The New York Clipper (September 1907)

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September 21. THE ISTEW YOJEIK OLEPPER.' 839 BVBJRYTHINO 1*8. fHB MO VINO I»ICOMJl«JB> r*rIPfI3>. ILL C. SMITH (trATTB OF* DIAMOND «S? SMITH)., Announces that he has purchased the goodwill and business of THE NEW YORK FILM EXCHANGE, and will continue the business under that name at %8T 14th ST., IMEW YORK G Mgjj Ml jjttji MCHIMES, FILMS, SONS SLIDES, ACCESSORIES. IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES. UawdtPtlk Rome Djj. Tula »«»t *■ MM-M ■• »«•*«> •>«; n '„ (P ■■ It la poaBlble to make a Met 2?5auae'iii "bookia.e. To taamre u- MMIMt l« tfcta department the aana* Si the* aeatre or,Bark, ai well aa tea "ity or towa, filfaT aceoaapany eaeh Looking seat u.. Able, 0»o., A Co., Jacques, Waterbury, Conn., 16' Abrarnk'Johns, Lynn, Mass., 10-21; Paterson, V J 23-°8 \bdill«h Broa.', Columbia, Cincinnati, 10-21. a b 0 D. alrls, Henderson's, Coney Inland. N. V 16-21. Ai.intt (iri'ol. Fair, Taunton, Mini., 16-21. aJm lil) "Sphluni. Porwnioutli. O., 10-21: How »rd Huntington, W. V«., 23-28. Artiloi Conwdj Co.. BIJou, Duluth, Minn.. 18-21. Atelrn.LyMc,Mobile. Ala., 10-21; Majeitlc, Blr- ATllrt'a H.. Old Orchard. Me.. 18-28. idSE" * WLIte. Park, Sunburn, Pa., 10-21; Fam- JZXAT™' Washington, D. C, 16-21, Gavtty Pittsburg. Ph.. 23-28. Umley Josephine, People;.. Pblla.. 16-21. Akonnliie Ttlo, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., AMuol'Mr. * Mrs., Shubert's. Utka. N. Y.. 10- A 2U V.inetT's, Hamilton Can 23-28. AlMotia, The, Orphenm. Pulnesvllle, O., 16-21; WJou. Lorain, 23-28. Alpine Troniw. Linelng, Mich., 10-21. n> Alcig'der, Oreot, Windsor, St. Paul,, 10-21. JHtln BroV, Family, Cheater. Pa., 10-21. Allen ft Briscoe, It. * P.. JtW City, N. J„ 10- Alton! (5), Parker Amuse. Co. Ala Mile , Columbia, Cincinnati. 16-21. Jllrace fc Loralne, Jacques, Waterbury, Conn., All»u Sl »earl A Tlolet, G. O. II., Pittsburg, 1(1- * 31 Majestic. Chicago, 23-28. Alexander ft Scott, Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., 10- AHeiile ft Pletto. New York, N. Y. C. 10-21. tidii ft Vanaetaon, Oran Olrco Bell, Mexico. Aiynrettoe, (3), Majestic, St. Paul, Minn.. 16-21; Empire, De" Moines, la.. 23-28. Aleiandroff Tronpe, Forrest, Phlla.. 10-21. A tin ft Kennv, Chase's, -Washington. D. C. lfl-21. Xllti" " isle, Burlington, la., lfl-21; Cllntoa, 23- 28 Alexia ft 8cball. Novelty. Bain.. 10-21. Alexander, Geo. B., Poll's, Sprlnffleld, Maai., 10- 21 Aluiont ft Dumont, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 10- Aldfach. Blanche, Lyric, Cleveland, 16-21; Family, Erie,. Pt., 23 28. Allen. Harry. Orpbenrn, Chteogo. 16-21. America* Comedy Four, Bennett's, Hamilton, Can., Anieto, Skeedt's. Fall Biter, Maas., 23-28. Amos, BIJou. Duluth, Minn., 10-21. Auuette ft Klynn, Scenic, Taunton, Mass., 10-21. Anderson ft Onlnes, Proctor's. Troy, N. X., 10 21; . Temple, Detroit, Mich;. 23-28. Andrews, Nellie, Operu Co., Unique, Minneapolis, Ansel 4 Dorian. Fair. Tannton. Maan.. 10-21. Xudule's Animals, Empire, Pateraon, N. J., 10-21; Empire, UolHiken, 23-28. Appleby, F.. J., Crawford's. Topeka, Kan., 16-21; Family. Sioux City. la.. 23-28. ratniiy. mow* «-,uj. to., *.»-*.,. Atdelle ft Leslie, Pavilion. Charlotte, N. Y., 10-21. Arlington Four. Orpbeum. Hlopx City. "- I - ■ ** a. lr„... rt' liiurrulln afiftSal ArilUKlUU »'WHI, vivaniaa-i —■ '.J P .Tt aT■ ' ™ Arm-iron*- A Vem, TourlDg Australia. iriottroDfri, Kami-im <»), Krnplre, lodlonapol.., Arwrifroog ft DatIh, Inrtlnnapollii, 10-21; St. Loull. 211-28 Ardells,'The, Forepaugh-Sells Brot.' She*. \rmlnta ft Burke, O. H-, Anderson, Ind., 10-21; 0. .Hz, KendallTllle, 23-28. " Arnold, Lyons, Poll's. Bridgeport. Conn... 10-31. Arostrotig.t Hollj, Majestic. Indlaiiupplls, 10-21. Aihury .ft Lowers, Hatbaw.-ty's, New Bedford, Aiditon,'' Arthur, Indiana Music Hall, Hamna, . Cnhs, lfl-Oct. 16. Astrelln Misters. Temple. Detroit 10-21. Asm, .lMtli Street, N. Y. C, 10-21. Ashton, Margaret, Tltoll, lx)ndon. Kna.. 10-3O. Ashly, Lillian, E«»t Kud Park, Memphis, 10-21. Atklnsop, Geo!. BIJoti, Wheeling. W. Va„ 10-21; Chestnut, Laneoater. O., 23-28. Aug, Edna, Forrest, Phlla., 10-21. Auillna, Tossing. Kden. St. .F.llenne, France, 18, 111. Edeu. Nhues. 