The New York Clipper (October 1907)

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988 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. October 26. THE NEW Y OR K OLIPPEB IHFfRANK OilEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Lhrittod) ' nramttaki,' ALBERT J. BOHIE. BDITOXUI AND BuSINSSS Mana obb. 8ATPBPAT. OCTOBER 20, 1807. Holered Jone 24, 1670, nt He Post Offli-e at New York, S7 V., as second clans ostter, miner Ike let of March 3, 1B79. OUR CHICAGO LETTER. Advertisements—12.80 per Inch, single eoloma. AdTerttaeirjenu «et with border, 10 per et. extra. SUBSCRIPTION. One year, In advimce, 14; six moaUis, 12; tliree menrtu, |1. Foreign potiare Mtra. Stogie coulee rltl be eent, ponp.iid, on receipt o( 10 oente. ' Oar Ttrim are Cash. THE CUPPER is kneed every Wednesday morn. Ins. Tbe Inst tour (advertising) pages GO TO PRKea on Saturday nt II A. si., and tbe otter |.«jn on MONDAY end TUESDAY. The Farm* Closing Promptly, Taes- dny at 10 o'clock A. M. Please remit hy e«press, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All c»»h enclosed with letter Is at tbe rlek of sender. Addres- A<> Communication* to ^ m THB M3W YOHK CLIPPER. 47 West 28La Street, Nei» YorH. Rrglilfrcd Cable Mire**, •'AcruowxT." THB WESTERN EUBEAU of XhI CLirTM le located at Ilona (04, Ashland Block, Chicago, John T. Prime Jr., manager end eoteeepondest, where advertisements ud subscrip- tions ere rewired et our regular rates. _____ LONDON BUREAU, (rented et 14 Leicester Street, Leicester Square, London, W. O., Henry George Hlbbcrt, mouago\ where advertisements and subscriptions ere re- ceived at our regular rates. Trie C'Mrrr.n can no oiitaiseij, wnoi.xBALn and sstau,, at our agents, Brentiiao's news depot, 87 Attnue tie l'Opera, l'nrle. France; II. LlKenUial. rrcdcrlck tHrasne Kit (Terminus notel), Berlin, N. W. t Oerraany; Diamond Neva Co., 120 Prado, Havana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Emits, Manila. I'. 1,; Albert * Son, lS7-iai» Kloi St.. Sydney, Australia. TUB NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes only one edition, and tbat Is dated from Hew York. QUEEtES ANSWERED. Ho Replies by Mall o r Telegraph. Audmsbes ob warauBooTS rov arm. An, im qots-r or suun nnoci.o wnrra to tuosx wuoji iurr usic in oaiib or Till: CUPPER Post Owner. All i.kttzbb will '•■ adv-eitisid okb w_ek only. Ir ills boot* or iNr luautiuOAli cokpant is aoonnr, nejxn to cob list or llotrxM ok AMornn raoa. Ws cannot laws Moras at' mail oi tilxobaph. DRAMATIC. At. N„ Philadelphia.—We have ho knowl- edge of the present whereahnnts of the party. Address a letter In the care of this office and we will advert lac It la Thb Clu-pex. letter list. H. "C. D., Mutewan, Miss e. C. Met;., Brooklyn, W. 12. A., Bingham'Canyon, Mi- 1*, Baltimore, Mn». II. W. Bmitii, Gouverneur, ti. A. W., Wilmington, and Mrs, K, 0. (.'., Vernon.—See answer to M. Mm above. .1. M. B„ Philadelphia.— The party to whom you refer Is the proper one to answer your queries. If. L. H., N'ewburyport.—Tbe company Is ontborond. Watch our route list each week. A.sit. It. Spokane.—We cannot kid yon. A. 0;. New York,—York« and Adams ap- peared In "Bunkers and Brokers" nt the Me- tropolis Theatre, this city, week of Not. 0, 11*05. J. M. Chicago.—Our- flics give no record it such an occurrence. A. M. W., Low,' Island.—Inquire of nny of the large piano dealers. \v. p. 0„ Nuwurk.—Seo routo of Tim Murphy la this Issue. OASEUAL1,. K. B„ Kansas City.—A. loses. Chicago did not win the llrat game, nnd therefore failed to do that which A hot It would do. CARD*. ]:. W. W., Sandusky.—B. scores five points for (be sequence 4, S, <l, 7, H. -C. H.—The player who gets low and Jack wins, The polqts count In this order of prece- ilencc: High, first; low, second; Jack, third, and game, fourth. • ?. C, Toronto.—A can not open the pot 'Tree." IIo roust, nt least, put up a sum equal lo the agreed flute of the gnuic. L. 0. M., Phllndolphlu.