The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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rfc^:\k#3 ;■ .-■ 'm 618 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 3. «4j Hi I I j; *S ML '■?•;'*■".i•lift'--; ."-.. - *,} rang .ill ; III ■ -..'!■■ ■■<•*-'J-'t-^iVf i- ,r/.',■.:■ .-.v«lr. S .1 .•••■' - rMHulS'. I ; nil - r $ {■ |li i if nlf • ■•',nHvjM -V; i ■>'. M! . li.l-Jltili mm 5 J; 1 i J .•-'■ -'■. V" m 6 ' r ' -'■ •) F1 I 1 --4,7 sff-.- >■! Mm ■■■. ! •til ,. •• ;< ■" 'it ' ■ ^ A\. Ott tit |0ij> All Itdatieii Mint llctich In ftftt \jktkt 'J'hitn HMturdky l'rrrcdlmt Dale of Illllr, For SupplemcuMl Mit fWc Anotber Colomo. DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. Almrn Opera (MllUm & ttiirgcnt Atwro, iogr». ) — Wnsblnmon, It. C, 20, liiilrflnltp. Akorn Opcrn (Mlllon ft Hnrpwnt Alwru, in(rr«.)— Newark, N. J.. 21), indcflnlte. Atwrn Opera (Milton ft Hargent Almrn, ni»r».)— Albany, N. Y„ 'M, InOcilnlie. Aborli oiiera (Milton ft Sargent Atom, mgr«.)— Nl>w llaTCn, Coiui„ 20. Inilpllnlic. Alioni Opera (Milton ft Snrgrnt Atom, Ingrit.)— J.uwrpiiiT. MrifiN., 20, liiilohnlli-. AIUN> Stoek (B. I'. Altoe, ngr.)—t'ruTldence, It. 1..-M, Imlcmilte. , AriMil'H Comeillani) I J. II. Knlernou. mgr.) — Moohc .law, Hunk., t:nn., 20 Aug. B, IteiMVIng, Mltlu., 5l(i: Aytevwurtti Hloi'k (Artlitir 1. Aflcuwortli, mgr.)— tloljlli-lil. Ni'V.. 20, lmlclliilii'. Allen rtruck—-I'orllnhll, *Tn-:. 211; tnilenulte. AiiMvlme Htuek—Terre Iliinle, Iml., 2»-Xi>|il. 7. "At the Old Crusi! ItoailH" (AHIiur U, Ahl nuir.i—lliiliukeii, N. i., Ann. 1(1-14. "At Cripple Creek," K. J. Curnenter'H (Hurry A. Mnrriiy, innr.)—Colunibna, O., 27-111, Knytvn A iitt. l-:i. "An ArlKlotrallc Trninp." Kllniy ft Brlttmi'K, A— lUcllie, .Win.- Aug, I, Veliirmi », Kurt Alkln- -wiii II. wnuketiliu 7, JclTcrmii 8, ColUUIbua II, ( Pbrlua I". . . lluiiKtelle, Je«Hte (C. V. Lawrence, ingr.)—UufTnlu, N. Y., 20, Imlellnllc. HuhIoii Ideal Onern I I/In In I'atteniuii, mgr.)— Knnaat CHy. M».■aii-Svpi. 3. llonioii Ollero—Xetwk.- N, J.. 2»Aug. !l. llurgeM,' Karl (Kreil Ulllen, ragr.)— Heattle, Wash., ; 20-Aug. II. , IlHldwIn-MelTlltc (Waller 8. llaldwlu, mgr.)— • llnlluK, Tex.. 20. Imlelliille. llnrcumc. Myrtle (Kd. II. Brancb, mgr,)—loilay City. Midi.. 2D-Atig. .'I. llnrke Stuck I J. Frank Burke, mgr.)—Full Hirer, .Mass., 20, ludptlnlle. Hurry Htock (Mdgnr Barry, mgr.)—HlggluHrllle, Mi)., 20-Anu. 2. llruwii Stni-k (AldiTt llruwn, mgr.)—Milwaukee, Win., 20. Ilidetlulle. Ilurlim ikHiletllnim 4Hurry Ilurtiili, mgr.)—Unlwi- Imrg, III.. 20-Aug. 17. Brady Hlock (I). U. llHrtman, mgr.)—I.nke llruily Park, (».. 20, liulellnlle. Beeclier & Htunley'B (Waller I, McDonald, met'.) —Ilellerue, Ida., .'ll. Kelebmn Aug. I, llitlley 2, tlleiitiH 1-Vrr.v 11. Mouiiliiln lliiine R. Niiiiiim (I. llulxe 7. Caldwell 8. Ontario 0, I'nyiili- HI. Ilnrteii ft ttOIUOB Block—Luwrenccvllle, III., Aug. 4-10. Brynut Comedy (Sam Bryant, mgr.)—Hhlre Onkn. I'll., 81, Kllcabetk Aug. 1, Clalrton 2. r.,i,l Valley 8. Iliiiuke, Tlicimim 1'realou, and Ilia Hand—Clilciigu, III., 28-Aug. II. llbiker Stock (Maurice Hlnnford. nigr.)--~)VU<l- w-iKid, N. J., 211, InileOiiltv, llnker'n N. Y. Statu Band IW. II. Baker, leader) —Suruloga, N. Y., 20, liulellnlle. Italic Jlonnell I,ndle9' Orcliestra—Ibiltlmure, .Mil., 20, Inib'iliille. Iliiniln Itoaiui—SI. i.ihiIh. Mn.. 2tl, biikMlnlle. "lbiyn of Company II" (punlel r-'ruliiiuin, mgr.) —Cblcagu, ,111., 20. IndeUnlte. "llrewmer'B MIIIIoiib" (I'federlc 'Itiompauu, mgt.) —Cblciigo, 111., 20, liuleibiltiv "Brewater'a Mlllloua" (CborlcK l-'rubuian, liibr.) —London, Kng.. 20. IndeOnlle. "Iluriler Hem" (May ft Lanolin, nigra.)—Craftini, ,N. 11., 111. Heme Aug. 1-It. "llrggar Primal" Cqitra (Hurry U-avellv, mgr.)— Uklalioinii Cll.v. Oklu.. 20-Aug. 10. "Iliiiikcr'n CHIId" (Hurry MIihniiuii, mgr.)—Senecn. Kan., Aug. 2, It. Axlcll 0, (Ireenlenf ll, .laiueii- luwn 8, Jewell ll. "Ulg Hearted Jim." Kllnit ft (JiiMolo'a—Spring- field, ().. Aug. B. Colian. tieu. M. (Sum II. llnirlB. mgr.)—X. Y. CHy 211. ludellulle. Onlinilul Oiiera llliiidfunl MlIlH. ingr.i— SimihiHk.v. (I.. 20-Aug. 31. Curlla Mimical (Allen Curlla, mgr.)—Shreveporl, l.ii.. 20-Aug. 3. Cbiipiicll Wliiii-iluiiT Slnek (Hurry Cliilp|H>ll. mgr.) An IiImiii. Hun., 20-Aug. 3, lliiiiiillml. Mo., Cllllhe -I.lnll'1- I'lllhlilll'g. Kail., 20-Allg. 3, linle I«•!idenee 0-17. Conk Htuek (Curl W. Cook, mgr,)—Houlli lleiul. Iml., Mil Aii K . IP. Culler Slock IWnllnee It. Onller. mgr.)—Kli-b- iiiiniil. Iml.. 20-Aug. 3, Xenlll. II., .',11. I'lillilnlilii Slnek (l.iickelt ft llwyei, HfHi I — WiiHlilngtou, n. V.. 20, luiMlllte. Cblcagu Stock (CIiiib. II. ItiMMlvulii. niKC.)— Miigiiiu FAIIi', N. V., 20-Sept. I. Cbleligu Niuek. Wexii'i-ii (CluiH. II. IbixuKinii, mgr.) —, 30-Ht'ltl. I- I'lii-iln-s I'onii'ily IJiiuii-h Walter, mgr.)—Aber- ilnii. H. Oak., 2H. liulellnlle. . Cnrnill Comeily (lull Cart-nil. mgr.)