The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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HIS WOM)F.n,IeYl, lSlPKIlttOVA'l »»>.», Al Came and see and convince, youraetr. w,ihh Mtaly * Moatroae, Young's Pier, Atlan- tic Cliy, J", J-. 5-10. Wftiiwnnli.'" Vesta, & Teddy, Boulevard. Mcdfo'd, UflJHL, 5-10. flvhlw. dipt.. Seals, Chester Turk, Cincinnati, nbtofi' Francis. 4 Co.-, Alhambra, N. Y. C 5-10. Wells * Ramsey,! Steeplechase P*cr, Atlantic City. .V. J.. -»-10. ■ IV • Welch. Hon. 2ftrt Street., S. ;Y. '0., D-10, whalAO * Wet i. Empire, Bradford, :F,ng.. MO; 1 Palace. Hull, 12-17. White Eil. B. & Moll/i. White Oak Pork, New nni'nln. Onnn., 6-10 j Highland Lnko Tart:, H/lnsled, 12-17. Wlillosliic,,F.tncl, A Picks, Alenjsnr, Purls, France, U'l'i'li'elcy *' W'i OlynVfia Park, ileKeeiport, l'a , j-10t Oakland r«rk, fl roeiwlmrg, 12-17. Wheeler-, Children. Monesiwv.Pa., IS-10. . Wlilpple, Waldp, Lake Ohauncey. Wentboro, Mass., T.ilO. ... Wlniales, The. Palace Circuit fiOct. 20. Wln.iom, Constance, Ingeranll Turk. .Des Moines, In. .V10; Ornheiim, San Fran., (Jul., ill :;l. WlnolWman'K Bears & Monkeys, Hamotin Park, Hrnnd Rapids, Mich.. 8(10/ v. Wilson Bros., Young'a.Pler, Atlantic City, N. J., V ••-. ■•■■ i • ■ Wilton & Connors, National, Chicago, 5-10. vnccaiea, Tttc, Arcade, Tarcntuut, Pa., G10; Mr. Waahlarinn. 11-17. ■ » •" urillleintt, Johnny, Young's Pier, Allnnllc City, N. .1.. 5-10. Williamson, flrnoe, Lyric, Pea .Moines, la., 5-10. Williams St Ilenly, Lyric, I>c#'Mn]ncs."ln., 8-l». Wise a Mlllon. K. Sc P., Jersey Oily, N. J., 0-10. Worilclte. |.>tellc. & Co., Shea's, Toronto, Can., r.-in; Keith's, Cleveland, 12-17. Wolfe & Vnughan, Bagdad, Okaloosa, la., 11-10. World k Klflgston, Orpheani, Sun Fran., CM., 4- id: l,n» .Angrles, '11-34. ■- ■>. • Worlb k Deltnar. Weasl's. Peoria, 111,, '5-17. Wood. Francis', Wllkea-Bnrre, Pn„ 5-10. Woml. Mill. Ktectfle Park, Bnlllmnre, 5-10. Wood * •ijflWftnn.-PnBto.r'ai N. V.-C.,e5-10. Wolff Bros.. Iillewond Pork, Richmond, Va., !i- ,ni;-iieemi View, Nnefolkf-Va., 13-1". • • , Wnndtrnnl, Kd. tc May, Majestic. Chicago, IMS. Wrens. The, French's. Now Sensation Show. , Wnrnell, Arndlil B„ KleclrJc Park, tlouslon, 'Tex., tin; Lyric Alrdome, Italian, 12-17. Wrcanfl k Wygnnrt, AildUnrlnm Annor, AitHnrn. N. V., fl H»; smith's O. II., flcneva, 12-17. Vnckle? k Bunnell, Morrymeetlng Park, Bruns- wick, Me.; 0-10; Wyait k Lewis, 12fth St., ft, Y. C, n-10..... - yok), Mln,' &.,l\iilclterhockcr!« (4), :lleni1crson's, Coiiey/IKlniiS.-N.'«,. ii-lO.i.... . 3: IS , i , Vrmnu. .OI|le.«^*v Itms.-. -Lakeslile Park, Akron, 0,- S-lOt.Park.'WheellnRi.'W. Vat. .11-17. Young* (.".I,-La .Salle, III., 8-10; Paris, 12-18. Vrttiti'fi Mnnolntr. Hun Sotteirark; flhlcago, l-lt. Ville, 'Arllinf, llinnrer Park, Morlrten, CoDn., ' t\-\0.' ■"-■•■■: ' - < (*•"' Zr.nnrns, Cyellng, Poinding's, Itoeknwny Bench,' N. V.. fi-10.-• ■•! J • ■ ■• • Unrlllne * ■litiiwll. i 'Pnrk; Wheeling, W. Va.-. V10. Xarrnw 'I'rln. Union Hounre, N. v. C, S-10. Zcno, Jordan ft licno, T<mple. Detroit, 12-17. Zln-nrelhi. I.iinn , Park, P.iilTnln. N". V.. .'»- lo Zoituvo airla (10J,. Park. ClantoB, f).. 5-10. . / OH TnEnO AD, sii|i|iieineiitni vliUt'.— Received Too Lim: /i>r t'lHSwIUi-ulluu. Amjeiiv Ooincdlnn'i). (J., H. Aogeil, I msr.)—Moul- ioii, in., 8 iti. Mount Plcnsant'12-17. Angell'a Comeillaas (Chan. Mannvllle, tngr.)— -llesr.tsti.wii, III.,-S-10, Saybrook 12-17. - Brront Comedy (Ham Bryant, mgr.)—Itochestcr, Pa.; 12-17. "Connlry Kid"—Mount Clemtns, Mich., 11-10. I'raser Slock (R. ,W. Praser, mgr.)—Antlgo, IVIs., .".•in. < tninilon 12-17. ■ ■■ •' flnr Stock IC. W. ilercer, ragr.)—Blooming-ton, annV,\' 12-17. ■""" '. Illllman, May (Itrneat Schnnbel, mgr.)—Keene, N. H., 1217. , ' "Jeaw Jnmfa'' <Brown ft Roherls, mgra.)—Ford, Ky., B. Richmond 0, llnwlnnd 10, Lebanon 12, nreenshnrg 18, Camnliellstonn 11, New llnvcn IS. ...... "I.lfe of An ActrMa''—K. Y. City 12-17. Uimiiu A Sights Cotnedlnna (J. W. Sights, mgr.) ■ nil. Lake, wis., 5-10, ■ Weatboro 12-17. I'liinaii Stock (K. K. Pitman, mgr.)— Pella, la., 1217. "I'nele Totn'a OnWn," Sleelrnc's Of, L: Finn, mill) lllanni Hi Y., 8, LI»lng«ton Manor P. i iiiitiv it), Woodbnrn 12, Centcrvlllc la. "I'lHJBl Joahun Slaipklila"—Belleyllle:, Mlcli., 7. Oharlol>e s, lluatings 0, Lansing 10. - Wild Stock (Wm. C. Wild, mgr.)