The New York Clipper (October 1907)

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.- -rL- - . '.-,- ^p$m i?. ■TffiB WW fpBK ^^LIEFISR -Wlaner'* - Mncoiti Square Ta w a' tr e Stah (Kddle liebman. tonnnccrt.—The Jer- sey ^Ilkn-sT-l-V*W> -l-eon Brrql, the-, lief m*n MHmwC t^Mbk'Basli tiotdx the ullu. Othere Arc': Klein, <«t Brothers nod Nlehol- sdh, Frisco Four,' I'unrile Wilder and hor Dancing Boys. Mann and Frank*, the Four t,opera. The .opening bill will be 'Tlonln (erljr Theatre (Klaw « Eclauger, man- ZatM and others: iGreAler XevVork Stars era 7-0, •HlghTSchooV-GlrJs 10-K »iJ-«pln ■ Cnnwr began, Oct. f,-ih«r packed them In. Rtak continues In favor, with a change of role of the magical comedy. "Belle of Avenue A." -Dreamland - Hui'trsotici'H followed ll-C. In n musical comedy, "Newport," miil'ln tnn u!lo: Dave Marion. Agnes Itehlor, Ham r'oi and Adelaide-Fell. ' Capacity'houses :wcrc seeh during' this engagement. Illalto Itonnd- i-wooi anil-Inst fortnight Id "'Lola-from p-e,lfn.' r " - •; ' JNriaaco Theatre (David -Beloseo,- man- ager).—"The Bose of the flanelm," with frame*' Starr la the- lending role, began, f&b~.1, Its sixth week ■ OiympIc .(Rick .Norton, manager).—Frr-d stirring picture* weekly. AtiiiiTimirM Skaiisii Rink bid* fair u equal the success of Inst www In pntron.ige. ' • —■ JloclirMer. — At the Lyceum (M. fi. Wolff, manager) "The Hoys of Company B," with John hnrryniore In the loud, had good patronage Kept. IMI-Ool. 2. Vctnor Glarae* und Josephine Droked gave the' star excel- lent support. F.ntlro rant waa good. ■ "The Itlcb Mr. Hoggonbelmer" mnde Its'first lo- o hlg business 4. 5. Bum Irwin's New Majesties 7 and week. Wltn a Mg company ana h pretty chorus. Charles II. Hurke -and company - are seen In a vry funny sketch. 'The Silver Moon." Othe.-s In the olio are: Kay Mack nnd comnni-.v, iKnlckerhocker Theatre (Al. Hnymnn Bradley and Barnes. Lambert and Williams, aii'n. .managera).—"The F.sJ-jngnllst" began, and the Misses Walker and M.ick. 'Cracker C*t- V llH second week and last fortnight. Jacks played to larger litwlricas Jiocc laat Academy of Mnxlc lOlitoore A Tump- week than in any other city so far thlt left- kins, managersl.—penman iThompson, -In »Q n "The Old Homestead," beg/in, Bet f, bis sec- Ma. week. .Mniilsoa Square Theatre continues dark.' " <.'Oartiek Theatre iChas. Frohman, mm- ler).^Francis' Wilson begin, Oct. 7. 'bis bth and laat .week at-this theatre. In ben Knights Were Bold." "The Step- sister" follows 14'. } l.yoenns TheMre (DanielFrohman,man- ager >.—Kyrle HaleSw mid' Margaret Tiling week ion began, Oct. 7, their fifth .week In "The aide.' Tblef. ,p _ Gavdty <Jas. Clark, manager).—John I,. Daly'* (Ijapa 8. ft Lee Shubert, mana- Suulvan and Jake Kllrnlrt'-glVe an exhibition support -was emial to'all <|pinnnfla. A «rs).—Marge.rM Anelln and Henry BRbf « the rartnly hrt Ibis week. They are one of praise is doe her leading mnn. George Segan, Oct. 7, thqlr sixth week.. of the star featUTesjWlth tbe New York Stars, i-almer Moore. "When Knighthood \Vnn In Clipper f^WMf In order to nvoid aulataJtea and to Insure the ' vcoront delivery • of tire letter* ndvertlaed la this Hat, an envelope plainly'nddreaseil mwat tie •rui tor enrh letter, anil .a vrrlio-ii order far the 'letter, Blamed with'the fall niuae nnsl.nddreiw ami the Jlnv fit liuxhi.'ss followed l>y the sender, maMt also he ehelosed. Ktensr mention the date (or iinm- lirri Of Ihe Cl.lI'l'Klt In wlileh tlie letters sent tor tvere advertlsetl.. I.AIHl.S- I.IMT. 5 BBO*DWAt (Leo C. Teller, lessee).—"The ral appearance Boys of Company B" with John Barrymo'e, Bernard mode a most"emphntlc hit. Marlon .'^-'c «£.*''?**• Bro "! 1 oI llarvar*' bad (jarson (a Hochester girl) was given nn.ova- Ihe B. II. O. sign out. '-Jiexf, "The Tattooed tion nn her iippenram-e night o? H. Georgia HP' ,.,_ « . Cayne end David Torrenee did excellent Folly (Henry Kurttman, managerj— work. Jhmrs T. Powers, In "The Blue }y5 ia „ 3 i ,9 orb M'' P "1'1'e Burglar and the Moon," 7-U: Mclntyre and Heath. In "The Lady. 7-12. He Is .vow popotor and Jin Ham Tree." 10: Wm. II. t^rane it, T.'. have crowded bouses during the week. "The National ('Frank B. irarry, , (.ambler of the Wrat"--,p|a»ed to big busloess Cecil Spooner, In "The Hand weekending 6. Next, "Fiitllett by the 'Way- King" and "The Girl ltstnes," manager) .