf. of the Ly- ceum Theatre, accompanied by his wife, loft' -".Tor \MI0wst611e Turk, for u vacation of three weeks Max Hurllg,. fur four sea- sons • business manager of the National The- atre, and personal representative- In Uuches- lo'r of Hurtlg & Scautoii. will leavu Iluchester for Daytoh, O., where he Is to be managing partner of the new vaudeville house which the Hurtlg Bros, own In thul city, und which will- play. the Keith $ proctor attractions. Mr. llurtlg's probable successor will be Frank I'iirry; well known locally, who last season was on the road with one of Hurtlg & Sea- man's attractions. Mr. Hurtlg has made many friends during his stay here, and ho goes with numerous wishes for success In his nea- Held .Leon Morris, the celebrated animal trainer, suffered a severe loss hnru during the pust week, when "Cuffy," his fa- mous clown bear. died. The animal was left here late lu the season on account of Illness, while Morris" act was playing Cook's. Mica.—At the Majestic (E. L. Koneke, resident manager) the stock company gave "-V Iatdv of Quality" and "Grausturk" to packed' houses past week. This week they present " In the Palace or the Kin-, und "No Wedding Bells for Her." OitpinxM (E. la, Koneke, resident nv.inn- ger).—The pictures drew big uttendunro lusl week. Ice cream Is served ott Saturday to thu patrons. , KuMHirr Peak (T. W. Baker, muuager).— The Malvern -troupe 11 nd Burton, Hughes nail llurtuu. were feat tires last week. Musical tjuuriettc, rtyun's orelicstia, and the mov- ing pictures week of 2». * Utica I'aiik (Kruin & Douoboe, iliaun- gers);— Itutli's orchestra tuul the uuiusetnenls coutluue to draw good uttcudnncc. Forknt Pabk (Ed Uussell, .manager).— I'hls resort Is enjoying good business and lust week's features will remain over. Note. —Manager E. I,. Koneke Is ut Mlddletowu, N. Y„ looking uflyr thu open- ing of the new BIJou 'Theatre. Thu bill for the present will Include moving pictures and songs. Vaudeville will be added later. . _ « . . ' \ . . Jamestown.— At Hie Celorou I J. J. Waters, manager), for the week of July 22, the following -appeared :' Welch, Mealy and Montrose. Marv llupoiit and company, lu the sketch, "Left at the Post:" the Slnglug Four, llado uml lleHuuiu, In "The New Girl," •ind Clark and Bradley Work on tuo Samuels Is bolug '■■ rushed for tha opening In September...'. i "Edward T. Connelly Is prov- ing to be flic biggest favorite the park ever had. HHml.unitoii At Rosa Park (J. P. VS. Clark, manager) (Juv's Novelty Minstrels had good-business July 22-27. : . . «> . » - DISTRICT (IF COLUMBIA. 'WaHhiiiiftuu.—At the New Nallouul (W. «., Huplev. manageri (his week", the Aburu Suiutner Opera Co., In "Wang." Last week. "Fin Ilia volo" was Well rendered, to crowded bouses. ."Pollv Harden" week of Aug. 5. BrUkVd'tL. Stoddard Taylor, manager 1. —«Tlils ivti-k life lie'asco' Stuck- Co.. bended by Charlotte Walker. In "'Attn.'' This Is Miss Walker - * first appearance in this role. Last week. "A Bnnch of Violets" received high eotnmeudatlon add capacity patronage. _ IAciU'M (Eugene Keruan, manager).-rTbia coxy theatre will reopen for tbo regular sea- son, "A«r. R. with Wliriam?.-' Imnnrwlv ... - ■ . T * • — „. Nt 5 Oayetv.— Washington's brand new ^ tV,r."-J H V""*-'. w1 !' "sr« A «V » .«.; *i*.* k ,,l !«TlfH S. (ioodfellow. mon- n»i.-. .77 W lla .r Tvsott ■"■ "" luimvnsc pattoiiagc contlnimlly. 'ITils week Herbert's Grenadier Guards Band holds over, and the r yweT Hh BWrtton will be featured with the uuffln-Kedcay Troupe of i-astlng gymnasts. Manawr UoodfeBow was the recipient of a ■"WUIlcent gold-headed caue as a token of S.S b3f hl * employees, the occasion being his thlrtythlrd blrthdav. fc Note.— Fred Meek this week assumes the management of the Aboni Summer Opera Co.. now playing at the New National. Mr. Meek will manage Anna Hold's company the coming season...... Manager Harry Itapley. oT the National, nccornpanled by his wife, leaves this week fpr Narrogansett Pier for a uiucli needed vacation. ■ ■ t'» ( ULORVUU. Ufii>(T.-,\t the Tabor Graud (Peter Mc- Courl, manager) the Either Oistra Co. did bile busiuess lust week, lu "The Idol's Eye." Meek of July 28, Ihe same company, In "Florodoru." Elituh's Garuex (Mary Ellteli I*ug. man- ager 1 — Last week the Bellows Stock Co. did H,°,' ,J ..kV1 ln . , ; ,<a ', 1 1 ""* r ° ,vu Way." Week of •Jw. Old Heidelberg." ' • Manhattan BhaVji (Larry Glffou. munii- geri.