—If tho mistake was discovered or/ora tho next player wa$ tcrveil with cards on the draw he wns en- titled to another card. If, however, the next iilaycr was served be/ore the error teas iHs- corcrtd the hand was dead. ORHGOX. Portland—At the ttelll/f (W. T. 1'angle, lumiagor) "In Old Kontuckv bad a big house Oct. 13. Tbe engagement iloBed 10. William Faverehaui did a big week's business 0-12, In "The Squaw Man." The Time, tho Place and the CHrr 1T-1U. "The Mayor of Toklr." aO-24, Charlollo Macunda, soprano, direction Lois Strers-Wynri t.'oninn, 24^: Maude Powell, Vio- linist, afternoon of 25; "A Message from Mam" 'M. 20, "Checkers" '47-20, "The 'i'hres ef Us" SO, 31. M.utaiiAM timsD (B. Morton Cobn, mana- ger).—The CallfornliHia did very good busi- ness week of V, wllh "Tim Mocking Bird." "Kobln Hood" J4-20, the Man Francisco Opera t'o. boglns a five weeks' engagement 22, open- ing In "The Idol's Eye," followed by "Tho llighwayronn." week of 27. Bikk.ii (Uco. L. Maker, manager).—Tb» Baker Theatre Co. had two packed houses 13, when "All On Account of Ellas" was present- ed. Tho company did good business weok of it. with "Barbara Frlctchle." "In the Palace of (he King" 20. Kmi-iiii) (Milton \V. Seaman, luanaccr),— "Tho Choir BUigor" had two capacity nouses IS. "The Denver blxpreaa" did very atood business week of 0. "The Cow Puncher" ctnucs 20, followed by "Ilinann Hearts." Lrittc (Keating & Murphy, managers).— The Lyric Btock Co, week of IB, presenting; "Tim Ulrl I Left Behind Me." Btau (J. II. Krrlcksuii.'innniiRer). —Tbe it. E, Krench Stock Co., presenting "Tbe Girl Engineer," week of IK. (in.\Nii (I. II. Krrlckson, mauagen.—Bill for 14 and week: l-'i-auces Venltn Grey, tho Irent Ernests,'Arthur Oon nnd Mlnnio Mar Tlioinpson, Georgia Kelne, Finn and Ford, Lcs Bohemlennes, .Toe Thompson, and Twen- tieth Century Motion Pictures. r-ANTAuKK' (John A. Johnson, manscsr). —BUI for 14 and week: Walters and Hill, llorr Janseu, Ollson and 'i'olnn. the Masses, .lean Wilson. Hanon nnd Ashley, and tho bloarapb. ngm (Joo .1. West, niuanger ). —Bill for 14 and week: Mae X. Vernou, Helen Gra- ham. Wanda, the Ilowletts. Trlxedn. Beulah Ijtnc. Billy Minn, Martin and Crouch, Heed nnd need. Claudia Hewlette. Jlru Howe, Dlek Maurettus. Don Iiarl, Joueg and Italvvlle, Virginia Vernon ulid Eva, Fomlo. Major Mc- Hulre and wife,- and Rose Manser. Oasn Hii«MtH 1'aiik (D. C. Freeman, man. sner) renmlnj open Willi free ndmlsalon ex- cept Sunday. I>e Canrlo'a flsnrt lit. ■• SorN.fs Band at Third Reglneut Armory ■^-^^^^S^w*-^-^ rVWWWAw^ -N^% ■>.*-% •S^ at Acts mw to m ■ I I BY HANK. "Ills Wife'* Picture." Einmett Corrlgsn and his company gave a now comedy. In one act, entitled "IBs Wife's PIctnre,"by Oliver White, at the 125th Street Theatre, last week, and unfolded n story that was far-fotched nnd lacked the Interest necessary for a sketch of thin kind. Tbe plot Is not a plausible one, and in Its treatment there Is too much talk and very little action. Illchnrd Randall Is a bachelor, who lores Mrs. Monopol, once a foottlght favorite. lie tins her picture on tils mantel, and Mr. Mono- pol soiids a detective to get tho photo. Brooks, the detective enters Randall's employ, nod, while trying to secure the picture. Airs. Mono- pol enters the uparlment. Hhe Is followed shortly after by her husband, nnd Brooks, who liaB transferred his sympathies to Ran- dal) and Mrs. Monopol, secretes the wife In whnt ho tblnks Is a room. Monopol raises a scene, nnd, finding u door locked, tblnks tbat he will prevail uimii Itrndnll to give up his rooms for the night, mil while Randall Is absent ho (Monopol) will Investigate. Ran- dall, much to Monopol's surprise, agrees to give hhn the rooms, but as he leaves he In- Joruis Monopol that tbo locked door leads out lulo n private hallway, which communicates with the olevatur of the apartment. The cur- tain then, falls as Monopol, bealen, sinks Into a chair. Mr. Corrlgan does wonders with the poorly drawn character of Randall, nnd by the force of his personality, und not by tho lines, got some laughs. Gen. ('. RubliHoit. MursbnH l'arnum nnd Augusta True gave him as good aid as their respective roles would permit. Tim sketch runs about twenty minutes, on the full stage. ««*■ Charlea Huron anil Company. It must tax (be Ingenuity of a trainer to Hie utmost when he comes to selecting some new Ideas for an animal act, because the aim Is always to get away from tbe beaten path, and the lieaten path for animal acts :s a wide nnd well traveled one. Charles Baron, however, has got a