— ncer and the Aiulresns, Mrs. -V.ilrle, Uels'tie A'liley, Lillian Allen. JinIo . Allen. Al. Antlers. Klne Atirood l.ereun .'lirihop, Mrs, 8. .Hah. - Ahna lluinett -Ktiielyn Hcitlob Slaters , liliike Oco^ijla V p-icon, KCiel I. iv CIS It I u nolle succession of : blg audiences lost week. The star's work was much appreciated and her ' woMf •.!__£■r.« "„. lowers iiiuiicu PifZS* *%-*l Bnlley Franule Kinmerett. ' tMeylir, Kay l.llll-inlMoiitMiiue. Kninvetl. Untie I Mel'tlnl i'vtn-k. Msrw . i-Mnlonc, I'lllmore. Nellie Klurenee <1. 'itiukl.vii. Lelllf-Mtirruj', Amiti< •'uwler. Ktamn- Martin, IVirisI UiMtliv .. K.itiierliie Fkreace .Mini 1 *:! idonrde, Ttt.<le rat, ftlnn 'Xjiilliie, >llte. FielilltiK M.uu-'le Niii-ton. Msial Fkbilni; Tiwlae|ye«daaa. I'lUette. Ulllle , lUplmel V«i. Uatile lAaarat, or-tnestar featuresjwltb Hie NeWJnrk Htars. i-nlmer Moore. "When Knighthood Was Ir The rest of the olio: Bach Brothers. Mc- Flower" r 7-P. "Lotrle, the Poor Saleslady' Harlem At Keith ft Proctor's Harlem ^ lln , ai }2 B . aker ' LS* Wheelers, _ AVerj^ and io-is. Cook Oi'KkA llni'SK (J. II. Miioie, mana- ger.).—"Koblnson tlrusoc's Isle" .scored big last week. Il-i| woek of 7: Mr. and Mrs. Hl| Opera House IK W. Albee, general manager). -E'.'Audrey'' ;ls the ottering of the stock for "^fJii.^'i'iDr;;. - !"?...*?*^ "*"-!'!«• this week, and a packed house witnessed -the lay Oct. ). Beatrice Morgan, In the title jle, did splendidly. Among others who scored Mere Louise Randolph, Kmllie Mellvllle, Etbel Wright, John Crolg, Wm. Norton, George Howell, William Carr, Dudley llawley and Bobert L. Hill. The vaudeville this week pre- iients RochiAlvoy and new motion pictures.- -^rYCST Knd (J. K. Cook son, manager).— IJhe Vftn- Den Berg Opera Co. closed fts Har- tlein aenson Oct. 5. The expense was too igreat, tarrtl bifslness fell .off lately. TUe're- Turn of the bouse to combination policy Is .Rtidrntlv what want.- Cole and Pearl, (be Acton Slaters,' -and-the Baah-Ue- re.Trlo. Business-last week was big. Novr.LTl (Benedict-Bintt. manager).—This week's bill: The Kratonh; Pntsy Doyle, Bohbv NorlU, Watson's Form Yard, Marlon and Dtan. "The Girl Behind the Drum," Fltx- patrlck nnd Mnndorf, iCatht'rlne Hayes, and Sable Johnson. Business continues larg>. • Bi.axkv's (J. J. -Williams, manager).—"A Fugitive from Justice" lis ;thls week's offering. Ijirge business last week. Kelt, "Kltlnapped for Revenge." Gotham (Edgar F, Glrard, manager).—The bill: James J. Thomtan, Wilson Ilrotli, ncv Drew, Wayburn's Phantnntln Phantoms, Helen Bertram. Kemps Tales of the-Wilds. Cameron nnd Flannlgan, Carlatta, Gotham Comedy Four, tMax York's dogs. Bakrb (Richard Baker, manager).—Klaw ft 'Rrlangers advanced vaudeville seems to Bertram, Helen have caught the crowns, and us a result the Ill»c-k. tlertr.iile l:,i.licit. Mabel Ih'iiiiiril, A I'mmwell, .Mrs. M. S. Ikanlsley Alus.V It'll Itivtou .lillH-l lirni'drley HMl HlolYII. Allkil Ifcinies. Mixnile ltll.'.ilT. Rtlll.KI lieluKiiit, May Heltort, Miy liitmii Joseiii.lno r.ramlt, Hophle llnroes Oe«vinle houses are dally Increasing Ip size. George Was the bright particular star nf past week's bill. Bill week of- 7 : Howard Bros., Harry Corson Clark .company, Carlln and the Alabama Coioedv Four, Ibe Chattwlck Otto, Ida'Fuller, Mile. Chester nnd dog. Cbns Trio. Marnnna, Xovhrro- and Mareeha, Li -,Rviacuiiy ■ wn»"- rimn=»uiivTM wuui. T_.uie- uuu Y^^i «-j dk.1.1. oiri. —I t j. m ^JiBnson In "rhe Shoo-1'lv Beirlment " onened I)c ? t - and sl,e!< H>- Big bouses-.week eodln b ' S. ?i"a we'll-fliled house ™ ^ext Week ^?he J*'A"ON's C«» Poyton, imanjlger).—"I^uii. MoneyrMpR*' • ( '-) MuThopol.t.s (Sam Hurtig, manager).— Billy B. "Van. in '"Pntsy In Politics," opebed ;(0 a well tilled .bouse 7, and kept the ,aodl- ence In good humor.'' ftSjAB.r.Wm. T. Keogb, manager).—Lem B. Parker's new four act melodrama, "Little Spiroesi ;.of vtbe Street,", was originally pre- tfnted tt Wilmington, Bel,. Aug.. IB, and Its Stat -New York presentatlon : occurred at Xnls house, Oct: 7, to a big audience. It met with a cordial reception apd proved a highly Sensational play, built on no new lines. The enery and mechanical effects .help to make T. Aldrlch, Seven Mawatts, and moving.pic- tures. ■ ' Corinthian (Henry C Jacobs, manager). —The Parisian Widows Co. plavctl-to-good business last week. Joe fields, Mark Wonley, Mor| ,Fox and Jeanne Gordon lead Jn .the fun making. Rose Bydell's London Relies Co, week of 7, the .City Bports Oo. week of 14. ■ .the .Forsaken,", this week. "Men-ond Womi n ' next.