—Clirion Forgo. Vii.. 30-AllK. 3. CVivIhgkHi Bill. t.'Hlleinlu'H lluli.i —KuiisiiK CHy, Mn.. 20, luik'fl- ulle. "ClioriH.UIrl'H I,nek In New York," A, II. WiiuiIh' lFred Fleck, lugr.l- N. Y. City Aug. 3-10. "Clibinlowli Clinllle," A. II. WooiIh' (Have IVia- uer, mgr.)—liiilliinnpolla, Intl., 20-31. "Ciiw-I'iiuolier." W. I". Mulln'a (Mum IJuytl, inur.l— Cblengu, III.. Mil. •innvlet OHO," A. II. Wuoda' (l^ula Kulr, mgr.) -'- lliintnn, Miihh., 27-Ailg. 3. "Child or the lleglmelit" (CIihh. K. lllnhey - Aiiiihc. Co.; mgr.)—I'lillndelphln, l'n., Aug. !i-|0, llcliinii- iiih'I'ii ITiinwr 0. U'ivl«, mgr.)—St. tmulx. Mb., 20, ludellulle. IJniiiineeli New Yolk Symphony Uicbeslia (Walter 11iiiiii-i>m-Ii, leuilell- t'bleiii.ii, III.. 211-Allg. 3. IN" I'ew-llurileile KliK-k (Tliiw. K. IN' Tew. mgr.l — C.rutlilniiu, Ky.. 20 Aug. 3, llarrodHliurg '• Hi. Diiiudierlv Sleek (I'll!lie ,lc lluliglierly. IngTH.)• — Miinpieili', Mich.. 20-Aug. il. 'MalilBllipie r. in. Uu Vellum, Vail, rlliH-k—Bnrlliiglun, VI., 20, lu- dellulle. Iii'iu, u, -»i tiuimily iltiiirrl LKiuiuivbI, uigr.)— liinii-, Ha., 20, llidennlte. Oil l.uceii llttlid—I'lllHburg. I'll.. 20. ImlaUillle. F.lwyu, Uirue Hiiilmiil, VI.. 20-Aug. il, Mhbllc- iNim 3-111. ICrwiKxl Slnek (II. .1, Fru-mul, mgr.)—Tlouema, l'n,. 2ii-:il. l-.lnlilre Slnek (Splli! ft XiiIIiiiiikiiii, lllgl-M.)—l'nivl- ileiui', It. I., 20. Imlellulte. KnglMi Htuek-— Milwaukee, Win., 20. Imlellnlte. Miner Stoek—Omiiha. Xebr,, 20, linlellnlte. 1-:I|,'II-'h HiiiiiI. ttlileiign. III,. 20, liulellnlle. "riiul of Hie Trull," l.lueolu ,1. Curter'a (W. V. Juekuou. mgr. I—Fori Wayne, linl., Aug. 0. "Kduu. the 1'ivlly TyiHtwrlter." A, Jl. M'ooiIb' i Ibiht. II. CuBlniau, mgr.l—I'lllaburg, I'u.. 20- Aug. 3. 1-Vy, Kiblle (Sum S. ft SluiUut, Int., MlgN.) —X. Y. City 20, liulellnlle. Friinkeallelil, Laura—Salt l.uki- Cll.v, II., 20, lu- dellulle. Fuvnimi SliH'k (Wm. Fnriniiii, mgr.)—llutlalu, N. Y„ 20, liulelllille. l-'enberg Slock (Civ. M. Fciiborg, mgr.)—An- giiBla, Me , 21). liulellnlle. FerrlB Stock (l)lck FerrlB, mgr.)— MIiiuIiiimiIIh, MIiiii., 20. liulellnlle. Full. >ii Sleek (,l. Fiillun, mgr.)—l.lueolu, Neb., 20, liiiletlnlte. F'lBber Opei'n—-IXilver, Colo., 28, liiiletlnlte. "l-'aBelaalliiB Flora" tSiun S. ft Shubwi, Inc.. nigra.)—X. Y. City, 21). liulelllille. "Funny Mr. IJouley" (I.u Keuu' ft Lee, nigru.l— .Minunle. Out.. Can., 31. ''Fighting amine"— XiiitIi-Iiiuii. l'n.. Aug. 10. tibiBer. ViniKlinn, Stock—Colmubua, O.. 20, ludell- ulle. Hllniurr'B I'luyerB (KnuMtta J. Ollmoi-e, mgr.)— llillehliiwiii. Kail., 28-Allg. 10. firulinme. KordliiHiid—Xewark. X. J.. 20-Aug. 3. tiny Slock (0. W. Mercer, mgr.)—Angola, iml., 20-Alllf. 3. tlllek-ltobertB Stuck (II. T. Ullck, mgr.)—Van Werl. Dm 20-Aug. 3. tlllmey ft Wllwin (Waller J. Wllxon. mgr.l—Ar- kun-iiB City, Hon.. 20-Aug. 3. Wlnlleld .'17, Ollmiiur ft La Tour Stuck—lluulidule, l'n.. 20- Aim. 3. "tliwn Illiil" lAilnlplie Mayer, ulgr.)—Boston, MtM,, 20, Imlellnlte. "lirent Kvpiws llobbery," A, II, Woods' (Uert llownrd. mgr.l -I'lillmlebdilu, I'u., Aug. 3-10. •■limit Knsleru Wilrbl," Kllml ft lliiitwdifa (Jliliu Heruem, mgr.) -SI. I.mily. Mn.. Aug. I l'». Iln.iniii'il. Crin-e ll'leu. M. HllllB, lm.'l'. I—TopeVll, Kim., "o »«•.• :i linnici Hiiiiltord I'lnjeiB—Spilnglleld, Muss., 2ti, liiiletlnlte. V fllekmaii-llenvr (W. Al. While, owr,)—UaveV imn, In., 20. Indellnlte. t liiuleiiiiiiiiii. .leunte, I'hleagii l.iidlcs' itiviiemi-.i |i. II. Iliiileriiiniiu, Mir, I Fiiri smlili. Ark., vtl Aug. Jl. llelwuuu Slock (llflsiuun ft Cvbau, lucra.)—Au- gtnstf, Uu., 21). iuilelliillc. Hlglilniiil 1'urk Slock (Al. BeuBley, mgr.)—\orki l'a., 20, lixli'lltillc. llugli's Coniedlaiia (Hugh A. Nlehola, mgr.)— l.nreliWixBl. la., 20-Aug. 3. , Herbert Orclieatra (VictorHerbert, lender)—l'blln- delplila, Pa.. 20-Aug. ll. Howe'a LaiHes' un-licniiu (U'lnm Howe, lender) —Niibnnl, Maas., 20-Seul. 11. Holeome Hand (tleo. II. llolcome. mgr.)—C'lilc.igo, III.. 20-Aug. 3. Illner'a Military Hand—Kanans CHy, Mo.. 20. In- definite. Henry mid Ida lliind (T. Freil Henry, leader)— Deo Moines, la., 211-Senl. 8. "lale of Spice" (B. C. Whitney, mgr,)—Chicago, 111,, 4-iO. .... "Ill Old Mlaiourl" (Austin ft Call, lugrs.)—Clic- toygaii, Mleh., 31, Mackluaw City Aug. I, St. lgnccc 3, Xowberry Ii, Uraud Marias 0, Muui- h.iib 8, Maniuctln n>. JefTcrnOli Stock (15. V. Pbelau, mgr.)—Porlland, . Me., 20, liulelllille. . Juvenile BoBlolildiiB (Knicst A. Wolff, Ulgr.)— CiilBiiry, Alta., Coll., 20-Ang. 3. Bauff 3, Oko- loke II, Letbbridge 7, 8, plncher Creek 0, BUIr- ntore iO. • JiickKOii. lanbrl C. Stock (Percy II. Levin, Ulgr.) —I'liltiidelpliln, Pit.. 20, Imlellnlte. ".Ii-smc .1 mill's" (Brown ft Huberts. ingrH.)—Plke- vllle, Ky., Aug. I. Owle Hill 2, Murvbead 3, FnrmerH r>, Olyihpla tl. • '' Kendall, Ksrn (Llebler ft Co., nigra.)