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SEPTEB&ER ik TEttE NE 1 * ITOlUS. Olil^PEB. 871 pniaski, Va - =Tt wythetiii* *•*> H p yl » Ky.. .i.!?m.V?'(w>lby S.renrl, n«rH.)l-Albk)U. S. Y., "m jledlun *t. !• Freilwila .1, NortU Kasl. I'a.. 4 ,co.m™«.t,a^ T81IOW< ■km Bill's Wild Wwl, lM£ Lille's—Kl Puso, 1 rex Oct. l;.Al«m«gorao. N. M«.. 2, Tucum- aul's. Dslbnrt, Tex.. 4, Amnrlllo 0. MISCELLANEOUS. Francis (Lea. Shields^ mgr.)—Kent, W.sb., Oct. 1.8. Aubuini-O. ^ ,, , | ]it ^ MASSACHUSETTS Kddlc Glgnre, UoHlft Clifford, Viola Medina. May Crosby, Carrie Lit Mat* unci Strong Bros., Eddie Ulgiue makes his Arm appear- ance since losing Ills eyesight. Notks. —Lillian Carter ban recovered froui her recent Illness and Initl Joined Fred Ir- win's Big Show Geo. C. Marshall, wlio conducted a school of acting In this city, died at it local hospital last week from n lingering illness The Boston Bymphonv orchestra, Dr. Karl Muck, conductor, will begin its regular Benson Oct. 11. Lowell. — At the Lowell Opera House (Julius Calm, malinger) '•Daughters of Men," with Leigh I)e I.ney, bad capacity Sept. IB, ■■The Ola Homestead" hud big: business IT. "The -Green Bird," in, had ft filled house. "Knst . Lvnne," with Dorothy Mnrke and George W. Scott, delighted- a. It. 0. 21. -, Miss Marke deserves much praise for her •nd William Collier, In. caught In the Kaln. work M T , a dy Isabol and Mndnme Vine. at the Park- .Tto^flwfc JPg? fc * l 8J^* t j3 Mr. Scott ntso did splendid work. This week, ""0, when Boalon.-L-BlancJie Bates, In The Girl of th? Golden West" returns to the Majestic, &2Vmr ^ange for the week at the «rqt class Theatres. The continued attrac- tions are: Wright Lorlmer, In "The Qulck- llnds" at the Colonial; Frank D.nnlols, In •The Tattooed Man," at the Mollis Street, Will", 'n " A r ', uck , y „ Do ¥.'" ?l,,%ti L°Ji i\,?„1„ Bennett-Moulton Co., excepting 2 'Through Death Va ley, at the (.rand Opera ... fne , „„, M; „.. .,„„,.'„„. House. Stock productions contlnue^-at Jj\e . Acadkmy or Music (It. I'. Murphy, mana- ger).—Academy of Music Stock Co., with "The Wife," la9t week, ,pleased very good business. Albert McGoyem and F.thel Rider the nen' leads, were well received. "Blue Palace, Howard arm am ^^^nurtK J «""" « hl » week. John J. Lyons Is a new seuiiin nave new bllfs, and the several motion IIlf mlM?r nt Mlp „,,„,„,, picture resorts make »5 0 ''?X, f mm y B ri»d tS HathawaVh (John I. Shannon, resident « PW«"E5*-JS ,,ll SEh r ?r2 l e&" 0 McE "tmml -A«• S continues.. This week: Boston, the Castle Square and the-Bowdoln Snare Variety entertainment Is furnished .? Keith's, the Orphoinn and the Tremont, nnd burlesque Is offered at the Columbia, Palace Howard and the Lyceum. The ramie, *»m t » ..n^. „-.,,i #i.« .,„..„,,, m , eice lent lasl week. With the closing of No- S Vmtk nnd the Medford Boulevard Theatre, last Saturday night, the outdoor M-ason came to a conclusion. Majestic IA. L. Wilbur, manager).— Blanche Bates returns with "The Olrl of the Golden Wc?t," to remain n fortnight, "Fas- clnsting Flora" closed three ^eeks of evenly KO Coi1o"nim. (Chns. Frohman, Rich k Harris, uiniiuKersj.—Wright Lorlmer continues "The Quicksands" for nls second and last week. The llrst local hearing of ihls new play, by Alicia Ramsay nnd Rudolph De Cordova, re- sulted In a very favorable critical verdict, und excellent ttnanclul returns. "The FoIIIch of luOi" next week. Mollis Btiibot- (I. B. Klch, manager).—' Frank Daniels, In "The Tattooed Man, Bleated big houses during the past week. He remains 23128. Grace acotgc, In "Dl- vorcons," next. Park (Chas. Frohman, Rich k Harris, managers). — "Cnught In the Kaln," with William Collier, won deserved sueecss Inst week, remaining 23-28. Marie Darn, In "The Morals of Marcus," next. GLOW! (Stair, Wilbur k Nlcolnl, mana- ger,) —Nat M- Wills, la "A Lucky Dog,' ibis week, follows a good week for "At YjJt, in which Ernest H. Baxter, l'hyllls Bostwlck, Cliurlotte Buerger and Charles Iirablau were prominent. Bfilv B. Van next week, with. ■•Patsy in Politics." Guano Opkba Hourr (Geo. W. Magee, manager).