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AMtM£MJ HMMi MMW :m>K& ci:ip^J£M. ?& t '--1. • • ■—■-- ■ — KE _- _JIATE SHIflTCN* 2.0Mtonreoi,w,nflfMci! a packaBC OonMc- i Utlve'l.v mimherad. • BfiSTTICKET HADE • Eljrtirf frail sot B»ck } ' or more, IBc { ir»',.srto. tWiV Ior mnr«', 10(! sW.0011 or mnrr. me lOO.wm or more. 16c t j thlp O. O, M%KUJIK 1o Clitrr» stint trltll liricfjs^™" ' Thoroughly seasoned, SP'eclnl malleable nttlnfrs, patent/ locking device, folds perfectly not,will not wrirp; most, comfortable and. strnt^est ehnlr m»ili\ PER DOZEN, 36.00 -**- -US* MSW LAI ■';. (I'MiNon*.lUso) * r. v. - K»r* We i »«« IB c. f Kaen llr) W» ' racked SVti In a ease. A<ia io onoh If ordered In Utss, quailtltl]r»9«.:- , : 2d KandTesftjCelerftdLsaijis 'tied, Graon.jOniti, Amber 8 1% Pi-Kncli {.... Be 5 aiRGNSTS. CHICAGO ILL ASK FOR FREE SOO-PACE CATALOG HQ. 678. WASHINGTON. Spokane.—The Spokane (t>an L. Wea- rer, mnnn»or i Is dark at present. 'Hie man- agement announces the following staff'for the Benson of 1007-08 :< Charles Mueblmari, asllstant. rnntingpr: Ed*nrd Matnlas, treas- urer; Harry Drake, advertising agent; George Nlekells,. stage manager; James Harrington, first carpenter; William Wal- lace, master of properties; Hnrry Franklin, lteajcL n.v'jnnn ; William .Sleoele, superintend- ent; Itaeey Kilmer, liend usher; Charles Dlnlels. carriage starter, and Mary Dnnlels, roMron. __ fil Cgi.Mifli*. Afleorgc II. Dreher, manager). —"WeMed. iHut No Wife," with Adelaide KplghtUnel Brissell Lee Barrett. In tins leads, pricked the house nlguily week Of Aug. 4. Al6nte Carter gave a convincing pertormanco fca I (ramp Tho' support Included' ^forrle Rtreetcr and Blau'cji Jtrynn, who appeared trivlously'lh specialties. "The Cowpuncher" s the nest attraction by the Curt Ins com- An pr i.—rcthel • Van, V'nldvnn. and Robert 13. hobcrs. West and Hcnlon', Titos; Moss. Ger- nldluo Lcltne, ami ilm I'nlque Havers, pre- Renting ".My Darling Xnncv." The inltitie- oscopc completed the Mil,' EMrJnK.'i-Fe,itiire9 of 12 nnd week 1 ; The Grcnt Kdlgora, George fivers, Jas.. and Bon- nie I'arley, Burton and Vass. the Umpire Stook Co. In "The Woman I'pstnlrs." and rhe Illustrated, sdngs and clnehintograpll. .NbTKS.—Th* managers of local thenires navp organised agaln«t a public movement looklnfr to the Sunday closing of theatres which Is being engineered by. Ileveread Ira- land, who stays he was formerly an actor I'leanbr Carey Is suffering from a bad fall, experienced while getting off a street car Aug. 8, but she has plnrklly filled her place in "File Heldsco performance*. I B an,. .rbiTonnji (Harry C. Ilaywnrri. mann- fir).—Ethel! Vn« :Waldron and Robert E. lomftns, 'newcomcts to the Jessie Shirley Sl»ck Co., more than made good in the leadK, in "The it'll .Cafe." Jnck Amory returned I'ber n brief Illness and was wnrmly greeted. _.nlirll A'dftmn also srofert nicely. George I*. NIcQuarcle nvcrled-what might hayo resulted la a jllnijc. even Inc. of Attg. 4.. by carrying a blasting lamp, which had set. tire to the cfitDMi oil I he stage. The play for the cam- Iii(tweel! 1 "My Kentucky Nile.": '' Wakhinoton (George C. Blakeslee, mnha- tferlt^-DoTdlhy Kdrle, singing rhnrttctei- per- former, anil Al Hiirlon. mniiolog{sl, idinred tile honors <>f'■the blll'.for week of 4. Miss Karlc Is young, hut. extremely «lev«r. Others Were: Trainer and- Mnltler, the Fryors, John liempjile, Klolfso Wlllnrd and .1. A. Murray, Alf Bonner., nnd Iho blograph. iTriMS.—^Adielnlde f.altd, who has been p|a*ihg ; leading- parts in the Shirley com- pany In the. absence.of. Jessie .Shirley,-.and- Dr. William II. Appleton, a prominent j>hy- slclan or. Spokan*; :-rt'ere married nt'. Creiir d'A^ne, Ida., .