20-30. Anblna, Les, Rant End Park, Memphis, Term., l«- Amy ft Pearl, Camlf al Park, Kansas City, Mo., AtoIub (3), F,mplre, Des Molnea, la., 10-21; Ben- nett'a, Ottawa, Can., 23-28. Avery'ft Hart, Orpheum, Boston, 16-21. Baxtrt ft Soulliwlck. Henderson's. Coney Island, ■N.-.X., 10-21. Barry. Katie, Vovelty. Bkln., 10-21. Balfey ft Ailatln, Cook O. ft,, Rochester, ». Y„ Barry ft VMtat. Orpbeum, Smut City, la., 10- ' i|.;<, Orpbeum, Minneapolis, 22-28. Baxter ft Mack. Wonilerland, Wheeling, NY. V«., ' lIVIJi llaruold'B Pogs, Forrest, Pblla., 10-21. Ualrd ft Dunn, Howard, Chicago, 10-21. Baleuum. Tom. A. ft S„ Boston. 10-21. IlalKdens, Tlie. Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo., lfl-21- Honks ,a Newton, Proctor'a, Albany, N. Y.. 10- Honka-nreasenle. Duo, Bennett's, London, Can., DArr ft'Rvnna, Empire, Des Molnea, la., 10-21. llama liros (4i, IIIJou, Milwaukee, 10-21; Havl- . landls. St. I.onls, 22-28. _ .... nnllns (4). Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., 1MJ. HartlliiK. Anno, Orpbeum. Minneapolis, 10-21; Or- , pheiun. St. Ponl, 23-28. Barneys (3), Webster Park, La Snlle, III., 10-28. - Bantite,' Qtinrtctte, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., lfl- 21. Barton's Animals, Fair, Taunton, Mass.. lfl-21. Bornell's, The,. Majestic. Cincinnati. 10-21; An- lomnllc, Chattanooga, Tenn.. 23-28, Barlow, swn, Houlton, Me., 10-21. Ssrnes, Stuart, 'feck, Buffalo, 10-21. prlow A Nicholson, loin. Chicago. 10-21. lialnors. .Tlie. Orpbeum. l>os Angeles, Cal., 10-21. Ilonvsnls, Flvlng. Keith's. Pblla., 10-21. Belmont, flollr-, Majestic, ludlanopolls. 10-21. Rnllnl, Ootid ft Dofs, Hnthaway's. Maiden, Mas*., 10-21; Hniliuivoy'H. Lynn. 23-28. Berry ft Berry, Orphenm, San Fran., Cal., 22- Ocr. 0. Beach. Oeo. F., Trio, Orpheum, Sprlnnfleld, 0., lfl-21. H'nuroom, Nellie, Shuliert, Bkln., 10-21. Bellonnl, Shuhert. Newark. N. J., 10-21. IMIpoK Bros., Bennett's, London. Csn., 10-21. Ilaniells. Mnjestlc. Cincinnati, lft-21. Bedell Bros.. O. H.. Shamokln, Pa., 10-21; O. H., l.Kk Haven. 23-28. Benton. Elwood, Deane, Avenne, Doqursne. Pa., 10-21; Or phenol. Turtle Creek. 23-28. Belfort, Miy, Savoy, Hamilton, Can., 10-21. Beard, Blllv, Colonial. Lawrence, Maas.. 10-21. Hells,'Musical. Mnjeatlc. Indianapolis, 10-21. Jleecher ft Maye, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 14-21. Beyer ft Johnson, People's, Cedar Rnplda, la., _ 10-31. Berlins, Sbnbert, Bkln., 10-21. Bennett. Trlxle, Rlnltb. Elralra. N. Y.. 10-21. Sellnure.ft Pratt, Palace Boston, 10-21. Dernier ft Stella, Bennett's. Hamilton, Can., 10- 21; Bennett's. London, 23-20. Betnfce, Orphenm, Sioux City. la., 10-21; BIJon, _, Bnbuqoe. 2a-2tJ. Btllclilre, Otoi',. Orphenm, San Fran., Cal., 28- Bedouin Arabs (?). Keith's, Columbus, O., lfl-21. Bernar, Ureal, lirpbenm, Omaha. Neb., 10-21. Benriies, The. Philips, Richmond, Ind., 10-21; l.nUrlde Park, Dayton, o., L3 28. Bergere, Valerie, ft Co., Albnmbra. N. Y. C. 10- Belcl'alre ft Kraemer, Temple. Detroit, 18-21. Berxuc'n Circus, O. O. H., Indianapolis, 10-21. Blrcb. John. Sliubert, Newark, N. J., 10-21. Blnney ft Chapman, Oardeu, Memphis, Tenn., 18- Blff ft Bang, Tlroll, Missoula, Mon.. 10-18, Him, Donioi, B-r-r-r. Oolumbla. Cincinnati, 18-21; Hopkins. lAiulsvllle, 22-28. BIJou Comedy Trio, Stand inl, St. Louis. 23-28. Blanrhe, Belle, Keith's, Boston, 10-21. Blessing. Mr. A Mrs., BIJou. St. John. Mich., 18- 21; Gem, Minneapolis. Minn., 23-28. Black & Leslie, Star, Mnncle, Ind., 10-21; Or- phlum, Lima, <)., 23-28. Blair ft McNultj. Family. Seattle. Wam.. 10-21. Blamphln * Hehr, Pastor's, S, Y. C, 10-21. Black, Ted, ft Melnotte Sisters. Hatbsway's, Low- ell. Mass., lfl-2l. Black A Rhodes, Atlantic Harden, N. Y. C, lfl- 21. BlotHlrl. Edw., ft Co.. Tremont, Boston, 10-21. Bloom A Cooper. Skea's, ButTalo, 10-21. Blockeom & Burns, Keith's, Providence, 23-23. Black Hussar*, Hippodrome, London, Kng., 16- Ott. 1». Black ft Jones. Hathawny's, New Bedford, Mass., 10-21; Maiden, 23-28. Bonlererry, Col. Gaston, Majestic. Chicago, 10-21. Bouclcault, Aubrey, ft Co., Victoria, K. Y. 0., 1021. Bowaer, Chas.. ft Co., Haymarket, Chicago. 