—San Fmu- I'lsi.i, CaL, 211 Auk- 3. # Kelcey, llerbeil, ami Krllc Shnuuon—San Fruu- cInco, CaL, 20-Aug. 3. Kevea Stock (H. Barton Keren, lugr.)—Uvebburg, i>«.. 20-Ang 3. Ulllles Band (T. P.'J. l*oirer. mgr.)—Hot-Lester, Minn., Aug, 2, Austin 3, Albert l^o 4. — "Knight for n Day" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)v- CIllCHgO. HI.. MM, liiiletlnlte. "King and Oneeii of Cnmblers." A. II. Woods' (Fred W. Iliisey. mgr.)—X. Y. City 20-Auy. il. "Katie Barton's Temptation"—Cleveland, 0„ 20- Aug. 3. "Klmi of Hie Ciitlle'Kluk," Kller's (Ci K. Bowen, mgr.)—Sutherland, Neb., 31, North Platte Aug. 1. Uotheiiburg 2. Coral 3, Lexington ■>■ Rbu Creek U, henrney 7, Olbton ii. Shellou 9, Wood lllver 10, l/nftus, riTlllii--SI. liOiilK, Mo.. 20-Ang. 3. LllllRII, l.uv.-reuec —Boaton, Muss., 20-Aug. 3. Leslie, Uosiiliclc (Hint Alen, mgr.)—ncrantun, Ph., 20-Aiuj. 3, Wllkcs-lliine .''In. I.jrlo (thinly, Kelly & Md««ey f e (Waller J. Pllm- iner, mgr.l—Mcrlilen, Cdrin., 20-Ang. il. Mid- ■ lli.-lnwn 5-KI. Lewis ft Luke's Musical Comedy—Scuttle, WusU., 20, Indclliilte. Lulliron Slock ML K. Ixithrup, mgr.)—Boston, .Mass., 20. ImleHiille. Lnivienec, Del—Sncrumeiilo, Cnl., 20. Indclliilte. Lyceum Stoek—St. Joseph, Mo,. 20, Imlellulte. i.u .miiit Stock (Harry i.u Marr, mgr.l—ltevere lleueli, Muss,, 20, ImleHiille. "Lottie, the Poor Suleslady" (Clius. K, Ulunev Allium-. Co., nigra.)—Philadelphia. Pm.v 27- Aug. 3, l'ati'i'Boii, X. J., 0-7, Trenton 8-10. "Loiiu lllvers" (lliirtoh Xlxoli. mgr.l—fori nu- ron. Mich.. Aug. 8, Bay city 0, Snglnnw 10. "Ijimb from Wall Street" iKramer ft Lapolut, mgrs.)—WiKxIslock. VI.. 31. Charlestuwu. X. IL, Aug. 1, I'roclorsvtlte, Vt.. 2, Wluche'.ulou, Muss.. 3, Mack, Andrew (W. M. Wilkinson, mgr.l— Mel- Ixmriie. Vie.. Ails.. 2II-Se|il. I. Mueliowell, .Meltoiime, and Virginia Drew '1'res- eiHt (CIIiik. .Blllott, ulgr.)— KansiiB CHy, Mo., 20-Aug. 3, Oklahbllm City. Oklu.. Ml. Myrile Hiihieii sim'k (W... II. llunlcii, mgr.) — Wilkes Hnrie. Pa., 20-Aug. II. Slortlnier. C'luis. (J. M. Hill, mgr.)—l«wls|iort. Ky., 20-Ang. 3, .Ims|mt, lud., R-7, lluutlugburg 8-10. McDonald Kloek ML W. Mclloiuibl. mgr.)—Pine Bluff. Ark.. 20-Aug. 10. .Mlteliell, Com Luwtoii (J. W. Clinton, lugr.)— Kukumiu Iml., 20-Aug. 3. Klcliiuoiid .'III. Myers. Irene. Slw'k IW. II. Myers, uigr.)—Wll- mliigloii, Ud„ 20. Imlellnlte. McCiilIuin Slock (Hartley McCullum, mgr.)—Port- liiinl. Me.. 20, liiiletlnlte. Players (Hon Mucinlllon. mgr.)—Chn- mite, Knit.. 20-Aug. 3, lulu 4-17. Murk & u-oiiu Slock— IMilulli. .Minn., 20, liulell- lille. Miisnn, Itumr, Stock—l.iigiiiiHpurt. lud.. 20-Aug. II. Mii'iiiiiliaii OiH'iii i Henry Tiiylnr, mgr.)—lilmlru, N. Y„ 20, liulelllille. Miiiiiiiiiiuu Tlieulre (Central Amuse. Abmo., mgrs.) —FoKtorla. ()., 110, IndolnPe. Majcsllc Stock—Albany. N. Y„ 20, lndcllnlte. "Mini of the. Hour" (Brady ft Urlsmer, uigra.)— A. Y. City 20, liulellnlle. "Man nr Hie Hour" (Brady ft (lilsmer, ingru.)— Chicago, III., 20, lililcltulte. ".Mi-h. WlgKs of the (hililiiiKo I'ul.-ii" (Llebler ft Co., ingrH.l—Lomloii. Fug.. 2V. Imlellulte. "Mu i.i ami Hie M minim lie" (M. M. TlielHe. mgr.) —N. Y. < It v 211 liulellnlle. "Mutimv illrl'' I.I. K. ilitcksoii. mgr.)— Wichita, Kail., 2S-Aiig. 17. ■ "Missouri tilrl." I'reil ItiiyuHiiurx. Westeru (Merlis II. Norlim, mgr.l—Militiigo. III., Ailg. 1, Ilur- vm-il 3, Wis., 3. M.-llcin-v. HI'.. 4 Kvaiis- vllle. Wlx„ .1, Furl Alklllsuil 11, l.ul.e Mills 7, Mount lliiieti II, iHxIgevllle 10. "Mlllliuiiiliv Triinip," Hlnli-r Wullcrs' (Freil J. HntoN, mgr. I-Kansas llll.i. Mo., Aug. 4-10. "Mlxsoui'l lio.i " (ii. M. Hlivlsnilll gr.i— Milan, Mo., 31, Nuvliigcr - Aug. 3, Hiiiilxvllln R. "Millilooii'B Picnic"—WIliBteil. Conn., 20-Aug. 3. Nowlln Slock (linve Xoivllu, mgr.)—Austin, Tex., 2ii-Ana. il. Niiviissiir Ludles' Baud (Kugemi Dial, ingL'.)—Chi- cago. III., Aug n-10. Xiitlello'a Band—Chicago, 111.. 20, Imlellnlte. ' "Nellie, the Henullful Cloak Model," A. 11. Woods' (John Pollon, mgr.)—Btiiriilo, N. Y.. 211-Aiur. 3. O'Xell. Niitiei*—- 1'orlliiud, Ore., 2U Aug. 3. Ul.yinplli Ouern (ICil. F. Sennioii, mgr.) —New Or- leiins, l.n., 20, Imlellulte. fir-plieiim Stock (Miirlln Hci-k, mgr.)—Suit Luke VU)'. II.. 20, liulelllille. Pillion SIslerM (lb S, Paylon, nigr.l—Llltlo Ituck, Ark., 20-Aug. 3, Ilut'Sprluox 121. Pulge, Mabel tllnrry V. Wlllard, mgr.)-Jack- . wmiiie, Fin.. 20 Aug. 17. I'luyeiH Slnek (Bush Teiuule Tlieulre Co.. mgrs.) —81. Piiiil. Minn.. 20-Aug. 31. I'eieis Slock (Will A. Peters, mgr.)--Cbnrlotle, X. I'.. 20. liulellnlle: I'eruehl-tl.rprtiie (CIiiib. 1), Peiuchl, mgr.)—Cu- . Illuibln, S. V., 211. liulellnlle, Phlniiey's U. S. Baud IFnsI 8. Phlmicy, mgr.)— Norfolk. Vu„ 20, ludellulle. Phlllpplurs Baud—Cleveluml. (J.. 211-Allg. 3. "Piiilwl on Her Bridal Tour" (Clms. K. Blauey Amuse. Co.. iugi>.) ■ llmi.ui, Mass., ,"• in. "Poi'sluMitus"—Norfolk. Vu., 211. liulellnlle. Ito.vul Cunmlluii Bund (.1. M. Finn, mgr.)