new Idea, and his "Bur- Ictiquc Menagerie," shown at the New York last week, made tbe audience "take notice" with a vengeance. The dogH In this act are dressed up like lions and tigers, two Great Danes looking enough like hlg-mancd lions, with their well- fitting headpieces, to ho the real article. They are put through their paces In a cage made of rubber "burs." and then a dachshund, flxed up to resomblo a crocodile, comes out or) a tight rone. Baron's cats, however, seemed to steal the big thunder of the net, and their tricks were all good ones. Four of them race up ropes la baskets suspended many feet above, the stage, and their trainer conducted the affilr like a horse race. The act was voted a win- ner, und a big one at that." It ran for eleven minutes, on the full static. ■ ■*>«♦ Dradlee Martin and Company. The farcical situations In Bradlee Mar- tin's sketch, "Jessie, Jack nnd Jerry." seemed to nppcnl Just In the right way to the audience at the Ooc I land red nnd Twenty- ilrih Street. Theatre last week, and tbe re- sult was ii laughing success for the players. Tho skit Is down on the programme as a comedy, but It Is crowded with absurdly farcical situation!:, and as H Is well played, "le fun gets to tbe audience unerringly. Jeremiah Thurston is anxious that his Hon, Jack, shall marry Jessie Martin, and Jessie Is enually anxious lo marry Jack, but the- stumbling block Is Jack, Who Isn't In the game. Jessie, however, finally lands Jack by pretending to fall In love with his dad. llradlce Marlln nrtcd with sincerity and seriousness enough to get tho burlesque of tno thing, and the aid given him by John Bowers und Jessie Courtney was gilt edged. The net runs almost twenty minutes, on the full stage. <»» Dantlstc and Pranconl. Two novelty equilibrists, -Baptlste aud Fniuenn!. who are thoroughly entitled to (be nso of tho word "novelty" In their billing. appeared nt the New York last week, Intro- ducing; fonts of head balancing that arc cal- culated to make even the New York vaude- ville-goer stari'. They opened the act with some leans to tho bend and shoulders that won applause. nnd tlieu one of Ihetu descended a set of Htc-ps while balanced on his head, making the entire distance from top to bottom steps without once using any Bupport from his liunds. This feat Is nut now here, bat It la none the less a clever ono on that account. Some of the other feats were novel, how- ever, and the team mudc a lilt. The act runs about seven minutes, In two, 410 ■■■ ■ Tbo O'Neill Trio. Three youths, composing the O'Neill Trio, who sing, dance and use the tumboortne and hones, wore at Pastor's last week, and the net seemed to strike the fancy of the audi- ence. Their voices are not well trained, but their singing last week -was applauded, and the dancing Introduced was excellent. The young men nro neat dressei-r. and have a good stage presence. The tambourine ac- companiment given by one of them to tho piano nnd bono playing of the others was an effect Iro bit of work, and tho audience was not slow lu rewarding It. The act runs about fourteen minutes, OU the full stage. • «■ > A. II. C. D. Girls. A singing and dancing act, called the A. B, C. D. Girls, with four neatly costumed young womeu, wus presented ut tbe Twenty- third si reel Theatre last week, and was quite well liked, In (lie tlrst part of tho act three of the girls upjieui' gowned alike, and the fourth Is m bloomers. Their voices are hv no means musical, nor do they blend well. The success of tho specialty rests upon tho dancing, which Is good. The black und gold costumes that nro worn at the finish aro very pretty, and the girls leave the stage after winning applause far their dancing steps. The act runs thirteen minutes In one. Mile. Irma Lorraine. "Btudlo* of Art from tbe Leading Salons of Europe," Is what Mile. Irma Lorraine calls her offering, which she presented at Keith & Proctor's lofty-eighth Street last week. The poses are all shown In bronze paint, and the greater number of them are given In the nude. .The selection of studies Is very good, and only a few of them have previously been shown here. For the poses Mile. Lorraine maintains such perfect control of all her muscles that the figures look like real bronze, and