10-21. Bob ft Tip, K. ft P., Jersey City. N. J.. 10-21. Bond. Fred.. A Co., o. O. II., Syracuse, N. Y.. 18-21. Booker, Cose,, ft Co., Empire, Des Molnea, Is,, 10-21. Bowen Bros., Lyric, Cleveland, 3-28. Barelli, Artbnr, Barnum ft Bailey's Circus. Bowers, Walters ft Crooker, Orpbeum, St. Paul, Minn., K.21: Orphenm, Minneapolis, 23-28. Bootblack Quartette. Haymarket. Chicago, 1(121. Booth, Hope, ft Co., Shuhert, Newark, K. J„ IB- 21. Boganneys, The, Nelson, Springfield. Mass., 10 21. Bruno, Chas,, Lyric, Dayton, ().. 10-21. Bryant ft Savllle, Orphenm, Winnipeg, Can., 23- Brown ft Nererro, Shuliert. Bkln., 10-21. Bradley ft Davis, National, San Fran., Cal., 10- 21; Bell. Oakland, 23-28. Brltidatnoiir. Empire. San Fran., Cal., 18-21; Wig- wam, San Fran.. 23-Oct. A. Brown, Harris ft Brown. Novelty, Bkln., 10-21. Brooks ft Clork, Family. Elmlra. N. Y.. 10-21. Browning ft I.e Van. Keith's, Providence, .10-21. Brooks ft Vcddcr, Crystal. St. Joseph, Mo., 18-21. Brlttous, The. Orpbuem, Sioux City, la.. 211 -Oct. S. Brown ft Wilmot, Temple, Ft. Wayne. Ind., lfl-21. Brunettes, Cycling, O. II.. Lawrence, Hiii.. lfl-21, Brobst Trio, Phillips', Klchinond. Ind.. 10-21. Brand Sisters, O. II., Sharon, Pa.. 10-21. Brewster. W. C, Sans Souel. Chicago, lfl-21. Brown. Oil. Olympic. Chicago, 10-21. Browning, Arthur. Olympic, So. Bend, Ind., lfl- 21; BIJou, Anderson, 23-28. Bush. Frank, New York, N. Y. ft. 10-21. Hunch Family, Lyric, Bartlesvllla, 1. V., lfl-21; Excelsior Springs. Mo.. 23-28. Burkes. Juggling. <i. O. II., Syracuse, N. Y., 10-21. Burke, John P.. Blood's Park. Baltimore, 10-28. Burke's. Dan, Rollicking Girls. Poll's, Scranton, Pa, lfl-21. Burnell, Lillian, National. Chicago, 1(1-21. Burton ft Brooks, People's, Phlla., 10-21. Bush ft Elliott, BIJou, Eau Claire, Wis., lfl-21; Unique. Minneapolis, Minn., 23-28. Burns, Harry, Orpbeum, Scranton, Po„ lfl-21. Buckeye Trio, Lyric. CU-velaud. 10-21. Burt, Nellie, Scenic, Hartford, Conn., 10-21. BurKoyne, Harry, Union Square, N. Y. C. 18-21. Bvron ft Langdon, Orpbeum, Bkln., 18-21. Byron, Jaa., BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich., 10-28. Carson, Miriam J., Shea's. Toronto, Can., 10-21; Q. O. H-. Pittsburg. 23-28. Cnrlln A Otto. People'n, Phlla., 18-21. Cartirey Bros., 123th Street, N. Y. C, 10-21. Caldera. A. K„ Orpheum, Sioux Olty. la., 10-21. CushcIII, Roslna's, Midget Wonders, Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-21. Callabans, The, Empire Cblppewa Falls, Wis., 10-21: Mnjeatlc, Mankato, Minn., 23-28. Carllln. Leo. Teck, Buffalo, 10-21. Ualcedo, Juan A., Baker, Rochester, N. V., 18-21. Carroll, Nettle, Foreuaugh-Mella' Clrcas. Oirroll ft Ulurke, Keith's, Phlla., 10-21. Carretle, Windsor, St. Paul, 1021. Callahan, Jas. A.. Wonderland, Revere Beach, Mass., 10-28. Cuhtll, Win.. Novelty, Bkln., 10-21; Keith's, Pblla., 23-28. Cameron ft Flanagan, Keith's, Cleveland, O., lfl- 21 : Kelth'a, Dayton, 23-28. Cadleux. I.tinu Park, Scranton, Pa., lfl-21. Casper ft Clark, Comedy, Phlla., 10-28. Carlelon, Arthur A I.ncllle, Grand, Homeitead, Pa.. 10-21, Oililll, Wm., Novelty, Bkln.. 18-21. Carlyle A Kelvyn Co., O. O. II., Orand Rapids, Mich., 10-21. Callan ft Smith. Oarrlck, Burlington, la., 16-21; Fumlly, Clinton, 23-28. Ciirpenter ft Dolores, Crescent, Birmingham. Ala., 1U-28. Campbell ft Cully. Orpheum, Watertown. S. D., 10-21. Campliell ft Johnson, Wlntergartea, Berlin. Oer., 10-30; Empire, London, Rug., Oct. 1-31. Cneud ft De Verae, BIJou, Anderson. Ind., lfl-21. Canton, Al.. Fab-, Albion, N. V., 10-21; O. II., Oswego, 23-28. Canillle Trio, Shea's, Toronto. Can., 10-21. Carleton, Al., Temple, Ft. Wayne. Ind., lfl-21; Olympic, Chicago, 23-28. Carroll ft Baker, Jacques, Waterbury, Conn,, lfl- 21. Cu»-.ell». Famous, Riverside. N. Y., lfl-21. Curuev A Wagner, Sliubert, Newark. N. J., 10-21. Cursou ft Wlllard, shea's. Toronto, Can., 10-21; Keltli'a. Cleveland, O., 23-28. Carrollton, Chas, O,, Utahno. Ogden. 11., 10-28. Casey ft Craney. Orphemu. Sioux City, la., lfl-21; Orphenm. Kansas City, Mo.. 23-28. . Contmell ft Harris, Mary Anderson, Louisville, 10 21. Carlotta. Shea's, ButTalo. 10-21. Casads, Two aud a Half, Kane'e Alrdotne. Learen- wortb, Kan., 10-21. „ mmmm Chambers. Paris, C. O. II.. Chicago, 10-21. Church City Four, Scrunton, Pa., 18; I'alerson, N. J„ IK 21. Cliadivlck Trio, Bennett's. Hamilton, Can., 10-21; Bennett's, London, 23-28. Chatham Sisters, Lyceum, Sharon, Pi., lfl-21. Christy, Wayne O.. Majestic, ludiatinpolls, lad., in 21; Olympic. So. Bend, 23-28. Christie Duo, Columbia, St. Louis. 