The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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746 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. August 31. CALL! .I-L- PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS. ON HKPTKMHKR 1 WI WILL JIOVK Ol'll TOW YORK OFFICE TO Suite 4I0 V 1416 B'way Bratlwaf and 30th St. Bldg. UNDER THE TROPICAL MOON■■«■"»■ SOME OF THIS SEASON'S OFFERINGS. LOOK THEM OVER CAKJ ^ *' ii ^—— _..»,.'■ < i ),,,,,,,,, n t , D ||.( Imilc Wall* Ballad. Tile only worthy MOONBEAMS AND DREAMS O F YOU k^:..^; ■'**»-« ■•. «... w ,nd.. «...,-■•• ~~~"r "TT""TT* ^. tA#!l«J T A Coon Shout, the Like n, I'VE BEER LOOKING FOR A 6IHL LIKE YOD A "Z'l^"^'^ e ''f Ye Hoo! I'm Running WHO I which von'*.^ver.w COLORADO The peer of all cowboy numbers. This la no Idlo claim. The Starry Flag Forever! A Housing March Sock Suitable for Any Purpose. MORNING. CY! CINDERELLA. A Genuine "Kobe" Novelty Thai Gets the Laughs. A creation In Songdom by the Composer of'-The Gondolier." OrrliF.Kn.llcn. to 'be JOTMt No Card*. Song Illaatratoni .end for oar list of Illustrated ion,., $ 5 .oo " v ^ "■»■"»» ^ _»_____ ,,„ *i_ n >i ba lawn van. ratloni to 'Be abowe «ong>, free In any key, upon rac.lpt of program. Ho «•"•• J 00 * '* HnVa.r. a' way. on hand ' Q urn yon Nofreell.t. Prore.tlonal.alway. w'lcom. at either of our ofllcos. A corp* of comp«t«nt Hastier, a way. f ' * .i ■ _a-<ji_a = ^^ CjICAGO OPFICEi 1S« E. Lake Si ML LOW RITES T EPTUNE LINL Str. TENNESSEE I Sir. RHODE ISLAND From N.Y. Even Datas | From N. Y. Odd Oat.i Safety- Con ve nie nee- Comfort-Insic Superior Cuisine a la Carte. dm Via Boat m nr U and Rail FALL RIVER NEWPORT $1.00 $1.26 Via Boat and Trolley PROVIDENCE $1.20 NEW BEDFORD $1.20 CORRKHI'ONIIINO REDUCTION TO AND FROM PRINCIPAL NEW ENGLAND POINTS. Leave N. Y. dally and Sunday, Pier 84, N. R. ft. W. 44th St., 8.30 P. M. Tel. 4864 llryant. West 42d St. Grosstown earn go direct to Pier. Ticket I 290 Broadway. I 81W. SOth St. unices | Tel. 8419 Worth. | Tel. M82 Mad. 8q. ■and for Foldara and Time Tablet. \ih( ."ACTOR ACTRESS e. ORATOR BEST PAYING PROPBBBION IN THE WORLD. We teach you at yonr own home In a abort time to go upon the stage or speaker'* platform. Thou- sand* of satisfied students. Write for free booklet on Drametlo Art by Correspondence. CHICAGO SCHOOL. OP ELOCUTION, 8» Chicago Opera House Block, CHICAGO, ILL. ■edlclne ■•I SOAP "Ptkert," Can, a a ban GET our price* on aoap. THEY will Interest yon. Speolal Dept. for making private brands with at- tractive labels. Money-getters of big value for canvassers and taker*. We satisfy and hold our customer*. K. M. OAVIB SOAP CO., 40 Onion Park Court, Ohloago. HOST IVBBTORB USES 4 "0H088" LETTER HEAD Free Samples, Contract*, Ticket*, Envelope*, etc. CROSS (68 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO BTAOB MONEY, lac. Book of Herald Onta.Mc Do YouWANT MILITARY GOODS? BAUD UNIFORMS. ARMT or NATT SUITS, TENTS, 0CN8 ana EQUIPMENT OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want in that line I can supply it. Haw or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, m South St., Philadelphia, Pa. HAVE FOR LEASE AND BALE Advance. Privilege, Baggage, Stock, Au- tomobile and Herry-Oo-Roand Car*. Mft, long, Desirable for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE OAR COMPANY, No. laao Monadnook BnUdlng, Ohloago, 111. WANTED, FIRST CLASS BTAOB rAUI'KlVTKIt. Permanent position year around. Three living rooms, entirely new, light and boat If desired, No children. Kxporlonco with steam heating pre- ferred. Address STAGE CARPENTER, caro of CLIPPER. WANTED AT MILLERS BURLESQUE THEATRE AND CONCERT BALI., Lima, ()., Jo. Miller, Prop, and Mar. 20 SPECIALTY AND FIlfST LADlES Desired. Can have long engagement In stook If O.K. WANTED, PEOPLE FOR TEN NIGHTS IN A BAB ROOM, and 0. T. 0. 