—Coopcrstoivn, X.Y., 510, Oneonta 1217. in it i.i :stn i; imi \ Al 1)11Vll.l.l:. i'liainpagne Olrla (Phil Flslier, mgr.)—Milwau- kee. Mis., 4 in. St. Paul. Minn., 11-11. . Ul\Nflti:i,N. American, Deland's—Soldier, Pa., 0; Eleanor. 10. lllehnnla & I'rlngle'a (Holland t Fllklns, mcra) —Pomcroy, \Vaah.,-5, Dayton 6, Walla Walla T. North Yakima 8,. Kllenabttrg ft, Tni-oma 10, II. Kiereii 12, MaryRyllle 13, Mount Vernon 14. Atincorlea 13, S.e|lro Woolley lr), Blaine 17. TEKT NIIOW. Spark's. J. H.—Wyoming. .Pa., 11. MISCIOLLANGlOVa. I'lske's node—Morgan, Minn.. 7, Redwood Falls s. Morion f>, Franklin 10.'s (Muss mowers (Jack Lee, mgr.)—York Springs, Pa., 5-10. r.a.uiK.nil, the t'.reiii iMniirlco F. ltnymond, mgr.) -Ilillliinrl, Vt., 5-10. Siwle Family Show (Burt Steele, mgr.)— War- ren,' •MMWr*IM0." > "t<' -:.-..i..-.s...... u.....,»... ■T- . !»« , » ,.,. . 'I'lu- Canalry -Choir. , Dnly'ti Country.ChoJr, with Mary Hiitchlns, Join Itennnl. Frwl KUIotr. and Walter line l licmon, liuve Just flulslied a three, monthn' jnp for ihe Wm, Morris Ottlce, and, Juda- '•»« from Uio exoellent reports .received, lave lumped Into undisputed popularity dur- ing I belt- short tour In "Advanced Vaude- yllte." The members of this organization iinve (tone to rluuY resnectlve homes to tnko n needed rest, before they Btart on Ihelr '"HI and Winter engngements on (he Klaw *■ IfliiORPr circuit. I. u 'I'emiH Aililn tu ( irt-iip. llnlcM. Accordlnpf to it ruling Issued recenlly, liy i"e llatlroad Commlstilnn of Texas, full rates must )>e pnld for the transporlnilou of ad- vance cars of circuses nnd tholr represenln- Hves. This proposed Increase In Ihelr expenses "'ay cause elro4is owners'to leave Texas oh" of "Mr rnulliiKinapr---- ->* ■> IS j ., ««» " " .. ; 4 Anillp llnrl Will, ••^.loil.len •« I'lolx." Annie Hurt- will l>e fealnred with "McFad- .. .''"'lals." The.season opens Aug. '.'II. at. >'W Bank, N. ,T., Miss Hnrt's home town. Albert 8utlierlan<P* ErKcrprlses. Alliert Sutherland has In preparation sev- eral act plays; which will ploy over the l.nlted Booking Office time. The ncls em-' brace everything from an elaborate one acr opera, written ,by Stanislaus Strange 'and Julian Edwards, to a knockabout comedy act, In .which-will be featured two well known comedians, ; . ■ ' S :.'He ie also bringing to this connfrv n noic] musical act, the effects of which'are somc- ■what-after the style of spiritualistic seances, where- musical Instruments are played, but In this case the music comes from all parts of the house, with full HgWs on. * All acta handled by Mr."< Sutherland next season will start out with their advance press On m,3.1» nnd-tt.10. FortyaU week* on kkitii son pnocToii'd rinr-niT. - -M . .1 ti ■■ ! f '•* ii i work and billing, prepared-Jin such (order as to;jglve rgVttch Joy to the various hobso man- agers, who have almost, given up Hone that JliiNtlc In the >l«.rrls Olllr.-i.. Kveryboily In.Ihe Wm. Morris offices Is In- fused with wonderful activity this early pare of the season, nnd the warm weather tins no ulsirosKiig elfecls upon, the different em- ployees In .lite performance of their. rospccUva duties. The roullnu of tin: numerous acts t'»n|.r»clchV for by the Klaw & Hrlanger clr- i'hII Is under the exclusive and personal sit- iwrrUloO of William Morris, and Bright Ileitis shine In the .windows of tho Holland Ibilldlng many hours -after supper time. Some' Jf ibe houses .booking. ■ ."Advanced Viuub- vllle." win open the week of Aug. 20, nnd about nineteen other houses will bo added for lite-week of Sent. 2. Knch week •tliorcnfter new houses will be added to tbo "Advanced Circuit." ......j the vaudeville performers will ever send theli newspaper "stuff" and sufficient photographs for newspaper nnd lobby use. «■ ♦ i Sen Vaudeville '11.rat re for ' /.nni'Kvllle. , - W. Hunter Atliu, of Bancsvllle, 0., U to build a new .theatre in. that city.'' It will occupy a large, lot at Fourth and Market Streets, owned by Mr, Atliti. When com- pleted the house will be one of the most mod- ern- vuudev I lie houses In the Htate of- Ohio, l'laiis arc now being prepared by. a .local architect, »nd .ground, will bit- broken -thlt week. It Is expected to require about six months to complete the theatre, and It will thus.he some time after tht; holidays brfor,* it Is formally opened. The building will lie a three story affair, constructed entirety ot pressed brick, nnd will be finished elabo- rately. Mr. Atha has closed a ten years' con- tract with Hun & Murray, and.this theatre will be on the regular .vaudeville, circuit of thill ilftn. tut r •' H17—u •.'