—Omaha, Xebr.. 2ii Se|,i. 13. Itoynl Military Band (Jos. Dc Vltu, nutr.)—Balti- more. Mil.. 211-Sept. 13. HoiiiiiIb' I,miles' llniiil IHeitsTt (>. Itoiimls, mgr. I — siicliiyvllie, III.. 28-Aiig. I. Havana 2-4, i-'bi-i Maillxon, la.. A. II, Fiirmlllgloli 7-12. Uiiiinils' Lmlles' tlrehiwlnt (HerlB'li (I, lUinuils, ibgr.) -• tiweilslxim, Ky;, Aug. II. llelhuiiy, Mu„ ll-ll. Itoynl ImiM-rliil Blind—1'hlludelpbla, Pa.. 20, In dellulle. ltleel. Prof. Itulpli. t'oneiui HiiiiiI (S. Vim Horn, urni. i—Louisville. Ky.. 20-Aug, il, Firiuli Lick. hid., -I, 3, Ufnyetle o. 10. "Ituee Across Hie Continent," A. II. Woods' (II. I-'. Wliisnioii. mgr.)—X. V. .CHy 20-Ang. 3. "Kooky Mountain lOxpiess." Kllmt & Ciurolo's— Chicago. 111.. 28-Ang. 3. Kurt Wayne, Iml., I. I'lltsiiiirg. Pa., n in, Stnbl, Hose I Henry 11. Harris, mgr.)—Chicago. III.. 20. Iinli-llulle. Siuiioi ami his Band (John Philip Sousa, eon- iluclor) —Philadelphia. I'u., Aug. lU-Sept. 2. Sun Francisco Oiiera (Frank W. Hnily, mgr.)— Seattle, Wush.. 20. liulellnlle. Sheehan OUem I Joseph Sheeban, mgr.l—Cleve- land, (i.. 20. luilolliilic. SliH-kxvell-Metlivgiuy—Portliiuil. Oi»„ Aug. fi-31. Scott. Iliv. W., Slock (Arthur J. lludd, mgr.)— I'eeksklll. X. V.. 20Sept. 7. SlroiiR'a, Kihvlu. Players (Walter SktMkc, ragr.) —-Norfolk. Xcb.. 20-Aug. 3., Tllileu 010, Siinrord Stuck I Walter Suiiforil, mgr.)—Oakland, CilL, 2n. Imlellnlte. siisiiiuni stock--Lansing. Mich.. 20. Imlellnlte. Stanley Slock (Arthur Stanley, mgr.)—St. Louis, Mo„ 20. Imlellnlte. Sinters stock ic. W. Sinters, mgr.)—Oklahoma City, Oklu.. 20. ludciliilie. SiimnieiK sioelj (Ueu. II. Suiamers, mgr.)—Hum- Hum, Out.. Can.. '."). lilileilnlle. star Sln-li— Pwlbjud, Ore,. 20. Imlelliilli'. S[hbIiIi.|i ft Pali»> (Hum SibhWcu. mgr.)— Ilwle's- ler. MIiiii., 20-Aug. 11. "Slmilonnl by Three." W. 1". Mbiiii'b ICIsiTUin Uurdlck. uigr.)—Inillauaisills. Iml., Aug. 1-3, Chicago. 111., 4-17. "Sim; Him; to Liu-iiy" (rtluiiev flnei., nirra.) ■ HluAklvu, N V . Aug. ulO. ■J'nyler." Alkatl. 8l<i.'k"*\MerliMiiu, Ml«.. 2iiAim. v 10, Trousdale Bros,' Tlieulre, Kaslern (Jlerle Trouj- dnle. uucr.)—Wlnlleld, Kan., 20-Aug, 3, l'-iu- isirla B-17. . ,., '•Time, the Place and the Olrl" (Aakln & Slngfr, mgrs,)— N. Y. City 0, Indellnlle. . „ . "Tlionniglibte.1 Troiup." Elmer Walters* (C. A. Wnlk'er, uigi.)— Kansas CHy, Mo., 27-Aug. 3. Council HludB. Iu.., 4. "I'licle Josh Slmpkfna"—Paw Paw. Mich., 31, Mies Aug. 1, Benton Harbor 2, Klkliart, lud.. 3. Van Dyke ft Kalon i F. Msek, mgr.)—Keokuk, In., 2ll-Allg. 18. Vallntmini Htock (A. (Ilussuilre. mgr.)—Wllllouw- iwrt, l'a., 20, Indefinite. "Volunteer Organist," ManleH ft Orny's—Chicago. III., 20-Aug. 3. Williams, lluttle (Charles Frohtnsn, mgr.)— N. Y, City Aug. R, lndcflnlte. Warren. Itebecca—Toledo, p.. 28, ImleUnlte. Wills Musical Comedy (Jdtin 1). Wills, mgr.)— Macon. Ua.. 20-Aug. 10. Whalon Operu—Fltchburg, Mass., 20-Hept. 7. Williams Comedy (T. P. Be tJafferelly, mgr.)— . Danville, Ky., 28-Atur. 3, New Haven 4-fll. Wallaek's Tbeslre. .Northern (Duhlnsky Bros., mgr.)—Hock Island. III., 20, Ibdcflolle. Wallaek's Theatre. Southern (Maurice M. Lii- blnsky, ingr.l^llaunlbal, Mo., 20-Ang. 3, Mu- licrly 417. Wallnck's Tlieatre, Wcslern (Edward Dubliisky, mgr.l—Emiwrla, Run., 2d Aug. 3, Tnpekn 4-17. West Ktnl , Ilolghls Stock (Oberl ft Sehacfer, mgrs.)—St. I/iuls, .Mo. 20. indefinite. Whllllngloii Comedy (Wlillllugton ft Davis, mgrs.) —Qilunili. Tex.. 20. Iliilellliite. Weber, C. and Lis Bund -Kansas City, Mo., 20, Imlellnlte. "Wife's-Secret" (Spencer ft Atom, mgrs.)—Mou- trenl. Can.. Aug,. ,1-10. Ye Colonial Stock (C. W. Horner, mgr.)— SprliiR- rleld. O.. Aug. 0-10. "Yomig Buffolo. King of the Wild West" (Chan. K. Blauey Amuse., mgrs.)—Columbus, O., 0-7, Dayton 8-10. Zliin's Musical Comedy (A. M. Zlnn, mgr.) —Holse, Ida., 211. IndeOnlle. HI Itl.llHtH ll AMI V Al IU'VII.Li:. Iniix'i-luls ill. W. ft Sim Williams, mgr.l—Al- looim. Pa.. Aug. 1. Washington. H. C, ',-10. Muni ft Buniclle's Vaudeville (Al. Mart)!, mgr.) —Stamford, N. Y.. 81, Hobert Aug. 1, Bovlna 2, Andes 3. Watson's Coxy Corner Olrla (W. B. Watson, mgr.)— Philadelphia, Pa., 20, ItideUnltc. MINSTltKLS. Docksluik.rV, Ix>w (Coarlea V. Wilson, mgr.)— PlllBllehl. M.HBM., 31, Troy, N. Y„ Aug. I, Scht- neelaily 2, Allmu.v 3, Uiinnelly ft Hiitfleld'K—IT|ipcr Sumlnsky, O.. Aiijj. I, Adrluii. Mleh., 2, Cufdwuler il, lleiituli llnr- Inir 4. XIIch 5. Dowagluc 0, Msrshull 7, Albklu 8, Alleguli 0, Olxego 10. He Hue Bros.' (Billy Be Hue, mgT.)— Stock- bridge. Mass., 3J. Pox'b Lone Star (Iloy E. Fok, mgr.)—Chauiilnir. Tex., 20-31. liulhart Aug. Ml, Clayton, X. Mo*., 0-7. Trinidad. Colo.. 8-10. Guy's, Arthur l„ Hhiglmin'uu, X. Y.. 20-Aug. 3. Utlctl 0-10. Corton's (C. C. Pearl, mgr.)