- • "- 1 ■ lixoKt'M (Louis I'hllllps, manager).— "I't Only Crime'' tills week. Business with "A Han's .Broken Promise" was large week end- inefi. •• Broadwat Park has been started la the ypudevHle Held by the Klaaa. Amusement com- pany. It Is under the management of Ralph Bogart;, the aim Is to give refined vaudeville ?ne^ a ve,ons" S Fra T n5. S rVna"'.^'^^; ^ Jcaneete Martette, Wilson and Rich', Dora Hall, and others. -' Notes. —.Malie I.lnyd. who arrived from Or- tbls appear- LiIoq. —At the Majestic, Maude Adnmi. In "Peter Pan.'Vopened Her season h«r« to pMCkdrt houses. Sept: 27. i!8, Sam Bernard drow a IiIk house 30. Creston Clarke was well receivtid Oct, l. Paul Gllmore .was a favorite. "Ken- tucky Sue" drew good houses 4, .1. "The County Sheriff" 7. "She. Gingerbread Man" 8, '•The College Widow 1 ' «, Robert Mnntrll, In '•The Merchant.' of Venice," 10: "Busier Brown">12, ' Orphrum (Ford Anderson, resident matin- «er). : —law* week's business wns good: ■ vti!v- QW. ;,K«iim«pt inrtVSfttcKlln.;; OTKer jJtuirlif'^ctuggirlB, - been Moore and Stephen P. iBuekc are rendering the the.songs.-and -romaln over;- • " •-• :'■': * nde- Kki-wi's ;(Fred Rerger, .resident*manager). will —.Husincss Js big. Bill this Weak :i*JJde!*'ottr . Wednesday Rverets, Mr. and ■ Mrs., Gardner. (Jrane,>ln elusion Hbttthi T. Grover, "A,m I Your Wife ?"• Raymond and OaverlV, <lnin|il*ll.;.Ms.' iteaoli, Lillian ■Bramwcll, Mrs. M. 8. BaMaue, Clara Hradlwrry. • Mbw A. Brandt, Mrs. Al Srowp, Mattel erkeley, Oertrtulc Baldwin, Kdiei liretlonue "Udnli lletiwsre MajrHr Bishop MhaiD. Blake, Marlon •Hreeii Mrs.Dave llnlnl. -Blanche & Billy Dunn Borty, -Mibii-cl Berry, Alice ri-'.it|!iooe .lone Chase, bona ConelaplliK* ■Kvelyn Ciirmon, Dolly Ciilllnan, Irene it'liillbi, -lolle Ciurlncton. >.^. .J-hlllls Cnrraentell, llattle Clanian. ; ,.- F.vnr.jtcllne Conk.: I.atoiibi Knller, Mtiiinv il.ifTej. Charlotte M. i)i-,'(nrtiry, N'.m-.i Belle tlr.iver, .Mllilrnl liniiu'll l.lllton i.niiM'Iln illeiina HI I lien. RlUibvlb iMIpsoh. Dntlie i.olek, :;n*r. Alitble tlooilrlon. l>init II iK-st. VlrKlelo IVinloti, Cis-il Hull. Isanell Hen, Howell. Vlrirliilu lloiick, Ktliia ILrnnnl, i-'eitii Horn. Jn..-' Hnmphrej Gene llnnthach I'lot-le Ksllti-rbie Nevlll. Kenlla N'.-Uon, Kvr.lvn MiliOlas KvcImi Nessar, l.llllou tterlta. Bella ivmlter, .Mitls-l Pierce. Slmin rhliiner. llvhii I'll klu Ptilmer Mrs.KJ) Phillip, liepsle Phllllt.«. Miii-ilin K bin I'ellinni. llu t Prrtir. Basel h. PiiiMse.-'NnllU) I: illeilne, Mm. P. 1'. itlien, liny H..M-. Vivian Huberts Until II llose, Vlotfitln Ittislnii I-'lureiice Hurley, norothylltyau. Miss II.M Henry, Ada HllRlies, IHiuirhr (llritias Mlisl'.A iiuuiirs nataataf inckson, Mrs. M. I.-.llles. Dnnilhy lolinstnne, Mrs. Itnliih lones, Alni.i Jenny Miss J. II Jenmngs, Alloc Ktivqloiv Gtaee Knlm MrH.nbas. KiHiiilioi-.. Iv.irl Kbnr. I^silse Kejes Mes. B. htnt, Drnilhr Kianter. Mnillr King. Wlnlrnii l.iiwretice Jessie ;'Jfarthttip^ Fox; Thos. L.-U'rowei'; Doctor ?&£&*J&3£!*J *i J^B?;.j «BR3t-i3—« : PollcSrriah ; DoHovan, rh„ ^,7hT» ^ut.a 1 rr *i'jl ent vR«i ""^^ K ", l B ht ;»ros. and SnWtelle. -Irene 'rcrtpfclfn Colicn Mrs. Wm Dooley, Mas. Monroe; Jj^j^^.^'nlV™ U' JP* ■•'"'.rain'who nnd Bert Greene. Alpha Trio. Leonard-and J <"' , f.™"'. 1 1 , ) „ J? . ; G.Knb3hton;0'Shay, ■g ade 1 -iW» ilrst.nppearance In any theatre.In Anderson, In "When Cssnr Sees^Her," Cnrlyle. .Ola.lys Brooklyn as. John L. Su llvan's .sparring Notbs.— S. C Mlrlck. formerly wllh " l.e -Baron, -belle Wl t f' ttffgfejSt-. PnocTon's - One I Hukdrrd aKd B*4*y-FIW"*"STBBBT TtlRATRE (E.'jF.' At- , {general''manager).—This house cou- tlhues to do tremendous business, for pedple of Harlem know that they can see capital shows here. This week's bill: Clayton White add Marie -Stunrt and company, in "Cherrle;" Cooper p.nd Robluaoii, Bert Levy, Exposition Fdur, RAy Cox, Watson, Hutchlngs, Jidwards and company, Marzella, Kentelle and Can, and -new motion iplcturcs. • AtMU^BRJk (Percy G. Williams, manager). —i-Tbls week's bill: Master Uabrlcl 9 bered by.-the,public, His'iexblbltlon'pleased all'wbo were fortunate enough to see him. Manager Fi'ldley says that business at the Majestic Is far ahead,of this time'Inst year. ■*»» XEW .YORK STATE. Buffalo.