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.,- ... » ut ■ • ■ • ■ I m»Lr"« Theatre (Chas..Frohraan. nun- m&» 5gav» ™J Wife," beta™hTi nlh weak Oct. 14., |t#r ; W»tre _(U-aaenb»bj & R>mper, ia«W«»rs).'-^lU7morfd Hltcbcdck, la "A yan- kev Tourist," .be»-an ble-tentb week Oct. 14.' Lyceum Thettire (Daniel Frobman,man- ager).—Kyrle Bellew and Margaret IIHna- ion began, Oct. 14, their sixth week In "The Thief." D»ly'» (Hnm 3. & Lee Bbubert. Inc., man- ngf")—Margaret Anglln and Henry Miller begin; Oct. 14. their seventh week. NaffllNoia Square Theatre continues dark. Liberty Theatre ( Klaw * F.rlanger, man- agers!.—Lulu OlaMer began. Oct. 14 ber tilth and last week. In "Lola from nerlln." The.Rogera Brothers move In.here 21. Httdaon Tlaentr* (Henry B.- HarrbJ. manager),—Robert Rfefaa began, Oct. 14, his eighth week In "Claoaroatex." •ajfirflik.—At Keith t Proctor'* Harlem Ojlara-'Mouse (E. K. Albee, general mana- g¥r} "The Kmbaasy Ball" thia week, add IW .'uauaT .crowded' bouse greeted the play and players ot. l-l. Beatrice Morgan add Jobn Craig bandle the leading roles clever- ly. 'Otlrtrawbo-lnierlt approval are: Louise mndolpi, iLouise Brunnefhv Emllic Melville, George Howell, .Dudley ,. Uawley, William Norton, Robert Hill and William Carr. The vattdartlle.: Rutb.Alvoy, and motion pictures. TffiiTK' * ' PUOCTOB'S ' ON15 Hl'Nimcb AND TwBK«-riFtit 8TRKF.T (K. F. Albee, general manager).—This week's bill has as n head- liner Emmctt Corrlgau and company, In a one'act play, "His wife's Picture" Others are: Matthews and Ashley, JIcMahon's Mln- Hil-el Maids nod Watermelon Ulris, Bradlee KtftlA oiid compsqr. Walter d Kelly, Will- lam 'A. Dillon, Little Hip, Keeley Brothers, Aitnnut' and Duoiont. and new motion ulc- UtttVc •'-' .'"»•-" • - ■■ f!«T iKsii), (J. K. L'ookson, manager).— lei Tomberg, In "The Money Lender," it to,a good slaed,house. 14. His.clever swon IiIbj friends and applause, and his slibporttng r/btnpany Is above the average. He, should have a most .prosperous week. Seft^etV, "The Spoilers." ■M»t»d«)Lls, (flam Hurtlg, manager).—"A MJinoftalre-VRcycnge" tola week. Next week, ~' ,the tlocjt. B, T. Ke (Wm. Keogh, Brooklyn. —At the Moutauk (Edward Trail,vraanaajr) "-Follies'of 1907" week ot Oct. 14. "THe -Mrbjlan Model" won much ftJ(Dr.;l*st week. Next, Lulu Olaeer, In "Lola ftorn. Berlin.'" •:-.-. ■ i-.-... . j Majestic (W. : C. Frldley, manager).— "The Spoilers' 1 ' 14-10. "Snore Acres" played lu-blg business last week..,.'.'At Yale"-naxt. •Bl/oo (Wm. Hyde, manager).—"Through DeithValley." with Marietta Smart, 14 and week. "Bertha,, the Sewing Machine Rlrl" again.drew big crowds. "The Banker, the "Thief and the-Girl" next. -, -| - •Columbia (Chan. H. Wt'ierz. mahage'r):— "T»».'.Way of the Transgressor" 14-1B. "A Child of;the Regiment" did well.'- 1 - '>R0taI; , '(Jay wolf, manager).—'"The M»r- <a«nt ; of Venice" by the Italian Stock Co. this;, week. : Good buslnesa leat week. OnPHBuit ■ fPercy O. Williams, manager). —fhls .weelr: Bransby Williams, the KnglUli actor, poted for bis Impersonations ot char- acters from Dickens' works; Millie Llndon, who made'Buch a big hit last week that she is to remain ; Jobn C. Rice- and -Bailie Cohen. W H. Murphy, and Blanche Nlchoii,, Pllu, the ■reading doe: Bobby North. Dunedla Troupe, Liaky's .quintette, the Saronya, and Ihe vttagraph. 8: fl.-O. last week. • Giiand (w. . T. Grover, manager). — Ad- vanced vaudeville offers another bill full of fine features 1-419. .La Camarga, a noted French dancer, makes her appearance. Others aro: Chns. T. Aldrlch, Hyams and Mclntyre, Hope Booth and company, Edith Helena, Ralph. Johnston, Herus Faml'y, Fields and Ward, Eph, Thompson's ele- phants, and animated: pictures. ■ifKEKav'a.(H. N; Perkins, manager).— An- other flue bill la seen- 14 and week. Joe Harfs.Comedians are tho headlined. Others are.: The-Flve-Bagannys, Carroll and Baker. Coccla and Amato, Luce and Luce, .las. and Sadie Leonard,. the -MeCscvers,Watson, and Morrlsscy Sisters, and Keeneyecope. -..Star (lidw. Behman, manager).—The Rb?e Hill Folly Co. this week. A three act musical rometly Ie presented, entitled "The Sausage Triwt, * lu which George W..RIce is the- chief fun 1 .maker. The olio includes: Cam'pb'ejl and Beard, Cain : Evans and com- pany, Mile. Beatrice, Rogers and Evans, and the Bard Brothers. The Jersey. Lilies, last week's slow, one of the best seen .at this bouse so far this season, had .a big week. , Qlxmpjc ,(N|ck Norton, manager).—The Bowery Burlesqners 14-11). Mike Kelly, for- merly of "Me, Him and I." leads In the fun. fbe olio Includes: The Two Itacketts. Car- rDollta D'Klccd«rc, Ben Jansen, Arthur and Ethel Miller, Harry Kohler, Harry Hill, and as an extra attraction, La Petite Delia, a sensational 8panlsh dancer. " BnoADWASf ,(Leo C. Teller, leasee).