The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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748 THE NB3KL YORK OLXPP^B. THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER ♦ * > i THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (UmlUd) l'ROPuunoBS. ALBERT J. BdRIE, ICblTOBIAL AND BL'»IM!»« MiKiO«». . 8A.1TJRDAY, AUOnsT 31. 1007. RHHnl June 24, 1870, «t tlie Post Offlce at lirfik N. V., as.second clan matter, under tlie id of Mircti i, I8T9. . RATES. Adt«rn»cuicnt»— »S.S0 per Inch, single «Iunn. AdTertlseiMiila set with border, 10 per ct. extra. SUBSCRIPTION. One ie«r. I" advance, J4: "I" month". **'•*•*• ■BBw, »1. Foreign postage extra. SlDglei copies will bu tent, postpaid, on receipt or 1(1 cents. Onr Term! ore Cnih. THE CLIPPER l« Issued etcry Wednetdatf morn- ins. 'the last four (advertising) P»*« <JO TO PRESS ou Hatarday at 11 .». it-, and tin other fuei ou MONDAY and TUESDAY. The KoWnB Olonliin Promptly, Taaa- ilitv n' l" u'cluttk A. M. Mm remll M ritww* I er order, ch«k P. 0. ortler or leglsicreil letter. All cash enclosed With teller In It tin: rl-ik of seudcr.' Adilie«« All !>UNV*SfnSttSS > to rum mew voiik clipprii. .17 West Ssth Street, New York. HcglttereJ Cable Adilrcw, "Airruosm." THE "vTESTBRN BUREAU of Tux Clipi-bb is loeaied «l ltooio BUI, Ashland Block. Chicago, John f. MM Jr., manager and Correspondent, rates advertisements ami BUbacrin- Bonn at» received nt our regular rates. THE fcONDON BTOEAU, located nt 14 Leln-st'er direct, lieic-ester Square, llmiton. W. «;.. Henry Ocorge Hlbtwrr.. manager, where advertisements slid subscriptions are re- ceived Ht our rugulur rate?. Tiik CLtrpsa clu be obtainid. wiiolbsilb a>mi rrtail. nt eur agents, Breutauo's >'fw» dfnot 37 Avenoc tie l'Opera, Purl*., France; M, LlllOTtbal, Frederick Strassc H>1 (Terminus Hotel). Berlin. N. W., Germnuy; Diamond Sena Co., 126 Pra'Ip. Havana; Bis alia Book and Slalloiicry Co., IJg Kseoits, Manila. P. 1*1 Albert Ic Sou, 167-lJOMng St., Sydney, Australia. TUB rVHW YORK CLIPPBII publishes only one edition, and that U tinted from Xctt Ywrk, ...... QUttUES ANSWERED. Ku Replies «>y Mall or Tcle« raph. Aoiwxssns iir wiiiuiiuBOiiia not oitbn. Alt, IN OUEST "►' SI.I.II MIOULU WVtlB TO THCS* WHOK Tjtrv si:i'i(. in i;aiis ur Till'. ULIPTER Pout Orrics. All LRTrtim will nt) Aiivinvissai on« wtxi: onlv. If ■•»>■■ booth op »>r aiiiiATBiiui. ronPAWr ;s sunn t, Mtmi m m li»t or MjOTM f)N »N01«LK TAliB. \V« CANNOT BLNU BnUTIJ »I mail on imJOBAlir. aud Hie lionsc will ri-'UiaTn dark until wcjit. 1. 8TtiiiUBAkei( t'R. J. Hulltvuii, luanumrr).— "Artie" toevnui lu bave iimdv a gn-ut bl» bit, for tlie tli'.'airi' IiUh Iii.tii rrowded.i Artie la till Irrepressible UblciiRo youth, who Its em- ployctl an clerk on what lie thinks la a dl»- gfBCi'frilly itnall stipend. In a La Snlle Strret renl estate office, lie fall* In love with every slrl Itu meets, or mabeH llietn think he doe*, but la Unally really smitten by Mantle Car- roll, who liven on the West aide. While talk- Intc to her one day, on her front stoop, he aet'H some men anrvejInK. gives it glicsa that the »L" la »o l»e extentled. iind securea an option on nix hounea which he knows bin omplnvi-r. llUrlelgh. will waul, BKrcea to pny SlS.OOn. though lie bus only about thirty ecu Is to his name, but leaves bis father'* gold watrh us security, lliirlelgh finds out whit I Artie baa done, llres him on the ground nf ili>honeirtv. and Artie, In sheer despera- tion. coi'Ji out nn«l "sepurates" u man from ITAX) to make the llwt payment on the Iio\ih<'h. and then wuits for Burleigh to coOie to hnn and Iiut the property, -whleh he finally does for «3ti,0H0. Artie shows Mome the foollsli- neaa of u single life, and tbey decide la "tie ur>." Luureiice Wheat, as Artie, made a great big bit. but the character bits were made by Joseph M. Sparks, as Car- roll, mid Joivpb llreiinan. «s Burlelg h. Vlru Ktuwe. its Mutiib 1 , nnu Clttlri: Kulp nil : lliuce I'lsher. ns lier friends, were lileiislng. and Uose HcHUllet filled the bill is Mtv Cnrroll. 'J'lie etist: ArU- Blanc i- iird. Laurence Whcnl: lUiueoe Millar, llnli; Norcrosa; Jar-on Burleigh. Josepti Brepuan: Wlnlleld Scott Cnrroll, Joseph }!. Sparks; Jonua Lei.cb. Louis R. Orlsel: Jimmy Lttr- Thumaa II. Wilson; Mr. Hull. Kranklyn Ilnr- lelcli; Mr. Hwemwy, W. Xagel Harry; Henry, Frederick Wnllnee: Bradley. l>nnlcl Corae; Mctliuuls, Herbert Colli Williams, .laities flti-wurt ; Mr. illbbanl. Walter Ford: Sir. (iranger. O'eorge A. Cameron ; Mr. Maxwell, Albert Johnson: Mcwngor Boy, Jwsc hei>- nler; Pamoate MonlngrJ. Serano >lnvenxo; Slamlc Carroll. Vim. Stotve; MH. W. H. Car- roll. Hose Benmlel : Susie Connelly. Claire Kulp: Lhcte Connelly. Virginia Milton : \lnlo .lenklns, liraee Fisher; Utile Buchanan, Lily Olfntb Hurbniir: Mabel (Julgley. Dorothy Douglas ; Jennie Schwartz. Gwendolyn valen- tine.' Colonial (<!. W. I*derer. manager).