*s■ . .~\ t. •..-...» I lisirli-n (irao.lleli. llunouer of Iln.Lu. I'urk, iinltliuorc. Hum uu Knconnter ,..WIth a lUlio.nn. ..;...■.... Chas. Gramllch, manager of Backus Park'. In Baltimore County, Mit.y m-tbr and' owner " of 1 "Tho ,King lteff'. nltn>lcnl.. comedy;"whs liadly Injured at tnc^'potk, - Inst Friday,; hy;;ti, bifge monkey, HI Kl by nnmc, a gray nnboon. Ill Kl had been usndfor Hie past live years In a circus, but had bis Summer quarters In llackiis I'nrk. He hnd lichh ptirtleiilai'lv vl( l lo1ts .llttely, nnd attacked Mr. (iriimllch when he entered I lie cage. After a fierce battle, during which Mr. Ornmllch wnsse- .verely blllen, the mopkey wns killed. ' — *' » .. — " lii.lilrll ( l(>, ( nillir*lr, L. I.. I lliliT New Vlnmmrllli-lli. , ( . Golden. City, the umu's'ement park at ,Ca- ruirslc, .has.been the Colden Clly Construction Co. .to the Coilarsle Amusement Co. The terms of the transfer were not mude public. President William .1. Wai'uer, of the Cnnarslc Amusement' Co., nnnounced that It .was , proposed . to make (lolden City one of the Inrgoat amusement: resorts in the world. The present grounds will- be Improved, and next -Winter tbo pnrk will he extended to cover adjncenl land. More than fifty acres will bo devoted to amusement purposes. '"' * ♦ »». . . The luiiitly The»tre, lit Chester, P«„ 1 iiii.rmiliiii (n.i'iiibi.ii.. 'i!he .'i.'amliy Theatre, located an-West Seven- teenth Street, Chester, Pn„ will be opened on Mnndnv SopL 2, by 'Harry ITKsta, for-the season. ..Various alterations to the building arc under way, and when they nre finally completed, the playhouse will"he prettier thon 'ever. An exit Is being plnced on the west side of the building, which lakes the place of a tire escape. Considerable work will also lie done on the Interior before the season opens. . ,1 ,- 1 'n»! ■ : Oe Haven unit si.iiir* Make Oood. Chnrles«I)e Haven nnd Jack Sidney, who recently left Oua Iidwards' "School Boys nnd fllrls.". net, and started out for themselves, npnemred for the . tlrst time at Henderson's Music Hall, at Coney Island,..N. XI week of July J2, and were a. pronounced success throughout the week. They bnvn been booked for fortv-four weeks solid. , . B » . »♦ . 7.,. i.oiik MlnHtrel Jnuitu. Wm. Josh -Daly's Minstrels have been hav- ing . a gay time this season seeing the scen- ery while travellrtg, and for the remainder of the senBon Mr. Daly will call his organiza- tion Daly's Minstrel Company of Globe Trotters. The week of July 16 this company made a Jump from Voungatown, O., to Harris- burg, Pa. The week of 22 from Harris- burg to Ottawa, Can. ■ ♦■» 1— MnK«-r AiiiuHcmcnt Co. Incorporated, Tbe Jack Singer Amusement Co. was In- corporated July UO at Albany, X. Y. The compauy, of. which Jack Singer, Cliff Gor- don and Bobcrt North are directors, owns and controls Ihe Behman Show and Frank D. Bryan's Congress-of American Girls. ■ ' 4 . 1 » ' I'nrk iiim.i.Iiik Circuit. Tbo 1'ark Booking Circuit was lucor- poraied July *"> la Albany, N. Y. The di- rectors arc: Kdwnrd lltrsh, Samuel Swao- soti and Kalharltie M. Kogarty. — - — '. «» ' •» ' •— 1 81s Llim-llMhlre I,UMMltot for the Hnchelora' Club. Hastings & Arnold,- managers of the Bache- lors' Club (Knslcrn wheel) have secured from Kurope. ior this season., the Six Lancashire lassies, six Kngllsh girls, who enn Hlng and dance for pony ballet; I'linrleu II. Mi.i|.liiek to lllricl H. A. llolff'» VI t rm-lii.iiM. Charles It, Madilnrk.<or the past Iwo j-cn.s manager of tbi> .Military Odette for husky. Ilolfe & Co., has severed his connection with the old Arm to become assistant manager and fenernl director of the 'altructions controlled y. tbe new llrnt of B. A. Ilolfe A *>• • i ■ -1 j V» j gi »■ ■ - Dntvsou; Mack nnd Company SIkii with Hull Mancheuter. Dawson, Mark nnd company have signed wllh Bob Manchester, to he featured in one of his (Kaslern wheel); attractions. In their comedy success, "ADny nt the Circus," with thirty people,in the act.' /-. — "' ■» m CinriHnfr n ml .