—"The tattooed Man." with Frank Daniels. 14-1H. 'The Boys of Comnany B" closed u b'g week 12. Kejtt, Grace George. In "Dlvorcons." Four (Henry Kurttman, manager).— •I'alien by the Wayside".Is given Gils week ny a well balanced company. James J, Cor- bett plaved to hlc huslnem last week. Next, "Edna, the Pretty Typewriter." Oivtnr (Jainea <'ltirk, mnuuger).— W, 8. CIjrk's Jersey Lilies, this week presents "The graftera." , It Is iuiade tiff bf:. l>eon Errol. Ncnl McKinley, Klein and Ott Brothers and Mcholsou. the FrlHco Four.- Fiihule Vedder and her Dancing Boys, Mann and Franks. • he Four Zaras, "Ward and- Raynor, and -Franklin-and <4VIIUiHns.< Big business last week, wllh the Greater New York'Stars. Gotham (Kdaar. K. GJrard, manager).— Ilils week; Julia Ring and company, Dixon Brothers, Monr<>o, Mack and Lawrence, Loney Haakell, Vallecltn's leopards. .De Haven and Sidney, Carey and llyde, and Wntson's Farm- yaM. 'tiiWkl liimliiesH week ending 12. „.. H . , '\V :v " B '••• ■'• Wllllama, manager).— Will H Vedder. In "Kidnapped for Ite- yenge." Ibis week. Big houses.' wllh "A Fu- FJlJT ? - ' rom Jusllce" last week. Next, '•Tbrbugh IWalb Valley." NnVEf/rv (Benedict illatt. manager).—This week: Jarbeff Thornton, Ilcdfofrl ahd Wln- Lbester, the Four Blanos Kay Cox, Alabama, rear., Russell and a'etd. Sut'l § knd com -Lew manager).- Welsh. In the; title role of "The Shoemaker." opened to a, packed house 14. Next week, -The.Convict and the Girl." AlHAitRBA (PcrtV o. Williams, manuger). —The house is packed at everv pecformauce. 1 he bill this week : A. 0. Duncan, Pat Rooney and Marlon, Bent, the Ellnore Sisters, William H. - Thompson and company, the Juggling Burkes, tho Wilton Brothers. Mabel-McKlh- ley, the Three Mclvlnx, and the American vlt*K8»pii; > -i ,HL;iTW : ^ Skamon's Mubic Hall (Ben Hurtlg, manager).^The Behman Show and Frank. D. Bryan's Congress of Atnerlcan Girls appeared .to a. first class house 14, on this, ith'elr.-first Hariem appearance. The show was well arranged and presented byia dkbet capable .company. The music la catchy and tie.costumes-ate fine. The olio offers: Ned Dajldy, Frank and Marlon Moore, and Mark Bennett. Next week, Al. Recvcs- Bejuity Show. ' Gotham (Ouve Kraus, manager).—The High School Girls 14-lK. The first part Is bright,, the music is tuneful and the comedy excellent. The olio offers: Maida Dupree, Sutton .ind Shttoo, Colllrts and Collins, the WIci-hs Sisters, the Big Four, und the Four litaters as 'an extra attraction. Next week, the Merry Maidens.- ,, .FAMILY (J. D- McCoy, manager). —This week: The Le.Clcepes. Slg. Chaffal and Ca- Eritta, Black snd White, Anna Plum and er.Beauties, and Morton, Temple and Mor- ton; tton and with Next. ,ajld Angela Dolores ,»nd cotapanr. Sf^tJoe Payton, .oJanUerT.—"M Merr tola week. Big BoUaea wl the Forsaken," Hit week. N«i j«Hice Meredith." Ltc«t)M (Lodla Phllllpi. manager).—"A Man of Myatery" tUU ,week. Ust week, "Her Only Crime' had a good rub. Nojt—The old Montaux Theatre, recently JmoaVn ih the Imperial, Is to be reebrlstened the sagamoVc Theatre. ^ .. - r3ff» rhs. . . . SEW VOAK STATIS. Buffalo—At the Star tP. C. Cornell, inaoager) Ham Bernard,- in '-'The* Rich.:Mr. Hoggeobelmer," Oct. 14-10: De Wolf Hop- per, In "Happylnnd." 17-1H. Robert Man- tell next week.- -Elsie Jnals, In "The Hoy- den,'.did-well considering continuous rainy weather, and James T. Powers. In "The Blue Moon," was satisfactorily received. Oostkstion Mali. (If. I» Meech, custo- dian).— Vladimir de Pdcbmann '21. Bessie Abbott, also Jan Slckesz, were appreciated. The seasons musical bookings exceed In num- ber.and quality any previous year. Shea's. —This week: Kmmet Devoy and company, In "Dreamland;" Sisters Macarlc. Frank'and Jen La tuna, Jack Norwortli, Mul- len and Corelll. Leon Morris and company. Kemp's "TaleM of the Wild," and Dan Bnrkc and School Qir|s. Tkc-k.— Manager Oshel's blll-for this week : Arthur.Prince^Era Mudge, Simon. Gardner and company, Billy Clifford, Konorah, 'Maude Lambert, .Mile. Chester and dog, Goltz Trio, and animated picture*. Academy (P. C. Cornell, manager).—Ap- pearing week of 14: "Broadway After.Dark." "Chinatown Charlie" .21-26. The Smart Set pleased good attendance. Lai'avktti; (C. M. Bagg. manager), "nl loulal Belles, with JBedlnl and Arthur, this week. .The Strolling Players next week. Washington Society Girls delighted big at- tendance. . Gahdkn (C. E. White, manager).—Weber & llbah's Dainty Duchess this week, with Carl Victor. Harry Bryant next week. Phil Sheridan's City Sports delighted crowded houses last week..