—At the Star Theatre (P. C. Cornell, manager) .Elsie ■ Janls gave "The Hoyden" Its premiere Oct. 7, .a week. music, Coiintmillne *32Ei 'ur^M.Hcb Cra»-rorn."l?olih HOC. Ml. Mlrlck (:„„„„„. Mrs. I.. and JH« i'rlends <;|irford, .Mrs. ,11 . R. CnpltbOrn Is (|„ r s|lle Oerlniil In the advertising-denartment-of'the-Ma- Goilins, May Jestlc .The New DneatOrlum, a'mov1ii,c picture store, openeil 8cpt, 28. and l» doing good business. Mr. Pttrdy sings the songs, i ' ii -IS i ■ ijtuleaii, I'll IIKT0I1, Troy.—At the Rand Opera House (11. P. Thompson, resident manager) the Kirk Qrawn Stock Co.. In rsperrory. did good tiitsllWiis fipwuliur Walter Sept. :io-i)ct. fl, with the exception of 4. Dnvis. Mm- .voir May lieiwuln, Mae l'lHteiitmrt P.thcl Devere, Litsll Ihuiglias. AiMbldr in Mr. Dllllnghai in "Auritle's. Visit:" Mav Tullv..and- JJutchlnsoh,'Nellie Beaumont, Isabella D'Ar- ny. Smith and Campbell, the Fudettcs mond, Arthur Stanford, Robert Lett and 'the estra,- Martinettl and Sylvester,-Mlgno- :-Wa«i Brothers. "Blue Moon" -10-12, 8am • Kokln, Gallettl's-monkeys, Foster-and -Bernard Jfl-16.De Wolf-Hdpper 17-19. "The Merry .Widow" -was the hit of the season, and standing room was eagerly sought. '" ■(jonvlniion -Hall ill. L. Meecb, cus- todian).—Bessie Abbott Grand Opera Co. 8, Jan -Slckesz 1-1, -Pachmann 21. Shea's. —Week, of 7: Nance O'Nell and .jnotle. -Kuthcvlne .-smaril' Mrs.-FIT -cnkley, .lxnilae .lnyil. .Bessie .'«>.-. Onlln - ' t,eu>v. .tieIIen l.e Voy. I'renn ' ,»tel-.rHelle elirhtoit.'- Vf Lylllnn l. unlit, Mile. Lewie,'twill Ladles' Vletd.ii , -.. "OaanaUe (tingfellow,. '. ■ •• v. Jllss S. Ijitirent. Iledilit ill lis Catlierlne yioilk-n. l-".t|iel , Mnrdaaal Nellie. Monte. • Mali- May. Berths Mi.ore. Je«ie UpfaMB Bm-sle Mi.It'.III. Mrs. <\ Mori-Is. Marion Miiial). Mi) ^-'c,,-.-! Fr.iuecit >l«irc, Julia Mviedith. I'eitrlo Buy OuKUliy It. fl»|lly, Friiiices Ring, Julia Relittril, Lola Ray,'Mary- Ryan, Carolyn & N'qn llehfleld lliit-rlct liogers, Ma l>l" III. lu.rils. I'.'.nl Hlee. I'jihule RutUfltll, Mr*. Frtiitk tayaet ,le«*le T.. N.eehsn Mis.Jit MmW, Kill lb ' t-lnliley, Bolln Hherlilan, Mnrgirei tjbntlnrk dimly* ijnilili. Annie hliaw., Man Sp.iIm Ir'.i Bfssle Kinall. iii.-itn-iie Khorwooil, 'lei.e iilew.irt, liisulf Sloniie. Ciirniin SiiiClalr.-ifnlla spOilK.' Hllil 1 Fn» lell Vleliifbl Tnvlor, Born Tides. Lulu Tnylor.-Ajlille Tbiini|i«oii,-- May Tilille' Jlrs.A.P. Ilinthio. Henry llnrrlK. UabUy lluytii & JO'lllSOIt yi.rl. TWO ills, 1'nul Hood, Jobh Holnians. C. II. 1 IMper, • i v II.-Brooks llammnrsl'dliasl. Ihmtinnn, C. HlUiniil, U.ils rt iiniuii, i'r.inl.- Ili-winil. K.I. C. Ilitsrey. Mr. a Mrs. I'ii-o lloskbis, Jack I'enteii. .lohti X llnyrs, Freil llrmlies, •MeiuK. Iresvn. I'rinik O Irving, 'J'hos. R. .Ii.i.ilinni. .i.-imlsgs. H. B. Jei.liliigi. ' Mlfreil .lemon, Thus. .Inmen. Harry Jdlinson John I,, .luck. A. A. Johnson. U. Jnnlnn, Jules Jinkhis. II..Al. Johnion. J. .V. iboiii. n; Miimlnn Itli-lle hi leg, l-'i n't biilll,- Ml!,i J. lieininnl. '.'lias, btciin. y.. i.i.iiu Kline. 8,i>n <r»!ly, .<'Iiih. -K. Jicll. J. IV. •Hiibrhl. . 357 ft IHM Krenr. I'rauk J. Knoll.. A. .11. K Ina ft llnsloo|i . KHniniirn. . Tummy Kolly, vim*. J. Klnrsley HiirryH . Kirk. Lester I). Knight A Senii'i- Kali*. John P., Kelio, Walsh * Melrose Kennedy,' K. A,- Mti"iwe|l-W:n. -II Mnrston. -ftllfv Rnliirn (loi: II. tack !Uvaii, Jn. l. leas, Uil. ■ .iiiiiTOn i: -Merrill. S-ii.i 1>- .Mifsrlliy • Jertrj .MHrN.'.'LlHI .Mi'.iigsii. u. I... Milium. -. Mliilrtl. J.. . Vit'im. CUT Mast. -•'•„ .' JlrnWaaerJoha.M Mniitngiie, R. B.jKmllli A Bseksr MiU-k, Chii", K:!MiiihManil Kred Mutt-Is, John ' SU't.nlln I'lantW MiitSlinll, Jack 'rUiceiian. J. 0. Sliiinlrs. M. 5<nlliers, K. Mulvey, Jien .-.inllira. Waller Mil-'nrl.iiir, P. lilirnininti \V. I' ,%-lWfihy. r. ifilrleklrnd <K 0 Mclraw llcrnrtl. Slmiinon. Billy Moulin, • - iHllreti. f'has. lies Klncrs'rllewirt. Kil. Miller, Win. A, If tevlion. jn*. .Miinr. Ciias. Shaw A Borhn Moor. F.rnest W'J'liinim. Crlns.. M Melrose, .Win. ..silver, M. 11.. Mnsnli, W. N. Snilili, Wa'lterR Murray. J. V. Slelnert * ■Jlltellell * Oaln Thomas Maisiunta Troup atanley Henry*'. Jflllnn. iflesi. 'Smith. 'I'oiiy Mii.ivi. .A. Umllli. II. s. MtWhlnnle. .Ins. JleAvoy. I'lias. Morris I In i user .Morel*, w. It Hi, 1 rev, (leo, Mylvan SO'Xenl Sllll, Mnv ^tewnrt, I'nl SiiHIvan. «'. ». Si-iu.nliel. K. .