—"Through Denfh Valley," with Jau.es ICdwnrds nnd Maretla Smart, 2,1-28. D'trlng the past week, "Edna, the Pretty '1 vnowrlter." entcrtnlncd iarge audiences. James ,1. Corhctt, In "The Burglar und the Lttdv," 30. •'Biston (Lindsay Morlson, manager).— i'lle stock company tills week In "Itallles, with Wilson Melrose In the lltle role. "Zaza was produced last week In a clever manner. Kleauor Gordon, the now lending lady, was seen In the name part, nnd Won Instant ap- proval, "ornustnrk" next week. The new company Is now firmly entrenched. ., Cabti.u SqtiAitK (Boston hiuge Society, man- agers).—Manager Mussoii, of the slock opera company, announces "ltlgoleito" tills week, following n good week <<* "W<«W' a S±"\ thtt Nile." For week of SO, "The Grand ■iBowiIoiN SguAttn (0. K. J/othrop. bjMMf Ser).—The Lothrop Stock Co. presents '"lhe hadow Behind the 'lTirone'' this week. •When Women Love," Inst week, (.undone Hunt was seen to splendid advantage, . A Man's Broken Promise" ne*t week. Kkith'h (B. F. Kolth, manager).—This week : Burr Mcintosh, Walter C. Kelly (sec- ond week), "ItohlnBon Crusoe's Isle, present- ed by John P. Jtqgcrs; Ben Doely and com- isny, Darils Bros.. Al'mont und Duuiont, Jhrlstlpc I,a Barrunue, 11 riff, Four Baltiis, IlelS Bros., Hill's'animals, Conlln and Steele, the McCarrefB, Louis Gucrtln and n new set of motion pictures "Little Hip," Basque Qunrtette. Irving Jones, lire,a Richards, Emerson and Baldwin, Belle Viola, Aubrey and I.ewers, and the Hnth- ascope Boston (Wm. F. Lyons, resident ninna- ger).—Successful opening HI, with Nellie llnrtfoi'd's Burlesquers, who suve n nice mu- sical entertainment. Interpolated with good comedy. Juggling Dc Male, of the olio, was a big lilt. This week, Ileautv Bright Bur- lesquers. House staff: 3. II. Tebbetts, man- ager: Win F. Lyons, resident manager ; Mrs. Wm. F. Lyons, treasurer; J. C. Davy, door- man ; Tom Alien, stage manager; Frank Me- Govern, operator; James Bl'oderlck, proper- ties. ntre Dreamland (Lord & Downing, mana- gers). *nd the Klcctrlc, Mnnnger Sheafe, Is also doing big Imslness William Kester, of Beftchmbnt. Is the pianist at the Dream InnO. ami Alfred Cnprotil. fitriuerly with "The Mayor of Toklo," Is singing the Illustrated songs at the same theatre Otto Relther will open and manage Ibe West Lyon moving picture, house la a snort time. ■ Fall River.—At the Savoy (Wm. B. Reed, resident manager) "The Conuty Sheriff," Sept. 17, 18, pleased. "The Old Homestead." 21, drew n large nnd appreciative audience. "When Knight hood Was In Flower" 2.1. "The Time, the Place and the Girl" 2(1, "Brown of Missouri" 27, "At Yale" 28. "The Green Bird" HO, Frank Daniels Oct. 1, "The Olrl from Broa.wny" 2, "The F. .1, At. Leach, In "Happv II..,, Acadrmt ok Home (Win. D. Heed, maun gerl.—"Done Brown" pleased 10-18. as did "Daniel Boone" 10-21. Wine, Woman and Song" 2n-25, "Adrift.In New York" 2fi-2*<. "A Millionaire's Revenge" 30-Oct. 2, ''A Gambler pf the West" .1-5, Simuiv's (Chas. R, Cook, manager).—This theatre opened lis vaudeville season last week to S. It. 0. Mlddlelon, Spellmeyer aud company. In "A Texas Moving," headed a strong bill, giving great satisfaction. Week of 2:i: Dan Burke nnd his "Sweet Sixteen" School Girls: Qiilnn nnd Mitchell, the Four Comrades. Alf. Ornnt, Felix and Calre, Ptc nros Trio, Aineta, and cauierngraph. Nickrlodkon (Jna. T. Mason, mnnnger). —Week of 23: Ted nnd Clara Stead, Nellie Denno: Forbes, the marvel, and optiscolie. Xoth. —The Scenic, with moving pictures 1(1-22. "The Prince of Camden.—At the Cnmdea Theatre (>. W, Taylor, manager) Manager Taylor evi- dently wishes that the walls of his tbeatrs were Indln mhncr, ho that he could Mitten llieui to hold the business Ihal's cotnlug his wnv. Harry flay Blaney, In "The Hoy lle- lecllve," 12-14, nnd "The Gambler from Hie West," 1018, both drew the people. S. II. 0. prevailing. "The Mfe of an Actress' IP-21. "A Fugitive from Justice" 22-24. "From Slug "A Texas Steer," I'llsen" 2S-2.V , , , LiBKkTT (II. W. Bishop, manager).—Iset- tpa Jewel and Lander Stevens and Ulihops Plnycra- drew raiwelty audiences. In "The Girl 1 lA'ft Behind Me." week ending 18. "Too Much Johnson" 10-22, "Tho Dancing Girl" 28-211. Cid.i miiia (Keating & Flood, managers).