—"Baron Humbug" look well with big liousi^i last week. Week of 29, "Down ou the I'upe." I'lktis (I'ellou d Kuiuuer. managers).— 1'lrst balf of lust week, "^st Lyune." and i? u st .!' a V-, "Supho," did fulrly well.- Week of 28. "Adrift lu New York."- Ci:>stai, (Geo. Ira'Adams, manager).— flood business last week. Thetblll Included : Gus Williams. Futida. Dell and Fonda, Mon- arch Duo. Kennedy aud Vincent, Illustrated songs uml pictures; . " Novelty (8u|llvau & Consldlne, maim- gcrs).— Lust wit-k the bill Included: Archie Boyd ami nMtf, Bawls and Von Knur- nian. the Wyiini'woods, the TWo Cassettns, Nimoti .11.•! wi ...._ ■ _.i 1 . Sousu and Sloan, song and pictures. Tl'ILl.EBIES GABDENS ITulHerles Allltise. ■Mil Co.. managebi).—In the Alrdom'e last week the bill Included : U-w Minis, the Castro Sisters. Dantcs Brothers, Einlle, Geo. Irwin, Illustrated song and pictures.'' ■ Notes. —There h,as been opened up here, by Moore & 'Cfoaves, a Theatorluui on Six- teenth Street, directly across from the Tabor (•rand. E. II. Greaves, the manager, will he remembered as haying been with Vogel's Minstrels throughout the East. Moore & Greaves also have houses In Cheyenne und Larimle, Wyo. They are 10 cent houses, and at present moving picture shows arc given. It Is Ihe Intention of the manager to put on a number of acts later. Business with the Tbeatorlnm has been excellent. Mr. Greaves'states It b even better than was ex- pected at this season. . «'» ,.. >l ISS.U'MI SI71 IS. ftew Bedford. — At the' New Bedloi-d Theatre (W.'B. Cross,'manager) Lew Dock- slader's Minstrels. July 20. drew a large mi- dleni-e. John King and Nefl O'Brien were great fuvuriles. The most jKipular songs were ••Hull, Hull On." reudered by John Klug, und "Bother Nothing." by Nell O'Brien. Week of 211. Shepard's moving pictures. Vuudevillc: Ue Cbantal Twins, lu high class slugmg: the. Muxleys, colored sketch team: James Meelmit, In Illustrated songs. "The Time, the Place and the Girl" Aug. 2. Hath a way (T. B. Baylies, manager).— Week of July.2H, the Burrv & Burke Stock Co., lu "'Jess of the Bar Z." This hoiise draws large crowds dully, in spite of the wa rm .weather. SAVor (W. H. Sblne. manager).—Week of 21). moving pictures still prove attractive. The vaudeville features for this week tire: Sulllvuu apd Han^llton, lu Irish comedy, ami Henry Young, In refined dancing. Lincoln Pauk (I. W. Phelps, mauuger). —Week of 2*J, Donna Seymour Mimical Opera Co. presents "IMike uf Normandy." usslsted by the Florence Troupe of acrobats. '- — '. " 4 « » WEST VIRGINIA. WiivciiiiK. — At Wheeling Park (I'niDk J. Buker, general manager) the bill fur week ending July 27 gave much satisfaction, but owing to heavy rains the past week, busi- ness Was not up "to t'he standard. The hill for week of 28 includes: The Pour Ameri- can Trumpeters. Staplctuu and Chaue.v, the Wheeling Wheeloeks und the Great Snulell. • " <«» t NEiV JUH8EV. Jersey City.—At Keith .* Praetor's IP. ]ii(i'UN, manager!, week'of July 211: Julia Klngslcy and'Nelson Lewis, the Karrow Trio, Kclley und Kent. Mary Ann Brown, the Co- lonial Four, Four Stewart Sisters, and To- ledo and Price. • »» ■ - IlllODi: ISLAND. Newport. — At Shei-dy's Freebody Park (Chus. E. Cook, munager) wiaik of July 211: Berxur's Comedy Circus. "That" Cjuartelle, l.e Roy ami Woodford, May Mooney, Smith- Bowman Trio. Henry T. Wait, moving pic- tures and Bclleclalre Bros. Nkwimht Opera IIoiisk (Calm & Cross Co., managers 1.—OockHtuder's Minstrels draw well 20. ''Tlie Time, the Pluce and the Girl," Ang. 1. Death s itttbe Profcs$ion .. ■ ■ ■. :—i-rc— ij..- 1 • ■ ... ■ ■ ■ ' ■ -.' ' ■ • ■!■<■ !■ ■- .. ' Albert S. I'anper dh-d In Chicago on July IS. He was found dead In an alleyway near Hulsted and 'Adams Si reels. Without friends, the uuin who ut oue time played with Booth and Barrett, Joo Jefferson, Ada Gray, Clara .Morris and 11 host' of other slurs, was allocked with a hetnorrhuge, und • crawled Into the ulleyway, where hi: bled to death), Mr. Casper had been lu the euiploy of Ike E|K>-lelu for the pust twenty yeam us u porter In his saloon.