-. . .v.. Nots. —Arnold Klralfv now.baa charge of stage dancing at 1 Conlcy s Conservatory here. -At the Lyceum (M. E. Wolff, manager) "The Blue Mbon," Hoekestef. nhager) "The Slue Mbdn," with James T. Powers -und Clara Palmer, had substantial returns Oct. 7-0. "The Ham Tree" paid a welcome visit 10. . For the first times on any stage, Charles Frohman presented Wm. II. Crane. Oct. -11, 12, In a new comedy. In four acts, by George Ade. entitled "Father and the Boys." The cast: Lemuel Morewood, Wm. H. Crane; Wm. Rurus Morewood. For- rest Orr; Thos. Jefferson Morewood, Robert UcKky; MaJ. Bellamy Dldsworth, - Fred W. Sidney: Tobias Ford, Percy Brooks.:..Tuck Bartholomew. Dan Collyer; Cat Hlgbce, 8cott Dally; Mr. Helton. Gabriel Rayenelle; Evans, Harry Dodd ; - Clerk, Edward Don- nelly: Bessie Brayton, Margaret Dale; Emily Donelson, Mary Faber: Frances. Berkeley, Ivy Troutthan : Mrs. Bruce Guilford, Mrs. M. St. John Wood; Mrs. Tromley, Amelia May- born': Mrs. Peasley, Adele. Clark. The action takes place In and about New York City and a mining camp In Nevada. The plot con- cerns a man who Is getting old, and who has given all of his life to his business, to the end that his boys might have the thlngB that In his own young.manhood he was compelled to- do without. Soon bis sons go the. pace, onu In athletics and one in pursuit of social honors, to the neglect of their business, and drift farther and farther away from him every day. Thus all of his well meant efforts for the Lyys' happiness are thrown away. A friend drops a hint to the effect that be- cause the old man has no Interest In things that occupy the oilrtds of the young, he has filled up to now. He confesses that all his life he has done without things for the .boys' aake, and given up pleasure that he might be-an .example to his sons. It. is at this point, at a fashionable dinner party In bis house, that he meets a vaudeville performer and becomes attracted to her through a. de- sire to be of assistance to the young woman, who Is about to be swindled out of tnlnlng property. She takes the father about with her. - and be soon gels the reputation for going the pace. His sons mistake the nature of bis interest and think he bas fallen Into the : clutches of a designing woman, but ex- planations straighten:.out u)l difficulties. -At the opening performance the star scored heavily, and be, with the author, George Ade, were compelled to bow their acknowledgments many times. Forrest Orr, Robert McKay and Margaret Dale gave excellent support to .the star. It was the unanimous verdict of the local press that both star and. author have made another big success. Crowded bouses ruled. Maude Adams. In "Peter Pan," 14- 16: <Elsle'Janlst In "The Hoyden," 17. 18; Robert Mantell 10. National '(Frank It..Parry, manager).— "When Knighthood Was, In Flower :drew well 7-0. Anna Day and William Clifford were .well. cast. "Lottie, the Poor Sales- lady," with I.ydla Powell, played. to good business 10-12.. "Buster Brown" 14-16. Geo. Sidney, In "Xhe-Mazuma Man," 17*11*. Cook Opkiia Hm<sK (J. 11/ Moore, mana- ger).—BUI week of. 14 .'Benjamin Chapln, School Boys, and Girls, Belle Blanche, V- banl and bob. Bruno and Russell, Hoay and Lea. Mclani Trio. Kelly and Reno, and kln- etograpb. Bai _Vt;tn (Richard Baker, manager).—Harry Corson Clarke and Margaret Owen made a big lilt In "Stratgey" last week* .Bill week of 14: Curxon Sisters,. Jos. Maxwell and company, Stuart Barnes.. Qllle Young and Bros.. Jav W. Wlnton. Italian Trio, Collins and Brown, Flnlny and Burke, and moving pictures.' ... , : , .ComxTiiiAX- (H. (.'.'.Jacobs, manager).— Rose Sydell's London Belles Co. packed the house last week, giving nu Al. show. Ceo. Panber, the Great Martyme. and Campbell and Mark were well liked. The City Sports Co; week of 14. The Dainty Duchess Co. 21 and week. a .l/iliea,—At the Majestic (.>'. C. Mcrlck, resident manager) "The County Sheriff" met a good house Oct. 7. "The Gingerbread Man" drew a big house 8. "The College Widow" pleased 0. Robert Mantell presented "The Merchant of Venice" to a large bouse 10. "Buator Brown''- drew well 12.- Frank Deshon. In "Miss Bob White," 14 :■■< Henry Woodruff in, Welch' singers (local) 16,- "Montana" 17, Cbas. J. Rosa and Mabel Fenton 10. OnniKL'M (Ford Anderson, resident man- ager).—Big business was the rule last week. A- change of pictures and the eamo singers remain over. . . KBITll'K (Fred Berger. resident manager). —Lust week's bill was an excellent one, and drew big. This week: Ned Wnyburn's Fan- tastic Phantoms, Zabcllv. Vernon Troupe, Kittle Johnson, f'atsv Doyle, Dlxleflerenaders, Bob and Tip. acrobuts,.and.Van..Camp. " — 5 Albany.