18-21. Clav' ft West, Crystal. Elwood, Ind., IB 21 ; family, Tipton, 23-23; Manltou, Rochester, 28- H OleniiontoB, Tlie, Moss A Stoll Tour, Enfland. Claudius A Scarlett, BIJou. Wheeling, W. Vs., lfl- 21. Clifford ft Burke. Gotham, Bkln., W-21, Clinton ft Jerroon, People's. Phlla.. 10-21. Clarence 8lBters. 0. O. H.. Pittsburg, 10-21; Clark's Dogs ft I'onlea. Empire, 8t. Paul, lfl-21. K»ltli's. Phlla., 23-28. Closes (31, Srhlndler'e. Chicago, lfl-21. Clntl.. Eddie. Kelth'a, Providence, lfl-21. Olarli. Usrry Corson. Shuhert. Milwaukee, lfl-21. Clarke, Harry, Orpheum Chicago. 10-21. Clarke ft Temple. Lyric. St. Joseph,. Mo.. Ifl-21; Majestic. Topeka, Kan.. 2.1-2S. Cllto A Sylvester, Family, Mnbanoy City, Pa., Coghianl Rose, ft Co., Bennett's, Hamilton. Can., Colonial' Four, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn,. 10-21. Conley, Anna A Effle, Bennett's, Ottawa, C»D., lfl- 31; Bemntfi, Montreal, 23-28. Cotton. Loin. 23d Street. N. Y. 0., lfl-21; R8th Slrtet. H. Y. C, 23-2S. Connelly. Edward, ft Co.. Colonial, N, Y. 0., 10- 21: (irphcum, Bkln.. 23-28. Connelly. Hugh. (). II.. Albion, K. Y., 11121; O. II., Oswegn. 23-28. Congress of Spanish Dancers, (I. O. II., Bkln., 10- 21. Cox, Ray. Poll's, Scranton, Pa., 10-21. Corro. Orphhim, Newark, ()., 10-21; OrphlnD, Chlllleothe, 3.1-28. Cook ft Clinton. Rnrwood, Omaha. Neb., 10-21. Conn. Downey A Wlllard, Orpbeum. Salt Lake Cite, IJ.. lfl-21; Orpheum. Denver, Cal.. 23-28. Corrlgati. F.mmett, A Co., Chase's, Washington, D. C. 10-21. Cnrhley. Jaa. II., Family, Carbondale, Pa., lfl- 21; Family, McKeespurt, 23-28. Collins ft Brown. Nelson. Springfield, Mass., lfl- 21. Cnurtletgb, Won., A Co., Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., lfl-21. Comrades (4). Colonial. Lawrence, Mass., 16-21. Cook, Boh, Sun Bros.' Circus. Corlnne. Keith's, Phlla., 10-21. Cole ft Johnson, Cisik O. H., Rochester, H. J., 1021. Corrm. Colonial, N. Y. C, lfl-21. Collins. Tom A Anna, Wond>rland, Wheeling. W. Vn., lfl-21. C-ngan A Baocroft, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 16-21. Collins ft Hart, Teck. Buffalo, 10-21. Cornell. Ada, Scenic. Taunton, Mass.. lfl-21. Cohnrn. Billy. New London. Conn., 10-21. Connors ft Alflert, Arcade, Toledo, O.. 16-21. Conway's Baud, Orpheum, Boston. 16-21. Cook ft Stevens, 88th Street. N. Y. 0., 10-21. Country Choir (Hair's). Duquesae, Pittsburg. 10-21. Cook ft Fay. Sun Bros.' Clrcue. Cohan, Mr. ft Mrs. Jerry, Baker, Rochester, N, Y., lfl-21. Coletla, Power A Co., Osbkosb, Wis.. 10-21. Collins A La Moss, Demnaey'a, Peoria. III., 10-21. Coles, Musical. Emerson's Floating Palace. Conk, Joe. k Bro., Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 10-21; Armory, Blngbouiton, N. Y., 23-28. Coloulal Septette, Ye, Orpbeum, Kansas Olty, Mo., 1021. Conchas. Paul, Keith's, Boston. 10-21. Cooner ft Rnbloson, O. 0. H„ Plttaburg, lfl-21; Shea's. Buffalo, 23-28. Cook k Sylvia, Howard, Boston, 10-21. Conlln ft steel, Keith's, Providence, lfl-21. Cooper. Leo, ft Co., Liberty, Pittsburg, 10-21, Courtney ft Jennnette, Iola, Chicago, 10-21. Creasy ft Dayne. Union Square, N. Y. c, 10-21. Crayon. Chns., G. O. H., Grand Baplda, Midi., 1021. Crawford ft Delantey, Grand, Carnegie, P«., 1021. Cross. Will II., Orpbeum, Sprlngfleld, 111., 10-21. Crawford ft Allen, Mnjesllc. La Fayette, Ind., Kl-21; lilile Delphi, 23-28. Oreo, <i. O. II., Grand Rnplda, Mich., lfl-21. Cralgs. Musical, Armory, Blngbamton, N. Y., 10-21. Creo k Cteo. O. O. H.. Orand Rapids, Mich., 10-21: BIM. Knlaniaxoo. 23-28. Crane Broa., Mary Anderson, Lonlsvllle, Ky., 10-21. Culver Bros., Sans Soncl, Chicago, 16-21. Ciimihixhom, Boh ft Daisy. Orphluin. ChllHcotbe. O., 10-21: Orphlnm, Portsmouth. 23 28. Cuttys, Musical (0), Forrest, Pblla.. 18-21. Cunningham & Smtlh, Glen, So. Fork, Pa., lfl-21; Orpheum. Turtle Creek. 23-28. Cuminlngs, Thornton ft Co., Family. Butte, Man., °2-28 ** Daly, Ailvn, Poll's, Brldgenort, Conn., lfl-21. Davis, Will, Butte. Mont.. 22-28. Ilnvls. Mark * Laura, Orpheum, Sidney, O., 10-21; Orpbeum, Troy, 28-28. • D'Atallea, Fair, Taunton, Mass., 10-21. Day, Geo. W.. Buffalo, N. Y., 10-21. Daniels, Walter. Orpheum. Chicago, lfl-21. Dale, Dainty Dottle ft Harry, Crystal, Marlon, Ind., 10-21; Cryatal, Elkhart. 23-28. Darras Bros., 23d St., N. Y. 0., 10 21. Dahl, Katherlne, Lyric. Daytou, 0.. 