* They Will llve'ln this city, as Dr. • Anpletdp. has prepared a cozy home fonhls;brMe,"wBo plnyjed up to.and.Iiiclnd. Ing evening of ;:, v/Uen she announced her retlremeht from the stage. A farewell him- ddet was Rerte<l'on t)ie singe after the per- fnttnBHee; but-(here wtfs no Intimation of Ih'o Mhddlng until after rhe couple returned from idaho.. Kllejr's i>i(ig r pf (he Cattle Rlngi", with 11hlH.v people. Is lAurlug l|ie Ihlsfiil Kiiiplrc of lire . 1'ncllii' Northwest, piny wris Been id SirtokHho lSj 13. H;.S, llapplng Is .the general, agent....-. .Virginia Stands for ninrool wavin k nnd iip-to-ilotn linlr Ur«s»inR. 16i State SU » Fifth FUpt. CBtOifcOO. ptett'enllngtheplay iiader canvas. The com- In srfor- \pplng is .the general. . Rrlnac,-*whb. was ' lehdlng woman of the Hhlrley'..conM)flti.v-during'pnrt. of Mim-Sbir- ley!s.vacation, lias-dosed her engagemepr and, will- t'iKe -a.. much .needed rest. Miss BrlJsiKi'Hillhlsncd^wrfqrmnnce'in, "llndyiWlB- w.Wlin'H FnUf-wl\\ he-long remembered by patrons of the Aiidltorlnm.;- % • , ,.*• ,' i , t Seattle,—At Iho Grand Opera: House. (John Cort, manager l I he Han lernnclsro Opera CO., #o«k of Aug. 4. In "The> Slnclhg Girl," drew tlnpreclatlve nudlonces. "The Bohemian Cflrl." "Dolly Vnrdcrt," "rinafore" nndi'.'t.'nv- nlljrla imstleaha" ,weok of 11. Dapbdo ami Ivy 'Pollard, former, members ' of Pollard's Aiistriilinii Juveniles,: mnke their Orstjap- nearnnce with .the company IV. Illchards & Prlngle's Mlhstfeln S9. 24, Kzra Kendall, In "Swell Klegant- Jones,'' 25 nnd weet.' , Mnat'N.V! tUimsell k Drew, managers).— nig houses •uind *'eek-' erf 4, with tho Karl ItlirgesH Co., in "liachnci Goldstein." Week of II,'"Tracked Around -tho World;" week of dfy "The Qtit&loT/! Ltnio (Kussell-& Drew, managers).—Good hdslnesn conllnues. Tho Cb*J.;li, Votlhg Mu- sical Comedy '.Co: proved' poptilnr' lb "The Pride of New Vork/' week of 4. "The Girl fford 'Frlico" 11 nnd week, "The Military MMd*" weak of.Jfi. Xois (Alei. raatagaa, .manager).-*-Vaude- ville holds ibe boards here during repairs to toe Pant ages Theatre.' People week of 12 in- cluded; (tarry'XtW, Irene Loo, O. Connor, Saunders trad■■company, • Dlmbo and Koko, Rivers nnd Mochesli>r, Arthur Davis, Arthur ElwCll anil the moving pictures. Tiuno Avkni'k (Cans. A. Taylpr, mana- ger).— l.imreiic Taylor and'(ho Taylor Stock Co. had Duo bouses week of 4. In "Ills Wife's Honor," Week o;f 13, "Prlnco Otto." Week of 18, "Dora Thome." Stab .(Frank. Doic-ll.-tn,.manngnr) Bill for wook.of 13 lnclud'Hl: .Murphy nnd Wlllnrd, 'i'rnlner nod Mohler, Dorothy. Rnrl, the Pry- ors, Al. BiiTton, Jolin Dempacy nnd l he mov- ing pictures. OhwlmiM (T. J. Conatdlne, raannger),— XiW people week of 1-2 ■ were: Ilnlifit and Deati, I.eglno and Melbourne, BrrinTcy nnd Datls, Jitlen Rauialao and company, Daisy I.ySden; Joe Bonner and the moving pictures. Kvxi. Pabk (phas. A. I.ooss, mnungor).— Many, new attractions have been added and business continues good. Norvs.—ltlngllng llros.' Circus nhows hero 21,: 22... .;.ifrant FattnlOK; a well known stock company uctor, together with a troupe including Warda Howard, Dave Williams, Kathleen Taylor, William Harris, Arthur Hamilton, stage carpenters and others, leave for Nome, 10, opening at IOngle Hall, In "The Parish Priest." Owing to. tho lntc start the season will, only cover a period of eight weeks,' Tht company will return on the Inst boat, leaving for Honolulu and Australia. " » « '» ' . i— -• -i ■■• CAI-1KORVIA. • h»n Aairelea.—At tb,e/ Mason Opera House, Ezra"-Kendall, lr," "Swell MICgant Jonts," played to good luislness week ending Aug. 10.;..Cyrll Scott, In "Tito Prliicn Cbap," ill imil week, Vm AltpiTOnltiM Is elbke'd for ft Mw weeks. Um.iNro.—"Tlio cimrltv Ball" was pit!- sen ted to good business by llie Btnek company, week ending 10, vHer Own,Way" IK and week. "TBo Admlrnhle Crlebtlm" Jollows.. Mt.ir.osi'0's ntrmiANK.