- He played In Hie cast of "East Lynne." with Ada Gray as luu leiid- iug hull, aud ulno with Clura Morris uinl with Kute Claxtou In thu original production of "The Two Orphans." He starred lu u plav. called "The Prince of Egypt." After leaving tbe : stige Casper euibrai-euV the gospel, aud for 'a'number of years lircuehed at I ho old KIrkhind Mission on Canal St reel. Pre- vious la embracing reltglou he went to Eng- land, ni:d was made stakeholder lu the fuiaous light between lieeuan and Savers >u 18U2. w. H. Johnson, a widely known show- man aud a mason of high degree, this seusoa of'the'Foh-idiugh * Sells Brothers Showd, died ou Saturday evening, July 27, from In- juries sustained lu Merlden, Cvnn., on Thurs- day lust About midnight be wus standing near the main track ofllio New York, New Haven and Hartford Kullroud, and with h!m wus an employee, an Itullnn boy. Without warning a fust train rounded the curve wit morn tnau a tar lenglh away from the will. Johnson reached for the lad. and had just caught Ms arm when the train struck the boy. Both were thrown against the locomo- tive und: then Iturted aside. The boy. whose Idcutlly has uot becu established, died before his laxly eorthl'beuioved from Cue Iraefc. Mr. Johnson was uiiroiisi-loiis" and was ri'muTid to (lie Merlden i'Iij Hospital, where he diel. Mr. Jolili«ou «as' widely knoviu III Ihe'show world. He had been' lu the' concession busi- ness for a'score or more year's. Ho Is sur- vived by hU'roolher add rfster. who are now at White I'laeAn.' Michigan, to which, city the body will be sent and Interred. Jack' Hnanlaar.' late of the vaudeville tenm »f IVrdnii'.l Mauufti;',;dkil'oii.Ji!ly V'l. WMIUaa BMW (Billy) Dlaatin. a well known eornettlaL. died at the Episcopal lloi- pltal. PWIadMpMa, on July 24; ufter a short llini.'ss, due to a sii.niach complaint He was well knowu \m the theatrical profession by reason of-his connection with several of Iho Hoyt shows, tnclmllug "A Milk While Finn" and "A Black Sheep." He was also with lVter F. Uulley. tiurlng the past three years he played at Staucb's. Coney Islaud. lie was unmarried. „ uy \ | n ],| H nftlelh year. He wus a native of Englatid. coming of a musical family. Ills father, who wus also n resilient of Philadelphia, was during his time a noted cornettlst. The fuucrnl services took place July 20, from his stater's residence. Xo. Will Westmoreland, after which the body was con- veyed to the Chester Hills Cemetary, und cremated. H. C. Pearson, better known lu the pro- fession as Burt Pearson, died on Monday morning. July 2t). »t his home, .lllli Eighth Ave- nue. New York City, from pleui-o-pneiimonlu, aged llfty years, lie had been III for three weeks. Mr. Pearson wus advertising agent at Miner's Klghlh Avenue Theatre some years ago, and was in the employ of W. II. Waison for the past nine years. He managed thu Washington Society Girls for the past two seuKoiis. lie leaves a wife and throe cllll- a girl. Enle Pearson, woo goes out with Geo. Sidney the coining «>ason. Burton A-lnm-. dli-d.ln New Vork City, July 111, w 11 n-siilt of a |«iralytlr stroke, aged titty nine years. H|s last engiigcoieUt wits with 'Qiilncy Ailauis Sawyer." Fuiierol services nn held at WlMrrUillutti's iindCr- taklug esiiibllsliinciii; und he was burled lu the Aciurs' Fund plpl, Evergreens. c«*. win ». linys. Hoax writer. <ll«l at bis home In Louisville, Ky.. on Julv 20. from vertigo, aged seventy yenrs. Col.' Hays hud always clulined Ihe authorsblp of Die oHg- hntl words of "liliie." Ills most fuuidus song was "Molly Darling." Among his other songs were: "Kit'li In de Middle oh dc Itoad," "The Ohl I/ig Oahlii In Ihe l^ine," uhd "Signal Bells 111 S^u." .Hubert DiirnW. an old employee of Ihe Ityrop Spauu sihow. dleil from eousiiiuptlou. on JUly 2 lu Phltudeliihla, Ph.. aged thlrly- fottr years. He was'with the slmw lli'lug under canvas, and was under Ireiitmeul until June 22, when he had to be removed to the hospital. The remains were shipped to Dan- ville, III., for Interment. He Is survived by Ids fa Hum- a brother and one sister. t.'hns. WeliiH, ht one lime a well known tetior Ringer of Europe, died on July 211, lu the County poorhouse. Allcntown, l'u„ aged sevetity-nlne years, He' was horn In Ger- many, and sang in grand opera In the prin- cipal cities of'Eiirope. Kittle Crouch, some years ago well known on the comic opera stage, died Inst week In Ottawa. Can., from heart disease, following 11 slight surgical operation. She had been with Lllllun Ittmsell and Jefferson de Angells. Her name In private life was Mrs. A. M. Poller. »;. v. Mnriihy, connected with the stage for almost llfty years, died oil July 27, at Ills home lu T^ike lllun". III., lifter all illness of I wo years. ' He had been an acliir. ' play- wright, slage malinger, and song writer. 