—Walton. X. Y.. ill. New Berlin Aug. 1. Sherburne' 2. .Wnter- vllle il. IloonvHte fl, i.o.vvlllo o. Uouvcriicur 7, Polsdiun 8, Canton 0. TENT SHOWS. Alton ft Anderson's—Duiuioaxira, X. Y'., ill. Chu- teatigay Aug. I. Huntingdon. <Juo.. Can.. 2. llraslitoii, N. V.. 3. St. Itegls Fulls 0. Norwood il. Musiena .7. Cornirnll, Que. Can.. 8, Morris- burg 0, Prcseolt 10. Illinium k Bulley's—llhlnelntHler. Wis., SI. Wan- win Anc. 1. Appletun 2, Menominee. Mich., ii. Kscimahu 0, Oreim Buy. Wis., t), Komi du Luc 7. .InilPBvllle H, It,,, hi,. |l. m K |n, III.,-10. niiu-nlo Bll's Wild West, Col. Wm. V. Cixly (Fred II. Hutchinson, mgr,)—Chicago. 111., 28-Aug. L Aurora R. Otlnwu 0, Kewuncc 7. Peoria 8, Lin- coln 0. Sprliigllehl 10. Ely's, (hxi. S.—Singer. I.u., Aug. 7. Strange S, < Ill-Mill (I. Forepnugh ft Sells Bros.'—Mhlilletowii. X. Y.. ill, I'niersaii, X. .1,. Aug. 1, Newhurgb. X. Y.. 2. Klngslon II, (HuverBvTlle R. Schenectady 0, Sara- toga 7. Clcns Fulls 8, Kullund, Vt.. 0, Mout- ix'ller 10. Iml' IOWA. UcH Molliesi.—At ilugcisoll Turk (Fred IJucUiinaii. manag-cr) the Hot wcatlier ottracta bit; crowds tlnlly. and «n exeellent billJs Mug tHoroughly enjoypd by all.. The ^ »f«*r (llrl* I*onnril Klrwlfl, the Three Mrtcm ligrrowa-LiinrSEter Co.. Carson and Wlllajfl, and the kiuodrome were the offering" for week of Inly 22. For week of '■*», the lin- menfaiilione Is niinonneed. I.ybio (Kuben Hfo*., managers I.— in is, the newest of 10 cent nouses, opened July 22. The Unit Is n lltfle bMtttTi nnd Is tlrnw- Ing- Iremeiiilous crowds. Hesltiea the moving: pictures there nre llliistro'.fd songs, sung by tirncc WHIIamaon jntl Harry. Prestdb, ant* Neoln. Lewis and Chnpla, and St. Julian do clever vaudeville turns. Notes. — Anhther tnovlns picture liousu oiieus 2D. It Is to be known as Dreamland. Tbc theatre's here all ..undergoing 1 many changes, especially Foster's Opera House end the Euiirirt. Foster's Is b*Ing thoroughly reoovatetl. the interior decora- tions are all being changed, new seats nro being put In. mid extra exits and fire escapes are being added. The Kmplre l« nlso being redecorated, and will look letter than ever. a t.Vila r Hnplils.—At Crccne'R Opera House (Will 8. Collier, uianngei) the season will open here Aug. 24 with "The Olrl Over There'' as the attraction. Manager Collier has returned from New York. City with a splendid list of attractions booked for this hotise, and the theatre at Iowa City, of which lie Is also manager. Alamo 1'ahk (G. K. Barton, manager).— Ulg crowds enjoyed the following bill week of July 21: The World's Comedy Four, Car- ver and Pollard, Fred and Jlue Waddell, Hen Pagan. Itav W. Kay, Earl Khrbardt, ■Selniildrs band and Clark's diving ponies. Notb. —Barniiin & Bailey's show Is billed here for Aug. 10.. Km I Khrbardt, aero- iiniii. aud Laura Stutler were mdrrled July 24 by Justice A. E. Nugent, at Alamo Park, In tlie. presence of I.Oitn gpectfltors. ' i i t , Uu il I nit f on. — At, the . Madlsinii Avenue 1'a.i'k Hie Blckclt Family have drawn very large liiiHlness tlnd .give excellent satisfac- tion. The Musical Smiths will appear July 28 and week, aud IMcca's Italian Bund Aug. 4 and week. i- isiimt k Hand and excellent moving pic- tures are drawing well tit the Coliseum. Eos tin's lCn:iti:jc Paiik. —Harry Lukons' Teh. Show Hippodrome wlllappcuT Aug. .V11. P. II. Alexander was in the city July 20, liel-feelinjr tUTllimeilli'ltts. Tin: CiiAi'TAvquA oiiened very auspiciously 23, under the efficient direction of J. T. Hood. Judge Lludsey. Gov. Hoch ntid Sena- tor Brown, of Nebraska, arc among the at- tractions. liuy's—Kelllisburg. 111., 31. New Boston Aug, RHu 2. Joy 11, tillctirlst 3, Viola It, New Wl sor 7. Ilugciiliock & WuiiiovV Hlnfft. Iml.. 31. Hart- ford City Aug. 1, Ouiuici'S'vllle 2. Hushvllle i), IiuIIiiiiii|i,iI1h R. Kemp's Wild Wish— Pittsburg, Pa.. 20. Indi41nlle. Lucky Bill's—Morgunvllle, Kan., ill. Cluv Center Aug. 1. (Ireeu 2, Leonurdvllle 3. Ill lev 5, Leon- uril tl. Iliimhilpli 7-9. Weatliiorelaad 10. Muekay's, Andrew—Chicago, 111,, 211-Aug. 31. RaefW Jt llowe'a (11. S. Itnwe. nigr,)—Wlnulncx .Man., Can.. 31. Aug. 1. Thief lllver FulN, •Minn.. 2. Detroit 3. Hiirruu, Wis., R, TOmahiiwk ll. Iixm Muuntiilii, Mleh., 7, Ontonugou 8, Hun ciii'l. 0, i 'iiliiiiii-i 10. Pawnee Lull's wild West aud Orcat Fur Mast. Col. I.UIIf'N—Jelfenon. Wis., ill. Do Lull, III. Aug. I. Sterling 2, Alcilu il. Culcsbiirg R. Cun- liin tl. HenrilBlown 7. Itotslhousc S, lAiilulmia. Mu.. II, lliiiiulliiii 111. llliigHng Bros.'—Pueblo, Od„ ill, (Moruilo Springs Aug,'l. Ilonlder 2. ttlieyenne, Wvo.. 8, :,. \>»\m, V., R. Salt Lake City tl. HiiIiIiiboii'n, John—Mexico,, if,,.. ;n, Loulslaiiii , Aug. 1, It Ho , in.. •!, Alton il. ltobhliiH, Frniik A.