10-21. • Darnell ft Marvrlle, Dempiey's, Peoria, HI., 18- Doly', W. E., Norway, Me., 10-21. Darling, Phil., Sells-Floto Show. Dale k Delmont, Orpbeum, Scrunton. Pa., 10-21. Davenport. Pearl, Flndlay. « . 10-21; BIJon, Lu- rain. 23 28. Dole A O'Mnlley. Gotham. Bkln.. 18-21. -_-- De Von ft Kennedy Trio, Welland, Grafton, W. VaV10-21. . „., ••■. De Witt. Burns ft Torrance, Poll'a, Bridgeport, Conn., lfl-21. Devenu, Hubert, BIJoo. Jackson. Mich., lfl-21. De Faye Slaters. Baker, Rochester. N. Y., 10-21. De Verne. Tbelma A Harry, Elite. Davenport, la.. 10-21; Grand, Madison. 23-28. De Velde ft Zelda. County Fair, Almonte, Can., 23-28 De Augelette, Henrlette, Atlantic. Garden, N. Y. C 10-21. _-. „ . Deane, Sydney, ft Co., Empire, Hoboken, N. J., De Monde A Olnsmore. Marlon, Morion. Ind., Ifl- 21.: Orpheum, Mansfield, O., 23-28. De Vllbls, Great, Fair. Taunton. Mass., 10-21. De Lacya, Dancing. Star. New Castle, Pa.. 10-21; National. Erie. 23-28. , „ De Ilenxo ft La Due, Fair, So. Weymouth, Mass., Ifl-21. .„„. De Atmo, Billy, National, Chicago, 10-21. De'Voy, F.mmett, ft Co., Armory, Blnghamtnn, N. Y.. 10-21. _. „_. _ . Deltnnr ft Dexter, Grand, Peru, Ind., lfl-21; Bed- fonl. 23-28. . ., Dehnore 4 Dnrrell, Utahna. Ogilen, I!., 10-21; Novelty, Denver, Col.. 23-28. De Graw Trio. Majestic, Topeka, Kan., lfl-21; Lyric, Lincoln, Neh., 23-28. Deliuar ft Smith, Fair. Tunnton, Moss., lfl-21 Demlng. Joe. Poll's. Hartford, Conn., lfl-21; Toll's. Bridgeport. 23-28. He Mori ft Oraretln. Family. Davenport, la., Ifl- 21 ; Price's. Hannibal; Mo.. 23-28. De Vole Trio. Dennett's, Hamlllnn, Can., lfl-21 : Bennett's, London, 23-28. Dellsle, Juggling, Hnthaway's, Maiden. Mass., 2.1- 28. Deavall, Olympla. Hippodrome, N. Y. 0.. Ifl21. Demonlo ft Belle, Orphlnm. Sprlagflrld. O.. lfl-21. De Obantsl Twins, Family, Mabanoy City, Pa., 10-21; Gayety. McKeesport, 21-28. De Haven ft Sidney. Young's Pier, Atlantic Oltr, N. J., lfl-21: Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., 23-211. Dlerecke Broa., Gran Clrco Bell. Mexico. niton ft Anger, Orpheum, Boston, 10-21. Dillon. Win.. 23d Streeet, N. Y. O., 10-21. Dixon ft Fields. Orpheum, St. Paul, lfl-21. Dixon ft Kelllr, BIJou. Superior. Wis., lfl-21. Dliou. Rowers ft Dixon. Pastor'a, K. Y. C, 11-21. Dlette ft Marin. Howard, Boston, lfl-21. Dllltl. Frank, Cast End Park. Memphis. Kl'JI. Dillon Bros.. 0. >>. H.. Syracuse, N. Y.. lfl-21. Dobler. Ward ft Co.. National. Chicago, lfl-21. Donald ft Carson, 128th Street. N. Y. 0.. 10-21. Don Sisters, Scenic, Tannton, Mass., 10-21 . Doyle. Cuts.. Bennett's. Hamilton, Can.. 10-21. Doolev. J. Francis, ft Mlsa Soles, Shubert, Xan- ana City, Mo„ lfl-21. Doyle ft Uranger, Wonderland, Blnrnsl's, W. Va„ 10-21. Doyle, Martin, Rlalto, Elmlra. N. Y., 10-21. Drew. Dorothy, Empire, Cardiff, Wales, 16-21; Rmplre, Swaoaea. 23-28; Empire, Newport. 30- Owt. 6; Hip.. Brighton, Kng., 7-12; Klog'a. Gateshead. 14-10. Drew, Mr. k Mrs. Sidney, Hbea's, Buffalo, lfl-21. Drury Lane Co.. Maryland. Baltimore. 10-21. Dracula, Donnelly k Hatfield's Minstrels. Dunne, Geo. A l.lbhle. Lyric. BaHIestllle, I. T.. 10-21. Dopree. Malda, Trocadero, Phlla., 10-21 ; Dewey, S. Y. C. 23-28. Dunbars. Casting, 0. O. Fl . Byracnse. N, Y., 10-21: Doric, Yonkera. 23.38. Dunn. Thos., Patter. Scenic, Hartford, Conn., lfl-21. DmDont, Dally, Colombia, St. Loull, 16-21, Dn Ball Bros., Bennett's, Ottawa. Can., 10-21; Bennett's. Montreal. Can., 23-28. Dnnhnrus, The, K. ft P., Jersey City, N. J., 10-21. Dunmiid's Minstrels. New York, N. Y. C. lfl-21. Dunn. Maude. Bennett's, Montreal. On.. 10-21. Dtipoot. Mary, A Co., O. O. II.. Indianapolis, 10-21. Duurea.' Fred., Star, Seattle, Wash., 10*-2K. Dupree, Lena, ft Sisters, Connor's Imperial, Coney Island. N. Y. 10-28. Dunbar's Oust Circus. Park, Wheeling. W. Vs., 10-21. Dnnedln Troupe, O. H., Pittsburg. 10-21 ; Fair, Cohlesklli, N. Y.. 23-28. Dunlap. Adeline, Temple, Detroit, lfl-21. Ii.vllyn. J. Bernard. Burwood. Omaha, Neb.. 19-21. Earle, Dorothy, Grand. Belllnihaui. Wash.. 16-21; Orpheuni, vaneouver, B. C, 23 28. Karle. Kdna B.. Pike, New Pblla., Pa., 18; Oanal Dover, If-21. Karl A Rartlelt. Paator'a. N. Y. C. lfl-21. Early ft Late. BIJou. qnlnrey. III.. 10-21. Eckel ft Dn Pice, Family, Glnveravllto, N. Y., 1021. Kcksrt ft Berg, Oarrlck. Wilmington. Del., 1(1-21. Eclhoft ft Gonlon, Poll's. Worcester. Mats,, lfl- 21; Poll's. Springfield, 23-28. Edwards' Bcbnol Boys k Girls, Majestic, Chicago, lfl-21. Edwards ft Vaughn, Lyric. Unloolown, Pa., Ifl-21; ■ Verherk's. oil City. 23-28. Kltlnge, Julian, Alhamhra, N. Y. 0., 1021. Kllnnre Slaters, K. ft P.. Jersey City, N. J., lfl- 21; Union Square. N. Y. C, 23 28. Elite Musical Four. Academy of Music, Montreal, Can.. Ifl-21. Elmonck ft Haley. Sandusky. 