•stnrk. K. I*. Slirekuv. Mr. ."Iiniiule. diss. SthttTer. tiiiiil f-nurrs'll, i s'uuni.i l:. s iimnier»;llli\ ^olenion, .In- I Miihi-t. Al. M, Me/loll, ,<lisi r-iiaiil'llng, ,M r- ,ii rum n .v - ■Be Forrest .Marli'll, Ai-llmr Melr 1 , Hai-i'y J. Melu nil . • i 'bus. Miller; I.e.iii Mnrtinl. Ml'li.ll (I ,\!ll«'lle Mll-|llV * < Wllhir.l Mnrilsseys, -I Mnrkey J mil Murom-, llullll :..'iis«vll,. l-i-. N'sition. Neil Nelson Thiv. fl Vi'laiiu, Billy Nome, Uobert .Vol- II.. Sintb & Dhle \ekstiii. C. ,11 Newry, Jits. Keriinin, Henry Nli-liMS, J. « iNnriuUn. IIitry NlckelHon .lohii Hrlntiil. I/At n.'ilen, Fmtik A Olivette. Mi. ' daks, .David fintsr. Ben iTmey, Uoynl Orsil Tomier,* Dn'tlieRrlilgeal illllwit . Mliliilahl, Mgri.Vtr Vulln k Atti W. Bubliiifcti O'llrlen *Hnl*l Vaughn, Oh.iis:i.» O'Hwi Anli T, VMIorisi, P. urlaiiey Fi.iull.i- ^enrs'lll, - - fiMllle, ■■•?.•• '.". . Kvivlt lottw, IV. fl. Vies, Albeit s :i«ile. ~ Siirs, J. J.' Sliepmnti, illins. 'I.t.liey, l-illiest Tlmtoss, Wat.. II risomss f"oni Cii Ti-tilniir,' Jute. Tales, Harry 'i'in-In ii it'. Mr. Tlmmons lleo.W Thnrne, nuierl TimUI, .W..|BS 'I'lllsn ' nette poster,-the Kings,-and American vlt&grarJh. .'UuilTia •&' SBAJtON'8 Ml -bio Hall t Ben Hut'tlg, manager).-—Cbas. Robinson's Night owls made their uvst Harlem appearance 7, -to/a .Oiled-house, presenting -sovernl nov- -*srell SBS The costumes' are a revelation. The comedy Is good, and there Is plenty of- ft. coinpanyi in "The Jewess :"■ Geo. Augur nnu The olio offers:.Mildred Flora, international 'Mikdcnl -Trio, -Lawrence Ivdward and cqm- 4)any,iJharle.s RobJnaon, Peyser and-McDon- nld, and Kdlth Melrose. TBe concldding bdr- lesqiie 'Is brim full of life and ginger, and kept the. audience laughing until the end. Next week, the Bebman Show. Gotham (£>ave-KruuB, manager).—Dream- land iBiinesqiiors .opened to a packed house ", oflering-a ffnc comedy in two acts. Most or the comedy work ,was .furnished by Dave Marion, wbo scored heavily. The musical numbers were well presented and costumed, fljfie-entire iperformance bas laugh making ' 'all and the audience showed tbelt np- tH^p.rbdUctlon Is,one of tne best seen ot this good. company, In "Jack, the Giant Killer:" Felix and Barry, In ".The Boy Ne»t -Door;" Eight Bedouin Arabs, Clarice Vance, Werden and Taylor, Shields and Rogers, -Manuel liomalne and company, with the Foley Bros, and Pal- mer Slaters, In ''Down Music Row," and new kluetograph pictures. The same report as to bU hUsInejiB rodstibo chronicled. Tkck' (J; R. Oshel, manager).—Advanced vaudeville's list for .week .-of 7 Includes: Grace Hazard, Lee Harrison and company, In "A Morning .Rehearsal:" Lew Stilly, the Okabe Japs, La Esmeralda, Tom O'Brien- Havel arid Erne Lawrence', In "Ticks and Clicks :'• Brown and Navarre, Juggling Mc- Business "Pboctob's (William H. Graham. -waWrtft ^""Virs .T.Jslorils' l 3i'rH!' , WM manager-).—Bill for (7 and week: ^horlotfe Barry and company, Hollen und Hayek.'.Wbl. pert Tr,lo. Taofapii, JilaJestlc Trio, Jjarr add Kvnns, Kdwnrd Chirk'"and his '''Winning Widow*".: ... i •.'':-v Lvckum (R. II. .Keller, manager).—The Dreitrnland Rnrlesnuerij displayed thc-S. R. .O. sign Sept. 80-Oct: :!.' The Btrolllng Players au V»Viuis, drdw well 8-5. The High Hchol Olfls'7-0. " Cluronce Rlplto Rounders lO-tg.'- ■ ' ' ■ ' ' « jntnteher, kvh I'lH'liiireli. MM"'' ''• l*lu-l I. *f: Villn, Airnes W Vnne, lEIbel Vrnrr, Myll.i Vnusihn Dorothy Wuodwanl. n iilllo C. )Viillsc*iD>itothy Wlllliiiis, Ilelob V.-iilker, Brnsle Wells, ltti/le Wnliiel. Mb» Mlcbh, .MiilUc W'ylle, Kdlltv WM*" Mrii.|.'K •ATlpeler His|erS Wnrren, Mamie Wu iji.e r. -'.,. V .Marguerite Wiiahbnru, .lluue Yoni'». -ie Jill- 1 tr Vorli, tlMce' MVIIs.-ObKs, It. M'oods, Jos, willlsms. Al. K.. Wulck, K. 0. Veils, RaytjHiml ,«'iir. Well.* A. Prtlilrlitk I.lnyd Wilson; Pnflk penVsmi, Hldile.i I Warden, Win ,hiii[iietrs, The Knrlsiiil, rnu". Knlm. Mr. .* ' Mrs. Ohm. Killrril. John -K .siteitic. J.ii'k Ias>. Joe l,n »wnl, J.-K itf fliVhipJu. H f* IWiwrenee, !•'. I riie. Sll.ts Itnler'. 'Il.uiie, Rny H,, 'Rd,tnr |-1LtuDpltii, Juhn l.sililt. Jim liirttt'll* J. 0. .nils. Kiv.'itK' IVitlehl, .•i h'ever John i ■ Clielsea D .n line, Harry nut. «*..:I <i\ '.l-'rnnk A II. Ulllj l.e IVIiie. B. J. 1*1111. i II. ll.l itr Peal.. Fronit i.e«ler.'J. L. l.aveiie-*"-" " ■ Williams Icnrjr.fATilI. J ia^ni'm^ ■ • l^Tlnlre I.yiieh & 1 • lysraTl l.enry, Jim. l.kiSfi. Bolsiit. I tsrliKO' Hi'Miiiii L»nls..J«s.,-|l. ItUtiitril ,Iih. A. .'LiirWalllis. R. l.eivls..Kibiiir I. ii V/irdii:Harry Litrnliert. iliN i.elnitil, J. J. Ln HlraitKe. Henry Mncka, Jtiek .Mnok "Chllilreti Muter Julbiu T Mi;itll|. j-iiii/ene . MMJaH, Ahi'y' ,!litls>rt». A; P. iy«p-linev. J, f!. >UfliUia, .Vieldc ;Riimsou & . Jans** Com. si llepICd. : '' • ■• ■ "flramlWil." ArlKii- Vorb A •JN"' Pllelier, Freil Pllllllll, (i. I.