The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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UGUST 24. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 721 with tliiH season one of Henry W.-Savages production* _I4ume.ol'o. In tho Uljou ThJutCc; 18 : Sir easou. .... . alllltalre, the Drtf»«er Bfy W Shllob, ikMrWU —Atdtho Ukeyicw. ii "TIio,My«»terlou» Stranger." by Nell W OT'H t O li 'lto first presenthflun on ... MAWACIIUBISTTS. lostoit.—Tlienew mason is rapidly shop- Itself, on* V-Mbi .K. tpcUUsbt. every i -The (Wmbto, will'start Monday arter- m" Aui JU, ; wltii TliVlse's "Strolling Play^ "•' At the Globe "Ills Terrible Secret" Is ' attraction, and "A Midnight Escape" Is new bill at tlic Grnnd Opera House.; The 'niont closed Its Summer season last Sat- iny night, billed to reopen Labor Day ns '•audevillo bouse, with Klaw fc Krlangcr's !li!?:sTic (A. L. Wilbur, manager) .—'-The .•en Bird" Is now In its fourth week and r*K°MOSTv(JoIin'-JI. SchoeOtel. manager).— n eleventh successful week of "The Hurdy rdv Girl" came to a elose last Saturday ■at and the Summer season at this house led' Klaw & Krlangcr's "advanced vaude- lc" will be Inaugurated Sept. 9. iLOV.r. I Stair, Wilbur * Nlcoltil, inanu- i) - "His Terrible Secret: or, the Man inkcy," with William 1L Turner as the star, the'eufrent offering, following' a splendid ■e* week* for ."W1ne, Wdihn'h and' Song." Ie and Jbbn'toni 2(1, In "The : Sboo-Ply §iuNn ; OpeBa HotsB. (Geo."'. W. Mnece, uager).—"A MWnlght Escape" Is this oks card. The cast Includes: Billy Bar- r Will W. CrimuhV abfl Mildred HylumJ. st week, "A Ilace Across , the Continent" soujoycd'by big houses';' The Bfo«. Byrne ck of 20 . • Castle Sqi;aiib (Boston Stage Society, magera).—The stock opera company, wilt ,-lde the current week with "Faust' and I Trovatore." "The Bohemian Girl" Was il attended last week, For, week of 20, la'rtba." It has been, decided to postpone leHnltely the return of the dramatic stock aipany. and to continue to give standard d light operas with the present company. Bowdoin Sqcabe (0. E. Lothrop, nimia- r).—"The way of the Wicked" is being lyed by the bouse, stock this week, with aytou Lcgge 'aBd'JjtncStuart la the leads, liigss' L^udinjp'' vjws. Well' patronlned l«|it ■ck. "Mafi'tbTJluf" 2fl3V. " ■'"""'■ Keith's (B. F. Keith, manager).—This ■ck: Pndette's Woman*' Orchestra con- iucs. fourth week, ns the leading' card: Tbo Iters are: Ellnore Sisters, Bert-Leslie and nipany, Bellclalr Bros.. Ben Johnson, Char- :te Parry and company. Makarenkos Duo, nty, Bran and White, Joe Cook and Brotb- , Ocrtle De Milt; EklwnrdB* Four Footed 'ton, and new motion pictures. Columbia (Harry N. Parreu, manager).— lis spoke' lu the Empire circuit "wheel" ens the season 10, with M. SI. Tbclses' rolling Flayers; "The Belle of Avenue ' Is the burles'ouc vehicle, and the com- nv Includes: Toma Uanlon, Andy. Klce, illy Sisters, Madge Hughes, Torn/Barry, it Wlxon, Burt Eaton, Albert Davis and e Church City Quartette. Wrestling will featured ou Tuesday nights, nliil "awu- ur Frldar nights" are anuuuuccd bb usual. Palace (C. 11. Waldrou; manager);~^Tlle iminer stock burlesque company Is seen Is week. In "The Irish Pawnbroker" and 'be Island of Gum." The olio will In- ude: Thomas Hayes, Devlno and Schurtz, ubel Arnold, Ferry and Upton, and tbe iluccscope. .' Austin & Stone's Museum (A. B. White, imager).—Bright lights In the curto. hall Is week are: lime Lorraine, mystlfler; Bel- ». wonder worker : Barry Martin, gymnast: lie. Ola, Japanese magician: Dugan, clay odder: Carglll. coinlc crayohlst': the Hlgo- ■lles, hirsute novelty : Tin's marionettes, Lynn.—At the Conilquc business continues jpp's harmonists, nhd Trlxle, snake queen, good. A complete change of moving pictures i Hie theatre: The Minstrel Maids, Intro- and Illustrated songs was made Aug. ID. Vlolette Bale, Annie ulngr and K'enfrc'ir. notmes and' Holltsttm; readiness for the opening, last week, Twoincy, any stage bv the Adam Good Stock Co. The story tolls of a famous detective who assumes tho name of Al. Cartm, Iri his search of a notorious burglar,- Whom he"brings to'Justice' after nu- merous adventures and startling climaxes. Mr. Simmons, as the detective, played several very clever characters, to much applause. The cast in fulir Al, CarUn.'DalMif .Sim- mons: Harry Iloyt. A. 11. Luce: Fletcher ii aiding. Ii J. O'Noll: Wilbur Sampson, I,. Ji- Hepjert; Thomas lleverldgo, Lawrence Jenkins: Billy nevcrldgel Bah Malloy;' Itol- llns. Edward MeArthur: Knilly Bevvrldgc I'enrl Woolsome: Tut, Eva Scott : Miss Talk- lllile. Marie Cooke; Mrs. Garllng, Hazel KenoldS. This wcc*. "That Girl Mury." • ■ Caxobik I^ki: 1'aisk. —Tlic DJiern'ennipany hew gave li' very' clover eiltc'L'tiilhmcrit Inst week, In "My lincle from New York." It Is repealed the current week. • WH,ik<wi>ALK I'ahk. —Frank \V. Altmun Is mooting with big sucrcss with the motion pictures and Illustrated songs. PlfrimintST FaisK.