The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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AUGUST 3. ^HENBW YORK OLlPPIGl?, m JfRW JBRSRY. Hernirl.'. — At Troirtor'a (It. C. Stuart, resident, manager) good sized audiences Hail rlils n cool and entertaining plnce during Hie lint Mttn The bill till* week Includes: Mucin Meander nnd company, who made their Inltlnl appearance'here In "She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not;" the Elton Polo troupo of acrobats; the Itnllnn Opera trio, Marlon i (arson, the Astrellns, Zlskn nnd King, the Crclghlons nnd John F. Clark. ■ Oi.iMric, Pabk .(II. A. Schmidt, mana- ger).—The great interest In "II- Trovatore," which the Aoorn Opera Co. produced several weeks ago, prompted the management to put. .in "Carmen" this week, with Maude Leekly in the lending role. Miss Leekly created a most favorable Impression as "Azitccnn nt ilmi time. Howard Chambers.nnd lllnnehe Morrison distinguished themselves ngnln lust week In "The Mlkndo." The Fortune Teller" hi announced for week of Aug. .">. Kl.KCTiub Pask (C. A. Pnnlnp, manager). —This park Is doing excellent business these warm days, and Hie rustic theatre continues 10 bold much attention, Offering for the cur- rent week: The Hales Musical Trio, Sylvan nnd O'Neill. Chan. E. Myelin's trained dogs, Winter and English, and Carrie Mack. Ilii.i.sinr Task <\V. W. Thaller, manager'). —The Wild West programme here Is varied this week with n Virginia reel on horseback. The singe offers the 1'oul Morno acrobatic troupe, Skntlnolll, Wnrd nnd Knnnnbala. and Fanny Foley. ITnf. Mack continues the fea- ture -with his balloon ascensions and quad- ruple parachute drops. . Notes. —The open air sensation of the season occurs here this week, when U M. Driver, the aeronaut, will make a number of flights In one of the t logon airships. This will be the first exhibition of this remarkable Invention thai the Newark people have seen. W. S. Clark, who.has been manager of Wnldmnnn's Theatre for the past, eight years, has accepted the position of manager of the New Gaiety Theatre, nt Washington, D. C, which 19 nenrlng completion. Mr. Clark's Jersey Lilies will open Waldmnim's for the senson, Aug; 31. .This house will be under the management of Iiee Ottolengul, formerly of the Newark Theatre George A. Mc- Dermlt. who has lieen Mr. Stuart's assistant at Proctor's Theatre here, will take charge of Mr. Proctor's new house In Kllznbeth. Ellxnlieth.—That the coming theatrical senson will be a banner one here Is evidenced by 1he 'fact Hint practically two new thea- tres will he opened, each playing a different class of attractions. The New Lyceum, under the management of Drake & Kirov, will play three, nights-of Klnw & Krlnnger plays, nnd the other three nights will lie devoted to the Stair & Hnvlin melodramas. Jacobs' The- atre will be changed, under the name of ft !•'. Proctor's, vaudeville house, playing every day matinees nnd night performances. The regular circuit companies will he liooked. This is a new venture for Kiln- nbeth. The New Lyceum Theatre will open W preliminary season Aug. 8, with Dock- Miider's Minstrels. This theatre Is now undergo'ng extensive alterations. Including new. frescoing. Light poH green Is the pre- vailing colors, wltli nnd floral ef- fects, while red.will lie the opposing lines in box curtains, plush rails, etc. Six now dress- ing rooms Itave lieen added, each l>clng en- closed In sheet Iron, while the floors nre con- crete. Nearly two hundred will be the In- creased capacity. The system of electric lighting has been materially changed. I ,20b lumps of sixteen candle power each, are used, and n new electric sign for the front, of the house changed from Lyceum to I lie New Lyceum. The box ofllce lias been sei buck from the lobby, and a brilliant row of lights adjusted on either side of the lolibr. live new exits have been added. The nai- lery pit irons will enter and leave the Ihcuire from n side street. Instead of through the main entrance. A new stage floor 1ms hem laid, and an extensive quantity of new scen- ery supplied. The house staff will be I lie same mi last season, and the ushers will be uniformed. $Jfi,0(M) bus lieen expended on Hie repair work and additions Iii'nhs' Theatre Is- n