1 Mir- ing his «|i|gc career lie played wllli lalwiu and John Willies Booth. John McCullougli. Joseph Jefferson. IJrirrriee Han-ell. Kdwla Fo'rrext. W II. Cruih- and Maggie Mltt-hnl). • Helen Hnlli-j Tronlirldire. au actress, I'oiunil 1 led suicide at a hotel In I'lltsluirg, Pti.-.-duJuTj- tMI. -by cntllug bur lltmut with 11 riizor. She was thirty-live years' of agv, and was'recently connected with the People's Stock Co., In Chicago Luiirii It In ttitovs, nlneteeu years of age, said to be an actress, was found dead early oii tl!c mornPtg-'oV July 20. on the Cheyenne Bond, In IdlewIId, near Colorado Springs, Co). A bullet hole In her head and a hull dog revolver found near her point to suicide. Her riderless horse was found near -tlie body. Letters left hy Miss Matthews Indicate that she had been tilted hy some man, uud II Is believed that It was fur toot reason that she took her life. Johnu>- iiarrUun. private secretary ami representative of Antonio Publlloues, died on July 7, lu Havana, t.'ubu. His sister survives him. : rPMJMIiEfe tn order to avoid mistake* and to Iniurr the prnnipt tlellvery of the letters advertised lit this Hat, alt envelope plainly adilrenned most be iient for eaeh letter, and a written order (or the letter, nlitned with the fall inline nnd address ami the Hue of bnalueas follotverf by the tender, rattat also be, - Please ntvtitlon the date (or noiu- beri of the CI.IPPBH lu whleh tha tetters aent for tvete advertUed, .' Adurtis Uruce - Ailelyu Allyu. Amy Aden, l-'.lltc Alisthl Jlnrsnn't Alwii, IVady llliike. Sliirlmi lleiiiictt. Kvii Belle. Mrs. Hurry W. Uultcrilelil. Mrs. W«IUr H. Uiitrs. F.llr.d<-lli 11,y nut . VttllettO U.iMi. Klbel Brun-. .Iconic llrlllHSlt. M».v lh-et«' Kllwibelli il.jlliloll. Lottie :iHiinilne». . -Georgia St.- c«n«i'ev> Mrs. J. It. V. Cnlilwell Klnlivls Clurk. fl«>n:lii» Corlietl, Mutnl Oinlicus. Jenny Cllnse, Ullln Cnstle Catlii-rbie Casmiiioi. Mrs. W. C. Coiuliiey, lil« Ciimiibeil. Monu Cotton. IxiIh t.'ei-ll, Nvru Caltle-.ui, lr<-iie Ciirlls, Alli-e If, I'.irimy. I'ultl UesuMiiil. Ycm Bo Scbelle. Duroihy lie-inun it. t;tli.'I IK'Sti, Miss % lluhlel, Mhii-I liurrow, Jem Il'Vene.-, Nellie Hate. Kvelyu DiiveniKjrt Nelle Kgbcrt. Maynie Klltrootl. Flo KUnionil". .Mrs. Ixiulo llarle, Atlre K.iiaacrvit. I.u Vera Fern, Ln I'elile FhsMl. AlU-u I'leldiiiK I'nntlne 1'elte. llninia S. Frsser, Loulm* Kolluail, Mm- l'o\ Mrs. tslivln Pot, llalsy Fair. Prnrhi l-'cltc, Mlnt'i'Ti l-'artt'-ll, l.ij.-llle Frmikiiii rSurrlo Kniette. Mliinti Fair, Fh'iviiee Iltsh, Mr«. Mm Corileii Murgiivel Greaves, Mrs. W. II Graul, Vliulnlu Uoiilon & Itnj-et Missel i.\nu:s' list. (!«»!. Minnie '.Neville . Zi-liltii tliwn. Marvel V Nevada, May Hunter. J11II.1 O'N'cll. Kiuuiii Mill « N)-hin ii 11-turn Held, A nun Hayes, Kiuiim llnrte. th-liolie llowiml, Helen Itlllnn, Margie llnliic-. lira Hl.v^tus, Minnie jlornvr. Jennie llu'dm-ll. Hi -ue Hawk. Mlldie Joim, Mil Jelilll'ilis, Alhv Jackson, Itu'-iy .fnn-cli. Millie Johawii. Mrs, I'11 null King, Uftuv Kruiiu-i-. Maildle Lyoii-i. ltiisetle l.iililuuelie Mile. I Mills, 'fessle I.U 1'elir. Mrs, M. U iss-. Ihilly t.aailierl St Co.. Ijiiuni Lake, Sylvia t-ni-aliie. rllli.s-li l.liHlon Hlsiers 1.1 If mil Jnnvlle I.u mmlli lAttbc Ijsille. IbaJIrhM l.i-lii-, Mrs. II. Lewis, llalllr lA'ille. Floreucc l/'c. Irene I.mviL'iiie. Muile II Mrs. Hurry HsbiirBe, Nellie 1'iiutaer. Illanciie 1. l'iri|iKttc, tlllu Friiiiipoii. I.nini Pietyniau, i-Mlili I'opluta i)altley. HeleiiM liemoinlc. l.e.i Itehl Sisters Relit, Nelu Hnloml Mrs.J.T Itiiyninilil. lliMto lU'llly. Helen . UcMleldn lintel lloW'lie llertrllil!' Itnnklii Vlrglulii ft My, Mrs. Ed. IUj-iics. Mm. Jack ltnwlnni!. Amy Hnrillllle I.Uml C Slum-, itluilvs Sinltli. Mrs. K<1 Stunil, Kvn Sdiotey, MnlH-l Helupnaini. Miss R. Sinclair. Ihniel Ktyne, Msrjr Hlnniuhl ilraee .Slieimnl, II111I1 Hlllnrl. Muile Slilinvsbui-). M.lllle Thatcher. I.e Clulr, (iiTlle'Tayliir, Horn l.uligiloii Mnbel Trenilwcll. Adel. l.niilm. Jeni'oitc Tnlh'lie tiel-lle l.utia lie Smvnia. Thoniss Mrs. H. Millie. Tlmriiitlke Mabel Murphy ltlunclie Urabersvi-, Munllisy. I.llllnii Daisy M. Moure. Mity Viihlnre, Anna MeWade. 