The New York Clipper (August 1907)

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August 31. THE NEW YORK CECPPER. 757 THE ONLY REAL LIVE IRISH-AMERICAN SONC BEFORE THE PUBLIC. >■;;•;. *k* Bound to too the BSgeest Hll ! of the SeasoK. Lyric fc>y BILLY OIEHVERB. ." Slides ready about Sept. lv Positively noni"froc. Music by OAWSON WOOD. PUB LISHED BY THE H. J» WQOD CO,, 48 WEST 28th ST., NEW YORK PITY imind U|J<rn House .(Jnliul'I. Springer, week two new features lire Throe. ErnestOS mauscer).—"The • Boys oC Co. B" opened and Hill, Cherry ami Hill. ibis popular playhouse for kaMN Hut-. ■ iirdav- light. Aug. !M. and the theatre »:i. Horlvin.—At Keith & Hector's Harleni racked to tbe doors with au appreciative uudl- Opera House tE. Y. Albee, general inuuugori ehce John Barrynuire, who aesunied the role "An Aiuericau Citizen" wan offered for of Tony Allen after Arnold Daly's re- tirement last seasou, scored another big •■uccess at the opealug, while special praise was won by Florence Nash, for her por- trayal of Madge Blake. The cast: Major Mac- lane. Joseph E. Whiting; Jlui MacLauc. Alfred Kappeler; C. Holbrook Allen, Verner riarges; Tony Allen.: John Barrymore; Slgs- b'y SIssen Sewell. Morguu Comuu; "Babe" Curnithers, William L. Gibson: Oeorge Ri-leht. Hugh Dllluiau; "Doe" Stuart, Fer- lival T. MoSre; MlKe McNab, Mack Seauett: Henrv Btablcr. Bobert McWade; Arthur stabler, Kov Fnlrchlld; Sergeant Walker, Malcolm Barrett; Corporal llctblusou. 9. V. i'ahlll; Servant, Edward Smith: Mrs. Aluc- Lnnc. Jeimle Eustace; Eileen MacLauc. Jo- m-kIiIdu Drake: Madge Blake. Florence Xaali: I'lurence Henderson. Marie .Mallon. The house- has been entirely ovorbaulcd and pre- dated il most pleasing aspect. The house staff remains uuelmuged, with John H. Springer, proprietor and manager; J. Har- woud Springer, business manager; Hurry C. Sivlft, usaistant manager: Bronsoii Doug- las'- ireoiurer ' aud press jepresentitflvc ; ) mils Vallalere. assistant trousurer. titid Al. K" Gaylord retains the position of latisleul director. Nest attraction, Houry Woodruff, In "Brown of Hurvarrt." • -Miner's Bowery Thentre (Kdwln D. Miner, manager).—The 'Washington Baclety Girls opeued.-uere Saturday Aug. M. to a r)|lH fc^ ,tart*4 lhc season 31 wllu Win The theatre has bceu bright- H ... the approval of a large audience Monday. Aug. 20. The play was preseuted In the iiHtiul style that has made this house popu- lar. Byron Douglas and Uenrietto Browu iu the leading roles, scored. Others whu were not forgotten by the audience were: George Howell, Bobert Hill, Chas. Seay. Wm. C Curr. Louise Hniidulph, Euiellv Melville mid Louise Bruuuelle. Mollon pictures con- tinue. ' Kin n & 1'uocros's Orn: Hlxuuku axu TWBHTWll-rit JhUKtT THEATaK (K. if. Albee, ■cental niuiiugerl.—This lioiisu started the week. 2il, with ovury seat taken, and a mu-t excellent bill was presented. The Seventeen Human Kings is a novel, musical, patriotic act. In which there are ull kinds of trans- formations, with flags of nil nations playing n prominent pari In working up to sensa- tional climaxes. II Is a well worked out act. and It is bound to catch any audi- ence. The return to vaudeville of i■corgi* Thatcher, the old-lime minstrel, with Hanks Winter as a partner, was entirely successful. Their act Is pleasing, and u most cordial 're- ception was accorded them on Iholr appear- ance. Others were: Pat Uooncy and Marion beat, Airrba Kclcey and company. Mnrti- uettl and Sylvester, Jlai baa .Kiiuy ' l*r. Ilajisoti and Kelson, Kefcv and Guise. Win. Morrow and Vcrda Schellberg, and motion plctarea. MEtUol'OU.s Usam Hurtlg. manager).— front of the Souse, and the electric signs fln9lied forth fhe tiding* thut the--Bow- ery had awakened from Its Summer siesta. Mirny Improvements are also noticeable In the stage equipment. Business Managei Il'jsiocii's AKh.vv , Is...continuing ■ ou tha i real hi puiiiiliiilly. S/f.WLLOiJASK. -Mr. TIlyouTs doing won- ders here, and good business Is reported. ■ Unlet! i on IlKtcu I'aiik. —Miller Brothers' "lui Hnneh" I:- (tiling H'li nilhilv. I'tl.v'., I'ii:i;hhiik.