—Frnliklln Falls. X. IL, 31, . Warner Aug. 1, Pelcrboro 2, Wlnchendon, Muss,, 3, Sidls-Fluln's—Hiitd. Oklu.. 31, It,,,,, Aug. 1. Okls- hoiim CHy 2, lloldeuyllle S, Suulh McAlester. jnil^Ter., R, Holleyrlllc (J, Wllburlon 7, Wis- Slunetfs; Howard 8. — Slruuilsburg, l'a.. 20- Aug. 3, WiiBhbunrs, Usui W. fjuhn p. Church, mgr.l— SaralOga X. V.. ,51, BiiIkIoii Spa Aug, 1, IMililesldll 2. Sharon SprlhgB 3, tiooiK'rslown 5, Oiiioutn tl, Kidney 7. |i| ug |„iuil,.ii S 0. \MiiTler's. Al. |.'.— lilllshiirg. N. Y.. Aug. I Sandy t.'reek 2. Pulaski ii, Mexico R. mim i;i.i.\m;iii m. Ikiataeli'a Animal Arena (Frniik 0, Busloek, uigr.) — CXuiey iHlniid, X. Y., 20. ImlefhiKe, Uostoek s Aulninl Ai-eiin (Frank C. Hostistk. mcr.) — Norfolk. Va„ 20. ludellulle. Humes' Trained wild Animals (Al. ll. Bariies l!nvcnimri.—At tlie Alfdome. the Bessy llii'kiiiuii Co. continues to draw large num- bers for the. past six weeks. In repertory. l.'oi.iSKPM.- July 21. and for two weeks following, Prunclsco Fcrallo's ItAIIliu Band. It.ui mm & it.Mt.Kv's Cilices comes Aug. 11). Mil IlltiW. Detroit. At the Temple (J. H. Moore, nmiiiigei'i l-'.st Aveek's bill was good, and 6. II. O. was the rule. Bill week of July 211 In- cludes : litis Kdwardx' Blonde Tpvcwrltcrs, the <)iiin telle. Kstcllc Wordetto and company, Hawthorne and Hurl. Diamond and Smith. I.llllun Shaw, I/itvecn and Cross, Norton and UiiNsell. and Ihe klnctogrnph. Whitskv IE. I). «talr. manager).—The regular season at Oils* house opens week of 28, with "The Candy' Kid" us the attrac- tion, a - ' » ' Kulnimisoo.—At the BIJ011 (W. S. But- terlleld, iiiniinger) big business ruled weelt Of July 22, with 11 ootid bill. Bill week-of 211: Coiii-liire and Glllett, Blssott and 8cott, EdwanKkec, Harry Oarrlty and lompuiiy, By run James, Illustrated songs and moving pictures. Okntiiv Uiius. shutyed to good business week of 11). Nutkh.— Frank Hose. Into proprietor of Ihe Vaudcllc. moving picture aud Illustrated song house, hus sold his Interests to A. J. llllllgliiiii. of liriinil lluplds, Midi., who Is oiierntlng slmllur Institutions In the Slate. 'I he place hits done a line business since Opening The Wonderland (W. II. John- son, miuingerl is preparing to occupy other ffllartef*, while the old stand Is being great- ly eiiliirgod, tirnnil IlniililM.—At llamoiui Pufk (Lew Dt'lcmnlcr, manager) bill for week or July -.) i Chlnko Arid company, E. Frederick Haw- ley and company, l/conard Kane, Minnie ..auflimn. Kramer null llollecllllre. Ullllllail inn! Muck, add Cuunteks Olga Koosl and MoiiBleur I'inilii. At (iuUKitov's Pai'H.iux (Clms. Oodfrov, luuuugcrl for week of 21) ale: Atiubel Allnuek. lingers. Seaimiii and Burns, and Stelncrt umi Thomiis. II10111., , jMT. V ' a u ar uu , N. 1)., W-Aug, il. Crlilkshimk—ilollon. (».. Aug. |, .Marlon 3. Camilla .'rank's IF., M. -Myers. niKr.l-Wel |n.. -I). Aiut. I. Whulchwr 2. il. .MunUtinis S. 0. Barnes 7, S, Keswick 0, 10. SfiSSfV^ld Wesl—Peoria, III., 211-Aug. 11. (Irlllllh tNiimsly—LIvliigstgu. Mont.. 211-Aug il. 1Ilp|iodrvme Show ((leu. K. Itulx-rts. mgr.)— Owens Niro. Ky.. Aug. 1-3. I.'nloavllle, Mo., 8, Carrolltiui 8, Itcd Oak, In., 10. LevIlL s—ThHiiideixiga, N. Y„ 20-Aug. 3. Markle's. W. It., l-'Tonllng Fiiluee—Browuliig. III.. i "!;'. ,!;. ""."' 2. Ilnvuiiu it, Kingston 4, ['oklu •i. Chlllleothe ll, Lncou 7, Henry S, Heuneiiln 0. Peru ID. ' ' Porter. OS W„ Amuseiiient Co. (Cramer t Tvler. Si hut' "fl-'iVt"*"' • ,) " k '' 20Aw "' "■"W Ileitis l'lixis.' ill, 1 (A. L. Iteiilx, mgr.) . - HleklnsiBi. N. link.. 20-Aug. il. ' . ltiineli 101, Wild Wi*l SIhiiv (Miller BfuM,, nigw.) —Brlgtilon L'eiich. Bnsiklyn, X. Y., 20, lulled- SI'i'le Fniiilly Show (Burl Marin —r.) Wmir, Mleh., SO-Aug. il. Siiillli'w Colossal Shows -Xcgley, 11.. Auc. 2. VU- ...•her. Pit,. 3. Ilookslowii R, Fritiikford S|irlngs ll. Silver liunlly Show (Bert Sliver, mgr.l—Hiu-n- Bhles. Mich., ill, Brown City Aug. 1, Melvlu 2, Peck 3. ' Seviugatii (Waller C. Mack, nigr.l—X. Y. Citv 20Ang. II. Plillai)el|ihhi l'n.. ii-10. ' TlmmpBiiii's Knlertnlliers (Frank II. Thompson, ggg:>—I* Vulle, Wis., Aug. n. 0, Kendall 7, 8, i'i rim, 11 in t ' Clifton 0, 10. MONTANA. Unite—Al the Uraud Opera House (Dick P. Sutton, manager), week of July 22, Lulu Sultoti uiul eumpaur. In "Satan's Cave; or, Lost Iu Siberia.' to big houses all week. Fajiii.v (F. Nelsonlu, manager),—Week of 21 i Huffy. Sawtello and Duffy, BIIIv Mnk tod company. Harris-Beauregard Co., Llllliiu Wnllmi nod F;d. Smith, Dorothy Dayne, Wal- ter Jeffrey, apd the motion pictures. Busi- ness Is excellent. ■ . " i« H » UTAH. «lu,dcti,—Al the (irutitl Opuru I tout*'fit. A (iritiiL iiinniigerl Y'./.iii Ki-ii'lnll. Iu "Swell UI. cunt .luiies," Kioi'i-tl a sutu'ess Jtily In. t'TAltNA (B. A. Grant, ruiiuagcr).—^For the week slnrttng 20 : Harrington, ventrllonulst: Leon I,c Chnr tiers, Illustrated song; Huit-v Brown. Arnold and Onnlner. Bennett Slstern. and IttiKef TrnHTM'. . i'i ni'ioi.i, llnnM.' Claris did guild tuislness 10, Buy City.—At Wimonu Ilencli iPiirk Cu- . " u .!.'