— "Brewster's Mllllona" haa only one moro SjEfcSjnr, i^ji ■ J —i—. .■.jj-.^i.^-- - Kyeriilt dnd' company^ Surazall and llazell, Ncola. Bonnie Cn«. and the klnodrome. •..'inciOo Opk«a IltllHK (Frank S. Rljerf, manager).—Week olt Ml "llic Crlckclit. Lti pell and Cmncb, Slateni D'Ueers, 'JggK Keeler and Company, Lew Hawkins, Howard Brdotlier-. D'xou and Fields, Mr. and Mrs. Frntiklln Colby, Drck Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meera, Ibo Be Anos, Mexican Herman and the klnodrome. ' . ' . HowawVs (Howard * Kllroy. mnnagew)- -The season Will open here Sept. t.JjH" * line bill, bentlcd hv 1^-w Hawkins. Wlllanl 1). Jones, forraerly of New York, has wen en- gaged as treasurer, end will bave general nipi'i-vlslon. a» nrcotintant, of the booxj ot ihe ibcntre. Howanl und Doyle, and the How- ard Amusement Co. , Si'iiinuixr'H (LntlwIgSelilndler, mnnagert. -"Itcmmteled at great exiiense, Mr. SchJriaier will open his holufc Sept. 1, with vaUOcMllc. Thalia (Tbos. Muiray,. manager)..—Week of ^U: Reno and Axora, MUc. Abcrjakowskl, and motion pictures. . Noma) Avkni'k (Paul Slltncr, omnagcr).— Week of L'«: Jackson and Sparks, ullbert Saronv. Mack Bisters. Budd and Wayne. O" Kins-Sera, the Arlsatos, and the motion pic- tures. NATIONAL (C. A. «vcnnlng. manager).— WVelc of 9£ N. C. Lewla' ColoreO Coiuedlalla, in -Jlie Millionaire Coon." Una I'AitK iThoa. Baker. inana«cr).— Week of ^0: Burlow mid Nicholson, Blondcll ami Miller. May Xletsen. Rice Bros., Irene tnaiia- I'nlrbiirn, nrrw"«i r. .,ii,.,w,,n ,,m™ ««■, --.-■— week lo run nfter this. The reguhir seuson will iipeli Sept. * with "Tlie Talk of the McVsUUMll (C. I*. Wnrreti. umnuger).— The lirtv-Urst season of this thealrc o|it:ued '-•1. with 1'Mgnr Selwyn muklug his stellar -3. Willi J'.UKIU OLIH..M M.»~.^» »•" ».-...-• tlebut lu •'Sfriiugheart," the theatre belug ttlled Willi un npiireclullvc uudleuce. Much litis been done during the Summer to make . . • .. . . I ■_... . 1 .. . . I. , ..!.., . •.•till lll.lffl UBAMATIC. II. it.. I'lluluma, Col.-Address W. II. .1. Shaw. Victoria. Mo., or Martlnku & Co., -1113 •Sixth Avenue. New York City. C. R. 'I"-. Baltimore.—New York lllppo- droiue Is under the uiiinugeineiit of Slinbert& • ' Mliurtv.—We do ttol knotv his uddrcss. Wrlle him. fare of t'LMTiat poal office. ; I. 1\, Kaw York.—'J'horc are seveiul mule I rji■ dtincers. .1. P.. Waco, Ti;s.— Atltlress 1,. II. Bella & f.'o., 47 Paw Slieel, New York Cll.v. IP. II. I... Chicago.—lulin W. Kelly was born hi Sep I em her, 18,*i7, and died June 110, P." & I'.. Huston.—Address Wright I.oti- uter, Astur 'I'liealre llulbllng. New York City. (v V. LA M.-"lli'i'nurd Kllng's nddrcBS 1b ;tr»7 Jay Street, Itrooklyn. M. If. j C. J. R.. UttoiiKi.v.N.—Letter biu.beru ud- vertlsed. U'ntch mtr mute list. "Vaudeville Performers' Utiles." This la the best way to reach lihn. ' I;. SL, l'l'rrsuiiKtj.—We know neUnag ubuut Un: conipiiuy voti mentlou, other than hav- ing seen I lie name in our route list when it appeared there. i , P. B., Wohckstkii.— Ves, If you.wRii! lo keep your ikisIHuii. ? ' P. K., W'lLLiMANTic.—Advertise lu nil Cl.ll'PKtl. lM«jr jHKit. New York.—Kddlo toy appimred lti "Blue llfiinl Jr." til' Nlblo's CiUrdeii, lu I Sill). The engagement laeteit six weeks. C AII US. P. II.. Ciilcngo.—A straight beats three of ti kind, BASBDALI.. B. II.—During IS01). .MISCLXI.ANKOIS. J. M., ailld. — Jockey Miller's Christian name Is Waller. ■ A. 0.— "I.el II Alone' and "And a Little llll Mote" tire published by (iotbant tt At- ineks Music Co.. ."i0 WcstTwenly-nliitli Street, New York tilv. , J. JJoW.. .V'tnv York.—t.uptaln MeUowau, lltirncss. bull' mile track; lioslon. Muss., Oet. ill. ISllo: iweuty tulles. r.S :^."-. Controller, .wngiin : Sau l'riiuelsco, Cat., April a), 18i8; Uveltly miles. oN :."i". Watch Cask Knuhavim. —.Meerscliiiniu is a inlneml. <vuiposwl or tallica, magnesia and water, it Is I'liiilid Just below the soil. Of ll CIIIOAUO I.BTTBH. IKliAl l.'bli OWN COIIItlitjl'OXDKM'. • WHlern. HuronII or (lie New York Cltourr. llOUIII SOI. Ahliliultl tlloeL. Clilcituo. Tue lasl week ef Augusl sees some Impor- tanl el'tiililes In Ihe loctil slltiulloii, nud also show a the upeulMg. I'or Hit! tlrsl reguhir sea- .