> Iiuiiit Score In Eiipialnd. Gardiner nnd Vincent nnd company hirrc met with distinct success In Knghinil, otien- tng In their sketch, "Winning a l^tteeu/ at the Holhnru Kmnlrc, 'jvhere they .closed Ihe show arid held the audience-to Iho end. «*»■— ' — s4 Jules (;nrrl«iili'S N>tv Act. -.rules''Garrison will present a new act this season In vaudeville,; entitled "After tbe l'lay," written by ceroid Crawford, with seventeen people nnd^peulal. scenery. «*»»■ . iinniimi and Prankllii for AnstrnlluA I layman and Kntnlclln, a well known American .team ,of comedians, sailed from, Knglnnd, Aug. 2, for a 1 went}'-four .weeks' tour of Harry illckurd's theatres In Aiuj- trnlla. eii^er Post in order to avoid mistaken and to Insure the' prompt delivery ot the Irtlcrs ,advertised In tills Mm«, uM envelope iilnlulj addrrased iun«t l>4» ■ fin tor each letter, and a written order .far the Inter, uluo.-d ttlin thn full niiiiif nnd nddresn and the line of nnalucaa. fnlloned '>> the.sender, iniiMt alao he eneliised. -:'•• . ■ ."■ I'leaue mention the dnte tor num- ber! of tbo Cblfspicn .In which tbo letters acnt for were advertised. I.AOir.H' LIST. Ashtoti. Syltla |Do Turk. Mill. (tppt.ll, Marie il'iik.n. UvUmi Allen. I'lmea.-e ih'hmian llernl.t Kverctl, Until AlcxHitder, Mrs. lie... tl. Alexander, I.llllaa Amber, . liable * Co. Ashton,.Dolly Alleene.J Miuio Allen,-Iiln Ikirl. M-iini Kmmcii, . • Margnrel I'.lii.v, Mftye l.'arwcll, l.uellte l.'ox. I.llllllll I'ay sisters rinn, kin <4»a A New Rnllet. "The Spirit, of Ihe I'rcm" Is Ihe title of 11 ballet In preparation by Joseph linn for the vnndcvllle theatres.- "■ — ■ : a»a ' ■■ • I'.llilllrt' < t Four for Uliriilie. r-ljttiptoa ..C^Wnf'VBtnttWWC Aug, 18. fpr^ l'^ii'4>|K.<..,open, at lM'«gu«#- Austi'lu,,Aug„;jl.., Alva, Alice .Kerns, Tesslc Anderson, 0 F. ll-'alr, Diiljtv lieiisnn. .Mtildo I'leW.. Kranm UaocroCt, Maud |.-eiit.ia, Alpha lb a. lie v. t'.va 11 I'vunl.h 11, M11 lie Hlnckfonl IMtlei.llllctle. Viol i . Bertram, Helen (irltflili .Mrs.l'.M Brvhaitcy Louise (Jonlon, Pearl Brog'.it, Josle qnrnellii, Mv Bellser Alice , Herlerl,. M.ti.le Bonner, >C«Mle Hlekox,<;Myrllo UcMrnnil Mndcetlliimlllon, Maud Ilcrrl .MbwUuil't liunl. Isalniln Itevan, ,Mrs.Ale< Herman, 'i'eot Itt'lnsir, Airs. II. Ilerson, Ctell Burke, Mrs. J, llnwiinl. .May Bemaleln Annie Mill, Alay . Hurt, .Madge Hale, Ii.h-oc Hares; Muyme lluinhlon. llrooks, Jeanne ( -lira. J, A. Black. Vera Jerome, I.lliliin CM, (luasle lUentun isir.itliy Calto, Puitse". KRigitMkale Clisdwlck, KiiiHiidl, I'lo Pa 11 tin.' Krarnei'-Mditille Clair, F.ran 1 Kennedy, Lindsay Morrison for-Keith's lloslon Theatre. Lindsay Morrison, house manager for Keith tc 1'roctor's Union Smiarc Theatre, has gone to Boston. Mass., lo assume management of Keith's Theatre In that city, iteed A bee succeeds htm as lion*e manager of Keith & Troctor's-Union Square.Theatre. «■»■' . I''. F. Proctor J*. Appointed Assistant to K. F- Alhee. At a recent meeting of ihe directors of tho Keith & Proctor Amusement Co., I'. !•'. i'roc- Inr Jr. was appointed assistant to tleneral Mnniiger H. K Allieev t- .. <i» Illack I'niiili lliirlcstauers. , Tiie Black Crook Jr. Hurlesqiiers will Co nut Ibis season with new acls and specln scenery.' Manager Harry Hastings hits laid out 11 scnsoi) or forty weeks of our nttil three night stands. > ' . .,.-. rwrg ■ «' ! > . ' ■ ■ ■ A MM lioti.ri) In » Mlnitle Acl. Anna Dnherty, of Ihe Dolterfy Hlslers. will do 11 slnale net nt. Kellh tc Proctor's 1,'nlon SminreThenlre. Aug. 111. She will rejoin lier sister when she relurns from Rurnpe. The gathering on Friday night, Aug. 2, was largely attended. Arthur llomblow, Ihe editor of 7'flr. Thntlrc MttfKKtnt, was to have been the guest of honor, but could not,be present owing to nn Important business en- gagement. . ' , Attention Is called again to the special -meeting-on Friday,.Aug..0, nt Kccno's. for the purpose of.Incorporating the Friars... . The abbot will act as the New York repre- sentative of the committee of itinerant Friars. Friar Bruce Kdwartls, chairman of the house committee and -of tbe committee sock- ing larger quarters, will make bis Dual report on Friday night; Aug. lb Friar Geo. ft, Hammls reported progress Ip the arrangement for the rontlng Al. liny- man dinner, and stated that, following 11 personal letter from Mure Klaw strongly ad- vising Mr. llnyntan to accept the honor, a formal Invitation has been sent by thn com- mittee. The date set for