The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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V • -."'..■.- ■•■■ • ' • • ■ - ■ ; .- ... - M. HErygjtlS^:-^- <■ order to *toM mistakes sad (o ininre °he prompt tleMvery ox the !2SS BdvrrtUea Itt ,tl»l« Hat, »n •veinee pinlnlr tuiareased must he I?»* "»r ench. letter, <uul a written ..rder for the *>ti«r, •»*ned T»lU,,the i«lln»m» mid address, find the Hue f.l liodliietm followed by the sender, •nnsl also be «nclo«ea.. * . .-. s } pliriVe mention the date (or tjnm- J,"l the CMW'RB In which the letter! «ent lot'tn^c advertised. > i.AiHKs' lira. Ajlcr. Margaret ltrown, '-"['.. Iltitclimn, H*™ Becker Florence llVk, ivntl Harlow. Ailee Nirkc BU lp nwlc, Luclla . Itsrry, *»fm llrlltiilneLH'ble Bennett, JMW». liallnrd. Gejrgle »!' rr "" Vl i^r«,« lllnchnm, 'MMM lllimilcll, L'nhj lilabuloll. Ma* Bates. Dorothy HM ,! * n . c tXilhy, I»r e i-tropin, ollto Ciwlwlck, /»'«•• Cunrtney Lottie rirsnn. Bora cm; »*wi<i carer.', Banna carmen, "c"* Cirrnll, Jean Cllflnll.-liOr*tta lOlllns, Mao • i.lrwr. K"a • IJallltis. llnrothy ifiMtt t>Mve ^"" >ro " n sister, ,: "&''v. «. t'nllo, Alllne chamber*. ' Miss Lee Crcleblon, • Arnctto ClnwHii. ninlys llolierly, Lillian k lAnnn lip Sylva.. Totnette llsrhy, Jurie IV i am, Jin"*' Unit, Cornelia lirnl*. Knhy . MAM Kiltie Hale, Adeline ll'ilrinonrt Agnes llnnle; Howl jvnminn Fannie Porsey. Dolls' niimn*. Florence Desmond, .Tolln lie Vero, Leslie. )*»nn.- Lenin ' ncsve*. MaryE. IhMiong. I.llllnn llrnke. Kmtnto. Hi' ' Iri,ii. I . Ilnancltn Dale. Myrtle Karle, Vera Kismet, (Ji'uole Biler. Carrie riiin Annellc V Ijsmnnil, FM jmrt, i/mise Roslcy, I'enrl I'bko, Nettle Frlel Josephine I'lliserald.' ■ Norlnne Franklin Lillian I'flnlirr, Minnie 1'i-niiklln. Onrrle Farmer, Miss Pranks, Madeline Fnrelte, Lottie Cfreen Jnnette.M. Oreyc, Mleibore Urnliiuii, .-.,-, . UHtl.' A. Onbrlck, Mary Oonlnn H n^nri'i OelTlne, Mnvmv illKti. Mm. M. dorUen,' Annn flrosjonn, Ulla lloiviird, Mi'iiii Hallbftok Annlel. Iliinscn, Millie lllckey, tllBirlni. Minn M Hatlmwiiv Alice lllllim, MIhm Mart, Kudle Miirrourt.-1 . '. Kkireneo lliiirv. Aila llatnllton, Ann lluntliacli, ' •■ Flmik MerDert, Alnbel llimlin Vlrjelula HiiiiH'in. 'I'l-ilily llutehlna (Iniro llerfort. Jesilc IKiH'iinl. I • • ., , (Margnrel lolinntona,' , ' T. • Martha Kramer, Maunlle Kins, Lmirn Keene. ; Vlnn I.if, Mllu-r*!' I.n Tour. I He Uivcll. Zelu I Ave, .Inxle . Lymnn, Klhel l^e Mr«. Henry l.lillo Ml8« l'.L I. ilk.', Syiv.'n I/ingiie, KHa ,T. /■viiiin Krancfs ,oeb, Fronkle l.iMiuinl, Villii. LnH'ronoe M»uy LC I 1'1'Ti', . r.mllr Ix>wl», Onrrle r.iiKun. Helen Lnretto TwInH *,n TM'ro, MIm .iiniliii' Irmn MeNnlly, u, ;• ifhcrealtn .Mncklnnbii, MK. V. 0. M(!lnt>-re Mw.-.l Melville, Kittle. \iniii:iril Kevailn Mnrla. icileiin tjnnlon,. LitclUc Muck, si ell ii May.. Lull!<• .Mm i en p. Nlnn Mnrler. '• V'llhemlna Miles. M'i\liw> .Mill'lll, /iiii.I . Milhurn MihIit'i Madcap, Kittle .Melvlll,'. .M'irli- .Miiiiillil.l ' (lerlrmle Mbrrlii UnI<Wii Field, .lenle L. iMnrtlneB. Mian ■Miimnn. Aili'lnlil Maya, nose .Marguerite.. Trnttlnc Act McNally,, '" Trierwltn Moillcn. limel Ahilllinn, 'May McI^iiiKlillit, . ,_. fljfdlce May, *'nnnlt>" Nel«in, Peirl Oralen, Helen i"ml. IfM Deo. Omega, Mile. OneUI 8latern Pyne, Annie L. Itlelinnls Kminle Until, 'I'lnn llotilnaon. Belle lloblnwn, Mne ll.omnlo, Mr». Walter uoblette, i Mm. Bert nittledRe, ilnrgnret nice,' Fnnnle Klnclnlr, Julia Rpeneer Atlanta Sotnniers, • .Mra. Woller Sinclair, Snyder, .le«leK stnuir, Lulu HttiBrt, Mnrle St.. Clnlr, Nno Sawyer, Josephine Sabine, Vera Snillh. Klliel .1. Slnelalr. Kri Suiiliexin, Mlos Rnlc«, Cet'lne Snell. CoiTlne Slnrl. Marie SliMwm I'nnltne Snlinsell Mm.Jim TIiIIkibiix Olrlu Tale,' Beth ■ Tnnney, Anulla Taylor, llora Tlmoipklnn, . Clihrlottc rinimten I.llllnn Tnylor MrfOnenr \' hi ii. Belle Vlntnn, fli'iieo Vlrjim. Klu'e Vnn. riln») Voclker. Mr*. I-" Wheelrr. Mra. Lyman Wnll rioiolhy Miii ii in, Annie Wolirti, Sadie Webb, Jowlbr Wllllntna, Helen Wiillnee. Flo Wood, Becky Wnl*nm, ' Cbrhaic Wrnn, 'WNi VVIIlord Ciii-rlim Walker Kntlirvn While, (Hi. i V. \Vh<U\ Haille Wlent, Mitt li. Wo'i'li. : -,.MIb« Amelln Wrothe, Jennie Wnym . I^IHNI York. (Irace /lllniliii. All,',. ntaNTtiEuiBN'a list. Ailnm*. Paul iCInrk, Ed, American Ncwa- Onrpenter.' L.D. Iiijh Unarleilii Clirtmi llnrryll Mvln. Frier Ahearn Troupe Mien. Will V. Archit * Ohnae AriiM Ironft A.K. A.hion & Kane Alqnlnt AAlston Aduma, Olarence Arlkla, Geo. Allen ft Dulton Alter, ft Delroun Alihotl, FjI. - Ainlerson, Olydo Allen, Harry Allen, Ludlow Allen, Felix Andtin; Hilly Adanvi, Snml F Adam*. Wm. C Aililon, Arthur Anderson, Frank W Aletnnder, Henry llnlley, Fninkle llerk, Al. Ilelinont, Harry Ulnae. Joe Hrcckenrldie, Cliae. HnrrlilKlons