thing of the pnsl in Rllmhoth, The theatre will hereafter bo known ns Proc- tor's, and will open on Labor liny with Ibe regular Kellh & I'roctor circuit vaudeville performances. (;. A. .Mcllermll. former super- intendent of Proctor's Newark Theatre, #111 I'. local manager. The theatre is undergoing an extensive reconstruction. The decorations will lie cream and old Ivory throughout, v/ltli tinted floral effects, .The side walls will be Ivory, while Ibe boxes, which will be changed from the bird nest cfi'eci to straight linen or club boxes, will he the snme, and each tier low- ered. A new stage floor has been laid. All retiring rooms hnve been enlarged and re- decorated. New dressing rooms have been added nnd the old ones embellished In new- colors. A now drop curtain will bo a fea- ture and new scenery throughout supplied. A serpentine light or green, red nnd while lights spelling the word "Proctor" will II- liiiiilnuic the front of the. house, while some LBOO other electric lights will be placed under the porie rorhcre lu the front of ibe theatre. A new ventilating nnd healing plant has been installed, nud every known llro apparatus erected throughout the theatre. Au orchestra of eight, pieces will b>> the rule, and some fifteen ushers and porters lu uniform will, he on duly nt all perform- ances. Dally unit luces will lie given nnd special nlten!Inn pnhl to nulomohlln find trolley parties, Singe Manager llogun Will continue to occupy that position .lames Oulnn, n well known clog dancer, a native of Kllznbeth, nnd who has traveled with several minstrels, linn joined Al. (I. Field's Co., which commenced rehearsing at Colum- bus, 0., July 24. He will Introduce a new solo. Atlantic City.—At the Savoy Theatre t Fred K. Moore, manager) the Wni. (lane llraod Opera Co. closed two good weeks here "7. Coming, week of 20, "The Man of the Hour." Ynrxn'H Timi Thkatrk (W. 10. Shnckol- ford, manager).—Rxcellent patronage. For week of 20: Oeurge W. Monroe, Eva Mudgc, Keene and Pearl, Magnlll and Mnlllnl. Kd. Hlondell and company. Three Perry Platers, Kmmett Welsh. Klshl-Znmti .Tnps, Cnrloitn, kinetogrnph. Atlantic (Jaiidkn I,Sidney Fern, mana- ger!.—The snme'good patronage continues. Hilled for week of 20 : The Demncos, Renton and Scott. Hill nnd Aker, Roof nnd Hurl, the ilerkes. Aerial Russells, Marten Sisters. Fa- mous fords. Five Musical MncLnrens, Wood- ford's animals. Oshorn and Wallace. Tom llefron. Itice nnd Kemp, Plerey nnd Fulda, I'alcbcn nnd Clifton, the Vnlndons, Onrdner, West and Sunshine, F.ugcnc Jerge. • 'iimalt-ii.—At Woodlynne Phi* (II. D. I* Calo. manager) last week was a record breaker, with Leo St. Klmo, Voltn. James 1). Detnpsey, Hart nnd Roof, Hen Iteluholt, Jack Symnnds, Watson anil Let HI. nnd Hie mov- ing pictures. Camiikx (M. W. Taylor, manager).—This house opens a week earlier than usual, Aug. ♦ «» vnnjio.vT. Hurllng'ton.—Al the Strong U.'nhn at '•rant, managers) Summer engngement of • he Vail De Vernon Stock Co., to the usual good business. TlltiATnuii'M <J. P. Doyle, manager).— .Moving pictures have the S. I!. O. sign Ml nightly. l'nuiM'.vi mi & SKl.t.s' f iiii'I'N Is bonked for Aug, 12. Noti:h. —Paul Velllnke. musician nnd com- poser, of Paris, France, Is In Burlington for u f«w duvf. He Is returning from a trip around the world. This is bis second trip around .Ibe globe in seven years. In the 1™ ls . J»« completing he has beep away from Paris for two years and nine months. ......Anna Ln Salic who has been char- acter woman with the Vail De Vernon Com- pany, left rpr her home In New Vork. where she will spend her vacation John C. Hrownell who for the past senson has been p . l ,", yln ?. C(Mint Kar'af, the llusslnn spv. In The Man on Ihe Dox," through the West, is spending n few weeks with IrU mother here. -*»» Ti:\NE9SRi:. < . M n"'P. l,, ":~ u Hoplilns' Fast End Park ia. it. Morrison, manager) crowds thronged from the terrltlc bent of the city to enjoy the cool lireeytcs under Ihe shade trees of this delightful resort. Fireworks, dancing, hand concerts and soloists enterlnlned tliosc In Ihe park precincts, while the following pro- gramme was rendered In the theatre: The Jackson Family. Allele McNeill, Klnlio Coin- 1<}X Qunrteiie, the filrl Keblnd ibe Drum, .Mile. Chester s dog, nnd Ihe kltindroiue. 