—- The Columbia Mualcal Co.. In "The Olrl ........-.--. from Paris," cincluded a successful two Sing to Lllierty 2«-.8. weeks' run in The same conuinuv. n "The Nr.W Hno.uiWAV (win. .Long Jr., TeleobonT Girl" 10-2™ Will Waling * gerl.-So close to completion Vs Dr. Uins'3 Co' P ln°n season of Vipulardrnmas, to'fol- new theatre, which Is .0 he devotedtj vauiV low at miimlnr iirlces. vllle In the Keith circuit. Hint Sept. M is InonA V™0« Houan (II. W! Blsliop.. announced lor throwing open the doors. *r).—Ferris Hnrtmsn and the Idora Kstlmatcd cost of constrjietion . f ihentre ta •The Black Hussar," drew *10(i,00(i: sentlng capacity, l.r.no. A cafe •Shin Is one of the features, located underneath "lcntre. Keith Is to do the booking. mana- mnnnger) Opera, Co.. bSS'A'a »!,„ niVi" excellent nttendance week ending 22, "Bhln Is one Karl and the Girl All0y .. ,„.._,„ ..,„., V|1 „ winkle* 1 uiiderllnr.1. the th ff*ft 4Ld „„„„. ..l|l^.O*^«^«ll,.ll««Mi»r^.c^M 1 JW« , _ Itlchard J. Jose, Carol Sister*. McLInn Bros., Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. Murray Suillli, Wilbur Held, Columbia Comedy Four, and the blograpli. Xovki.ty (Guv l*. Smith, manager).—Fea- tures ltl-22: Gs'glHiux. 41, Wutson nud com- pauy. Wnlther and Hill, Harry Clinton Saw- ver. Kelter, and motion pictures. e.mi'iiik (K. M. Carlmin, manager).— Adams and Stewart. Joe Fonseca. Carlson Sisters dale of Kolb & Dill Co.), Kittle Walsh, D» Hell Trio, nud motion pictures. Bijou Diirasi (W. F. Heffy, mnnnger),— Kxcellent mollon pictures draw packed nouses. Rkx (J. I*. Wlllmol, iiiumigeri. —Good pat- ronage. . „, Xotkh. —The big new temple (if vaudeville on'Twelfth Slreet, the new Orpheum Theatre, of Oakland, which for a year lias been In lhe hnmls of the architects and contractors, bus been turned over to Ibe force of Interior decorators, employed by the Orpheum Circuit Co.. President MeyerfelJ states thnt the new nnrenpoft At Hie Hurtls Opera House (direction, Chninlierlln. Kindt A to.) "My Dixie Girl" Sept. 12, "Why G rls Ijenyo Home" 14. "The Heart of llmago Li. "rhe Cat aud the Kiddle" tll-21. The >llnlH 22-2... "The Mini of the Hour" 20, "Tempest and Sunshine" 211. . , _, _, ,,„. GitANO (direction. Lee k Llmltl.—B II week of K.: The Three Mltehels. Wells 11, De Vaunt. Maxwell, Brown and Brown, Minora, Kiln Mullen, nmt movingjilrtnres. Family (direction, Munni ft Oelkers).— For 10 nnd week: The Black Dolilndo. Dun- ova nnd Groceln, Kehms, lhe Musical Ileuhiis, performing goats, and iimvlng pic tures. (iKknliiuxii. At the Maanulc Opera House 8 sjirinirfieid.—At the Court Square (D. O. illlmore, manager) Pauline, the hypno- tist, mystified good sized audiences Sept. 14- 10. Carrie Scott, comedienne, and Mnvollo, on the slack wire, helped entertain. "The College Widow" 21, afternoon arid evening; "The Old Homestead" 24. Sam Bernard 2!>, Howe's moving pictures 20. Foi.l'8 (Gordon Wright, manager).—Kdwln Stevens and company and Willy Pantzer and company shared honors on Inst week's hill. Business continues at top notch. Bill week of 23: F'rank D. Bryan's Seventeen Human FlngH, Linton und Lawrence, Apdale's ani- mals, Welch, Mealy und Montrose, Colonial Four, tlie Kemps, Kekhoff and Gordon, and electrogrnph. Nki.hon (Louis K. Kllby, manager).— Henry Lee was the strong attraction last week. Bill 23 and week: London Models, Morris and Morris, Hope Booth and company, Flnley and Burke, Geo. W. Day, Froslnl, Mile. Agoust and animated pictures. 1 Nrw Gii-Monn (P. F. Shen, manoger).— Scrlbner's Big Show opened u three days' en- gagement HI. The comedy was entruBtcil to Tom Robinson nnd Geo. C. Johnson, who did their tiest to entertain. Miss Blossom made a decided hit. nnd fully deserved the op- plause given her. The olio was quite good. ( The Choir Singer" finished the week, und received favorable recognition from good houses. Greater Xew York Stars inMMi Jer- sey Lilies 30-Oct. 2. . .... Ii» Stauhlami. —Manager flllmore la hold- ing 30 open for "The Passing Regiment," the new play In which Cecilia Loftus and I.nurnnce D'Orsay ace to appear an co-stars. • Mrs. Wluthrou II. Wilcox (Carrie Meyer), an aeronaut, and a resident of this cltv, was Instantly killed at Olean. N. Y., Sept. 14. 