Tlie Hoyle, T. J. Dela Tbo « llreen, I>. J, llurke, (iliim, Itoia, Bert Hnrtlett, Ouy B llurlon ft lie Alnin Itenton, ilowntd llmwn. Jot. C. Ilnwera, Wm, HiiIcm, Joe, HiiEbee, Qeo. Iilnekmore, llert Hnrk, Cien. Herkeo, Tlie iinri',1, Victor Hriire ftDonegan Hryitnt, Wllllo llenn, Leo llnrton Jfrnnk Q. Hni'ly, Paul Hiielibolii (leo.n tt-i.ii.e, John Boyer, W. T. HonpBelH Troop Hitrrct, Harry lilolit, Francis terry, J, W.' Ilell, Dlgby lll<h«,m Harry ■lurch, Cbua. Raweu, J, J. Howeii. ii. J. ;;ral|c, f!ha«. J. nirinn. .Too'. ('ani|ihcll, Jno.T ^leiueiiwi Hurry <\rml, Mlko J. follliiH ft Hart 1 »"e. Charlie ciinihaju, Jnn.n ''ronerl, Fred loales. Sliermnn •'nrroll ft Baker fook. Billy ■ nine, John P.. '•Kike WoilnwH I iiiiiilntrhnni A.C lifallna, Clios. Hark. Heo. 0. 'ollln, ft Utfj "'Jle. T. D. fhlef Itim. Klk '•■rwnv, F. ..' (Imrtlen, Mnn. ; ireinlnn. .lenn Million, Ilildley '"I hri'a MldRla ' mllciK •'"Itrell Powell 'I'roime 1 I'ylon. Fred ;>mr»>r. FninkO !.""ier. R. A ' irrlneton Jno, Ciwe. Hurvnrd 1'iiHi'y. John A'. Dei-mi- Fred H Deimriluk, I.nwrence Drttr,'W. N. iio'Ih, Ben Do I.ncey, 1. K. DeHayen Carter De.Vltr Harry X Dawson, I'.ty ninBle, Chan, tint 1h, Geo. I liirtne llOlub P. Dynea, Wm. D. Deyou, Hurry Dawson. 1). J. Davla ft'wilbon Doll, ciiui. Donnldaon, fleo. Durleltrh, Dan Oouoghttn ,1. W. IliU'Kiiv. .Km, M. OarllnR'a Po- nies & Dotto De Van Twin* Dean, Nelson Danadn, B. J. Denvcs. W. K. Dunn, Jno. A. Dull ley, .Ioh, Durkln, Jaa. Duron. Mr. & -• - Mro. Wm. Dlcka. Horroll ICuraii, J. V. Karle Harry II. Hhplnfior. Alois BSlcbbereJ, Jco.J k.iiii., Jack Rramclt, Chno. Rrero, Oeo. W. Kltknn, John F. Rltenc.'. Fred Eejtnirdt, Fred Rlebhem, ,T. J. Filllnlt, Wm. liierlCH, ,T09. II Itlen Oua ((lei ICvuiiM. 0. L. Fowler, Fred D. Frank., Horry Felmeii, Harry [''iirrcll FranliF. Feely, Matthew Fox. F. D. Frailer, 0. W. First. Barner Froylie, Frank FeUuion. I'd. Fiilinii, Arthur Folilk, A. L. Fox ft M.'lvllli) Fern, Harry S., A. Jack FhjJB,. Chai. Frw. i. M. Fredericks W. 11 FnrrlilKton, II. Fertl, FjI. Million, Mack Mould, Al, Cordon, Itobert Mront, IS. (IreKory, II. B Mllll-K, JflH. Ornnger, Willis anvil, C. ,.F. Orlllln Archie S ftamnuc, The llnrUelil Jan. B llortnnn ft Ijoonnrd flrimn. Wall. K. Ililltet't, Allle tioiiiii, Fiiivin (U'or, Ril. linrnellii rii'iwv. it. ii. tllli-or. Clirli :|ihkI«'|ii. Joe tinier. Chewier Irlete., .lohn tluerllli. I Jin In llnltlii, Jn«. A. nulhes. Sam fltaftewln Choa nuhl. Oro. Goodwin I •• -' . Ooodnln Garilener, (Icoli. Grlniey, Tout Getter. ' E. P), ilnrliclil. /as. B Heweltm, D Hnyea AJnlmion Hnmnyond, Jdc Harris ft Neltob. Honan ft Kearny Mealy, Joliu V. Hiirrlson ft Lee Hilton, Comedy Jusgler Hnrrlson, Win. Holmes, li. II. Hlrshncrft, Herman HnlMln. Abe nart,. j. • Henkel, Geo. Hynma, John Mnlkrooka Music lnrlon. W. Honna, Altort lilllmnn, (leu. Hurleys, TUe Hedrlx APreieot Ilefrou, Tom Howard, Horncc Hart. Billy Harrison Bros. Hoyinrd Einfene Honan. J.' F. Hnlloway, F. Maud, O. E. Hayden Family Iluriiiid'H Arnli- Ion Acrobats lleumnn Trio Hobson, Ben Heveim JeroldT. Hyde, Wnlter M Ilowurd, M. G. Harrli A Harris Hanklns W. W. Herrn, Frank Irving, Tom II. Iinhof, Hotror Jinlell. Cliiw. .tolinstone yinlph .TelTrey, Karl Jackson, O. L. John*.ii. Walter Julian ft Price .lumen. W. S. .Inhnnon, v., \V. Jnrrls, Bert Johnntonc k ('.Hike Johnson OaO. v.. JOeRrra FrmtkP InhnKon, .lick Kcll. J. W. Kolb, Alfred Klelne, Mrtil. Kiiitm Aim. n. Kelllher. M. J. Kane. Mnrrls Km no, Great (viirltou. W. A. Kelly, ,1ns. T. Kuln, Geo. Kelly. Joe K. ICclinm, l.ce J. Uenney. <1. «'. Knufmnn, f.. Klmtdon, Iter L Kay, A, Klmlml! tiermnn Kane, C. It. Kecne', Jna. It. Kpoiieii, I'. Klrnliy. J. Kennedy, Tony Llndsli'.iin John I^sler, O. W. fioyd, Hethert ijf Mnr, Ilnrry l.iiley, Frank LaVelle I'rankF. I.ayelle. Geo. I.ewln. Jark '.nrrlyee k Lee Leonard ft,, Itn'tMo Lawrence." Ittlljr Irfslle. Oeo.'W. Lea. A. I.ano, D. fl. 'MlcKWrChnH."- Lynch, Frank I .eo, Frank • Lm»lk ft Anita La Br mi ne, H.F. Icvltt, Joe Leonard, Joan 1/ewls, Claude Le Nolr, G«o. Lambert. Karl Lyneb, Great Utford Cbas. F l.iimii, Sid I.™ior Jt Tower la»ve, R. K. Ijirrnlne, Geo l*v*.y, • Jack I..1.-Moines LnWrn ft Cross l.ncue, Jna. l.iillt'iiie Jlnr.-y Laredo. Gird l*wla, A. L. Io»e, Clarence l.nncJon, . Harry V Ixslerer l.ndwht U-ater Rlcbnrd LnBlntieh Great Martin, Wusti. Miller. John B. Murphy, Geo. MeHralli ftl'alce Miller, Oscdr SIcrcler, Henry MacFaddln & Campbell Martlo, Peter McDonald Eddie Miller, Leonard Marline, Hurry Mas<ev, 0. A, McCnllongh. .. Waltor Morrlasey J. F. McDonald, Mike Mullii, Freit Morris ft Parker McNntll. Joo Martlmer, A. Melr, Harry J. Meehnn, Ilnrry Mnlloy, Dun Merrer. R. J, McCniiloy- , . ' ■■ Putton Maiiousos, Join! McQueen, Frank Mack, Edolc Mntthev/s ft ..... • Ashley Mnrshall, Jack Mu.vwell, Paul Murtynie, II. Mnklln, Roherl Miitinlnu. Jas. ft 1 < Fllnnhelli Mnek Bros, Merrill, Mnseno Mills, Phil MnoCsnn, A. Mnflon.