1'AIrvi.anii Paiik (K. O. Reach, mnnagerl. —"Mrs. Jack," week lioglnnlng 21. nllrncled good in tendance The isrforninnro by Hie regular stock compnny was up to the stand- ard, and the principals of Ihe enst were heartily applauded. |'or week of 2R. "A Princess of the Wilds." Notk. —.Manager Stalnhack. of the RIJou rheatre, left 2». for New Vork. on business. He reports bookings for forty-one solid weeks. Is/glnnlng Aug. 2«. At the present lime his theatre Is being thoroughly renovated, nnd he promises n surprise for his pntrons In decora- tions at the opening. I Knnxvlllr.—At t'hllhowoe I'nrk tllarrv Bernstein, manager) vaudeville continues very popular at this play house, and last week's bill Included: O'l'ell. Fred Wayne, Winkler and Kress, Mabel tinge and Mnster Harry, the Smukler Sisters and Wllks nnd Heed, (iooal business rules. The Boston Ideals week of 2. ... «»» . KANSAS. Wliiiield.—At the Alrdome Theatre (If. It. llrose. manager) Dublnsky Bros, closed n very successful engagement July 20, having plonneil rapacity. The Trousdale Stock Co. opened 22. tln.vxn OrKHA IIoisk (C. c,. finrv. mana- ger ).—Moving pictures 22-24. -— » » > The John Foral Amusement Co. h Firm of Varied Interest*. The John Ford Amusement Co. (Edward Marsh, managing director) has made in- rnngements with J. Cheever (ioodwln to handle exclusively all sketches written by him for vaudeville. Mr. Goodwin bus Ju*i finished "April Showers." a sketch, and he Is now at work on two more sketches. The firm Is also representing Alice E. Ives, author of "The Village Postmaster." She has Just turned over her newest'manuscript, "A Southern Itosc." a drama. In four acts, td lie placed. The John Ford Amusement Co. secured engagements for over four hundred people, for the coming senson, nnd made ar- rangements wlib the Jerome II. Itemlck Co. to produce all musical numbers that that music house Inlemolnle In the dlfferenl at- tractions. In conjunction with Its thentrlcnl exchange Ihe John Ford Amusement Co. Is running n high class school of stage dancing, and John Ford, the producing• end of the 11 rni. with four assistants, is working night to till com tacts. The compnny. holds contracts to produce nine shows In their en- tirety from the rise to the full of the curtain. —■— «♦» . ' Clins. II. Ynle'M Prodiiclloiis. Chns. II. Yule announces Hint "The Kver- bis! lug Devil's Auction" will open curly In Augus*i. This will mark the twenty-sixth edition of this speclncle, which will bo nrc- senled with new scenic nnd costume embel- lishments, novel bullets, vaudeville and spe- cial features. The season has lieen hooked for forty weeks nnd will run Into next June. "The Way of the Transgressor." with the acting Landsecr dogs, lifter n few prelimi- nary performances, will open In I'lillndelpliln, on 'Aug. 2d. "I'nlnling the Town," ihe big musical spectacle, will open III I'lillndelpliln Hut middle of September. A new and club oruln feature of this production will be Ihe present tit ion of a novel conceit entitled, "Clopln." In November Manager Yale will reproduce "The Evil Kye." Tim entire production will be now nnd of Ihe most elaborate charac- ter, while the cunt, ballet and chorus will he composed of the very best people obtain- able. —. < » » ■ Openings «t the Savage Attraction*. Henry W. Savage opened his season nt the West Kud Theatre, Long Branch, N. ,1.. on Jul v SO. with "The Prince of l'llsen." This will make Hie musical comedy's sixth season In this country. Lillet- It. will go on tour to the PnclHv Const. Itnymond Hitchcock will open Hie Asian- Theatre on Aug. 12 In "A Yankee Tourist," which will be followed by "The Collegia Widow," which begins Its senson al Plain- Held, N. J., on Aug. IH. "The Merry Widow" will be Col, Savage's first new production, if will be produced lu New Vork, after two weeks In Philadelphia. "Miitliiine Butterfly" will 0|>en the season In Newark, N. .1., on Sept. flu. Later II. will be presenied In I'hllndelnhln, before going on Its tour to the Pacific coast. Edward Herman's light opern, "Tom Jones," which Is now running nt the Anollo Theatre, In London, will be produced In Toronto, Can., In November. It will reach New Vork Christmas week, . «' * Swevlr-Shlniiian Notes. By nn arrangement effected