'May Vnriiey.' vlvluti Mnnstlelil Klennr Wyilu. Ih'iisle M. -Allen MIssM, WykiitT, Irian May, Miirinii.-l IVIIIlurm. bill Moriiii, I'miltne Wlmlsor llonitliy Moaror Klateae t Wiutuiid. Clura Mornlugaiar, >VtlllniiiM aMata Mrs. 1. II. Murlluett. Mis > Wiley, Until Montague. Warn tVitia(siiei< lle.lllli Wa id-la. Millie Meyer, Ihnilik' Weatiai. t'eeellii Sullen. Mrs. Juu Wiililoil', Kvelji. iirriiv. -Sl.lrmii Wlllaiil. Itlllu cii-iillli. Mabel M lllln in.. Martin. I'lssle .V Mr*. \V. II. - Al. Marllt- White. Tcmile Muel,. Mrs. Jno Walker. Milcliell Klslerr . »Iit. Frank Mi.nlainil. Wallllnaer Mlsi Motel II Wtillvsloiie, Mnyiiai-il. lltiieelyu Nevndn cYllliiril. Kills HcNally. Mrs. U'litelwll tarrls riiei-.-slln: Watts, l.lllil Miss 1 Yale, Mamie Cloiiw^laiift Big Fire; Uluae i^liteh Uratroya,. #|.r.tiu.noi» Worth' <.r Property, iucludltiK ' "|-ilj ou'o >lcc|.ler-lui»e Park, Kitriy 'on KUudiiy iimriilug, July 28; shortly a fie." 4 oVIocli. a llri-, wrtll'h slurled'lii the Cave of (he Winds. In Kioeplechasc Pars, swept some thll'ly-llve ncres clean Of build- ings, cinsed all |)Ut a corner of Steeplechase Park, swept ulong two blocks of Surf 'Avenue, skirled along two blocks of the Bowery, and destroyed everything from the Ilowerv back to the ocean front fur a couple of blocks. After burning most of Hteoplcihuse Purk, the flumes -went eastward, crossing Tllyou's Walk. Kensington Walk. OceaVilo ; Walk and Seaside Wulk. As the lire went It destroved Olson's Hotel. Young's llolel. Ferris' Hotel. Lent's 800,000 Hotel, the bathing pavilion and hotel of Arkelian llrothers. estimated to be worth SIIO.OOU : (loch's fltO.OOO'hotel and bathing pavilion; Kmruna's Italian reSlaurant, and uiuny'small business esiabllsbniciils. At Stitncli's ihe 'flumes ran against a fire- proof brick building. However, the wooden bulhiog' pavilion ut Ihe 'southern cud of Stint 1 -Irs pluce Wus destroyed. Then the wlud Iiiriu-d lownnl the North. so that the Hie made no further progress toward Orcuiuluud. l-lverylhlug to the east of Mtaueh's wus saved. Henderson's Thealre 11111I fesluurunt nlso cscpjiiil. ns did most of the buildings on the northern side of the llnwery. hill the lire cleaned evrrythliig off the wulnr front buck lu the west as fur lis Ihe Steeplechase pier. The area burned Is about thirty acres, und Hie origin of Iho lire Is userlbi-d lu 11 lighted flgnrelle thrown III a barrel of waste paper beueulh the Cave of Ihe Winds, la Steeplechase Pitrk. The Iosh Is given la nearly ?l.r»tiu.(juo. of which there Is very little covered, by lasuruiic'f. (ii'iirge ('. Tilybh. when asked as lo his losses, said that I key would reach Si. m hi. in mi. and (hat did not Include pruspetllve prollls. He itlrl not believe thai -llierc was ally- hi- surunce. as Ihe few policies held recently und expired. In- Ihopghl. Mr. T'llyoit, while (be prlnelpul owner of Sleeplecliitsc, Is' not the sole proprietor. There Is a corporation Including. Mr. Tll>oil. Mary Tilyou. rhlwurd J. Tllyoii, Theodore Kramer and James J. MrCiillugh. Four ncres of Mtwplirelnise I'urk were not burned over, and there arc- the remains of Mr. Tllyou's nttraclluiis, A strand of roiic depurated thai section from Ihe burned dis- trict on July 28. anil Mr. Tilyou had erected a slgti'lu ihe ruins which read: "Mr. tlcorge C. 'i'llyini. for 'Dear Old .Steeplechase.' wlghes lo thank the public for their good will and symiNithy In the imst and preseut." Steeplwlmse will, in all probahlllty. be re- built, but It Is loo early'to have tny dellnlte plugs ou that score announced. . "Tug lti\K," which made <iu|Ir a success with Nut Cisalwlti In Ihe title role Hotue years ugo, bus lieen lniuighl up' lo date aud will go ou lour Hie coming kVumoii, with a well known i-omi'dllin lu the title role, pldylng Hie prlnelpul oti'-ltlgUl sluitds.,Koiu.. ('Alii. llutniM. und dnit^h tcr, Wavtf.' uV>' speudlng two'Vveeh'a*' t'ltctlioli ut tlielr .Sumiuor coltuge, ut Chautuiujuu Lake, n. v." -.'■•-■ * KnuiN DALil Informs us that June 15 he closed his second season of forty-eight weeks with the Onmuii Stock Co..