It Is only when she bows ber head In acknowledgment of the applause accorded the Statue of Liberty study that the audi- ence Is given visual proof that It Is a flesh nnd blood subject who Is doing the posing. "Time" Is one of the best of her reper- tory, although nil are excellent, and the audi- ence gave Mile. Lorraine sumclent. applause to show that her posing nnd her taste In selecting the subjects were high class. "Ma- ?eppa," while a good picture In so for as Mnzeppa was concerned, wns a nightmare when the horse was considered A new horse should be secured. A partial list of the studies follow: "Salambo," "Litera- ture," "Truth," "Bacchants." "Awakening of Galatea." "Farmer Maid," "Venus, "Statue of Liberty." "Psyche of the Bath," "Time," "Maxepna." The act runs a little over ten minutes, on the full stage. »»»■■ Jim and Jenny Jee, An act that for originality and cleverness would be hard to excel, was shown In the wire specialty of Jim and Jenny Jee, at tbo Union Square, lust week. Jim Jee performs some leaping and sumersault feats that are conspicuous for daring and finish, and the complete success that the offering made was a guarantee of its merit. The man keeps step on tbe wire to the pretty music or "The Gondolier," and ths woman then dances on the slender support to the accompaniment of the same tune. Then the man does some leaping over single chairs, and concludes that part of the offering by a sensational Jump over six chairs, landing on the slack wire and maintaining his balance. Bicycle riding up and (Iowa the wire and tricks on the wheel while It Is delicately balanced then follow, nnd the act Is ended by n whirlwind ride on a moving wire that lo drawn swiftly over pulleys, on the same principle as the treadmill. The offering is one of tbe best of Its class. It ran for about seventeen minutes, on the full stage. «»» Thonaaa Potter Daane. A varied line of entertulnment was given by Thomas Potter Dunne at Pastor's last week, nnd he did everything so well that he held the stage for a full fifteen minutes and then had dlfliculty in taking leave of tbe audience. Mr. Dunue opened his act with a song that came from "Fifty Miles from Boston, and wns given "without an attempt to imi- tate Geo. M. Cobao," as Mr. Dunne ex- plained. He then sang a yodllng song along the lines made famous by J. K. Emmett, and upon winning applause for that number he wive the well known "I'm Selfish" speech from "The MubIc Master," catching the war- field Impersonation well. Ills Imitation of Nick Long, In tbe Italian recitation concerning the little girl Roslo nnd the flowers that her father secures for her crave, was capitally done, nnd earned him marked favor. The Italian song which closed the act was also' a neat bit. Mr.' Dunne got n fine reception, and deserved It. tie does his specialty In one. 4i» •■A Morning Hehcarmil." Lee Harrison and his Broadway Girls ap- peared at the New. York last week lu a mu- sical'skit by John J. McNully, entitled "A Morning Rehearsal." which Is produced un- der the direction; of Joseph Hart. The scene Is the stage of a theatre, during a rehearsal, and Mr. Harrison, its Will DI- reetem, hears the excuses of the wcultby and haughty young ladies who have consented tu honor the chorus with their presence, and all of whom wander In late. Tula scene, with tome fanny excuses by the various girls, is the best portion of the sketch, und Is well presented by Mr. Harrison nnd the girls. Later the Clifton Comedy Four win suc- cess for their singing, and Mr. Harrison gives n few minutes talk and the "Sherlock Tloluies'- song, which served hhn in his single act. - A patriotic nnale. with tho girls gowned In the red, white and blue, Is applauded, but does uot add to tiic merit of the offering. It would he vastly to the benefit of the skit If the early scenes were elaborated and the Inter portions cut. The full stage is used, and the act runs about twenty-five minutes. ♦ »» ■ . Six Bonaaettle. Ait acrobatic act that has some very at- tractive features was tbe one shown by tho Six Bonazettls at the Victoria last week. On Friday night there were only five In the act, for some reason not announced, but those of the Bonazettls who were on deck gave a clever specialty. The