The New York Clipper (October 1907)

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' i - >•;..'•■. ■■■-\ • ''■ ».■■■• ; \" .:•'..• ■ '• • ; ' ' -' " r.-fo,;-.'! •;,.■•?••' '-.}*■<; .,-'■''• * ,: - :,"•••'••;■ <;? ! Si? '■ ■•«!■;.-»:» , v -- >, . • — . . ■ i -.1 ■', ■ -• '-j* .,> '...-v. r> ;■,"■■ wHS*! . f .'l''-,; ■ ».\ :-t »•<■-,, •■<.. ..-.- ,y - • a; . ■■,■■ &f;A% OCTOBEErlO; . « 'i nfj ! if V) 't-'r ft 967 :81X BMMHRM; Victoria. ■■ ■ .. > . BH<oMrfMAiHM!r&«J<Jv '125th Street. I'Uiiisfi Cohiuuan & fo., lZOth Street. A. B, C. D. OlRlia, 23d Street. Jim and JEn'Stv Jus, Union Square. Lily Cnowe, -Pastor:*'. U'iVeiil 'laio, PuNtor'H. T40MjtS Poiteii Ulnnk, I'H.ilorV. UaptIBTK And Kiu.vconi. New York. ' "A Mobk'ino iiimSAiisAi,," New York. -■. BA«os'.*)-MEWHiEBlli, New York. MM.*, i/, GStb Street ■KESTUOKYi' I.oa'lavillF—At Macauley'fl (Jno: T. Ma- rauley, mnnager) Cbarlea B. Hauford came Oct. 7-9. to -good, buslnqsn. Sarah Truax fol- lowed, 10-1V, producing,"The Spider'* Web," to splendid ■ audiences. The play waK well Htagedi aod-the star met with a hearty re- ception. Al. n. Wilton. In "Met* in the Alps," 14-10; "Brewster's Millions" 17-19. Makv AndeuKo.n (Max I'atilscli. rjqaDager). —Jotiephlot Sabel, a Louisville s?lr!. waa the hcadllner week of 7, She wan cordially wel- comed,.- ajwl won favor Immcdlaflv. New people week of 14-:- Maude Hall Macy and company, Joxeplilnn Ainsley. Four Lukens, Jtimea J. Morton, Bellonlnl Dumoad's Paris- 'an Minstrels, Barney Pagan and Henrietta Byron. Avenui! fClioa. A. Shaw, manager).—Bas- Hell Brothers, In "The Hired Girl's Millions," week of tl, attracted crowded houses. For week of ,ia, "Thu Boy Detective.":'- Masonic (Cbas. A. Shaw, manager).— "The Wizard of Oz," week of 7, played to phenomenal business. For week of 14, ''Wine, Women, and'Song."- ■•*...•• Bi'CKLNGiiiM (Wtaallen Bros., managers). —High Jloka-Co., week of 0,- created ranch amosement and applause, playing to capacity. champagne Girls 18-10, Watson's Burlesquers 20-26. v . •'(Wm. Belcbman, manager).—New faces -week of 18 ; Tom Nawn and- company, nergcre Sisters, AL Carleton, Lea and Opp. t.'.vclinjf ZanoTRs, Martelle and Delbrldjje, Ames and Corbett, Cora Beach Turner Co., the HlrscbomH, nouglas and Douglas, "Una .<telslcr Woodward. Joel Wilson and rompapy, iiniirn Coster and new klnodromu pictures, featuring the English Derby. 4>» ■ -' TEV>ESsKK. NnnhAllIe. — At the Vendome (W. A. Sheetz manager) Tim Murphy, Oct 7, 8, three performauces, presented "A Corner In Coffee" and'-"Two. Men and-a Girl." Both productions weru well -received by large houses: "Human Hearta" 141. Bijou (Oeo. XI. illckmuu, manager).—- "Joat Out of College" opened for week of 7 t'j big uuslut'Hj. "Younjf Buffalo" week uf 14. HlPPORHotig (W. H. liordles.r, manager). Howard Fielding Is the attraction for the week of 7, and drew large crowds. Note. —Prof.. J. Hough Guest, director of the Vendoine Theatre orchestra. Is convales- cent from a very serious illness. . Chuttanoogra—At the Albert Opera House (Paul R. Albert, manager), week of Sept 30- .LCw-6,' the Kennedy Players came to good business. "The Umpire"'played to a large and well- pleased audience, 8." "Human Hearts" 14. "The Sweetest Girl in Dixie" 15. Clara Bluodgoud It), "'Way Down liast" 17, Amelia Bingham" 18, "Bed Feather" VI, and Black Patti 114, ;-• .' ■ : •- :- WellS'- Bijou (O. A. Neal. manager).