0., lfl-21: Gem, Sharon. Pa., 23-28. Ellls-Nowlau Trio. Majestic. Chicago, 18-21. Emrrsnn ft Baldwin, Orpbeum, Heading. Pa., Ifl- 21 ; Uathaway's, Lowell. Mass.. 23-28. Emmetl, Hugh J., ft Co.. Majestic. Indianapolis, Ifl-21. F.iumeii. Oracle, ft Co.. isr.tli St.. N. Y. 0„ lfl- 21 : 88th St.. N. Y. C, 23 28. Emmett, Eugene. Lyric. Houaton, Tex., lfl-21: Lyric, Beaumont, 23-28. Emmett ft McNeill, Dempscy'i, Peoria, III., lfl- 21. Empire City Quartette, Colonial. N. Y. C, lfl-21. English Majors (31. Victoria. N. Y. 0.. 10-21. English Hackers 10). 128th St.. N. Y. 0., 10-21. Esite. Dntton ft Espe. BIJou, Oahkasli, Wis., 10-31; BIJou. Appleton, 23-28. Esmeralda Sisters. Palais D'Kle, Brussels, Belg., Oct. 4 17 ; Simla. Autwerp, 18-31. Estelle. liorntliv, Orpheuui, Cblrngu. lfl-21. Evans, I.lsale, ft Jefferson I.lojJ. Arcade, Toledo, O.. 111-21 ; Lyric, Dnylnn, 23-28. I'voua. Geo., Orpheuui, Hkln., Ifl-21. Kranr. Trio. Keith's, Boston. 10-21. Evans Sislers. BIJou. Wheeling, W. Vs., lfl-21. Evans, Chns. F... ft Co., Orpbeum, Bkln.. 10-21. Exposition Four. Poll's, Scrunton, Pa.. 1(121. FaiiUs (2), National, Chicago, lfl-21. I'jilclte Orchrslra. Pmrlor's, Newark, N, J., lfl- 21. Fnrrell k I.e Hoy, Orpbeum, Chicago, lfl-21. Far, Elsie, ft Blssett k Miller. Columbia, St. I.ouls. 10-21. ■ay, Tom, North Bench. N. Y. 10-28. luvl.lo, Don. Thallu. Chicago, 10-21. Fal'chllds. The. Dempsey. Peoria. III., lfl-21. Fsrnuin, I.oiiIim'. Shea's, Toronto, Call., 111-21. 1'urrell ft l>n Roy. Orpbeum, Chicago, 10-21; Howard, Chicago, 23-28. Fayette, little. Illnlto, Elmlra. N. Y.. lfl-21. roust. Bros.. Family, Butte, .Mr.ul., 10-21; Wa»h- Ingtou. Spokane, Waak., 21-28. Fay, Elfle. Orpheum. St. Paul, Ifl-21. "Fall of '04. The." Majestic, Chicago, lfl-21. Fernnude May Duo, Majeallc, Madison, Wis., 10- Felix' A Calre, Union Squure, N. Y. C lfl-21. Ferguson, Burney ft Dick, Dominion, Winnipeg. Can,, 23-28. 4 Felix ft Barry, Poll's, Iluriford, Conn., lfl-21. Fealy k Hunter, Proctor's, Newark, N. J,, 10-21, Ferrero. Orpheum. Salt Luke City, II.. 23-28. Fi-ntelle ft Carr, Empire. IMIerson, N. J„ HI 21. Ferry, BIJon, Battle Creek, Mich.. 10-21. Finney, Frank II., BIJon. Decatur, III., 10-21. Fields, Happy Fanny, Empire Circuit, Kugland. Fltjalmnions. Mr. ft Mrs. Itnbl., Savoy, llauilltun, Cab., 10-21. Fiddler ft Shcltnn. Peru. Ind., 10-21; La Fayelle, FlrTlay ft Burke. Hhnts-n. Newark, N. .1., 10-21. Fields. Max. Ilrund. lloinestead, l'u.. 10-21. Fields, W. C. People's. Phils., 1(1-21. Fltlier ft Berg, lilj Reading. Pa., 10 21; Wnld- Mann's, Newark. N. J.. 99 28. Fields ft Ward. Shuhert, Bkln,. lfl-21. l-'linieys. Tbe, Bennett's, Quebec, Can., 10-21; Ben- nett's, Montreal, 23-28. Florence Slaters (3), Moulin Rouge, Rlu De Ja- neiro, lirntll. ill ()c(. 8. Floreua Troutre, Shuhert. Newark, N. J.. 10-21. Flynii, Joe, Nelson, Rnrlugfleld, Main., lfl-21. Fletcher, Orpheum, Minneapolis, 10-21. l-'lutow ft Dunn, Family, Cheater, Pa.. 1(1 21. Flood Bros.. Empire, l^indori, Eng.. 10-Nor. 2. Fords (4i, K. ft P., Jersey City, N. J„ 10-21. Fords, Fouiuua, Welland. Cumberland. Mil., 10-21. Foster ft Foster, Empire, llabokeu, N. J., lfl-21; Colonial, N. Y. <:.. 23-28. Fnnthna ft Striker, North Ave., Chicago, lfl-21. Fox, Madge, Proctor'a, Albany, N. v.. 1(1-21. Foster ft Hughes, Comedy. N, Y. 0., 10-21. Fontl Boul Bros., Washington, Spokane, Wash,, 10-21; Star, Sealtle, 23-28. Forbes. B. T., Manistee. Mich., 10-21; Big Haplds, 23-28. Foster. Ed., A Dog, Bennett'a. London, Can., lfl- 21 ; Bennett's, l/mdon. 2.1-28. Foster, Hurry. Hamilton, Can., lfl-21. Fnrbus. Mr. ft Mrs. Arthur, Shen's, Toronto, (Jan., 1021. Pdgerty. Frank, Keith's. Phlla., in 21; I2.",ih Street. N. Y. 0., 2328, Fox. Jack, Dominion. Winnipeg, Can., lfl-21; Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind.. 23-2H. Foy ft Clark. Ha/hawoy's, Isiwell, Mass.. lfl-21. Fredo ft ,D»re, Mohawk. Hrheneclrdy, N. Y., lfl- 21 : Armory, Blngliamton, 2.1-28. Fmilnl, (1. (>, II.. Bkln.. lfl-21. Fries Sisters. Star, So. Pittsburg. Pa., 18-21. Freeman Bros., Orand, Belllnglisiii, Wash., Ill 21; Shannon's, Seattle. 