—At HaruiumiH Bleecker Hull (H. R. Jacobs, manager) llobt. B. Mantell gave a tine Interpretation "' "K!nc Lear," Oct, 7, lie fore a large audience. Mnx Flgnian. In "Tim Man on the Box." amused a good-siied house 8. Uenrv Woodruff.-0,"10.'lti "Brown of Harvard." drew excellent business. Mthc. 8chumann-Hclnk 11. In song recital, wna a musical treat to large audience. "The. Train Itoliliers." 12. drew well. "The Soelhl Whirl" 14. If(. "The iJidy from LoneV-10, 17, Hum- tin Faniiuu. hi "The Rangers," 18. 10. ■I'nooToii'M (Howard Grabniu, resident man- ag'Tl.—Week of..14: charlotte.',Itnrrj-.'aiid company, the I'lroMoiffis. Ilayuioud and c'nv- erlv. the Basque Oiiaitrite, Harry La Hose and company, Maddux and Melvln, and the f/tielers. •■».«■ EiWJJ«' (Jva. U. - Bhudcs,: manager) .—Pa- risian Widows. 7-9, taxeditbc capacity.' Roic SHU iWlJi-U, also jiiovcd. a. *iiWr, and ad good business.- Hose Sydelrs. London Belles 14-16, Girl With the Red ■Domino 17- 10. . i j. „,04«t» (H. B. Nichols ' MaO-ltr).— the Rlalto Rounders 7-0, and'the-Hi|b School Glrla 10.12, played a successful »ngagerueiit. Nightingales 14-IU. Merry Matdeot IT'16. NOTES.—The Slnr Theatre Is crowded with pleaaed audience*. Movinjt ^IcttlVeh 'are changed weekly Audltorliitn Ititik • Is filled with merry skniers. and n- sncccssful season Is at band Frank C. Wllllaiits, . formerlv mnnager of the Empire Theatre, nnd Inter inannger of Hie Mary. Andfrson Theatre, -Louisville, Ivy., iw»* In Inhn Hat week. He wfll mnnage ope of'the Hnvtlgc attractions this season. '„ t - .• ■ ' I •• i—»-— . ' Mlniira.—At. the . Lyceum ( Lee. Xoiiou, manager) Mclnlyre nnd Heath, presented "The Ham Tree- (»rn' 7.' to' good Inlslltens. Paul oil nunc. In "The Wheel of Love," drew well H. unit Mine. Schumann-1lelnk plensed a large Ind repie»enfative uttdience Mi. •Jladaia butterfly played t« n large audi- ence li. 'Brown ot Harvard" 17. Family tc. W. Middlcton. inanageri.v.- The bill for. week of 14: Mascolt, euuented horse: Waldorf and Mende«, - Jack iNynioiiits, Juggler Tunnii, Pbli lleiineti, Ned WaybUin's Mgutliigales, ant) motion • pictures.' Good busuiess. KlAiTo (F. W. McCounell. uialingi'i'l. — Bill, for week of 14:'Carlelon uml Ctirblli, Musical Thor. Cella Ilurrell. llljon Mlniiun. bessle ShaOler, James D. Prqudlove, Illus- trated songs and Illaltuscope. Business'gnoil. ■ >"" " " » ' . ' Troy.—At Rand's Opera Home (II. T. Thompson, manager) "Kentucky Sue" drew well Oct. 7. 8. Robert Mantell, In "ilerchftnt of Venice," packed the house,0. "The Train Robbers" did Well 10. Francis Macmlllali had u big bbusc 11. and Henry Woodruff.- In "Brown of 'Hftl'vui'd." tilled the nodse 12i "The Lady from .Lane's" IS, "The Social Whirl" 16. "The Duel" 17. "My Wife's Fatally" 18. and "The Lily and Ilie'Prlnci!" 10. PnurTUK's (William II. Ui-Bbam, managerl. —Bill for 14 arid week : Foy and Clath, Al. H.Weston »nd Irene Voting, Mqreena. Ne- vnrro and Mareenu, Dorscli and Russell,. La Petite Mlgndh, Bedlnl's dogs, arid Frank Major and com pun.v. , i ,. . - • LvcKt-ji (It. II. Keller, luanager).—The High School Girls bad good houses'7-0. ■ Tbo Rlalto Rounders drew well 10-12. The Kerry Maidens 14-1(1. nnd (he Nightingales 17-10. i a ' ■ ■ Syracuse,—At W lot lug Opera.House (John L. Kerr, manager) Mine. Schumanti-Hhlnk Oct. 10, Robert Mantell 11. 12, Francis Mac- raillan 14.- Elsie Jnhls, In "The i Hoyden,". 16, 10, und Maude Adams, In "Peter-Pan," I'- ll*. , - . Bastablb .(Harry A. Hurtlg. .mflriugar),— "When Knighthood Was In Flower" -1012, and George Sidney, In "The Mntuffia Man,' 1 14-16. i.. .,..■ ..... .. i I i ■ ,. nino-hn.niton.—At the Stono.Opera,House (J.. P. E. Clark, manager) "No Mother to Guide Iter." Oct. 7; pleased. "Leah, Kleacli- na" 12, Pauline, hypnotist, 14-19. ' AiiMuiiv (E. M Hart, mahagSr),—Bill week of 14: Harry Thome and company, • Elsie Harvey and Field Boys, Lb Ro.V .and Wood- ford, Beyers and Herman, Nesscn, Htmter and Nesscn, and Exposition -Four. 1 i ■■»»» ■ ■ '" ' < AI.IFOHM*. !.<»■ Anatelea. —"At' Ibc JIusbn Op.'ia House (II, C. Wyant, manager) Digit Nether- lole, In : rc]H'rtory, cIokcII her engagciuen; Ort. 5, It-tvlng played to hbwl business. "Tin; Vnudcrbllt Cup' 7.-12,."Suloniy. Jdtfe," 14,10 AuirrbttiuM (Sparks M. 'llei''rjr.-,oianaacrt, —The Milan Grand opera Co. will opt'iili, with "Alda." "Luela," "La Toaca. "La B?beme,** "II Trovatorc" and ' "Klkbletto.'' will be given. ,' Be LA SCO '(J. H. Blackwood, manager).— "The only Way" was pr'seated'by the stock company weak ending 0, to. good business. "A Modern Majdaion^ 7 and week. "Maty, Mnry. Quite Contrary" 14 otld Jveek. ■ , MniiOHCo's) Hi.'miANK (Oliver Mnt'dsco, man- ager).—The -stock :company presented "All the Comforts of "Home," to good bitslBess, week ending D. ".The Professor's Lpvo Jltorv.'' to, capacity, B and week. Underlined, "In Arkansiaw. . ."