'Mrs. Wilcox had successfully made the drst drop: when about 1,000ft. from the earth she pulled loose from the first para- chute. The second parachute decended fully 100 feet before opening, When It did open, the jerk was too much for Mm. WIJcox, nnd It snapped her hold upon the trapeze. I and Illustrated songs. Is doing well. i Worcester.—At the Worcester (J. V. Burke, resident manager) "At Yale" Sept. house will imnltlvely open Sept. 30., 23-2.">. "The Choir Singer." 1IMK. did well. "The College Widow" had n large audience 1(1. "The Red Mill" scored n nuccess 20. 21. FitANKLIN Hqiiaur (J. V. Burke, resident mnnnger).—Week of 23: Konnrah, Josephine Saliel. Kd. Blondell, Bellonlnl. Harry Tate's "Fishing," Jss. F. MhrDonnld. Carroll and Cook, Matt Keefe nud Tony Pearl, nnd the animated nlrtnres. Pom (J. C. Orlddle, resident manager).— Week of 23: George Abell, In "Three of a Kind:" Amello Somervllle. Willie Panlrer rompnny, Alsace and I/irrnlne. Karle and Hnrtlett, Howard nnd Howard, He Will, Burns and Torrance, and the electrogrnph. All Aristocratic business Bud Yankee Dome" 'Qnlncy Adsinn Mine. Gndskl will appear In concert nt the Liberty, Oct. 14. nnd nt the Greek Thrntre, Berkeley, nt 11 matinee performnnee, Oct. 15. •»» < VN»1>\. Him 1 ■'» 1 • -At Ill's Majesty's (II. 0. Brooks, manager) Cecil Spooner.fn "The Girl Rallies" and "The Dancer und the King," pleased greatly Kept. 1(1-21. "The Blue Moon" 23-28, ■ 1 I \..l ,. ...I " •111 H.l '. New Bedford.—At the New Bwlford (W. R. Cross, ninnager) Leigh lie Lncy nnd her eoiniianv have proved a very good drawing card. She Is the most popular actress ever seen here nt repertory iirlces. "Brown from Missouri" Sept. 24, "When Knighthood Was In Flower" 20. "At Yale" 27, "The Time, the Place and the Olrl," plnyes a return engage- ment 28. iHatiuway'h <t; B. Baylies, manager).— Bill week of 23: Sir. nnd Mrs. Fred Lurlor. Willie Weston, Six American Dancers, K. F. Ilnwley nnd company, the Grent Scntt, Mimic Four. Roberta Keene, nnd the pictures. Savoy (W. II. Shine, manager).—Vaude- ville nnd continuous moving pictures draw large houses, La Belle Leonora, In Illustrated songs, being well received. ■ ■ ■ " -■■ * '- Lawrence,—At the Opera House (Julius Calm, manager).—Week of Sept. 10, lhe Ben- nett-Moulton Co. did very good business. "llenilH of Gold" Sept. 24. "The Red Mill" 10, "The F.nrl and the Girl," 8(1. with Alex- ander Clark. "Coining Thro' the llye" 28. Colonial (J. Fred I/vc*. manager).—Flan business. Bill week of 23: Paul Conchas, Monroe, Mack and Lawrence, Work and Ower, Carter, Taylor and rompnny, Snm Williams, Pecaro Trio, De Haven nud Sydney, aud moving pictures. Lyceum (W. L, Oallngher, manager).— Business Is S. It. 0. Bill week of 23: Marlon Hluke's llurlerque rompnny. Olio: Hates nnd Krnesl. Fanny Weston, Henry Walte and Alice Mellvllc. « Taunton. —At the Taunton Then I re (Calm at Cross, managers) Nell Burgess, In "Htippylund" 30-Oct. 5. AcAiikmv iw Mimic (Waller Grenves, mnn- ager).—Attendance during week of Sept. 10 wits good, with the Kllle Musical Four. Al. Shenn nnd compnnv. Charles Ketinu, the Tourblllon Troupe. W. S. Harvey and com- pany. Kdlth Helena, snd Fred Kurno. HgNNRTT's (It A. MrVcnn. nuuinger).— Business during the past, week was hlg, The bill was: The Rumens', Mcl'hee und Hill. Katherlne Nelson, Mr. und Mrs. Ilnrry Thiinie and cnmpnny. Vokes und Yokes, Bears, Itellr Brothers, and liciuiiiro's Venetian Gondolier Band. Wan-cam (F. W. IVa Clnlr, mannger).— ."It's Never Too Lule to Mend" culm' In good houses last week. The Smart, Sot,. 23-28, "Since Nellie Went Away" 30 and week. Royal (II. C. Hgerton,' mnnnger 1,—Good houses greeted lhe Merry Makers Burlesque Co., 10-21. The Washington Society Girls 23- 28. ■ Dim Noiivkaijtkh (II. J. Deiners, malin- ger l/—The permanent French stock company. In -"Mngdii," In gissl ntlendnilce last week. "Tnmlng of the SlireW" (111 French) current. National Fiiancaik (Puul Cnxencuve, man- ager).