-oii. of I be liewesl anil most betiiiMful then- lie In I lie r!;y, the College Thentre, with n splemlltl slock ..ompitny. in "The Woman In Hie Case." The Hush Temple will «|lso full In line llils week, under new nianugemcul, opening ::i. wllb "The Mnrtitige of IVIIIIiim .Asln," Willi Ade'ubli' Kiiin us Blue t star. "Tlie Man uf the ll»ttf." nt Ihe Illinois, nml Suae Mali. In "Tiie Cbnliis l.ntly." ill . overs", cml th'ir bunr rittix HI. "Cumin' I'.tile' tin- live" Is alttliillllieil for a week til t|e fiarrlck. with IVvll Lean speelnlly ett- gtVietl. MeYiiUer's hits llirown otieii lis dtKTs lot lis IlliylliH seasiiii, with ".Mmughcarl." In which Ktlgnr Selwyn Is sitirrctl. lluson's opivied ^'4. and now llll Hie cheaper priced bonnes, mgethev with the hiliiesnue houses anil moKt. of the vaudeville houses. Imve stnrl- etl o IV. 11 own Ill's, on Ihe Northwest side, mulct' Ihe innnaSeuient or Howard. Kllroy & llrliuai. will open Sept. 1. and the People's, the S.'tir tintl olhers will eoiameniT Ihelr sett- swav <vi ihe sum' day. Iilivois. iVtlll •• DinK, mttiiau'ti.— "The Mi" ol Ihe Hour'' ilirl- en the la: I wol ei >u t'lituciuiha' wn \nv .•:• nml "CI .i:« v.'tb tl-f rnord ef havmp rhttd i !;!;scr ene.'fsisaat !e UjJi stty 'hau .ta.v ;.:i'^:• fivap^tii .\t*rif.ti;n Kaiik "iil'ja;. !i -'i'Se. Lltlb' uurttb," !6!1otc PowrAs' (H. 3. Fowert, manager).—Ust.c f tahl hak *>»eu "the scream of the town" for {aontba. "Tbo Chorus Lady" will be sadly uusscil. "The llypuerlles.' Sept. -, will o|nai lh<> bonne lor the regular season. c.Aituici: ill. c. Pure. BuuiagerI.—"The Hntgelnusler." Itisl week, with Una Welti- hers nud Rulh While, wits splctulldly re- iel\etl l>j elowils. The sl\leen|h season of toe lint tick will open Srpl. I. nlih |,onls Mnri .iiititt' Tliro' III" live." vhleli whs '.'.iU:'vJ '..:' !!t- v.!.. i 11: t.l H !u'J i.m'.iiI' '■■> iajtti|r<l n- wnluo vvfn f |^io;k. this very attroiilve nlayboUHe sllll more lnvitlug. BlaDcbe Wulali will follow Sept. 8 for live weeks, In "The Straight Road. CliANP iH'Kiia Uouni: (Harry Askln. uiun- nirerl.—Wiiiit confusion Ihere wus evening or 18. when this house opened Its regular Nrasw with lit" llrst loirul uppi'tirunee of Moitlgouiery und Stone, In " I he Red Mill. The crowds extended out on lo Clark Street, und blocked the sidewalk. The stars were greeted with rounds upon rounds of applause, and It was a decided homecoming for them. Outside of the stars, Ethel Johnson, a native of this cltv. repeated former triumphs. Kd- •ward Hegley, D. L. Don. Neal McCay, Aline Crater and others made personal nlta. ger).—"Under Southern Skies" played to line business last week. "The Vunderbllt Cup" current. "Arizona" next. • I.a (M. II.. Singer, malinger).— There Is no lUicatlou ubuut "The l.ilrl Qncs- llou." us fin- an lis success Is eoueerued. tinil It baa settled down In n long run. Crowds have Imvii turned nway. Jtiltle McCren was very III und out of lite nisi ".<), nud '-'I wus oblfged lo resign In furor of Hamilton Cole- man, slsge mmviger. lie hits relumed, hav- ing regained his health. l<cc Kulilmttu, as llaroii Max Von Tesuiur, dues one? of Hie lluest pieces »r nclliig ever seen. upon Hie local stage, and Is obliged to respond to call lifter call, nud Ceorgle Drew Mendutn has added another crown' to her collection. Ar- thur Sanders, besides directing the dramatic portion of the piece, plays the humorous part of T.P.Sears. Wlllluni Boblnsoo. as Billy, Ihe role red eook. Wis excruciatingly funny. Kruiices Demurest wus a picture as Jessie, and sang well. The minor characters were pluycn suleudldlv, Johnny Pogarly sluglug "The old Buck MHl Wing" for Juitle Mcl/rce during bis Illness, lifeat credit Is due Mr. _Colemun for the excellent manner In'which he hnrttllud Una role of- Con at such short, notice, mtere are eight numbers, nil eiilchy. The "Broilers." ns the smaller chorus jjlrls are called Wen, appeared lit costume, make-on, walk, pose and gesture exactly like Kdilla 1'ov as lie appeared In "The Earl and the lllrl." and,every ulgUt.tbls number bus re- ceived nt least five genuine recalls. It 1b great, (irace McMabon, one of these girls, has uiudet the hit of Iter career In Iter Imita- tion. It Is worth the price of admission nloue to see Iter bit. The east: Elsie Davis. Nctta Hake; Joe Ponder, C.eorgln Drew Men- .hnn; A Reporter. Zekt^ Colvln; T. P. C. Sears, Arlliur Sanders; Con Jtyan. Jiniie Me- Cree; lllllv. William Robinson: Harold Sears. 