three men and the woman ncted as nn- derstanders to a slight youth who did some re- markable somersaulting from shoulder to shoulder, his feats being given with ease and grace. The woman sustained tbo combined Weight of all her associates, who perched upon her bead and arms, and as boo was slight in appearance the teat wns not an easy one. The act U full of Interest, and Us con- clusion Is n strong one. It runs about eight minutes, on the full stage. «■> Lily Crowe. Highland dnnces. given In costume, were presented nt Pastor's last week, by a very lull and evidently very young performer, hilled as Lily Crowe. She gave three dances, Including a sailor's hornpipe, and was suc- cessful In Illustrating the nntlve manner of presenting the steps of the Scotch. nog ooi ovtk coKMaroxDixT. Western no re an of the IV. Y. Clipper. 604 Aahlaad Dloek. (For additional CMoaoo Letter tee rage S&i). Oct. 10. 1U07. Tho week commencing Oct. 20 will be com- paratively nulet, except for the further bom- inrdment of the vaudeville houses under the opposing managements, whlcb has caused quite n stir already, end has furnished sev- eral acts which have never been seen here be- fore, and other valued ones, which have not been seen In years. Powers', with Wra. II. Crane, in "Fntber nnd the Boys," and the Great Northern are the only I.oop houses which offers n change of bill, Thos. K. Shea succeeding musical comedy In the latter house. Illinois (Will J. Davis, manager).—Marie Carrlll returned to town 13, to be greeted by a capacity house, and during the week played •o tine business. She and Eugene Cowles and Mark Smith are about the unly ones left of last rear's cast, but the newewners arc clever, notably Nellie Lynch, as the maid. Miss Cn- hlll scored Immediately In her two new songs, the biggest success being "I Love Y'ou in My Dum—Bum—Dummy Way." William Collier conies 27. Powers' (Harry J. Powers, manager).— Lillian Russell, In "Wlldltro." closed to spleu-* did business, 19. William II. Crane opens 21, In the local premier of "Father and the Two Bcvs," George Ado's comedy. The engage- ment will possibly last four weckj. The com- pany will Include: Robert MacKny. Forrest Orr, • Margaret Dale, Dan Collyer, Percy Brooke, Scott Dolley. Harry Dodd, Fred Sid- ney. Mary Faber and Ivy Troutruan. Uarbick (Herbert C. Duce, manager).— Eddie Foy continues In "The Orchid." but the original booking lias been curtailed, and he will be succeeded, 27, by "The Secret Orchard." The company will include: Vin- cent Serrano, Edward R. Mawson. Walter Hale. Frank C. Bancs. F. Newton Llndo, Ed- win Bee. Adelaide Prince, Josephine Victor. Olive May. Henrietta Voders. Ida Lewis and Harry McAullffe. Donald Robertson Is meet- ing with great success la his matinees, at which be is presenting some of the classics la a splendid manner. Ills company Is n painstaking one, and the presentations are made ta r.n artistic manner. CoMJMAi. (George W. Lederer, mnnoger). —Victor Moore Is continuing to capacity in "The Talk of New York." which !s without doubt one of the brightest offerings ever seen here. The music Is bright. I he comedy clean, and the company Is above reproach In whole family cured Of Eeaema, Heat Rash, asd Palling Hair—Different Ones Troubled. VTAH. Salt Lake City.—At the Suit Lake (Geo. D. Pypcr, manager) "The Alaskan" did good business week of Oct. 7. "The Yankee Re- gent" plnved to god houses 14-10. Maude •Mr 17-10. (W. L. Jennings, resident mana- ger l.— \Veek of 14: Good business with O liana Shu and company, the Rupjnuits, Ferry Convey. Cowboy Quartette, Pete Baker and Daisy tturnout. (rHANo (A. M- Cox, manager). — "For Mother's Sake" did fair business 13-10. "The Sweetest Girl In Dixie" 1T-10. LYRIC (Bert C. Don'nellnn, manager).— Week of 18: Hartahd and Rolllnsnn, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Powers. John Walsh. Mc- Linn Brothers, Mabel Meeker and Homer Long. i «■ ♦ VEKMONT. Bnrllimlon.—At lho Strong (Cahu ft Grunt, nninngcrsl "Nearest the Pole" pleased Oct. 7. "Tbo Trulu Robbers," IS, had a good house. "Ilannv Hooligan's Trio Around tho World" t», n \VUcn tho Bell Tolls" 31, "Col- ioge widow" n, "Little llecoos of tke Slreot" -Mov- 23, "At Yale" 24, "The Time, the Place and Its* Ulrl" 20. TiiKATonifM (J. P. Doyle, manager).