—-T. Daplel Frawley and iM. llitflionk compnuv presented "The JJtuo Minister." to capacity biiBiness, week ending 10. "Hbcrloi^k Holmes," hy the com- pany, drew good business 11 nnd week. "The Ilairbreed" Is their offering 18 nnd week. Un.tNi>' Oi'icitA Hot'sri.—-Tho Clrlch' Stock Co. Is presenting "A Race AcroSR the Con- tinent," to crowded houses, week of 11. "Tho Uynsy Girl" for IS and week. FlHciiRii'N.—Fischer's Comedians. In "In Zulu Land," 12.ami week. Mbtlofi pictures unda vaudeville- feature also help out well. Oltal'HniiM.— [features 10 and week: Hey- mfiur add ' Hill. .Inlin World awl Mlndell Klngslon. Five Musical ltyrnnn, Gaston and Green, draco Vnn Studdlfordi narrows-I.an- cattcr Co., Bessie Ynldarn Troupe, the Ilrlt- di—A.t the Madonough I3«ra Ken- I In ''Swell Klegant Jnnrfs," Aug. ffriuiciieo Opcrn Co. 3147. "The Oaltland. dall opetiW in is. Sno Fnutci|co Onei Prince Chap* 28, S3. The Oakland Ad. Clun benedt Aug. lC.i ' I.niKiitv.—Denis O'Sulllvan and Bishop's company-Of players, in "The .Sbnugarnun,' drew packed'houses week ending 11: Henry C. Mortimer, supported by Liberty Stock Co., In "Jleajleasc," 12-18. "Iletore.ond »\f|cr" Is nnfleqtned. - CntfuslBiA.—Kblb and Dill. In "RanfcM and Brokers,'* drew c.xcellcnL attendance,week ending MJ. Sathe' eompruiy. In "fionesohio Town." lw-2f>. A run of comic opem Mlow*. InpttA ; 1'Anu. Orr.BA . Hni;sr.-^The . opera enfnnany. In "The, Ovlsha," drew Well week ending 11. , Same oaip.iny. In "Rohln Hood, • )2-2ri. "The rtmah" follows. Ilt:t,i„ —Fcaltires 12 and week: -ins. I\ Doinn and- Ida I.cnharf, Gleason,.Hooligan and iGleason; .'Dan Reby, Oerlrude Geliesl, Ibe Four Shades, nnd (he Bellograpb. '■ NovebTY (Guy, Smith, rannageri.—Attrnc- lioils.12 nnd week: Hayes nnd Alpont, l.avsiir and IiijEar, Ned Bennett, Sisters Mxcella, the Novelty Trio, and the projectnscopc. , KMninr.-^J)lll...l2.an(l..weet:-l^>ttlc-Blan- chard, Joseph Fonseea, Chos. Forrest, Clin- ton and 'Smith. Charlotte"Hill; IwOr and Westhr6ok.'abd motion pfetiirts. si,. ■ I . Suit Dletffi.—At the Plclcwlrk/ the Pl>k- wick-Slock'did good business. In "The Char Nn-rns.— John I). Harding, of lhe IMtiicl R. ,R,vnn 't'o.. and wife. aNv»p*nd,lnB a p% weeks Kel-e with relktlveK, Until are natBVs of this cllv Frank Austin, formerly wlih tnc Nickel, moving picture theatre, closed Hi. Mr. Austin has loosed the.Opera Ileus*, and opened a moving picture and lllustriuert song show 12. ■•'5 ' . ♦*♦ l.MHAWV liiilliinn.nol(s.-- Al ICngltsh's Opcrn House. AI.3- 1'lelfl's Minstrels Aug. 20. ranK Thbatiik.— Hay Hnymohd. In "The Candv Kid," S-10, pleaded very big business. •111* Hearted Jim.'' 12-14,,shared the gen- eral ■nrosporll.v. "Jlitmpiy Dnmpty" BUT. Must Out at Collece" 10-21: Kurinn.—Tlio llollicklng Girls 10-24: Cherry Blossoms 2(1-28 :. .roily Girls 20 :I1. ■- F.ubbaxk.— Fernllo's Rand remained over week of 12, to ineretised business. WnNDKni.ANii.—The Cnrzon Slslers wero rci-agnged for .week of 12..- Mae Melbnne, nn ludlaiiiipolls girl, am) Arfidt's Mllllarv Baud were special features.. Business si III holds very hlg. « • Wiutk CiTV did good business Inst week. NnTrt.—-Bnmmy D'nrla' manfrr friends w|II in- sltnl in 'Ui'ma' that fae'wlll nave charge nf iho bfti offleC ni the Kmplre Theatre during the coming season. ' Lafayette,—At I He Majestic (Gregg. A. Frellngei', manager) InislueMs wns good week of Aug. 12, with Iho following bill: Llpmnn and Lewjs, F.lltel Yntutr. M.S1. Julian, Clarke and Temple, .nnd Ihe Mnjestosenhe. ■N'OTBS.—'Pbe flrand' Will open tho season Sept. 2,iwllh llowe'h.moving, pictures ns the nttrnctlon. Tlte Open House orchestra, re- organized under, the leadership of Charles ' ring: ItelferS. corDprlses the following: Charles Kellers.' lender; John Belfers. second vlolla; up. B. O.'.yetineman, viola; (.'hhrles Lneb, •cel|b:Ed; Taylor, bass- Patil.ltellchy, first liv nail" wnM'Vndimf Ati. n ..">»<& "iSi eorteti-ReJiertMcNeil, clarinet.; John r^-iith- iL omi'tho i^dv-'' i"ii *:>\\ !.