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The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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736 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 24. THE WIGGERY DO YOU KNOW THE SIZE OF YOUR HEAD ? IP NOT, MEASURE IT! Bare these Instruction.. To Insure a good fit, mention number of inches and frac- tion* of Inchon. FOLLOW TUB LINES OK DIAHRAM PROM 1 TO 6 ON CORKKHPONDINO POSITION OP YOHR HEAD. No. 1, The circumference of the head. No. 2. Forehead to sape of Deck. No. 3, Ear to ear serosa forehead. No. 4. Ear to ear over the top. No. 6, Temple to temple around the back. WE ABSOLUTELY PROVE our statement: That our specialty is value for your money at one- half the prioe others ask for the same goods. PER- FECT satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. CATALOG FREE THE WIGGERY STANDS FOR WI6LE8S HEN AND WOHEN TO BUT WIBS FEOI "THE WIGGEBY" "The Name, the Place and the Wig" V/r Our Customers are Legion WATCH US IN THE ANNIVERSARY NUMBER. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO -j On receipt of $1.00 deposit I we will send goods C. O. D. os-iEGAGO (Fifth Floor) subject to examination. ALFRED J. CAMMEYER, 6th Ave. and 20th Street. New York, LEADING HOUSE IN AMERICA FOR THEATRICAL AND STREET SHOES, SATIN AND LEATHER STAGE SANDALS "CAMMEYER stamped on a Shoe means STANDARD OF MERIT." ALL COLORS IN THEATRICAL HOSIERY. Tbeatrical Catalogue Balled Free upon Bequest. CAN FIT OUT COMPANIES WITHOUT ANY DELAY. ESTIMATES FURNISHED BIG S6 C0 PROFESSIONAL PHOTO OFFER Wo will make an, ftxT Ohetwood Panels, nrllatlcally Untitled In five different positions and handsomely mounted on extra heavy cards. With ouch order we will finish In addition, one Kdltlon do I.uxo Photo 11x14, from any poilllon selected, mounted to lOxSO. Work strictly high olaaa. Satisfaction assured. VAN ALLIN 'ICD, (Successors lo Ftlnbtrg) MM BROADWAV, W. Y., BBTWEKN JBth and 30th STS. Soubrette Dresses, Ankle Length Gowns ART COLOR. ANY STY1.K. ANY 4VAHTITY. All Garments made to order from Special and Original Designs. FIT, MATHRIAI. AND WORK- MANSHIP OUARANTBICD. or monoy refunded without argument. Hand colored plates for- —TJLFF, FORDING it C> nlahod free, on request. -WOLFF, FORDING 4c CO., <tl-«o Eliot St, Boston, Mass. ■Jr%IK«& CO Which Do You Like- Second Floor, McVICKKK'B BI/D'U, CHICAGO. ILL. With or Without Hair? The tamo with a Theatrical Wig that Is sold by dealers, or made by an Experienced Wlgoiaker. TRY 08. WK GUARANTEE! OUR WIGS OR MONEY REFUNDED. "KATHARINA," LATEST AND CATCHIEST WALTZ SONG OF '07. dot It now and be up to date. You'll liavo to have It. OrrliCHtrnllous and prof, copies free for stamps Jo sliigora with program. No cards. UAltlt 1IUOS., 628 N. 4th St., Columbus, 0. Attention. DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when yon can handle goods that will sell themselves. Kleotrlo llolta from II per dos. up. Large variety to select from. Inhalors, I6o. per dos.; Voltalo Insoles, o&o. dor., palm. Pure Oocoanut Soap, S'J.eo per gnms. Flue Medical llattorloa. Send 76o. for Sample No. 14 E. Belt, exp. pre. Trial order will convince. One-third cash required. Largest Manufacturers of Kleotrlo Delta and Appliance* In IT. 8. A. Established ibth. Lecture and prloe Hat free. THE ELBOTRIO APPLIANCE 00., Inc. Burlington, Kan. PROFESSIONALS, ATTENTION! MRS. L. gOHBl'ER has in stook a handsome lino of slightly med Evening, Street, Din- ner nnd lleeepllon Gown*, and Fine Fnra. Gentlemen's Full Dross, Tuxedo and Hack Suits, Prince Aluort Duals nnd Vests, and an Immense lino of Fall and Winter weight overcoats. PRICES RIGHT MHS. L. HUHKOKIt. HH* houtliStrcot, Philadelphia, Pa. NOTICK—All 0. 