- Pi.'ee. W. Ii. I'ii ill. H.'.!. Vein (Vrrliie, Ml. I. |Ms\ ,fl»u.. illtliPtl)". v'-'rent Bs)Bid;,r!lliis..l, Bilks. l)f^e■-. . llwil.. M. . kraisley.°.|iii'k iWiilWell, J. J. |t|ee,M. '• i,'|i||»««jller Wi K lleytiolils, Sim Uyah.iF.AW.' ' Biigeis. i\Vni.' H ll.isi, ,A>thnr liny liny, Jm< lliiiiiililn. Kil. tteltece, 0. K. RHK ,0eo. Baylnud A Hiiybitiil Iohsow lli'riiinn loblnsnii. flam toakl. I.iiIkI WIUoii. Jus 1. Wrlttlit. Krcil Wiiterlmry, Hil.M Will hi ins,.ti. 'Priink lyilsnns. Ariel Wllr.iJiiCk Wllllniiis-Jll'enly WIHeb, T. .WnW'i. .ii'r.Tii. Wlitle, F, B. \V«rn»r,aJolin X. NaWi .. lRranklyil Wnlkar 'Frank T Wrinlii. pi i. \Vfwl. 11'A.r" 1 " 1 ' W. sop. Billy ivilllnitis! Al; K .Willlnms, 'I'nity WlUm*. Tin'' iVIllmr, R II. West. Bel-'inrsl Wsiil. I>. S. Warn, III Wlti.iiles, «)lii'..i. WisImi, TmhV Whtje, ThiMi Vninn. M M MMMaV • lis mil P. II '-..■' , ■ - Biee/W. II HUB Ml 1 Delnin Mnyl|"lle Jbuiiii. ,Alh'« »• Diirnolil, Bath IJfillieii. Ar-neiie Billon. IKitlr 'Jbiyo. VJvina • (. KNT1.BMES H LIST. -. , UeVsre. Mi. Draw, llsrty bljHM'll, ClltIS, lolnKmils A ?•-■;' iiisiiliiniii RviillK, L', I#»lle Adams, W. c: Allen, ;N. F. silvlil. Puts.' .11. Syracnae, IL' ; Kerr, : nia helmer" Oet "The Hum Tree —At.WeltWg Opera .House (John nH'ger) "Tlt§ Rich Mr. Jioggen- 1, 2, Mclntyre and Heath, Ui £ r, ; -The qibgerbreail je Widow*' 8. ni-ry A. Hurtig, Man" 7, ''The College WldoW" 8. - liAHTAHi.F, (Harry A. Ihutlg. ntanog Frank lOeshoni tin "SIlss Bob White" "LotUe, the Poor Saleslady," 7-0. Grand OprIia 'Hotis'B (Ghas. 11. er).— 3-5 i I'l iimmer, Hon by frequent applause. The en- Bans, and animated pictures. : -Business Is hbuse so far this season. The olio: bisters 'Kill,-the Liberty -Four, Dave Marlon and mtfjjKox, and the-Three Hanlons.' Next week, High School Girls. -.Family (D. J. McCoy, manogor).— BubI- Dees Is good and a full house Was In evi- dence 7. This week's bill: The Great I.or- uitte) .'.he Brothers Speer, Rachel Actor and ebjnjBatty: Ma^le and Clark, Nick Wright and •'Swipayg of !7 6." - Brooklyn.—At '.the iilontauk (Edward mil, manager) Anna Held the currebt Wiek, ltf \"T,ue Parisian Model." "Fascinating Flora" did well last week. "Follies of if)07 R MiLV-: '■ MA'JRsxic .(Vf. C. FrMley, manager).— DIgby Bell, under the direction of the Shu- ib«rts,.is appearing ,hore In "Shore Acres," tntt;,.«e«k.. "A Jsucky Dog," last week's at- tracHon, .did ehdimous business. "Tbe LiApayette (C. M. Bagg, manager).—Wash- ington Society Glrjs, inelndlog : .-Mark Adorns, Mardo Trio, Sisters Mulllnl, Lllllnm Stark, inanngor).—iBill week of 7 : .Luctllo Mulhall's Wild West rfhow. Genaro and Bailey, Calla- han and St. -Ouorge, Dixie Serenauets, 'Ibe Camlile Trio, the Banks Rrareale Duo, Two -Pucks, and Chclk -Saunders. !' ; i ' y " Jnmestonn.-At the New Samuels Opera House (if. .T.' Waters, manager) Mutray- Lw Stevens. Lillian Raymond. Fred Mullo. S."^. l atock Co*" Sent "?^%"UCi"ffii ers." SO, .good ,perfoftaailce arid attendance. "The.Gingerbread JIan." Oct. % .RUtlsfnctory Makers pleased large bouses. ' l. E. " e City Si Anna tuBuqier, ;A»nu \f.. f .. A _i_hr Barrv.Thomnson and ftfffig&g&ati ne. 0 rine^ N bls G we*kare > Sty e 'SD 3 orU g 1^^^^^ V&K%ZteW& "™* "Glrf^oSjhe pearlng this week are A c '^ ^P'^.'ncTOnK Surfny South" 4.''The Real Widow Brown." the Five SnlTitgglos, j\ntiu Chandler. Anna Irene Myers Stock Co. .« Co. 14-11). Several.resldehts of Pittsburg havo Kmello Barlolltt. Rose Sydell's London Belles note ^ae%mIk^ 0 ^k m Sf^^^oa« 8 S^^^^fsS^S :ry^VDTrk." S "The W LTfe o{ an'AcS" fcoT^'""* ^^ " *^> waa.appreciated and well given. ' ■ . ..' Notes. —At tbe Grand this week : I41 Mont " Sisters. Collsetim Rink: Kl Raj rSlsters. Hlp- pedrome: Slg. D'Angelo. Albnny.—At Harmonus Bleecker Hall (H. R. Jacobs, manager) -Anna Day, Oct. .1, In "When Knighthood -Was In Flower," made a good_lnipresslon 'before a large _audience. houses. Max Henry 10 Bobbers' - PitocTOit'H (Howard Graham, resident manager).—A specially strong vaudeville bill JM nitImniioti.—At .the Stone Opera House (J'.'P.'K: Qlark: mqunger) "The Lily nnd-the Prince" did well Sept.'28. the I'nri Jitlrgoss ")t!i( .ill,,,- u,u o^ll Tir|ll. ta O l in- ..11 L I illilHUHS Co. drew good- houses ai)-Oct. 5. "No Mother to Guide Fletf' 7; ■■- V. . . • AuMory .