- Dare A artlne*. The h A Tip;, ,TjFBW, Ypj^g, rCMPJZWt efrrmnrn,' Dennle North, South ft A I>lxle Nevnra, Joe O'Neill. Jas. Owen Co., Wm OnpenWlmer Jo Osborne, F. O'Nell. Plehler, B. Parka, Patrick Potts, Wm. ' Poatier, Ernest r'nllno. Frank Powers, F. J. Porter,.. M. A. Powers. John F. I'nr, CIioh. I'elo, Fred Phillips. Clyde Piutet. Geo. E. PenrBon, Harry Pngels, Fred Peyton Iloht. G. Patten A ' Fletcher QnlRlev, (rfm.W. Qulnn Trio Itoblnson, Snml now Is, Will Kohlhsou. • •, Clarence E Ildoe, F. T. ItuHli. Wllllnrd lUnkln. II. Ryan, Frank nied, IL O. Rotwrta, 0. W Itic.'otl Frr.1 P, Hmlcllire, C. .1. Itelfnnyder Cms llalteidicra, II Hydcrs. XM llevelmiil. M. A Itynar, Jinny C IloMiison. Willi. Ron«Hcl|e;>, Ward R. Reddeld, I.. A. Ilohblu. Geo Rajs, Wrny llosa, ('Una. Homo, Jhs, K. Itecklnw, I . Reelileaa Rnffcrly ,1ns. H. Iloblnaon. Tom lloliorts, Slniiley llliier, Frifd llosa. Wuller IW-ylinrd. Ed. F llQzell, AV. G. liny. F. L. Rnlh, Chas. HeTilen. Geo. Hlerensoii ft Vlnecnt Seiner, II. II. XornKhnm, Kdmnml itanilford, Joe ft \IniHi- Sehiialer Mil tun Scott. John Ht. Clnlr. Kd.' .*clniyler. Lee tmltli, Percy Stanley, Earl " Spook Minstrels Siiiifiini. L. (1. suhey, Frank Steele, llnrrv eek Trio Troupe A hmii. R. E. A e.N.Hr, Jits.' It. Mnrtr.. Al. Mnleolms ,.Mnrr. Al unlock 'Bros. Mliinoek Thos.J Aliilvevn Family Mm ii. II. K. ... Maekle, Chns. Smith, II. J». N'lirlh. Bnbliy I Seeker, l/iwls NllsKn, Cnrl jKehmlilt, FrcdR. Isidtlon. FrnnkO. SIJIO NOTICB AT IIIIAI) OF LIS I. ^—^|—~w~i Smith; Pete J. Sterling, Ohas. Show, Al. Strotbor. £. St rock, J. M. Sntun. ■Mr. * Mrs. E. gltdhk, Hurry C Bllyermnu, (.. Saunders ft Cameron Smith, O. I.. StafTordrFreil S. Stroughter, Ed. Stelllng, Harry Schlilta, Jim. Schoelieri. ..j. Jlerman Spenra, Jos. W, "mlth, Frank edley; Harry I, Imlth, Chas. Sully, Wm. .1, atuilrt, Jbhti Stelliur Harry Setton. Horry Sortella, Herbt. Sutbprlnnd, • Freil J. Swor. WJII It. 'Phot Qnarteiie Texas Phil Tessler. Win. • Thompson, ,E. Tockor, W. J. Tlppel ftUMment Tavr. Wnlter I) Tylee, Freil L. Thornc, Ilnrry ThomiiH, mil. Von Mlcht Joi. Vice ft Viola Van, nilly Voerx, Frank Vernon, Waller Von Wolfrnms- rlorff, .Mr. Vlnelln, A, Winn, Peter Wiiltun. Alt II. Wlieeicr, Bert Wnrren, Fred Wnundy, John R Womlliiirn, •Arthur II. Welch, Ben Wilson,' Luke Woods, J. J. Webster, , Ilnrry McRn»j While ft Marlon Whitman. Franklin Wrrtlhe, Kit. L. Ward, llrrrey WetMter. Mr. Wrtcht Chiis Ed WnMen. Wm. WhilPft Sanr.ird Wondvnnl V. P. iVnril. Iliirvoj Whllller. II. It. Wella»11. Cb'na. Wcssella Unbelt Walsh. Billy Wnrron ft. . Brockwny Weher, John Wlllard, C. Whlllev.' linyC Wolfe Ilnrry A.' York,. Cbua. Voln Co. A I'n ViMimrs. • Will C, /.■nil.. Orerit Znrellii. II. ■ • ' ■ ■ OHIO. ' Clnelnnntl.' — The 'future nt Robinson's Opera (louse rcmnlns problematical. ■ . QtUNH Oi'snX Hotist: (Ilalnforth ft llnvlln, trianagefg).—"Ills Honor, ibe. Mayor," MB Harry Keller, Sept. J-7. Nellie Wobl), a urn rlson, O.. Klrl,' Is In the cast. Last.week, "The College Widow" did n shlondlri business. Lew UockstfKleir'fl, MljistMlo'O. ObYMFlc (Oeorge K. Fish &' Lnelltt Fore- Snligh Fish, tnonngers). — The Forepuugli lock Co; Will present, 1-7, as the first offer- ing of the season. "The Love iconic" v Walnut NTitnHT .(Anderson & Zlegler, ninn- ng"ei's).—"Orider SotUbem Skies"'1-7.' "Juot Out of College" wnn well received last week by .audiences of good,size. Lester Crawford, liutli (idles, Mne Morton and Maude Dicker- son were most effective Miirruy and Mack Hi Hkbck's Opbra House (Henck's Opera House Co, ii B. D. Stair, directors) .—"The Kod of tbo Trail" J.-7. "A Fighting Chance,' with BdwarJ. August tind Kdltn .Forrest, drew large auale'oces. 'iThe Four Corners of the Earth", 8. .■.,•., COtUMilA (Anderson ft Zlegler, managers), —QUI week of 1 ■': McMahon's Pullniaii Por- ters, Big City Quartet, Mile. Chester and lior ti'nlnerl dog, Llltlon Ashley, the Aerial 8mlth>, ICremer and Belleclalre,- Lets Auliln Leonei. antl the Constantlne Sisters. LtCBUM (Henck's Orfern House Co. ft K. I). Stair, njdnagers).—Martin's "Uncle Tom'H Cabin" 1-7. Last week "The Phantom Detec- tive" drew good business. "Chinatown Char- lie" 8-14. Standadd (R. K. Hynlcke, manager).— Rice & Barton's Big Gaiety Co. 1-7 The Lltl Lifters packed lite house on numerous occa- sions last week. California Girls S. ProplR's (Hcuck'a Opera House Co., di- rectors).—The Cherry Blossoms Burlesqucis 1-7. "The Mad Stcmpede" was the hit of the show put on by tbo Bohemian Burlosquem, to gooo business, last week. Tiger Lilies 8. Ludlow LAGOON.