— The notion pictures and the latest illustrated- songs, by Baby Louise, continue' to please. 'i t M , « ' New Bedford.—At the New, Bedford (W. II. Cross! manager)' commencing' Aug. 10, tho Taylor Stork Co. Bjayfd to good busi- ness, despite the wurin weather. The Aubrey Stock Co:- appear 10 and week, excepting 21, when "Eight Bells" holds attention. ' HAxnA'WAr'a IT. Bi Baylies, manager).— The house was closed for repairs last week. It baa been^ thoroughly' reuoyat.ed' and will reopen week - of Aug. 10, with a bill In- cluding : The Planophlends, Toreat. A. K. Hutchinson and company, . Oscar Loralne, Cillbert and Karen, Selma Haines, the Har- lem Brothers, and the vltagmph. Savov (W H. Shine,' ttfanagor).—This iiopulsr little tl'tealr" has been undergoing the usual Hummer repairs, iuid 7 Is now* Ih- crefltcd iri aftriictlvi'hcss." Cobtlnudui nlov- iug pictures and vaudeville, wHh a complete change In picture* twice a week, draw good patronage.' LINCOLN Fabk ' I. 11. Phelps, munageV). —The Donna Seymour Co. has beeii 11 great success, aud lis this is the time that the Park U largely patronized, tbe theatre has been very successful. The Butterfly' Opera. Co. opens with "The Mlkndo." 10. for the week. ' a fall Rlver^—At the Savoy; 'the regular season wus opened by the Byrne Brothers, in "Klgbt Bells,' 1 Aug, 16, and In spite of the wnrni weather, big btlBln'Oss prevailed, "ninety and Nine" 2D, the U. ,W Taylor Stock Co. 28f8L The Ac'Adesiv o>" MfSic opens 20. for three nlgUts, In "Tlie Little Orgau «rmder." Bur- Ing Its season Of darkness the bouse lias been thoroughly renovated, Hili:KOs;'s.—The J. I'rauk Burke Stock Co. presented "Jets of tbe Bar 'A llauch." week of 12. lo' excellent business. Florence Hata- ilton anil Frank Charlton, In leading roles, were well received, Illustrutcd songs, by George Buck, and the eameragraph are stand- .._.l ^...1 n l^...l.... ^...Im.a,: YV.n.L- r,t 10 "'rVl lm- tho Four. Uauclng-- Harrises, aud; tbo menseograpb. Sb^MHit chat.— Shrlncr William J. Kopp. director orKobp's Baud, was presented with a handsome badge by Syrian Temple, on Shrlners' Bay. at tho Zoo. utsll,. rtsmsd hy il««S£*^- Cohftn & Harris, tho Jen- lessee*; Is in tho city ana sotting things In which occurs-Aug< 20. With tho Cutter Stock Co. as tho attrac- tion..... .The MiiHilugilEO County Fair will bO held ou the fair grounds here 27-30. Smith, ' Cleveland.—The' Colonial opens Aug. 20 with the Joseph Siieehan Opera Co., and i here is no doubt that this splendid organlia- tjon wjhT'scdflUfleaTlljr,'" ' .. ' ' Euctlti AvrlNWl: GADbr.NH.—"PrIUcc KaH" Is the offering-by the Vaughau Glascx Stock Co. vreek,'-of 1*. Cupaclty housen ruledl last weeTt. when ttffcy presented "The Cowboy and the Iiafly." • Coi.lBai'M.—The- -Joseph Sheohan Opera Co. closed a highly successful grand opera Hi'Hsoir here IT'. '1 Tbo' Bo'humlr Kryl Band week Of 10. . . v ' ' LYCBUSt.—"Arlwnii." *-wlr«f 10; marks the opening of tills iwpular house for the sen- son. KiiRsell Bros, week of 20, '•CiCTBUNu.—''Uncle 1 Tom's Cabin" week of 10. "The King and (Jncen of Hamblen" )md good receipts, weak of 12. original Co- hail Co., week of 20.' ' ' ■ Kuril's.—Bill vlieelt of 10: Charles Loon- urd Fletcher DufUn-Redcay TrouptvOio Sing- ing'' Four, Ilaslura. Frederick Bros, and Bnt-oB. Ladelt and froiteh. and Norton and lUiSsoll. Good bUSlltess rules. Stab.— The Jllgb. Scllool Qtfls week of 10 The New Century Girls nessweek of 12 of 20. Ewpmis.—The Cracker- Ja-;k Co. otkm this house for the season week of 20. The Iioiikh lias been given a thorough overhauling dur- ing Its Idleness: ' ...;'' LUSA Park.— "Flbwerland," which proved suclra drbwlnir card week'of 12, Is held'over for week of ill, after which it goes, to tno Jamestown Exposition ''for four weeks. Hi Hamilton. - -At Smltlt'i mnuagcr) . "NelU'c, tho leT,? Aug.. it, pissed to Notb.— The Baldwbi Theatre, vrhlcb will open about Sopt. 1, has been undergoing,* thorough renovating, and when opened will bo oho of tbo best housos In this part of tbe 'tateil Noffilii? hut prst claw attractions Beulab Beautiful Cloak aud vers," will 'ie «lv55, l3eo, Oitndorf. who has mntibaer for' tbo past' live years, will tin uo in that capacity. been, con-' In "Iidii '•DRCltT ^M nlj MARVLANU. UaJllmure.