\uii, after a two weeks' rest at his home in Lynchburg, Ta., he tnlned tha ITcnni'dv Plav<*rn fAr the Hum- •u'-'t- . ;■ • : ' '. ' . S'usou OK.'VTLlJMt.N'S LIST- Ackemiuu. U. F t'lillim. Jus. Annoiid. led V. CYuke. Jltn Alexander tlmU'LIWIiluun, Win. Allen. Seurl & Couser's lion . . vinietli. Am Arnolds. Ureal u-mmor, .[«». J. Allof. Kd. iCorlf-j, II. Aagell's !Cyrtll. Ilerlwrt UuiHeiliiius'lwvliell. ,0iii. Ailiuas, 0. F. iKisliiiiiin l-'iiink Allen. Win. 8. Camou N. Wait Aldo. lusl Duller, CI111H. Austins. Urcnt Ifllxuii & l-'leldr Apdule's tKnimitetta. AnliimlH l^'ivis Aiiilersou. Hall ;Hove, Johnny Amor, Tims. IHlk-. .Jus. Aiihln, II. A. lUare, !•'. 11, Artlell A U-sllv ; ll«le. I'. A. Alius, lark jpewune, IM»H Aluieiisi'i, M. ; lHniidiue. I. II. Acker & Collins 1 [Mnwr] t Lea Alliinli. I Ui 11 He I .Isle. .1. (J. ArukI, Tnii Ui'iip. Karl Ainu, Michael 'Hurling. '.I. M. Alvart.' K.I1II0 Ithivls'F. K. AleillMillll. A. ipo Will, I.. J. AIIIhis, Mki. poivtilug Waller llfiuly, Mr. 'Uvoiiithil, The llraiull. Kdniu lie lMiiuiu lire-. Ileruord, Nut Ilium, Jus. A. UllIlkH, J.. 0. Hl-enli. MurcllH Hcntley, 11. t'ubeJi, J. II. Iimini, .luck lii|iiu, i.'iius. llohnie. Waller Hale, hub Vurbu, l.urvlo * Haniii.l. U, II, Lee liiuincll), .lus. Harrington bid Iniuiiunuiil. lieu. Ilro wn 4 Wilglil Ik-aililsh. K. F Illilwcll Clarence Ilrugilun OIliTord llenil, r,'-. Ituscll, In- Vere Trio Harms), 1. It. Ilin-llell. Al. I'.criKleJn, JcIT Iimtin- II. it. Jr. llyron, Hoyal Peiircl, Hilly linker. Uurl llrowuliig Arllir llilins Naiiiuiy In.v.l & V ii.l.i Itenluli. I: H. foe, (!. 11. Ilariou, '--'I. Horry. .1. K, Hriiiiu.'H'll, lh-au II. S. lll-UHII. t.'lllls.A ■rrqt. M. 1:. Itruan. Walter lllnlsull A Hunra Jus. II 1I.-1I1-. I.. W. Iliirlo. I'idille Hoiviiutri, L'rcil l-.rlMon. L, T. Hales Jos, Ii) tlie, J, V. ilbi.-k k Kllon Iturke. Frank I 1 Ijoivaiua. l'rcil HaraiMi, Al. Uiilziiin llerh.J.'druat, .K. ttixttr ha De Hutit, Hick laiuglui, C. I,. Iileklliana 11. AV Miuermui (i •" • •liiH'ga tlvei-ctle Kdilh: I'llheli. A. Ii' Fekstroai. Curl Fi-He. Walt. J. Field. .1. dloatv Fields, W.'ll. Fraser »lu<d;()u. Fllxifenilil tH111- Frank I in nl «l*.,\V Kerrey, av. |i- Fiiriiswurth, Hr. I'cntut. ,1'iliu T. I.'iair lfiniHT*irs uf Mualc I'en/, (jIHlla hnk. Ilert I'ukliio Jul) 'I'miiia' Fnslrlk, Ali'.x. Fllbrooks & Iteylioldi- Ferris. W. L. l-'iwy "I'rlu may '1 H'lclilH. »v. v., I'rnti.dill FIII|l|Hi l-'iiiilus. Felix Olsch k Hal" fkiajwlet Attoliili (Unas M-.-iiiiiiai. l.ordon. X. X. lirnw. II. M. (tiillnu, C. (jonloii Ii k Mae (hiss, Fenlliiuiiil Hoyd. V. H. Ilrhlw. Altnsl llaldlul, T. M. Hell 4 Henry CillhoUll. Win. Christ Inn, '.V. M i.'astelletie A 'hill CiiiiMI, W. 11. Curlwlt, Ik Coo|«'r, F. 0. Cuiael, Fhoer Cshdre. IPirry C/HHKir, thai, Co lei. II. ' Osdey. J. J. I'urduim, W. I'ollliis. tin.1 C/uIih:, l«ng A C-alne Connor' . la.. Charier. Fevd I'tnllio. Jt/U Cumerun, ntwri Oindon, I'r.lnJ. Chnam, linnls , IV.II.T. (ti-j. t.tllt' l>f>- ■ (lorilou AtnuiiM't Iliwuv, Jloruiaj luyely Quurlell (tenter/ SloekCo lile.y, II. II. lillhl, lieu. t!ei«,n, Uaa, \v, Uaibreiilli. Wulluce tllllelte. Ir.d (Jury. Joa. It. (les-iley lima. Ilurrls, Arthur Harris ANclsou llunioi. Allien lljirrls, noble- llilrrla *? V'liuslnui Hrazn, Topi Ilurrls. ,V. W. Il.lglll' iltell. rl IllWemi. Cliaa. Henry, J; J. Koran, Krldle HMly, Tim lly .top. Jul. llamlry Hcnnnn ll-irrli-oa. Hindi IM111 . I'.'Ue tluiiiiugs, Mm, Hill. 11. r. Han, lillly jioli. Jus. I-:. llailyn, Tom llolrali. Jos. tiarrler. Win. H Hum, ciuiH. A. Hunter, Huy latrla, l).' F. iiilli-r. S. lll|i|.uili-uiae Aiiiiueinciit t'o lllckinnli. S. <■■ ItnVeiis SloekUo Hurdler, Tom llolliiis. ■':■ M Harry I*. Iliii-rlk'uii. Jus. iliibtinrd, A. J. 1 luu tun. Ilea, Held. Wilbur Itiirrhigton Ii. .1 lluwiinl'4 l.i'ivl-t Hull.' Ilugeiie J. Ki.iiun & Jeuiney lllist'iii, Arthur Hawk, CIlrToi-il luihor, Itoiter Irving, Arlluu- Iron-, W. II. Irving Tliua. It. Ireland, Fri'd J. Ii.uuync, H. Jerrnun, .1. tl, Juekwm Andrew Jiiekwu, t). .lanksoii, J. I-:, .I011as.11 k Itenlfn.,-, Junea, (!. .iohnia. The JoIiiiniii. F/l, Jlteoba. J. Jliel-soli. I.'lnreiii'i- S Jupiter, t.'hiis. liarh'.iul. tli-eul Keiiaedy, Kil. lilliiidi.n, It. I,. Hill, J, W. I.'ciiin-ili .Ihimile lilblilc. Win. King. F. H. Hop|«', So( Kuoe. J. K Kuolunm Fruiik Kay. Fred Klt.