— "Just Out Ml College" played -to good hotises ull.-.week. of Sept. Si). Hap Ward, In "Not Yet But ..Soon;' opened with an 8..B.-0. house, week of.Oct. % ■ .. i.;.-.,._. | ^ , ^ t :> ,, „- - ,, west vipoisrA. * WheellB*;. — At 'the Court (Bdward Ju. M'Ajfe, manager) ';Hla Honor the Mayor," 4Jet' 7, and "The Holy City," 8, had good returns. Adelaide Thurston, In "The' Girl from Over Ydnder," », and "The Shepherd King," 10-11!, had good returns. Paul Oil- more 14, "HIM Honor the Mayor" 15, John Orimth IT. and "Simple Simon Simple" 10. Gkano Ui-niiA Ilnt'su (Cbas. A. I'elnler, manager).)—"Shadowed by Tlirec,"' 7-D, had good returns, followed by "The Ciu-d King of the Coast," 10-12, to bitr business. "The Bocky Mountain Express" 14-141, and moving pictures 1T-101 WoS'Dtiii^Mj iH. W. Bogers, manager).— Kill for week of 14: Stadium Trio, Harry Mouwaa company, Lillian Hart, Fox and Summers, Devine and Van, end the moving pictures. .... s Bijou (Geo. Sbafer. manager).—Business was big for. week ending 12. ■•■•■• »'» ' ARKANSAS. tittle Rock.—At the Capital i Charles F. Taylor,: manager) Melbourne MacDowell and Virginia Drew Trescott carau Oct 4, fi. "The Man of the Hour" drew two good slued lioiises 8. Itainoy Kctious. in "Monte Crlstci." 12; "t'ntlet Southern Skies" 14. Jane Coch- ran 141, "A Man's Broken Promise - ' 17, "Ton Devil's Auction" 18, "Hooligan In New York" Bl. "East Lynne".22,."The Ijind of Nod" 24. _ Majimtiu (Saul S. Harris, manager).— Kill weekof 14: Musical Klelst, TivollQuar- lelle; Duncan and Hoffman, Howard and Oer- ninlnc, and Kalaeratns. Added attraction. .Melbourne MacDowell and Virginia Drew Trescott and company. _N«itkm, —Melbourne MacDowell and Mbw Ttencott eloted in Uni legitimate here, Oct. fi, Jo - enter vaudeville, -ami -will-appear Itr-tbe Hupklus and lntur-StatP Amusemoiit Co. clr- eulr, giving condtnacd versloiia of. "Fedtira," "Lu Tosea,'-' "Glsuionda," "Hesurrectlon"and "Tlie Oatb."......Baruurij & Bulloy's Circus Is billed here for 14. „■■■... . ■ #|> , ,_ ( • ■;' VEHMtlST. ■ Uirrllnul«n.~-At -the String '.Calm & • •rant. ' iiimiagers'l "When Knighthood Was lit- Flower." ik-t. 5. did well, and "Aloug the Keunebee, 1 ?. 8, pleased. • Hon-"; dark uuttl Ilobi'rtK.' Peary IHUatruted lecture 17. 'liiiAiiiiiiuM ,(P. C. Doyle, manager).— Movlug. pictures. Wlfli 'Usual good sui'c-ess. Ambcdv knowing the .wliereabouts of B. M. Sbuyuc, who weut away from home ubout eight 'years 'ago, kindly ' commuulcats with his mother, 805 Union Avenue, Bronx, N. Y. When last heard from be was known us John Hhayne ana was connected with Smith's Opera House. In Grand Kaplds, Mich. ' "BooUx" 'Leach, well known - balloonist and parachute jumper, Is to enter vaude- ville. H» will be associated with L. W. t»s- good" and Flossie Osgood, of Salem. Mass., in n musical act. They will be known as tlie Hawthorne Trio, ami will be booked by the White: bureau, of Boston. Tin: OsoiUiiH have just, arrived-from Eu- rope- They played Oct. "13 with jrreut suc- cess a.1. flu; Vurkvlltv 'J'liba-trc. New York. '.•»u have left tor their California tour, lifter ■vbjeh'. tflny. will plu-y tha KIaw le Erlaugc l&Wttt't in wbtih they we're ccf.kcd try tJiolr . American .reprrttEtatlv*. -Bkliai'd Pltrot ■' .Hobaoi: . Stbouek. hta'.of strctise 'and YAung: »Jio has be^n !c 'Texj3 for tha pafet y«ar with coniuaintlOD. li in very destitute <ilrcumathnri>s. Filend& ' lntcrertlne them- ?