The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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786 Eurtls A Basse's Dona, Altmeyer, McKeeaport, Pa. 2-7. LiL.ciair k Wett, fCMjmooi Park, BalUmore, Levtroe, Ed.. Forest Park, Ullca, N. T., 2 ~ Ln bell 4 Crooeh, Saylarktt, Oalcaio,_J-7. a, Proctor'a, Troy, fir. It., 2-7. Urd, Keith's, Ptilla.. 2-7. . Levtroe, Ed.. Forest Park, U(lca, N. T., 2-7. Ln bell * Crooeh, flatBUriet, Chicago,' J-7. Lu>Vaun. JUmre I, Rial*. Kim In. N. T., 2-7. Ixt7TBtanclie.TnlMclie, Empire; St. Paul, it. La'Flenr. Joe, Forepangti A Sells Broa.' Circus. Lancaster, Tom. Bartelevllle. I. T., 3-7; Lyric, Jonlln, Mo., 0-14. Lambert k Pierce, Castle, Bloomlngton, III., 2-7; Blloo, KaDkakee, 014. Latetl, Ed., Academy of Moalc, Montreal, Can,, 8-7. ■ ' La'Wntrt a Lk Bue, McKeeaport, Pi., 2-7; Jeen- ette, 014. La Marr, Cbummle, Academy of Moalc, Mon- treal. Can., 2*7. IV Getter - Olympls Park, Chattanooga, Tenn., 2-7; Eiat Knd Park, Memphis, 0-14. - Lampsou, Mabel, Wonderland, Chicago, 2-7. I.srkln, Horry. A, 4 S„ Boston, 2-7. l.a Viola, Keltb'a, I'tlcn, K. Y., 2-7, La Veen k Cross. Poll's, Worceater, Maaa., 2-7} Poll's, Waterbury, 0-14. Lambertos, Juggling, Jamestown -Exposition, 2-30. l.a'Mob tea, The, C. O. Bpan tier's Show. Langdon, Hardle, Wigwam. San Fran., Cal., 2-7; ■ Prlnceaa, San Fran., 0-14. •.'.- La Fayette, Lottie. Rlalto. Elmlra, N. Y.. 2-7. La Mott'a Cockatoos, ltamona Park, Grand Rapids, Mich., 2-7. La Croix, Paul, Poll's, Waterbury. Conn., 2-7. Lalov Bros., Fair, Sutherland, la., 2-7; Bloux CltT 9-14 La Teil Bros., o. H., Indiana, Pa., 2-7; O. II.. Warren. O., n-M. • Lavlnc, Ed., Majestic, Chli'ogo, 2-7. La Nolo Ilron.. Fair. Nashua. N. II., 2-7. Leigh. Fannie. Ml, Nicholas, Atlanta, Oa., 2-7. Lei Autvln, Lionel, Colombia, Cincinnati, 2-7. Lelgbtnii (8), Temple, Detroit, 2-7. Las, Joe k Jerry, K. k P., Jersey City, N. J., 2-7. Leslie, gertrtide. Kmplre. Kt. Paul, 2-7. Leonard. Eddie, k Co., Poll's, Net* Haven, Conn., 8-7. Leonard. Out, Lyric, Seattle, Wash., 2-14. I,e Illrt, Mm*.. Ucm, to. Fort, Pa„ 2-7; Park, Trenton, N. .1., H-14. Lee Tung Foo., Sbeedy's, Newport, B. 1., 2-7; Proctor's, Albany, N. Y.. 0-14. ■ . Luvolos, Tbe, Lunar Pnrk. Johnstown, Pa., 2-7. Lester. Will, k Co., Empire, Patcrson, N. J., 2- 7. Lee, Henry, People's, I'hlln., 2-7. U' Clair, John, Prauklyo Square, Worcester, Maaa.. 2-7. l«oukardt, Al., Ooimellsvllle, l»i„ 2-7. ]<effcl;'Frank. Norrla U Howe Circus. Lo Hoy k "Woodford. Keltb'a. Provlcleuce, It. I., 2-7; Orpbitum, Alleulown. Pu-. V-14. Lealle, Bert, A Co., Mujestlc, Chicago, 2-7. Leonnrd 4 Tlwrnton, Lubcaaler, Pa„ 2-7; Wll- ailugton, Del., nil- Le Witt 4 Aabniorc, BIJou, Michigan City, lad., 2-7. Leonard k Louie, BIJuii, Kenosha, Wis.. 2-7. l/owls 4 Tboinpwn. Pittsburg. Pu., 2-7. Lemuels, May, Manhattan, Norfolk. Va., 2-7. Levy, Mrs. Jul?*. 4 Co., Henderson's, Coney Isl- and. N. Y.. §*■ Le Clulr 4 Rowen, Colerou Park, Jameutowu, N. Y.. 2-7: Conk O. II., Rochester, 0-14. I..' Cray, Oolite. White City, Oshkosb, Wit., 2-14. Leonio, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 2-7. Levy, Bert, 23d St., N. Y. C, 2-7, Loouard 4 Phillips. Majestic, St. Paul, Mluu., a-7. Litchfield, Mr. 4 Mrs. Nell, Chautauqua, Jollet, III., 2-7., Beatrice. Coluulul. N. Y. C. 2-7. I.lbbey 4 Bordeaux Auditorium, Pittsburg, 2-7. Llnd. Uelrh'a. I'lillu., 2-7. lxjckbert, Mubel, Keuyon Park, Pittsburg. 2-7. Luvello's Dogs. Kmuy. Ilumlllon, Cm.. 2-7. I-ockhart Sisters, St. Louis, 2-7; Kansas city, 8- London Fire Brigade, New York. N. Y. C, V7 Lowe, Musical, otuiiangy Park. Columbus, U., 2-7. Ldrlng's. Tlie, Forest Park, llilcu. N. V.. 2-7. Unveil 4 Lowell, Moss k Sloll Tour, Hug., 2-Ncv. 83. I/ils, Crpbeuiu, Marietta. O.. 2-7. Lorajnc. Oscar, Orpbeuru, Reading, Pa., 2-7; Al* leutown. K-14. Loju Trio, lllppodroinc, N. Y. 0.. 2-7. L.ivelts, Tin', Howard. Boston, 2-7. liOwrle, Jim, Klctrli- Psrk. Arduiora, I. T., 2 8. Likens (4), Mcdfotil, Mass., 2-7. I.uckles (■£>., Family, Bcrantou, Pa., 2-7. Luce 4 Luce, Proetor'i, Kllaabath, N. J., 2-7. Luder, Mr. k Mrs. Fred, Beunett's, Montreal, Can., 2-7, Lydla 4 Albino, Empire. Palerson, N. J., 2-7. Lyric Comedy Four, Detroit, 2-7. Mack, Wilbur. 4 Mlnfborne Wortbley, Poll's, Hartford, Conn., 2-7. Maaoo-Keuler Co.. tl. 0. II.. Indianapolis, 2-7. Martin, Dure 4 Percle, Oram). Marlon, lud., 2-7; Oarrlok. Burlington, la., 0-14. Marw-llu's Birds. Union Squure, N, Y. 0., 2-7. Mkuolo t-'uiully it>), Urpheuui, Surlugfleld, (J., 2- 7; Orand, Oovliiglun. icy., 0-14. Majors (5), liHth Street, N, Y. C, 2-7. Macks (U), Punter's. N. V. 0.. 