—At Ford's (Charles E. lord, -"Tbo llfart of Virginia" is the attraction opealuir 10,' with'Joe Morris ns star, "fnie MayorV I'.migliland" did Well 12>1T. "AUlta. MtllHl IIIUI ModeT; pTcased, 18 and week. iiMiuftgori Lyman II. Howo entered upuu bis Gniitb (Ward ft McCarthy, manager*).— third *toks' display of moving pictures Aug. BIU:w«kof 18.: Falrmao aud JcwelL Crotty lo/ Kini house* mvo ruled bp to date. Trio, na Fayette'u Mount'nod company. . .W-nt'ionii'M (Jitlncs 1,. Kernun, manager). "Tntkey lloyib' Harry Hodglns, and thc^o- "^irrte—HirlfsKi nni's Wild West Is billed to appear here I111. .. , . , 1 ' ■■ • 1 1 * •' Marlon.-— At Unt ..ytand t<'.. E. I'orry. inaiisger) Al. <i. field opened his season, here under ulhst. tlntterlng wiijaUlons, uiifl iHMsed riif'l». lT."o." hrtt^ae. TIC lA^W'Miirloh' ftiVortte, mid always, plays bis season's opening hero. a » > " MlgftOCBX M. Louis. Al IX'Imur Garden (Turner 'I'. Lewis, IMirtuger) "The Strollers,'' lirCscutftd bv the Belmor Opera Co,, with John K. Voting and Frank Srlmmers most prominently cast: commanded Its' full share of tbe iilensiim seeking crowds Aug. II and week. "The Geisha?" 18^24. [aye. the HlUglUKOfrJ," Is due 20. . • HoliiTilAt Htiihe't ttfeorge 'W. Itlfe. maua- ttorl.—"Tito Gambler of the West" liflgan a one week's slay III. "The Curd King of the Const" closed I*. "Since Nellie Went Away" onios 2il. Illnney. maliiigerl. "' marks the tbe WW Snlesln'dy," follows 20. Gatkty tW. L. llallaoi\ manager).—The comes an. lll,ANli\'s 1 t'liuiles 10. Illnney. 11 "U's '■Jfi'Vee T'on Lalo to Meiid;' n n|ietling of tills llousti 10. "little, played tn, good hupl- Tbc Merry MnUlensWeek ibisha; SttntT lunnagersj. GtlottajTyl.. iivlmrt Stock Co. In strong support; played to SttBiihuAN Gaupen (Onpenlielmcr Hnis., J.»—"Lord and l.ady Algy." with i.Klolte Tylisr In tbjc slur tole, and the Hub- largo nndsppreclntlve audiences week of Uv "The Toast of the Town" week of 18. I'MhKST I.'AIIK IIHllll.AMI (Col. Jflllp II. Hopkins, mabOgeri.—Tlioiuns Preston Brooke Jr., With hi* Marino Band from Chicago, has ilfdven to be « great itrqwjng card, the popn- Inr rngtluic airs played by bis bnntj having been a feature. In the pavilion tbe vaude- ville attractions are of the usuul high class, and well liilfi'cifilzod. The olio follows: The OlinaeretllN, Tom Blnnfoi't, MIsS Onette. HoW- aVd Bros.. Gil -Brawn.'and :thc po|yseo|te. Aug. 12 this place was the seeue of a baby show, which was an* Interesting affair.' West Huh lli:iuitrH (Obdrt * Scbnercr, managers).-^L'lli; West Knfl' Heights Slock Co.j with Tltall! Magrunc"In tbo lead, pro- duced "All Hie Comforts of Home" lust week. Manmon's I'ai'k (Mannlon Bros., nuins- ESH&fiS! SKXSJR HT-^Eff W«■ !■■ gcrsi.-Tlie vatidovllln presented during (he WSM&S? It* ;"?«,«** "- t " ,t "i!J*S2 \^T. Soakoh has been of tbo kind much Bay ion At tho National (Gil Burrows. manager) ''\'oiihg"TIu'lTalo." Aug. 8, and; Al. Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin," 12-14, dww good houses desntle tbo warm weather. "Nellie, Ihe Beautiful Cloak Model." l.'i:l.7: "Lena lllyers" IB-Si, "Just Otit of Co|lta«" 22-24. ' '' '-''••"• -""' Fairvikw l'ArsK (Klmer ltedolle, inanager). —Buslnoss continues good, aud with tbo ex- cellent bills offered In tbe theatre tbe season nrd and pleasing features. Week of 19, 1 Dii ~ "Tho Buchcss Dii- Barry. Nickelodeon.— Bill week of 10: Freeman Sisters, Herman Fuller, Evelyn Clifford, Ma- son and' Boran. and the" optiscopc. Business was excellent last week. icing titbel Norman jrrv, JCanette Lllford; Cecil Beverly, Cas- c Kronchl Kleanor Mi'rtba, Buth Clarke, 0111111 Christy, Frank Cook. Lew Benedict, mil"; Carroll, Tom Haleman. Arthur Peters, id extra vaudeville by, Musical Vanderfort, niton and Larklni Tom' Meadows and com- my. Paddy and Mabel Joyce, and Vera Be- sco. ' . '•' ■ Walkrs's Museum (U li. Walker, lu'ann- :rl.—George HasSrd's Sunuysouth Merry- akers hesa curio hall list 19-24. Others ■e: l.e Buy. expansionist : BelkhSp, mugl- an. and Ihe monkey clniis. Slage sho'ii' Is irnlshed by Nellie flnrlford's Tyrolean llur- siiucrs and a good specialty bill. Nickklodeon (W.' 11. Wolftc. manager).— i curlb hall 10-24: Soubrettea' Convention. Ilstid; wlro walkcl - ; Walton, lire caler.'anu hers. In the auditorium : Bolllc .Clifford' urlesuiiers. nd Walker. 1'anu BLEC'rbic Is playing to good business, with moving pictures and illustrated songs. : Gorman's Scmmeb ThSatiik, Salem Wil- lows.