the dinner in Friday evening, Aug. 2.1, If agreeable 16 Mr. Dayman. ,is soon as Mr. Haymtin's-acceptance is re- ceived, complete details will lie announced by 1 Ihe committee. ....1 . . t 'Die following candidates hnro been pro- posed for inciiiliorslilp • Actlye: Branch O'Brien, S. Nelson IJogard. Percy Hammond, Wm. 0. Wheeler, Urnosl""A. Jligglns, John W. Plckon, J. U McDouall, Jack O'l^ary, V. \\\ Gregory, ClMs*. H. Breed;, Harry Weaver, nnd II. W. Taylor. Associate: Chns. W. Shaw, George. Ade, C. .X. :Yoiing.. Jos. II. Grlsmer, Frank T. Klntnlng, Alfred 1 K. An runs, Frank Howe, .Fred McClcllan, Theo. llonssenu, Henry Pleiwui; M. A. Jack, Her iram l,evvn, John W. Dunne, Harry Bonnell, Jose Vim den Berg,. Krtwln ('. Hill, Joseph l.uelilll. Lay: llobeit J. riniipbel) and Caul Timmnsnu. .1. A. I'. Mnloue, general manager of George Kdwarde's eiiternrlses, will address the Friars tit the meeting at Keen's Chop house ou Aug. (I. Friar Kd. Abrnms, who bus lieen 111 for Hirer weeks, recovered sufficiently to attend tho meeting last Friday, and was given a warm welcome. Marcus 11. Mayer sailed, on Aug. .'I, for Southampton, toKlnnhuz his flflv-dflli round trip. He carried In Ills pocket credentials signed by Wells Hawks, president, nnd Philip .Miiidll. secretary, as the official renrescnta- llvc of tho Friars In the United Kingdom nnd on the continent. It Is Mr. Mayer's pur- pose to enroll the desirable foreign agents as Friars, and to establish a branch monas- tery on the other side, On Tuesday evening. July fiO. Victor Herbert and Charles Kmcraon Cook's tune- ful melody, tho olllclal ballad ot tho Friars, resounded throughout the "Court of Luna," nt I,una Pnrk, from eight o'clock until mid- night. The 1,111111 Pnrk bands, orchestras unit quartettes played It continuously dur- ing the evening, and Ihe lusty voices of three hundred press agents carried the strains to every nook nnd corner of the park. ' The oc- casion was tho tlrst visit of the Friars to Luna Park, where the members nnd their ladles were the guests of Frederic Thomp- son who Is nn honorary member of tho or- ganlnallon. .. .:■•■-, .-; •:;.....,::■■:■- "v~..-_ Deaths in tDe Prof mien T. I, FAnaON .In., died July 28. "Con" T. Mrtifitv. died July '.'ft. W11.1. fl, n.tKRii. died July 27. II. J. C|,H "ion, died .lulv I'M. Fni',nRiiir.'K ItAiici.AV. died July 22. Lcmi'kut, died Aug. 1. ,T. It. Davis, died July 21. Kittii: HoiiEKTH, died July 28. DAvm CiinisTin Mi'iutAY. died Aug. 1. (Iso. P. Krno. • - JosKt'ii Hatto.v, died July 31, Mention of ihe careers of the above will ap- pear..In our nest Issue - Courtney Lottie Ciu-lunaii Mi ->.!' i:hn|iiaan, Nella Clifton. Ada Ciilliorne, Mrs. Hurry Callninlli.' Irrne Cleveland flnlilk> 1'lisIII".,■Beta ilhnfte,. I.en.i crnifdall, Hiuiil (Hark slaters Camnhijll AllssK. Day. Myrtle IV, Mnuil' Be 1, iiey, l.elgh Dupm, Alice I'u Bola, Bell l)e»erennc, Mlmu (Xinal'lmil Helm Hale, Murl.i IK-a»cs Mary K. Hurling, li.-i.'ii IImvIi.s 'loiolliy Utckson; l.ydla ■ Burrow, .Jean |.;illnr.r He Forrest Klslrn Ilea, rice X fenls'l, »lllc. ■ I nlil.ilh-. Mario I Jinan;. Grace i.l 1 Frew Slaters l.elliliil. How ISee, Alberta- • lowell Blimel.e l^< Itov, '."l-l l^sler, Mliliiie I ew, Ktlirl Lyon. I'Mher l.ionl.. Mamie Moore, .lestIc Merrill,. May Muitlte, -Kvu Mack, Hieilu Melrose. Nellie Miller, 1 lllliia Mylene Adelnlilf Mlllmm tlraccl.. Miller. Miss .MJ.Iillt-li.ii, Miss, F. II. Mason, tlenlrlee M'i>... II"" Milieu. Vldn Man Mrs, Sam Matlltows. , M.11 Alontcbilr, J Jeam.tle Nolle. Mm.'. NVvllte Uanscrt Osborne, Nellie Oswald, Allele l«erle, nitty Pike, Mrs. I., qilliilt, Mrs.J.W Ileal. Pablo Baynlnnll. Ida I In ye, • V vol te ISi.IiIsimi llertlne Itosiimouii. I . ,l..| Hello Rolilnsou. J.onisi' Hoy. Burnt by KUlly, fHlelle SliertiniiriM., II .1 re-l elevens, Kitty Sliel.ilr. Julio flubCl Josephine KlewuM, Htelyn Homers, 't'llly SuiiUum, Miss Hlewitrt. Wlnlfreil Sinclair, llnscl Sniirs, .letse tc lleutrlee Plevensun, Datsy Snnforil l...'iMe Tht.nma, sumo I'lllsun, Klhel Tyson, draco full >.il, .lule no lay lor. .May Taylor, Bessie • ■I'licti, Alllf.oVlli Taylor, Horn ■Vernon Vlrglllue Van Sl.-kli a Ida Vnl.lciin,...lrau Van Kiiion. Mlsa V. Vnngbti IKirtilby WoKilvllle, Irene Winslnil.l, j i'"l(iwiic|. tl'ooil, Vlviait Wlilliinirf. Nellie Weal, Madeline Wagner, Mla» F. Wiill..ce, Flo Wonlcn, Mreski Warren, flrace Wayne, u-imi Wo.lfi. VI. 11. 