*lvi>r Inhln hehnlf cnrt,«ddre"S bhn care of larrj* SehwethKlifl. nt Kerrvllle. Tex. C. Coi.Ion Whitk. a member of the Joseph Smithy*, di. h\ "Billy; the Kid." while on the tt-alii'-tn enii/e from ("suiilrn,. ,V. .1... to New WMK^OtjF, PaaiTal j OH. 0. Hnn>ri«d a nhuek uf'Uiroiiiotor ataxia. The first appear- AIIC0 lif the Mlscl »H- nei'iiliipilllleil lij llllllnit total bllndrte»« ell -day Kilodny. end tbo loss of all;pii1»«rpf the low«;r limbs completed the ntlhrK uh Mi'Uduc. which caused him Id- fa tiikea tw-BMU^ac Hii^pttar Uk t?eatmt:ut. • C!ass In Que9. What is a HIT? .1 '■ Ans.—A Song the Public Likes and Demands. '.i',, Qutts—Give Examples of GREAT BIG HITS. i An8.-"NOBODY,'V "LET IT ALOjHE," "HE'S A^OOUSIN 6' MINE,""THE I8LAND ,v . ■ ' OF BY AND BY." Ques.-Who wero the Publishers of those HITS? • *g Ans.-THE GOTHAM-ATTUCKS MUSIC CO., 50;W. astliHT. Ques-Ara they publishing any NEW HITS? . ^^ , Ans.-Yes. ^Take Your Time," "Just An Old Friend of toe Family," "That's Where Friendship Ends," "Only You, Dear," "For the Last; Time Call Me Sweetheart." Ques.—What Are You Singing ? **v Ans. ifi TAK Very Good. YOU We Congratulate You. In Future;? . For Your Aot, Write to tlie >n You Want Hits SECT FREE GOTHAKi-ATTUCKS 50 WEST 29th STREET, ft. Y. ON RECEIPT OF RECENT PROGRAMME Hlopim Pictures. ' Ihirlnir-the past few we'oksilhr; American Mutiweopi; mid Kioi;rnpli Co., preps rlnp for the I'nll and Winter .trade, have made a num- ber of i-baiiBes and ImprovemenlK, thu most important of which being the return to the company. of Wallace MeCutcheon. as man- aging director of the studio. Mr. MeCutcheon needs no Introduction to the moving picture world, being one of the oldest tind best known producers hi the business—In short, u pio- neer, and the originator of tho story films In this-country, both' comic and dramatic. prominent unioni? wftleh will lie remembered "Personal." "SB* Lost Clilld," "The Clilcken Thief,*' ."Moonshiners," etc., which prove most amusing and attractive even to this date. To his credit Is due also the first "talking picture" ever-made. It was pro- duced in the old Blngraph studio, at 841 Broadway. Aug. 10, 181)0. and entitled "Xhi; Gay Old Boy. The suheniu Was an artistic success, but managers- were, not then in- clined-to employ the extra man required to operate-the phonograph.' Rack In his old haunt, rich with new Ideas, he starts the ball rolling with the nrodactlon of "The Iiove Microbe," with whlcu-lpersons are Inoculated wltY ludicrous effects, - A'vlew of this tllin. Is most reassuring and .Is but u prelude; of better things to come. Abetting thin Impor- tant change, the tomjiany' bus made big :lui- provemerlts at their <factpry, bicreanlng .HUB working ctt'-aclty fall.v forfold, by afldi- t\unk\ Boor spuce and the'Installation of new nrachlnecy of an advanced type. The riew systsm of. printing-recently adopted Insures much clearer and steadier lllins. . ■"A-Ubama IS SKVlltfJ": Is the latost rathe feature film. The subject admitted of strting locol coloring, and the action Is Intensely dra- matic.