—The peri.iniienl French stock com- pany. In "Paul Knuviir," had big business 1U- 21. "Adrlenno l.eeouvreiir" 23-28. At lhe Grand ojiera House Little Dolllo lln hi 111,10 (A. It. -l/oiidon, ninnager) Dlninles," Sept. II, nleased good slzeil houses, h,,,,!,,,,,!,, rue.pin und eompauy, K "Cupul nt V-jsHiir." ill. wns well received. ( MI|I | A mh Bays, Mnyuie Item "The Top o' th' World,' 1 17, had n large and .i|.|,,|, H " word and Currnn. Ann Ml TO groit „ 'r, every bone In her 'The County Fair" nud •;Vl ? V' SepL 10-21 body belag B broken... . .'.Fred. C. Iloleomb h.id, Koo.l^returns.,TSWTg Lacv, come, Jr. bus liecn engaged as mualcal director of the musical comedy, "Cupid nt Vaasar.' lis week: Vol ta, the eleunui wonaer. jm ^,,,,.1*,,,. 1.... nn | mm)r innt nart. .Georite _..cy comes week of 23, with the exception of i", when Time, the Plnee nnd the Girl" will be This .. wards Davis, In "The Unmasking '•" Ouinlin In which lie has an Important part George Widows, Wills and Hussun, Paul Montgomery and Moore, Wm. A. Dillon, and new klnetograph views, ,. Xiihmqnt (J!l». ft Schoeffel, mnnnger).— Ilils week: Mr. anu Mr*. Jerry Cohan and oeumnuy, Arthur Prince (second week), six Musical Cutlys. Billy Vnn. Woodwards neala. Three Yoscarrys, Foresto and his nog. Barton and Brooks, and new animated pic- tures. . HowAiiu (Jny Hunt, business manager .— The Avenue Girls 23-28, with: Llbby Ulon- dell, Murlon Alexander, Hanson, Couroy nnd Kmersiio, May 'Boyle, Llnnle Albert nud Marie Melville. In the Howard's own bill are: Loro and Payne, Marlon and Denne, Scott and Whaley, Chns. nnd Nellie Knit. Wood and Lnwson, Humes nnd Lewis, Paulino Slosson, Beecher und Mnye. Helenc I<runcls, and the llownrdscope. 'Tlie Nightingales were much In evidence Inst week, 'lhe Ihor- iiughbreds next week. Palace (C. H. Wuldron, manager).— Clark's Jersey Lilies 23-28. Tho company Includes: Leon Krrol, Frisco Four, Fanny Vedder, Four Znrrus, Mana nnd hTnnks, Ward nnd Ilnynor, Frank WllllnroB. Stella Chute- llano and Nell McKtnley. The house srioeallty Saturday night. Mr. Alexunder Is to go Yonkers. N. Y., where ho Is to manage lhe Doric Theatre, a new vaudeville house, operated In conjunction with tho Keith office. ■ ■ NIIforiL—The Lyceum Theatre will open Sept. 30, under the maungemeut of V. B. Bllfter, formerly of the Umpire Theatre, Mil- ford. The house will be refurnished, re- sented with folding chairs, and provided wllh new scenery. The style of entertiiluiuent. will be the same an that given under Mnnn- ger Stlflcr's management (it the Umpire, viz.: 1'ollle vaudeville und moving pictures, 'lhe Lyceum was formerly tho only hall In Mil- ford for theatrical purposes until the Mus c Hall Corporation built the present Music "Mimic HALL (II. H. Morgan, manager).— "Dnn'l Booue; or, On the Trull,' was ac- corded a hearty reception by the audience. Mark Merit, In the lltle role of Dan'l lloone, nnd Lew Reed, In Hie negro comedy part, deserve especlul mention. IIoag Lakk closed a not very satisfactory season Its. Lakf. Nipmuc P.inic (D. ,1. Sprague, mana The presented. Scknic (C. H. Trouly, manager) opened to a hlg week'a business. Bookings for week of 23: Kdwnrds and Keernell, Lillian Dur- rell, Knox Brothers, Ira Kessner, and new moving pictures. »»» r 1 CALIFORNIA. l./ix AnifelcH.— a 1 tlie Mason Opera House (II. (.'. Wyutt, nmnuger) "lu the Bishop's Currluge" opemnl to a good sized house Sept. 10. Louis James 111-21, "The Man of the Hour" 23-28. Bklahco (J. II. Blackwood, manager).— "The l'rlinro:<e Path." by the stock com- pany, drew good audiences week ending 1!>. "The Mills of the Oodu" 10 nud week, "The Mini from Mexico" 3-28. Moiiohco'h Bi'Iihank (Oliver Moroaco, mali- nger).—The usual crowded houses. "The imlry Farm" ir.-21, "Prince Otto" 22 nud week. l.iia Anokleh (Arthur A. I/otto, manager). 1—"When Joluiny Comes Mnrcblng Home," Hiitistied uuillcnce. ''The Girl Who Has lOveryililng," 18, delighted n good house. "Jessie Left the Village" 10, "A DespcruOi Chance" 21, "The Shepherd King" 2.1-25, "Marrying Mary" 30, "The Blue Moon" Oct. .'I, 4. Savoy (J. G. Appleton. manager). —Audi- ences continue large, Bill for week of Sept. 23: W. 8. Harvey nnd compnnv, Mine, (Hullit's horses, Charles Keiina, Josephine Davis. F.IP.e Musical Four, Kdltli Helena, nud Tourblllon Troupe. Uknnktt'h (Goo. F. Drlscoll, mannger).