1 WlilUnit. Hell Wlson Mrs. Nat Waaiier, \\.. 1111.-.-. . Iloclliy B. Weston. lA>ln Vyclle, )lh. Zlllinali, Sylvia UHNTMi:SINN'S LliT. , Astiim ArlU. 0. tC'arr,, (ten. ii.. iFntlr. Fmd Am 1 In, O.,II, .I.'Carroll, Beunlo t'lynn, A. S. Acl-ermiinu i'aul Coiikblau. A, U, rosier, .tloriMa Altinan, I. A. . Coltablun. Al. Fields, IfobMe AMalra, The Oollln», Dirt 1 Franc, llin.M Arnolil, Billy illnllahan. .0. B.lFsrrrll. F. K.i Alvonlaa, Itlchil. (Virltr. I'ligene dole ■ Albrecht. llun.i it.'iliituii, II. F. Ilnietll Fred .ui»Tts. Low gWaUlt *'H'ill!Orueey W. II. Alliurtli. I.. .'MIleM, I.'. ' .tlfltey liunl. Allaire, A. (Xiuser. Kls,«ortli tlaunauji Ut.rt Mi1h.1I, -'iiiii fualelln... II. (Irllblb, >l All, . :CJnrne»..\V. 1, Amtiiuli (IV) Ciinniili,' ,|.|'i. Allen, Joe M. 'Cuniilngliaai, Allen, .If., S. . : . i. .W \n. in in • A t'.i.v, Hen V. Mllinr, darters. '■• Adams, Kui(cne .'niilll, .1. V. Ashley, IWO, F.;Cortex, II. IHny, .lullnii A.'l.eiiiuiuii. i'iia|iei'.|..n ArllilHIlfoyl, llaity I'.l.lie ii. Carroll, l.'aul fllhaon, .11111 Carroll. I. .ttayisir, •lo"- Case, 11. Uiegif, I'l'iM 0. Cilinoi.. ...' I Ml llerur.l, lillbert Kirk, M. 11. Kaonics, flirty Itrtidnll l'r"i.:..n Killile, (b.i-. Keogli, Wm. T, U.«.lt>r. M.i.v, Kelly. I'e er .1 Kwiaebiiiiii,' V l.eluniinn, too l.a Marr. Harry l/iralne, llilh'y liiekharl't. I'.ii' . nhnnls, Mgr. f.aeentra Jo».,(., ,1. (I. 1/.wis, Oscar .lister, O. w. Ie»l>. Rdmir litrelte. ;<len, l.a. Marr, Paul Mntn, JDsrt Lyons, ft; W. Lnthron Win. :4. 1,0* 'foaft Foo I^Comte Fre.ll! I.lnyd, II.'k. j; W. 1 Wis. w. s. l.nivte.v>. V, l,a Kole, M. Joe II. l.nrelle, A. K. M. I^liatlg.'N. Lewis & ' Lesslngtoti Lambert. Win. t^nnon Iten.t It Livingston It. 11 1* FeW), D.fJ. I nuimers ciimJ'rarl, Wesley I'rnnk McKeea, Tlie a Mi.rrls, Jnlm Mnraliy. J.T. Morion, Ja». .1 Muxsx'll Hurt. I MeClaln, chas. MCNalr, Jaa: K Morse, D. I.. Maastleld lloltIA MeCnrty. Dull MeCnrmtck ibll Murray, Larry Mclean, II. lb Miller Frank F. Mack; Chas. Moss, Mr.. ' .'(Bill I'nsler) Mltelf, J. it. Madcaps, The fl Mel'nrland 0.11 McCiirier, J. A. Meelin Trio Moore, Hi .MH'ormlcV Hurl Merlon, i lifts.K. .Marlow,..f*a. Mliinoclt, T, C. Mnaro Riil|di A. Mini. .01 I'.iirl K, Mlniiella Bros. Mf«, c. r«" Mitchell, W. II. Mohnsk, ■ . Inu-nttsii Melrote, W.'F. Alorrell, Frank Mason, Harry M.uiet. .Hilly . .MelUs', .1. II. Mil)... A. , . Moiilgou.iiiy. .1, Markiunai t'tie Aleotl, Will ' .Mintr, Al. ' Morrlsaey, Billy .Miilkvy, -lolui II Mellon. .1. A, Mitchell. .>,. , . Al Cllsll. tli'lloivioi. \\u A1cflartley,)Ji. A Alnek & lioiio-!! Mack, .1. r h.tMsr., , ilviiuu, I. N, ■ilraliiim,, I'ninh Inregor/' (', I,'. driuivllle; llert llnylord,-. 0. iluiOebl. I'lui-. ((Ilg..rfll. W. IJ lliirri'll, Fdiiioud Bales .v N.olin Briiiull, Le Hoy I'lii-linioiil. lt-ibt Coatts ,t tirnuily Beiittey Hraytonif.Vigawell Client Brown, Hour/ U! Clark, div s. itMiin, Frank Dllfford. Frank Helms, John Carl, 'i.ui . liiirgcas, Jos, • lk?ker,_l > ant fionld f« 1'ite.: Craves, Harry liiinlbi,-.-, .Ii.eli 11 in nes Hurry 11111 .i.... Ilogan, (I. W. linker, Billy ItsuiU, Tims. I'. Ifcnt'ig'a Htir.s.s Baldwin Barney rioiiCarlns Seiior Herring, Ira Bennett. Frtsl De Weird, I'ruf it.inniiii. Hairy Pale, P. A. Blllt, Cliaa. Bnny, Jas. Bllyclis Meals l)avrai»iii C. M llowera. Joe ' Doyle, J. II. Bonne, John 1 Daley, Jaa MAttTifA W.\(ii:vpniiiiKn,"'The Maid of■ Ni- agara Falls," wrlles an appeal to her friends 10 come to her nld. as she lost all Iter be- longings In lltn recent fire at Steeplechase Park, Coney Island. Her address Is 2:..". Mast Mevenly'Klehtli Hfreet. Now York tllly.'. Aiihi.i: Pintvis Onmi and I'i/uia 'I'iiuiick have signed wllh Ihe I'nlted Bonking ("tubes, opening Nov. I. They sail Sep!.