'Pell Taylor: Mrs. Jessie Seal's. Frances Demaivsl : Buron Max Von Tesntur, l^'u Kohl- raur; Svbll. l'hryne.tte Dgden : An Archileet, Will Henderson: "Bud" McGluty, Zeke Col- vln : "Kid" llenitCKsy. N. Meluhaw: "Skinny" Junes. Johiiuv POgnrty: An Undertaker. Htitu- llton Cnlemaii: JHke Scliwurtaberger. Waller Latnlor: A Constable, l-'muk Murlou. The executive stnfl' of Ihe house: Mori II. Singer, nutnugcr: I.. C. Wlnkletuun. business manu- aer a nil Ircusurer; Jack WVIslun, asslsiutit Irensurer: Henry W. Ploss, itdvcrtlslug iigenl : lltiiullloit Coleman, stnge Manager; Walter laintlon, tissisliuit stage manager; Curl Sleeker, mu'slcut illreiior; Phil Kisser, mtisler iiiet-hanlc: I''red SleWelhy, proia-rly uiuslcr: T. V.. l.oc. elceliiclun: K. Bookliitnl, assist nut electrician: Mrs. Buerger, ward- robe udsln'Ss. WmtNKV Oi'KRA IIuiimk (Sam P. Hereon, itittiiagerl.—"A Kiilghl for a Day" keeps ou Its merry way. Cui.Liait: (Ktigeue Melillluu. mauagcr).— The season will "pen here 'Jli. with "The Womnti In Ihe Cnse." I.oulse Ripley starring. '•The Crisis - .' lo follow. Tbmi'I.i; 0'MwIii !•• Rarkcr. iiiuun- gerl.—The season will open here ul. nilli Hie newlv slink einiipiniy. hentbil by Adelaide brim, ill "The Marriage of Will- iam Aslle." iNTKKXATIoNAt. (Kills •''• Hlh+lliail. tllilll- ageri.- -The nlisi! will open here IIP. with n line riitupttiiy. th>' nrtornianitger npln-iirltig til every performance. PkuI'I.l's i I'rtiuk Heal, manager).—Jin: sloek season will be started lure bent. ". the opening bill belug "Lost River." Many changes have been made In the company, nnil the bouse has been completely renovated. Prank Heal, lust season stage director, will till -that position iigulii, besides being the houre manager. I'KKIN lllols'i't T. MollJ, innnnger). — .Inllv .lulin Larkliis tintl bis inert-y ntfitslrels ItaM' niaile nnnij people happy. VlJLbltt. (Lyoiau «. GliMcr. luiiuuger' - «e.>k ..| jn Mluui" t-cllgmun ami >*.illlniu Ftlntf^l! Bsnlasht'J Chapln and eesspaity. Ward and Crime. GUj-cr and Cr'.y:!; Grn- lrp jstl BlUaf/. ThrM Abdallab Ertthtrr. M2r26 Rtnstnttea mi e!;S:;. ; l£o£» Pour Glru," Le Ray 2nd tt Vanlen, Gallindc, Anna Dohcrty. Mexleas. and Mexleas. Wm. Inman and enmpnnv. and Ihe kliitulrouic,, ll.w mauki r (Win. P. Newklrk, Malin- ger).—This Ik now one of Die handsomest houses In ihe cll.v. having been entirely re- painted. The enllre lobliy tins been lorn mil. and a new design followed, and the seating nrraugemeut "has been altered. Week of •_'«; Klltn Proctor Oils. "Sunny South." r; and Miller. May Russell, and the motion plclures. Asiilanii Gahdenh IP. J. Murphy. g eri.—Week of 2« : Pah-bum and Vi Courtney and Jeanettc, Bessie Golden, Vcs- sell and Mains, and motion pictures. Acaul'my (Win. lloche, manager).— "Youiik Bnffulo" played to delighted houses last week. "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model, this week. The Cat and the Piddle next. Bijou (Wm. Rocbe, manager).— Kate Bnrton's temptations" proved to the liking of all baat week. This week, "Ch natowi Charlie." Next, week, "The Card King and Oueen of the Wcit." . CniTrmoN (John B. Ilogan, manager).— This bouse opened for the. season 18, W in tile first performance on any stage of Lin- coln J. Carter's "The Cat and the 1 lddlc. It la a spectacular melodrama In three acts nnd nineteen sccnea. It Is a most magnifi- cent production. Mr. Carter having spared no expense. Tlie slory tells of the adven- tures of a trump culled Happy, who dis- covers The Ceull (the good fairy) und her faithful cat. who have been iucusod In u vase for hundreds of years. The fairy promises In rescue Happy, (roui whatever difficulties lie mav bu In. Polly, daughter of u crusty old sea' captain, Is sought by Circe, u bad fairy, masqueradlug as an adventuress, and Iter another rescue Her, uud In Ihe end the evil spirits receive their utiletiw. Interest Is ititilulaiiied by Iho clever work of some of lie- coiltpanv and Ihe beautiful sellings. The honors "of Hie evening easily went lo Hurry II. N'ormitu, as the enptuin's wale, Mike, who created roars of laughter. Clius. A. Sellou will doubtless make a great deal of the part of Happy as soon as he gets easy In It. M. T. Bohannon, toward the end of the performance, took a firm hold on the audience with his burlesque song. Law- rence Gotliard was good bb the Cat. The production Is a great one. Executive staff for the house: .lolin B. Hogau. general inunu- ger; Ben M. Glroux. business manager; • leorge W. Irish, treasurer; K. C. Murray, assistant treasurer: H. J. Buhler, scenic urilsl: H. W. Sinn. utusUni director; stage mumiger. II. M- Pel!