with Ernest Shlpman, Herbert Kclcey and Kflle Shun- non are playing a special engagement nt ibe Alcazar Theatre, Snn Francisco, pre- senting the various plays In which they have starred during the past four seasons. At the termination of this engngement Mr. Keleey nnd Miss Shannon will return to New York, nt which time the company engaged for their support by Mr. Shlpmnn will be- gin rehearsals for their next season's lour. II. W. Sweely, of Kane, Pa., Is spending n couple of weeks in this city as the guest of his business associate. F.rnest Sblpman. .Mr. Sweelv's presence here nl this particu- lar time is due to ihe fact that ihe llrm of Sweelv, Shlpmnn & Co. have several Im- portant propositions under consideration. and tin enrly nnnotineement will be made of certain valuable properties which they have acquired. . 4 ■ I 1 Helasro nevlvala. David Belnsco will probably revive three of his ploys next season, both In this city and on the road. "The Duiilug of the Oods" will be presented under his dlrectoln In New- York, as will also "Sweet Kitty Bellnlrs." "The Heart of .Maryland" Is the other play. It will be put ott ihe ratal «»♦ . "The Flower of the Uiancli." Joe Ilownrd and bis wife, Mnliel Harrison, are spending the Summer llshlng and boating up in Michigan n n ar Lake Cora preparatory to their starring tour under the direction of the Askin-Slnger Co.. la Mr. Howard's new piece -The Flower of the Ranch." . ■ <» : » Will ('.inriciiaj to !•■«> In "Anna Karenlna." Will Courtenny Is resting nt Athnl, Mass., until rehenrsnls tire called for "Anna Knre- iilnu." in which Virginia Hanied will I. starred, and in which he will-play Vronsky Spencer it Ahorn's Plana. This firm will send'but two of their at- tractions out In the early part of the coming season, deferring their new productions till later. Their.emotional'comedy draain. "\ Wife's Sa'cret," which has completeal three successful seasons .In I he popular price.houses, will open In Canada early ln August,, going through the ibo coasi and back. "Ten Thousand 'Dollars Itcwnrd" will npaii In Ortnher. to play. the. popular price week stands Kast-of the Mississippi Itlver. A. J. Spencer lltldepeiwlenilv i will produce two new offerings in which'he Is planning to make striking novelties In Ihe drnmnllc tb-ld. "Anita, Ihe Singing Hlrl." a.comedy drama with music. Is being staged ehilHirmely. with n strong cast, exis>nslve proahu-iInn anil it se- lected chorus. It Is a roninnilc play, by Owen lhi\Js. combining ihe lieiirr icauircs of meloalronin null a-omeily almoin with those of musical comedy, cons,meted along iii'ig- itial lines. It will not be seen 1M ihe regular liielmlrnmu bouses, but will lie cpnllued to the higher graih> Iheatres, where Ihe ili.Har scale oi prla-es prevail. Mr. 'Spenivr's other reiinirc, "It's Never ton Late To Mend." Is by the same inn hoc. but is bit led fur ibe tnelo- drnninllc circuit. Its principal claim to nov- elty Is Hull II Is written and prntluccd In the style of the inetotirnmiis of n genernilnn ago. when ilint class of plays dcpaairted man' on merit la the slory and dramatic Interest, His Idea In making a, presentation of this character Is that the splendid n|<1 melo- dramas of yenra ago will Ilmi nn appreciative nubile today. This wns also Mr. Mails' idea ln returning to older and more worthy lines in writing "It's Never Too l.tiie fo Mend." ' ■» « > Notes from Hraws's HuiiKalaw, lllverslile, H. I. The entire cemp went to Vnnlty Fair I'nrk. Providence. It. L. Monilnv evening, July 22, nnd ns soon a» Mrs. Harry M. Brown was seen she was told Hint she wns wanted In- Dr. Dutcher. who. In n nice utile speech. said: "Did you ever go down to Brown's Bungalow anal cut one of her clinnhiikes'. Well there are three here who have done so on several iieenslons. ami In shaiw our up preclnilon of iliciu we. Dr. I in: idler. Dr. llgau I of Pnsloni and W. E. tJreeii. of the Fire nnd Flnme Show, preaenl you with this gold loving ciiu." The cup Is nearly I en Inches high, nnd splendhllv engraved, with Ibree line hnrn-biindles. In the parly were: Dr Dutcher. pr. Kgnn, W. E. Hreen, Mr. and Mrs Chns. L. Walters. .Mr. nnd Mrs. Nevns. Miss Furmnn and several others. The Browns open Ih.dr season In Washing ton on Sept. :;. . . <»» . • una rlulu PeWormanee of "The Well o( Itrtfiiuf." A copyright, performance of "The Web of llevenge,' a four net sensational melodrama. '«>■ i inion Steelsmlth, was given at Bethany, Mo., on July 111. It Was the first, perform- ance on any stage. The cast: Jack (itahum. Frank I. Itedner: Harry Wlnslow, Frank It. Dare: Jeff Wyatt. Clifton Sleelsmllh: Edwin Mm cell. CM. Steelsmlth: Simon tiriihnin. Jim Durdon and Judge . Rube, Hurry Sobns: Eleanor Mttrrell. Hrnu Sleek; Jessie < iruluiui. Nellie Thomils . Mrs. ilrahnln, Sadie Sleelstiillh. Synoitsls: Acl I—Slmnlt Ufiihain'.