2-7. Martell 4 Clny, Auditorium, Norfulk, Vs., 2-7. Mauulre k Macon, Bradenburgli s. Phlla., 2-7. Muddoc 4 Muvln, lleiiiiett'a, Montreal, Can., 2-7. Marlon 4 I'enrl, Bennett's, Iliinlllou, Can., 2-7; Muutreul, 0-14. Manuluu. Frank, Uacbvlur Club Uo. Marlua Dctuur Opera, Itiituuua Park, Grand Uap- Ida, Mich., 2-7. Martyno Slaleri, llreut Parker Amuse. Co. Mkrr 4 Uvuus, Wlldwood Park, Putnam, Coon., 2-7. Mnrvlu Bpw., II. 0. II.. llriind Ituplds, Midi., 2-7. Matlu 4 Dixon, Audltorluiii, I'lttsburg. 2-7. Marco Twins, Calety, Ualiliuorc, 2-7; (ialaly, Wusbluirlo'i, l>, C, 11-14. Mareeuu. Xevnro & Murceua, Chase's, WutUlug- lon, D. 0„ 2-7. Majestic Three, Orptilum, Siirlugbeld, 0... 2-7. Mavollo, 1'lttsUeld. Mass., 2-7. Muc.v, Mniid. Treiiumt, lloatuu, 2-7. Miiniibig Trio, Kansas City. Mo., 2-7; HI. Louis, 814, Mailuapa (fi). Culonlul, N. Y. 0., 2-7. ' Mallu 4 Mnlln, Duyloll. O,, 2-14. -Miiilln Bros., I'ull's. Scran too, I'a , 2-7. . Mnrion 4 Ileitis. Luke, worceater, Mass.. 2-7. Marlowe-I'limkctt & Co.. Star, Muncle, lod., £-7. Mauley 4 Slurllug. Orpbluni, Springfield. f)„ 2-7. Martlneltlo & S.vlveater, Poll's, Scrantuu. Pa., 2- 7; t'lotliii'n, Hrooklyn, nil. Martlnea. Tbe, Hownrd, lluiilliigton, W. Va„ 2- ,7: lirpld.nn. Clillllralbe, 0., 0-14. MiniKcls, Julin v., Orpbeiun. Walcrlowu, S. D., i»i. Mkrcvllue. llliilHslrotne. N. V. C, 2-7. Mason 4 Dorsn, Sbeetly's. Fall River, Mass., 2-14. Marly, Joe, Olympic Park, McKevsiwrl, Pa., 2*7. Msssey * Kramer, O. 11., Clurcmoiit. N. II.. 2-7. M*ir«ua 4 Tlioaias, Olenlungy Park, Columbus, 0., 'S'T. Marnier, I.lna, lllppodmuie, N. Y. €.. 2-7. Marshall. Bert, Oakrord Park. Jcanettc. Pa., 2-7. May, Arthur, o., o. II., Ilerrln. 111., 2-7; New .Roland. Morion, u-11. McCiea k Pole, Keith's, Phlla., 2-7. MoLuushlln. U Claire, Idlewlblu Park, Newark, 0.. 2-7; Myers' I.sKe. Cnnluii. 8-14. Mrllouuld, Jus. P., People's. Phlla.. 2-7. McUee 4 Collins, Cieur d'Alerio. lilu., 2-14, MuNumee, tJnloii Siiuure, N. Y. C. 2-7. McBieeu. Hilly. 4 Uro., Lyric, Oleabourne, Tex., 2-7: Dallas, 11-14. McDiur, Jtiiuea Cou|irr, Mt. Veruou, 0.. 2-7; BtoubcuTllle. 11-14. MeKlnsle ik Simmon. Poll's, Springfield, Maaa,, :2-7. MeMabon'a Pullman Porter Maids, Columbia, Cin- cinnati. 2-7. MnNlsh 4 Peiifold, U. 0. H.. Syracuse, N. Y„ 2-7!" Mi'lnliislii llurr. SUM Slrwl, N. Y. C, 2-7. Mi'CnrUi.v, Sullivan, 4 Co., fatuity, Seratituu, !'«.. 2-7. Meliuimlii, MeKcmin 4 Orr, Ornbeum, Omaba, Neb., 2-7. MvOoue 4 Hurt. Family, Burlington, N. J., 3-7; Museum, Phlla., P-H. MeCiiue & Orpbeuin, ChlesKo. 2-7 ; Lyric, Kenslngtou. 0-14. Menrs. Mr. 4 Mrs, Hon, Mujestlc. Chicago. 2-7. Melville 4 lllgulus, Poll's. New Ilnven, Conn., 2- Me'taetll Tuiuno. Coiunlnl, N. Y. C, 2-7. Mlltiuuu Trio. Seals, Coiienluigeii, Demuurk, 2-30; l.leblekj. Ilrrslum. Her., Oct. 1-30. Mltehell & Cclii, Family,'ek-ntnlon, Pa.. 2-7. M"e- 4 Hiiyuioiid. Ulenlangy Park. Colutnhtis, O., 2-7. Mitchell & Urownlai;, Lyric Park, Beaumont, lev.. 2i. Mimic Four, Uslhawey's, Lowell. Mass., 2-7. Mitchells till, Crystal, Marlon, lud., 2-7: Klk- hurt. H-14. Mllmar Urns.. Oak Stiuimlt Park, KraDSvllle, Intl., 2-7 ; Crystnl. Frankfort. 0-14. Military Ucletle, . Frortwdy Park, Newport. 11. I., 2-7; Proclot'a, Newark, N. J., 0-14, Milton's Dogs. Ml es * Blckard MlUtfablp, HtsUrs. Dewey, Mliraeipolls. 2 7. Mlll»r 4 llcCaolcy, aorwoc-1, Omaba,. Neb., 2-7. MortaBV TodlJ Saroy,> Cumberland, Md., 2-7. Mocb '■■*«*..vWItideor, Bt. Paul. Minn.. 2-7. Moain, The, HIJ«>d. K41Itnatoo, Mich.. 2-7. MortOB, Fred V.. Hstbaway's, Lowell, Mai*.. 2-7. Moooey 4 Holbein, Olhboni 4 Payne's Halla, Enf., 7. B 0-14. s, Lo' Motarta, The, Pastor's. N. T. C., , Montgomery k Moore, Hathaway'*, Lowell, Maaa,, Montague's Cockatoo Clrcua, Fair, Qoaieroeor, N. -Y., 2^7". '■ •- ■•■■ • - •' Motogtrl, Li. Touring India and China, 2-OcL 30. Morette Slaters, Atlantic Oarden, Atlantic City. " N. J., 2-7. j. - Morgan A Chester, Saeoy, Ilamllton, Can., 2-7. Morae, Bon, Fair, Nashua. N. ft., 2-7. ' Mortln Bros., Scranton, Pa., 2-7; Trenton, N. J., M4. , .'. ' Morris ft Morris, People's. Phlla, 2-7. Morrow A Hbellberg, Empire, Peterson, N. J., 2-7. Mora, "Silent," Grand, Newcastle, Pa., 8-7: Ly- ceum, - Cumberland, Md., 0-14.. Monroe, Oeo. W., Duqneane, I'lttabnrg, 3-7. Mnrnhy, Mr. 4 lira. Mark, Alfaambta, N. Y. 0., .2-7..'• . .. Murphy, Mr. 4 Mrs. Nick, Atlantic Oarden, N. Y. 0., 2-7. ' Murphy ft Frat.cei. Orphevm, Bt. PanI, Minn., 8-7; Omaha, Neb.. 0-14. » hrnby, Oeo. n.. Orpbenro, Springfield, 0., 8-7. tiller, Cliur.n & Muller, Orpbenro, St. Paul, Minn., 814. Murphy ft Donn, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 8-7. Murphy ft Pulmtr, Crystal, Anderson, Ind., 2-7. Murray, Clayton ft Drew, Congress Springs, Sara- toga, N. Y., 2-71 Bayonne. N. J., 014. Murray ft Alden, Howard, Boston, 2-7. Mnlball. Lucille, ft Co.; Keltb'a. Phils,, 2-7. "Mystic Pool, The," BStli Street, N. Y. 0., 2-7. Nawn, Tom, 4 Co., Keith's. Cleveland, 2-7. Napp, Viola, lteqoot Park, WestfieM, Mass., 2-7. Nigel ft. Admin, Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., 2-7; London, 0-14 NadJI, Jrflle., Haymarket, Ohlcwo, 2-7. - Nesicn, Hunter ft Neasen. Keltb'a, Boaton, 2-7. Newsboys Oucrtette, Auditorium. Pittsburg. 