• , - . I.oh Amiclkh CAi'thur A. Lotto, iiiiinuuvn. —•The Idol's Kjrc," by. the ,8.an KratclHcu Opera Co., •■ 7 and 'week, to good business: (,lii(i Mi Oi'KllA .lloL'sjb*, (Clarence Drown, ihuugcr).—"A Mllltonalie s Hevengi?," :H the lllrlch Stock-Company, drew well w^lik ending 5. "Broadway After Dark" did woll « ; end- week. "King ahd Queen of GatnblCrs" lii and .week. •. • FiBCHna'N (A. K. Fischer, manager].—For 7 and week,' Jolly iieb and hla' 'conwdlnhs. In "My Nolitibor's .Wife." Good vaudeville acts and- motion pictures. OnpiiKUM I Martin Buck, general luiuiager). —Features 14-and'week: ''A-Nlftht WHli tbb Poets." "TheMunriy South:'! Berry and Berry, Minnie Sellgmun and William Brain well; M*- son and Barth. Mr 1 , and Mrs. .Iltnmv Barry and company. Four Areonls. Lucy aml'Luclef, jiresenttng "The Fool's Brrund,'' and motion pictures. : - • ' . L'stgui; (Hentz &.Zallec, proprietors).— Features 7 and week : Jlmmlc Cpwper, Blllle Hall and. .lennlo Colbnrn, Beard und Dunn, lie Unique Players, presenting "Looking for Hen, and the L'nbiuc-o-scbpe. - I'liji'll-'m (Al. (i, Flournoy, manager I.— Features 8 and week: Harry-Tsuda, Duffy, ^lawtelle and Duffy, Barnes and West, • Peo- ple'* Comedy Co., presenting "Woman'B RlfrhlH," und the latest picture melodies. I2MPI1U2 (Billy Hanks, resident manager). —Features 7 and week Include: New Illus- trated songs by Laura Hanks, new acts In vaudeville olio, und the cinematograph. . i a . ' i n Oakland— At tltc Mucdonoiigli ((.'has. I". Hall, manager)."The Three of IV drew good business Sept. 20-0cf. 5. .Richards & Prlngle's Minstrels .drew capacity 0. "Salomy Jane. 7 ' 7- 0, Louis James u-io. . . •• Libsjity (-H. W. Blshun. iiutnugeil.—Ixetta Jewel and Bishop's Stock Co., In "The Love Route," drew excellent business week ending 0. Lander Stevens and Bishop's Company of Players, In "The Pit.!' 7rl3. 'firs. D«nc> De- fence," with Isnbelle Fletcher aa Mrs, Dane, 14-20. Columbia (Keating k Flood, managers).-— The Columbia Stock Co., Ih "Jim. the West- erner." drew good business week ending t). Will Walling and Columbia Stock Co.. In "Brown's In Town," 7-111; "Tennessee's Part- ner" 14-20. ■ i -. . •• InORA Paiik Oi'KiiA Hoi;sk (H. W. Bishop, manager).—The Idora Opera Co., In'"Uhlp Aboy" (second week). han.gfMK] liuslness week ending «.• "ItIn Van Wlnkln" 7-20. Obkhbuh (Geo. ■ Kbe'y. resident mauager), —Illll week of (): Vi'Colonlul Heplefte,' Oliver and Crlspl, Chnrlene und Ctmlient', Lillian Rurkhart and cotupiiuy, Belbilaliv Bros,, Fred's monkey acton.-. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Uariy. o liana Sun and company, and uiotlou pictures. • Ilr.t.t, (Ed Honiau, niuiuigerl.—Ffaturex 7- 13! Frank llmun and compau.v, Al. JoNlen, Murphy and IVTIInrd. Fitzgerald, and .Gllday, , Flexible Frederick. Ailed Monlock and II. Webb Chamberlain. Harold Hoff, Harris Beaiiregarde and company, and the blograph. ■XovtS/rir (Uity C. Smith, manager!.—Bill 7-l;t; George Thatcher. Cnn■ Clayton and company. Artlngton and. Helston, James li.inii, IMItt Stutvy, und the projeetoscope. Fmiukk (10. M. Cnrlsiui, manager).—Bill 7-IJ: Rcid ami I'larle, Joe Fonarca. Vernaf Hninihcck. Cil. Tnniiflilll. Jnel: Golden and corr.iiaiiv, and inoilon pL'tu- --. ' . i . *«» in mtK U- jaU,;., ■ Miik. Kath RuiiKBTH, -mothlirioof•■ -Ulbecia ' lloy. of "The Gambler Of the Weal" Co., died at the University Hospital, LoulsYfllej Ky.J Sept. 23. m »rd«r to nvold nii»t„. r to nvold hiiatakoa nnd to ■dttttra eltveloiib nlnlnH nddreaiell tuttat, be aojut lor each-'lplter, nnd rt written nriler for the let Ire, aldriedl ttIIU the toll ''namtvaiM-rtdtlrt'ak rttnl t«K:U«e etf-ndainras follo\vnl •>> Hie urmtr-r, numt illso he .'ui-loneil. >- , I'lraie mrnllon tin- dale (or x»Hm- b»r). nf :the.(-Ml'Pi-)U In vrlilidt the lettera Bent for tvrre- ndrerHard.< • LiiiiKf mst.;. l'o«lci. Mm- .Miileiui .Mar Fill er, Claire May. Annie FeH-lee", r««nle ,«nirr-ella, KTaa AiUars, .Flu. AlTni Alice K, Aillms. ' ' , IUt^>.■ Sr.ni J. Aua:«, Kiuiiin H. .(im.lit.-l.iMliliV Ailaais. ttoM-tta Alpine Jenmielle AHeil, l.la i lk-rll«rtl Anuule hbrn*. Flo > T Brenner .'IMfbHiy HtMnrMp » ^Mrs.M. s, ll.iVri, Marirarrt ikiien, Floveacv lefafit- Florence flitaat, Violet riiriua Mr^.AIII isiiey. ISvilce Itwrlii Mrs'.'L.K ti.-ik.l Mrs.' It H. Htftwu. Al'iiiel jlelMnl, lllanclH Bfiiuloii.il/ittle HrfdUe, Mle" • BuMl'll; Llllle Beller, Anna IWrtmal.iMae Hllekler llli.nclie Bunting, i-;iiiiuh Barry. -Mtl'lrril Beimel Marurfret r-eiiloh l.uilli Ine BnrtHkiii, Mirtule lirtelH'.