—"The Prodigal Son" has'been: pre- sented with great effects* They also, supply "The Cigar Bor," "Jano Is *Hir|0U8.:' "Naples to Ve'suvlus" and many, olhor new MM I'm; Edison feature supply for tblsi'we'ek Is.entitled. "Jack, the Kisser," *■■■ comical ob- tTjlQtory ej)lsode. . .' •••;'., ■-"f:nawK'H KPsiiitAr,; Mauch Bhmlesoubd" Is the title of the latest Mellea comic: fllui.. "1'HB 'Makuuehaih: ''PA«tt"' Is tho latest Vlugraph film showing a. gang of thieves nt a fashionable function. \ ■ ■ ■ "Habbob Pibatks" Is-the title of a wii- satlonal aeries of Htm, showing the methods pursued by the robbers of the shipping trade, and the" Institutions for guarding against them. "All on Account of a Lout Collar Button" shows the troubles caused by an elusive Ivory. • "Hkti'Bnjno Good rott Bvil ' hr the title of the latest Gaamont film. It shows the manner In which unklndnees was repaid by heroic deeds. In a Berlcs of dramatic events. Ankln>MlBK«T N<-« I 'uiMjiiuiy. • Harry AakM and Mori Singer, the Chicago • managers, will send out a loud company.'In •vrhe Girl tjupstlon," opening In Juliet. Christ- mas liny, 1'iutl MelmKiin ami Isubcllit Nor- toll, who have hei-n kimwu hi vaudeville for soVeral years, will head lliu cunt. Mr: Nu-h- olsun playing Junlc MeCrev's part nr Con IlvAh, untl Miss Morton appearing ns Joe Ponder, the character n»W Being played by Georgia Uri-w Menduui, Iteht'oraals will com niene'e III NovemlKr. This matlagcuient ha» six othor couipanleM on tne roml, Incluillng two of "The Time, the-Place and the Gltl." — each of "1'he Umpire," "Tb« Flower ■or'the HsncJi" mid 'Hwi-ll ttlegent J,oii«b," and one each of of the Ranch" >ui<J 'Nwell ir.legenr In winch ICsra Kendall Is Hlarrlng. This lai ter company, will bo fn ciileugo jtor. the licit ■two .weeks,'teheurslog George Ade's"'Thi: Lnnd of Dollars.' ■»«» >i!H■ Thrnlre l«r I'lilt'liKO. AlexanderiP. OrlsWold has leaned.a lot. of laqd' on the 1 'North side of IMvwsey Boule- vard, just' Kast of KvLiiHton Ayemm .Chi- cago, for plnety-iilue years', at■ f«a,oqO li year, And. will -erect a theatre on li. 3'ljc lot Is .186x216 fest,. snd : adjoins fho.;,Itleuzl Gar- den. •' He Ml also purchase^ a.lot, itBUSM Mtt-.'an Hvaoslou Aveniie', yf Vyftbi of .-.tllC Rleunl Garden, which will bo i used in con- nection ' with Hie theatre. The bouse will cost fir>0,04H): have a seating capacity of .1,600,aud:wlll be devoted to musical comedy, it Is expected that the building. w|U:bo ready to'opea nextlSummer.' :■;•.. : ■' .( 1 1. I * I » . 'I'" !'.! :*..'* . A. K. 1 ormllltf Abliey'. Will ltussltrr llriiuclilnw lint. ' Will Uosfdtcr, the Cnlcngo rang pithllHliPr, • 1-i boaucblai' out as a manngei- of vaudeville acts, and litis secured Minnie IlnrnlMi, Hie clever little singer, whom on will feature - Hitutigliout die country In n number of ills belt songs, principally "Stingy," the TiHidy hear hit. Miss Hurulsh will give awny u Inrgi' sired Teddy bear every Haltirdny mati- nee to the child who writes the best lei ter descriptive of her net. Mr. RoHsltcr hut) several other singers whom he will put. out Inter on, anil Im waking proparntloiis to have bis people go out under the best auspices possible. Hlnre moving to 'his new ouartvrs In tlto Marine lliiltillng be 'litis been better able to limk after the Inter- ests' uf the regllilnr business ami Inko on special work of tho above ebiirueler. . Hi* has tbousanilN of friends throughout tlie country who will wish him success In lils new ven- ture. <«» Al. U. Field's Analrersdry. Al. G, Field celebrated Ills twenty-w.i'ond