*': Rolsrt Curseii, stage rar|H'iiliT: Ktlwerd \V. Price, electrician: C. L. Lueas, iii-.ster of properties: Kd. King, engineer. Bu-iuess staff tor "The Cat aud the Piddle:" t.'luis. A. .Sellon, manager; busi- ness manager, Harry (lurdon ; t reasurer, Clyde W. Keahardt. stage manuger; Uarr* Parnum, mtm'.eiil director, A. J. Stustney: master mc- ebanle, II. W. Uash: carpenter. Harry Tucker; electrician, O. II. Ryan, flyman, W. W. Beams: muster of properties, D. F. Iluys- lett; assistant property matt. Claude P. Buyer; wardrobe mistress. Madame Saul. The cast: Ilajipy. Chas. A. Sellon; Hans, Fred. J. (itilllnrd: Captain Bluff. E. L. Boos; Mike, Barry B. Norman; Wilfred, Kdwnrd Poolet; 'llie Actor. M. T. Bohannon; Pully, Florence Willis: AiuftJiellnda. Mrs. K Sanls- uury: Minnie. BHliche Buhler;-'Kitty. Elaine Prnliuian. This week, Sumuel (Phornberg. lu "T'lie Peddler." Niatl week, "The Klus and OlK?cu of Gitniblers." .' C<ii.i;.iiiiiis (Weber Bros., managers).— Sumuel Thoruberg much) u great ImpreSslou last week, lu "The Peddler," and proved ti line actor. Tills week, "The Mysterious Burglar." Frank Wlheli. Is the eom|iauy inauugor. Next week, "A Fighting Chance.' A un.'.Mint a (Weber Bros., managers).— "litlnetown Charlie" did well ' last week. "The King and Queen of Gamblers" current. Next. ■Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model." Boson's (Sid .1. tfusoii, manager).—This house which has been repainted and Ibor- onglilv cleaned, opens 24. with the Parisian Widows. "Stolen Sweets" Is Hib butietltt, the comedy roles being liundl ••! by Joe Fields. Mark Wooley uud others. The big feature Is ZeuUn. Polly (Johu A. Pennessy. manager).—'i'ho New Century (llrls enjoyed « week or fine business. This week, the Bi'oadwuy Uttlely Girls. TuiH.'.M'Kiiu (I. M. Wclngarti'ii. manager). —The sloek company closed Its long engage- ment last week. Tlie regular season opeus •J.". Willi Rose Sytlell's Co. The i'arisluti Widows follow. KMi'iitK (Wm. Singer, manager).—The Tiger Lilies tlld line business lust week. This week, the Rolllckcrs. Next week, the Jolly Grass Widows. .Wo.SuhIil.vnu ihki. Lantson, manager).— This house bus got fairly started. In the the- atre : Pearl Stanley, Thurston and tirey, Ames and Doyle, 'liieluiu Wheeler, and mo- tion pictures. London ItUtM Mt'SBi'St iW'- J. Sweeney, uianngcr).—In Hie curio hull : Vetio, mu- glclaii ; dipt. Newton (Chittenden, scout : Princess Ida and her alligators; Sam Pulk nnil trained dogs; Lester, musical act, and Atln Johnson, bag puncher, (u (he theatre : ll.tln.ilt mill Fitiiev. Alice llecU. moling pic- tures, mill tuieiilul dilnccrs. ti;w I'.VIIK (W. .M. .loluisiai. lUSutt- gi-r).—Slinilnv. -'.". llie Klllles ftniitl, Willi Apgus .McMillan Frtiser. bttgplis'r. "Tlie tlreiil 'I'mIII Robbery" has a striking new feature In -Nellie Showers, who rides like u ranger. WiliTti City (Paul D. Uowse, mttuuger), —Business has been suleudld here, and Ll- bcrnttl's Band has plcntsctt. great crowds. Chev. A. L. Gullle, Gritco Ellsworth, Etnmn Elmer! and Slgs. Zarn and Pczzelti nave been singing to delighted thousands. Blnucuo MebafTey. operatic soprano, sings In the Casino. Annette Kcllerinan, swimmer, Is it great nlinicllon. CliUTts Paiik IW. H. Slrlcller. luauu- uer«.—Crowds gtithci heir. Ll!iA P.vnK iL 11 Lautlcr.tele. mauagirv —Busluci: ha; hsld up to lop uokh h«e. Hav'*i.v FAKS.—Ferrullo and we bacd ciccstd tke thtedotc 'ihOEJi Crc!it.:tri ian's C0"e! SlBE (Ljonsrd Wq!! aica- itr'i.—Den I'h!lip';iK! '» Band ttpilsi c=s more week. Slcnora Galats, soprano, and Slgnor Gnlat.i. hnrltone. have been making a big hit. Vaudeville week of 2(1: George l.nnie. Ihe Wrens. Vessels aud Main. Coliun and Crape, uud moving pictures. The Elec- tric Tlieiilte is showing new plclures of Ibc "Pnsiilon Piny." Bis.MAiifK (Iabuknh. —Carl Bunge gives Ills last ciinci'tl -I, his auintal beueflt ha vine or- v. mv . ,*,...* . «v»»».« \>i,a. I'imuf .^..iiiij. iu^. 11,1,11:11 m -,, ii»? ..iiiitin] ui'.ueui fin.lUK t»l- ll-ii Welch. Chlniin nntl cenivane. M'unlc rurred '-"', when n new mnirh, eomisised bv .*.-:ui:>:.t:!. VLS.Ml.fSUx i:-r^. JlMrfii 0*0c£>' M^. P:i:re, ^•1(10' Ci'iri K- .." ci. •j-r. Olr's 1 sit- L.sNnari" *na*. s> v -.p a i« il»7»<l. 3IUH T 'on 2l»b*, s-prsa-. aui Emi Koppi cornethit, were heanl In solo*. Ellcry a ^Jmtm G« D UN ?r EIler*'» BWd closed here 2*. the r-e»lpts tot 2J, t*. belflg a Bene- fit to Chaunlug Eilcf*. ■; _ AnantUATH.