- Ing pictures to 8. It. O. dally. Nutu. —The Lyric, a new moving picture, will be opened this week, at 07 Church Street, by tbe Eastern Amusement Co. <»» DELAWARE. Wllin hiartun.—At the Grand Opera House 1.1. L. Johnson, resident manager) Earl Bur- gess Co.. In repertory, closed a successful week Oct. 10. Cnrlotta Ntllson 24, "Geo. Washington Jr." 2,", Crlmmlns and Gore 28- 30. N. C. Goodwin Nor. 2. Lycevm. —Colo nnd Johnson, In "The Shoo- Fly Regiment." 17-10. was liberally patron- Iced. "Fighting Bill. Sheriff of Silver Creek," 21-5R, "It's Never Too Late to Mend" 2«-2«, "Great ExprcM Robbery" ' 28-30, "From Broadway to the Bowery" JO-NOV. 2. OAHnu'K tVf. L. Doekstader, manager!.— For week of 21: S'lta Allen and rompooy. Jules Levy and family, Geo. Neville's Cold Deal. Lltzto Daly and her Girls. Wood'* Rur- frls* Fa»tT. Jordan and Howard, Marlon and wrl, and IH Itlnetoftipa. every Instance. The engagement Is Indefinite. Sttoebakkr (Edward J. Sullivan, mana- ger).—Wni. T. Hodge. In 'The Man from Home," Is playing to the best business llils house hos known In n long time, and the piece is an assured success. Manager Sulli- van now announces that the box ofiice Is to be kept open twenty-four hours In the day. Ihnt purchasers may get seats at all times, so great has been the demand. McVicKBn's (George C. Wnrreu, mana- ger).—Chaiincey Olcott has met with his usual success. In "O'Neill of Derry," and has played to line business this week. He will remain for two more weeks, and will be suc- ceeded 27, bv "Forty-five Mluntes from Hroud- wav," the company being headed by Emma Cams. This engagement will be for four weeks. , ... Gkand (Horry Askln, manager).—Mont- gomery and Stoue, la "The Red Mill," con- tinues to pack this house, but have only a short time to linger, as Robert B. Mantell Is booked to follow Nov. .1. There Is a rumor that ibc comedians will return after the llrat of the year to another house to take up the reins of succors which they will be obliged to lay down here. Giikat Noetucrn' (Fred C. Eberts, m:ina- per).—"Plft! Paff!! Houf 11!" played lo good returns, and Is succeeded 20, by Thomas E. Shea, In a '1st of his classic offerings, Includ- ing : "The Bells," "Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde" and "A Soldier of the Cross." "Wine. Woman nnd Song" follows for two weeks. L.v BUM (Mort II. Singer, manager).— "The Girl Question" Is playing to capne'ty right along, nnd Is rounding out its first cen- tury In good shape. The piece Is meeltng with as much approval as any of Its prede- cessors. The one liundrodth performance will occur 1, when souvenirs will be distributed. WnrrNKY ISnm P. Gersou, manager).—"A Knight for n Day" is the same old, sweet story of success which It has been for eight Mouths and more, nnd will probably live to sec the season close aud other successes go. Collkuk (Elizabeth Sehober, manager).— Miss Sehober. ho long and well known as n-.r-nager of Bush Temple, has succeeded Eugene McGlllan as manager, and will moke several changes In the company. It Is un- derstood that Colin Campbell will sneceed Sedley Brown as stage director, and Jane Wlicuttng will succeed Virginia Keating lu the leads. Ami Bronangh Is the new In- genue. "Tho Girl I Left Behind Me" was given a capital production, ihls week. "The Charily Ball" 21. Next, "The Cowboy and the Lady." Bisu (Edwin L. Barker, manager).— "Drusa Wayne" wns well received this week. '•Fuiiehon. the Cricket," 21. "The Lady of Lyons" 28. People's (Frank Beal, manager).—"Co- mllle" was finely ployed this week, and the audiences greeted Marie Nelson, who made Iter reappearance after a long Illness, as leading woman again. "The Halfbreed" 21, "The Parish Priest" 28. Howadd's (Howard A Kllroy, utanagers). —The people In this locality showed this week very distinctly Hint they preferred cheap melodrama to high elnss vaudeville, end Ii is probable that the management will give them the lormer lierenftcr. The stock eompanv. In "An Aristocratic Tramp." played to capacity ull the week. "Tbe Midnight Flyer'' 21. Maulowk (Charles B. Mnrvln, manager). —"The Middleman" was tluely staged nnd splendidly acted this week at this South side house. "Prince Karl" 21. Virginia (Paul D. Howse, manager).