-,. irt Manhattan Beach. --"Stie*-lil:iti> llldc' - reiiiuliis the tuatnet. HtM>RR80>'H.—UHI week of 2»: Kdw. AVIuvlicsler, 'Iliolunn :itld I'll) lie. Six lM».lt r'sneers. Ryan anil White. Arizona Troupe. Austin Sisters. Three Musical Klles, Be- douin Arab Troupe, WlekH aud Heed, Cccll- Inu Trio. Atliurttix amJ Alius. lHittllelly and Rotulle, Mansfield Bros.. Uncle Sam's Buys. HiiiOHTON UiM'-ir MlHfC HAM,.—Bill week of 20: l<K llitrrlsoii imil Ills Unmilivny tilrls In "A Dress Kchenrsnl:" Watsou. llutchings and Ddwards, fin* Tlitf* Jfosca rys, Hurry Brown. Prank Smile Inriuau aud An Slug Sou. " . ♦■» M-:w iimiv si vn:. Bultnlo.—At the Slur. Dockstuder's Mlu- sneis Aug. 2«-2s, "I'ltr: I'ttir:; Pouf:::' - 2it-:>i. -^rni' Talk-of ^ew York" Sept. 2-7 fold home wcekt. "Jtogers Brothers lu Pann- iiiu'' turned them nway, and pleased,Inunenso- ly.. - • "••: ; - 1 .' ".. - : - ; ■TEck.— Klaw fc Erlartgcr's advanced vaude- ville beglus here Sept. 2, glvlug two ueri'ovm- aures dally. ■'- ■,- - I.nsif. —-"Ihivy rroeki>lf Sept. 2 and week. WHIiniii I'm until closed a Ave weekB' ctny. iu " lugontiir," 24. ShkVh.— Kill ill) and neck: Eutuiett Corrl- gan utid iwuilainy. KIHs-Nowllu- Troujie. Sjd- ney Deane and eotnpatiy, Dl».le Hciemnlera, Kathertue Nugutil, I'alfrey mid Hbefler, Hale and t'orgln. Max York nud Miss Nelly. .G.vnoi'.K.—^Kred . Irwhi's Big Hlioa- slarls I He ball rolling (Ills week. . Mitiieliesler's Cl'ufkcr .larks follow. .r>iKAVKrrTt:.-"-*'Mls^ Sew York Jr.' and week. Parisian I ltd Ira next week. Kuiplre Burlesqtiers dill good business. 1'viik.- -Ill 11 week of 2(1: Ada JKHW)erjPp$t Of f ice* lu order to avoid mlnlnkos nnd <<■ losnre the proiiiiit dcltrvry of Hie letter. aUvi)r(laei) *<• <!>>• HnI. uu ravelupc ii I it a ii V > addressed matrt ho - sent fur eiieh letter, and a avrttti>u order ant- tlio letter, sltfiteil with the full iiiuae and address mid the Hue of business followed by tins sender, , innst also he enclosed. I'h-iil.-i""J.Utigi-r'M- UsnrW Ti )Vl|..n, in: " l-'irr'C'll Please nientloii the date (ur h.-ri of tbe OI.IPIMQH In trblc . nora- .,11 mm >«> vm. • ...» —• ...llell lh« letters sent tor were advorlUed. l.AUllO*)' ~ 2t) I'he 141- packed house. The theatre has been Bright.- H - rilnil .,.. (ll .. H | h Terrible Secret: or. the ened up considerably and presents an Invlt- ■ iiau nua^y - t0 u good sized audience, at lag appearance. ^; Flags of all nations adortlcd t<!0l , ren ,,75^ Sext week, Cecil Spoouer, In "The < tin Bailies.:' Staii (Wro. T. Keogli, uiiuiugci),—"The Great Express: Bobbery." Owen Davis' four uct melodrama. Is the attrueliou for the eur- Wm. H'iskaUAuUs been superltitciidlng JJ" to "bottbtii'loi« betoro t'lie ciirtu'lii wen:: vclie's dogs.Haldner iibU Ma<ldei*u." tile Great: changes. The opening house was payl.ed. „ * N ^ w) , k ..|2ui c . the Poor Saleslady." Israeli, and John lllley and Elodla Hunter. 'IUfT.111, Included: "On the ^arpath^ in P AMU3IWU r p orC y 0. Williams, manager). ' -•The best that money can obtain Is not. too good for the patrons of Ibis house, Is tin* Idea of Manager Williams, and In con- sequence the house Is packed to capacity at everv performance. Su act new to New York" Is "The Siing Birds," a travesty on llic New York--grand-opera wur. written and wliieli the company, with Leo Stevens a: principal comedian. mpa_, Lilian, did good work. Mr. Stevcus, as KlUi.- Lalupoula In a ridiculous makeup, uhd still more ridiculous ca- pers, umuse'd Lite uudlcnrc. Pred Bulla iinU Harry Wesi. as the Irish mid the Dutch vlultor to the kingdom, also were In good irlni for laugh.uiuklng. I.lllle llaynioiid was n baiidtfonte. prince, and llaltlu Dean, a pri-ttv king's dliugliler. Llllfun Keelcy. as a bcraid: Belle Hunter, us a breezy reporter; Pete •Slardo. Tom Mardo and Jesse Mat-do, as 'tire jesters,' and the Sisters Mullinl. as the trumpeters, completed tbe cast Marie Slopre. Mabel Howard. raUlc Farwell. Ktlnu Ucmietf, Delia .'Taliaferro. Anna Dennis, Dorothv-'Hariowe, Guy bossier, llauellc -Mar- io*, vEdiia Hyland; Marie Fayt.elli-, Uittie Irf-rov Anna iX'puw. Cunatsiico Wilson. Dora Marshall, l'vtlllas'Drake, llllrla-t.Tifforil. Belle Krandon. made up a showy chorus. "Sunday Morning,"-"Belle of lieanly How." "Tlirce .lolly Ondcrtukers." "Farewell, lb Own. and the labor unulc. "Visions of Home, nero among the applauded contributions. ^>ruduccd for the Lambs Gatubol, Willi Will- uui Burrtss In the load. The mush- Is by Victor Herbert, words. by ' George V. 1 lo- bert. The scene Is laid on the stage of Hiuu- merstela's uperu House, and the sal ire scored one dftho greatest, hits of the sea- son. The compauy Is large; the costumes Business Is good. CttYSTAI. llKAijn Is dulils well. . ■ a 'noehi*att*r.—The Lrccum most uuspleiou*- ly opened Aug. 22.2-1. when Klaw & Erlnnger presented, for the first time 011 any stage, "Lola, from llcrllni" a comedy WJtli tousle. In three nets, by-John .T. McNully. lyrics nnd music by Jcvonie aud Brhwurlx, with Lulu tllaser slurring. Crowded houses.rilled. "The Bugers Brothers In Panama" 20-28, Dock- stader's Minstrels 110,..11. ■ • National. —Joseph Santley. In'VBIlly.-tlie Kid," opened the-regular season 1U-2J, to crowded 'houses. The Jlusscli .Bros., lit "A AburliuneU I.hui A ill iig t no, lllii.ieli. Aubrr. LoUlm- Ailauis. C'laiu AUlstau, MIks M Alleu. lRwk- Uvil-ull, Stable ilutlur. '■■ Hrleii May Biirrj. 1 ' Marjnierltu Ittako, Marlon Marry, iienn Iti'lllli-tt. Mabel iwrra. 'l.-ilet Hliiek. .Verii . iivr«n-ilgv...Uuy Barrett. Jaav lllaelfonl Lottie UottM>,Mae i.'laHe.-.Marie , C«d»t-iU llelen Calllnuu.' Ifene Connor Florence Ctislilmiii. Mrs. Wai. I'lUlM'.'. I.Httll Chirk. Mil)- Courtney unite lutcljclf. Maud Clliitoti, VraiKM th-ntier, Afae - Connolly. Urate Qarar. Ntr*. Clarke, Oladis ftUM si.u-rs '•olt-1. Hrrlc Chevnller. Kraut Clover. I.IMT. t.llkry. Mbel llrsjaa*}, mm ttoiilon .Mu Uiillck*>uii. r.llii ItuUi Cray, Mrs. KM tlro.s. Derth-i' Milliter. J til lu HawiI-uriiC. ;-. - • MaaM ilowsi-il. May Hoy I, Mw.t.. 11. Uiniiainiil. . j, ; JiwetUi |tuW:iri1 A11I1I1* Hill. Mr*. Win-. llllten... ' ' Hunan:! \. ItWars I'toiMiee IlK-ti'.i'i'.n, Jul 1 1 llllluiuii. Mauil HolilfiviurtU. ■• . . ' lA-slti Hlil'liiisl. Aiti-hilili IlltlW. |'l|.«l«! lolhy. May IllI'lMT, I'.lli-lOlll lllllnli. IMlm liu-knoli. l.niji»e loliiiaoii. ElUals-tt) .. HA 11 ..rdeti, Anuu Isiuiler Mrs (!■< Itette. Mrs. Mai Keiithnr Virginia Hl.'llll fatiies. Jofdeti Mnio. VI* 1.111 Mucari, Mm, J. »h*eker. MiiIk-i M'llsvin. I'eurl Neliuaii. Evelyn N'iiiHh. AiiMi . Neville. Zenltu O'Meer*;. Laura O'Neill. NliUI-e f null. Mitilgi- I'aiie. Klet-la I'aulii. Mile. I'unl Mrs. UBcar i>otter, : . , Kattil'.i'ii Rrtee, Lillian i' lick; Mrs, I'.'W I'lillllhs Hl.-l-.i: fjcliaii, Ailrleiiii jVjter». Mnhel Itlclnl'-.lii Einnlle r.oeuwell,- .Mrs. K. 0. Uaiifey, Cliii-nL. Itome, Mn> ''. Iluyinuinl Klliike Kt-lil. Vli-iiiil-i Itusetli*. Myrii, St.'Clnlr. Nelilo |llll|MOM, It'll II hCKH'f. Itllll stiviicr. Uui) sar ton in- iie-."le •11. Clair. : MnrU* II. Scl. I re. Jllm-le ilewart Bister llnnlciry Majrra- l.eunielii, Till- ..Keniillci'.. WupI i«. f:. 1.1- llelii. AlU-.t'llujiitoml. It. II. i nasi a w. .L K l.hi-ti.*, llnn-v IResa. Carl' 1'i^nvell. w. W.* llobt. nidiMi'ita Hany I'l-.tiill rnml-K. l.anclei, I'rut jlllsl 11 INS, I'leleliT. 1 (■«■: . Inivii-ine. re-lo liny, t'lin'. l-'uv: , Mb!!iiu*l time, J.iloi H. Itlec, .Veil l-HKiiii. fas, 1 LA-si-like, I til 111. Hum-. Cliai-. l'lnHic. Prank l.i*«l-i. J. 1 . Itlclianls, Pieil ffrlnil, J. It. ILhll-gill-ll. Milt LuiimHi 1'iJ.I fjaltln, .He. .\.<U<«-|k. Ll.iii'lc limn. Duiilrl (Inllv. Duvld B.;l.ei.ieiiil. APvi't Lenloli'. .1. M. HitUlfttu, J. I '• 'Li-rulne, iisi-m- I Host, utia-i. tllllli'. K.Siert ii.inlis*, Arllitu* 'ilcnwlljer W. \i (Innelle. A. 'Murk-, ilimn Mjnii. I. fiuilltt. 11. llerket. 't'luis. L lllgits.