2-7. Nelson 4 Nelson, Orphlum, SpelnuDeld, 0„ 2-7. Nelson, Ned. Park, Brldgeton, N. J., 2-7; Atlan- tic City, 0-14. Nelson ft Egbert. Tlptou, Tluton, lud., 2-7; Crys- tal, Elwood, V-14. Nelmeyer ft O'Dell, Elite, DaTeoinirt, Is., 8-7; Blfon. Keewanee. III.. 0-14. ™ Neola, O. II., Chicago. 2-7. Needbam A Woods, Sueedy's, Full Ulver, Mais., 2-7. Newnimi, Harry, Temple, Ft. Wayne, lud., 2-71 tlriinil, Mnrion, 0-14. NUrem, t uur Puslor'H, N. Y. C 2-7. "Night In a Rathskeller," Albambra, N. Y. 0., Norton ft Nicholson, Arcade, Toledo, O., 2-7. Norton 4 Ituseell, Poll'fi, New lluveu, Conn.. 3-7. Noblette ft Mnrshall, (Jalcly. Ualeiburg. III., 2-7. Nugent, 'vutbcrlne,' Hhea'a, Toroot), Can., 2-7. O'Connell 4 Oolden, Oem, Minneapolis, 2-7; Crya- tal, Milwaukee, 0-14. O'Uiiy. Ida. Poll's, Springfield, Mima., 2-7. Odell ft Kinley, Luke, Worcester. Mass., 2-7. Ogilcu, Helen. Slpc'8, Kokomo. Ind., 8-7. O'Hnru 4 Watson. Orpheum, Turtle Creek, Pa., 2-7; (Jen, South Fork, V-14, Omega, Mile., People's, Phlla.. 2-7. O'Meers Sisters, U. 0. 11.. Indlanapolla, 2-7. Dninw Trio. Alhsrabra, Purls. France. 2-;to. O'Nell ft Barry, Auditorium Annei, Auburn, N. Y„ 2-7. Onlhauk 4 Blanchette, White Oily, Trenton, N. J B»7 ■ ' • O'Neill, j. H„ ft Co.. 0. H., Oreenrllle, 0., 2-7; Bijou, Sandusky, 0-14,' ' •• • Orletta ft Taylor, Atlantic Oarden, N. Y. C. 2-7. Orbaaang, Irnia. Orpnetiut. Omaha, Neb., 2 7. Orth ft Fern. O. O. U., Syracuse, N. Y., 2-7. Oterlla. Vlctorlu, N. Y. It., 2-7.' . Otis Elltn Proctor, U. O. II., Pittsburg. 2-7. Otavi, The, Meyer's Lake, Canton, O., 1-7; Fair- view Purk, Dayton, <>., 8-14. I'untscr, Willy, Troupe. OBtk Street, N. Y. <)., 2-7. Psutci-Miniles (4), Uiposllloii, Toronto, Can,, 2-7; Plattahurg, N. Y„ V-10. - Parry, Charlotte, ft Co., Empire, Pateraou, N. J., 8-7. ■ ■ ■ Pantaer Trio, Bennett's, Montreal, Can., 3-7. Parker ft Montgomery, Manhattan, Norfolk, V*., 8-7. Palfrey 4 lloeller, Shea'u, Toronto, Can., 2-7, i'apluta, Wlnlergsrten, Berlin, Oer., 2.80; - Tl- cliey's, Prog. Oct. 1-10. I'srlsliin Dim, Burwiwl, oinabs, Neb., 2-7. - Palmer Slaters, Henderson's, Coney Islaud, N. Y., 2-7. Parsons Slslors, Union Square, N. Y. 0., 2-7. Parudlsn Alley, 2Ud St.," N. Y. Or, 2-7; Union Kquuro, N. Y. C„ 0-14. Paultim ft Holey, Hntlioway's. New Bedford, Mass,, .2-7; Colonial, Lawrence, 0-14. ■ , i Paullnettl ft Plquo', Empire. Ooveutry, Eng., 2-7; Unlet}'. Birmingham, 0-14. ' Pairou (41, illppoilrome, N. Y.'O., 2-7. Personl, Cutalllc, Four Mile Oreek, Erie, Pa.. 8-7. Pero 4 Wilson, Plttuton, Pa., 2-7) Coming, N. Perry, FruiiK L.. Olympic, South Bend, Ind., 2-7; BIJou, An-lerson, 9-14. Peni>er Twins. Olympic Park, McUeesport, Pa., 2-7. ■ I Pelols, TU". Terojilo, Detroit, Mich., 2-7; G. 0. II., PlttsliurK, I'a., 0-14. Peyser ft McDonald. H. ft II., Brooklyn. 2-7; Murray Hill, N. Y., 0-14. ~ I'endlelhiii. 'Ilie, Idora Park. Yiungatown, O., 1-7. Perkins,'Walter, ft Co., Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., 2-7. Peklu Zouav.-i, Academy of Music, Montreal, Can., "3-7.' Flatiophli'iiitH (Lusky's), Orpheum. Rkln,, 2-7. PIcaroN. Lul.d (3), ' Maryland. Baltimore, 2-7: Mchenectadr. 0-14. I'Ii-imi'oIiiim (.',), 08th Street, N. Y. C. 2-7. I'ollunl. W, D.. BIJou, K«bosh4. Wis., 2-7. Powers A Freed, BIJou. MtchUvin Qlty, Ind., 2-7. Potter ft Harris, Orpheum, St. Paul, Minn., 2-7. Price ft Price, Miles. lining, Minn., 2-7; BIJou. Grand Pbvki, N. D., 9-14. Prlmnae, <I«orge. Vlclorla, N. Y. 0., 2-7. Prices, The, Pictorlum. Deimlson, 0„ 2-7. Prince, Arthur, Forrest, Phlla., 2-7. Prohaauo: Orand, Homestead, Pa.. 2-7. Pryors, Tin?, Orpheum, Seattle. Wash., 2-7; Ta- conia, 0-14. Prlmrosea, Musical, Amuse. Braddock, Pu., 2-7; , Orpheum,. Turtle Oreek, 0-14. Qulnfan ft Mack. Itorlck's, Elmlra, N. Y., 2-7. Quintette (Lasky'a), Chase's, Washington, U. 0., 8-7, Qiielrolos (7).. Hippodrome, N. Y. 0.. 2-7. yulix. Mnche.v ft Nlckcrsun. Mollne,- III., 2-7, lvlectrlc, Waterloo, la., 0-14. Raymond 4 Cuverly. Teniplc, Detroit, 2-7. Ray. Fred, ft Co., Orpheum, Los Angelea, Cal., Itnnt, Claiidi, Fair, Freepor't, 111., 2-7; Al Fresco Park. Peoria, 8-21. Rultuund ft Hall, Riser, Lyons. Ia„ 2-7. Ramsey Sisters, Myers Lske, Canton, 0.. 1-7. Ramm sisters, Academy of Mualc, Montreal, Can., Raivsun & June. Forrest. Phlla.. 2-7. Rastui ft Iliiiiks. Alliumliru, Paris, France, 8-30. Itnv 4 Taylor, Iniuin's Cisluo, Coney Island, N. I.i 2-7. Itnnklii,. Itobh.r, White City Hark. Daylon. 