- 18 for l'ngliinrt. ami return Oct. It. '• Titc. OnKBNKP TiiKATitc, Hreenup, III., will ripen I lie season on Aug. Ill, with "iHil of Ihe Streets." The bookings comprise son,' of thn best one night blnnds playing i!n> mid- dle West. Anxkttk Wiltsib, singing will play rtiLitlevllle dates thla season. Bradley. Chaa.T iiueii. Ike lierginiiii. II. A. Batle, Frank Itnrr A lOtiins Brnbm Trio lliitlons, The llriiiulon H.lgni-T Baker. Chaa. Iirandt, Kdwln Brady, .las. II. lliisard, Clut'i. 0 Barclay, Prof. Barton. Homer Honour, Frank Byrne Broa. Burke, John F, llernard, Hen Brown, Col. A. Barrett, Palsy - llreiiiiens Alutle llrown. Tom llnrtlett, O. II Boyd A Viola browner, Mr. Beck, I.on lie Hon is. The Blair, Bruno, (las . Clark's .Dor A (Mm. circus Century Com. 4 Curllena Mcd.Cc Cllrfonl, 1*0 Ccunors, Frank CollrellPowell 'I'routs? A Mile VnrgiierltA Clifton, II. Chllds. Fred Cirmll, Frwl I'orrlgan f< Hayes Colhy, Will II. Chflsly Warmsl Ciimioily, Jiis.F liiHlelbino- llerll OarfaTrki Curley, Pole f'niiltvell. Jas. (V.ltln, Win. fl. Clreone. Noe fkMle, M. B. Chapman* Fslwln A On. faint. Musical Claire, .lack Daly. Chas. IV Hainan Wall Dlonl. Arthur Dcliiliimi .y - Dalniom Drummoiiil. Cecil Dale, J. K. De Lisle, J. C. Davenporl. Dleli Dexter, ,Frts| ;.. DuiUiani, F. Darsey, (1i«. I.., it. J, Dodge, II. L. Bore, Joli'i Hunliar, (Iro. DoilUl.'.etlll. Louis Doyle, Put 1/ Davey, Jus, I loonier, liiisab K'lloti Fuldle F. Ivhyards. FrilllU Knierson, Nn, Kinerson, Jaa. Karl k Wilson Kdtvnrds, Harry A Co. KldrblRo. Prt.aa Krroll, L. 1 Kllsworlh Allan Elmore. It. It. Rmerson, Joe Kntils. W. B. Rilwur.N, Itobt. Kvnns * Kills. Hurry H. Kilwanls Clias I Km met t. Cbna. J.Mert,i..iu Frcil |rs|iosllo. V. Fa/. Jolm T Fisher, II. I'.. Fuller, Wm j.'li'Miiore. I".. I.'b'.ke. Kd, I'nv, fieri Prt*rc. John Frye. 0. C. I'le.klnsleln, J. Foster, Frsnk Falrrhlld It. I> Flyno, Karl Froliei, C. K. Frayne. Frank Ferguson C. A. Hall. John HerisTi. fitter Haiigaros C..L.M. Ib.rrls, lli-n llltetllags .v 1 'o. IIIII, A. L. Howard, Wis. Ilebcrt, J. A. Harrison, J. II. llarrliuin, I'.dw, Howard. K.l.w. Hart, Billy Harlow. Jack Holloway, F.C. Helm, K. Hayes * Suites llawloy, I!. F. I toward. Jos. At Held, Wilbur milium, Wm. Hamuli, John llawiiril, .1. F.. Ilanuner, L, Htiffmiiu, |.'. C. Hlldt-rrn, Ulias. Henry, F. J. Heller, F. W. Ilagllll, .11 ooillo Howord, <■.<. Iliiallngs Hurry Huntley. .1. II. Hand, Clius. K. llaymuu. Jack llnmlyn. llliner (layoa, '.V. it. Hiiiiiia. Allien Irons. W. II. Irving, Tom Inman, Wm. Jerome, Klmcr James, It. W. Jolhcrt, W. K. Jeffcrs. Jack Jennings, II, B. Johnson Chas. II. Jones. Irving Johnson, (.is., C Jenkins, al Johnson, HI 'wn.-t Kelly. II. p. ICiisell, Jules Kennedy FrcdW Kelly, rims. J. Kaufman. Hilly Mlnir. Billy Jerry Klecmy, K. It. Kllgore. 4. It. Kelloni, lAtf Kechn. K, I,. Kenneilr llms. King, W. K. Morrln. Ili.i.i.. K Httwarli K. V. Morris^.-. \1. J. Sehvrorer, Chas. MclVuial.l Chile Sliltuiiiiii, I W. Marks, IIiiim 11. Si, 0.(111 .v Mmiii, T. Itnynion.l Netiriiskn Bill Shntik, II. "O. Norlh. Snort IShaw, 1. 3., ■ Nelson. Net' 'srehackv Ilntry North Bros.'' ;Snrdonla», tlm NaAMvllle W.E.i Starting jlm*.' Nelnin, Nlles 'schtnldf, Ftrittt. Newman tc Itlebl Norman A llorliorl Nplon, John Narln, Hi 1 tlnesr A Watson fJtiiVs, Tlie iVHHen. Nell I'Nell, James sWaser, l : ie O'Nell. Fred lilwell, (/nils DXntie Trtniive O'LniiKlillu AlnJ. O'nonuell, Tlioa. It, Qtt. W. <l. tWlhi. J.' It Iwpe, I'Thnh I'ltUlliis, , M. P. I'ailerewskl IVwers, A.fl.M. Pannlinslkns Pros, Pronrt, Oscar Palmer, llnrry Pagvls, Frisl IVllfnlil, T. .1. l»Ms;ri Alvlii f paetagobl, Paul Price,' II. F. I'lsitc, it.s. L. Phlllli.s, .1. Prlee. Fivd L. IKvwer-. S. II. Porvy,. Juek I'blldi.s, Wm.l! Piinlxcr. 'Illl'l I'helps, KW*ae Powell, Jo' Perseh, wm. Perry, (ten. Parker, Hurry Qnli.n; P. 11. Quick. Wm. A. IHTltrti* I. N. llotlnsky. It, Hyist, chiii.l Itilios 'Ho.. til Ml I lelly. John Uouvrk, Crip ,' llohlu'on, A... C lllffdletlo Bros. ft.nrlatl.l, Jus. l|oe,:n. J. \V, llsnklu k U'«lle llose.s. ic Sims Hire, I.....U r. Ilnymoii.i. . ; • Frink (I llbyce, ,lis> tfeinolilt, Lew llnlstrls I Lome Plei'l-e Reed; unit Heud, i'1'...iio llnltnre, i.'tins. Hossli Frank Hirers, N. 1L llelft Mn». ItiilititHt.ii .Salt'. liowe, I. , . Ity1.11, 9. W, ' S..11 lis. Isiidnru Mhr.leross, .Mf.' saHot, Mar. Iil|unan ICrneat .union, .lack Mllltll, F. J. Sbehly, Hoy Stewart, lliurv Klarnea,, Ales M«oi Hros. Suiiilllerllelil, It, sninincr, K. II. Shearer, Frank Scnlinuilif 'I'. (J. Slielilnti's Caineillnti* Stork, Clirronl .soinera, P. Sniiih 1) (Hrdr Sniltb. Ray, Mr. Strain, Frank Sylveslev, Lawrrnisj*. Hurry swingle, il- .. swan, IV. I,. Seimilk, Fret!