-C. (Itllll, A. illclhiliiiiali ft nit lliivuiiiiiil l.'l. II. Ilit-y. J11II1111 iiuck, elms, P.Ulekali.v, H. II. lini'ii. J. ittoi-i-lK, Urn Bmnllvuiil II.M. lllhnsti'} &. hiitlier, I'hll B. jtft. (Jinji*, Pi-eil . JusMV Sliov Muck. Iliirt-y Simple SliuoiiCo Hull, (urtlii 'Mel.atiglill'i. Hiwnovr, Jus. Ulillirln Itobl.C- Tom Slillip. ,leas uuiiirie imui.i.. iuiii yhinp, .leas tlinsHiwk llnjs. Jllltcr l/smiml Strieklautl B.C. Ihirlii. Walter 'Monili Bros. Uyslils. J. AV. iliiniel, Joe Muye. I'lmi, Siiiltli llunlcn 1; 1 f..., 1.t'llla. .V ltd..1..II U',,,1,1,. U.i I,,,.„,,I,. 1.' 1 11 .smile /flinn , Mill-toll !tn .« -ting. Mm.j.ii. laanav... s Unver. Lucille 1 Kennedy Co.. | .iiiiinller*. Hell make. KWttl r Mellle uiiell. Cor;-lne Harllns, Pay ll.u Telle LvelynUi, Claln-. idpa Uoiiiiviiii Pumiye.l.iuiilien. Kiuiiia Jth-i*h-. tlel'trinli Holey. Klarn [l.arsfn, Alii Hl<.»^n I'uilllln PR Ven*. lAiltlejI.eiij.v, I'lorence Hlfley. Kiiilint llili-ini. .-IIU..II-III jiarMliiui. .ni'i- sun. HMrrl. Artliur ;\|, |i.,„il,l. I*.. 'ijtlvwsi-l. Curl llilll. AINU [Mi.nlli . Mi-.V.M-k Hperry It Hny. Ilolii'iui. Uaear [*,tnc.k. IHeii. ' ttclilller, Sum lleilrlv .\ j.Miirsliitll, Lerl liluuUy Uvbt 11 . ,l'r. Mvitljigrihii, u»b Igtevarl vt, 1' iMlirphy. Iks. P. llujniuivl llnt-l.. Mill-teal llllicn. t.:iiri«AV. Slunc. Ii. .11. Hiirnll. Paul W UaftU). Win. MaWM Mill!" llll'felraiiill Jfnv Mi-nkeim -Her. Spnuiae ftl-A-mi lliii-tliur, lien , It. J-iMiiiiitiun' Harry |i|trve)'. Ki'UlikJ. .Jtllln. Cinlli' 'Stout- J- 'I. Ilol-t»-ri. ,y 'Marten, n - J« smaiml, Walter - ■' * Wurruiijlniirtliihl l|1i-hil,Hiwhii,'Mr. Iluiimi. .lu-'li Muritaii. J. U, Khar is*. Kit lihriiis I'riuil; I' MelJtte. Win Isiiirhey, W. II. lilill. A. «;. i\tltelwlL Cliits. UUrliirr. Al. <!■ Hurries. K. 'Mala-r. I'hll. iftiflon. Hurry '-Ion-aid ft lewis.!| ut .||uier, Mr, AiHkuHt', Win. IIiHuh AFiUioeiv • Mrs. Priiiik,<eetejr.'Luiili- li.uulln. Iltelianl Mi.inly. ttnlpli ' Snow Hut. W ■ Harris. Own iLlMeiiblii. WHl.J IM»anl, U. I'- iAlMtlcvtnerr-Al till 11. Lew Marlon, have ll.tile. 1; 1111 - -1 Ijiit'oy. I'-nli '.liiiniiioii'l K. A. MmoiiUi-iiiI I«fth*l. Mile. UlglltVII, llliinrlie Lotcluce. AI lei I* rliirr Ilensli atiii stage effeefi al-e beau'tffui, nnd the slug- Hired Girl's Millions.'" played to.capacity Sit- ing Is excellent. It proved a novelty, and It 24;.-Their |Hn*t(tnt vehicle .a..tho.ljejsi thai. was fully appreciated by the audience. -Oilier acta were presented by: Itadford nud Wln- ehesler. (he Murray Sisters. Leroy and Wootl- ford. the Ilelff llrolliers. Wlll-Cressy. Blanche 1'avtie unci couipuiiy. in lln.-lr sketch "ToWu Hull To-Night: Irvlug Jones uud the Mel- nette Troupe. The American vltugi-aph coli- tluucs. lli'hin. & Slaaion's Mtsit Hall (Ben us. S. Miller Kent, In Wheii Jessie, Leaves the Ihe Slstoi. Mullinl performed their cornet H t5lKis*J u iBiC-Sa » solos.during their musical specialty; Mile. }■»<-«»ffg *£?&!'££'£ Moray appeared, lu a series ol eight art pic ± B ^S «« C «.'ion. ■•• touliblng tricks .la.aerobatics, seasuued with .. martlrulurtv athwtltrt-: "and are worn by tarious Tatigliable trimmings: Bulla afld Hay- lu m . l>Uy c i, orlIB girls wlih good etTect. Hlie nluini. Iti " I'lie Muscot," -created -a fiivorable ..■■.. r.*..-. . ?.- Inipressldii by their clever work. "The "' ador" closed the show. 'I'he Spuulsh tunics allowed. of some strlkiugiy liu pictures, and the typical songs and were well executed. Leo-. Slcvei Jesse Mardo us the bull put up a good ti5ht with Prod Bulla and Harry West, as 1hc euiiiuei-lVil. toreudors, while Hie i-eal bull wresllei-s. played bv Lillian Kuyinoud and Lillian Stark, llllcd their roles, and lueldeiittillv .their costumes, to i*ei-teclWu. The llgiil was u laughable afTnlr: and well repaid those who accepted the Invitation ex- tended 011 the progruiuuie: "Walt for the hull tight!" Additional ensembles were- Interpo- lated during the Iniricsque,' with excellent effect. Altogttlier the show gave good satis- faction. Eugene Kernan Is owner; Wtu. B. Watson, general busiuess manager ; Lew Wat- sos. manager; Ben Bergman,.musical direc- tor ; Lew Slorse, master mechanic; Leo Stev- ens, stage director; Joo Levitt, advnnce: Jack Couueru, props. Next week, Put White's Gaiety.Girls. Pastor's Theatre (Touy Pastor, uiuau- ger.t.