The New York Clipper (October 1907)

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Q0H8M& 3. THE IXEW YOEK OUPPER. 907 Stak (Win. T. Kcogh, manager).—"Edna, thohFrclty Typewriter." opened to capacity ao.'.'arul tuc play and players came In for a warm iiltceptfon. Ncit week, "Little Heroes of the Street." ,KbitH * Piocron's OKti BvxMUB and TKBNfX-Firrii Stbekt (E. F. Alber, jteneral manager).—Stella Mayheiv, In a tunny od« net comedy, entitled "It Happened In Utah," mode a laughing lilt 30. The nupportloc cast Includes Blilie Taylor. Another hew offering Is Griff, London jujtkIoi', IIiIk being his flrat American appearance. He offers a clever comedy Juggling act. and IiIk monologue 1m both amusing and unique, lie scored n hit with the large audience on the opening ulglit. Tho above acta will he reviewed In full next w«ek.; .tithc-tH were: Fltzglbbouti-McCoy Trio, V.. f. Reynard, Cbnlk Saunders, Her- bert Lloyd, the Misses pelmore, Mason nnd Shannon, nnd Kitty Ti-nney. * Motion pic- lures continue. alu.miiira (Percy (J. Williams, manager). —This bouse ivas parked to the doors 110. I'cterF. Policy and company appeared In a musical comedy, entitled "Nearly a War Cor- respondent," for the llrst IJmc In New York, np'il .It .proved a very . effective offering. It will to reviewed next week. Others were: Edward Cunticlly and company, the Majestic Tirlo,' the Tom .Tack Trio, Kelly nnd Kent, Hobby Nprtb, Coram, Wlnsor McCay, Iloslna CasBOlll's midget wonders, and the vltagra ill. . IIUBTLO-A Sj:auon'.s Minn: Mali, (Hen Hurtlg: manager).—Tho Kcntz-Santlev Co. made Its flrst New York appearance this sea- son 30, to a crowded house. This company Is noted for the high standard of Its offer- ings, and this season surpasses all previous efforts. The opening burlesque, "A Day's Frolic at Atlantic City," presents the latest songs and also furnishes plenty of good laughs. . The olio: Chas. D. Webber. Kobcoo mid Sims, the Glockers, Frank ltoss, Marshall . and King, and Fisher and Berg. A bright, snappy burlesque Is offered, thus. Robinson's Night Owls' next.:, . 'UOTHAlf .'(Pave Kratis, manager). — Ed. Miner's American Burlesquera ■this week. Ilurlcsqiu! and o'lo made good from the start. The compcly work Is' excellent. Next week, Urenmland Burlesque™. , i'Aiitr.j ;<T>. J. .McCoy, manager).—This n'wk'i titll Is ft good one, nnd drew out a crowd 30.. It Includes: Ed. nnd Rolla White, Yankee Doodle Trio, Martin and. Davis, tho 'r.vvo'Cuannlngs, ami Vic Lconao. Brooklyn.—At the Montauk (Edward Troll, manager) Adulc Ritchie la appearing here this week, In "FauqbiAtlng Flora," with. a atrong company. Robert B. Muntoll played to big business. Anna. Held, in "The Parisian JlocteJ," nuit week. (W. C. Frltfley, manager).—Nat M. Wills. In "A Lucky. Dog," Sept. 80 and week. "The Muzutaa. Man" did well, lilgliy Hell, in "Shore Acres," next. , JS Bijou (Rlohard Hyde, manager).—Barmy III I more started d week's engagement, :io, In blfjp«w pbty, "I»ubUn Dan. "The Cowboy una tUe riquuw" packed them In. "HorlUu, the Sewing Machine Girl," next. . .i'ot-tiMttiA (.Chas. II. Wuerz, manager).— "It's flever Too Late to Mend" Is the title of the melodrama playing at this house the cur- rent week. "Joule, the Week. rent week. "Joule, the Little Madcap," lost Hovai, (.Toy Lclgb Wolf, manager).—An- tonla. Malorl will appear In two plays this week, "War In Time of 1'eaco" nnd "Ham- lot" Good bouses last week. •', OliniiiJuAt (Percy U. Williams manager). —iAuother line bill Is semi 110 and week, buiided by Arnold Duly und company, hi a sketch, .How lie I.PmI to Her Husband." (Idler., are : Master Cillirlol. Huston li'udottes. h'lnllli und Cuuipbcll, Cullottl's monkeys, Fos- ter; and Foster, Bedford anil Winchester, Mignonette Kokin, May 'Fully and company, nnd Hie vitagraph. Crowded houses past .w»»k.; • • . ;.,..„ '•"tlHANii (W. T. Orovcr, manager).—The best' blli so far offered lit this house Is see 1 this week: Claire ltotnulno, Arthur Prince, Hlckeynnd 'Kelson, .Okabo Jnps, Ooltii Trio, l.Wiieii Models, Billy "Van. Al. Sbean and company. Herbert Brooks, and animated plc- • res, tiood houses ^3-28, turen -K'ki:nkv'.s (W. N. Perkins, manager).— A ' big bill Is seen current week, Including: Hal. Clarendon and company, the Surprise Party, Harper Desmond and Milliard, Bailey und .Austin, Musical BcnnctlH, James smltli- Cook, Seymour ami Nestor. Four.Connolly Sis- ters, ami (he .Keeueyscupc. Business was line lust'week. Mi'Aa (Eddie Bchman, manager).—Greater New-York ritnrn 110 and week, with John L. Sullivan dud .lake Kllruln leading the olio. Crowded houses 23-UK. ■Or,*»n'ic (Mck Norton, manager).