—The season closes 8. Vaudeville theatre 1-8: Ida Williams, Do Orvllle Sisters, .lohnny Mox, WIlHams, ma- gician, and the Five Marcel las. Cone* Island. —At the Bljon Theatre 1: —Hardy, on the high wire, Is the current week's attraction. Whito Citt. —Freddie Cunningham, wire walker. Is the principal attraction week of 1. Notb.— Capt. James F.-Brlges, who was at- tacked by Young Wallace, the performing Hon, last week, lies at the City Hopltal here, critically 111, and blood poisoning Is feared. , o Coluoihns.—At theorem Southern Al. 0. Field's Mlnnlrels played to capacity houses 'Aug.- 2C. Mr. Field has introduced a now netting for the first part, called "The Flest.i nf-Flowers," which Is a beauty. The.lnterloc" utor, Boardman t'nrnes, Is arrayed In gold and white. The end men, Poc yulgley. Bun ' 'Granville, Harry Vnn Konsen and Billy Clark. • The end men, Doc yulgley. ind Billy C The, vocalists, ...mey, George T. Martin and John C. Dickens, ,-lrcw volltmes of applause. The opening part nlso Introduces Sir. "TatCm Visit to the IMiitlpploes.'' The olio opens with."The Mttle Boy In Green," which irftroduees Enrl Flynn. Billy Clark, In monologue, nuts the house In the best of humor. The Musical Marines (Harry Woods, Bert Rnlton, Ned Brill, Hilly Walters and Docouigloy) entertained with classical selections. The closing number,. "The-Night llefore ChHstmas," Introduced' Rllly Ciark, Harry Van Fosseo, Norman Stnnley nnd "the Demon nnd the. Snake," I'lllla nnd Templeton. 11 whs a ser.'cs of scenic surprises, nnd carols and chimes of Christmas. "Mrs. WUss of lue Caboago 1'nlch" Sept. ^-7. KElTH's.-^Wcek of •_': Wright Huntington nnd company, Mr. nnd Mrs. Voclker, the* Comedy Four, Kenb, Wnl9h nnd Melrose, Ihp Kenettos, Wilson Bros., nnd Cooper and'Itobfason. ■ >•• ■ lliriit feon —■ "Bunco In Ailzonn" re- ceived Its Initial performances hero Aug. ".'ti- L'S, and wan enjoyed by'good houses. "The lCud of the Trail" plenscd good houses 'in III. "Sllperba" Sent. 2-4, Murray nnd Mnck 5-7. OAYDty.—^Tho opening lins been delayed, rr Poteraon.—The Kraplro. opened Aug.. 10, mil for week ot 2rt Included: Charlotte Perry and cnrnpnnv, Lvdln aAd Albino, lllalto Com- edy Four, A. (i. Dnni'.tn. Will Uster! and company. Morrow and Hrhellberg, the Burkes, and the kluetogniph. LycKtiM.—"Convlet '■ I>09" had good slsed houses Aug. 'M-UK "Cupid at Vnsaar" fared wen 20-31. "Ninety and Nine la,tbo offer- ing-this week. (foi.i.y opened 20.1 Twentieth Century Matda 2-4, Wsalitngtnrl Society fllrls ,1-7> i Kllanbeth—The Lyceum, remodeled and now known as the New Lyceum, Flroy ft Drake, managers, hna been drawing- large andlehces. "I'nder Suspicion" came Augi 2".'- 24, to Immense business. "Me, llliu and I," 28, drVw heavllv. The Behtnnn Show 20-3). "Tho Mayor of Laughinnri" Seiit. 2-4. "A Millionaire's Revenge ,V7. "From Broadway to the Bowery" 0-11. I'roctoh'h. fully redecorated and remodeled. , opened 2 (Labor. Bay I. Willi Drat class Keith ft Proetoc circuit vaudeville. * H *' ■ - MISSOURI. SI. i.oula.- At Deimar Garden (T. T. Ijjwh, manager) "TJie.Ofljca Hoy," by lh»> Deimar Garden Opera Co., Aug. 3r> and week. John B. Vnung, Caecllla Rhodn. ..fosle Intro pltli, Alice Wells, Frank Stammers, Wm. H. West, Frank Hushwortb nnd Minnie .liirhcan madii hits. On Sept. 2 the last performance of this company is given. BuiiiinnAN Gaiiphu (Oppcnhelmor Bros., man- njrers).—Helen Bcrtrnin, locally very popular, Whs seen In ".lane." AuR. 2I> tuld week. The Suburban Stock Co. was Irf suppOl'L Rnslna Henley, Helen. Hurt nun's, tinughicr, inmle Her professional debut In '•.lani , ,"at litis place, 2fi. "A Scrap, of Paper" woek of Sept. 1. Tl|ls will end the regulnr shows lit this plum. The Kuicrnlil Srork i'n., a lofnl orgunltiltlrsi, under tho direction of P. T. Ctinninghnro, wll 781 New, Star ,(F. II. Ttotrmnn, manager ).— T|ie New Century Girls put in n highly iirmlt- ahlo engagemetit last weak. The Rollicking Girts week of Sept. l.€ ALiiahbra (Jas. A.-, Hlgler. roansgeri.-- "ThtYlCat and the Fiddle" last week drew nt- tetnttltce that was highly satisfactory. "The ConhtyChslrDian" week of 1. . ." BUOU^lJohn It. I'larce, rosldent manager). —"The Aolunleer Ufgnnltit" opens 1, for wectf. "Young HutTnlo, King of the Wild Went," draw udmlrers of raelodrnnis In big nttmliera last week. t'uvai'Ai. IK. B. Winter, manager).—People week of 2 include: Olive Vail, t'uuthroupc nnd Forrester, Dixon ami Klolds, Ferry, th^ frog- man : Fred HuSse, and the CryHtBhrraph; l.'MriiiH. —Malinger H. Trlns onVrs. the fol- lowing hill week of 1: W. F. Henderson's Merry Youngsters. Rlson Cltv Trio, Hilly Zarony, Jeanette Allen and motion pictures. Business has Invn excellent. NOTKV. — t.'eon Wnchsticr dlrectoi 1 of the PdtiRt Theatre,- lines retunn'd from Herihnny. where he went In engage new actors and plays for .the J'nbst season, .which opens Sept. 2i!. The people engaged arc as follows): Mlnnn Collins fiAiinns.