0.. 2-,7 "Italn Dears'' (Hart's), Union Square, N. Y. 0„ , -2.7. Raymond. Al. G„ Crescent. .Birmingham, Ala., 2- T: Family, Chaltnnneca. Tenn.. 11-14. Rainbows. The, Wetland. Cumberland, Md., 0-14. Ruwls 4 Vim Knurmuu, Illjgu; llutitlli, Mluu., 2-7; III lou, Sunertnn Wll, 0-14, RellT Bros., Poll's. Walerbury, Conii.. 2-7. Reedy 4 Currier. Orpheum. Kansas Oily, Mo.. 2-7. Kelly, Johnnie, Olympic. Danville. III., 2-7. Kcnzcltn 4 Larue, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. ,Y.. 2-7. Rentfrew ft Juiison, Majestic, St. Paul, Minn,, 5-7. fetal Slstrs. People'*. Phlla.. 2-7. Bounce Family. BIJou, Kalamazoo, Mich., 3-7; III Jon. Ualtle Crock, 9-14. ReiironLft Wlni'hwler, Chase's, Washlniflon, D. C, 2-7! Novelty, llklu.. 014. Reed, Harry. Rlalto, Klmlra, N. Y.. 2-7. Reeil 4 Show, Sheeilr's, Kewisyrl, R. i., 2-7. Keltiek, Carl P.. ft Co., Chicago. 2-7. Remington, Miiymc. ft llustcr liromiles, Columbia, St. Louis. 2 7 ; Iliiymiirket. Chicago. 0-14. Reed ft Karl, Alamerla. Cal., 2'14: Reckhim Recklaw, St. Nicholas. Atlanta, On.. 2-7. Reyiiiird, Kd. F.. Poll's, Scranton, Pa.', 2-7. Reeves. Illllle, Ttemonl, Rosinn; 2-14. Reed, John P., UUou, Kalamaaoo, Mich., 3-7. RJee ft Cohen. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 2-7. Rice ft Elmer. Itorlck's, Elmlra, N. Y.. 2-7. ltlmletln Bros., Kelth'a, Phils., 2-7; Hathaway's, New Bedford, Mass., 0-14.- : - Rleharil, Victoria. Rlalto. Elmlra. N. Y., 8-7. Rlniildtn' Joe-dark, Majestlt, IndlanapolU; -ft} Lyric, vierelohil, 811, y.-. - * s-,, Jee, Nancy, crystal, St Joaepn, Mo., 2-7. Rice, Fanny, Armory, Blnfliamton, N. Y„ 3-7. Rich, jack ft Bertha, Nornmbeaa Park, Beaton, UlciiaMs. Frank. 83d Street, N. Y. 0., 8-7,. Blano* (4), Wli's, New Haven, Conn.,.8-7; Brldge- port, 0-14. • .. , . ■ Rltler ft hosier. Empire. Jobnnneaburg,, So. Af- rica, 2-13; TlTOll, Cape Tews, 10-30. Rlalto Comedy Quartette, Empire, Paterton, N. ?., 2-7: Empire, Hobokcn. 0-14. __ Bio Bros. (4), Tower- Circus, Blackpool, En«.. 2-7: Hippodrome. Belfast. Ire., P-U; Tlvoll, 18-21; Dublin, Ire., 2.1-281 Tlvoll, Liverpool, Richards, Ortat, Park; Pott*vlil«. P*.j. W- 'i°* Rlchgfda, Harry, BurwoHd, "Otnah*. Neb., 2-T. Robinson Crusoe's Isle (Lasky'a), Keith's, Pnlla., 2 7.,- Q. O. H., Pittsburg, 0-14. Bomalne. Julia, ft Co., Family. Bntte. Mont. 1-7. Itoisl'a Musical Horse, Victoria. N. Y. 0., 2-7. ltonsl. Countess, ft Paula, Keith'*, Cleveland, 2-7. . • Roliblna, AL. 'Atlantic Garden. N. Y. C. 2-7. Rovera ft hlacklntosh, O. O. II., Grand Bapldi. Mich., 2-7. Rogers. W. O.. Crystal, St. Joseph. Mo.. 2-7. Kobtson-Marcottr ft Co., Third Avenue, N. Y. C, 2-7; Perth Amhoy, N. J„ 0-14. Rowley, 8am. Unique, Minneapolis. 2-7. Rosalre ft Doretto, Proctor'*, Troy, N. Y., 2-7. Rosa ft Lewis, Hippodrome, Hsochester. Eng., 2-7: Empire, Liverpool, 0-14; Empire, Belfast 10-21; Dublin, Ire., 23-28 ;Tlroll, Liverpool, Eng., 30. Oct 5. > Rooney ft Bent. C8lb Street, N. V C, 2-7. Romitn, Manuel, ft Co., Henderson'*, Coney Island, N. Y., 2-7. Rowden ft Dugan, fl. O. R., Pittsburg, 2-7. Roxle 4 Wayne, Unique, Minneapolis, 2-7. Rogers ft Deely, Kelth'a, Pblla., 2-7. Rome, Mayo, ft Juliet, Usrrlck. Burlington, la., 2-7; Crawford. Topeks, Kans., 0-14. Robinson ft Grant Bell, Oakland. Cal., 2-7. Bomalne ft Campbell. BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich., (toner Bros., .Industrial. Mollne, 111., 2-7; Fatally, Davenport, la., 014. Boaera, Froncla ft Virginia, O. H„ Springfield, Rosa'.' Margaret. Atlantic Garden, N. Y. C, 8-7. Bockway ft Conway. Fontaine Ferry Park. Louis- ville, Ky., 2-7; Lyric, Mobile. Ala.. 0-14. Russell. Leah, Empire, Johanesburg, South Af- rica. 0-Oct 20.- . Bunaell, Phil ft Carrie, Family, Hageratown, Md., '2-7. Russell ft.Held. K. ft P., Jersey City. N. J., 2-7. Unwell, O'Nell ft Cross, Cycle Park, Dallas. Tex.. 2-7. Ryan ft White, Auditorium. Lynn. Mass.. 2-T. Rynu ft Rlcbfleld, Maryland, Baltimore, 2-7; Chase'*, Washlngtou, D. C. 9-14. Savoy ft Savoy, Stockholm, Great Fslls, Mont, 2-7. ' .'■" ■•• ■ Palnio. Juno, l2Gtb St., N. Y. C, 2-7. Sabel, Josephine, Took. Buffalo, N. Y„ 2-7. Saunders, Florence, Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., 2-7; Hamilton. .9-14. Scott. Great, Keith's, Providence, B. I„ 2-7. Schoell, Mme.. ft Lions, -Bell Circus, Mexico City, Mellon, 2-Oct. 30. Scott Bros., Acme,-Norfolk, Va., 2-7. Scolt, Mike, Slue. Watertowu, N. Y., 2-7; De Water, Carthage, 0-14. Scolt ft Wilson. Orpbeiun, Sioux City, la., 1-7; Orpheum, Omaba, Neb., 0-14. Scott, Mike. Oswego, N. Y., 2-7; Star, Water- town, 9-14.. . • Schuffer. Dave,. Atlantic (inrdeu, N. Y. C, 2-7. Scheftels, Male. BIJou, CnlUmet. Mich.. 2-14. Seymour, O. 0.. ft Co.. Beat End Park, Memphis, Tenn.. 2-7; Terre Haute, Ind., 0-14. Sevengnlo, Original, Empire, San Fran., Cat, 2- Selbl'nl ft arovlnl, LyrJe, Day ton, 0„ 2-7. Senrs. Greit, Keith's. .Ullca. N. Y.. 2-7. Bblpmnn, Helen, Phlllls, Auditorium, Pittsburg, 2-7. Slieimnl, Edun. Haymarket, Chicago, 2-7. Sheldon 4 Wilson, Rlilto. Elmlra. N. Y.. 8-7. Shean, AL. ft Co.. Duquesiie, Pittsburg, 2-7. Sherman 4-De Forest, Victoria. N, Y. €.. 