— Business Is entirely satisfactory. Hill for week of 23: Harry Lu Itoso and coniiinn.v, the Village Choir, Musical Crnlgs, the Oarrl- sons, Mr. and Airs. Allison, Four Nelson Combines, Dillon Bros., and (he Tenuis Trio. » Toronto.—At (ho Princess (O. II. Shep- pnrd. mannger) "The Gingerbread Man," 111.18, did big business. "The Shepherd King" drew l» capacity 111-21. This week, Mrtrle Cohlll, In "Marrying Mary." Koval Ai.nxANiiuA (L. Holmnn. malinger.— Jns. T. Powers, In "Tho Blue Moon," drew big houses week of 10. Week of 23, De Wolf Hopper, In "Happylnud." guano (A. .1. Small, manager).—"LIUla liollle Dimples" had big business lust week. Billy It. Van week of 23. AIa.ikhtic (A. J. Small, mnnnger).— "Sines ts produced by the Sun Francisco Operu Co.. attracted good business to this newly opened und coxy little playhouse. Gii.vnii on-.iiA HotiSK (Clnronce Drown, mnnnger).—The Ulrlch Stock Oo„ In "Since Nellie Went Away," drew the usual good business. "The Octnroou" 23-28. Oiti'HKUii (Martin Beck, general manager) "The Ninety und Nine" did nicely Nellie Went Away" 23-28. Staii (F. W. Slnlf. limiiugcr).—The Ynnkes Doodle Girls, 1(1-21, hud packed houses. This week. The Merry Makers.. Week of .'10, Tlie Wnslilngton Society Girls. Siika'n (.1. Shea, mannger). — Standing room only 10-21. BUI for week of 211: "Rob In n 1 I (J. FrniiK Jersey, munngcri Tramp." Sept. 12, did moderate- bitslti pleased. The Lyninn TwIiim, In "The Drummers." 10. "Why Girls Leave 111, "Too Proud lo Beg 2(1. Snwyer"' Inler. • , oiiiKNT. (Curl C. Slrnlile. mnnnger).— n- pacltv business during I lie p'nst week. The mniiiigemenl Is seeking menus for iiccotuiao- dnllng gi-i-iiler bouses, Nothk.— ft II. Kinipp. represeiillng "QlUnc? Adams Snwyer," wns In lhe oily. 10, mak- ing advance arrangements nnd dolug early advertising Resident Mumiger A. I). Owens, of the Mnionlc (Ipern House, will care for Manager Jersey's Interests. ■ Durllunton.—At (lie Grand (Chnmber- lain. Harrington k Co., iiinnngnrsi "The Yankee Regent" played to very gisxl busi- ness Sept. 14. The Jeircrsniuj Oct. 1. "Po- cnlKinliiH" 2. "A. Good Fellow" 3, "Arlxonn" 4, "Under Southern Skies" 'fi, ■ GAiiilti'K (J. M. Hoot. *g****)j.~-JB& week of 28: llusllngs nnd Wilson. Mnrlflle and Delbrldgv, Gerrlly Sisters, Jlinmln Wall. anil moving pictures. .__.'__. Ci.li'H.—The Bijou Is being Irntisfortned Into 11 regular vaudeville theulre, nud will open Get. I. »«» INDIANA. IndlniiMiiolls. - At Ungllsh's <l|M<ra House (Ad. F. Millar, nuiiumer) "Stronglienri," Sepl. 10, 17, pleiiseil good sized hoiuea. Jasenh .li'lfersnn. In "Hip Vim Winkle," 2(1. SI, "The College Widow" 23, 24,' Maude Fenlv 25, "Ills Honor I lie Mnvor" 211, "Fortv-llve Minnies from Broadway" 27. 2N. Pahk (Hick k Tulhotl, miiiiageis).— "The Knil of lhe Trull," HI-IS, wns 11 new one (hut stood (hem up. "The Suiinv Hide of Broadway" 111-21. "King nnd Queen nt the Gnmblcra" 211-23. , Granh Ol'HUA lloi'Hg (Shafer Zlegler. mnnnger).—-Herwte's ponies were lhe fea- ture of un excellent III 11 week of III, Unit drew cnpnellv business. Hill week of 23: ■- Iviiiiiiii Fnni ml tig 1 on Und ■•. -■■inn.IWhjrtr, Win. Iniiinu and compiiuy, Mine. .Nnllge, Mnk- murl, and lhe khiodrouiiti Majkhtii- (L. K. Lund, manager).—'I to Three Llvlers. iiovelly aewibats, were the fenlure of an enjoyable lilll wnek of III. Busi- ness wns sxcellent. For week of 23: Nel- son nnd Mllledge. Threo Linindura, liigll ,1. Biuinelt, Harry iiedu, Waller Met'iilloiiKli. the Four Graceful Drohs, W, V. llutler, und the Miijenllcscnp". ., , „ UMl'llin (Harry Drary, itinniiger).—Jolly Gruss Willows. .12-14. gave nn eiileitnlaliig performance (( inicltv business. I'liiUlmi Belles, 111-18, lllleil tlie house, ilotwtllistniid- ln- the hot wcnllier. h'uv I'l/sler IB-Ill. Iin- wrlnl BiirhwunorH 23-25, Wlllluuis' Ideals 211- 2M, Hire Show Mil del. 2. High Jinks M> Gavkty iKilwiird Hhnyiic. uinnuger).— Vnnlly Full', week of Si'iit. HI, gnte II (food. Ilvelv show, to moderate business, Huston Belles Week of 211. NoTK.