—Big business. ' Nivriis.—llirtlnridln 1'nt'lt will hnve Phlne'n "Port Arlhui'" ' week of 2 The Ohio Stntc Fair Is held here Sep!. 2-0..' jblr- fulo Blil'S Wild West 2.., I' Toledo,—At the Casino, weok of Aug. SO, "The Umprre" enjoyed un exccptlnnnl run. Joe Whitehead , was tit nnce u favorite, ••ilumpty Dumpty" Ibis week. Fabm. —Week of Sept. I will' lie the lust week of vaudeville, followed week of 7 bv Creatore's Bund, to close the senson. LYCKI/m.— Aug. 25-28 "Tho Volunteer Of- gaulst" was the opening nttroHlon. nnd wus accorded liberal patronage. S. Miller Kent, In "Raffles." 2(1-31 ; "Arizona" Sent. 1-4. Ai(CAn»:-Coi,i.E(ir Thuatkb will open Its doors Sept'. 1, with Genaro I Bnlley. Nor- ton nnd . Nicholson. Chits. Howtird, Onrla Opi-ra Troupe, Topln Sisters, the Great t'liur- lettu. Work and Owcr, and moving nlclitres. UtiaT'N.—-"King and'011000 of Gamblers" played to good hiwlncss Aug. 22-24. "The initliiw's Christmas" was well rendered 2D- 28 "The Trust Busters" 80-31, "The Orlglmil Colleti" Sept. 1-4. KMPinR.r-Sept. I nnd week the Bowery Riirlosquers open this popular theatre, Num.—Louis Hurtlg. has been nppolnled general mnnager of tho Arcade-College .The- atre. He wlirhe assisted by Ilnrry WlnWrs, treasurer; Ralph simivviint, nsslstnnt treas- urer: Louis Lehmnn, stage manager; K. It. Schremser, musical director, and Fred Kess- ler. ndrortlslng agent, ' I «) i » Anna Gclsler. the snprnno snlnlHt. hns proven at" draw! Following In I he jmvlllini : Sovett Aiiierii'iin Wblrlwliids, Ihe Bnothlnek Qtinr- lit lb, IMlsy Allen. Iliiyiiioiiil and l.cnnard, nnd Johnny Wt'st. AUvsiiiVs I'aiik (Mntinlnn Urns., tnntin- i»rs).—This week: ICIIswnrtli ttml Hurl, Kul- llltN and. Klifnin, ('lurk lllld Triuple, .lolili Brynes, the Miinnlniiscu|ii>. Tlu> vtintlnvlllt' tbitrnniacnts, Tuesday nights, riffcf great In- ducements to nmnlours.' ' llri.ii'Hii Gahprm (II. flrtirp, ouinflger).— •'All' Hecituse of'n'Womml'M l^ite," with Ar- thur Stanley, by the- Stanley Stock Co., 2ti and week. "How Women ■uett" titles week. " GbaNp (.1.'II. Fleming, mnnager).—"The innkce Regent," wllh Toby lyyons, M nnil week. ■ . • .. i ■ • iMi-iaim, (D. R. Russell, initnngrr). —"Kate Barton's Temptation" wbs. roost enthusi- astically received 2fi and wei>k. The lend wns played by Ida Itimsell. "The Hack Mountain Kipress Sept. I-and week.- • - 1 llAVi.iN'a (Wm. tiiircn, manngor),—"The Hoeokor ■ Berens. Michael lnollovlu. Willv lieutlcr, Conrad Rohdr. The opening bill will be .Rrnnchoogor* drama, "Narclas," ThePahst 'Cheat re will offer tho Flsko and 'Belaacn Kng- Hah attractions during the seaaon, besides travel talks by Ilnttou Holmes-anil Klincn- ilnrff '.Paul lieninniluo has left for New York in go ahead of lllnnciio Walah, Ben- .lamlne's friends gave him n farewell linn iiuet at the Milwaukee prean t.'lub. Fred llitemmer, property! man nt the, Star. wns recently held up and>hadly slushed, hav- ing one cut running from thn point above Ills loll, enr to his chin, .Air. Ilueiniiier was also, unfotttmate. In losing, his father. M. HUemmer. who died Saturday, Aor. 17. mut WH.M burled on Tuesday, 20. iThe, entire force of the New Star attended thn funeral Frank II. Trotimnu will open theiratliakelier In the New Star, Sept, 1. X2l>,0u<) has. been expended for cosily pntntlngH antl .expensive fixtures. Tho cafe Is In keeping .with Ihn rasi of -the New Star building, which I* with- out a question one nf the most cnn.tpl.ntn and model iiurloaujiie limine* In the country.... Manager Trlti7, of Hie Umpire, Is putting In a- large'balcony, which should lie complcled early In Septemhcr, Tills will give him n scaling capacity Is 1,20(1. Gnnil iiinniigeinenr tins modi- the Kniplru a popular llirittrn on the Hnuih uhlc.... llnrrv Harris nnd S. II Htmnn, .local repteHentntlvn of the ICnstetn wheel, won onl on the rnndcuimiHnn pro- ceeillngs, nnd the Gnyeiy will opeu as an nnunreil, Sept. 1. Tlu* liotisn and Hie New Star, uln.vlng Wealern wheel nllrnclloiis, are both lillllng I'cnvllv. ami a lively season In nssiil-ed. ' ' • ;• ♦<» 1MHA>'A. ' liidlnnnpolU. •-AL iCngllsh's (Ipern Ilniise (Ad. F. Miller, iniiiniger) Al. G. FleKI's \lln- Mlrels.Atiit. ;m, 31. "The Umpire" Sept. 2, .'I. 10. M. Ilnlliind, In ''The Utilise or a. Thousand C'untllea," 0-7, I'aiik Tiihatiik (Dickson i Talbot!, tiuili- agersl.—"Thorns ami llrancn lllnsanins," Aug; •Jli-2^, stood I hem up; .Marin's "llticle Tom m Cabin" 20-31, S. Miller Kent. In "Hatile*." Sent. J!-4,.\ BnA.Ni> Oi'HttA HoiJSW (Slinfer Zlegter. roan- ngeri. • TIiI.h lieiiutirul new liliitlertl'llionlre will open week of Sept. 2, with the follow- Standard (I,eo Relelienhacli, manager).