^Cliajrles B.. W»M was • caller 22. He has been appearing wltt bU "npany. In Scarle Allen's sketch, "The, Tw n Plata," with great success, haying p ay d In lilifn. III.. 10-21. where It made o big bit. Ill* wife and daughter, Katherlne Klalre and A Ice illiah Waru. are In the company with bin He opens at the Orphcmn. Salt Lake. Tea the BoVcry Boy. In a * nglc turn, and ; t till take up his bookings wltb the sketch" . - Mrs. Taylor i^rroliT last season with "The Flaming Arrow." was a caller, 10. with M.lttle Vickers, wliose •■edelweiss lias been known as one of the prettiest pin™ of Its tns'. Mrs. Carroll was aecompauied by lier daughter.......Charles Forester was ■ «ler Tie and bis wife (Jane Courthoue and company) left 23. for Lansing. Mlcb where the premiere of Ms new sketch. "Moth- er's Boy," occurred 20. They have "Pentovcr aa.OOO on this Piece, and have secured n lia idaome set. tW will cany (lTe people; .Carl Dtane. business manager of My Dixie Girl." was a caller 22, and stated Cist the compuuy Was making good. - Jllc * Kaiiv, of Kail.v nnd Late, playing success- fully at the Chicago Opera House last week, i-alli-il 2.1. Tlie act Is going splendidly, and Mr. Bart* Is gelling numerous encores on the-rendition of "livcryonc Was Meant for Someone." — ♦<-♦• ■ OUR LONDON LETTER. FROM OOB OWN COnBKSFONDKNr. Clipper Bureau. 46 Cranbourne St., Leicester London. W. C. Abu. 17. "The worst week of the year," that Is how the managers regarded last week. There was not onlv a Bank Holiday to reckon wltb. but there was also the departure of many people for their yearly vacation. With the excep- tion of the musical plays, it Is doubtful If any of the theatres made a profit. A few words about "Attlla." the new play Iv Laurence Blnyon. with which Oscar Asclie slid Lily Brayton begin their season at lis Muliisty's, on Sept. 4. For the basis of his plav. Mr. Blnyon has gone to history. I be Interest centres not In the representation or events, but in the dramatic situations spring- ing from the actions of u *iall group of characters. His chief authority Is the record of Prlscus, a Greek, who was despatched In 441) A. D. by the Roman emperor, on a mission to the Huns, and who Uescrlocs Atlllu's uplKarance, manner . and surround- ings with great'precision'and vividness. As tuus seen. AtHla appears by no means ft savage—he ruled W his brain, be himself inltalnlslered Justice every day: anild Hie oHtcnlnllous splendor of his people be lived siuiptr: he was capable of courtesy and of mildness, although n-Morsoless If op|K>sed. lsuia Ashwell Iras 'selected as Ibe ntay with which she will Inaugurate the Klngwuys Theatre ft piece In three acts, entitled, "Irene Wycuerley." The author of the play desires to remain anonymous. On Aug. 26, Charles Frohman will pre- sent Pauline Chase at the Doke of Yorks, In a short Japanese play, the title of which has yet to be decided: upoh. This piece will he iilaved lieforc "Brewster's Millions, which, concluding at the Hicks, on Aug. 24. will be transferred to Ihe Duke of Yorks ou the Monday. Tbc lllcks will reoptu ou Aug. 27, wltb Henry Arthur Jones' play, "'Ihe Hypocrites." which is In full rehearsal un- der the personal direction of the author. Last Monday rehearsals were started of Heurv V. Esmonds new four act play, "Un- der the Greenwood Tree." the sub-title se- lected by tbc author belug "The Romantic History of Mary Htttnillon." It is with this that Maxlne r.lllott begins her season at the Lyric. Sept. S. Miss Elliott will, of course, appear hi the principal role, and sup- porting her will be. Charles Cherry. Eric UatarTu, T. Gideon Warren, Felix F.dwardes. Tom Mowbray, W. J. Yoldbam. Mary Jerrold and II. M. Praser. 'llie Apollo Is to be reopened next Wednes- day by Prank Curzou, with a new romantic musical piece devised, written and composed by "several lulllds," as the old phrase puts it; mid called by them "The Three Kisses." Walter l'ussuiorc, Arthur Williams, Willie, Wardo, Kitty Gordon, C'eliu Palo and C. Hatehard will figure, lu the cast.- Niitwltlislauilliig the 'termination of tin; London season. Miss Hook of Roland" still I'outiuues her sucessful season at the Prince of Wa'es. On Thursday last tbc two hun- dredth performance was given. . Although no date has been fixed for tile ftraduction of the new ballet at the Empire, n which Miss Gcnce Is to make another ap- pearance before her departure for America, or for tbc production ut the Albambra of the ballet founded on I'lanquctlc'a opera, "Lea Cloches do Coruevlllc," both spectacles arc lu different singes 0 { preparation, und It Is probable that they will be produced aonie- lluie luxl month. - ■'• The Hippodrome Is ebout lo be dune over. The work will absorb the following quanti- ties of material: £1.500 worth of gold leaf, 21.040 pouudo of white lead, 18,000 yards Of velvet, 3,000 square yards of carpeting. In un inlcrvevv Frank