—Grand opera last week attracted large audiences^ «. •NOTES;—Manager Sheafo reports excellent business' In his moving picture theatre at Bass Point, Nahant Manager Ed. Canu, of the Nahont-Amusement CO;.'IS introducing Oapt. Jack Miller and his Wild West show, at the Belay Grounds, Nahant. this week. Hose Wentwortb, Mr, Wcntworth and Mr. K|dred . extended tlio'lr engagement there through last week, utid the new feature was the La Nore Brothers. ; •'..•• ■*- wit. The bill for 18 ami week Includes: Hilda Thomas and fcou.' Hall; In their.'Sncces"- ful' comedietta, "Tbe l«ne Star;" Dixon, Bowers abd Blxoti, Hanvoy aud'Clark, Potrr- srtn Bros.',' Nicholas nhd Smith, anil tho pic- tures. Heidelberg's Band gave free qonccrts In the grove flftertioon and ovenlnjr of 18. I.akivHuik 'TnhJAuti (Jas. A'. Kirk,'mana- ger).—The bill for the week includes: John IV. Crelgbton, arid bis trained roosters, the Tuleotts. liccentrle sIBgcrs Mild duiircrs: I'erd Laxell and company. In "liclinonlco Upside Down," ahd (be pictures. White'-City.— In tbo theatre' (he hill In- cludes: Gardner nnd Heverc, Mexican, Her- man, Billy Hlmes, Uu|ta and Paul, Claud i Si C 7, B «i Austin, and the plctuors. Sunday nftcrnooii, }*iiaiii*'' 18. Prof. Albert Smith, lu balloon ascensions, was the fenturc. NOTES.—Miss Troja, the well known and popular vaudeville performer, has been visit- ing boi- sister, Mrs. Geo. Marshall, of this city,'for. several' #eeks past. Miss TroJ-i oiieus at the L'nlon Square Theatre, New York City, Sept. 22, playing Ihe Keith & Proctor circuit until the middle of January, wheu she leaves for Johannesburg, South Af- rica, to All hn lndetlnlto cugagemept there. This will be her second trip to tho African city. ....Victor Bosalre (Speight; the well known Impersonator, last season with "The Girl and the Mlmlc,"Vlll'leave',' -Sept. 1, to Join the same company In New York Jules Hur- tlg, of Hiirllg & Seiimou. lessees of the new Lyric Theatre, and Max Hurtig, the resident appreciated by the crowds. Kntcrthincrs for this week" are: Handle and Vernon. Ijv Adella, Hllstlng and Wilton; Al. Casey and Mamie Cranny, Ngw MoKHMKNTAir (8am; M. Dai uinhas*r>>-Hollly ana" Woods Is thB:1T»aJrs hill 10-24. Harry k Sim Williams' Imperials hiiil good business week of 12. Mlhor'sAnlOTl' cons 211. ' ■ : IBtUATKB ItonitM! P.\nK (F. C. 8chuub«J- gerJ miiim«er).—Tlie bill tor tho cttjrent n'eok Iniiluiles: The Avon Comedy Fodr, tn« Znrh Trio, l.e Maze Brothers, Dorothy Ken- ton and llernlec stid Stella. T ' • - > • ; ,, 4\ f .i. ', COLOJUOifl. .. ijcsrer, U Klltcb's liarileus. excellent rlKiWs continue to drsw big business. Kith- erltfc Grey, In "Tlift Heart of Maryliuidi" wus woll received last week. Mnllde Feuly, in "Wjicn Knlghtb<Miil Was In Flowlir," 18 and week. •••• ' Maniiaitan- IlK.W'ii.—-Lust week thin btisl- nrafi ruled with "The Toreador." Tho Bal.v MtiMcsl Co. cmifinunfor wesk of Aiiff, 111." "(fliVMrAI).—A very good'hilt laHt week drew excellent houses. It Included: The Blals- dims. Fay, Coley iinil'Fay. Oiu'Sliurroeks, 1C. C. Strickland, und pictures and snligs. Tauoii 1 Oii'akii. — **I1ic Belli; i>B Saw-York" did! fair business lusl week.' Week of 18, "The Tclenlionr. Girl." S'oviji,Tv.-'-ralr business last week. Tb« bill. Included : Harry Booker aud company. week's rnn 11-17. "The Old Kentucky Uome," with Arthur Stanley and Kllon Allen' Stan- ley !n tbo loads, is using presented this week. liliHP'H GAnoilN (ILL. Wiillrapp, manii- gcr).-—'ITHi Lyceum Minstrels, a local orgnnl- zatlon of pleasing ability. Is scoring well with Die audiences of this place. Two of tho most popular members are Blmcr Coudy and. Owen Wo«!«ster.—At the .Worcester fur. Aug, 22-24, Bros. Byrne,'In""Klght Bells;" Marlon Jtultou; 1n "Tlie Lltllo Orgau"Grinder,"'20- 28 i "The Hiirdjr-Ourdy Girl" 31, "Tbe Cow- Olio: May Wifdrdn; Walker boy ahd the Squaw Girl" Sept. 2-4. ie Weston, May Crosby, Fiia^klin tftjiu Isle PreBcott and Lillian Lcarnanl. Woxiiiiiii.A.M) 1'Aiui I J. J, Hlgglns, mima- Br).—Bill for week of 19, In-tbe free open Ir circus: Bolores Vail colt a and bee anl- lals; Kllcu Blchards. on tbe hlgli wire; Bee Jordan, vocalhit; the Five llamols, Tobuts, and tbe Lynu Cadet Band. Paiiauom Pavk fiieo. A. Bodge munager). -Free circus acts this WecK:' SSdlc 1 Knowl- ii, "dash of death;" iSiiecdy, high diver: on Pedw Jlauregon, the' "human spider," id Mart land''-: Band. Among, the chief pay uicesslons'ufe: Bostock's AniMal'Arena'and ie Httmni! Houlotto Wheel. ' ■ ! '•' Noiiuhueua P.viik (Carle Alberle, manu- •r)..