-- „.„ |,| K u ( .| nM- tilll: Mine. llnTlholill nud lier Kay Fostor Gih. prcsenllnir "DresH Parade nerfctrrulrig cocltntoiis, Slstern n'Meers, Chlrtkn and "Alanlla Buy. Tho -olio Include* i Lena ,, nq eomnnnv, Hie Mnsim-Koeler coiupnii.V. Alice Lvdnn Boll, Frederick Ilrns. anil Burns. Minnie Kaufman, llurlon and l.n Trlaka, unil tile bliHi'ilpe. Maicni-ii (E. ,|. Frlhley. mnniigor).—This tmy new house, which Is In the Nash, llur- rows A circuit, will open iHnpr. ■ 2 with Improved vaudeville, nt popular prices, Four Corners of the Hnrlh" week of Aug. : •with Will' II. Fluids. "Panhandle, I'ctn" Hepl. 1 and .wcejt. Dillon and NEW .ILHtMlV . Newark.—George Hobblns, the uew insn- nger ot the Newnrk Theatre, unnounce* an exceptionally tine lint of nt tract Inns booked for the coming season, opening with "Forty- live Minutes from Broadwoy," Sept. 2,1 with Kiiinta CnriiH featured. Mclntyre and Heath, Ia "The Hum Tree," week ot Sept. 0. Proctor's (II. c. Stuart, resident mana- ger);—Business rernnlns good here.. SMttniinx (II, M, Hymns, manager).—This house again changes its policy litis season, and, with a few changes and alterations, comes fortb ns the local home of the Klnw ft I'hliinger Advanced Vnntl.'vlile. a lung and stnatlcuiiy greeted, varied bill Is arranged Id open the house, Oarkick (Dan Sept. 2, with Joe Welch as lbs headline!. The Mil also names! Mile. Emmy's pets, the Four Bards, (Tlnton, nnd Jormon, Joe Hart's Military Girls, Ah Ling Son, Frosln, mid Ed. Bloni'cll and company, In "The Lost Boy." i'ot.i-Mm v (M. J. Jacobs, manager l.—A strong class of bookings in noted at this house, "Her Fatal Ijovc" bnlug the currcui offering, followed by "Convict D00," week of Sept. 0. "The German Emigrants" pleased last week. Hlankv'b (J. H. Buckcn, manager).—"From Sing Sing to Liberty" supplies ttirrlbj uplenty this week. "Lottie, the Poor Saleslady," week of Sept. II. Harry Clay Btaney, In "The Boy Detective," drew large audiences last week. Waldm.\?,n'8 (Lee Ottolengul. manager).— Freshly painted and decorated, tills house opened Aug. 31, with n big ntidlcucc, to wel- come ClnrK'a Jersey Miles. The Hose Hill Co. Sept. 014 Olympic Park (H. Wefcrs, manager).— The Aborn Opera Co. will fittingly close a Lu Couvelr, Lewis and Chopin, Moore, and others. . ; (Iatctv, (p. T., Crawford, manager).— Ilu'rrv Bryant's liixlravaganxn Co., with spe- cialties by Iliu tv Brynnl, Billy I\, Wells, Ihn Stella Troupe nf Bight Kngllah Olrls. K.lllh Bryant, Pearl. Foster and Florence Hughes. I'm, i'm n ia (Mlddletnn ft Tale, managers). —Bill' la beaded by Minnie Scllgtnuu and William Bramwcli. Othera are: t'bnrles WaVttc, assisted by Ocririide Be* Rorlie and company, Bartholin* cockatoo*. Hhnm, llomtn, B-r-r-r, Ollvo Vail, Two Vlvlnits, the Trllleis, Glenn Burt, and.Ihe klnodromt. Cknturi (INit Short, mtiutgei'). — "The Heir to the Hoornli" opens this theatre Sept. 1, with Frank Monroe, Helena 'hftrkuye. Ralph Dean, Anne Meredith, Gene Lnmoiil, Hen S. Hlgglils, Harry Crosby, Cassias V. ijuinhy. II S. Hashlda and Frederick Roberts. . Ot.TMi'ic (l'at Short, manager).—'TlieMan of the Hour," the season openur, wns entliu- giving three petrnrmanees dally, |1»1PIHH lllnrr.v Brury, tiuin _ Jolly Girls Burliisnuers, with ICilmand Hayes Harry Drury, tuiinagerl.— Tim In '"The Wlss Guv," tilled the, house twice it dny Aug. 2)1-28. Tiger Lilies 211-111, Ktnpirtf Hiirlesntiei-s ' Sept. 2-4, Hrhsdwny Gnlely Hlrls-A-7, M Ism New Vork Jr. 0-11, Jolly Grass Wldhws 12-14. 1 Gavrtv (IWw, Mhayne, innnnger). —Harry llrvnnl'H ■ Kxlriivugnii/u Co, wenlt of Sept, 2. kumiANK (Mrs, A. J. Tron, iiinnager), - "'* Hand week of 2i NDt!lll.ANIl.—Wtltet lurnlviil, MAO Mel- KIItie's Hand week of 2i ' WONDRnt.ANP.- iMitle, Muflli 'Mi uys' (jiiiirii'tie nnd Armlt's did i ■ The La Monts, Dorothy Kenton, Casad and very successful season here by giving, this Do Veme, and Mnrctn, the Military Maid. The season closes 2. PARK.—Lillian Mclntyre is In charge of tho baby show. Closing dny la 8. Zoo.—Thomas PreBton Burke's Band closes 2. ' Don Philippine^ Band 3-8. Nobwood Snow Grounds. —Buffalo Bill's Wild West plays 2. Gossip. —Priestly Morrison will be atnge director at the Olympic for the . Forepaugu Stock Co Arnaldo, the animal trainer, was clawed by one of his leopards at Ches- week, "Cavnllerla Rustlcann" uhd "Pinafore' Manager Wefcrs will be glv >n n rousing bene- lit Sept. Ii, when Howard Chambers, Blanche Morrison, Grace Orr Myers and others will appear in uddltlon to the regular bill. Note. —A general change In the stairs or the local theatres finds Clayton Lomax pro- moted as treasurer ,of the Newark; Loon Evans, formerly assistant at WnJdmann'u, now. treasurer of the Shubert; Morris Lovett, formerly treasurer of Waldmann's, now ut the Columbia, nnd Peter Diana, who had ter Park. A five-Inch gash on bis right arm churgo of the box office at the Shubert, now was anlta painful ..James K. Pennessy nt Waldmann's, with Jonn'UItt, formerly at Is home from the Fast. the Newark, as his assistant. Cleveland,—At tbo Opera House (Harry D. Kline, mnnager) Doctstadcr's Minstrels opened tho senson here Sept, 2. Grace Oeurge, In "Dlvorcons," week of 0. &UCLID Avknue Gardens (Max Faetkcn- heucr, manager).