—This house Is scheduled to open to-day. with four performances, to lie given at 2. 4. 7.30 and 11:15 i>. M. The building Is situated at the corner of Halstcd and Madison Streets, nnd litis Just been completed. Tbe Sam Morris Musical Coiuedv Stock Co. will present tab- loid musical comedy, sketches, vaudeville playlets, and will Include besides several principals, a good chorus. The prices will range from ten to thirty cents. The com- iianv Includes: Sum Morris. George Lynn, Jessie Moseley and Irene Cnlllnan. "Beltndn's Beaux" is the opening attraction. In the vaudeville ore: Seven Bedouin Arabs, Wild and Jennings, musical comedians: the Suite- turo Troupe of Jap*. Brooks and Kingman, acrobats, and Fted Uppell, 6lnger. Plkis (Robert T. Motts. manager).—Har- rison Stewart returned to a Une welcome last Monday, nnd Immediately started everyone laughing bv his clever work In tbe offering, "Peanurvllle." Jerry Mills, Lawrence Che- nault. H. D. Colemun. J. F. Morse. Lottie Grady and Nettle Lewis are some of the prin- cipals. There are half a dozen excellent catcbv songs. J. Ed. Green produced the piece, and Billy Johnson staged the musical numbers. Humboldt (Powell & Cohn, managers).— "Deadwood Dick" played to good returns. "Caught in the Web 20, "Slaves of the Orient" 27. Maplewood (0. M. Neat, manager).—This house was opened with a stock co.Tipnnv Mon- day evening, 14. with tlie company under the direction of Albert West. In "Bast Lynne." Tbe theatre Is situated nt Ibe corner of North Rockwell and Marlanna Streets, and seats i 800. ' Matinees will lie given Wednesdays. Saturdays uild Sundays, Tile company in- GUTICURA PROVES INVALUABLE. "My wife had eczema on her face for five or six years. \Vc had read so much about Cuticura Remedies that we thought we would give them a trial. We did so, and it has now been about four years, and she has never had a sign of eczema since. 1 myself used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment some time ago for falling hair. I now have a very heavy head of hair and it does not fall out We used Cuticura Remedies for our baby, who was nearly bald when young. She has very nice hair now. She is very fleshy, and we had so much trouble with heat that we would bathe her with Cuticura Soap and then apply Cuticura Ointment, it would dry the heat up so much quicker than any- thing else. Mr. H. B. Springmirc, 323 So. Capital St., Iowa City, la., July 16, 1905, and Sept 1 6, ioofj." culdes: Albert West. Maud Bennett, Fred J. Powers, George Wallle, Fred C. Lewis, George, Ulenwullis, Dlaue Ust, Keglna Lewis, and Alice Gcrblng. Vaudeville and moving pic- tures arc given between tbe acts. "Fanchon, the Cricket," 21. Tbe business staff: Laura Oi,t, treasurer; E. M. Ilarnabee, musical direc- tor : W. II. Marsh, advertising agent; Albert West, stage manager; Freoerlck Johnson, chief usher; Harry F. Jergusoa, electrician. Majestic tLymsn B. Uiover, manager).— Tbe bill tor the week of 21 Includes: May Ir- win. Zelle Do Lussau, Fred Walton and com- pany, Emmet Corrlgao and company, Gains- boro Girl. Sidney l»canc and company, Wll- lard Slmms and company, Bailey and Austin'-, American Beauties, Mile. Marguerite aim horse and pony, the Arlington guartettc, Mu- sical Byrons, Bergere Sisters, the Graziers. Eldrigc and the klnodromc. Olxhtic (Abe Jacobs, manager).—The Dill for tho week of 2-1 Includes: The Stunning Grenadiers, Clarice Vance. Irma Ormbassay's Cockatoos, Tom Nnwu and company, William Inman and company, Gartelle Brothers, Haz- urdotis Globe. Joyce and Gamriel and horse, Ross and Goelct, Robt. Nome and the klno- dromc. CuiL-Aiio OPF.n.v IIocse (Frank S. Rivers, manager).—The bill for week of 21 Includes : Robert Hllllard and company, Umpire City Quartette, Anita Bartllng, Chas. Leonard Fletcher. Willu Holt Wakedeld, Charles Bow- ser nnd company, Lalla Selblui, Piccolo Midgets, John A. West. Bert and Bcrtba Grant, Georgia Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burch, and the kinodrome. ILvvjiAitKET tWlllIam F. Ncwklrk, mana- ger).