anniversary with a bamnict nt Murilgoniary, Ala., Oct. 7. Doo quigley acted as toast- master- . : ■ - The programme v'lin one of the piost de- lightful, perhaps, that Mr.. Field and his troupe ever participated In. in addition to loc excellent menu arranged for by I'burles Philips, press representative, and Moardman ,.S.. Carnce, there wcr« ninny Impromptu fea- tures which made-tho enturtulnment nil the more interesting fndli unique to the laity. , ■ The following people rendered a good pro- gramme: Harry Oliver, Oscar Mannerslron, Bonrdmnn H. Cacnos, Walter Hollo, Bun Cranvllle, John C. Dickens, Harry Van Pos- Aifred^BAMcJntosh, of the Brm of Court ssn, 41. M. Guerry, Mr. Field, billy ■ Clark & Mcintosh,JhoB been In New iork City dur- g(,<( George T. Martin, leg the past week'arranging thu details ot „ Abbey's 'fUncle'Tom's Cahln ,r Co.,,which wlT|..." "Tom" fcliows In t^c »'» Cor. Sec, Philip Mlndll. tU-Vtj aoth St., New York. - As aunouneed some time ago, according to tire constitution, u. siswiul meeting would lie held at Keen's, ou Frldajv Oct. 11. for'tbe purpose of considering the appropriation.of a sum not exceeding -•yV-'Oii from the iicruiu- uent fund for the furnishing of tho new -Man (or elobroouisV in the Hotel Kurnil- lage, Forly-secoud Htroet and Heveiitb Avenue, lift; tudtlou was put by the th-ah, t.'huries Kmersott' Cook, and It .was unanimously cur- Prlut^Masou Peler.*,''chairman of the'dinner committee of Vol. Henry Wntterson, said thut everything was In shape for this noteworthy on Nov. l', ut Hie Hotel Astor. bo'onu of the biggest United States. Mr, Mcintosh was for Qve yeurs conaeetr>tl with .the" road companleM of I'eck" & I'ttrs- man.- Ormsby A. Court was formerly mana- ger of'the Park Oiwra. House,. Manchester, N. H, The (tlriu's ncudiiuarters Bre-ltt'BoM- tun.t Maest ,i. ■ Iti « ' ' ,•-■.;,: ,:,^i ■ <» ' » ' I" -' "; Hone lOyllnirr lleueflt. jijlt Is proi>used lo give u beiie.tlt fur.Robe Eytlnge, 'now seventy-two years old,. arid plans are .now-being arranged) 'Since her retirement from the cast of ' in the HlsUoii'a Carriage" last Spring, Miss Eytlnge has lived at tbo Westminster Hotel, lu Irving 1'iace, supporting herself by giving lepsous lu elo- cution and stuge mUH ' ': - ■■ • "■■■' ♦»» '■ ' ■ ■ '■• ."■rnsuu uf iiiiurn Hart and llcury Slaiiford' Oiii-im. Iiuura Kurt and Henry Stanford opened -III Piitersou, N. J., evealng of Oifi, 14, In "Till; Walls of Ji'tleho." A cnpucllv bouse ^cl- i-omefl tho play and players. Miss Burt arid Mr. Stanford scored individual hits by their' clever 'mid convincing work. Knirst Slllp- li-i.n. under wliose niaoagemcul tiny an- ap- tjeai'lng. und n party of friends• from New York,'.were present' ' ':'• <■» ■ 8p|t Nettled. ' A verdict of. fKvMkS wum ngreed upon In tho. United States Circuit Court, ut Trenton, N. J>. last week, lu the cusu of Duvld Freed, administrator of thu estate, of Kaiunuel Kreetli the -actor,' who was killed In tlie wreck on tlto West Jersey Seashore Railroad, ut Thorough- fare, Atlantic Clly. ♦ »» llu.i FlMhell «s Ks.lcrn Division Hannir rr. . -l-'un Flslndl, who, has inniiugeil tlie l»nr- rlck Theatre, St. Iid|»s, Mo., fur KIaw A F.r- bttiger's ailviiiiced(tVMiidevllle, left Hnturdny night. Get, IB,.tv heroine KIhw Ik llrliiiigcr'i genoiiil malinger of the Eastern division of artvanecd vuuuevllle,; after u conference