2.1-28. Franklin A Green. Gotham. Bkln.. lfl-21. Prevail, O. II., Wahlen, N. I,, lfl-21. Francis, Emran, ft Arabs, 0. O. II., Chicago, lfl- 21. Francois, Les, Hippodrome. N. Y, c, lfl-21, Eraser Trio, Pastor's, K, Y. (!., lfl-21. Frlebrl ft Dnwuluu, Kelth'a. Boston. Ifl-21, Fianclscos (2). C. O. II.. Chicago, lfl-21. French Opera Co., Alhsmltru. N. Y. C, 10-31, "Fnlnrlty Winner," The," Victoria, N. Y. 0., 10- '21, Fuller, Ida, New York. N. Y. 0.. lfl-21. Furmun, Ilodle, Sbnbert, Kausaa City, Mn., 1(1-21. (Jardbr-r, Jessie 0-, Dreamland, Masslllon, 0., Kl- 21. Gardner' A' Rtoddord, Orphenm, Allenlnwo, Pa„ 10.21. Ganloer. Eddie, Star. Beirer Falls, l'u., 18-21., Happy dark, Orpheum. Allentown, Pi., lfl-21: Poll's, Scranton. 23-28. (Junlner ft -Vincent, Empire Tour. England. (Jagny. Jules, Bennett's, Montreal, Can., 10-21, (lobrlrl k Kelly, Keltb'r, Boston, 16-21. Gale ft Gall. Crystal, Chicago, lfl-21. Garrison, Jules, ft On., Bennett's, Ottawa, Can., 1021. Oastan k Green, Orpheum. Minneapolis, 10-21. Oalusborouiffa Girls, Keith's, lllloa, \. v.. 10-21. Gallagher Ik.Barrett, Urdoii Hqiisre^N, Y. I',, 16- norlelle Bros.. Orpbeum. Kinaoa CUf, Mo., 18-21. dnlefitl'*. Monkeys, Keith's, Columbus, (>,, 10-21. Gardner A Somers, Orpbeum. Scranton, Pa.. 10-21. (Iruuscbmldts, Tbe, Baker, Rochester. N. Y., lfl- 21. Oa»ln. Plait A Peaches, Novelty, Denver, Col., 10-28. OirJair A OolOaf, Siroy, Uamlltou, Cm,, 14-21. Roidnsou, Savoy, llamlltun, Can., Bnnrl, Bennett's, Montreal. Gardiner ft lfl-21. Geiinnro'a Venetian Can., i«-2l. Oenter ft iinmnre, Star. New Castle. Pa., 1(1-81. Getsnv, Geo. YY., Blddefonl. Me., laVBll O. II., Ilauiair, 23-28. (leorgrlte. I.uliln's. Baltimore. 10-21. Glllen, Novelty, Denver, Col., lfl-21. (llllette ft McFarfauil, Oidunilds, Clnclnnall, 10-31. (IIImv. Haynes ft Moutgoinery, Majestic. .Madi- son. Wis.. 1(1-21: Urplienra. Chicago. 2V3N, Glrdeller's Dobs. Star, Elgin. III.. 23-38. "Glnhe of Death." Orpheum, SI. Paul. 10-21. Golden ft Hughes. BIJou. Kenosha. Wis., 10-21; Racine, 23-38. Goss, John. Star, Donors, I'n., lfl-21; Star, Monesscn. 2JI-28. Gordou. Clllt, 88th Street. N. Y. O., 10-21. Gordon. Lanrnuce, People's, Cellar Rapid). la., lfl-21 : Hannllini, Mo.. 23-28. Goldsmith A Hnppe, Poll's, New Haven. Qoett., lfl-21: Poll's. Waterbury. 23-2H. Gaels. Nat. Chestnut Stteet Arcade, Washing- ton, Pa., HI 21. (lei.lea. Geo, Fuller, Shuls-rf, Newark, N. J., lfl-21. Grant. Hnrt ft Bertha, tirpheimi, Otnnba, Neb , 11121. Gn'gory Family. Fair. Taunton. Mas.., 10-21. Gracey ft Burnetts, IIIJou. Dithith. Minn., 10-21. ilrsaera. The. Orphenm., Minneapolis, 111-21. . Grih", Kelth'a. Ortdiemu. Mlunenpulla, 10-21, Urures, Four, Golden, Cnlunililii, St. Lnulu, 10-21. Granuon. Ilu. Doric, Yonkers, .V. Y , 1021; Nov- elty, Bkln.. 23-38. (Irlgolatls Aerial Ballet, lllpnmlrnme, N. Y. 0., 111-21. Granville ft Muck. Shnniokln, Pa..-10-31. Gray ft Graham, Howard, lloslon, Mass.. 10-21. Grant, Sydney, Mary Anderson. IouIsvIIIh, III 21. (inertia, l<oul*. Kvlth's, Pnivldence. lfl-21. Hnuwin Scenic, Trmple. Taunton, Maas., 10 21, llniden. Virginia. Spokane, Wunli.. HI-38. Iltirrlt.v k Herr, (layer O. It.. Srottdale, P«„ lfl- 21. ■ Hsrver, W. F., ft Co., Acr.demy of Music, Mon- treal. Can., lfl-21. Ilnir.nrd. Grace, Trrmout. Boston, 10-21. Mullen A Hnyes, Auilltorlitm, Lynn, Mnsa., in 21. Hammond k Forreater, Lyric. Clevelund. 16-21. Harris A Harris, Onllneum, Clevelanil, 11121. Ilallhacks, The, 0. O. II,. Ublcigo. lfl-21. Iluihawiiy ft rilegel, Atliuia, (lu.. lfl-21. Hnyes ft .lohtosni. Krltli's. I'lilln,. 111-31. Harlluuds (2), Burwood, Omaha, Neh,. Kl-21. IIuiisoii A Nelson, Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 10-21. Hnukliia. John A., Oarrlck, Wilmington, Del., lfl- 21 : Stroiulsliiirg. 23-38. Hsrklns, Willie. Sails Siturl, Cbleiign, hi m. Harvey. Klrle, ft Field Hoys, 2,01 Street, V. y. C. Hl-3t. Hanson ft James, Howard. Button, lfl-21. Hnri-cll, lluu-uril, Boalnii, 10-21. Hurcourt, Frank. Mlsslnn, San Fruit.. Cal., lfl-21. lliirrl.on. Minnie, Hon Ton, Jersey ciiv, N. J., Kl-21. Iliinilltoti l-'iniik. Orplieuin. Parktrshnrg, \V. Vn . 