00. Those doing spoclallle* and doubling brass pre- ferred. Stole lowest, and all In first letter, We pay all after Khovt'opona. A long pleasant season South under canvas. Address Dolmont ,v Uoneborgcr Stook Co., Ilruceton, Pa. N. II.—Alto Agent who Is not afraid of panto, ANDREWS. Ladles' Bowns. Slightly Worn. PVRS OP ALL KINDS. Also Carry Qentleinon'* oewnd-lland clothing. a to Stat* Street CHICAGO WANTED, Repertoire, Burlesque, Muitoal Co mod y and Vaudeville. One night or week stand*. Season Of 1907-OS. NEW LYCEUM THBATHE. SprlngOohl, Ohio. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 1 144 LA SALLE ST. SM. ! MILLER, COSTUMER, 130 N. Seventh St., Phllad.lpr- C08TUMES AND VVIGS TO HIRE. Write for Catalog and Estimate. Bttl* THEATRICAL MiOVEMENTfi Havt tie Very Special Attention of II III CHI OFFICIALS. Get In tench with W. 0. HOPE, 0. P. A.,148 Liberty Street. New York; or P. W. HEROY, E. P. A., 1300 Broadway, N. Y.t 0. K. ARMSTRONG, D. P. A., Newark. N. J.; (RA E. WHYTE. D. P. A., Anbury Park. N. J.; 0. J. GUMMERSBAOH, D. P. A., Scranton, Pa.; II. E. RUHE, D. P. A., Allen- town, Pa. OXY-HYDRO-GAS When In ST. LOUIS territory, yon should order yonr gaa from us. We guarantee prompt service. Headquarters for ■OTION PIOTTJBB MA0HDJE8,BTEREOPTI- C0H8, SLIDES, FILMS, OIYLTTHE, . OIONE, ETC., ETC. Erkor Bros. Optical Co eos ouv* Street >i ST. LOUIS. THE DElfiON THEATRE CO. Wants Full Acting Company. ■on to Doable Brass Preferred. Yon must have experience and ward rob*, and must be able to not. Will be pleased to hear from Dee Beldon and wife, Ed. Curtis and wife. Address E. U. DEACON, week of 28, Boswell, Ind. GREAT WESTERN PRINTINGCO. SHOW PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS 013-18-17 ELM St., ST. LOUIS. MO. STOCK Lithographs and POSTERS FOR DRAMATIC, MINSTREL, VAUDCVILlt. MAOIC, HYPNOTISM. MOVING PICTURES, NCPERTOIRE. STOCK. CIRCUS, WILD WIST, FAIRS, CARNIVALS, AUTO RACCS, ROLLER SKATINo, BASEBALL, PICNICS, RACES, ETC SPECIAL PRINTING ANO LITHOGRAPHING OP ALL KINDS. SEND FOR CATALOOUI. To Managirs of Vaudtvills and Fiail, Mes Aro you getting satisfactory Vaudeville Bookings? II'NOT. why not THY THE Hoy«>r Ac Daladon Vaudeville Circuit 1 We have one of the belt little circuits In Pennsyl- vania. Also we can supply you with everything pertaining to the theatrical business, such as Scenery, Opera Chairs. Films, etc. Addroas all communication* to HOYER A HALSDON, Majestic Theatre, Krankstown Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. P. 8.—Vaudeville artists send In your open time. with or without machine and operator. Good aorvlce at the right price. W. E. GREENE. »a8 THBMOST ST., BOSTON, MASS. At moderate prlceB. Large stook, Immense variety. Illustrated catalogue free. New mammoth cata- logue and ioot supplement, 200. List No. 41 of hundreds of bargains In flue apparatus for 2c. ■lamp. A. ROTERBERG, ITS Ontario Street. Chicago. s THEATRICAL CENERY Vaudeville and Production. Largest Bcenlo Con- cern In the World. Water Color, SUko and Dye. DANIELS SCENIC STUDIOS. CHICAGO. GETTING HOT. One Black Waterproof 21x83 Tent, white out, black Inside; one Siren for Ballyhoo, hear It a mile; Mandolin Piano, Folding Organ, Torches, Five- seat Folding Sctteos. 40x80 or a 40x60 Tent; either $05. HEM) FOR FREE BAROAIN BOOKLET. K H. ARMBRU8TBR, Springfield, Illinois. Experienced Cornetist AT LIBERTY After Sept. T Strictly sober and reliable. Orchestra work pre- ferred. Can also operate moving picture machine. Reliable manager* only, state particulars to CORNETIST. Oakland Park, Rooky Mount, N. 0. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaders! Do you want to Learn to Compote and Arrange Music 1 If so, tend He stamp for trial lesson. Nothing to pay until you have been taught lessons l, f and 8. if these lessons do not oonvlnoe you that this Is Strictly Legitimate. then Tnojr are Pre.. Don't write nnlou you have a thorough knowlodge of the rndlmenta of music, and Mean Business, O. W. WILCOX (Box O), ID Union Square, New York City. SANTA/, CAPSULES MI W OATARRH oftha BLADDER. . Relieves all Discharges I I24HOUR Sack npmtt ban V LEN. SPENCER'S LYCEUM MUSICAL BUREAU: Voice, Piano, Band, or Orchestra Arranging; prompt service, ao- onrate work. Popularizing altsongs ofall Pobllinera. Pro- feulonal* cordially welcome. BOOKING AGENCY: Providing Talent In aUTInes. Vaudeville, Minstrel, or Dramatic Entertainments. Pianists and Singers Wanted for Immediate position*. ' ^ ' — sat, latest and^stlituatfated i slides, Hid for Newest, latest ana best Illustrated son, bought sold, rented and exchanged. list and term*. LBN. SFBNCBR, 44 West 28th Street, Bet Broadway and Sixth Avenue, N. T UNIFORMS OF ALL SAVE MONEY BY WRITING TO W. STOKES KIRK, 1627 N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Pa. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEQAN ft CO., Cincinnati FOR SALE, Al.o CHBAP STBBL FRAME CHAIRS, suitable for MOVING PICTURE and VARIBTY THEATRES. We can make a ve'i low price. Address Dept. 0. STEEL FURNITURE CO., Grand Kaplda, Mich. TRICKS FOR STAOB USE. TOST A COMPANY, 000 Filbert St., (Established 1870), Philadelphia. *T New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. Gems of Art A book containing 24 of the moat entrancing Photyne Plotures ever shown In one publication. All from famoua paintings. Worth ten times what we ask for It. Size of book Is fl x o Inches. The Artist's Dream Realized. Sent postpaid, together with to lifelike miniatures of other beautiful art pictures, for only 26c, coin, stamps or money order. Send at onoe today to WILL J. WELSH, Dept. I, Mt Vernon, o. OXFORD OffiM HOUSE WANTS FIRST CLASS SHOWS. For Open Time, Term*, etc., address HOLLis G. KELLY, Mgr., Oxford, Pa. WANTED PEOPLE FOB AI "EAST LYIHE" 00. Also Manager; one willing to do booking. Good salary to right party. Can use man with ploture machine; also musical director. Send photos and lowest salary. One night stands. No booze fighters wanted. Address JAMKH R. DICK, Treasurer. Eric, Pn. Oon. Del. FOB THE STAGE, GOWNS SLIGHTLY DSED. ALSO STREET GOWNS. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly worn EvenlngGown>, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes aro perfect In every respect, and aro especially suitable for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. Wo have a full line Of Seal skin Coats and Furs of nil kinds. MRS. H. STAUK, 307 South Bttjjj St., Chicago. la MILLER. MANllFACTUnBR ox* Theatrical Boots AtShoea OLOO BALLET* SHOES a spe- cialty. AUwork made at short nottoe. Ml W. m St., New Tort. Tel. 100 Chelsea. Stock Dramatic Paper Tho Finest Lino In the Oountry. Wrlto for prlceB. THEDOKALDSONUTIIOGRAraiNGCO. NEWPORT. KENTUCKY. SCENERY THE TIFfia SCEIIC COMPAIY, Tiff ln.Ohlo •» CjICAGO OFFICEi 1»» E. MM i St. (Marine Bldg.) NEW YORK OFFICEi 1431 Broadway. RITCHIE HEARN LONDON PANTOMIME CO. "The London Fire Brigade" 14 ENGLISH PLAYERS. MGR. JOE KINDLE. Booked by Win. Morris for Klaw & Erlanger. N Bth-ANNUAU TOUR-Bth The Beautiful Four Act Soenio Comedy Drama, "FOR HER BROTHERS SAKE. "XA/AIMTED—For Sonthern and Saltern Companies, Juvenile Leading Man and Womnn; Men for Genteel Heavies; Tall Character Woman for eccentric part; Comedy Black Face Man, must sing and dance j Comedian for strong, neat Comedy, Jew (not a burlesque part) must do specialty; Small Singing and Dancing Bou- brette; Property Man that can play small part. All must be sober, reliable, experienced people, who can and will dress their parts. One. two or three-day stands. Name lowest ealary. Pay your own hotels. Season opens middle of September, want a thoroughly ex- perienced Business Manager to handle the Southern show; one capable of taking full charge; time all booked; carry all scenery used In the production