-,Blll' for week of 19: Henry, 1). Gard- •r. Clifford and. Burke, Monti, Adole Purvis nrl. I'nuiT Trio, und the koniogniph. •MHWOIID BOtJtBVAllb THHATKH (J. W. 1 Gor- mi. uiuuagerl. — Fine business continues, bis week: I'lcclilunl Troujic. Cooper mid' ublnson, Adolph ltlo. Frances Abbott- and unpuiiy, and'the koinograpb; " *:-' LKKINUTOif PAlttcYJ, T. BcUsou, naanuger). -lu the rustic theatre this week are: Buntli id ltndd, Amann and Hartley. Dick und lice McAvoy. Foster's dog/'' "Wise' Mike ;'• bile Duly, and new pictures. NiJtkk.— HUgh P. McNally. folmcrly dra- atlc editor of The Boston Uerttld, and now 'ibllclty' manager of Wonderland park, will -•all the press dcuarlnicnt of tlic Tremont! .....Appearing at Manager''WolaVs"Plum dund Thcatru this week are: Henry Myers, l.'inias. Joe Kills and Pbll Knees Tbo isltr of Lindsay Mbrlsonli new stock com- my. at Ibt Boston Theatre, Includes.: Wil- li Melrose; Theodore Frlebus, Donald- Maud alter Walker, James Devlne, Otis B. Thayer, • J. Hasson. W;-C Mason; 15. L. Snadcr, lice Harrington, IjucIIIo La Verne. Jlnldn eado, Eva OratfJ Mary SahUcrs, ltoso Mo'rl- iii and Mubel Colcord. Manager (.'. li. atcbellcr's Boston Belles wlli open at bis yccum Theatre. 20. ' mi ■ i i . ^brloifHeld—At Poll's WJordun Wrlglil- ,. resident, manager) "Tlic Mascot" was the wing of Ihe Poll company last week, and aid audiences enjoyed Oil-production. Berths avis was seen to line advantage, ahd Flor- ice ltotbler made the most of her role, while Una McDIhern. kept' tbe fun at Its height, he slock company returns this week, pluy- ig "11 umaii Against Woman." SoTBs.—.TIminte White'has signed for the uolng season with Jack Heasley, wlio is to 'iliejir in validevlllo, emalHU Sept. 8 .Hllam Graham, tpuiiuicr of tin ruatlc the- ir* at Forest Lake, Palmer, Muss.; bks lieen ansferrcd to Peuuut.Park, Westlicld. Chas. ibble Is Mr. Graham's Successor.;...Joseph ijaiik.— This bouse will soon open with high class vaudeville. I'OLi'Hi—Week of 19 the Poll Stock Co.. lu "A Celebrated Case." The vaudeville sea- son will open at this house Labor Day. LiMiOM Pajik.— The Lo Bruu Operu Trio, Al. and Mamie Anderson, the Bar telle Troupe, 1'lclds and! Hanson, and C. W. Llltlefleld, to- gether with Weutworth's riding net aro the features 19 ana week.-" Tuuntoii.—The 'i'aiiuton Opened Its sea- son, Aug. 19, with' James Kennedy and com- pany. In repertory. TalaqOboa Paiik.— "The Mikado' will be revived week of 19. .■ • . v — - OHIO. Cincinnati;—At the.Grand Opera House, (llnrry Balnforth and John H. Havlln. man- agers) "TlH) i 'CoIlcgc' Widow" will bo tho sea- Bon's premier bill Aug. 20. v . • AVALNur Btiibkt (Af C. Audersoni Henry M!' Zlegicr." lnftnsgers).—The curtain rises 20 upon "Just Out of College."' manager, accompanied'by Josetib Glassel and W. II. McEHatrlek, the New York urchltects, arc in the city, arranging for the opening, of this house, wnlcli occurs early In September, ......Buffalo Bill's Wild West is billed for Aug. 20; i Toledo.—At tbe Casino (Kllvcs & Bosen- thul, mabagers) for week of Aug. 11. Katb- erliie-Oslei'niaii, assisted by Anna Ilclmont and art excellent support, In "The Girl That Looks Like Me," gate mm'li satisfaction. Large audiences at cvbry pcrfornianeei Sftdu, "The Little Vagabond," Is included.In u most excellent vaudeville bill-for 18 and'week"/In- cluding-: 8yd Smith, Jack Gardner, Cather- ine! Ktrklcy, Eva'- Prouett, Gardner and He- verc, Powder and Chapman, und the moving pictures. ' „ ' Faum (Jos. Pearhiteln, manager).—Tho bill for" 11 and week, beaded by LewU Me- Cord Ik Co., In "Her- Last Hchearsal," drew big uudleuccs, the'S. It. O. sign'being ■promi- nent at every iierfurmancc. Bill for week of 18': Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes, Mamie Hemlngtou and her.picks. Teddy'Black-und Slaters Melnottc, Dillon Bros.. Bush and Elliott. Bore and Lee, and vltagraph; Burt's (Frank Burt, manager).—"Tbe T.iiWnoKKi; (Iaiuu)N goers arc still entbu- siuitlc over tho llvlqi Orchestra and the solus of tile leader Uustnv Helm. A grand rugtime uight wus the pleasing feature of 14. Ai,Tiioi/(iii the. hottest went bee of tbo sea- son prevailed' during tbe past week, managers of some or tlic"dowti town theatres opened I nu doors of their respective playhouses, aud with the sld ;Vf u bounteous supply of Ice und electric fans, succeeded in malting their audiences reasonably comfortable. Tbo the- atres have been thoroughly renovatod, and present a most pleasing anil attractive up- hcarancp. Thc,mflnager who opened first was Win. Haven, of llavljii Thcatio fame. "The irreat Kastern World" was most sutlsfai;- lorlly presented, to S. B.'O. crowds. "The Phantom Detective," wllh Frank Folsom'as the detective, pjayed to full houses 11 and Irak, "Shadowed by Three" comes for a wctk, 18, (Hianu Oi'intA Ilotsi; (John B. Klemiug, inanager).'