—"Niobc" Is the offering by the Vnugh'an Glaser Co., week of 2. "When Knighthood Was in Flower" drew capacity crowds last week. Majehtic (Carlclon Macy, manager!.— "The Lost Paradise," by the Mnjestlc Stock Co., wcok of 2. "Because She Loved Him So attracted record crowds last week. Colonial (Chas. L. llertzman, munnger). "lllgolctto. by the Joseph Sheehitn Opera Co., week of 2. "Fnttst" Inst week packed the house at every performance. Ltcbum (Oco. M. Todd, manager).—"hlnir Casey," by the Rays, week ot 2. The Russell Bros, drew Immense crowds, In 'The Hired Girl's Millions'," last week. "I'nder Southern Skies" 0 nnd week. Clbveland (Geo. M. Todd, mnnnger).^- "Chinatown Charlie" week of 2. "Ton Origi- nal Cohen" bad good receipts last week. "Parted on Their Bridal Tour' 1 next Week. Kkith's <H; A. Daniels, manager).—Bill week of 2: The Bolriens, Countess Rossi and Jersey Oily,—Tbo opening of the Mn- jestlc, Aug. Ill, was postponed to a Inter date, owing to the Inability of the mechanics to get the house In proper condition. At Tim AcADKiitr (Frank K, Henderson, manager) '"Ihe Gambler of the Wost" Sept. 2-7. "The Great Express Bobbery" 0-14. "From Sing Sing lo Liberty" had good busi- ness last week, Bon Ton (T. W. Dlnklns, manager).—-Tho house opened the regular senson 2. with the Snm Dcvoro Co. The London Gnlcty Girls next week. KulTii & PiKiri'oti'H (P. Hums, manngor). —Mil week of 2: Trumbull Sexlelle, Ander- son anil (iolnes, Mr, nud Mrs. Sidney Drew, .Ins. and Jenny Jee, Wntcrbnry Ilrns; nnd 'Penny, Sulssel llroiherx and Mnck. nnd litis- sell anil Held.' ■ ■ iiiiiiokeii. ,M the Lyric (II. P. Soulier. mnnageri "Life of An Actress" Sept 1-4, "The Mnyor of Lnuchlnnd" .1-7, "Thn Cow- boy nnd the Hnmiw" 8-11, "From Broadway to ihe Bowery'' 12-11. Business good Inst week. llMi'im; opened lite regular season 2. with JiiIIiib Hteeger anil company. Wesson, Walters G. Flihtll, munnger).— Klaw' A l-'rlnriger begin their "advanced vaudeville" -eiison here Hcpt, ]. s ' If niiana City-- At the Grand ( iiurn House i Hudson A .iiidnii, inanngorn) ISHt week "Bavld Corson" had fair ntteiulancu, (n spite nf tho hot weather, Frank Oreen, Beatrice Novea and Georgia Lester Wood* deserve mention. Tills week, 'Tho Yankee Regent." Next week, "The Burgomaster." Auditorium (O. li. Woodward, manager). —Season opened Aug. 211, with ''The Royal Chef." W, A. McCarty and Gertrude Hutche- son did thn best work. This week, "Qulncy Adams Sawyer." Next week, "Barbara Frlet- clile." Gn.i.m Oi'Kiia lloiisi: do. H. Brlglinm. man- ager), a- Last wi?ck "Hhadowud by Three" iiiude a success. This week, "The Cowboy Girl." Next week, "Panhandle Pete." Cbntubv (Jos. Donc.gon, innniiger).—Lust week Williams' Ideals drew well. This wuck, tlie Hlgli Jinks. Next week, C'hurnpagiic Girts. Wood (O. B. Woodward, manager). —Season will open with "Miss Pwahontas," Sept. 2-7. Olga Ncthcrsole 12-14. OiiPHKtiM (Martin Lehman, manager).— Season will open I. with: lOllle Fav, Arthttc liniin and Marie Glaxler. Fdwnrd's School- boys and Girls, Rowers, Wallers mid Croker. Anita Bartllng, Arlington Four, Reedy and Currier, Berry and Berry, and the klaeo- drome. The theatro will again he under tho efficient management of Martin Lehman, as- sisted by Joseph Htlehel, who takes the place made vacant by Mr. Winch ; Lenn F. Keller, treasurer, and Oscar Bosenbloom, assistant treasurer. Kddle Solborg will onco morn handle the stage, and Prof, M. Lcnge will once more he In charge nf Hie Orpheum ull- sini' orchestra. Siiuiikiit (Klaw & Erlanger. managers).— Sunday night, 1, this house will chango from of Klaw A Hrtanger'n Advanced Vntidcvlllc. The box office Ibis year will he taken care nf by Jack Quarles, treasurer, and Cur! Stewart, nsslstnnt treasurer. MAJKHTK: (Clinton Wilson, manager) re- opened Ann, 'H.' wild Vnnlly Fair. Boston Belles next. Tbc theatre 1ms been enllrely rCdccornled. The color scheme Is light green nnil gold. Klpctiiic rAittc—'Sorrenttno nnd his Ilnitdn Rosso played Mielr farewell week Inst week, and drew big crowds. In the Herman vil- lage were: Quick, Mnrkey anil Nlckerson, tho Three Morrises, phvlls) All-"*, null iiflsil and Gnli'l. Thlii week, Ferguolo Hand. 1'a ntMiii: vi pAitlf. — lllner'a Third Regi- ment Bnnd, Carnival Bank. —Tlie Navassnr Tittdtes* Bnnd. In tho wigwam: Untidy and Wilson, Drlhnugh nnd Meyer and Oeorge Trump. *)ss> WISCONSIN. Milivookee. -This week will Ilinl all the local houses opened for 1 the hchsoii, Tho On- viiKon offei's Rose Stahl, In "Tito Chorus Lady." week of Sept. 1. At I tie Shubert Klaw A Krlaiiger will opvn their season with The Oayety. Simon, will well Inst week. -Graiid Hniid Cariilvnl Sept. Mllllurv Band milTR Ci'i'T.