—Bob MttiK'hester'H Cracker Jacks ore playing to bl*." business. Mr. and Mrs, ..Robert Flte- idtbhaous, wl|o liead the strong olio, am prov- ing iV big drawing curd. Business last week cxcellout. ... :'l'i.i.j.t,H'H iBkoauway ii.eo <'. Teller, lessee). —Harry. Woodruff Ibis week - presents "Urown of Hnrvurd." The play bus been well .received by nmolilyn theutrcsgoerB, dad the indications are for a' successful neck. Ciuluttu Nlllxon'bad big houses lust week. In- t'tftie Three of Ua.V Next, John Barry- more, In "The Boys of Company -B." Polly (Henry. Kurtzmun, manager).— 'The Cumblcr of tho West," a big drawing 'cava with' this house's patrons,', begin a week's stay night of 80. Last weak, "The Gteat Express-Robbery" brougbtout the S. H. O. sign. Next, JumoB.J. corbcii (JAVtsry < James Clark, manager).—Scrlb- iitfs Big Show this .weak. Coltou nnd Darrow, Rose De Vorc, Curtln and Blos- som, Tom Robinson, and the Marco Twins. T'he burlosiiuc Is called "Tho North 'Pole." Ulg hcuses .last week. ■ i 'Novi&ty (Benedict Blatt, manager).— ThRweek's bill Is niadc up of: Madden-Fltz- patrick, company, the Juggling Burkoe, Ila NEW 1 UIIK STATK. BaAsdOr-At the Ktar <P. C, Cornell, manager) "The Merry Widow" wcok of Sept. 80. Elsie Janls, In "The Hovdeu," Oct. 7-0, first production on any stage. James T. rowers,, In "The Bluo Jloon,' 10-12. Dus- ttn I'nrnum. In "The Hanger," mudfl a fine impression and drew nicely. "Tbo Galilean'^ Vlcttry" Incited much Interest. Its title has bcon changed to "Tho Eruugcllst." Hni:.\'s.—A)»pearliig week of Sept. 110 arc: Lew Adums and Mux Reynolds, in "Paradise Alley;" Stm Collins, tlic ltunettos, Daisy llarccurl. Threo La Maze llros., Edwin Fors- -bcrg jind rotiipnny. in "iriie Can* Itarty," and Rossi and Paulo. Business Is big. Tbck <J. II. Oshel. inauaixer).—^Thls week: Harry Corson Clarke and company, In "Strati gy;" Joe Harts Military Girls, Ital- ian Trio, Jewell's manikins. Itndle Kiirtumi, Delhiore and I^;c, Ca-llemi. Four Lesters. In "The Two Cats." and animated pictures. Lafatettk. (Chns. M. Jlagg. iiMfniger).— Wlinlicii.ft Mnilell's Merry.Milker* this week. Next week, Washington SuHuty Ulrls. Van- kco Doodle Girls drew nicely, (.lAnoKN (Chas. E. White, mnnagcr).—This week, Rose Sydell's Loudon Belles. Next week, Huliity . Ducliens. l'urlalan Widows depart Hi 2S. Acauijmy (P. C. Cornell, manager).—"The Ltf6 of Alt Actress" this week. 'Messlu Left tho Village" met with: good results. ■» Albany.—At lluinniiius llleecker Hall (II. R. Jacobs, manager) the Yiddish Opera Co., In 'The Siicj-IHi'o. ' Interested Sent. 23. Mc- Tntyrc and Heath, In "Tho tlam Tree." fileased a large audience 23.' Fluke O'Hnrn, a "Dion O'Harc," pleased 2(1, 'J7. Sam Ber- nard, In "Tho Rich Mr. Iloggenbeliner," 28, had u capacity, house, and closed the week. Anna Day, In 'fWhon Knighthood Was In Flower." Oct. a; Jack Barrymore. 4, •", in •The Boys of Company B;* Harry Wood- ruff 0, 10. In "Brown of Harvard:" Ji me. tSchumann-Heliik 11. PaocTon's (Howard Graham, resident man- ager).—High class vaudeville drew the usual bis crowds here last week. Kitty Traney scored big as the beuilllner, followed by Geo. Felix, Lydta Barry antl company, and Wnltcr Perkins nnd company. For Sept. 30 and week: Edv.nrd Clark, Avon Comcoy Fouv. Louise Henry, Dairos Bros., Wilbur Mack and company, In a'sketch.' "The Bachelor and the Miild ;" Owley ami Ilandall, and Tom Moore. Km tin: (Jas. II. Itbodos, manager).—Ir- win's Majesties. '33-St. In burlesque, enjoyed big business. New York Stars,. 20-28, also finished a sueressful enifiigeineiil. Hirwcry liitrlesquers "0-Oct. '-', Jersey Lilies :|..l. (Jaiktv <H. B. Nleiiols, mruuigcr).—■Colo- nial Belles, Sept, ti.'l-ao, gave uu enjoyable performance, and drew line iiudlenevs. Mi- nor's Anierleans. 20-28, also did well, tilling the tbeaU'r lit cadi perforinanee. SI rolling Players aO-Oct. 2, Uroaniluud Burlcsqucr* 2-0. StAii Tiiuatiiu Is huvlng an excellent, sea- son showing moving pictures, and changing the bill weekly. Sow.—II. it. Jncohs, manager of Hur- innnus fllcoeker Hall, met with a sud loss In the death of his son, Marcus J., because of nn automobile accident In Newark, K, J. Voting Me. ,Iucobs was well known in this city, having formerly lived here. He was manager of the Columbia Theatre, Newark. » iloclifH(«T. — At, Dk' Lyceum (M. E. Wolff, inuniiKer) "The (lalllean's Victory," a play lu four urls, by (Icnry Arlliur Jones. received Us llrst preseiilullon on ally HUige, Sept. 23-25. "The Ml'iry Widow" lustiiiituneouM and overwhelming lilt, 2(1-28. It being in l.lniuleilgeil Hie best lilt of light opera seen here wttliln memory. The music. and slory ihuriued Its lieiirers. Eihel Jack- son, In the title role, in tide an emphatic suc- cess. Donald Ilrlun being a rloso second. 'Che production was gorgeous, but In good taste. S. It. O. buslucss ruled at every per- formance. "The Boys of Company B" 30- Oct. 2, "Tho Rich 'Sir. Hoggenholmer" 4; 5. National (Frank II. I'urry. manager).