—.lilines IC. Fennessy came over from Cinclnnnll 111, lo see Hie opening performance of lln' Fny Foster Co. 1 lOvjoiNt lllr. At I lie Grand (l'edley A Biirch, maniigeis) gooil audiences mall nee nud night, Sepl. Hi, nud Mm «-<»iii|»n;iy guv* sal Israel ion from start lo llnlsh. The nt- (ruction wns "'Hie Irish Senator," nnd, w th James L. Mei'uhit In Hie lllle role, 11 culled dirlli numerous eiicnim Lyinnii II Howe's moving pictures 18. Helen Aubrey, In III* lead of u hlg company. In "Cust Lyliue," 21. Pkoi'I.k'h (l'(Nlley * lltirch, inniiai(er»).-- Phenonietial business nil season. Week of in, High .links Kxtrnvngnmtu Co. presented "Roselillid," und geueriil satisfaction was given, Whi.IjM.Hi.IOII (Allen Jenkins, malinger).— the Three Madcnns. Capital entertainment, furnished by < the'Greater New York Stars, was enjoyed by big houses lust week, lhe Hose Hill Co. next wceek. Austin k Stonh'b Miisbum (A. B. While, manager).—This week ends the stay of the following strong curio hall features: Travis, strong man; Princess Tliomn, In a float act; Harry Alien, mystlflor; Olivette, rope king: Nelson, Juggler: John Topji's Band, and Trlxle. snake enchantress. In the theatre: The Minstrel Maids, new specialties by Vesta Gilbert. Cussle Frcnrh, Ruth Clarke, Helen Clifford, Kilty Hoffman, May Farlow, Hleunor Lawrence, liln Cnmpbell. Eleanor Murtha, Norton Sisters, Frank Cook, Chns. Milton, Wm. Fulton und Frank I.niklii. Kxtra acts hy.Raymond and Merrltt.. Helston and Hood, 'lorn Meudows, lhe Joyces, Vera Belnsco, Tom Buteman and the house comedy company. Wai.kiib's Musbuai (I/. B. Wnlker, mnnn- ger).—lu curlor ball, second and Inst week: Camllle, tattooed Indy; Morton, magician. and the monkey circus. The stage show Is given by Nellie Hartford's Burlesone nnd Vaudeville compnnv. Olio nnmes: Blanche Lorlug. George La Blanch, Adams nud White, and the Walkerscone, Nickklodkon IW. H, Wolffe, manager).— Prof. Hall. In black art; Karl Bush, strong man, and Elmo. Arc king, are the curio hall leaders this week. Oolite Clifford's Bright Light Burlesquers are providing stage enter- tainment, with the following prominent: pictures and Illustrated songs. Business: seems to be very good. The house gives con- tinuous performances. 1 Lyun.—At the Lynn (Frank 6. Harrison, ninnager) the Fenbcrg Stock Co. played to good business week of 1(1, and rettiulned through 23. "Tlie Old Homestead" played to a packed house II). This week, "Tho (ireen Bird" 2(1, "The F.nrl und the Girl" 28. AunlTOUiUM (Horry KnUes, munnger).— Business big. The 1.111: Schneider and rer- rnndlnl. Coberv Brothers. Herbert Cyril, lor- (at. Wesson, Walters, Wesson. Bendino aud dog Fov aad Clark, and the vltograph. Gksi "(Charles W. Hheufc, manager).—Tho season opened 23, and during the Summer the house has been thoroughly renovated und Improved. The current attractions nre Boh and Berlhn Hyde. Cassle and Clifford, Bailey nnd Flckett. und Ibe bioscope. Mm ct iik, Salem (George It. Cbeetham. man- noer).—Business !s excellent, "'lhe County Sheriff came 20, ton sood house, and "Hearts of Gold" wns seen hy packed houses after- noon and evening of 21. "The Red Mill op- pen rs 24. „ , . (UUH. Salem (Julius C'nhn, manager).— The Elmer Stock Co. did good business last week. Here the Clara Turner Co. for week opening 23. NoTks —Manager Mark's Theatre Continue continues lo do big business, os does Tbc- rs).- James Lnlquo ' IlillS. ; and the nnnger). -People for 17 and week: Nellie Kiting and rompnny, Fid. White, Jnvana .the Two Ponies, moving pictures, nnd stock in "The Arrival of Pnltl." Flaciiun'M. — "The Lost Voice," produced under the direction of "Jolly" Zeb. Noma.