*it.M„ h »iiriJ : - "•• flute. tOtdniccolo; \\. A.FIertr. drnniH. TSf.£&. . ,h0 ■*'"* y ,s- "'' ■ t '- :l I,p,ln c* l,ri ' 1 ...... ltlccrs t Band. which.wan billed for Aug. ».-. 10..at Teeutaseh .Ttnll Park, fulled lo. nr- rlre. 1|,was reported .Ihnt.Ihe -orgftnlzolliiii wns'.'sfrArtdfdyln '.T'erl-e Haute... ....welter'* follows', OttAitn.—"The King of Tramps," by Hie slock..-drew ".well week, ending II. ■■ .. lijfl-Kifi.—jtusle hlkyninn nail' 1.11lie Teddy, In illustrated -scntcx and the lalesl moving pictures.. Business Is.good. ■ , >:■. Ilr.EOThoDoitri—Klhel Rose, In integrated songs, and tho.moving pictures draw S. It, (i. nouses nightly. ■ , ' . """' ';'.'■-' : .,'.-:, CANADA.,' ••■•'.''..••■.' Toronto.—Tho I'rlriKlra/fO. B. fthcpiJard, manager)-.has- Itad' u complWo ftverhaullng. and will opjSui Its doors, Aug.-20, with'. "He- tore'and AfteK" . ' • '' •> • Royal,— Thlfll new and modern llienlro will be under Ihe management of I,. Snlnutti. and Will onerf 2(1, wlllt "Tin- Tod o' Ihe World.'.*.. .. ■ •• ' Guand (A. J.. Sntall, manager).—rTha In-. tcilor aiitl cxlei-Ior of this Uoubo havo been handsomely redecorated, and (he 1 building present)) n handsome nnpenrance. T'he sea- son will open 20, with "A Message from Mars:"! !' • . / •: . . T ' ' ' ■ M.v.ipsTio itJU J.- Small, manager).—"Ber- tha, the.Sewing Machine Girl," drow well, 12 and w»«k,-..."Partea On Her Bridal Tour" 10 and week. ,j^< ■ StAB. (vV IV. Stair, manager).—This the- atre, opened,Its seiiM>n lit, with Miss .Ncv York Jr. The seating capacity.. Uhs been greatly,. lncrcBscdj which, together with the inHnyeshauit! fans, will m«ke It isimfortnble. . siiiia's i.l. Shea, manager).—Goad bust-- uoss hrM wek. The bill for week of 10! In- cludes { Johnjile Stanley, Dubedltu Troupe, McKenr.le and,,Shannon, Keefe nnd Pearl. Donegan Sisters, La Veen: nnd Cross, Her- bert' t 'v'4-ll and' the klnciogrdpb. Scahboro Beach ill, Dorsny,. managerl.. — Winn weather and big business prcva'ls at this" .centre'of amusement. The nttrao- tlons for laut week were: The Vlnllla's box- ing stnUIons.. Mile Itollle's society circus horses, and the Bell Trcvost Trio. IIam.a.v'.s l'oi.v (L. Solomon, manager). —The Duss Baiut drew largo crowds, and has been retained for Hie third week begin- ning 10. Another feature attraction Is the Begin Zouaves. ', Montreal.—At the Francois (F. W. f.o Clair, manager) "Parted on ller Bridal Tour" played' to good attendance, week of Aug. 12. "A Race Across tho Continent" 10 and week. •■Billy, the Kid," follows. ■ lldvAt. <M. C. Fgerton, manager),—Good hmlsos greeted Pat White .and his (fairly Glcls, the opening wcck,.12-lT. The Parisian Belles 10-24, the Imperials 20-31. . Bkn.nett's (R. A. McVean, manager).— This new house, .devoted to vaudeville, was opened 10, with a. hlg bill, Including Vir- ginia F.arl, Otis Bruno, and others. Nation*!,Francaih (Paul COzeneuve. man- ager).— The permanent French stock last week played to' good attendance. In "Ln Guorfe des Fcmmes." Nest week. "Lo Tour dc Monde en 80 Jours." Smt.VKB Paiik (l.nvlgne & Lnjole, mflna- gors).—The audltorlnm was crowded duj&ig wnck.bf 12. Tho'hlll Included : Mndnmo IdlOlM do Mat ha, Rosa and Ellis.: Prof. Gullnndo. tin- Four Lohdflhs, the Military Octette, the or- chestrophone, and Lavlgne's. Military Band. dominion I'.inK (li. A. Hiirsey. manager). —The attendance was fair Inst week. The outside allraclloDs were Oscar Bnhcock, nnd .\tnson nnd Baft:"" ■ "' ' ' a Ottawa.—At (lie Russell (P. Gorman, iniinngnr) VA Slessoge From Mnrs" openn this tnealrn Aug. 10. Giu.Nl> Oi'ku* llotmo (It. .1. Itlnlwltlatle, manager).—"A Wife's Secret,'.' 12-14. Was the opening nttrnctlon (o cnpacltv, "ltcrlha, the Hewing Machine Girl," 10-21. ' BRNNrrrt's Tiikatrh (Oils S. Greening, manager) will open the season 20. MOTC.