— Felix O'Harc, In "Dion O'Dare," wus well liked 23-23. Dllslni'MS waB line throughout the engagement. "The liny with the Boodle" had large returns 2(J-i!8. BAtCua' (Hli'linnl linker, nianuger).—The second week pf advanced vaudeville showed no falling off In attendance. James J. Mor- ton scored heavily. Bill week of.30: George F.vuns, fiirtiiiell and Hun Is. Mnv' Wnnl and Fight Dresden Dolls, .Clinton and Joriuon, Kuwson and June, John- lllrcli. Four BurrlH, Morris and Morris, ami moving pictures. Cook Oj'UIia lloiwn t.i. II. Moore, muila- gcr).—S. It. O. eugiu old sfory. Week of ;m : Criisiin's I'.le, lliiunet Ciirrlgnii and min- ium v, Chas. Wavuc and couiHiny, t'nuilllc Comedy Trlu, )tobcrtl'*i iinlmHls, Clarice Vunce, W. L. WerUtn ulid Lellu Tuylor, An- derson and (tollies, and the kluetogruph. ,' Cukimtmian (lltnry ('..Jjieobs, ujuiuiger.). —The Rdwery HiirleiH|tiei'S gave their usual 5ooil show week of 23, to big business, lieu onsen and Mike Kelly curried off the coiuiv dy Juniors. The duiiclng of Curuiulllu D'l-'.l- cederu proved mi added feature. The Pii- rlslan Widows Co. ao nnd week, the Rose Sydell Loudon Belles; Co. next week. Tr»>-.- Tbomiwon, . ■Wldsw!' tilled tho ltouse Sept. 25.. Mclntyrc id'-'Heath, In "The Ham Tree," had a bit 1). 'Carey. In "Montana." -At Hand'a Opera. House (H. T. resident tnanager) "The Collego Hratinoh, Da|e npd O'Mallcy, Kd. Gray, Suilth,'and Dean. Dixon llrotliers, and the vfthgroph. Rig houses continue to rule. lit.AMiY's (J If. WUIiuins, ima'aagdr).— " Jcwfu'-Left thcVlllagc" la this week's offer- ing; .It Is a rural drama, now to this part of the i borough. Good business last week. Next,, "A Fugitive from Justice." Gotham (Edgar F. Glrard, manager).— This week's bill: Will Lester and company. William cabin, tbo Kratons, Russell and HID, La Veen and Cross, Anslero. and Rich- ards, and Mis. Dan McAvoy. Business con- tinues big.- . 'I'attom's (Joe Pay ton, manager).—"Old Orcllurd" this week. Big houses last week. N'cxl, "Leah, the Forsaken.*! • l/vi.'t:ciu (Louis - Phillips, manager).—"A Man's Broken Promise" this week. "The Giml While Diamond" hud u good run week ending 28. Notm. —The Sh abort Theatre closed Its doors Sept.-21 as u vaudeville house. Klaw &. Hrlangcr, who. controlled this theatre, fiidnd (hat It wns not a paying proposition, and decided to close It rather than run a losing irnrne. The house has been S. laiblu. .the well known Dim maker and moving-picture man, whose beadfiuartora ure located at .Philadelphia. Mr. l.uiiiu .will of- fers programme mnde up of moving plctiitcs, Illustrated songs and similar diversion,..'. William McDlcrnify. well known to all thea- tregoers In llils borough a»'lhc treasurer of 'bei-Orpbeiim. was recently IbeLrrchHUIt pf n JWOtbiiiujc,dhiiuond.pln. Mr. Melilcnney has wori much favor with the patrons of Mana- ger Williams' house. « . i s » . ■ .1 r Tub new colored quartette, -featured as the Alpha ( nip. ily Fo)ir, mude their debut on tho K.A P; .^Irciiit .hi tun,.One Hundred, and 'tVonh-llflri Street Theatre, gnn'dny, Sopt. 20.:-They followed tho Mliriary Octctle. and «/ore well received. Ciinn-LJtv, femaln'Impersonator, Is bclns fcatured^vor-the-MoMrc clxcttlt. ant. house 20. Harry had a good house'27. "'Way Down Fast" drew well 2b. The Kirk Brown Stock Co., In repertory, 30 and week. . . Procml» ('William H. Gruhaai, resident manager). — Bill 30 and week: Jesse L. Lnskey's -Musical Octette, Arthur Whllclnw, Watson and Little, KIsl.c Harvey and Boys, Nun Lngli'toii nnd ' coinpany.-jCheaf.alo. and company, Prof. Fred Macart » Monkey Show. Lyckum (H. .1J. Keller, manager.).—The Americans draw good hniises 23-25. Tho Coloplal Holies nleaired large audiences 211- 28. The ,Di'ei|mlaiiil BurlcBqncrs 30^Oct. 2, Rolllcklog Girls 3-o. . < . »» ■■ ' OHIO. Cincinnati. — Robinson's Opera House, undor Alexunder Usshlia's inaiingement, takes the '.field -for renewed popularity, Oct. 0. when John, C. FMicr's Optra (,'ompuny will come, with Uoorgu K. Mack. Fred Huntley. Gcrtiudd Mllllagton, Agnes Flnley nud others In thQ cast- Tim eouymny rame dirOct fro'n Denver. During tins seiisou.' "I'Torodorn," "San Toy," "The t'ounlry Girl" "Tho Stroll- ers," 'Tho Ludy Slaviiy," "The Rounders," "TheIdol'sKyc." "Tlie\VlzardcifthoNilv,"aiid others will be presented. Due of the brilliant lods Jn thi- history of Itoblnson's coveM Ksklmo mold, aud Bailey and Austin, as Jack In the Box and toe Candy kid. were brceilly refreshing. KatlilcenJ'llford proved a sweet little mile. Arthur mils Poluf bo»r added to the realism of the Arctic Dlcture. The dance of the girls and tbelr collie (lugs Was a novelty. Clara Bloodgood, in. 'Hie Truth." Oct. II. , .. Olympic (George F. Fish A Luella rorc- pnugh Fish, manngprK).--Tho Korcpniigu Stock ( to singe "A Trip to Chlimtowu 211. Iji*t. week, the company found "llafflos a splt-ndld vehicle for the po.