Parker, the stage di- rector, said: "Tlie men who are lu renovate the celling will work on a staging slung from tliu roof, und ihere will bo no noise couoecte'd* with the painting operations. Wc shall be able to enrry these on during tbe jierfonu- ii lice. Travel lug cradles will facilitate tho work roiin.i tlii clrchrs, uud we shall be em- ploying about nuo men. The whole of the interior Is dusted over once ■ Week, bnt ibis la the llrst time we have bad to redecorate the place. Tbe gold paint and draperies have lasted wonderfully well, considering the deleterious effects of smoke and fog." A notable addition has been made to the staff of the Moss Empires, Limited—that, namely, of Charles Wilson, the well known stnge director. Mr. Wilson's early experi- ence was gained on tbe operatic stage, but for several years ho was responsible for the Empire builds: more recently he was In charge of ihe stage at the Albambra. Last year lie slaged the graud operas for Oscar Iliiiuim'rstelii. Moouey ttnil Holbein tire doing spleudldly In and around Loudon. This week tbey lire I'litylng (he Hippodrome. Putney, nnd also nt Hnmujersnilth, while next week, tbey go lo Richmond Theatre. The Water Bats are lo bold their ouling to-morrow. A trip up the Thames River will be taken, a start being made at Wind- sor, where-a launch will be taken. A lunch will bo served and a concert will bo given. A great time Is anticipated. The Three Slaters Urma sail for New York on Aug. 28. They comineuce a long American tour at the Mnjcstic. Chicago, on Sepi. si. Holly King, who does an act on Hie order of the one done bv Veaiu iillvv. uhIIs (or Ihe Stutes un Sept. SM for a six «eeki' engagement uuder Klaw- S L'rbng«r's mana»em«Bt Klein and CHtton a ho recent!'- rct'arntd ires: 3 Ccutls Air!t« eti^ar'tstnt. s *'t ^.'et-!::. i-cc. "ill maS-s hii. Bro£.-3FSStxzs3£fc- Is Lender 'at the Umpire"" Hoitoru, 'of M' next. Other I^ndon time follows. John Christie, who for a long, lime has been manager of the Hackney Empire, has nisi hren appointed district manager for Wales, on behalf of the Moss k SI011 Com- pany. While nt Hackney. Mr. Christie was very popular with the artists playing there. "The Ulk nf the town" just now Is Pave. Carter, the tenor, who was formerly a mem- ber i.f iiie Manhattan Cemedv Pour. He a-viss! A il~ CrafKfcgy s !c.-'"t-rf:t ztc Htii ttf-t the tut yi'rfnrnjanc* dsTths re- 4 August 31. ECZEMA ELEVEN YEARS Handa Cracked and BUedlaa; - Thre* Doctors and Many Remedies Pall. soox CUBED17CUTICURA "I had eczema oii my hands for eleven years. The hands cracked open In many places and bled. One of rhy fingera was so bad that the nail came oft. 1 had oiten heard of cures by the Cutlcuta ll&nedies, but had no confidence in them as 1 had tried so many remedies, and they all had failed it) cure mc. I had seen three doctors, but got ho relief. Finally we got a cake of Cuttcura Soap, a box of CutfcuraOlnimciu, and two boxes of Cuticura Resolvent Fills. Of course I keep Cuticura Soap all the time lor my hands, but the one cake of Cuttcura Soap and half a box of Cuticura Ointment cured them. It is surely a blessing for me to have my hands well; and recommend them to all suffering with eczema.' Mrs. Eliza A. Wiley, R. F. D., No. 2, Liscomb, Iowa, Oct. 18, 1906.". 5 engaged for four weeks. He Is meeting- wltb reat success, his rich tenor voice getting im call after caU at every -performance. Fred Glnnett lately.lost a week lu Ireland through not being informed of the technt- calltlM which uow hedge the Importation of horses and mules. Owners of stage ani- mals of this kind must apply to the De- partment of Agriculture; 3 Whitehall Place, and at least tnreo days, before sailing must snbscrlbe before the magistrate to a printed declaration that for two mouths previous the said animals have not been, affected- with glandcra or pirasitlc mange, or exposed to Infection of the same. A certificate from a duly qttallded veterinary surgeon, secured at least two days before shipment. Is also necessary, and the form for the surgeon lo subscribe to Is printed on the same docu- ment fnrnlshed by llie authorities. Ous Eten. (be coster singer, will sail for New York next Thnwduy. ■ ■-— »■» ]»)AsSACHtStTTo- Boston.—Three inbre theatres open Aug. 26: The Hollls.with "The Belle of Mayfair;" the Howard, with the ltlalto Rounders, aud the Lyceum, with the Boston Belles. New at the other houses are:.Cole and Jobosou, at the (ilobc; "Eight Bells,", nt the Grand Opera House. "Martha," at the Castle Square, und "Mar. lo Man," Ul tbe Bowdulu Square. ... Mollis Stkkkt (Isaac B. it kit, manager). —The regular season will be ushered In 20, with "The Belle of Mayfair." AiUong tbo principals arc: Olgn Von HutzfclUt, Lura i,olb, Marian Wilder, Margaret Hutiedgc, Madge Melbourne. Harry Burcher, Chas. J. Stine, Fletcher Norton, Fred Klvenball and ,W. S. Freeman. The engagement Is Indefi- nite. Majf.stic (A. L. Wilbur, manager).