2-7. Xhuiigapnvl, Bennett's, London, Can.. 2-7. Shone. Madolyn, Star. Hoaxratown. Md., 8-7. Bbnrulles, Mericyl, Beacon Park, Webster, Mais.. '2-7. Shewhook ft Berry, Cleveland, 2-7; Pittsburg, 0- SIHhsV ft Emerson, Electric Park, Albany, N. Y., 2-7. ' •■ • HIuuIiib Four. G. O. II., Syracuse. N. Y.. 2-7. Slater 4 Finch. Atlanta. III.. 2-7; Sandwich, 0-14. Slater & Williams, Altmeyer, McKeeaport Pa., Smith ft Campbell. 120th Street, N, Y. C. 2-7. Smith. Mr. 4 Mrs. J. Murray, Acme, Sacranierlto, OaL. 2-7. Snyder A Buckley, Union Square, N. Y. C 2-7; ■Alhanibru, N. Y. C. 0-14? Soutberlnnd ft Curtis, Delmar Gardens, Okla- homa City; Okla., 214. ' Soinera A Ktorkc, Standard, St. Louis, 1-7. Splllcr Musical Bnoitiers (8), Young's Pier, At- lantic City, N.-J., 2-7. Sperry A Ray, Poli'i, W'nterhury, Conn., 2-7. Hplssell Bros: 4 "Mack, K: A P., Jersey Clty.iN. J., 2-7: Keith's. Phlla-, 9-14. . Spong, Hilda, ft Co., Temple, Detroit 2-7. Spanish D.inccra, The, New York, N'.Y, 0„ 2-7. Stevens ft Nugent, Keith's, Utlca. N. Y., 8-7. Stelnert ft Thomas, Spring Lake Park, Burlnf- flelll, 0„ '2-7; Pavilion, LorMue, 0-14. StunnliiB Grenadiers (Lusky's), Orpheum. Denver, "2-T; Orpheum, Kamrts City, Mo.,' 8-14.' ' Stevens. Willy, G. 0. H., Coatesvllle, Fa.. o-7. Stevens, Edwin. A Co., Poll's, ."cronton, Pi., 2-7. Sterns, AL, 126tlrStreet, Nl Y. C. 2-7. Ktlth A stlth, Orpheum, Springfield; O., 2-8; Broadway, Mbldleton, li-in. • Stkrk, Toble, Armofy, Valley City, N. D., 2-7. Stevens. Hal; ft Co., Bennett's, liOudon, Can., 2-7. Strickland. E. C. Family; Helena, Mon., 1-7; BIJou, Great Falls, 8-14.- '•' ' .' Sthley's Nightmare, Savoy, 'Hamilton, ,Can.. 8-7. Stanly ft Cogswell, Shubert's. Mllwnukee, 2-T. Stanley, Mr. A Mrs. Lew, Auditorium, Parkera- bura, W. Vu..' 2-7. ; "" .. , ; Stanley'*, Prof., Goats,' Kmplre, St. Paul, Minn., 2-7. " '' ,' • Stuart 4 Keeley, Lexington Park, Lexington, MrxBrl **»T • 8teeloy"ft Edwardi, Bennett's, Montreal, Can., 2-7; Ouehec, 914. ' Stuart skto.-s. Shea's', Buffalo. 2-7. Stokes, Mlrmlc. Keith'*; Providence, R.I., 2-7. St. laion Family, Forepaugh ft Sells' Circus. St. Elmo, Leo, Bradenburgli's, Phlla., 2-7. Stand & Thatcher. Crystal, St Joseph; Mo., 2-7. St Julian. M„ Majestic St. Paul, Minn.. 2-7: Grand, Fargo, N. v., 9-14. "Surprise Party. The," Henderson's, Coney Isl- and, N. Y„ 2-7. Sullivan ft Pasquellua, Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., 2-7. Summer Glrla (Kreraer's), Majestic, lndlnuupolls, Sutcllffe Troupe, Keith's, Syracuse, N. Y„ 2-7: 120th Street, N. Y. C, 014. Sunny South, Orpheum, Sun Fran., Cal., 0-21. Swnrtr, France*, ft Co., Family, Davenport, la., 2-7; Lyric. Lincoln, Neb.. 0-14. Swor Bro*., Poll's; Springfield. Man.. 2-7. Swift A Buckley, Proctor's. 'Tp»y, N. Y., 2-7. Symouds, Jack, Central Park, Alleutowu, Pa., Sylvester, Laurence ft Grace, White Oak Park. New Britain. Conn,, 2-7. ' y Sylvester 4 t'llto, Plttston. Pa., 2-7. Sylviiu 4 O'Neal, Farm, Toledo.'0.. 2-7, To le. Harry, ft Co., Academy of Music, Montreal, Can,. 8-7. -.•.-•■ ^- - Tuiinvu, Julius, Colonial. N. Y. C, 2-7. Tuiinn, Island Park, Sandusky, Pu., 2-7; Moullli tJrove, Tamauua, 0-14. Tauquny, Eva, Kellh's, Phlla., 2-7. - Tuaiiuiiiluii Tiouiie, llageubevk-Walluce Circus. Ta-clus. Bennett's. Montreal. Can., 2-7. 'I nl.olt. Gill, ft CO., Battle Creek. Mich., 2-7. Taylor Twin Sisters, Morrison's, ltockaway Beach, Turvatts. The, Gruiid, Hamilton, O.;- 2-71 Phil- lips, Rlcmond, lud., 0-14. Teddy Trio, Orpheum. St. Paul. Minn., 2-7. Triiuy. A. 10.. Howard; Boaton, 2-7; Crescent Gardens. Revere, 0-14. Tenley, Elmer, Majestic, Chlesijo, 2-7. Templetou, P. Francis, Acme, Sacramento, Cat., T ''i t i ,c v M ''' * Mr*; Harry, Park. Medford, Mass., 2-7; Heniiett's. guebec. Can., 0-14.'' Thor. Musical, Saratoga, N. Y.. 2-7. Tboniaa ft Payne, Oaklho, Bjhigharatou, N. Y., 2- Those Four Girl", Haymarket Chicago, 2-7. The Quartette, Orpheum. Omaha, : Neb., 2-7; Or- pheum, Kansas City. Mo.. 0-14. Tlppell ft Kllment, Kikeslde Park, Dayton, 0„ To.vs. Muslciil, Lycomlnu. Wllllamsiiort Pa.. 2-7: Academy. Pollevllle. 0-14. ' Toiibeya, The. Ijike. Worcesler. Mass., 2-7. Threat Empire, Huboken. «. j;, 2-7. ' ' Toledo tV Price, Bennett's. Loudon, Can,. 2-7. Tobln Sisters, Arcade,' Tolrvfe, rv 2-TV ' TrlUera, The, 0. U.. OUcago, 8-T, ... ,. f , jay atji s^.h in- nisi " ■—■■ " ■■ Troctdero Ouarte'tte, Duleland,' JiCJaontllW, FI*., i ia in i am tm*. Mr. a m*jm&4BE£SBMgti'mj, Ttumbell Sextet, K/ft P.