-irnyal of their taleats. Herschnl Maynll was >een is Halites. with Ada ldftlr as Gwendollii Cotuori. Loa.s Albion nv llitnuy, nnd llurrv Fen wick a* <'«p- lain Hctford. Wilson Hiimuiul's Cniwsbiiy was burglariously well don.'. Ilmlnesa was good. "Tho Woman 111 Hie C.isc" Oct. II. Com: mm A (M. I*. Anderson A Henry M. Zlogtcr, managers). — Ilenjaoiln II. Chapln will coma 20, In his sketch, "lu the Wliltc House." Otter card*: Wllllnai Inman nud company, In "Recognition:" Mllo. NndJI. Ward ami Cnrrtiu, 'Tluise Four Girls. Mavnin Remlngloii nnd her Rrownlci, und Anna Doberty. I^ist woek's hill wus one of tho. ties': nf Hie season. Hume liiti'tnluced '•Maml" its Hie star of his Hlnlilo. l.nlln Sal- blhi, "The Batlihig Girl." (ltd her stunt with- out soloK ■«■* "W wnter. Wnsalar 0(on- nor's slmdowgrnpliH were good. James JL t'lillen Is tho same old favorite. Jouc Lour- (hope's f.kelch. "Lueky Jim." wus ti spleudld contribution. . . . _ ^ Walxiit Stiikkt (N. C. Anderson & Henry M. Silegliir. ui.inngersl.—Tlu> Rays. Jolinnle nnil Minimi, are coming 2!>. In "Ktug UMajl mnportod by the chorus of "Amerlrnii Beauty Hoses,'.' Lust week, audiences of splondld slap eujoved "Dorothy VerMO of Haddou Hall." with Blanca West in tho title. hW, Joseph Glllon was a. liaudsonie John Manners. In tne duel with Sir Malcolm Vernon (Jnraes Moore), Miss Wc« proved, ticrsclf n clever uwordswoiiiaii. Hanfon'.s "Sii|ierb.i" Oct. tl. Hkuck'b 0ieh.\ Hoisk (The Houek Oprta House Co. & K. D. Stair, managers).— Phe- Russell HroOiers ato due 21), In "The Hired Girl's Millions." "Shadowed by Three pleased lovers of the sensational last week. Theresa Milter was the wronged heroine. Ger- trude Mflltbtntl, JelTorson Hall, L. O. Schoen- werk and Charles Stayman ato nil entrusted with Important roles. "A Race Across tho Continent" Oct. 0. LvcintM (The Heuck Opera House Co. * E. D. Stair, directors).—"The Curd King of tho Coast," under the guidance of Vance & Sullivan, will arrive 21). Last week Joseph Santley was seen In "Billy, the Kid," with Aluiy Kslcl In the role of Nellln Bradley. Stamiahp (It. K. Hynleka, ujunuger).---- J. II Mark's burli'sqiii! show, tbu .World lli-nters, will present "The Isle of Rubber Necks" mid "A Trip to Newport," 21». Tho Bachelor Club. Charles It. Arnold's buflesoiio aggregallon. scored,heavily l»st. week, with VTolii Sheldon und Harry Hastings as the leading members. Gertrude Holt and the Six Lancashire Lassies were featured. Tho _ PeoI'LK'm (Tlie Heuck Opera House Co., directors).— Fny Foslcr's llurlcsiiuers arc due 2!l. The Jolly Grass Widows put la a profitable week. George Hickman, Carroll Henry and Jiunes Btiradl were the chief co- median*, flurry Williams' Ideals Oct. II. * < le.cinnii. At the Opera. House (Harry D. Kline, lnnuuger) " 'Way Down Fast ' ween of Sept. 30. F.uVlli! Foy brought "The Or- chid" to towu for the week of 23, nnd Trlxlo Crlganzl and pleased her many admirers here. The show drew eupticlty Houses all week. "Brewster's Minimis" next wok. colonial (Chits. I. UurtHUlin, niaiiiiger).-— "Sherlock llolhies" Is Hie offering hy the Vaiighiin Oltiser Stock Co. week of 30. "A Bai'bclor's Itoiinuue" was glv.u by this splen- did company. to lutuiiicd houses, all last week. "Tin; Other Girl" next week. MA.uisTir (Curldtou Mary, luaungel').—"A Coloulul Girl," week of .'ill, by tho Mnjest'c Stock Co. "Tbo Man from Mexico" llllcd the house ul each performance last week. Same company next week- Lycbum (Geo. M. Todd, mnnugcr).—"1 Contented Womuu" week of ao. "Haitduuni Lund" drew well week of 23. "Texas" next week. (.'i.kvkland (Goo. M. Todd, muunger).—"A Race Across the Continent" wcol; of 30. "Tlie Hoy Detccllvo" llild gootl receipts WWW of 23, "The Hocky Mountain Fxpress" next week. Keith's (II. A. .Daniels, muimgur).--Hva Tuiigiiiiy head-: the bill week of 30. Others ai": Seurl und Vlolut Allen und eoinpunyj Four Nelson Combines, Hill Stephens and compuuy. Kelly uud lloso. /urriill Bros., Sil- vern ami Kliiorle, Gllletlos Dog and Monkey I'uiitiiiiiiiiie. The business of last week was capacity, und It Is not reninrkuble when such lot: urn On the bill'us Shields uud Puul, hirliit. throwers; Suilrl ami Kessner, present- ing "Tho Bell lloy and the Mukl," uud tht Thus. J. Ryan Itlclilliihl Co. IKIUJU (John J.; ilusitiii', umnuger),—L'udor t he now inuiiugemeiil of Mr. RuHticr (he Lyric Is inking on new lire and tiiklug III In- creased receipts. It cerlultily looks us though It will bo made to puy. In addition to the local talent fur week of .'lu. |ho following liets are scheduled : Fviiiih uiidLIOyil, Hurry HtelnirdH mid company, Folk uud Polk, Helm Children, Hugh Gnimetl, Krelore, uud Peter Doyle. , '8ta» (Chas. Lc llni'tmiiun, manager).