—Rebn Dale, prima donna of "The Prince of I'llsen," received u telegram while plnylng here, that Mr. Snvnge had selected her for the title role In "The Merry Widow," and left for New York when the engagement lu Los Angeles closed William Weedon ulso left for New York lo lake a part In this production The Los Angeles Theatrical Munugers' Association Is reported to have spent M, tiki In the three years of Its ex- istence In charily nnd lending assistance to professionals Oliver Morosco returned from 11 hunt In lhe Tehuchapl Mountains with a three-pronged buck os 11 trophy of Ills marksmanship Hilly Blnlsdell Joins (he Sun Francisco Opera Co. Sent. 211. Arthur Ray has taken the place, of Charles P. Hates In (his organization, nnd Cnrl Haydn In Soon to Join Chnrlc* Haggle Inkes the place of Krnest. Glendennlng in the Belnsco Stock Co Oomenlro llusso, who now resides In Los Angeles, where he has a studio, sang n brief engagement nt the Orpheum, 10-22. uhLIhuU. —At Hie Macdanougb (Chan. P. 11 all, 11111 linger 1 Waller Stanford's Players in "Kant Lynne," drew well week ending Sept, if.. Will H. Bray and company, lu ger).—"My Friend from Arkansas" uliiuci ed top heavy nouses 13,'14. "Too Proud to Beg" pleased lf>, 10. Large houses enjoyed "Panhandle I'elu" 17. 18. "A Thoroughbred Trump" 111-21, "The Cat and the Fiddle" 22- 2ft. ' Hsii'iiiK (M. J. Knrger. manager),—Week of 23: Four Onettl Sisters, the Wvmwnods, Bernard Dyllyn. Mr. and Mrs. Hwickurd, Three Alverctlos, Jolly and Wild, nnd Mnckny and Orth. Irnnee., . aire. The place Is llrsl. cIiims lu every ivspe.t. nnd while It will not be under Mm nmiiiigemeiil of the, Hientre people, It Is so urrultgeil Hint patrons will Itnve easy acres* from any part of It The new theatre nt Princeton, Ky„ bus been lensed by l'edley a_ Biirch for 11 number of years, und arrange- ments nre being innilc lo bnve nn early open- ing. The house has a sentlng implicity of nboiil one thousand, anil. Princeton In so situated Hint II can draw frmn a number of towns for lis natrons T. W. Hnrbclr, ilrld Jack Hnelller were lu Kvniisvilla re- cently, looking over the Held to locale a vaudeville theatre. There seems to be some negotiations between Cpl. Jack Ropke, of the liljou, and these gentlemen. r'niiikforl.—At tho BII1111 (Langclirnko k llnfford, innnngers) "Toylinid," Sept. II. lensed 11 good house. "Uncle Josh Sprueiuiy," Keokuk, At lhe Lu Salle (I). K lleeveH, imiiiugcr) everything Is In order for lhe open- ing of the seuson. During the Hummer this .„,„„„, , „,„„, „„„»,.. -u,,,:,,..,,,«,, nnnic«u». cosy Place underwent 11 complete chanae— ^ .,.„ rM- ... n , e Missoiirl Girl" siitlHlleida largo new decorations throughout the u idltorlum. »• ■, , ,, ,,„„„ ,•„„.„„,„, i„ "Heddn (ln»- u now curtutn and overhauling of the scenery ' frmi ."«"■".. . •. _....... und u general hnpruveineut of the lobby and front of lhe house. Tint house staff: D. K. lleeves. manager; Tlios. McKvoy, treasurer; WIIIIiuu K. Bury, stugc mnnnger, und Prof. ... . uixl: :■ c .-. it,.,,,. ... kj...., ChrlMtv, lender of orchestra, week of Sepl. 23: The Two I'mnclscos, Knrly and Lute, Amy Buckley, and lhe klnotlrome. ('amino (C. II. Hodge, mnnnger). — "My Dixie Girl" pluyed n return engagement Ift, to good business. Franz Knitter's Tyroleans pleased good houses week of 10. The season at this house Is about to close. ■Nothm. —Keokuk's big Fall festival cele- bration Is to be held Oct. 8-12 Cooley k llogan's Flouting Theatre drew two gisul houses 18, nnd pleased Mnnnger Hughes, of lhe Grnnd opera House, his cisicludcil his engagement ns ninnager of lhe local-Iowa State League bail teom, and Is busy booking attractions for his bouse. The Season Is ex- peeled to open early In October, and a good line of high class offerings Is assured by the management. , ier," liellgiliied 11 big house III. "Are You a MusonV" m, "Klroniflienrt" Oct. 1. Citvs'i.w, (Chns. Welch, inn linger).—Week of 23! 1 Iridium Sisters, Golden and Wills. FJ It. Miller. Price and Penrl, Malundo nud Alvln, Cliiis, and Jennln Welch, Iva Don- nelle. King snd lluaulopp, nnd Hie kltioilroum. Nirriis.—Tho Metropolitan nud I'nhiee lire- cent continuous vaudeville Ilnrt Hicks bus succeeded BenJ, Allen ou tho Crystal staff. 1 1 ' Anderson.—At tbe Grnnd Opera House (.l„s. .v. iietilllligs, iiiuiiiigori .sarin llriiil.' I'oinedlniiK, Se|d, KI'Jl. wllh matinee dally, enjoyed good business. Hnlph Sluiii, In ••K'emigbenrt," 24 • "T"e Sliow Gill" 28. Nrw Crystal (W. W. McKwen. manager). —Hill 10 und week: The FurnellOH, Klllott nud West, lhe Paltees. Al. Derby nnd Kstn Allen, nnd motion pictures. Large receipts. New Dunn (Tom Hates, mdtinger).—Bill 10 and week: Francis Dunu nnd company,