—Norrla &' RpWc's Circus 1 Bond g«Ve two cnncurls ol T'ei'tunseli Tnill, 18'.. ....II.. I'J.I.'alnwill'er. Who hns.beeti spenil- Ing lite Siilrniier III I Mm .c'lt.v,. has ieli|rned to Chlcngo. He-will be. wllh J. K. MnCCurdy, In "TTio.Old.Olothes Mnn.'Mhfs season Felix Rice, who was for two seasons the mu- sical-director, lit the.Family Theatre. Ilia ac- cepted-the..same ,position at.'the Lytic. In KfnHln<tlniuJ||„.And Wltl leave. 20, for ("hi- «-(ig6, his ciiirintcrncni there,commencing Sent. 2..',.:'Hle (TlKtalMiia-Assembly are here Id- id,; Buffalo Kill's Wild West Is billed far 21. I AnderMori.—At (ho Grand (Jos. V,'. Heft- nbngs, mnnagrr) 8»vlll<i**."Ht)mpty iiumpty" Aug. 10, "On the Bridge at ; All(lnlght" 21,. "t'tin Handle I'etc" 28. Murray and Muck. In •'fhe Sunny Side nt Broadway." 20; Knlle Watson Sept. *J. New CttvsTAr. (W. XV. McEwen, manager). —For week of 12 the bill Included: The Weher Family, Ed. Lucas, Blossom ltohlnHou Flnth,. Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. F. Burke, nnd' Ihe kltindrnme.. Capacity business rules. Nniv ilijni; (Tom Botes, manager).—Bill far week of 12: The Robert De .Mond Troupe of acrobats, Rosa Itoino,- Harry Hteele, Hlmf t'l-i- and Trlmmci', and the inntlon pictures snitlsflcd. large audiences. . . . iMptttna Paiik (R.'.C. Carlisle, raannger|. —FnrCIIo's Band Is underlined for 'li. "Dia- mond Dick" McClellnnd gave-an ethlbltlon of fancy shooting It), / . ... jNotrs.— Charles Craig Kent his company of- Indlnnnpolls Zouaves, to- New Vorlt City this week, a'here ihey have a protracted en- gagement nt the Hippodrome. Mr. Craig Is aim. connected, with the Gritud, at Anderson, . . . .MiiniiL-ec lleiitilligs hns hnnlteil "Mndnme lllilierfly" nt the Grand for March ftfl. i «»'» "' Tt:vvi;sM:f. Nashville,—At lite casino (Y, C Alley, mnnager) •"Plie Power of Invention" held tho hoards last week and proved a good draw- ing card. "The Western Girl" is tho cur- rent attraction. lltrronijoMK (W. II. Bordleser, mnnager). —Tho championship roller skate nitres tlrew hlg audiences every night week of 8. Fori S'auford, of Chicago, won his fourteenth con- secutive race nt this place. Races continued every night week nl 12. Aiiuin.uK (V. C. Alloy, manager).—This house continues to do good business with moving pictures and lllustrated songs. Notb.s. —Tho Twin has recently boon re- ppeneil with moving pictures, Illustrated songs nnd vaudeville. Mr. Otto Illchler, the ever popular baritone, Js. slngiag nt Uio Cn- bluo this week. ... ..H. II. (IlIOHSom) Inmnii, the courteous nud popular treusarcr of the Vcndome Theatre,died 111.from lieurl failure. H '« ■ ICnoxvllle—At the Chllhowee Park The- aim (Harry Bernstein, mnnngeri the Ktn- plre'Stock Co. oponed.a four weeks" eugage- mbnt Aug. 12, PIAys for the llrsf. week were: -Csciiped from Sing Sing" nnd "Rnlel Topny Tdrvy." linslnesi,' lie^an good, and fonllnucti SO. :.-.,• . -. «T.\tih'« (I'rltr. Klnnb, manager).--This house opeiiji lis season 10. Jewell Kelly will play n week's engagement beginning bn Unit dale, followed by York* nnd Adams week of 20. iTWI't.—Tilt- only change* made Ihls sen- son In Ihe staff of Slduh's Theatre Is the npnolntmcqL of,Frederick r \iarlln ns lr«is-, uref, and- .Cllftrlnir A<till as assistant trails- urer .The ICnoxvllle l^jdge of I3Iks kitce the spectacle; "The lltitlle of King's Moun- tain," nt Chllhowee I'nrlt HI, II, lo big crowds. " ' " "•' tohs, nnd motion pletnrOB. Pboflu'r.— -Kenlures 18 and week: Captain Henry wllh'demonstrations of wireless leleg- rntihj : Adele Calmer nnd company. Dolly iMIlton, Homer Long, Hie reop|n*s Comedy Cp. preAeAling "The Wrong MBn In the .Wrong pjace/! and motion pictures.; ,.. ,' . DNigtoB.