—The bill for week of 21 Includes: corlnne, Gcnarro's Band, the Kins-Nora, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gene Hughes, Splssell Brothers and Mack, Young and De Vole, George Austin Moore, Fortunn nnd Stokes, the Illrscbborns, Lavlnge Sisters. Lillian Berry Reed and com- i.nny and the kinodrome. ALDiroaiCM (Milward Adams, manager). —The bill for week of 21 Includes: Vest a Victoria, Knra, La Esmeralda, tbe O'Kabc Famllv, Jcsepnlne Sabel, the Great Tour- billon "Troupe, Jnmes J. Morton, Greene ami Warner Ida. Fuller, the Dumond Minstrels, Kelly nnd Ashby, Juggling McBans. Karue's Comedians, anJ the motion pictures. SciiiKDLcn's (Ludwiit Schlndler, mana- ger).—Tbe bill for week of 21 Inclndcs: The Six Girl Pirates, Don and Mat Gordon, the Prentice Trie, Fiddler and Skelton. Daye and Knight, Marie Le Claire, and the motion pictures. iM'.piiKi-ii (Samuel I. Levin, manager).— The bill for week of 21 Includes: Iva Dou- el le and company, John Baxter, Fred and Nae Wndell, Cleonc Fearle Fell, Fields and Hanson, the Apollo Quartette. Dell and Fonds. Jack Symouds. Richards and Grover, viaya Cummlngs, Stafford and Stonc,^ Slrrouje, Frances Baker, and the kinodrome. Tiulia (Thomas Murray, manager).—I he bill for the week of 21 Includes: Dannie Mann and company. Smith and Arndo and couionny, the motion pictures, and others. XbttTH AvENOn (Paul SIttner, manager).- Tbe bill for week of 21 Includes: Harvey Reese and Alfrey Sisters, Contino and Law- renc, Byrd and Vuncc, Wallace and Beach, NIemeyer and O'Dcll. nnd the kinodrome. Lyme (Ben Snyder, manager).—The bin for the week Includes: Dave and Percy Mar- tln, the Funklno Japs, Adna Bherherd, Bad tbe kinodrome and others. Imperial (P. J. Schaffer. manager).— l'ie bill for the week of 21 Includes: The Hatches, Marie Alba, tlso. Kosure. Weiez uud Weiss, Zelma Wheeler, H. L\ Lester, and the kino- drome. National fC. A. Svcnnlng. manager).— The bill for week of 21 includes: Tbe U-cs, Thompson and Farrcll, Santaro and company. the Albr'ebts. Jack Linn, nnd the kinodrome. Iola (Powell & Roth, managers).— The bill for the week of 21 Includes: Flor-uce Troupe. Teddle Davles, Smith and Aarnclu, Arrln McKnlght, the Great Bedoln and com pauy. Mr. and Mrs. Blessing, and the motion pictures. IItdb P.VBK (1 homus Baker, manager).— 'Ibc bill for the week of 21 Includes: Hen- derson's Eight Happy Youngsters. Desmond Sisters, Chas. Martin. Florence Fields, Camp- bell and Gray, and the motion pictures. CnvsT.iL (E. Trott, manager).—The bill for tho week uf 21 Includes: The Two F'ranccs. Bell Baker and company, Tom Leigh, and the klnodromc. ■ _-.nn Teddy. (Goo. Powell, manager).—The bin for tbe week of 21 Includes : Real Comedy Four tbe Aldeons. the Three Original I re- nionus. Ernest Lenore. Barlow and Nicholson, Minnie St. Clair, and the kinodrome. Maiieb's.— The bill here for the week c.r 21 includes: Walter MeFnrland and Dale Sisters. Pete Loose. Rossley nnd Rostelle, Douglas Sisters, and the motion pictures. ACADEMY (Wm. Roche, manager).—'Bod- ford's Hope" was a winner this week, und the houses were big. "Across the Continent 20. "Parted on Her Bridal Tour" 27. Bijou (William Roche, manager).— lae Phantom Detective" did well at this house, nnd played to enthusiastic audiences. Mar- thill "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will pleaso thou- sands during week of 20. "The Great TAnll Street Mystery" follows. CatTEiiiov (John B. Hogun, manager). — "Pan Handle Pete" delighted good crowds this week. "Nellie, the Beautiful Clonk Model." week of 20: the Four Huntings, in "The Fool House." 27. _,. CuLUMiirs (Weber Bros., managers).— Hie Four Huntings. In "The Fool House," caused plenty of laughs, and the company was ;; good one. "The Great Wall Street Mystery 2d. Hurry Clay lllaney 27. Aliiamiuia (Weber Bros., managers).-- "Acro»s tho Continent" was played lo cms; returns this week. "The Phantom Detective always draws good houses In this city, aim comes 20. "Our Friend Frltx" 27. Cali'mf.t (John T. Connor*, umnnger).--- "The End of the Trail" and Martin's 'Tnrle Tom's Cabin" divided a week of rapacity bust- ress. "Panhandle Pole" nnd "In Gay New York"- week of 20."Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model" and "The Card King of the Coast" '.'■ and week. _ Ki'KDN'H (Sid J. Eusnu. tunnaier).—lb" llniton Bellea played to enthusiastic I'lMSM this week. Hlcu & Barton's Co., with Cbarlta