-Slaiiil Cllftbii Margaret C'larile. Mae It. Ctilrk ft t'anip- ■-/brtl, ;.MI»ees CiH|iit-ii lleutrlcc llawui, Bkii.v citiiev. sio-.v Moae.i.Myrtle A t»llln«.'MB> Cole. I-Mllli Cllrtls, Alice T, Clarke,-Miuotle Uln|)iiiail-8T«tec CrtiJitheHlr»HI' • alllhe.n, Irene Ci.prcllo. ■■■> ■ -'Maile'llM Campbell, ■ i .-, Florence Carroll, Mollle Curly, Florence layfelle, Jlntlae W.JJirir, Maude fcherty. Abua Treli\. l.oritlne )Ale. Violet )oiuiln.« I.HI Ian Ie Politn. Mae lIckxHi, ■ lirilla )e Lore,,-Mile. )iit, Myrtcl Belle, Kohl IJM'outa« Mr- Pale .Murenrot Diliilaii. May Dale, Uorotli.v Darenpuit. Alny HeliiKiiit, lli-iicc IK-nette, Florence llee, Jealinetl IlKfls, F I'lirls's. Mnrlini '.Mrallei), F.tbel r'l'iy.l.. >luy««'. |M>lJimi. F.relvu fSivla 1 '.. (iftice NlehliN. Feiuirll, iMhllllei'. « c.irollne-ii. Fields, Xwlnle.. FloiiMiis- '- > ,Maiui:erli"'AI»iiiil-ile. Nellie ;-iUr, ,F.tn , . ilhvwi, . ..•fltoii, NHti . -■' Mrs.'Frank llrHlltli, l,.;nh if-lHIIIb' M.lhilaiie tinnier.- Miei-n lloey,.M. Kvelyii flllluer, Marie (Ire.*loan. I:llu BnMry, Itelle (inlilen Miss. It. . . Kate Dorer-ii, Milan IieiKintm.-.Mae ttel.acey, Masle llavut, Jcrle I*«ilionit. .Kthel nlilinond, Jeiin UelJirme. Kitty EIWoOil. flrtice KveljOe, "Maude lilliolt. Hutli Kllla. Helen C. Knrle. Alain F.anionil. Miss Karlc, Vivian IMwi:nle«,. I'.tlicl Foster, Atimi Fnye, Hlhle I'm*, hsilite a l'altuei',,.Mniulo PnMdii.'lJIrln Frlliirosi'. f • Ikimtliy I'tinrll. Kale Bhtriner lifurgin f'aulf Vlralliin Univ Slaters '(iUlltlaii, ' illoi'in, liln ,- 'Jli. II II. f.rr.'ii. : Mr-.l. I. lUccii. , Frleiln Harlev. Iiurodieailtobsun, Howiti-il..May Ml ., ..Mr,.. Mtuari Hall.' Helena I Hiker, .le.sle (lift, I.Illlltli lloliliKDii.sMaiid llimipiiiles Itn-k'^IIHtell, Mav Hnwant, ■ :H|ng. Julia ." -Muritiiret iReading. .Man- Hill. Mrs, Wm. liny.-A I Ire Hliliaeii, .Mui-le 'lliH'ii«(i||, lerliei-f, Mabel j> l-'loi-eace ) award. Malic R'hm'II. Mai III,.,.Mrs,. Wm. H0««i Ahlia i Hyjleii. Ik.lly piHWll.-.-Vlala towanl, Mr*. UllthcH'oril. leftdtb', Anita '• llahedeve liltltluu. Mollle H"se. Killl'i tl. Inrrls. -,-k'lliiH Hello. Klaimre m\i. l!aitle Nulw, Hemic S ill ls-,i ni.. Ml«i 0 lllliio'i. Keliaii fl Mr ,le,ste K 5 Wi I'al'rle ^ ncli.lr. Hoi alt*, illailys Sllclalr, Miss St,' Denlo, ,VI.- K|ilss«tl, Mrs. J. *(>l. Donna VltlinniiM., I ruin Wilunervllle, JLL,.' Mis. It. CM liln. .Miss .*T0ny, M. n. sliinli'.v, Twiilv Stewart, Helen ihomnH. Mamie liicrnlta, Sirs. 1'Uflier, Anna 1.1. Trams. Sadie Hilrliias, .(lesi'gin Tlibiiitnil, i :'■ Virginia Tilitge. Mrs. (I. lb irtloil. tli-i.-e 'i'liner, i.iIiihii (■rim. Hetty V.l i (Jilni|>, It.. Van D.i'tte. hiwe. MCliiK- I,- Rail'.-, rfokxnii Alice II lliiM'li. I,tin Ifirrlv*. 'Isabella 'Ill-b'S*. Minnie ilni:. i'i'Hti' (alle. Uliillrs tnouliiin I'eail Kaliii, Alrs.lHuis, Krtlianui. Ilet-iil Hnralan. (Iraycv Knne, Fanny Kpnnnnl's (V>.. kjane ellcv. Uriire Ijnntafoiil. '., . Jeanelle Lenviti, Mav Mtidley,, Blliel tllllnn. Cliof inck.'Mnilellue •rj-NM ■niBs a.f, <:, l.lndley lienirUe lk»lllil.ll[- Mntlllln lAiJtau. Helen Leonard. ' Mrs. Alex. lies lei. Hell.- l/Phr, Inn ' lialbnw leasI.- 11 I million Hurdle * nrk' m rk*. .May A. lie. Miss . I sell. Minnie ll s i J nek Mrs I-!.!. Sre. •Floifnee er, Miss II. lea. Klliel IcGni-Vei', Hailli- iiogwi*. mm, MoiHasne fie; llni McMorHa.j; W' .Iter'.I'.n I errall, Mb.v l elluoti. Cora I ellrlnit, iv,irl araiD, i.lllmii I cNalib, Anna Uonroe, illailis delrttnsli, Mabel ilaiitell, draco Movpli> lllili'.clie lliiaitey Mllbin.M .Morrlk. Kiltie MiKM-lll, eba, .. '.'•I- - (;l',A'il,UMi;N'» MST, Adams, i. It. [(,'arlotL.i lilMiuaix, Tin Auatlo, Henry Ciion|ni|liiitii .1 (lerlrmtc Villi, (Hive VHIan. Kiwi » illialin. llni' V lie. lalllli Wnlliice, MIh VVlllll.. Ill lii. rt'lHIils, Allli'lll ivlllll.ll llianil, i, MM, .Frank iVIflWIell, Clinic Wheelw. Zl'ltiia »>»t, Jldt Wlfl. Fdlla n'anlell Anna Watts, I. hIii IVtflNiii-r. Alinlc Walloii F.Val,. )Vliu>r IbiljyDiill WalMter, Kiliiii tVnllree.Jan A el Andrna, !)llly Adiuna. Kugeno Arnold. Kenor A heal a. (.'has.. ■ (llyeenBlrdCo) Anderson, Al. Atne'At'a IKtaT ..; ••'' firrcba AltHtei, N. Ailell, Myrtle Aldn,-Fred Atriela Allhilninis. Sol Arnlni (tWa^nef Acker. U. II. AuAlii T A l'. lloirmsu, Frank Bird, Uev.'.F. Bernard. Joe Jlsanw, Kvcrt, Uurilett Herb A HLickford, Cbaa Bell,' S. W, Bouettc. C. C Bane, llolwrt , Barrett Kdnsuul Barrett Timothy llr«u. Harry llorlis. Walter Bryant, 'Will K Dartill. Cbas, llnll.lek, (luaa Burke, .Al ■BaiiB,. Leo rteniiiardl. mujn Baiiiu., Will JJMity.- John Daroell, lai. Blaiolti,'Joe Barty, Frank Brown BrosToa:* Bartletl Guy II. 'Jlreiiimn. Oeo. Bill, Jobnnv 1C. Breen, d. J itelnsoii. . Harry Bpiuiinrt'in Dan Kerkliart. Oeo. Burner, Ilanry Barton. Ilalph Iletol. Wm. Barf ■ Buiinall, Geo. Heanty Doctor, ...-•'• Mgr r.ciinvlt. .'