—-ltls fioase was tilled with the usual merry crowd at the Monday matinee, Aug. 20. and with' James and Sadie Leonard and Klchard Anderson, in their farce, "When Ceaar Cn Her," an the "extra" feature. The audience .enjoyed every .lumber. Henry Cllve. that ever welcome magic entertainer, as- sisted by Mai Stui-gls -Walker, was glrea an they lliive shown ■ Untiles." 2D-2S: Village." 3B-31. ... Bakkii.— The stock hud fair-returns lust week with "Buehel Ooldslelu." "A Con- vict's Daughter'' 20 aud week. CoaiNTHiAN.—Al. Uteres' Co. opened the house 24. continuing 36 uud week. Geeateu Ontahio Bbacii Park. —Boaatl'a re-'ular season opened Naval Reserve Bund still continues, unawuv Girls, which Glev HAven-Park (B. E. Wilson, uiana- Lemons" is tbe title ger).—Bartlett aud Collins. Lliile Wtlaon, La Booth add Cankn, aud Dancing Hamllu, week of 261- ".! - • .«.*-■•.« ,,- . i ' 1,. . ' Allmny— Hurtiisinis Bleecker Hall til. B. Jacobs, manager)'will open for the season Aug. 21), with W. H.Whlteear, In a new play, ttitlt" " from start to finish. Next week, tho til-enter New York-Slurs. <ii'rii.i<.r (Dave hraus. tuauugei-i.— 1 In? Ilrlradisrs. uadcr the niaiiugeuienl of Chas. Cromwell, made Uielr llrst Harlem aupen)- uuee to 1) croaded house, und caught the uu- Uleuce from the slurt. Several of the inli- Klcul uumU-rs are cxiidleut, uud the costunies nre umuhs the best ever presented by a bur- lesque company iu Harlem. TUe -girls are siiupelv and possess line voices, und ur;; one ot tlio"umiu features of tlio company. Mlnule Harrison, who leads the olio, works hard throughout. ' Others are: Kd Kodgers aud Alice Warren. In u comedy skeleh, scored heavily;'Tester and Moure, made u big hit: "The Cotton Blossom*:," with Hnrnja Kt-uus und Letter pike as leaders.' were a feature «r the olio, uud Alice P'owler ulso lent good aid. Next, Slur Show Girls. lied' "An Old Swei'theurt of Mlue, for Vlrglnluu:" ■siainT r) ■ 1 Hie scitsoii derguiiiK )i.- HaOMM (Jus. .11. Itliodi-s. mauagcr).—After extensive allernllons Ihls thi-atn* will ojhmi Sept. 2, with Al. It'lsjves' Show, followed by the Gay atoaineradeni .1-7. GaiBTV, (II. U.. Nleliols. Iiuiiuigeri.—The Coxy'Corner Girls, 2-1-28. o(ie!ied their season here. The Blar Show liirls Co. 2U-ai. At.-t'tto I'aiik (Max llosett. nmiiugeri.—'I'tiN Summer resort continues popular, with Its regulur feutuies. I/nsl week's bill Included: 'Die Kellers, litliurilo, Silvern uud Kuicrlc, uud Ilobln. Bi.ECT.tlc Vauk (P. C. Williams, uuumger). —The rustic theatre bill included: Made- line Burtlette, the Parkers. I J erry aud Peurce, th« Tanntnus and Klclmrd Ilohn. Notk. —Mam W. Mittilck, of Tile CuiTbti stuff, is lu town. Dixie. May Dillon. Mae Dliinuiit. Dulsy JJtsU. Kola Mv-IiH-, Lilllua Wcsinoiiitlii. FT' Aflllle Dodil. Malle H. hsylon. Maud tie Hylvii. Tolnt'tle Huiioiiali, l-.tlicl Iv.CmtcL . .'■ uluueU , Mrs. Hurry D*ilh, tt.»le Do Vom. Mllla Etnle, Mro. ..- ■ Budle Kiuiacrsou Dollll liurle. Mrs.K.n. l'oralx-rg llelfrld I'ollainl, Mae KluUl. Alice A. PurUerB. Frleilu Pay, Anna K. l-'ullei-. Ulorla Farmer, no l-'ariri'll Lu'.-!Uo il-'llliitom, Xi-llle rVfsrr, Ktunnt l-'lelillllg I'llMlllH^_.„..,. l-'ruiiltlbi i.'iirvle Melx-ati, Gale. Uutli IMajK .lllrl'e. Lllllllii riiiiiini- «iiiii-4la Triiliior Mrs.Vnl .I'fLle. Miiyhell Theme, , "-. Mrs. I lurry Valjcuii.' .lean VMiiItuivn. Coin Vain-, Klliel Veroneo. l-Ii-nle WoU, Klttte U'ovil. I'-i-eky Mli'.Htr. Amelia IVooil. Plsie WJIb.-r. Until Doll Wade. ShIK' tt'el-.-i Annb B'arttburn. '. Jllniielie Wlieslut. Hchna Wlutere. llutti Wade. Mlsa ii. Wood. Maud Watt*. Lutu We*ilon, Lenta Wunl. P.nill.v Wheeler, Heuili-itii We.ti-ve Anelhtv •.VI ev. Stills tVllll-Ol, ''ol.l Webb, Muttl? •Walln-r. • ! Mrs. l-'rnnl; T. Vurolynej Vork, (irinte Ago. I.iirfcwuod -Nellie Ln Telle Bvelyu l.'.iuNe, Olmi , Lii 'four. Lucille l>e,. Xluu IMtUk Ililen I Mniiir.'l. livnc Mi-tliilly. irliin-*-|lu Murray, - Ellynk-li- Al. Mlltiurn, (trace JIuntelalr. llerthii tllller. Kiuma Vfodlelbua Mine. Mnrtlue. ■ Malile l«d(Iliiton. Plo Melrllle, Mnrle Mellon Sinters Martini Sisters Marks. Miiiitie - Uu.OI. tlONC tinit'ltes, JllMh Men-Ill. liln Mcliiin, Lulu Jlo-*-. Jtu.v Murln 0l»|ev« itliif... Mu'H'l lllmlrn.