--Wat Jolty Grass Widowr week, of 30. The Broad- Clipper Post Office, |> order to avoid mlatajkea iuuI to lonure the promiU dellverjr of tba letters advertised In (lil« . Hat, nn envelope i»lniiily ntldresacd ntnat tie aent tor each letter, and a «ritten order tor tho letter, xlnneil with tlio lull name and nddrcsia nikd the llae of Imsliieaa lolUnx-d hy IUo (coder, ntnat nlso he enclufced, rlease mention the date (or iiuni- l.i-rt ..f the CIJlM'KIt In nUloh !»• letters acut for were advrrttaod. LADII2H' LIST. Arthur?. Murthii Ailell. Jlyrtle Austell. Fluni AllSU. I'lon Anhuni. SUrslo llwitb, Maw) l'.iiveu. I .111 I in Ui-iiivn. ,UKI nrolwrg Carrlne lllsek Itrrtrnde llluekrurd l.ottle llrlitlu. Allxirln Jlurry, .Mlldivd llrlttidue I.ltible lllaek, Kvelyn llsrvetl,, I>4ln.v lk'iiiieti, Mabel Drools. Itlnneh Males. Kllsabetli llullii Mrs. Freil JJonorssiett.V. Mrs. Alfreil Itnrnlm, Mr». CuuulnB. Oenevleve i.'omstock Luurii Courtney. Phjllss Collins. Mrs.J.,1. clyuitr. l-ldnn XV Cotiiy. Mia Carman, May Conotte, Juanlti Culllnblne, Miss R. I'urrnii Mrs. Kil. Cliunihcrlaln. Belle Clemens, Kittle rtlarln, Sottlo Cnrlluglon, Mrs. Anthony I'enlev. Anna Connolly, Virginia CarlUle. tlertruile (jourtland, Alice Cliiitlium. Flo Clark. Msrlu Csile. Jiniltu Clark, Miss Urals, Toby Piinle, Atnrio I>lxle. Mmb'c IMlores, Mllo. IV.rolbes. C.USble De» Roches, th'rtrotle He Milt, Gertie Dynes. Margaret M. IV lienor, MPs Ttrrtr, Friuiklc ] tn Oct. Mile. liiii-lliiK Misters DuveuiHirl. I'cailo l>nvhi. Mais' UueloH, Mm)' Marling, Mrs. III? M r. lijajii nt. engagemont of Susie Klrwlu, when tun WUbur Opera C'uuipuny was u miignut. ctoi price 26 to TS cents. Wilbur Opora Company was a mnu prices, undor I be Huslihn regime, will bo froto '"> to 70 cents. Ghanii Opkiia IloiHi) (Harry Hulnfuitb & John II. Ilavlln, uiunugers).—Lillian Russell is coming Sept. ad. When George V. Ilobart and George Rroadhiirst'N racing drama, "Wlldllre," will receive Us preailcr. Lust wook. Phoebe Dnv'cs was seen in that favor- ite pastoral, " 'Way Down Fast," under V. A. Hriidv's dlreelhiii. Iliihluibs wus fair. John K. Urcuuau'H ill Holler, and .Charles Hnrke's Rube Whipple were familiar. . As Kate. Caroline Von Jltilow wus delightfully naive. Illuiiehe Wulsb, lu "Tlic Straight Road." Oct. 7. LrufC (The Heuck Opera House Co. & Lee Hhubert, managers).—Eddie Foy, with Trlxlo Frlganza as an associate drawing card, will appear ln"Tho Orchid," CO. "Tho T&jp o' lb.' World" did A pretty good htislncsn fast Keek —ii Inii,tne.'i Hint steadily luiproVCd. JThe compoaitc work o( .lames o'Doa, Anna Cald- well find Manuel- Klein was pleasing;. The rihubcrt: Co. : s|osed this,netr>,ext|ar4Biui!:u «Ucu(Jlu1/. Anna LiHigbibj, as liuk'duu, tho way Gulety Girls hud good crouds last week. • ay Foster Hurlesquo Co. next week. Km run: (Geo. Clit'UU, iiianngerl. — City Sports week of M. London Belles uttrnclod good crowds lutt week. Dainty Duchesa Co. next week. «.» ■ MAIlVUMi. Iliilllinore. —Al Ford's ((.'buries L'. Ford, liiunageri Otis Skinner prenents "The Honor of.the Family" Sejit. 30, for tlie llrst timn on any stage. "The Follies of 11107" dill S. R. O. business all week eliding U.S. Richard Carle's "Thu Spring Chicken" next. Nixon & Zimhku.uan'k Acaokmv (M. J. Lchinayer, manaier).—"Tlie Three of lis" Is tu !«• seen Sept. 210 and week. George Fnwcctt scored a succcbs lust week with "Tho Silver «lrl.' r "A'Fool and it Girl" next. Amiauuii'h (J, Albert Young, munagcr).— "The Girl anil the Judge" 18 (he current week's offering. "On Parole" did fulrly wcuk ending 28. "Lovers* Lane" next. Maiulanh i.Iih. L. Kernuii. innnnger).— Tho bill for Sept. 110 anil week Includes: Charlotte I'urry uud eonipiin.v, "In Morocco," Snyder uud llucklcy, Cuiberhio Nugent, Jle- Creu a ml Poole. Krao, Walsh und Melrose, and Geiiuro und Ilullcy ns u speclul feature. n, hum (Jus. L, Kernuii, uiiinuger).— "Simple Simon Simple" begins u siuy of ono w«ek Sept. 30. Al. II, Wilson closed a weok of big buJIuess *J8. "Piiliitlug tbo Town" next. . Holliuay Si'ktiKT (Geo, W. Rife, maris- ger).—"A Fugitive from Justice" opens Sept. 80, following ''Cutter's I^tst Fight," .which did welt 113-1'b. Next wcok, "A Midnight Escape." Hi.ish'.i (Cliarles K. Ulaney, niaiiiiger).— "Berlbtt, the Kcwlug Miieklne fllrl." Is'glna ii week's engagement 'Id. "The .Spoilers" had a good wcok ''losing 'M. Lottie Wlllluuis, In "Josic, tls? LIUIp Mudean." next. Nttw Musi'.miv.viai, (Ham. M. Dawson, manager).—>'l1ie I'lierry UlpsHoni Iliirlesrpters hold tlic stage week of HO. The High School Girls drew largely iw-iia. The Tiger Lilies GAtkTY (W. L. Bailuuf, manager).—Tba Knickerbocker llurlesiiueis are In evidence I his week, npeiilng .'in. The Golden Crook lild well, closing 26. TliejGfiy Ma»(|tiorflder'« Bl»> .lie- lien • " ""• 1-liiL.s'fi ii'dtviiril C. flnrla, manager).