—FeAturei 12 and week; Threi 24, HruiIHoii. —At the. Grand Opera House (A. 11. London, manager) the preliminary season began-':Aug. 10. wllh "The Dairy Fnrm." "A Message from Mnrs" 23, "Be- fore nnd After" 24. . _ Savoy <). G; Appleton. manager),—The season will open here 20. Hast End IMci'.ink (Geo. n. Summers, manager!. — Business continues good here. The stock company ends Its season Sept. 2. , ■ •-■' ■■" t i, -i i - st; John.—At tho Opera Heme (A. O. Skinner, manager) moving pictures and Illus- trated songs held ihe boards Aug. 12 and Week, with crceptlon of-Hi. when a concert, b«" local liilenl, Under auspices of local Bre- men, was given. "A Desperate chance" -10- 21. "Neighborly Neighbors" 22-24, "Bonnie Brier Bush" Sept, 0-12. Memplild.—At Hast End Park (A. B. Mor- rison, manager) good crowds attended entire week, of Ai'iKt 11. Ill the pavilion were: Mnr- zeieand: Mlllay. Lonex and Lopcj, the Three Lelghtonn, Mile. Nmljl. James and Elslo Fin- ney., and. tho klnndromc. . Faibvlami Paiik ill. O. Reach, manager). —"Under Two Flags," week of II. played In goo- houses, Several new fncea bsve been added to the regular slock company, nmi the performances have been, materially, strength- ened. For week- of-JB, "Onr -Boys." I "- i fif jaii r g aa "• ■ Old, 1IIOMA, . okioiinnin City.— At Delmnr Garden (SlnrijKiuIn Ic Alatrc. nuuiAgci-st Mellmiirnc MneDntrMI nud Virginia BrewTre»co|i ep'ened Week of Aug. 11, wllh "Feilora," for three nights, followed with- "Glsmonds" for Ibe rest of the week). Good business rules, - i;ui. tiiistnii Hordeverry. sifnsnn.imd Marian Miiymc Gelirue, Irnwt (triinsiiby, Sullivan inn VIHGIMA. \nrfolw. vi i lu-Acndemy of'.Music tOilo Wells, manager) while there has been' no ma- terial changes made at this house since the closo of lust season, Ihe tvonilwork nnd paint have been freshenetl up througlmul the enllrn Imtldlng. giving the ,'plnee a very In- vlllng nppenrati'-e. The reglilhi- season opens Aug. 10, wllh "The Rollicking Gill." in ii.f (Aim. Smith, manager!.- New pee nle week of ll> nre: 'Di« Wells llfos., I hilly Voting. Mny Penman. F.IIA Shnnley, Fstelle May field, Vance Sisters, Unit nnd Johnson nhd fjvn Smlllt. Business Is good. Ariti: (Wllkerson & Mnnzle. mitnnfteiv).-- People for week Af 10: Ida RonDclf, Maud Amos, Cllnioti Sisters, Rent* and HdwBrris, Thomas and Wilson. Mackln and Hurt, .Mile. Franklin, ntul the WesUin Slslers. Ruslness gnoil, AimiTottniM (J. M. Itnrton. nisnngerl.— Among ,the nety peoiile for wtcknif lit lire: J. Bhrry, Mflggle Peitnian. tvlla Ma.l(lern, Anna Adamc, snm AIN'n's Challenffe Orelies tra. nhwey And Adams, and Minnie Puller son. BttslueSH continues good. MANllArr.A.N tit Ionian Bros., manngers). —IVople for week of 10: Mny Lemuels, it. M'n'i'sten, S Itlnni'hnrd,: \m\ l^onurd, l>niic Sisters. Joe Downey. Billy Ford. Mr. And Mrs. Kd. I^iwry. Parker and .Mnnigomery nnd Cluiisen Sisters. Business is gontl, CABlNfi. OorAS Vifjw (Olio Wells, local nwnager).— Business nl litis resbrl has been and continues very satisfactory, and wllh Ihe tut nn live vaudeville bills large crowds gnlher nightly. ... Nun;.—KlrnRy's "PncnhnntnH," nt ihe Hippodrome. In nddltlnn to the regular nlghl- Iv performances. Is now giving nmtlnecs twice,a-week.. There has been n ninrked In- ereffife In attendance, within the-'lttst month, nnd It Is stil l gro.wUij;.^ MtAMKHliTt. •' St. I'nul.—Al llie Mciropollitin njiei-a House Ihe Players' Slock Co., lli""'Theliilll." suslalliiHl Ihell lilgli siatidiird. inul pill.veil In increased IhisIiicsh neck nf Aug. II. The bill for the concluding wifk.nf (holt 'reisiril en- gngemenl. IK-21. will lite. "Voutl*.Mrs. Will llil-op."' Till' l-egnliil' fieusnn of'lite house will open 2,"i. wllh •■CltcekeVs.",.. . iiRami.