-: Home; near Kllltoti, Mo. ' Act II — Same.,. Act III Co'tinly-Jail nnd Jull.vard'ill Sprlitgllclal. Mo." Art-IV—Cotiii room nud the.trial. The play Is said to have made mi Immense till. and.two one night stand com ponies will he put nut In It In the nenr fu- ture, one : playing. the East and one going West to the. const.: ««» Vnn tlcn Hern Signs Woiiinii Slngem. - .lose Vim den llfrg..who has made u phe- liouieniil Success lis n grand opera linpre- snrlii In Hie West Mini Tlienlre, New York, reiiirned last week from the Adtrotialacks. whore he biidgone for a rest. lie lias slgucil two members for Ihe aug- mented compnny which he will present. Mngdn Dahl ntut ilrace Norton. Miss Nor- ton Is it cousin of Mmi'„ Nordlcn, nud n pro. lege of the greul piiiau dniinn'. "The licite hi Japan" in tlppii Miiuil). The sei'oud season of "The llelle.of Japan" will open Aug. Ill, miller the iiinnngcmeni of IL Ilnills Klilon, who wilt again star Bessie tilfion ill lb" title rule. The mule will In- clude Ihe Middle Wcsl.-linlf or more of the time being return dales. Aiming Hie people engaged nre: Bessie Clifton, VInlet True, vlt- glnht .1111110110, Helen M'al'nn. Belle Taylor, Pnnnv Vernon, F. .1. IX' Catllltn, Van B. Adams, il. S. Flinders, Chns. Milton, John Kvnns, senium tloto, native Japanese Jug- gler. Arthur Kiilmbncb will be In ndvonce. Mr. Khlon will iiersonally innnuge Hie nllrac- tlou .... • » » l iiuii... |„ Koneke to Open a New Theatre In ni.l.ll. i..«t n, S. V. Kugeno L. Kiineke, mnnnger of Hie Ma- jestic nnd Orpheum Thenlres, In Cllcti, N. v., and also Interesteil in the Bijou, al King- ston, N. V., will soon open a new tlienlre at. Mlddlelown, N. Y. If will be known its the Rlloii, and wilt hnve n wining capacity of Dim. The house will be devoted |o moving pictures, with Il- lustrated songs nnd some vaudeville fenliires of met it. ««» James. O'Nell In Play "VlrglnluM." One of Hie most notable productions of Ihe classic drama the coming season will be thai of Jnmes O'.Nell's sumptuous revival of "Vlrglnlus." There will be five scenes, eitch one full singe without borders nnd built on the pan- ntereoramlc. principle. The compnny tit present engaged Includes Charles Ditlton. Norman Hitckeit. Charles D. Herman. Jnmes O'Nell Jr.. Wnrren Con- inn nnd Wmisworth Harris. Edgar Forrest Is Mr.. o'Nell's manager. <♦'» llllalaa Knglond a* Lorliuer'n Leading Woman. "A Yankee Tnarlal" a n«i. The cost setecleil for Ihe llnyniaiudjlileh- etx'k company Includes: Flora Zatsdle, Helen Hale, Susie Forrester Cnwthoriie, Herbert i nwthorne. Philll|is Smalley. I). It. Phillips, Edward t>lllell<>, Unllnee Iteery. E. P. Par- sons, O. J. Van Assc nud M. W. Hole. "A Yankee .Tourist" also calls for n large chorus and a hand of strolling musicians, who are supposed lai nrcaimiiilliy the slnr while he Is on Ids three nets au stage tour. - ICi'lienrsttls also IsMnn.'Insa wis>k for "The Prlrtce of .l'llsen." which stuns next mon.h nn lis third trip to the Cacllie l-ousi. and its sixth season nn the road. "The College Willow" gis'S Into rehearsal tills week for lis four,ll> season on the rood. ■»»» . "Mr*. \Vl«u«' " Sueeesn In l.oadnn, While failures In London theatrical pro- iliieilnns linve lieen niiincioii.s. 11 Is iileasain In unle I lie a'oniplele silcavss, from Isitll nil iii'llsilc ami n iinaiiciiil stanilpoliii. of "Mrs. Wlggs a»f the Cnblinge I'nli'h." anal, also of Madge a'a it Conk, who lias Is'couie n very great filvorllc In Ihe English capital for her dellghlful isirlriiyal of Ihe lending role, The one hiinilitsllli isTfocinancc at 'n-rry's Tue- ntre oceurreil on Suturday. July 20, nnd was utteuileil with great eclat. A souvenir isipy of Mrs. Rico's famous