(E.'.'M. Hart, resident malinger), -Bill week of 7: Avon Comedy'FoUr.-MIn "Bertha, "Dublin j Valley" .natt.iV-' .eCQIiUitniA (Obas. H. Wuer«, manager).— "A:.Child, of the Regiment" Is here 7 and Weeki "It's Never Too Late to Mend," last week, fared well: . OhPHEi'si (Percy G. VVUllams, manager). T^iAnotber of Manager Williams' Importa- »^i S iSmi»%^rWon 0r ^i' 1 Sf^\ 1 n 6 , ^?e^rest l%r*&lml&&*R?W+2*&+ P 1 ^i 80 ', "V* 6 * ?¥ n «*Se"rsTdrew Cell-Oti. ohSBeblll are: BUnore Sisters. Pat Bponey the 8I«JJ *»*"• A*?," -.^Fffll •tola Cdt ^tuf^lttlonBenf. William H. Thompson add the PS! T "ni^°i ; nn r ltS\i«vtJ^t»na Sii cdmnstiv "A luioht nn » iiniise Boat" A O. ton, BlgiOlty '.rour,. Aeuie noreae ana six Bios. A.cut 4 li'lille All, 'Mull Aiiilr-rson, M. Aiseks, Uihe Aibtlr, Arthur Ap|iell. IsOiil« R, Aleiumlrofl' Mr. /,ekei' \ Collins Ai'keraiu. Paul ABilue. ■Heil-ort Adtims. H. I. ■kinerlcns com.H Alvxutiiler, Man. Armstrong 0.11. W». >V Ariohls, ilhtni. Allinon, Clliis, Allen, E. Arnold, Ansiyorth AniUrstui. Tlivo' Adams, Frlia Bull, Ike .lliouclni'd ft : ., . Arnoll lloiil.leti Mhlluu Hour*teln, Ben llitutlisiu. (.'has. ltuM-ers. I!d.' • Hiiiiiord, 0«o. ll.tuks 'B. >l«o. Kuwforu.. B. , Bi-nton, - Hownril Urover, Whiter Boiikleii H , » T » t < , III iiiliey, J-is. .11. Bl'imlf, (leo. llelts, W. II. Blitz, 1". It. llnrteline. 'Louis lJiiilKeT..AVm. C ijiitfiett. Al. I nrlow. IlBvry lllltlVllfl. ,')'ljf llotitiaion.Danl Ciinnril. Clin* Cmikty, O. , . Utilnnti ,w. It. i..'■ : ■ ■.: Clliis. Coyle, Flunk-0. C'M'miI. "J. K. and the Mouse" pleased jtruntTy Sept. i!7,'B8. 'My -Kentutiky Sue" delighted a •large niidl- toii :,. -H » l «» r-12, a^very good Bowery , s .^^ a ^;J"^"^%" t ^\'SF good bouses. Wilton Lackaye'ln '"f he Bohd- BJfl* *!»!!??«ffi 5JSJ ^rrv-'-Oxi the jSK^ttl S K* ttJK&Mz&m " ** 1 vltkaraph. Standing room only GS'ano (W- T Grover manager).—Ad- "empibb (James It. Rhodes, manager) *jSff%mE*ttS; £IZ 71% W good Bowery BurleKatjersaO-Oct.!; crow.ded the bJllv Aa .a.hendllner.GusElen, Impersonator, * Is.yery jnuch .In evidence. .Others are: Billy Hard;. Mile. Emtoy's pots, Delmote and ^"•.Hermann tbe tlreat, Henry and Alice J*lor, Carrol and Cook, Jtur Ward pud .her ^oen' Dolls, and new animated pictures. business last week. mS^^h.^r W wb N o-.s r ^^PoP^frVhU I ' IMiAl Noutgomery.—At the .Montgomery Jl'lie- atre f Hlrscher Brds..'tnaniigers) Ifeulali t'oyn- till', In "Lena Rivers." Oct. 1. tlltl «ood lillsl- iiess. Kdgar Sclwvn, In "Htronghcttrt," ii. drew ^,; ^smsmsmSm '.'..■•TWXAH..' ",.'.';•,. Fori WwtwIl^'At'-tireenwall's (Plill W. Hreenttdll;' .mnnrtger) Tim Murhhy, Hutu, ii,'., Jt.- had faeuvy" bitiilnt'SH, "rlweitfest Girl'In Dixie-."'1^7. ilnd ''tlridur Solitliem Hkles," I'd, did well,"THii Man'of the ftiiiir" Oi;l. l!,:i, MAilHHTH ojllidlnk Olrl -::■ VV ' 4. ; fi. P? 1 S»'^ |'^'fa»r SB plte" 4. FRId'Y Minstrels 7. ; • -, tor's ,?'" a '°, hfl ,, ?f lo ^l ex »m jsnsen the Notes— Al. Field will enter a In at a aW :i-5, In "The Giufters." n laughable comedy. n,nl1 n<lrc " • - . «hleb scored hlg. Prominent were: Leon Br- '■ ■ ■ . ,.-...,-.«.. «,.^ feima—At the ArfadMnyiofMuiilcjLnnB L 'fil/iHjx J M BoL. .Betloiie. .Mr Baker, Ot<i. Illnkow. A. Ball, Jack Brooks, llorvoy JMh F. A.. Brooks, ..Prunkllu A: Irinheti Bold A. Btn/ker, tUrry Bait.. 0*{., l« Helfragc. ileo.l'. litUIW. M- >• Jim .nistte, ,J<ki . ISr)>':C.'Clauilc V L'l.iirell sii'oweli Cui-rayi,,l),in . liuadwkli, -D. Ji CoiiStsnBii'r. . . .. .Monsieur (iiUlbbell Mmixli' i.'ni»el|r Chsc .Mhist. (Jo. Qirlls. *Hnin J. ' Cbiiiui.nii. Have t'onnor. Jus 1. CiHiM'r. Leo (iilb.btiii, Jos. Cornell, W. !•:. O iiroy, Faatflfl ColUi.s rsLnlwl'. Coyne. Toni Century .Cm. 4 t.'iiineri/' .Ousrt. Cclliy A- May emit. n. \v. t'iirlm. Kolwrt Cctfin .vltnifitjtt darter illlutonl Cook Jus. Sii|ltb Crab-ley « •' '' Ktlleerl Cooper & Gear-t fu tin A iiovere (Jiirley. ,Pete • Curlottu Cmnronyer, Vic. Uurrlugtan John t'otriiiaii, Jas. i (Jlnimsh, Wm. ■ .lliiiiilnthaiii a,c f-'luxtou.. J. J. (In racnter, J). W L'lantetils I'iiKtl IJlilIenblne, Hoy Calhonn. P. P. 