-aanru Jap TrnuiH' Fennedy Fmlw, Kellh. tt H. Kelhnn, Iss' J. Knoll, II. II. Lynch, .1. w. 1^' Vunl. Win. S l.iiuitstiiiv, Al. Lu lleuuo Hurry la-wla. Arid. W I,initio tec .l.-lin Uaa'TMC Fis, (/awri'iioe. (I11I homier, llari.v liiinaio, Fnsl l.n Tier. Hurrv U.wls. Lu Mull I.UIIIOIlt, J. laiker. Hurrv l.iivlne, Arllnir l.mi rence. Kit. Merker, Curl Lftffrl, Fruiia l/oui;. C, 11. l.lTliigatoiio A Alidlsuu u>uiin«ia, jiiiiu l.lvlngnlon elms Luiubfl & ' Cu„ TI10 I.u t'curl. West ley Iav. I#wls F. I.uitreiv, Iter I Ismrle, Jus; ' lunrla, Ihoi Uo;d. Herbert Lenity, .Hurry Ee liVvre. V Jnliimlu Ue. Aliwrt J. i.onv Trio I/W-. Jus. I.u I'r.iinlell I.yen, fli... vt. Mickr Tllll M<i»iX.-':II.i. »l • Jit-1 "1)1 Mil ,\liniliy.-JetT \V. M«'. Arthur Miirslmll, lleiily Mnrslnill. Jaeti Mi-luliwli, W.T. Mis.i-. 'I'. M. MeWinle. I'M. ■ ■ Marlon ,V I lean .Mack. I Nek Mnsinter, Al. .Milter. Frt-I Mack, Julia Melville leltic .Mucin, S, J. Mi'DlIiIcI. J. I.. Mlells, Prof. Mastiui.' Harry Melville. Hairy Miirtuiiiih T. Mniuilug, John MeXell. ThtS, MallheiVM t Ashley Mim-lnlHl & i.elati Muyo ft Itmve Muscle). M. A Merrill. N. W. Mann. M. Murk Unix. Millsuilliilo J up Trotiis' Mljiino •liil' Troupe Miller, t'liiis. S. Mlll' I line MeWilllll-s. \\.' tlseui Mis-li 1. M.ill. Miller. Sum (!. Meeker, F. Melville, W. J. Mitchell, I lurry Murtluf. Hurry Millar, laiuls Jlelkel Chnvnee Mepird. l/'Wls Mcllin.h. Thus. .Mi-Chilli. U. Murtyime Hurry Muck. M'ni. A. Melrose - Troii|Ny .Meeker. Win. MIIIuu. .Im. May Jk Miles Newry. Jus. Neff, John Nebriisku Hill's , Wild Weal Nisslhuiii. Mddle Selss, V. I. Nash. J. >t, Newton A Ah 11 out Niisrlicr. Mutt Ni.l'tli Sonlli .V Dixie Noel. Joe Newell, Fred Nuubu Jap '"• 'I'roiipi' Noruuili. Hen Krrerkrr, ' N. T. 1 inti. Jus, iilani. Hurry Orvltlc k I'. 1111k tilr. Illns. F. I'aull. K Fatten « Flelelier I'llul. Hseiie I a I term mi. I'erti I'orlec. \V. Ltiuhr. Paul K. Plekcns, A, J. K'rtaoiV. llltUTt Pnlniitii. Hlni IVl.cliliei Urns. I'em k Wll.lin Heiky, K. L. Pun Aiiieiliiin Wet I'H 111 Co lloU-ltu. II. Ilussell, Fr>sl ftol'liisoii. I toy Itoiluo. Jis- Htusol. Ililrae.v Uosenthal, ' Harold Hrllly, It. M. IliKsell. Iltti-i-y iir Klu, A. tl. llots.rl« k Italaloti Itonie k Fcrgnsou rtomiiu. J, II. Itiiynioiiil, Cyril Kirn. J.MterHui Uyiio. Jack llellly. M. C. Itiiili. Win. liussi II. Phil rat F. W. Russell k Unvls Uk>e. Frank llluk-okil ■ .lap Ti\>ii|* lluuris. John JM«M|s. II. N. Klllllll'llllll I'b'IC ' Hull I, W. O. I ifiew. I.. Em, Ralph II. Itisii, this ltnyee, Jik- j Rwne. Harvey ' RidlArhl. It. S. ■Itullfoi-ll. II. IIImiI. Mr. iteeM-. 11. a Wiry, Win, F. ■atari*, curl Siiundei-suu CI.'. Slilpuinu, t'ti'is. Sulllvuu Jus. F. Slii'u. Mr'. Frank im.t! Frnuels II Suvllle, A, I..- Strickland. U laitom'un, A. Htnloa. II, II. "hay. A. II. cliiulilt, Mm. eker, law Bamy tjuurlette Stanley, l.e-.v Smith. H. W. Smith. Chin. Sulllvuu. C, M. Sullya. The r. ^eluieiTei-. Mat- tliew * Jessie Mtliililt. Kreitlt. Shlebla. .1. V. Hpuiiii, llj run Suiiuiyon. M. Hnnlliillll, Vrnf. Sullivan, J. I, Klsirt. tut. 0. S|in|ni J., U'lUe Smtlniolo Joi< Troup* Statu, J. II, .. Smith. Win. V- Shlnilto. K. - Saiuiili'i'suii. Ctuud Sldeuiil. A. H. Sharp. Hurry stirtuna. llob Skinner. Otis Sulilrau. Hurry Tucker, J, R ritouipkoii W." C. TaotTi'.: II. F. Tluuuser. Amly Taylor. Ilerbt A Tvnnyaon, Win. Tin nor. (Icu. II. Tftaiiwarl ' Jap Troupe rriil). Khiiri' Tesuler. Win.- Thornton, llkrry Tunujiy Pnt ' Wrry. llob CtiWrllti'fi Law l.'o.. Mgr. i;. S. l.iidb's' Mllllnry Hand Viigel. Henry Varuey. Kibnir Vonti'lhi * Mini Van A mien, if «, Vuss. VMM V. Vun Ness.' Wilson Vuljeall, Jeati Vaiiiii'silul, A. Veiluiurs, The Vai'lii k llurr W«l. lor,I Williams Perl It' Wllaull * Fl.vnu IVnlil, Joe WulKlit, tl. F. Wulsh. Hilly Wllllnuw Alfred IVililsou. Ilcil.l. West. W. I'.. WiiMtehl aUturk Wills. A. W. Williams, W. II MuMtr, Fri-I Wells. Hlllle WailUell. Fn»l W*Ins, Aiahvas Wilson. Kid Wlille. Kml It, Wjlotil. Ivl. Win-Ian. K.I. Wehh. C'lip. W001I. Jus. Wfslon, VTIlle Williams WOnlley, Itiili'h Wheeler. W. H. Wlvle. I'ral Wlllerd. Chus. Wlllluma Harry Worriill. Frwl Wnlers, Mirr. WTdleley. I line Welti, .lues VoattK. Hllle Swis-iit'y, I'.d. .(. Yuinaiiiuio tiros. Sawinhi Jim Viillli*-. I.. A. Tnui|S' Zoyiiirus. I'll" Sliritnhi'. The 1/nxi'll Charlie Shuiulek. Mary IZehlos •Sf ir^ax|P»s-- i ■ - - . ■ ..