Isiok. rrom which ine play derives lis name, was given In Ihe audi- ence. The success of Hie play In London has caused a postponement of nn Intended pro- vincial tour until February, inns. »■• . , I.Im J. luricr'n Proalnt'tlnna. Lincoln ,1. Carter's plays for the season of 1U07-0H arc: "The Cat and the Fiddle." "The KM of the Trail," "Tltr Flaming Arrow." •'Heart of Chicago," "Too Proud to Beg" and '•Bedford's Hope." All will lie elaborately cos- tumed nnd lilted nut with beautiful scenery. i.i'iirne tale's "Artie" la lti>licnriaal. Ilehcnrsals of (ieorge Atle's new totnetl.v, "Artie." to be ptiHliiced by Charles Hilling- Iiiiiii, were begun on July '.'2, Mr. Ailc came from his farm In llrook., Intl.. on that date, unit rciuiilnc-d In New York only twenty-four hours. "Artie" will hnve lis jii'itsIitc lu Chicago on Aug. Ill, presented by it cast Including: I.iuvreine Wheat. Joseph Sparks, William llnrrlgiiii. Hale Noruross, Clnlre Ktllp, Ylra Stowe, Virginia Milton and May Ibirber. ♦ «» Oraham slmin With Savage. II. E. tl in ha in ban Iss-n cngngeil by Henry W. Savage for the prluclpnl eoinndy trole In "The Merry Wives." which Is to have Its llrst Amerla-nti prisbitilisi early In October, lie ina veil Ibe lending conical v role four sea .on» In—"Flnnslorii." Ills role hi "The Merry Wives" Is Hun nf I'oimfT, Mnrsovlnn Ainbns- siidor to France. Ihe role now being plnyetl by aieairge lirnves, In Lo.iiluti. «'» —| l.i'« Flelals Engages tlsi'ar l-Tginan. The engagement nf Oscar. I'lgimin for one of the prluclpnl emnealy rnles with Lew Fields, In "The tilrl Behind' the Cnmitcr." will Introduce to New York Ibeiilcegoers u comedian who lias been phiyltt" ilinuighinil Ibe country In the title roles of "The Burgle muster" mid "The Tenderfoot." Mr. Flginini, who Is ii brother of .Mux FiUinan. Ihe slur of "'lite Mint on Ihe Box,"- wfll tniike his New York ili'blll III the character comedy role placed lu London by Mr. Ilimiley. ♦ » ♦ "The luiplre." "The I'mplre," despite' Ihe fact thill II is now Iwo years old, Is still tine of Ihe musical Cornell) successes. Ii opens lis third season under.I he direction of Ihe Askln-slnger .Co., In Tiileilo, l|„ Aug. 27. lis route lll.VS ilowil South, where, nfler Hie eiigHgcinenl In New Orleans, It gis's up Ihe AllaiiHc const, to piny all Hie big cities. Fred Mace, who plnyetl Hie principal pari during Iln road lour, will he lepliiceal by another ciiiuedlan I Ills senson. ■ ■ ♦«» I'.rrn Iva-iiiliill's liinr. I I./en Ka'tlilnll's sinning lour begun III Og den. I'inb. July I.*. Ho will play "Swell Klegnnl Junes" tills last sciixou'h success I ufiill Aug. 2."i, When he will nllerinile with his new play, which (Ieorge Ado Is now writ- ing for dim. John Siiiplvlnii, Ihe singe ill rea-tnr, will Iriivel with .Mr. Keiidull's com- ptin.v While he Is playing "Swell Elegant Jones," In order to . outbid rehearsals of Ihe new piny. ♦ «» ■-. • ilma-. I iiniiii lliiiiiiM Hnlla Ine Kurnpe. Mute. I'lsima l'.anies left New York on July 2.°i for I'nlis, and It may Im Hint live months will ellipse before she will return, as trips iilsnit Kit pore nre plfinneal. Mine. Ktinies wltlle Id Kurope will siudy the title rnln In Miieciigni's .Inpniiese opera, "Iris," which she will sing In the Meiropnlliiiu next senson. I rll.l SellllT. Ile»l..,,d to llcilllh, llilorns In \oii-rltii. fell /I Sebeff, Who bus ipille recovered from her recent Illness, which lasted for twenty weeks, returned In New York on July 21. Miss Keheff Immediately left the city for Loon In me Adlroiiilncks, where she will ri'iiiiilii until time In return for her en- gagement III "Mile. Mnills!c." which will he presented nl the Knlclieibockec Theatre on Sept. ii. *•*> William '•'• Kengli Agnlu at llln !»