with Abe Krliiuger, ut ' Clilnigo, hist Thursday, during which die pluu wsh pertceted. i Mr. Plshell has been manuger of tin; tlur- jlelt fur over twj .yeurs. und IiIh business ability and judgment us u theutrleal iniioit- ger have lung been rorognlzeU. It Is through Sis 'efforts that tho flurrlck bus turned out > very valuable asset to tbe K. & K. cir- cuit; Ills work attracted tbe attention of IJrliinger - " ■■ MD. i.The ninnngetuorit' of the Gurrlck will b« lu charge of Jacob Oppenheluter, ami utlier- ffjuu tho house staff will remain the mine. :T".' ■' *»» "Caller a Uwud Partaer for Jolin l» John !j. Knllivau Jium a yotiug-muu truvel g with bim as his spurring imrtni'i', who is miule himself a great favorlto In Rrook- ■♦»»■ IJui Id hemlrr for VnMdevllle. ' The. follow lug have ls:eu elected members : AiiUcr.— Altiert lloogs.; II, C- Uobey, H. Ac H'Arey, H. A.' WIckhum, George Goett, Louis Ku'tz. Wllllum J. Ktten, Wllsou S. Ross. John P. Duly, Kdvrard C. While, Geo. C. Warrfcli. . , .4»#ociate.—Hurry Asklu, Harry J. Powers, Alfred O. Robyn. Felix It. Wendelscliuefer, Frank Woods. Clarenco Weiss, Valentine K. Kennedy, Archie h. Shepherd, Fred. Ei|. Mc- Ka v i .-''!.*'' llay. —Wm. Hepnor, R. M. rilekersfaff, ThomnH Stockhnm, James P. Ollroy, ' I>w Dlkkstnder. A. R. Keone. Jno. Rcllly.' -.'i--' Tlie first meeting of lh« Frlurs ever Deld In New Orleans occurred Iff'ilie press- room of the Tulani Tliealre. nlcht of Sopt. •>'!. . Ail iho Itinerant .Frliir«: In Hie i-ily wi-ni In Hllcmlaiiii'. liee Hlley. rypresnitllig •'Tbf? land o' >lud-."Shcrma!i 'Datiby. hi.hil vane<i of JVitten Lucknyt: Walter'I. Uro*-. »r Immigrant from 'Uotioy !s!a:to.'>io*V *«• Distant nVSrtagar of the rutins and Crteuent hfttr^i. and Smlitlu<rtw*,i'|t(paBJ'4gv-r.t "QtvlPs Auction." •'• •' ■-" -.. ^ne n»xt gathering will be hal*«t Ktm'f, To W. Thlrty-nlsth Street, on .Friday,-Oit. 18. at eleven o'clock at night. 'V ;. >''' ^—»-.^—— 4 mm X. Jiouu.v wiis bearil lasti-Wnek by SujtrMne Court iusllei- Mr)'nil in iH.smlsH the rii'll sjiIi to. tmwft *ti7ti.4Hiii ftom UkoJ»Mlled,'Hir. nl^enlWri'dlrale. broilglit i?yjM*» J H. J .Het eitlf, Ihe ilrai/iiiili' critic. His lawyers. Kpen- tmr. tirdw v A \VIcrt)ni.- sold that, .oii'liehslf ofttfcelbcBent. they .were willing to bfiv* th« -id mid - «4juW !-'«'■ Ibv-it-tio! ;• \ ■ • ■- I'heafrc I'u. Mur liulld K'ew llocueai. i '; ''Hoi. Oppeuhelinar guve out it ntilteuk'hl. to Tut; I'un'un reuruueiiiullvo al the ufllces of David Kessler, tin. Yiddish actor, hits hesli-frj, *22*1! tt JS^2 ,-»t&t SffifA? »f M ail hooked for a vaudeville tour ovor Hi« ; Moltli «>' w ,^;'".^' ^.''^ A Proctor circuit. "He will muko his debllt W '.' ""' i aLL. .,„■ i™,' ul ^iii «,»..!., ni» attbcUnlmiVoa^T 1 '**^. 0 ". 0 **. at,Jn il !»-»« «**■ Amuseinunt Co., will reiuuln the ioerli-nn Tlieutrii' Co. will build In bore tin-re Is an oiipurtunlty for business 111 the WcHl. * » * MaJeallcM lu lie Itewrsruulacd. '. b'red Invln Is busy MttaMhW niuv people ifoir tbo Majesties. The entire Mil will he re- vised nud fho new uliow will go on Intel' this Week ut tho Murray Hill Tlumlre, »»» Tataw, of tin; 1,111'UUflH Trio, wrltus ' j of Oct. 8: "My com- any lias nun a very successful tour of Cen- at and South America and Culm. We left Trli?'Wu^ni^y^K mugging MrJ. « ik^^J^J^ ^«pMTfp^ ®fa a, Leslie Garter Payne, attended his llrst gath- u,a "' autuor of 1 ho Sp e ll. . c|U(i|( wJ| erlng. on Friday nlglit, nnd was given a warni - . ,. .. ' ' " . vnuderllh welcome, to wiilch he responded lu splendid ., '<«" »»" >» riWW> Slsurtf. ". : i-'W . ' Kruuk Sumner mid Kltxabnlli Ros» have loft tho ■ Forepaugli stis-k eonijiuny.. In f'ln- eluuutl,'utid' returned' to tho Fast, uf tor, A successful eugugement ut I lie Olympic. , ■ , ♦ ' »» . . l.llllnn Hunsell Malt*. " . ;1 <V: Ail of tbi 8PC nrth-les of l.llllun Itnssiill'a boucifliofd gwMls were disposed oT at auction rrom f^ubn uuder dsto of Oct, last Saturday afternoon In the Fifth Avenue lJHn} . |, SB had u very succossfi Auctloii Rooms, by James P. Hllo. The grand }ja) and South America and ( totsl of tho three days' sales reach!-)! •M.KM. Nriw flrlciinu. f,n., Inst H-tcemls-r. nnd hsve " ♦ ■ ♦ . . !"i': ■'- , lust elosml I be se««on In Cults. I will ts< lu A«Ja Heban Itetiirnn. Ada Ueliao I'lunied tu .S>w York'.flLv I !he' Ijjent the Hummer M p .t«c No last rth lit New UK Vfl I :|i 'lu- it -;isu -ijlsic'' .i. week. 8! of. England.' and plans to remain York dnrlngti tin- Winter. She !m forionlsied lip lilitiis for tin' .seun-^i.' • '"JffH ♦ » *! • **"■':". m ■ ."Thr f:)i ange'ln'" UJ» '. Std'.-h, • ;; SH'-!:'/ali«,!Lt.' v'fuiry Artrwr Juip.- t latest nluj, «!|Pbb pritcntcd itiktlt? 4ProcJ tor't', HaHbE(j .Gpc-a BOW, vtUY.,, lieginiil!i>» Oqt. tl. UlUr eriflrc Knle!certockar;j,tViau^tio.: wiU'lM-tafcCn to Hai-lvro. '.'-'. | m . " s)i> ■ » •■;: Winter-.Quartern of W. L. Main to be ■' ;! ' ■ ■ipi i j ,' . ' " " '■ Walter I,. 'Mirlu tiunMim-rre'lnsf-h™,, tnwt;- the Winter miailers'of tin- nIuaC'iii i;enev;i, O.. withh wi-ro, i.iirurii .down •' IUIIb «iver a year tigOi Wwi to be ii-luillt. uini;ou a more i-xletiKlvc scflle.j Imttead of oni-bnllilltig. f|ii» present itluits cnll for Hirer large brick billld- llik«L which-will cover u inrger^aivn thiwi did the former atrartnrr. Tho hr* buildings •<!irbe uue irtory high, aud wiu.'ppsd r.ltt.'.i'! axxftrti coiiTtuIvitiea &>r-iIioiv^uriJiii,ri. r." New York fho hitler purl: of Itf tn br r 10 en- gtjgu new nets for Hie ernnlng sensoti." M- 1 1 > i I ■ ■ ^ '- WE POT OOT 10BE 8010 SLIDE HITS II OIE I0RK TDAN ALL TBE OTHER 8010 8LIDE lAHOrAOTUBEBS PUT TOOETBEL Look Ovor lib List m< B utted Yourself, Dreaming. Love le aad tbe World li Hine. 'Heath the Old Cherry Tree, Sweet Marie. , . Keep on Smiling. I'd Bather Two-Step thu Walt?, Bill. The 81rl who Threw le Down. Stingy Moon. The Handsome, Brave LUeJgayer. San AntonlO. . Somebody's Waiting for Ton. Inst a Utile Fond Affection. Cheer Up, Mary. In the land of the Buffalo. Alice, Where Art Thon doing? The Tale the Church Bells Tolled. School Dayi, Farewell, Killerney. That's What the Bote Said to Me. I Miss Ton in a Thon sand Different Ways. I Can't Find Another flirl Like Ton. Bye, Bye, Bearle. Take He Back to Now York Town; Tying the Leaves So They Won't Come Dowo. Aad lh« Ulugcil HuifHi uf lb em all, In the Valley Where My Sweetheart Waits for He 4l9 100 0TBEB8, All Beautifully Colored, at 55.00 'FEB SET 85.00. 