> if/*«7 W- «•'•• \\ Tronbadouie (8). UkealfciPark, Abon, A)., 2-7. Tumbjlof ITom'* <3Jj Laktrdewrxnuiy PultiBouth- Tolft^ayf ft D C<)^ lMth %U*. - T. C., 2-if. •xjrp, ; Fenn*U Ti-yaoh, Pai)Uge'*, Seattle, Waah. V. 8.' A. Boy*, The, Henderson's, Coney Island, N.'-Yi,' 3*7i ■ ' . „ „ - Urban! ft Son, Union Square, N. Y. C-. J-<- Vanlells, The. Star, Atlanta. Oa., 214. Vance, Clarice, O. 0. H.^PlUburg, 8-7. Valdlngs, The. Farm, Toledo, 0., 2-7. Vatadoni, The, Orpheum, Bprlngflcld, O., 2-T, or- pheum, Mlddletown, 0-14. „'•.'_. «_ Van.Qrtra.A.ODtreJy. SUr, PorUand, Or., 2-7. Vafaeite, 8hnbert's, Kansas City;- Mo., 2-7. Van, Billy, Milwaukee, 2-7. Vanganera, Ihv, Pirk, Johnstown. Pa.. 2-7. VuDlmon Troupe, H.genbcck-Wilace Clrcua Vanderroort. Blaa; Borlck'a, Elmlra, N. Y., 8-T. Vagcea. The, Winona eBocb, B.iy City, Mich., 2- 7: Ft Wayne. Ind., 9rl4. • Virdon, Berry A WHoer, Oarden, Buffalo, a. x., 2-7; Rochester, 8-14. Vivians, The, 0. II., Chicago. 2-7. Violets (3). Phillip's, Richmond, ImL, 2-7. Vloln A Engel, Atlantic Garden, N. X. C, 2-i. Volta. Proctor'a, Troy. N. Y., 8-T. . Vbelker, Mr. A Mrs. Frederick, helth's, Colum- bus, O.. 3-7. _ „ _ Vokes 4 Vokes, Bennett's, London, Can., 8-7. Vynos. The, Woodbind Park. Ashland, Pa., .3-7; Pastor's, N. X. 0., 014. Ward 4 Curran, Haymarket, Chicago. 2-7. Wagner. Clara, Lyric. Dallas, Tex;, 2-7; Lyric, So. McAUestef, I. T., 9-14. • ' Waltainger. Bertha, Poll's. Scranton, Pa„ 2-7. Watermelon Trust Armory, Blnjaamton, a. Y., 2-7 Walton, Harry, Olentanguy Park, Colombn*, 0., ■ J-7;' Watson's Farm Yard. Colonial. N. Y. O., 2-7. Walnwrhjht, Marie, A Co., Kelth'a, Phlla-, 8-7. Wayne, A. J„ Kaoltauhce. Wis., 2-14. Walton,. Fred., Benetfa, Montreal, Can., 2-7. Walboarn 4 Whitney, Grand, HaxJetou, Pa., 2-7; Mt CarmeJ, 0-14. '•■„■, -„ .. „,. Wkrda, Al., ft Co., Grand, Huntington, Ind., 8-7; O. H., .Warsaw, 9-14. „ „ „ »- Ward Bros, ft Co., Albambra, N. Y. 0., 2-7. Waterbury Bros, ft Xenny, K. A :P., Jersey City, N. J„ 2 7. , „„ Wayne A Lewis, Shea's. Buffalo, 8-7. . Weston, Willie. Auditorium. Lyun, Mats., 2-7. West, John A., Fontaine Ferry Perk, Louisville, Welch, Me'uly A Montrose, Keith**, Providence, *• '" 8-T. .' ' „ 1 Wentwortli. Vesta A Teddy, Salem.^ Mass., 2-7. Webb'i, Capt, Seal*, Ft. Plain, N. Y., 9-14; Batavla, 18-21. „ Welsh, Fraucia, 4 Co., Poll's, Worcester, Mas*., 8'7. ■,. ' • West ft Fowler, Phanlx, Columhu*, O., 8-8. Webb, Ramolo 4 Webb, Hamona Park, Orand Rapids, Mich.. 2-7. .„ Whalen A West, Moss A Stroll Tour, Eng., 3- White,' Ed. B. A Holla, Pequpt Park, WestUeid, Mass.. 2-T. .'': •: '. I. Whlteslrim, Ethel, ft Her Picks, Birkenhead, Lug., 9-14; Sunderland, 10-21; Gateshead, 28-38. Whltelsw, Arthur, 23d Bt, N. Y. C, 2-7. Whlleley ft Bell. Faxtaag Park, Harrlaburf, Pa.. 2'T: . . • fl •' . ■' ■ ..'•* . Wheeler, Thelma, Skn Soucl Park, Chicago, 8-7. Whittle. W. B„ i'astor'K N. Y. 0.; 2-7; Chase's, Washington, D, 0., 0-14. White, Salem. Mass.. 2-T. '■ ', >' ■ ■ • • Wills ft Rously, People's, Phlla.. 2-T. Wise 4 Milton, il. O. II., ■PRtJhurg. 2-7, Williams. C. W.. Keith's, Providence, R. 1., 8-7. Wilson Bros,, Keith's, Columbus, O., 3-7; Lyric, Dayton. 9-14. Wlsewuu'H, Prof., Dogs, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y„ 2-1B. ' " -• , Williams Duo, Auburn, N. Y.. 2:7; Oswego, 0-14. Wllai4c, Great. Ban Soucl Park. Chicago. 8-T. Wbjbtman, Allen, orpheum, Mlnnspolls. 8-7. Wlaon ft Eaton, Howard, Boaton, 3-7; Miner's, Bowery, N. Y. .a,; 9-14. . ■! ■:.-. Wllllsais ft Tuckeri Forrest, Phlla.. 2-7. .'.' Williams, Sam, CBtb St..' N. Y. C, 2-7. Williams. Frank ft Delta, 0. H., Lincoln, Neb., 2r7. .. '--. '< Williams ft Ilculy. Grand, -Newport, Ky., 2-7; Drestnlsnil, Ironlnn, ()., U H. Williams, Gus, Park. Canton, 0., 2-7. Wlllard ft Bond, Franklyn Square, Worcester, Mass.. 2-7..:. . :.. ■ Wludom, Constance, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cat, 2-14. ' i -I, Wilson, Hattle. BIJou, Norfolk, Va., 2-7, . Wilson A Mack. BIJou, Norfolk, Vs., 2.7. Wlllard, Bond A Co., Franklyn, Worcester, Mass., 2-7.. ' •' Wills A Raueley, People's. Phlla., 8-7. Wunlette, Eatelle, 4 Co., Colonial. Lawrence, . Mass., 2-7; 8Stb St., N. Y. C, ,9-14. Work A Ower, Arcade. Toledo, 0., 8-7. World 4 Kingston, Orpheum, Salt Lake City, C, 3-7; Denver* 9-14. Wotucrt Trio. Teihpte, Detroit, 2-'l. Wolfcs, Musical, Star. Aurora. Ill,, 2-7. Woodward; Ed A May, Cook's Park, Evansvllle, Ind., 2-7. . ■■-■ Wrenns (2), French's New Sensation. Wurnelt Bros,, Empire, St. Lout*. 