• »u. vvilllniii T. Kcogh, ninniiger of Ihe New Slur ami American Thenlres. hits returned from a two months' viirallnn. Mr, Kcogh Hie lime cruising about the New llng- const ninm rd his yncht, "The s|s a nt bllltl Stiir. New «*«» Star Theatre to Iteoiieii, The New Slnr Thruire, New Yurk City, will open Its season Saturday evening, :t. with "Billy the Kid," with Joseph ley, the boy selor., lu Ihe title role. «i » II. K. Forrester'* Plana. The productions In be senl out by Aug. Suiil- Wrlght Lorlmer will hnve Hilda England Forrester the coining senson art ns his lending woman the coming season. In "The Quicksand" nnd Ibsen's "Wild Duck." Ernest Shlpmnn will do the booking, while Mr. Lorlmer. us. actor-munnger, will is' In chnrge of everything pertaining to the singe. On* Edaiiaril* In the I'bataionual I lain litis. fins I Id wants Is spending the Summer nt Jis- Weber's home la Hi" Thousand Islands. He expects In complete there the book and music of a new musical comedy which he has -Igned to write for .Mr. Weber. a»»» i Ml.loltle Kelni to Star In M.,.1. la Chlengai. Adelaide Kelm, who recently closed n sue- cossful engagement nl the Meiropoliliin The- atre, New York City, wilt slur In her own stock company al the Hush Temple Them re, Chicago, the coming senson. Miss Kelm will reappear nl Ihe Metropolis Thenlre for a long Spring season. ... ■BP' II. K Vmiie ami Adams, In ii musical comedy, "Playing the Pontes: I'he Little tlrgan Hrlnder, "A Fighting ('1111111*," Florence Bindley and "A Midnight Kscnpe." ■»'♦ The I liii'oln Naiunre Hensain to Opa-n A ag. il. "Little Johnnie Junes." liisi. M. Coliau's successful musical comedy, will Itintigimite Ilia- new senson nl llhioey's Lincoln Sipiare Then ire, on Holurdny night, Aug. II, coiillau- Ing Hirntighoiil Hie week of Aug. la. A puny of llfty live will be seen in the ensl. #»♦ Wagner Opera llonse. I'nnnjoharle. Illillirgril. Work on Ihe remodeling of Hie Wagner Opera House, Cnntijohnrle, ,N. Y., was a'otn- tnenced last week. The changes to ls> made are no enlarged stage, the nilhlilon of n gal- lery and Interior redecorailng, The house Is - in lie finished and reopened on Sept. 14, by Hie comicois-rs. "The Toyinnkivs." ■iltiinij liar*" f«r .il. I eh. A fn r tnpelt cmisld.'Mllo.i nnd various sug- gestions. William A. Ilritdy has decided upon the title '.'llnppy llnys.' v for All Leech's lii-w mtisleiil cciui'dy. 'Ilie ls»ok Is by II. Illl- berl ITioliiiers, lite lyrics by. Ale Leech..and Ihe music by A. Bnldwln Slonne. nnd Ihe play Is snlil Inalsuind with great oppor- liinltles. w,m written expressly for Al. Leech, itnal should prove n successful vehicle for tills eccentric, coaiedlan, ';The. ametimg,,dtito will lie Sept..s. Itehi'iirsnls will "inn Aug: l. ThF'fcfljpfe of' iB<< p>t»diiel.lon..wl)l,l*i. ifh exnci ccpiiiilucllnii of the Int^lor of Ihe Hotel Aslor for the llrst act. with lis mils. tive eoliinuis. The second mi .will be tiie floor nf Ihe Stock Kxcbntlge. am) Hie limit act will lie Ihe Kings suite, at Ihe Kniekcr bocker Hotel, Mr. I'.riiti.v will Import most of Hie gowns, nliliii-he is now per«iiii:illy'se- lecting, while abroad. i i «t'» I'ltirein'e llt-etl Signs ina Snlliern'» Leading Wuniau. Florence lleeal signed n con I met Inst week us leading woman for K. II. Snlhern In tiie revival of "Lord Dundreary," which he will iiinlic the coming seitsnn. Miss Heed has been In slock will) Mnlrolni Williams for some years, and has dune some cnpltnl work ill Woreeslair nnd Providence. 4»» Curloiiii's New Play. Miss Nlllsoti. who has been residing In Ettg- land slncai the close of her senson In "The Three or Tn," at Hie Mndlson Snunre Thea- tre, has aecepled a modern comedy, by Ki- le ry itiipiviiod. for her next senson's tour, when *U» will iippenr under Independent innimgenieiit. ■ ♦»» llnrry Corsatn Cliirka- lleliirus to New York t'lt»'. Hurry Cnrsou Clarke has relumed n> New York, nfler a trip througb the Middle West. Mr. Clarke visited Clrvoiaiul. liutTalo. Ilnch- cstcr, I'hlbidelphhi, Atlantic City nnd Cnpe Muy. He.will spend Hie rest of the Summer lietwa-eii New Yurk nud Ncw|nirl, enjoying the llrst real vocntiiili lie litis bail In several venrs. ■ ' <«♦ ■■ . I.leliler %a>t»ria fair London. Three Ameiiciiit actors have been sunt In llnulinul in ivplace Ba-ssle Biirrlscnle, lltlltlt Story mill Forrest Hohliistiu. lu "Mrs. Wlggs ■if Ihe I'nhbiige I'nlcb," now running lit Terry's Theatre. In London. Their names nre: Untie Alter, Mabel Show and llgdeu Stevens. • . , ...... , . ■ ■»■» V mm llt>)ti lliijiitueti fur "AeriiiM the I'oiiil." A mill Boyd luis been signed by Mortimer M. Tbelse in create a part in Adiilnh I'hll Ipji's new comeily, "Across the I'olnl," which will be given Its AiOeiicmi premier ill the circleTlientre, New York Cliv. In the Full. »■ > ilea lil KesHler in Piny "The