10-21: oipiii-nui. Mnrletta, I)., 23-28, Hurrls k x.iiiiiiiii. Lyric, Pans. III., Kl-21. Hurt, union. Main sr., iwn, III., hi 21 Hawkins, Lew. Or|ilisil1il. St, Ponl. HI 21. Hailem Bros.. Hiilhawny'a. I.awcll, Mass.. 10-21. Huyiiiau ft Franklin, Hurry Itlcknrila' Tour, Ana* Irallu. Hnrlaiid ft llolllsou. Novelty. Hliskton, Cal,, 10- 21 : People's, l.ns Angnles, 211-28. Ilnnvey. I.eiuirii. Slur. Ellin; HI.. 13-28. Hall. Paullue, Family, i'.fnilni, X. v.. lfl-21. Hawley, K. Frederick, ft Co., Pall's, New lluven, Conn., Kl-21;'llathnwuy's, .Vvw Bedford, Mass,. 2.1-28. Harrison. I**, ft Girls. Shuliert, K 11nr.n1 Oily, Mo. 111-21. Haines, Nut, O, (». II., Syracuse. N. Y.. 111-31. Hall, Willie. Bliubarl. Knnaiis City, Mo.. lll-L'l. Haskell. I.oney, Sbllbert, llllcu. N. Y., 10-31; Or- |ilieuiii, Alleiilown, Pa., 23-2M. Iliimiurt. Dulsy. A| I'aipln.i, N. Y. C, III 21, llnsluni. C. I). II.: Chlcngo. 10-21. Harding ft Ah Sid. 0, O. II . Chliuiuu, lfl-21. Helm childreii. Fauilly, fit n. Pa., lfl-21 J Family, Elmlra. ST. Y., 23-28. Henry. Capl., Ilnrwmsl, Otnahn, Neh., lfl-21. Ileury ft Young, Shell pot Park. Wllniliigloii, Did., Ileleuu, Edith, Academy uf MnBlr, Monlreul, Can., Herns Family, New York, N. Y. II, Kl-21. lleorti, Tuui. Eiuplrn Tour. F.iikIuiuI. Heme. Julie. Orplirtlni, 81. I'ntil, lfl-21. lleiiBliaw, Edward, Academy, scrunton. Pa., 18; Gmiid, Wllkea-Ilarre, l(i-2l; (I. 0. II., Bostvb, 23-2H. Ilealv Sisters, Union Square, N. Y. C. lfl-21. ll.-rH-n k lingers, orpheum. Chicago ,10-21. Henry, Louise, pull's, S|>rlng8eld. Maw., 10-81. Hewletles. The. Frllx's, Porilaud, Ore., 10-28. Hllllani, llolit., ft Co,, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y„ lfl-21. llliituaii, Cnpt. Sidney, Ks|io>1llon, PHt»l.ui*T. 10- Hlr-ka, Enrl 0., Ilunvond, Oniiilm, Neh., 1(121.. Illckiy ft Nelson, Baker, Itoihester. X V.. Kl-21. Hill. Aid. Union Siiiiuie. N. Y. (.'., 111-21. Illlibert ft Warren, Poll's, tlartfnnl, Conn., 10-21; I'loclor's, Albany; N. V., 2.1-38. Illrsi'lmriis, The, Lyric. Des Moines. I.l., 111-21. lllntl. Mr. ft Mrs.- linn, Sumy. Iliiiiillbni, Can., 111-21. Hip. I.litle. Aiidltorluui, Lynn. Mum., 1(1-21. llncli-Kinll ft Co., Onibciun. Oniubn. Neb., 10-21; Orphenm, Kansas City, Mo., 23-28. llosnrd ft llowuril, Poll's, Hprlnglleld, Mnis., id- 31 ; Worcester. 23-2H. HnmHI Ilros. (Mysterloilu). Pnlnce, Ijxidou, Knit, III Oct. 10. Howard Bros.. Mary Anderson. IxmlsvIlia*, 10-21. Howard A North, Poll's, Hartford. Cunn., Kl-21. Houston, I'rltr. Family, I'lttalnirg. Pa., 10-21: Family. V/llllnnispni-i, 23-28, lliirlon ft Lu Trlsltii, Ilow.iid. liosiuu. Musi., HU 21 : Mnjesllc. Lu Payette, lad., 23-28. Horion k La Trlsku, llowuril, lloslon. lfl-21, Howard ft Bland, Bcnnalt's, oiniwa. I'nri , 10-21. - Humes A 1-cwls, (.'apron's, Pnwlurkel, It I., 111 21; Howard, Bostdp. 23-28. lluelui, .Musical. I'ainllv. Kuyoiumrf, la., 10-21; So ils, (Union, 2fl-2N. Ilutel-lsons (3), Crystal. .Vtirlliisvlllo, Intl., 10* llucheu, Mr ft Mrs. (lone, 'IViulde. Detroit, 10-31. Iluglu-s, Mr. A Mrs. Nick, Pastor's, N. Y. ()., 10- Kaghes ft Brawn, BIJou, Kalamanxi, Mich., HI- 21 : BIJou, Baltic Creek. 23-28. Iljiiuihi Sisters. Pallor's, X. V. <!.. tfl-2|. Ilyuios ft Mel my re, Baker, Rovb ester, X, I,, llnle.* Mr. ft Mrs, Itnbl., Uoalon, Lowell, Man., lfl-21; Lynn, 23-28. ' Hylunda (3), Lyric Alrdouie, Hesiimnnt, Tag,, Idols "(0). Colonial, N, Y. C. 10-31. IniueHsl Indians, Chase's, Waalllnitoii, D. 0., "In Morocco," Chase's, Washington. D. C 10-21. Iniiess k Ryan. Orpheum, Chicago, 10 21; BIJou, Dubuque, lu., 211-28. Irving, Thos. II., Austin's Palm Garden. Syra- cuse, N. V., 10 21. Irving', Musical. Mopongahela, Pa,, lfl-21. 11 cue. Little. Majeallc. St. Paul, lfl-21. Irwin, Flo k C»., Huymarkei. Chlrjon. 18-21. Kalian Trio. Treinmtt, Boston, lfl-21, -liiroeM k Barker, Annus, Diiqueaue, Pa,. 1021. Jarohs 4 Ssrdlt, Neila-Floln Ruowm. Jurvls ft Tudor, K. ft P., Jersey City, V. J„ 10-21; Victoria, N. Y. P., 23-28. Jackson ft Sparks. Ilnwanl, Chicago, Ifl-21. Jaeksnii Family, Keith's, Cleveland, 10-21. Jack. Tom, Trio, Colonial, N. Y. C, 18-21. .lardys. Orpheuui, Minneapolis. 10-21. Jee, Jas. ft Jeuule, Crpheuia, Boatou, 10-31. 1 Johnsuti, Tony, Cryatal. St, Joseph, Mo., 18-21. J Johnson A Willi, Shea's, torodto, Can., 16-31, ,'