—"Tbe Green Bird" is uoy? in its fifth and Unal week. Harry Norman has replaced George Schiller. "ha«clnallng Flora" next. Globe (Stair. Wilbur & Nleolal, mana- gers).—Cole and Johnson, In "The Sboo- liy Regiment," this week. William H. Tur- ner In "His Terrible Secret," enjoyed tine business. Hap Ward next. UltAND Upkba HoUHB (Geo. W. M"""'. i-»n«arr).—The Byrne Brothers, In "KeT« Eight Bells," is the current ottering, foiiow- ii.„ a wcck of good business for "A Midnight Kscapc." "Berthu, the Sewing Machine Girl/* uexL . Castle Sqoaue (Boston Stage Society, managers).—The stock opera company, un- der the direction of W. ('. Masson, this week In "Martha;" "The Serenade" next week. Last week "Faust" and "II Trovatore," with excellent returns. Bowdoi.n Square (G. E. Lotbrop, tnuna- ?er).—Charlotte Hunt heads the stock forces his week la "Man to Man." "The. Way of the Wicked" attracted good patronage. "The . Master Workman" next. ■' -•••.■■ KKtTH's tB. P.. Keith, manager)-—The Padette's .Woman's Orchestra continues- this we»k, with Welch, Mealy and Montrosf, Mr. and. Mrs.-...(Gardner : Orotic. ..Leon 1 Morris' Ponies,. Foster and Foster, Great Scott, Ed. Gray, Lyric Trio. Viola and Engel, Brown and Bailey. Six American Dancers, and new motion pictures. . Howard (Jay Hunt, business manager).— The regular season opens 20. with tbe ltlalto Rounders. In the olio: Sam Howe and com- pany, Howard and Dc Voc, Gladstone and llowc. Bison City Four and living pictures. The Howard's own show will Include: Ar- thur .Whltelaw, Terry and Lituor. lnra and Lorclla, Bertina und Brockvvav, Lantseu und Hall. John A. Hawkins, Tommy White, tliu Fallows and Prank Phlpps. The house has been entirely redecorated. P.vlaci; IC. H. Waldrou, uiuuagcr).—This Is tbe final week, of the stock burlesque company. "The Matrimonial Bureau" and "The Diamond Palace" arc the two bur- lettas. Jones and Jones. Black and Rhode::, Aunlc Guldlc, Noyes and Caiietob, and pic- tures. The new front, of the house lu ouu of the moat Iiundsome lu the city. Culumhia (Hurry N. Parren. manager).— Colonial Belles HHs week, with "It Happened In Paris." Inthu olio: Charles Fulke. Bc- dlnl and Arthur. McFarlanU und McDonald, llcuth and Morrison, and tivans und Horan. The.Strolling Players taxed the cupatity last week. Austin & Syokl's Museum (A. B. While, manager).—In the curio hall, second and last week: KfBc Lorraine and Reiyca, truuk mystery; Harry eMartln gymnast; Dugan, clay modeler; MUc. Ola, magician; Cargil. comic cartoonist; Trlxle. snake queen ; Dill's mtuioncttcs, Topp's Harmonists, and "Ben Hur," the giant snake. The stage show is given by the Minstrel Maids. Introducing Vesta Ullbert, Vlolelle Dale, Cassle French, Eleanor Murtba. Jetinuctlc Lllford, Cecil Bev- erly, Elhcl Norumu. Violet Glcusou, May For- low, Prank Cook, Hnrrv Fulton. Frank Ijir- kin. Tim Mnicuinn, nud extra speclulllcs by Vlsocchi unit liuuiantm. (he SI. Clulrs. Iho Joyces. Toui Meudows, \'era iJclusco, und tho house comedy company. Walker's Musecm i L. U. Walker, wanu- iteri.—The usual list of novelties tuls week. Geo. Hazard's Sumiv South Merrymakers were featured last week. NiCKEXopfcoN (W. H. Wolffe, manager).— la curio hall week of 26: Prof. Hill, ma- gician ; Young Hill, bag puncher, And Trl- bnult, wire'walker. In the theatre: Dolllc Clifford's Bnrlcsquers. Olio: Wilson cud Harris, Llllic ' Learnard, Fannie Westou, May Crosby, Viola Meehan, and new pic- tures. WoNPKltLANIi P.VKK (J. J. IllggluS. lijilUtl- gcri.—Week of 26: Six living BauvardE. Ah lulus. Spencer aud Gibson, George Sted- man. L!'d(a and Alblao and the Bandi Rosi:. Pabago.v .Pazij: (Gee. A Dod»c maaaa;:' —The isaion wiu esd nets "a T ebor Ea- J'hU t,c<<; Saiie EnsT.'reB "is -dash '-t death;" Scatd-'. Ds= Pedro "'aafcgoa 'cispi- Herman Krausas trained elephant, the box- ing kangaroo ami Ihe Teildv bears. NoBUMBKOA. -Park (Carle Albertc, mann- gi-rl.—Bill for 20 and week; Julia Hedmoul and company. Harrington ami Lestar, Har- lem Bros., and (he komograph. M':i'Fonu Boili.BrAtui Tiikatuh I J. W. Oor- mnu, mtinngeri.—llnye*. Wlmiiell and The- B!sb. I'anlwr Trio. 1*011 nnd Adeline, (he horns. |Ki> xiej'.iitii.'. 3(,,j tjmm n».rtnp iifc- Pnal • Ltxivn in Fakb. 'J r. Bfns.;. aaj*-