0.1). Orders must be accompanied with a deposit of not less than IS. WIGS. TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And the Latnt md Most Popular Stylo* In Udtia Hair Drilling. A. M. 1IUCII & CO., 119 M. Ninth Street ..... Philadelphia HAVE YOUR SONGS PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY. Our ooinposor, Porov Wonrloh, iho writer of Under tho Tropltnl Moon, Dlxlo niessoms, Mcxlcana, (lolilon Rod, Jennie Loo aud other lilU, will co-oporate with song writers. Sond ub a good so«g poem at oaoe. Legitimate otfor. COLONIAL UUS10 CO., 900-67 Dearborn St,, Chicago. BEST SCENERY M\ LEAST MONEY Soenerv ljulit, Pointed ami vireproafod. Inforlw to none, Suporlor to name, Rnnal lo the beBt. F, RALPH LANG8FHLD, Uelumbla Theatre, Washington auf Tiliory sw., Brooklyn, N. Y. UnTTCO STATES ANO FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make you a fortune. Ifyou hare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, BONG or BOOK that la worth anything-, joa ahoald copyright It. Don't take •hancea when yon can secure car syrr- Ices at small coat. Sendfor oar SrTuM. MTU 10 INVWTOUS before applTlng. for a patent, ■ mil fay you. HANDBOOK on taUntiientmi. We advise If patenta- ble or not, rREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small feea. Coaanlt as. WORMELUE A VAN MATER, Managers, * Coprrlg*' A Pateat to. lac, WASHNGION.O.C. M. R KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES United Stntea Tent nnd Awning Co., Uandolph and Union Streets, CHIC'AOO, III. af CIRCUS CANVASES. BLACK tenth Onr Speolaltw. BIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. ff£TY0t//?3ff/l#ffilMTS, IM Large Block 80ft and Under New anovBecond Hand. Write THE OHAHLEB P. BIDDER TENT AND AWNINQ f)».. Successors to the T. W. Noble Co,, Tent Dept, Detroit Bog and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. eilkollne Tights, •».<>(); Wonted iTIghto, BH.OOi Cotton Tights, Il.TMl Aim Tight., Irem IW.OB apt JBhlrta to match, nil ismi pi-lee a. tlghtsi Pomps M cental «a,lt- mrs. $i.ti(ii Elaatle Supporters, • 1.0(1, « loth Hnpporters !|S rent.. Bend for catalogue nnd easnples of tights, free. Poslttiml y a de- required. Satisfaction gtmran- iod or money refnndod. SP1CER BROS. aa Woodbine Street. Brooklyn, N.T.; New York Offloe. Lincoln Rifle:., l Union 8a. CALL hamouiflTu'atrTfar RESTAURANT *T» SIXTH AVE. Bet. 38th antPtSlhSbj. NBW YOBKCITY. Boat of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked, Dell otously Sorved. Prices res- sonable. Bpeoul Dln- InB- Room for lAdle.. In Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully (Illustrated. BOOK cata- logue, Mo., tree by mall. t)a talogoe of Parlor trick a free MARTINKA A CO., Mm., 4M Sixth Ave,, R. T. ACKERMANN-QUICLEY LITHOGRAPHING CO. KANSAS CITY ROLL TICKETS THE FOLLOWING STYLES CARRIED EN STOCK, READY FOB IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT: Style No. 1 Scenic Theatre 2 Scenic Theatre, 5c. 3 Scenic Theatre, 10c. 4 Scenic Theatre, Reserved Seat 5 Admit One 8 