." . "• IJ1,,1 "ii<l«, luiinugci) Ihe follow- lug bill drew good crowds week of .litlv 22: lurry Howard's ponies and tings, Coiii'il Do Btitr. and Brother, |i're« Trio, (lien Burl, tliu i.iii.vs, and lint Ciisliioscupe. Washington (W. .1. Daunt, nmiiliger).-— Mils bouse will open the season Aug. 11, with ••Lena itivers" us tint attraction. Nirri:—-llentry Bros.' Anliuiil Show tip- pen red lieio July 27. «-»-♦ . . NEW 11 AMPSIIIItK. Miiiichester—At the Massabcslc Tlieulre j.l'iutik U. Mack, manager) "The lllrl fiotn NasBur, with Phil ott Us the Mar. drew well TEFL.** •L" Ij ' ,'-";• V . ur ?«* or -»• vlorman's All Mint' Specialty (.'o„ featuring Solaret. NlOKbll. (Muniiel l.oreiiz.en, iiuinuger).— Moving pictures ilnd llliisti'iitetl songs run. Untie tn draw good houses. ' .Noma.—Finest Prnvenchi'r left for Xew \ork 2U. to Join the Merry Mnltlciis Bur- esiptei's1 aa stage iwruttnter Illlle Fay, ale of "Comliig Thro'the llyc" Co., iwcntlv V slled her brother. Hugh Fny. while she wu's liltij'hiL' nt Ihe Lake MusaabcNlr, Theatre ... Jl. Ozler. iiiiinngei' of '.'Adrift In iN'ilv York" (o.. Is nl his home In this ellv for it few "ovs ... Byron Cone, nit eniplnvoe M Wnslt- Jmrn s Circus, who was Injured here, hnsliceii IruimfeiTeU to the County Farm Hospital, where an niwriitlon .Will He performed John .1. Sulllvttji, playing In Coogan's "wiioie Dog Ate You? Co.. paid 11 flying visit hern 24. lie played Salisbury Bench Theatre, week of 13..... .Arthur nitcble, who vassctl (i short vacation here, returned to his com- pany 211........ Philip A. Ott. thlrly-threo years old. giving Chelsea, .Mass.. as his resi- dence, n nil Anilti Wllsou. twenty-six years old. residence Xw York City, were married al the Cltv Clerk's 0III06 here, on July 20. Ihev nre bolh priuulneut members of "''The 1.1 ii (rum Viissttr" Company.. Miss Wilson ■laying I be title rule, and Mr. Ott the lead- ing comedy part. +*-» . NORTH CAROLINA. CluirloUe—^At Lnttil .Park Auditorium t.'.'V. 1, ' , , , ' l ' H ' u'liuagcr) Will A, Peters' Stock to., the main iitlruetloii In Charlotte, during the Summer months, Is playing to large ami appreciative, houses ovary ulgbt Xtii'tss.— Will A. Peters! moving picture, snows, Ida Odcoti1 and Mystic, are welt at- tended ...... 1 In; Penuy Arcade, run bv .1. M t.rarluiti Is uttrnctlng large crowds". ,. M. Otonr.ors moving picture show, i,, the Academy of Music, draws full houses every afternoon and evening. Ji : *\Ni'.rrti IMKiBi.i.r. l„i„ ,>r RiMlalleSt eiilueillii is. Is S|iendlng Hie Summer nl her Initiie, Sh'.'lldnii, Md. AIIE YlU! TOO tlilNi ASPA WBI8BT PBODDCBH (Cipsnhs), The Great ifcnKrriean rJrscovery,! Inureikses >■„„, weight about. 6 to 10 pounds niuntblr. The mill flesli producer: endorsed by the highest medical authorities. Unrivalled for nervousness, anaemia and wasting diseases. Greatest tonic known Hounds out the figure and gives strength to the whole system. Price, 12. Interesting bookie tree. , . ABPA OHEM. CO., " 1265 Broadway, Dept. 9. Xe w York. CALIFORNIA. Los AMgrelca.—At the Mason Opera House (tl. C. M'yutt; manager) Maude Adams closed her two weekli' engageinent July 2(), with u farewell performance of "Peter Pan." Ilwas a record breaking engagement, ds she placed to capacity business at every performance Bthcl Burryuidre opened her engageiucnt 2" Hi "Captain Jhiks," It, will be continued during the entire Week. The AuoiTOIHVM (Sparks M. Berry, man. ager) Is closed for h tew weeks. BtiLAaco (John II. Blackwood, manager) —The stoek company presented "Dlvorcons" to good business week ending 20. "Airs Dane's Defense" Is their offering 22 and week with "The Adventure of laidy Ursula" hi preparation for 20 and week. Moitosco's BnuiANK (Oliver Mor'onco, nun ager).—"The County Fair," presented by the. Burbank Stock Co., drew well week ending 20. For the entire week beginning 21, tin. company will present "The Climbers." "TluJ Jilt" Aug..2 and week. Cu ami Oi'kiia House (Clarence Drown, manager),—The Ulrica Stock Co. presented "The Lion's Heart" to good business week ending 20. "On Dangerous Ground" 21 and week. Fisi'HEIi'h (A. K. Fischer, manager).— "The Man uud the Mummy" Is Ihe Offering of Fischer's Comedians 21 and week. New Illustrated snugs, vaudeville acts and motion pictures complete the bill. tliti'tir.iJi (Martin Beck, general manu- gerJ.-j-FeBturcs 2t) and week.' Anita Bart- Hug, Jack Wilson and company in "An Up. betival In Darktown;" the Great Beiiiiir, Itosc and Jcitnctte, Bert and Bcrtba tjruul, Benjamin Cbauln, Wlllard Midims.arid' com- pany In "Flinders Furnished Flat;" Miillcr, Chun und Mollcr, and the motion pictures. Unique (Hentz & Znllee, proprietors).— The bill for 22 and week Included: Frank Stafford and Marie Stone, In "A Hunter's cnme:" Blalsdens. trick cyclists: the Wal- lace Sisters, singers and dancers: the il- lustrated songs by l-'.ilyllie lCilmonils 11111I Harry Kdmondsun : "Miss Brown from (Jlen- dale/' by the Unique Players, and the Unlttue-o-scope. People's (Al. 0. Flournoy. manager).