—At the Lyceum, the Karl Bur- gess Co. played to good business lust week. .. , , ■» At... *r..i„ ,i . »\l- ■- l.'i-l.l fi'-P-ii *-o. piuyeu vj kuou ousuicsh nisi ivcck. Brooklyn.—At te Ntdtttk tV^C.^TJM; .„ rhe Uo ; x a * )|U the Vuse" Is announced lo ley, maaagerl Wine. Wontaii und So g 1 op(m tuc reguIar wliS0U 01J Jia]H)t rju y. started H9 second week Aug. 20. Next, Hed Feather." BUM (Klchard Hyde, manager). — "A t'liorua Girl's Luck In New York.' opened tills house 24 continuing week of 2b. "Edua ovation at the opening performance, uud held the Pretty Typewriter." next. . his audience's attenUon. Al.Ml. Westou Orjurauu (Chas. H. Wurrx, managcrl1^— and Irene Young a-ere favorites, us usual, iu »|j (r v»,\al Love" 2C-U1. "The Blackmailers an original skll, uud were given much ap- pluuse. Otheis who came iu for their share oCapprornl were: Devinc ami 'W.llllams, Dia- mond and; Sinlth, the Itudd llrolAiers, the •■"try Trio, Cyclluft Cogswells.- Corbelt and KorresteK- I.'uiilcoln.-. Bert Marslmll. Ilurrl- gou and Giles, and tho biotlxu pictures closed the' lihow. ' ' ■ .'..-. Madl.on *>i/uur<- Hoof Garden.— "Tho Maid aud the Millionaire" began, Mon- dany, Aug. 26, Its tenth and last week. Hudson 'theatre (Henry B. Harris, rnnnanerL—This house opens Aug. 20, with Robert Edesou, lu "Classmates." Belasao Theatre (David Belaaco, man- Aj<er| opens Saturday night. Aug. ol, with "Ihc Hose of the ltuueho" as the attractlou. Kntnkerhorker l'lienlre 1 Al. HnymuD, jaanaa>f).—"The Aliiskan" began. Aug. 20. its thTtrJ Week. , ' ^avey Theatre tl'iatik McKec. ittuna- gfj;—" 1-ll£ "'su ol U 1 * Hour'' entered Its tblrtr-nlnth Week on Monday, Aug. 21!. " St. Alcholn- Onrdon <V Kalt'-b"— of' New York" nest. Family. —People week of 10: Milton and Dolly Nobles, Amy Atncs, Bachelor and Bob- kick, As tell and Heine, Lester und yulnn, aud tbe notion pictures. BiAr.TO.— The following people remain: Mllbuni Sisters, J^>ttu Fayette. Jim lliehurds. nnd Trlxle Buniott. Tile Hlaltoscoin- and motion pictures ure popular. lluajcK'M. — '"The M'lkado" . pleased hist Hyde & Bkijiiax's: OttMMO (Mek -Norton., Tcock. This week. tln> .Manhattan Opera Co. manager).—llctitz-Snulley Co. opened here, H [„g "The Cliliucs-of Noriuundy." Capucllr 20. Bcr2ae's Circus extra attraction. . business t-ules. StAlt (Archie Kills; tnoDiigerl.^The Ca- sino Girls 20-01. Fongerc ulso appears. BaoAiiwAt (I^o: C. Teller, lessee 1.—The house atll ois-n SI, wllli Mario Cuhlll. Follx tllcnrj Kelchum, miinager).— "Bertha, the Sew big Machine Girl." opened the house 21. continuing this week. Next, "Convict SOU." . , , _. Gavki-v (Jus. Clark. iuuiiu2i.t).— The sen- sou opened 20. with Ihc 'Iracadrro Bur- lesuuers. "Dooley's Dni!,' Store' and "Down on the Panama'' nre the Irtirlosuties. Ihc olio: Clans und Badcllffe. Kaniscl ter and Ly- rnuii. Jack Boycc. Burke and MeLroy, and Wilson. .Of uud Mahal. .. , ■: \ Olanev's 1 Morris jSehlesslnger. Manager). —Lottie Wllllamu. hi .".lotlc. ihc Utile .M,lid. car-." this 1 a big week < r»ip" this ivfek, Buf-lhess last week wai good. I'l!««.—-At Hie Majestic 11-:. I„ Kniickr, manager) Doel:sliider*s'Minstrels opened llin regular season lo u big house Aug. 22. "UHst'Lyuiie" S* "Brewster's Mlllloim" SO. "What Happened to Joucs" SI. , OKPilvtlM.—Busiuess Is very good with moving pictures, dud Fruuees llellsmaa as current uttractlou. KBITll's.-*—The opening of this houso will he Sept. 3. Summit 1'ahk. —llyao's Orchestra this week. UxtCA I'aiik.— Itutli's Orchestra Is the cur- rent feature. t-Vmtai > _l'Ahh'.—'liwLwei-k: The.Blcrslnga, IMIIluuw. hi ' Josh-. Ihc utile muu .sbatftnr. Daisy Ituut. TA. Luvcruc uud Helen, iwrejt. ," lus BoJ .V'i^V-ei'n Louise . Eaton's Orrtiertm vere featuws. • k ending 2-1. JWjTIata O llara. .NatM.