2-T.' • ' - Wynn ft'T^wia. Shea's, Buffalo, N. Y„ 8-T; To- ' ronto. Can., 0-14. ■ ' ;•' r> Wyaanrf ft Wygand. O. H., Oswego, N. Y., 2-7; BIJou. nioEhamton, 8-14..; Wynn,' Bessie, Poll's, Worcestec, Mass., 3-7. York, Max. Rhea's. Toronto, Can., 2-7. Young, Ollle, A Bros., Osrrlck, Wilmington, Del., Youngs (3), Majestic, St. Paul. Minn... 2-7. Youngs 4 Brooks; -Varieties', Ferre Haute, Ind., 2-7; Temple, Ft Wayne,- 9-14; Zanclgs. 'The; Cromer.-Kug., 0. Skegueis 6, Salt- hnrn-by-ihe-Sea, 7; \Vhltby, 0: Bridlington. 10; Rlciiinoud, Surrey, 11; Byde. 12, Lowestoft. 13, 14; Clm;li'im,'-18. Croyden. 25; Southsea, 2(1. Zano, Maflcal, Proctor's.-Albmy,'N. Y., 2-7; Keith's, Providence, B. I., 9-14. Zarow, Fravhda. A Gray.' Orphlum, Springfield O., 2-7; Muncte, Ind.. 0-14. Zaael A Vernon Co., Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 2-7; Worcester. 0-14. Zaisorns, Cycling, Inmun's Casino, Coney Island, Zanettos', The, Kelth'a. Columbus, 0., 2-7; Tem- ple, Detroit Mich., 0-14. Zasa, All, Bijou. Battle Creek, Mich., 2-7. Zenettos, The, Keith's; Columbus. 0., 2-7. Zella, Harry, Auditorium;- Plttxhurg, 2 7. Zenn, Jordan ft Zeno, Fair; Slierburt, Can., 2-7; Chase's, Waihlngton, D. C. 9-14. Zimmerman, Willy, Shubert Milwaukee, 2-7. Zlskr 4 Klnf, Bennett's, Ottawa, Cm., 8-7. Zlngsrella, Fair. Toronto, Cun.. 8-7. ZouboulakH, Dulutb, Minn., 2-7; Superior, Wis., Zulu. F. M., Luna Park. Seattle. Wash.. 2-T., ON THE RO AU. Supiileinential , Llat — ll.-.-el»ert Too IiRte for l Insalncutlon. Aubrey Sloe';. Western" (J. C. Mathews, mm.) — Wheellni', W. Vu., 8-T. ; ' ■ ' ' Barcumc, hlyrlle (Ed. H. Branch, mgr.)—Oage- , town. Mich., 2-7, Deckervlllc 0-14. • Bunco from Arlroua"*—Baltimore, Md., 9-14, "Ooust Guards" (J. L. Temiasst mgr.)—Wblti lluveu, I'u,. C, Freelund 0. Epbrnta 7. Down- liigtou 9,-Mount Joy 10, Tower City 11, Will- laiustowu 12, Fruckvlllc 18; •■• "From Aerims Iho Poud'' (M. M. Thelse, mgr.)— N. Y. City 7.'Indefinite. ' llortis, Joe (Modal ft Miller, ingrs.)—Scruulon, Pa.. 2-1. Wllkes-Barre 5-7. WSWlifTlvVVa »-ll, /uiiesvllle, 0„ 12. HamllUiu 13, Spring' ' Oeid 14,-. ■■...-- „" -., Herald • Hiiimre. Dramatic. A. A. -Wall's (Fred Droekeiimlllcr, mgr.)— Boouevllle. Miss.; 8-14, Heflld Sunore Slock, A. A. Wall's (M. Clark, mgr.)—\tmltliluiid, Ky., 8-14. " Honeymomiera" (Cohan ft Harris, nigra.)— . Uocltester, % :Y., 7. i ,f i 0 At?. n n J ..c h ClJyT"j.! n 2 e 4 , r y ^ ^"^ ""^ "Life of an Actress," Aubrey Mitteotbal's—Bal- tlniore, Mil., -9-14; ' ' - ■ . .^ "Mrs. Wljrt* «r the Cabbage Patch" (Lleblcr A ferffl^TjwSs, 0., 2-7, ladlauapolls, "Mlulsfefs'goa." Macauley ft Patton's (R, E. Ihtt eiljce. mgr.)—Newton, III., 9, Mount Vernon , .WVatorV 1 '!?, 11, ^^ ^.^ |WS "Millionaire .Tramp;" Elmer Walrera* - fl» i Wits'* Family" . (Chic ■Howard,,. mgn)_ Jackson, Mich... 7, Michigan Otty.Ind., 8. Ben- 'yh^flarbor, Mich.. 0, Sties 10. Msrshtll ii Mwi«lc-j'j.-sT«nesvllIc 12, La Porte. Ind,. u 1-StSsrt Stock .(A,; P. ibced, mjto_u, lr ,: 'Rossliltt'SDy'' (Edson jjk Adams, mgre.)—Sctial- iJrTla., fl. Holsleln 77 Klngiley 9, Elk Point S Dak.. 10. Hawarden, la., 11, Paoillna 12 Southerland 13, Priuigher 14/ . "Through Death Valley. 1 ' J. D. Barton ft Co;'i (C. L. Crane, mgr.)—Trenton, N. J., 5, New Brunswick 0, Dover 7,' Bayonne 9-11, Patersou WHbV j(at' M. JBroauhurst tfCurrie, JMH.)r- Wllllsnu and Walker—Atlantic City, N. J., 0-7. SDRLKSQUto ATiTi VAIIIJMVILLU. Brlgrtlew (Oha*. CromweU, mgr.)- -it." Y. city 9-14 Golden Crooks (Jacob ft Jermon. mgTSr)—Balti- more, Md.. 9-J4.' vi - Gay Toreadors (Oep-.M. Hale, mgr.)—Troy, N. Y., 2-4, Albany H-7, N. Y. City 9-14. MISSTHELS. , , . Oobum'a, .7. A.—Paris, Ky.,'6,iFrankfort 6, Dan- ville 7, 8, Harrodaonra; 9. Somerset 10. Harrl- man, Tenn., 11, Jellico 18, Mlddlesboro, Ky., ll.; ■■ • •! ■':■ "-'.' -I ■ :l-- Gorton's (0. C. Pearl, mgrj—Mschanlcsvllle, N, Y,, 7. Slinron Spiltss 9, Coblcsklll 10, Cooiiers- town 11, Oneonts 18. . TENT SHOW. Shh Bros.'—Klcutnond, Ky., 0, Nlcnolsvllle 0, Veraallles 1. (; : '^'' ' - ' - MISCBLLAIVEOI'S. Georgia Troubadours' (Wm. McCabe, mgr.)—Pres- ton, la.; 4. Delmar Junction. 0. De Witt 0, Grand Mounrt 7, 8. Wheatland p. Hammond—Frederlcktofi, Nebr., '2-7, Coatesvllle 9-14.- New York Comedy—Emporium,..Pa., 7, Austin 8, Galeton 10, Westfleld 11-14. Sevengala (W. C. Mack, mgr.)—Sucramento, Cal., 2-7. Sun Francisco 11-14. Steele Family Show—Itooheatcr, Mich., 2-7. Sonny South (W. It. Merkle, mgr.)—jlllckuuin. Ky„ 4, New Madrid. Mo., Ii. Point Pleusant «, Tlplonvllle. Tenn., 7, Realfvot 8. 0, Caruthers- vllle 10, Qotlonwood Point-11, Tyler il2, Bar- flelil,"Afk.,-13. Luioro. 14.. , '-••:. i i 1 ' " ' ■ "■' '" : j ) BY SAM UHRLICtt..."