. ■ .1 IlKrence lirusle.F.d. .,, Brook". Harvey ■Brady, . I'aul Blood. It. BurtU-n. Wm. K Buebbolr, lleii. Iiunb, Franela K f'nirlKaii, J. Clark K. M. Cole. Ill I Ir Crmey, (!eo. J Clarke. J.'!„ ' <m,.i:i.. cirllncii ne Chaa (,'rane. J M Collniru ' CriK/kcit Wl Uux. .lien. tlnillray, F. J. Oooke Ituyinoud. Collins. Tmiiiiilo Uheviilli'i- . *3(jrIetoj!i. Curl Oliillns, Dim Cluuwii. Win. l.'oficlesball. . . Fiwl M. piiscliane, Bed .1 be I'oiila, Joe poukia*. UhasW filngle. CliLa. W Dernada, 1a» ■ OelBiar .^bevtei Dubbins, 1). I,: Da Vail, Frank riiusds. Prof. DOBola Harry A Oelaran, Thua It l>e ltenzo. ('lini.. Dennis, J. W, lie Itorrun Broa. OVUCillt, TImsi ]. Hiiiiiiar, John M Douualn.e J, AV. DeLUIc. J.C. Dello'vdv. -F.rni 1 Wllllnee Units' Yeller, Heh'ii Vale, May UT. IIMiioi mh (Blliili lirane. (trnnl |lal|>lii. Hnni D'Anna lanntnr.l liiulle.v. ,|, II DeWnulir. J. II: Ipfri'ii. Tom Olcki-rsrm FrcilSIHiile, Win. .1. , .I1VI-. W. M\isid, Mr. Ine. . Wllllllfreil nutty. TIKIS. (Ilitlllan, Fil n. dl-elllel'. t!h(is.A HoWy, If, II. (larilliieriWIll Si Itxir-H (Jruiiatu Holder, Lew IIMmeHc llllh'lek. Illi'lul. (Ifellii, Chan. IJleiiiiaii. John (lilt-lor k (Irah* fllfl. Heo. K. (Ill lent is Mlastri'la Colry, WaA. II. ilriiy. i. (lufTy, Illll (iniliniii. Karl (lllloiore, l.r'iv (lolileii. .link tlainllit llU'lipr.l Kaiiiin, AlU'rt Hoskliis, Jack Harris, I'lill llilliniiond, Frank II, din Ion.-Burl llarrluaii ft llKVls. U. II. !.. lilies Delitn. Bert illlllniuii. A, I' Ih' Itne Blly luiiks. II. A. Dells llolca K.F. ' Doll. Alfceilo Drake. Urne»t Di'oley, MalllieH Doyle, J. T, D.uls, ' .'W. Halrlmai Ilea Bodies J.II. Doty, Kil, • Krker Br-w. <V> I'.vnna.. Billy II. Kdu'urda, J, Blehlierg,-.1. 0. I, Hiiuh Knimei Kngllali lVippiea. 0 l-.Jinoiids Baljili Kinplre Com. 4 Kly, Fr.ink It. Fniersnn. W. II Km|i're Hlo":k . Ih.. Al«r. Fslers, Frank' Krrlcksoii, ll«l> K|i|i« i l."iella Klliell, A. hi F.nrly IV AM Illy 111 Al. K. Fay. John T. Freik-rbk Umi I'm.. Bert Ferryi Win, Furrell, I'lian, I'ultoii. Arllmr Fay. rlisa. J. Frlnk, Fre.l (.'. Gronicli FnOrhave. A. I,. _ Cole. Jan.. i Frlsb), Allen T. Johnson Clots u I'.nfttth I**** K.-.JrmM*. Wilson i.|<aillslna. Then. I'lii-fiil.i, llmrllp T'Tslier. IWil. .JaiVlln, llerl (iml., Wallrr, l-VrtliP'on, I'l'-d iJollfiMin. C. A. f 'nnler Frank Al Fnv. I' A. Join*. I'. c'oImij.ii rt'na" I eriii-inli'X,■ JelTerson IV'aliD Cnok. A rllitia- Hurry .hldels. Men (-.irili-'dv, .Ins, 1-' l,|(T"ld. IV, II. lollJLSntl lienC Conv'atal A. A. lireede. W, v. ludge. .N^iii wr- , " r "i» , '"i-: , ''7 m - • | j?eiH. 1 $:■ BlUwurth'Uuyer * Crliul I Keller, it. 11" ii l Hayae.. liny Hnwarii. > . Melvlu II {Inwe.. l.rmaii lurl. Hilly Karris, .Mow Mblx If. I'rcsi'olt Hney, t'lias, Hnyea." Frank-I' Ilymc. Jna. J. Il*iikil, ilisi. llliiea,. Mam Hnlliinny (!Ininl* Howe, Ham S. may, (leo. Hayes, win 0. Iliileliliiaou, J.K Illll. AHln.r Hull. J. II. Iloii-iir.i. Mi W< llownnl. M'ul. llerls'Jl. Belli' KeriKoey. Will II Jluliforil cIihs.h llllib-ra, (Tins, llayden ft. i, -llayca lliilniuii.' Iluiry llyslop. .Inn. IbiII. John ll. IrVlillid,Hojieoe .laiqes. W. », .lnlliin.ii. Waller la'ks'ina. Tile ;l laeabs, Ber I Jeireraon. W. D. The iiAiilll "t.anntlrv way" llnurea like Mils: • 'JllllXrCollrtM.nl Jk.W, #!IIHI , 1 dbtilMttn Cilirsj . . 111.00 , UllindcririK Collars :n)A lines ttsa l^iiiiidcrlnjf llni*' l»i> limes .■ . ..-. . ..»ii.2l *iuu4 nioiiew'H.ITIIOl.lSi'way: .»*lioKrl.ltbollitVollnn*. il.nil ( pa-lhj l.ltltolin omia ,1.1.011 M.ao$m.oi \\lif) ft (latiilLtloili they wIbb clean. fiof.l.llls, '4.V. (VFFei, 31k. AME for III t hot In nl dealers, if .mil In 'stuokYAtitd. stylo, nir.o und leniltlance-, and wM win mull. i)li"tn*lil. we r, pi intu*. in'sii^iiu. rt)li)ttxitwirlthatll<Hr*l*ti>l'i<firton rrolirrl • . -. I'lli: KIIIKItl.Hlll CO., l)e|)». Hi.: Wnverlv I'lac". 2? B ^'_^"Ij__ GfeloIuattjS&nS and * Moving mm® Outfit iThrLatntVlotory/ /ol'Sclsnoe. Von Can MataBlaManay ■ BnlarUlnlna tho Putlla, -VveitaTtyoti.lnrntiihlnaromiilrlonutnla with,simple and oapllclt-loilriictiona. THe Field l« tnrfca, comprlitor tha Mgularttieatro ancnnftnro circuit,Wan local (Inlda In Hliiirchea. Publlo HehOola, liOdBea and llnneral Fubllo HathnrUiaa. Kothlau alforda bottor opportunttjeI for r«n.i. Our OiitlllComBrfjoS tho C. P. CO.'S model l _f"U»B ,P' C nBI «ndmo«tooonomioniBaO'irwWn« J(M«r»J outfit aver Invented. VTelaktMlba. *'8lfl tftrieplicaR. BeilM: PteltiTt SkWiii. .,._' j ru* ana ' every *eii«»iorf Film*. ' SIIS3J noodeS . fo'r comrtlal* eat«rtalnnienta, Ahaotntely th« Itnit ; (lima and vtewa on tbo market, Inoludlnt; -^_t^ - all aubjeota for tho publtoja eployBieai. anisnvii8&^.r -« mix " , iwotio nwjtciiiiato., monsibiin ti,,ci»i. at, ww>. i 5 o ofiNTS 5p ciEbria 'orAtjho'wrliiiui copy or a nuw akeich Im Trsuip itXI Hoillirellu, eutlilcil ..... . *'A HARWl-e86 LUNATIQ." Monay -order br. iwii-cem sbiinps. Addm4a BKIISAUI) K I.INII. riaywintin, 857 Jay HI., Urook ill, y..V.