1' 'it i - W"« ilio rent Film., Much Inn. anil Hon u . Mlitea, with or wltlmut Uuaratora, Make All Kind- of Ml Idea tcllrilrr, SELL ALL MAKES OF MACHINES AND Bl I'IM.IEM. HIlll-OV HKVHIPT 1 UIP UIIUHR. This is tbe Pioneer Moving Flclure aid Song Sltda House In Business. Bri'rABMSIIHU IHUtt. Son Voit llniiiiorr llrl(jmlr < iioiiiihiicx, HARSTN&COMPANY TUB NBVUIR CI.OHKK HOV»B. ~ 13B East I4«h Street, New York, N. Y. TKI* S{!5|wtVKl»A!IT. wurrii,, wiiti;, HIIONK. . -Will 1 ■pohtitii- of 110 wean ability, uud one of hi« dutleK Ih to inci't all vmuorH ou tlm mat. Witlilii tin: laat aix iDoiltliM Mr. 4'utl«r lmn itlfown every mail )i« lum met Io«I(Ih of tlirea ijilniitPH. u-lth two utocptlmii), Yoimif Sliur- ker, of Ilrooklyu, rouiultu'd dkyoii mlttuteH dt'tlii' Klar two wpi-Io, ayo, nnd u noil known nravrwrlylit IhmIihI fifteen tnlntitoH. 0utl«r, t>>' Mh cli'Hii and biialni'MMlllio mottioilii, lias ' rSotis I'riric ItUTJ.Ktitiii, lufiiiit. huh uf Mr. und Mi-m. ('liny I'. Kutli'dui', tllutl WiiiI. Hi, ur. lli>.' lionii> o( Mr»< Ilntli'ilK' 1 , In I'lillmli'lulilu. llg'Kl HllC UIOntllK. Jtl'H. Illltk'llKu'H HtllX" lllllllf' Ik Jiiuiiiii! I'lckcrliiif. tltiii In li llii'lnliHr ot Jf ariflKwi'ir'M Crui-'k'T -TiH'tiH Co. MliH. Maui iAHK IIoi.mkk, llii: atitlmn «n, illcd |b«I; witnk-at. Iii.t lintiii: hi llroL'k|iui'l, Mhbh., lu ln'i- Hi'Viitity-iiliitli vi'ur. Mw. Ilolinns win (lif author, ut.'tblrlv-iilmi niiVclx. '"I'riti- IK'HI; umi"HuilNlllni.'," liiilillnllcil III I8.M, WIIH rolluwfd I13' nearly ntio now Inrnk a year. .\11i01iK llic'llHt, tm "I,,i!iiu ItlffH." "Doru liiiani.'.'' "Jiliiri'lyn'n Mlniaku" «n<l "l»r. Hath- urii'a IJaiiglilcrti," llor hut novnl, iiulill«hiil 111 IliO,., lx "(.'iiiiiiIu'n MMnkr." NO-l'fcH lifwtf -'NDW Vork Uuy hy lluy" I'o.: Wv ii'if now In our fifth lour, and IIiIm MI'IIMJIl (ll'OUllKI'M, to 111' lllH Ill'Nl rM'IIHDII for ■ IiIh (Ml|iular pl^iy. Hutiiru dattm hiivi: la>i',i imki'tl for and a. niiuiuvr two coiiiimny Im wri- oiiHly I'oiitoiniilutod, uk nil llm limn for No. I (oiojpiiih In nlntont ontiri'ly flllud for the KPUmin. Tim I'olnniiny nt pri-NHil IioIiIh I In ifi'ord nt tunny lilinrn for l.1io h\KU' , nl lm»l- ti«'«M and l In- X. |t, o, nl|[i! Ih often dlNplnyi'il. Tin' lomiiiliiy 'Ih now limMHtUC I'l'iliiHtl viiiilo. with WfHj. ririfliila.aii'l IJI1I0 In fvlhm. i'lin I'Mi'lth' ooimt In tin- |iroH|ii.ctlvo |iiiliil, ns Ihere la greui doniailil from iiiihiiikitm for IIiIh iiltrin-llun 'In llml li'iilloi.v. 'IV II. Wlniioll. illntctH'tlioJiitir/llMi. W. Wliifiitl houkn tliv I'oiiti'. .lohiiMl; 'IlitHili: Ik III udvain.'n, and II. 'I'. NIHmhi hutidh'K tlm foiiiimiiy 111 fuur. Tin- mulu nlfli'■ for tin- Wliiiii'tt's nt(mi'tlotiM Ih Iti'llie Knlrkurtotker '' llulldliia, Jfeiv Vork City; ', T 1'iiA.vK Wiiioiir ANii orMMiv yvrltn: "Afti-r 11' Amftwfiil Hiiiunier nt ll.ililiiioih 11M in cim Oily. »r npcncil nil tlie Hllicimfm cini'li, Kepni^m; 'wllh oilier Iiiiiikvh'Io fol« low." it.- , 9S=* Promoted -I Of) Hers and Car .tore »t Jill H>.t loili St. lining .ntlr.-Iy too .lucll t«> t£k* of lh««v«ir rapidly lncr«a>lti||d«inanil for BbI rlbr* Trank...w*. havo opxnod u Uri.-r .nit twtlir pUtf »l ^10 V4d Humnii.i.lthi'il. W» ur. also •Ming »* «lo»> addition to th* naw iartory «*• o'ponM tl* Xawark a f.w w«»k« ainco, and mow hopa to ba abla to turn oat anaiigti trunk, to aupply th« tlruiRnd. ' If tha n.tli FIBflK TltlVK w..n't tl.n MOHTKKT, »TH01 IJEHT, HAIf DHOWKHX and MIIKT SKIlVltKAni.t THKATHII Ah Till UK ON EAIl'l'll It tv.iuld I,- no troabla toaapnly.tlia domanil v'< ;.,« ,-,. tiiV W'lttilali BAb,ln«.. BalMara of "M Wamytifa, New Tort out- •i;yr «?i? .ztaiuxKK'v. ;•; >% . "tmmsm