•■ U.' Big Chief 11. C. Muiisi! wits elected u mem- ber' of the executive board Of the I. A. I, Members of that organization wishing to obtain due stamp*, can secure same by ap- plying to tbVofflce. , . • A telephone booth was Installed this week find Is quite an Improvement over the uid system. The "bachelor boys" now breathe u Blgh of relief. ■ ■•', Appllctttlon* for rooms In our bondwhlely appointed clubhouse Ore coming ln'rapldlv. The waiting list Is growing very large. "So, boy*, get In line before It Is too late." Tbe Bervlce And the surroundings are homelike In every detail. Carroll and Cooke were In Philadelphia last weekr. ;; Bro. Max Konoruti, president of the I. A. L., arrived on the oteamslilp "Pretoria" last Saturday. Brother Hals contourplatlng a trip to Lou- don can get visiting curds to the London Vaudeville Club by applying to the "Rig Chief." They will He Assured a good time on the other side of l let pond,' Member* while In tbe city should uttcud meetings regularly. There 'is alwnyg some- thing going on that will 'Interest you. ftuu up to our oHlcefi arid Inspect the perfect sys- tem now In operation. Harry <C) Stanley, "the grand old man" of our ordci', will leave for Milwaukee this week. >••-." Championship plpochlo guines have "been suspended Indefinitely," since Hurry'.Walters nnd his partner. Frank Hill, have gone West. Bro. Gerald Griffin and hie''trunks areoe- cupylng suite 88'at the clubhouse. The bell boyo have gone on a' btrlko since his arrival. We are pleased to see Bro. MuiuiUllim up nqd around, "You'ro looking one, Max. n and we sincerely hope that ere long we will 8*0 you on the boards. •-••' Members will confer a favor on the or- Sanimation by making all checks, money or- ers,-etc.. payable' to the "White Hats of America." •••:.'.• i ■ .-■ ,..■ ,8. ro ;.. Hll, £y, K e«bo : xibs aBflbc'lateU. nlmself with Miss Beth Franklyn, and together they will produce a sketch In vaudeville'. , .,.. Harry „ stellln K; f 3 the lirst rflember of the "Water Rata'.of 0og|and'-' to take advantage of. the courtesies est.abli*hed .between, that order and tho "White Rats of America." ,'There'was u large attendance at the gath- ering at Keen's on Friday night, Aug. SO. A motion was Introduced by Friar 8. Oood- friend, chairman of the itinerant committee, that the' corresponding secretary reserve space each, week in the Epistle for publica- tion of the doings of his committee. It was seconded by Friar Joseph Jermon. lrlnr Bruce lid wards, chairman of tbe committee on securing a new Friary, which Is to be.situated In the 0ermltago. at Seventh Avenue ana Forty-second Street, • read .the following: "The work of tearing out the In- terior of .the building on the corner of Seventh Avenoe and Porty-eccond Street Is well along, and It Ih certain that by the end of too "week the architect who drew the plans of the new club rooms will be able to go ahead with his part. This means that wo will be able to move In about the middle 6f October. The plans have been' changed to meet all the suggestions made to the com- mittee by the board of governors. The pro- prietor of the Hermitage hits met thb 'com- mittee In most liberal fashion, accepting amendments of the original epeclucatious willingly. In spite of the fact, tliat they en- tall much extra expense to hint;" •Novitiate Jose Van Den Berg has offered uts orchestra and his entire corps of tenors. baBBos and baritones to tho' Friars for tho formal opening of the new Friary. ,-'■ - ■; The followiuc resolution was the Frltir* at their meeting, and wired lo Mrs. Richard Mutigfield at: New Loodoii, Conn.- " ' ' .'• •' ■;" "The Friars, an organization, qf thcutrlwil press ugents, lunniiijerH and, newspaper men, extend to you the sincere sympliUiy they, feel It tli|s time,. The American people .moiiru the loss of a great artist, and the lfrlBn, ao many of whom wore Intlmute'ly ussticlatcd with Mr.. Mansflold, lament -their pei'suuill hereiivemeitt The Friars respectfully tondcr you their sincere symputuy. ' ••it Is possible:that the next guest of honor will bo Augustus Thomas. If Mr. Thomas accepts, the supjier will- bo given-curly'in Oc- tober, . ', .. " ■ ■... ' ,. • . .,'•'■ . ■■■ ' ;. -'■ ' ■ " ' ' * 'i . 1 ,... . - , ' James C. Jturloive He-eiiK«steil- ,,'Mnes C- MarlOWO.' who creuled.tBo role uf 1 , lm '- I f.lf ,1 K an j '0 -Geo. .M; ,Cohttn:s .musical play, "Fifty Miles from BoBton," wilt con- tinue ln Hie character this season. Tho com- plete roster, of "Fifty Miles from Boston".Is as follows: Edn*.\Va)lacp Hopper, Frltx Wil- liams, Emma Janvier, (Jeorgc l'ar«otis. Doifalu Brian, James C. Marlowe. James II. Brad- bury, Richard Ncsinllb, LpreB Crimm. ItllgwK Plnctis, HazelLowry, Loulso RlaT and Zuluti Bears. \ . ■ ■■ -■+»*> V.J<f»T»» T '»J»<=*s U'Orsny Harried.. , Uwfance D'Oraay was married 'Ih llunlp- Sflfc 5S« H Au K' W. to Susie UuBhholme, »A BngllBu ftctr«Be, . a. -