■■■. ,,.. ... ^-■jajaa- \V|lITi; HAT NIllllLKS.'llV Wl,,L .L'l'IKlkl till 'I'lmiKlay. July 'Jo. the White Hills held tlielr atmuul outing at I'liner Hark. Ilrooklyti, X. V. "Over I wo fiiuulreil iiiemliers. I heir wives, uiolhers, slklers nod sM'ecthearts pa 1 tletpiiled lu the affair, which was a big sue cess. The pulk was It'uclicd hy oue o'clock, i|llil, after, some rt-rresllilieuiH, the galues cuin- iiienccil, uml tile following were the wluntlis of Ihi'dlrtflleilt evltuts: • ' . ' Onb llt'NUUKli YaHHs Dash. Foil Mkm.- — Hlitti Leveen, winner; Ficil .(, llulley, second. • 'rwKNTV-FiVi; y-Vitiw Hash, fun laiiiks. — Cnmil.' Wells, w'lilheri Mrs. [Mill Mcl''nrliiud. scciilid, .•■:'..' ObSTAil.i; Itklt).--Fred J. Uulley, winner; Hlllll LllVl'i'll, scciilid, Sack ItAi-M.—AHnrry Khvlu Sjitek, wlnucr; ltillliti Aitsliii, sc'eiaiil. J'orATii Hack. --Mill Wuod, winner; John I'. Hill, seeolul. O'AT I/APIHS' llMIt:.- Mrs. Ilalley, m Inner Sirs, llescd, vi'i'ontl. Mr.s"s (ia'i'k. -Krintk llIII. wlituui'; Jiiiiii-h II. (■ofi|ii'r;-si!ci>iid. Hiim'IiiiII fiitlotvcd, after which nil builds look 11 dip lu Hie- briny' lo work up a good iippuilti: fur lluMexeelleiit shore dinner,-which wus served m sly n'eiuek. Aflur illiinur nil returned to XeA" York uud ;a Indies-'re- ception wus held ul Hie cltib rooms. Ths ladles were eiiletliiliii'd lu royal style by the illlTcitml Huts, and nl one o'clm-k ull sang the ciuhleui anil' voted Hull the Iluls had one greitl day. ' (Juests of liiiiini were: Mr. uud Mrs. Win. Morris, Sir. and Mrs. .ImUni Ii. Wells. Ladles preautit were: Klhel Allien, Lytlln Hurry, Mrs. F. .1. llulley, Mrs. Ilelph Austin, Mrs. Hurry Stanley, Mrs, Phil Mcl'inliiiid. Mrs, Ksmonde. -.Mrs. lingers. Mrs. Tinmen, Mrs, I Iosco, Mrs. Will era, Miss l-'reesu uml muiiy 01 he is; Al our weekly 'iiienlhig. which was ad- journed from Thursday In Sillliri|uy. on ue- ciliiit of ollllltg.' ive elected ninny new IIH'III- bei's and Inlllulcd a gixslly number of caiidl- tlulis who were on Hie ti lilting list. The ,11'lors' vilotiy -at AHuntlc City Is going lo give 11 hiiiliiiciic lo our w-iiiiliy big chief. II. C. Mllllge. this Siilui'dny, Aug. II. I'niil lliii'in s. while, playing Kellh & 1'roc- lor'H Union Siiinn'e Theiilri', liiat Week, muile Hit' Kills Itls home, and from his fill-in, ul Weirs, New llaiiipnhlre, u cur-lmid of nielolis arrived, hi cure of .Mr. C)itirclmll, whu served Iliein In our '-I'iuiI" dully. • •(,'iipl. lien, rtldelds emuc up from Hiitithold. L. I., lu tiMi'iid the outing, Jiinlc Met'rue left for Chicago Mundiiy, July -S. V,hen- he will he In stock nl Ihe lai Kulle Theatre fur Ihe coining season. He- fore leuvliig he wus presented with 11 luinil- siniii.- Iiillkc-up box, doimled by'.Win. Morris, us 11 lliki-ii 01' Hid great enleein In which In: Is lu-ld hy Ills bidllicr Hats, After the ludliV'Sviiiuiu-r 011 Tburaduy lust (ire. Hick Minify mis lak.-n III nnd cuiilliird lo his bell for u day. Wit are huppr lo suy, lioMi-Ver, Ihtntj was n cbiiign for tlie better, tinil Hick Is up and iirouinl. Ilt.'il l.cslh' Is going iu move lo Sluti-u iMluiid. He doesh'l. like living In .New Vork. Harry Kciine canceled Ids engiigi-iueiil hi Chli'ilgo In iii-ilm- iu utt'eiid 1 the ontlug. Our liiiiitlKoiimly' iippoini'Hl sleeping ruoias In the clubuoiiHe are well tilled ull tile lime. lire. Hutu -I'lhrllch has a ruoui the year 'ruiitid, Bti'tt' n'liy day 'can be found writing songs mid ulliei' fnnuvlaliis. Whut 11 difference III Ihe profession sliice the acutiisltlou of our liniiilsiuue ipiurters. Heretofore the groups Unit were visible on Fourteenth Street and elsewhere can be seen nightly ui the club. Ilro, Hum Hhlinun Is doing great work for H(«-order In Hun (''ruiiclacn. We are Inking In us ninny ini'tnbcrs ul the f'2~. Itilthilloii fen us nuder the old, Ilro, Joe Carroll bus gone buck In lloolh- wyo, I'll.. ,w(n<re he has a farm. Hob Hn'llcy i-oiuo tip froui SI. Jami-u lust witpk. Ill ull 'O.-rlollslH-sS, I lllkl- pleusiue III s 11-1 iug Hull Hio. Hugh Muck Int.-. Is-en (In- -atn..- uf uuiiiy ideuMilll liilluvutiolis dining hi, hlav at ihn' club iooiiih. if entry uiember toox Hie Interest Mu'gliy does, there would be 11-1 cilllse foe cnruplultil. tllll' pllll-l life ellll.l'l (a'l hecouillii; II popn- Inr rin-tor. IP-". Bvill|-.flh||i 11 IM'-.V "iiulu.'.' • ' . ' . ,:' .-, ' I.u-juuijIi kaht"