—Th? BlJon, at Mlddletown. N. V., .. wU J ° BSnlS^nSTkwS &t «"*-* '*'»■-■•*- ***** -tad- M Orchestra, rrhlch had been giving concerts Next, "Jim Bludso'e." • * here durlug the Summer, closed us engage- .' -JLiccum iDouls Philips, manager). —- A ment after the coucert Tuesday, Aug. 20.' Marked Woman' this west. "Lp tork Stute House* closed! Bijou, Broadaay, Daly's, • ■ardeu. Hneketfs. Irving Place, Madl'on Sn'"re. .Ma|osllc. Tlilrd Avenue. Weber's, Keith 4-I'rovtor's Fltly-elghlh Streci, Circle «n* Colonial.'. - ' ~ ' Happylajtd, Stat en Islam*. — This Luna Pauk— The revival of "The Great Train Bobbery" has proven popular,- aud all cdtK-essloiis ure dolag. «/1L opaued 28-with moving picture* and lonaa ...... Edward F. O'Connor, wbo has ren- dered the songs at the Orphean,' boa left for Mlddletown, N. Y,, where be will slug at tbe Bijou. '. . -'•. '■■■: ■. »' ♦ IS) ' *» ' " AioU'ri-oll. A. J Arbera i Wuguer Allni. HIHy . Ashly. St l.'eo.P. Acker. SI. A. Aldrlilsc AU. T). Aimaens. ,1. II. All. A.. Aslitons. The " Ackeriaun Kd. O All. In?, II. Aisn. Paul Appell, L. V.. Adams. )-'.u-;vnu Alblnii. B. Arufrlcuii Trum peters, 1 Abbott. John Aisni.-,. L. Til AatulM. The. Acker & Oolllm Abbult. Sum Alpbolltu ■!- Uuston AuoVruoii M. Aeltien, • liVH Athlon, Hurry Aslltim. Arthur Adams, Musical liruwnlu/, Mr. k Mrs. IlruuUuril, T. ll-tl'M. I.'ll'-. II- Holniie. Walter llri-ckeiirliliM-. John V I tools*. I'rlls PL Ik'iMI. uu** I.I.-II Chiri'iiee It. liroser- Waller Muelilivlx ll.-o.H lloycr. llsiika tlnj-.ii. II. '- nrhi'luoioiii tlruri'. C. L. Iliirllell llros. IliH-kly. Jo; Laii'Jy ft -WllllM-a r, lliuh. I'llll la ryidnii, I), A. Ilnmn. U. V. Fruit. Oct. Lroio-jo. 1, K. Iiruiidiin. Win. «.l:atia:mi;\» list. Itarto, .1. iisem llhnvii, 'I'hos'. A; itldlr, l/clliiiu- flcitlunl. Lents jtereiiinii. II. Ilnlli-y Miock t . it Ut'iinetl. Karl Itromi, I'erey W lliii'i-li, Chn.-t. Bjirlngliiii. Cbim. II- Ilrott. J. .1. UroJiderli-k P. K Him.oii, Jraat it Bnrlletl, Huy II. tliiriiej, Write} Brown, It. K Buutey. Geo. Barnold, Mr. VrolMt Trio Uulniurr, 11. II. I'Miij li. Knit.. I.. W. Dill A Ward llr«-«. 'ai-i.ll Menlseli. I'i. .lilibols. Prof. DlNOli, II. <:■ Diivls, P. P.. Ihivls, Clyik- hiiffy, Palrh-ic De Uonlon. y. DiivIh. li'iu'l he Vllbls C I". De llaveii Cartel Hauion. Dei, S. DlVoinle Ckntr Datili.-l-.'. I". U, DulKus Mii-kul Se ntuao. Cbua color, Jlni Davis, P. O pw-yer, Ed,' DeluM-y, C'uslellu. Thou.J. i Dale, Alexaiiilet C'ruie. .fhe pay. II. Cru\er, Sidney tk". lerlaln. .!>•>■ Cottella. u. V.'Dwyer, E<l. Curtis, Walt H.!rtavti»n, .lnhr.ll C'nSlnl. V. Irsiyh.-, J. II. Olelisy, It. ;flivw. Chii". C, CuiNieliy, Hugh ,Duels,, llenj. Clllfoitt. Jus. *>nlury Com. 4 Cliu|ilii, Ailhil'.' i'jiru% Her. fllilo. John. I.. 1,'lnrl.. Cunt. A Connor. .Lin. -t'. I.'llllllllll. 'I'll0>. C-flxliiiuni Hurry Inll.i.rn.-. J. II. Clinllcrdun. A* K Cuoley. .''am Clirjslnl. • Jei-une K. Callus, N. i.'riihili) 11, on. hi. Kilty Curtis Mall II. 1 'ii'iiii'.^lin'ii Al. l.'ollhis, Tommy I'obi 111, III tile CuM>lil. I'JI. K t'olltiih. i.'Iiii-. CoIIHib TA.tlil|i. Curli'r. Ds'.» CvniH-lly. lid.'l. •Jliixlvii. I J. i.'lillikii Heliry. Jack Iknlicr. II. It. lliitilihi.-ih. • Hilly Herring, Ira . Hi'iituti. Johu \. •illll. tt IL ItiiiVHiil. liuiieiii llulu|iluii ItU'isel Uoguu. Ihtiesl tli'iiella. Ctiasll. 111 Him. Albert' llvwtin!. Milite illlllK-S .Miul.'lcu MrWrl. 1 cart lucrUiii. J.-II. Hurl. Ilarr.v Iri'liiinl. I'reil ,1, llhliof, llolti'i- Ire-la, Pnilil: Prank .leanings. V III Jones & Walton Jaeger, Rlchuld Judge. Todil ;,Vic-ti,-i.i. C. M JudlW, U.' Jack; A:'A. .loluiiuii. Kl. "i.mbOii. Den .lililes, l'.in! .leulilns. n. L. Kills, Juhn Kjll, J. W. Kcsli-r. Chiiii. Ki-nueitj, Jan. Ibtaiur. The Kramer,'Priil Kfngiloii. lh-x I. Kirly. lien. A. Ky.sshio. Joe Kiiefnr.-llari-.v Kelly, J I. P. Knapii, I'l'.inli Kelly. ,111.1 Fi-ill|.i*r„. M. J Keliliiilv .1. I'halfo. Vlin-eiit Khiela-r, Glto'J. Kllgnre. .1. |y. Kirk. lA-iiler l>. King. J. T. Ivlrk LiiNbellt'tXi long, J. A- l.i'oiim-il Mivnki l.-nvn'iici-. J. P. lAOIl A Unle l.'jTiioni, . 