Admit One, Sc. 7 Admit One, 10c. 8 Admit One, 15c. 0 Admit One, 20c. 10 Admit One, 25c. 11 Admit One Reserved Seat 12 Family Theatre 13 Family Theatre, 5c. 14 Family Theatre, 10c. 10 Family Theatre Reserved Sent 10 Clcctrlc Theatre 17 Klcctrlc Theatre, 6c. 18 Glectrlc Theatre, 10c. 10 Klcctrlc Theatre, 15c. 20 Electric Theatre, Reserved Seat 21 Gallery 22 Qallery, 10c. 23 Gallery, 15c. 24 Gallery, 25c. 25 Gallery, Reserved Seat 26 Vaudeville Theatre 27 Vaudeville Theatre, 5c. 28 Vaudeville Theatre, 10c. 21) Vaudeville Theatre, 15c. | Style No. 30 Vaudeville Theatre, 20c. 31 Vaudeville Theatre, 25c. 32 Vaudeville Theatre, Re- served Seat 83 Good for One Ride 34 Good for One Ride, 5c. 35 Good for One Ride, 10c 30 Old Plantation 37 Snake Show 88 Animal Bhow 30 Skating Rink, Good for One Pair Skates 40 Skating Rink. Good for One Admission 41 Nickelodeon. Admit One. 42 Ocneral Admission 43 General Admlaslon, 5c 44 General Admission, 10c 45 General Admission, 20c 40 General Admlaslon, 25c. 47 Admit One On Day of Sale Only 48 Olympic Theatre 40 Olympic Theatre, 5c. 60 Olympic Theatre, 10c 51 Palace Theatre 62 Palace Theatre, 5c 53 Palace Theatre, 10c. 64 iiijnu Theatre 65 nijou Theatro, 5c, 60 RIJou Theatre, 10c 67 Unique Theatre Style No. 58 Unique Theatre. 5c. 60 Unique Theatre, 10c 60 Novelty Theatre 01 Novelty Theatre, 6c 62 Novelty Theatre, 10c. 68 Novelty Theatre, 15c. 04 Novelty Theatre, 20c. 05 Tbe National 60 Tho National, 5c 07 Tho National. 10c 68 Lyceum Theatre CO Lyceum Theatre, 10c 70 Lyceum Theatre, 25c 71 Nlckelct 72 Concert Admit One. 78 Concert. Admit One, 5c 74 Concert Admit One, 10c. 75 Concert. Admit One, 16c 70 Concert. Admit One, 25c. 77 Theatorlum 78 Theatorlum, Sc 70 Theatorlum, 10c 80 Figure 8 Coaster Bl Figure 8 Coaster, 3 for 25c 82 Figure 8 Coaster, 6 for 25c. 83 Circle Swing 84 Circle Swing. Half Fare Ticket 85 RIJou Dream 80 Roman Hippodrome All orders shipped same day as received. Millions of Tickets carried in stock. You can depend on prompt shipments. Special Forms at Lowest Prices. Wire your rush orders. AH" ENTIRELY NEW LINE OP UP-TO-DATE PICTORIAL LITHOGRAPH PAPER CARRIED IN STOOK WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, AND PRICES ON SPECIAL LI^ES OF PAPER 'l 1 WOOSTER ST. (jtewiviYprKi;' MANUFACTURERS ANO IM PORTERS^OF' T H EAT RIC A THEATRICAL:TIGHTS..;_„.__,L (-THEATRICAL JiwiMn " ; HOSIERY* 5 " ! "*" - GOLD AND SILVER^BHOCADES SPANGl,ESi(Ali:Colors) . " - .TR'nnniNGr' ,Wo alio. As wo sell at WHOLESALE PRICES to the PROFESSION ' VUll'I.KS: AA'l) iCATAl.tJOUKS-' I|"<>V llKdrtViT:. W. .' '!' V : " THEAXRICALIIEKELRY > NEW:;yS; ;: &;^:iSA ; TIN^ : l r "' : FEARER rFEIGHT^SPAMLES S?AN6iiES:(All Colors) IGSivBEARDS" h mm>: ■ eOUNTS NEW SONQS! NEW SONGS! FREE—Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs. NOW IIHADY—"My Dusky Lore Sktdoo," "Beneath an Old Shade Tree " 1 E. Glrl F. a „ Bo3 £ " A ■?!£ Hcnrt Ca " Have no/l'lenBnnt Dreai Hows," "Sweetheart of My Boyhood Days," "Tht Nancy Bell" Bonnie Bride," 'In the Moonlight," "The ^o-nlght," "Will the Old Life ws!""«Sea^ **l«"»£K4 «m^ !,e "Wh V eretbe and Mother,' Umntllln 'Only a Father illght," "The Come Daek ■"lows," "Sweetheart of My Boyhood Days," tr." "The 1'oBsport to Henven,' t "The Bonn! I.nst Tryst." "Uh-Huh," r, I Cannot Go With You To-nl MELmLE MDS1C PUB. CO., 55 West 28th St.. Hew York. jugglers' mnmwssib&sksasi