- 1-7. Notrs. —Louis Weslyn Jones Is back ntihl* desk ns press representative nt the Grand Opera House, after a viicillloit 111 Florida and New Vork. Ho Is much Improved In health. ...«..•• .Hllffnlo Bill's Wlltl West gave two pi'1'fonnMin'.'s Aug, id, (o jiackeil tents. alt(l snirell |l>e usilltl success J. M. S'nall, general miinuger of the Nusli circuit, is here auporllltetldlllK the npi'tiliig of the Mnjeiille TlMiadre.... i Kdwnrd Mhayne. mavnger of the Gnyety, nnnniinces several Improvement* to toe theatre during the Hummer, which will hi' uppreclati'd liv liatli the public nnd profes- sion i. .Shufer /legler, miniiiger of the Grantl Oiten lliiuse, worked ulglit and day getllng tlie now house ready-for the opening. t.vuii.viiio. —At link Summit Park thn sent sale Is usually complete. Week of Aug. 211 the proceeds nf tho week wero divided with the local lodge of Milt*. The attractions Included: Mr. nnd Mr*. Kdtvln Connelly, Vnn Webb and Donnelly, draco Artnond, tltu Grim- ers, Mr. and Mrs, Nell Litchfield, Midi's ed- ucated dugs, Summer and Winter, and Kill- sua motion picture*. CnoK'H Park, —Week of lift: Five Juggling Jordan*. I. ii Mont and Mllllhiin, Karl (Hill- linn, Flu, .Muni In- and Kenton, nnil (he kllio- (Iromc. . Proplk's hns been converted Into a bur- lesque house. Jolty Grass Widows week of 20. Grand (Pedley ft lltircli, malingers).—Good atlendance nil the limn tbo Cnrl W. Coolt Ma- jeitlc Stock L'o. Iind tlie house, Bi'Ki'Ai.o Mill Siiowm drow Inrge crowds ««» Mofis i'ntilo. Kennedy nnd Hooncy, llnlelt.l's .luiins mecger am company, v»es»on, waiters Klaw A KrlaiiRer will op«ii their monkeys, Mfgonelte Kokln. Tom Xnwn nnd undWesson. Senrl and Violet. Allen and com- advanced vaudeville Sept. J. -1 •omnahv ami the Four Bnltiia. nnny. Francel Ins nnd company. Joe Heem- under ihe management of H. B. f}^ y ( '4"" t7 tuSUSli ^Miaaertj^rhe Ing, Torcnl, Hill, Cherry nnd Hill, and the also take tho field Bept 1, with tin City Bohemians' week of S. Tho Merry Maidens Kemps. ,.„.,- •- , . Hporta. : ,__ , ■ had sMnd business last week. Notes.— John Krohn Is treasurer nnd husl- Hiiubrrt (Edwin ThtmhaORer, manager). Fviuic Geo chenet mnnnaer).—Fred lr- nc*s manager, nnd ^Inrtin Johnson assistant —The opening t.itl of Klaw a Htwwar* «"- wln's new Majesties week or 2. The Cracker treasurer, of (ho Fmplre. 'Xhe house lias vmrtd" riiiirfevIHe oeeaents; le«. Tl-'e 1 "-"'. lacks did n splendid business on ihe opening been repainted nnd decorated. Mr. Brugge- Willy Zimmerman, Flmore and T^e, Cnnfiolfl of tlils Hint ire in«i week. " ,n ". wh " " n "nt the Summer In I', Is and Carlton. Harry C. Stanley and Harah l pna Park (loiwnod Snlsliurv. manager), home ngaln. »ftcr a most enjoynhle trip. Cogswell. Adelaide Herrmann and Ray Royce. MAHVLAVI). itiiltlinor.', —'pin. regular *cason began nt Ford's Sept.' 2, with '"Hie Hoys of Company H." Lyman II. Howe closed a most siiccnss. fill four weeks' engugemimt lust wnek. Amelia HIiiKhnm, In "The Modern Ludy Godlvti," 0. Mauvlamu 'James I.. Kerniia, iiuinnger).— 'llie reopening bill, 2, Included : : Ryan nnd Hlchfle'd, Hayes and Johnson, MeGralb mill Paige, iteno, Jordan nnd Zeno, Hubby Norllt, the Pleven Trio, and Herbert Lloyd us n special fetilni"'. Ai.'DITOiiiuM (.lames |„ Kernnn, manager i, •—Florence Hlmlley, In "The Hlrest Singer," this week. "Aitliii. Ihe Singing tilrl," whlcli had lis th-Hi production here Inst week, met. Willi success. "Miss Bob While" 0 nnd week. Hnl.LlfiAY -Htiii:i:t (George W. Rife, mali- nger t,—"llromlwily Aflnr liitrk" Is Hie cur- rent week's attraction. "Since Nellie Went, Awny" Rati good business last week. Next week, "Bunco, from Arlitonn." Klanrv'm (Charles V.. Illnrie.v, mnnager). —"A Child of the Regiment" week ot !!. business wns good last week with "Lottie. Ihe Poor Saleslady." "Life of an Actress" 11 nnd week. Nnw Monomrntal (Sam M. Dawson, man- ager.)-The Dieainliind llurlesiiiiers tlllst wivk. Miner's Americans did well Inst weplt. The High School Girls nre hooked for (I and week, flATEff <\V. L. Ballttiif. manager).—The World Heaters 2 anil week, The Bnchellor Club Burlesiiiiers hnd goo<l retums last week. The Golden Crook week of 0, Linux's (lOdwnril C Baric, manngnr).—Carl l». Brehnier. Ilclllv nnd Mnrgan l|i.'.e»«lte demons, cud Mn«Hcv nud Frankle Wsllaca entertnln for week of 2,