— Kcw features nil Include: Ford Wear, Word and Wiihur, Mlsu Leioy, Joe IWlinoftt and the Murium. Ule DeVulll I lute. Milt I. Do li'urre« I, (Virluuv lions'ii. l.lllini Iluvlilge, Mh'S IK' Aiiioio; SlsU-rs Dclillliey l.tllluo IH'Vere Munduss Uaveii|iorl Mildred Ilehnoil' Misses Klhert, Muinle lairle, Alice l,ilnni'ilei>. I'.lliel Kvaii's, Miulellue I'.iirle, IMns Cooneioll Lllilin Fiiilueiell. I.lllluu Flllime. I.oltu l'li'telier, Mujorle KeiKiiMin. Uraee Furuivorlh, Hosllnc Plslier Mrs.P.D. Fox, Gladys Kowlvr. Anulle Fax. Floreiu* Flecknstclii Mrs. Alarks. 'fbe Ab'MiinIi i. l"nl Asall, Puil Allen, N. K. Adums, W. H. Alvhi, I'efer Ailioii... c & I'uy AM.Iiiioii Cliiisl'. Ab.iee. .tuck Alhrbhi. OaliM. Aduma, W. C. Aflums. Fred AlltHilr. A. Itruiiu. Will- II. lUittiilliley 'i'roiiue mil. Harry Hoyte. Hurry llergiiiiiii, H, A Hi'iiile.v llriiylon 11,'liiK.ut. Chas. Iliilea h Neville lioylngtuii. Hun lioyle * Tboiims liyme, -folm F. Bnyrt. Fd. Ilrooks, Low ISoliroc'W. A. Brooks & •leu IlClt" Barton, John A, Itliioni. Dr. Party. Clias. Ilroots, It. M. llliphum, Ilavlrl Ittril, Bd. ' Illnnkall. Irwin Boyle,'K. J. rintHle, M. Ilruuo. tlus Ilarrliigtou, Cliaa. II. I'.lllke. 1)111 llleknell. ", II, llrengk, Krnest jturrle. .1. M. tliirruti, .Mr, liny, John 0. Hues, Oscar IS. llnrrett. Jot. Herd. Wui. Urown, Hay 11. Ilragg. Jehu D. lii.j.e. .lack in ii. i- Al. Ilrlgiis, Mgr. ityron. (J. I>. liyron. llnlsTt llvma, t'K'niilu llbiiil, Hurry liuxlor. John Ik'llucla.' Tony lk'git. Joint lliihlivla lliirney nrooks, llnrvey II Is to 111. Joe Ikiyil k Veolu Brslll,' Walter Ilowinmi, Frail nurnatelii. Hutu Iieltorils, Tlie jlreuniiua, Tlic flrneks k flcyiiohl: & tie Ainu KrUjgs, I-. 0. Itreen, llnrld J \"em,N»l, Muui'e Nl'tt'lnll. Mtinmerltv llvey. Mr. tl«>. Oslairiie. Merrl Onlniiv. I,-inI'll CJc ) \. ll'Nell. Nettle Pinker Cilyihi-O. I'rlniM»«' Vernlo Peckhiini. Mr* !'. A. Carry, Clinrlotte Prlmi-iav. Anita I'milelie, Ijin I'ereell. Miimlo Panll. Mmlae I'nyiie, Julia Kilter, JllMi'H ltvnii MrM.Sam.l. Brddtar. Mrs. Karl Itltrlile, Mae ItutleitKi', Mrs. I'. r. lloss, npni Uiissell. Viola itlddel. Kllllli.l lleiilher. Mrs. II iftniuMiil, Millie Itanson, Addle Klght, May llei-ves. Addle Until. I.» I'i'llte hlone, lliizel Svvsn, Miy Settler. Mury MNMrata Flphyo Mliinv. Alice J. Audrey Sliirklns Nellie Stevens. V, A. Sinn. Mnile Sw nn. Olive Hliniiiioii. Muy )<olii.r Sue Stanley, Mrs. J. Btliuri, Mnrle MtiildiT. Kvelyn .*eyiiairi', K,llisni jiilerlol', Sudle Mliwliun. Mrs. J. ('. HIlllll.ullN, Hlone, Mrs. Kliirk. Millie Tiiiii|*liis. I'liarloliK Tutlle Ml-ii.lM.'. Thowerj, Nellie Teiiit«'sl, (Jraee I'huiniis, itruco Tiiruey, Mae I'liuiiuiN. Susie llriiinney, Klsle Villlirlio, Hue Voellier .Mrs.l'W Vnuylui Mrs..!.II V*«ln, Net In Vniiliirc, llesste Veriinn, IsaU-l Visllir. I...HU' Wngner, .Mnv WiiImoi, .lesfcte Vt'eMill, Mas Willi". I.iilu WHIP. Ixiulse Wllllillis. liny Western, Adeline Wogt'iifulirer. ' Mnrllin H'is.ilN, Amelia Annie Wilkes (Irotrheii Waillininu Dottle Wallmi'. Vlnnlo Walw'lieti. Miss rs. Wood.'Mrs. J.M West. Ilhuii'ii Whiilsnr Is.rolOy WlilhiniH, Nullle W'.i.lil.lirn. llbiiiebe Wasliliiirii, lleiiu Walker. Allis' Westeiill. I'.VII Wlltlliuis, Mm .1. Ii. Montgomery. Vule. Mabel Klllv Veinniilis. Annie Murk Kirs, cine Keller, Flu Nelson, (tussle IKeulo, Myrtle Nqgciit Cullirhiel OBHVLUUBN'S LIST, Cramer, Jiw Duiinlilsoii lj. A. f:b«se, Will Duffy, Suwlello Chfiiey, Olnis, « Outfy foiillii C. Alex. Dviiuhui'i J.J Collins. ,1. J. (lliadwh'h Jos.D. Onrrol. T. W. (tliiylon I'l-iiiili Ciiinplsll, .1. II (ll'Slie. John IS. t'oiiroy. J. h MnmP Clinton, J. W. IT|M'lis|ili-e, llert Cope Trio CIIITi.rd Wall. S. curry, T. (.'imirrii phone. Hgr. Clilrke, Ti 0. (v.llln, J tu II (.'turtle, tlus Cornell, Jliiiidd II CiiliW'uy, Neal Curtex llel liiueli! Curieoily Jus, F. Ciiiiipii.ll. (Jim c«.k. Hilly ClirlsloLher. I'ruiik Cillllllls 11 lloivill Coll, II. L, Ciiimliighum, C Colorado (irant's Mhowii (Vdlmni. Herb, Cliiise, Tom (!r«fl, John Ciirhley, Jus. F. Clerk. <li Colter 4 Hehnfei Clarke Cioipls'l, C.IIIos, I). II. I'u iinlia-lin in. C Cluj'loil. It. H. Colemnn, J. I 1 '. Cook. de.. W. Curd uu & IV, OigHwells. Tlie Crunk DlilTys. The .1 Duvls WHrriii (,' lie I,end. U hi Debuoii', Tost Davis. !•'. Hurling. Chas. Dyne*, Wm. 1H> Viilllle. ti Dill .'( Ward ti.i'.i-.i.u J. A Hit In- I.Isle. J. I! Is-iin Ills,, (III (lull Crno He l[i'i,,.,i. CIiih IS- Will. Iliirns ,v iWrmMir liiiiinliiu, Krml lieltiirgli. l.mils Del Mom. Al. Dye A I'tlllou. Mrs C. J.tAul Kerls'S. Ili'im* t'owler. Ahiiedn (.'leinhig. Ali«" Prntiels, damn Kriliioils. Ill Kruser. Miss (Pile. Until I'tlll'lll. tint, CIuis, Urahi-ni. Mrs. (fceni (limlner, (trinv ll. set win. Sue I'.ciited. Klsle F. 0111, Cleve Oulndou, llerllii I.. Cil.leii. Myrtle Curiliier. illiidyH lliis-iird. lintel llnrly. Vloli lliirrlsou Misters Howard Doruthy llirimnii. Mielbi lleygoist, HKte llnmiihiy Jennie ilownrd, Miss II. I(| Homer Flurvtire Ileal!. Mil" tliinn-i Frances Howiiril Mrs. II. Hughes, (lene Hurlock, Violet IMiTn'iio, Kittle Hems. Kinlly llonlnnd, Catherine C. Ilenlll. .teste Unfile. Nettle Hnrtey. Mmgle IlllltlillOII, Kllle Holmes. Muy lunruloioi. Miss lASI t>. tintnif, Curlnue liiiiii.H. tiurotliy loliliMii.oe. ' Miiritu fewidl. Jesse Inhiisoa, IMue farksnii. Klhel Sent Mrs. Chas. King, K.ile -Celfey. I.ulu \UIH'. '.'Fraukle Mae I.ewls Mn.U.W, tx- Ulune. .leaoetlf I .k t.i 1 r ti*. Ida C. l*wls, Trlxle :.ii\v],.r, Veltle 1 .11110111, ("arrle .uMei (lertriute ..lillellelit t.maia [iWlllls llorotliv l,n llrecln, Hlell IJinlsiiy, Ill's. (1. A. I.u Sell-. Knsainouil l/Ktlll. Hell n l/iuls'l. Mile. Lit I'elil' Whiiiin ile.Miil ' Mrs. Jos Miirrny, Mrs, Jon. V. Mvuiiey. f.oltlc Marl Inez II lot In Miirslnill, (iruisi Mllllll.ll. Luclllo Moure. lei'oe iiniir. Agnes MotU'U. Mrs. Henry Mnrgiuel MutllH'WS. CO on Muy Mensuer lleryl Morris, Lllllilll Miirlon, Miss McNidly. 'I'lieresltu Miirtlinv. Alexiiiiilra Murks, Mill He Galolum Gas aad « Moving Picture Outfit We atari yoii.funitslilng romplnta ontBIt with aluijle and explicit fnstruotloni. Tha Plaid la Large, comprising lha ragulurthealro anineeturo nlrciilt, al«» local flolds In Churches, rnblln Hrhoola, I.oilgoa und General Vnhllo (lath«rtnit». Nothing aflorJs ImltoropBorlunltlH tor SSi^im. Our Outfit ComwlSBS OALOIUM t5A» PUT*IT. tha araataat cnntl lo power.t ho aafoit nno* m oat aoon o ro lo nl rn a-mriii Ins: ouMltaverlnv«nt«*i«MWiii». Rtrtnutn, Having Pleluri' MitHliM. n_ .n^.. and ovcry aceaaiorf Film, SINII needed for compleM entorlalnmenti, Abaolntnly the >«••* ft una and vluwa on iho inarkot, InelaalnK all aabjecu for the publltfi.eajaytpcntj FRM anMrtalnment aupoly cataioBua *»'t .•r*lClAL OPr«ltrillyctrranaevor,Tt.ta|I. C4VUIS TM1MIII8CO.. JHPutlini Il,.0a»t. 307. Cklcam Heiideraon, .lurk llnyes. W. C. l*oiti.iii Fred ,V. Ilonp, T. Hurt. II. Hall .V Lesley Hill. A. Hnrryvln \iille.i llllic. Illtlv Hersimicf F. II. Hinklll, Tim. Helu-rl, Arthur llownrt, llert lllmehlhTu. T. Hull. W. II. Illipis'r. C II. lloroilelo (.:tuis. llniiimisid, Clius. H. Iluminuiiil, II. tiIi. i- ItVI'l" Holmes, ciois, Ili.liiiiui Pro- IP ris'rl. Curl Hiilliiin, llitiry Cle.i Hill. HllKllllllll Hiivlliiml. J. II. Howard a Tuf. .HeiiilerNon, l.isr I P. ten, j. J. Ilillllley. .1. II, illilllla. .M's'i-t ltlllilllloo. (iordotl lllikev, Ml l tun a In, (.'has, Iris. .1. J. Inlliiil', Iti.evr .lull , \V. M. .tol I'. I 1 JnhiiMiii".I». .Villi. V Jiiliiisim, c, J, Jeivetl, Jesse Johnson, lid, .ItltlllMli.ll, <l. C l.leo.C. Kelly, Ji'ivcll Knls'lcr, C'llUS. Kiiiiner. I'red liliiii. Hi 11 KcIL I. W. Krltehllold. .1. Km on.. Hurry Lynns John W. Moore. Ilosy Miller. Kreil 1". MoMiiiiiui. Tim Moll. Sumne 1 Miller. Cam Miiekle. Jna. 11. MeCurlhy. J. A. Mnek. y. (I, 1). Moiilloii. Iluriy Mnrajinll. l'."l Mi'Iioiiiii.i. John Merrill. Ihiireui' Miiratinll. (irs. c> Morris, (V. II. Mnek-. 'tlie 2 M.'Vlmv V. May, .lenihie Mulheus Ilnlihle Mnthews iV linrrli ikliMir, Kiwat W, MeCiiilliy. I', C. hll.l'i'ls. Ik.I, IMcCien A Plana Mnlhitl. J. It. Muck. H'llliiir Mslli'j. Hun Mills, Wllfohl ltoss. It. II. Ilyan, Frunk ttusc, Clius. lteed, Ous Hose. J Intuitu IIIkiIuii, lloy llolte. Tom fniltli. Win. W. hiiiltvuu. tnvi'ii Hiiimii, llrrou Kehulli. Jnlm II. Heiiubni Win. II. rinow, llisi. W. Hlvles, Frrrl C. Helinihlt, Fred It Senfles. Arthur Wntvh. A. T. Sariwnt. I-'.' Stevens, Is'O Hliniiiioii, 0111-v Mie'I". Chan. (loY. > Htiinwnod Uuviil Sne.itiniii. W. C stoiri.. Harry Mlniins, Wm. I.HlcM-iii'l ,V Itnyliiiiiel Slliipnio. r, W. Murphy. J. Then lildouliis. Tin Mi nil' ui. II. A. Miirrny, I limit J. Mer.llllS', .lue Alotilellli ArlllW Million. W. II. Miillliiinl l*lll'l|l Vlnrrls. Jus. Mini ni. ClliyH.1i ft li.-eiv Mortlit. II, May. Arthur II. MnS'iihl. Jim. II Miiilln. /.. J, McMiniu-, ,1. J. Mnek, .I'.i I'. Mnek, Clms. K. Mueli. lid. It Miller, ('has. H. Miller, K. iJsut Murli'clhiH, Tlie yiurtiliy. W. Jcrf N'etr. ,)'ihu I'.... hV S Nelson, Thus. Nelson. Will. tililllh, II. IJ. Kinllli A Union- Steve, -,. Willy Mill Hi, M. A. iKwycr, Krunk Keftiui. Harry Ktuiiliupc, Jos. Slnrln. Mu\ Milllltilf. C St. tlnill-, I'nsl S.-luillk. Cteil .1. .I'.levCtooli A .Suite n I Miiuley Jna. Co RmiiiiN. IfoMiit'l Tujliir, ffil It. Ilutrdii, iTidule Thurunr, Win. Thonur-nn, Mr, A Mm, Tuelier, John Tiich'liii Until. Mllo J. I Ken-in ii a. Victor, ;\ei\i|.i.i, Cliiill.ll IleriiuiiiiNewry, .las. KlUK l.i.wiiioelpill'lli, I cmik Kerr 1,'m. W. lO'lsitivhlln. Kniii.e. Win, Major Kelly, Clius. J. ,Outlier, A. It Kuiiiuierer II, UiUrleftn. Iss> Kellnel . Fd. illlliil. llisi. Kilt., J. W. iillver. (lay lOIIVer. Hurry Coin.,PI. Thus. .1 I-re lie, Clio Ilelmey, W. I 111 C.ilnll, A. It. lie llliveo. It. tiny, (I. « Kohl. Kviiua, Percy Packs. ,lo«. Fditioiids It (iy.sjlliiiu I'aiiliviura uf .Millie llweu. Hoy rt, Lmi'rm.ii, Joe Former, Win, I'oalvr, Vlriur Cox, Hoy K. Furrrll, Clin' 1'einiui'ii. Kick I'lrit. lliirney Klsltw, 1». f). I'-Pik, Pnsl IToreuee, Peeaa I'iiIIh. n. A. Fulloii, Win. T. PI in n. J. J. Feu I on. J. T. I'mlrlL, Alex. Fmoi, Hla. Fox. Fred U, Kris'iaun, Mr. Kriinks Thll J I'ruser. II, W. I'rtmillu. II. 1'. Gulden, ls;w UruHs, lluiH'l It, Clin.. llorit.ii, X, X. toilvln, Jus. A. Oiirdhiu, (i. (Hum. Nick (Ireiwry I'rnokl, (tr.ij, Kd. Umrpi'thl (iPlsri, John fin.