Nprll." .Tbilisi' A Llehlcr hnvn snlcclcd "Tiie H|M'H'," bv Samuel Hhlpnuui, for.Hie explnlliilliili or ■ he Yiddish aclnr. David' Kesslor. Mr. Ship iiiiiii wnile Hie Itlauchf Walsh version nf Hie "KretitMr Siuiaiii," ... a>»» l.ya'i-uill. tla-inphls, IVilla., .Neeiireal b.a Viaerla'im Theutrli'ul ■ Eaehange. The Lyceum Tlienlre, Memphis, Tcuu.. lias been bought liy ibe American Theatrical exchange. The price was Jilo.iMin. Tile IuiUm- wlllbe hooked by Klaw A lliiiinger. , • »» .1. .1. Mhuhert Itelurns From Knratpe. J. .1. Sbirticri. who luis been iiliroinl far the pusi ifoiir mi'iiilis, icturneti Wisluemliiy,. Inly 21. Mr. Slinlsrf eoiiclioli d armtigeiiieiii" fur nllllty Hew iii't.ilin I Luis III Am.•lien, lilt of which will I Iiliiiiillccil Inlcr. I lllllllaea') ill,-oil a,, li|i,.i l„ \o U n»i t'luiiillcey (llcoll will open nl SiiriHogn, N. V.. oil Aug. HI. lu Then, Bull Snyre's new piny, "O'Neill nf Hcrry." a>a» c — .Men Crystal Theatre fur Nan Krnnrlaen. Ai'iangenienis have Ihhui completed for the erection of II Vinalevlll.' mill plliyllouse lii ciiier In Ihe North Beach Hie iilre-gairrs nil Bronilwny. near • Sloekluii SI reel., San Frniiolnrii. I.'al. . ■ The bonsai Is to Is- known ns I he I'ryslnl, and will be one of u circuit nf ..tiict ihea iii-i. aaf Hun inline. Sleet null re-enfiiriS'll collelele will be used In ihe construct inn. and II Is expanded lo have Ihe house opened Hltlilii four im.nibs. The eosi Is estimated III $7ll,mi(l, The since will he huge enough I" permit Hie singing nf spectnciilnr nl- iracilniiM, Pal Pictures. "Tim MATINHH llsil." Is ii new film Issued by HlO Selig Polyscope I'll. A good looking anil well drisaid yniing in-iur emerges from Ihe nlnge tlisir of Hie thenlre nfler his pel'- foriimiiee Is over nud there Units iiwultlng lilin n Levy of pretty girls, anxious lo ntiike Ills pervomit in llUlllllllllli e mill show hint huw sllieerii|y they lldnilre llllll. They sin round lilin with nvery expression of n. Imita- tion iiiial iiffecllon, bill lie seems luore a'lii- biiri'iisKeil i lein pleuseil nl his nllogelber mi cxpecii'il reception, ami more Hutu anxious lu make Ills escape nnd relieve himself rrom Hie ion eiilhilslnsHc lilleiilloiis of bin link admirers, so bowing tn one, shaking Itniid's with another anil pushing others aside, he breaks itwny from tlteiii. Not sittlslled Willi this, they nil sinii off lifter Ibe unfortunate actor, each bound lo bo Ihe llrst one In '"t.ii up with him. A very funny chose lakes place. Finally the poor Ma 11 nee Idol eNtilhes his fool mill falls down. The police come up nnd capture him, nnd he Is arrested llllll leal iiwav lu explain his conduct, ami thus pays ihe penally for Ills too great popularity. "TllH HVt'KV'H IlKVKMIK" Is the title of n new dfimatlc dim tiresciifd by S. Lttbln. It shows gypsy life with ricmuitlc siirrouiiilliigs. "The Hjiis' Convention" luis been Ihornuglilv pictured, ami views nf the pai'tide, showing Hie representative of the principal titles |,, filiittrempie array, should prove of strong oca I Interest. "Tug llvi'Nnrisr's lli:vi:.vni:," Hie latest Olograph mm, Is a strong feature tvltb Hie principal exhibit Inns. i'HH I'Jptsiix Cii. have mnde a film show- lug "The Nine I.Ives of a Cm," which shows the Inniein let- ..r r.ilne long llvedueHs, lu various Interesting phases, "Cohen's Fire Sale'' still causes many >mlles. Tilt: Kl.llist: imthai, Co. handle Ihe Unu mont lUnis. ihe latest subjects ore: "Bay- ing n Donkey." "Servant's liciierodly." "Winning Ihe t!Mi7 Ib-rliy" nnd "Looking for Ihe Medal." . "Tin: Athmu'Ii' A.mhiiic.iv (itiii.s" Is a new V'llngrtipii film, showing lite prowess of Ihe typical .female I'aiie Saingriidiliite lu inii-culai developmeai. "ihe Boy. Ihe Bunt, llllll the BnHi" Is Hie lilt" or n series of ciiiiili'iil events, wherein 11 Iiiim place.I In u baili'uli cause, iiuiiiy errors. mf THERE ARE NO DOUBTING THOMASES Among Ihe v»l«i. ages who MM Riven the UAL FlllltE TltCNIi a tryainl. They'aai all Friendly Preil«. hat the HAL KIOUK Tllf.Vlas are the I.IOIITKMT, si itifviiKHl', IIAMHOMIIM' Thev say, with u» and HOST MKHVIt KABL.K TIIBgTRIOAl. THUVKS ON BAUTII. WlfalalAM UAL, Inc., . , Makers ..r 110 WiMt tOlli St., New Vork City. SK.NB FHK CAiAMilldK (.', Ask 'em. mOFESSiOfiAL Trunks