— Features 2,'i and iveck: Harry Booker and company. In "The Walking Delegate;" Miller and McCauley. talking comedians: Cushlng and Merrill, In burlesquu tin "Anthony and Cleopatra;" Homer Lung. Illustrated songs, uhd the People's Comedy Co., presenting '"nie Wrong Doctor." IJMi'iitK (Billy Hanks, resident manager). —Features 22 and week Included: Thus. Curtis and company, presenting "At the Tnrf Inn;" Mile. Cantarell, vocalist; Karl and mi: son. singers nlid dancers; Laura Banks, pic- ture balladlsl. and the Kmplre Stock Co.. presenting "When One Were Two," and the cinematograph. . . •Xotbs. —J. J. Uottlob. the San Francisco nuniiiger. unci who wus formerly Interested hi u theatre In this city, spent u few days here week of July i.">. and whs duly Impressed with \ms Angeles' Importance as a show town When reopened, the Ilolehklss Theatre will he known as the Los Angeles Theatre, and -will be under the management pf Arthur Lotto. Tile date announced for the event Is Aug. 27, opening with "The Mayor of Toklo." ♦*-*. T13XAS. Ft. Worth.—At the Lyric (0, W. Burn- hart, iiiunilgei'i a strong bill wus offered week o] il-n lug July 21, Including Con lino 1111 il Law- rence, York-Herbert Trio, Brof. Hurry Fell- man. Tummy Jenkins, and the Lyrlcscopc. Business continues to hold up well 1 . VtiNiuiMi; tSeitwni-/ Ac.Mike, managers).— The Louis Dean Htock' Co.. In repertory, con- tinues to draw crowded houses at each per- iiir.iianre. A change of bill Is offered nlghily. aiiiisi.mi: (Bice & Conley. uinnagcrs).—This iii-w open air theatre wus opened to the public 22, and licoplu were turned uwuv. The open- ing bill Ini'ludml Miller and Fny, In black luce; Bait and Dut'ls, In Iruvcsl.v ; Mysterious Ziiiiion, i-iililin-t act; I'lilwln Mdwui'ds, III Us- iruied songs, und high class moving pictures, WHITS l.'ITV (Juke S< -bwill'7, lllllllllgel'l. — Large crowds coutlnuu to throng this popular resort, the car service being uimost Inade- iiuute to handle,the people. A godd vuudc- vllle bill In the White Hose Theatre und the vol Ions nut side ill I nici Ions nre well pat- ronized. Lam; l-li.-n; (IJd Jeuklua. manager).—Sua- duy vaudeville only Ik offered Ta the l)it- vlllnti. Tliose oh I be bill Sunday. 21: The Demons, uerlul act: Doc llollund, lilnek face; .Prof. Schmaltz, hug puncher; Kdwlu l'!d- Wards, llliisit-iiieil songs, aud moving plr- InicH. Busltiess Is big. STAMiAitii (Frank Dc Beijne, tiiuiioger).— "Variety Isle" wus the niuslciit comedy of- fi'ieti week opening ... In the olio, Cun- ningham and Kdwords, Marin Choppelle, Jno. K. (ireeu. I'earl (lllmoic, Tom Kelly, J. K. N. aud George Powers, llm-rlson Iln.ll MM Maggie Carpenter. Business Is big. . , ■ a 11 misf" ii. —At the Lyric (Lloyd Spencer, munuger) business was to the cupuelty nlghi- ly, week of July 22, with the Fowlers. Polk und Hulpiirlii, John X. Coghlan. Sidney o'Doinu'll, lllitsiraieil songs and Ihe Lyric- scope. Bl'.KCTBIC Paiik ano T'HKAriii; (Mlchcul * Wilson, managers).—BuHliicss Is good. Peo- ple 22-23: Zlegler und Klegler Trio. Charles Alluiun. Kdua Huberts, Aitkin und son, Her- bert and lingers, and moving pictures. A111 in mu; 1 Aividn & l.assctTe. managers).— Business Is fair with the same people still on. NiiTlls,—Kthel Morton, soloist nt the High- land Park for live weeks H»ast, left for New York, 2B, t» join Frank Daniels, In Tan Tiiltoooii Man. ... .Oeorgc and Dolly Milton, with the Airdooii! since lis opening, left, 2d, to Join some musical uttriictlon In Ohio. _ 1 1 fc_i L_ Oiillna—At l^ukc,Clin* Casino, tin; Bulil- wln-MelvllIc Co. gave "Ctiiiillle." Jtily'22-24, ttnd ".My Friend from Indlu" 25-27. CVCLM Paiik. —Arlngton's Coiuedluns, In repertory, drew good business. .If. 1). UucKBitiS Kokak Co., chuiige of Wll nlghily, to full tents. AiiuioJii:.—Bill for week of July 22; Vin- cent McCarthy company. Campbell and Smith, the Great Nichols, Lauian Sisters, and Allan Dale. Good patronage. . " " . 1 •-•a ' ' 'I ■ Austin. —At the Lyric, the Dave Nowlln Stock Cu.. which has been playing to good houses for two weeks, trill continue for two more weeks. 11 vdi; Paiik Theatihi (Jim Miller, mana- ger).—'The Passion Pfirj.™ had good houses for two weeks, and will continue for two weeks. mr i r» CANADA vaaivnaai^st Monlrcnl. — At Domhilon Park (II. A. Horsey, niuunger) the mtendance 111 the pnrk v^s good flu ring the past week. The outslfl" iiltractlotis were the Firing Bunvurds and Herr Uranudu, July -.'1-27. Son mhi: Paiik (Luvigne & Lujolc, matiu- gers).—Good crowds prevailed during the past week. The attractions on the stage. 21- '-'7. were: Mllyn do Nessy, Mile. Onicjrn. Senor Arnoldii. Prof. Woodward, the orchi's- iruphone, mid Lavigne's Military Band.