and have twenty-eight styles of special Lithograph Paper for the piece. Sober, reliable, experienced man only wanted. Addreaa A. D. HePHBE, Box 75, Fleming, 8ask., Canada, nnd letter* will be forwarded, or Box 12, Medina, N, Y. REPERTOIRE P KOIT.E--IH! Hl€l ANN. Pint Class Repertoire People In all lines who are no In and familiar with the old time and book plays, please keep In touch with me. Some I can place Immediately. Can always place an Al Leading Woman or Leading Man. If not with this Co. can with others. Also Musicians for Band, Orchestra and Stage. Those doing specialties preferred. Your salary Is positive, no per or promises with me. If you are sober, reliable, attentive and energetic In your work this 1b the show for you, otherwise save poBtage. I have had years of experience as a manager, and without egotism, can say, that no manager In the world will treat you better than I will If you havo good treatment capacity. Address DR. II. D. RUCKKlt, St. George Hotel, Dallas, Texas. P. H.-If at liberty wire me, If not wrlto me tor the future, giving your permanent address, I will answer. I never close. HENDERSON'S«-»»THEATRICAL EXCHANGE W. F. HBNDERSON, Prop, and Hgr. CHAB. U. DOUTRICK, A..t. Mgr. H. W. COS. LA SALLE and WASHINGTON STREETS, CHICA60. Entrance, 021 La Salle Street, Lonfr Distance 'Phone Main 4830. Representing First Class Managers, Vaudeville TheatreB, Combinations and Resorts. ARTISTS OF RECOGNIZED AML1TY and Big Feature Acts Wanted At All Times. The Great Hickman-Bessey Company, Plays that Have Been a Success, with Good Paper Addre*. AL. J. WHITE, Bus. Mgr., ORBAT HICKMAN-BBSSBY CO., Care of Burtl* Opera Hon*., Davenport, la. Permanent addreaa. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, —For the- BARRINCTON-LOWE STOCK CO. (Just closing sixteen weeks' stock engagement) Flrst-ClasB Juvenile and General Business Woman; Al Juvenile Man; Strong Character and General business Man, and Good Agent. Would like to hear from some of my old friends. Company will play the best time In the Northwest. No time for lengthy correspondence Addreaa 0HA8. 0. LOWE, P. 0. Box No. 405, Ilakcr City, Oregon. 1 DIAH, wltl peclalty; IO0BBETTE, with Specialty-; LEADllfi WOO I, HEAVY IAI, CHARACTER IAI, OEH'L. BOS. EAR, IAH WITH I0TIH0 PICTOBCIAGH1IE, FOR THE ImYRIC STOCK COMPANY. Other useful people, Belle Turner, Ed. Tillman, Jules Van Cook, please write. O. BLACO, West Baden, Ind. Missouri Ave, and Boardwalk, ATLANTIC ATI iABlXMi) GARDEN, fni.v.,, , , 11V , MV nrletors; SIOFEBN. Solejigr. WANTED, Vandovllle Acta at all times. Address all to SID FERN. House will be fitted with steam heat and run as continuous vaudeville house year round. Never close. Can use four big Feature Acts weekly for my other bouses and parks. WANTED, loo big teuture Acts for fairs ana outdoor attractions Sept. 2 and 9. TO IiET-«u» FAEEELL and LE EOT »■» Oood Singer*. Great Comedy. Fine Act. Would Join any show that pays the money. Address: 1781 FlftST STREET. N. W. WASHINGTON, P. 0. (Perman ent!. Actors' Society of America MEMBERS-Your duos are now due and payable for year of 194)7-1908. RALPH DBLMORB, Pre*. MARK. ELLSWORTH, Seo'y. THE ELECTRIC PRINTING COMPANY O hlL' 0 , , T vl !L e • . N- Y " S3 ^X? yn many dollars on your printing bills. Send to them for nrlces on any- thing In the type printing line. DatoB. 83 cents a set. Prompt service. P ATTENTION, BROTHER ARTISTS! ™{ w- c .. 8 Sa2h n 5« fr0m 5^88 ?°'5.°. n ' Rheumatism, or Paralysis, call or write JACK REID, ^^^^gg^^^^as^a.^"^ and a po8itive onre - UIVEBSAL ELECTRICAL STAGE UflHTIMQ CO., n^S^B^ETw BEIOVAL I0TICB Wllllmm Bernstein ha wxEm8"«.. SB, i? u . n<:e th « •«•'Angurt 24 he will be located at o* WEST 31*1, between Broadway and Sixth Av.n... w -v hlblted. Write tor new Illustrated Catalogue, No. 1, of Fall and Winter styles, ready Aug. 10. where his 8H0BT VA1P SHOES