— The n-gtitiil' season will, ilpcil 2.1, with "In Old Keiiliiekv." Tile lioilftn-'htis been ertllrely ovcrluiulcil, .uul-ilie singe ii)H-nlnu enlat'ceil, mirror -iikI aiilhiue effecls udileil, nnd,Hie combination Is i-erlalnly cIT'ctlve. tliit'ilKi'il. —Clinrliv* I'!. SitlIon will be tho local mnnager fur the -nensnti of' ItiuT os The opening Mrs IN, with/lie following hill: i p.iiuipieleini. tlarlelle llrolhers. Gen. A. Ileiin mid I'oinjiiiny, and the ItltiiMlrnmc. M.\.n:srn'.—This I heal re wll open 10, With Don l.cno's happy youugslers, Ilugh J. lint melt nnd company, Stoddard and Wilson, Har- ney Williams, the Wilsons* Charles Finney and the camcflgnipll. WiNiisnn.—Week.of 10.: .Wnrmser Tola and Rnssley And Iloslelltit, uml others. EMPIRK.—Week of 10, new nce-ple: Cuosur and compArtV, the Great Zeuoz, Frank Mnlone Those holding over: Kihel Forrest, Sndle Manning, GracA Miithews, Knle liigby, Lucille liliikc Uirdle Vnn H.iilk, Frankle Fvnns. Hen- rietta Robert s. Htaii. —The openln,; week of 11 was big, with the Champagne Girls ns Ihe altrncitnn. Week of- IS, \\ ntson>. Uurlesdiiers. ' •■ » . ♦*: ,.: — M.;iirt »«G{ \. oioniia. —The park.rienfcm Is drawing to n close, and 11 has t>e6n'n veyy snceossful one. Iv'Biti'( , i)ne" llrAetl, manageri. -This house opened its Season Auk, 11. with "A Tlioioiigb- hrriUTrAmp." fnr four nights, lo good busi- ness. "The Four Corners of iho Karth" drow wall IB-IT. The Lvmtui Twins, In "The Van- kee Drummci-," IS-21 ; "The Great Kiislern World" 22-24, "The Cowboy Girl" 2.1-2H. NirrKS.—Boyd. Orplicuin and the Itnrwond all open Iho season Sept. 1 The Or- pbettm will give dally vniiHnccs this seiison. pawnee Hill's Wild West sliiuvcil In good business ID Ilniinini d llalle.v ti"e billed for Sept, II......The slreel ttarplf ii of the Knights of Ak Sar Hen promd - to be larger luiiti ever litis year. Sept. '.<; i» Gel. rt. i <* • » " AnK.tNN.lN. j.mi.- itoci.. At Forest 1'iii'k (Chns. T. Taylor, manager) In Ihe ihcttii'c, week of Aug. 12. were : The Bttrt,los, slack wire per- lormera: Chns. Bailey, enulllbrlsl, Chni'les Allnian. black face cotnedliiii: Fodcr, Hull and Bnbv Dnri'ls, singing and dancing sketch, and the moving pictures. MeClnutl nnd Mel- ville wera hookeil.but failed to appear. NoTiiH.—The Cupllnl Theatre, wllh Chns. T. Taylor as mnnnger, will open for the sen- son Aug. 2I». . "The Mwetest Girl In Dixie" will he opening nttrnctlon... .The Mnjusilc Theatre will open about Sept. 13, wllh Sol S. Harris again iniinnger. Mr. llmiU Is ox- peeled lo reliirti from his vacation about A in.'. 20...... The roof garden slop of Die New 'Haulhern Trust t'o. Building will noi Ic ready for this season's business Manager Chns. 1'. Taylor has made ihe Sum- mer Park Tlientre, nl Forrest Pnrk. n grenier success this year'than betetofori'. 4i t> ' fUSOiiaiA. Mlniila. —Al Ihe Casino, Ponee I)e |^>nn Pni'lr. (Jake Wells, rnnnager) n good viiitde- tllle bill tll*W enpflcKy hi,likes ]f, M | ^,,,.1;. Wllls*'Cojnedy Co. Aug. If* And weel(, HTAft tj. B. Thompson, iniinnaar).-rThe bill fnr.'Week or 12 was good, and pleased. Parting:. — Im CnrtdA & l,a Clitre. Hurry (lowiirit. aiiiJchiIc Irish Trio, nnd Miss Slln- linrne were the offering,. 12 inul week. NoTM.—Al the casino. Il, a benefil was given to Treasurer Wm. Shorpe, who has been III'for n number of weeks, and tjtille a sum was realised. • . Moving PUto'SnHlt JTht Utast Victor// ot ScIgiiCB. YtuCan Hatia •)« Hensy CnMrtilninf th« Publlo. Wcttsrt von.fiirnlslilngcomplete eulftli with tlaipte Slid explicit. Iiialriii'tlotii. Tlte Field la Large, comprising ttie Trsulnrtlicntre sninectiire circuit, silo lornl flelils In cliurclies. I'libllc HBjIiools. LoilftcsandOeni-ral l'nhlle <lsth*rtn». Nothing artordsbbtttlr opportiuifrAea-totr Zln'lmi Our Outfit Comprises ih* O. P. OO.'O model. PURU OALOIUM' CA8 OUTFIT. «h» tjraateat onndl* power,the natAst and moateoonomlonl «aa-maKlnK outfit evot Invented. ««i«»t»i>lb.. Slertoptltw, tioilni Mcluri HacklHl, rl ,_- c«s.« •"« «'cry scCfsuniy HIIIS, illQi: u ,.