-si, li'u'ilk. (Ilnss. Jna. I,. (hjilli) . Jus, (.'. (JrlrJtlli (ten. W. Iliirilmi. Chas. (irlll'ii. J. A. tjelscy. II. II. 'inn*/, TltiM. li-otliic. Wsiter ■ Psslrleh, I!. \V. Ilerieiio Mist, -,-,, Uiivvr. Cliesier (tluelier, (Jims. (iull.iivuv .Ink T tilllilinii, Hurl liriililM, Mr. liiillimbei. Jus. \ (Inrilner, Chas. Uliirilnr, Hte.e (tc.l djee, Mr. fJtuy, Kd. (Iiirls'ld Jus. It. Kelluer. Kd. tilt., J. W. Knilsc. K, M. KinIvuPI. II. Koliler, Anion i.u Toll, Fred Mill. >,hn. 'I'lioa, Is.sler, J. I.. I,e I'ellelb-is l.elii. I nn 1.11111/11". !•■ !i lift Volliula, Till' l.lddii, Ureal P II,rill. I I. Ltieeiilrii, Jos A. 1,11 Tier. Alls-it Lima. Ill Tom Hurry II. I.U M.irl, C. ,1. l.lUvri'llec. Hob 1.1ml, John llvlliio-lioie (J, II Lulimlle, H. Llieders Ilenryll Lu I'orte, S. M. 1.1' Mo. oil Unit v La ('mix, I'/uil Lilly, (IM). V.. 1 s'lil.. . Al He Ia'wI'. Hen J. I.elloy A(,lti> ton 'uretta Twins Italic. Semi .A>ech. Al. I yneh llros. l/il>li, Ileu'ihi Celfonl. Clllis, I.u Duke, 1'i-eii Isioe Htnr (Juiir 1 . 1.1111st, Ihnil'lie I, mine A- Hillil I«V*IL K. Isiruy A Uu wlton I. I suits I'ltl . I 111' I'i'llXkolv, Pll'l'l... l-.lp;elli! I'orlor, II. W. I'hlilips.W. It. PnlteiTini Vera 1'iii-icr. II. IV. llOcl I'HTet-. A. In Pori.-P, linn I'tiut. I'rnnli i'hlpps, CIuis. I'lmsey. Altie-I (/ins 1 1. A IP.". gull/ley. U. W, lleonetlet W.I-;, HlrT. Arlhur lloliaull. I'lllllp Until, Hill I Pise. I.eioiar'l Clrnl A- li'iillnia IP,l.h,...0 T'hos. Hldil". lid. Hiisssll, Phlllbi Itniliulo. (list. I'l, Its-lit. Si.iiioel It.i.-ki.ell. J, 0. Itnlllfi. ,l.«. Iteleln llhiiell, II. I It .'-. Churlle lleiivey, Hurry I (re. I. I las Unas. II. It. Itiiiikln A Is'slle Pis'," u llurvey lluilcllfi h liyuu. uel Oil. Vokef, Hurry Viliier. J. Vernon. Hon}. Vliliil. Clius. Wilder ,1 Norlnii Vim Dyke. 11. W Vanitliii, J. Villi I'esM'li, II, Vaurn Venters, liii'uo Viiuilel, Unity Wrlalil. Kd. WnhW llenryi:. Warren. Frwl (Vest, ,|i,hii Wilson, JUS. .1. Wiilis-r Hnrr) II Weslfui I'livbl WiMslmltn, M. iVIIhiir Clarence l'ku/el, I'md II. Vlb-oii. Wm ii'..,.., i a.,1. Warner. Cha». Wolf. John II. Weal C. J. Wui.ler, Hon Wlluou llnrry n. Wis, iliiiilit, (Jon, WIIw.ii. Urn, N. Weston. I'lisl WUIiuins, Harry A. Wood. lT.inelt Wisiley. Murk IVooils-.inl, Marly Wllnili, Sieve Willie. Tlilll n In 1. in. .Ity Wi Wins I we nt. J. Wilson A .VI in I.- Mllkellekl. W. II \\ ■llislniile.i C. .1 Wiuile I'reilirli t. WiiHlihurn l.""ii IVIImu. ilco, Wiildroo, .In' Vni'liliijiVllliuoel Vodsr, F. W. Yueirer, Chns. Young, L, A. Vomiii. Chns. i;. mm, ,m. w. Barrow, liiek lleliiiulil.Ziilllus. Thio. l.'nuik ' II'Alni.ll 1'liiH.lei (iiininer, I'. . ■ urovka a Vcddet i/claiur, May inn i'. I. Il.-M. li'Trel, pe»,i D.-ole, Jus. '.kpi :ii „. John lliile. I). 'K- Culru Herbt. Iili.i leu,-, Hani llnwnrd, Curry i ilarrlaan. - Priuik ,v Sndhi ilhirrliiai'm- I'rnf riiifiii. ii. ii. 'Ui.Uluuil Uio.b, HHM HOTICB AT HUAU OF LIM'T. .Members ut "T'lie Muring Chlnki-n" < ... Ill Wri'i'k. The inciiibcrH of "Tlic Hpi'lnv Chicken" Co., on Hie way front Zunerivlllo, IJ.. lu Wlu-elliiif, \V. Vii., were In it wreck on Hcpi. liH, Hi Hhlek's Hliillnii. tin Hut Iluliliiiorc & (Hilo Itiillroiul, neur llellulre, (». Alfivil Dulviiv. nnislciil eiitidiiclor. who wan In the HtimkliiK cur, hud his uriii eruubeil, and W. JI, Jamison, of Hut commit)), wan sent |o Hie Whei'lliik' Hos|iltiil. siilferliiK from a broken iirni utiil hileriml Inluelcs. Hevenil oilier iiieinbern nf Hie iiillltillll.v W"lc more or lens shaken up. nunc of Iliein Kcrlomdy.. ,. . 4 , »a> . .. ' ,". ■■ •Iliipi.) Uliyu" I'riidiieeil. "Ilaiipy Hays." William A: Hraily's prn (liielhili. with Al. Li'iicli III lite leuillliu ruli'i IuuI Us llesl presentation ul tin) Middlesex Theatre, MhlilluPmn. Ciilili., Kept. i!IJ. Thu bunk Is by Kullelt ('huiubei'x, und tin: iiiintlv by Hun 1,'uwurils. Mr. Leiteli lu>. u unoit role III the piece, nnd iiilvlees say'thill Hie slur ami Hie piny, lie cc very nun b Ip the llkloe 'if till! lllldjellee, Mr. I'lllwill'ds' ititob- mude II H'Mill Iniplesnliill, .».♦ "W H.tUri •' Ol.ei.-, "Wlldllre." with, Lillian ItiiHuull us Mr*. Ileiirtetlu Ilurrlnuton, was given Its ptemler lit Hie (il'Uliil <lperii llimse, < 'In. Intuit I, II,. MopC .".!'. .Nn ll'so /llllll I ell lei llllo rollinii. I Hie Hunt .IP.Ili <iei.ii,i- Hi...iillnu, i ijCrfiC V. iiiiPncr, weir tat Pel .before tl-e eiinnlri. mid the former.Mtninioorml bin tli'iiika for the ovalloii, T'he lioime w/ia erowde'L uud ill" u.eiiernl ..pinion Wii.1 tltUt lUc ruclaj coiueijy la U BUceeitu. ^,. . to . a