-I. '^int. snttnn, l-'rntlk ',■ Syltan v lin.lil slmfsuii, .lolinC. Stnne Morris I'. Sii'ker, la'ti- Htoiil, I. It. St. JMh. Fred Tllus, M. S. Trlplctt. Wm. Tlit'iniison W, C. Tltnicr Fraolr .1. Troy, .look Teal, lliiyiiii.n.l Trlller, Dhvlii , Tucker, .1, ", Tallirerr* K O. Tnnner Aflllhrrt Tentiy. C(i is IC Viigl, Wal. Van, lllily. Van Auciica', 11. Vitsolla; Mt: Vincent, .luck ViHeiitliiot X. ' Wilkin. Al.. Wllkelleld 4H 1: Men-It t Walter, ,1ns. Welsh k .I'.itrl Wplubl.-Julliy, Wprreii. Frell Weniwfiflli :(!eo. Wlllh«n, 1 (Wi. While, c.s.i:. Webnr.'.OfnV' ' Wiilrieii.-HlH'rv Wat-nook, CO. Weylmun Frank Wilson, fleo. N. Wild, Bruno Wood, Jos,, M. W.nMieii.l.l, . Jim. k I'niio Wlliteiburt! Kd. WlifiU'lls, The WanL'Chaa. 'B. Wnnier, rinirry Wnlton, Fret! Walker Hltrvv ■) Waller). Lee Wlialeu, Wm. Wllenj, M(. W. Wnblei'. Hon Wells, Ceo, vyiiai', l..,|i. Williams, Joe Wehster. A.A HWnin'st'l V. P, Wlllltn. tlei-nl. Warren.. i'Jlin« U Wesl'S Alhlslfels Wllhlir, C! It V. nag. Fniiitt Vole, ,1'Yilnels Hi|lr,ilo Murlon .V iJi'imu HM.1I1A1. I'.ii- '.1'iirlZeli, Jlllly Mnrphy fituij I'.lflicwatL M.. ' ftefto. H<*i Morion, Clias.. .HVrrntkluti W, P.iV.orrell. 1 Itr young Vouiig li.oyin /Jilllll, liven 1 Zlnitiier, Dfire "fc!ki . Hetirj ■Brw KQTiCB-A'r 'irnmror %%**.• > LIU is j\mi ■:*. Whose pleluin Uppeats on the-front page of this Issue, whs born Hit. .'I, 184'.', iit'Treinoni. III.' Ills family moved to Chicago In the curly V>'». and H wrts III that city that'he i-eevlvfil bis schooling. As 11 boy nn showed 11 desire and aptitude for the singe, and he appeared In uiai.y an iiiiiuieiir performance of Siiiikespeiueiiii plays. When the Civil War broke out he, being under age, could not enllsi in Chicago, and run away to Wash- ington In IHII1, nnd enlisted as n private lit the Sixteenth New Vork Light Artillery. At the end ot Iwn yeurs he was mitstured our us a sergeanl. Cpoii his rnturn his old lovn lor thn Htngn relurned, and in. was engaged by Harney Maittiiiley for his stock company In Louisville, Ky. Ho made Ids professional debut In 11 minor role with l.nurii Keene, lit "llacbcl, Ihe Ueupcr," In Ififlsl. While hero Mr. James tlrst mid Lawrencn nnrrett, who ■ ngaged hlia to play Matthew ielgh, 'In "Itosedale," After a season with Mr, Bar- rett, Mr. Jnntns lieirame a member of John Drew's slock cofnpany It the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, where for six years he played everything; from llncln Tom to Itnmco. In 1ST I he became a member of lite Daly Mtock Co., then playing at Iho- old Fifth Avenue Theatre, Now York, Ihe cast In- cluding Fanny Hnvcnport, W. ,1. I,e Movne, Claru Morris. Mrs. 01 Hiert, Fanny Moranl. Daniel llarklns, James Lewis, etc. After four years' association with thla aggrega- tion, fie went In the Baldwin Theaire, Snii I'riinciscn. where his colleagues In stack were James O'Nell, W. II. Crane, James A, Heme. John Jack, David llelosen nnd others well known to the stage, Then followed Ills sue- eessf 11I engagement as leading; man nt the famous Flint's Ntoek Co,. Baltimore, where he played Othello to Wdwln Hoot lis ,IugO. Iitgnmnr to Mary Anderson's Parthenln, anil Macbeth to her Lady Macbeth, end supporter! HarTi'lt, Jefferson, Mcf.'itlfougli, Adelaide Nell son, clc. From there he went, to the Boston Thontre, Boston, and there created all, the leading characters In the many big prodlic- llons made I hern In Ihe early sfl's. Follow- ing Boston camn his engagement as lending man with John McCtillougli. Ml*. James' last engagement In support of a star was with Lawrence Barrett, and tbe memory Is yet green of his performance of Pope, In "Fran- cesca til Klmfnl." The last few-years of'hts life have been devoted to starring In tho legitimate and classic drama. Ills innrreloiK. transitions from grave 10 guy nre greatly admired, both fur accuracy and discernment, ns la ft'so his character delineations, '-.Hi' plays the rollicking FaNiaff at a matinee. and the dignified Unman, Vlrglnlus, nt night; bis ' Ot'ielio 1- plnyi'd wlili- in absolute lldcllly In sii!il<es|M'iii'enn trndlllons as'his crafty ftlehelleit Is cnnsislent to thn ethics of l.ytton. In truth, Louis James Is a veritable kaleidoscope of tcuii.ornmont and versatllllj . And now. while mellowed by years of cjeoi. lent service under the banner of arr. wllh .his hair ilnged a 1 rifle morn with gray, ho Is Ihe same line specimen'of manhood—brand chesi. oil. oroel as an Indian,- wllh ^n voice like thunder and the poise of an Adonis. ♦ »♦ ■ AsnMsnv ANn-OniNBH report meeting with big success on Ihe Kellh k Proctor circuit,