1','1'lle Ijott*. V.ilgur U Pebrv. D. J Laurent Trio Iaihiuu. )L 11. I eA'Ine. Cliai. Leonard. .1. P. t.noe*. Will Arthur llm !',' Maillisl 1. P. ,\|eAiiilri<H's .too. ■Hew, R. II. Alack. Hen. Myi-rs. Bo? II. Miller. lA-o'inril llie-llllil. Il'iv Miiyinu'il. "liiy Mil lee, Prallll Martin. N. II. Mhiaiirk. Tins Vmliioiii Cln'ls I. Natn ScsSvn. Iluiiler ' ■ ■ a fftw .Voi-eross, Jiiv-M Niin.lhils.. (f. Nol-lh tami. )(gl NorlMi. Lii- Sen-man. tVuiIH Neumaiui Jullun Nen-ton. Hilly s Km ton. Ate Nolu'i. John J. NenlnmM' A: • Ckrrvll Nlcholv. llltl) ftyc. B. I,.- 'J|iel. Ilenry Ort'hens Cirn. I trltrleii. Hlllv O'Neill. Plvil Oliver, I lurry LI11I101OI. I'll. -.1 •Jl Slheni ftlliuet Siitisi-ll. Julln tMBBtata w, 11 kllnl. Alberl Tlnnuu A Payne • .Mr. Tllliniiu, Kill TiiIiik'V, .1 til lit- Turner., J. IV. I'lerli, Kit. ryrell. Ah H. Pngiirer, J. I>. Veilinur, Ilerl Vlulii * ritigln van. ii.iWc . V011 rflohl,' Jo«f Vfrrlllu. ,(.«».■ Wont. !'•*• A. ■ValerUiry Uron. .** Trutiy rVheeler IV I.. A'uisl. Praurli Miltller. . ; .-trunk I.. WliltnU-r II. K, Wlegsl. frail Wallnn. 'Hurt Walter.. A Ererette Wabler, Don Williams.' tinny Walton. Alf. if Woodward. V. I* Walsh. Austin Wtlliuiuu. Dr Wtlaon. Ah C. Wlllnril. Win. Wliiuhni. Ilet'i •-■ -.. -.-• Wllllititlo" llni.i. Oi'isiilii-hni'i- .lai Wvatun, Willi- Unii-K" n* • M'iiliers'1'MhkP.. Oiveu Co.. :«in. Wills, A. W. Ovey. i.'i*n. 'Ward, Hai-ie.v O'Ciii II blcre HVaixoii', Lnr Powell, P. K, Weber, l.ieo. Prh-i:. It. M. I'eiiater '.'hiri.l*. Pyb', IU-ii). P. pjlmi.. Ilol'i-rt Prlatruars. I IllUlllrill iiiim-is. ai. I'liull. Ihiviv PHi-liM-. 1 ir\ lllv Poole. Ihi.vS. Plentlee II. C P-ilil/i-r. Carl P. Pnitiw-l-. Krtiiil Pearl. Hilly Porler, II. W. perri, Win. II. Phllhoii A.-lillle ,..-her.- l«i*o. Wllllaiiis, Ikihl. Wliiiiegnr llrti*. Wnml. Murrey WIImhi. HiirryV Wrlulil. Marry Wllllniuton Whim. W. 11. WIImiii, Guy Wunl. L. . Wlllnnl.--- II. ' P. Willely.'l'. Wesnelki Holier t Wllte. Will it. Unrden, Wtu. Wlim-n .'< • lOrjajrwa; -Wuriwr. Mr. jejune., 1-jl. nuwlund, 'Jul. Ilreil, Jut.. M. llu-iell. ,.' Mr. A Mr«. 1 ..nwrciioe llutr,v!li)iiii. P. W. La hulls. The lllielor, Hurry ■ miiiivii inaruer. ,nr. Kolllnt, W, il. Welsh, Ll-w 1 Itiijiuunil, lull W001I. Kd. IlislilliiK, M Iwimwr, I', C Kiirrlek. Jus. York. Mnv Ynnl, Lev Vouiik', Tat Kanello 0. it A Xarruw, I'. II. /.In Kti.tidi Com. t;o.,Crj - ifurU. • fllekmrll. -it. M Clujlou. I r-ink I Cuurud. thus. .1 linn -Urnre-}- 'Loses Fattier. Dau Gracty was iifltlued.Aug. 28, ty tele- DtiEAMUKn.—On 8aturdav, Aug. 31, 8w«- gram, that his' father, dleo" at Pittsburg on fllsh dn|r will he celehrafj'il here. thnl day. Barrette. Tin* I low-1''. Mo it In lkirKrf. The Hell. M. A. Klcber. Itity lilckclt. W. E. ,_ Bo«r«n Clar»roce Darrlna. Philip riivttrti Terrr W| Dial. Kinffiii* iVlfiri)", Tim |«-nit. Ciir-un Wall J. Clark. M. L. Cliltller Nornimi poiinhui*. Mcrli. Drew. W, \. .. IJ.UM DeaatwUa w.i. HoitiK-lly. J-H-. Hultuu. Tln»>. Se Coiuus. Ti 1- vuns. TCd. IfjMtprhrook* The Rastau. F. A. IVU'I h Wortier Linntetl. Ciiti-. Priih..'ih I,hkIoi."I. A. Il Kllli.ll. Jim* PlUn-orlh Harry Kill rd lav, Prets Kiirlslim Klch'l. Kverett Laiirune Kviiiih. G, '.. l-'on-rtiuii. Ilitiinr Ifrlnt. l-'iuiik M Km*' Hi"-. I'lrlrlUT. H111.J. Pttjelle Hi'Mrin Ii-).- Mr. A, Mrs. I o .ter A- Milllaui'i FK-ialiiy, W. J. Puur American TruuiiU'tirj Plilsit. Ill P. 1 rhncl. Jul'.'i PiiiiitonU. ■ Pi Ii. A Co. Perintson. Chas. t'UKtiu,' .»»»•«. FnrreSl.r. slil Fortla. The 4. I'luzi.-r, I;.*'W. ilotve, Joliiinn atlU l\OTICH AT UK AH Olf 1,181'. HECEMAN'S COLD CREAM ! .TllrH I Hit \L '' iiuijittiy iraiMwvci tin- itn/si oliitinaie utaltoup. Nu otlujr inuduct lius auoh {ji'tal Boh-utit pro|ini'lii'3. Il 1-i pine, tliiinty utiil iilsvuyy lic:,li ami i'«eol. Nuillicr Itcut law cold liunns il, 11 yon tvaiit -the Ijfsl, yet Hqjcuiun's. HALF POUND, ZSo.; ONE POUND, «c To ttavv iiiuiiuy, nana lu iij lot mukc-tip 'tUtlils, ftlutibC pllllllb, I'U'lluili,, loll^l.-. pli'A'. ilen. anJ utiu.-i iiejtttla witbcacioi loll. HECEMAN d. OOs . '. .tA;Cprj>uiatiotii • ^ ,;. DRUGGISTS, W ST., AT BROAPWAY (Times Bl.f.) Ann other ttefreman 1 Drurf Stores 'jill i»v<*r |iiwn. '