(,,i f ,| i, )r cnrople.io rnicrtsliinieutt, Aluolutel v the lnt'rt nimsind views on theiQsrfei. Including ill Biilijcru fertile ptihllu's enlojiueoi. ertnlnrnent supclv outalogua sua OFFBR tiilly c1|iIkIhs everything. 0UC1U FBJUiCTIHO CO., US Diltbora II., Dill. »1, UtlcifL »tt,At IK enter WATEO QCIIOtCI There Are Seve comedian iSpeclalile-t. Yining Heavy Man, Ch»r- aelei-Mnn. lieu. Hut, Man. Sniilirelle iSiieclnltlesi, (.'liartii'ier lady, I'lnnlst. Tine,- mglit hsiuI-, bonked solid.'.' years sieiuly (fort, luoili-rn BUM Stole all ami Iuhcsi; pav oivn. Ileiie.tr <iu at tit, Paul, Ailg.'i'". "i ii-ioito|i-nsRent.''-'. AdilrcJ< Mil, i:i.'tit'\ I: i\'|.;ST. en re stiiuil.'iiil I'lUlIni! fninpnii)', ::lii al'. Ulec st reet, rsj . I'nul. Minn. ^WANTEjiyQiaiOK. A UANfor HtAVIESand GENtRAL BUSINESS and an A No. 1 REP. AGENT Who can And will wmk (mm house to house and can handle ihn press, sinto salary,age. weight, helglii, anil "end photo nud all luii'lli'tihirs. Atitiro'i it it. i II. ICHAUSK. Miinager, Wools Msier- Ills cotnpiinv, UAHItV, 11,1.. P. s.-Pitui-i'il (o in'iir from good people al all times. JM PiMii,.e U'miloil l.nd.v. ror hliih class concefl Illlllll'l NlllPII. mid dance nreli. klilst slug nt- nluv inn-li-al liiitiuiieni. dull fei l itlreil,.f*i>. Tills Will beat' Ihe strlcleiil liivcillgnlluli. .lViitiied. lady or item, Violin, t'clln, iuhs, I'litte, Clarinet, Cornet, 'froiniioiie. lirulnilier. plnv <t 'iupboue attil balls, and Harpist, t'liio elunre for grotl iitnnteiits. Wii At Man Willi picture nuiclirni' tcil Hints. - \|n-i piny soine Instrument Slam |iih.<si, t pnv.iill ex petiHeH._ |I AllVI1*f ) .WA HI», care cl.ll'I'KIt; N. V. WAN^ij b A.'jT' : '^ mam burlesque theatre .. Atp COWOBH'1' HALL, '■", , Lima. O.. .liia JHIII'ki', Prop, it nil Alar. 2D SPECIftLTT AND FIRST LADIES licsliinl. can hum long clig inteineiii I n slink If O.K . VVANTED, A MAN WITH SCRIPT To direct iiniiileur pet (m niiiiire of HAMON AND PITH IAS. Musi be nhlp in do tlte lend. (Inn week rehearsal. Slate imiesi terms fur week's service. | Ad dress W. W^IIANKINS, Miuloif, II I; PROFESSIONALS. ATTENTION ! B. HARRIS' llnynutrkcl Hltidln Is Iho Icadlnit tlieitlrlcal nailery 111 llto West, iiitiriim/.cil by nil hIiixu iiiiIsIh, Hetld for special nrlcn list, I'lctnres ito|il«d at vnrt low rataju, tux U JBfu n ^ wnuuaju ^ffitm if For Suit*, 6r« lit iNtrion Made in I'i'UilA Co., liniiiu. A<li>|iinlilnftirHlHlln(f Itliil!, concert Hull (■:• HiiiicIiik I'uvllioii, tlootl reason for scliliit,'. Address IIOX WM, MIIII>l,lt(IWN.N, Yj PRESS SHOW PRINTERY, .lOIIVSOMIIIIC. I'A. I'lrs. mid HlercotyiMirs of lleratus, limli'ers, Dale', t Kill. I'ull Cal. mm icinlv. ■ ,•• NEW UP-TO-DATE 52 PAGE BfJOiv Ciiialiilfnn of l.iile.i TIIICKH, IttmkH, etc., Just nut, btittl for list. MOM* Pllr-'K. W.J). I.KIIOY. in:t Wtllft SI.. Ilnslon. Mass. Klimolloiial licpils, ■■ ji( Comedy, MBW- atharine Will aril Permanent ■ .'.ut .\nliland^^ Address.! • ' Hlk.. Cine. ^" Address,! 10 BEHEAB8IN0 BOOMS iiianch fl.OOn tfbciii'stil. ITne lesuiinuil and linlel III coiuieotloti. jiil:i..s, :<m West 41st HI., v. inliiuti s• West, nrondway. WANTED, ADDRESS Miss Loriw Berri _gjr t'._«. I'lrslll'll. Hint III nail tiny , X cw Vnik, AT" LI UK inv roll OHflllMNTItA, : TROMBONE PLAYER, ALSO SOI.OS, Hllct'8c|il. I. Address H. H. TRUtlllONK, cure of l!|JITI'll._ COMING, PALMETTO. A SENSATION, PALWIETTO. WANT TO BUY, POWERS Oil OTHER 6000 Picture Machine coiaplcii'. Musi hii III best can. dlllon, Also Hoiite kooiI Ilium. Willi- ipllck. BANTOKU, KB riMt»« .It., N. V. City. of llleritrl.nl IriuiM, but mil) on. IIKST. Til IT nnliirnlly Is the HAL Mflltl'. TllllNlt. It iiBii'ts In a class lif lUelf. If ynu iloli'l SRiee, u'llli us, you can retttrtt II mfitl get your money, WILLIAM HAL, Inc., Sinker* of nn W«a tout Hi., New TnrKJliy. ' MflSf) CDII ('ATjU.OtJUK (1. mdfLSSICWAL TRUNKS