—Wm. it. West's Minstrels was tbe opening uttracUon, 11-17, and was greet- ed by large and entbuslusllc oudlenccs. ' David Corson" 18-24. IrlVUhlAi; . iD. K. Hussell, manager).— "Chlnutown Charlie" was tbe oiienlua sliow at, Mils place, and drew tbe usual large crowds 11-17. . "The Cauuy Kid" 18 and week.' '".'.•..' STANUAnu (l.eo Uclcbeubach, inanager).— Tills pbicc of entertainment opened its doors with Tom Miner's Bdliemlan Bnrlcsuucrs as the) attraction 11. Jolly Grass Widows 18-24. C'U.iTMBiA (Mlddteton & Tate, managers). — The openlug. bill for 11 and week was beaded by Klllo Kay. Others were: Henri French, Countess Bossl and M. Paulo, Big City Quartette; .Frederick Bros, and Burps, Lns Aubiu Ijeonol, the Balicrs, Two Fran- cisco, ahd tub klnodrome. No-j i.s.- - -This week ends the eugugomeut «f ' ICiitliciluii tir.iy at EJItcb's Guldens. Miitidf Feniv Inking her place for one week. The Theodore LOreh'Cu., of tbo NEW Curtis, also Inkos to tlje road, going tlrst'tu the coast The Orpbcdm has been rede'e- oraled and Is it tiling of beauty .TM» lirdailwny opens 20, wlih "The Prince - of I'lleen.'' »»♦ aUMMi lafcAWU. ProvldeiiCJt.-rAt KnUh's "Letly' the offering of the Albcc Slock Co. Aug. and week, and pleased; "The Profcssi Love Story" 111.24. The stock season t \i'oon«o0Ui.|,—At thu Gpora llouso "isigbtl lefls" nlltyed to good bUslOMS Aug. I" ■ ■"Eighi; KaiiNMN Oiljr—'Tiie. Grand Opera House Jiidab, managers) oiieus H Ith. "The Prince of Plleon.' (Hudson & Judsli, managers) opens Sunday, tie Americas A ,ug. 187 wltb "The " ■ ™"T vliTtorson" follows. Ba- GlLLIS Oi'UftA HiiCrti: ill, fl; Brlgbaui. inauuger).—Last week, "The Great Eastern KoiHini" na woll no "'Plw Hnrkv Monn- manager).—Lust week, "The Oreat Eastern tain Fxnress"'' 11 Sn¥ week Ave ve?vaMls- Worlff" proved to bo a line scenic production Corners' of fiicfory performances to good business. End of the Trail,"- 18-2f 'The Coltiiiiuan.—The Great Southern opens its season Aug. 20, Wllh Al. G. Field's Greater Minstrels; '' Oi.untanoy Paiik. —Last week Madame . gct)„—Sorrentlno und' his Bands Bohsu cou Lviiic (Sam S. & Uo Shilbcrt and Heuek's Eitelll's horses was the free outdoor nttrac- ft u ue' to ■ satisfy ' jora llouso Co., lesseeB);—"Brown of Har- Hub. Bill for week of 19: Billy Clifford, „,,,„ vlllafec 1 vaid" Sept. 8, tu open tbe 'season. The Uyan and White. Maud Lainbert, Griff Bros.. Hcucks liave wltlidiawn their suit iigalhst. Hetty Corson Clarke and company, Nebblc tbe Sbuberts from the Circuit to the Federal und'Bordeaux, und; Mac and Do. Clalryllc, Court- " Hitfit: St)»skt.— "Nellie, the Beautiful HbcCk's Oi'EnA Houhe (Heuek's Opera Cloak Model'' attracted fairly-good houses. House Co. & K. D. Stair, directors!.—Clara 12.14-,-AI. W. Martin's "Bnclc Tom's Cabin" JooT, under A. H. Woods' managcnjcnL will pleased bl^^houscs^ lWJi "The ^Kliig aiul present "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model" .18-21, Last week "Young Buffalo, King of the Wild West," pleased; Business was big, "A Fighting Chance" 25, '• ' Lvcnusi (Heuek's Opera House Co. & HL D, Stair, -dlrector8).-=- , 'Tlie Rocky Mountain Kxprcss 18-24; after a very successsfui week of ''Tlic Candy Kid;" In which Boy Baymond and'Wanda Ludlow, a Cincinnati girl, were seen to splendid advantage. "The- Phan- tom Detective" 25. People's (Heuek's Opera House Co.. di- rectors).—The Merry Maidens, with Sam (JUcth of Giimblers," 19-21. JohrtW. Vogcl's Minstrels. 22'24. ' COLLINS OAnDEN.—Big business ruled week of 12. Bill for week of 10: Dunbar's Sants,. Stauuard'and Thomas, and Bribe Irch, * " "• : „ Notbs.— -Indlabola- Park continues to- at- tract big crowds. Suntcll aud the Alton Trio were the' attractions for week of 12. was 12 lessor's Story" ltl.'J4. The stock season will close 20, with "Facing I ho Music." PanvibnNC)! Oi'tniV Hniist:. — The regular season opebs 22, wlih "The Hnrdy Ourey Girl." ' ' ' ':•'■'■■ EMi'iliK.—"Convict HUH" ; opunsd the regu- lar son-Kni al lite iiujbii 12, "The Little Or- gan Grinder" lb mid week. "Hhp" WardJ'IU •'Not Yot. Hut Soon." 20. Bul'kV I'oi-ni. -At Forest Casino the bill 18' And week lucl'idcs: D'Alvlht and com patly, Arruuotia Brothers; Misters Bon;' Will- iams and Mayer, Josslo Marsden, Fostell and Kirimclt, Vesta Gilbert. Catnlllo and Funs, slid the' Kdrnk; •' .■■■■■• si -At thu Gpori Bells" played l o tfood ullslnMs . bnMo will be daiTt tor next few wct'ks. Hoau. Laki: Park.— Bill 'weak of ll»: Mllr- Ion, and- Bean. I'biillio HoUiler. Hack und Httx- teri Pbll Htaats, Ned Wayburu'a Nlghtln- galbs, Mar oml Kvuns, and moving pictures. .:,■ ! *• *» i:i i ^- 'e'. '■! ■ I'orilmnl. At tlie Helllg. Earu Kendall, Aug. 22-24, in "Swell Elegant Joubn." SlAlliipAJf GitAMii. -- 'llio Sto A wt'lbMue- Grcgur t!o. did big business week of o, In "The Undertow." "At'O Kou u 'Mill 0 ' 1 ''" *'»" put on 12. "The Second in Command" lb. 1,Vim'.—Tho Allen Slock Co. week of 12, presenting "The Two orphans." '■' ' . STaii.'— 'Hie Kthr Wtock Co/week of 12, lu '"Jlie Scout's lleveugc." Ghanii.— Bill week of 12: IBirluhd and llolllnson, Mr. und Mrs, John T. Powers, Win. II.■Mncuri, tile Columbia Comedy Four, Harry TsUdB, illawley and Leslie, Joe 'Jliutnukoii. uud luotlun picture)). ; '■<'■ PAKTAiSi).— Bill' week of 12: HiUeuy's Dab- tomlme animals',' ti. W. Snlnnold und com- puny, Harry Valolr, Willie Zimmerman, Cbas. Bdvls, Jean WHsoa. and tlic blug'tttilb; Funv.'H.—Fmlly Whoahr. .Muo N. Vernon, Maggie Grade. Ou I'u uclia rils, llelcp i,1 n bamr Bowu nud MiirrMUiiH, Clalnl B; Sttfu- ley, Virginia Vcrnpu, Juues and, Balvelle, Afwood, Myers and .Matthews. Normu Drapci. Wanda. Stanley •««>'Wbceler. tbo Howards, the Hflwlutls, Trlx'i'lu, l.llllun Lu'lfbse and tbe stock continue. , Hamj'm, —Scenic tour continues to do good business. Oakh Siimmiiii Paiik lias l/ecu doing en- client, business. Selill^uuy's Huiigarlun Ihliid: dosi) tliclf eugugement 17. ChlffarelH Jnd bis band conic 18; ' Zola, began: a 1 two ieek*' engagement 8, With bis oslilbitlou ou tbe spiral tower. . ... — ' ' >i i ' wi-:st vinuiMA. WhcclliiK.—The'Court 'llieulre I.Mooni it Tlioitipsuh, muuagcrs) will open tbe sea- STANUAnu (It. K. Hymlcka, tqanugcr) The Lid Elfters. 18. to begin the season. CUBSTBli Paiik (1. M. Martin, inhnagerh— The Chester Park Opera Co. will put in; "Fra DIavolo." 18-2-V for the farewell' bill of a successful Summer season of light operu. Last week 'The Bohemian Girl" proved a tremendous drawing card. Charles Fulton's voice failed, and on a few hours notice, Jos. Frederick (husband of Hose Cecelia Shay), who was' summering here, stepped' Into the rule Of Thadflcus;" He madC unc of'tho slgnul hits of tbe season. Blanche Ban Kdwurds —- ....... „.„„„,„„ , u ^.„, „„„, .,, uroved a charming, Arllnc. and Jack Duns- licphcrd, trick cyclist, recently Joined Cole m uer. was an excellent Bcvllshpof. ' In tlic Man.llclU.—At Luko Park Casino (B. 11. Ihidlev, manager) tbe Chicago Stock Co, has , hsdT 'spieridia business here for (he post Bice,'Lulu lleoBon and the Two Graces, ojwned twelve Weeks. It surrendered week df Aiig, the season 17. Bohemian Burlesqucrs 2o. 13 to J Four Corners: of tbo Kurth:" Neit week, "Shadowed by Three." CuNTiniv (Jos Donogali, manager).—Tbe season opens 18, with the Fay Foster Bur- lesbue Co, ■■■• Buscthic P.mik (Sain Benjamin, mana- Banda Busi _..sfy lurge crowds. In the Ocr- nn|u vlltafec" Iftst w'eek were Tom aud Kdlth Almond, tlie Tcchaus uud the Three KoltoiiH. This weck, ; "TJmi Destruction of San' Francis- co" will be u. special feature. -' Fokbht PAhK (Bert Yodug,' inanager).— Tlie Patterson Cortbdy Co. continued "The witatd of Wall Street" last Week. After Sunday, 18, tho season closed. Fa'iumoUnt PaIik (W. F. Smith, munagor). — Itbicr's Third IlCKlinent Band coutlnues. Carnival Paiik- .(Wm, Winch, munager):— llblcoipbc's Pittsburg. Band here last week. Tbjs week, Nnvasjur ■laidlcs' Build. liast K))U Xug;"2S, nndor the new msnugement. week, 1 be yuudcvllle bll consisted., of Oecr, . ( .|,, r lt00 ' He fiMH . i^^n' redecorated 7 from top-tu Bdby Bankln, and Ihe HIrshborlis. A buc : hotloin, and looke Hniutip^e. flattie Wllllhnis dal novelty wus tho act of' Wiwlte, tbo win be the opening iittructlpn. • brcucli girl, who leupsTlii'viilcanlc gup. Gbano OnSu HotMM- (Chuk. A. Frtuler, Clipi'hiIIN(JS.--'I he Willis Wood, Orphcuni, munager).—After u llmroiierl painting and Sllubert :U)id. Auditorium all open, their sea- ,i,rcoratlng, Ibis theatre will open IU, with sops around Sept. 1 The local Like the Hurdcr-HuUCo. Tor onn Week. gave one of their obi time sessions lust- week ., A. Cobiirni's' Groat Barlow Mlustrels. The Chicago' rotnpany returned 18,;nnd. will remain until' the' season close* 'In September, Tux MlW OAl-tiU'M (OUS Suu $ o. 0. Murray, proprietors) will open about tbe end of this month. The house has undergone a thorough renovation, aud looks like a neW btllldlug. ros. Circus.. Samuel .7. Goldberg, for past Summer business manager of I he iintcr-llrudford Pliiyc'rs; will be treasurer If Ihe Miijcslb! Theatre. New York. nlbni Burnett Is one of the latest recruits 1 tin* Poll Oliern Vo Clfra; HoXton, w,lio oicd slob n success In grnml opera while nofd, has returned to bur home In' this IV ...... .The Eustcrn : Ainuiteiiicrit Co. litis lened. llio BIJou Theatre. Ih Westflcld, with uvlng pictures hnd Illustrated songs. ..... Tf. and Mrs. Walton Bradford; Josephine ictor and Francis F,. Bcid nre floloumlng I Blanilford... A .IsolielHall has been vlslt- <X frlemlH In Pletsfleld. Miss Hull will V vaudeville theatre, 18,' Yuma.,'the Man of Jlvstcrv. remains: Artloblu's trulncd leopards and tigers continue. ..,,', LIIPLOW Laiioon (W. I-:. Clark, uniusenient inaniigcl').—Kdw«|rU C, Haves Is Hie topllner at tbo vaudeville tllcntrc IS. with Stupleton and Channing, Isabel .laiiiesou. Oeorgi; C Austin and;company, and. Mr. and Mrs.Lllch- Zoo (Walter C. Diaper, inanager),—•l'boinns Preston Brooks add fits band arrive 18. fol- lowing the Spanish Don Phlllpplnl. Worm- wood^ dogs remain another weekr • • Cosur Island (Oeorga Wellitbrton Kngle- breMi, nniMsuient minrttger).-^Tlte Hnrwst Surlnjctlelal.—At the Grand Operu House, Vogel's Mhistrills bad good business Aug.' 12 una Week;;; MUrruy Comedy Co. 17 mid'week. Faiubanks. — Field s Minstrels come 27. 10: M. Holland, in "Tlie House of a Thou- sand Candles," Sept; 2. Oiii'iiium opens Aug. 20. SruiKi] Giiovk Paiik Casino.— Week of 18, tlii- Three TroubadO'irs lend. Lri'liUAI.—New York Comedy Co. 2], 22. * ' J ' .. . Zane»vllle.--At MoxubMa Perk (M. HL l.udv, manager) "BOuuer," the educated borsC, hns been the free attraction for- the past few days. Bauer's Band Is tho Sunday attraction. Business continues good. Notes. —Ground has been broken for the. new vaudeville theatre that U to be erected by W. Himter: Atb», at the corner of Fourth' ngement have been introducing tpir season nnd.Market Streets......W. Fred.Mason/thi was nn old fsebtoned barbecue on Hsturdny. iiew'ninH,lgl>r of (be Wcllcr TbeiHrc,'- ri4?Ariny"'' HI, Willi* drew nlioul 1»,*»»Mi pcnple. Surren'lilio 'was' lull luted us an Elk. . . . . ..loe Itosentbnl, re present lug Pawnee. Bill, was 'In tbe' City renewing old acipiulntanccs Col. "Jlmnile" lluttou 1 wus lmre paving the way for "Tlie I'flnce of Pllsen." Wm. Wipch lias resigned us manager of Curnlvsl I'ark, and will take a fow weeks' rest prior to assuming his dudes us assistant manager of tne Orpin-urn.', B. Ii. Hussell, bits manager of 'Forest I'ark, 1ms returned to St. I.ouls,:where bo will once more have charge of tbe imperial 'Theatre. He has been sue ceeded by Be'rt' Vouug, Who will have chai-go or (be purk until Its close. ..ill I ' Sl>ringllr1d.— At BoiiligPatk (Will Con- Ion. trlunUKCr),'since (bn auto contest started business hrrs picked up. ntid the pootilb. arc taking a great Interest In it. Tim bill'for last wt'ek wan "A Hbinuspuii Henri." mid wus largely patronized. W. K. Ncff, the leading man; has iuiidc b favorable impression. "A l*st Mine" Aug. 1!) uiid Week. WlllTB CtTV (F. W. DClmer. maiuigcr).— The BellC Bohu Co. Is drawing large houses In the theatre, "Settled OUt or Court" drew well last -week. "A 'Mixed Affair" is current. One of tbo novel amusements that'the man WiiiiK/.i.M! Paiik (Frank J. Baker, gou- crul muniigur)'.—Bill for week uf I (I Includes : Elliott and West, Cbus.V. Anderson, Major O'Luughlln, Vies and Viola uiid Cbse: Bay- lor. 4»4» VltmiONT. Iliirlliiiil.Mi. —'J'hn Strong (Cuhli i. Grant, managers 1 o|iened Its season Aug, IU. with lib! Burlsluni Belles. • to fnlf linslnilss. "A Message from Mars" 17, Ihe Heufictt-.Moul- ton Co. IP ami week. Nol'BH.—Foreisiugli Ik Sells Bros.' Circus did good business.' A slight sccldaut occurred lit tlie ufternouu performance, when a few sections Of seats gave way Walter I,. Main's 1 'Irene. 20..... .Joseph Boyle mana- ger of the 'Itieiiiorliim, lias gone -to Utlca, N. Y., where be will ii|"'U a moving ptt'Cnrm theatre. Be Will return'Id about four weeks. . " ; ' <<« ' » :. 1 ' LOUISIANA. *••«• Orli'anWt-At'.VYhlli) C'lty ICi C. Mutthews. nnniiiKi')' fne Olymnlc Opera Co. was wen Aug. 11. Iii "The, liolininlaii Girl," td large and appreClatKe crowds. "Olivette" week of IK. WtiHx Knii (A. Blslor, malinger),—Freii- colli urnl Lewis and Pete Baker are' features 18 auU week. Tomm's Mlllfaty Band con< llliui'S tii iBcils". "' ''