- -Mketolioa and I'l'ty* wrutoit In urdor.' I lill'lltlll, .Infill Klllll. Mil'. J. KIiib'Ioii, Ilex I. Iviihli, David KIllSllllS, 'I'll!' KJOIIi AOllllios. Koeh|er,.A. l„ Kennedy. H. A. Kulillil. A. Mi Kelly. ■a. Milliter AtiriilitiiiliSliH.u, \V. t'. i Miller, It"l> Ni'liinlill, Fred K Mel in i Hi. C. S. ! Iliiam; IV. II. MiOllnmie, Walt ' SlIlllMIII, H. A, Miirlis, It. W. Alnlil. Heo. n. SlMrxelbi * 'Niiiltli, ]. A. Woiilir Melville, .Mln-k, HnlH'ii II Met.'nla-. J. F ■Mm Inn, Wilde I, Miirclainl l,u Bert Morilniuil, - Illirtilll Mix. Cln)llni I MalsiniHilu, M. .Marlaiy A Henbrlulil % May, Arthur (I. Mnrlini Jul .Molina.. llarryA Morse. Tlws. A. Misneliea.l, Harry I'. Mealy, Heiio V. ii.u-i.ri/ 1' rank Vi'iviniin. Vb-toi .Vi-imi'lintier Aug N.ila Aol'lb. K|HJI't ', Mill Cltujiia'ta,. The Neliney, Joe Xelwui, Harry i met In ,lnr ynnrlelle 'lull'. Jack Fllee, W. B. I'liwi-is, John 1 IVrle. I,. Parker, l„ 11. (•rosser. .Ins, I'lai (. llHyntniid Fitivosi",- Mr,' I'liciie, Martin • '.inli'iiiu. 'Fred I'r.rlelln, Haniuo Colls, W. W. ' I'elde. I'lli, 1'iilla, Cbas. I'otiK. Win. II, 'nseiil. Frank - flyan, II. Al. I.'leli. .ii ;,. ■ rteniy, Jn.'k B. iltaxf. (Ins 11 a Id, Una . Klo Adollili II. bossl, ,1,'iljjl Uosseini. Harry Uelrsnyilcr. - . - cbas !((•!.I. Mlllad' Ui.liln.im, Clint, ll'iillf.'r-, Warren A lyiin.'C. AV. Idee. W. II. Ivvii'ddK FieiFI 'ill IMP' CIl'IS. Ilevere A llerore l(.im/a II. J nains'leii. Win T lleiiswller W.K IIihsI, F, Helm-. 'I In- nowll. W. H. Clias. .1. Kelly H llerllni Kisnie, .Juyglvr Kline. Mamlce Kcin, 'lilureilii! Km*, Jack - Kluaiberry Jay Kenvnn, ll, J. . Kid ilc r. Jnek. KttiiliHily Jlnuiilo Idralpr,. J...1,. I.ydell A Hijlleiivorll. I,a Mar, I.ally Leonard, Jim. , l.ewln, Kdynr Isunbiird fllos. l.iiBreiiim II. 1'.. l.piilt-r.MJ. AV I jonnril Jim.. X. I.awrvnce. llobt. 1,11- Tasni. Jiunf. l.i'Wlrt. CIIIToril l.isinjnl. Win, 11 MaUr, Jim * Anna l.uai'ii,. Al. lairkwovil. (I. J Mow, ll. Vie I slleme, Harry I fiudon, .Jim, Miiler; Win. l.i'verliiB « AyiiHtrnus l,a IteiuM, lllck l.iip.'iilr, llolit.l,. I.old fc Nttwle I. ii lloua A I.II It.au I, Jin. Hi Bio" l.npolnl. 'W.. W. Lewis Ovraii' Lawrence, AVI1I ladulilijii. Frank MeVnrllir. Dan Mnak. Cllll«. K. Mnrrini, lohli .McDnwi'll, Melbourne Mdrrlll. KiiUMIO Miller. M, -B, Jlur/iliy. Irs. T. ,Mi.at;fun, .llicU. Ilytniu, Walt.*, .Morion, Jna. Mnrxluill, Jack Mnraliall,' .leo.O .Mllliud, Billy Mualo.C. , Mllllanii, Win. H Hi fun. , Brerell A M'iri'I'aiit l-'l'iillk Mllli-I, D. I). Malconi, Dave Ali4.:annun - .Morris Mnl-ali. Kit.V Mnukley, Jylin k Jcnlll" l, 'inu-j Mills A lands ll.ilnlii. .f-i-i. Miijietia, I'efra Seekor,' Low .Mann,- W. >lllioiis, Tue yillH(n-|l, Tina kaimile,' 'I': I„ Mrt'arluev. W.A.,Hinlih. . Billy . Murilna. Julia ii.Suyon * Untie. Wentnn. Al. H Menslllji, K, R. j»,l. Unee, Fre.l Wlitsfler, Aliill'll'llil. Will Hadler, .Ins. Ii. Mnliies. .Ma-.'lcnl lllllner, F. M. Aliikllii, Ifnlil. I W aMir r*. Mra, Aluilrbl * . i^noie. 'H"o. IV Merrrlll Hnvlile. A.f.. i Mels.iiiit'i Hnlt'li Bliii|n»un,. W..ll.lV4nn, Ovjfr »i:iiii.e«'« A iKiiiiainnii ChaaKlZara.-'Mmo Harris; Soniei It. -Jolui -1 Zi inoier,'D« •ifuTilfli'lHi'BiirD,'. ■• '• - HKK NU'I'ICIS Al liHAU OF H»T, Winrii, -Ii.Iiii doolt. Alnslle i llevi'im, Willy •iliiriiH'.', Frrd »l»«iilnniii r . W4* since I, (III as. II. -•Hiaynev John aiini'insn, H. M, ijlufterd, A I. (iiiaim-rrllle R. (mill.. Morris townt, 1hi* - . 4ylvan A OneAl fni'slleld, H. rh»in|iami, K. ' ruft, Mr. 1'iiri'i'i-, W, A.. I'eniK'y,. Krnrtt 1'raey,, lainla I'nvim. W'lllrin , fuledo. Hlilney | roVr, peirK,' riiuuiimuu. .llni I'dwell, Clydii ■ I'daaler,. Vvm. ■ ilitaririwl, A.lV Valleuiii lean Village Clinic /I'lill", 'Jin*.2 /alitlmrVThe ' .'olli'.'k, ,Bn<ei.l *iui f.'anui,' .1 c. .'Illeia A l.»»' .'prVi:llii.« •• • Rohlmnn Van l.'oaaen. . Harry Viiikuiini, Wm. Vlitltler, F. I,. VllllHina.'ArihF Vlukler, li.liu .VtiMer, linen- talklns, HnriV Vllaon, Jms.'J, A'alli.iie. Il.i.o Vnkeli-e, Jlmii. VnalllllKlon, A I. A'lnnliiBs,, F. ,1. Vlilimlonv, Xiu IVeat. Ford Vurrnll, Fred Vlllaril, F«sl It Wlilim*. Oeo.- Watil Bros, Alill-'lile Walker VIII- J. II. Alnilli.ll. A. II: Walerlinrr (1, ,V. 'Villi rl.iiiv F, II. Willie, i C. ft Ward, IMW. t. Wel«» * Wflii! Will.-. Will «. Willi, in. Ari.fi. WniHDii, i), n. WliH ney, Dare Wilson. Frank (D. leo.- Ii. Wolfe, Waller Will*. Ueo. Wanda, (leo. I War. liny WiiHr, Oe, fl.- Frederlfl lyiiyle. Clma, A.n.lie, Will. Vonun. .1 a». Viiiiiii,' Frank a»« I