'li'-Oco. I Bob . Hatiy Clinpnutti ■ CIius'l Coomi's. Ji'rank r*iiy. rami lonlts, Sltcrtiinn .'tirlllo, l.t»> IllltOUII, llt'l'll. Mf-nd, .c. . . wmtiioid •••Imdr. M.' ui wain, V.. >l. hoia'rlo, Hart* )e, tjimiii,, P. If, liivls','1. II. m: btrlliig, ilew. R. T ' Kverfll. yen. pmtiire e.'nfti. * K.iSiworjil, .Chits. Kfnns. Allen Rstkel k Wttriirtr KliOH'lll & Kdwaril* anil Abu Fverk, (leo.. W; i;nl|.lre City 1' Uil'.il'lclle F.ians, V.'X. Puwler, J. IC. Liusto, Rllar. i'llllt, llisj. Jl. l-'ni-lien. (Ins A. W. Mullnly, manager),•-- re-aular season at tills , Kept: f|o, imd/ir' Very favurnlile roi theatre (ipirt 'he : l(irge mirtieni'e preseiil wax llbeypl' .. ItS Hplllnllse.' 'I'lte -opelllltu: bill Ini'lndi llni'kwny und Cnnwiiy. Tlnlterls, llays nun llnberlN, Hurlicri nutl Willing, Dick Ofltlliiei mill .Uiivim'c, (liirefirie Slegel nnd ithn Great Grllf'llrtHliiii'H.' -.;-•'. .liytllo 1 ((Ind. W- llurnlinct, ■ mnpagnr).— I'mf. H..C, Caldwell and his orttliestra. (JlHVer (.'pitkey. " .luggling Moriqlogmt.' Oalenflnii Sales Hrttpt and Br«nt, and HIuHtrated Hi)r)gs. Huslnoss was.heavy. .VnNiiti.UK (Dink A- FultDB, manager).— Poutn«, Jeo ii'Oray, JlktatK Jot)'.,.B. ■:.. . le-Mai-o, .ti.i-l.' IrivUi.ii. AJiltttt MWi-Waller Jo 'Hllle, Mr- iliimck, Chus losMiiiHl, Win. (ctilisiti. John intli.ylllli- JltoWi lure. II.' k-.lthi'. Billy Jcbuiiiil. A, >n«fiK. Muster M trnue.-C. K. ltl Jonnelly. Jan, pntiwiii. , ,. . i Bitlley f lliininil " Jllllle* Dni're, rge H-rAViiAilri (Frank 'Do llei|iie, nuiliager).— "The <?nw u|rl,""n nulslcal comedy Llir- lesfliie, in two nets, onoiicd the entertain. ilistlt. The mln Inoliitles: Jdhit P. tiraee, 'Mayttio Cii'irier, l.oitle Oil nil I noli am, uinl Woods and -Fox. Business uodil. iitMil i mi bboh' iCihiitiHOct. a. m GaU;es|on— At'life ttMJjA' Qtiurn iMm to;"*?. '" '•** A. Well, tiiuneguri "ffla Ip Ni'W ■iilun^'ir-is Ylilk".did well Hept.28, '<OTi»t iWoiDdii Will l.mililiig,; f. v. xw . | |nrJ 0||U nt^minnte f} 0 . .Mflrgaret Nc- vlll Oct, 8. ■:• ■ ' Hri.i.K-Fi.iiTti siiciwH bad .full tents Sept.'.'H, filler,, Wm. nobis & pioi.i. roi;* Koxle [•'tilkl. Harry Foster, (leo. Fraser, John I'obliin, Jokn T. Ma Mlcltnel .K,:'l I. IT, Hiijib idy,. Ilenry ii.irfieiil Jim. ji. Giiioiiigi, wfti.c G|cnnan. Ilibn flrny, Fred W. (Wrtlon. A/ *. fioitiley, KeeJlHii •i'," • A Otiilrley 0)0111. Sidney njiytr ft ilinell Gardner.&. - '•'"i Homers Onnltl. A I. Ireen.. r.) P. eilniiro. Dare Jwiry, ir. ii. GllU-rt. L.IV. Graiiti £. IV. Ib.thWr, ill. K. Sii re*. IV. C. n.liies. Flunk ayes, Kil.. Iloniewooil. !'■ '• Horry Ill.'lniun, Oiii. Iliiwnnl, .Iiis. I; jfrHrri Illos lll-i'svliel, l-'inii Hall. Frfitlkltn Ifostlitgs -Ctij-ler •[orlli,,!, MH. (V.. Ie Hi. mi. ; Hdlliltili, Y, IWyileu llenrrlt lli'lllDlllIU'. II. tan'.'lUiy K. HiUl ata j liK, Itlg,. '.rfilrrv ■ Ilea Holnea,—AKICflDter'S'Onntn llonie (Wrb. FiMfor, tnonagsfj 'MSuile 1 Fenley up MlrM eWfore, a .--inMe nliilNncee-• Ih "'ITie HD-bniici- ftft," MWI'tWi ' Tllos, JefTiirson pre- flehtc-T "«ip VflU •Winkle." to '.(I .Well llllrd linifsc, Get, .'j, "Bimwster's Millions" 4. •'., Hone Slahl. In '"i'llP Cllorils Irfidyf" I): .'"I'lin I.lrtn unil t in Mtnimi" tld, -12, .Kin* A -Krlnhg- •a-Vfllldevljlo week of III. •■' • (Hwyii 'OnikAiiUoiiHK (Wm.-Kostur, .mnnn- inrlh, I, tik llrti'l. W.B. Holbiiid. IJos I! 'tet-ltel. Oloer . Muli. llnles., Wills. Ali-ili Clark, flea. S. " iI)Maii'*l#iiUiiiv;Hi)lly. 1', gen.— Kujehei Monte. In "My -Boy Jack." mUl i»|tfrsiifrfl»s Sept. JM-U. "<The Ilnllltit. eis"iiittfacle<llllgorowils.ail.Ocr. 'Ji.'the Fi."i' Ituntlngs, In "A Ftiol ilunse." ',1-r.: Murray nnd Mncli il. 7. 'Mut'tlti's-'irincle' Tnm'n t'nli- In". 8/11. I'rliiil'Dse's MUlstrel* ID-ly. liiil'iin: ( Mi .l.'Ktii'mn-. .nuthagei i.— Powell. Hie Gri'tit: linkei' mitl tiolilnsoh. Gloria Dare, II. L. Zeiln, .Ini'lt null Ili-l-tlni Jlleli. the Three Mlllui'd*, Frail V. -.It unwell, iiiul'iue miitlori ttlctiifes pleiisi'tl liti'ite crinvdji hero week (if S|i|it. :it). Nome of tbe nels Itotilietl for-week of. Oct. 7 tire :. (Wok nnd Clltitotl,. Ilunls nnd Von. ICiiii(i«'in. Minnie Hi/ekwcll, Owen nnd Chuilibei-s, mitl the (ll-ent-Dcuuzo. I,vim- t Iinti'l ('. Iliirfliitn. nlnhnger),—The Ptisslou Piny whs i-ftiiltu-il for week ot Kept. ,'l(), drawlns li'tiini-iul'iii'i rrnwils. - • ' • • HOCK.— Ibe opeblllg for Hie New Mojeslle Thenlre Is ullnobneod for week of Nov. II, . . «**■» ■ ■ ■ SGI I'll C.VHOMVA. I'lnrirstnii.- Ai the" "A'erftlefrly' ■ of Music ichfis. n. Mntlhi'ws, rtiBnoaeri "prcnm Pll»" ilrr-w-i-well.-MH. Mt: "ftnat. t,vitf" Oet. », nhd "The Hell Boy .'•.', -Mi iVither" cooes. III. .Al. G. Field's Minstrels 11. ' BtlCWWiBlMl'sieWlLP-WgwrelB. . a .*: